MASAKI Hideyuki

Department of Biomedical EngineeringAssociate Professor

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information


  • Midical Doctor, Doctor of Philosophy(Kinki University)

Research Keyword

  • 免疫学   ウイルス学   Immunology   Virology   

Research Field

  • Life sciences / Immunology
  • Life sciences / Virology



  • 2015/04 - Today  Kinki University Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and TechnologyDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringAssociate Professor
  • 2002 - 2015/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Medicine
  • 2002 - 2015/03  Kinki University Faculty of MedicineDepartment of BiochemistryLecturer
  • 2001 - 2002  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Medicine
  • 2001 - 2002  Kinki University Faculty of MedicineDepartment of BiochemistryResearch Associate
  • 1998 - 2001  マサチューセッツ大学医学部 博士研究員
  • 1998 - 2001  University of MassachusettsDiabetes DivisionPostdoctoral research fellow
  • 1992 - 1998  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Medicine
  • 1992 - 1998  Kinki University Faculty of MedicineDepartment of MicrobiologyResearch Associate

Educational Background

  •        - 1992  Kindai University  大学院医学研究科博士課程  内科学系専攻
  •        - 1992  Kinki University  Graduate School, Division of Medicine  Internal Medicine
  •        - 1985  Kindai University  Faculty of Medicine  Department of Medicine
  •        - 1985  Kinki University  Faculty of Medicine  Medicine

■Research activity information


  • 2011/11 近畿大学医学部同窓会研究奨励賞
  • 2010/12 近畿大学医学会賞
  • 1999 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International Research Award
    受賞者: 正木 秀幸
  • 1997/07 近畿大学医学会賞
  • 1997 Kinki University Medical Association Award


