Department of AccountingLecturer

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences / Money and finance
  • Humanities & social sciences / Accounting

■Research activity information



  • 第3回『企業会計』カンファレンス開催記(報告(2)OCI処理の今後の行方)
    渡邉宏美  企業会計  75-  (9)  56  -57  2023/09
  • COVID-19禍における株価変動で顕在化した日本の会計基準の非対称性
    渡邉宏美  ディスクロージャー&IR  17-  166  -168  2021/05
  • Rationality of using different measurement bases
    WATANABE Hiromi  Shokei-gakuso  65-  (2)  159  -179  2018/11
  • WATANABE Hiromi  Fukuoka University review of commercial sciences  59-  (4)  517  -532  2015/03
  • Watanabe Hiromi  Fukuoka University review of commercial sciences  58-  (4)  497  -520  2014/03
  • Hiromi Watanabe  立教経済学研究  66-  (3)  181  -188  2013
  • 渡邉 宏美  税研  29-  (171)  90  -93  2013
  • Bankman&Weisbach(2006)をめぐる議論の応酬について
    66-  (3)  181  2013
  • 評価差額に対する課税問題
    税務会計研究  (23)  303  2012

Books and other publications

  • 坂本 雅士; 成道, 秀雄 中央経済グループパブリッシング 2024/03 4502497312 274
  • The Recognition of Unrealized Gains or Losses
    Hiromi WATANABE (Single work)中央経済社,中央経済グループパブリッシング (発売) 2021/05 9784502385711 iii, viii, 239p
  • 財務会計の理論と制度
    渡邉 宏美 (Contributor第7章 実現・継続性規準の起源と意義)中央経済社 2018/02

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • ストックオプション課税の再検討
    税務会計研究学会第35回大会  2023/10
  • OCI処理の今後の行方
    第3回『企業会計』カンファレンス  2023/03
  • 収益認識プロジェクトにみる意思決定有用性の意義  [Not invited]
    日本会計研究学会九州部会第93回大会  2014/03
  • On the accounting treatment and meaning of "non-recognition"  [Not invited]
    Hiromi WATANABE
    日本会計研究学会第71回大会(一橋大学)  2012/09
  • tax issues on unrealized gains and losses  [Not invited]
    watanabe hiromi
    Japan tax accountig association  2011/10

Affiliated academic society

  • 税務会計研究学会   日本会計研究学会   


  • 税務キーワードWEB(第一法規)
    2022/10 - Today

Research Themes

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2017/03 
    Author : SUZUKI Kazumi; URASAKI Naohiko; UEMATSU Mikio
    Article 22 of the Corporation Tax Act requires that a firm should determine its taxable income on the basis of accounting income in conformity with the accounting standards generally accepted as fair and appropriate. On the other hand, there are a variety of accounting standards including international convergence-oriented accounting standards for global firms and cost and benefit-oriented accounting standards for small and medium-sized firms in the financial reporting system in these days. Such diversification of accounting standards has induced a lot of disputes between firms and tax authorities. This study discusses the contents and points out issues of the accounting standards generally accepted as fair and appropriate for tax purposes.