山根 浩二(ヤマネ コウジ)

農学部 農業生産科学科教授

Last Updated :2024/09/14



植物の塩ストレス、 乾燥ストレスにおける光合成への影響、または葉緑体微細構造変化に対する影響。ダイズにおける栽培研究と湛水ストレスがダイズに及ぼす影響について。



  • 博士 (農学)(2005年03月 名古屋大学)





Researcher ID



  • 電子顕微鏡   植物   ストレス   活性酸素   作物学   


植物の塩ストレス、 乾燥ストレスにおける光合成への影響、または葉緑体微細構造変化に対する影響。ダイズにおける栽培研究と湛水ストレスがダイズに及ぼす影響について。


  • 環境・農学 / 作物生産科学



  • 2023年04月 - 現在  近畿大学農学部教授
  • 2017年04月 - 2023年03月  近畿大学農学部准教授
  • 2010年 - 2016年03月  近畿大学農学部講師


  • 2022年04月   日本作物学会   日本作物学会 英文誌編集委員会
  • 2014年04月 - 2022年03月   日本作物学会   日本作物学会紀事編集委員
  • 2018年04月 - 2020年03月   近畿作物・育種研究会   会計監査
  • 2016年04月 - 2018年03月   近畿作物・育種研究会   会計幹事



  • 2024年03月 日本作物学会 第21回日本作物学会論文賞
     Temperature tolerance threshold and mechanism of oxidative damage in the leaf of Coffea arabica ‘Typica’ under heat stress 
    受賞者: Yamane K;Nishikawa M;Hirooka Y;Iwai K;Iijima M
  • 2020年03月 日本作物学会 第17回日本作物学会論文賞
     Water supply from pearl millet by hydraulic lift can mitigate drought stress and improve productivity of rice by the close mixed planting 
    受賞者: Izumi Y;Okaichi S;Awala SK;Kawato Y;Watanabe Y;Yamane K;Iijima M
  • 2017年03月 文部科学省ナノテクプラットフォーム 文部科学省ナノテクプラットフォーム平成29年度秀でた利用成果
    受賞者: 山根浩二;大井崇生;谷口光隆;中尾知代;榎本早希子;中野美恵子;荒井重勇;山本剛久
  • 2015年03月 日本作物学会 第19回日本作物学会研究奨励賞
    受賞者: 山根浩二