  • Tatsuhiko Ozawa; Hideyuki Masaki; Tomohiko Takasaki; Ikuko Aoyama; Takahiro Yumisashi; Atsushi Yamanaka; Eiji Konishi; Yoh Ohnuki; Atsushi Muraguchi; Hiroyuki Kishi
    Antiviral research 154 58 - 65 2018/06 [Refereed]
    West Nile virus (WNV) is a positive-sense single-stranded RNA flavivirus belonging to the Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) serocomplex of the Flaviviridae family and causes mosquito-borne infections. Although most human infection cases are asymptomatic, approximately one in 150 infected individuals develops meningoencephalitis, with a mortality rate of 4-14%. While the development of human neutralizing antibody therapeutics against WNV is strongly anticipated, WNV is difficult to study in conventional laboratories due to its high safety level requirement. In this study, we established fully human WNV-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies from the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of inactivated-JEV-vaccinated individuals, and these antibodies exhibited WNV neutralization both in vitro and in vivo. Our results demonstrate a new antibody cross-reactivity strategy to develop immunological therapeutic reagents for WNV and other JEV serotype viruses.
  • Masaki Hideyuki
    Acta Medica Kinki University Kinki University Medical Association 38 (2) 101 - 109 0386-6092 2013/12 
  • Hideyuki Masaki; Yoshiki Fujii; Chiaki Wakasa-Morimoto; Tomoko Toyosaki-Maeda; Kiyohiro Irimajiri; Takanori T. Tomura; Ichiro Kurane
    VIRUS RESEARCH ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 144 (1-2) 188 - 194 0168-1702 2009/09 
    Specificities of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) effector cells induced in BALB/c mouse by immunization with the single modified CTL epitope peptide derived from NS3 of dengue virus types 1 and 3, or that of dengue virus types 2 and 4 were examined. The effector cells included CTLs specific for the epitope peptide used for immunization and those cross-reactive to epitope peptides of other flaviviruses. A CTL clone, 2F7, was established from the effector cells. The clone 2F7 was specific for the epitope peptide used for immunization. Recognition by the effector cells was remarkably impaired by amino acid substitutions at positions 3, 5, and 6 of the epitope peptides. These results indicate that immunization with a single CTL epitope peptide of dengue viruses induces serotype-specific CTLs as well as CTLs cross-reactive to the other flaviviruses, and that the a.a. residues at positions 3, 5, and 6 are critical for cross-reaction. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • 正木 秀幸; 戸村 隆訓; 入交 清博; 藤井 克樹; 藤井 克樹; 倉根
    Dengue Bulletin World Health Organization Regional Office for South-East Asia 32 99 - 109 2008/12 
  • Chiaki Wakasa-Morimoto; Tomoko Toyosaki-Maeda; Takaji Matsutani; Ryu Yoshida; Shino Nakamura-Kikuoka; Miki Maeda-Tanimura; Hiroyuki Yoshitomi; Keiji Hirota; Motomu Hashimoto; Hideyuki Masaki; Yoshiki Fujii; Tsuneaki Sakata; Yuji Tsuruta; Ryuji Suzuki; Noriko Sakaguchi; Shimon Sakaguchi
    INTERNATIONAL IMMUNOLOGY OXFORD UNIV PRESS 20 (10) 1331 - 1342 0953-8178 2008/10 
    SKG mice, a newly established model of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), spontaneously develop autoimmune arthritis accompanying extra-articular manifestations, such as interstitial pneumonitis. To examine possible roles of T cells for mediating this systemic autoimmunity, we generated T cell clones from arthritic joints of SKG mice. Two distinct CD8(+) clones were established and both showed in vitro autoreactivity by killing syngeneic synovial cells and a variety of MHC-matched cell lines. Transfer of each clone to histocompatible athymic nude mice elicited joint swelling and histologically evident synovitis accompanying the destruction of adjacent cartilage and bone. Notably, the transfer also produced diffuse severe interstitial pneumonitis. Clone-specific TCR gene messages in the inflamed joints and lungs of the recipients gradually diminished, becoming hardly detectable in 6-11 months; yet, arthritis and pneumonitis continued to progress. Thus, the same CD8(+) T cell clones from arthritic lesions of SKG mice can elicit both synovitis and pneumonitis, which chronically progress and apparently become less T cell dependent in a later phase. The results provide clues to our understanding of how self-reactive T cells cause both articular and extra-articular lesions in RA as a systemic autoimmune disease.
  • 正木 秀幸; 宗像 浩; 戸村 隆訓; 入交清博; 藤井克樹; 藤井克樹; 倉根
    Dengue Bulletin World Health Organization Regional Office for South-East Asia 30 171 - 176 2006/12 
  • H Masaki; MC Appel; L Leahy; J Leif; L Paquin; LD Shultz; JP Mordes; DL Greiner; AA Rossini
    XENOTRANSPLANTATION BLACKWELL PUBLISHING 13 (3) 224 - 232 0908-665X 2006/05 
    Background: The induction of xenogeneic hematopoietic chimerism is an attractive approach for overcoming the host response to xenografts, but establishing xenogeneic chimerism requires severe myeloablative conditioning of the recipient. The goal of this study was to determine if co-stimulation blockade would facilitate chimerism and xenograft tolerance in irradiation-conditioned concordant recipients. Methods: Wistar Furth rat bone marrow (BM) cells were injected into irradiation-conditioned C57BL/6 mice with or without co-administration of anti-mouse CD154 monoclonal antibody (mAb). Chimerism was quantified by flow cytometry, and mice were transplanted with WF rat skin and islet xenografts. Results: Blockade of CD40-CD154 interaction facilitated establishment of xenogeneic chimerism in mice conditioned with 600 cGy irradiation. Anti-CD154 mAb was not required for establishment of chimerism in mice treated with 700 cGy. However, mice irradiated with 700 cGy but not treated with anti-CD154 mAb developed a "graft-versus-host disease (GVHD)-like" wasting syndrome and died, irrespective of their development of chimerism. Xenogeneic chimeras established with irradiation and anti-CD154 mAb treatment exhibited prolonged skin and, in many cases, permanent islet xenograft survival. Chimerism was unstable and eventually lost in most recipients. Skin xenografts were rejected even in mice that remained chimeric, whereas most islet xenografts survived to the end of the observation period. Conclusions: Blockade of host CD40-CD154 interaction facilitates the establishment of xenogeneic chimerism and prevents wasting disease and death. Chimerism permits prolonged xenograft survival, but chimerism generated in this way is unstable over time. Skin xenografts are eventually rejected, whereas most islet xenografts survive long term and perhaps permanently.
  • Induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes by immunization with dengue virus derived, modified epitope peptide, using dendritic cells as a peptide delivery system
    藤井 克樹; 正木 秀幸; 入交清博; 戸村 隆訓; 倉根 一郎
    Dengue bulletin World health organization 28 145 - 150 2004/12 
  • H Masaki; M Tamura; Kurane, I
    VIRAL IMMUNOLOGY MARY ANN LIEBERT INC PUBL 13 (1) 73 - 81 0882-8245 2000 
    We examined whether immunization with a single peptide induces cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) of heterogeneous specificities in vivo, Immunization of BALB/c mice with the peptide H2:529-537, which corresponded to amino acid residues 529-537 on the HA2 subunit transmembrane region of influenza A/Jap virus (H2N2) and possessed an H-2K(d)-binding motif, induced CD8(+)CD4(-) CTLs. These CTLs lysed influenza A/Jap virus-infected target cells as well as those pulsed with the H2:529-537 peptide, H2:529-537 peptide-induced CTLs also lysed to lower but significant levels the target cells pulsed with the H1:533-541 peptide, which corresponded to amino acid residues 533-541 on the HA2 subunit transmembrane region of influenza A/PR/8 virus (H1N1) and were compatible to H2:529-537. Immunization with the H1:533-541 peptide, which also possessed an H-2K(d)-binding motif, induced CTLs in vivo, H1:533-541-induced CTLs lysed influenza A/PR/8 virus-infected target cells and those pulsed with the peptide H1:533-541. Subtype cross-reactive CTLs to the H2:529-537 peptide were not induced by immunization with the H1:533-541 peptide, Two peptides, H2:3S and H2:7S, which had one amino acid substitution, serine at the third and seventh positions, respectively, induced CTLs that lysed target cells pulsed with the respective peptides to the highest levels. These results indicate that immunization with a single peptide induces CTLs of heterogeneous specificities in vivo.
  • K Takada; H Masaki; E Konishi; M Takahashi; Kurane, I
    ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY SPRINGER-VERLAG WIEN 145 (3) 523 - 534 0304-8608 2000 
    We defined an epitope on the Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) envelope (E) protein recognized by CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). CTLs induced in JEV-infected BALB/c (H-2(d)) mice recognized E and/or premembrane (PrM) proteins, while CTLs in C57BL/6J (H-2(b)) and C3H/HeJ (H-2(k)) mice did not. JEV-specific CTLs had a phenotype of CD3(+) CD4(-) CD8(+). Twenty-four 9-amino acid (a.a.) peptides, which had binding motifs for H-2K(d), H-2L(d) or H-2D(d), were synthesized according to the amino acid sequences of PrM and E proteins. CTLs induced by JEV infection recognized only the peptide K-3. Immunization of BALB/c mice with only a group of peptides including K-3 induced CTLs which recognized the homologous K-3 peptide, while immunization with other peptides did not. The peptide K-3 had a binding motif for H-2K(d). This is consistent with the finding that JEV-specific CTLs in BALB/c mice was H-2K(d)-restricted. These results indicate that the epitope recognized by CTLs in BALB/c mice is located between a.a. 60 and 68 on the E protein, corresponding to an a.a. sequence of CYHASVTDI.
  • Characterization of the I-Ed - restricted peptide recognized by an anti-idiotypic CD4+ T cell line
    Masaki,H; Yamane,S; Irimajiri,K; Horiuchi,A; Yamaguchi,J; Suzuki,R; Kurane,I
    Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Immunology 49 1  1997
  • H Masaki; K Irimajiri; A Horiuchi; J Yamaguchi; T Toyosaki; R Suzuki; Kurane, I
    It is known that anti-alpha(1 --> 3) dextran antibodies of BALB/c mice are ordinarily of distinctive idiotypes (Id), one of which is the individual idiotype (IdI) that is represented by J558 or M104E to myeloma protein. In the present study, we established T cell line of Th1 type which recognized the Id of anti-alpha(1 --> 3) dextran antibody, and investigated its specificity and functions. The T cell line, named J-2R, had a phenotype of CD3(+) CD4(+) CD8(-) and expressed alpha beta-T cell receptors (TcR). J-2R proliferated in response to J558 in an I-E(d)-restricted manner but did not respond to M104E which had substitution at amino acids 100 and 101. We confirmed that J-2R recognized J558 IdI, using synthetic peptides corresponding to two serial amino acid residues, Arg(100) and Tyr(101), spanning the J558 IdI in the third hypervariable region (hv3) of the heavy chain. alpha(1 --> 3) dextran-binding B cells which were isolated from dextran-immunized mice activated J-2R, but B cells from nonimmune mice did not. J-2R produced IL-2, IFN-gamma and IL-6, but did not produce IL-4, IL-5, or IL-10. Furthermore, J-2R inhibited the growth of J558 myeloma cells inoculated to the syngeneic mice in vivo. These findings suggest that Id-specific CD4(+) T cells, J-2R, are involved in Id network and may play a role in vivo. J-2R is useful for analysis of the role of the Id-specific helper T cells in immune network because J558 IdI is frequently present on anti-alpha(1 --> 3) dextran antibodies. (C) 1996 Academic Press, Inc.
    We attempted to identify the minimal residual leukemic clone as related to the clinical course in patients with acute B lymphocytic leukemia (B-ALL). DNA was extracted from stored bone marrow slides, and the third complementarity determining region (CDRIII) was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers with consensus sequences for V-H and J(H). After amplification of the CDRIII band, the DNA fragment of CDRIII was inserted into the cloning vector PUC118. After cloning, the DNA sequences for CDRIII were determined. Clonospecific DNA sequences in CDRIII were selected, and clonospecific primers for each patient were synthesized. Using the clonospecific primers, we carried out second-round PCR to detect minimal residual disease (MRD) during several stages of the clinical course. Basically, the sensitivity of detection for MRD was between 10(-4) and 10(-5) cells. Even when leukemic cells were not detected in the morphologic study, with this detection system, the MRD was identified as an amplified CDRIII band stained with ethidium bromide on agarose gel. After bone marrow transplantation (BMT), MRD was detected for at least 4 months. In this article, we discuss the difference in sensitivity of detection for MRD between the BCR-ABL fusion gene and CDRIII in Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph(+)) B-ALL, as well as the possible clinical application of this method to predict relapse and prognosis.
    BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY BLACKWELL SCIENCE LTD 83 (2) 212 - 217 0007-1048 1993/02 
