YOSHIDA Koichiro

    Kindai University Hospital Professor/Director
Last Updated :2024/04/17

Researcher Information


J-Global ID

Research Interests

  • antimicrobial chemotherapy   deep seated mycosis   (1→3)-β-D-glucan   院内感染制御   

Research Areas

  • Life sciences / Infectious disease

Academic & Professional Experience

  • 2007/04 - 2012/03  Showa UniversitySchool of Medicine准教授

Published Papers

  • Masayuki Maeda; Yuichi Muraki; Tadashi Kosaka; Takehiro Yamada; Yosuke Aoki; Mitsuo Kaku; Masafumi Seki; Yoshinari Tanabe; Naohisa Fujita; Yoshihito Niki; Kunihiko Morita; Katsunori Yanagihara; Koichiro Yoshida; Tatsuya Kawaguchi
    Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy 27 (1) 1 - 6 2021/01
  • 日本化学療法学会 抗微生物薬適正使用推進検討委員会委員会報告 第2回抗菌薬適正使用支援プログラム全国調査アンケート 2018年度診療報酬改定後における感染防止対策加算の算定種類別解析
    川口 辰哉; 賀来 満夫; 青木 洋介; 田邊 嘉也; 関 雅文; 藤田 直久; 柳原 克紀; 吉田 耕一郎; 小阪 直史; 前田 真之; 村木 優一; 森田 邦彦; 山田 武宏
    日本化学療法学会雑誌 (公社)日本化学療法学会 68 (6) 599 - 607 1340-7007 2020/11
  • 第2回抗菌薬適正使用支援プログラム(ASP)に関する全国アンケート調査 2018年度診療報酬改定の影響
    前田 真之; 村木 優一; 小阪 直史; 山田 武宏; 青木 洋介; 賀来 満夫; 関 雅文; 田邊 嘉也; 二木 芳人; 藤田 直久; 森田 邦彦; 柳原 克紀; 吉田 耕一郎; 川口 辰哉; 公益社団法人日本化学療法学会抗微生物薬適正使用推進検討委員会
    日本化学療法学会雑誌 (公社)日本化学療法学会 68 (Suppl.A) 393 - 393 1340-7007 2020/09
  • 第2回抗菌薬適正使用支援プログラム(ASP)に関する全国アンケート調査 2018年度診療報酬改定の影響
    前田 真之; 村木 優一; 小阪 直史; 山田 武宏; 青木 洋介; 賀来 満夫; 関 雅文; 田邊 嘉也; 二木 芳人; 藤田 直久; 森田 邦彦; 柳原 克紀; 吉田 耕一郎; 川口 辰哉; 公益社団法人日本化学療法学会抗微生物薬適正使用推進検討委員会
    日本化学療法学会雑誌 (公社)日本化学療法学会 68 (Suppl.A) 393 - 393 1340-7007 2020/09
  • 左大腿基底細胞癌術後にジフテリア毒素産生Corynebacterium ulceransによる手術部位感染を発症し、室内飼育のネコとの水平伝播が考えられた1例
    古垣内 美智子; 勝川 千尋; 狩野 真樹; 森河 沙都; 江口 香織; 西尾 基; 坂口 智世; 宇都宮 孝治; 戸田 宏文; 松浦 宏美; 前田 和成; 山口 逸弘; 中江 健市; 上硲 俊法; 菊池 賢; 中尾 仁美; 山内 誠; 吉田 耕一郎
    日本臨床微生物学会雑誌 (一社)日本臨床微生物学会 29 (4) 207 - 214 2434-866X 2019/09 
    70代男性,左大腿基底細胞癌術後にジフテリア毒素産生性Corynebacterium ulceransによる手術部位感染を発症した症例を報告する。患者はジフテリア様症状を呈することはなく,創部洗浄のみで軽快した。室内飼育のネコの鼻腔と咽頭からもC.ulceransが分離され,MLSTにより患者由来株と同じくST2に分類されたため,飼いネコと患者間で水平伝播したと考えられた。Corynebacterium spp.は常在菌として扱われるため菌種レベルの同定がされない場合が多いが,β-溶血を示す集落は本菌を考慮し,菌種レベルの同定を行う必要がある。(著者抄録)
  • Masayuki Maeda; Yuichi Muraki; Tadashi Kosaka; Takehiro Yamada; Yosuke Aoki; Mitsuo Kaku; Masafumi Seki; Yoshinari Tanabe; Naohisa Fujita; Yoshihito Niki; Kunihiko Morita; Katsunori Yanagihara; Koichiro Yoshida; Tatsuya Kawaguchi
    Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy 25 (9) 653 - 656 2019/09 
    Implementation of antimicrobial stewardship programs (ASPs) with multidisciplinary antimicrobial stewardship teams (ASTs) is critical for appropriate antimicrobial use at healthcare facilities. Although the Japanese medical reimbursement system was revised to allow fees for ASP implementation, several concerns remain, including understaffing and enforcement of the recommendations on ASTs and ASPs in practice. Furthermore, there are no recommendations on full-time equivalents (FTEs) of the core members in ASTs in Japan. This committee report presents our recommendations on ASTs based on an analysis of the nationwide survey on implemented ASPs and staff FTEs at 1358 healthcare facilities conducted by the Japanese Society of Chemotherapy. Our report provides a directive for structural and financial support of ASTs and should aid in planning for the enhancement of AST practices and the organization of new ASTs.
  • 左大体基底細胞癌術後にジフテリア毒素産生Corynebacterium ulceransによる手術部位感染を発症し、室内飼育のネコとの水平伝播が考えられた1例
    古垣内美智子; 勝川千尋; 狩野真樹; 森河沙耶; 江口香織; 西尾基; 坂口智世; 宇都宮孝治; 戸田宏文; 松浦宏美; 前田和成; 山口逸弘; 中江健市; 上硲俊法; 菊池賢; 中尾仁美; 山内誠; 吉田耕一郎
    日本臨床微生物学会雑誌 29 (4) 207 - 214 2434-8678 2019/09 [Refereed]
  • 抗菌薬適正使用支援プログラム(ASPs)現状調査アンケート
    前田 真之; 村木 優一; 小阪 直史; 山田 武宏; 青木 洋介; 賀来 満夫; 川口 辰哉; 関 雅文; 田邊 嘉也; 藤田 直久; 森田 邦彦; 柳原 克紀; 吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人; 日本化学療法学会抗微生物薬適正使用推進検討委員会
    感染症学雑誌 (一社)日本感染症学会 93 (2) 165 - 165 0387-5911 2019/03
  • 西山 理; 佐伯 翔; 山崎 亮; 佐野 安希子; 佐野 博幸; 岩永 賢司; 吉田 耕一郎; 原口 龍太; 久米 裕昭; 東田 有智
    日本呼吸器学会誌 (一社)日本呼吸器学会 8 (増刊) 175 - 175 2186-5876 2019/03
  • Masayuki Maeda; Yuichi Muraki; Tadashi Kosaka; Takehiro Yamada; Yosuke Aoki; Mitsuo Kaku; Tatsuya Kawaguchi; Masafumi Seki; Yoshinari Tanabe; Naohisa Fujita; Kunihiko Morita; Katsunori Yanagihara; Koichiro Yoshida; Yoshihito Niki
    Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy 25 (2) 83 - 88 2019/02
  • 手術後の創部からジフテリア毒素産生Corynebacterium ulceransが分離され室内飼育のネコからの水平伝播と考えられた一例
    古垣内 美智子; 勝川 千尋; 狩野 真樹; 江口 香織; 西尾 基; 戸田 宏文; 松浦 宏美; 山口 逸弘; 上硲 俊法; 吉田 耕一郎
    日本臨床微生物学会雑誌 (一社)日本臨床微生物学会 29 (Suppl.1) 477 - 477 2434-866X 2018/12
  • 日本化学療法学会 抗微生物薬適正使用推進検討委員会 抗菌薬適正使用支援プログラム(antimicrobial stewardship programs;ASPs)全国調査アンケート 2018年度診療報酬改定前の現状調査
    川口 辰哉; 賀来 満夫; 青木 洋介; 小阪 直史; 関 雅文; 田邊 嘉也; 藤田 直久; 前田 真之; 村木 優一; 森田 邦彦; 柳原 克紀; 山田 武宏; 吉田 耕一郎
    日本化学療法学会雑誌 (公社)日本化学療法学会 66 (6) 700 - 703 1340-7007 2018/11
  • 御勢 久也; 佐野 安希子; 吉川 和也; 佐伯 翔; 綿谷 奈々瀬; 山崎 亮; 西川 裕作; 大森 隆; 西山 理; 山縣 俊之; 佐野 博幸; 岩永 賢司; 原口 龍太; 久米 裕昭; 吉田 耕一郎; 東田 有智
    日本職業・環境アレルギー学会雑誌 日本職業・環境アレルギー学会 26 (1) 103 - 103 1349-5461 2018/07
  • 抗菌薬適正使用支援プログラム実践のためのガイダンス
    二木 芳人; 賀来 満夫; 青木 洋介; 川口 辰哉; 小阪 直史; 関 雅文; 田邊 嘉也; 藤田 直久; 前田 真之; 村木 優一; 森田 邦彦; 柳原 克紀; 山田 武宏; 吉田 耕一郎; 松本 哲哉; 飯沼 由嗣; 菅野 みゆき; 高橋 俊司; 山本 剛; 奥田 真弘; 谷川原 祐介; 竹末 芳生; 8学会合同抗微生物薬適正使用推進検討委員会, 公益社団法人日本化学療法学会, 一般社団法人日本感染症学会, 一般社団法人日本環境感染学会, 一般社団法人日本臨床微生物学会, 公益社団法人日本薬学会, 一般社団法人日本医療薬学会, 一般社団法人日本TDM学会, 一般社団法人日本医真菌学会
    日本化学療法学会雑誌 (公社)日本化学療法学会 65 (5) 650 - 687 1340-7007 2017/09
  • 佐野 安希子; 佐野 博幸; 佐伯 翔; 山崎 亮; 綿谷 奈々瀬; 西川 裕作; 西山 理; 山縣 俊之; 岩永 賢司; 東本 有司; 久米 裕昭; 吉田 耕一郎; 東田 有智
    日本呼吸器学会誌 (一社)日本呼吸器学会 6 (増刊) 304 - 304 2186-5876 2017/03
  • Akiko Sano; Osamu Nishiyama; Hiroyuki Sano; Koichiro Yoshida; Yuji Tohda
    Kekkaku : [Tuberculosis] 91 (9) 617 - 622 0022-9776 2016/09 
    A 52-year-old woman was referred to our hospital presenting with epigastric pain and weight loss. A contrast- enhanced abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan showed a low-density mass in the body of the pancreas, indicative of a malignancy. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration of the pancreatic mass was performed three times and showed no specific findings. A distal pancreatectomy was performed, and a pathological examination revealed epitheli- oid cell granulomas and necrosis. Ziehl-Neelsen staining did not reveal acid-fast bacilli in the pancreatic mass. A diagnosis of tuberculosis or sarcoidosis of the pancreas was con- sidered; however, the patient chose to undergo a follow-up examination without therapeutic intervention because the pancreatic mass had been removed completely and she had recovered well. Four months after the operation, the patient was readmitted to our hospital for insulin therapy for pancreatic diabetes. She presented with a fever and a productive cough, and a chest CT scan showed multiple nodules in both upper lobes. A bronchoscopy was performed and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cultures for Mycobacterium tuberculosis were positive. The patient received antitubercular quadri-therapy and showed symptomatic and radiologic improvement. At the initial examination, we had been unable to establish the correct diagnosis; however, the detection of pulmonary lesions led to the time-delayed diagnosis of pancreatic tuber- culosis. Owing to its rarity, it is difficult to diagnose pancreatic tuberculosis using clinical symptoms and radiological imaging modalities; thus, pathologic and bacteriologic confirmation is essential. To avoid performing an unnecessary laparotomy in patients with pancreatic tuberculosis, increased vigilance and an accurate diagnostic approach are required.
  • 花田 宗一郎; 西山 理; 白波瀬 賢; 中西 雄也; 佐伯 翔; 山崎 亮; 綿谷 奈々瀬; 西川 裕作; 大森 隆; 佐野 安希子; 山縣 俊之; 岩永 賢司; 東本 有司; 佐野 博幸; 吉田 耕一郎; 久米 裕昭; 東田 有智
    気管支学 (NPO)日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 38 (5) 449 - 449 0287-2137 2016/09
  • 佐野 安希子; 西山 理; 佐野 博幸; 吉田 耕一郎; 東田 有智
    結核 (一社)日本結核病学会 91 (9) 617 - 622 0022-9776 2016/09 
  • Keiichi Mikasa; Nobuki Aoki; Yosuke Aoki; Shuichi Abe; Satoshi Iwata; Kazunobu Ouchi; Kei Kasahara; Junichi Kadota; Naoki Kishida; Osamu Kobayashi; Hiroshi Sakata; Masahumi Seki; Hiroki Tsukada; Yutaka Tokue; Fukumi Nakamura-Uchiyama; Futoshi Higa; Koichi Maeda; Katsunori Yanagihara; Koichiro Yoshida
    Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy 22 (7 Suppl) S1-S65  2016/07
  • 肺非結核性抗酸菌症における一般細菌性肺炎の発症予測因子に関する検討
    佐野 安希子; 佐野 博幸; 西山 理; 岩永 賢司; 吉田 耕一郎; 東田 有智
    感染症学雑誌 (一社)日本感染症学会 90 (臨増) 301 - 301 0387-5911 2016/03
  • Ikeda-Dantsuji Y; Hanaki H; Sakai F; Tomono K; Takesue Y; Honda J; Nonomiya Y; Suwabe A; Nagura O; Yanagihara K; Mikamo H; Fukuchi K; Kaku M; Kohno S; Yanagisawa C; Nakae T; Yoshida K; Niki Y
    Kansenshogaku zasshi. The Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases Suppl 13 8 - 14 0387-5911 2015/07 [Refereed]
  • 特発性肺線維症における肺炎・下気道感染症入院症例の検討
    西山 理; 山崎 亮; 佐野 安希子; 佐野 博幸; 岩永 賢司; 中島 宏和; 吉田 耕一郎; 東田 有智
    感染症学雑誌 (一社)日本感染症学会 88 (5) 733 - 733 0387-5911 2014/09
  • 特発性肺線維症における肺炎・下気道感染症入院症例の検討
    西山 理; 山崎 亮; 佐野 安希子; 佐野 博幸; 岩永 賢司; 中島 宏和; 吉田 耕一郎; 東田 有智
    日本化学療法学会雑誌 (公社)日本化学療法学会 62 (Suppl.A) 226 - 226 1340-7007 2014/05
  • 山崎 亮; 西山 理; 山縣 俊之; 佐野 博幸; 岩永 賢司; 東本 有司; 久米 裕昭; 東田 有智; 吉田 耕一郎
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 36 (5) 570 - 571 2014
  • JAID/JSC感染症治療ガイドライン 呼吸器感染症
    三笠 桂一; 青木 信樹; 青木 洋介; 阿部 修一; 岩田 敏; 尾内 一信; 笠原 敬; 門田 淳一; 岸田 直樹; 小林 治; 坂田 宏; 関 雅文; 塚田 弘樹; 徳江 豊; 中村 ふくみ[内山]; 比嘉 太; 前田 光一; 柳原 克紀; 吉田 耕一郎; 一般社団法人日本感染症学会, 公益社団法人日本化学療法学会, JAID/JSC感染症治療ガイド・ガイドライン作成委員会, 呼吸器感染症WG
    日本化学療法学会雑誌 (公社)日本化学療法学会 62 (1) 1 - 109 1340-7007 2014/01
  • 三笠 桂一; 青木 信樹; 青木 洋介; 阿部 修一; 岩田 敏; 尾内 一信; 笠原 敬; 門田 淳一; 岸田 直樹; 小林 治; 坂田 宏; 関 雅文; 塚田 弘樹; 徳江 豊; 中村 ふくみ[内山]; 比嘉 太; 前田 光一; 柳原 克紀; 吉田 耕一郎; 一般社団法人日本感染症学会, 公益社団法人日本化学療法学会, JAID/JSC感染症治療ガイド・ガイドライン作成委員会, 呼吸器感染症WG
    感染症学雑誌 (一社)日本感染症学会 88 (1) 1 - 109 0387-5911 2014/01
  • 二木 芳人; 三鴨 廣繁; 詫間 隆博; 竹末 芳生; 土井 智章; 中嶋 一彦; 槇村 浩一; 宮崎 泰可; 望月 清文; 山岸 由佳; 吉田 耕一郎; 斎藤 京二郎; 高桑 健; 田中 克人; 中條 英司; 堀 康宏
    Medical Mycology Journal The Japanese Society for Medical Mycology 54 (2) 147 - 251 2185-6486 2013/04
  • TODA Hirofumi; YAMAGUCHI Toshihiro; KAZUMI Yuko; NAKAE Kenichi; KAMISAKO Toshinori; YOSHIDA Koichiro
    Kansenshogaku Zasshi The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases 87 (2) 215 - 217 0387-5911 2013/03
  • TODA Hirofumi; YAMAGUCHI Toshihiro; KAZUMI Yuko; NAKAE Kenichi; KAMISAKO Toshinori; TANAKA Kazumi; YOSHIDA Rika; YOSHIDA Koichiro
    Environmental Infections Japanese Society for Infection Prevention and Control 28 (6) 319 - 324 1882-532X 2013 
    A pseudo-outbreak of Mycobacterium lentiflavum occurred that contaminated the tap water at the sputum collection booth in our hospital. M. lentiflavum was detected from 81 patients, but the infectious patients were not recognized. M. lentiflavum was cultured from 6 of 103 hospital tap water samples excluding the sputum collection booth. Twenty two isolates (14 clinical isolates, 3 isolates from the sputum collection booth, and 5 isolates from hospital tap water) were classified into profiles A–E by automated repetitive sequence-based PCR. The clinical isolates and the environment isolates included both profiles C and D. The similarity percentages were more than 95%.
  • Yoshida Koichiro
    Medical Mycology Journal The Japanese Society for Medical Mycology 54 (4) 323 - 327 2185-6486 2013
  • Yoshida Koichiro
    Nihon Naika Gakkai Kaishi The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine 102 (11) 2915 - 2921 0021-5384 2013 
  • Koichiro Yoshida; Atsuyuki Kurashima; Katsuhiko Kamei; Masaru Oritsu; Tsunehiro Ando; Toshinori Yamamoto; Yoshihito Niki
    JOURNAL OF INFECTION AND CHEMOTHERAPY SPRINGER TOKYO 18 (3) 378 - 385 1341-321X 2012/06 [Refereed]
    In the respiratory field, chronic pulmonary aspergillosis, such as chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis (CNPA) or aspergilloma, is important. We examined the efficacy and safety of short- and long-term itraconazole (ITCZ) administration, involving a switch from injection to an oral preparation, in patients with CNPA. In all hospitals participating in this study, the protocol was approved by the ethics review board. This study started after UMIN registration (UMIN000001727). Subjects enrolled in this study were patients who were clinically or definitively diagnosed with CNPA in the respiratory field, according to the diagnostic criteria of the Japanese "Guidelines for management of deep-seated mycosis 2007," in 16 hospitals that participated in this study between May 2008 and March 2011. Treatment was started with ITCZ injection. Subsequently, the agent was switched to an oral preparation. Efficacy was evaluated with major items (clinical symptoms, fever, imaging findings) and minor items (nutritional status, inflammatory markers). Twenty-nine patients were enrolled; safety was evaluated in 24 and efficacy in 23. Of the 23 patients, 10 (43.5 %) responded. With respect to the administration period, the response rates in 8 patients treated for a short period and 15 treated for a long period were 25.0 % and 53.3 %, respectively. Trough blood concentration of ITCZ reached a level at which ITCZ may be effective for aspergillosis at 3 days after the start of ITCZ injection therapy. After changing to high-dose capsules, its level was also maintained. Adverse events such as liver dysfunction and heart failure were observed in 9 of the 24 patients. Furthermore, 6 patients died. However, there was no relationship between these events and ITCZ. Step-down therapy from ITCZ injection to oral administration may be a useful treatment option in CNPA patients requiring long-term treatment.
  • 山藤 啓史; 村木 正人; 大野 剛史; 花田 宗一郎; 忌部 周; 田村 光信; 澤口 博千代; 牧野 靖; 佐藤 隆司; 西山 理; 山縣 俊之; 佐野 博幸; 岩永 賢司; 東本 有司; 中島 宏和; 吉田 耕一郎; 久米 裕昭; 東田 有智
    アレルギー 一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会 61 (9) 1576 - 1576 2012
  • 牧野 靖; 西山 理; 山崎 亮; 沖本 奈美; 深井 有美; 忌部 周; 宮嶋 宏之; 塚本 敬造; 山藤 啓史; 佐藤 隆司; 佐野 安希子; 山縣 俊之; 佐野 博幸; 岩永 賢司; 東本 有司; 中島 宏和; 吉田 耕一郎; 久米 裕昭; 東田 有智
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 34 (5) 528 - 528 2012
  • Ikeda-Dantsuji Y; Hanaki H; Sakai F; Tomono K; Takesue Y; Honda J; Nonomiya Y; Suwabe A; Nagura O; Yanagihara K; Mikamo H; Fukuchi K; Kaku M; Kohno S; Yanagisawa C; Nakae T; Yoshida K; Niki Y
    Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy 17 (1) 45 - 51 1341-321X 2011/02 [Refereed]
  • リネゾリドの臨床効果・有害事象発現に関する血漿中濃度との関連性の検討
    唐沢 浩二; 若林 仁美; 峯村 純子; 小司 久志; 吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人
    日本化学療法学会雑誌 (公社)日本化学療法学会 59 (1) 101 - 102 1340-7007 2011/01
  • 脂肪吸引・注入術後に合併したPrevotella biviaによる多発皮下膿瘍の一例
    大西 克実; 小司 久志; 吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人
    日本化学療法学会雑誌 (公社)日本化学療法学会 58 (1) 76 - 76 1340-7007 2010/01
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosusによる肺化膿症・胸膜炎の1例
    小司 久志; 大西 克実; 吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人
    日本化学療法学会雑誌 (公社)日本化学療法学会 58 (1) 60 - 60 1340-7007 2010/01
  • Koichiro Yoshida; Hisashi Shoji; Hideaki Hanaki; Chie Yanagisawa; Yurika Ikeda-Dantsuji; Kunihiko Fukuchi; Mitsuru Adachi; Yoshihito Niki
