TAKAGI Ryosuke

Department of Genetic EngineeringLecturer

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information


  • Master(Engineering)(Kinki University)

Research Keyword

  • DNA・RNA   タンパク質   遺伝子   DNA・RNA   Protein   Gene   

Research Field

  • Life sciences / Molecular biology



  • 2015/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology, Department of Genetic Engineering講師
  • 2007/04 - 2015/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology, Department of Genetic Engineering助教
  • 2004 - 2007/03  - :近畿大学生物理工学部遺伝子工学科 助手
  • 1999 - 2004  :株式会社メイスイ 技術本部 研究開発職
  • 1999 - 2004  : Researcher, Research and Development department,
  • 2004  - Research Associate, School of Biology-Oriented
  • Science and Technology, Kinki university

Educational Background

  •        - 1999  Kindai University  Graduate School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology  生物工学
  •        - 1999  Kinki University  Biology-Oriented Science and Technology  Biotechnology
  •        - 1997  Kindai University  Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology  Department of Biotechnological Science
  •        - 1997  Kinki University  Faculty of Bioscience and Bioengineering  Biotechnology

■Research activity information


  • Yuki ARAKI; Katsuo TSUKAMOTO; Ryosuke TAKAGI; Tomoyuki MIYASHITA; Noriaki OYABU; Kei KOBAYASHI; Hirofumi YAMADA
    Vacuum and Surface Science Surface Science Society Japan 65 (11) 520 - 525 2433-5835 2022/11 [Refereed][Invited]
  • Yuki Araki; Katsuo Tsukamoto; Ryosuke Takagi; Tomoyuki Miyashita; Noriaki Oyabu; Kei Kobayashi; Hirofumi Yamada
    CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN AMER CHEMICAL SOC 14 (12) 6254 - 6260 1528-7483 2014/12 [Refereed]
    The effects of inorganic and organic additives on the hydration structure on the crystal surface have been discussed in X-ray reflectivity studies and in molecular dynamics simulations. We now demonstrate their effects on the hydration structure by conducting in situ observations of the hydration structure at a growing calcite surface by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy (FM-AFM). We show the atomic scale change of the hydration structure on the calcite surface in a supersaturated solution of CaCO3 by the addition of magnesium ions and a hydrophilic polypeptide. The FM-AFM images of the hydration structure revealed that magnesium ions increase the number of hydration layers on the terrace of the calcite surface from two to four layers. On the other hand, the hydrophilic polypeptide was ineffective for the hydration of the calcite surface. When both the magnesium ions and the hydrophilic polypeptide were added to the CaCO3 solution, the number of hydration layers increased and the magnitude of the oscillation hydration force as well as the long-range electrostatic force became larger than in the case when they were individually added. This is a noteworthy effect on the hydration structure on the calcite surface by cooperation of the magnesium ions and the polypeptide.
  • Ryosuke Takgi; Tomoyuki Miyashita
    Enzyme Research Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2014 2090-0414 2014 [Refereed]
    Tyrosinase plays an important role in the formation of the shell matrix and melanin synthesis in mollusks shells. A cDNA clone encoding a 47 kDa protein was isolated from the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata. The cDNA was 1,957 base pairs long and encodes a 417 residue protein that has extensive sequence identity with tyrosinase (polyphenol oxidase: EC This tyrosinase-like protein, termed PfTy, contains an N-terminal signal sequence and the two copper-binding domain signatures (CuA and CuB), suggesting that PfTy belongs to the α-subclass of type-3 copper proteins. Enzyme activity of PfTy was examined by a spectrophotometric method using the translation product derived from an S30 T7 high-yield protein expression system. Tyrosinase activity was seen in this recombinant product. RT-PCR analysis showed that PfTy mRNA was expressed in the mantle pallial, but not in the mantle edge. Therefore, PfTy may participate in insoluble shell matrix formation of the nacreous layer. PfTy expression was also observed in the foot, liver, and adductor muscle, suggesting that PfTy participates in the synthesis of melanins, which are effective scavengers of free radicals formed in multiple intracellular oxidative processes. This is the first report of a novel α-class tyrosinase from the pearl oyster P. fucata. © 2014 Ryousuke Takgi and Tomoyuki Miyashita.
