IKEDA Atsutoshi

Department of Energy and MaterialsAssociate Professor

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information

Research Keyword

  • 触覚情報処理   情報システム   モデル化   モニタリング   知能ロボティクス   

Research Field

  • Life sciences / Rehabilitation science
  • Informatics / Biological, health, and medical informatics



  • 2023/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Science and EngineeringAssociate Professor
  • 2022/04 - 2023/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Science and EngineeringLecturer
  • 2015/04 - 2022/03  KINDAI UniversityFaculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Mechanical EngineeringLecturer
  • 2011/04 - 2015/03  Nara Institute of Science and TechnologyGraduate School of Information Science助教

■Research activity information


  • 2022/10 一般社団法人 日本電気計測器工業会 サステナブル賞
    受賞者: 生体計測工学研究室
  • 2019/03 第19回公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会 SI2018 優秀講演賞
    受賞者: 齋藤直輝;李駿騁;川副智行;池田篤俊
  • 2019/03 第19回公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会 SI2018 優秀講演賞
    受賞者: 池田篤俊;齋藤直輝;李駿騁;川副智行
  • 2008/09 SCIS&ISIS2008 Young Researcher Award
     Pinching motion evaluation using human like sensing device 
    受賞者: Atsutoshi Ikeda


  • OHNISHI Jinna; YASE Hayato; IKEDA Atsutoshi; TAKEMOTO Yasuhiko; KAJIWARA Shinji; OHTSUBO Yoshikazu; KOSAKA Manabu
    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese) The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 89 (924) 23-00104 - 23-00104 2023/08 [Refereed]
    Pneumatic rubber artificial muscles are nearly ideal for power assistance, medical care, and rehabilitation due to their lightweight drive unit made of rubber, which is soft and safe for human use. However, they have complex nonlinearities, including input saturation, hysteresis, and changes in static characteristics due to shrinkage. Additionally, when used with a human subject, the artificial muscle control system’s characteristics may vary based on the person’s physique, fitness, temperature, and the rubber’s deterioration. Therefore, it is desirable to be able to auto-tune the PID and other controllers in a short time before use. Data-driven controls such as FRIT and VRFT are suitable for auto-tuning in a short time. Among them, V-Tiger presented a procedure for predicting the actual closed-loop response and its Confidence interval. However, V-Tiger is not applicable to nonlinear systems with input saturation. This paper describes a procedure for (1) tuning PID gains by predicting the closed-loop response with V-Tiger in the presence of input saturation, (2) obtaining Confidence intervals for the predicted response affected by input saturation, and (3) how to use the Confidence intervals to apply this method to nonlinear systems.
  • Suzuki Naoya; Ueda Yohei; Takagaki Naohisa; Ueki Iwao; Ikeda Atsutoshi
    Journal of Advanced Marine Science and Technology Society Advanced Marine Science and Technology Society 27 (1) 73 - 79 1341-2752 2022/07 [Refereed]
    Drag coefficient on the ocean surface is determined by various studies based on different mechanisms, such as turbulence and wave breaking, closely related to wind speed. The global ocean datasets of wind speed are distributed by various temporal resolutions based on reanalysis, assimilation, and satellite data. Recently, the wind speed data with higher temporal resolution have been provided. Using 6-hourly and hourly wind datasets, the air-sea momentum fluxes were estimated by several drag coefficient models proposed by Large & Yeager (2009), Andreas et al. (2012), Takagaki et al. (2012), & Hwang (2018). The globally averaged annual mean air-sea momentum fluxes were derived from the different drag coefficient models. The maximum difference of the annual mean values among the models reaches approximately 30% of annual mean values. The meridional structure of zonally averaged annual mean air-sea momentum flux has double peak at relatively higher latitudes from 40°S/N to 60°N/S. At those peaks maximum difference among the models reaches more than 30% of the zonally averaged annual mean. In terms of differences in temporal resolution on the wind speed datasets on each grid, the differences between hourly and 6-hourly wind data became larger with decreasing average period. The maximum difference of 66.7% was recognized on daily mean. The large difference was remarkable in higher wind speed regions, such as typhoon’s paths in the western Pacific. The effects of wind variability on different temporal resolution datasets are significant for estimating the air-sea momentum flux.
  • UETANI Hiroaki; SUZUKI Naoya; IKEDA Astutoshi
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering) Japan Society of Civil Engineers 78 (2) I_121 - I_126 1884-2399 2022/07 [Refereed]
    Modeling various global environments requires accurate calculations of air-sea momentum transfer. However, the accuracy of field measurements affects some parameters of the calculation formula, such as the drag coefficient. Therefore, a high-precision and high-frequency measurement method that can measure wind speed and wave conditions simultaneously is needed. In this research, we propose a method for estimating wave conditions (wave period, wave height, and wave direction) using the motion of the small-buoy which is designed to synchronize with the waves. Proposed method is able to reduce sensor error and integration error by sensor fusion of two IMU sensors based on geometric constraint of buoy motion. A windwave tank experiment shows that the proposed method can accurately estimate wave conditions.
  • Hiroyuki Kawamura; Shimon Tasaka; Atsutoshi Ikeda; Takashi Harada; Yuji Higashimoto; Kanji Fukuda
    Journal of physical therapy science 32 (4) 297 - 302 2020/04 [Refereed]
    [Purpose] Discrimination between end-feel types is difficult, and years of clinical experience is considered a factor for improving the accuracy of the discrimination. The present study investigated whether the accuracy of classification of end-feel types improves with the increase in years of clinical experience. [Participants and Methods] In total, 44 therapists (range of years of clinical experience: 1-26 years) and 13 students were included. The participants identified the type of end feel simulated by our newly developed simulator. The proportion of correct answers of the therapists was compared with that of the students. For the therapists, years of clinical experience and their awareness of end feel were examined, and their relationships with the ability to classify end-feel types were analyzed. [Results] The therapists showed a higher ability to identify end-feel type than the students. The ability of the therapists improved according to their years of clinical experience. The cutoff values for years of clinical experience to improve the ability for identifying bone-to-bone, muscular, and tissue approximations were 15, 6, and 15, respectively. The therapists who were always conscious about end feel were associated with a higher ability to classify end-feel types. [Conclusion] Our present study demonstrated that the ability to classify end feel improves with the increase in years of clinical experience.
  • 池田 篤俊; 小杉 真一; 田中 康仁
    臨床バイオメカニクス 日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会 41 263 - 269 1884-5274 2020 [Refereed]
  • KOSAKA Mato; KOSAKA Ayato; IKEDA Atsutoshi; KOSAKA Manabu
    Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers 56 (4) 227 - 235 0453-4654 2020 [Refereed]