    Immunological abnormality of T lymphocytes in patients with adult T cell leukaemia (ATL) is characterized by abnormal expression of the 55 kD chain of the receptor for interleukin 2 (IL-2R/p55) (Tac), and the down-regulation of CD3 expression. Using serum and culture supernatants of leukaemic cells from ATL patients (Group A) whose CD3 expression was down-regulated and those (Group B) whose CD3 was not low, the possible mechanism of CD3 down-regulation on ATL cells was discussed. When PBMC from normal individuals were cultured with sera from ATL patients for 24 h, CD3 expression revealed by mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) was down-regulated by sera from ATL patients in Group A (MFI: Pt 1=51.6+/-4.5, Pt 2=48.0+/-6.9, control=96.5+/-6.6), not by sera from patients in Group B (MFI: Pt 3=105.5+/-7.9, Pt 4=102.5+/-8.3, control=96.5+/-6.6).When normal PBMC were cultured with supernatants of leukaemic cells from ATL patients in Group A, this CD3 down-regulating activity was also detected (MFI: Pt 1=78.0+/-10.2, Pt 2=70.6+/-8.7, control=94.0+/-6.6). By using gel-chromatography, the fractionated supernatants from ATL patients in Group A decreased CD3 expression of normal PBMC significantly (MFI: Pt 1=22.9+/-5.8, Pt 2=28.8+/-7.4, control=92.1+/-9.6). This CD3 down-regulating activity in fractionated supernatant was not inhibited by any lymphokine antibodies, anti-IL-1alpha antibody (Ab), anti-IL-1B Ab, anti-IL-2 Ab, anti-IL-3 Ab, anti-IL-4 Ab, anti-IL-6 Ab, anti-TNF-alpha Ab and anti-IFN-gamma Ab. Any known cytokines (IL-1, IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-6, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma) could not modulate CD3 expression of normal PBMC. These findings suggested that there are novel factor(s) with CD3 down-regulating activity in the serum and culture supernatant of ATL patient and those factor(s) are involved in progression of ATL.
  • Yasuhiro Maeda; Mitsuhiro Matsuda; Satosi Morita; Hideyuki Masaki; Chikashi Shirakawa; Fusanari Horiuchi; Atsuko Koyama; Hiroyuki Hamazaki; Takuya Fujimoto; Kiyohiro Irimajiri; Atsushi Horiuchi
    Japanese Journal of Clinical Immunology The Japan Society for Clinical Immunology 16 (2) 118 - 125 0911-4300 1993/01 
    It is known that human lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) is closely associated with adult T cell leukemia (ATL). The immunological abnormality of T lymphocytes in patients with ATL is characterized by their abnormal expression of the 55 kDa chain of the receptor for interleukin 2 (IL-2 R/p55 (Tac)), and the down-regulation of CD 3 antigen. HTLV-I gene products such as p 40 tax or ATL-derived factor (ADF) have been shown to enhance the expression of IL-2 R/p55 (Tac). However, the mechanism of down-regulation of CD 3 antigen on T lymphocytes in ATL patients still remains unclear. We found that CD 3 expression on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in healthy individuals was decreased significantly by treatment with sera and cell culture supernatants from ATL patients whose CD 3 expression on PBMC was decreased markedly, but not by sera and cell culture supernatants from ATL patients whose CD 3 expression was normal. Gel-chromatography for cell culture supernatant showed that CD 3 down-regulating activity was fractioned in the fraction number 11 which arrowed 40~60 kDa. Next, after culture with various cytokines (IL-1, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IFN γ and TNF α), the expression of CD 3 on normal PBMC was not reduced significantly. Furthermore, by treatment of cell culture supernatant with various anti-cytokine antibody, the expression of CD 3 antigen on normal PBMC was down-regulated. As mentioned above, there are novel factor (s) with CD 3 down-regulating activity in the sera and cell culture supernatants of those acute ATL patients. In this study, we tried to clarify the mechanism of down-regulation of CD 3 expression on ATL cells, based on the finding of soluble factor (s) down-regulating CD 3 molecule. © 1993, The Japan Society for Clinical Immunology. All rights reserved.
  • 白川 親; 大野基樹; 杉島 仁; 森田 恵; 正木秀幸; 藤本卓也; 前田裕弘; 入交清博; 堀内 篤
    臨床血液 33 (8) 1031 - 1035 0485-1439 1992
    MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY WILEY-BLACKWELL 36 (3) 279 - 295 0385-5600 1992 
    T cells that recognize the cross-reactive idiotype expressed on the heavy (H) chain of M104E (IgM, lambda(1)) were induced in BALB/c mice by immunization with Dextran B-1355. T cells derived from mice immunized with 1 mg of Dextran B-1355 showed a marked proliferative response against M104E, whereas T cells from mice immunized with Ficoll or lesser amounts of Dextran B-1355 did not. BCL1Id, which had an immunoglobulin isotype identical to M104E, did not induce proliferation of the T cells. These T cells also proliferated against J558 (IgA, lambda(1)) which shared the cross-reactive idiotype of the anti-alpha (1 --> 3) glucosidic linkage antibody with M104E on the H chain. The T cells proliferated more efficiently against F(ab')2-104E. Fab-104E and H104E, the H chain of M104E, than against intact M104E. The T cell proliferative response against the idiotype on M104E or even H104E required macrophages as antigen-presenting cells (APC) and the response was inhibited when APC were treated with NH4Cl or chloroquine, inhibitors of antigen processing. Moreover, anti-CD4 antibody or anti-Ia antibody inhibited the proliferative response. These results indicated that anti-idiotypic T cells of the helper type, which recognized a cross-reactive idiotype associated with Ia molecules in processed form, could be induced physiologically through a network mechanism.
    IMMUNOLOGY LETTERS ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 30 (1) 107 - 112 0165-2478 1991/09 
    BALB/c mouse T cells that recognized the idiotype expressed on M104E(mu, lambda-1) were induced by immunization with Dextran B-1355. T cells derived from mice immunized with 1 mg of Dextran B-1355 showed a marked proliferative response against M104E, whereas T cells from mice immunized with Ficoll or smaller amounts of Dextran B-1355 did not. BCL1Id, which had an identical isotype, did not induce proliferation of T cells. The T cell proliferative response against the idiotype on M104E required macrophages as antigen-presenting cells. The proliferative response was inhibited when antigen-presenting cells were treated with NH4Cl or chloroquine, which are antigen-processing inhibitors. These results indicate that anti-idiotypic T cells which recognized processed idiotopes could be induced physiologically through a network mechanism.
  • 小山敦子; 白川 親; 正木秀幸; 堀内房成; 濱崎浩之; 藤本卓也; 前田裕弘; 入交清博; 堀内 篤
    臨床血液 31 (11) 1787 - 1793 0485-1439 1990


