Kindai University Nara HospitalAssociate Professor

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher comments

List of press-related appearances


■Researcher basic information


  • M.D., Ph.D.(2004/01 Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)


  • We are engaged in clinical and research work in pediatric nutritional, gastrointestinal and liver diseases. In liver diseases, we are particularly interested in progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis, Alagille syndrome, metabolic diseases such as Wilson's disease and Citrin deficiency, and acute hepatitis in children. We are also working on pediatric inflammatory bowel disease, short bowel syndrome, and functional gastrointestinal disorders.

Research Keyword

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease   Alagille syndrome   Wilson disease   cholestasis   biliary atresia   PFIC   肝発生   器官培養   肝線維化   肝細胞   FGF19   トロンボスポンジン   栄養学   メタボリックシンドローム   Hnf4α   FGF21   LSKLペプチド   TGF-β   胆汁うっ滞   アミノ酸トランスポーター   肝発生・分化   FGF23   小児   栄養疾患   小児肝疾患   Gastroenterology and Hepatology in children   Hepatic Fibrosis(Liver Cirrhosis)   

Research Field

  • Life sciences / Fetal medicine/Pediatrics
  • Life sciences / Gastroenterology



  • 2018/04 - Today  Kindai University Nara HospitalDepartment of PediatricsAssociate Professor
  • 2016/04 - 2018/03  Nara Hospital Kindai University Faculty of MedicineDepartment of PediatricsAssistant Professor
  • 2010/01 - 2015/08  Osaka University Graduate School of MedicineDepartment of PediatricsAssistant Professor
  • 2003/04 - 2009/12  Osaka Medical Center for Maternal and Child HealthDepartment of Environmental MedicineAssistant Professor