    Fictitious Reference Iterative Tuning (FRIT) have been reported for many applications, in which the control gain can be optimized so that the closed loop system corresponds with the reference model based on only one experiment data. However, when the reference model is not appropriate, there is a problem that not only the control performance is deteriorated but also the control system may become unstable. Instead of using model matching to the closed-loop reference model, we thought that this problem could be solved by optimizing the settling time and overshoot. To measure settling time and overshoot, the time response is required. The time response can be predicted using Kaneko's method [Takahashi, 2019], but this method requires the order of the closed loop transfer function. In this paper, the method [Takahashi, 2019] is reconsidered as a frequency response based method so that the order is not required. Furthermore, as another approach of FRIT, this paper proposes a method called 'Virtual Time-response based Iterative Gain Evaluation and Redesign' (V-Tiger) which iterates to measure the overshoot and settling time from the virtual time responses, and to evaluate and redesign the controller gain.

  • TANIGUCHI Hiroto; SUZUKI Naoya; GARCIA Gustavo; IKEDA Atsutoshi
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering) Japan Society of Civil Engineers 75 (2) I_1303 - I_1308 1884-2399 2019 [Refereed]

     Accurate measurement and evaluation of air-sea momentum is one of the basic technologies for the prediction of climate change. Although calculation of sea surface stress requires high-speed measurement of wind speed at sea, the influence of anemometer fluctuation on measurement accuracy has not been sufficiently evaluated. In this research, we propose a method to perform high-precision motion correction by attaching multiple IMU sensors to an anemometer, and perform quantitative evaluation of the motion correction effect in indoor experiments using a robot arm. In the proposed method, we assume that the instantaneous motion of the anemometer is on a spherical surface to reduce the numerical integration error of the acceleration data. In addition, the effects of measurement errors are reduced by integrating measurement values using two IMU sensors. Experiments are conducted in a windless room, and the proposed method shows that the influence of motion falls within the nominal accuracy of the anemometer.

