SEGAWA Noriyuki

Major in Global StudiesProfessor

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher comments


東南アジア政治経済特論 オセアニアの現代社会事情

List of press-related appearances


■Researcher basic information


  • Ph.D in Political Science(The University of Sydney)

Research Keyword

  • Pacific Islands   Malaysia   多文化主義   国民統合   民族   Multiculturalism   National Integration   Ethnicity   

Current research field

東南アジア政治経済特論 オセアニアの現代社会事情

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences / International relations
  • Humanities & social sciences / Politics



  • 2019/10 - Today  Philippine School of Business AdministrationDisaster Risk Management UnitAdjunct Professor
  • 2018/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of International StudiesProfessor
  • 2015/09 - 2018/12  Universiti Kebangsaan MalaysiaInstitut Kajian Etnikvisiting researcher
  • 2016/04 - 2018/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of International StudiesAssociate Professor
  • 2008/04 - 2016/03  Osaka Gakuin UniversityFaculty of International Studies
  • 2004/04 - 2008/03  Osaka Gakuin UniversityFaculty of International Studies
  • 2003/12 - 2004/02  東南アジア研究所(シンガポール) 助手

Educational Background

  •        - 2009  シドニー大学大学院  国際政治経済学研究科  国際政治学
  •        - 2009  University of Sydney  School of Economics and Political Science  Government and International Relations
  •        - 1997  Konan University  Faculty of Letters  Department of Sociology
  •        - 1997  Konan University  Faculty of Literature  Sociology