    We report a 54-year-old male patient with an infection caused by linezolid-resistant methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), isolated after long-term, repeated use of linezolid. Five MRSA strains isolated from our patient were preserved and submitted to bacteriological analysis. All five of these strains were found to have identical genotypes by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Two strains isolated in the early hospital period were sensitive to linezolid, while three isolated in the late hospital period were resistant. These three strains that had acquired resistance to linezolid were found to have a G2576T point mutation in the 23SrRNA domain V. Linezolid-resistant MRSA is rare, but may occur with the long-term, repeated administration of linezolid.
  • 小児細菌性髄膜炎に対する初期抗菌薬治療の有効性に関する臨床的検討
    星野 顕宏; 三川 武志; 阿部 祥英; 校條 愛子; 齋藤 多賀子; 大戸 秀恭; 森田 孝次; 北林 耐; 田角 勝; 板橋 家頭夫; 吉田 耕一郎
    日本小児救急医学会雑誌 (一社)日本小児救急医学会 8 (1) 21 - 25 1346-8162 2009/02 [Refereed]
    細菌性髄膜炎は初期治療が予後に大きく影響を及ぼすため、薬剤の選択が重要である。昭和大学病院小児科では、細菌性髄膜炎の初期治療を4年前から第三世代セフェム系抗菌薬とカルバペネム系抗菌薬の併用に統一しており、その有効性について検討した。対象は細菌性髄膜炎と診断した患児9例(新生児を除く)で、平均年齢は2歳9ヵ月(1ヵ月〜9歳4ヵ月)であった。原因菌はHaemophilus influenzae 4例、Streptococcus pneumoniae 3例、その他2例であり、薬剤耐性菌が半数以上を占めていた。後遺症は1例に認めた(歩行時のふらつき)が、死亡例はなかった。従来の当科の治療成績や全国調査の結果と比較しても、良好な成績であった。新生児を除く小児の細菌性髄膜炎において、今後も第三世代セフェム系抗菌薬とカルバペネム系抗菌薬の併用が重要な位置を占めると考えられる。(著者抄録)
  • 小司 久志; 吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人
    Journal of The Showa University Society The Showa University Society 69 (3) 232 - 235 0037-4342 2009
  • Shin-Ichi Yagi; Naoyuki Miyashita; Minoru Fukuda; Yasushi Obase; Koichiro Yoshida; Ayaka Miyauchi; Kouzou Kawasaki; Hiroshi Soda; Mikio Oka
    RESPIROLOGY BLACKWELL PUBLISHING 13 (2) 312 - 314 1323-7799 2008/03 [Refereed]
    Recently, ultra-thin bronchoscopy has made it possible to observe smaller bronchi not visualized using standard techniques. We describe a case of pulmonary mucormycosis with cavitation, diagnosed using an ultra-thin bronchoscope. A 15-year-old girl with acute myeloid leukaemia had taken oral prednisolone, 60 mg/day, for graft versus host disease after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. She was admitted to our hospital with fever and a large cavitary lesion in the right hilum. Using an ultra-thin bronchoscope, the interior of the cavity in the superior segment of the right lower lobe was observed. The bronchoscopic findings revealed debris adhering to the cavity wall with a small volume of effusion. Cunninghamella bertholletiae was isolated from the effusion specimen obtained using the bronchoscope. Pulmonary mucormycosis (C. bertholletiae) complicating an immunocompromised state was diagnosed. Ultra-thin bronchoscopy is useful to diagnose complex pulmonary infections and more research is needed to verify its clinical indications and utility.
  • Naoyuki Miyashita; Yasushi Obase; Minoru Fukuda; Hisashi Shouji; Koichiro Yoshida; Kazunobu Ouchi; Mikio Oka
    Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy Springer Japan 13 (3) 183 - 187 1341-321X 2007 [Refereed]
    We investigated whether a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test is a useful diagnostic tool for identifying individuals with acute respiratory Chlamydophila pneumoniae infections. Nasopharyngeal swab specimens and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from 100 patients with acute respiratory tract infections and 140 asymptomatic healthy subjects (controls) were analyzed using real-time PCR, culture, and serology for the detection of C. pneumoniae. Six patients had serological results indicating acute C. pneumoniae infections. C. pneumoniae DNA was detected in respiratory samples from eight patients (three of these cases were serologically confirmed as having C. pneumoniae infections) and four controls. The amount of C. pneumoniae DNA present in the real-time PCR for the samples was calculated, and no significant differences in the amount of DNA between symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects were found. On the other hand, traces of C. pneumoniae DNA were detected in PBMCs from eight patients, but this was confirmed in PBMCs from only seven of these patients. Only one patient had both respiratory and blood samples that were positive. C. pneumoniae DNA was also detected in samples from six controls, but no significant differences in the amount of C. pneumoniae DNA were observed between patients and controls. The present quantitative real-time PCR assay does not seem to be a useful method for differentiating between C. pneumoniae acute infections and persistent ones or nasopharyngeal carriage. In addition, the detection of C. pneumoniae DNA in PBMCs does not seem to be a suitable method for the diagnosis of acute respiratory C. pneumoniae infections. © 2007 Japanese Society of Chemotherapy and The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases.
  • KOBASHI Yoshihiro; MOURI Keiji; YAGI Shinichi; OBASE Yasushi; FUKUDA Minoru; YOSHIDA Kouichiro; MIYASHITA Naoyuki; OKA Mikio
    Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases 81 (4) 435 - 440 0387-5911 2007 
    Of patients with influenza-like symptoms such as fever, myalgia and arthralgia 2399 visited Kawasaki Medical School Hospital in 2004-2005 and 2171 in 2005-2006. Among those patients over 16 years old, laboratory examinations using the rapid antigen test or the serum HI test were positive for 366 (A: 86, B: 280) in 2004-2005 and 372 (A: 370, B: 2) in 2005-2006. Influenza B achieved epidemic status first in 2004-2005, followed by influenza A (H3N2) after April 2005. Only influenza A was epidemic in 2005-2006. The slight difference in frequency or complication between these strains was not statistically significant. In spite of influenza vaccination inoculation in 20% of patients with influenza in 2004-2005 and 2005-2006, influenza spread. The prognosis of these patients, however, was comparatively good.
  • YOSHIDA Koichiro
    Japanese Journal of Medical Mycology The Japanese Society for Medical Mycology 47 (3) 135 - 142 0916-4804 2006/07 
    Serological surrogate tests for invasive fungal infection have been used practically in Japan. The Aspergillus galactomannan antigen detection kit by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay is the most reliable test for making a diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis. But in recent years, occurrences of false positive and negative results have also been reported by several investigators. Therefore, evaluation of the results of this assay should be done carefully in the clinical stage. Moreover, some other methods to detect the Aspergillus antigen or anti Aspergillus antibody in serum have also been reported.
    The problem of false positive results due to the frequent occurrence of non-specific reaction in the alkaline treatment, chromogenic automated kinetic assay to mesure (1→3)-β-D-glucan had been noticed in Japan. But this important problem was resolved by improvement of the pretreatment reagent in this kit in July 2005. In this manuscript, I describe recent trends of serological surrogate tests for Aspergillus infection and the process of improvement of the (1→3)-β-D-glucan measurement kit.
  • M Fukuda; Y Obase; N Miyashita; D Shibata; K Yoshida; Y Mori; K Mouri; K Yoshida; Y Kobashi; Y Niki; M Oka
    ANTICANCER RESEARCH INT INST ANTICANCER RESEARCH 26 (1B) 565 - 567 0250-7005 2006/01 [Refereed]
    Airway and vascular constrictions are expected problems for lung cancer patients. The clinical course of a patient in whom stents were inserted in 3 constriction regions is reported. A 72-year-old man with advanced primary lung cancer (squamous cell carcinoma stage IIIB) developed suffocating constriction of the trachea and showed superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome. Self-expandable metal stents were inserted into the trachea, SVC and left subclavian vein and the patient was treated by radiotherapy and weekly irinotecan. Within 5 months of treatment, complete local control was achieved and there was no reconstriction. Both endobronchial and endovascular stenting prior to antitumor therapy may be beneficial in the treatment of locally advanced cases of lung cancer.
  • 小橋 吉博; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 岡 三喜男
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 28 (3) 215 - 215 2006
  • 尾長谷 靖; 畑野 樹; 小司 久志; 深野 浩史; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 古村 速; 尾内 一信; 岡三 喜男
    アレルギー 一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会 55 (3) 468 - 468 2006
  • 矢木 真一; 小司 久志; 毛利 圭二; 畑野 樹; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡三 喜男
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 28 (4) 322 - 322 2006
  • 毛利 圭二; 小司 久志; 矢木 真一; 畑野 樹; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡三 喜男
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 28 (4) 322 - 322 2006
  • Miyashita Naoyuki; Obase Yasushi; Fukuda Minoru; Shoji Hisashi; Mouri Keiji; Yagi Shinichi; Yoshida Koichiro; Ouchi Kazunobu; Oka Mikio
    Japanese Journal of Medicine The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine 45 (20) 1127 - 1131 0918-2918 2006 
    Object. To evaluate a newly developed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (Hitazyme C. pneumoniae) detecting Chlamydophila pneumoniae-specific immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibody, we compared the assay with culturing, immunoblotting and the microimmunofluorescence (MIF) test.
    Patients and Methods. Two hundred five patients with stable chronic lung diseases without acute respiratory tract infections (ARTIs) and 116 healthy volunteers without ARTIs were enrolled in this study. Nasopharyngeal swab specimens and sera were obtained from all subjects for isolation and serological testing of C. pneumoniae.
    Results. C. pneumoniae IgM-positive results were observed in 16.5% of patients with stable chronic lung diseases and in 8.6% of asymptomatic healthy subjects. However, there were no positive cases with cell culture, immunoblot or MIF test. In addition, no cases with a significant increase in IgA or IgG antibody titer for the ELISA kit and MIF test between paired sera were observed in the followed-up groups. IgM-positive cases were more frequent among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (p=0.1566), collagen disease-associated interstitial lung disease (p<0.0001) and cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (p=0.0199) than among the healthy subjects.
    Conclusion. Our results indicate that IgM-positive results with the ELISA kit do not always reflect acute C. pneumoniae infections. Further studies are needed, to determine an appropriate cut-off level and the possible causes of the false-positive results in the ELISA kit, such as other underlying conditions.
  • N Miyashita; K Ouchi; H Shoji; Y Obase; M Fukuda; K Yoshida; Y Niki; M Oka
    JOURNAL OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY SOC GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY 54 (12) 1243 - 1247 0022-2615 2005/12 [Refereed]
    This paper reports an outbreak of Chlamydophila pneumoniae infection in long-term care facilities and an affiliated hospital. The outbreak involved rapid spread of infection, and was inconsistent with several outbreaks experienced among younger populations. In addition, there were differences in the incidences among facilities and the affiliated hospital in relation to mean age. Our findings indicate that it is possible that elderly residents may be more susceptible to acquiring this infection. Physicians and other health care providers in long-term care facilities should consider C. pneumoniae in the differential diagnosis of an outbreak of respiratory infection.
  • NIKI Yoshihito; YOSHIDA Minoru; SHIMADA Kaoru; KOHNO Shigeru; MASAOKA Tohru; YAMAGUCHI Hideyo; AIKAWA Naoki; MORI Takeshi; ANDOH Masahiro; NAKATA Koichiro; KUDO Koichiro; ARAI Yukihiro; TAKEUCHI Jin; MIZOGUCHI Hideaki; UCHIDA Kou; MIKAMO Hiroshige; YANAGIHARA Katsunori; MIYAZAKI Yoshitsugu; IKEMATSU Hideyuki; MATSUOKA Rokuro; YOSHIDA Koichiro; MIWA Akiyoshi; OKA Shinichi; TANIWAKI Masafumi; WATANABE Masato; MOTOJIMA Shinji; KONISHI Mitsuru; OKAMOTO Shinichiro; MATSUDA Takahide; MURAKAMI Takehisa; NAKASHIMA Yutaka; HOTTA Tomomitsu; ITO Yoshikazu; EMI Nobuhiko; MUTOH Yoshitomo; NISHIMURA Miki; KIMURA Kazuhiro; MIZUTANI Tetsu; USUKI Kensuke; TAKAMATSU Yasushi; KADOTA Junichi; MIURA Osamu; SAKAMAKI Hisashi; KAMI Masahiro; YAMADA Osamu; WADA Hideho; USUI Noriko; NAGAI Masami; TAKESUE Yoshio; TANAKA Minoru; KIMURA Fumihiko; KURASHIMA Atsuyuki; ABE Masahiro; IGARI Hidetoshi; TAKAHASHI Takayuki
    CHEMOTHERAPY Japanese Society of Chemotherapy 53 32 - 50 1340-7007 2005/11 
    This was an uncontrolled multicenter study to assess the clinical usefulness (efficacy and safety) of voxiconazole (VRCZ) for deep-seated mycosis.<BR>Efficacy was assessed in 65 of 100 subjects given the study drug, while safety was assessed in 100 subjects.<BR>For oral therapy, 300 mg of VRCZ was administered twice as the loading dose on Day 1, and patients then received 150-200mg twice daily on subsequent treatment days. For intravenous therapy, 6 mg/kg of VRCZ was administered twice as the loading dose on Day 1, and the maintenance dose for subsequent treatment days was 3mg/kg twice daily or in the case of severe mycosis, 4 mg/kg twice a day. When plasma VRCZ concentrations were equal to or greater than 2.5 μg/mL on Day 3 of oral and intravenous administration, dosages were decreased on Days 5-7. A switch from intravenous to oral formulation (switch therapy) was allowed after intravenous therapy had been given for at least 3 days. Treatment lasted 12 weeks. Global efficacy was 68.3%(28/41) for aspergillosis, 91.7%(11/12) for candidiasis, and 100%(8/8) for cryptococcosis.<BR>Global efficacy for primary therapy was 91.2%(31/34) and that for salvage therapy 61.3%(19/31).<BR>Eradication in the 65 cases evaluated for efficacy was 69.2%(9/13) for <I>Aspergillus</I> spp. and 91.7%(11/12) for <I>Candida</I> spp.<BR>Treatment-related adverse events were reported in 78 of 100 cases. The most common adverse events were photophobia (25.0%), visual disturbance (24.0%), vomiting (8.0%), hepatic function abnormalities (8.0%), headache (8.0%), and increased γ-GTP (7.0%). Vision-related adverse events were transient and reversible in all cases. Most treatment-related adverse events were mild to moderate in severity.<BR>No relationship was seen between plasma VRCZ concentrations and either the efficacy or safety of this drug.<BR>These results indicate that VRCZ is useful for the treatment of severe or intractable deep-seated mycosis.
  • Koichiro Yoshida; Yoshihito Niki; Junichi Matsuda; Yoichi Hirakata; Toshio Oda; Jun Aketagawa; Taminori Obayashi; Shigeru Kohno; Mikio Oka
    Kansenshogaku zasshi. The Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases 79 (7) 433 - 42 0387-5911 2005/07 [Refereed]