  • 池田 篤俊; 小杉 真一; 田中 康仁
    臨床バイオメカニクス 日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会 39 247 - 251 1884-5274 2018/10 [Refereed]
  • Yasuhide Yoshitake; Atsutoshi Ikeda; Minoru Shinohara
    Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology 38 208 - 214 1050-6411 2018/02 [Refereed]
    The purpose of the study was to understand the effect of robotic finger perturbation training on steadiness in finger posture and hand dexterity in healthy young adults. A mobile robotic finger training system was designed to have the functions of high-speed mechanical response, two degrees of freedom, and adjustable loading amplitude and direction. Healthy young adults were assigned to one of the three groups: random perturbation training (RPT), constant force training (CFT), and control. Subjects in RPT and CFT performed steady posture training with their index finger using the robot in different modes: random force in RPT and constant force in CFT. After the 2-week intervention period, fluctuations of the index finger posture decreased only in RPT during steady position-matching tasks with an inertial load. Purdue pegboard test score improved also in RPT only. The relative change in finger postural fluctuations was negatively correlated with the relative change in the number of completed pegs in the pegboard test in RPT. The results indicate that finger posture training with random mechanical perturbations of varying amplitudes and directions of force is effective in improving finger postural steadiness and hand dexterity in healthy young adults.
  • Yoshikazu Ohtsubo; Atsutoshi Ikeda; Kiyoshi Ioi; Manabu Kosaka
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics Fuji Technology Press 29 (6) 1005 - 1013 1883-8049 2017/12 [Refereed]
    This study develops teaching materials for mechatronics in higher education. Industrial societies require numerous mechatronics engineers, and most technical universities provide mechatronics exercises in their curriculums. However, it is difficult for teachers and students to modify and improve the mechatronic teaching materials because the provided materials are finished products. Therefore, a simple and inexpensive educational system is developed to overcome the disadvantages of the finished products. In this paper, an experimental apparatus is proposed for mechatronics education, and a practical example is presented that involves learning control methods, sensors, actuators, and mechanics.
  • 池田篤俊; 椛島基嵩; 飯田賢一; 上田悦子; 小杉真一; 田中康仁
    臨床バイオメカニクス 日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会 38 299 - 305 1884-5274 2017/10 [Refereed]
    人工関節置換術では、骨に対して適切なアライメントで人工関節を設置できたか否か術後成績に大きく影響する。近年、生体内にある骨や人工関節の位置姿勢を推定する方法として、X線透視画像に基づく2D/3Dレジストレーション技術を用いる研究が報告されている。コンピュータビジョンの研究分野においては、高精度な位置姿勢推定が可能なアルゴリズムが提案されており、JointTrack Autoといった人工関節の動態解析ツールもフリーで公開されている。しかし、高精度なアルゴリズムには複雑なパラメータチューニングやマニュアル操作による詳細な初期位置合わせが必要であったり、ソフトウェアの操作インターフェイスが煩雑であったりするなど、解析ツールとして広く臨床研究に貢献するための課題が残されている。そこで、コンピュータビジョンの専門家でなくても最新のアルゴリズムを臨床研究で容易に利用可能とするために、GUI操作による人工関節位置姿勢推定システムの開発を行っている。今回、人工足関節を対象とした位置姿勢推定システムと、同システムに搭載したデータベースマッチングに基づく推定手法について紹介し、シミュレーションによる精度検証の結果を提示した。
  • Development of Educational Materials for Mechatronics
    Kiyoshi Ioi; Yoshikazu Ohtsubo; Manabu Kosaka; Atsutoshi Ikeda; Shima Okada
    WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education 14 (1) 1 - 8 1790-1979 2017 [Refereed]
  • A measurement setup for the 3D validation of fingertip deformation models
    Felix Von Drigalski; Atsutoshi Ikeda; Tsukasa Ogasawara; Tamim Asfour
    International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation 5 (3) 230 - 237 2016/02 [Refereed]
  • Yamaguchi Akihiko; Takamatsu Jun; Ikeda Atsutoshi; Yoshikawa Masahiro; Matsubara Takamitsu; Kanbara Masayuki; Ogasawara Tsukasa
    Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan The Robotics Society of Japan 34 (9) 615 - 622 0289-1824 2016 [Refereed]
    We present an advanced robot education curriculum, “IT Triadic—RT (robot technology) course” for graduate students of NAIST. The goal of RT course is to educate students so that they acquire an ability to solve challenging and novel problems, such as “Create a robot helpful in the real world.” For this purpose, we design a curriculum centered on project based learning (PBL) where the students propose their own project, apply to get fund, proceed the project, and evaluate the results. Since such a task is very hard to many students, we provide several levels of PBL so that the students can gradually learn how to propose a project; for example, we have brainstorming sessions, and we teach how to write a proposal. In this paper, we describe the curriculum of RT course, its features including the PBL classes and the on-line text system, and the lessons obtained through actually conducting the courses.
  • Yuichi Kurita; Atsutoshi Ikeda; Kazuyuki Nagata; Tsukasa Ogasawara
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 25 (1) 72 - 79 0915-3942 2013 [Refereed]
    A haptic device is one of the interfaces promising as a human-computer interaction tool that provides users with information in a virtual reality environment. The proposed haptic augmentation presents the force response of an object by combining the force generated from a haptic device against the force response generated from the base object, which has material properties similar to those of the target object. In this paper, the concept of a haptic augmentation technique is described and the prototype of a haptic augmentation system is developed. Frequency characteristics and experiments by human participants show that the proposed method has better performance than a traditional device-only method.
  • 把持型触覚提示デバイスを用いた振動による柔らかさ提示
    鈴木 隆裕; 池田 篤俊; 高松 淳; 小笠原 司
    日本ロボット学会論文誌 30 (7) 56 - 64 2012/09 [Refereed]
  • 指先接触面の滑り量制御による重量・摩擦呈示デバイス
    栗田 雄一; 米澤 智; 池田 篤俊; 小笠原 司
    日本ロボット学会論文誌 30 (2) 89 - 96 2012/03 [Refereed]
  • KURITA Yuichi; SOBUE Atsushi; IKEDA Atsutoshi; OGASAWARA Tsukasa
    Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan The Robotics Society of Japan 29 (4) 361 - 368 0289-1824 2011/05 [Refereed]
    In this paper, we present a water volume estimation method in various cups using the glass harp acoustics. When a rigid probe flicks a glass, sounds arise. Since the sounds alter depending on the water volume in the glass, we can utilize the sound information to estimate the water volume. In order to model the acoustics characteristics of various glasses, we propose the relational expression between the water volume and the vibration frequency that improves Oku's expression. By using the proposed relational expressions and a flicking motion by a robotic finger with a microphone, we confirm the proposed method can estimate the water volume with the accuracy of 1–3%.
  • Yuichi Kurita; Yasuhiro Ono; Atsutoshi Ikeda; Tsukasa Ogasawara
    MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD 46 (1) 53 - 66 0094-114X 2011/01 [Refereed]
