Atomic Energy Research InstituteProfessor

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information

Research Keyword

  • 放射線基礎医学   遺伝病   DNA 修復機構   

Research Field

  • Life sciences / Cardiology
  • Life sciences / Internal medicine - General
  • Life sciences / Virology
  • Life sciences / Medical biochemistry
  • Life sciences / Pathobiochemistry


Educational Background

  • 1992/04 - 1996/03  大阪大学大学院  医学部  生理系博士課程
  • 1982/04 - 1988/03  Osaka University  Medical school

■Research activity information


  • Seiji Takeuchi; Toshiro Matsuda; Mariko Tsujimoto; Takeshi Fukumoto; Ryusuke Ono; Chikako Nishigori
    Journal of Dermatological Science Elsevier BV 0923-1811 2022/02
  • 松本, 義久; 島田, 幹男; 今道, 祥二; 山西, 弘城; 松田, 外志朗
    近畿大学原子炉利用共同研究等経過報告書 令和2年度 = Annual Report of Cooperative Researches at Kindai University Reactor, 2020 大阪大学大学院工学研究科 89 - 91 2021/12 
    type:Journal Article 3. 生物の放射線影響に関する研究(生物系)
  • 松本, 義久; 島田, 幹男; 今道, 祥二; 山西, 弘城; 松田, 外志朗
    近畿大学原子炉等利用共同研究経過報告書 平成31(令和元)年度 = Annual Report of Cooperative Researches at Kindai University Reactor, 2019 大阪大学大学院工学研究科 111 - 113 2020/12 
    type:Journal Article
  • 寺東, 宏明; 山西, 弘城; 松田, 外志朗
    近畿大学原子炉等利用共同研究経過報告書 平成31(令和元)年度 = Annual Report of Cooperative Researches at Kindai University Reactor, 2019 大阪大学大学院工学研究科 118 - 119 2020/12 
    type:Journal Article
  • 寺東, 宏明; 山西, 弘城; 松田, 外志朗
    近畿大学原子炉等利用共同研究経過報告書 平成29年度 = Annual Report of Cooperative Researches at Kindai University Reactor, 2017 大阪大学大学院工学研究科 78 - 80 2018/12 
    type:Journal Article
  • 松本, 義久; 島田, 幹男; 山西, 弘城; 松田, 外志朗; 今道, 祥二
    近畿大学原子炉等利用共同研究経過報告書 平成29年度 = Annual Report of Cooperative Researches at Kindai University Reactor, 2017 大阪大学大学院工学研究科 81 - 83 2018/12 
    type:Journal Article
  • 松田外志朗
    近畿大学原子力研究所年報(Web) 54 39‐46 (WEB ONLY)  0374-8715 2018/03
  • 松田外志朗
    近畿大学原子力研究所年報(Web) 近畿大学原子力研究所 53 (53) 13‐18 (WEB ONLY) - 18 0374-8715 2017/03 
  • Seiji Takeuchi; Toshiro Matsuda; Ryusuke Ono; Mariko Tsujimoto; Chikako Nishigori
    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP 6 29233  2045-2322 2016/07 [Refereed]
    Ultraviolet (UV) radiation induces a variety of biological effects, including DNA damage response and cell signaling pathways. We performed transcriptome analysis using microarray in human primary cultured fibroblasts irradiated with UV-C (0.5 or 5 J/m(2)) and harvested at 4 or 12 h following UV exposure. All transcript data were analyzed by comparison with the corresponding results in non-irradiated (control) cells. The number of genes with significantly altered expression (>= 2-fold difference relative to the control) is higher in the sample irradiated with high dose of UV, suggesting that gene expression was UV dose-dependent. Pathway analysis on the upregulated genes at 12 h indicates that the expression of some cell cycle-related genes was predominantly induced irrespective of UV-dose. Interestingly, almost all the genes with significant altered expression were cell cycle-related genes designated as 'Mitotic Genes', which function in the spindle assembly checkpoint. Therefore, even a low dose of UV could affect the transcriptional profile.
  • Naohiko Kodo; Shoei Sakata; Toshiro Matsuda
    Nucleus (India) Springer India 58 (3) 231 - 234 0976-7975 2015/12 [Refereed]
    Gain-of-function mutations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae pleiotropic drug resistance (PDR) genes PDR1, PDR3, and YRR1 cause constitutive high expression of membrane-associated drug efflux pumps, resulting in the excretion of antifungal drugs. We previously identified a novel mutation of YRR1 that conferred salicylic acid (SA) resistance to S. cerevisiae BY4741 cells randomly mutagenized with ethyl methane sulfonate. Yeast cells carrying the yrr1–52 allele activated several drug efflux pumps and exhibited resistance to 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide and cycloheximide. However, the activated genes and other factors that are directly involved in SA resistance remain unclear. Therefore, microarray analyses of total RNA extracted from yrr1–52 and wild-type cells during the logarithmic phase were performed. Twenty genes demonstrating > 2-fold higher expression than the wild-type were selected. Among the upregulated genes, YOR1, SNQ2, AZR1, and FLR1 encode transport proteins previously associated with drug efflux pumps. YOR1 and SNQ2, which encode an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter, were investigated as candidate genes involved in SA resistance. Spot assay results showed no changes in SA susceptibility after disruption of YOR1 or SNQ2 on a background of YRR1 and yrr1–52, indicating that Yor1p and Snq2p are not involved in SA resistance.
  • 【糖尿病強化療法-低血糖を巡る諸問題】 実臨床における重症低血糖とそのリスク ERにおける重症低血糖症例の臨床像
    平出 敦; 松田 外志朗; 窪田 愛恵; 田口 博一; 久村 正樹; 木下 理恵; 西内 辰也
    Diabetes Frontier (株)メディカルレビュー社 25 (4) 402 - 406 0915-6593 2014/08
  • Naohiko Kodo; Toshiro Matsuda; Syuichi Doi; Hiroshi Munakata
    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 434 (1) 42 - 47 0006-291X 2013/04 [Refereed]
