SASAKI Shunichiro

Department of EconomicsProfessor/Manager

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information


  • M. A. (Media and Governance)(Keio University)

Researcher number


Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences / Theoretical economics



  • 2019/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Economics教授
  • 2012/04 - 2019/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Economics准教授
  • 2011/04 - 2012/03  Nagoya University of Commerce and BusinessFaculty of Management准教授
  • 2008/04 - 2011/03  Nagoya University of Commerce and BusinessFaculty of Management講師
  • 2004/04 - 2008/03  Osaka UniversityThe Institute of Social and Economic Research

■Research activity information


  • Shunichiro Sasaki; Shoko Yamane; Grzegorz Mardyla; Masaaki Fuse; Kazunori Fujimoto
    日本テスト学会誌 18 (1) 57 - 71 2022/06 [Refereed]
  • An Experiment on Conformity in Deception
    Shunichiro Sasaki; Shoko Yamane; Grzegorz Mardyla; Kazuki Ohara
    A. Bucciol and N. Montinari (Eds.) Dishonesty in Behavioral Economics 213 - 236 2019/06 [Invited]
  • SASAKI Shunichiro
    Ikoma Journal of Economics 16 (1) 1 - 20 2018/07
  • 大学生の幸福度と学業に対する主観的評価:アンケート調査と学業データによる分析
    佐々木俊一郎; 山根承子; マルデワグジェゴシュ; 布施匡章; 藤本和則
    生活経済学研究 47 83 - 99 2018/03 [Refereed]
  • Laboratory Experiments: Objectives and Methods
    Journal of Rural Problems 54 (1) 3 - 10 2018 [Invited]
  • Is Confirmation Bias Related to the Number of Recalled Happy Events? If so, How?
    Kazunori FUJIMOTO; Masaaki FUSE; Shunichiro SASAKI; Shoko YAMANE; GrzegorzMARDYLA
    Proceedings of the Joint 17th World Congress of International Fuzzy Systems Association and 9th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems 2017/06 [Refereed]
  • Shunichiro Sasaki
    Journal of Behavioral Economics and Finance 10 81 - 94 2017 [Refereed]
  • Shunichiro Sasaki; Shiyu Xie; Shinsuke Ikeda; Jie Qin; Yoshiro Tsutsui
    Journal of Behavioral Economics and Finance Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance 5 15 - 25 2185-3568 2012 [Refereed]
    This paper pursues two aims by conducting economic experiments in Shanghai. One aim of this paper is to investigate the following three anomalies on time discounting: the delay, interval, and magnitude effects. We confirmed all the three anomalies. Particularly, by separating the delay effect from the interval effect, the delay effect is found when the delay is relatively short, which has seldom been reported in former studies. Another feature of our experiment is that it is immune to the criticism that the subjects recruited for the experiment did not have sufficient incentives to report their true preferences because the highest reward that was offered to the subjects was approximately equivalent to their monthly household incomes. The second aim of this paper is its explanation of the subjects' procrastinating behaviors by their time discount rates and the degrees of the delay effect. Our analysis suggested that higher time discounting always promotes procrastination; however, the delay effect is negatively associated with procrastination. An interpretation of the latter result can be that our subjects, i.e., the students of Fudan University, are sophisticates rather than naïfs.
  • Sasaki Shunichiro
    NUCB Journal of Economics and Information Science Nagoya University of Commerce & Business Administration 55 (2) 125 - 138 1346-6097 2011/03 
    We conducted a series of experiments in order to investigate the relationship between the density of the local interaction structure and the equilibrium selection in coordination games with Pareto-ranked multiple equilibria. We observed that (1) the proportion of the risk dominant strategy is higher in less dense interaction structures than in more dense interaction structures in the long run, (2) the speed of convergence to the risk dominant equilibrium is faster in less dense interaction structures than in more dense interaction structures, and (3) the spread of the risk dominant strategy occurs earlier in less dense interaction structures than in more dense interaction structures. These findings indicate that the density of the local interaction structure matters in the equilibrium selection in coordination games.
  • Shunichiro Sasaki; Shiyu Xie; Fumio Ohtake; Jie Qin; Yoshiro Tsutsui
    CHINA ECONOMIC REVIEW ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 19 (2) 245 - 259 1043-951X 2008/06 [Refereed]
    This paper examines Chinese students' risk attitudes using selling and buying experiments with lotteries. We found that subjects were more risk averse during the buying experiment than during the selling experiment, suggesting an endowment effect. In the selling experiment, subjects were risk loving when there was a low win probability and risk averse with a high win probability, whereas they were risk averse in the buying experiment. Using the prize money won during the experiment as a measure of wealth, we found decreasing absolute risk aversion. Subjects' risk attitudes as revealed in the experiments explain their risky asset holding behavior. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Can You Believe Your Neighbors' Behaviors?
    SASAKI, S; T. Kawagoe
    Economics Bulletin 3 (11) 1 - 11 2006 [Refereed]
  • Signal Qualities, Order of Decisions, and Informational Cascades: Experimental Evidence
    SASAKI Shunichiro
    Economics Bulletin 3 (34) 1 - 11 2005 [Refereed]


Books and other publications

  • 佐々木俊一郎 (Contributorpp. 273-291)勁草書房 2022/01 4326504900 416
  • 経済学のための実験統計学
    佐々木 俊一郎 (Joint translation)勁草書房 2018/12
  • 行動経済学入門
    佐々木 俊一郎 (Joint work)東洋経済新報社 2017/05
  • 実験マクロ経済学
    佐々木 俊一郎 (Joint work)東洋経済新報社 2014/09
  • 実験ミクロ経済学
    佐々木 俊一郎 (Joint work)東洋経済新報社 2012/09
  • 意思決定理論入門
    佐々木 俊一郎 (Joint translation)NTT出版 2012/07
  • ゲーム理論による社会科学の統合
    佐々木 俊一郎 (Joint translation)NTT出版 2011/07
  • オークションの人間行動学
    佐々木 俊一郎 (Joint translation)日経BP社 2008/04

Affiliated academic society

  • JAPAN PUBLIC CHOICE SOCIETY   JAPAN ECONOMIC POLICY ASSOCIATION   行動経済学会   日本経済学会   Society for Advancement of Behavioral Economics   Japanese Economic Association   Economic Science Association   American Economic Association   

Research Themes

  • 社会的選好と真実表明に関する実験経済学的研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2016/04 -2020/03 
    Author : 佐々木 俊一郎
  • 協調行動の生成および伝播における学習と認知の役割:実験経済学的研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2016/03 
    Author : 佐々木 俊一郎
  • 観察的学習による社会規範の生成と維持についての国際フィールド実験
    Date (from‐to) : 2008/04 -2010/03 
    Author : 佐々木俊一郎
  • 情報カスケードの実験経済学的研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2006/04 -2007/03 
    Author : 佐々木俊一郎
  • Experimental Analysis on Social Learning and Coordination
    The Other Research Programs
    Date (from‐to) : 2003 -2005
  • 観察的学習と資産の価格バブルに関する研究:実験経済学的アプローチ
    公益財団法人 全国銀行学術研究振興財団:研究助成
    Author : 佐々木 俊一郎