甲斐 冴(カイ サヤカ)


Last Updated :2024/09/14



  • 学士(医学)



  • Takashi Takeda; Kana Yoshimi; Sayaka Kai; Fumi Inoue
    International journal of women's health 16 299 - 308 2024年 
    PURPOSE: The validity and reliability of the Japanese version of the Daily Record of Severity of Problems (DRSP-J) have already been confirmed in a population with premenstrual symptoms. This study aimed to assess the validity and reliability of the DRSP-J in the general population. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We analyzed data from 113 Japanese women with regular menstrual cycles who applied to participate in an ongoing study. Participants were recruited regardless of the severity of premenstrual symptoms, and their menstrual cycles were monitored using the DRSP-J for two cycles. Reliability was examined using Cronbach's α, a measure of internal consistency, and test-retest reliability. Structural validity was assessed using a principal component analysis (PCA). The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and EuroQol-5 Dimensions-5 Levels (EQ-5D-5L) were used to examine concurrent validity. The agreement between the clinical diagnoses based on the diagnostic criteria for premenstrual syndrome/premenstrual dysphoric disorder and that based on the DRSP-J score was examined using the kappa coefficient. RESULTS: Cronbach's α for DRSP-J total score was 0.96. The DRSP-J total score showed high test-retest reliability. The PCA showed a two-factor model describing "Mood" and "Behavior/Physical" symptoms. The DRSP-J total score was highly correlated with the HADS total and EQ-5D-5L scores. The classification of "moderate to severe premenstrual syndrome" and "premenstrual dysphoric disorder" by clinical methods and the criteria based on the DRSP-J were in good agreement (kappa values = 0.78). CONCLUSION: The DRSP-J is a reliable and valid measure of premenstrual symptoms in the general Japanese population, including those with few or no symptoms.
  • アクションリサーチの手法を用いた卒前教育(臨床実習)の改革の試み
    貫戸 明子; 和田 知春; 甲斐 冴; 加嶋 洋子; 森内 芳; 藤島 理沙; 葉 宜慧; 川崎 薫; 小谷 泰史; 松村 謙臣
    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌 75 臨増 S - 509 (公社)日本産科婦人科学会 2023年02月
  • PMS症状スクリーニング調査票PSQ短縮版(PSQ-S)開発と古典的テスト理論と項目反応理論による心理測定学的特性検証
    甲斐 冴; 吉見 佳奈; 武田 卓
    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌 75 臨増 S - 282 (公社)日本産科婦人科学会 2023年02月
  • Takashi Takeda; Kana Yoshimi; Sayaka Kai; Fumi Inoue
    International journal of women's health 15 655 - 664 2023年 
    PURPOSE: Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood where people are vulnerable to stress. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause sustained stress in the population. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, social isolation and loneliness have increased. Loneliness is associated with increased stress, psychological distress, and a higher risk of mental illnesses, such as depression. This study examined the association between loneliness, premenstrual symptoms, and other factors in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic among adolescent females in Japan. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A school-based cross-sectional survey of 1450 adolescent female students in Japan was conducted in mid-December of 2021. Specifically, paper-based questionnaires were distributed in class, and the responses were collected. The Premenstrual Symptoms Questionnaire (PSQ), 6-item Kessler Psychological Distress Scale, 3-item Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (R-UCLA), and Fear of COVID-19 Scale were used as measurement tools. The prevalence of loneliness was defined as a total R-UCLA score ≥ 6. RESULTS: The prevalence of loneliness was 29.0%. The prevalence of serious psychological distress was also high (8.2%), especially in the lonely group (16.0%). Multivariable regression analysis identified the following factors associated with loneliness: second year (odds ratio [OR] 1.53; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.09-2.14), longer internet use (OR, 1.11; 95% CI, 1.02-1.20), total PSQ score (OR 1.08; 95% CI 1.06-1.11), and psychological distress (OR 1.05; 95% CI 1.01-1.08). CONCLUSION: Adolescent females in Japan showed a high prevalence of loneliness. School year (2nd year), longer periods of internet use, premenstrual symptom severity, and psychological distress were independently associated with loneliness. For clinicians and school health professionals, special concern should be given to the psychological health of adolescent females during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 女性ヘルスケアを対象とする初期臨床研修医漢方卒後教育カリキュラム作成と教育効果検証
    甲斐 冴; 貫戸 明子; 小谷 泰史; 松村 謙臣; 武田 卓
    日本女性医学学会雑誌 30 1 116 - 116 (一社)日本女性医学学会 2022年10月