  • Kawaguchi R; Suriyasak C; Matsumoto R; Sawada Y; Sakai Y; Hamaoka N; Sasaki K; Yamane K; Kato Y; Bailly C; Ishibashi Y
    Frontiers in Plant Science 14 2023年06月 [査読有り]
    Climate change due to global warming is now affecting agricultural production worldwide. In rice, one of the most important crops, water limitation due to irregular rainfall in rainfed lowlands during crop growth limits yield. Dry direct-sowing has been proposed as a water-efficient approach to cope with water stress during rice growth, but poor seedling establishment due to drought during germination and emergence is a problem. Here, we germinated indica rice cultivars Rc348 (drought tolerant) and Rc10 (drought sensitive) under osmotic stress induced by PEG to elucidate mechanisms of germination under drought. Rc348 had higher germination rate and germination index under severe osmotic stress of −1.5 MPa, above those of Rc10. Rc348 showed up-regulated GA biosynthesis, down-regulated ABA catabolism, and up-regulated α-amylase gene expression in imbibed seeds under PEG treatment compared to that of Rc10. During germination, reactive oxygen species (ROS) play important roles in antagonism between gibberellic acid (GA) and abscisic acid (ABA). Embryo of Rc348 treated with PEG had significantly greater expression of NADPH oxidase genes and higher endogenous ROS levels, together with significantly increased endogenous GA1, GA4 and ABA contents compared to that of Rc10. In aleurone layers treated with exogenous GA, expression of α-amylase genes was higher in Rc348 than in Rc10, and expression of NADPH oxidase genes was enhanced with significantly higher ROS content in Rc348, suggesting higher sensitivity of GA to ROS production and starch degradation in aleurone cells of Rc348. These results suggest that the osmotic stress tolerance of Rc348 is due to enhancement of ROS production, GA biosynthesis, and GA sensitivity, resulting in a higher germination rate under osmotic stress.
  • Yamane K; Mariyama M; Hirooka Y; Iijima M
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture 22 4 1035 - 1044 2023年04月 [査読有り]
  • Hirooka Y; Kurashige S; Yamane K; Kakiuchi M; Miyagawa T; Iwai K; Iijima M
    Weed Technology 36 5 692 - 699 2022年10月 [査読有り]
    Abstract The extensive and intensive use of herbicides has resulted in the spread of herbicide-resistant weeds in many crop production systems; therefore, it is imperative to devise new organic weed control methods. Recently, the application of spent coffee grounds (SCG) in agricultural fields has been found to inhibit plant growth and germination and is thus considered a potentially effective weed control measure. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different amounts and methods of SCG application on weed growth through field experiments. The field experiments were conducted in an upland field converted from a paddy in western Japan. The results show that the plow-in application of over 10 kg m−2 of SCG and mulching application of 20 kg m−2 decreased the weed dry weight compared with the control. In addition, the growth of weed species of families other than Gramineae, such as wingleaf primrose-willow and horseweed, was not significantly affected by SCG application. Weed species of families other than Gramineae are dominant in some upland fields. Hence, the inhibitory effect of SCG on weeds may be lower in original upland fields than in the upland field converted from paddy field that was investigated in the present study. Overall, this study demonstrated that the plow-in application of 10 kg m−2 of SCG every 4 mo was effective for weed control in an upland field converted from a paddy field. Because SCG worked against grass weeds under the specific conditions in this study, it would be valuable to explore other potential applications of this novel means of weed control.
  • Yamane K; Nishikawa M; Hirooka Y; Narita Y; Kobayashi T; Kakiuchi M; Iwai K; Iijima M
    Plant Production Science 25 3 337 - 349 2022年10月 [査読有り]
  • Iijima M; Yamashita K; Hirooka Y; Ueda Y; Yamane K; Kamimura C
    Plant Production Science 25 2 218 - 223 2022年04月 [査読有り]
  • Iijima M; Hirooka Y; Kawato Y; Shimamoto H; Yamane K; Watanabe Y
    Plant Production Science 25 2 211 - 217 2022年04月 [査読有り]
  • Hirooka Y; Kurashige S; Yamane K; Watanabe Y; Kakiuchi M; Ishikawa D; Miyagawa T; Iwai K; Iijima M
    Plant Production Science 25 2 148 - 156 2022年04月 [査読有り]
  • Yamane K; Oi T; Taniguchi M
    Protoplasma 259 1219 - 1231 2022年01月 [査読有り]
    Serial sectioning transmission electron microscopy (ssTEM) is a classical method of 3D reconstruction using serial sections obtained with an ultramicrotome. However, producing a long ribbon with homogeneity is difficult. Here, ultramicrotome movement was suspended after producing a ribbon of 15-30 serial sections (cutting intervals, 100 nm), and then, the ribbon was mounted on an individual one-slot grid. However, as this ssTEM method may include influencing factors such as incorrect intervals of section thickness and distortion of sections, which is produced by cutting sections using a diamond knife and beam interaction under TEM observation, qualitative and quantitative data on rice mesophyll cells and chloroplasts were compared with those obtained from a focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) (cutting intervals, 50 nm). No structural distortion in 3D models was observed. In addition, no significant differences in the volume and surface area were observed between the two methods. The surface to volume ratio was significantly affected by the increase in section thickness, but not the difference of methodologies. Our method was useful for observing large volumes of plant cells and organelles, leading to the identification of various sizes and types of chloroplasts. The formation of a chloroplast pocket, which is a structure surrounding other intracellular compartments, was confirmed in rice leaves grown under moderate growth conditions using the ssTEM method. As only four out of 90 chloroplasts formed pocket structures, the formation was considered to be rare under the applied moderate growth conditions.
  • Iijima M; Yamashita K; Hirooka Y; Ueda Y; Yamane K; Kamimura C
    Plant Production Science 25 1 78 - 83 2022年01月 [査読有り]
  • Yamane K; Fudano Y; Takao N; Sugiyama T; Izumi Y; Daimon H; Tsuji H; Murakami N; Iijima M
    Plant Production Science 23 4 397 - 406 2020年10月 [査読有り]