  • Hiroshi Miyamoto; Hirotoshi Endo; Naoki Hashimoto; Kurin Iimura; Yukinobu Isowa; Shigeharu Kinoshita; Tomohiro Kotaki; Tetsuji Masaoka; Takumi Miki; Seiji Nakayama; Chihiro Nogawa; Atsuto Notazawa; Fumito Ohmori; Isao Sarashina; Michio Suzuki; Ryosuke Takagi; Jun Takahashi; Takeshi Takeuchi; Naoki Yokoo; Nori Satoh; Haruhiko Toyohara; Tomoyuki Miyashita; Hiroshi Wada; Tetsuro Samata; Kazuyoshi Endo; Hiromichi Nagasawa; Shuichi Asakawa; Shugo Watabe
    ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE ZOOLOGICAL SOC JAPAN 30 (10) 801 - 816 0289-0003 2013/10 [Refereed]
    In molluscs, shell matrix proteins are associated with biomineralization, a biologically controlled process that involves nucleation and growth of calcium carbonate crystals. Identification and characterization of shell matrix proteins are important for better understanding of the adaptive radiation of a large variety of molluscs. We searched the draft genome sequence of the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata and annotated 30 different kinds of shell matrix proteins. Of these, we could identified Perlucin, ependymin-related protein and SPARC as common genes shared by bivalves and gastropods; however, most gastropod shell matrix proteins were not found in the P. fucata genome. Glycinerich proteins were conserved in the genus Pinctada. Another important finding with regard to these annotated genes was that numerous shell matrix proteins are encoded by more than one gene; e.g., three ACCBP-like proteins, three CaLPs, five chitin synthase-like proteins, two N16 proteins (pearlins), 10 N19 proteins, two nacreins, four Pifs, nine shematrins, two prismalin-14 proteins, and 21 tyrosinases. This diversity of shell matrix proteins may be implicated in the morphological diversity of mollusc shells. The annotated genes reported here can be searched in P. fucata gene models version 1.1 and genome assembly version 1.0 (http://marinegenomics.oist.jp/pinctada_fucata). These genes should provide a useful resource for studies of the genetic basis of biomineralization and evaluation of the role of shell matrix proteins as an evolutionary toolkit among the molluscs.
  • Akiko Takami; Hirotaka Kato; Ryosuke Takagi; Tomoyuki Miyashita
    International Journal of Zoology 2013 9pages  1687-8477 2013 [Refereed]
    Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2 plays an important role in morphogenesis in both vertebrates and invertebrates. BMP-2 is one of the most powerful bioactive substances known to induce the osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal cells. We examined the structural and functional conservation of Pinctada fucata BMP-2 in inducing osteogenesis in the murine mesenchymal stem cells, C3H10T1/2. Exposure of C3H10T1/2 cells to the recombinant mature fragment of Pinctada fucata BMP-2 resulted in osteoblastic differentiation. The sequence, SVPKPCCVPTELSSL, within the C-terminal portion of Pinctada fucata BMP-2, is homologous to the knuckle epitope of human BMP-2. This synthetic polypeptide was able to induce differentiation of C3H10T1/2 along the osteoblastic lineage, as confirmed by an increase in alkaline phosphatase activity, and the accumulation of calcium, as determined by von Kossa staining. Furthermore, using immunohistochemical staining, we observed an increased expression of collagen type I, osteopontin, and osteocalcin, which are known markers of osteogenesis. These results show that BMP-2 is conserved, not only in terms of its homology at the amino acid sequence, but also in terms of driving the formation of hard tissues in vertebrates and invertebrates. © 2013 Akiko Takami et al.
  • Tomoyuki Miyashita; Akiko Takami; Ryosuke Takagi
    BIOCHEMICAL GENETICS SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS 50 (9-10) 673 - 683 0006-2928 2012/10 [Refereed]
    The carbonic anhydrase nacrein participates in the formation of the nacreous or prismatic layer of Pinctada fucata. We isolated a genomic clone containing the nacrein gene and cloned the 5'-flanking region. Within the 1336 bp 5' flanking region, we identified putative cis-acting elements, including the TATA box (TATAAAA) at -82 bp, and AP1 (-819 bp) and Oct-1 (-1244 bp) binding sites. In addition to the mantle, the nacrein gene is also expressed in the adductor muscle, liver, and foot. These results showed that nacrein not only takes part in the formation of the hard tissue but also might be involved in acid-base balance, ion transport, and maintenance of ionic concentration. In vitro transcription experiments showed that the addition of human c-jun activates transcription from the nacrein promoter. This is the first report of a promoter from a gene that controls the formation of the hard tissue of mollusk shells.
