篠原 寿広(シノハラ トシヒロ)

生物理工学部 生命情報工学科准教授

Last Updated :2024/09/14






  • 博士(工学)(東京工業大学)


  • 計測   画像計測   医用画像処理   Measurement of geometric mechanical quantities   




  • ライフサイエンス / 医用システム
  • 情報通信 / 知覚情報処理



  • 2017年 - 現在  近畿大学生物理工学部生命情報工学科准教授
  • 2015年 - 2017年  近畿大学生物理工学部システム生命科学科准教授
  • 2010年 - 2015年  近畿大学生物理工学部システム生命科学科講師
  • 2007年 - 2010年  近畿大学生物理工学部電子システム情報工学科助教
  • 2006年 - 2007年  近畿大学生物理工学部電子システム情報工学科助手


  • 2003年 - 2006年   東京工業大学   理工学研究科   機械制御システム専攻博士後期課程
  • 2001年 - 2003年   東京工業大学   理工学研究科   機械制御システム専攻博士前期課程
  • 1997年 - 2001年   東京工業大学   工学部   制御システム工学科
  •         - 2001年   東京工業大学   Faculty of Engineering



  • 2005年08月 計測自動制御学会 論文賞


  • Toshihiro Shinohara; Kosuke Murakami; Noriomi Matsumura
    Diagnostics 13 9 1596 - 1596 2023年04月 [査読有り]
    Colposcopy is an essential examination tool to identify cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), a precancerous lesion of the uterine cervix, and to sample its tissues for histological examination. In colposcopy, gynecologists visually identify the lesion highlighted by applying an acetic acid solution to the cervix using a magnifying glass. This paper proposes a deep learning method to aid the colposcopic diagnosis of CIN by segmenting lesions. In this method, to segment the lesion effectively, the colposcopic images taken before acetic acid solution application were input to the deep learning network, U-Net, for lesion segmentation with the images taken following acetic acid solution application. We conducted experiments using 30 actual colposcopic images of acetowhite epithelium, one of the representative types of CIN. As a result, it was confirmed that accuracy, precision, and F1 scores, which were 0.894, 0.837, and 0.834, respectively, were significantly better when images taken before and after acetic acid solution application were used than when only images taken after acetic acid solution application were used (0.882, 0.823, and 0.823, respectively). This result indicates that the image taken before acetic acid solution application is helpful for accurately segmenting the CIN in deep learning.
  • Noboru Nakasako; Itsuki Yamakado; Toshihiro Shinohara; Tetsuji Uebo
    ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications 13 9 897 - 905 2022年09月 [査読有り]
    Acoustic distance measurement (ADM) has been proposed as an accurate method by which to measure distances. The ADM method is based on the phase interference between the transmitted and reflected signals. However, the presence of ambient noise degrades the ranging performance. In previous studies, the noise component has been reduced by using three microphones in a noisy environment and applying independent component analysis or generating two difference signals from three observed data. The present paper describes a new, more compact, and practical method by which to reduce the ambient noise and perform ranging using only two adjacent microphones. Specifi-cally, the noise component is reduced by generating a difference signal between the two observations in a noisy environment. Then, the distance is estimated by applying the cross-spectrum method with the difference signal as the input and one of the observed signals as the output. Furthermore, the influence of noise is reduced by applying mask processing to the obtained result. The effectiveness of the proposed method was confirmed in a real room for a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of −10 dB. The results showed that the SNR for the difference signal was improved and the estimated distance agreed well with the true value, indicating the effectiveness of the proposed method.
  • Itsuki Yamakado; Toshihiro Shinohara; Tetsuji Uebo; Noboru Nakasako
    電気学会論文誌C 142 7 752 - 758 2022年07月 [査読有り]
  • Hajime Tai; Toshihiro Shinohara; Tetsuji Uebo; Noboru Nakasako
    電気学会論文誌C 141 1 61 - 67 2021年01月 [査読有り]
    Under ideal conditions with low noise, the acoustic distance measurement (ADM) method using the cross-spectrum for adjacent 2ch observations shows sufficient distance estimation performance. Increasing noise will deteriorate the distance estimation performance. To reduce noise, even if complex ICA is applied to adjacent 2ch noisy observations, sufficient separation performance for distance measurement cannot be exhibited, because the microphones are too close. Thus, if the ADM method using the cross-spectrum is applied to the separated signals of the adjacent 2ch noisy observations, an incorrect distance near 0 m is estimated because of the effect of measurement system. Therefore, by increasing the number of microphones (which increases information and can be expected to improve the separation performance), and applying complex ICA to improve the separation performance, ADM using the cross-spectrum for the new separation signals is proposed. This method enables us to obtain distance estimation that eliminates both environmental noise and the effect of the measurement system. The validity of the proposed method is also verified with the experiment of the actual distance measurement. As a result, it was found that the distance 1 m to the target can be measured under the noise of SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) -10 dB.