Educational Background

  •        - 2004  大阪大学大学院大学医学部  医学系研究科  小児科学

■Research activity information


  • 2005 日本小児肝臓研究会 白木賞


  • 小児におけるAST/ALT>500U/Lを示す疾患群の実態調査に関する報告
    近藤 宏樹; 虻川 大樹; 乾 あやの; 伊藤 孝一; 今川 和生; 岩間 達; 惠谷 ゆり; 近藤 園子; 酒井 愛子; 鈴木 光幸; 福岡 智哉; 別所 一彦; 水落 建輝; 村上 潤; 須磨崎 亮; 虫明 聡太郎
    肝臓 (一社)日本肝臓学会 65 (Suppl.1) A418 - A418 0451-4203 2024/04
  • 「原因不明の小児急性肝炎に関する実態調査(二次調査)」報告
    近藤 宏樹; 多屋 馨子; 天羽 清子; 乾 あやの; 笠原 群生; 鈴木 光幸; 田中 孝明; 津川 毅; 別所 一彦; 保科 隆之; 宮入 烈; 虫明 聡太郎; 吉川 哲史; 齋藤 昭彦; 塚原 宏一; 森岡 一朗; 須磨崎 亮; 細矢 光亮; 日本小児科学会予防接種・感染症対策委員会原因不明の小児の急性肝炎対策ワーキンググループ
    日本小児科学会雑誌 (公社)日本小児科学会 128 (4) 668 - 680 0001-6543 2024/04
  • Hiroki Kondou; Satoshi Nakano; Tadahaya Mizuno; Kazuhiko Bessho; Yasuhiro Hasegawa; Atsuko Nakazawa; Ken Tanikawa; Yoshihiro Azuma; Tatsuya Okamoto; Ayano Inui; Kazuo Imagawa; Mureo Kasahara; Yoh Zen; Mitsuyoshi Suzuki; Hisamitsu Hayashi
    Orphanet journal of rare diseases 19 (1) 57 - 57 2024/02 
    BACKGROUND: Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 2 (PFIC2) is an ultra-rare disease caused by mutations in the ABCB11 gene. This study aimed to understand the course of PFIC2 during the native liver period. METHODS: From November 2014 to October 2015, a survey to identify PFIC2 patients was conducted in 207 hospitals registered with the Japanese Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition. Investigators retrospectively collected clinical data at each facility in November 2018 using pre-specified forms. RESULTS: Based on the biallelic pathogenic variants in ABCB11 and/or no hepatic immunohistochemical detection of BSEP, 14 Japanese PFIC2 patients were enrolled at seven facilities. The median follow-up was 63.2 [47.7-123.3] months. The median age of disease onset was 2.5 [1-4] months. Twelve patients underwent living donor liver transplantation (LDLT), with a median age at LDLT of 9 [4-57] months. Two other patients received sodium 4-phenylbutyrate (NaPB) therapy and survived over 60 months with the native liver. No patients received biliary diversion. The cases that resulted in LDLT had gradually deteriorated growth retardation, biochemical tests, and liver histology since the initial visit. In the other two patients, jaundice, growth retardation, and most of the biochemical tests improved after NaPB therapy was started, but pruritus and liver fibrosis did not. CONCLUSIONS: Japanese PFIC2 patients had gradually worsening clinical findings since the initial visit, resulting in LDLT during infancy. NaPB therapy improved jaundice and growth retardation but was insufficient to treat pruritus and liver fibrosis.
  • COVID-19パンデミック期の小児の急性肝炎 原因不明の小児急性肝炎対策ワーキンググループのこれまでの活動と調査結果に関する報告
    近藤 宏樹; 多屋 馨子; 天羽 清子; 乾 あやの; 笠原 群生; 齋藤 昭彦; 鈴木 光幸; 田中 孝明; 塚原 宏一; 津川 毅; 別所 一彦; 保科 隆之; 宮入 烈; 森岡 一朗; 吉川 哲史; 虫明 聡太郎; 須磨崎 亮; 細矢 光亮
    日本小児科学会雑誌 (公社)日本小児科学会 128 (2) 165 - 165 0001-6543 2024/02
  • 近藤 宏樹; 中野 聡; 水野 忠快; 別所 一彦; 長谷川 泰浩; 中澤 温子; 谷川 健; 東 良紘; 岡本 竜弥; 乾 あやの; 今川 和生; 笠原 群生; 全 陽; 鈴木 光幸; 林 久允
    日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌 (一社)日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会 37 (2) 92 - 92 1346-9037 2023/12
  • 非肥満若年男性の肝障害(脂肪肝),脂質異常症が診断の契機となった成人発症II型シトルリン血症の一例
    山川 麻郁子; 田中 斉祐; 森 康二郎; 若狹 朋子; 虫明 聡太郎; 近藤 宏樹
    肝臓 (一社)日本肝臓学会 64 (Suppl.3) A948 - A948 0451-4203 2023/10
  • 小児の急性肝炎・肝不全~成因解明をめざして! 原因不明の小児急性肝炎に関する実態調査(一次調査)に関する報告
    近藤 宏樹; 多屋 馨子; 乾 あやの; 鈴木 光幸; 別所 一彦; 虫明 聡太郎; 笠原 群生; 須磨崎 亮; 細矢 光亮; 日本小児科学会予防接種・感染症対策委員会・原因不明の小児急性肝炎対策ワーキンググループ
    日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌 (一社)日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会 37 (Suppl.) 45 - 45 1346-9037 2023/10
  • 原因不明の小児急性肝炎に関する実態調査(一次調査)報告書
    近藤 宏樹; 多屋 馨子; 天羽 清子; 乾 あやの; 笠原 群生; 鈴木 光幸; 田中 孝明; 津川 毅; 別所 一彦; 保科 隆之; 宮入 烈; 虫明 聡太郎; 吉川 哲史; 齋藤 昭彦; 塚原 宏一; 森岡 一朗; 須磨崎 亮; 細矢 光亮; 日本小児科学会予防接種・感染症対策委員会原因不明の小児の急性肝炎対策ワーキンググループ
    日本小児科学会雑誌 (公社)日本小児科学会 127 (7) 1033 - 1038 0001-6543 2023/07 
  • 原因不明の小児急性肝炎に関する実態調査(一次調査)報告書
    近藤 宏樹; 多屋 馨子; 天羽 清子; 乾 あやの; 笠原 群生; 鈴木 光幸; 田中 孝明; 津川 毅; 別所 一彦; 保科 隆之; 宮入 烈; 虫明 聡太郎; 吉川 哲史; 齋藤 昭彦; 塚原 宏一; 森岡 一朗; 須磨崎 亮; 細矢 光亮; 日本小児科学会予防接種・感染症対策委員会原因不明の小児の急性肝炎対策ワーキンググループ
    日本小児科学会雑誌 (公社)日本小児科学会 127 (7) 1033 - 1038 0001-6543 2023/07
  • Shin-Ichiro Hagiwara; Naoki Abe; Kenji Hosoi; Tomoko Hara; Takashi Ishige; Hirotaka Shimizu; Tatsuki Mizuochi; Toshihiko Kakiuchi; Reiko Kunisaki; Ryo Matsuoka; Hiroki Kondou; Fumihiko Kakuta; Yoshiko Nakayama; Takeshi Kimura; Takatoshi Maeyama; Hitoshi Honma; Daishi Hirano; Masayuki Saruta; Tsutomu Yoshida; Isao Okayasu; Yuri Etani
    Scientific reports 13 (1) 9898 - 9898 2023/06 
    Prostaglandin E-major urinary metabolite (PGE-MUM) is a urinary biomarker reflecting ulcerative colitis (UC) activity. This prospective observational study aimed to evaluate the usefulness of PGE-MUM via rapid chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay in detecting endoscopic remission (ER) and histologic remission (HR) in pediatric UC (6-16 years) in comparison with fecal calprotectin (FCP). ER and HR were defined as Mayo endoscopic score (MES) of 0 and Matts' histological grades (Matts) of 1 or 2, respectively. A total of 104 UC and 39 functional gastrointestinal disorder (FGID) were analyzed. PGE-MUM levels were significantly higher in the UC group than in the FGID group (P < 0.001). FCP levels were significantly elevated in the group without ER and HR than in the group with ER and HR (P < 0.001 and P = 0.001), whereas PGE-MUM levels were significantly higher in the group without ER compared to the group with ER (P < 0.001). No significant differences were noted in the AUCs for PGE-MUM and FCP in detecting ER and HR. Although PGE-MUM was inferior to FCP for the detection of HR, it might have the potential for application as a biomarker of endoscopic activity in pediatric UC owing to its noninvasive and rapid method.
  • 久家 沙希那; 塩谷 拓嗣; 森本 優一; 宮崎 紘平; 宮沢 朋生; 近藤 宏樹; 坂田 尚己; 岡田 満; 杉本 圭相
    日本小児腎臓病学会雑誌 (一社)日本小児腎臓病学会 35 (1) 27 - 34 0915-2245 2022/04 
    非典型溶血性尿毒症症候群(atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome:aHUS)は補体制御因子の異常による血栓性微小血管症で,生命予後に影響する腎外病変に対する関心が集まっている.症例は3歳女児.血尿,蛋白尿,浮腫を主訴に当院へ紹介され,精査によりaHUSと診断された.臨床経過中に消化管出血,難治性高血圧,肺水腫,そして可逆性の脳萎縮といった多彩な腎外病変を呈し,特に重篤な消化管出血と難治性高血圧の管理に難渋した.病初期におけるaHUSに対する血漿交換療法とエクリズマブの併用療法に加えて,難治性高血圧に対してレニン・アンジオテンシン系阻害薬,そして虚血性腸炎の体液管理に酢酸オクトレオチドがそれぞれ奏功した.多臓器にわたる腎外病変を有するaHUSは重症例が多く,適切な治療を行わなければ致死的な経過をたどる可能性があるため,集学的治療による全身管理が生命予後の改善に重要である.(著者抄録)
  • Hiroki Kondou
    Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society 64 (1) e15380  2022/01
  • Sakina Kuge; Takuji Enya; Yuichi Morimoto; Kohei Miyazaki; Tomoki Miyazawa; Hiroki Kondou; Naoki Sakata; Mitsuru Okada; Keisuke Sugimoto
    Japanese journal of pediatric nephrology Japanese Society for Pediatric Nephrology 35 (1) 27 - 34 0915-2245 2022
  • Hiroki Kondou
    Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society 64 (1) e15053  2022/01
  • 児玉 匡; 上野 豪久; 正畠 和典; 出口 幸一; 野村 元成; 阪 龍太; 田附 裕子; 近藤 宏樹; 別所 一彦; 奥山 宏臣
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 (一社)日本小児外科学会 57 (6) 965 - 970 0288-609X 2021/10 
    進行性家族性肝内胆汁うっ滞症(PFIC)は、乳児期より持続する進行性の胆汁うっ滞により肝不全に至るまれな疾患である。今回われわれは、本邦初報告となるPFIC 4型を含めた2例に対して生体肝移植を行った。【症例1】11歳男児、PFIC 1型。感染性腸炎を契機に急激な増悪を認め肝不全となり生体肝移植を施行した。完全外胆汁瘻を併施したが、移植肝から胆汁排泄が得られず術後6ヵ月で肝不全により死亡した。【症例2】4歳女児、PFIC 4型。肝生検における免疫染色で胆管上皮細胞のBSEP発現は確認できず。PFIC 2型の責任遺伝子は正常であったが臨床的にPFIC 2型としていた。経過中に肝硬変から肝不全に至り生体肝移植を施行。経過は良好で現在術後6年無病生存中である。移植後に改めて行われた遺伝子診断にて、TJP2遺伝子に変異を認めたため、PFIC 4型と診断された。PFICは遺伝子診断による病型判断が肝移植を始めとする治療を行ううえで重要である。(著者抄録)
  • 児玉 匡; 上野 豪久; 正畠 和典; 出口 幸一; 野村 元成; 阪 龍太; 田附 裕子; 近藤 宏樹; 別所 一彦; 奥山 宏臣
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 (一社)日本小児外科学会 57 (6) 965 - 970 0288-609X 2021/10 
    進行性家族性肝内胆汁うっ滞症(PFIC)は、乳児期より持続する進行性の胆汁うっ滞により肝不全に至るまれな疾患である。今回われわれは、本邦初報告となるPFIC 4型を含めた2例に対して生体肝移植を行った。【症例1】11歳男児、PFIC 1型。感染性腸炎を契機に急激な増悪を認め肝不全となり生体肝移植を施行した。完全外胆汁瘻を併施したが、移植肝から胆汁排泄が得られず術後6ヵ月で肝不全により死亡した。【症例2】4歳女児、PFIC 4型。肝生検における免疫染色で胆管上皮細胞のBSEP発現は確認できず。PFIC 2型の責任遺伝子は正常であったが臨床的にPFIC 2型としていた。経過中に肝硬変から肝不全に至り生体肝移植を施行。経過は良好で現在術後6年無病生存中である。移植後に改めて行われた遺伝子診断にて、TJP2遺伝子に変異を認めたため、PFIC 4型と診断された。PFICは遺伝子診断による病型判断が肝移植を始めとする治療を行ううえで重要である。(著者抄録)
  • Hiroki Kondou
    Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society 63 (9) 1007 - 1008 2021/09
  • Yuki Nishino; Hiroki Kondou; Yuhei Yamashita; Miho Ichiki; Tomohiro Inoue; Sotaro Mushiake
    Acta Hepatologica Japonica Japan Society of Hepatology 62 (8) 479 - 486 1881-3593 2021 
    An 8-year-old boy was admitted to our hospital because of anorexia, jaundice, and liver dysfunction. Based on liver biopsy, the patient was initially diagnosed with noninfectious acute hepatitis. Treatment with predniso-lone (PSL) improved hepatobiliary enzyme levels. The patient was readmitted due to liver dysfunction, which recurred following PSL dose tapering. Although the re-administration of PSL was partly effective, cyclosporine and azathioprine had to be added because the liver function data did not improve sufficiently. Finally, liver biopsy revealed noncaseous epithelioid granulomas in the portal tracts. On the histopathological findings, serum angiotensin-converting enzyme and soluble interleukin-2 receptor levels were elevated thus, the patient was diagnosed with hepatic sarcoidosis. Combined steroid pulse therapy and azathioprine markedly improved liver function data and histological findings. Case reports of hepatic sarcoidosis in children are rare, but this disease should not be overlooked as a possible cause of acute liver dysfunction based on immunological abnormalities.
  • Hiroki Kondou
    Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society 63 (1) 5 - 6 2021/01
  • Yoh Zen; Hiroki Kondou; Atsuko Nakazawa; Ken Tanikawa; Yasuhiro Hasegawa; Kazuhiko Bessho; Kazuo Imagawa; Takashi Ishige; Ayano Inui; Mitsuyoshi Suzuki; Mureo Kasahara; Kouji Yamamoto; Takako Yoshioka; Masayoshi Kage; Hisamitsu Hayashi
    Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology 50 (6) 754 - 762 2020/02 [Refereed]
    AIM: Bile salt export pump (BSEP) deficiency manifests a form of progressive intrahepatic cholestasis. This study aimed to establish a scoring system of liver histology for the uncommon genetic condition. METHODS: After a roundtable discussion and a histology review, a scoring system for BSEP deficiency was established. Eleven tissue samples were independently evaluated by three pathologists based on the proposed standard for an interobserver agreement analysis. In four cases with serial tissue samples available, correlation between changes in histology scores and clinical outcome was examined. RESULTS: Of 14 initially listed histopathological findings, 12 were selected for scoring and grouped into the following four categories: cholestasis, parenchymal changes, portal tract changes, and fibrosis. Each category consisted of two to four microscopic findings that were further divided into three to six scores; therefore, each category had a maximum score of 8 to 11. Interobserver agreement was highest for pericellular fibrosis (κ value: 0.849) and lowest for hepatocellular cholestasis (κ value: 0.241) with the mean and median κ values of the 12 parameters being 0.561 and 0.602, respectively. For two patients whose clinical features worsened, score changes between two time points were interpreted as deteriorated. In two patients, who showed a good clinical response to preprandial treatment with sodium 4-phenylbutyrate, histological changes were evaluated as improved or unchanged. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed histology-based scoring system for BSEP deficiency with moderate interobserver agreement may be useful not only for monitoring microscopic changes in the clinical practice but also for a surrogate endpoint in clinical trials.
  • Satoshi Nakano; Shuhei Osaka; Yusuke Sabu; Kei Minowa; Saeko Hirai; Hiroki Kondou; Takeshi Kimura; Yoshihiro Azuma; Satoshi Watanabe; Ayano Inui; Kazuhiko Bessho; Hidefumi Nakamura; Hironori Kusano; Atsuko Nakazawa; Ken Tanikawa; Masayoshi Kage; Toshiaki Shimizu; Hiroyuki Kusuhara; Yoh Zen; Mitsuyoshi Suzuki; Hisamitsu Hayashi
    Scientific reports 9 (1) 17075 - 17075 2019/11 [Refereed]
    Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (PFIC), a rare inherited disorder, progresses to liver failure in childhood. We have shown that sodium 4-phenylbutyrate (NaPB), a drug approved for urea cycle disorders (UCDs), has beneficial effects in PFIC. However, there is little evidence to determine an optimal regimen for NaPB therapy. Herein, a multicenter, open-label, single-dose study was performed to investigate the influence of meal timing on the pharmacokinetics of NaPB. NaPB (150 mg/kg) was administered orally 30 min before, just before, and just after breakfast following overnight fasting. Seven pediatric PFIC patients were enrolled and six completed the study. Compared with postprandial administration, an approved regimen for UCDs, preprandial administration significantly increased the peak plasma concentration and area under the plasma concentration-time curve of 4-phenylbutyrate by 2.5-fold (95% confidential interval (CI), 2.0-3.0;P = 0.003) and 2.4-fold (95% CI, 1.7-3.2;P = 0.005). The observational study over 3 years in two PFIC patients showed that preprandial, but not prandial or postprandial, oral treatment with 500 mg/kg/day NaPB improved liver function tests and clinical symptoms and suppressed the fibrosis progression. No adverse events were observed. Preprandial oral administration of NaPB was needed to maximize its potency in PFIC patients.
  • 浦山 建治; 近藤 宏樹; 藤原 進太郎; 北田 邦美; 神野 和彦; 虫明 聡太郎; 荒木 徹
    日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌 (一社)日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会 33 (Suppl.) 62 - 62 1346-9037 2019/10
  • 岡田 満; 和田 紀久; 坂田 尚己; 稲村 昇; 鈴木 彩子; 八木 誠; 佐々木 隆士; 近藤 宏樹
    医学教育 (一社)日本医学教育学会 50 (Suppl.) 117 - 117 0386-9644 2019/07 [Refereed]
  • 北田 邦美; 近藤 宏樹; 黒田 征加; 藤田 勲生; 藤原 進太郎; 小寺 亜矢; 藤原 倫昌; 虫明 聡太郎; 荒木 徹
    日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌 (一社)日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会 33 (1) 40 - 40 1346-9037 2019/04
  • Hasegawa Y; Kawai M; Bessho K; Yasuda K; Ueno T; Satomura Y; Konishi A; Kimura T; Ikeda K; Tachibana M; Miyoshi Y; Michigami T; Kondou H; Ozono K
    Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology 49 (3) 314 - 323 1386-6346 2018/08 [Refereed]
    AIM: Bile acid biosynthesis is strictly regulated under physiological conditions. The expression of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 19 is induced when bile acids bind to the farnesoid X receptor in the intestinal epithelium. Fibroblast growth factor 19 is then transported by the portal flow, causing transcriptional inhibition of cytochrome P450, family 7, subfamily A, polypeptide 1 (CYP7A1), a key enzyme in bile acid biosynthesis, through the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway. However, the regulatory mechanisms of these signaling pathways in hepatocytes under chronic cholestasis remain unclear. We investigated the regulation of these signaling pathways in patients with biliary atresia (BA). METHODS: We analyzed the regulation of molecules in these signaling pathways using liver and serum samples from eight BA children and four non-cholestatic disease controls. RESULTS: CYP7A1 mRNA expression was not inhibited in BA microdissected hepatocyte-enriched tissue (HET) despite high serum bile acid concentrations. The FGF19 protein was synthesized in BA HET, and its serum concentration was elevated. Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 was phosphorylated in BA livers. However, ERK phosphorylation was significantly reduced. We examined SPRY2 expression to determine how the ERK pathway was inactivated downstream of the FGF receptor; the expression was significantly increased in BA HET. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to measure the CYP7A1 mRNA levels in human BA HET. Fibroblast growth factor 19 was increased in BA hepatocytes. By focusing on its regulation in hepatocytes, we showed that the FGF19 pathway did not suppress bile acid synthesis, probably due to an altered mechanism involving upregulated SPRY2 in BA patients.