Books and other publications

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Junya Kawasaki; Natsuki Nishino; Masanobu Sakaue; Hideyuki Masaki; Hisashi Ashida
    2024 Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry, Tokyo  2024/03
  • 吉川 誠仁; 加藤 龍一; 小澤 龍彦; 正木 秀幸; 宮下 尚之
    29回トガ・フラビ・ペスチウイルス研究会  2023/09
  • 複数のフラビウイルスを中和するモノクローナル抗体の認識機構  [Not invited]
    小林淳; 小澤龍彦; 正木秀幸; 加藤龍一
    第21回日本蛋白質科学会年会  2021/06
  • 坂口久峻; 辻 彩花; 東 慶直; 正木秀幸; 加藤暢宏
    第60回日本生体医工学会大会  2021/06
  • 複数のエピトープと結合するモノクローナル抗体の認識機構―クラスター状結晶からの構造解析―  [Not invited]
    小林淳; 小澤龍彦; 正木秀幸; 加藤龍一
    日本結晶学会令和2年度年会  2020/11
  • 本当は怖い虫刺され~知っていないと、大変なことになりますよ~  [Invited]
    2019年度西宮市生涯学習大学【宮水学園】せいかつ講座第13回  2020/02
  • 本当は怖い虫刺され~知っていないと、大変なことになりますよ~  [Invited]
    近畿大学校友会大阪市阿倍野支部設立20周年記念総会記念講演  2019/09
  • マイクロCTを用いたマイクロニードルの溶解の観察  [Not invited]
    森中杏菜; 和澤充宏; 植田留名; 坂本佳奈子; 千原なみえ; 正木 秀幸; 加藤暢宏
    2019年度精密工学会秋季大会  2019/09
  • MASAKI Hideyuki
    PharmaLabo EXPO Academic Forum  2019/07  Tokyo  Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd.
    We have established 3 human monolonal antibodies, which neutralize West Nile virus (WNV) as well as protect from WNV infection, from the volunteers immunized with WNV-related Japanese Encephalitis virus vaccine by using ISAAC technology.
  • 本当は怖い虫刺され~知っていないと、大変なことになりますよ~  [Invited]
    正木 秀幸
    平成30年度第2回近畿大学生物理工学部 公開講座(BOST Science Café in Sakai)  2018/06
  • 我が国で注意すべき節足動物媒介性ウイルス感染症  [Invited]
    正木 秀幸
    平成29年度清風会学術講演会  2017/08
  • Establishment of West Nile virus -neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies derived from the individuals vaccinated with inactivated Japanese encephalitis virus by ISAAC technology  [Not invited]
    MASAKI Hideyuki
    16th International Congress of Immunology  2016/08  Melbourne, Australia
  • ISAAC法による日本脳炎ワクチン被接種者末梢単核球からのヒト抗ウエストナイルウイルス中和モノクローナル抗体の樹立  [Not invited]
    正木 秀幸; 小澤龍彦; 高崎智彦; 青山幾子; 弓指孝博; 小西英二; 岸 裕幸; 村口 篤
    第63回日本ウイルス学会学術集会  2015/11  福岡
  • ISAAC法による日本脳炎ワクチン被接種者末梢単核球からのヒト抗ウエストナイルウイルス中和モノクローナル抗体の樹立(第2報)  [Not invited]
    正木 秀幸; 小澤龍彦; 高崎智彦; 青山幾子; 弓指孝博; 小西英二; 岸 裕幸; 村口 篤
    第22回トガ・フラビ・ペスチウイルス研究会  2015/11  福岡
  • Establishment of West Nile virus - neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies derived from the individuals vaccinated with inactivated Japanese encephalitis virus by ISAAC technology (2nd.)  [Not invited]
    正木 秀幸; 小澤龍彦; 高崎智彦; 岸 裕幸; 村口 篤
    第44回日本免疫学会総会・学術集会  2015/11  札幌
  • 正木 秀幸; 小澤龍彦; 高崎智彦; 岸 裕幸; 村口 篤
    第43回日本免疫学会総会・学術集会  2014/12  京都  日本免疫学会
    日本脳炎ワクチン被接種者の内、その血清にウエストナイルウイルス中和活性が認められた者の末梢血単核球から、ISAAC(ImmunoSpot Array Assay on a Chip)法を用いて、ウエストナイルウイルス中和活性を持つ高親和性の3種類のヒトモノクローナル抗体を樹立した。
  • 正木 秀幸; 小澤龍彦; 高崎智彦; 青山幾子; 弓指孝博; 小西英二; 岸 裕幸; 村口 篤
    第21回トガ・フラビ・ペスチウイルス研究会  2014/11  横浜 
    日本脳炎ワクチン被接種者の内、その血清にウエストナイルウイルス中和活性が認められた者の末梢血単核球から、ISAAC(ImmunoSpot Array Assay on a Chip)法を用いて、ウエストナイルウイルス中和活性を持つ高親和性の3種類のヒトモノクローナル抗体を樹立した。
  • 森元(若狭) 千晶; 正木 秀幸; 前田 朋子; 吉冨 啓之; 坂口; 教子; 坂口 志文; 藤井 克樹; 鈴木 隆二
    第50回日本リウマチ学会総会・学術集会、第15回国際リウマチシンポジウム  2006/04  長崎市  第50回日本リウマチ学会総会・学術集会、第15回国際リウマチシンポジウム
    RA様関節炎・関節外病変を自然発症するSKGマウスの罹患関節よりT細胞クローンを樹立した。1クローンはCD4陽性、2クローンはCD8陽性でいずれもin vitroで自己反応性を示した。これらのクローンを同系ヌードマウスに移入すると3~6ヶ月後に関節腫脹が始まり慢性に進行した。組織学的に骨・軟骨の破壊を伴う増殖性関節炎が誘導され、興味深いことに全ての個体で組織学的に激しい間質性肺炎がみられた。対照として用いたウイルス抗原特異的クローンの移入ではいずれの病変も観察されなかった。移入したT細胞クローンの検出頻度は移入後経時的に減少し、病変部位で増殖しているのも非T細胞であった。本関節炎の発症初期はT細胞に依存しているが、パンヌス形成・骨髄の活性化などT細胞非依存性に進行すると考えられる。さらに、同一の抗原特異性を持つ自己反応性Tリンパ球が関節炎のみならず間質性肺炎を起こす可能性が考えられる。
  • 正木 秀幸; 戸村 隆訓; 藤井 克樹; 倉根
    第34回日本免疫学会総会・学術集会  2004/12  札幌  第34回日本免疫学会総会・学術集会
  • 正木 秀幸; 戸村 隆訓; 藤井 克樹; 倉根
    第52回日本ウイルス学会学術集会  2004/11  横浜  第52回日本ウイルス学会学術集会
  • 正木 秀幸; 戸村 隆訓; 森元 千晶; 藤井 克樹; 倉根
    53rd Annual meeting of the American society of tropical medicine and hygiene  2004/11  マイアミビーチ(アメリカ)  53rd Annual meeting of the American society of tropical medicine and hygiene