■Research activity information


  • Japan’s struggle to sell its ideals in the Pacific
    Noriyuki Segawa
    The Strategist 2023/10 [Refereed]
  • Noriyuki Segawa
    Asian Studies Review Informa UK Limited 1 - 19 1035-7823 2023/04 [Refereed]
    Owing to China’s increasing influence, the complex geopolitics of the Pacific Islands has become a threat to the strategic superiority of Western democratic countries. The diplomatic policies of the US, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan toward Pacific Island countries (PICs) stand at a critical juncture, reviewing current policy approaches and introducing new ones. This study suggests an approach that Japan could employ to increase its presence, through an evaluation of Pacific Leaders’ Educational Assistance for Development of State (Pacific-LEADS), a scholarship programme expected to contribute to PICs’ economic growth, strengthen existing ties, and increase Japan’s presence in the region. This evaluation is based on interviews and surveys conducted in Tonga, Samoa, and Vanuatu in 2019 and 2020. Insufficient communication and poor understanding of PICs, the primary factors limiting the programme’s effectiveness, are attributed to a policy design approach grounded in the donor–recipient relationship. Japan may need to employ a new approach that emphasises the promotion of substantial equal partnerships.
  • A Case Study: Explaining the Price Collapse of Tongan Squash Export to Japan
    Noriyuki Segawa
    Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development 2022 [Refereed]
    This article focuses on the squash industry of Tonga, which was successfully developed in the 1990s and declined in the 2000s. It analyses how squash export prices are affected by the quantity of squash export and the number of squash exporters. An examination of the squash industry demonstrates that the collapse of the export prices and the decline of the industry is caused due to the lack of structural frameworks for managing the industry effectively and/or the functional failure of the framework. It is perceived that the decline of the industry was due to the withdrawal of the squash export quota from the government, but the main factor appears to be the failure of the government to control the quality of the squash exported to Japan. Thus, a weak institutional capacity prevented the sustainable development of the industry. This article concludes that the development of institutional and human capacity to establish structural frameworks for managing industries and operating the frameworks effectively will contribute to the sustainable development of an export-oriented agriculture-based industry in the PICs.
  • 太平洋島嶼国の課題と日本の貢献
    外交 68 122 - 127 2021/07 [Invited]
  • Japan’s Policy Approach to Expand Its Presence in Pacific Islands Region: Evaluating Pacific-LEADS Programme
    Noriyuki Segawa
    the 26th IPSA World Congress of Political Science Proceedings 2021/07 [Refereed]
  • Impact of RIMUP on National Integration in Malaysia: Direct and Extended Contact Effect
    SEGAWA Noriyuki
    the 25th IPSA World Congress of Political Science Proceedings 2018/07 [Refereed]
  • Noriyuki Segawa
    Commonwealth and Comparative Politics Routledge 55 (1) 63 - 81 1743-9094 2017/01 [Refereed]
    Each ethnic community has an ethnic-based political party both within the government coalition (Barisan Nasional: BN) and within the opposition coalition (Pakatan Rakyat and Pakatan Harapan). Therefore, Malaysia’s political structure can be described as double-layered ethnic politics. In this political structure, the BN government has been forced to adopt a fluctuating policy framework for nation building. As a result, double-layered ethnic politics impedes the development of national integration. Paradoxically, this phenomenon contributes to the maintenance of social stability as this political structure effectively prevents the establishment of a robust ethnic unity that may lead to ethnic conflicts.
  • SEGAWA Noriyuki
    Journal of International Studies Faculty of International Studies, Kindai University 1 (1) 33 - 48 2432-292x 2016/11 
    [Abstract] Due to their ambiguous and fluctuating nature, socio-cultural policies have played only a limited role in promoting national integration. This study examines how the substance of the policies has been forged from political, economic and social contexts. Under an ethnic-based political structure, the government has been compelled to balance the demands of various ethnic communities and hence to have ambiguous and fluctuating socio-cultural policies. Malaysia's economic growth strategies dependent on FDI also induce the government to implement vague and shifting policies since these policies result in stable political and social climate. Stability has been the most important comparative advantage for attracting FDI to Malaysia during its period of modern economic growth. Because Malay preferential policies are logically incompatible with the principles of assimilation and multiculturalism, policy ambiguity in government planning has ensued.
  • 畝川 憲之
    アジ研ワールドトレンド 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所研究支援部 22 (244) 20 - 23 1341-3406 2016/02 [Refereed]
  • オーストラリアの対フィジー政策の評価:対太平洋島嶼国外交の転換点?
    畝川 憲之; 小島 潤
    太平洋諸島研究 3 27 - 40 2015/11 [Refereed]
  • Noriyuki Segawa
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS 16 (2) 177 - 194 1468-1099 2015/06 [Refereed]
    This paper examines the prospects of ethnic politics and consociationalism in Malaysia, in terms of their structures and capabilities. Towards this end, the Barisan Nasional's (BN) policies from 2008 to 2013, the BN's and the Pakatan Rakyat's (PR) 2013 electoral strategies, and the results of the 2013 election will be analysed. As political parties in both the BN and the PR have generally represented ethnic interests and identities, an ethnic-based political structure has been maintained. A consociational political system, which is based on an ethnic-based political structure, has been adopted by both political coalitions. An examination of the 2013 election results indicates that the BN's ethnic politicking as a vote-gathering device has become ineffective. The BN's consociationalism has suffered from a legitimacy deficit, particularly within ethnic minority communities. However, it may be premature to claim that the Malaysian political culture is on the cusp of transcending the BN's paradigm of ethnic politics and consociationalism. The shift from ethnic politics will generate stronger momentum when the PR parties are incorporated into one political party.