  • Hirayama S; Nagasaka H; Honda A; Komatsu H; Kodama T; Inui A; Morioka I; Kaji S; Ueno T; Ihara K; Yagi M; Kizaki Z; Bessho K; Kondou H; Yorifuji T; Tsukahara H; Iijima K; Miida T
    The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 103 (7) 2488 - 2497 0021-972X 2018/07 [Refereed]
    Context: Citrin-deficient infants present neonatal intrahepatic cholestasis caused by citrin deficiency (NICCD), which resolves at 12 months. Thereafter, they have normal liver function associated with hypercholesterolemia, and a preference for lipid-rich carbohydrate-restricted diets. However, some develop adult-onset type II citrullinemia, which is associated with metabolic abnormalities. Objectives: To identify the causes of hypercholesterolemia in citrin-deficient children post-NICCD. Design and Setting: We determined the concentrations of sterol markers of cholesterol synthesis, absorption, and catabolism by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry and evaluated serum lipoprotein profiles. Subjects: Twenty citrin-deficient children aged 5 to 13 years and 37 age-matched healthy children. Intervention: None. Main Outcome Measures: Relationship between serum lipoproteins and sterol markers of cholesterol metabolism. Results: The citrin-deficient group had a significantly higher high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) concentration than did the control group (78 ± 11 mg/dL vs 62 ± 14 mg/dL, P < 0.001), whereas the two groups had similar low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations. The concentrations of markers of cholesterol synthesis (lathosterol and 7-dehydrocholesterol) and bile acids synthesis (7α-hydroxycholesterol and 27-hydroxycholesterol) were 1.5- to 2.8-fold and 1.5- to 3.9-fold, respectively, higher in the citrin-deficient group than in the control group. The concentration of 24S-hydroxycholesterol, a marker of cholesterol catabolism in the brain, was 2.5-fold higher in the citrin-deficient group. In both groups, the HDL-C concentration was significantly positively correlated with that of 27-hydroxycholesterol, the first product of the alternative bile acid synthesis pathway. Conclusions: HDL-C and sterol marker concentrations are elevated in citrin-deficient children post-NICCD. Moreover, cholesterol synthesis and elimination are markedly enhanced in the liver and brain of citrin-deficient children.
  • Miyazaki T; Nagasaka H; Komatsu H; Inui A; Morioka I; Tsukahara H; Kaji S; Hirayama S; Miida T; Kondou H; Ihara K; Yagi M; Kizaki Z; Bessho K; Kodama T; Iijima K; Yorifuji T; Matsuzaki Y; Honda A
    JIMD reports 43 53 - 61 2192-8304 2018/04 [Refereed]
    BACKGROUND: Citrin (mitochondrial aspartate-glutamate transporter) deficiency causes the failures in both carbohydrate-energy metabolism and the urea cycle, and the alterations in the serum levels of several amino acids in the stages of newborn (NICCD) and adult (CTLN2). However, the clinical manifestations are resolved between the NICCD and CTLN2, but the reasons are still unclear. This study evaluated the serum amino acid profile in citrin-deficient children during the healthy stage. METHODS: Using HPLC-MS/MS analysis, serum amino acids were evaluated among 20 citrin-deficient children aged 5-13 years exhibiting normal liver function and 35 age-matched healthy controls. RESULTS: The alterations in serum amino acids characterized in the NICCD and CTLN2 stages were not observed in the citrin-deficient children. Amino acids involved in the urea cycle, including arginine, ornithine, citrulline, and aspartate, were comparable in the citrin-deficient children to the respective control levels, but serum urea was twofold higher, suggestive of a functional urea cycle. The blood sugar level was normal, but glucogenic amino acids and glutamine were significantly decreased in the citrin-deficient children compared to those in the controls. In addition, significant increases of ketogenic amino acids, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), a valine intermediate 3-hydroxyisobutyrate, and β-alanine were also found in the citrin-deficient children. CONCLUSION: The profile of serum amino acids in the citrin-deficient children during the healthy stage showed different characteristics from the NICCD and CTLN2 stages, suggesting that the failures in both urea cycle function and energy metabolism might be compensated by amino acid metabolism. SYNOPSIS: In the citrin-deficient children during the healthy stage, the characteristics of serum amino acids, including decrease of glucogenic amino acids, and increase of ketogenic amino acids, BCAAs, valine intermediate, and β-alanine, were found by comparison to the age-matched healthy control children, and it suggested that the characteristic alteration of serum amino acids may be resulted from compensation for energy metabolism and ammonia detoxification.
  • Hisamitsu Hayashi; Sotaro Naoi; Takao Togawa; Yu Hirose; Hiroki Kondou; Yasuhiro Hasegawa; Daiki Abukawa; Mika Sasaki; Koji Muroya; Satoshi Watanabe; Satoshi Nakano; Kei Minowa; Ayano Inui; Akinari Fukuda; Mureo Kasahara; Hironori Nagasaka; Kazuhiko Bessho; Mitsuyoshi Suzuki; Hiroyuki Kusuhara
    EBioMedicine 27 187 - 199 2018/01 [Refereed]
    Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 1 (PFIC1), a rare inherited recessive disease resulting from a genetic deficiency in ATP8B1, progresses to liver failure. Because of the difficulty of discriminating PFIC1 from other subtypes of PFIC based on its clinical and histological features and genome sequencing, an alternative method for diagnosing PFIC1 is desirable. Herein, we analyzed human peripheral blood monocyte-derived macrophages (HMDM) and found predominant expression of ATP8B1 in interleukin-10 (IL-10)-induced M2c, a subset of alternatively activated macrophages. SiRNA-mediated depletion of ATP8B1 in IL-10-treated HMDM markedly suppressed the expression of M2c-related surface markers and increased the side scatter (SSC) of M2c, likely via impairment of the IL-10/STAT3 signal transduction pathway. These phenotypic features were confirmed in IL-10-treated HMDM from four PFIC1 patients with disease-causing mutations in both alleles, but not in those from four patients with other subtypes of PFIC. This method identified three PFIC1 patients in a group of PFIC patients undiagnosed by genome sequencing, an identical diagnostic outcome to that achieved by analysis of liver specimens and in vitro mutagenesis studies. In conclusion, ATP8B1 deficiency caused incomplete polarization of HMDM into M2c. Phenotypic analysis of M2c helps to identify PFIC1 patients with no apparent disease-causing mutations in ATP8B1.
  • Satoshi Hirayama; Hironori Nagasaka; Saori Nakagawa; Mayuko Takuwa; Mariko Nakacho; Tohru Yorifuji; Hiroki Kondou; Hirokazu Tsukahara; Ichiro Morioka; Akihito Ishida; Susumu Yamato; Takashi Miida
    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL LIPIDOLOGY ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 11 (4) 1032 - 1042 1933-2874 2017/08 [Refereed]
    BACKGROUND: Growth hormone (GH) replacement therapy improves hypercholesterolemia in patients with GH deficiency, suggesting that GH modulates cholesterol metabolism. OBJECTIVES: We examined GH effects on lipid profiles and cholesterol-related markers reflecting hepatic and cerebral cholesterol metabolism in small-for-gestational age (SGA) children without catchup growth. METHODS: This study examined SGA children without catch-up growth (n = 22) and healthy children (controls, n = 11). Based on parents' choice, 11 SGA children received GH at 0.23 to 0.25mg/kg/d for 6 months, and at 0.34 to 0.36 mg/kg/d for the subsequent 6 months (GH (+) group). The other SGA children received no GH (GH (-) group, n = 11). We ascertained baseline and posttreatment lipid profiles and cholesterol-related markers reflecting hepatic and cerebral cholesterol metabolism. RESULTS: Baseline lipid profiles of SGA children and controls were similar. Serum 24S-hydroxycholesterol (marker for cerebral cholesterol metabolism) concentration was 19% lower in SGA children than in controls (P < .05). Compared with baseline, the GH (+) group low-density lipoprotein -cholesterol concentration had decreased by 6.6% during 6 months and 8.8% during 12 months (P <.01), whereas the high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol concentration had increased by 1.7% (P =.07) and 3.3% (P < .01). Serum 7a-hydroxycholesterol (marker for hepatic cholesterol elimination) concentration had increased by 34% at 6 months and 35% at 12 months (P < .01). In addition, 24S-hydroxycholesterol increased by 25% and 26% (P < .001). No marker for cholesterol synthesis or absorption changed. The GH (-) group lipid profiles and oxysterols remained unchanged during the observation period. CONCLUSION: GH activates hepatic and cerebral cholesterol metabolism in SGA children without catch-up growth. (C) 2017 National Lipid Association. All rights reserved.
  • Hironori Nagasaka; Haruki Komatsu; Ayano Inui; Mariko Nakacho; Ichiro Morioka; Hirokazu Tsukahara; Shunsaku Kaji; Satoshi Hirayama; Takashi Miida; Hiroki Kondou; Kenji Ihara; Mariko Yagii; Zenro Kizaki; Kazuhiko Bessho; Takahiro Kodama; Kazumoto Iijima; Takeyori Saheki; Tohru Yorifuji; Akira Honda
    Citrin deficiency causes adult-onset type II citrullinemia (CTLN-2), which later manifests as severe liver steatosis and life-threatening encephalopathy. Long-standing energy deficit of the liver and brain may predispose ones to CTLN-2. Here, we compared the energy-driving tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and fatty acid beta-oxidation cycle between 22 citrin-deficient children (age, 3-13 years) with normal liver functions and 37 healthy controls (age, 5-13 years). TCA cycle analysis showed that basal plasma citrate and alpha-ketoglutarate levels were significantly higher in the affected than the control group (p < 0.01). Conversely, basal plasma fumarate and malate levels were significantly lower than those for the control (p < 0.001). The plasma level of 3-OH-butyrate derived from fatty acid (3-oxidation was significantly higher in the affected group (p < 0.01). Ten patients underwent sodium pyruvate therapy. However, this therapy did not correct or attenuate such deviations in both cycles. Sodium pyruvate therapy significantly increased fasting insulin secretion (p < 0.01); the fasting sugar level remained unchanged. Our results suggest that citrin-deficient children show considerable deviations of TCA cycle metabolite profiles that are resistant to sodium pyruvate treatment. Thus, long-standing and considerable TCA cycle dysfunction might be a pivotal metabolic background of CTLN-2 development. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • K Masahata; S Uehara; S Ibuka; K Nakahata; Y Hasegawa; H Kondou; R Kubitz; T Ueno
    Transplantation proceedings 48 (9) 3156 - 3162 2016/11 
    BACKGROUND: Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis 2 (PFIC2) is the result of mutations in the ABCB11, which encodes for bile salt export pump (BSEP). An absence of BSEP in the canalicular membrane causes cholestasis and leads to the development of end-stage liver disease in the first decade of life. Liver transplantation (LT) has been considered curative for BSEP disease. However, patients with PFIC2 having undergone LT have recently been reported to develop recurrence of cholestasis together with the clinical and histological features of primary BSEP disease. CASE REPORT: We herein present a rare case of a patient with PFIC2 who developed post-transplantation recurrence of progressive intrahepatic cholestasis due to antibodies against BSEP after living-donor LT, which mimicked primary BSEP disease. The patient had mutations in the ABCB11 gene, resulting in the complete absence of BSEP in the native liver, explaining the lack of tolerance. Immunofluorescence staining of normal human liver sections with the patient's serum and using an anti-human immunoglobulin G antibody to detect serum antibodies showed reactivity to the BSEP epitope in the canalicular membrane. We suggest that the patients having undergone LT had been associated with a risk of autoantibody formation against the BSEP protein. The absence of primary tolerance for the BSEP epitopes may explain the formation of the anti-BSEP antibodies after LDLT.
  • 福田 ひとみ; 長谷川 泰浩; 近藤 宏樹; 萩原 邦子; 上野 豪久; 虫明 聡太郎; 奥山 宏臣; 別所 一彦
    移植 (一社)日本移植学会 50 (総会臨時) 218 - 218 0578-7947 2015/09
  • Hironori Nagasaka; Satoshi Hirayama; Mayuko Takuvva; Mariko Nakacho; Tohru Yorifuji; Hiroki Kondou; Takashi Miida
    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM ENDOCRINE SOC 100 (9) 3494 - 3501 0021-972X 2015/09 [Refereed]
    Context: GH activates the expression of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors, leading to decreased LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C). Apolipoprotein (apo) E4 carriers suppress LDL receptor expression, rendering high LDL-C concentrations. Objectives: We examined whether GH-deficient children carrying apoE4 exhibited a greater reduction in LDL-C after GH replacement therapy. Design and Setting: We determined lipoprotein profiles after 0, 4, and 12 months of GH treatment in children with an idiopathic GH deficiency. We compared the effects of GH treatment on LDL-C by apoE phenotype. Subjects: In total, 66 children with idiopathic GH deficiency and 89 healthy children were classified into subgroups according to apoE phenotype. Intervention: The intervention included GH replacement therapy for 12 months. Main Outcome Measures: The relationship between apoE phenotype and reduced LDL-C induced by OH treatment was measured. Results: Concentrations of LDL-C and apoB were highest in the apoE4/3 group (n = 13), second highest in the apoE3/3 group (n = 46), and lowest in the apoE3/2 group (n = 7), whereas apoE concentrations were highest in the apoE3/2 group and lowest in the apoE4/3 group. The apoE4/3 group had significantly reduced LDL-C and apoB concentrations at months 4 and 12, whereas the apoE3/3 and apoE3/2 groups showed no changes. LDL-C concentrations did not differ among the three groups after 12 months. The trend in apoE concentration did not change among the groups. Conclusions: Children with a OH deficiency carrying apoE4 had higher baseline LDL-C concentrations and experienced a greater reduction in LDL-C after GH replacement therapy than those without apoE4.
  • 富丸 慶人; 丸橋 繁; 和田 浩志; 濱 直樹; 小林 省吾; 友國 晃; 川本 弘一; 江口 英利; 藪中 重美; 萩原 邦子; 梅下 浩司; 上野 豪久; 近藤 宏樹; 土岐 祐一郎; 森 正樹; 藤野 裕士; 中川 雄公; 嶋津 岳士; 竹原 徹郎; 永野 浩昭
    移植 (一社)日本移植学会 50 (2-3) 288 - 288 0578-7947 2015/08
  • 友國 晃; 丸橋 繁; 和田 浩志; 濱 直樹; 富丸 慶人; 小林 省吾; 江口 英利; 薮中 重美; 萩原 邦子; 梅下 浩司; 上野 豪久; 近藤 宏樹; 平松 直樹; 土岐 祐一郎; 森 正樹; 竹原 徹郎; 永野 浩昭
    移植 (一社)日本移植学会 50 (2-3) 296 - 296 0578-7947 2015/08
  • Yuki Miyahara; Kazuhiko Bessho; Hiroki Kondou; Yasuhiro Hasegawa; Kie Yasuda; Shinobu Ida; Yoshiyuki Ihara; Koichi Mizuta; Yoko Miyoshi; Keiichi Ozono
    CLINICA CHIMICA ACTA ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 440 49 - 54 0009-8981 2015/02 [Refereed]