  • Noboru Nakasako; Hajime Tai; Toshihiro Shinohara; Tetsuji Uebo
    ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications 11 10 913 - 920 2020年 [査読有り]
    © 2020, ICIC International. All rights reserved. In various fields, the distance to a target is important information. An acoustic distance measurement (ADM) method based on interference between transmitted and reflected waves using audible sound has been proposed. Environmental noise inevitably contaminates observations, and countermeasures against noise are indispensable. Synchronous addition is a method of reducing noise, but this method requires multiple measurements, and correct results cannot be obtained if the sound environment changes. There is also an attempt to reduce noise based on independent component analysis (ICA) using two-channel (2ch) observation signals. In the present study, the goal is to perform distance estimation in a single measurement under high noise. Signal separation by complex ICA using 2ch microphones (mic’s) is less accurate when the mic’s are closer than the sampling interval. In other words, it is difficult to obtain an accurate separation result only using two mic’s. Therefore, ICA is applied to two sets of two signals among 3ch observation signals with one additional mic, and after restoring two ranging signals to the mic positions, the ADM method using the cross-spectral method is applied. Finally, in order to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method, this method is applied to an actual sound environment.
  • ChangRyung Song; 篠原寿広; 上保徹志; 中迫昇
    電気学会論文誌 C 138 10 1223‐1229(J‐STAGE)  2018年10月 [査読有り]
  • Changryung Song; Toshihiro Shinohara; Tetsuji Uebo; Noboru Nakasako
    ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications 9 899 - 906 2018年09月 [査読有り]
    © 2018, ICIC International. All rights reserved. The distance to a target is fundamental information required in many engineering applications. We have previously proposed two acoustic distance measurement (ADM) methods, one based on the phase interference between transmitted and reflected waves and the other using a cross-spectral technique. However, the former method is affected by the components of the measurement system. Furthermore, although the latter method mitigates the influence of the measurement system by applying the cross-spectral method to the recordings obtained by two-channel microphones, this method is sensitive to ambient noise. Therefore, we have also proposed a third ADM method applying the cross-spectral technique to different signals. This method estimates the distance to a target using the cross-spectrum of the actual observation and a pseudo-observation, which is the convolution of a pre-estimated impulse response and the dry source signal. Using the pseudo-observation as an input signal in the cross-spectral method makes this method robust against ambient noise. This paper presents a fundamental study on the proposed ADM method using the cross-spectrum of the actual and pseudo observations. In this study, this method was implemented in a prototype system using a microcontroller. The validity of the method was confirmed by applying it in an actual sound field, and the robustness of the prototype system in which the ADM method was implemented against noise was demonstrated.
  • Noboru Nakasako; Kohsuke Sakaguchi; Toshihiro Shinohara; Tetsuji Uebo
    ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications 9 737 - 745 2018年08月 [査読有り]
    © 2018 ICIC International. The distance to targets is fundamental information in many engineering applications. Recently, an acoustic distance measurement (ADM) method has been proposed based on the interference between transmitted and reflected waves, but this method requires the Fourier transform to be applied twice. The ADM method, in which a linear chirp for which the frequency changes linearly with time is adopted as a transmitted sound, has been proposed to reduce the number of applications of the Fourier transform to one. However, due to the influence of the transfer characteristic of a measurement system that includes a loudspeaker and a microphone, the ADM method often estimates a spurious short distance that is different from the true distance. In order to reduce the number of applications of the Fourier transform and eliminate the adverse effect of the measurement system, an ADM method that uses a Hilbert filter has been proposed. In this method, a Hilbert transform filter is used to obtain the analytic signal of a linear chirp for the cross-spectrum. Although this method can theoretically measure distances even when there are multiple targets, its feasibility has not been confirmed. The present paper describes the feasibility of the chirp-based ADM method for multiple targets. We confirmed the validity of the chirp-based ADM method for multiple targets through computer simulation and by applying the method to an actual sound field.
  • 中迫昇; 本多進哉; 篠原寿広; 上保徹志
    システム制御情報学会論文誌 30 9 339 - 346 一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会 2017年09月 [査読有り]