    Measurement of blood (1-->3)-beta-D-glucan is useful for early diagnosis and follow-up of the therapeutic process of deep seated mycoses. The Fungitec G test MK (Seikagaku Corp., Tokyo) kit using alkaline-pretreatment followed by chromogenic kinetic assay has been widely used in Japan because of its high sensitivity and easy handling of a large number of samples. Discrepancy in the levels of (1-->3)-beta-D-glucan and/or in the quantitative judgement, however, has been pointed out between this kit and other commercial kits. One of the reasons for this discrepancy has been reported to be non-specific reactions caused by substances other than beta-glucan. In this study, we have improved the alkaline pretreatment reagent by changing the concentration of KOH and salts, resulting in a marked reduction of the non-specific reaction. Recovery of standard beta-glucan added to plasma or serum after the improved pretreatment was 80 to 120%, and no amidolytic activity was detected either in plasma or in serum. By the improved pretreatment, the incidence of non-specific reactions, i.e., those that exceed the quantitation limit (3.9 pg/mL), were markedly decreased from 139 to 16 out of 200 plasma samples and from 106 to 22 out of 170 serum samples. The incidence of strong non-specific reactions, i.e., those that exceed the cut-off level (20 pg/mL), were also decreased from seven to one with plasma and seven to zero with serum samples. Correlation between corrected beta-glucan measurements by the current pretreatment and non-corrected ones by the improved pretreatment was quite good. The improved method is thus expected to decrease the frequency of non-specific false-positive reactions, with the high sensitivity of Fungitec G test MK.
  • KOBASHI Yoshihiro; FUKUDA Minoru; YOSHIDA Kouichiro; MIYASHITA Naoyuki; NIKI Yoshihito; OKA Mikio
    Kekkaku(Tuberculosis) JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR TUBERCULOSIS 80 (2) 57 - 62 0022-9776 2005/02 
    [Objectives] To investigate the current status of patients with tuberculosis in Kawasaki Medical School Hospital which has closed tuberculosis isolation ward and review the nosocomial tuberculosis infection control.
    [Materials and methods] Clinical analysis was performed and nosocomial tuberculosis infection control were examined in 39 patients from whom Mycobacterium tuberculosis was isolated in Kawasaki Medical School Hospital between January 2001 and August 2004.
    [Results] Mycobac terium tuberculosis was isolated in 16patients in the Respiratory Division of the Department of Internal Medicine and in 23 patients in non-respiratory divisions. Thirty-four patients had underlying diseases and of these 14 patients had malignant diseases. The final diagnosis was pulmonary tuberculosis in 23 patients, and pulmonary tuberculosis was suspected in 13 patients on admission. The remaining 10 patients were treated for pneumonia on admission. M. tuberculosis was isolated most frequently from the sputum in 21 patients and 13 of them were smear positive who needs nosocomial infection control measures. Health examinations of the families and hospital staff in contact with these 13 patients with smear positive sputum after the diagnosis of tuberculosis revealed no active case of tuberculosis.
    [Conclusions] This study has show n that there are many cases with an atypical pattern for pulmonary tuberculosis among patients with underlying diseases, especially malignant diseases. There are still many tuberculosis patients who were diagnosed pneumonia after the admission and were administered antibiotics. We believe that more educational guidance regarding tuberculosis is needed for the hospital staff.
  • 尾長谷 靖; ハーテラタリ; 小司 久志; 森 祐一朗; 深野 浩史; 三村 公洋; 毛利 圭二; 福田 実; 小橋 吉博; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男
    アレルギー 一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会 54 (3) 396 - 396 2005
  • 尾長谷 靖; ハーテラタリ; 畑野 樹; 小司 久志; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 福田 実; 小橋 吉博; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男
    アレルギー 一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会 54 (8) 1037 - 1037 2005
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男
    川崎医学会誌 川崎医科大学 31 (4) 193 - 199 0386-5924 2005
  • 小橋 吉博; 毛利 圭二; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 27 (3) 240 - 240 2005
  • 依光 大祐; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 27 (4) 339 - 339 2005
  • 中山 晴輝; 福田 実; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 深野 浩史; 三村 公洋; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 27 (4) 339 - 340 2005
  • 吉田耕一郎; 二木芳人; 松田淳一; 平潟洋一; 小田俊男; 明田川 純; 大林民典; 河野 茂; 岡 三喜男
    感染症学雑誌 日本感染症学会 79 (7) 433 - 442 0387-5911 2005
  • MIYASHITA Naoyuki; FUKANO Hiroshi; MOURI Keiji; FUKUDA Minoru; YOSHIDA Koichiro; KOBASHI Yoshihiro; NIKI Yoshihito; OKA Mikio
    Japanese Journal of Medicine The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine 44 (8) 870 - 874 0918-2918 2005 
    A case of self-limiting pneumonia due to Chlamydia pneumoniae is described. A 39-year-old male visited our hospital complaining of a persistent cough. No antibiotics were administered to this patient because of the absence of fever and a mild positive inflammatory response, but an infiltrate on a chest radiograph improved. Finally, a diagnosis of C. pneumoniae pneumonia was made by seroconversion of the C. pneumoniae-specific antibody and detection of the C. pneumoniae gene in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Self-limiting C. pneumoniae pneumonia is rarely encountered, although self-limiting upper respiratory tract infections due to C. pneumoniae are common. Thus, most self-limiting C. pneumoniae pneumonia may be missed when symptoms are minimal.
  • KOBASHI Yoshihiro; YOSHIDA Kouichiro; MIYASHITA Naoyuki; NIKI Yoshihito; OKA Mikio
    Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases 79 (2) 111 - 116 0387-5911 2005 
    A clinical analysis of four patients diagnosed as pulmonary actinomycosis in our respiratory division during the last seven years was performed. All of the patients were males with an average age of 61 years. Three patients had a past history. The clinical diagnosis on admission was lung cancer or pulmonary suppuration in three patients showing a mass-like shadow and pneumonia in one patient with an infiltration shadow. Suspected pulmonary infectious disease was detected from clinical symptoms in two patients, while suspected lung cancer was detected in the other two patients during health examinations. The lesions dominantly existed in the right upper lobe. Such findings as central low attenuation (LAA), bronchiectasis and pleural thickening were characteristic on chest computed tomography (CT). The diagnostic methods were all negative procedures; video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) in two patients, a specimen obtained by bronchoscopy in one and a specimen taken by percutaneous aspiration in one. Because penicillin antibiotics were administered for a long time for all patients after obtaining a definite diagnosis, the prognosis was good and there were no relapse.
  • YOSHIDA Koichiro; NIKI Yoshihito; MOHRI Keiji; MORI Yuichiro; OBASE Yasushi; FUKUDA Minoru; MIYASHITA Naoyuki; KOBASHI Yoshihiro; OKA Mikio
    Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases 79 (5) 329 - 340 0387-5911 2005 
    We detected non-specific reactions in the measurement of (1→3)-β-D-glucan levels (β-glucan) in plasma, and the influences of the non-specific reactions on sensitivity and specificity of measurement methods were examined. In this study, 460 plasma samples from 174 patients at Kawasaki Medical School Hospital were used, and the plasma β-glucan levels were measured by different four methods. The methods included the dilution-heating-endpoint (DHE), dilution-heating-turbidimetric (DHT) alkaline-kinetic (AK), and alkaline-endpoint method (AE) with and without 4-amidinophenyl benzoate hydrochloride (APB) of a protease inhibitor blocking the Limulus reaction. Non-specific reactions were detected from the calculated value under conditions with APB. Therefore, both of the actual values and the values equivalent to non-specific reactions were calculated. The incidence of nonspecific reactions was 2.4% in DHE method, 0% in DHT, 53.3% in AK, and 99.3% in AE. The sensitivity and specificity in the methods were 35.7% and 96.0%, 28.6% and 96.0%, 78.6% and 80.1%, and 57.1% and 84.1%, respectively. When subtracted the non-specific reaction values from the actual values in AK and AE method, the specificity was increased by 91.4% and 94.0%, respectively. In these two methods, the non-specific reaction was considered to be a major cause of the low specificity. Finally, to measure plasma β-glucan levels accurately, non-specific reactions should be excluded as possible by further improvement of measurement methods.
  • YOSHIDA Koichiro; NIKI Yoshihito; MOHRI Keiji; MIYASHITA Naoyuki; KOBASHI Yoshihiro; OKA Mikio; MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu
    Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases 78 (6) 519 - 521 0387-5911 2004/06
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 松島 敏春(川崎医科大学呼吸器内科)
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 26 (6) 570 - 570 2004
  • 小橋 吉博; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 二木 芳人; 松島 敏春
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 26 (3) 255 - 255 2004
  • YOSHIDA Koichiro; NIKI Yoshihito; MOHRI Keiji; MIYASHITA Naoyuki; KOBASHI Yoshihiro; MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu
    Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases 78 (5) 435 - 441 0387-5911 2004 
    We investigated the detection of non-specific reactions in the measurement of plasma (1→3)-β-D-glucan (β-glucan) and countermeasures against them using alkaline treatment, chromogenic automated kinetic assay (alkaline-kinetic assay). In this study, we reexamined the values of β-glucan using the alkaline-kinetic assay with and without laminaran oligosaccharides (LO) as a kind of β-glucan that blocks the Limulus reaction. The materials for this study were 584 plasma samples in which β-glucan had been measured. These were taken from 232 patients in Kawasaki Medical School Hospital between January 2002 and March 2002. Non-specific reactions were judged by a calculated value under a LO additive condition. Determination as to whether or not the each time course of the Limulus reaction was influenced by a non-specific reaction was also studied by applying a non-specific reaction index set up independently. Non-specific reactions were recognized in 51.9% of the samples (81/156). The amount of non-specific reaction was 9.9pg/ml or less in major samples. On the other hand, when the cut off value of the index for detection of non-specific reactions was set at 0.5, the sensitivity was 88.9% and specificity was 73.7%. The positive and negative predictive values were 93.5% and 60.9% respectively. Non-specific reactions can be approximately distinguished by applying the non-specific reaction index. By so doing, unnecessary initiation of anti fugal therapy in response to non-specific reactions can be avoided. Further prospective and radical studies of nonspecific reactions in the alkaline-kinetic assay are necessary.
  • FUKANO Hiroshi; MIYASHITA Naoyuki; MIMURA Kimihiro; MOURI Keiji; YOSHIDA Kouichiro; KOBASHI Yoshihiro; NIKI Yoshihito; MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu
    Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases 78 (2) 108 - 113 0387-5911 2004 
    Chlamydia pneumoniae is a significant cause of both lower and upper acute respiratory illnesses, including community-acquired pneumonia. Furthermore, C. pneumoniae has been reported to frequently cause pneumonia in association with other respiratory pathogens, mainly Streptococcus pneumoniae. In this study, we investigated the clinical presentation of mixed pneumonia with Chlamydia pneumoniae and S. pneumoniae and compared it with S. pneumoniae pneumonia. A total of 13 cases of mixed pneumonia and 58 cases of S. pneumoniae pneumonia identified at Kawasaki Medical School and related hospitals between April 1996 and March 2001 were analyzed. The diagnosis ofC. pneumoniae infection was based on isolation and serologic testing of antibodies by the microimmunofluorescence test. The clinical presentation of mixed pneumonia and S. pneumoniae pneumonia was almost identical and no statistical differences were observed between the two groups. This is the same as what was observed before except eleven out of the 13 of the mixed pneumonia patients responded to treatment with only β-lactam antibiotics. Our results indicated that C. pneumnoniae may not be the primary cause of community-acquired pneumonia but it might descript the normal clearance mechanisms, enabling other pathogens to invade.
  • 当院で分離されたメタロ-β-ラクタマーゼ産生菌の臨床的検討
    吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 河口 豊; 荒川 宜親; 柴田 尚宏; 松島 敏春
    日本化学療法学会雑誌 (公社)日本化学療法学会 51 (Suppl.A) 126 - 126 1340-7007 2003/04 [Refereed]
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 矢木 真一; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 松島 敏春
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 25 (2) 134 - 134 2003
  • Kobashi Yoshihiro; Yagi Shinichi; Yoshida Kouichiro; Miyashita Naoyuki; Niki Yoshihito; Matsushima Toshiharu
    The Journal of the Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy The Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 25 (5) 344 - 348 0287-2137 2003 
    Background. We encountered a case of endobrochial hamartoma showing obstructive pneumonia with narrowing of the left main bronchus. Case. A 66-year-old woman was referred for the treatment of pneumonia failing to respond to antibiotics during observation of aplastic anemia. She had a past history of old pulmonary tuberculosis in the left upper lobe. We found a tumorous shadow in the left main bronchus on chest CT. A submucosal tumor located on the opposite site of a membranous lesion of the left main bronchus caused remarkable narrowing of the lumen of the bronchus. A transbronchial biopsy (TBB) specimen revealed a finding of tumor tissue mixed with chondromatous tissue, and the histological diagnosis was chondromatous hamartoma. Conclusion. TBB was useful to obtain the diagnosis of this case and we considered it as a case of endobronchial hamartoma with obstructive pneumonia and the obstructive pneumonia was naturally improved without any treatment.
  • MIYASHITA Naoyuki; SAITO Atsushi; KOHNO Shigeru; OIZUMI Kotaro; YAMAGUCHI Keizo; WATANABE Akira; ODA Hiroshi; FUKANO Hiroshi; YOSHIDA Koichiro; NIKI Yoshihito; MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu
    Japanese Journal of Medicine The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine 41 (11) 943 - 949 0918-2918 2002/11 