    Aim: To characterize cholesterol regulation in the liver of patients with Alagille syndrome (AGS). Methods: Serum total cholesterol (TC) and total bile acid (TBA) levels were measured in 23 AGS patients. The expressions of genes involved in cholesterol regulation, including low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR), scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-B1), 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGCR), cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase (CYP7A1), ATP-binding cassette transporter (ABC) A1. and ABCG1/5/8, were measured in liver tissues from five of these patients. Expression of regulators for these genes, including farnesoid X receptor/small heterodimer partner (SHP), liver X receptor a (LXR alpha) and mature Sterol regulatory element-binding protein 2 (SREBP2) was measured. The expression of mature SREBP2 protein was also examined. Results: Serum TC and TBA levels were correlated in the AGS patients. Liver cholesterol was also increased compared with controls, and correlated with bile acid contents. LDLR, SR-B1, HMGCR, and ABCGs mRNA expression were upregulated, while CYP7A1 mRNA expression was downregulated in AGS livers. SHP and LXRa mRNA expression was also increased, but maturation of SREBP2 was not suppressed in the patients. Conclusions: The major upregulators of liver cholesterol might be increased in AGS patients, indicating an impaired negative feedback mechanism and accelerated liver cholesterol accumulation. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • 劇症肝炎に対する肝移植 急性肝不全に対する当院における取り組みと今後の課題
    富丸 慶人; 丸橋 繁; 和田 浩志; 江口 英利; 近藤 宏樹; 上野 豪久; 土岐 祐一郎; 森 正樹; 竹原 徹郎; 嶋津 岳士; 永野 浩昭
    日本移植学会総会プログラム抄録集 (一社)日本移植学会 50回 276 - 276 2014/08
  • 上野 豪久; 山道 拓; 梅田 聡; 大割 貢; 中畠 賢吾; 銭谷 昌弘; 井深 秦司; 正畠 和典; 奈良 啓悟; 上原 秀一郎; 大植 孝治; 近藤 宏樹; 臼井 規朗
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 (一社)日本小児外科学会 50 (5) 960 - 960 0288-609X 2014/08
  • 肝移植後に肺高血圧が顕在化し、急速に増悪した1症例
    三原 聖子; 小垣 滋豊; 鳥越 史子; 髭野 亮太; 石井 良; 高橋 邦彦; 岡田 陽子; 長谷川 泰浩; 別所 一彦; 近藤 宏樹; 大薗 恵一; 上野 豪久; 臼井 規朗
    日本移植学会総会プログラム抄録集 (一社)日本移植学会 50回 402 - 402 2014/08
  • 小児生体肝移植後のタクロリムス関連脳症
    上野 豪久; 山道 拓; 梅田 聡; 中畠 賢吾; 銭谷 昌弘; 井深 奏司; 奈良 啓悟; 大割 貢; 上原 秀一郎; 大植 孝弘; 別所 一彦; 近藤 宏樹; 臼井 規朗
    日本移植学会総会プログラム抄録集 (一社)日本移植学会 50回 403 - 403 2014/08
  • 移植後リンパ増殖性疾患(PTLD)の臨床経過と予後についての検討
    宮村 能子; 橋井 佳子; 福島 教偉; 小垣 滋豊; 南 正人; 上野 豪久; 近藤 宏樹; 吉田 寿雄; 宮下 恵美子; 大薗 恵一
    日本移植学会総会プログラム抄録集 (一社)日本移植学会 50回 301 - 301 2014/08
  • Yasuhiro Hasegawa; Hisamitsu Hayashi; Sotaro Naoi; Hiroki Kondou; Kazuhiko Bessho; Koji Igarashi; Kentaro Hanada; Kie Nakao; Takeshi Kimura; Akiko Konishi; Hironori Nagasaka; Yoko Miyoshi; Keiichi Ozono; Hiroyuki Kusuhara
    Background: Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 1 (PFIC1), an inherited liver disease caused by mutations in ATP8B1, progresses to severe cholestasis with a sustained intractable itch. Currently, no effective therapy has been established for PFIC1. Decreased function of the bile salt export pump (BSEP) in hepatocytes is suggested to be responsible for the severe cholestasis observed in PFIC1. We found a previously unidentified pharmacological effect of 4-phenylbutyrate (4PB) that increases the expression and function of BSEP. Here, we tested 4PB therapy in three patients with PFIC1. Methods: The therapeutic potency of 4PB in these patients was tested by oral administration of this drug with gradually increasing dosage (200, 350, and 500 mg/kg/day) for 6 months. Biochemical, histological, and clinical data were collected. Results: 4PB therapy had no beneficial effect on the patients' liver functions, as assessed by biochemical and histological analyses, despite an increase in hepatic BSEP expression. However, therapy with 4PB at a dosage of 350 or 500 mg/kg/day significantly relieved the intractable itch. Serum levels of potential pruritogens in cholestasis were much higher than the reference ranges during the 4PB therapy. Conclusions: 4PB therapy may be a new medication for patients with intractable cholestatic pruritus and may improve quality of life for patients and their families.
  • Yoko Miyoshi; Kie Nakao; Makiko Tachibana; Yuki Miyahara; Hiroki Kondou; Noriyuki Namba; Kazunori Miki; Yukiko Nakata; Toru Takano; Keiichi Ozono
    ENDOCRINE REVIEWS ENDOCRINE SOC 35 (3) 0163-769X 2014/06 [Refereed]
  • 銭谷 昌弘; 上野 豪久; 中畠 賢吾; 奈良 啓悟; 上原 秀一郎; 曹 英樹; 大植 孝治; 近藤 宏樹; 永野 浩昭; 臼井 規朗
    移植 (一社)日本移植学会 49 (1) 129 - 129 0578-7947 2014/05
  • 梅田 聡; 上野 豪久; 別所 一彦; 山道 拓; 中畠 賢吾; 銭谷 昌弘; 井深 奏司; 正畠 和典; 奈良 啓悟; 大割 貢; 上原 秀一郎; 大植 孝治; 近藤 宏樹; 臼井 規朗
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 (一社)日本小児外科学会 50 (3) 595 - 595 0288-609X 2014/04
  • Hasegawa Yasuhiro; Kondou Hiroki; Bessho Kazuhiko; Kawai Masanobu; Nakao Kie; Ueno Takehisa; Satomura Yoshinori; Konishi Akiko; Kimura Takeshi; Ikeda Kayo; Tachibna Makiko; Miyoshi Yoko; Michigami Toshimi; Ozono Keiichi
    HEPATOLOGY 60 289A  0270-9139 2014 [Refereed]
  • 曹 英樹; 上原 秀一郎; 上野 豪久; 和佐 勝史; 奈良 啓悟; 大植 孝治; 臼井 規朗; 野村 元成; 正畠 和典; 井深 奏司; 銭谷 昌弘; 中畠 賢吾; 近藤 宏樹
    日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌 (一社)日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会 27 (2) 123 - 128 1346-9037 2013/11 
  • Hiroki Kondou; Masanobu Kawai; Kanako Tachikawa; Akihito Kimoto; Masayo Yamagata; Tomoko Koinuma; Miwa Yamazaki; Masahiro Nakayama; Sotaro Mushiake; Keiichi Ozono; Toshimi Michigami
    HEPATOLOGY RESEARCH WILEY-BLACKWELL 43 (11) 1211 - 1223 1386-6346 2013/11 [Refereed]
    AimThe molecular mechanisms by which hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)4 regulates fetal liver development have not been fully elucidated. We screened the downstream molecules of HNF4 during liver development and identified sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter (SNAT)4. The aim of this study is to investigate the regulation of SNAT4 by HNF4 and to clarify its roles in differentiating hepatocytes. MethodsHNF4 was overexpressed in cultured liver buds using adenovirus, and suppression subtractive hybridization screening was performed. Temporal and spatial expression of SNAT4 during liver development was investigated. Regulation of SNAT4 by HNF4 was examined by promoter analyses and electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA). Metabolic labeling and western blotting were carried out using primary hepatoblasts with SNAT4 overexpression. ResultsThe expression of Slc38a4 encoding SNAT4 showed a marked perinatal increase, and was predominant among system A amino acid transporters. It was first detected in embryonic day 18.5 liver, and found in most hepatocytes after birth. Three alternative first exons were found in the SNAT4 gene. Promoter analyses using approximately 3-kb fragments corresponding to each first exon (AP1, AP2, AP3) revealed that AP1 and AP2 exhibited strong promoter activity in mouse hepatoblasts with endogenous HNF4. Transactivation of AP2 was upregulated by HNF4 in HeLa cells without endogenous HNF4. EMSA has demonstrated that HNF4 directly binds to cis-elements in AP2. Overexpression of SNAT4 facilitated amino acid uptake and de novo protein synthesis in primary hepatoblasts. ConclusionSNAT4 functions downstream of HNF4 and plays significant roles in liver development through mechanisms of amino acid uptake and protein synthesis.
  • Yasuhiro Hasegawa; Hiroki Kondou; Masanobu Kawai; Takehisa Ueno; Yuki Miyahara; Akiko Konishi; Kie Nakao; Takeshi Kimura; Kayo Ikeda; Makiko Tachibana; Kazuhiko Bessho; Yoko Miyoshi; Toshimi Michigami; Keiichi Ozono
    HEPATOLOGY WILEY-BLACKWELL 58 802A - 802A 0270-9139 2013/10 [Refereed]
  • 上野 豪久; 山道 拓; 梅田 聡; 奈良 啓悟; 中畠 賢吾; 銭谷 昌弘; 井深 秦司; 正畠 和典; 上原 秀一郎; 大植 孝治; 近藤 宏樹; 臼井 規朗
    移植 (一社)日本移植学会 48 (総会臨時) 255 - 255 0578-7947 2013/08
  • 銭谷 昌弘; 上野 豪久; 曹 英樹; 大植 孝治; 近藤 宏樹; 永野 浩昭; 臼井 規朗
    移植 (一社)日本移植学会 48 (総会臨時) 382 - 382 0578-7947 2013/08
  • 中畠 賢吾; 上野 豪久; 曹 英樹; 奈良 啓悟; 銭谷 昌弘; 上原 秀一郎; 大植 孝治; 臼井 規朗; 池田 佳世; 近藤 宏樹
    移植 (一社)日本移植学会 48 (総会臨時) 410 - 410 0578-7947 2013/08
  • T Ueno; Y Takama; K Masahata; S Uehara; S Ibuka; H Kondou; Y Hasegawa; M Fukuzawa
    Transplantation proceedings 45 (5) 1975 - 8 2013/06 
    Prolonged-release tacrolimus allows for once-daily dosing. Although many adult recipients have been switched from standard tacrolimus, prolonged-release tacrolimus has not been popular for pediatric patients despite the potential benefits for medication compliance. We report on prolonged-release tacrolimus for 11 pediatric living related donor liver transplant (LRDLT) recipients. Patients under 18 years of age who were receiving standard tacrolimus-based immunosuppression and steroid taper underwent conversion from standard to prolonged-release tacrolimus. We monitored tacrolimus trough levels and liver function tests (LFTs). We also assessed adverse effects and satisfaction levels for prolonged-release tacrolimus. Mean age at transplantation was 4.3 years. The mean duration of follow-up was 12 months. The ratios of trough levels with prolonged-release vs standard tacrolimus were 0.97, 0.95, and 0.92 at 1, 2, and 4 weeks post conversion, respectively. Two patients discontinued prolonged-release tacrolimus owing to abnormal LFTs and neurological abnormalities, respectively; but symptoms resolved after reconversion. One patient returned to standard tacrolimus and the other was converted to cyclosporine. Once-daily administration satisfied 89% of patients. In the overall assessment, conversion to prolonged-release tacrolimus satisfied all patients. Prolonged-release tacrolimus was useful for pediatric patients after LRDLT. Trough levels after conversion were compatible with those before conversion. Most patients were satisfied with prolonged-release tacrolimus. However, some patients failed conversion because of unexpected responses. Close observation after conversion is required even if patients have previously had an uneventful course on standard tacrolimus.
  • 上野 豪久; 中畠 賢吾; 銭谷 昌弘; 井深 秦司; 正畠 和典; 野村 元成; 奈良 啓悟; 上原 秀一郎; 曹 英樹; 大植 孝治; 臼井 規朗; 長谷川 泰浩; 近藤 宏樹
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 (一社)日本小児外科学会 49 (3) 754 - 754 0288-609X 2013/05
  • Makoto Fujiwara; Noriyuki Namba; Kohji Miura; Taichi Kitaoka; Haruhiko Hirai; Hiroki Kondou; Tsunesuke Shimotsuji; Chikahiko Numakura; Keiichi Ozono
    HORMONE RESEARCH IN PAEDIATRICS KARGER 79 (4) 220 - 226 1663-2818 2013 [Refereed]
    Background: Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) is a subgroup of monogenic diabetes mellitus, of which MODY1, caused by HNF4A mutations, accounts for only 5% or less and has been rarely reported in East Asian countries. Here we report two novel HNF4A mutations in two Japanese families with MODY1. Methods: Proband 1 is an 8-year-old girl and proband 2 is a 14-year-old girl. Both were nonobese, demonstrated elevated HbA1c and negative serum anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies, and had a family history of diabetes. We directly sequenced HNF4A and performed functional analysis of the detected missense mutation. Results: Proband 1 had a heterozygous missense mutation, c.824A>G (p.Asn275Ser). Luciferase assay demonstrated a significant reduction in transcriptional activity. A heterozygous frame shift mutation, c.692-695delAGGA (p.Lys231ThrfsX5), was detected in proband 2. Affected family members shared the same mutations, showing high penetrance. Both mutations reside in the HNF4a dimerization domain and the corresponding amino acids are well conserved between species. Conclusions: These two mutations are most likely the cause of MODY1 in these families. Considering the effectiveness of sulfonylureas, it is important to correctly diagnose MODY1. Copyright (C) 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel
  • Hiroyuki Yamada; Hiroki Kondou; Takeshi Kimura; Kayo Ikeda; Makiko Tachibana; Yasuhiro Hasegawa; Yuki Kiyohara; Takehisa Ueno; Yoko Miyoshi; Sotaro Mushiake; Keiichi Ozono
    PEDIATRIC TRANSPLANTATION WILEY 16 (8) 858 - 865 1397-3142 2012/12 [Refereed]
    Although LT can be successful for treating end-stage liver disease in children, some patients develop fibrosis around the central vein area (PCF). This raises the possibility that PCF could lead to later cirrhosis and graft failure. Here, we report a retrospective immunohistochemical study of 28 patients who received a live donor liver transplant. We assessed the incidence and etiology of PCF using CD3, CD20, HLA-DR, and C4d-specific antibodies. Histological evidence of PCF was found in 13 cases (46.4%), of which 11 (84.6%) had experienced ACR and/or CP events post-transplant. Immunohistochemical evaluation revealed significantly stronger staining with these antibodies in the central vein area in PCF, especially for CD20 and C4d. This implies humoral immunopathology and suggests involvement of humoral immunity in the development of PCF. These results further imply that suppression of cellular immunity alone is insufficient to prevent PCF. We therefore suggest that suppression of both humoral and cellular immunity in combination would be required for prevention of PCF.
  • 井深 奏司; 上野 豪久; 高間 勇一; 上原 秀一郎; 近藤 宏樹; 永野 浩昭; 福澤 正洋
    移植 (一社)日本移植学会 47 (総会臨時) 353 - 353 0578-7947 2012/09
  • 市森 裕章; 小垣 滋豊; 三原 聖子; 内川 俊毅; 高橋 邦彦; 岡田 陽子; 那波 伸敏; 石田 秀和; 近藤 宏樹; 上野 高義; 大薗 恵一
    日本小児循環器学会雑誌 (NPO)日本小児循環器学会 28 (Suppl.) s262 - s262 0911-1794 2012/06
  • 三原 聖子; 小垣 滋豊; 髭野 亮太; 那波 伸敏; 市森 裕章; 内川 俊毅; 石田 秀和; 高橋 邦彦; 岡田 陽子; 近藤 宏樹; 大薗 恵一
    日本小児循環器学会雑誌 (NPO)日本小児循環器学会 28 (Suppl.) s332 - s332 0911-1794 2012/06
  • 曹 英樹; 上原 秀一郎; 上野 豪久; 和佐 勝史; 山田 寛之; 近藤 宏樹
    日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌 (一社)日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会 26 (Suppl.) 77 - 77 1346-9037 2012/06
  • Ken Okada; Akihide Kamiya; Keiichi Ito; Ayaka Yanagida; Hidenori Ito; Hiroki Kondou; Hiroshi Nishina; Hiromitsu Nakauchi
    STEM CELLS AND DEVELOPMENT MARY ANN LIEBERT INC 21 (7) 1124 - 1133 1547-3287 2012/05 [Refereed]
    Outgrowth of the foregut endoderm to form the liver bud is considered the initial event of liver development. Hepatic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) in the liver bud are postulated to migrate into septum transversum mesenchyme at around embryonic day (E) 9 in mice. The studies of liver development focused on the mid-fetal stage (E11.5-14.5) have identified HSPCs at this stage. However, the in vitro characteristics of HSPCs before E11.5 have not been elucidated. This is probably partly because purification and characterization of HSPCs in early fetal livers have not been fully established. To permit detailed phenotypic analyses of early fetal HSPC candidates, we developed a new coculture system, using mouse embryonic fibroblast cells. In this coculture system, CD13(+)Dlk(+) cells purified from mouse early fetal livers (E9.5 and E10.5) formed colonies composed of both albumin-positive hepatocytic cells and cytokeratin (CK) 19-positive cholangiocytic cells, indicating that early fetal CD13(+)Dlk(+) cells have properties of bipotent progenitor cells. Inhibition of signaling by Rho-associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase (Rock) or by nonmuscle myosin II (downstream from Rock) was necessary for effective expansion of early fetal CD13(+)Dlk(+) cells in vitro. In sorted CD13(+)Dlk(+) cells, expression of the hepatocyte marker genes albumin and alpha-fetoprotein increased with fetal liver age, whereas expression of CK19 and Sox17, endodermal progenitor cell markers, was highest at E9.5 but decreased dramatically thereafter. These first prospective studies of early fetal HSPC candidates demonstrate that bipotent stem/progenitor cells exist before E11.5 and implicate Rock-myosin II signaling in their development.