  • Noriyuki Segawa; Kaoru Natsuda; John Thoburn
    ASIAN STUDIES REVIEW ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD 38 (3) 422 - 441 1035-7823 2014/09 [Refereed]
    This paper considers the ways in which Malaysia has tried to develop automotive production through promoting a nationally-owned car producer, Proton, and to carve out some "policy space" to continue a degree of protection while also liberalising its trade regime. We show that protection has not yet succeeded in making Proton and its many vendors internationally competitive, and why Malaysia has found that it has to secure the cooperation of a major automotive multinational to upgrade and to achieve export success.
  • トンガ農業の開発課題と可能性:かぼちゃの事例研究より
    SEGAWA Noriyuki
    太平洋諸島学会誌 2 25 - 49 2014/07 [Refereed]
  • Ethnic Politics and the 2013 Elections in Malaysia
    SEGAWA Noriyuki
    Ruritanian 2 - 3 2014/03 [Invited]
  • Kaoru Natsuda; Noriyuki Segawa; John Thoburn
    GLOBAL ECONOMIC REVIEW ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD 42 (2) 113 - 134 1226-508X 2013/06 [Refereed]
    This paper examines the attempts by Malaysia to foster production by national automotive producers in a global industry dominated by a small number of major multinationals. Despite the use of a wide range of industrial policies, both standard import-substituting ones and more targeted policies, the main national producer, Proton, has been unable successfully to enter the automotive global value chain. We argue that Malaysia is probably faced with a choice of accepting foreign majority ownership, as with its second national producer, Perodua, or reconciling itself to Proton lagging in both technology and marketing.
  • Noriyuki Segawa
    Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 19 (2) 210 - 232 1353-7113 2013/04 [Refereed]
    This article examines the direction of ethnic politics in Malaysia by investigating the 2008 election results and the subsequent political maneuverings of political parties following the election. The results do not clearly demonstrate the demise of ethnic politics however, the communal political paradigm of the Barisan Nasional Party (BN) has become increasingly ineffective in its attempts to appease both Malay and non-Malay communities. Following the election, the BN seems to have moved towards the adoption of a multiethnic agenda, whereas its affiliated parties have chosen to maintain their communal political paradigm. Furthermore, the Pakatan Rakyat has not outlined a clear multiethnic platform and has failed to reject communal politics. The Malaysian political paradigm has yet to shift qualitatively away from ethnic politics. © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
  • Noriyuki Segawa
    African and Asian Studies 12 (3) 189 - 214 1569-2094 2013 [Refereed]
    This paper examines how the affirmative action programme based on Malay preferential policies has influenced the formation of ambiguous socio-cultural policies (incorporating Malay cultural dominance and the recognition of non-Malay cultural rights) that hinder the development of national integration. This study is conducted by analysing the relationship between Malay preferential policies and the principles of assimilation and multiculturalism. Because Malay preferential policies are logically incompatible with the principles of assimilation and multiculturalism, these policies influence the shaping of ambiguous socio-cultural policies. In addition, the direction of Malay preferential policies is examined by considering ethnic tensions regarding these policies and the government's efforts after the 2008 election. The government is confronting a dilemma and has not yet determined its direction. Malay preferential policies will not be abolished in the near future, and the nature of socio-cultural policies will remain ambiguous. Thus, a dramatic development of national integration cannot be expected in the foreseeable future. © Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden 2013.
  • Globalisation and the Malaysian Automotive Industry: Industrial Nationalism, Liberalisation, and the Role of Japan
    Kaoru Natsuda; Noriyuki Segawa; John Thoburn
    Ritsumeikan Center for Asia Pacific Studies Working Paper 2012/04
  • Noriyuki Segawa
    Pacific Way 太平洋諸島地域研究所 (139) 4 - 12 2012/02 [Refereed]
  • Communal Political Paradigm after the 2008 Election in Malaysia
    Noriyuki Segawa
    Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Asian Studies 2011/03 [Refereed]
  • Ambiguous Nature of Socio-cultural Policies for National Integration
    Noriyuki Segawa
    Proceedings of the 7th International Malaysian Studies Conference 2010/03 [Refereed]
  • Juggling between Assimilation and Multiculturalism: Language and Education Policies for National Integration in Malaysia
    Noriyuki Segawa
    Ph.D thesis submitted to the University of Sydney 2009/10 [Refereed]
  • 畝川 憲之
    International studies 大阪学院大学国際学学会 18 (1) 1 - 31 0917-0561 2007/06
  • 畝川 憲之
    太平洋学会誌 太平洋学会 29 (1/1) 27 - 38 0387-4745 2007/03 [Refereed]
  • Noriyuki Segawa
    Sojourn Institute of Southeast Asian Studies 22 (1) 30 - 56 0217-9520 2007 [Refereed]
    This paper examines how Malaysia's 1996 Education Act, which is based on a multiculturalism-type approach, has influenced ethnic polarization in primary and secondary education. This is done through research on the enrolment trend of Chinese Malaysians. Most Chinese have not regarded the Act as an expression of a multiculturalism-type approach but rather as a continuation of the assimilationism-type approach that had been practiced since 1961. This is due in part to many ambiguities in the 1996 Act and in its implementation. The Act has, therefore, not influenced Chinese enrolment trends to any notable extent. The Act and its many ambiguities have not worsened ethnic polarization either nor has it had much impact one way or another on national integration. © 2007 ISEAS.
  • Socio-cultural Policies for Nation Building and Sustained Economic Growth in Malaysia
    Noriyuki Segawa
    New Resaerch in Malaysian Studies Workshop 2006/02 [Refereed]
  • Noriyuki Segawa
    International Studies 大阪学院大学国際学学会 16 (2) 79 - 119 0917-0561 2005/12
  • Segawa Noriyuki
    Journal of the Pacific Society 太平洋学会 26 (1/1) 65 - 82 0387-4745 2003/10 [Refereed]