  • Induction of flavivirus cross-reactive CTLs by immunization with single dengue virus - derived CTL epitope peptide  [Not invited]
    正木 秀幸; 戸村 隆訓; 藤井 克樹; 倉根
    12th International congress of immunology and 4th Annual conference of FOCIS  2004/07  モントリオール(カナダ)  12th International congress of immunology and 4th Annual conference of FOCIS
  • 正木 秀幸; 戸村 隆訓
    第56回近畿大学医学会学術集会  2004/07  大阪狭山  第56回近畿大学医学会学術集会
  • エピトープペプチドの免疫により誘導されたデングウイルス1・3型NS3特異的CTLクローンの細特異性の解析  [Not invited]
    52回日本ウイルス学会総会  2004
  • 単一のデングウイルスCTLエピトープペプチド免疫により誘導されたCTLの細特異性の解析  [Not invited]
    34回日本免疫学会総会  2004
  • Induction of flavivirus cross-reactive CTLs by immunization with single dengue virus - derived CTL epitope peptide  [Not invited]
    12th International Congress of Immunology and 4th Annual Conference of FOCIS  2004
  • Analysis of the amino acid residues critical for antigen recognition of dengue virus NS3 - specific CTL clone induced by immunization with a single epitope peptide  [Not invited]
    53rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene  2004
  • 正木 秀幸; 戸村 隆訓; 藤井 克樹; 入交 清博; 倉根 一郎
    第33回日本免疫学会総会・学術集会  2003/12  福岡  第33回日本免疫学会総会・学術集会
  • 正木 秀幸; 戸村 隆訓; 藤井 克樹; 入交 清博; 倉根 一郎
    第51回日本ウイルス学会学術集会・総会  2003/10  京都  第51回日本ウイルス学会学術集会・総会
  • 正木 秀幸; 戸村 隆訓; 藤井 克樹; 入交 清博; 倉根 一郎
    第10回トガ・フラビ・ペスチウイルス研究会  2003/10  京都  第10回トガ・フラビ・ペスチウイルス研究会
  • 正木 秀幸; 戸村 隆訓; 藤井 克樹; 入交 清博
    第31回日本臨床免疫学会総会  2003/10  東京  第31回日本臨床免疫学会総会
  • 正木 秀幸
    第31回日本免疫学会総会・学術集会  2001/12  大阪  第31回日本免疫学会総会・学術集会
  • 正木 秀幸; Appel M Handler; E Rossini A Greiner D; Benjamin C
    30th Annual autumn immunology conference  2001/11  シカゴ(アメリカ)  30th Annual autumn immunology conference
  • Costimulatory blockade with anti-CD40L Ab facilitates xenogeneic bone marrow chimerism and host survival  [Not invited]
    30th Annual Autumn Immunology Conference  2001
  • ペプチド免疫による抗インフルエンザウイルスキラーT細胞の誘導  [Not invited]
    厚生省 平成9年度 新興・再興感染症研究事業「デングウイルス及び日本脳炎ウイルスに対する新型ワクチンの開発に関する研究」研究班会議  1998
  • 日本脳炎ウイルス特異的マウスキラーT細胞が認識するE蛋白上のエピトープの同定  [Not invited]
    厚生省 平成9年度 新興・再興感染症研究事業「デングウイルス及び日本脳炎ウイルスに対する新型ワクチンの開発に関する研究」研究班会議  1998
  • A型インフルエンザウイルス由来合成ペプチドの免疫によるキラーT細胞の誘導(第2報)  [Not invited]
    27回日本免疫学会総会  1997
  • 日本脳炎ワクチンに対するヒト免疫応答の解析  [Not invited]
    40回近畿大学医学会学術講演会  1996
  • 日本脳炎ワクチンに対するヒト免疫応答の解析  [Not invited]
    49回日本細菌学会関西支部会総会  1996
  • A型インフルエンザウイルス由来合成ペプチドの免疫によるキラーT細胞の誘導  [Not invited]
    26回日本免疫学会総会  1996
  • ペプチドの免疫による抗インフルエンザウイルスキラーT細胞の誘導  [Not invited]
    41回近畿大学医学会学術講演会  1996
  • Establishment and analysis of fine specificity of anti-idiotypic helper T cell line against murine anti-α(1→3)dextran antibody  [Not invited]
    9th International Congress of Immunology  1995
  • Prevention of exit site infection by a removable silver-impacted silicone plate  [Not invited]
    International Faculty for Artificial Organs Taipei Symposium  1995
  • 簡易脱着式銀イオン充填シリコン薄板の出口部感染症に対する予防効果  [Not invited]
    38回日本腎臓病学会総会  1995
  • 抗α(1→3)デキストラン抗体イディオタイプ特異的ヘルパーT細胞株の樹立と特異性の解析  [Not invited]
    39回近畿大学医学会学術講演会  1995
  • Establishment and analysis of fine specificity of anti-idiotypic helper T cell line against murine anti-α(1→3)dextran antibody  [Not invited]
    9th International Congress of Immunology  1995
  • Prevention of exit site infection by a removable silver-impacted silicone plate  [Not invited]
    International Faculty for Artificial Organs Taipei Symposium  1995
  • 抗・抗α(1→3)デキストラン抗体IdヘルパーT細胞株の特異性の解析  [Not invited]
    47回日本細菌学会関西支部会総会  1994
  • マウス抗α(1→3)デキストラン抗体のIdI特異的ヘルパーT細胞株の樹立  [Not invited]
    23回日本免疫学会総会  1993
  • 前田裕弘; 松田光弘; 森田 恵; 正木秀幸; 白川 親; 堀内房成; 小山敦子; 濱崎浩之; 藤本卓也; 入交清博; 堀内 篤
    日本臨床免疫学会会誌  1993
  • インターフェロン-αの抗腫瘍効果の検討  [Not invited]
    89回日本内科学会講演会  1992
  • M-bcr遺伝子の第2イントロンの多様性と慢性骨髄性白血病  [Not invited]
    54回日本血液学会総会  1992
