Department of Electrical, Electronic and Communication EngineeringLecturer

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information


  • Ph.D.(2014/03 Kindai University)

Research Field

  • Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering) / Manufacturing and production engineering

■Research activity information


  • Yang Zhang; Takumi Besshi; Miho Tsuyama; Manabu Heya; Hitoshi Nakano
    Journal of Laser Applications Laser Institute of America 35 (1) 012014 - 012014 1042-346X 2023/02 
    Laser peening is a promising surface treatment technique for enhancing the mechanical performance of metals. In laser peening, the plasma confinement layer contributes to the generation of high-pressure shockwaves by suppressing the expansion of laser-induced plasma. Therefore, the choice of a plasma confinement layer is important for improving laser peening effectiveness. For laser peening in environments where liquid materials cannot be used as a plasma confinement layer, alginate gel, which is a pliable material with shape-following capabilities, has been proposed to reduce the acoustic impedance mismatch caused by surface roughness when using solid materials. In this study, the feasibility of alginate gel as a plasma confinement layer and an appropriate process window for laser irradiation were investigated. The results of this study are then presented.
  • Noor Shahira Masroon; Hikaru Hirata; Miho Tsuyama; Manabu Heya; Hitoshi Nakano
    Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Japan Laser Processing Society 16 (3) 160 - 165 2021/12 [Refereed]
  • Miho Tsuyama; Yuki Sugimoto; Manabu Heya; Hitoshi Nakano
    Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Japan Laser Processing Society 16 (3) 173 - 177 2021/12 [Refereed]
  • Yang Zhang; Noor Shahira binti Masroon; Yoshinari Namba; Miho Tsuyama; Manabu Heya; Hitoshi Nakano
    Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Japan Laser Processing Society 16 (2) 80 - 83 2021/10 [Refereed]
  • Noor Shahira Masroon; Akihiro Hata; Miho Tsuyama; Manabu Heya; Hitoshi Nakano
    Optik Elsevier GmbH 242 0030-4026 2021/09 
    Laser peening is a shock processing technology that shows great potential for enhancing the surface properties of metals. In the process of laser peening, a high-pressure shock wave can be obtained by covering the metal surface with a transparent overlay, which induces plasma confinement. The plasma confinement layer suppresses the expansion of laser-produced plasma to increase the shock wave pressure amplitude. The acoustic impedance of the plasma confinement layer is an influential factor for effective laser peening. In this study, to investigate the effect of controlling the acoustic impedance of water on laser peening, experiments were carried out by varying the water temperature. The results showed that in laser peening experiments, warm water with a temperature around 60 °C could significantly improve the mechanical performance of stainless steel, suggesting that a simple method has been developed for efficient laser peening.
  • Manabu Heya; Hiroyuki Furukawa; Miho Tsuyama; Hitoshi Nakano
    Journal of Applied Physics AIP Publishing 129 (23) 235108 - 235108 0021-8979 2021/06
  • N. S. Masroon; M. Tanaka; M. Tei; K. Uno; M. Tsuyama; H. Nakano
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series Institute of Physics Publishing 1027 (1) 1742-6596 2018/05 [Refereed]
