AOKI Nobuya

Department of Computational Systems BiologyLecturer

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information


  • Doctor of Philosophy in Information Science and Technology(Osaka University)
  • Master of Engineering(Osaka Prefecture University)

Research Keyword

  • 画像計測   Electronic Measurements   

Research Field

  • Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering) / Measurement engineering
  • Informatics / Intelligent robotics
  • Informatics / Perceptual information processing



  • 1995 - 2004  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology
  • 1995 - 2004  Research Associate, School of Biology-Oriented
  • 2004  - 近畿大学生物理工学部 講師
  • 2004  - Lecturer, School of Biology-Oriented Science and
  • Technology, Kinki University
  • Science and Technology, Kinki University

Educational Background

  •        - 2010  Osaka University  情報科学研究科  コンピュータサイエンス専攻
  •        - 2010  Osaka University  Graduate School, Division of Information Science
  •        - 2009  Osaka University  情報科学研究科  コンピュータサイエンス専攻
  •        - 1995  Osaka Prefecture University  工学研究科  航空工学専攻
  •        - 1991  Osaka Prefecture University  工学研究科  航空工学専攻
  •        - 1989  Osaka Prefecture University  School of Engineering  航空工学
  •        - 1989  Osaka Prefecture University  Faculty of Engineering

■Research activity information


  • Yusuke Muraki; Nobuya Aoki; Toshihide Kuriyama; Makoto Doi; Toshiro Nasu
    近畿大学生物理工学部紀要 近畿大学生物理工学部 33 (33) 17 - 24 1342-7202 2014/03 
    In the fish aquaculture, vaccination is performed to prevent infections. Although the vaccination has been conventionally performed using a manual injector, improved efficiency and reducing operator's burden need to be addressed. ln order to reduce the operator's burden by shortening time of each injection, we developed the fixed mount type injector that can detect the insertion of the hypodermic needle, and then inject the pre-fixed amount of vaccine. Its performance was tested at the Regional Fisheries Research Laboratories in Sirahama. The results of the experiments showed that working-hours were shortened by 40% --50% when using the automatic injector.
  • 平行光源を用いた既知形状鏡面の位置姿勢計測
    大阪大学 2010/03 [Refereed]
  • AOKI Nobuya; SAGAWA Ryusuke; YAGI Yasushi
    The IEICE transactions on information and systems The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Vol.J92-D (No.5) 661 - 670 1880-4535 2009/05 [Refereed]
  • Tanizawa Kazuo; Yamamoto Kazuo; Horibe Kazuo; Ichino Takatoshi; Kohmoto Keiko; Aoki Nobuya; Tumura Muneyuki
    Memoirs of the School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology of Kinki University Kinki University 20 (20) 29 - 36 1342-7202 2007/09 
    We present a design and a fundamental flight characteristics of the simple 500ml pet-bottle rocket which makes some special features of a low parts-number, an easy integration, a low cost in production and an excellent flight performance, which is called Kindai-water rocket. As the flight characteristics of the rocket, effects of volume of filled water and charged air pressure in the bottle on the initial velocity of the rocket, effects of a lift-off angle and velocity of the wind on the flying range, and the effect of the distance between the center of gravity of the body and the center of aerodynamic force on the flight stability are made clear. We also present the precautions to perform successfully the flight competition of this kind of water rocket.
  • Mirror Localization of Catadioptric Imaging System using Parallel Lights
    Nobuya Aoki; Ryusuke Sagawa; Yasuhiro Mukaigawa; Tomio Echigo; Yasushi Yagi
    情報処理学会論文誌 コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア 49 (SIG9(CVIM18)) 115 - 123 2007/06 [Refereed]