    Objective To investigate the clinical features of Chlamydia pneumoniae pneumoniae in Japan and to evaluate the newly created Japanese community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) guidelines.
    Patients and Methods A multicenter CAP surveillance study was carried out in 20 hospitals between December 1999 and March 2000. The diagnosis of C. pneumoniae infection was based on isolation in cell culture, the polymerase chain reaction and serologic testing of antibodies by the microimmunofluorescence test.
    Results Among 232 CAP cases, C. pneumoniae was identified as the etiologic agent in 15 cases (6.5 %). C. pneumoniae was the only pathogen identified in nine of these cases, while one or more additional etiological agents were found in the other six cases. Of the present and previously reported single agent C. pneumoniae pneumonia cases, about 50% were more than 60 years old and had underlying diseases. A relatively slow pulse rate in relation to fever was not seen in these patients. The mean WBC count of all patients was normal. No patient required respiratory support or admission to an intensive care unit and no deaths occurred among these patients.
    Conclusion The clinical pictures of C. pneumoniae pneumonia as a single agent were mild to moderate and were remarkably different from those of cases of C. pneumoniae pneumonia concomitant with other bacteria. If the patient is less than 60 years old and some guideline headings are excluded, we think it would be possible to distinguish between C. pneumoniae and bacterial pneumonia.
    (Internal Medicine 41: 943-949, 2002)
  • Niki Yoshihito; Yoshida Koichiro; Matsushima Toshiharu; Nakajima Masamitsu; Nakai Toru; Otomo Kazumi; Wakai Yoshimi; Matsumoto Satoru; Hatano Kazuo; Ikeda Fumiaki; Mutoh Seitaro
    Japanese Journal of Chemotherapy Japanese Society of Chemotherapy 50 (Supplement1) 58 - 67 1340-7007 2002 
    In vitro interactions between micafungin (MCFG) and amphotericin B (AMPH-B), itraconazole (ITCZ) and fluconazole (FLCZ) were evaluated using a checkerboard method based on the standard broth microdilution method M 27-A recommended by the NCCLS. When MCFG was combined with AMPH-B, ITCZ and FLCZ, additive interaction was observed for 41%, 85% and 85% of Candida albicans isolates, respectively, and either synergistic or additive interaction was observed for 67%, 87% and 13% of Aspergillus fumigatus isolates, respectively. An excellent interaction was observed for Cryptococcus neoformans when MCFG was combined with AMPH-B, which was synergistic for 67% and additive for 33 % of isolates tested. Antagonism was observed only in the MCFG-ITCZ combination for 83% of C. neoformans. For the purpose of in vivo validation of the in vitro interaction of MCFG and AMPH-B, we evaluated the efficacy of combination therapy of the 2 drugs against a mouse model of pulmonary aspergillosis induced by A. fumigatus IFM 40836, against which the combination yielded an additive interaction in vitro. Combination therapy with MCFG (2 mg/kg) and AMPH-B (0.5 mg/kg) produced a significant decrease in fungal colony count in the lung compared to not only the control group but also to either dose alone 6 days after infection. The combination also strongly suppressed histopathologically determined pulmonary lesion, hyphal elongation and neutrophil infiltration. Furthermore, combination therapy of MCFG (1 mg/kg) and AMPH-B (0.25 mg/kg) was more effective than both MCFG alone (2mg/kg) and AMPH-B alone (0.5 mg/kg), which were both double the dose used in the combination treatment. These results suggest that the interaction of MCFG and AMPH-B in this pulmonary aspergillosis model was synergistic. In conclusion, MCFG showed an excellent interaction with AMPH-B both in vitro and in vivo, suggesting that combination therapy with these 2 drugs might have utility for the treatment of severe deep-seated fungal infections. In addition, MCFG may have clinical usefulness in combination therapy with other commercially available antifungal agents. Candida albicans, Aspergillus fumigatusおよびcryptococcus neoformansに対するキャンディン系抗真菌薬micafungin (MCFG) とamphotericin B (AMPH-B), itraconazole (ITCZ) およびfluconazole (FLCZ) とのin vitro併用効果を, チェッカーボード法を用いて検討した。C.albicansに対してMCFGとAMPH-B, ITCZおよびFLCZとを併用することにより, それぞれ41%, 85%および85%の株に相加作用が認められた。A.fumigatusに対しても同様に, それぞれ67%, 87%および13%の株に相加以上の作用を示した。C.neofbrmansに対しては, AMPH-Bと併用したとき67%の株に相乗作用, 33%に相加作用が認められた。C.neoformansに対してITCzと併用すると, 83%の株に拮抗作用が認められた。In vitroで相加作用が認められたA.fumigatus IFM 40836を用いて, マウス肺アスペルギルス症モデルに対するMCFGとAMPH-Bのin vivo併用効果を検討した。感染6日後におけるMCFGの2mg/kgとAMPH-Bの0.5mg/kgとを併用投与した群の肺内生菌数は, control群だけでなくそれぞれの単独投与と比較しても有意に低値であった。病理組織学的に検討した肺組織傷害, 菌糸の伸長および好中球浸潤に対しても, 併用投与群では強い抑制効果を示した。さらに, MCFGの1mg/kgとAMPH) 1Bの0.25mg/kgとを併用投与したとき, それらの2倍用量であるMCFGの2mg/kgおよびAMPH-Bの0.5mg/kgをそれぞれ単独投与したときと比較して高い有効性を示し, 治療効果が相乗的であることが示された。以上のように, in vitro, in vivoのいずれにおいてもMCFGはAMPH-Bとの問に優れた併用効果を示し, これら2薬剤の併用療法が臨床的にも有効である可能性が示唆された。さらに, MCFGと他の既存薬との併用療法についても臨床での有用性が期待される。
  • 矢木 真一; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 二木 芳人; 松島 敏春
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 24 (4) 338 - 338 2002
  • MIYASHITA Naoyuki; FUKANO Hiroshi; HARA Hiroki; YOSHIDA Koichiro; NIKI Yoshihito; MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu
    Japanese Journal of Medicine The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine 41 (1) 30 - 33 0918-2918 2002/01 
    Two cases of recurrent pneumonia due to Chlamydia pneumoniae are described. C. pneumoniae was continuously detected from the nasopharynx in both patients by the polymerase chain reaction and/or culture even with appropriate antibiotic therapy during the first episode. After eradication of C. pneumoniae with long-term macrolide therapy, the respiratory symptoms of both patients completely disappeared and no relapse was observed. These data indicate that new treatment strategies may be necessary to eradicate the organism in patients prone to persistent infection.
    (Internal Medicine 41: 30-33, 2002)
  • YOSHIDA Koichiro; NIKI Yoshihito; MIYASHITA Naoyuki; MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu
    Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases 76 (7) 536 - 541 0387-5911 2002 
    The clinical utility of two serum Candida mannan antigen detection kits with ELISA, UNIMEDI Candida and PLATERIA Candida Ag, was investigated. Thirty-four serum samples from 12 cases with candidemia diagnosed at Kawasaki Medical School Hospital in 1999 and 15 samples from 15 healthy volunteer were examined. The sensitivities and specificities of the two kits were 82.1% and. 40.0%, 100% and 100% respectively. This sensitivity was higher than that achieved with the conventional methods. However, it was realized that the discrepancy between the sensitivity of these two kits was quite significant. This may have been caused by a difference in the reactivities of the respective kits against different species of Candida. A combined application of these methods and other supportive diagnostic methods, such as serum (1-3)-β-D-glucan detection, will improve their utility. A larger number of cases should be evaluated to clarify the characteristics of these new kits.
  • YOSHIDA Koichiro; NIKI Yoshihito; MIYASHITA Naoyuki; MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu
    Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases 76 (9) 754 - 763 0387-5911 2002 
    We investigated the detection of non-specific reaction in measurement of plasma (1-3)-β-Dglucan (β-glucan) by alkaline treatment, chromogenic automated kinetic assay (alkaline-kinetic assay) and dilution and heating method, chromogenic endpoint assay (dilution heating endpoint assay).In this study, we reexamined the values of β-glucan by both methods with and without 4-amidinophenyl benzoate hydrochloride (APB) as protease inhibitor that blocks Limulus reaction inthe 142 serum samples from 142 patients who had been treated and measured β-glucan in Kawasakimedical school hospital between January 1999 and May 1999. Non-specific reactions were judged bythe calculated value under APB additive condition. The non-specific reactions were found in 135 oftotal 142 samples (95.1%) in the alkaline-kinetic assay while no non-specific reactions were recognizedin dilution heating endpoint assay. The alkaline-kinetic assay has been used widely and been evaluatedit's usefulness because of good sensitivity. However, we found very high frequency of nonspecificreaction in this method. Further studies are needed to define the reasons of non-specific reaction.On the other hand, although non-specific reactions were not detected in dilution heating endpointassay, it's clinical utilities should be evaluated in future clinical studies.
  • Yoshida Koichiro; Niki Yoshihito; Mitekura Hisaharu; Nakajima Masamitsu; Kawane Hiroshi; Matsushima Toshiharu
    Japanese Journal of Medical Mycology The Japanese Society for Medical Mycology 42 (4) 237 - 242 0916-4804 2001 
    The measurement of serum (1→3)-β-D-glucan (β-glucan) in cases with deep seated mycosis is a useful diagnostic method. β-glucan has usually been measured using two different methods: by an alkali treatment, chromogenic automated kinetic assay (chromogenic assay), and by detergent dilution and heating methods, kinetic turbidimetric assay (turbidimetric assay). However, there are often large discrepancies in the β-glucan values measured by these two methods. In this study, we reexamined the values of β-glucan obtained by the two techniques, using 343 serum samples from 146 patients who had been treated in Kawasaki Medical School between January 1999 and May 1999, and then analyzed the reasons for the differences. Serum β-glucan results measured were evaluated by segregating them into three clinical categories: cases with proven deep mycosis, cases with probable deep mycosis and cases without deep mycosis. In addition, the β-glucan in the samples was suppressed by carboxy-methylated curdlan (CM-curdlan), and then was remeasured to find a non-specific reaction. Although a certain correlation was found between the serum β-glucan results measured by the two methods, the values measured by the chromogenic assay were, in general, higher than those measured by the turbidimetric assay. There were also many samples in the cases without deep mycosis that showed ositive values with the chromogenic assay, but not with the turbidimetric assay. With the turbidimetric assay, the addition of CM-curdlan suppressed the values of β-glucan in all samples; however, when measured by the chromogenic assay the values in many samples remained high. These results suggestthat a non-specific reaction which did not include β-glucan was detected by the chromogenic assay. Further studies are needed to evaluate the characteristics and comparable usefulness of the two assays.
  • M Nakajima; Y Kawahara; K Yoshida; N Miyashita; Y Niki; T Matsushima
    Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) 39 (12) 1097 - 100 0918-2918 2000/12 [Refereed]
    Amiodarone is a useful drug for the treatment of life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias. However, amiodarone can induced pulmonary toxicity (APT) and may cause life-threatening lung damage. APT can be difficult to diagnose, but early diagnosis is important. Here, in a 51-year-old man with APT, the high serum KL-6 level was correlated with the severity of symptoms and chest X-ray findings, and it was inversely correlated with PaO2 and diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide levels. The findings suggest that the serum KL-6 level may be increased in APT and that therefore it's the determination of serum KL-6 may provide a useful indicator and/or monitoring marker of APT. KL-6 is believed to be produced and secreted by type II pneumocytes. Typical pathological findings of APT include proliferation of type II pneumocytes which may produce KL-6, and result in increased serum KL-6 levels.
  • 玉田 貞雄; 三村 公洋; 河端 聡; 吉田 耕一郎; 中島 正光; 二木 芳人; 川根 博司; 松島 敏春
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 22 (4) 306 - 306 2000
  • Watanabe Shinsuke; Niki Yoshihito; Yoshida Koichiro; Tamada Sadao; Hashiguchi Koji; Nakajima Masamitsu; Matsushima Toshiharu
    Japanese Journal of Chemotherapy Japanese Society of Chemotherapy 47 (1) 23 - 29 1340-7007 1999 
    The antimicrobial susceptibility of 71 clinical isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae obtained between December 1995 and December 1996 were determined. A total of 21 isolates (29.6%) demonstrated intermediate resistance (MIC, 0.1 to 1.0 μg/ml: PISP) and 10 (14.1%) high resistance (MIC, ≥2.0 μg/ml: PRSP) to penicillin. Penicillin resistant strains (PISP, PRSP) were more likely to have been recovered from otorhinolaryngology patients and children under 6 years old. The serotypes of the resistant strains were almost 19 (74.2%) and 23 (9.7%) type. The clinical effectiveness of the initial treatment against pneumococcal infections was 74.4%. However, 10 cases did not exhibit successful results with the initial treatment, 2 of which were bacteremia and meningitis due to PISP. These results suggest that follow-up studies and the establishment of a treatment for severe resistant pneumococcal infections, such as bacteremia and meningitis, are necessary. 1995年12月から1996年12月までに川崎医科大学附属病院中央検査部で分離されたStreptococcus pneumoniae71株の各種薬剤感受性および血清型を測定し, その臨床的背景を比較検討するとともに, 病原性が明らかであった50株については第1次選択薬の治療効果についても検討した. 今回検討した 71株におけるbenzylpenicillin (PCG) に対する耐性率は, 中等度耐性菌 (penicillin intermediately resistant S. pneumoniae, PISP), 耐性菌 (penicillin resistant S. pneumoniae, PRSP) 合わせて31株 (43.7%) であった。疾患別耐性率は耳鼻科疾患分離株が75%と高率であった。また年齢別では, 6歳未満児での耐性率が75%と高く特に2歳未満の乳児でその傾向がより顕著であった。血清型は, 耐性菌では19型の占める割合が74.2%と高く, 次いで23型 (9.7%) であった。病原性を有した50症例について, その第1次選択薬の有効性を検討した結果, 経口剤使用例では評価不能11症例を除外した9症例中全例が, また注射剤使用例では30症例中20症例が有効と判断され全体の有効率は74.4%であった。死亡例, 無効例が10症例に認められ, その多くは宿主側因子の関与が大きいと考えられた。しかし敗血症, 髄膜炎症例では耐性菌による治療困難例も認められ, このような疾患における治療法の確立が急務と考えられる。
  • 中島 正光; 渡邉 信介; 玉田 貞雄; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 二木 芳人; 川根 博司; 真鍋 俊明; 松島 敏春
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 21 (3) 174 - 174 1999
  • 中島 正光; 河端 聡; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 二木 芳人; 川根 博司; 松島 敏春; 真鍋 俊明
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 21 (2) 125 - 125 1999
  • KOBASHI Yoshihiro; NIKI Yoshihito; WATANABE Shinsuke; YOSHIDA Kouichirou; KAWABATA Satoshi; MIYASHITA Naoyuki; HASHIGUCHI Kouji; NAKAJIMA Masamitsu; MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu
    CHEMOTHERAPY Japanese Society of Chemotherapy 46 (3) 119 - 125 1340-7007 1998/03 