    Yeast cells can extrude intracellular drugs through membrane-associated efflux pumps, such as ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters and members of the major facilitator superfamily. Gene expression of drug efflux pumps is regulated by several transcription factors involved in pleiotropic drug resistance (PDR). Salicylic acid (SA) possesses weak antifungal activity. Although the excretion mechanisms of some antifungal drugs have been revealed, the mechanism of SA extrusion remains unclear. To elucidate the mechanism of SA excretion, we screened SA-resistant mutants from random mutagenized Saccharomyces cerevisiae BY4741 cells. We successfully isolated 60 SA-resistant clones (KinSal001-060). KinSal052, one of the strongest SA-resistant clones, also exhibited resistance to 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide and cycloheximide, indicating that it acquired the PDR phenotype. We identified a novel mutation in YRR1 conferring SA resistance to KinSal052. YRR1 encodes a Zn(II)2Cys6-type zinc-finger transcription factor that reportedly activates gene expression involved in PDR. Yeast cells carrying the yrr1 allele (yrr1-52) activated expression of several efflux pump-encoding genes, including YOR1, SNQ2, AZR1, and FLR1. These results suggested that SA resistance in KinSal052 is conferred by the overexpression of efflux pumps constitutively activated by the mutant form of Yrr1p. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
  • 当院における院内緊急コール症例の分析
    中江 晴彦; 太田 好紀; 石部 琢也; 太田 育夫; 森田 正則; 田口 博一; 冨吉 浩雅; 松田 外志朗; 森本 剛; 坂田 育弘; 平出 敦
    日本救急医学会雑誌 (一社)日本救急医学会 23 (10) 571 - 571 0915-924X 2012/10
  • 松田 外志朗; 学; 医学部救急医学教室; 栗原 敏修; 浅沼 博司; 中江 晴彦; 冨吉 浩雅; 森田 正則; 嶋津 岳士; 平出 敦
    近畿大学医学雑誌 近畿大学医学会 37 (1,2) 71 - 71 0385-8367 2012 [Refereed]
    [抄録] 糖尿病患者の増加及び高齢化に伴い, 低血糖症例は増加している.重症症例は, 意識障害などのため他者の援助を必要とし, 救急搬送されることが多い.低血糖症例にいかに対応するかは救急医療の現場において重要な問題である.近畿大学医学部附属病院では, 低血糖症例のほとんどが救急診療部門(ER)において初期治療がなされている.当院ERにおいて, 2008年4月から2010年3月までの2年間で84回の低血糖によるER受診があった.意識障害あるいは意識消失を主訴とする症例が多く, 高齢者の割合も高い.内分泌代謝内科で治療されている症例は半数以下であり, 糖尿病以外の疾患のために他の診療科かかりつけとなっている症例が多かった.低血糖症例に対し適切な初期診療を行うために, 当院における低血糖症例の特徴を検討し, 初期診療において必要な情報について解説する.また, 初期診療において, 注意を要する症例として, 低血糖が10時間以上遷延した7症例, 糖尿病治療を受けていなかった非糖尿病の12症例をとりあげる.さらに, 患者の高齢化や社会的な要因から留意すべき点について考察する.
  • 医原性有害事象の疫学
    森本 剛; 医学部救急医学教室; 太田 好紀; 作間 未織; 森田 正則; 中江 晴彦; 松田 外志朗; 関 進; 山本 香織; 大鳥居 麻希子; 酒井 美佳; 谷 由香; 窪田 愛恵; 平出 敦
    近畿大学医学雑誌 37 (3,4) 107 - 107 2012 [Refereed]
  • 医学教育シリーズ 放射線とヒトに関する研究のすすめ
    松田 外志朗; 学; 医学部救急医学
    近畿大学医学雑誌 37 (3,4) 193 - 202 2012 [Refereed]
  • 当院ERが関与した緊急コールの検討
    中江 晴彦; 石川 久; 中尾 隆美; 太田 育夫; 森田 正則; 冨吉 浩雅; 栗原 敏修; 松田 外志朗; 坂田 育弘; 平出 敦
    日本救急医学会雑誌 (一社)日本救急医学会 22 (8) 407 - 407 0915-924X 2011/08
  • 松田 外志朗; 学部附属病院; 救急診療部; 嶋津 岳士
    The Japanese journal of acute medicine へるす出版 33 (6) 703 - 708 0385-8162 2009 [Refereed]
  • 栗原 敏修; 松田 外志朗; 富吉 浩雅; 浅沼 博司; 橋本 直樹
    日本救急医学会雑誌 19 (6) 334 - 336 0915-924X 2008/06
  • 嶋津 岳士; 医学部附属病院; 救急診療部; 中江 晴彦; 冨吉 浩雅; 浅沼 博司; 松田 外志朗; 栗原 敏修; 橋本 直樹
    近畿大学医学雑誌 近畿大学医学部 33 (4) 257 - 263 0385-8367 2008 [Refereed]
  • K. Kusumoto; K. Kageyama; T. Matsuda; T. T. Tomura; H. Munakata; H. Tanaka; F. Yazama; N. Miwa
    Experimental Oncology 29 (2) 106 - 110 1812-9269 2007/06 
    Aim: To evaluate promotive effect of hyperthermia on the carcinostatic activity of synthesized omega-hydroxy fatty acids (ωHFAs) and their ethylesters agaist Ehrlich ascites tumor (EAT) cells. Methods: EAT cells were cultured with either ωHFAs or their ethylester derivatives in a water bath at either 37°C or 42°C for 30 min, followed by incubation in a CO 2 incubator for 20 or 72 h. Mitochondrial dehydrogenase-based WST-1 assay and trypan blue dye exclusion assay were then conducted after incubation. Morphological changes were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results: Omega-HFA having a saturated 16-carbon straight-chain (ωH16:0) was the most carcinostatic (at 37°C - viability level: 60.0% at 42°C - 49.6% (WST-1)) among saturated and unsaturated ωHFAs with 12, 15 or 16 carbon atoms, when administrated to EAT cells at 100 μM for 20 h. Carcinostatic activity was markedly enhanced by ethyl-esterization of saturated fatty acids, such as ωH16:0 (at 37°C - 42.3% at 42°C - 11.2% , ibid) and ωH15:0 (at 37°C - 74.6% at 42°C - 25.3% , ibid), and their unsaturated counterparts were extremely effective only in combination with hyperthermia. Prolongation of the incubation period to 72 h at the same concentration increased appreciably their carcinostatic effect (ωH16:0 ethylesther: 1.3% ωH15:0 ethylesther: 8.0%). These values were also supported by dye exclusion assay. The carcinostatic activity enhanced more markedly by hyperthermia (1.2% 2.1%, ibid). SEM shows that ωH16:0 ethylester-exposed EAT cells underwent extensive injury, such as deformation of cell structure or disappearance of microvilli. Conclusions: ωH16:0 ethylester possesses high carcinostatic activity in vitro in combination with hyperthermia and may be utilized as potent anticancer therapeutic agent. Copyright © Experimental Oncology, 2007.
  • K. Kusumoto; K. Kageyama; T. Matsuda; T. T. Tomura; H. Munakata; H. Tanaka; F. Yazama; N. Miwa
    Experimental Oncology 29 (2) 106 - 110 1812-9269 2007/06 