  • 井深 奏司; 上原 秀一郎; 大植 孝治; 高間 勇一; 上野 豪久; 臼井 規朗; 近藤 宏樹; 福澤 正洋
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 (一社)日本小児外科学会 48 (3) 682 - 682 0288-609X 2012/05
  • Takao Koshimizu; Masanobu Kawai; Hiroki Kondou; Kanako Tachikawa; Norio Sakai; Keiichi Ozono; Toshimi Michigami
    To identify the genes involved in chondrocytic differentiation, we applied gene trap mutagenesis to a murine mesenchymal chondrogenic cell line ATDC5 and isolated a clone in which the gene encoding vinculin was trapped. The trapped allele was assumed to express a fusion protein containing a truncated vinculin lacking the tail domain and the geo product derived from the trap vector. The truncated vinculin was suggested to exert a dominant negative effect. Impaired functioning of vinculin caused by gene trapping in ATDC5 cells or knockdown in primary chondrocytes resulted in the reduced expression of chondrocyte-specific genes, including Col2a1, aggrecan, and Col10a1. The expression of Runx2 also was suppressed by the dysfunctional vinculin. On the other hand, the expression of Sox9, encoding a key transcription factor for chondrogenesis, was retained. Knockdown of vinculin in metatarsal organ cultures impaired the growth of the explants and reduced the expression of Col2a1 and aggrecan. Gene trapping or knockdown of vinculin decreased the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 but increased that of Src homology 2 domain-containing tyrosine phosphatase 2 (SHP2) and Akt during chondrocytic differentiation, suggesting a disturbance of signaling by insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I). Knockdown of vinculin in the metatarsal organ culture abrogated the IGF-I-induced growth and inhibited the up-regulation of Col2a1 and aggrecan expression by IGF-I. Loss of vinculin function in differentiating chondrocytes impaired the activation of the p38 MAPK pathway also, suggesting its involvement in the regulation of chondrogenesis by vinculin. Our results indicate a tissue-specific function of vinculin in cartilage whereby it controls chondrocytic differentiation.
  • 永野 浩昭; 丸橋 繁; 小林 省吾; 和田 浩志; 江口 英利; 種村 匡弘; 川本 弘一; 梅下 浩司; 土岐 祐一郎; 森 正樹; 小川 馨; 萩原 邦子; 上野 豪久; 近藤 宏樹; 平松 直樹; 竹原 徹郎; 福澤 正洋
    移植 (一社)日本移植学会 46 (6) 632 - 633 0578-7947 2011/12
  • 山田 寛之; 近藤 宏樹; 上野 豪久
    移植 (一社)日本移植学会 46 (総会臨時) 221 - 221 0578-7947 2011/10
  • 上野 豪久; 高間 勇一; 正畠 和典; 井深 奏司; 上原 秀一郎; 近藤 宏樹; 長谷川 泰浩; 福澤 正洋
    移植 (一社)日本移植学会 46 (総会臨時) 230 - 230 0578-7947 2011/10
  • 正畠 和典; 上野 豪久; 井深 奏司; 上原 秀一郎; 高間 勇一; 池田 佳世; 長谷川 泰浩; 近藤 宏樹; 福澤 正洋
    移植 (一社)日本移植学会 46 (総会臨時) 276 - 276 0578-7947 2011/10
  • 上野 豪久; 井原 欣幸; 高間 勇一; 上原 秀一郎; 正畠 和典; 長谷川 泰浩; 近藤 宏樹; 曹 英樹; 福澤 正洋
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 (一社)日本小児外科学会 47 (4) 641 - 641 0288-609X 2011/07
  • 野村 元成; 上野 豪久; 井原 欣幸; 高間 勇一; 正畠 和典; 神山 雅史; 上原 秀一郎; 大植 孝治; 吉田 寿雄; 長谷川 泰浩; 橋井 佳子; 太田 秀明; 近藤 宏樹; 福澤 正洋
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 (一社)日本小児外科学会 47 (4) 627 - 627 0288-609X 2011/07 [Refereed]
  • 上野 豪久; 長谷川 泰浩; 橘 真紀子; 井原 欣幸; 高間 勇一; 日山 智史; 神山 雅史; 近藤 宏樹; 虫明 聡太郎; 福澤 正洋
    移植 (一社)日本移植学会 46 (2-3) 182 - 182 0578-7947 2011/06
  • Mari Murakami; Kazuhiko Bessho; Sotaro Mushiake; Hiroki Kondou; Yoko Miyoshi; Keiichi Ozono
    HEPATOLOGY RESEARCH WILEY-BLACKWELL 41 (5) 446 - 454 1386-6346 2011/05 [Refereed]
    Aim: Hepatic steatosis accompanied by impaired protein synthesis is often observed in hepatic dysfunction. To assess whether protein synthesis inhibition directly induces hepatic steatosis, we investigated the molecular mechanisms of cycloheximide (CHX)-induced fatty liver mice. Methods: C57/BL6CR mice were i.p. administrated CHX (20 mg/kg) three times every 4 h to induce hepatic steatosis. Hepatic lipid secretion, fatty acid oxidation, hepatic lipogenesis and hepatic lipid uptake were evaluated. Results: Twenty-four hours after the first CHX injection, hepatic lipid levels increased in CHX-treated mice to 1.8-fold of that in controls but returned to normal within 48 h. The hepatic triglyceride (TG) secretion rate decreased significantly to 22% of controls, and the apolipoprotein B (apoB) protein level, but not microsomal TG transfer protein, decreased in CHX-treated mice. The apob gene expression was not significantly different between controls and CHX-treated mice. On the other hand, plasma free fatty acid and lipogenic protein levels did not increase and plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate level remained stable, suggesting that the coordinated balance between fatty acid oxidation, hepatic lipid uptake and lipogenesis was not disrupted in this model. Cellular lipid accumulation and decreased cellular and secreted apoB were also observed in CHX-treated HepG2 cells. Knockdown of apoB in HepG2 cells also resulted in the cellular TG accumulation. Conclusion: We demonstrated that decreased hepatic lipid secretion due to acute apoB reduction is involved in the pathogenesis of CHX-induced liver steatosis.
  • 曹 英樹; 上原 秀一郎; 神山 雅史; 田附 裕子; 近藤 宏樹; 虫明 聡太郎; 和佐 勝史; 福澤 正洋
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 特定非営利活動法人 日本小児外科学会 47 (4) 665 - 665 2011
  • 野村 元成; 長谷川 泰浩; 橋井 佳子; 太田 秀明; 近藤 宏樹; 福澤 正洋; 上野 豪久; 井原 欣幸; 高間 勇一; 正畠 和典; 神山 雅史; 上原 秀一郎; 大植 孝治; 吉田 寿雄
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 特定非営利活動法人 日本小児外科学会 47 (4) 627 - 627 0288-609X 2011 [Refereed]
  • 血管内進展きたし高αフェトプロテイン値のまま生体肝移植を実施した肝芽腫の2例
    上野 豪久; 野村 元成; 吉田 寿雄; 井原 欣幸; 高間 勇一; 上原 秀一郎; 大植 孝治; 橋井 佳子; 太田 秀明; 近藤 宏樹; 福澤 正洋
    小児がん (NPO)日本小児がん学会 47 (プログラム・総会号) 205 - 205 0389-4525 2010/12 [Refereed]
  • Miwa Yamazaki; Keiichi Ozono; Tomoko Okada; Kanako Tachikawa; Hiroki Kondou; Yasuhisa Ohata; Toshimi Michigami
    JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY WILEY-LISS 111 (5) 1210 - 1221 0730-2312 2010/12 [Refereed]
    Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) is a phosphaturic hormone produced by bone and exerts its function in the target organs by binding the FGF receptor (FGFR) and Klotho. Since recent studies suggested that extracellular inorganic phosphate (Pi) itself triggers signal transduction and regulates gene expression in some cell types, we tested the notion that extracellular Pi induces signal transduction in the target cells of FGF23 also and influences its signaling, utilizing a human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293. HEK293 cells expressed low levels of klotho, and treatment with a recombinant FGF23[R179Q], a proteolysis-resistant mutant of FGF23, resulted in phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and induction of early growth response-1 (EGR1) expression. Interestingly, increased extracellular Pi resulted in activation of the Raf/MEK/ERK pathway and expression of EGR1, which involved type III sodium/phosphate (Na(+)/Pi) cotransporter PiT-1. Since the effects of an inhibitor of Na(+)/Pi cotransporter on FGF23 signaling suggested that the signaling triggered by increased extracellular Pi shares the same downstream cascade as FGF23 signaling, we further investigated their convergence point. Increasing the extracellular Pi concentration resulted in the phosphorylation of FGF receptor substrate 2 alpha (FRS2 alpha), as did treatment with FGF23. Knockdown of FGFR1 expression diminished the phosphorylation of both FRS2a and ERK1/2 induced by the Pi. Moreover, overexpression of FGFR1 rescued the decrease in Pi-induced phosphorylation of ERK1/2 in the cells where the expression of PIT-I was knocked down. These results suggest that increased extracellular Pi triggers signal transduction via PiT-1 and FGFR and influences FGF23 signaling in HEK293 cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 111: 1210-1221, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • Yoko Miyoshi; Norio Sakai; Yusuke Hamada; Makiko Tachibana; Yasuhiro Hasegawa; Yuki Kiyohara; Hiroyuki Yamada; Mari Murakami; Hiroki Kondou; Shihoko Kimura-Ohba; Junji Mine; Tatsuharu Sato; Noriko Kamio; Hitoshi Ueda; Yasuhiro Suzuki; Masashi Shiomi; Hideaki Ohta; Nobuyuki Shimozawa; Keiichi Ozono
    ENDOCRINE JOURNAL JAPAN ENDOCRINE SOC 57 (11) 965 - 972 0918-8959 2010/11 [Refereed]
    X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) is a genetic disease associated with demyelination of the central nervous system, adrenocortical insufficiency and accumulation of very long chain fatty acids. It is a clinically heterogeneous disorder ranging from a severe childhood cerebral form to an asymptomatic form. The incidence in Japan is estimated to be between 1:30,000 and 1:50,000 boys as determined by a nationwide retrospective survey between 1990 and 1999, which found no cases with Addison's form. We reviewed the medical records of eleven Japanese boys with X-ALD from 1990 to 2010 in our institute. Eight patients were detected by neuropsychological abnormalities, whereas a higher prevalence of unrecognized adrenocortical insufficiency (5/11: 45%) was observed than previously recognized. While no neurological abnormalities were demonstrated in two brothers, the elder brother had moderate Addison's disease at diagnosis and the presymptomatic younger brother progressed to Addison's disease six months after the diagnosis of X-ALD. Early detection of impaired adrenal function as well as early identification of neurologically presymptomatic patients by genetic analysis is essential for better prognosis. Addison's form might be overlooked in Japan; therefore, X-ALD should be suspected in patients with adrenocortical insufficiency.
  • 永野 浩昭; 丸橋 繁; 小林 省吾; 和田 浩志; 江口 英利; 種村 匡弘; 土岐 祐一郎; 森 正樹; 上野 豪久; 近藤 宏樹; 平松 直樹; 竹原 徹郎; 梅下 浩司; 小川 馨; 萩原 邦子; 福澤 正洋
    移植 (一社)日本移植学会 45 (総会臨時) 213 - 213 0578-7947 2010/10
  • Akira Suzuki; Keiichi Ozono; Takuo Kubota; Hiroki Kondou; Kanako Tachikawa; Toshimi Michigarni
    JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY WILEY-LISS 104 (1) 304 - 317 0730-2312 2008/05 [Refereed]
    Although the intermittent administration of PTH is known to stimulate the bone formation, the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. Here we investigated the crosstalk between PTH/cAMP signaling and canonical Wnt signaling using the human osteoblastic cell line Saos-2. Treatment with PTH or forskolin, an activator of adenylate cyclase, facilitated T-cell factor (TCF)-dependent transactivation in a dose-dependent manner, which was abolished by pre-treatment with a PKA inhibitor, H89. Wnt3a and forskolin synergistically increased the TCF-dependent transactivation. Interestingly intermittent treatment with PTH enhanced the TCF-dependent transactivation more profoundly than continuous treatment. In addition to the effects on TCF-dependent reporter activity, treatment with PTH or forskolin resulted in the increased expression ofendogenous targets of Wnts, Wnt-induced secreted protein 2 (WISP2) and naked cuticle 2 (NKD2). We then investigated the convergence point of PTH/cAMP signaling and the canonical Wnt pathway. Western blotting demonstrated that GSK-3 beta was rapidly phosphorylated at Ser(9) on treatment with PTH or forskolin, leading to its inactivation. Moreover, overexpression of a constitutively active mutant of GSK-3 beta abolished the TCF-dependent transactivation induced by forskolin. On the other hand, overexpression of the Wnt antagonist Dickkopf-1 (DKK1) failed to cancel the effects of forskolin on the canocical Wnt pathway. Interestingly, treatment with Wnt3a markedly reduced the forskolin-induced expression of receptor activaror of NF-kappa B ligand (RANKL), a target gene of PTH/cAMP/PKA. these results suggest that cAMP/PKA signaling activates the canonical Wnt pathway through the inactivation of GSK-3 beta, whereas Wnt signaling might inhibit bone resorption through a negative impact on RANKL expression in osteoblasts. J. Cell. biochem. 104: 304-317, 2008. (C) 2007 Wiley-Liss. Inc.
  • M Yamagata; K Ozono; Y Hashimoto; Y Miyauchi; H Kondou; T Michigami
    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY AMER SOC NEPHROLOGY 16 (8) 2338 - 2345 1046-6673 2005/08 [Refereed]
    Megalin is a multifunctional endocytic receptor that is expressed in renal proximal tubules and plays critical roles in the renal uptake of various proteins. It was hypothesized that megalin-dependent endocytosis might play a role in renal phosphate reabsorption. For addressing the short-term effects of altered megalin function, a recombinant protein for the soluble form of 39-kD receptor-associated protein (RAP) was administered intraperitorteally to 7-wk-old mice. Histidine (His)-tagged soluble RAP (amino acids 39 to 356) lacking the amino-terminal signal peptide and the carboxy-terminal endoplasmic reticulum retention signal was prepared by bacterial expression (designated His-sRAP). After the direct interaction between His-sRAP and megalin was confirmed, mice were given a single intraperitorteal administration of His-sRAP (3.5 mg/dose). Immuno-staining and Western blot analyses demonstrated the uptake of His-sRAP and the accelerated internalization of megalin in proximal tubular cells 1 h after administration. In addition, internalization of the type II sodium/phosphate co-transporter (NaPi-II) was observed. The effects of three sequential administrations of His-sRAP (3.5 mg/dose, three doses at 4-h intervals) then were examined, and increased urinary excretion of low molecular weight proteins, including vitamin D-binding protein, was found, which is consistent with findings reported for megalin-deficient mice. It is interesting that urinary excretion of phosphate was also increased, and the protein level of NaPi-II in the brush border membrane was decreased. Serum concentration of 25-hydroxyvitamin D was decreased, whereas the plasma level of intact parathyroid hormone was not altered by the administration of His-sRAP. The results suggest that the His-sRAP-induced acceleration of megalin-mediated endocytosis caused phosphaturia via altered subcellular distribution of NaPi-II.
  • T Kubota; H Hirai; N Shimizu; A Sawada; H Kondou; S Nakajima; T Harada; M Shima
    PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY SPRINGER-VERLAG 17 (5) 367 - 369 0931-041X 2002/05 [Refereed]
    We present a 13-year-old boy who developed hyperthyroidism during the clinical course of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome treated with glucocorticoid. He had a second relapse of minimal change nephrotic syndrome, and complete remission of nephrotic syndrome was achieved immediately with oral glucocorticoid. However, when the steroid dosage was reduced, signs of hyperthyroidism such as systolic hypertension and tachycardia were observed. Laboratory findings revealed thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) below 0.05 muU/ml, free triiodothyronine of 16.1 pg/ml, free thyroxine of 5.6 ng/dl, and anti-TSH receptor antibody of 90%. Thus, a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism was made and treatment with thiamazol was started. Massive proteinuria may decrease the activity of hyperthyroidism due to urinary loss of thyroid hormones. A decrease in glucocorticoid dosage may also be involved in the development of hyperthyroidism due to a reduced immunosuppressive effect.
  • 木村 拓也; 長谷川 利路; 大植 孝治; 佐々木 隆士; 岡田 正; 近藤 宏樹; 虫明 聡太郎
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 (一社)日本小児外科学会 36 (2) 413 - 414 0288-609X 2000/04
  • 高度の肺内動静脈シャントを合併した多脾・内臓逆位を伴った胆道閉鎖症の1例
    兼清 貴久; 近藤 宏樹; 石井 円; 虫明 聡太郎; 松下 享; 田尻 仁; 岡田 伸太郎; 長谷川 利路; 岡田 正; 竹内 真
    日本小児科学会雑誌 (公社)日本小児科学会 104 (2) 264 - 264 0001-6543 2000/02