    The distance to a target is fundamental information in many engineering applications. Recently,an acoustic distance measurement (ADM) method has been proposed based on the interference between transmitted and reflected waves, but it requires two applications of the Fourier transform. The ADM method in which a linear chirp whose frequency changes linearly with lapse of time is adopted as a transmitted sound has been also proposed. However, due to the influence of the measuring system from the loudspeaker to the microphone, the ADM would often estimate the spurious short distance different from true distance. This paper describes a fundamental study on the ADM method by applying the cross-spectral method to observed signals of the adjacent two-channel (2ch) microphones, adopting a linear chirp as transmitted wave and removing the influence of the measuring system. More concretely, since the component of the interference of the transmitted wave and reflected wave is included in the observed signal and the interference is a function of the distance from the microphone to the target, the distance can be estimated by utilizing the interference. We confirmed the validity of the chirp-based ADM method by performing a computer simulation and by applying it to an actual sound field.

  • 本多 進哉; 篠原 寿広; 上保 徹志; 中山 雅人; 中迫 昇
    電子情報通信学会 和文論文誌A J100-A 7 295 - 298 2017年07月 [査読有り]
  • 中迫 昇; 阪口 弘資; 本多 進哉; 篠原 寿広; 上保 徹志
    電気学会論文誌C 137 11 1443 - 1444 一般社団法人 電気学会 2017年 
    <p>This paper describes a noise reduction method for acoustic distance measurement using cross spectrum between 2ch observations, constructing analytic signal based on cosine and sine linear chirp sound. Specifically, synchronous addition is applied to observed signals themselves or to their cross spectrum.</p>
  • 英慎平; 中迫昇; 中山雅人; 篠原寿広; 上保徹志
    システム制御情報学会論文誌 29 5 216‐224 - 224 一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会 2016年05月 [査読有り]
    In many engineering fields, it is very important to measure the distance and velocity of a moving target. In order to measure the distance to a stationary target, we previously proposed an Acoustic Distance Measurement (ADM) method that is based on the interference between the transmitted and reflected waves. However, due to the Doppler effect, that ADM method results in measurement errors when the target is moving. In this paper, we propose a distance and velocity estimation method for targets moving at a constant velocity; it can be used at short range, and it is based on the interference of the reflection of a single linear chirp. In particular, we introduce frame processing to the measurement of the distance to a moving target. That is, the velocity of the moving target is first estimated by considering the estimated distances in each short interval; the initial position and the distance to the moving target are then evaluated. We confirm the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method through computer simulations and experiments.
  • 中野 智史; 中迫 昇; 篠原 寿広; 上保 徹志
    電気学会論文誌. C 136 11 1551 - 1552 一般社団法人 電気学会 2016年 [査読有り]
    <p>Ultrasonic waves were very often used to measure the distance to a target. Authors proposed a distance measurement method based on phase interference between the transmitted and reflected audible sounds. This paper describes a new trail on the distance measurement using ultrasonic waves for close range by using a single transducer.</p>
  • 本多 進哉; 中迫 昇; 篠原 寿広; 上保 徹志; 中山 雅人
    電気学会論文誌. C 136 11 1525 - 1531 一般社団法人 電気学会 2016年 [査読有り]
    <p>The sound source localization problem (identifying the distance and the direction from sound source) has been important in various engineering fields and many approaches have been developed, e.g., MUSIC (MUltiple SIgnal Classification). However, they often require a microphone array with multiple microphone elements to obtain such information. Meanwhile, since the distance to a target is also important, many distance measurement methods with sound have been proposed. We proposed an acoustic distance measurement (ADM) method based on interference between transmitted and reflected waves, which could measure distance at a short range. Existing ADM methods based on interference make errors due to the measuring system from the loudspeaker to the microphone. To remove the effect of the measuring system, a cross-spectral analysis was applied to the observed wave and the pseudo-observed wave, convolving the transmitted wave with the impulse response of the measuring system a priori measured. Attaching a microphone to a target causes multiple reflections (interference between the sound source and the target). This paper describes a method based on the phase interference to estimate the distance between a sound source and a target (reflector), using a single-channel cross-spectrum between the observed and the pseudo-observed waves. The validity and effectiveness of the proposed method is confirmed through simulation and experiment.</p>
  • 鈴木 和博; 中迫 昇; 中山 雅人; 篠原 寿広; 上保 徹志
    電気学会論文誌C 135 11 1349 - 1350 2015年11月 [査読有り]
    The acoustic distance measurement(ADM) method based on phase interference has been proposed. However, it becomes difficult for ADM to measure the distance to target shorter than distance resolution. Though the principled method for close range has been also proposed by introducing analytic signal, the measurement performance was degraded by the DC component of the power spectrum. This paper describes a new trail on the ADM with 2 ch microphones for very close range measurement by estimating and removing the DC component.