    Aim: To evaluate promotive effect of hyperthermia on the carcinostatic activity of synthesized omega-hydroxy fatty acids (ωHFAs) and their ethylesters agaist Ehrlich ascites tumor (EAT) cells. Methods: EAT cells were cultured with either ωHFAs or their ethylester derivatives in a water bath at either 37°C or 42°C for 30 min, followed by incubation in a CO 2 incubator for 20 or 72 h. Mitochondrial dehydrogenase-based WST-1 assay and trypan blue dye exclusion assay were then conducted after incubation. Morphological changes were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results: Omega-HFA having a saturated 16-carbon straight-chain (ωH16:0) was the most carcinostatic (at 37°C - viability level: 60.0% at 42°C - 49.6% (WST-1)) among saturated and unsaturated ωHFAs with 12, 15 or 16 carbon atoms, when administrated to EAT cells at 100 μM for 20 h. Carcinostatic activity was markedly enhanced by ethyl-esterization of saturated fatty acids, such as ωH16:0 (at 37°C - 42.3% at 42°C - 11.2% , ibid) and ωH15:0 (at 37°C - 74.6% at 42°C - 25.3% , ibid), and their unsaturated counterparts were extremely effective only in combination with hyperthermia. Prolongation of the incubation period to 72 h at the same concentration increased appreciably their carcinostatic effect (ωH16:0 ethylesther: 1.3% ωH15:0 ethylesther: 8.0%). These values were also supported by dye exclusion assay. The carcinostatic activity enhanced more markedly by hyperthermia (1.2% 2.1%, ibid). SEM shows that ωH16:0 ethylester-exposed EAT cells underwent extensive injury, such as deformation of cell structure or disappearance of microvilli. Conclusions: ωH16:0 ethylester possesses high carcinostatic activity in vitro in combination with hyperthermia and may be utilized as potent anticancer therapeutic agent. Copyright © Experimental Oncology, 2007.
  • M Saijo; T Matsuda; Kuraoka, I; K Tanaka
    The xeroderma pigmentosum group A protein (XPA) binds to three nucleotide excision repair (NER) factors: RPA, ERCC1, and TFIIH. XPA also binds preferentially to UV- or chemical carcinogen-damaged DNA. In this study, we prepared anti-XPA monoclonal antibodies and examined their effects on NER. Two clones inhibited cell-free NER reactions. The mode of inhibition appeared to differ, one clone inhibited both 5' and 3' incisions equally while the other inhibited the 5' incision more. The two clones inhibited the binding of XPA to RPA, ERCC1, and TFIIH. They did not inhibit the binding to damaged DNA either. These results suggest that the interaction of XPA with these NER factors is essential to the NER pathway. The epitopes of these antibodies were located outside of the binding regions for these NER factors. Steric hindrance or conformational changes of XPA brought about by the binding of anti-XPA IgG possibly cause the inhibitory effects. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • T Matsuda; BJV Berg; K Bebenek; WP Osheroff; SH Wilson; TA Kunkel
    Damaged DNA bases are removed from mammalian genomes by base excision repair (BER). Single nucleotide BER requires several enzymatic activities, including DNA polymerase and 5',2'-deoxyribose-5-phosphate lyase. Both activities are intrinsic to four human DNA polymerases whose base substitution error rate during gap-filling DNA synthesis varies by more than 10,000-fold. This suggests that BER fidelity could vary over a wide range in an enzyme dependent manner. To investigate this possibility, here we describe an assay to measure the fidelity of BER reactions reconstituted with purified enzymes. When human uracil DNA glycosylase, AP endonuclease, DNA polymerase beta, and DNA ligase 1 replace uracil opposite template A or G, base substitution error rates are less than or equal to0.3 to less than or equal to2.8 x 10(-4). BER error rates are higher when excess incorrect dNTPs are included in the reaction or when wild type DNA polymerase beta is replaced by DNA polymerase beta variants that fill single nucleotide gaps with lower fidelity. Under these conditions, the base substitution fidelity of polymerase beta-dependent BER is 3-8-fold higher than is single nucleotide gap filling by polymerase beta alone. Thus other proteins in the BER reaction may enhance the base substitution fidelity of DNA polymerase beta during single nucleotide BER.
  • Masahiko Nitta; 松田 外志朗; Masafumi Saijo; Naohiko Kodo; Yoshimichi Nakatsu; Kiyoji Tanaka; Hiroshi Tamai
    Nucleic Acids Research Oxford University Press 28 (21) 4212 - 4218 2001/11 
    The xeroderma pigmentosum group A protein (XPA) plays a central role in nucleotide excision repair (NER). To identify proteins that bind to XPA, we screened a HeLa cDNA library using the yeast two-hybrid system. Here we report a novel cytoplasmic GTP-binding protein, designated XPA binding protein 1 (XAB1). The deduced amino acid sequence of XAB1 consisted of 374 residues with a molecular weight of 41 kDa and an isoelectric point of 4.65. Sequence analysis revealed that XAB1 has four sequence motifs G1?G4 of the GTP-binding protein family in the N-terminal half. XAB1 also contains an acidic region in the C-terminal portion. Northern blot analysis showed that XAB1 mRNA is expressed ubiquitously, and immunofluorescence analysis revealed that XAB1 is localized mainly in the cytoplasm. Consistent with the GTP-binding motif, purified recombinant XAB1 protein has intrinsic GTPase activity.
  • T Matsuda; K Bebenek; C Masutani; IB Rogozin; F Hanaoka; TA Kunkel
    JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY ACADEMIC PRESS LTD 312 (2) 335 - 346 0022-2836 2001/09 