  • 治療法の再整理とアップデートのために 専門家による私の治療 進行性家族性肝内胆汁うっ滞症
    近藤 宏樹  日本医事新報  (5178)  52  -53  2023/07
  • 松尾 逸平; 近藤 宏樹; 大平 純也; 猪谷 元浩; 坂本 朋子; 岩瀬 瑞恵; 藤原 倫昌; 山下 定儀; 竹村 理璃子; 塚田 遼; 井深 奏司; 阪 龍太; 上田 祐也; 野間 康宏; 堀井 城一朗; 藤田 勲生; 豊川 達也; 荒木 徹  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  37-  (1)  33  -33  2023/04
  • 南方 俊祐; 近藤 宏樹; 大島 理奈; 舩戸 契; 大前 隆志; 虫明 聡太郎  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  37-  (1)  59  -60  2023/04
  • 急性肝不全・ACLF診療の未来予想図(現状と課題) アデノウイルス肝炎の総括
    乾 あやの; 酒井 愛子; 近藤 宏樹  肝臓  64-  (Suppl.1)  A75  -A75  2023/04
  • 近藤 宏樹  新薬と臨牀  71-  (4)  442  -447  2022/04
  • 久家 沙希那; 塩谷 拓嗣; 森本 優一; 宮崎 紘平; 宮沢 朋生; 近藤 宏樹; 坂田 尚己; 岡田 満; 杉本 圭相  日本小児腎臓病学会雑誌  35-  (1)  27  -34  2022/04
  • 一木 美穂; 近藤 宏樹; 井上 智弘; 南方 俊祐; 舩戸 契; 虫明 聡太郎  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  35-  (2)  63  -69  2021/12
  • 近藤 宏樹; 宮崎 紘平; 大島 理奈; 森本 優一; 塩谷 拓嗣; 杉本 圭相; 虫明 聡太郎  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  35-  (2)  113  -114  2021/12
  • 藤原 倫昌; 近藤 宏樹; 住友 裕美; 猪谷 元浩; 浦山 建治; 坂根 朋子; 岩瀬 瑞恵; 山下 定儀; 荒木 徹  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  35-  (2)  115  -115  2021/12
  • 萩原 真一郎; 岩田 直美; 村越 孝次; 原 朋子; 石毛 崇; 清水 泰岳; 水落 建輝; 垣内 俊彦; 国崎 玲子; 松岡 諒; 前山 隆智; 惠谷 ゆり; 岡安 勲; 吉田 功; 平野 大志; 近藤 宏樹; 中山 佳子; 角田 文彦; 木村 武司; 本間 仁  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  35-  (Suppl.)  82  -82  2021/09
  • 西野 裕貴; 近藤 宏樹; 山下 雄平; 一木 美穂; 井上 智弘; 虫明 聡太郎  肝臓  62-  (8)  479  -486  2021/08
  • 上原 悠; 近藤 宏樹; 一木 美穂; 井上 智弘; 虫明 聡太郎  近畿大学医学雑誌  46-  (1-2)  39  -44  2021/06
  • 近藤 宏樹; 米倉 竹夫; 梅田 聡; 山内 勝治; 石井 智浩; 木村 浩基; 高間 勇一; 岡島 英明; 上本 伸二; 一木 美穂; 井上 智弘; 虫明 聡太郎  日本小児外科学会雑誌  57-  (4)  784  -784  2021/06
  • 初回腹痛発作で膵嚢胞を認め、内視鏡治療を行った遺伝性膵炎の1例
    浦山 建治; 野間 康宏; 近藤 宏樹; 藤原 倫昌; 荒木 徹  日本小児救急医学会雑誌  20-  (2)  309  -309  2021/05
  • 肝疾患移行期医療の現状と問題点 小児期に診断されたWilson病における移行期医療の課題
    近藤 宏樹; 虫明 聡太郎  肝臓  62-  (Suppl.1)  A161  -A161  2021/04
  • 【肝・胆道系症候群(第3版)-その他の肝・胆道系疾患を含めて-肝臓編(上)】肝内胆汁うっ滞症 遺伝性胆汁うっ滞 Aagenaes症候群
    近藤 宏樹  日本臨床  別冊-  (肝・胆道系症候群I)  333  -336  2021/01
  • 【肝・胆道系症候群(第3版)-その他の肝・胆道系疾患を含めて-肝臓編(上)】肝内胆汁うっ滞症 遺伝性胆汁うっ滞 North American Indian childhood cirrhosis(NAIC)
    近藤 宏樹  日本臨床  別冊-  (肝・胆道系症候群I)  337  -341  2021/01
  • 【肝・胆道系症候群(第3版)-その他の肝・胆道系疾患を含めて-肝臓編(上)】肝内胆汁うっ滞症 遺伝性胆汁うっ滞 Nielsen症候群(グリーンランドエスキモーの小児における致死的家族性肝内胆汁うっ滞症候群、FIC1欠損症、進行性家族性肝内胆汁うっ滞症1型)
    近藤 宏樹  日本臨床  別冊-  (肝・胆道系症候群I)  342  -345  2021/01
  • 【肝・胆道系症候群(第3版)-その他の肝・胆道系疾患を含めて-肝臓編(上)】肝内胆汁うっ滞症 遺伝性胆汁うっ滞 先天性胆汁酸代謝異常症
    近藤 宏樹  日本臨床  別冊-  (肝・胆道系症候群I)  346  -351  2021/01
  • 【肝・胆道系症候群(第3版)-その他の肝・胆道系疾患を含めて-肝臓編(上)】肝内胆汁うっ滞症 シトリン欠損による新生児肝内胆汁うっ滞症(NICCD)
    近藤 宏樹  日本臨床  別冊-  (肝・胆道系症候群I)  352  -358  2021/01
  • 胆道閉鎖症診断時の肝生検で小葉間胆管減少を呈した3症例の検討
    近藤 宏樹; 虫明 聡太郎; 岡島 英明; 小川 絵里; 岡本 竜弥; 園田 真理  肝臓  61-  (Suppl.3)  A863  -A863  2020/11
  • 【小児疾患診療のための病態生理1 改訂第6版】消化器疾患 急性肝不全
    近藤 宏樹  小児内科  52-  (増刊)  608  -615  2020/11
  • 永谷 奈央; 一木 美穂; 舩戸 契; 南方 俊祐; 井上 智弘; 近藤 宏樹; 虫明 聡太郎; 山内 勝治; 米倉 竹夫  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  34-  (1)  41  -41  2020/04
  • 上原 悠; 近藤 宏樹; 一木 美穂; 井上 智弘; 虫明 聡太郎  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  34-  (1)  50  -51  2020/04
  • 当院で経験した好酸球性消化管疾患4例の検討
    浦山 建治; 近藤 宏樹; 藤原 進太郎; 北田 邦美; 神野 和彦; 虫明 聡太郎; 小寺 亜矢; 藤原 倫昌; 山下 定儀; 荒木 徹  日本小児科学会雑誌  124-  (2)  389  -389  2020/02
  • 近藤 宏樹; 虫明 聡太郎; 一木 美穂; 井上 智弘; 梅田 聡; 米倉 竹夫; 山内 勝治; 石井 智浩; 木村 浩基; 高間 勇一; 岡島 英明; 上本 伸二  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  33-  (2)  154  -154  2019/12
  • 西野 裕貴; 近藤 宏樹; 山下 雄平; 一木 美穂; 井上 智弘; 虫明 聡太郎  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  33-  (2)  161  -162  2019/12
  • 虫明聡太郎; 林久允; 近藤宏樹  小児期発症の希少難治性肝胆膵疾患の移行期を包含し診療の質の向上に関する研究 平成30年度 総括・分担研究報告書(Web)  2019
  • 林久允; 近藤宏樹; 別所一彦; 箕輪圭; 戸川貴夫; 水落建輝; 村上潤; 虻川大樹; 乾あやの  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  32-  2018
  • 林久允; 近藤宏樹; 別所一彦; 戸川貴夫  日本胆道閉鎖症研究会プログラム・演題抄録集  45th-  2018
  • 虫明聡太郎; 林久允; 近藤宏樹  小児期発症の希少難治性肝胆膵疾患の移行期を包含し診療の質の向上に関する研究 平成29年度 総括・分担研究報告書(Web)  2018
  • 林久允; 近藤宏樹; 別所一彦; 戸川貴夫  日本小児外科学会雑誌  54-  (7)  2018
  • 肝障害進展予防のために1年間ω3系脂肪製剤(オメガベン)を投与した短腸症候群の1例
    近藤 宏樹; 虫明 聡太郎; 一木 美穂; 有馬 智之; 井上 智弘; 三宅 俊治; 森下 祐次; 古形 修平; 中畠 賢吾; 石井 智浩; 山内 勝治; 米倉 竹夫  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  31-  (2)  98  -98  2017/12
  • 林 久允; 直井 壯太朗; 戸川 貴夫; 廣瀬 友; 近藤 宏樹; 長谷川 泰浩; 虻川 大樹; 佐々木 美香; 室谷 浩二; 渡辺 聡; 中野 聡; 箕輪 圭; 乾 あやの; 長坂 博範; 福田 晃也; 笠原 群生; 別所 一彦; 鈴木 光幸; 楠原 洋之  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  31-  (2)  102  -102  2017/12
  • 術後20年目に突如肝機能悪化を認めステロイドパルス療法を施行した多脾症候群合併胆道閉鎖の1例
    木村 浩基; 山内 勝治; 石井 智浩; 神山 雅史; 森下 祐次; 古形 修平; 米倉 竹夫; 虫明 聡太郎; 近藤 宏樹; 太田 善夫; 若狭 朋子  日本小児外科学会雑誌  53-  (2)  343  -343  2017/04
  • AZAによる寛解維持治療中に再生不良性貧血を伴って再燃した分類不能型炎症性腸疾患の1例
    山下 雄平; 近藤 宏樹; 一木 美穂; 永田 知裕; 井上 智弘; 三宅 俊治; 虫明 聡太郎; 山内 勝治; 森下 祐次; 米倉 竹夫  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  31-  (1)  38  -38  2017/04
  • 林久允; 直井壯太朗; 戸川貴夫; 廣瀬友; 近藤宏樹; 長谷川泰浩; 虻川大樹; 佐々木美香; 室谷浩二; 渡辺聡; 中野聡; 箕輪圭; 乾あやの; 長坂博範; 福田晃也; 笠原群生; 別所一彦; 鈴木光幸; 楠原洋之  生体膜と薬物の相互作用シンポジウム講演要旨集  39th-  2017
  • 林久允; 近藤宏樹; 長谷川泰浩; 別所一彦; 箕輪圭; 虻川大樹; 村上潤; 水落建輝; 乾あやの  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  31-  (2)  2017
  • 虫明聡太郎; 近藤宏樹; 林久允  小児期発症の希少難治性肝胆膵疾患の移行期を包含し診療の質の向上に関する研究 平成28年度 総括・分担研究報告書(Web)  2017
  • 近藤 宏樹; 林 久允; 長谷川 泰浩; 別所 一彦; 鈴木 光幸; 乾 あやの  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  30-  (2)  94  -94  2016/12
  • 近藤 宏樹; 林 久允; 長谷川 泰浩; 別所 一彦; 鈴木 光幸; 乾 あやの; 虫明 聡太郎  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  30-  (Suppl.)  42  -42  2016/08
  • 近藤宏樹; 虫明聡太郎; 岡田忠雄; 乾あやの; 木下義晶; 林久允; 鈴木光幸; 別所一彦; 長谷川泰浩  小児期発症の希少難治性肝胆膵疾患における包括的な診断・治療ガイドライン作成に関する研究 平成27年度 総括・分担研究報告書  2016
  • K. Bessho; Y. Hasegawa; H. Fukuda; K. Hagiwara; T. Ueno; Y. Miyoshi; H. Kondou; S. Mushiake; H. Okuyama; K. Ozono  JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY  64-  S544  -S545  2016
  • Wilson病診療ガイドライン2015
    児玉 浩子; 青木 継稔; 有馬 正高; 池田 修一; 猪股 裕紀洋; 大竹 孝明; 小峰 恵子; 近藤 宏樹; 清水 教一; 林 雅晴; 原田 大; 藤澤 知雄; 水落 建輝; 道堯 浩二郎; 宮嶋 裕明; 別所 一彦; 松浦 晃洋; 中村 道子; 日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会; 日本移植学会; 日本肝臓学会; 日本小児神経学会; 日本神経学会; 日本先天代謝異常学会; ウイルソン病研究会; ウイルソン病友の会  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  29-  (2)  63  -119  2015/12
  • 長谷川 泰浩; 近藤 宏樹; 別所 一彦; 川井 正信; 安田 紀恵; 上野 豪久; 里村 宜紀; 小西 暁子; 木村 武司; 倉川 佳世; 三善 陽子; 道上 敏美; 大薗 恵一  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  29-  (2)  131  -131  2015/12
  • 長谷川 泰浩; 近藤 宏樹; 別所 一彦; 川井 正信; 安田 紀恵; 上野 豪久; 里村 宜紀; 小西 暁子; 木村 武司; 倉川 佳世; 三善 陽子; 道上 敏美; 大薗 惠一  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  29-  (Suppl.)  81  -81  2015/09
  • 福田 ひとみ; 長谷川 泰浩; 里村 宜紀; 小西 暁子; 安田 紀恵; 木村 武司; 倉川 佳世; 三善 陽子; 尾崎 由和; 近藤 宏樹; 三木 和典; 位田 忍; 萩原 邦子; 上野 豪久; 奥山 宏臣; 虫明 聡太郎; 別所 一彦; 大薗 恵一  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  29-  (Suppl.)  84  -84  2015/09
  • 凝固能低下を伴う急性肝炎を呈した川崎病の2歳男児例
    里村 宜紀; 小西 暁子; 安田 紀恵; 長谷川 泰浩; 別所 一彦; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 大薗 恵一; 和田 珠希; 塩見 夏子; 西原 正人; 佐野 博之  大阪小児科学会誌  32-  (1)  10  -10  2015/04
  • 劇症肝不全に対する生体肝移植を施行後に慢性拒絶反応を示した女児の一例(A case of chronic rejection after liver transplantation for acute liver failure)
    銭谷 成剛; 別所 一彦; 近藤 宏樹; 長谷川 泰浩; 安田 紀恵; 小西 暁子; 里村 宣紀; 三善 陽子; 上野 豪久; 大薗 恵一  日本小児科学会雑誌  119-  (2)  226  -226  2015/02
  • 小児期発症Wilson病4例に対する酢酸亜鉛単剤による初期治療の検討
    近藤 宏樹; 村西 加奈子; 中尾 紀恵; 小西 暁子; 別所 一彦; 長谷川 泰浩; 三善 陽子; 廣木 伴子; 児玉 浩子; 大薗 恵一  日本小児科学会雑誌  119-  (2)  243  -243  2015/02
  • 長谷川 泰浩; 近藤 宏樹; 別所 一彦; 林 久允; 直井 壯太朗; 里村 宜紀; 小西 暁子; 安田 紀恵; 三善 陽子; 大薗 惠一  日本小児科学会雑誌  119-  (2)  285  -285  2015/02
  • 肥大型心筋症を合併した糖原病患者に徐脈性失神を認めた一例(Bradycardia - associated syncope in hypertrophic cardiomegaly: a case report)
    桂木 慎一; 高橋 邦彦; 髭野 亮太; 竹中 朋代; 別所 一彦; 近藤 宏樹; 濱田 悠介; 酒井 規夫; 小垣 滋豊; 大薗 恵一  日本小児科学会雑誌  119-  (2)  235  -235  2015/02
  • 近藤宏樹; 林久允; 乾あやの; 鈴木光幸; 別所一彦; 長谷川泰浩  医師主導治験の実施支援並びに我が国の治験推進に関する研究 平成26年度 総括研究報告書集  2015
  • Hisamitsu Hayashi; Sotaro Naoi; Yu Hirose; Takeshi Inoue; Yasuhiro Hasegawa; Hiroki Kondou; Kazuhiko Bessho; Ken Tanikawa; Masayoshi Kage; Hironori Nagasaka; Ayano Inui; Hiroyuki Kusuhara  HEPATOLOGY  60-  (6)  1283A  -1283A  2014/12
  • 小児期発症Wilson病3例に対する酢酸亜鉛単剤による初期治療の検討
    村西 加奈子; 近藤 宏樹; 橘 真紀子; 別所 一彦; 里村 宜紀; 小西 暁子; 中尾 紀恵; 木村 武司; 池田 佳世; 長谷川 泰浩; 三善 陽子; 廣木 伴子; 児玉 浩子; 大薗 恵一  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  28-  (2)  133  -133  2014/12
  • 藤原 愛; 別所 一彦; 近藤 宏樹; 里村 宜紀; 小西 暁子; 石井 良; 高橋 邦彦; 上野 豪久; 村西 加奈子; 中尾 紀恵; 池田 佳世; 橘 真紀子; 長谷川 泰浩; 三善 陽子; 大薗 恵一  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  28-  (2)  136  -137  2014/12
  • 長谷川 泰浩; 近藤 宏樹; 別所 一彦; 林 久允; 直井 聡太郎; 里村 宜紀; 小西 暁子; 中尾 紀恵; 木村 武司; 池田 佳世; 橘 真紀子; 三善 陽子; 大薗 恵一  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  28-  (2)  139  -139  2014/12
  • 小児期発症Wilson病4例に対する酢酸亜鉛単剤による初期治療の検討
    村西 加奈子; 近藤 宏樹; 橘 真紀子; 中尾 紀恵; 別所 一彦; 里村 宜紀; 小西 暁子; 長谷川 泰浩; 木村 武司; 池田 佳世; 三善 陽子; 廣木 伴子; 児玉 浩子  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  28-  (Suppl.)  60  -60  2014/09
  • 肝移植後に消化管を主病変とするリンパ増殖性疾患を発症した4歳女児例
    里村 宜紀; 別所 一彦; 近藤 宏樹; 小西 暁子; 中尾 紀恵; 木村 武司; 池田 佳世; 橘 真紀子; 長谷川 泰浩; 三善 陽子; 大薗 恵一  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  28-  (Suppl.)  101  -101  2014/09
  • 生体肝移植8年7ヵ月後に蛋白漏出性胃腸症を発症した一例
    小西 暁子; 別所 一彦; 近藤 宏樹; 山道 拓; 上野 豪久; 梅田 聡; 里村 宜紀; 中尾 紀恵; 長谷川 泰浩; 橘 真紀子; 三善 陽子; 大薗 恵一  日本移植学会総会プログラム抄録集  50回-  395  -395  2014/08
  • 肝硬変となったシトリン欠損による乳児肝内胆汁うっ滞症(NICCD)の1例
    中原 千嘉; 下村 泰之; 野口 雄史; 倉信 奈緒美; 小野 将太; 片山 威; 杉本 守治; 梶 俊策; 藤本 佳夫; 村上 潤; 長田 郁夫; 虫明 聡太郎; 長谷川 泰浩; 近藤 宏樹; 上野 豪久; 小林 圭子; 長尾 雅悦  日本小児科学会雑誌  118-  (5)  836  -836  2014/05
  • Y. Hasegawa; H. Kondou; S. Naoi; K. Bessho; M. Ukitsu; M. Sasaki; T. Tsunoda; A. Inui; H. Nagasaka; Y. Miyoshi; H. Hayashi  JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY  60-  (1)  S58  -S58  2014/04
  • 小児期発症バセドウ病52例の臨床的検討
    三善 陽子; 中尾 紀恵; 橘 真紀子; 宮原 由起; 近藤 宏樹; 難波 範行; 三木 和典; 中田 幸子; 高野 徹; 大薗 恵一  日本内分泌学会雑誌  90-  (1)  390  -390  2014/04
  • 外傷性膵炎後に、成人発症シトルリン血症2型(CTLN2)に伴う意識障害発作をきたしたシトリン欠損症の1例
    小西 暁子; 福田 ひとみ; 中尾 紀恵; 近藤 宏樹; 長谷川 泰浩; 義久 武司; 池田 佳世; 橘 真紀子; 宮原 由起; 別所 一彦; 三善 陽子; 大薗 恵一  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  28-  (1)  25  -26  2014/04
  • 小児における薬剤性肝障害 肝組織所見による比較
    里村 宜紀; 中尾 紀恵; 近藤 宏樹; 長谷川 泰浩; 別所 一彦; 木村 武司; 小西 暁子; 池田 佳世; 宮原 由起; 三善 陽子; 大薗 恵一  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  28-  (1)  28  -28  2014/04
  • 上原 秀一郎; 曹 英樹; 井深 奏司; 奈良 啓悟; 上野 豪久; 大植 孝治; 臼井 規朗; 池田 佳世; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子  日本小児外科学会雑誌  50-  (1)  170  -170  2014/02
  • 林久允; 直井壯太朗; 廣瀬友; 井上建; 長谷川泰浩; 近藤宏樹; 別所一彦; 五十嵐浩二; 長坂博範; 滝川一; 乾あやの; 楠原洋之  胆汁酸研究会プログラム・抄録集  36th-  2014
  • 林久允; 直井壯太朗; 廣瀬友; 井上建; 長谷川泰浩; 近藤宏樹; 別所一彦; 五十嵐浩二; 長坂博範; 滝川一; 乾あやの; 楠原洋之  生体膜と薬物の相互作用シンポジウム講演要旨集  36th-  2014
  • 出生前診断と胎児治療をおこなった21-水酸化酵素欠損症の2家系
    小西 暁子; 三善 陽子; 中尾 紀恵; 長谷川 泰浩; 橘 真紀子; 宮原 由起; 近藤 宏樹; 金川 武司; 臼井 健; 大薗 恵一  日本内分泌学会雑誌  89-  (3)  1003  -1003  2013/12
  • 21-水酸化酵素欠損症の出生前診断・胎児治療をおこなった2家系