    This paper describes a method of mirror localization to calibrate a catadioptric imaging system. While the calibration of a catadioptric system includes the estimation of various parameters, we focus on the localization of the mirror. Since some previously proposed methods assume that the system is single view point, they have a strong restriction on the position and shape of the mirror. We propose a method that uses parallel lights to simplify the geometry of projection to estimate the position of the mirror, and so does not restrict the position and shape of the mirror. We omit the translation between a camera and calibration objects from the parameters to be estimated by observing some parallel lights from a different direction. We obtain the constraints on the projection and can compute the error between the model of the mirror and the measurements. The position of the mirror is estimated by minimizing the error. We also test our method by simulation and real experiments, and evaluate the accuracy of our method.
  • Ryusuke Sagawa; Nobuya Aoki; Yasuhiro Mukaigawa; Tomio Echigo; Yasushi Yagi
    This paper describes a method of mirror localization to calibrate a catadioptric imaging system. Even though the calibration of a catadioptric system includes the estimation of various parameters, in this paper we focus on the localization of the mirror. Since some previously proposed methods assume a single view point system, they have strong restrictions on the position and shape of the mirror. We propose a method that uses parallel lights to simplify the geometry of projection for estimating the position of the mirror, thereby not restricting the position or shape of the mirror. Further, we omit the translation process between the camera and calibration objects from the parameters to be estimated by observing some parallel lights from a different direction. We obtain the constraints on the projection and compute the error between the model of the mirror and the measurements. The position of the mirror is estimated by minimizing the error. We also test our method by simulation and real experiments, and finally we evaluate the accuracy of our method.
  • Ryusuke Sagawa; Nobuya Aoki; Yasushi Yagi
    COMPUTER VISION - ACCV 2007, PT I, PROCEEDINGS SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN 4843 116 - 126 0302-9743 2007 [Refereed]
    This paper describes a method of mirror localization to calibrate a catadioptric imaging system. While the calibration of a catadioptric system includes the estimation of various parameters, we focus on the localization of the mirror. The proposed method estimates the position of the mirror by observing pairs of parallel lights, which are projected from various directions. Although some earlier methods for calibrating catadioptric systems assume that the system is single viewpoint, which is a strong restriction on the position and shape of the mirror, our method does not restrict the position and shape of the mirror. Since the constraint used by the proposed method is that the relative angle of two parallel lights is constant with respect to the rigid transformation of the imaging system, we can omit both the translation and rotation between the camera and calibration objects from the parameters to be estimated. Therefore, the estimation of the mirror position by the proposed method is independent of the extrinsic parameters of a camera. We compute the error between the model of the mirror and the measurements, and then estimate the position of the mirror by minimizing this error. We test our method using both simulation and real experiments, and evaluate the accuracy thereof.
  • INARI Takahiko; AOKI Nobuya
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. C 電気学会 119-C (11) 1398 - 1404 0385-4221 1999/11 [Refereed]