    We describe here the error specificity of mammalian DNA polymerase eta (pol eta), an enzyme that performs translesion DNA synthesis and may participate in somatic hypermutation of immunoglobulin genes. Both mouse and human pol eta lack intrinsic proofreading exonuclease activity and both copy undamaged DNA inaccurately. Analysis of more than 1500 single-base substitutions by human pol eta indicates that error rates for all 12 mismatches are high and variable depending on the composition and symmetry of the mismatch and its location. pol eta also generates tandem base substitutions at an unprecedented rate, and kinetic analysis indicates that it extends a tandem double mismatch about as efficiently as other replicative enzymes extend single-base mismatches. This ability to use an aberrant primer terminus and the high rate of single and double-base substitutions support the idea that pol eta may forego strict shape complementarity in order to facilitate highly efficient lesion bypass. Relaxed discrimination is further indicated by pol eta infidelity for a wide variety of nucleotide deletion and addition errors. The nature and location of these errors suggest that some may be initiated by strand slippage, while others result from additional mechanisms.
  • IB Rogozin; YI Pavlov; K Bebenek; T Matsuda; TA Kunkel
    NATURE IMMUNOLOGY NATURE AMERICA INC 2 (6) 530 - 536 1529-2908 2001/06 
    Mutational spectra analysis of 15 immunoglobulin genes suggested that consensus motifs R (G) under bar YW and W (A) under bar were universal descriptors of somatic hypermutation. Highly mutable sites, "hotspots", that matched W (A) under bar were preferentially found in one DNA strand and R (G) under bar YW hotspots were found in both strands, Analysis of base-substitution hotspots in DNA polymerase error spectra showed that 33 of 36 hotspots in the human polymerase eta spectrum conformed to the W (A) under bar consensus. This and four other characteristics of polymerase eta substitution specificity suggest that errors introduced by this enzyme during synthesis of the nontranscribed DNA strand in variable regions may contribute to strand-specific somatic hypermutagenesis of immunoglobulin genes at A-T base pairs.
  • K Bebenek; T Matsuda; C Masutani; F Hanaoka; TA Kunkel
    Human DNA polymerase eta, the product of the skin cancer susceptibility gene XPV, bypasses UV photoproducts in template DNA that block synthesis by other DNA polymerases. Pol eta lacks an intrinsic proofreading exonuclease and copies DNA with low fidelity, such that pol eta errors could contribute to mutagenesis unless they are corrected. Here we provide evidence that pol eta can compete with other human polymerases during replication of duplex DNA, and in so doing it lowers replication fidelity. However, we show that pol eta has low processivity and extends mismatched primer termini less efficiently than matched termini, These properties could provide an opportunity for extrinsic exonuclease(s) to proofread pol eta -induced replication errors. When we tested this hypothesis during replication in human cell extracts, pol eta -induced replication infidelity was found to be modulated by changing the dNTP concentration and to be enhanced by adding dGMP to a replication reaction. Both effects are classical hallmarks of exonucleolytic proofreading. Thus, pol eta is ideally suited for its role in reducing W-induced mutagenesis and skin cancer risk, in that its relaxed base selectivity may facilitate efficient bypass of UV photoproducts, while subsequent proofreading by extrinsic exonuclease(s) may reduce its mutagenic potential.
  • E Ohashi; K Bebenek; T Matsuda; WJ Feaver; VL Gerlach; EC Friedberg; H Ohmori; TA Kunkel
    Mammalian DNA polymerase kappa (pol kappa), a member of the UmuC/DinB nucleotidyl transferase superfamily, has been implicated in spontaneous mutagenesis. Here we show that human pol kappa copies undamaged DNA with average single-base substitution and deletion error rates of 7 x 10(-3) and 2 x 10(-3), respectively. These error rates are high when compared to those of most other DNA polymerases. pol kappa also has unusual error specificity, producing a high proportion of T.CMP mispairs and deleting and adding non-reiterated nucleotides at extraordinary rates. Unlike other members of the UmuC/DinB family, pol kappa can processively synthesize chains of 25 or more nucleotides. This moderate processivity may reflect a contribution of C-terminal residues, which include two zinc clusters. The very low fidelity and moderate processivity of pol kappa is novel in comparison to any previously studied DNA polymerase, and is consistent with a role in spontaneous mutagenesis.
  • Yoshimichi Nakatsu; Hiroshi Asahina; Elisabetta Citterio; Suzanne Rademakers; Wim Vermeulen; Shinya Kamiuchi; Jing-Ping Yeo; Min-Cheh Khaw; Masafumi Saijo; Naohiko Kodo; Toshiro Matsuda; Jan H. J. Hoeijmakers; Kiyoji Tanaka
    Journal of Biological Chemistry The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 275 (45) 34931 - 34937 0021-9258 2000/11 
    Nucleotide excision repair is a highly versatile DNA repair system responsible for elimination of a wide variety of lesions from the genome. It is comprised of two subpathways: transcription-coupled repair that accomplishes efficient removal of damage blocking transcription and global genome repair. Recently, the basic mechanism of global genome repair has emerged from biochemical studies. However, little is known about transcription-coupled repair in eukaryotes. Here we report the identification of a novel protein designated XAB2 (XPA-binding protein 2) that was identified by virtue of its ability to interact with XPA, a factor central to both nucleotide excision repair subpathways. The XAB2 protein of 855 amino acids consists mainly of 15 tetratricopeptide repeats. In addition to interacting with XPA, immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrafed that a fraction of XAB2 is able to interact with the transcription-coupled repair-specific proteins CSA and CSB as well as RNA polymerase II. Furthermore, antibodies against XAB2 inhibited both transcription-coupled repair and transcription in vivo but not global genome repair when microinjected into living fibroblasts. These results indicate that XAB2 is a novel component involved in transcription-coupled repair and transcription.