    小西 暁子; 三善 陽子; 中尾 紀恵; 長谷川 泰造; 橘 真紀子; 宮原 由起; 近藤 宏樹; 金川 武司; 臼井 健; 大薗 恵一  日本内分泌学会雑誌  89-  (2)  624  -624  2013/09
  • 上原 秀一郎; 曹 英樹; 井深 奏司; 奈良 啓悟; 上野 豪久; 大植 孝治; 臼井 規朗; 池田 佳世; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子  外科と代謝・栄養  47-  (4)  128  -128  2013/08
  • 福田 ひとみ; 中尾 紀恵; 木村 武司; 池田 佳世; 長谷川 泰浩; 橘 真紀子; 山岸 義晃; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 大薗 恵一; 上野 豪久  日本小児外科学会雑誌  49-  (2)  317  -317  2013/04
  • 胆汁酸研究の最近の進歩 小児胆汁うっ滞性疾患ではFGF19は肝細胞に発現し胆汁酸制御に関与する
    長谷川 泰浩; 近藤 宏樹; 宮原 由起; 三善 陽子  肝臓  54-  (Suppl.1)  A101  -A101  2013/04
  • 小児期発症原発性硬化性胆管炎8例の臨床的検討
    高野 智子; 田尻 仁; 長谷川 泰浩; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 虫明 聡太郎  肝臓  54-  (Suppl.1)  A311  -A311  2013/04
  • 心筋炎と繰り返す急性膵炎を合併した潰瘍性大腸炎の一例
    川西 邦洋; 近藤 宏樹; 木村 武司; 中尾 紀恵; 池田 佳世; 長谷川 泰浩; 橘 真紀子; 宮原 由起; 三善 陽子; 大薗 恵一  日本小児科学会雑誌  117-  (2)  471  -471  2013/02
  • 急性肝不全で発症し内服治療により組織学的改善を得た肝型Wilson病の1例
    宮田 京; 長谷川 泰浩; 中尾 紀恵; 木村 武司; 池田 佳世; 橘 真紀子; 宮原 由起; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 大薗 恵一  日本小児科学会雑誌  117-  (2)  473  -473  2013/02
  • ブロビアックカテーテル抜去困難の原因がカテーテルに対するアルレギーと考えられた1小児例
    上原 秀一郎; 曹 英樹; 井深 奏司; 奈良 啓悟; 上野 豪久; 大植 孝治; 臼井 規朗; 池田 佳世; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子  静脈経腸栄養  28-  (1)  407  -407  2013/01
  • ブロビアックカテーテル抜去困難の原因がカテーテルに対するアレルギーと考えられた1小児例
    上原 秀一郎; 曹 英樹; 井深 奏司; 奈良 啓悟; 上野 豪久; 大植 孝治; 臼井 規朗; 池田 佳世; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子  静脈経腸栄養  28-  (1)  540  -540  2013/01
  • ビスフォスフォネート投与で骨密度の改善がみられた早老症姉妹例
    中尾 紀恵; 三善 陽子; 中川 夏季; 木村 武司; 橘 真紀子; 長谷川 泰浩; 近藤 宏樹; 難波 範行; 大薗 恵一  日本内分泌学会雑誌  88-  (3)  1027  -1027  2012/12
  • T. Ueno; Y. Takama; K. Masahata; S. Uehara; S. Ibuka; H. Kondou; Y. Hasegawa; M. Fukuzawa  TRANSPLANTATION  94-  (10)  752  -752  2012/11
  • T. Ueno; Y. Takama; K. Masahata; S. Uehara; S. Ibuka; H. Kondou; Y. Hasegawa; M. Fukuzawa  TRANSPLANTATION  94-  (10)  222  -222  2012/11
  • 木村 武司; 池田 佳世; 長谷川 泰浩; 橘 真紀子; 山田 寛之; 清原 由起; 山岸 義晃; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 大薗 恵一; 上野 豪久; 虫明 聡太郎  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  26-  (Suppl.)  104  -104  2012/06
  • 原発性硬化性胆管炎・自己免疫性肝炎 小児期発症原発性硬化性胆管炎の臨床的特徴と経過の検討
    高野 智子; 田尻 仁; 三善 陽子; 長谷川 泰浩; 近藤 宏樹; 虫明 聡太郎  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  26-  (Suppl.)  55  -55  2012/06
  • 先天性心疾患術後に発症した肝細胞癌の2例
    近藤 宏樹; 木村 武司; 池田 佳世; 長谷川 泰浩; 橘 真紀子; 山田 寛之; 清原 由起; 三善 陽子; 大薗 恵一  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  26-  (Suppl.)  103  -103  2012/06
  • 長谷川 泰浩; 木村 武司; 池田 佳世; 橘 真紀子; 山田 寛之; 宮原 由起; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 大薗 恵一; 上野 豪久; 福澤 正洋  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  26-  (Suppl.)  143  -143  2012/06
  • cardiac cirrhosisに生じたHCCに対して、TACE/TAIを施行した3例
    中村 純寿; 大須賀 慶悟; 岸本 健太郎; 田中 会秀; 東原 大樹; 前田 登; 富山 憲幸; 宮崎 昌典; 近藤 宏樹; 上原 秀一郎  日本医学放射線学会学術集会抄録集  71回-  S246  -S246  2012/02
  • 山崎 早苗; 近藤 宏樹; 木村 武司; 池田 佳世; 長谷川 泰浩; 橘 真紀子; 山田 寛之; 清原 由起; 正畠 和典; 上野 豪久; 三善 陽子; 虫明 聡太郎; 大薗 恵一  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  25-  (2)  105  -105  2011/12
  • 薬剤に起因すると考えられるvanishing bile duct syndromeの1例
    池田 佳世; 近藤 宏樹; 新寶 理子; 木村 武司; 長谷川 泰浩; 橘 真紀子; 山田 寛之; 清原 由起; 三善 陽子; 大薗 恵一; 虫明 聡太郎; 中山 雅弘  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  25-  (2)  107  -107  2011/12
  • 木村 武司; 山崎 早苗; 池田 佳世; 長谷川 泰浩; 橘 真紀子; 山田 寛之; 清原 由紀; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 大薗 恵一; 上野 豪久; 福澤 正洋; 虫明 聡太郎; 河本 浩二; 惠谷 ゆり; 位田 忍  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  25-  (Suppl.)  93  -93  2011/09
  • Hirschsprung病類縁疾患のフォロー中に全身型JIAを発症した一例
    山崎 早苗; 木村 武司; 池田 佳世; 長谷川 泰浩; 橘 真紀子; 山田 寛之; 清原 由起; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 虫明 聡太郎; 大薗 恵一  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  25-  (Suppl.)  106  -106  2011/09
  • 三善 陽子; 酒井 規夫; 池田 佳世; 長谷川 泰浩; 橘 真紀子; 清原 由起; 山田 寛之; 近藤 宏樹; 濱田 悠介; 木村 志保子; 里 龍晴; 峰 淳史; 神尾 範子; 鈴木 保宏; 塩見 正司; 太田 秀明; 下澤 伸行; 大薗 恵一  日本内分泌学会雑誌  87-  (Suppl.)  83  -85  2011/06
  • 肝移植 現状と今後の課題 当科における小児急性肝不全症例の劇症化予知に関する検討
    長谷川 泰浩; 山田 寛之; 清原 由起; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 上野 豪久; 虫明 聡太郎  肝臓  52-  (Suppl.1)  A105  -A105  2011/04
  • 生体肝移植後に肝組織障害を来たした小児症例における液性免疫の関与
    山田 寛之; 近藤 宏樹; 長谷川 泰浩; 清原 由起; 三善 陽子; 上野 豪久; 虫明 聡太郎  肝臓  52-  (Suppl.1)  A369  -A369  2011/04
  • 肝機能異常と低血糖をきたし、糖原病0型を疑っている1例
    那波 伸敏; 岸本 加奈子; 池田 佳世; 長谷川 泰浩; 橘 真紀子; 山田 寛之; 清原 由起; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 濱田 悠介; 酒井 規夫; 虫明 聡太郎  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  25-  (1)  40  -40  2011/04
  • 肝炎後再生不良性貧血の2例
    中野 さやか; 池田 佳世; 松村 梨紗; 長谷川 泰浩; 吉田 寿雄; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 橋井 佳子; 太田 秀明; 大薗 恵一  日本小児科学会雑誌  115-  (2)  412  -412  2011/02
  • 三善 陽子; 橘 真紀子; 長谷川 泰浩; 近藤 宏樹; 濱田 悠介; 木村 志保子; 里 龍晴; 峰 淳史; 神尾 範子; 鈴木 保宏; 太田 秀明; 酒井 規夫; 下澤 伸行; 大薗 恵一  日本内分泌学会雑誌  86-  (3)  673  -673  2010/12
  • 肝硬変となったシトリン欠損による乳児肝内胆汁うっ滞症(NICCD)の一例
    梶 俊策; 村上 潤; 長田 郁夫; 虫明 聡太郎; 長谷川 泰浩; 近藤 宏樹  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  24-  (Suppl.)  156  -156  2010/09
  • 経鼻チューブをガイドとして適切な腸瘻位置を決定できたHirschsprung病類縁疾患の1例
    岸本 加奈子; 池田 佳世; 長谷川 泰浩; 橘 真紀子; 山田 寛之; 清原 由起; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 曹 英樹; 大薗 恵一; 虫明 聡太郎  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  24-  (Suppl.)  126  -126  2010/09
  • 清原 由起; 近藤 宏樹; 長谷川 泰浩; 池田 佳世; 橘 真紀子; 山田 寛之; 村上 真理; 別所 一彦; 三善 陽子; 上野 豪久; 井原 欣幸; 虫明 聡太郎; 福澤 正洋; 大薗 恵一  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  24-  (Suppl.)  138  -138  2010/09
  • 上野 豪久; 井原 欣幸; 高間 勇一; 近藤 宏樹; 長谷川 泰浩; 三善 陽子; 虫明 聡一郎; 福澤 正洋  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  24-  (Suppl.)  139  -139  2010/09
  • 長谷川 泰浩; 近藤 宏樹; 池田 佳世; 橘 真紀子; 山田 寛之; 清原 由起; 三善 陽子; 井原 欣幸; 上野 豪久; 福澤 正洋; 大薗 恵一  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  24-  (Suppl.)  150  -150  2010/09
  • 井原 欣幸; 上野 豪久; 高間 勇一; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 長谷川 泰浩; 池田 佳世; 山田 寛之; 清原 由起; 虫明 聡太郎; 福澤 正洋  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  24-  (Suppl.)  151  -151  2010/09
  • 山田 寛之; 近藤 宏樹; 長谷川 泰浩; 上野 豪久; 井原 欣幸; 橘 真紀子; 池田 佳世; 清原 由起; 村上 真理; 三善 陽子; 虫明 聡太郎; 福澤 正洋; 大薗 恵一  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  24-  (Suppl.)  153  -153  2010/09
  • 三善 陽子; 近藤 宏樹; 長谷川 泰浩; 池田 佳世; 橘 真紀子; 清原 由起; 山田 寛之; 別所 一彦; 虫明 聡太郎; 萩原 邦子; 井原 欣幸; 上野 豪久; 福澤 正洋; 大薗 惠一  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  24-  (Suppl.)  154  -154  2010/09
  • 肝機能異常から偶然発見された劇症肝炎型Wilson病の1例
    鳥越 史子; 長谷川 泰浩; 池田 佳世; 橘 真紀子; 山田 寛之; 清原 由起; 別所 一彦; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 大薗 恵一  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  24-  (Suppl.)  154  -154  2010/09
  • 小児期発症Wilson病13例における酢酸亜鉛製剤の有用性について
    長谷川 泰浩; 池田 佳世; 橘 真紀子; 山田 寛之; 清原 由起; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 酒井 規夫; 大薗 恵一  日本先天代謝異常学会雑誌  26-  (2)  132  -132  2010/09
  • Miwa Yamazaki; Keiichi Ozono; Tomoko Okada; Yasuhisa Ohata; Kanako Tachikawa; Hiroki Kondou; Toshimi Michigami  ENDOCRINE JOURNAL  57-  S494  -S494  2010/03
  • Hiroki Kondou; Masayo Yamagata; Kanako Tachikawa; Toshimi Michigami  HEPATOLOGY  46-  (4)  787A  -787A  2007/10
  • Hiroki Kondou; Masayo Yamagata; Kanae Tachikawa; Toshimi Michigami  HEPATOLOGY  44-  (4)  624A  -624A  2006/10
  • M Yamagata; K Ozono; Y Hashimoto; H Kondou; T Michigami  JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH  19-  S184  -S184  2004/10
  • H Kondou; S Mushiake; Y Etani; Y Miyoshi; T Michigami; K Ozono  JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY  39-  (5)  742  -748  2003/11
  • M Yamagata; Y Hashimoto; Y Miyauchi; H Kondou; K Ozono; T Michigami  JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH  18-  S408  -S408  2003/09
  • T Uchihashi; M Watanabe; M Yamagata; A Suzuki; H Kondou; K Ozono; T Michigami  JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH  18-  S108  -S108  2003/09
  • 村上 真理; 虫明 聡太郎; 田村 有広; 古座岩 宏輔; 三善 陽子; 近藤 宏樹; 大薗 恵一  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  16-  (Suppl.)  89  -89  2002/09
  • 当科における炎症性腸疾患に対するazathioprineの投与経験
    沢田 敦; 古座岩 宏輔; 田尻 仁; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 虫明 聡太郎  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  16-  (1)  45  -45  2002/05
  • C型肝炎母子感染の前方視的研究 感染率及び関連因子の検討
    三善 陽子; 沢田 敦; 古座岩 宏輔; 近藤 宏樹; 虫明 聡太郎; 田尻 仁  日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌  16-  (1)  29  -29  2002/05
  • インターフェロン治療を行った小児B型慢性肝炎患者の長期経過
    沢田 敦; 田尻 仁; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 虫明 聡太郎  小児内科  33-  (6)  888  -888  2001/06
  • 小児B型慢性肝炎におけるHBV genotypeに関する検討 自然経過でのseroconversionとの関係
    沢田 敦; 田尻 仁; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 虫明 聡太郎  肝臓  42-  (Suppl.1)  A185  -A185  2001/05
  • TGF-β1活性化抑制及び促進ペプチドを用いた肝細胞変性及び線維化に与える効果の検討
    近藤 宏樹; 虫明 聡太郎; 三善 陽子; 澤田 敦; 田尻 仁  肝臓  42-  (Suppl.1)  A251  -A251  2001/05
  • H Kondou; S Mushiake; Y Miyoshi; H Tajiri; S Okada  GASTROENTEROLOGY  120-  (5)  A28  -A28  2001/04
  • 大場 志保子; 沢田 敦; 田尻 仁; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 虫明 聡太郎; 古座岩 宏輔; 岡田 伸太郎; 原田 徳蔵; 三木 和典  日本小児栄養消化器病学会雑誌  15-  (1)  56  -57  2001/04
  • 免疫抑制剤を含めた薬物療法を試みているステロイド依存性の潰瘍性大腸炎と考えられる男児例
    望月 成隆; 沢田 敦; 田尻 仁; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 虫明 聡太郎; 古座岩 宏輔; 岡田 伸太郎; 原田 徳蔵; 三木 和典  日本小児栄養消化器病学会雑誌  15-  (1)  55  -55  2001/04
  • 小児におけるTTウイルス感染 genotype及びウイルス量の検討
    田尻 仁; 沢田 敦; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 虫明 聡太郎; 岡田 伸太郎  日本小児科学会雑誌  105-  (3)  244  -244  2001/03
  • 正常小児におけるTTウイルス感染率および感染時期の検討
    金野 雅子; 田尻 仁; 多田 香苗; 三善 陽子; 近藤 宏樹; 沢田 敦; 虫明 聡太郎; 岡田 伸太郎; 舟田 俊平  小児感染免疫  12-  (4)  452  -453  2000/12
  • non-coding regionの系統樹解析を用いたTTウイルス母子感染の分子生物学的検討
    多田 香苗; 田尻 仁; 金野 雅子; 三善 陽子; 近藤 宏樹; 恵谷 ゆり; 沢田 敦; 虫明 聡太郎; 岡田 伸太郎  小児感染免疫  12-  (4)  453  -453  2000/12
  • インターフェロン治療を行った小児B型慢性肝炎症例の長期経過
    沢田 敦; 田尻 仁; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 恵谷 ゆり; 多田 香苗; 虫明 聡太郎  小児内科  32-  (8)  1247  -1248  2000/08
  • Y Miyoshi; H Tajiri; S Mushiake; H Kondou; K Tada; Y Etani; A Sawada; S Okada; S Kagimoto  GASTROENTEROLOGY  118-  (4)  A192  -A192  2000/04
  • A Sawada; H Tajiri; K Kozaiwa; H Kondou; Y Miyoshi; K Tada; Y Etani; S Mushiake; S Okada  GASTROENTEROLOGY  118-  (4)  A1486  -A1486  2000/04
  • H Tajiri; A Sawada; S Mushiake; H Kondou; Y Miyoshi; K Tada; Y Etani; S Okada  GASTROENTEROLOGY  118-  (4)  A904  -A904  2000/04
  • 小児非B非C肝炎症例におけるTTVの感染状況に関する検討
    多田 香苗; 田尻 仁; 三善 陽子; 近藤 宏樹; 惠谷 ゆり; 沢田 敦; 虫明 聡太郎; 三木 和典; 岡田 伸太郎  小児感染免疫  11-  (3)  283  -283  1999/10
  • メソトレキセート併用によりステロイドの減量が可能であった潰瘍性大腸炎の小児2症例
    河本 準子; 沢田 敦; 田尻 仁; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 多田 香苗; 虫明 聡太郎; 古座岩 宏輔; 三木 和典; 岡田 伸太郎  日本小児科学会雑誌  103-  (2)  221  -221  1999/02
  • 免疫グロブリン投与によって胆汁うっ滞が改善した脂肪変性を伴う新生児肝炎の2例
    窪田 拓生; 高橋 邦彦; 田尻 仁; 近藤 宏樹; 三善 陽子; 多田 香苗; 沢田 敦; 虫明 聡太郎; 岡田 伸太郎  大阪小児科学会誌  15-  (4)  6  -6  1998/12

