Department of Cultural and Historical Studies Associate Professor
Last Updated :2024/04/23

Researcher Information


  • Master(1992/03 Kyoto University)

Research funding number

  • 10319759

J-Global ID

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / Philosophy and ethics / Practical Ethics, Environmental Ethics, Bioethics

Books etc

Research Grants & Projects

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2011/04 -2014/03 
    Author : IKEGAMI Koichi; YAMAO Masahiro; TSUJIMURA Hideyuki; SAKATA Yusuke; TSURUTA Tadasu; SUZUKI Motoi; SHIROUZU Shirou; NISHIYAMA Mima; YAMAMORI Ryo
    Fair trade aims at supporting socio-economic efforts to be independent by marginalized producers. The most important pillars of fair trade are the floor price system of commodities and the social premium for producers empowerment. This study evaluated the direct and indirect effects on marginalized people and their communities, including the positive and negative ones, and examined the conditions for how conscious consumers appear, as well as clarifying the ideological and the theoretical bases of fair trade from the context of economy of virtue. The result of the study was published as "Poverty reduction and Rural Development through Alternative Socio-economic Regimes: Fair Trade Movement and Economy of Virtue" (in English) and "Theoretical and Empirical Study on Poverty Alleviation through Fair Trade and Construction of "Economy of Virtue" (in Japanese). Both will be uploaded onto the website of Alter trade Research several months later (
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2010 -2012 
    Author : KITOH Shuichi; TAKINOUCHI Hiofumi; MORIOKA Masahiro; SHIROUZU Shirou; FUKUNAGA Mayumi; MASUKATA Toshiko; SAWANOBIRI Sanae; MARUYAMA Yasushi; HITAKA Kazumasa; TOMITA Ryoto; KIEIHARA Kenshin; SHINODA Mariko; SEKI Reiko; ISHIHARA Akiko; SAJI Osamu; ORITO Etona; IWASA Reiko
    The radioactive contamination originating in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident brought about agricultural fundamental destruction. It was pressed for reexamination of the relation between a producer and consumers especially for the organic farmer. Agriculture is closely related to ‘life’ in total, and is not limited to mere production of food. A plant factory is a symbol of the agriculture as a production-of-food system in that sense. The agriculture as ethical practice is in the opposite poles. It is important to inhabit or to dwell in the land. Agriculture is also integration of bioethics and environmental ethics. Agricultural subsistence is reconsidered after 3.11. It became clear that the importance of the non-money economy including minor subsistence. It is important to regard agriculture as more extensive perspectives.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2011 
    Author : OOGOSHI Aiko; IGETA Midori; SHIROUZU Shiro; MORIOKA Masahiro
    In the ongoing development of reproductive technology and the remarkable change of general perception concerning "family"," conception","birth" etc., we define our general mode of thinking which usually underlies our conventional opinions as' naturalism". We interpreted, criticized and tried to in some way overcome this mode from various points of view, such as feminist theories, historical studies, narrative studies and ethical consideration.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2008 
    Author : KITOH Shuichi; MARUYAMA Yasushi; SATOH Tetsu; INOUE Yuichi; IKEDA Hiroshi; KUWAKO Toshio; MARUYAMA Tokuji; SIROUZU Shirou; MORIOKA Masahiro; KURATA Nobuo; MATSUDA Hiroyuki; SETOGUCHI Akihisa; TATSUZAWA Shirou; FUKUNAGA Mayumi; YOSHINAGA Akihiro; TOMITA Ryouto; YASUDA Akito; NINOMIYA Sakiko
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2002 -2004 
    Author : 白水 士郎
    本研究の最終年度に当たっては、当初の計画通り、欧米の環境倫理学のサーヴェイを継続しながらそれを日本における理論・実践に架橋する、という研究目的に沿った成果を一般書に論文として発表することができた(裏面)。「環境プラグマティズムと新たな環境倫理学の使命-「自然の権利」と「里山」の再解釈に向けて-」と題されたその論文のまず前半では、純理論的な論争に終始しがちであった環境倫理学に対するアンチテーゼとしての環境プラグマティズムの主張・立場をコンパクトに紹介した。理論や原理をあくまで実践や問題解決の次元に定位して評価し活用する、というその基本主張は、日本での環境をめぐる様々な言説や活動にとって有益なものたりうるばかりでなく、すでにそうした姿勢に沿った理論・実践は日本に見出すことさえできる。その点を具体的に、「自然の権利」訴訟や「里山」保全をめぐる運動や言説に即して論じたのが同論文の後半の主旨である。単なる「応用」を越えた日本独自の、しかし決して単に思弁的でも復古的でもない環境倫理学の新しい方向性を探求しそれを世に問う、という本研究の最大の主旨はこの論文の発表によって一定果たされたものと考える。付随的に同論文が収められた書籍で、日本・世界の主要な環境問題・環境倫理の展開を年表化する作業にも携わったが、日本と海外の理論・実践を常に対照において考究してきた本研究の成果を、より一般にも利用しやすい形で発表することができたと考える。 3回にわたるの学会・セミナー・シンポジウム・実地見学会への参加によって、とりわけ里山や日本・世界の保全活動をめぐる現状と諸問題に触れられたことは、さらに上記の研究を現実の問題解決へと資するという課題に直面させられた。それは研究期間終了後に本研究者に継続的に課せられてた課題である。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2001 -2003 
    Author : OOGOSHI Aiko; SHIROUZU Shiro; OKANO Haruko; IGETA Midori
    As the first aim of this project, we have intended to make an analysis of some elements which construct the thought of community of modem Japan, not from an essentialistic viewpoint, but from a structuralistic viewpoint Among those elements, we have focused the religion, folk ceremonies, the eugenic ideology and Japanese thoughts of gender. In this analysis, comparison with histories, customs and norms of other communities is necessary for us to acquire the viewpoints of relativisation. Therefore, we tried to transcend national borders and get a contact with scholars and researchers abroad, especially in Asia Fortunately, Prof.Kim Seong-Nae in Sogan University and other scholars from Korea cooperated in our project and gave us chances to discuss issues of violence in the community from gender viewpoints. Prof.Cho Kah-Kyung in New York State University visited Osaka and lectured a representative Japanese philosopher Tetsurou Watsuji from a transnational viewpoint Their arguments suggest the possibility of postcolonial theories of community. Some Japanese scholars worked together with us and made wonderful presentations in our study meeting. Prof.Kunimitsu Kawamura in Osaka University analysed ceremonies of mourning in the Japanese community. Prof.Masakazu Tanaka in Kyoto University introduced religious rituals in the Indian community. Their lectures taught us that religious practices and rituals play an essential role in maintaining the community in general. The open seminar we held in Okinawa gave us an invaluable chance to relativize the formation and the present conditions of Japanese community by comparing the Okinawa community with Japanese community through discussions with the active women's group in Okinawa. We realized that the multi-cultural approaches, not only from Okinawa's viewpoints but also from viewpoints of minority people in the world contributed many filings to our project Facing up the above problems, Ogoshi and Igeta visited Turkey last year and participated in the World Congress of Philosophy and discussed with scholars, especially with those in Islamic countries. Learning the thought of community in Islamic way, we could realize how promptly Japanese community has been westernize= modernized, transforming the thought of community into the post-modem stage. As a result, we realize that elucidating the thought of community in modem Japan from gender viewpoints in the world-wide perspective is concerned with issues of the formation of an engendered "Japanese subject" in Asia We still hope to continue seeking this issues against the Asian background.

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