  • Tomoyuki Miyashita; Ryosuke Takagi
    JOURNAL OF MOLLUSCAN STUDIES OXFORD UNIV PRESS 77 312 - 314 0260-1230 2011/08 [Refereed]
  • Ryosuke Takagi; Tomoyuki Miyashita
    ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE ZOOLOGICAL SOC JAPAN 27 (5) 416 - 426 0289-0003 2010/05 [Refereed]
    The hard tissue of the Japanese pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata, consists of two layers, the outer prismatic layer, bearing calcite, and the inner nacreous layer, bearing aragonite. An EDTA-insoluble fraction of the prismatic layer of P. fucata was extracted with urea. In-vitro crystallization experiments showed that this urea-soluble fraction contained the factor(s) that promoted the growth of calcite crystals. We purified a protein from this fraction and deduced the internal amino acid sequences EYDFDRPDPYDP and EYDFERPD. We performed 3' RACE using primer DPPF1, encoding EYDFDRPDPYDP, and an oligo-dT adapter primer and amplified a fragment of approximately 300 bp. We screened cDNA libraries using the 300 bp fragment and obtained two clones that we named prismin 1 and 2. Both cDNAs encode proteins of 51 amino acids. Homology searches revealed 91% amino acid identity between prismin 1 and 2. The synthetic peptide DFDRPDPYDPY-DRFD, corresponding to the carboxy terminal region of prismin 1, has calcite growing activity and calcium binding capability, showing that the carboxy-terminal region is a functional domain. Prismin 1 is expressed strongly in the outer edge and in the inner part of the mantle tissue. However, immunoblot analysis revealed that prismin protein exists only in the prismatic layer, not in the nacreous layer, despite the presence of the mRNA. Therefore, we conclude that prismin is a novel prismatic layer-specific calcite growth factor.
  • Tomoyuki Miyashita; Takuo Hanashita; Michinori Toriyama; Ryosuke Takagi; Tamaki Akashika; Nobuto Higashikubo
    BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD 72 (1) 37 - 47 0916-8451 2008/01 [Refereed]
    The bone morphogenetic proteins (BMps) constitute a subfamily of the transforming growth factor type beta (TGF-beta) supergene family. BMP-2 plays an important role not only in osteoblast differentiation but also in pattern formation during development. To determine the function of BMP-2 in Pinctada fucata development and hard tissue formation, we isolated a BMP-2 genomic DNA clone and the BMP-2 cDNA. The deduced BMP-2 sequence consisted of 447 amino acids. The BMP-2 gene was composed of three exons. The C-terminal portion (149 amino acids) had 86% and 66% identity to the Crassostrea gigas and the human BMP-2 sequence respectively. The 5' flanking promoter region contained putative glioma transcription factor (Gli) and retinoic acid receptor (RAR) responding elements. The BMP-2 gene was expressed strongly in the inner part of the mantle tissue, corresponding to the nacreous aragonite shell layer. This finding suggests that BMP-2 has a key role in nacreous layer formation.
  • T Miyashita; R Takagi; H Miyamoto; A Matsushiro
    VELIGER CALIFORNIA MALACOZOOLOGICAL SOC INC 45 (3) 250 - 255 0042-3211 2002/07 [Refereed]
    We have found a carbonic anhydrase (CA) in the prismatic layer of Pinctada fucata. This CA has the same kinetic properties as Nacrein, which is a CA existing in the nacreous layer of Pinctada fucata. We have examined the effects of inhibitors on the enzyme activity. Sodium sulfide and sulfanilamide are typical inhibitors of various types of CA; however. a CA in the prismatic layer and Nacrein were found to be resistant to sodium Sulfide and to show a weak resistance to sulfanilamide. This is the first report of a carbonic anhydrase with resistance to sodium sulfide, The molecular mass of the prismatic layer CA was estimated by SDS-PAGE to be approximately 60 kDa. Moreover, we have determined the N-terminal amino acid sequence of a CA in the prismatic layer. The sequence of the first 11 amino acids was in agreement with that of Nacrein, as deduced from the cDNA sequence. From these results, we have concluded that the carbonic anhydrase of the prismatic layer is Nacrein. Nacrein contributes to the formation of a prismatic layer as well as a nacreous layer of mollusk shells as a carbonic anhydrase and is a matrix component.
  • Complementary DNA Cloning and Characterization of Pearlin, a New Class of Matrix Protein in the Nacreous Layer of Oyster Pearl
    T. Miyashita; R. Takagi; M. Okushima; S. Nakano; H. Miyamoto; E. Nishikawa; A. Matsushiro
    Mar Biotechnol 2 409 - 418 2000/03 [Refereed]


Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • アコヤ貝システインリッチ遺伝子の組織特異的発現の解析  [Not invited]
    高木 良介
    マリンバイオテクノロジー学会  2018/05
  • Pearlin機能領域のリン酸化修飾がアラレ石特異的相互作用に関与する  [Not invited]
    高木 良介
    マリンバイオテクノロジー学会  2017/05
  • Pearlinの炭酸カルシウム結晶多形に対する相互作用の解析  [Not invited]
    高木 良介
    マリンバイオテクノロジー学会  2016/05
  • Casein kinase Ⅱによるスレオニン64のリン酸化はパーリンの炭酸カルシウム多形特異的結晶形成抑制を制御する  [Not invited]
    高木 良介
    マリンバイオテクノロジー学会  2015/05
  • アコヤ貝真珠層形成に関与するα-Subclass Tyrosinase PfTyの構造と遺伝子の発現  [Not invited]
    高木 良介
    マリンバイオテクノロジー学会  2014/05
  • アコヤ貝のチロシナーゼ様遺伝子の解析  [Not invited]
    高木 良介
    マリンバイオテクノロジー学会  2013/05
  • プリズミンの方解石結晶成長に関与する2次構造領域とリン酸化修飾部位の決定  [Not invited]
    高木 良介
    マリンバイオテクノロジー学会  2011/05
  • アコヤ貝稜柱層特異的タンパク質プリズミンにおけるチロシンのリン酸化修飾が方解石結晶成長作用へ与える影響  [Not invited]
    高木 良介
    マリンバイオテクノロジー学会  2010/05
  • プリズミンのリン酸化修飾と合成ポリペプチドを用いた結晶成長機能の解析  [Not invited]
    高木 良介
    バイオミネラリゼーションワークショップ  2009/12
  • アコヤ貝稜柱層特異的タンパク質プリズミンのリン酸化修飾と方解石結晶成長に与える影響  [Not invited]
    高木 良介
    マリンバイオテクノロジー学会  2009/05
  • cDNA Cloning and Identification of a Calcite Calcium Carbonate-specific Nucleation and Growth Factor from the Prismatic Layer of Pinctada fucata  [Not invited]
    髙木 良介; 伊集院 兼宣; 本庄 啓; 宮下 知幸
    The 10th International Symposium on Biomineralization  2008/08  China  The 10th International Symposium on Biomineralization
  • 真珠真珠層の生体防御タンパク質と”真珠のしみ”  [Not invited]
    髙木 良介; 竹林 耕佑; 宮下 知幸
    第11回マリンバイオテクノロジー学会大会  2008/05  第11回マリンバイオテクノロジー学会大会
  • アコヤ貝組み換え体骨形成因子2(BMP-2)の脊椎動物多様性幹細胞に対する分化誘導能  [Not invited]
    髙木 良介; 加藤 寛隆; 芝田 正智; 宮下 知幸
    第30回日本分子生物学会年会・第80回日本生化学会 合同大会  2007/12  第30回日本分子生物学会年会・第80回日本生化学会 合同大会
  • アコヤ貝骨形成因子2の大腸菌での発現とマウス多能性幹細胞に対する分化誘導能  [Not invited]
    髙木 良介; 加藤 寛隆; 芝田 正智; 宮下 知幸
    日本動物学会 第77回大会  2007/09  日本動物学会 第77回大会
  • アコヤ貝稜柱層結晶成長因子プリズミンn方解石特異的結晶成長作用と稜柱層特異的局在  [Not invited]
    髙木 良介; 宮下 知幸
    第10回マリンバイオテクノロジー学会大会  2007/05  第10回マリンバイオテクノロジー学会大会
  • Pearlin: A negative regulator of aragonite crystallization in the nacreous layer formation of Pinctada fucata  [Not invited]
    髙木 良介; 宮下 知幸
    Pearlin is a representative of the EDTA-insoluble proteins and the nacreous layer-specific protein. Effects of pearlin on calcium carbonate crystallization were examined in vitro. The rate of calcium carbonate precipitation was examined by recording the decrease in pH of NaHCO3 solution when CaCl2 solution containing pearlin was added in the presence or absence of magnesium ion. As for the inhibitory effect of calcium carbonate precipitation, it was more remarkable in the presence