  • LAK細胞の腫瘍細胞結合能  [Not invited]
    53回日本血液学会総会  1991
  • LAK細胞の細胞結合能と細胞傷害活性に対する接着因子の検討  [Not invited]
    19回日本臨床免疫学会総会  1991
  • The effect of molecules on cytotoxic and adhesion activity of LAK cells  [Not invited]
    14th International Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology  1991
  • CD3抗体作用LAK細胞の接着分子を介する傷害活性とFcレセプターを介する傷害活性  [Not invited]
    33回日本臨床血液学会総会  1991
  • 急性前骨髄球性白血病にみられたPseudo-Chediak-Higashi顆粒  [Not invited]
    33回日本臨床血液学会総会  1991
  • インターフェロンーαの抗腫瘍効果の検討  [Not invited]
    33回日本臨床血液学会総会  1991
  • M104Eイデイオタイプ特異的ヘルパーT細胞樹立の試み  [Not invited]
    21回日本免疫学会総会  1991
  • The effect of molecules on cytotoxic and adhesion activity of LAK cells  [Not invited]
    14th International Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology  1991
  • 成人T細胞白血病患者におけるCD3抗原の発現低下の機序について(第2報)  [Not invited]
    52回日本血液学会総会  1990
  • 成人T細胞白血病患者におけるCD3抗原の発現低下の機序について(第3報)  [Not invited]
    52回日本血液学会総会  1990
  • 非ホジキンリンパ腫の抹消血中の腫瘍細胞の検出-southern blot法を用いて-  [Not invited]
    52回日本血液学会総会  1990
  • 骨髄性白血病細胞特異的遺伝子を用いての残存白血病細胞の検出の試み  [Not invited]
    52回日本血液学会総会  1990
  • 細胞間接着因子の細胞傷害活性におよぼす影響  [Not invited]
    18回日本臨床免疫学会総会  1990
  • 骨髄性白血病細胞特異的遺伝子を用いての残存白血病細胞の検出の試み  [Not invited]
    49回日本癌学会総会  1990
  • 非ホジキンリンパ腫における残存腫瘍細胞の検出-臨床病期、組織像型と予後との関連性-  [Not invited]
    49回日本癌学会総会  1990
  • 成人T細胞白血病患者の血清および細胞培養上血清中におけるCD3抗原発現抑制因子の検出  [Not invited]
    49回日本癌学会総会  1990
  • Investigation about down-regulation of CD3 antigen in patients with adult T cell leukemia  [Not invited]
    19th International Congress of Experimental Hematology  1990
  • Cloning of myeloid leukemia specific gene  [Not invited]
    19th International Congress of Experimental Hematology  1990
  • Detection of residual tumor cells in peripheral blood and bone marrow in patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma by southern blot analysis  [Not invited]
    19th International Congress of Experimental Hematology  1990
  • 非ホジキンリンパ腫における末梢血中の残存腫瘍細胞の検出-Southern blot法の応用-  [Not invited]
    32回日本臨床血液学会総会  1990
  • ネットワーク機構を介したイデイオタイプ特異的T細胞活性化の誘導(第2報)  [Not invited]
    20回日本免疫学会総会  1990
  • Investigation about down-regulation of CD3 antigen in patients with adult T cell leukemia  [Not invited]
    19th International Congress of Experimental Hematology  1990
  • Cloning of myeloid leukemia specific gene  [Not invited]
    19th International Congress of Experimental Hematology,  1990
  • Detection of residual tumor cells in peripheral blood and bone marrow in patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma by southern blot analysis  [Not invited]
    19th International Congress of Experimental Hematology  1990
  • 単球性白血病における再発の指標  [Not invited]
    86回日本内科学会講演会  1989
  • CD3モノクローナル抗体のLAK 活性に及ぼす影響  [Not invited]
    17回日本臨床免疫学会総会  1989
  • 非ホジキンリンパ腫におけるJHおよびTCRの再構成について  [Not invited]
    48回日本癌学会総会  1989
  • 成人T細胞白血病患者におけるCD3抗原の発現低下について  [Not invited]
    31回日本臨床血液学会総会  1989
  • 好塩基球増加を伴った白血病症例の細胞株の樹立  [Not invited]
    31回日本臨床血液学会総会  1989
  • 非ホジキンリンパ腫におけるJHおよびTCRの再構成について  [Not invited]
    31回日本臨床血液学会総会  1989
  • 骨髄性白血病細胞特異的遺伝子のクローニングの試み  [Not invited]
    19回日本免疫学会総会  1989
  • 好塩基球増加を伴った白血病症例の細胞株の樹立  [Not invited]
    19回日本免疫学会総会  1989
  • 成人T細胞白血病患者におけるCD3抗原の発現低下について  [Not invited]
    19回日本免疫学会総会  1989
  • ネットワーク機構を介したイデイオタイプ特異的T細胞活性化の誘導  [Not invited]
    19回日本免疫学会総会  1989
  • LAK細胞の自己およびアロ腫瘍細胞傷害におけるクラスⅠ,Ⅱ抗原の関与  [Not invited]
    16回日本臨床免疫学会総会  1988
  • 単球およびB細胞の2クローンの芽球を認めたPh1陽性Acute mixed leukemiaの1例  [Not invited]
    30回日本臨床血液学会総会  1988
  • 急性骨髄単球性白血病(M4)ならびに急性骨髄単球性白血病(M5)の臨床的検討  [Not invited]
    30回日本臨床血液学会総会  1988
  • 悪性リンパ腫に伴った馬尾神経腫瘍の一例  [Not invited]
    整形外科集談会京阪神地方会  1986
  • 悪性組織球症の1例  [Not invited]
    28回日本臨床血液学会総会  1986
  • 抗原提示細胞による抗体分子のprocessing(I): M315イデイオトープ保持フラグメントによる増殖性T細胞反応の増強  [Not invited]
    16回日本免疫学会総会  1986