  • 知識探訪 国民車プロトンの行方
    畝川 憲之  The Daily NNAマレーシア版  2013/06  [Invited]
  • Juggling between Assimilation and Multiculturalism: Language and Education Policies for National Integration in Malaysia
    Ph.D thesis submitted to the University of Sydney  2009
  • Education Policies until the 1980s in Malaysia: Efficacy of an Assimilationism-type Approach for National Integration
    International; Studies; Association of; Osaka Gakuin University  International Studies  18-  (1)  1  -31  2007
  • The Impact of Sustained Economic Growth on National Integration Policies in Malaysia
    Journal of the Pacific Society  29-  (1/1)  27  -38  2007
  • The Look East Policy and Japanese ODA and Direct Investment Trend to Malaysia 1982-1990
    Journal of the Pacific Society  26-  (1/1)  65  -82  2003

Books and other publications

  • International Migration in the Pacific Islands Region: Networks, Regionalism, and Institutions
    Noriyuki Segawa (ContributorSocio-economic Status of Polynesian Migrants in New South Wales: Pacific Islanders in Multicultural Australia)IDE-JETRO 2023/03 9784258046560
  • Noriyuki Segawa (Contributor教育――旧宗主国の影響と残された課題)昭和堂 2023/02 9784812222034 vii, 333p
  • Ethnic Relations at School in Malaysia: Challenges and Prospects of the Student Integration Plan for Unity
    SEGAWA Noriyuki (Single work)Palgrave Macmillan 2019/09
  • National Identity, Language and Education in Malaysia: Search for a Middle Ground between Malay Hegemony and Equality
    SEGAWA Noriyuki (Single work)Routledge 2019/03
  • The Transformation and Reconstruction of the International Order in the Pacific Islands Region
    SEGAWA Noriyuki (ContributorAustralia's Foreign Aid Policy towards Melanesia at a Critical Juncture)The Institute of Developing Economies 2016/03