  • Measurement of Human Sense by Optical Information Fusion - Study of Evaluation of Surface Appearance -
    稲荷 隆彦; 青木 伸也  Abstracts of Research Project, Grant - In - Aid For Scientific Research  2004/04
  • N Aoki; H Nishikawa; A Yoshida; T Inari  SICE 2004 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-3  FPI-7-4-  2322  -2325  2004
  • N Aoki; H Yamauchi; T Inari  SICE 2003 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-3  MPⅡ-4-1-  797  -800  2003
  • N Aoki; H Yamauchi; T Inari  SICE 2003 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-3  MPⅡ-4-1-  797  -800  2003
  • INARI Takahiko; AOKI Nobuya  電気学会研究会資料. LAV, 光応用・視覚研究会  2002-  (12)  31  -36  2002/11
  • N Aoki; A Misaka; M Miyaoka; T Inari  SICE 2002: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 41ST SICE ANNUAL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-5  TA03-4-  1915  -1917  2002
  • 3D Vision System with Two Cameras using Highlight Patterns for Cylindrical Targets "jointly worked"
    Proc.of 2002 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation  1-  601  -604  2002
  • N Aoki; A Misaka; M Miyaoka; T Inari  SICE 2002: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 41ST SICE ANNUAL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-5  TA03-4-  1915  -1917  2002
  • 3D Vision System with Two Cameras using Highlight Patterns for Cylindrical Targets "jointly worked"
    Proc.of 2002 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation  1-  601  -604  2002
  • 位置計測用カメラの主点の決定手法(共著)
    第40回計測自動制御学会講演会予稿集  102C-5-  2001
  • 半導体レーザの反射戻り光を用いた近接センサ(共著)
    第44回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集  75  -76  2000
  • 2台のレーザスキャナを用いた移動体の三次元位置姿勢計測(第2報)(共著)
    第39回計測自動制御学会学術講演会予稿集  301A-4  2000
  • 光反射形計測装置のための半導体レーザ出力制御 (共著)
    平成12年電気学会全国大会予稿集  1665  -1666  2000
  • A Proximity Sensor Using Variation Caused by Returned Light from a Reflective Target
    75  -76  2000
  • 3D-motion estimation using 2 laser scanners(2)
    301A-4  2000
  • Power Control of a Diode laser for Instruments Using Light Reflection
    1665  -1666  2000
  • 2台のレーザスキャナを用いた移動体の三次元位置姿勢計測 (共著)
    計測自動制御学会第38回学術講演会予稿集  1-  147  -148  1999
  • 3-D Vision System with 2-TV Cameras Observing Highlight Patterns for Clindrical Targets
    119-C-  (11)  1398  -1404  1999
  • 3D-Motion Estimation using 2 Laser Scanners
    1-  147  -148  1999
  • AOKI Nobuya; TSUMURA Toshihiro; KOMATSU Nobuo; INARI Takahiko  電気学会研究会資料IM-96-44  1996-  (38)  47  -50  1996
  • AOKI Nobuya; TSUMURA Toshihiro; KOMATSU Nobuo; INARI Takahiko  電気学会研究会資料. IM, 計測研究会  1996-  (38)  47  -50  1996
  • コーナーキューブにおける減衰全反射を用いた光強度変調の高速化について(共著)
    電子情報通信学会 信学技報  111  1995
  • On Performance Improvement of Light Intensity Modulation Using Attenuated TotalReflection on Corner Cube
    111  1995
  • 双方向空間光通信のためのコーナキューブにおける減衰全反射を用いた光強度変調(共著)
    システム制御情報学会 第37回自動制御連合講演会前刷集  405  1994
  • レーザを用いたUAVの自動着陸システムについて(共著)
    日本航空宇宙学会等 第32回飛行機シンポジウム講演集  501  1994
  • 津村俊弘  計測自動制御学会等 第7回知能移動ロボットシンポジウム講演論文集  64  1994
  • 複数移動体のための双方向光空間通信(共著)
    ビークルオートメーション技術研究会 第7回アドバンティシンポジウム前刷集  13  1994
  • Light Intensity Modulation Using Attenuated Total Reflection on Corner Cube forTwo-way Optical Communication
    405  1994
  • Automatic Landing System for UAV Using Laser
    501  1994
  • Positioning and Communication System for Plural Vehicles Using Laser and corncribs
    64  1994
  • Two-way Optical Communication for Guidance of Plural Vehicles
    13  1994
  • 津村俊弘  日本ロボット学会 第11回日本ロボット学会学術講演会前刷集  885  -886  1993
  • コーナキューブと圧電素子を用いたレーザ利用による移動体通信(共著)
    システム制御情報学会 第37回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会前刷集  335  1993
  • レーザ光線とコーナキューブを用いた双方向通信システム(共著)
    電子情報通信学会 信学技報  41  1993
  • Laser Communication System for multiple vehicle using laser and corner cubes
    885  1993
  • Data Communication System Using Laser and Corner Cubes (共著)
    IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicle '93 Symposium  366  1993
  • Laser Communication between Vehicles Using Corner Cubes and Piezoelectric Actuators
    335  1993
  • Bi-directional Communication System Using Laser and Corner Cubes
    41  1993
  • A Proposed Automobile Communication and Trafic Control System Using Laser and Corner Cubes (共著)
    Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control 1992  154  1992
  • レーザ光線と再帰反射板を用いた距離・角度計測手法(共著)
    日本航空宇宙学会等 第28回飛行機シンポジウム講演集  488  1990
  • レーザ光線と再帰反射板を用いた距離・角度計測装置(共著)
    日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'90講演論文集  337  1990
  • Distance and angle measuring method using laser beam and retroreflective sheet
    488  1990
  • Distance and angle measuring device using laser beam and retroreflective sheet
    337  1990