Affiliated academic society

  • Japanese Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism   The Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons   The Japanese Society for Pediatric Endocrinology   米国肝臓学会   日本内視鏡学会   日本肝臓学会   日本小児栄養消化器病学会   日本小児科学会   

Research Themes

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2018/03 
    Author : Bessho Kazuhiko
    We found that in the liver from infants with biliary atresia, the expression level of beta-defensin, an antimicrobial peptide which activates innate immunity against gram-negative bacteria was upregulated compared to livers from diseased and normal controls. The expression level of its receptor, TLR4 was identified on hepatic dendritic cells. In the rotavirus-induced murine model of biliary atresia, when we kept the colony under bactrim diet, the incidence of obstruction of extrahepatic bile duct was reduced significantly after injection of rotavirus, and a part of gram negative bacteria was decreased in the stool of mouse from the bactrim-diet colony.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2018/03 
    Author : KONDOU Hiroki
    Regulatory mechanisms of bile acid synthesis under chronic cholestasis remain unclear. We analyzed molecules involving bile acid metabolism using liver and serum samples from 8 biliary atresia (BA) children and 4 non-cholestatic disease controls. CYP7A1 mRNA expression was not inhibited in BA microdissected hepatocyte-entriched tissue despite high serum bile acid concentrations. The FGF19 protein was synthesized in BA hepatocytes, and its serum concentration was elevated. FGFR4 was phosphorylated in BA livers. However, ERK phosphorylation was significantly decreased. his is the first study to demonstrated that the FGF19 pathway did not suppress bile acid synthesis due to downregulation of ERK pathway in BA patients.
  • ドラッグ・リポジショニングによる難治性小児肝内胆汁鬱滞症の特効薬開発を指向したフェニル酪酸ナトリウムの有効性と安全性の検討を目的とした臨床研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2018/03 
    Author : 近藤 宏樹
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2016/03 
    Author : Okuda Masumi; KAMIYA Shigeru; KIKUCHI Shogo; FUKUDA Yoshihiro; OSAKI Takako; KONDOU Hiroki
    Helicobacter hepaticus (H. hepaticus) is a gram-negative, spiral shaped microaerophilic bacterium. Several studies have suggested the possibility that infection of this bacterium plays a role in the pathogenesis of liver diseases in humans. We evaluated the association between H. hepaticus and children with liver disorders. Furthermore, we detect the antigenic H. hepaticus protein recognized by child sera using 2-DE immunoblot analysis. Positive rate of H. hepaticus in children without and with liver disorders was 30.3% (10/33) and 44.4% (4/9), respectively. Total 25 proteins were identified as candidate antigens by LS-MS/MS after the 2-DE immunoblot analysis. Among the proteins, flagelin A was the most reactive protein, particularly against highly reactive sera, although low reactive sera also detected the spot slightly.
  • 進行性家族性肝内胆汁うっ滞症1型患者におけるフェニル酪酸ナトリウムの有効性と安全性の検討を目的としたオープン試験
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/07 -2016/03 
    Author : 近藤 宏樹
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2011 -2013 
    Author : KONDOU Hiroki; WADA Kazuko
    We studied FGF19 signaling pathway in chronic cholestasis using blood sample and liver tissue from Biliary atresia (BA) patients. Serum concentration of bile acid was significantly higher in BA patients, and their serum and tissue concentrations of FGF19 were significantly higher in BA patients. IHC and ISH revealed that FGF19 were aberrantly synthesized in hepatocytes in BA liver. While, those target gene, CYP7A1mRNA was not suppressed in BA patients despite of high concentration of bile acid and FGF19. Next, FXR mRNA was significantly up-regulated in hepatocytes in BA patients, and FGFR4 and KLB mRNA were also up-regulated. Further, phosphorylation of FGFR4 in BA patients was increased, then phosphorylation of ERK was decreased. Whereas, SHP mRNA, which suppress CYP7A1 was up-regulated in BA patients. These results suggest that FGF19 was aberrantly expressed in chronic cholestatic hepatocytes. however, this signal was not able to suppress CYP7A1 via ERK pathway.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2010 
    Author : KONDOU Hiroki; MICHIGAMI Toshimi; MUSHIAKE Sotaro
    We screened the downstream molecules of HNF4a during liver development, sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter (SNAT) 4 was identified. The aim of this study is to investigate the regulation of SNAT4 by HNF4a and to clarify its roles in differentiating hepatocytes. SNAT4 mRNA showed a marked perinatal increase in mRNA levels, and was predominant among system A amino acid transporters. It was first detected in E18.5 liver in immunohistochemistry, and found in most hepatocytes after birth. Three alternative first exons were founding SNAT4 gene. Finally, over-expression experiments demonstrated that SNAT4 facilitated amino acid uptake and de novo protein synthesis in primary hepatoblasts.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2007 
    Author : MICHIGAMI Toshimi; KONDOU Hiroki
    Although it has been revealed that several molecules are involved in the regulation of renal phosphate reabsorption, the functional relationship between these molecules remains to be elucidated. In the current study, we aimed to clarify the mechanisms by which these molecules coordinate to regulate renal phosphate reabsorption. We have previously found that megalin-dependent endocytosis is involved in renal phosphate reabsorption via the regulation of subcellular distribution of type IIa Na^+/Pi co-transporter. Therefore, we first examined whether megalin-dependent endocytosis affect the action of FGF23 as a phosphatunc hormone. The disturbance of megalin-dependent endocytosis using soluble form of receptor associated protein(RAP) resulted in the reduced serum level of FGF23 in mice. This observation recapitulates the reduced serum FGF23 in human patients with Fanconi syndrome, suggesting that FGF23 is filtered in glomerulus and excreted in urine. We also examined the effect of extracellular phosphate(Pi) itself on the FGF23 signaling using HEK293 human embryonic kidney cells. We found that increased extracellular Pi resulted in the signal transduction in the cells, and it shared the downstream signaling network with FGF23. These results suggest that extracellular Pi itself affect the responsiveness of renal tubular cells to FGF23.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2007 
    Author : 近藤 宏樹
    マウス発生初期肝臓に発現する遺伝子のスクリーニングを行うため,まず肝臓が発生して1日目の胎生9.5日胚から肝臓を単離し,器官培養することに成功した。この器官培養系を用いて,申請者は,このHnf4αを器官培養胎仔肝に強制的に発現させて細胞内遣伝子を撹乱し,対照として同じくLacZを導入して24時間器官培養後,mRNAを抽出した。このmRNAを鋳型としてcDNA合成を行い,この2つのcDNAに対し,suppression subtractive hybridization法を用いてmRNAの発現プロファイルの違いを比較しmRNAの量が増加または減少したものを同定した。その結果,肝特異的アミノ酸トランスポーターsodiuim-coupled neutral amino acid transporter 4(SNAT4)や蛋白修飾因子Spcs 2,クロマチン構成因子H2afzが肝発生期に発現している有望な分子として同定できた。申請者は,SNAT4につき更なる解析を進め,定量PCRにて肝発生過程におけるmRNAレベルの経時的な発現の変化を調べると,SNATファミリーの中でSNAT4が最も優位に発現しており,少なくともE9.5日から発現し,胎生後期に急激に増加することを見いだした(2007年米国肝臓学会にて発表)。また申請者は,マウスSNAT4をコードする遺伝子Slc38a4の上流約3.7kbの領域をクローニングした。レポーターベクターを構築し,レポーターアッセイにて転写活性化能を測定すると,Slc38a4はHnf4αにより転写が活性化されることが判明した(2007年米国肝臓学会にて発表)。この成果に基づいて,現在,論文投稿準備中である。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2005 -2006 
    Author : MUSHIAKE Sotaro; KONDOU Hiroki; OZONO Keiichi
    The Grb10 expression in human pathological cirrhotic liver tissues and the animal models with liver damages were assessed. Dimethylnitrosamine (DMN) administration and CCI4 administration mice models were constructed according to the former reported protocol but they were not utilized for the following experiments because of their high lethality and hepatocyte damage rather than portal fibrosis. Then immunohistochemical staining for Grb10 was performed on the common bileduct ligation (CBDL) model, but no significant staining was obtained. Examination of mRNA expression by RT-PCR in the liver tissue of the CBDL mouse and the normal adult mouse demonstrated coordinative expressions of Grb10. The result was different from the former report that the Grb10 expression in the adult mouse liver was very low as compared with that in the embryo. On the other hand, in Western blot, protein expression in the adult mouse liver was very low compared to those in fetus and CBDL mouse liver. Then hepatic parenchymal cells and hepatic stellate cells (HSC) were extracted from the rat liver, the mypfibroblastic transformation of HSC was assessed and the expressions of Grb10 were examined by RT-PCR. In result, the mRNA expressions were detected in myofibroblast (HSC), while very low in hepatocyte. In addition, mRNA expression was demonstrated in the damaged liver tissue of DMN-treated SD rats which is identical to the localization found in human cirrhotic liver. Though that does not reflect the pathological state in human cirrhotic liver, in vitro examination utilizing the cultured rat HSC can be a efficient tool for the assessment of the role of Grb10 in the mechanism of hepatic fibrosis in future.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2004 -2005 
    Author : MICHIGAMI Toshimi; KONDOU Hiroki
    Megalin is a multifunctional endocytic receptor expressed in renal proximal tubules, and plays critical roles in the renal uptake of various proteins. We hypothesized that megalin-dependent endocytosis might play a role in renal reabsorption of inorganic phosphate. To address the short-term effects of altered megalin function, we administered a recombinant protein for the soluble form of 39-kD receptor associated protein (RAP) intraperitoneally to 7-wk-old mice. The recombinant protein was prepared as histidine-tagged soluble RAP (aa 39-356) lacking the amino-terminal signal peptide and the carboxyl terminal endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention signal, which was designated as His-sRAP. After the direct interaction between His-sRAP and megalin was confirmed, mice were given a single intraperitoneal injection of His-sRAP (3.5 mg/dose). Immunostaining and Western blot analyses demonstrated that the uptake of His-sHAP and the accelerated internalization of megalin in proximal tubular cells 1 hour after administration. Interestingly, internalization of the type II sodium/phosphate co-transporter (NaPi-II) was observed. Three sequential administrations of His-sRAP (3.5 mg/dose, three doses with 4-hr intervals) increased the urinary excretion of low molecular weight proteins including vitamin D-binding protein. In addition, the urinary excretion of phosphate was also increased, and the protein level of NaPi-II in the brush border was decreased. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D was decreased, while the plasma level of intact parathyroid hormone was not altered. These results suggest that the His-sRAP induced acceleration of megalin-mediated endocytosis caused phosphaturia via altered subcellular distribution of NaPi-II.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2004 -2005 
    Author : 近藤 宏樹
    トロンボスポンジン1アンタゴニスト・LSKLペプチドの持つ肝線維化抑制作用を、肝臓における構成細胞ごとに明らかにする為、ラット培養小型肝細胞を用いた肝細胞の3次元培養系に着目した。ラット培養小型肝細胞は、1つの細胞からコロニーを形成し、肝細胞に成熟する細胞と胆管上皮系のマーカー(CK19)を発現する細胞とに分かれるが、これを培養液中にLSKLペプチドを添加群とペプチド非添加(対照)群の2群に分けてCK19陽性細胞率を比較検討すると、対照群では54.6%であったのに対し、LSKLペプチド添加群では31.3%と有意に抑制されていた。胆管上皮系への分化が抑制され肝細胞への分化が促進されたことは、LSKLペプチドを投与した肝線維化モデルラットの肝組織像において線維化抑制および肝再生が観察されたことと一致した。 肝再生と肝発生における分子メカニズムには、共通する部分が多くあると考えられた為、申請者は、マウス胎生9.5日胎仔肝の器官培養系を確立した。3日間培養を行った結果、培養胎仔肝は、培養3日目に約3倍の体積に成長し、組織像においても肝芽細胞が増殖し、器官発生が進んでいることが観察された。また、肝細胞のマーカーであるアルブミン遺伝子転写産物の発現も増強した。この系を用いて肝細胞の分化・成熟に重要なHepatocyte nuclear factor 4αを過剰発現させた胎仔肝と対照としてLacZを発現させた胎仔肝のmRNAのプロファイルをsubtractive suppression PCR法で比較したところ、いくつかの遺伝子を同定することが出来た。その中には、TGF-β1の標的遺伝子と思われる遺伝子も存在した為、今後さらなる検討を進める予定である。
  • 肝発生、肝再生
  • 小児肝疾患、栄養疾患の病態解明に関する研究
  • Pediatric liver disease and nutrition
  • Study on mechanism of hepatic fibrosis