  • 女性ヘルスケアを対象とした初期臨床研修医漢方卒後教育カリキュラム作成
    甲斐 冴; 貫戸 明子; 小谷 泰史; 松村 謙臣; 武田 卓
    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌 74 臨増 S - 632 (公社)日本産科婦人科学会 2022年02月
  • Takashi Takeda; Kana Yoshimi; Sayaka Kai; Fumi Inoue
    International journal of women's health 14 899 - 911 2022年 
    Purpose: The Premenstrual Symptoms Questionnaire (PSQ) is a patient-reported outcome measurement tool for premenstrual symptoms. Although the PSQ is a very useful tool with 14 items to screen for a wide variety of premenstrual symptoms, not everyone will respond to all the questions. Fewer questions would be less burdensome on the respondents. We aimed to develop and analyze the psychometric properties of a short-form of the PSQ (PSQ-S). Patients and Methods: The study participants were from an earlier study with a sample of 1388 female students. We reanalyzed data collected from 922 students with regular menstrual cycles who completed the PSQ, premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) scale, Somatic Symptom Scale-8 (SSS-8), and numerical rating scale (NRS) for menstrual pain. First, we selected nine items for the PSQ-S based on the results of the corrected item-total correlation analysis. The PSQ-S was then analyzed for reliability and validity using the classical test theory. Moreover, item response theory was applied to test the psychometric properties of the PSQ-S. Results: Cronbach's α for the PSQ-S score was 0.93. Principal component factor analysis revealed a one-factor model. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the one-factor model was a good fit. The PSQ-S total score was strongly correlated with the PSQ total score, PMDD scale score, and SSS-8 score (r=0.978, 0.854, and 0.648, respectively) and moderately correlated with the NRS (r=0.437). Item response theory analyses showed that the constructs and items of the PSQ-S had satisfactory discrimination, difficulty parameters, item information curves, and test information curves. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis revealed a cut-off score of ≥22 for suspected premenstrual disorders based on the total PSQ-S score. Conclusion: The PSQ-S, consisting of nine items from the PSQ, had sufficient reliability and validity and could be a convenient assessment tool for premenstrual symptoms in routine clinical practice.
  • Takashi Takeda; Kana Yoshimi; Sayaka Kai; Genki Ozawa; Keiko Yamada; Keizo Hiramatsu
    PloS one 17 5 e0268466  2022年 
    PURPOSE: Premenstrual symptoms can negatively impact the quality of life of women through a range of mood, behavioral, and physical symptoms. The association between the microbiota and brain function has been extensively studied. Here, we examined the characteristics of the microbiota in women with premenstrual disorders (PMDs) and the association between premenstrual symptoms and the microbiota. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this single center cross-sectional pilot study, we recruited 27 women reporting premenstrual symptoms and 29 women with no serious premenstrual symptoms. Among them, we further selected 21 women experiencing premenstrual symptoms resulting in interference to their social life (PMDs group) and 22 women with no serious premenstrual symptoms and thereby no interference to their social life (control group). The severity of symptoms was evaluated by a premenstrual symptoms questionnaire (PSQ). Inflammatory markers were analyzed in blood samples, including C reactive protein, soluble CD14, and lipopolysaccharide binding protein. Sequencing of 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid genes was performed on stool samples. RESULTS: Inflammatory markers in blood samples did not differ significantly between the PMDs and control groups. A difference in beta, but not alpha diversity, was detected for the gut microbiotas of the PMDs and control groups. The relative abundance of the Bacteroidetes phylum was lower in the PMDs group. At the genus level, the prevalence was decreased for Butyricicoccus, Extibacter, Megasphaera, and Parabacteroides and increased for Anaerotaenia in the PMDs group, but after false discovery rate correction, these differences were no longer significant. Linear discriminant effect size analysis revealed a decrease in Extibacter, Butyricicoccus, Megasphaera, and Parabacteroides and an increase in Anaerotaenia in the PMDs group. The PSQ total score correlated with Anaerotaenia, Extibacter, and Parabacteroides. Multiple regression analysis showed that Parabacteroides and Megasphaera negatively predicted the PSQ total score. CONCLUSION: The properties of the gut microbiota are associated with premenstrual symptoms.