    We evaluated the clinical efficacy and safety of sulbactam/ampicillin (SBT/ABPC), β-lactamase inhibitor, for patients with respiratory tract infections who had visited our hospital as Kasaoka Daiichi Hospital for treatment and as Kawasaki Medical School Hospital and compared the two patient groups. More patients who visited our hospital as Kawasaki Medical School Hospital had already received treatment with different antibiotics, had underlying diseases (especially respiratory diseases), and were in a poor nutritive state as compared with those visiting our hospital as Kasaoka Daiichi Hospital. Regarding the relationship between efficacy rate and infectious type, 22 were of the community acquired infectious type, and 11 cases (12 episodes) were of the nosocomial infectious type and the efficacy rate was lower (71%) for patients for whom our hospital was Kawasaki Medical School Hospital. The efficacy rate for patients at Kawasaki Medical School Hospital with infection of community acquired type only was 82%. Most patients who visited our hospital as Kasaoka Daiichi Hospital had infections of the community acquired infectious type, and the efficacy rate was high (96%). As to side effects, drug-induced pneumonitis and drug fever, respectively, were observed in two patients for whom our hospital was Kawasaki Medical School Hospital. In laboratory tests, transient slight transaminase elevation or eosinophilia was observed in four patients visiting our hospital as Kawasaki Medical School Hospital, and in six patients visiting it as Kasaoka Daiichi Hospital. Sulbactam/ampicillin is an effective initial therapy for respiratory tract infections of the community acquired infectious type, but careful observation is also necessary for patients during the administration of sulbactam/ampicillin.
  • 中島 正光; 渡邊 信介; 河端 聡; 吉田 耕一郎; 橋口 浩二; 二木 芳人; 松島 敏春
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 20 (2) 190 - 190 1998
  • YOSHIDA Koichiro
    Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases 72 (6) 621 - 630 0387-5911 1998 
    It is well known that calcium oxalate crystals (crystal) arte commonly found in Aspergillus niger (A. niger) infection site. However, there have been no pathological reports of crystal production and tissue injury using an animal model. I experienced a case with pulmonary aspergilloma and infiltration shadow of the lung that I guessed resulted in crystal-induced inflammation. I performed animal experiments to investigate the posibility of crystals to cause tissue injury. Two different types of immunosuppresed rat models; i.e. cortisone acetate (CA) and CA + cyclophosphamide (CPM) induced-immunodeficiency models (CA model, CA + CPM model), were used for the experiments. In both models, rats were infected with A. niger. Then, the lungs were removed and examined histopathologicaly. The crystals were rarely found in both models on the third day after inoculation and it increased as time passed. However, more growth of hyphae and more production of crystals were observed in the CA + CPM model. In the CA model, crystal depositions in the bronchial epithelium and erosion of the bronchial epithelium adjacent to the crystals were observed. Crystal depositions in the bronchial epithelium were also seen in the CA + CPM model. In this lesion, severe erosions of the bronchial epithelium and invasion of A. niger mycelium into the tissue were observed. These findings suggest, the crystals in the bronchial epithelium may expand and destoroy the cells around them. Therefore, I think that the crystals can induce tissue injury. However, in alveolar portions, depositions of crystals were seen mainly in the margin rather than in the central part of mycelial growth, but no findings indicating injury of the alveolar epithelial cells by crystals were seen. Therefore, posibility of crystals to cause tissue injury in the alveolar portion is not yet clear.
  • 中島, 正光; 吉田, 耕一郎; 二木, 芳人; 真鍋, 俊明; 松島, 敏春; Nakajima, Masamitsu; Yoshida, Kouichirou; Niki, Yoshihito; Manabe, Toshiaki; Matsushima, Toshiharu
    川崎医学会誌 = Kawasaki medical journal 23 (2) 121 - 126 0386-5924 1997 
  • YOSHIDA Kohichiroh; NIKI Yoshihito; OHNO Manabu; WATANABE Shinsuke; HASHIGUCHI Kohji; NAKAJIMA Masamitsu; MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu
    Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases 71 (12) 1210 - 1215 0387-5911 1997 
    The Measurement of serum (1rarr;3)-β-D-glucan (β-glucan) has been considered to be useful in the early diagnosis of deep mycosis. In this study, we investigated the clinical significance of β-glucan in pleural effusion or liquor from patients with various conditions.β-glucan was measured in 29 samples of pleural effusion from 27 patients (male: 17, female: 10 median age: 62.1).Two patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment were excluded from the study of normal range of β-glucan in these samples.
    β-glucan was also measured in 39 samples of liquor from 23 inpatients (male: 15, female: 8 median age: 48.4) with certain neurological disorders.
    In these cases, only two patients had deep mycosis.β-glucan in the pleural effusion from a patient with Aspergillus pyothorax showed an extremely high value of more than 1100 pg/ml. Slight elevation of β-glucan was obserbed in the spinal fluid from a patient with cryptococal, meningitis. In the other cases with no mycotic infection or any factor influencing the value of β-glucan, β-glucan in pleural effusion and spinal fluid were generaly lower than the normal range of serum samples. However, there is false positive elevation ofβ-glucan in pleural effusion.
    The above results indicated that meausrement of β-glucan in pleural effusion or spinal fluid may be useful for the diagnosis of mycotic infection as the cause of pleuritis or meningitis.
  • OKIMOTO Niro; YOSHIDA Koichiro; NAKASHIMA Masamitsu; NIKI Yoshihito; SOEJIMA Rinzo
    CHEMOTHERAPY Japanese Society of Chemotherapy 44 313 - 316 1340-7007 1996/03 
    We performed bacteriological and clinical studies on NM441, a new quinolone derivative, in respiratory tract infections and obtained the following results.
    1) The MICs of NM394 (the active form of NM441) against methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae were inferior to those of ofloxacin (OFLX), ciprofloxacin (CPFX) and tosufloxacin (TFLX). Its activity against methicillin-resistant S. aureus was weak, similar to those of OFLX, CPFX and TFLX. The MICs against Klebsiella pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis were almost equal to those of OFLX, CPFX and TFLX. The MIC90 of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was 4μg/ml, which was superior to those of OFLX, CPFX and TFLX.
    2) Ten patients with respiratory tract infections were treated with NM441. Clinical efficacy was good in 7, fair in 1, poor in 1 patient and unevaluable in 1. No adverse reactions were obtained in any of the patients. Slight elevation of BUN was observed in 1 patient and slight elevation of GOT and increase of eosinophile were observed in 1 patient.
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 中島 正光; 河端 聡; 佐々木 隆; 宮下 修行; 岸本 寿男; 二木 芳人; 松島 敏春
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 18 (4) 411 - 411 1996
  • 沖本 二郎; 大場 秀夫; 宮下 修行; 長友 安弘; 狩野 孝之; 吉田 耕一郎; 中島 正光; 副島 林造
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 17 (3) 268 - 268 1995
  • Niki Yoshihito; Kubota Yoshifumi; Miyashita Naoyuki; Tamada Sadao; Ohba Hideo; Karino Takayuki; Nagatomo Yasuhiro; Yoshida Koichiro; Nakabayashi Mieko; Nakajima Masamitsu; Okimoto Niro; Soejima Rinzo
    Japanese Journal of Chemotherapy Japanese Society of Chemotherapy 43 (Supplement6) 239 - 244 1340-7007 1995 
    The antimicrobial activities of azithromycin (AZM), a new azalide antibiotic, against clinically isolated strains of major respiratory pathogenic bacteria and standard strains of Chlamydia spp., were investigated and compared with those of other antibiotics.
    Eleven cases with respiratory tract infections were treated with AZM and the clinical efficacy and safety of the drug were evaluated.
    1) In vitro activities (MICs) of AZM against Gram-positive bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae, were inferior to those of clarithromycin (CAM) and roxithromycin while activities against Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis were superior to those of the other drugs tested.
    2) MICs of AZM against standard strains of Chlamydia psittaci, Chlamydia pneunwniae and Chlamydia trachomatis were 0.125μg/ml, superior to that of erythromycin but inferior to the MICs of CAM and minocyclines.
    3) The clinical efficacy of AZM at treatment dosages of 250-500 mg once daily for 3 days in 11 cases with respiratory tract infections, was evaluated as excellent in 4 cases, good in 6 cases and fair in one case. No clinical adverse reactions or severe abnormal changes in laboratory examinations were observed. 新しいアザライド系抗生物質azithromycin (AZM) について, 各種呼吸器感染臨床分離菌ならびに各種クラミジア標準菌株に対する抗菌活性を検討し, 他剤と比較した。また, 呼吸器感染症11例を対象に本剤を投与してその臨床効果, 安全性を評価して各々以下の成績を得た。
    1) AZMのStaphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniaeのグラム陽性菌群に対する抗菌活性は, clarithromycin (CAM) やroxithromycin (RXM) に劣るものであったが, Haemphilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalisでは, それらに1~2管優る結果であった。
    2) Chlamydia psittaci, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Chlamydia trachomatisに対するAZMのMICは, 各々0.125μg/mlで, erythromycin (EM) には優るもののCAMには劣る結果であった。
    3) 呼吸器感染症11例に対する本剤1回250~500mgの1日1回, 3日間投与での臨床効果は, 著効4, 有効6, やや有効1と良好で, 重大な副作用もみられなかった。
  • NAKAJIMA Masamitsu; YOSHIDA Kouichirou; NIKI Yoshihito; HIROKAWA Mitsuyoshi; MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu
    J. Jpn. Soc. Clin. Cytol. The Japanese Society of Clinical Cytology 34 (6) 1220 - 1221 0387-1193 1995
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 大場 秀夫; 狩野 孝之; 長友 安弘; 宮下 修行; 中島 正光; 沖本 二郎; 二木 芳人; 川根 博司; 副島 林造
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 17 (5) 469 - 469 1995
  • 大場 秀夫; 狩野 孝之; 宮下 修行; 長友 安弘; 吉田 耕一郎; 中島 正光; 沖本 二郎; 副島 林造
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 17 (5) 469 - 470 1995
  • NIKI Yoshihito; YOSHIDA Koichiro; TAMADA Sadao; MIYASHITA Naoyuki; HASHIGUCHI Koji; KOBASHI Yoshihiro; KISHIMOTO Toshio; NAKAJIMA Masamitsu; MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu
    Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases 69 (11) 1307 - 1311 0387-5911 1995 
    A seventy-one year old male with pemphigus vulgaris and treated with steroid therapy for long periods of 7 months was suffered from invasive pulmonary aspergillosis.
    He complained of a productive cough and the chest X-p indicated a mild infiltration shadow in his both lungfields. He was treated by intravenous antibiotics and no clinical improvement was observed.
    Two days after the onset of the clinical respiratory symptoms, he was transferred to the division of respiratory diseases and the diagnosis of aspergillosis was confirmed by serological and histopathological studies on the same day. Intravenous amphotericin B and oral itraconazole administrations were started immediately after the diagnosis was made. However, the progression of the disease was so rapid and his immune condition was too weak to respond to the treatment. The overall clinical course of the case was extremely short only 5 days.
  • MIYASHITA Naoyuki; KARINO Takayuki; NAGATOMO Yasuhiro; YOSHIDA Koichiro; NAKAJIMA Masamitsu; OKIMOTO Niro; NIKI Yoshihito; SOEJIMA Rinzo
    Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases 69 (4) 450 - 454 0387-5911 1995 
    A 45-year-old Japanese male, who had been to the Central African Republic, was admitted to our hospital because of high fever with chills on July 29, 1994. He used chloroquine as a malaria prophylaxis during his stay and for 6 weeks after his return to Japan. On admission, Plasmodium ovale was detected in his blood smears and in the DNA analysis. He was treated successfully with chloroquine (1500 mg over 3 day period) and primaquine (15 mg/day for 14 days beginning day 4). Disapperance of malarial parasites in the peripheral blood smear occurred on the third day and his temperature returned to normal on the 4th day.
    Interestingly, he had thrombocytopenia and an abnormal grade in fibrindegradation products (FDP) concentration. This led to the suspicion of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). This report indicates the importance of thrombocytopenia which may develope into DIC even though P. ovale malaria infection rarely becomes severe. This is the second report of a P. ovale malaria case in the Central African Republic.
  • MIYASHITA Naoyuki; KUBOTA Yoshifumi; KAWABATA Satoshi; YOSHIDA Koichiro; KISHIMOTO Toshio; NAKAJIMA Masamitsu; NIKI Yoshihito; MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu; MATSUMOTO Akira; SOEJIMA Rinzo
    Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases 69 (8) 934 - 939 0387-5911 1995 
    A 62-year-old male was admitted to our hospital after an abnormal shadow was pointed out by Chest X-ray in June, 1994, even though he was asymptomatic otherwise (first episode). The serum IgG antibody against Chlamydia pneumoniae was elevated up to 512-fold in the acute phase and decreased to 32-fold in the convalescent phase using the micro-immunofluorescence (MIF) test, indicating a C. pneumoniae acute infection. In fact, no other micro-organisms were detected. The patient recovered from the pneumonia without any treatment.
    He was admitted to our hospital again after having right chest pain in December, 1994 (second epidose). An X-ray examination revealed a slight infiltration of the right lower lung field and pleural effusion. In this episode, he received therapy with carbapenem anti-bacterial agent and he recovered from the pneumonia 9 days after the administration of the antibiotic. The serum IgG titer against C. pneumoniae was elevated up to 1024-fold on admission, indicating mixed infection with bacteria and C. pneumoniae. It was concluded that both of these episodes indicated a spontaneous cure of the pneumonia which had developed from C. pneumoniae.
  • 大場 秀夫; 吉田 耕一郎; 杉村 悟; 中島 正光; 守屋 修; 沖本 二郎; 二木 芳人; 川根 博司; 副島 林造
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 16 (4) 417 - 417 1994
  • 沖本 二郎; 大場 秀夫; 吉田 耕一郎; 杉村 悟; 中島 正光; 守屋 修; 副島 林造
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 16 (3) 296 - 296 1994
  • Sugimura Satoru; Okimoto Niro; Ohba Hideo; Yoshida Koichiro; Nakajima Masamitsu; Moriya Osamu; Niki Yoshihito; Kawane Hiroshi; Soejima Rinzo
    The Journal of the Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy The Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 16 (2) 201 - 205 0287-2137 1994 [Refereed]
    A 70-year-old female complained of persistent bloody sputum since two years previously. Bronchoscopy showed an endobronchial nodular tumor obstructing the orifice of the lingular bronchus. The surface of the tumor was whitish-yellowed, smooth, polished and distinct from the surrounding bronchial mucosa. On transbronchial biopsy, the tumor was founded to be soft and elastic. Endoscopic biopsy specimens revealed that the tumor was covered by normal bronchial epithelium and was composed mainly of adipose tissues and a few cartilagines. The histological findings was compatible with hamartoma. Treatment with Nd-YAG laser vaporization opened up the lingular bronchus. Seven cases treated by endoscopic laser surgery in Japan are discussed. The Nd-YAG laser treatment was effective in all cases, and there were no complication except the fever encountered by our case. Endoscopic Nd-YAG laser surgery can be used as the first therapy of choice in case of endobronchial hamartoma in the future.