of magnesium ion. Experiments of inhibition of calcium carbonate crystallization were performed using supersaturated solution of Ca(HCO3)2 in the presence or absence of magnesium ion. Pearlin strongly inhibited the aragonite crystallization of CaCO3, but not calcite crystallization. These results suggest that pearlin regulates negatively the crystal growth of the aragonite calcium carbonate in the processes of nacreous layer formation of Pinctada fucata.
  • アコヤ貝真珠層特異的タンパク質パーリンのアラレ石結晶形成阻害作用  [Not invited]
    髙木 良介; 宮下 知幸
    社団法人日本動物学会第77回大会  2006/09  島根  社団法人日本動物学会第77回大会
    真珠貝における硬組織は炭酸カルシウムの方解石結晶を主成分とする稜柱層とアラレ石結晶を主成分とする真珠層より形成され、両層とも外套膜から分泌された数パーセントの有機質を含んでいる。有機質のEDTA不溶性分画をEDTA-尿素で、高温下抽出して得られた大きさ約16 kDaのタンパク質パーリンの機能解析をin vitro結晶形成系において行った。パーリンはアラレ石結晶の析出を特異的に阻害することが解った。パーリンは真珠層形成を抑制的に制御しているものと推測される。
  • アコヤ貝稜柱層結晶成長因子プリズミンの同定と生化学的性質  [Not invited]
    髙木 良介; 宮下 知幸
    第9回マリンバイオテクノロジー学会大会  2006/05  東京  第9回マリンバイオテクノロジー学会大会
    稜柱層のEDTA不溶性分画を尿素で高温下の条件で抽出して得られたタンパク質をプリズミンと名付け、このタンパク質を用いてIn vitroでの結晶形成実験を行うと同時にその機能を解析した。稜柱層のEDTA不溶性分画から抽出したタンパク質は大きさが約48kDaであり、これをプリズミンと名付けた。プリズミンを用いてIn vitroでの結晶形成実験を行ったところ、方解石の表面に結晶を成長させた。このことから、プリズミンは方解石を成長させる機能を持つと推察される。
  • アコヤ貝の炭酸脱水酵素ナクレイン遺伝子の第4イントロンに存在するレトロトランスポゾン様配列PFRP-1ファミリー  [Not invited]
    髙木 良介; 宮下 知幸
    第28回日本分子生物学会年会  2005/12  福岡  第28回日本分子生物学会年会
  • アコヤ貝稜柱層の結晶成長因子プリズミン  [Not invited]
    髙木 良介; 宮下 知幸
    第8回マリンバイオテクノロジー学会大会  2005/05  熊本  第8回マリンバイオテクノロジー学会大会
    アコヤ貝の貝殻は主に稜柱層と真珠層の2層から構成される硬組織であり、どちらも炭酸カルシウムを主成分とし、少量の有機物質を含んでいる。しかし、結晶構造は前者が方解石(三方晶系)であるのに対し、後者はアラレ石構造(斜方晶系)である。そして、貝殻に含まれる少量のタンパク質が、これらの結晶多形を制御し、結晶を成長させると考えられる。昨年度の本学会において、アコヤ貝真珠層のEDTA不溶性分画に含まれるタンパク質複合体は、平板状アラレ石結晶を成長させる機能があると報告した。そこで、本研究では稜柱層における、結晶成長に関与するタンパク質の同定を試みた。 稜柱層のEDTA不溶性分画を尿素で高温下の条件で抽出して得られたタンパク質をプリズミンと名付け、In Vitroでの結晶形成実験を行うと同時にその機能を解析した。 その結果、プリズミンは方解石の表面に結晶を成長させた。
  • c-junによる炭酸脱水酵素ナクレイン遺伝子のプロモーターの転写活性化  [Not invited]
    髙木 良介
    マリンバイオテクノロジー学会大会  2004/06  北海道  マリンバイオテクノロジー学会大会
    アコヤ貝の真珠層より発見・同定された炭酸脱水酵素ナクレインは外套膜特異的に発現する。TATA boxからなるナクレインのプロモーターの上流、約1kbp内にはCCAAT boxやCREB結合様配列が存在する。また、脊椎動物の骨の代謝に重要な役割を果たしている2型炭酸脱水酵素の遺伝子の転写を活性化する転写調節因子であるAP1の結合様配列も存在している。これらナクレイン遺伝子の発現調節に関与する因子の解析をin vitro転写系を用いて試みたところ、c-junタンパク質を添加したときに転写物の量が増大した。AP1結合様配列を欠失した変異体を用いたときは転写物が確認できなかったことから、c-junはホモダイマーか、c-Fosとヘテロダイマーを形成して、AP1結合様配列を介してナクレインの転写を活性化していると考えられる。

Affiliated academic society

  • 日本マリンバイオテクノロジー学会   日本分子生物学会   Japanese Society of Marine Biotechnology   THE MOLECULAR BIOLOGY SOCIETY OF JAPAN   

Research Themes

  • バイオミネラリゼーションの分子機構
  • Molecular Biology of Biomineralization