  • Yasushi Kotani; Kosuke Murakamsi; Sayaka Kai; Tamaki Yahata; Akiko Kanto; Noriomi Matsumura
    Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Therapy 10 4 221 - 221 2021年11月 [査読有り]
  • 女子高校生における月経前症候群症状と和食摂取との関連性について 横断的検討
    甲斐 冴; 武田 卓; 吉見 佳奈
    日本女性医学学会雑誌 29 1 98 - 98 (一社)日本女性医学学会 2021年10月
  • Takashi Takeda; Sayaka Kai; Kana Yoshimi
    The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine 255 1 71 - 77 2021年09月 
    COVID-19 has caused an unprecedented global pandemic. Premenstrual symptoms include mood-related, behavioral, and physical symptoms that are limited to the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Psychosocial stress is a risk factor for premenstrual symptoms. The aim of this study was to examine the association between premenstrual symptoms and stress caused by COVID-19. We analyzed data from 871 students with regular menstrual cycles who completed the Premenstrual Symptoms Questionnaire (PSQ), Fear of COVID-19 Scale, and Impact of Event Scale-Revised version (IES-R). The total PSQ score was significantly higher in women with COVID-19-induced posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) than in non-PTSS groups. Compared with pre-pandemic data (2019), the total PSQ score did not change in non-PTSS, but increased in PTSS groups. All symptoms were more severe in PTSS groups than in non-PTSS groups. Compared with 2019, PTSS groups had more severe symptoms for all symptoms except 'physical symptoms' and 'decreased social activity', and non-PTSS groups only exhibited improvements in the 'decreased social activity'. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the IES-R score was a significant exacerbation factor of the total PSQ score, along with age and menstrual pain. This study revealed the association between pandemic-associated PTSS and the severity of premenstrual symptoms.
  • 松村 謙臣; 貫戸 明子; 甲斐 冴
    産婦人科の実際 70 1 金原出版 2021年01月
  • 甲斐 冴; 松村 謙臣
    産婦人科の実際 = Obstetrical and gynecological practice 70 1 39 - 44 金原出版 2021年01月
  • Takashi Takeda; Sayaka Kai; Kana Yoshimi
    International journal of women's health 13 361 - 367 2021年 
    Purpose: The Daily Record of Severity of Problems (DRSP) is commonly used to assess premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder throughout the world. The aim of this study was to assess the validity and reliability of the Japanese version of the DRSP (DRSP-J). Materials and Methods: We analyzed 324 women with regular menstrual cycles who completed the DRSP-J and the Premenstrual Symptoms Questionnaire (PSQ). They had all applied to participate in an ongoing study for the treatment of their premenstrual symptoms. The DRSP-J was examined for evidence of reliability and validity. To examine reliability, we assessed Cronbach's α, a measure of internal consistency, and test-retest reliability. We assessed structural validity with principal component factor analysis (PCA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). We used PSQ total score to examine concurrent validity. Results: Cronbach's α for DRSP total score was 0.97. DRSP total score and individual items showed high test-retest reliability. PCA showed a two-factor model describing mood and behavioral and physical symptoms. CFA showed that the two-factor model derived from the PCA was an acceptably good fit. DRSP total score correlated moderately with PSQ total score (r = 0.42). Conclusion: The DRSP-J showed reliable and valid measures of premenstrual symptoms in Japanese women.