  • 中迫 昇; 英 慎平; 篠原 寿広; 中山 雅人; 上保 徹志
    電気学会論文誌C 134 11 1626 - 1627 2014年11月 [査読有り]
    The distance estimation method based on interference of linear chirp sound has been proposed. However, the measurement performance was degraded by additional noise. In this paper, we expand the method to a method that is robust to noisy environments by introducing a concept of synchronous addition and spectral subtraction. Finally, we confirm the validity and effectiveness of the expanded method through experiments.
  • 鈴木 和博; 中迫 昇; 中山 雅人; 篠原 寿広; 上保 徹志; 福島 学
    電子情報通信学会論文誌A 97 4 343 - 346 2014年04月 [査読有り]
  • 中迫 昇; 篠原 寿広; 河西 慶治; 上保 徹志
    電気学会論文誌C部門 132 11 1749 - 1755 2012年 [査読有り]
    In many engineering fields, distance to target is very important information. Typical distance measurement methods use time delay between transmitted and reflected waves, but it is difficult to estimate short distance. On the other hand, a method for measuring short distances using a standing wave, which is generated by phase interference of transmitted and reflected waves, is known in the field of microwave radar. This method is given in a very simple form such that the distance between microphone and target is estimated as a peak value of the range spectrum, which can be obtained by Fourier transform of the power spectrum of the observed wave. However, since the minimum measurable distance depends on the bandwidth of the transmitted wave, the shorter distance measurement requires the wider bandwidth of the transmitted wave. This paper describes a new distance estimation method measurable from 0m based on the phase interference of transmitted and reflected audible sound. More concretely, we introduce an analytic signal instead of the power spectrum and examine the validity and effectiveness of our method by applying it to an actual sound field. © 2012 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • 中山 雅人; 中迫 昇; 篠原 寿広; 根木 佑真; 上保 徹志; 西浦 敬信
    電気学会論文誌C部門 132 11 1774 - 1775 2012年 [査読有り]
    In robot sensors and security systems, both range and velocity to a moving target are very important. In this paper, we propose a method to estimate both range and velocity based on the phase interference of subband-divided and timedelayed impulse sound to a moving target in a short range. Evaluation experiments revealed that the proposed method was valid because the proposed method was measurable both range and velocity to a moving target. © 2012 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • 中山 雅人; 中迫 昇; 篠原 寿広; 英 慎平; 上保 徹志
    電子情報通信学会論文誌 A J94-A 8 676 - 679 一般社団法人電子情報通信学会 2011年08月 [査読有り]
  • 中山 雅人; 中迫 昇; 篠原 寿広; 英 慎平; 上保 徹志
    電気学会論文誌C部門 131 11 1864 - 1870 2011年 [査読有り]
    In many engineering fields, distance to targets is very important. General distance measurement method uses a time delay between transmitted and reflected waves, but it is difficult to estimate the short distance. On the other hand, the method using phase interference to measure the short distance has been known in the field of microwave radar. Therefore, we have proposed the distance estimation method based on interference between transmitted and reflected audible sound, which can measure the distance between microphone and target with one microphone and one loudspeaker. However, the distance measurement performance of the proposed method was degraded by additional noise in noisy environment. In this paper, the acoustic distance measurement method based on the interference between the transmitted wave and the reflected waves is expanded to a noise-robust method in a noisy environment. In order to measure distance in a low-signal-to-noise ratio (low-SNR) environment, we introduce a concept from synchronous addition and spectral subtraction to the proposed method. Evaluation experiments in a real environment reveal that the proposed method was valid and effective because the proposed method could measure distance in a low-SNR environment. © 2011 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • Toshihiro Shinohara; Jun-ya Takayama; Shinji Ohyama; Akira Kobayashi
    TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL 80 7 623 - 630 2010年05月 [査読有り]
    In this paper, a novel method is proposed to extract the yarn positional information for the structure analysis of a textile fabric from its three-dimensional (3D) image obtained from its X-ray computed tomography (CT) images. In this paper, the sequence of the points on the yarn centerline is defined as the yarn positional information. The sequence is extracted by tracing the yarn. The yarn is traced using the yarn direction obtained by estimating the directions of its filaments and averaging the estimated filament directions. The filament direction is estimated by correlating the filament part in the 3D CT image with a 3D filament model. The trajectory of the yarn tracing corresponds to the yarn positional information. The validity of the proposed method is discussed by experimentally applying the proposed method to a 3D CT image of a plain knitted fabric. Furthermore, the usefulness is discussed through an experiment, in which the proposed method is applied to a 3D CT image of a plain woven fabric, which is made of a two-folded yarn.
  • 中迫 昇; 篠原 寿広; 森 淳; 上保 徹志