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Whither Japan's Diplomacy towards the Pacific Islands Region: Impact of Japan's FOIP-based Diplomacy on its Relationship with Pacific Island Countries  [Not invited]
    Noriyuki Segawa
    2023 the Annual Conference of Taiwanese Political Science Association  2023/11
  • 太平洋島嶼地域の地政学的変容:中国のプレゼンス拡大とその影響  [Invited]
    日本国際フォーラム研究会『中露の勢力圏構想の行方と日本の対応―「中央アジア・コーカサス・大洋州・グローバルサウス」の含意―』  2023/11
  • Challenges of Japan’s FOIP-based Diplomacy: Its Impact on Japan's Presence in the Pacific Islands Region  [Not invited]
    Noriyuki Segawa
    The 27th Annual Conference of the New Zealand Studies Association  2023/06
  • Education System and Ethnic Relations in Malaysia  [Invited]
    Noriyuki Segawa
    マレーシア学会2022年度研究大会  2023/01
  • 太平洋島嶼地域における国際秩序の変容  [Invited]
    東京外国語大学 国際関係研究所主催 連続研究会「ウクライナ情勢を背景とする国際秩序の変容」  2022/11
  • The Direction of Japan’s Diplomatic Policies Towards Pacific Island Countries: Increasing its Presence Amid Changing Geopolitics  [Not invited]
    Noriyuki Segawa
    The 26th annual conference of the New Zealand Studies Association  2022/07
  • Japan’s Efforts to Promote Private Investment in Infrastructure Development in Developing Countries  [Invited]
    Noriyuki Segawa
    International Seminar: Disaster Risk Financing Awareness Towards Disaster and Climate Change Resiliency  2022/03
  • Japan’s Policy Approach to Expand Its Presence in Pacific Islands Region: Evaluating Pacific-LEADS Programme  [Not invited]
    Noriyuki Segawa
    26th World Congress of Political Science  2021/07
  • Melanesia and the Pacific: From the Regional Power's Perspective  [Invited]
    Noriyuki Segawa
    Regionalism in the Pacific: Melanesian, Micronesian, and Polynesian Perspectives and the Future of the Region  2021/06
  • Sustainable Development and Institutional Vulnerability: From Perspectives of Economic Development and Sovereignty Protection  [Invited]
    Noriyuki Segawa
    太平洋諸島学会第8回研究大会 シンポジウム「太平洋島嶼の地域性を踏まえた持続可能な開発とは何か」  2020/10
  • Ethnic Relations in Malaysia, Fiji and Australia  [Invited]
    Noriyuki Segawa
    アジア経済研究所「太平洋島嶼国における人の移動と国際制度」研究会  2019/12
  • Challenges and Prospects of Human Resource Development in Pacific Island Countries: Perspectives of Developmental Economy and Political Science  [Invited]
    SEGAWA Noriyuki
    4TH INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM, Challenges and Opportunities for Local Communities and Small-Scale Entrepreneurs  2019/11
  • Challenges and Prospects for Economic Development in Pacific Island countries: Importance of Human Resource Development  [Not invited]
    SEGAWA Noriyuki
    7th International Conference on Sustainable Development  2019/09
  • 海底鉱物資源調査・開発関連事業の太平洋諸島地域進出に向けて  [Invited]
    畝川 憲之
    太平洋諸島学会第七回研究大会  2019/06
  • Economic Development in Pacific Island Countries  [Invited]
    SEGAWA Noriyuki
    Securing the Peace in Oceania and the Pacific Islands  2019/03
  • Changing Regional Order in the Pacific Islands  [Invited]
    SEGAWA Noriyuki (Modelat
    Changing Regional Order in the Pacific Islands and Japan's Role  2019/01
  • End of Ethnic Politics?: Considering its Structure and Capability  [Invited]
    SEGAWA Noriyuki
    日本マレーシア学会  2018/10