    In this paper, we proposed a human-sized multi-fingered robot hand with detachable mechanism at the wrist. The fingers are tendon-driven by wires and the actuators are embedded in the arm part. The driving forces from the arm part are transmitted to the hand part by a gear mechanism at the wrist. The gear mechanism makes the hand part and the arm part splittable. The detachable mechanism enables separate maintenance of the hand and arm parts. To avoid undesired joint mutual interferences due to the tendon-driven mechanism, a joint motion correction control is implemented in that counteracting motions are ordered to actuators. The correction coefficient can be calculated based on the mechanical configuration. The developed robot hand has the size of 200[mm](length) x 78[mm](width) x 24.6[mm] ( thickness) and can exert 10[N] at the fingertip. The performance of the developed robot hand was shown by a motion control experiment. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Ikeda Atsutoshi; Kurita Yuichi; Ogasawara Tsukasa
    Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan The Robotics Society of Japan 28 (2) 191 - 199 0289-1824 2010 [Refereed]
    In this paper, we analyze a human pinching motion based on biomechanics for the quantification system of a product usability. We compare three experimental results to analyze the relationship between the deep sensation and subjective pinching effort. First, the surface EMG and the pinching force were measured during the pinching motion by a human. Questionnaire results show that subjects feel easy to pinch a cylinder of 60[mm] length. Experimental results show the profile of the surface EMGs reflects the human subjective pinching effort. Second, the pinching motion was simulated using the tendon skeletal model that mimics the variation of human joint moment arm. Simulation results show that the profile of the tendon forces has similar characteristics to that of the human muscle activity. These result suggest the finger posture influences the subjective pinching effort. Furthermore, a tendon-driven robot hand was developed as a sensing hand prototype. The motor torques and the human muscle activity were compared in a pinching experiment using the tendon-driven robot hand. Experimental results show the profile of the motor torques mirrors the human muscle activity. These results show that the tendon force is a useful index for the evaluation of the subjective pinching effort, and it can be used for the quantitative evaluation instead of EMGs.
  • J Ueda; A Ikeda; T Ogasawara
    In this paper, a grip-force control of an elastic object is proposed based on a visual slip-margin feedback. When an elastic object is pressed and slid slightly on a rigid plate, a partial slip, called "incipient slip," occurs on the contact surface. The slip margin between an elastic object and a rigid plate is estimated based on the analytic solution of a Hertzian contact model. A one-degree-of-freedom gripper consisting of a camera and a force sensor is developed. The slip margin can be estimated from the tangential force measured by a force sensor, the deformation of the elastic object and the radius on the contact area both measured by a camera. In the proposed method, the friction coefficient is not explicitly needed. The "eccentricity" is used to estimate the displacement of the elastic object at the contact area with high accuracy. The grip force is controlled by a direct feedback of the estimated slip margin. The proof of the contact stability by the proposed control is analytically given. As a result, the slip margin is maintained at a desired value, without occurring the gross slip against a disturbance traction force to the object. The validity of the proposed method is confirmed by experiments.
  • Y Kurita; A Ikeda; J Ueda; T Ogasawara
    In this paper, a novel pointing device is proposed that utilizes the deformation of the fingertip. When a fingertip is pressed and slightly slid on a rigid plate, a partial slip, called an "incipient slip," occurs on the contact surface. While the deformation around the center of the contact area is small during the incipient slip, the boundary region moves to the sliding direction of the fingertip. The deformation changes depending on the sliding distance of the fingertip and the exerted force on the contact surface. The velocity of the pointer can be determined by the estimated distance and force based on the measurement of the deformation. In this study, the correlation between the sliding distance of the fingertip and the deformation and between the exerted force and the deformation are investigated. The degree of the deformation due to the sliding motion can be estimated based on the detected fingerprint center. The group delay spectrum tracking method is proposed for the detection of the fingerprint center. A prototype pointing device is developed to evaluate the operationality of the proposed device. Comparative experiments with conventional pointing devices are conducted. The validity of the proposed device is confirmed by the experiments.
  • 初期滑り時の接触面偏心度に基づく弾性体の把持力制御
    池田 篤俊; 栗田 雄一; 上田 淳; 松本 吉央; 小笠原 司
    日本ロボット学会誌 Vol.23 (No.3) 65 - 71 2005/04 [Refereed]
    IPSJ Journal 一般社団法人情報処理学会 45 (7) 1769 - 1778 0387-5806 2004/07 [Refereed]
    In this research, a novel compact pointing device is proposed which utilizes the deformation of the fingerprint. When the fingertip is pressed and slid slightly on a rigid plate, a partial slip, called "incipient slip" occurs on the contact surface. In this research, we define a deformation of contact area as "eccentricity". A pointer is operated by measuring the incipient slip that occurs between a fingertip and a fingerprint sensor. The relationship between the eccentricity and the fingertip displacement, and the eccentricity and force applied on the contact surface are investigated. It is shown that this eccentricity is almost linear to the fingertip displacement. Since the deformation around the center of the contact surface is small, the center of the fingerprint can be detected during the incipient slip. The Group Delay Spectrum tracking is utilized to track the center of the fingerprint. The velocity of the pointer is determined based on the eccentricity of the contact area. An experimental pointing device is developed to examine the operationality of the proposed method. The experimental results show that subjects can operate the pointer with sufficient accuracy.
  • Hidenori Ishihara; Kimihito Yukawa; Atsutoshi Ikeda
    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 1 640 - 645 1050-4729 2003 
    This paper proposes the new thin wire production system and wire conveyance device in it. The thin wire production system consists of the conveyance module, thin film deposition module, processing module and so on. The conveyance module is a key component among them since it decides the specifications of wire and performance of production system. Proposed conveyance module consists of transportation unit and rotation unit. This paper proposes the new mechanism to generate the transportation by difference of rotation action of transportation unit and rotation unit. Also, this paper demonstrates of the new mechanism by experiments. The experimental results show the performance of the wire transportation, and the prototype achieved the requirement for the practical use such as Transportation Speed of 300 mm/s.
  • Hidenori Ishihara; Atsutoshi Ikeda; Minoru Suzuki; Kimihito Yukawa
    JRM 15 (2) 178 - 184 2003 [Refereed]