  • T Matsuda; K Bebenek; C Masutani; F Hanaoka; TA Kunkel
    NATURE MACMILLAN PUBLISHERS LTD 404 (6781) 1011 - 1013 0028-0836 2000/04 
    A superfamily of DNA polymerases that bypass lesions in DNA has been described(1-4). Some family members are described as error-prone because mutations that inactivate the polymerase reduce damage-induced mutagenesis. In contrast, mutations in the skin cancer susceptibility gene XPV5,6, which encodes DNA polymerase (pol)-eta, lead to increased ultraviolet-induced mutagenesis(7-11). This, and the fact that pol-eta primarily inserts adenines during efficient bypass of thymine-thymine dimers in vitro(8,12,13), has led to the description of pol-eta as error-free. However, here we show that human pol-eta copies undamaged DNA with much lower fidelity than any other template-dependent DNA polymerase studied. Pol-eta lacks an intrinsic proofreading exonuclease activity and, depending on the mismatch, makes one base substitution error for every 18 to 380 nucleotides synthesized. This very low fidelity indicates a relaxed requirement for correct base pairing geometry and indicates that the function of pol-eta may be tightly controlled to prevent potentially mutagenic DNA synthesis.
  • Kuraoka I; Morita EH; Saijo M; Matsuda T; Morikawa K; Shirakawa M; Tanaka K
    Mutation research 362 (1) 87 - 95 0027-5107 1996/01 [Refereed]
  • Kuraoka, I; EH Morita; M Saijo; T Matsuda; K Morikawa; M Shirakawa; K Tanaka
    MUTATION RESEARCH-DNA REPAIR ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 362 (1) 87 - 95 0921-8777 1996/01 [Refereed]
    The XPA (xeroderma pigmentosum group A) protein is a zinc metalloprotein consisting of 273 amino acids which binds preferentially to UV- or chemical carcinogen-damaged DNA, suggesting that it is involved in the recognition of several types of DNA damage during nucleotide excision repair processes. Here we identify a DNA binding domain of the XPA protein, The region of the XPA protein responsible for preferential binding to DNA damaged by UV or cis-diammine-dichloroplatinum(II) (cisplatin) is contained within a truncated derivative of the XPA protein, MF122, consisting of 122 amino acids and containing a C-4 type zinc finger motif, CD (circular dichroism) measurements of the MF122 protein showed that it has a helix-rich secondary structure, suggesting that it is a discretely folded, functional mini-domain. The MF122 protein should be useful for structural investigation of the XPA protein and of its interaction with damaged DNA.
    The human XPA and ERCC1 proteins, which are involved in early steps of nucleotide excision repair of DNA, specifically interacted in an in vitro binding assay and a yeast two-hybrid assay. A stretch of consecutive glutamic acid residues in XPA was needed for binding to ERCC1. Binding of XPA to damaged DNA was markedly increased by the interaction of the XPA and ERCC1 proteins. ERCC1 did not enhance binding to DNA when a truncated XPA protein, MF122, was used in place of the XPA protein. MF122 retains damaged DNA binding activity but lacks the region for protein-protein interaction including the E-cluster region. These results suggest that the XPA/ERCC1 interaction may participate in damage-recognition as well as in incision at the 5' site of damage during nucleotide excision repair. (C) 1995 Academic Press. Inc.
    XPA is a zinc finger DNA-binding protein, which is missing or altered in group A xeroderma pigmentosum cells and known to be involved in the damage-recognition step of the nucleotide excision repair (NER) processes. Using the yeast two-hybrid system to search for proteins that interact with XPA, we obtained the 34-kDa subunit of replication protein A (RPA, also known as HSSB and RFA). RPA is a stable complex of three polypeptides of 70, 34, 11 kDa and has been shown to be essential in the early steps of NER as well as in replication and recombination. We also demonstrate here that the RPA complex associates with XPA. These results suggest that RPA may cooperate with XPA in the early steps of the NER processes.
    GENE ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 136 (1-2) 345 - 348 0378-1119 1993/12 [Refereed]
    We have characterized the human DNA excision repair gene, XPAC (xeroderma pigmentosum group A complementing). This gene of approximately 25 kb consists of six exons. The 5'-flanking region of the gene has a CAAT box, but no TATA box. The region upstream from the coding sequence of exon 1 is G+C rich (73%), and has a GC box. Transcriptional mapping analysis suggested that there is one major transcription start point (tsp). The presence of two polyadenylation signals suggests that the two XPAC mRNAs with different 3' untranslated regions in normal human cells are due to alternative polyadenylations. The promoter activity, measured by transient expression of the cat gene with the 5' flanking regions, indicated the presence of a functional promoter.