  • Education Policies for National Integration in Malaysia: Challenges and Future Prospects  [Not invited]
    SEGAWA Noriyuki
    Association of Southeast Asian Studies UK 2018 Conference  2018/09
  • Impact of Ethnic Interaction in Education on National Integration in Malaysia: Possibilities and Limitations of the RIMUP  [Not invited]
    SEGAWA Noriyuki
    25th World Congress of Political Science  2018/07
  • Prospects of the Student Integration Plan for Unity (RIMUP) in Malaysia: The Plan's Structure and Allport's Optimal Conditions  [Not invited]
    SEGAWA Noriyuki
    Taiwan Southeast Asian Studies Annual Conference 2018  2018/07
  • Prospects of the RIMUP in Malaysia: National Intgration and Ethnic Interaction in Education  [Not invited]
    SEGAWA Noriyuki
    British Education Reseach Association Annual Conference 2017  2017/09
  • 太平洋諸島ビジネスセミナー(パネルディスカッション)  [Not invited]
    畝川 憲之; モデレーター
    太平洋諸島ビジネスセミナー  2017/07
  • 太平洋諸島フォーラムの変容と太平洋・島サミットの行方  [Invited]
    畝川 憲之; コメンテーター
    太平洋諸島研究所 春季研究会  2017/04
  • Unity and Education in Malaysia: Assimilation, Multiculturalism and New Perspective  [Not invited]
    SEGAWA Noriyuki
    International Confenrence on Humanities and Cultural Studies  2016/11
  • 太平洋島嶼国の観光開発:パラオの日本人客誘致戦略を事例に  [Not invited]
    畝川 憲之
    太平洋諸島学会 第4回研究大会  2016/07
  • Pacific Islands Business Seminar  [Invited]
    SEGAWA Noriyuki
    Pacific Islands Business Seminar  2016/05
  • How has Palau Succeeded in Obtaining Japanese Tourists?  [Invited]
    SEGAWA Noriyuki
    Pacific Island Countries Tourism Ministers Meeting  2015/11
  • 「太平洋・島サミット」の開催意義と今後の展開  [Invited]
    畝川 憲之
    太平洋諸島学会 第3回研究大会  2015/07
  • トンガの農業開発:その課題と可能性  [Not invited]
    畝川 憲之
    第二回太平洋諸島学会研究大会  2014/07
  • Tonga-Japan Trade and Investment Symposium  [Invited]
    SEGAWA Noriyuki
    Tonga-Japan Trade and Investment Symposium  2014/06
  • Ethnic Politics and Consociationalism in the 2013 Malaysia Elections  [Invited]
    SEGAWA Noriyuki
    18th Malaysia and Singapore Society of Australia Symposium  2013/12
  • 小島嶼国の貿易政策とその可能性  [Invited]
    畝川 憲之
    『海洋の「陸地化」と太平洋地政学の変動』研究会  2013/11
  • 太平洋島嶼国の経済発展の可能性  [Invited]
    畝川 憲之
    太平洋諸島地域研究所研究会  2013/08
  • Double-layered Ethnic Politics in Malaysia: Its Impact on Unity and Stability  [Not invited]
    SEGAWA Noriyuki
    Solidarity, Memory and Identity, Interdisciplinary Conference  2012/09
  • Communal Political Paradigm after the 2008 Election in Malaysia  [Not invited]
    The Asian Conference on Asian Studies  2011
  • Communal Political Paradigm after the 2008 Election in Malaysia  [Not invited]
    The Asian Conference of Asian Studies  2011
  • Ambiguous Nature of Socio-cultural Policies for National Integration  [Not invited]
    The 7th International Malaysian Studies Conference  2010
  • Ambiguous Nature of Socio-cultural Policies for National Integration  [Not invited]
    The 7th International Malaysian Studies Conference  2010
  • Socio-cultural Policies for National Integration and Sustained Economic Growth in Malaysia  [Not invited]
    New Research in Malaysian Studies Workshop  2006
  • Socio-cultural Policies for National Integration and Sustained Economic Growth in Malaysia  [Not invited]
    New Research in Malaysian Studies Workshop  2006

