TANAKA Hiroaki

General Education DivisionAssociate Professor

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information

Research Keyword

  • 動機づけ   英語教育一般   学習意欲   個人差要因   内発的動機づけ   

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences / Foreign language education

■Research activity information


  • オンライン授業でのアクティブラーニングの実践
    近畿大学教養・外国語教育センター紀要. 外国語編 12 (1) 63 - 72 2021/07 [Refereed]
  • Tanaka Hiroaki
    CASELE Research Bulletin The Chugoku Academic Society of English Language Education 36 41 - 48 0385-1192 2006
  • TANAKA Hiroaki
    CASELE Research Bulletin The Chugoku Academic Society of English Language Education 35 37 - 46 0385-1192 2005
  • 田中 博晃
    JLTA Journal Japan Language Testing Association 7 163 - 176 2005 
    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of motivational strategy for Japanese high school students. The increasing number of researches has been conducted to propose motivational strategies, though the effect of them has not been examined yet. Based on Deci and Ryan's Self-determination theory, Group Presentation Activity was proposed as a motivational strategy to facilitate intrinsic motivation. After the preliminary survey, the experiment was conducted in a high school classroom for 20 days. The participants were 40 highs school students in Hiroshima prefecture. The results showed that 1) Group Presentation Activity was effective in facilitating intrinsic motivation or identified regulation in spite of learners' individual differences in motivation, 2) Group Presentation Activity was the most effective toward 'low English language learning motivation' group. The educational implication was discussed based on these results for the teachers who have trouble in motivating their students.
  • TANAKA Hiroaki; YAMANISHI Hiroyuki
    Language Education & Technology The Japan Association for Language Education and Technology 41 77 - 88 2004 
    The main purpose of this paper was to consider the problem concerning the dfficulties that most researchers of the qualitative studies are confronted with. From an overview of recently conducted studies in the academic field of English language education in Japan, it appeared that most researches using qualitative verbal data were categorized into hypothesis examination or hypothesis generation studies. Nevertheless, few of the hypothesis generation studies were able to help the researchers overcome the difficulties of objectivity and generalizability in treating the data. This suggested that most of the researchers did not give a sufficient amount of consideration to the transfer of their knowledge to future studies. To overcome the difficulties, we proposed to add a new approach, the hypothesis succeeding approach, to the traditionally used hypothesis generation approach. The hypothesis succeeding approach is conducted by a combination of hypothesis generation and hypothesis testing. The former is for interpreting verbal data qualitatively and the latter is for complementing the generated hypothesis. We have shown the extent of the effectiveness of this approach in overcoming the difficulties.
  • YAMANISHI Hiroyuki; TANAKA Hiroaki
    Language Education & Technology The Japan Association for Language Education and Technology 40 161 - 173 2003 
    The main purpose of this paper is to make suggestions concerning combination of quantitative and qualitative research in order to utilize the advantages of both types of research. Although there are many kinds of studies that combine quantitative and qualitative methodologies, it seems that few of them can be called "publicized" because of the absence of discussion concerning the method of qualitative research in particular. Showing our possible combined research design like a "catalogue", we would like to give rise to implications for future research. Our suggestion as a catalogue can be called a "hypothesis-succeeding" study (Saijo, 2002) using the KJ method (Kawakita, 1967):
  • TANAKA Hiroaki
    ARELE: Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan The Japan Society of English Language Education 14 91 - 100 2003 
    The purpose of this study was to conduct a preliminary survey to describe the nature of foreign language learning motivation of high school students in Japan. The subjects were 102 high school students in Hyogo prefecture, and they were asked to complete a questionnaire. The questionnaire contains a wide range of theories proposed so far in motivational studies. After a hypothetical model of motivation was constructed using an Exploratory Factor Analysis, the model was then validated by Confirmatory Factor Analysis. As a result, a 4-factor model ("core motivation", "instrumental/extrinsic motivation", "attribution toward achievement", and "anxiety toward showing English proficiency") was adopted. The results suggested that in order to fully understand the nature of motivation, an inclusive study is needed. It might also be possible to assume that motivation consists of several variables which have a double structure rather than a single structure. Finally, implications for teaching are discussed concerning motivational strategies and a shorter form of the questionnaire which would be more practical in a classroom situation.


Books and other publications

  • VOAで深める医療の世界
    田中博晃 (Joint work)2019/03
  • Medical Front Line(VOAで深める医療の世界自家版)
    田中博晃 (Joint work)2017/03

Research Themes

  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2027/03 
    Author : 田中 博晃
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2022/03 
    Author : Tanaka Hiroaki
    This study aims to investigate the effects of motivational active learning. The study employs a self-determination theory to explore and examine the effects on university students’ motivation. The results of qualitative and quantitative research show that the students’ intrinsic classroom motivation and competence significantly increased. The results further show that intellectual curiosity, intrinsic interest, satisfaction and internalization increased. Limitations and practical implications are discussed.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2017/03 
    Author : TANAKA Hiroaki
    In study 1, questionnaire for measuring language learning motivation was invented. Study 2 explored how students in low proficiency became low motivated in classroom through qualitative data analysis. An open ended questionnaire was administered and the qualitative data from students in low classroom motivation group were analyzed by SCQRM M-GTA. The result showed their past learning experience was related to their low classroom motivation. On the basis of Self-determination theory, motivational strategies were invented for such low motivated learners. In study 3, the effect of the motivational strategies was examined. 45 university students who were enrolled in a second-year English language course participated in this study. The intervention was given to them for fifteen weeks. The results supported stronger enhancement effect of the custom-made motivational strategies.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2012 
    Author : TANAKA Hiroaki
    The present study reported here was to develop the motivational strategy for low-motivated EFL learners and examine its enhancement effect on intrinsic motivation in three levels. This study consists of two case studies and one quasi-experimental study. Qualitative and quantitative data were analyzed for this study. The results provide compelling evidence that teachers’ motivational strategies cause enhanced intrinsic motivation in low-motivated learners. The strategy was effective especially for intermediate level learners.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2007 -2008 
    Author : TANAKA Hiroaki
    本研究では個人差に対応した学習意欲を高める授業実践を確立した上で, ナビゲーション・データベースの開発を行った。具体的には1)英語学習意欲を高める授業実践法の確立, 2)学習者の個人差要因の把握, 3)ナビゲーション・データベースの開発の3点である。その結果, 外国ドラマ・映画を用いたコミュニケーション活動とGP活動を, 学習意欲を高める授業実践法とし, 英語学力と動機づけの質を指標とするデータベースを作成した。