Books and other publications

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 大坪義一; 池田篤俊; 五百井清; 小坂学
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)  2017/09
  • 北村勇希; 吉武康栄; SHINOHARA Minoru; 池田篤俊
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2017/05
  • 椛島基嵩; 飯田賢一; 上田悦子; 池田篤俊; 小杉真一; 田中康仁
    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)  2016/12
  • 北村勇希; 吉武康栄; SHINOHARA Minoru; 池田篤俊
    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)  2016/12
  • 有元公平; 原田孝; 河村廣幸; 福田寛二; 池田篤俊
    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)  2016/12
  • 中原千里; 飯田めぐみ; 米崎麻純; 小杉真一; 池田篤俊; 上田悦子; 中村恭之
    医療の質・安全学会誌  2016/10
  • 池田篤俊; 原田孝; 河村廣幸; 福田寛二
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2016/06
  • 大櫛怜; 五百井清; 大坪義一; 岡田志麻; 小坂学; 池田篤俊
    計測自動制御学会制御部門マルチシンポジウム(CD-ROM)  2016/03
  • パラレルリンク型足関節リハビリテーション装置装着時の足底プレートと距骨および踵骨の三次元姿勢の相関に関する研究  [Not invited]
    米澤 輝; 小杉 真一; 田中 康仁; 野村 健太; 竹村 裕; 溝口 裕; 池田 篤俊
    日本整形外科学会雑誌  2015/09
  • MAEGAWA Hiroaki; Nakamura Takayuki; UEDA Etsuko; IKEDA Atsutoshi; OGASAWARA Tsukasa
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2015/05 
    Recently, we have proposed a low-cost and highly reliable monitoring device which is called the MIMAMORI device for a monitoring system at a medical institute. The MIMAMORI device can detect dangerous situations, such as when a patient is at risk of rolling out of bed. In this paper, we detail the patient state classification algorithm using a deep neural network of the MIMAMORI device, and verify its practical applicability with a preliminary experiment.
  • SHIMADA Takeshi; IKEDA Atsutoshi; TAKAMATSU Jun; OGASAWARA Tsukasa
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2015/05 
    Recording manipulation tasks are very useful for teaching-by-demonstration and digital archiving of manipulation skills. In this paper, we propose a method for recording hand-object relationship during tasks using first-person RGB-D vision. First-person vision expands the recording area even though only one camera is used. Detection of changes from 3D information relieves complicated recognition by an RGB image. By detecting appearance/disappearance of an object under the region occluded by a hand, we estimate action of release/grasp and appearance of the target object. We verify the effectiveness of the proposed method through an experiment of a simple pick-and-place task.
  • HIRATA Takashi; YAMAZAKI Wataru; CAYAO Christian Deus; YOSHIKAWA Masahiro; IKEDA Atsutoshi; TAKAMATSU Jun; OGASAWARA Tsukasa
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2015/05 
    Recently, cleaning robots are becoming widely used. However, even if commercially-available cleaning robots can collect dust and small debris on the floor, they can not pick up trash such as PET bottles, cans, etc. We developed a cleaning robot intended for picking trash while dust collecting. This paper describes the architecture of the cleaning robot consisting of hardware such as an RGB-D sensor, a robot arm and a commercially-available cleaning robot, and also software for trash picking such as searching trash from RGB-D image, picking the trash via the robot arm and controlling the cleaning robot. We used commercially-available hardware and open source software such as Robot Operating System (ROS), Point Cloud Libraly (PCL) and so on.
  • YAMAZAKI Wataru; IKEDA Atsutoshi; TAKAMATSU Jun; OGASAWARA Tsukasa
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2015/05 
    Recently, there is growing interest on recording human motions from first-person perspective in a domestic environment. RGB-D cameras have been widely used in the field of robotics and also in analysis of egocentric vision, and such devices are still unproved. It is highly probable that the improvement of sensors will enhance the precision of previous systems. In this paper, we develop a wearable device using Kinect for Windows v2 in order to record hand motions during housework. We devote on reducing its weight by designing a novel casing, heat sink and head-mount. We evaluate the reliability of the system by measuring the time of continuous work without interruption.
  • 新しい院内転倒転落防止システムの開発  [Not invited]
    小杉 真一; 池田 篤俊; 小笠原 司; 音田 恭宏; 上田 悦子; 中村 恭之
    奈良県西和医療センター医学雑誌  2015/03 
  • 深度センサを用いた転倒転落防止システムの開発  [Not invited]
    小杉 真一; 池田 篤俊; 小笠原 司; 音田 恭宏; 上田 悦子; 田中 康仁
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine  2015/02
  • 小杉真一; 田中康仁; 竹村裕; 椎名崇之; 山腰健; 池田篤俊; 小笠原司
    日本足の外科学会雑誌  2014/10
  • 島田健史; 池田篤俊; 竹村憲太郎; 高松淳; 小笠原司
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)  2014/09
  • 音田恭宏; 池田篤俊; 上田悦子
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)  2014/09
  • 池田篤俊; 春日照之; 高松淳; 小笠原司; 小杉真一; 田中康仁
    日本整形外科学会雑誌  2014/08
  • 池田篤俊; 青木友作; 上田悦子; 小笠原司; 小杉真一; 山口智志; 田中康仁
    日本整形外科学会雑誌  2014/08
  • 小杉真一; 田中康仁; 竹村裕; 椎名崇之; 山腰健; 池田篤俊; 小笠原司
    日本整形外科学会雑誌  2014/08
  • SUGIGAKI Akinori; IKEDA Atsutoshi; TAKAMATSU Jun; OGASAWARA Tsukasa
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2014/05 
    In this paper, we propose the prototype of the flexible robot finger to be able to output high power with a small actuator, which can charge up the elastic energy. Human can also employ flexibility to charge up the power in the muscle and momentarily release the high power to use the charged energy. For example, human snap a finger to charge up the power in the muscle of the finger, and can release the high power. We evaluate the performance of the prototype of the flexible robot finger, compared it with the robot finger not to use the elastic energy.
  • SHIMADA Takeshi; SUGIGAKI Akinori; YAMAGUCHI Akihiko; IKEDA Atsutoshi; TAKAMATSU Jun; OGASAWARA Tsukasa
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2014/05 
    We aim to construct an object manipulation database from grasping demonstrations of human. We consider that when a human grasps an object, there are several grasping motion patterns that are unique to the object. This variation of grasping patterns comes from their manipulation purposes. However, traditional researches do not consider such purposes but consider the physical or the geometrical stability of the object. In this paper, we develop a method to construct an object manipulation database by observing grasping motions performed by humans under a certain manipulation purpose. For this purpose, we developed a sensor grove that can measure the pose of human's hand, the force of each fingertip, and the relative position and orientation from a grasping object. We also measure the 3D information of the object.
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2014/05 
    It is important to realize the robot handling soft objects. In this paper, we treat a string as an example of soft objects. Humans can create various figures with a string; we aim to develop a robot system that can do such a thing. We employ the string figures as the task. We propose a framework with which a robot can play string figures with a human. Concretely, we develop a description method that can represent a variety of procedures of string figures to be played by a robot and a human pair. In order to implement this framework on a dual-arm robot, we also develop a method to decide centers of loops to be picked up using camera images. This paper demonstrates the experimental results with a dual-arm robot Hiro-NX.
  • Atsutoshi Ikeda; Yasuyuki Otoda; Etsuko Ueda; Takayuki Nakamura; Tsukasa Ogasawara
    2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2014, Bali, Indonesia, December 5-10, 2014  2014
  • Yuya Ochiai; Kentaro Takemura; Atsutoshi Ikeda; Jun Takamatsu; Tsukasa Ogasawara