Affiliated academic society

  • THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF INTERNAL MEDICINE   日本ウイルス学会   日本臨床免疫学会   日本免疫学会   Japan College of Rheumatology   The Japanese Society for Hematology   The Japan Society for Clinical Immunology   The Japanese Society for Virology   The Japanese Society for Immunology   

Research Themes

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2026/03 
    Author : 正木 秀幸; 芦田 久; 東 慶直
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2021/04 -2024/03 
    Author : 加藤 龍一; 小澤 龍彦; 正木 秀幸; 宮下 尚之
    ウエストナイルウイルス(WNV)は、時に致死性の脳炎・髄膜炎を惹き起こすフラビウイルス科の蚊媒介性ヒト感染性ウイルスである。世界の広い地域に分布し我が国への感染拡大の危険性が指摘されているが、実用的な治療薬やワクチンは未だ無い。研究分担者らによって見出された WNV に働く中和抗体は、同じフラビウイルス科の日本脳炎ウイルス(JEV)とも交差反応を示すという興味深い性質を持つ。我々はその抗体と WNV のエンベロープタンパク質(Eタンパク質)との複合体の立体構造の決定に成功し、異なるウイルスを同時に認識する抗体の分子機構を明らかにした。その構造基盤を発展させ、(1) フラビウイルス科の各種ウイルスを同時に認識する抗体を開発し、異なるフラビウイルス感染症のどれにも効果のある抗体医薬開発につながる知見を得ること、(2) フラビウイルス科の中の特定のウイルスだけを認識する抗体を開発し、多重感染地域などでどのウイルスに感染しているかを判定できる診断薬の開発につながる知見を得ること、を研究の目的とし、フラビウイルス科の日本脳炎、黄熱病、ジカ熱の各ウイルス(JEV, YFV, ZIKV)のEタンパク質とその中和抗体の認識機構を明らかにすべく、両者のタンパク質複合体の立体構造解析を目指し研究を行った。
  • 日本学術振興会:学術研究助成基金助成金(基盤研究(C))
    Date (from‐to) : 2018/04 -2022/03 
    Author : 正木 秀幸
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2018/04 -2021/03 
    Author : Kato Ryuichi
    West Nile virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne human infectious virus of the Flavivirus family and sometimes causes lethal encephalitis and meningitis. We isolated interesting antibodies which neutralize both WNV and Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) that also belongs to Flavivirus family. We determined the X-ray crystal structure of the complex of one of the antibodies and the enveloped protein of WNV at 2.6 A resolution. The three-dimensional structure and mutational analysis revealed that Arg388 which are conserved in JEV and WNV and CDR of L-chain are essential for the binding activity.
  • 新奇アジュバントを用いたCTL誘導性ウエストナイルウイルスワクチンの開発
    Date (from‐to) : 2011 -2015 
    Author : 正木 秀幸
  • ISAAC法によるヒト抗ウエストナイルウイルスモノクローナル抗体の樹立とそれらによる予防・治療効果の検討
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/02 
    Author : 正木 秀幸
  • 新奇アジュバントを用いたCTL誘導性ウエストナイルウイルスワクチンの開発
    Date (from‐to) : 2011 
    Author : 正木 秀幸
  • 組換えウエストナイルウイルスE蛋白質によるCTL誘導性ワクチンの基礎的研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2007 -2010
  • Fundamental research for development of CTL-inducible vaccine against West Nile virus infection using recombinant E protein
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2007
  • Induction of dengue virus - specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes by peptide immunization
    Date (from‐to) : 2001 -2006
  • Autoreactive T cell clone in BB rats
    Juvenile Diabetes Foundation:Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International Research Award
    Date (from‐to) : 1999 
    Author : MASAKI Hideyuki
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1996 -1998 
    Author : KURANE Ichiro; TAKASAKI Tomohiko
    The aim of the present researh is to elucidate the role of flavivirus-cross-reactive immune responses in the pathogenesis of dengue hemorrhagic fever. We analyzed T lymphocytes which were cross-reactive for dengue and Japanese encephalitis viruses (JEV), using murine and human lymphocytes. T lymphocytes obtained from JEV-immune donors responded to JEV, but also responded to dengue viruses to lower levels. JEV-reactive CD4+ T cell clones established from the same donors did not respond to dengue viruses ; however, some T cell clones responded to West Nile virus (WNV). This may partly due to higher levels of amino acid homology between JEV and WNV.These results also suggest that T lymphocytes cross-reactive for JEV and dengue viruses exist only at the low frequency. These T cell clones did not possess unique T cell receptor motifs. We also analyzed murine T cell responses to JEV, in order to understand T cell responses cross-reactive for dengue and JEV.We analyzed induction of JEV-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in Balb/c mice, and attempted to determine epitope (s) recognized by specific CTL.JEV-specific CD8+CTL were induced by infection with JEV.There is one epitope on the envelope protein recognized by these CTL.The epitope is located between amino acids 60-68 on the envelope protein, and the recognition of this epitope is restricted by H-2Kd. We are analyzing flavivirus-cross-reactivity of these CTL, and determining other epitopes recognized by the CD8+CTL.
  • Induction of influenza virus - specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes by peptide immunization
    Date (from‐to) : 1995 -1998
  • Establishment of idiotype-specific helper T cell line and analysis of its effects to immune network
    Date (from‐to) : 1986 -1995
  • 抗原提示能に対する重金属の影響
    Date (from‐to) : 1994 
    Author : 正木 秀幸