    Simple, compact, and affordable discharged-pumped CO2 laser controlled by a fast high voltage solid state switch has been developed. In this study, longitudinal excitation scheme has been adapted for simple configuration. In the longitudinal excitation scheme, the discharge is produced along the direction of the laser axis, and the electrodes are well separated with a small discharge cross-section. Triggered spark gap switch is usually used to switch out the high voltage because of simple and low cost. However, the triggered spark gap operates in the arc mode and suffer from recovery problem causing a short life time and low efficiency for high repetition rate operation. As a result, there is now considerable interest in replacing triggered spark gap switch with solid state switches. Solid state switches have significant advantages compared to triggered spark gap switch which include longer service lifetime, low cost and stable high trigger pulse. We have developed simple and low cost fast high voltage solid state switch that consists of series connected-MOSFETs. It has been installed to the longitudinally excited CO2 laser to realize the gap switch less operation. Characteristics of laser oscillation by varying the discharge length, charging voltage, capacitance and gas pressure have been evaluated. Longer discharge length produce high power of laser oscillation. Optimum charging voltage and gas pressure were existed for longitudinally excited CO2 laser.
  • Miho Tsuyama; Naoya Ehara; Kazuma Yamashita; Manabu Heya; Hitoshi Nakano
    Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Springer Verlag 124 (3) 1432-0630 2018/03 [Refereed]
    The effects of controlling the plasma confinement layer on laser peening were investigated by measuring the hardness and residual stress of laser-peened stainless steels. The plasma confinement layer contributes to increasing the pressure of shock waves by suppressing the expansion of the laser-produced plasma. Most previous studies on laser peening have employed water as the plasma confinement layer. In this study, a glycerol solution is used in the context of a large acoustic impedance. It is found that this glycerol solution is superior to water in its ability to confine plasma and that suitable conditions exist for the glycerol solution to act as a plasma confinement layer to achieve efficient laser peening.
  • 飯田裕之; WANG Mingyan; 古河裕之; 津山美穂; 草場光博; 中野人志; 部谷学
    レーザ加工学会誌 レーザ加工学会 24 (2) 110‐116 - 116 1881-6797 2017/06
  • 田中美憂; 丁正也; 宇野和行; 津山美穂; 中野人志
    レーザー研究 レーザー学会 45 (2) 112‐115 - 115 0387-0200 2017/02
  • Miho Tsuyama; Yasuteru Kodama; Yukio Miyamoto; Ippei Kitawaki; Masahiro Tsukamoto; Hitoshi Nakano
    Laser peening is a surface treatment technique that improves the mechanical performance of metals by producing plastic deformation with a laser-induced shock wave. Current studies on laser peening mainly focus on the magnitude of the compressive residual stress and the hardness of the laser-peened material. Systematic studies on the many parameters that affect laser peening are required to increase the efficiency of the technique. In this study, three factors associated with laser peening are defined and the parameters that govern these factors are identified. The effects of these laser peening parameters on the plastic deformation of stainless steel are described. The laser intensity, coverage (number of laser pulses per unit area), focal spot diameter, and material condition parameters were varied in laser peening experiments. The parameters desirable for efficient laser peening of stainless steel were examined on the basis of the experimental results.
  • 部谷学; 飯田裕之; 中野人志; 津山美穂; 古河裕之
    Form Tech Review 25 104‐107  0917-690X 2016/03
  • Hiroyuki Iida; Katsuyuki Niwa; Mingyan Wang; Hiroyuki Furukawa; Miho Tsuyama; Hitoshi Nakano; Mitsuhiro Kusaba; Manabu Heya
    IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan 135 (10) 581 - 586 1347-5533 2015/10 