Affiliated academic society

  • 太平洋学会   日本政治学会   日本国際政治学会   東南アジア史学会   アジア研究学会 オーストラリア   The Pacific Society   Japanese Political Science Association   The Japan Association of International Relations   Japan Society for Southeast Asian History   Asian Studies Association of Australia   

Research Themes

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2019/04 -2023/03 
    Author : 畝川 憲之
    フィジーでは、民族間緊張の緩和、国民統合の達成が独立以来の最大の課題となっているが、これまでのところ統合は達成されておらず、民族間の溝はいまだに存在している。その大きな要因の一つが、民族ごとに分離している初等(中等)教育の構造にあると考えられる。そこで本研究は、Allportらの主張するContact Theoryを手掛かりに、(1)初等教育における民族間の交流促進が民族間関係の改善および国民統合の発展に寄与する可能性、(2)交流促進の実行可能性の各点についての検証を通して、フィジーの初等教育における民族間交流と国民統合について、総合的な検証に挑むものである。 本年度は、8月および3月に現地調査を行い、昨年度実施予定であったフィジー系およびインド系の教員組合でのインタビュー、初等教育機関での教員へのインタビュー、生徒に対するアンケート調査の実施を予定していた。しかし、コロナウイルス感染拡大が収まらず、フィジーへの渡航自体が不可能であり、現地調査が中止となった。そこで、本年度は、昨年度に引き続き、文献調査・研究を中心に行った。主に、フィジーの民族問題と教育の関係に関する書籍、論文、新聞報道やWeb情報の整理、研究を行うとともに、民族問題に限定せずフィジー教育の抱える課題についての文献研究(特に教育省発行のAnnual Reportの調査、研究)、また太平洋島嶼地域全体の教育課題、オーストラリアにおける島嶼移民の教育課題に関する文献研究も行った。また、研究協力者であるFiji National University, College of Humanities and Educationの教員と継続的にコンタクトを取り、今後の研究の方向性などの議論を行っている。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2018/04 -2022/03 
    Author : 関根 久雄; 畝川 憲之; 三村 悟; 梅村 哲夫; 東 裕; 小林 泉; 野田 真里
    昨年度に引き続き、太平洋島嶼諸国の持続可能な開発戦略に関連した文献研究及び現地聞き取り調査を訪問国を分担して行うと共に、各研究者ごとに関連する学会等で研究発表を行った。 代表の関根は、マーシャル諸島において同国の伝統的価値を重視する開発政策とSDGs戦略との整合性に関する調査を関係する現地政府関係機関や在外公館、JICA支所等において行った。分担者の梅村はソロモン諸島において同国の観光開発に関連した聞き取り調査を中央銀行やJICAソロモン支所、政府観光局等で行うと共に、観光関連施設の視察を行った。分担者の三村は太平洋島嶼国の開発とSDGsについて政府文書などにより調査を行った。またサモアを訪問し、前年11月に発生した麻疹流行による社会経済への影響について現地政府機関等の関係者から聞き取りを行うと共に、2009年に発生した津波被害からの復興状況について現地踏査した。分担者の畝川は、フィジーの初等教育機関において教育の現状、民族間関係、教育におけるInclusivenessに関する聞き取り調査を行い、バヌアツにおいては我が国の人材育成プログラムの評価研究のため、関係省庁、同プログラム修了生へのオンラインアンケート調査を行った。研究分担者の東は、ソロモン諸島とフィジーを訪問し、現地の法とSDGs政策との関連性に関する調査を、現地関係政府機関および在外公館、JICA支所等で行った。分担者の小林は、SDGs政策に関連する「米国と自由連合関係にあるミクロネシア3ヵ国の財政状況と対米第3次経済協力協定交渉の推移状況」に関する現地調査をパラオの政府関係機関や在外公館、JICA支所等で実施した。分担者の野田は、2020年2月に予定していたツバル訪問が新型コロナの影響で実現しなかったため、主に途上国におけるSDGs政策に関連した資料収集およびその分析活動を行った。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2019/03 
    Author : Segawa Noriyuki; Baharuddin Shamsul Amri
    In this research, the possibilities and limitations of the RIMUP for the development of national integration were examined. To this end, I conducted a field research two times in each year from 2015 to 2017. I had interview research with government departments, education NGOs, and headmasters and teachers in ethnic-based primary schools participating in a RIMUP activity while conducting a survey among students participating in a RIMUP activity. This research found that the RIMUP has faced three structural challenges: the government’s weak management; the short duration and low frequency of activities; and the low student participation rate. This research concluded that the RIMUP will not substantially contribute to the development of national integration unless the structural challenges are resolved.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2010 -2012 
    Author : NATSUDA Kaoru; THOBURN John; SEGAWA Noriyuki
    This study examines the development of the automotive industry, parts procurementnetworks, production and export trends, and the competitiveness of three ASEAN countriessuch as Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. In recent years, the Thai and Indonesianautomotive industry has developed rapidly, accounting for 2.48 million units of vehicleproduction (the 9th biggest producer) and 1 million (the 17) in the world in 2012,respectively. By contrast, the Malaysian automotive industry has been developing veryslowly, accounting for 0.57 million units (the 22nd)th. With regards to the number of partssuppliers, Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia account for 2,390 firms, 850 firms, and 690firms, respectively. With regards to export, Thailand has developed as an export platformin Southeast Asia, exporting a half of their production.
  • マレーシアの社会文化政策と国民統合
    Date (from‐to) : 2004
  • Socio-cultural Policies and National Integration in Malaysia
    Date (from‐to) : 2004

Social Contribution Activities

  • 第8回太平洋・島サミットに向けた有識者会合の委員
    Date (from-to) : 2017/07-2018/01
    Role : Panelist
    Category : Meeting
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 外務省
  • 第7回太平洋・島サミットに向けた有識者会合の委員
    Date (from-to) : 2014/05-2015/03
    Role : Panelist
    Category : Seminar
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 外務省

Academic Contribution Activities

  • 太平洋島嶼国のODA案件に関わる日本の取り組みの評価
    Date (from-to) :2015/06-2016/03
    Role: Academic research planning
    Type: Academic research
    Organizer, responsible person: 外務省
  • Review of the Pacific Islands Centre
    Date (from-to) :2013/08-2013/11
    Role: Academic research planning
    Type: Academic research
    Organizer, responsible person: Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (Fiji)