  • Takashi Takeda; Kana Yoshimi; Sayaka Kai; Fumi Inoue
    International journal of women's health 13 1087 - 1093 2021年 
    Purpose: Pregnant women are vulnerable to stress. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has caused a global pandemic and created significant stress for many people. Social distancing to reduce the spread of COVID-19 has also reduced social interactions, which has increased social isolation and loneliness. Loneliness is thought to increase perceived stress, cause psychological distress, and increase the risk of mental illness, such as depression. This study examined the association between serious psychological distress (SPD) and loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic in pregnant Japanese women. Patients and Methods: An internet survey of 1022 pregnant women in Japan was conducted between June 1 and July 21, 2021. The 6-item Kessler Psychological Distress Scale, 3-item Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale, and Fear of COVID-19 Scale were used as measurement tools. The prevalence of SPD was defined as a K6 score of ≥13. Results: The prevalence of SPD was 16.5%. Multivariate analysis revealed that the risk factors for SPD were younger age (odds ratio [OR] 1.05; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.01 to 1.10; p = 0.020), history of abortion or miscarriages (OR 1.56; 95% CI 1.04 to 2.36; p = 0.034), unemployment (OR 1.67; 95% CI 1.14 to 2.45; p = 0.008), fear of COVID-19 (OR, 1.12; 95% CI, 1.08 to 1.17; p < 0.001), and loneliness (OR 1.53; 95% CI 1.38 to 1.70; p < 0.001). Conclusion: Pregnant women in Japan showed a high prevalence of SPD. Younger age, unemployment, history of abortion or miscarriages, fear of COVID-19, and loneliness were independently associated with SPD. Clinicians and health officials should pay particular attention to the psychological health of pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 甲斐 冴; 松村 謙臣
    産婦人科の実際 = Obstetrical and gynecological practice 68 9 1105 - 1110 金原出版 2019年08月


  • 月経前症候群と腸内細菌叢との関連性検討
    武田 卓; 甲斐 冴 日本女性医学学会雑誌 30 (1) 87 -87 2022年10月
  • 女性ヘルスケアを対象とする初期臨床研修医漢方卒後教育カリキュラム作成と教育効果検証
    甲斐 冴; 貫戸 明子; 小谷 泰史; 松村 謙臣; 武田 卓 日本女性医学学会雑誌 30 (1) 116 -116 2022年10月
  • 女性ヘルスケアを対象とした初期臨床研修医漢方卒後教育カリキュラム作成
    甲斐 冴; 貫戸 明子; 小谷 泰史; 松村 謙臣; 武田 卓 日本産科婦人科学会雑誌 74 (臨増) S -632 2022年02月
  • 甲斐冴; 甲斐冴; 吉見佳奈; 井本蓉子; 小谷泰史; 武田卓; 武田卓 日本思春期学会総会・学術集会抄録集 41st 2022年
  • 女子高校生における月経前症候群症状と和食摂取との関連性について 横断的検討
    甲斐 冴; 武田 卓; 吉見 佳奈 日本女性医学学会雑誌 29 (1) 98 -98 2021年10月