  • 稲垣昌代; 松田外志朗; 志賀大史; 佐野忠史; 山田崇裕; 瀧口千鶴子; 若林源一郎  近畿大学原子力研究所年報(Web)  57-  2021
  • 稲垣昌代; 松田外志朗; 山田崇裕; 左近敦士; 塩見信雄; 志賀大史; 瀧口千鶴子; 山西弘城  近畿大学原子力研究所年報(Web)  55-  2019
  • 短寿命α核種等のRI利用における合理的な放射線安全管理のあり方に関する研究
    細野 眞; 織内 昇; 右近 直之; 永津 弘太郎; 伊藤 哲夫; 山西 弘城; 松田 外志朗; 山田 崇裕; 蜂須賀 暁子; 中村 吉秀  核医学  55-  (Suppl.)  S215  -S215  2018/11
  • 細野眞; 織内昇; 右近直之; 永津弘太郎; 伊藤哲夫; 山西弘城; 松田外志朗; 山田崇裕; 蜂須賀暁子; 中村吉秀  核医学(Web)  55-  (Supplement)  2018
  • 稲垣昌代; 松田外志朗; 若林源一郎; 左近敦士; 塩見信雄; 瀧口千鶴子; 山西弘城  近畿大学原子力研究所年報(Web)  54-  2018
  • 今道 祥二; 益谷 美都子; 伊丹 純; 中村 哲志; 伊藤 昌司; 岡本 裕之; 井垣 浩; 山西 弘城; 松田 外志朗  日本放射線影響学会大会講演要旨集  60回-  126  -126  2017/10
  • 稲垣昌代; 松田外志朗; 若林源一郎; 左近敦士; 塩見信雄; 瀧口千鶴子; 山西弘城  近畿大学原子力研究所年報(Web)  53-  2017
  • 寺東宏明; 徳山由佳; 森加奈恵; 松田外志朗; 山西弘城  KURRI-EKR (Web)  (20)  2017
  • 稲垣昌代; 松田外志朗; 若林源一郎; 山本友完; 瀧口千鶴子; 山西弘城  近畿大学原子力研究所年報(Web)  52-  2016
  • 芳原新也; 杉山亘; 橋本憲吾; 山西弘城; 若林源一郎; 松田外志朗; 堀口哲男; 伊藤眞; 伊藤哲夫  日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM)  2015-  ROMBUNNO.M22  2015/08
  • 稲垣昌代; 松田外志朗; 若林源一郎; 山本友完; 瀧口千鶴子; 山西弘城  近畿大学原子力研究所年報  51-  2015
  • 角化細胞と色素細胞における、UVB照射時のマイクロアレイを用いた遺伝子変動解析(Microarray analysis for the expression profiles in the keratinocyte and melanocyte with UVB irradiation)
    竹内 聖二; 松田 外志朗; 正木 太朗; 錦織 千佳子  日本癌学会総会記事  73回-  P  -3007  2014/09
  • ナローバンド、ブロードバンドUVB照射後のケラチノサイトとメラノサイトにおけるマイクロアレイ解析(Pathway analysis through the microarray technology in the keratinocyte and melanocyte exposed by NB-UVB and BBUVB)
    正木 太朗; 竹内 聖二; 錦織 千佳子; 松田 外志朗  日本癌学会総会記事  73回-  P  -3025  2014/09
  • 低線量紫外線照射が遺伝子発現プロファイルに与える影響
    松田 外志朗; 竹内 聖二; 小野 竜輔; 錦織 千佳子  日本放射線影響学会大会講演要旨集  57回-  143  -143  2014/09
  • A群色素性乾皮症患者細胞における低線量紫外線照射時の網羅的遺伝子発現解析
    竹内 聖二; 松田 外志朗; 小野 竜輔; 錦織 千佳子  日本放射線影響学会大会講演要旨集  57回-  144  -144  2014/09
  • 若林源一郎; 橋本憲吾; 伊藤哲夫; 山西弘城; 芳原新也; 堀口哲男; 杉山亘; 伊藤眞; 松田外志朗; 稲垣昌代; 山本友完  日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM)  2014-  ROMBUNNO.P02  2014/08
  • 糖尿病診療と低血糖 実臨床とその対策 ERにおける低血糖症例の検討
    平出 敦; 松田 外志朗; 田口 博一; 西内 辰也; 植嶋 利文; 村尾 佳則; 北澤 康秀  糖尿病  57-  (Suppl.1)  S  -20  2014/04
  • 市立病院救急外来における低血糖症例 入院を要する症例の検討
    栗原 敏修; 小川 義高; 松本 伸治; 辻 真由美; 木戸 里佳; 大江 洋介; 福島 幸男; 星田 四朗; 松田 外志朗  日本内科学会雑誌  103-  (Suppl.)  198  -198  2014/02
  • 松田 外志朗  近畿大学原子力研究所年報  51-  15  -25  2014
  • 若林源一郎; 芳原新也; 杉山亘; 堀口哲男; 松田外志朗; 山西弘城; 橋本憲吾; 伊藤眞; 伊藤哲夫; 稲垣昌代; 山本友完  日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM)  2014-  2014
  • 大学病院救急外来における低血糖症例 注意を要する症例の検討
    栗原 敏修; 松田 外志朗; 浅沼 博司; 平出 敦  日本内科学会雑誌  102-  (Suppl.)  259  -259  2013/02
  • 大学病院救急外来における低血糖症例の初期診療時の症候と既往歴の分析
    栗原 敏修; 松田 外志朗; 冨吉 浩雅; 中江 晴彦; 平出 敦  日本内科学会雑誌  101-  (Suppl.)  234  -234  2012/02
  • 大学病院救急外来における低血糖症例の初期診療時の身体所見および検査結果の解析