  • Nakajima Masamitsu; Tamada Sadao; Yoshida Kouichirou; Sugihara Satoru; Okimoto Nirou; Niki Yoshito; Manabe Toshiaki; Soejima Rinzo
    日胸疾会誌 The Japanese Respiratory Society 32 (11) 1109 - 1114 0301-1542 1994 [Refereed]
    We report a case of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) in which the serum levels of CEA, CA15-3, and TPA, as well as the whole lung lavage fluid levels of CEA, CA19-9, CA125, CA15-3, CA50, SLX, SCC, and TPA were high. The patient was a 39-year-old man who presented with exertional dyspnea, and nonsegmental bilateral reticular infiltration shadows in the middle and lower lung fields on the chest radiograph. A diagnosis of proteinosis was confirmed by histopathology of the transbronchial lung biopsy (TBLB) specimen, biochemical analysis of the phospholipids, and an electron microscopic study of lavage fluid. Whole lung lavages alleviated his symptoms, effaced the shadows on the chest radiograph and brought the blood gas values closer to normal. An immunohistochemical study of TBLB specimens showed that CEA, CA153, and SLX were positively stained in the alveolar epithelia. With repeated lavage, tumor markers (CEA, CA15-3, TPA) in the fluid decreased. These results suggest that the alveolar epithelia indeed produced these tumor marker molecules. In PAP, it is well recognized that CEA may be high in at least one of the following: serum, bronchoalvelolar lavage fluid, and whole lung lavage fluid. To date, however, the site of production of such tumor markers had not been clearly demonstrated to be in the lung tissue. This case is interesting because there are few reports of PAP with high levels of tumor markers in the serum and whole lung lavage fluid, and because the tumor markers found in abnormally high amounts in this patient were produced by alveolar epithelia. 症例は39歳, 男性. 労作時呼吸困難, 胸部X線上異常陰影にて当科に紹介入院となった. 入院後経気管支肺生検にて肺胞蛋白症と診断し, 現在までに2回の全身麻酔下左肺洗浄を施行し, 軽快退院している. 今回再度肺胞蛋白症の増悪がみられたため入院となった. 血清中のCEAが高値であったため他の腫瘍マーカーの測定を行い, 血清中のCA153, TPAの高値を認めた. さらに肺洗浄液中の腫瘍マーカーの測定を行い, CEA, CA19-9, CA125, CA15-3, CA50, SLX, SCC, TPAが血清正常値以上を示した. 血清中高値の腫瘍マーカー全て肺洗浄後減少傾向を示した. そこで, 高値を示した腫瘍マーカーの産生部位を検索する目的で経気管支肺生検組織の免疫染色を行った. 肺胞上皮にCEA, CA15-3, SLXが陽性を示し, これらはII型肺胞上皮を含む肺胞上皮より産生されていることが示唆された. 本症の肺洗浄液中でCEAが高値を示すことは知られているが, その他の腫瘍マーカーについての検討は少なく興味ある症例と考えられた.
  • Niki Yoshihito; Moriya Osamu; Yoshida Kohichiro; Nakabayashi Mieko; Tamada Sadao; Kubota Yoshifumi; Sugimura Satoru; Nakajima Masamitsu; Okimoto Niro; Soejima Rinzo
    CHEMOTHERAPY Japanese Society of Chemotherapy 42 (Supplement3) 184 - 189 0009-3165 1994 
    The antimicrobial activity of FK037 against major pathogenic bacteria of respiratory tract infections was investigated and compared with that of other injectable β-lactam antibiotics. Eleven patients with respiratory tract infections were treated with FK037, and its efficacy and safety were evaluated.
    1) The in vitro activity of FK037 against methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae was inferior to that of imipenem but almost the same or superior to that of ceftazidime, cefoperazone and cefmenoxime. The potency of FK037 against methicillin-resistant S.aureus was superior to that of the other drugs. The MICs of FK037 against various gram-negative bacteria, except Moraxella catarrhalis, were also excellent and almost equal to those of other injectable cephems.
    2) The clinical efficacy of FK037 at daily doses of 1.0-4.0 g for 5-15 days in 10 of 11 cases was evaluated as excellent in 2 cases, good in 7 cases and poor in one case. No clinical side effects were observed in any of the 11 cases, but 7 abnormal changes in laboratory values were observed after treatment in 5 patients. All of the changes were slight and transient.
    Based on these findings, FK037 was concluded to be a useful agent in the treatment of respiratory tract infections. 新しく開発された注射用セフェム系抗生物質FK037の主要呼吸器感染症病原菌に対するMICを測定し, 他剤のそれと比較した。また, 呼吸器感染症11例に本剤を投与して, その臨床的有効性・安全性を評価した。
    1) FK037のmethicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureusおよびStreptococcus pneumoniaeに対する抗菌活性はimipenemには劣るが, ceftazidime, cefoperazone, cefmenoxime には同等か優るものであった。また, methicillin-resistant S.aurezcsに対しては本剤は最も優れた活性を示した。グラム陰性菌群でも同様にFK037は良好な活性を示したが, Mortzxella catarrhalisでは他剤にやや劣る結果であった。
    2) 呼吸器感染症11例に対し本剤を1日1.0~4.092分割点滴投与で5~15日間使用した結果, 効果判定可能の10例での臨床効果は, 著効2例, 有効7例, 無効1例であった。
    3) 本剤によると思われる臨床的副作用は11例全例でみられなかったが, 5例に7件の臨床検査値異常がみられた。いずれも軽度・一過性であった。
    以上の結果, FK037は呼吸器感染症治療に有用な薬剤の一つと考えられた。
  • Niki Yoshihito; Moriya Osamu; Ohba Hideo; Yoshida Kohichirou; Hashiguchi Kohji; Sugimura Satoru; Nakajima Masamitsu; Okimoto Niro; Soejima Rinzo
    CHEMOTHERAPY Japanese Society of Chemotherapy 42 (Supplement4) 365 - 369 0009-3165 1994 
    The antimicrobial activities of biapenem (BIPM) against major pathogenic bacteria of respiratory tract infections were investigated and compared to those of other antibiotics. Six cases with respiratory tract infections were treated with BIPM and clinical efficacy and safety of the drug were evaluated.
    1) In vitro activities (MICs) of BIPM against Staphylococcus aureus (both MSSA and MRSA) and Streptococcus pneumoniae were similar to those of imipenem (IPM) and superior to those of piperacillin (PIPC) and ceftazidime (CAZ). MICs of BIPM against gram-negative bacterial sp. were also excellent except Haemophilus influenzae, and MIC90 of BIPM against Pseudomonas aeruginosa was 16μg/ml.
    2) Clinical efficacy of BIPM in 6 cases with respiratory tract infections, was evaluated as excellent in 1 patient, good in 4 patients and fair in 1 patient. No clinical side effect wasobserved.
    3) Slight decrease of peripheral, white blood cell count was observed in one case after start of the treatment, but it was transit and recovered to normal range immediately after the end of the treatment.
    According to above, BIPM was considered to be one of useful drugs in the treatment of respiratory tract infections, like as IPM/cilastatin and CAZ. 新しく開発された注射用カルバペネム系抗生物質biapenem (BIPM) の主要呼吸器病原菌に対するMICを測定し, 他剤のそれらと比較した。また, 呼吸器感染症6例に本剤を投与して, その有効性・安全性を評価した。
    1) BIPMのmethicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA), methicillin-resistant S.aureus (MRSA) およびStreptococcus pneumoniaeに対する抗菌活性はimipenem (IPM) と同等で, piperacillin (PIPC) やcefmzidime (CAZ) に勝る結果であった。グラム陰性桿菌群ではHaemophilus influenzaeのMICは若干他剤に劣るがその他は良好で, 緑膿菌に対するMIC90は16μg/mlであった。
    2) 呼吸器感染症6例に対するBIPMの臨床効果は, 著効1, 有効4, やや有効1と満足すべきもので, 副作用は全例にみられなかった。
    3) 本剤投与後, 1例で末梢好中球数の軽度減少を認めたが, 一過性で投与終了後速やかに正常化した。
    以上の結果, BIPMは呼吸器感染症の治療にIPM/CSやCAZ同様有用であると考えられた。
  • Niki Yoshihito; Moriya Osamu; Sumi Masaru; Nakabayashi Mieko; Tamada Sadao; Kubota Yoshifuji; Yoshida Kohichiro; Hashiguchi Kohji; Nakajima Masamitsu; Okimoto Niro; Soejima Rinzo
    CHEMOTHERAPY Japanese Society of Chemotherapy 42 (Supplement2) 416 - 421 0009-3165 1994 
    The antimicrobial activities of tazobactam/piperacillin (TAZ/PIPC), a newly developed 1:4 formulation of the injectable β-lactamase inhibitor tazobactam (TAZ) and piperacillin (PIPC), against major pathogenic bacteria of respiratory tract and blood stream infections were investigated and compared with those of other antibiotics. Four patients with respiratory tract infection were treated with TAZ/PIPC, and its efficacy and safety were evaluated.
    1) IIn vitro activities (MICs) of TAZ/PIPC against Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA), Staphylococ-cus epidermidis and Moraxella catarrhalis were superior to those of PIPC alone. The MICs of TAZ/PIPC against Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haernophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were almost equal to those of PIPC but superior to those of clavulanic acid/ticarcillin. No combination effects of TAZ and PIPC were observed against Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Enterococcus faecalis.
    2) The clinical responses of 2 evaluable patients out of 4 given TAZ/PIPC treatment, were satisfactory. No side effects were observed in any of the 4 patients, but slight and transient elevation of liverenzymes and eosinophilia were observed in one patient and eosinophilia was observed in one patient after the start of TAZ/PIPC treatment. 新しく開発された注射用β-ラクタマーゼ阻害剤tazobactam (TAZ) とpiperacillin (PIPC) の1: 4合剤tazobactam/piperacillin (TAZ/PIPC) につき, 呼吸器感染ならびに敗血症の主要病原菌に対するMICを測定し, 他剤のそれと比較した. また, 呼吸器感染症4例に本剤を投与して, その有用性ならびに安全性を検討した
    1) TAZ/PIPCはStaphylococcus aureus (MSSA), Staphylococcus epidermidis, Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalisではPIPC単独より優る結果であったが, Streptococcus pneumoniaa Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosaについては, 概してclavulanic acid/ticarcillinより優るものの, 併用効果は明らかでなかった. Staphylococcusaureus (MRSA) , Enterococcus faecalislこついては併用によるMICの改善は得られなかった.
    2) 臨床効果は2例でのみ効果判定可能で, いずれも有効の結果であった. 使用4例すべて副作用は認められなかったが, 臨床検査値の異常として, 肝酵素の上昇と好酸球増多が1例に, また別の1例で好酸球増多が認められた. いずれも軽度一過性であった.
  • Sugimura Satoru; Yoshida Koichiro; Oba Hideo; Hashiguchi Kohji; Nakajima Masamitsu; Moriya Osamu; Okimoto Niro; Niki Yoshihito; Soejima Rinzo
    The Japanese journal of thoracic diseases The Japanese Respiratory Society 32 (10) 1032 - 1037 0301-1542 1994 
    Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis generally occurs in immunocompromised hosts such as patients with leukemia, and other malignancies, who are receiving anti-cancer chemotherapy. In this report, two non-immunocompromised patients who developed invasive pulmonary aspergillosis are presented. Case 1: A 63-year-old man complained of productive cough and fever. He received antibiotic therapy from his personal physician. This symptoms did not respond, however, and dyspnea developed. He was then transferred to our hospital, about one month after the onset. The chest X-ray showed a meniscus shadow suggesting an aspergilloma in the right upper lung field and an infiltrative shadow in the remaining right lung field. Case 2: A 78-year-old man was admitted because of dyspnea, productive cough and appetite loss over the previous three months. The chest X-ray showed a meniscus shadow in the left upper field, an infiltrative shadow in the left lower field and a right pleural effusion sign was also observed. Both cases were diagnosed as having aspergillosis, early in their illness, by the detection of aspergillus antigen in their sera and histopathological and cultural studies of specimens obtained by TBLB. Both improved with intravenous amphotericin B (30mg/day) and intravenous ulinastatin (200000IU/day) administration. On the examinations conducted during hospitalization, there was no evidence of any immunosuppressive diseases or immunoincompetent conditions such as leukemia, and other malignancies human immunodeficiency virus infection, diabetes or alcoholism.
  • Okimoto Niro; Yoshida Koichiro; Tamada Sadao; Tatara Osamu; Moriya Osamu; Niki Yoshihito; Soejima Rinzo
    Japanese Journal of Chemotherapy Japanese Society of Chemotherapy 42 (1) 365 - 369 0009-3165 1994 
    We performed bacteriological and clinical studies on SY5555, a new oral penem antibiotic, with the following results.
    1. The MICs of SY5555 against Streptococcus pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus were 0.016-0.25μg/ml and 0.063-0.5μg/ml, respectively, similar to those of imipenem/cilastatin Na (IPM/CS) and superior to those of cefotiam (CTM) and cefixime (CFIX). The MIC90 against Branhamella catarrhalis, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae were 0.5μg/ml, 2μg/ml and 1μg/ml, respectively. SY5555 was, however, weak agaist methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
    2. Twelve patients with respiratory infections were treated with SY5555. The overall efficacy rate was 66.7%(excellent 1, good 7, fair 2 and poor 2). Neither clinical side effects nor abnormal laboratory values were observed in any of the patients after treatment.
  • NIKI Yoshihito; HASHIGUCHI Koji; TAMADA Sadao; YOSHIDA Kohichiro; SUGIMURA Satoru; NAKAJIMA Masamitsu; MORIYA Osamu; OKIMOTO Niro; SOEJIMA Rinzo
    Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases 68 (6) 788 - 791 0387-5911 1994 
    We have experienced a case with A. niger aspergilloma who developed Aspergillus pneumonia after bacterial pulmonary infection.Examinations of sputum cytology and detection of serum Aspergillus antigen were useful for an early diagnosis of his condition.Early and intensive antifungal chemotherapy mainly with intravenous amphotericin B brought about his complete remission.
  • Niki Yoshihito; Sumi Masaru; Nakabayashi Mieko; Kubota Yoshifumi; Hashiguchi Koji; Kimura Masashi; Tamada Sadao; Yoshida Koichiro; Tatara Osamu; Nakajima Masamitsu; Moriya Osamu; Okimoto Niro; Soejima Rinzo
    CHEMOTHERAPY Japanese Society of Chemotherapy 41 (Supplement4) 221 - 226 0009-3165 1993 
    The antimicrobiol activities of cefozopran (CZOP) against major pathogenic bacteria of respiratory tractinfections were investigated and compared to those of other antibiotics. Twelve cases with respiratory tractinfections were treated with CZOP and the efficacy and the safty were evaluated.
    1. In vitro activities of CZOP against Staphylococcus aureus (both MSSA and MRSA) and Streptococcuspneumoniae were inferior to those of imipenem/cilastatin (IPM/CS) but superior to those of ceftazidime (CAZ) and cefpirome (CPR). MICs of CZOP against various gram-negative bacterial species except Moraxella catarrhalis were almost equal to those of CAZ and CPR.
    2. Clinical efficacy of CZOP in 11 evaluable cases with respiratory tract infection was evaluated asexcellent in 3 patients, good in 6 patients, fair in 1 patient and poor in 1 patient. No clinical side effects wereobserved all 12 CZOP administered cases, but eosinophilia was noted in one case, slight and transit elevationof serum amylase was observed in two cases.
    According to the above, CZOP was considered to be one of useful drugs in the treatment of respiratorytract infections, like as CAZ and IPM/CS. 新しく開発された注射用セフェム系抗生物質cefozopran (CZOP) の主要呼吸器感染症病原菌に対MICを測定し他剤と比較した。また, 呼吸器感染症12例に本剤を投与してその有効性・安全性を評価した。1) CZOPのMSSA, MRSAおよびStreptococcns pnenmoniaeに対する抗菌活性は, imipenem/cilastatin (IPM/CS) には劣るが, Ceftazidime (CAZ)やCefpirome (CPR) より優れていた。グラム陰性菌群に対するCZOPのMICはMoraxella (B) calarrhalisを除きCAZ, CPRと同等であった。
    2) 呼吸器感染症11例に対するCZOPの臨床効果は, 著効3, 有効6, やや有効1, 無効1例と良好で, 12例全例で副作用は見られなかった。
    3) 本剤投与後, 1例で好酸球増多を, また2例で血清アミラーゼ高値を認めたが, いずも軽度, 一過性であった。
    以上の結果, CZOPは呼吸器感染症の治療にCAZやIPM/CS同様有用であることが示唆された。