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Development of Presentation Robot able to Change the Story depending on Audience Reaction  [Not invited]
    NAKAGAWA Hideo; AOKI Nobuya
    日本機械学会2017年度年次大会  2017/09
  • 3次元画像計測を用いた状況判断技術  [Not invited]
    青木 伸也
    わかやまテクノ・ビジネスフェア技術シーズ発表会  2016/11
  • 非対称マイクロミラーによるウェアラブル・ディスプレイ  [Not invited]
    青木伸也; 佐野遼真; 栗山敏秀
    平成27年電気学会全国大会  2015/03
  • 配色好感度評価システムの開発  [Not invited]
    青木伸也; 山西満也
    日本官能評価学会2014年度大会  2014/11
  • 非対称マイクロミラーによるウェアラブル・ディスプレイ  [Not invited]
    青木伸也; 田中智也; 栗山敏秀
    電気学会センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム  2014/10
  • 個人認証機能をもつウェアラブル・ディスプレイ  [Not invited]
    栗山敏秀; 青木伸也; 本多広人
    電気学会センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム  2014/10
  • 力センサを利用した養殖稚魚用自動ワクチン接種装置  [Not invited]
    村木,青木; 栗山; 土井,那須
    電気学会フィジカルセンサ研究会  2014/05
  • 車載式景観好感度評価システムの開発と評価  [Not invited]
    青木伸也; 丹田宗次郎; 栗山敏秀
    日本官能評価学会2013年度大会  2013/11
  • 養殖魚へのワクチン接種装置  [Not invited]
    村木優介; 青木伸也; 栗山敏秀; 土井誠; 那須敏朗
    第57回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会  2013/05
  • Development of roadside-scene assessment system using onboard camera  [Not invited]
    丹田宗次郎; 青木伸也; 栗山敏秀
    日本官能評価学会2012年度大会  2012/11
  • 非対称マイクロミラーを用いた2次元光スキャナ  [Not invited]
    野口雅史; 青木伸也; 栗山敏秀
    センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム  2012/10
  • 平行光間の角度不変性に基づく反射屈折撮像系のミラー位置姿勢校正  [Not invited]
    中森雄哉; 青木伸也; 佐川立昌; 越後富夫; 八木康史
    情報処理学会研究報告  2006/05
  • 平行光を用いた反射屈折撮像系におけるミラーの位置姿勢校正  [Not invited]
    青木伸也; 槇原靖; 佐川立昌; 向川康博; 越後富夫; 八木康史
    情報処理学会研究報告  2006/01
  • A Processing Method of the Evaluation Parameter of Template Matching in Appearance Inspecton Systems  [Not invited]
    河村 毅; 青木 伸也; 稲荷 隆彦
    第49回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会  2005/05  京都  第49回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会
  • 点検ロボット用視覚システムの露光制御研究  [Not invited]
    稲荷隆彦; 笠井佳尭; 青木伸也
    平成17年電気学会全国大会講演論文集  2005/03
  • Examination of the Accuracy Determined by the Optical Conditions of the Laser DIstance Sensor Using the Triangulaton Principle  [Not invited]
    稲荷 隆彦; 青木 伸也
    自動制御連合講演会実行委員会(今回,日本機械学会が幹事学会)  2004/11  第47回自動制御連合講演会(千葉)  自動制御連合講演会実行委員会(今回,日本機械学会が幹事学会)
    三角測量式レーザ距離センサは,光源の性質と対象表面の反射特性が,センサの精度に大きな影響を与えることがわかっている。本報告は特に対象物の材質と,画像処理上の条件により,計算された画像重心の変動を調べ,0.1 pixel台での変動を実現する条件を検討した結果の報告である。画像濃度を飽和させた効果など,今後の課題を残している。
  • A Method for Presentation of the Results of Template Matching  [Not invited]
    稲荷 隆彦; 河村 毅; 青木 伸也
    電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会  2004/09  平成16年電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会(宇都宮)  電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会
  • Extension of 3D Vision System for Spherical Objects using Highlight Patterns  [Not invited]
    青木 伸也; 稲荷 隆彦
    SICE Annual Conference 2004 in Sapporo  2004/08  札幌  SICE Annual Conference 2004 in Sapporo
  • Acuuracy Determined by the Light Source and Reflection of the Target in the Distance Sensor Using the Optical Triangulaton Principle  [Not invited]
    稲荷 隆彦; 青木 伸也
    2004 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation 実行委員会(アメリカ機械学会,システム制御情報学会(日本)  2004/07  2004 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation (Denver, USA)  2004 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation 実行委員会(アメリカ機械学会,システム制御情報学会(日本)
  • Compensation for Target Surface Reflection of the Proximity Sensor Using LD Power Variation Caused by the Returned Light  [Not invited]
    稲荷 隆彦; 青木 伸也
    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会  2004/05  第48回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会(京都)  システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会