    松田 外志朗; 栗原 敏修; 森田 正則; 浅沼 博司; 平出 敦  日本内科学会雑誌  101-  (Suppl.)  239  -239  2012/02
  • 過去3年間のER実習における症候診断能力の評価
    栗原 敏修; 松田 外志朗; 富吉 浩雅; 中江 晴彦; 森田 正則; 窪田 愛恵; 平出 敦  医学教育  42-  (Suppl.)  136  -136  2011/07
  • セクションエディターとして いまさら人に聞けない医学教育のことば
    平出 敦; 松田 外志朗; 栗原 敏修  36-  (2)  101  -104  2011/07
  • 橋本 直樹; 中江 晴彦; 冨吉 浩雅; 浅沼 博司; 松田 外志郎; 栗原 敏修; 嶋津 岳士  近畿大学医学雑誌 = Medical journal of Kinki University  34-  (2)  149  -151  2009/06
  • 救急診療部門(ER)は院内感染の検知および制御システムとして活用できる
    松田 外志朗; 冨吉 浩雅; 中江 晴彦; 浅沼 博司; 栗原 敏修; 橋本 直樹; 嶋津 岳士  日本救急医学会雑誌  19-  (8)  636  -636  2008/08
  • 橋本 直樹; 冨吉 浩雅; 中江 晴彦; 淺沼 博司; 松田 外志朗; 栗原 敏修; 嶋津 岳士  The Japanese journal of acute medicine  32-  (5)  512  -516  2008/05
  • リンパ節転移陽性乳癌におけるThymidylate Synthase(TS)遺伝子多型の検討(Thymidylate Synthase (TS) genotype in node positive breast cancer)
    藤島 成; 乾 浩己; 松田 外志朗; 綿谷 正弘; 橋本 幸彦; 塩崎 均  日本癌学会総会記事  66回-  540  -540  2007/08
  • 心筋症における細胞間接着関連分子異常に対するβ受容体遮断薬の効果 分子発現と構造に対する評価
    栗原 敏修; 松田 外志朗; 富吉 浩雅; 橋本 直樹; 宗像 浩; 東野 英明; 鍵谷 俊文; 米田 悦啓; 北風 政史  臨床薬理  37-  (Suppl.)  S178  -S178  2006/11
  • コケイン症候群B群細胞における紫外線照射後の遺伝子発現変化の解析
    永田 有希; 松田 外志朗; 竹内 聖二; 田中 亀代次  日本放射線影響学会大会講演要旨集  47回-  98  -98  2004/11
  • 大橋英治; WILLIAM F J; KATARZYNA B; 松田外志郎; VALERIE G L; ERROL F C; 大森治夫; THOMAS K A  日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・講演要旨集  23rd-  2000
  • 栗原 敏修; 北風 政史; 葛谷 恒彦; 堀 正二; 楠岡 英雄; 船矢 寛治; 武田 裕; 松田 外志郎  Japanese circulation journal  62-  (0)  267  -267  1998/02
  • 栗原 敏修; 鍵谷 俊文; 苅田 真子; 船矢 寛治; 松田 外志朗; 北風 政史; 是恒 之宏; 楠岡 英雄; 武田 裕; 堀 正二  Rinsho yakuri/Japanese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics  28-  (1)  149  -150  1997/03
  • 栗原 敏修; 船矢 寛治; 松田 外志朗; 北風 政史; 鍵谷 俊文; 是恒 之宏; 堀 正二; 楠岡 英雄; 武田 裕  Japanese circulation journal  61-  (0)  378  -378  1997/03
  • Kiyoji Tanaka; Yoshimichi Nakatsu; Masafumi Saijo; Takehiro Kobayashi; Toshiro Matsuda; Isao Kuraoka; Hiroaki Murai; Hironobu Nakane; Seiji Takeuchi; Naohiko Kodo; Masahiko Nitta  Japanese Journal of Human Genetics  41-  50  1996/12
  • 栗原 敏修; 苅田 真子; 船矢 寛治; 松田 外志朗; 北風 政史; 是 恒之宏; 米田 悦啓; 堀 正二  日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・講演要旨集  19-  653  -653  1996/08
  • 倉岡功; 松田外志朗; 田中亀代次  DNAトランスアクションと遺伝情報の安定性資料集 平成6年度 No.06354023  134  -142  1995
  • DNA修復 変異と発がんの抑制機構 ヒト色素性乾皮症の分子生物学
    倉岡 功; 松田 外志朗; 田中 亀代次  細胞工学  13-  (8)  701  -709  1994/08
  • 急性心筋梗塞に合併する徐脈性不整脈に対する心房心室順次ペーシングの臨床的意義
    松田 外志朗; 足立 孝好; 本多 加津雄  大阪警察病院医学雑誌  15-  15  -18  1991/09
  • 松田 外志朗; 田内 潤; 星田 四朗; 尾崎 仁; 石原 謙; 佐藤 洋; 佐藤 秀幸; 堀 正二; 北畠 顕; 鎌田 武信  Japanese circulation journal  54-  (0)  177  -177  1990/12
  • 心拍数が冠血流に及ぼす影響 FFT法ドプラーカテーテルによる検討
    松田 外志朗  日本超音波医学会研究発表会講演論文集  57回-  577  -578  1990/10