  • 日本化学療法学会 抗微生物薬適正使用推進検討委員会委員会報告 第2回抗菌薬適正使用支援プログラム全国調査アンケート 2018年度診療報酬改定後における感染防止対策加算の算定種類別解析
    川口 辰哉; 賀来 満夫; 青木 洋介; 田邊 嘉也; 関 雅文; 藤田 直久; 柳原 克紀; 吉田 耕一郎; 小阪 直史; 前田 真之; 村木 優一; 森田 邦彦; 山田 武宏  日本化学療法学会雑誌  68-  (6)  599  -607  2020/11
  • 抗菌薬適正使用支援プログラム(ASP)に関する全国アンケート調査のサブ解析 ASP実施に影響を及ぼす因子および必要な人的資源に関する検討
    前田 真之; 村木 優一; 小阪 直史; 山田 武宏; 青木 洋介; 賀来 満夫; 関 雅文; 田邊 嘉也; 二木 芳人; 藤田 直久; 森田 邦彦; 柳原 克紀; 吉田 耕一郎; 川口 辰哉; 公益社団法人日本化学療法学会抗微生物薬適正使用推進検討委員会  日本化学療法学会雑誌  68-  (3)  427  -427  2020/05
  • AS 抗菌薬適正使用支援プログラム(ASP)に関する全国アンケート調査のサブ解析 ASPs実施に影響を及ぼす因子と必要な人的資源の検討
    前田 真之; 村木 優一; 小阪 直史; 山田 武宏; 青木 洋介; 賀来 満夫; 関 雅文; 田邊 嘉也; 二木 芳人; 藤田 直久; 森田 邦彦; 柳原 克紀; 吉田 耕一郎; 川口 辰哉; 公益社団法人日本化学療法学会抗微生物薬適正使用推進検討委員会  日本化学療法学会雑誌  68-  (2)  270  -271  2020/03
  • Koichi Izumikawa; Hiroshi Kakeya; Fumikazu Sakai; Kazutoshi Shibuya; Takashi Sugita; Takahiro Takazono; Tohru Takata; Masato Tashiro; Katsuji Teruya; Shigeki Nakamura; Hiromitsu Noguchi; Masataro Hiruma; Koichi Makimura; Taiga Miyazaki; Yoshitsugu Miyazaki; Yuka Yamagishi; Koichiro Yoshida; Akira Watanabe  Medical Mycology Journal  61-  (4)  61  -89  2020
  • Ueda Takashi; Takesue Yoshio; Tokimatsu Issei; Miyazaki Taiga; Nakada-Motokawa Nana; Nagao Miki; Nakajima Kazuhiko; Mikamo Hiroshige; Yamagishi Yuka; Kasahara Kei; Yoshihara Shingo; Ukimura Akira; Yoshida Koichiro; Yoshinaga Naomi; Izumi Masaaki; Kakeya Hiroshi; Yamada Koichi; Kawamura Hideki; Endou Kazuo; Yamanaka Kazuaki; Yoshioka Mutsunobu; Amino Kayoko; Ikeuchi Hiroki; Uchino Motoi; Miyazaki Yoshitsugu  PloS one  14-  (5)  2019/05
  • 抗菌薬適正使用支援プログラム(ASPs)現状調査アンケート
    前田 真之; 村木 優一; 小阪 直史; 山田 武宏; 青木 洋介; 賀来 満夫; 川口 辰哉; 関 雅文; 田邊 嘉也; 藤田 直久; 森田 邦彦; 柳原 克紀; 吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人; 日本化学療法学会抗微生物薬適正使用推進検討委員会  日本化学療法学会雑誌  67-  (2)  210  -210  2019/03
  • 抗菌薬適正使用支援プログラム(ASPs)現状調査アンケート
    前田 真之; 村木 優一; 小阪 直史; 山田 武宏; 青木 洋介; 賀来 満夫; 川口 辰哉; 関 雅文; 田邊 嘉也; 藤田 直久; 森田 邦彦; 柳原 克紀; 吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人; 日本化学療法学会抗微生物薬適正使用推進検討委員会  日本化学療法学会雑誌  67-  (2)  210  -210  2019/03
  • 抗菌薬適正使用支援プログラム(ASPs)現状調査アンケート
    前田 真之; 村木 優一; 小阪 直史; 山田 武宏; 青木 洋介; 賀来 満夫; 川口 辰哉; 関 雅文; 田邊 嘉也; 藤田 直久; 森田 邦彦; 柳原 克紀; 吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人; 日本化学療法学会抗微生物薬適正使用推進検討委員会  感染症学雑誌  93-  (2)  165  -165  2019/03
  • 日本化学療法学会 抗微生物薬適正使用推進検討委員会 抗菌薬適正使用支援プログラム(antimicrobial stewardship programs;ASPs)全国調査アンケート 2018年度診療報酬改定前の現状調査
    川口 辰哉; 賀来 満夫; 青木 洋介; 小阪 直史; 関 雅文; 田邊 嘉也; 藤田 直久; 前田 真之; 村木 優一; 森田 邦彦; 柳原 克紀; 山田 武宏; 吉田 耕一郎  日本化学療法学会雑誌  66-  (6)  700  -703  2018/11
  • 関西地区におけるカンジダ血症に伴うカンジダ眼病変の多施設調査
    長尾 美紀; 土戸 康弘; 時松 一成; 竹末 芳生; 植田 貴史; 吉原 真吾; 浮村 聡; 吉田 耕一郎; 吉長 尚美; 掛屋 弘; 山田 康一; 遠藤 和夫; 吉岡 睦展  Medical Mycology Journal  59-  (Suppl.1)  87  -87  2018/08
  • カンジダ血症患者におけるカンジダ性眼病変の全国多施設調査
    植田 貴史; 竹末 芳生; 時松 一成; 宮崎 泰可; 本川 奈々; 長尾 美紀; 三鴨 廣繁; 山岸 由佳; 吉原 真吾; 浮村 聡; 吉田 耕一郎; 岩崎 尚美; 掛屋 弘; 山田 康一; 川村 英樹; 遠藤 和夫; 吉岡 睦展; 網野 かよ子; 日本医真菌学会関西支部「深在性真菌症研究会」  日本化学療法学会雑誌  66-  (Suppl.A)  270  -270  2018/04
  • 二木 芳人; 賀来 満夫; 青木 洋介; 川口 辰哉; 小阪 直史; 関 雅文; 田邊 嘉也; 藤田 直久; 前田 真之; 村木 優一; 森田 邦彦; 柳原 克紀; 山田 武宏; 吉田 耕一郎; 松本 哲哉; 飯沼 由嗣; 菅野 みゆき; 高橋 俊司; 山本 剛; 奥田 真弘; 谷川原 祐介; 竹末 芳生; 学会合同抗微生物薬適正使用推進検討委員会; 公益社団法人日本化学療法学会; 一般社団法人日本感染症学会; 一般社団法人日本環境感染学会; 一般社団法人日本臨床微生物学会; 公益社団法人日本薬学会; 一般社団法人日本医療薬学会; 一般社団法人日本TDM学会; 一般社団法人日本医真菌学会  日本環境感染学会誌  32-  (5)  1  -38  2017/09
  • 二木 芳人; 賀来 満夫; 青木 洋介; 川口 辰哉; 小阪 直史; 関 雅文; 田邊 嘉也; 藤田 直久; 前田 真之; 村木 優一; 森田 邦彦; 柳原 克紀; 山田 武宏; 吉田 耕一郎; 松本 哲哉; 飯沼 由嗣; 菅野 みゆき; 高橋 俊司; 山本 剛; 奥田 真弘; 谷川原 祐介; 竹末 芳生; 公益社団法人日本化学療法学会; 一般社団法人日本感染症学会; 一般社団法人日本環境感染学会; 一般社団法人日本臨床微生物学会; 公益社団法人日本薬学会; 一般社団法人日本医療薬学会; 一般社団法人日本TDM学会; 一般社団法人日本医真菌学会; 学会合同抗微生物薬適正使用推進検討委員会  日本臨床微生物学雑誌  27-  (4)  227  -266  2017/09
  • 二木 芳人; 賀来 満夫; 青木 洋介; 川口 辰哉; 小阪 直史; 関 雅文; 田邊 嘉也; 藤田 直久; 前田 真之; 村木 優一; 森田 邦彦; 柳原 克紀; 山田 武宏; 吉田 耕一郎; 松本 哲哉; 飯沼 由嗣; 菅野 みゆき; 高橋 俊司; 山本 剛; 奥田 真弘; 谷川原 祐介; 竹末 芳生; 公益社団法人日本化学療法学会; 一般社団法人日本感染症学会; 一般社団法人日本環境感染学会; 一般社団法人日本臨床微生物学会; 公益社団法人日本薬学会; 一般社団法人日本医療薬学会; 一般社団法人日本TDM学会; 一般社団法人日本医真菌学会; 学会合同抗微生物薬適正使用推進検討委員会  感染症学雑誌  91-  (5)  709  -746  2017/09
  • カンジダ血症における抗真菌薬使用量の多施設調査 日本医真菌学会関西支部「深在性真菌症研究会」
    植田 貴史; 竹末 芳生; 吉田 耕一郎; 中嶋 一彦; 池亀 和博; 時松 一成; 笠原 敬; 長尾 美紀; 遠藤 和夫; 掛屋 弘; 金子 幸弘; 浮村 聡; 吉岡 睦展; 宮良 高維; 保富 宗城; 山本 剛; 日本医真菌学会関西支部「深在性真菌症研究会」  Medical Mycology Journal  58-  (Suppl.1)  72  -72  2017/09
  • コリスチンの適正使用に関する指針 改訂版
    二木 芳人; 舘田 一博; 中嶋 一彦; 藤村 茂; 堀 誠治; 三鴨 廣繁; 柳原 克紀; 山岸 由佳; 吉田 耕一郎; 元山 英勝; 公益社団法人日本化学療法学会コリスチンの適正使用に関する指針改訂委員会; 公益社団法人日本化学療法学会未承認薬検討委員会  日本化学療法学会雑誌  63-  (3)  289  -329  2015/05
  • 吉田 耕一郎  呼吸器内科  25-  (1)  28  -31  2014/01
  • メタロβラクタマーゼ産生Escherichia coli、Klebsiella pneumoniae検出例の臨床微生物学的検討
    戸田 宏文; 古垣内 美智子; 宇都宮 孝治; 山口 逸弘; 中江 健市; 鈴木 里和; 柴山 恵吾; 上硲 俊法; 吉田 耕一郎  日本臨床微生物学雑誌  23-  (4)  301  -301  2013/12
  • 吉田 耕一郎  からだの科学  (276)  157  -161  2013
  • Hisashi Shoji; Takahiro Takuma; Hiroko Ohbayashi; Koichiro Yoshida; Toshinori Yamamoto; Yoshihito Niki  JOURNAL OF INFECTION AND CHEMOTHERAPY  18-  (5)  775  -779  2012/10
  • YOSHIDA Koichiro; SHOJI Hisashi; TAKUMA Takahiro; EGUCHI Junichi; IMAWARI Michio; NIKI Yoshihito  Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy  18-  (4)  569  -575  2012/08
  • 二木 芳人; 舘田 一博; 藤村 茂; 堀 誠治; 三鴨 廣繁; 柳原 克紀; 吉田 耕一郎  日本化学療法学会雜誌 = Japanese journal of chemotherapy  60-  (4)  448  -468  2012/07
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人  呼吸と循環  60-  (5)  519  -523  2012/05
  • TAKUMA Takahiro; SHOJI Hisashi; YOSHIDA Koichiro; NIKI Yoshihito  Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy  17-  (6)  750  -755  2011/12
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人  日本外科感染症学会雑誌  8-  (6)  709  -713  2011/12
  • HIBINO Satoshi; FUKUCHI Kunihiko; ABE Yoshifusa; HOSHINO Akihiro; SAKURAI Shunsuke; MIKAWA Takeshi; FUKE Toshiya; YOSHIDA Koichiro; ITABASHI Kazuo  感染症学雑誌 : 日本伝染病学会機関誌 : the journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases  85-  (5)  481  -487  2011/09
  • YOSHIDA Koichiro; SHOJI Hisashi; TAKUMA Takahiro; NIKI Yoshihito  J Infect Chemother  17-  (4)  473  -477  2011/08
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人  Respiratory medicine  20-  (1)  9  -12  2011/07
  • 小司 久志; 吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人  セフィーロ  (13)  27  -31  2011
  • 詫間 隆博; 吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人  Respiration and circulation  58-  (10)  1045  -1050  2010/10
  • 吉田 耕一郎  日本医真菌学会総会プログラム抄録集  51-  (1)  47  -47  2010/09
  • FUKE Toshiya; ABE Yoshifusa; HOSHINO Akihiro; OTO Hideyasu; SAKAI Naho; MURAYAMA Junichiro; YOSHIDA Koichiro; ITABASHI Kazuo  感染症学雑誌 : 日本伝染病学会機関誌 : the journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases  84-  (3)  269  -275  2010/05
  • SHOJI Hisashi; YOSHIDA Koichiro; NIKI Yoshihito  Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy  16-  (1)  45  -48  2010/02
  • YOSHIDA Koichiro; NIKI Yoshihito  日本集中治療医学会雑誌 = Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine  17-  (1)  1  -3  2010/01
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 小司 久志; 二木 芳人  臨牀と研究  86-  (10)  1268  -1271  2009/10
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 小司 久志; 二木 芳人  Japanese journal of clinical medicine  66-  (12)  2350  -2355  2008/12
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人  内科  102-  (6)  1450  -1455  2008/12
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 小司 久志; 二木 芳人  理学療法ジャーナル  42-  (12)  1061  -1066  2008/12
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 小司 久志; 二木 芳人  難病と在宅ケア  14-  (8)  44  -47  2008/11
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 小司 久志; 二木 芳人  感染と抗菌薬  11-  (3)  268  -274  2008/09
  • 吉田 耕一郎  日本化学療法学会雜誌 = Japanese journal of chemotherapy  56-  107  -107  2008/05
  • YOSHIDA Koichiro; SHOJI Hisashi; NIKI Yoshihito  Nippon Ishinkin Gakkai Zasshi  49-  (2)  75  -80  2008/04
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人  医学のあゆみ  225-  (3)  253  -256  2008/04
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人  医学のあゆみ  225-  (3)  222  -226  2008/04
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 小司 久志; 二木 芳人  最新医学  63-  (3)  451  -459  2008/03
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 小司 久志; 二木 芳人  The Japanese journal of chest diseases  67-  S20  -25  2008
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 小司 久志; 二木 芳人  The Journal of pediatric practice  71-  (1)  101  -108  2008/01
  • 結核性疾患に対する当院でのQuantiFERON(QFT-TB)の検査成績
    小橋 吉博; 大植 祥弘; 上野 史朗; 小司 久志; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  81-  (6)  762  -762  2007/11
  • 活動性結核および非結核性抗酸菌症に対するQuantiFERON TB-2GとT SPOT TBの成績の比較
    小橋 吉博; 大植 祥弘; 上野 史朗; 小司 久志; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  81-  (6)  762  -762  2007/11
  • Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure(AHRF)をきたした市中肺炎の解析
    大植 祥弘; 尾長谷 靖; 宮下 修行; 小司 久志; 上野 史朗; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  81-  (6)  786  -786  2007/11
  • 感染性肺疾患における気管支内視鏡の有用性
    毛利 圭二; 宮下 修行; 大植 祥弘; 小司 久志; 上野 史朗; 矢木 真一; 福田 実; 尾長谷 靖; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  81-  (6)  791  -792  2007/11
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 小司 久志; 二木 芳人  The Cell  39-  (13)  569  -575  2007/11
  • 下気道検体から真菌を気管支内視鏡で分離し得た症例の解析
    矢木 真一; 宮下 修行; 大植 祥弘; 小司 久志; 上野 史朗; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  81-  (6)  770  -770  2007/11
  • NIKI Yoshihito; YOSHIDA Koichiro  CHEMOTHERAPY  55-  206  -213  2007/10
  • YOSHIDA Koichiro; SHOJI Hisashi; NIKI Yoshihito  Folia Pharmacologica Japonica  130-  (1)  52  -56  2007/07
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 小司 久志; 二木 芳人  感染と抗菌薬  10-  (2)  135  -140  2007/06
  • Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure(AHRF)をきたした市中肺炎の解析
    大植 祥弘; 尾長谷 靖; 清水 大樹; 小司 久志; 上野 史朗; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 福田 実; 小橋 吉博; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  81-  (3)  317  -317  2007/05
  • 成人市中肺炎重症度分類の評価
    佐藤 友美; 小司 久志; 宮下 修行; 大植 祥弘; 上野 史朗; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 小橋 吉博; 吉田 耕一郎; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  81-  (3)  317  -317  2007/05
  • 呼吸器外来受診患者の症状からみた最終診断
    上野 史朗; 清水 大樹; 尾長谷 靖; 大植 祥弘; 小司 久志; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 福田 実; 小橋 吉博; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  81-  (3)  317  -318  2007/05
  • 感染性肺疾患における気管支内視鏡の有用性について
    毛利 圭二; 大植 祥弘; 小橋 吉博; 小司 久志; 上野 史朗; 矢木 真一; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  81-  (3)  318  -318  2007/05
  • 肺炎クラミジア感染症の診断におけるIgM抗体の問題点と診断基準の見直し
    宮下 修行; 古村 速; 尾内 一信; 小司 久志; 大植 祥弘; 上野 史朗; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  81-  (3)  318  -319  2007/05
  • 肺結核の診断におけるQuantiFERON TB-2G(QFT-TB 2G)の有用性
    小橋 吉博; 大植 祥弘; 上野 史朗; 小司 久志; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  81-  (3)  331  -331  2007/05
  • 空洞内を直接観察し診断に至ったCunninghamella bertholletiaeの1例
    山口 博文; 矢木 真一; 小司 久志; 毛利 圭二; 上野 史朗; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 小橋 吉博; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  81-  (3)  337  -338  2007/05
  • Mycobacterium intracellulareによる感染性肺嚢胞の1例
    岩浅 聡; 小橋 吉博; 小司 久司; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 畑野 樹; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  結核  82-  (5)  491  -492  2007/05
  • Clitical illness polyneuromyopathyを発症したレジオネラ肺炎の2例
    小司 久志; 宮下 修行; 大植 祥弘; 上野 史朗; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 小橋 吉博; 吉田 耕一郎; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  81-  (3)  319  -319  2007/05
  • 気管支内視鏡にて真菌を分離した症例の臨床像
    矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 小司 久志; 上野 史朗; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 小橋 吉博; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  81-  (3)  337  -337  2007/05
  • 非定型肺炎の診療における諸問題 肺炎クラミジアIgM抗体検出用血清診断法の評価(3) 多施設共同臨床研究
    宮下 修行; 小司 久志; 大植 祥弘; 上野 史朗; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 岡 三喜男  日本呼吸器学会雑誌  45-  (増刊)  123  -123  2007/04
  • 活動性結核と非結核性抗酸菌症に対するQuantiFERON TB-2Gの臨床評価
    小橋 吉博; 大植 祥弘; 上野 史朗; 小司 久志; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 岡 三喜男  日本呼吸器学会雑誌  45-  (増刊)  177  -177  2007/04
  • 最近における下肺野結核の動向
    小橋 吉博; 大植 祥弘; 上野 史朗; 小司 久志; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 松島 敏春; 岡 三喜男  日本呼吸器学会雑誌  45-  (増刊)  197  -197  2007/04
  • 呼吸器感染症診断における気管支内視鏡検査の有用性と問題点
    毛利 圭二; 大植 祥弘; 小司 久志; 上野 史朗; 矢木 真一; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 小橋 吉博; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 岡 三喜男  日本呼吸器学会雑誌  45-  (増刊)  221  -221  2007/04
  • BALで好酸球増加を認めた症例の解析
    上野 史朗; 尾長谷 靖; 大植 祥弘; 小司 久志; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 福田 実; 小橋 吉博; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 岡 三喜男; 岡山 昭彦  日本呼吸器学会雑誌  45-  (増刊)  276  -276  2007/04
  • 肺炎クラミジアIgM抗体検出用血清診断法の評価(1) ヒタザイム法の問題点
    宮下 修行; 小司 久志; 大植 祥弘; 上野 史朗; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 岡 三喜男  日本呼吸器学会雑誌  45-  (増刊)  278  -278  2007/04
  • 肺炎クラミジアIgM抗体検出用血清診断法の評価(2) 基礎的検討
    宮下 修行; 小司 久志; 大植 祥弘; 上野 史朗; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 岡 三喜男  日本呼吸器学会雑誌  45-  (増刊)  278  -278  2007/04
  • 転帰からみたALI/ARDSをきたした市中肺炎の解析
    大植 祥弘; 尾長谷 靖; 宮下 修行; 小司 久志; 上野 史朗; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 岡 三喜男  日本呼吸器学会雑誌  45-  (増刊)  291  -291  2007/04
  • 結核性疾患に対する当院でのQuantiFERON(QFT-TB)の検査成績
    小橋 吉博; 大植 祥弘; 上野 史朗; 小司 久志; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  81-  (臨増)  269  -269  2007/03
  • 活動性結核および非結核性抗酸菌症に対するQuantiFERON TB-2GとT SPOT TBの成績の比較
    小橋 吉博; 大植 祥弘; 上野 史朗; 小司 久志; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  81-  (臨増)  270  -270  2007/03
  • Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure(AHRF)をきたした市中肺炎の解析
    大植 祥弘; 尾長谷 靖; 宮下 修行; 小司 久志; 上野 史朗; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  81-  (臨増)  306  -306  2007/03
  • 感染性肺疾患における気管支内視鏡の有用性
    毛利 圭二; 宮下 修行; 大植 祥弘; 小司 久志; 上野 史朗; 矢木 真一; 福田 実; 尾長谷 靖; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  81-  (臨増)  315  -315  2007/03
  • 下気道検体から真菌を気管支内視鏡で分離し得た症例の解析
    矢木 真一; 宮下 修行; 大植 祥弘; 小司 久志; 上野 史朗; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  81-  (臨増)  281  -281  2007/03
  • ImmunocompromisedとImmunocompetent hostに発症した肺結核の比較
    小橋 吉博; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 岡 三喜男  日本内科学会雑誌  96-  (Suppl.)  155  -155  2007/02
  • (1→3)-β-D-グルカン測定法における新しい標準品としてのCSBGの評価
    吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人; 小司 久志; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  80-  (6)  757  -758  2006/11