    In a conventional laser peening (C-LP) without a protective coating, a treated metallic surface is always melted after the C-LP processing, resulting in the generation of tensile residual stress. In order to establish a new LP technique without surface melting, we have investigated the effect of an LP (Ink-LP) using a black liquid ink (an indian ink) as an absorber. The laser wavelength and pulse duration of the laser used were 532 nm and ~5 ns, respectively. We changed the pulse energy and spot diameter of the laser beam, resulting in the corresponding power density of ~1 - 15 GW/cm2. The pulse number was 1. The metal sample used was an aluminum alloy (A2017). As a reference, we have conducted similar experiments for the C-LP processing, which in the metallic surface are directly irradiated, and have compared surface deformation and surface melting between the Ink-LP and C-LP processing. As a result, it was found that the Ink-LP processing can provide us with a promising LP effect with a wider treatment area and no surface melting in comparison with those of the C-LP processing. Thus, we have showed the usefulness of the Ink-LP processing using a black ink.
  • 津山 美穂
    レーザ加工学会誌 レーザ加工学会 22 (1) 37 - 45 1881-6797 2015/02
  • 水田 浩平; 津山 美穂; 部谷 学
    レーザー研究 = The review of laser engineering : レーザー学会誌 レーザー学会 41 (11) 942 - 945 0387-0200 2013/11
  • NAKANO Hitoshi; TSUYAMA Miho; MIZUTA Kohei
    電気加工技術 電気加工学会 37 (115) 1 - 8 0389-1550 2013/05
  • Miho TSUYAMA; Toshiya SHIBAYANAGI; Masahiro TSUKAMOTO; Nobuyuki ABE; Hitoshi NAKANO
    The Review of Laser Engineering レーザー学会 41 (2) 134 - 136 0387-0200 2013/02 [Refereed]
  • レーザピニングにおける集光スポット径変化の効果
    水田 浩平; 津山 美穂; 高橋 誠; 部谷 学; 古河 裕之; 柴柳 敏哉; 塚本 雅裕; 中野 人志
    レーザー学会学術講演会第33回年次大会 2013/01
  • 炭素鋼の塑性変形に対するレーザーピーニングパラメータの効果 -カバレッジ依存性-
    宮本 幸大; 津山 美穂; 水田 浩平; 部谷 学; 古河 裕之; 柴柳 敏哉; 塚本 雅裕; 中野 人志
    レーザー学会学術講演会第33回年次大会 2013/01
  • ステンレス鋼の塑性変形に対するレーザーピーニングパラメータの効果 ―照射系の開口数変化―
    水田 浩平; 津山 美穂; 塚本 雅裕; 柴柳 敏哉; 中野 人志
    第78回レーザ加工学会講演会 2012/12
  • 中野 人志; 津山 美穂
    Journal of Japan Laser Processing Society 高温学会レーザ加工学会 18 (1) 8 - 13 1881-6797 2011/02
  • Hitoshi Nakano; Miho Tsuyama; Sho Miyauti; Toshiya Shibayanagi; Masahiro Tsukamoto; Nobuyuki Abe
    We have compared the results of laser shock peening obtained by using a femtosecond laser with those obtained by using a nanosecond laser. Commercial SUS304 stainless steel was used as the test sample. The sample was subject to femtosecond or nanosecond laser-shock loading in a plasma confined by water. The Vickers microhardness test was used to evaluate the work hardening in the sample due to the plastic deformation induced by the laser peening. The surface hardness of stainless steel increased linearly with laser energy. The results of this study indicate that the extent of work hardening is similar for both femtosecond and nanosecond laser peening. DOI:10.2961/jlmn.2010.02.0014
  • 結晶粒組織を制御した金属に対するフェムト秒レーザーピーニング効果
    津山 美穂; 柴柳 敏哉; 塚本 雅裕; 阿部 信行; 中野 人志
  • TSUYAMA Miho; SHIBAYANAGI Toshiya; TSUKAMOTO Masahiro; ABE Nobuyuki; NAKANO Hitoshi
    The Review of laser engineering レ-ザ-学会 37 (11) 825 - 829 0387-0200 2009/11
  • Experimental Study of Femtosecond Laser Shock Peening of Steel
    H. Nakano; M. Tsuyama; S. Yamatani; T. Shibayanagi; M. Tsukamoto; N. Abe
  • Femto-second laser peening of metal surface
    津山 美穂; 塚本 雅裕; 阿部 信行; 柴柳 敏哉; 中野 人志
    29th Annual Meeting of The Laser Society of Japan Digest of Technical Papers 2009/01


Books and other publications

  • The Latest Trends of Laser Processing
    (Joint work第24章 レーザ誘起衝撃波による金属の表層加工 ―レーザピーニング―)CMC Publishing Co., Ltd. 2022/11 9784781316833
  • 安全なレーザ加工のために
    (Joint work第2章 光・レーザの基礎)一般社団法人レーザプラットフォーム協議会 2021/11 9784991232008