    2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Chicago, IL, USA, September 14-18, 2014  2014
  • 小杉真一; 田中康仁; 竹村裕; 小原晃; 椎名崇之; 池田篤俊; 小笠原司
    日本整形外科学会雑誌  2013/08
  • 春日照之; 池田篤俊; 高松淳; 小笠原司; 竹村裕; 小杉真一; 田中康仁
    日本整形外科学会雑誌  2013/08
  • KASUGA Teruyuki; IKEDA Atsutoshi; TAKAMATSU Jun; OGASAWARA Tsukasa; TAKEMURA Hiroshi; KOSUGI Shinichi; TANAKA Yasuhito
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2013/05 
    In this paper, we propose the three-dimensional analysis method of arches deformation of the foot using geometric approximation. In previous studies, the longitudinal arch of the foot was analyzed by connecting the markers measured by optical motion capture with the straight lines. We analyzed arches deformation of the foot using the ellipse and ellipsoid approximation because the arch of foot is a curve. The change of each axial length of the ellipse and ellipsoid corresponds to the change of the arch length and the arch height before and after the load. Then we compared the analysis results with the previous knowledge.
  • AOKI Yusaku; UEDA Etsuko; IKEDA Atsutoshi; KOSUGI Shinichi; TANAKA Yasuhito
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2013/05 
    In this study, we propose a method to estimate the posture of the ankle prosthesis based on X-ray images of two different viewpoints. To improve the estimate accuracy, we use the multiple X-ray images. After we generate a image database from the three-dimensional CAD model of the ankle prosthesis using original simulator, we calculate the candidate pose from each X-ray image by pattern matching. Estimation is performed with high accuracy by integrating these candidate pose.
  • Atsutoshi Ikeda; Takahiro Suzuki; Jun Takamatsu; Tsukasa Ogasawara
    IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Manchester, SMC 2013, United Kingdom, October 13-16, 2013  2013
  • 吉本公則; 上田悦子; 池田篤俊; 小笠原司
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2012/05
  • 池田篤俊; 高松淳; 小笠原司; 大原賢一; 前泰志; 新井健生; 竹村裕; 溝口博; 相山康道; 阪口健; 松本吉央
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2012/05
  • 栗田雄一; 伊藤隆洋; 池田篤俊; 上田淳; 高松淳; 小笠原司
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2012/05
  • 池田篤俊; 武藤誠; 高松淳; 小笠原司
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2012/05
  • YOSHIMOTO Masanori; UEDA Etsuko; IKEDA Atsutoshi; OGASAWARA Tsukasa
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2012/05 
    In order to perform navigation, robots need a map that shows locations of obstacles and walls in unknown environment. Localization and mapping are generally called SLAM. In the recent studies, SLAM is stable even in an environment with a lot of people such as the station yard or a shopping mall. However, in the future, robots that play an active role in natural environments such as mountain paths will increase. Therefore we aim at the development of stable method for localization and mapping in natural environments. Our study conducted based on RT middleware and the development efficiency was improved by using RT middleware. At current stage, we implemented a robot system to collect outdoors environmental information. This system was developed by OpenRTM-aist. In this paper, we discuss our result of the map generation in the natural environment.
  • Kurita Yuichi; Ito Takahiro; Ikeda Atsutoshi; Ueda Jun; Takamatsu Jun; Ogasawara Tsukasa
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2012/05 
    Humans control the stiffness of joints depending on type of the target task. This implies that profiles of the stiffness includes fruitful information about skillfulness of the human performing. The purpose of this research is to analyze motions by estimating the stiffness and equilibrium points of joints based on sEMG measurements and musculoskeletal model. In this paper, the proficiency evaluation method is proposed based on the calculation of the stiffness ellipse and the trajectory of the equilibrium points of joints.
  • IKEDA Atsutoshi; TAKAMATSU Jun; OGASAWARA Tsukasa; Ohara Kenichi; MAE Yasushi; ARAI Tatsuo; TAKEMURA Hiroshi; MIZOGUCHI Hiroshi; AIYAMA Yasumichi; SAKAGUCHI Takeshi; MATSUMOTO Yoshio
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2012/05 
    In this paper, we present a dual-arm service robot system reusing open source RT components. The service robot system has four functions which are user detection, user interface, ordered object recognition and ordered object manipulation. Each function is developed by several groups as an open source RT module. We demonstrate over-the-counter sales of Japanese-style confection in IREX2011.
  • IKEDA Atsutoshi; MUTOU Makoto; TAKAMATSU Jun; OGASAWARA Tsukasa
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2012/05 
    In this paper, a measurement method of incipient slip is proposed for human grasping motion analysis. A measurement system which has a built-in camera and a built-in omnidirectional mirror, is used to capture palm images during grasping motion. The incipient slip distribution is analyzed in some experimental conditions which are different weight and different cylinder size. Experimental results show that the incipient slip distribution has a bias. We discuss about the relationship between the bias of the incipient slip distribution and the somatic characteristics.
  • Tadashi Matsumoto; Atsutoshi Ikeda; Jun Takamatsu; Tsukasa Ogasawara
    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2012, Seoul, Korea (South), October 14-17, 2012  2012
  • 鈴木隆裕; 池田篤俊; 高松淳; 小笠原司
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)  2011/09
  • Kurita Yuichi; Otsuka Hiroyuki; Nagata Kazuyuki; Ikeda Atsutoshi; Ogasawara Tsukasa
    FAN Symposium : Intelligent System Symposium-fuzzy, AI, neural network applications technologies  2011/09 
    Haptic devices are one of promising interfaces as human-computer interaction tools that provides users further information in virtual reality environment. The proposed haptic augmented reality (haptic AR) can present the force response of a visco-elastic object by combining the force generated from a haptic device against the force response generated from the base object, which has similar visco-elastic property to that of the target object. In this paper, the concept of the haptic AR device is described. The frequency characteristics are analyzed by the system identification and human experiments show the proposed method has a better performance than a device-only method.
  • IKEDA Atsutoshi; MATSUMOTO Tadashi; KURITA Yuichi; OGASAWARA Tsukasa
    FAN Symposium : Intelligent System Symposium-fuzzy, AI, neural network applications technologies  2011/09 
    The quantitative evaluation of product usability is important for product design. We has presented the concept of the usability evaluation system using a tendon skeletal finger model. In this paper, we propose the novel robot hand which resembles human fingertip structure for the usability evaluation system. The usability evaluation system using the robot hand can evaluate a existing product. The design concept and specification of the robot hand are described.
  • MATSUMOTO Tadashi; IKEDA Atsutoshi; KURITA Yuichi; OGASAWARA Tsukasa
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2011/05 
    In this paper, we present a new robot finger which has human mimetic structure for the product usability evaluation system. The design concept is to mimic the human finger size, degree of freedom and fingertip structure. The basic performance of the joint angle control is shown in the experiment.