  • Psychometric testing of the Premenstrual Symptoms Questionnaire and the association between perceived injustice and premenstrual symptoms: a cross-sectional study among high school students(和訳中)
    Yoshimi Kana; Kai Sayaka; Takeda Takashi 日本産科婦人科学会雑誌 73 (臨増) S -146 2021年03月
  • 思春期アスリートの睡眠習慣と月経前症候群によるパフォーマンス障害に関する前向きコホート研究
    吉見 佳奈; 井本 蓉子; 甲斐 冴; 武田 卓 思春期学 39 (1) 107 -108 2021年03月
  • 武田 卓; 吉見 佳奈; 甲斐 冴 日本産科婦人科学会雑誌 73 (臨増) S -389 2021年03月
  • 吉見佳奈; 吉見佳奈; 武田卓; 甲斐冴 日本思春期学会総会・学術集会抄録集 40th 2021年
  • 【女子アスリートの健康支援〜女子選手のヘルスケアを考える〜】女性アスリートにおける月経随伴症状と対処法
    甲斐 冴; 武田 卓 思春期学 38 (2) 188 -193 2020年06月
  • 産婦人科で診るべき骨粗鬆症-JPOS研究から示唆される早期発見に必要な情報
    貫戸 明子; 甲斐 冴; 太田 真見子; 山本 貴子; 宮川 知保; 藤島 理沙; 八幡 環; 葉 宜慧; 小谷 泰史; 鈴木 彩子; 中井 英勝; 松村 謙臣 日本産科婦人科学会雑誌 72 (臨増) S -435 2020年03月
  • SPIO-MRIと鉄染色は、子宮頸癌・体癌のセンチネルリンパ節同定およびリンパ節転移診断に有用である
    村上 幸祐; 鈴木 彩子; 佐藤 華子; 城 玲央奈; 大須賀 拓真; 甲斐 冴; 藤島 理沙; 青木 稚人; 葉 宜慧; 貫戸 明子; 高矢 寿光; 小谷 泰史; 中井 英勝; 辻 勲; 松村 謙臣 日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌 37 (3) 457 -457 2019年06月
  • 鈴木彩子; 城玲央奈; 藤島理沙; 甲斐冴; 大須賀拓真; 青木稚人; 佐藤華子; 貫戸明子; 高矢寿光; 小谷泰史; 辻勲; 松村謙臣 日本産科婦人科学会雑誌 71 (臨増) S.444 -444 2019年02月
  • 辻勲; 藤島理沙; 佐藤華子; 城玲央奈; 甲斐冴; 青木稚人; 葉宜慧; 村上幸祐; 貫戸明子; 小谷泰史; 鈴木彩子; 松村謙臣 日本産科婦人科学会雑誌 71 (臨増) S.405 -405 2019年02月
  • 甲斐 冴; 中井 英勝; 佐藤 華子; 城 玲央奈; 藤島 理沙; 葉 宜慧; 村上 幸祐; 高矢 寿光; 小谷 泰史; 鈴木 彩子; 辻 勲; 松村 謙臣 日本産科婦人科学会雑誌 71 (臨増) S -446 2019年02月
  • 甲斐 冴; 中井 英勝; 佐藤 華子; 城 玲央奈; 藤島 理沙; 葉 宜慧; 村上 幸祐; 高矢 寿光; 小谷 泰史; 鈴木 彩子; 辻 勲; 松村 謙臣 日本産科婦人科学会雑誌 71 (臨増) S -446 2019年02月
  • 未成年における腹腔鏡下手術の現状とその特徴について
    甲斐 冴; 小谷 泰史; 佐藤 華子; 山本 貴子; 城 玲央奈; 藤島 理沙; 大須賀 拓真; 青木 稚人; 葉 宜慧; 村上 幸祐; 高矢 寿光; 中井 英勝; 鈴木 彩子; 辻 勲; 松村 謙臣 日本女性医学学会雑誌 26 (Suppl.) 190 -190 2018年10月
  • 甲斐冴; 小谷泰史; 佐藤華子; 山本貴子; 城玲央奈; 藤島理沙; 大須賀拓真; 青木稚人; 葉宜慧; 村上幸祐; 貫戸明子; 高矢寿光; 中井英勝; 鈴木彩子; 辻勲; 松村謙臣 日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌 34 (Supplement 1) 357 -357 2018年08月
  • 甲斐 冴; 小谷 泰史; 佐藤 華子; 山本 貴子; 城 玲央奈; 藤島 理沙; 大須賀 拓真; 青木 稚人; 葉 宜慧; 村上 幸祐; 貫戸 明子; 高矢 寿光; 中井 英勝; 鈴木 彩子; 辻 勲; 松村 謙臣 日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌 34 (Suppl.I) 357 -357 2018年08月
  • 山中 冴; 関山 健太郎; 鈴木 悠; 松村 直子; 藤井 温子; 金本 巨万; 三木 通保; 藤原 潔 産婦人科の進歩 68 (2) 200 -200 2016年05月


  • 女子高校生における月経前症候群症状と和食摂取との関連性について 横断的検討
    甲斐 冴; 武田 卓; 吉見 佳奈
    日本女性医学学会雑誌 2021年10月 (一社)日本女性医学学会
  • 甲斐 冴; 小谷 泰史; 佐藤 華子; 山本 貴子; 城 玲央奈; 藤島 理沙; 大須賀 拓真; 青木 稚人; 葉 宜慧; 村上 幸祐; 貫戸 明子; 高矢 寿光; 中井 英勝; 鈴木 彩子; 辻 勲; 松村 謙臣
    日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌 2018年08月 (一社)日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会
  • 山中 冴; 関山 健太郎; 鈴木 悠; 松村 直子; 藤井 温子; 金本 巨万; 三木 通保; 藤原 潔
    産婦人科の進歩 2016年05月 「産婦人科の進歩」編集室