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 小司 久志; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  80-  (6)  701  -705  2006/11
  • 肺炎クラミジア急性感染症の診断における血液PCRの有用性
    宮下 修行; 古村 速; 尾内 一信; 小司 久志; 大植 祥弘; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 岡 三喜男  日本化学療法学会雑誌  54-  (Suppl.B)  75  -75  2006/11
  • 当院における最近のインフルエンザ流行状況について
    小橋 吉博; 小司 久志; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  80-  (6)  745  -746  2006/11
  • 肺炎球菌尿中抗原が陽性を示した市中肺炎の胸部CT所見
    毛利 圭二; 小司 久志; 矢木 真一; 福田 実; 尾長谷 靖; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  80-  (6)  773  -774  2006/11
  • 市中肺炎ガイドラインにおける重症度分類の相対比較
    小司 久志; 宮下 修行; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  80-  (6)  797  -797  2006/11
  • 福田 実; 大植 祥弘; 小司 久志; 上野 史朗; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 岡 三喜男; 高谷 洋; 早田 宏  肺癌  46-  (6)  776  -776  2006/10
  • 肺炎クラミジア感染症の診断におけるIgM抗体の有用性と問題点
    宮下 修行; 小司 久志; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 深野 浩史; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  80-  (5)  611  -611  2006/09
  • C.pneumoniae感染と喫煙に関する検討
    深野 浩史; 宮下 修行; 小司 久志; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  日本呼吸器学会雑誌  44-  (増刊)  159  -159  2006/06
  • ピエゾ素子型電子聴診器による肺音の解析(第1報)
    矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 小司 久志; 尾長谷 靖; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 早田 宏; 岡 三喜男; 宮原 末治; 喜安 千弥  日本呼吸器学会雑誌  44-  (増刊)  189  -189  2006/06
  • 市中肺炎ガイドラインにおける重症度分類の比較検討
    小司 久志; 宮下 修行; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 畑野 樹; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 鈴木 幸一郎; 岡 三喜男  日本呼吸器学会雑誌  44-  (増刊)  203  -203  2006/06
  • 非定型肺炎と細菌性肺炎の鑑別 改訂市中肺炎ガイドラインの評価
    宮下 修行; 小司 久志; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 深野 浩史; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  日本呼吸器学会雑誌  44-  (増刊)  204  -204  2006/06
  • 肺MAC症の治療成績におけるアミノ配糖体抗菌薬の関与
    小橋 吉博; 小司 久志; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 二木 芳人; 松島 敏春; 岡 三喜男  日本呼吸器学会雑誌  44-  (増刊)  207  -207  2006/06
  • 細径気管支鏡の呼吸器感染症への応用
    矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 小司 久志; 尾長谷 靖; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  日本呼吸器学会雑誌  44-  (増刊)  230  -230  2006/06
  • 肺線維症の経過観察中に肺非結核性抗酸菌症を合併した症例の臨床的検討
    小橋 吉博; 小司 久志; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  日本呼吸器学会雑誌  44-  (増刊)  254  -254  2006/06
  • 小児喘息患者の治療中止の可否の予測因子の検討 背景因子,気道炎症,気道過敏性
    畑野 樹; 尾長谷 靖; 小司 久志; 深野 浩史; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 里見 和彦; 岡 三喜男  日本呼吸器学会雑誌  44-  (増刊)  261  -261  2006/06
  • 糖尿病に合併した重症肺感染症の4例
    中津川 義和; 小司 久志; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  80-  (3)  308  -308  2006/05
  • 成人市中肺炎ガイドラインにおける重症度分類の比較検討
    小司 久志; 宮下 修行; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 畑野 樹; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  80-  (3)  308  -308  2006/05
  • 改良アルカリ前処理法を用いた血中(1→3)-β-D-グルカン測定法の臨床的検討
    吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人; 小司 久志; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  80-  (3)  325  -325  2006/05
  • 肺炎球菌尿中抗原が陽性を示した市中肺炎の胸部CT所見について
    毛利 圭二; 小司 久志; 矢木 真一; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  80-  (3)  307  -307  2006/05
  • 肺炎クラミジア感染症の診断におけるIgM抗体の有用性と問題点
    宮下 修行; 小司 久志; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  80-  (3)  310  -310  2006/05
  • 孤立結節影を呈した非結核性抗酸菌症の3例
    矢木 真一; 小司 久志; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  80-  (3)  311  -311  2006/05
  • 当院における深在性カンジダ症の臨床的検討
    吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人; 小司 久志; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 岡 三喜男  日本化学療法学会雑誌  54-  (Suppl.A)  133  -133  2006/04
  • (1→3)-β-D-グルカン測定法における新しい標準品としてのCSBGの評価
    吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人; 小司 久志; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  80-  (臨増)  270  -270  2006/03
  • 当院における最近のインフルエンザ流行状況について
    小橋 吉博; 小司 久志; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  80-  (臨増)  253  -253  2006/03
  • 肺炎クラミジア感染症の診断におけるIgM抗体の有用性と問題点
    宮下 修行; 小司 久志; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 深野 浩史; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  80-  (臨増)  184  -184  2006/03
  • 肺炎球菌尿中抗原が陽性を示した市中肺炎の胸部CT所見
    毛利 圭二; 小司 久志; 矢木 真一; 福田 実; 尾長谷 靖; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  80-  (臨増)  293  -293  2006/03
  • 市中肺炎ガイドラインにおける重症度分類の相対比較
    小司 久志; 宮下 修行; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  感染症学雑誌  80-  (臨増)  328  -328  2006/03
  • 肺結核症例の年次的変化について
    小橋 吉博; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 二木 芳人; 松島 敏春; 岡 三喜男  日本内科学会雑誌  95-  (Suppl.)  199  -199  2006/02
  • 革島 悟史; 福田 実; 小司 久志; 畑野 樹; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 吉田 賢史; 平塚 純一; 今城 吉成; 岡 三喜男  肺癌  45-  (5)  554  -554  2005/11
  • Chlamydia pneumoniae感染と喫煙との関連について
    深野 浩史; 宮下 修行; 小司 久志; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 原 宏紀; 松島 敏春; 岡 三喜男  日本化学療法学会雑誌  53-  (Suppl.B)  85  -85  2005/11
  • 肺MAC症に対する治療成績と分離されたMACの薬剤感受性試験との関連性
    小橋 吉博; 小司 久志; 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 畑野 樹; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 二木 芳人; 松島 敏春; 岡 三喜男  日本化学療法学会雑誌  53-  (Suppl.B)  79  -79  2005/11
  • 未治療非小細胞肺癌に対するイリノテカン+ゲムシタビン併用化学療法 第1相試験
    福田 実; 小司 久志; 畑野 樹; 矢木 真一; 毛利 圭二; 森 祐一朗; 尾長谷 靖; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男; 高谷 洋; 早田 宏; 河野 茂  肺癌  45-  (4)  396  -396  2005/08
  • 当院呼吸器内科で経験した肉腫症例の検討
    中山 晴輝; 福田 実; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 深野 浩史; 三村 公洋; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  日本呼吸器学会雑誌  43-  (増刊)  225  -225  2005/04
  • 肺炎球菌性肺炎の胸部CT所見について
    毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  日本呼吸器学会雑誌  43-  (増刊)  231  -231  2005/04
  • 喘息におけるC.pneumoniae DNA陽性群と陰性群の比較検討
    深野 浩史; 宮下 修行; 遠藤 雅子; 三村 公洋; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 尾内 一信; 岡 三喜男  日本呼吸器学会雑誌  43-  (増刊)  231  -231  2005/04
  • ネコクラミジアは市中肺炎の原因菌となるか?
    宮下 修行; 深野 浩史; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  日本呼吸器学会雑誌  43-  (増刊)  231  -231  2005/04
  • 肺炎クラミジア感染症の危険因子に関する検討:集団発生事例の成績から
    宮下 修行; 深野 浩史; 毛利 圭二; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  日本呼吸器学会雑誌  43-  (増刊)  232  -232  2005/04
  • 気管支喘息患者の気道におけるmatrix metalloproteinase(MMP)-8とtissue inhibitor of MMP(TIMP)-1への吸入ステロイドの効果
    尾長谷 靖; Tari Haahtela; 深野 浩史; 三村 公洋; 毛利 圭二; 福田 実; 小橋 吉博; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  日本呼吸器学会雑誌  43-  (増刊)  245  -245  2005/04
  • 人工呼吸管理を必要とした劇症型マイコプラズマ肺炎症例
    宮下 修行; 小司 久志; 毛利 圭二; 深野 浩史; 森 祐一朗; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  日本化学療法学会雑誌  53-  (Suppl.A)  172  -172  2005/04
  • 深在性カンジダ症におけるプロカルシトニン測定の有用性
    吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人; 毛利 圭二; 森 祐一朗; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 岡 三喜男  日本化学療法学会雑誌  53-  (Suppl.A)  176  -176  2005/04
  • 呼吸器病巣より分離された肺炎球菌の薬剤耐性パターンと主要経口抗菌薬感受性の検討
    深野 浩史; 小司 久志; 毛利 圭二; 森 祐一朗; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  日本化学療法学会雑誌  53-  (Suppl.A)  137  -137  2005/04
  • 呼吸器病巣より分離されたインフルエンザ菌の薬剤耐性パターンと主要経口抗菌薬感受性の検討
    森 祐一朗; 小司 久志; 毛利 圭二; 深野 浩史; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  日本化学療法学会雑誌  53-  (Suppl.A)  138  -138  2005/04
  • Chlamydophila pneumoniae感染症診断におけるPCR法の有用性と問題点に関する検討
    深野 浩史; 宮下 修行; 毛利 圭二; 三村 公洋; 尾長谷 靖; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡 三喜男  日本内科学会雑誌  94-  (Suppl.)  262  -262  2005/02
  • 小橋 吉博; 毛利 圭二; 福田 実; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 二木 芳人; 中田 昌男; 岡 三喜男  肺癌  44-  (5)  380  -380  2004/10
  • MIYASHITA Naoyuki; SHOJI Hisashi; MOURI Keiji; OBASE Yasushi; FUKUDA Minoru; KOBASHI Yoshihiro; YOSHIDA Koichiro; NIKI Yoshihito; OKA Mikio  日本マイコプラズマ学会雑誌 = Japanese Journal of Mycoplasmology  31-  122  -124  2004/09
  • KOBASHI Yoshihiro; YOSHIDA Kouichiro; MIYASHITA Naoyuki; NIKI Yoshihito; MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu; NAKATA Masao  日本呼吸器学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Respiratory Society  42-  (9)  831  -836  2004/09
  • 毛利 圭二; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 岡三 喜男; 中田 昌男; 松島 敏春  肺癌  44-  (4)  268  -268  2004/08
  • 小橋 吉博; 毛利 圭二; 吉田 耕一郎  臨牀と研究  81-  (6)  1017  -1020  2004/06
  • 小橋 吉博; 真鍋 俊明; 吉田 耕一郎  日本胸部臨床  63-  (6)  612  -618  2004/06
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人  呼吸と循環  52-  (6)  627  -631  2004/06
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 松島 敏春  日本胸部臨床  62-  (11)  979  -985  2003/11
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人  臨床と微生物 = Clinical microbiology  30-  609  -614  2003/10
  • 小橋 吉博; 毛利 圭二; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 二木 芳人; 松島 敏春  肺癌  43-  (6)  758  -758  2003/10
  • Kobashi Yoshihiro; Yoshida Kouichiro; Miyashita Naoyuki; Niki Yoshihito; Matsushima Toshiharu  Japanese Journal of Lung Cancer  43-  (4)  325  -329  2003/08
  • 小橋 吉博; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行  日本胸部臨床  62-  (5)  451  -457  2003/05
  • 小橋 吉博; 宮下 修行; 吉田 耕一郎  日本胸部臨床  62-  (4)  356  -362  2003/04
  • 小橋 吉博; 矢木 真一; 吉田 耕一郎  臨牀と研究  80-  (4)  732  -736  2003/04
  • 小橋 吉博; 矢木 真一; 吉田 耕一郎  癌の臨床  49-  (8)  657  -663  2003
  • 小橋 吉博; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 二木 芳人; 松島 敏春; 沖本 二郎  肺癌  42-  (5)  442  -442  2002/10
  • 毛利 圭二; 矢木 真一; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 小橋 吉博; 二木 芳人; 松島 敏春; 三宅 隆; 伊礼 功  肺癌  42-  (6)  655  -655  2002/10
  • YOSHIDA Koichiro; MIYASHITA Naoyuki; NAKAJIMA Masamitsu; NIKI Yoshihito; MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu  日本呼吸器学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Respiratory Society  40-  (2)  166  -170  2002/02
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 中島 正光; 松島 敏春; 森田 一郎  41-  (6)  697  -698  2001/10
  • YOSHIDA Koichiro; NAKAJIMA Masamitsu; NIKI Yoshihito; MATSUSIMA Toshiharu  Nihon Kokyuki Gakkai Zasshi.  39-  (4)  260  -265  2001/04
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人  感染と抗菌薬  4-  (1)  105  -107  2001/03
  • MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu; YOSHIDA Kouichirou; MIYASHITA Naoyuki; NAKAJIMA Masamitsu; NIKI Yoshihito  Japanese journal of mycoplasmology  27-  105  -108  2000/12
  • YOSHIDA Koichiro; MIYASHITA Naoyuki; NIKI Yoshihito; MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu  日本呼吸器学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Respiratory Society  38-  (9)  710  -713  2000/09
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 三村 公洋; 中島 正光; 松島 敏春  40-  (4)  328  2000/08
  • WATANABE Shinsuke; NIKI Yoshihito; TAMADA Sadao; KAWABATA Satoshi; YOSHIDA Koichiro; MIYASHITA Naoyuki; NAKAJIMA Masamitsu; MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu  日本化学療法学会雜誌 = Japanese journal of chemotherapy  48-  (5)  333  -340  2000/05
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 二木 芳人  臨床と微生物 = Clinical microbiology  27-  (2)  155  -158  2000/03
  • NAKAJIMA Masamitsu; YOSHIDA Kouichirou; MIYASHITA Naoyuki; NIKI Yoshihito; MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu  日本呼吸器学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Respiratory Society  37-  (7)  543  -548  1999/07
  • NAKAJIMA Masamitsu; YOSHIDA Kouichirou; MIYASHITA Naoyuki; NIKI Yoshihito; MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu  日本呼吸器学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Respiratory Society  36-  (11)  973  -977  1998/11
  • 中島 正光; 真鍋 俊明; 河端 聡; 吉田 耕一郎; 宮下 修行; 二木 芳人; 川根 博司; 松島 敏春  38-  (5)  502  1998/09
  • NAKAJIMA Masamitsu; MANABE Toshiaki; YOSHIDA Kouichirou; NIKI Yoshihito; MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu  日本呼吸器学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Respiratory Society  36-  (9)  763  -770  1998/09
  • YOSHIDA Kohichiroh; NAKAJIMA Masamitsu; YAMASAKI Masaomi; KITANO Yuichi; NIKI Yoshihito; OHSAWA Gengo; MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu  感染症学雑誌 : 日本伝染病学会機関誌 : the journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases  72-  (3)  245  -248  1998/03
  • 二木 芳人; 吉田 耕一郎  医薬ジャ-ナル  33-  (1)  57  -61  1997/01
  • NIKI Yoshihito; SASAKI Takashi; YOSHIDA Kohichiro; MIYASHITA Naoyuki; NAKAJIMA Masamitsu; MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu  日本医真菌学会雑誌 = Japanese journal of medical mycology  37-  (4)  239  -243  1996/10
  • NIKI Yoshihito; YOSHIDA Kouichiro; MORIYA Osamu; NAKAJIMA Masamitsu; OKIMOTO Niro; SOEJIMA Rinzo; KIMURA Makoto; MATSUSHIMA Toshiharu  日本化学療法学会雜誌 = Japanese journal of chemotherapy  43-  61  -65  1995/11
  • OKIMOTO Niro; KUBOTA Yoshifumi; MIYASHITA Naoyuki; YOSHIDA Kohichiro; NAKAJIMA Masamitsu; NIKI Yoshihito; SOEJIMA Rinzo  日本化学療法学会雜誌 = Japanese journal of chemotherapy  43-  242  -246  1995/11
  • HASHIGUCHI Kohji; NAKABAYASHI Mieko; YOSHIDA Kohichiro; MIYASHITA Naoyuki; NAKAJIMA Masamitsu; NIKI Yoshihito; SOEJIMA Rinzo  日本化学療法学会雜誌 = Japanese journal of chemotherapy  43-  168  -173  1995/11
  • OKIMOTO Jiro; YOSHIDA Koichiro; NAKASHIMA Masamitsu; NIKI Yoshihito; SOEJIMA Rinzo  日本化学療法学会雜誌 = Japanese journal of chemotherapy  43-  160  -164  1995/01
  • 吉田 耕一郎; 大場 秀夫; 狩野 孝之; 宮下 修行; 長友 安弘; 中島 正光; 沖本 二郎; 二木 芳人; 川根 博司; 副島 林造  34-  (5)  748  1994/10
  • 沖本 二郎; 大場 秀夫; 狩野 孝之; 宮下 修行; 長友 安弘; 吉田 耕一郎; 副島 林造  肺癌  34-  (5)  694  -694  1994/10

Research Grants & Projects

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2011 
    Author : YOSHIDA Koichiro; SHOJI Hisashi; NIKI Yoshihito; TAKUMA Takahiro
    We assessed the antimicrobial effect of low-concentration chlorine dioxide(ClO_2) gas against air bone bacteria in an indoor environment(a medical office of Showa university(66.5 m^3, live space)). Firstly, we calculated the number of air bone bacteria using air sampler in a medical office(control)(temperature and humidity was not controlled.). And then, safe low-concentration ClO_2 gas was generated in the medical office. Coming in and out at the door were not restricted. The concentration of ClO2 gas was stable at 0.01 ppm. 0.02 ppm approximately. When low-concentration ClO_2 gas was generated in a room, indoor airborne bacteria were reduced compared with the control level. This antimicrobial effect of low concentration ClO_2 gas was continued during the period that ClO_2 gas was generated. Low concentration ClO2 gas is effective for reducing the number of air bone bacteria in a live space.

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