  • 米澤智; 池田篤俊; 栗田雄一; 小笠原司
    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集  2011/03
  • 五十嵐勇太; 池田篤俊; 栗田雄一; 永田和之; 小笠原司
    全国大会講演論文集  2011/03 
  • 五十嵐勇太; 池田篤俊; 栗田雄一; 永田和之; 小笠原司
    情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集  2011/03
  • 寺岡宏敏; 池田篤俊; 栗田雄一; 上田淳; 小笠原司
    情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集  2011/03 
    確率的Broadcast Feedback制御によって必然的に生成される確率密度の
  • 五十嵐勇太; 池田篤俊; 栗田雄一; 永田和之; 小笠原司
    第73回全国大会講演論文集  2011/03 
  • Yuichi Kurita; Atsutoshi Ikeda; Tadashi Matsumoto; Tsukasa Ogasawara
    International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, MHS 2011, Nagoya, Japan, November 6-9, 2011  2011
  • Yuichi Kurita; Satoshi Yonezawa; Atsutoshi Ikeda; Tsukasa Ogasawara
    2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA, September 25-30, 2011  2011
  • 五十嵐勇太; 玉置健; 池田篤俊; 栗田雄一; 永田和之; 小笠原司
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2010/06
  • Atsutoshi Ikeda; Yuichi Kurita; Takeshi Tamaki; Kazuyuki Nagata; Tsukasa Ogasawara
    Haptics: Generating and Perceiving Tangible Sensations, International Conference, EuroHaptics 2010, Amsterdam, July 8-10, 2010. Proceedings, Part I  2010
  • YONEZAWA Satoshi; IKEDA Atsutoshi; KURITA Yuichi; OGASAWARA Tsukasa
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2010 
    In this paper, we propose a novel haptic device for giving weight and friction illusions. Humans sense weight and friction through the contact sensation between the skin and the object. This fact suggests controlling the contact information can give weight and friction illusions. We developed a prototype device that can control the contact surface between the fingertip and the rigid plate based on the camera-based eccentricity control, and the performance was evaluated through the experiments.
  • IGARASHI Yuta; TAMAKI Takeshi; IKEDA Atsutoshi; KURITA Yuichi; NAGATA Kazuyuki; OGASAWARA Tsukasa
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2010 
    In this paper, we provide the illusion of water current force and variety of viscosity using the haptic augmented reality (AR) system. We analyzed frequency of water current and measured water viscosity so that we make a water current model of the AR method and the VR method. The questionnaire results show that human feels water current force and fluid viscosity more natural by the AR method than the VR method.
  • TAMAKI Takeshi; IKEDA Atsutoshi; KURITA Yuichi; OGASAWARA Tsukasa
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2009/05 
    In this paper, we propose the rheology-based posture control method of a multi-link robot for obstacle avoidance. Viscoelastic model is used for the calculation of the robot posture control. The performance of the obstacle avoidance between the proposed method and the conventional control method is compared in the simulation. The experimental results show that the proposed method can determine the efficient posture that avoids the multiple obstacles.
  • KURITA Yuichi; ONO Yasuhiro; IKEDA Atsutoshi; OGASAWARA Tsukasa
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2009/05 
    In this paper, we proposed a human-sized multifingered robot hand with detachable mechanism at the wrist. The fingers are driven by wires and are controlled by actuators embedded in the arm part. The robot hand can be split into the hand part and the arm part. The driving force from the arm part is transmitted to the hand part by gear mechanism at the wrist. The developed robot hand is the size of 200(length) x 78(width) x 24.6[mm](thickness) and can exert 10[N] at the fingertip. The performance of the robot hand is shown by a motion control experiment.
  • IKEDA Atsutoshi; ONOUE Takehiro; KURITA Yuichi; OGASAWARA Tsukasa
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2009/05 
    In this paper, the influence of the finger posture on the subjective effort during pinching motion is discussed. Experimental results show that subjective effort human feels is strongly affected by the size of the object he/she pinches, and the subjective effort correlates with the index finger and thumb length. This results suggest that the reason why subjective pinching effort is influenced by the finger posture is the difference in the efficiency of the force transmission from the muscles.
  • Yuichi Kurita; Atsutoshi Ikeda; Takeshi Tamaki; Tsukasa Ogasawara; Kazuyuki Nagata
    Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, VRST 2009, Kyoto, Japan, November 18-20, 2009  2009
  • Atsutoshi Ikeda; Yuichi Kurita; Tsukasa Ogasawara
    2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, October 11-15, 2009, St. Louis, MO, USA  2009
  • Yuichi Kurita; Yasuhiro Ono; Atsutoshi Ikeda; Tsukasa Ogasawara
    2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, October 11-15, 2009, St. Louis, MO, USA  2009
  • Atsutoshi Ikeda; Yuichi Kurita; Tsukasa Ogasawara
    2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2009, Kobe, Japan, May 12-17, 2009  2009
  • Kurita Y; Onoue T; Ikeda A; Ogasawara T
    Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference  2009
  • IKEDA Atsutoshi; KURITA Yuichi; UEDA Jun; OGASAWARA Tsukasa
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2008/06 
    In this research, the surface electromyogram (surface EMG) and the pinching force when pinching an object were simultaneously measured for quantification of sensory evaluation. Cylinders with the length of 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 [mm] and weight of 300 and 600 [g] were used for the experiment. Experimental results show that subjects feel comfortable to pinch the cylinder when the length of cylinder was 60 [mm]. The pinching force became the smallest and both of EMGs of adductor pollicis muscle and flexor digitorum superficialis muscle became small.
  • Ikeda A; Kurita Y; Ueda J; Matsumoto Y; Ogasawara T
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2004/06
  • Atsutoshi Ikeda; Yuichi Kurita; Jun Ueda; Yoshio Matsumoto; Tsukasa Ogasawara
    2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Sendai, Japan, September 28 - October 2, 2004  2004
  • Ueda Jun; Ikeda Atsutoshi; Shirae Kenji; Takemura Hiroshi; Ogasawara Tsukasa; Oda Shingo
    The JSME Symposium on Welfare Engineering  2003/11 
    It is said that the motions of top athletes and experts of Bushido have in common in the sense of using hip joints. In this paper, a trunk-twistless walking, named 'namiashi' is measured and investigated. It is estimated that external rotational moment of hip joints is effectively used for compensation of the twisting moment of the body. We identifed that the multiple-peak pattern of the acceleration is one of the characteristics of this walking motion. It can be considered that dispersing acceleration by using the external rotational moment leads to reducing muscle fatigue.
  • Yuichi Kurita; Atsutoshi Ikeda; Jun Ueda; Yoshio Matsumoto; Tsukasa Ogasawara
    2003 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, October 27 - November 1, 2003  2003
  • Hidenori Ishihara; Kimihito Yukawa; Atsutoshi Ikeda
    Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2003, September 14-19, 2003, Taipei, Taiwan  2003
  • Ikeda A; Kurita Y; Ueda J; Ogasawara T
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2003 
    本研究では指紋変形を利用した新たなポインティングデバイスを提案する。このデバイスは指を平面に押付けたまま任意の方向に微小移動させた際に生じる指紋紋様の変形を検出し, ユーザからの入力とする。
  • Ishihara Hidenori; Ikeda Atsutoshi; Suzuki Minoru
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2002 
    ロボット用ケーブルなど極細線のニーズが高まる中, 高いシールド効果を有する極細線ケーブルの加工のためのワイヤー搬送装置を試作したので, その構造ならびに基本的な特性を報告する