    騒音制御 34 2 186 - 194 日本騒音制御工学会 2010年04月 [査読有り]
  • 中山 雅人; 中迫 昇; 篠原 寿広; 上保 徹志
    電気学会論文誌C部門 130 11 14 - 2000 2010年 [査読有り]
    In many engineering fields, distance to targets is very important. General distance measurement method uses a time delay between transmitted and reflected waves, but it is difficult to estimate the short distance. On the other hand, the method using phase interference to measure the short distance has been known in the field of microwave radar. Therefore, we have proposed the distance estimation method based on interference between transmitted and reflected audible sound, which can measure the distance between microphone and target with one microphone and one loudspeaker. In this paper, we propose talker localization method based on distance estimation using phase interference. We expand the distance estimation method using phase interference into two microphones (microphone array) in order to estimate talker position. The proposed method can estimate talker position by measuring the distance and direction between target and microphone array. In addition, talker's speech is regarded as a noise in the proposed method. Therefore, we also propose combination of the proposed method and CSP (Cross-power Spectrum Phase analysis) method which is one of the DOA (Direction Of Arrival) estimation methods. We evaluated the performance of talker localization in real environments. The experimental result shows the effectiveness of the proposed method. © 2010 the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • 英 慎平; 中迫 昇; 篠原 寿広; 上保 徹志; 土田 悠太
    電気学会論文誌C部門 129 11 2027 - 2033 2009年11月 [査読有り]
  • 大亦 紀光; 中迫 昇; 篠原 寿広; 上保 徹志
    電気学会論文誌C部門 129 2 18 - 319 2009年 [査読有り]
    In many engineering fields, distance to target is very important information. As a typical method, distance is estimated by measuring time delay between transmitted and reflected waves. However, it is difficult to estimate short distance by a method like this. On the other hand, a method using standing wave to measure short distances has been known in the field of microwave radar. We have applied this method to distance estimation using audible sound and shown the validity of that through our simulations and experiments. In this paper, we present the prototype system for distance estimation in which this method is implemented, and evaluate the performance of this system by experiments in actual sound field. © 2009 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • Toshihiro Shinohara; Jun-Ya Takayama; Shinji Ohyama; Akira Kobayashi
    TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL 78 9 745 - 751 2008年09月 [査読有り]
    We propose a novel automatic weave diagram construction method from yarn positional data of woven fabric. In this work, a set of yarn positional data implies a sequence of center points of a yarn obtained using the yarn tracing method proposed in our previous study. For constructing the weave diagram, the sets of yarn positional data are first divided into warp and weft based on the gradient of a line, which approximates the yarn positional data. The intersections between warp and weft are then calculated using the approximated lines. Then the weave diagram is constructed by comparing the warp positions with the weft positions at all the intersections. The effectiveness of the automatic weave diagram construction method is confirmed by experimentally applying this method to the yarn positional data of a double-layered woven fabric.
  • Extraction of yarn positional information from three-dimensional CT image of textile fabric using a yarn model for its structure analysis
    篠原 寿広; 高山 潤也; 大山 真司; 小林 彬
    Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument 29 8 1569 - 1576 2008年08月
  • 篠原 寿広; 高山潤也; 大山真司; 小林彬
    計測自動制御学会論文集 41 11 879 - 885 The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers 2005年11月 [査読有り]
    編物の組織分解自動化のため、X線CT(Computed Tomography)を利用した編物の構造分析を行う。本論文では、従来法では分析が難しい編物を対象とする。本研究では、糸モデルとCT画像による3次元ボクセルデータとの相関を計算することで糸の方向を推定する3次元糸モデル相関法を提案する。本手法を利用することで糸を追跡し、糸心線点列を推定する。実際のネット編物に本手法を適用し、編物の糸心線点列が推定できることを確認するとともに、各糸を独立に表示した。
  • 篠原 寿広; 高山潤也; 大山真司; 小林彬
    計測自動制御学会論文集 41 11 1000 - 1007 The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers 2004年10月 [査読有り]
    In this paper, a novel method for analyzing a woven fabric structure, particularly a multi-layered one, is proposed to obtain positional information regarding each yarn of a sample woven fabric using X-ray computed tomography (CT) images. It can reconstruct a positional relationship between the yarns. The positional information is defined as a sequence of points on the center line of each yarn of the sample in this study, since the sequence can be regarded as the representative position of the yarn and robust against measurement errors. The sequence is obtained by estimating the center of the yarn cross-section of the same yarn at each of the CT images in succession. The center of the yarn cross-section is estimated by correlating the CT image with a yarn cross-sectional model. The effectiveness of the proposed method is confirmed by experimentally applying the method to CT images of a twill fabric. Furthermore, the experimental results of applying the method to CT images of a double-layered woven fabric indicate that even if this method is applied to a multi-layered woven fabric, the correct location of each yarn of the fabric can be estimated.