  • Network ArchitectureNetwork Architecture Kindai University
  • Introduction to Computer ScienceIntroduction to Computer Science Kindai University
  • Numerical AnalysisNumerical Analysis Kindai University
  • Image ProcessingImage Processing Kindai University

Affiliated academic society


Research Themes

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2001 -2003 
    Author : INARI Takahiko; AOKI Nobuya
    When we see polished or painted metallic surfaces, or fine printed paper, we feel these are beautiful. The products in industrial production lines have been also evaluated by such human senses. Extraction of certain objective data expressing such human evaluations is called measurement of human senses. Our study in this project belongs to this research area. Optical properties of surface materials, surface roughness, and colors are primary factors deciding the optical features of surfaces. In order to examine the relation between the surface properties and gloss, which relates with the human sense, we develop the optical methods to measure the surface states such as roughness. One of our targets is examination of the relations between optical scattering and the degree of clear vision. We develop two methods as follows, one is the method using laser scattering including diffraction from surfaces, and the other is detection of die image contrast of the projected pattern through the surface Final target is extraction of the factors relating with human senses by fusion of the measured data obtained by the two methods. In the research of the method using laser scattering, we have found the correlation between the integrated values of the intensity distributions of the laser scattering from the surfaces, and the integrated values can be applied to discriminate the kinds of defects on the surfaces. In the research of the pattern projection method, in the range of small roughness, we have examined the problems for using a video camera that should be used to detecting the contrast of the image and proposed the improving methods. The two method have been enough examined Though the relations between the gloss sensitivity and the surface roughness have become clear, the further studies for relations between the gloss, roughness, and human senses for beauty are necessary.
  • 撮像系の校正
  • 画像処理を用いた移動体の位置計測と誘導制御
  • ハイライトパターンを用いた三次元位置計測
  • Vehicle Positioning and Guidance Control using Laser Beam and Image Processing
  • 3D Vision system using highlight patterns

Industrial Property Rights

  • 特許6242175:魚体注射装置    2017/11/17
    栗山敏秀, 青木伸也, 土井誠, 那須敏朗, 村木優介