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  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 池田 篤俊
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2019/04 -2023/03 
    Author : 古荘 純次; 池田 篤俊; 川平 和美; 菅 俊光; 畑迫 健一; 原田 孝; 森岡 周; 原口 真
    研究分担者の近畿大学理工学部機械工学科の原田孝教授、池田篤俊講師らを中心として、ブレーキで力覚を提示する直交座標系の3次元システムの研究開発を行う。2019年度は、システムの運動方程式を導出し、慣性行列を低干渉および等慣性化する機構設計方法を考案した。これにより,人間がリハビリ支援システムの先端を把持して力を加えたときの動力学的な干渉を小さくすると共に,どの方向に移動させても力学的に等慣性に設計することが可能である.差動ネジ駆動部に関して,ネジの力学解析を実施した。 研究分担者の大阪工業大学機械工学科の原口真講師は、研究代表者の古荘純次(ファジィシステム研究所特別研究員、大阪大学名誉教授)の協力を得て、ブレーキで力覚を提示する直交座標系の2次元のリハビリ支援システムの研究開発を行う。2019年度に原口講師は、多くのリニアガイドについて、リニアガイドの摺動抵抗、動作時の音について検討及び選定を行い、2次元システムの基本設計を行った。研究代表者の古荘は、システムに鏡面対称型健側補助、同側型健側補助を導入する方法、および冗長ブレーキを導入する方法を考案した。 研究分担者の産業技術短期大学電気電子工学科の畑迫健一教授、研究協力者の産業技術短期大学情報処理工学科の村山淳講師と、研究代表者の古荘らは、ローコストかつコンパクトな上肢リハビリ支援システムを目指して研究開発を行った。安価かつコンパクトなコンピュータ “ラズベリーパイ(Raspberry Pi4B:メモリ2GB版で約5,000円)”において、プログラム言語processingを使用したゲームが動作することを確認し、 「もぐらたたきゲーム」などを作成した。振動触感デバイスの評価を行い、問題なく動作することを確認した。ラズベリーパイにおいて、Pythonを使用して、リハビリ支援システムのソフトウエア開発が効率化できることを確認した。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2019/04 -2022/03 
    Author : Ikeda Atsutoshi
    In this study, we aim to construct a skin sensation perception model that takes individual differences into account by modeling mechanical elements and information processing elements for active touch with fingertips. To model the mechanical properties of fingertips in relation to external forces, we made use of the method of modeling fingertip deformation using a transfer function model, which is the result of research so far. A multi-layered NN that is widely used as a model of the nervous system is used to model the sensitivity evaluation obtained from mechanical stimuli. With the integration of these models, a skin sensation perception model can be constructed which can estimate individual differences in sensitivities while considering external force. We will also, the usage load is evaluated for the game controller.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2015/03 
    Author : IKEDA Atsutoshi
    The goal of this research is to develop a fingertip sensor for measurement of fingertip force and fingertip incipient slip without any cover between the fingertip and the surrounding environment for investigation of human sensorimotor control using haptic feedback. I propose both a novel fingertip lateral deformation (FLD) sensor and an estimation method of fingertip force and incipient slip using a system identification technique. Lateral deformation of the fingertip during touch, motion is converted to the normal force, tangential force and incipient slip value by transfer function models.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2015/03 
    Author : OGASAWARA Tsukasa; TAKAMATSU Jun; TAKEMURA Kentaro; IKEDA Atsutoshi; YOSHIKAWA Masahiro; YAMAGUCHI Akihiko; TSUICHIHARA Satoki; KIMURA Takahiro; TANABE Masato; URATSUJI Yuki; KATSUYAMA Takafumi; OCHIAI Yuya
    In order for a service robot to provide a human with appropriate service, the robot needs to recognize human’s behavior from both human’s motion and object’s functionality. In this research, we propose a method to generate a 3D semantic map in which human motion is associated with environmental information. Then, we recognize human’s behavior by classifying the features of both object’s shape and human’s motion. Finally, we focus on how to generate robot services using the semantic map.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2010 
    Author : 池田 篤俊

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