  • IEEE   日本音響学会   日本医用画像工学会   電子情報通信学会   計測自動制御学会   SICE   


  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    研究期間 : 2021年04月 -2024年03月 
    代表者 : 篠原 寿広
    当該研究は、「誰でも容易に超音波画像装置を扱えるようにする」ことを目指し、計測対象位置にプローブを誘導する方法の確立、および超音波画像から脂肪厚と筋肉厚の計測方法の確立を目的とする。計測は、超音波画像装置の使用に慣れていない計測対象者自身で行うことを想定し、正しい位置にプローブを当て、取得した画像から脂肪厚、筋肉厚を計測できるようにする。 上記の目的を達成するため、当該年度では、プローブを正しい位置に当てる方法およびプローブが正しく当てられているかを判別する方法を検討した。 プローブを正しい位置に当てる方法として、プローブに取り付けた赤外線カメラによる位置合わせを行った。あらかじめプローブを正しい位置に当てたときに撮影した赤外線画像をテンプレートとして、テンプレートマッチングによる正しい位置の判別を行った。赤外線の元画像は血管形状が分かりにくく、そのままでは正しい位置の判別が難しいため、赤外線画像の血管形状を強調する方法を提案した。実際の前腕上部を対象に実験を行ったところ、高精度で正しい位置を判別できることを確認した。 また、プローブが正しく当てられているかの判別は、プローブが体表に密着していなかったり、ゼリーの塗布量が少なかったりして、正しく超音波画像が得らないことを防ぐために行う。プローブが正しく当てられているかの判定には、超音波画像に対して深層学習を用いた。すなわち、あらかじめ正しくプローブが当てられたときに撮影した超音波画像とそうでない超音波画像を深層学習により学習し、その学習結果をもとにプローブが正しく当てられているかを判別する。実際の上腕前部を対象として実験を行ったところ、高精度で正しく当てられているかを判別できることを確認した。また、判別に用いる1人あたりの超音波画像枚数およびその選定方法について検討した。
  • 日本学術振興会:科研費(若手研究(B))
    研究期間 : 2008年04月 -2010年03月 
    代表者 : 篠原 寿広
    本研究は、3次元CT(Computed Tomography)画像より抽出された糸位置情報を利用した編組織自動解析による組織図作成を目的とし、「よこ編」および「たて編」を対象に「基本編目解析」方法の提案を行った。さらに提案手法の正当性の確認のため、実際のよこ編物およびたて編物に対して編組織自動解析による組織図作成実験を行い、正しく組織図を作成できることを確認した。組織図作成とはすべての編目を解析し、対応する編成記号を意匠紙に記す作業で、現在は主に手作業で行われている。
  • 3次元CT画像を利用した織編物構造分析のための糸位置情報抽出に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2006年04月 -2008年03月 
    代表者 : 篠原 寿広
  • Analysis of Textile Fabric Structure Using X-ray CT iamges