Books and other publications

  • 老化研究の最前線, 色素性乾皮症の分子機構と老化
    松田 外志朗; 京都大学大学院生命科学研究科; 東海大学医学部; 東京大学大学院医学研究科; 大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科; 東京工業大学大学院生命理工学研究科; 理化学研究所; 大阪大学大学院医学研究科; 国立がんセンター研究所; 理化学研究所脳科学総合研究センター; 株)ジーンケア研究所; 東京都老人総合研究所; 理化学研究所脳科学総合研究センター; 東京大学医科学研究所; 大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科; 京都大学再生医科学研究所; 東京都立神経病院; 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科; 早稲田大学人間科学部 (Joint work)シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京株式会社 2002/09 

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Survey and decontamination of radium-223 dichloride for alpha-particle radionuclide therapy in clinical facilities  [Not invited]
    Hosono M; Hohara S; Inagaki M; Yamanishi H; Wakabayashi G; Matsuda T; Sakaguchi K; Hanaoka K; Ito T
  • Measurement and parameters of alpha-emitting radium-223 for radionuclide therapy in accordance with radiation protection standards  [Not invited]
    Hosono M; Hohara S; Yamanishi H; Inagaki M; Wakabayashi G; Matsuda T; Sakaguchi K; Hanaoka K; Itoh T
  • Salicylic acid resistance is conferred by the overexpression of SNG1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae  [Not invited]
    小堂 直彦; 松田 外志朗; 土井 修市; 宗像 浩
  • 過去3年間のER実習における症候診断能力の評価  [Not invited]
    平出 敦; 栗原 敏修; 松田 外志朗; 中江 晴彦; 森田 正則; 冨吉 浩雅
    日本医学教育学会  2011/07  日本医学教育学会
  • Effects of β-adrenoceptor blockade on the disorganization of intercellular adherence junction molecules in cardiomyopathy  [Not invited]
    栗原 敏修; 松田 外志朗; 戸村 隆訓; 東野 英明; 石川 欽司; 鍵谷 俊文; 米田 悦啓; 北風 政史
    日本臨床薬理学会年会  2005/12  別府  日本臨床薬理学会年会
    目的:不全心における収縮・拡張不全の原因のひとつとして細胞間接着分子の異常が関係することが明らかになってきた。一方、β受容体遮断薬は心筋症の治療薬として積極的に用いられてきたが作用の詳細は明らかではない、我々は心筋症自然発症動物における接着分子の構造異常に対してβ受容体遮断薬の効果を検討した。 方法:16週令の心筋症自然発症ハムスターBio14.6(7匹)にβ受容体遮断薬metoprolol (20mg/kg/day) を長期間(24週間)経口投与し、細胞間接着関連分子(cadherin, vinculin, α-actinin)の構造変化について、心筋組織で間接蛍光抗体法を用いて非投与群(7匹)、正常コントロール群(F1B、7匹)と比較し評価した。心肥大の指標として心重量/体重比、線維化の指標として心筋組織ヒドロキシプロリン量を測定した。 結果:40週令の非投与群では、心重量/体重比は増加し心肥大が認められた、同様に心筋組織ヒドロキシプロリン量は増加し線維化が進んでいた
  • Msh2 deficiency reverts sensitivity and promotes S-phase progresion of UVC-damaged Xpa-deficient cell  [Not invited]
    Seiji Takeuchi; 松田 外志朗; Minoru Ichikawa; Masafumi Yoshino; Kiyoji Tanaka; Yoshimichi Nakatsu; Hein te Riele
    9th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens.  2005/09  California, USA  9th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens.
    Previously, we established 5 kinds of UVB-induced skin cancer cell lines from Xeroderma Pigmentosum A (XPA) deficient mice that has resisitant property against UVC comparing with non-cancerous Xpa-deficient fibroblast. Expression of several mismatch repair (MMR) proteins (Msh2, Msh3, Msh6, Mlh1, Pms2) are reduced in every skin cancer cells. MMR activity is actually down-regulated in addition to dificiency of nucleotide excision repair (NER) activity in the cancer cells. The cancer cells also show abnormal cell cycle profile after UV irradiation different from noncancerous cell.
  • Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Reduces Cardiac Hypertrophy and Fibrosis in Cardiomyopathic Hamsters via NO-dependent Mechanisms  [Not invited]
    栗原 敏修; 松田 外志朗; 戸村 隆訓; 東野 英明; 堀正二; 北風政史
    第69回日本循環器病学会総会  2005/03  横浜  第69回日本循環器病学会総会
    Background To evaluate whether L-nitroarginine methyl ester (L-NAME), an NO synthase inhibitor, may inhibit beneficial effects of ACEI on cardiac remodeling and function in cardiomyopathic hamsters(Bio14.6) . Methods and Results Bio14.6, received cilazapril (CP )combined with L-NAME from the age of 16 weeks (w). Cardiac hypertrophy (CH) and cardiac fibrosis (CF) treated with CP for 12w or 24w were less than those of the untreated group (n=6, p<0.01). The inhibitory effects of L-NAME on the ACEI-induced recovery in both CH and CF decreased after CP treatment for 24w as compared with 12w . The recovery in fractional shortening by CP was less inhibited with L-NAME in 24w than in 12w. Plasma NOx were higher in 24w than in 12w. CP increased plasma NOx in both stages), and the addition of L-NAME canceled them . Conclusions NO-dependent mechanisms play a major role in ACEI-induced reduction of CH and CF at the early HF stage.
  • アンジオテンシン変換酵素阻害剤の一酸化窒素系依存的心筋リモデリング改善効果  [Not invited]
    栗原 敏修; 松田 外志朗; 戸村 隆訓; 宗像 浩; 東野 英明; 鍵谷俊文; 堀正二; 北風政史
    第25回日本臨床薬理学会総会  2004/09  静岡  第25回日本臨床薬理学会総会
  • 松田 外志朗
    物性研究  2004/04 
  • The base substitution fidelity of DNA polymerase beta-dependent single nucleotide base excision repair.  [Not invited]
    松田 外志朗; Vande Berg BJ Bebenek; K Osheroff WP Wilson; SH; Kunkel TA
    The 4th International 3R Symposium.  2003/11  Hyougo, Japan  The 4th International 3R Symposium.
    Damaged DNA bases are removed from mammalian genomes by base excision repair (BER). Single nucleotide BER requires several enzymatic activities, including DNA polymerase and 5',2'-deoxyribose-5-phosphate lyase. Both activities are intrinsic to four human DNA polymerases whose base substitution error rate during gap-filling DNA synthesis varies by more than 10,000-fold. This suggests that BER fidelity could vary over a wide range in an enzyme dependent manner. To investigate this possibility, here we describe an assay to measure the fidelity of BER reactions reconstituted with purified enzymes. When human uracil DNA glycosylase, AP endonuclease, DNA polymerase beta, and DNA ligase 1 replace uracil opposite template A or G, base substitution error rates are
  • 松田 外志朗
    京都大学  2003/05  京都大学基礎物理研究所  京都大学
  • Fidelity of DNA synthesis by DNA polymeraseⅣ, the product of the E.coli dinB gene.  [Not invited]
    Eiji Ohashi; 松田 外志朗; Ken Hayashi; Haruo ohmori; Katarzyna Bebenek Thomas A. Kunkel; Charles S. McHenry
    8th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens.  2001/10  Shizuoka, Japan  8th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens.
    The Escherichia coli potein DinB is a newly identified DNA polymerase (designated pol IV) with low fidelity and processivity. The efficiency of DNA synthesis by pol IV can be enhanced by the addition of either SSB or β, γ-complex, the processivity components of the pol III holoenzyme. However, it is not known whether the fidelity of pol IV is influenced by such factors. We confirmed that the efficiency of incorporation by pol IV was significantly enhanced by adding SSB and that the processivity was highly increased inthe presence of both SSB and β, γ-complex.
  • Error specificity of DNA polymerase-η.  [Not invited]
    松田 外志朗; Katarzyna Bebnek Thomas A. Kunkel; Chikahide Masutani; Fumio Hanaoka; Igor B. Rogozin
    65th Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology.  2000/06  New York, USA  65th Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology.
    We describe here the error specificity of mammalian DNA polymerase eta (pol eta), an enzyme that performs translesion DNA synthesis and may participate in somatic hypermutation of immunoglobulin genes. Both mouse and human pol eta lack intrinsic proofreading exonuclease activity and both copy undamaged DNA inaccurately. Analysis of more than 1500 single-base substitutions by human pol eta indicates that error rates for all 12 mismatches are high and variable depending on the composition and symmetry of the mismatch and its location. pol eta also generates tandem base substitutions at an unprecedented rate, and kinetic analysis indicates that it extends a tandem double mismatch about as efficiently as other replicative enzymes extend single-base mismatches.

Research Themes

  • DNA 修復機構