    We have investigated the effectiveness of a new soybean fertilization technique, named crack fertilization, which involves the application of nodule bacteria on biochar to soybean roots through cracks formed between planting rows during midterm tillage. In the present study, the factors and timing of crack fertilization were investigated in an upland field converted from a paddy. The variables investigated were: 1) crack formation without the application of any agricultural materials, and 2) the application of biochar or 3) nodule bacteria on biochar into cracks. The treatment periods were: 1) before sowing, 2) during midterm tillage, and 3) during both periods. The combination of crack fertilization and reduced tillage was also tested. The method of crack fertilization that increased yield was the combination of crack formation and the application of biochar, and the most effective period for the treatment was before sowing in the reduced tillage field. Seed yields in conventional and reduced tillage fields were comparable in the upland field converted from the paddy. These results suggest that the application of biochar into cracks after scratching the soil surface to remove weeds before sowing is a practical method of increasing soybean yield in upland fields converted from paddies.
  • Iijima M; Yamashita K; Hirooka Y; Ueda Y; Yamane K; Kamimura C
    Plant Production Science 23 3 366 - 373 2020年07月 [査読有り]
  • Oi T; Enomoto S; Nakao T; Arai S; Yamane K; Taniguchi M
    Annals of Botany 125 5 833 - 840 2020年04月 [査読有り]
    Abstract Background and Aims Excess salinity inhibits the metabolism of various systems and induces structural changes, especially in chloroplasts. Although the chloroplast body seems to swell under salinity stress as observed by conventional transmission electron microscopy, previous studies are limited to 2-D data and lack quantitative comparisons because specimens need to be sliced into ultrathin sections. This study shows three-dimensionally the structural changes in a whole mesophyll cell responding to salinity stress by serial sectioning with a focused ion beam scanning electron microscope (FIB-SEM) and compares the differences in chloroplast structures based on reconstructed models possessing accurate numerical voxel values. Methods Leaf blades of rice plants treated with 100 mm NaCl or without (control) for 4 d were fixed chemically and embedded in resin. The specimen blocks were sectioned and observed using the FIB-SEM, and then the sliced image stacks were reconstructed into 3-D models by image processing software. Key Results On the transverse sections of rice mesophyll cells, the chloroplasts in the control leaves appeared to be elongated meniscus lens shaped, while those in the salt-treated leaves appear to be expanded oval shaped. The 3-D models based on serial sectioning images showed that the chloroplasts in the control cells spread like sheets fitted to the shape of the cell wall and in close contact with the adjacent chloroplasts. In contrast, those in the salt-stressed cells curled up into a ball and fitted to cell protuberances without being in close contact with adjacent chloroplasts. Although the shapes of chloroplasts were clearly different between the two treatments, their volumes did not differ. Conclusions The 3-D reconstructed models of whole rice mesophyll cells indicated that chloroplasts under salt stress conditions were not swollen but became spherical without increasing their volume. This is in contrast to findings of previous studies based on 2-D images.
  • Yamane K; Oi T; Taniguchi M
    Plant Production Science 23 2 160 - 171 2020年04月 [査読有り]
  • Iijima M; Yamane K; Hirooka Y; Wada K; Okada Y; Mariyama M; Watanabe Y
    Plant Production Science 23 2 220 - 225 2020年04月 [査読有り]
  • Yamane K; Mabesa-Telosa RC; Tajima R; Banayo NPMC; Kato Y
    Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 182 1 28 - 30 2019年02月 [査読有り]
  • Awala SK*; Yamane K*; Izumi Y; Mwandemele, OD; Iijima M
    Journal of Crop Improvement 33 1 42 - 52 2019年01月 [査読有り]
    *These authors contributed equally to this work.
  • Yamane K; Oi T; Enomoto S; Nakao T; Arai S; Miyake H; Taniguchi M
    Plant Cell and Environment 41 3 563 - 575 2018年03月 [査読有り]
    We investigated the invagination structure of a chloroplast that surrounds organelles such as mitochondria and peroxisomes within a thin layer of chloroplast stroma, which is called a chloroplast pocket. In this study, chloroplast pockets were observed in rice plants subjected to salinity stress but not under moderate growth condition. They included cytosol, transparent structure, lipid bodies, mitochondria, and peroxisomes. We constructed the three-dimensional architecture of chloroplast pockets by using serial images obtained by transmission electron microscopy and focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy. Three types of chloroplast pockets were observed by transmission electron microscopy: Organelles were completely enclosed in a chloroplast pocket (enclosed type), a chloroplast pocket with a small gap in the middle part (gap type), and a chloroplast pocket with one side open (open type). Of the 70 pockets observed by serial imaging, 35 were enclosed type, and 21 and 14 were gap and open types, respectively. Mitochondria and peroxisomes were often in contact with the chloroplast pockets. Focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy revealed chloroplasts with a sheet structure partially surrounding peroxisomes. This fact suggests that chloroplasts might construct large sheet structures that would be related to the formation of chloroplast pockets.
  • Yamane K; Araki C; Watanabe Y; Iijima M
    Plant and Soil 423 1-2 397 - 410 2018年02月 [査読有り]
    Aims: Rice is often cultivated in drought-prone regions causing growth inhibition. Therefore, we investigated whether close mixed planting of rice with pearl millet would mitigate these effects. Methods: We used pot and lysimeter to evaluate whether close mixed planting with pearl millet is more effective than single-stand planting in suppressing the growth inhibition of rice (NERICA4) under drought. Results: Close mixed planting only slightly alleviated the growth inhibition of rice under drought in the pot experiment and the first year lysimeter experiment, but mitigated this in the second year lysimeter experiment due to the lower levels of competition. Deuterated water applied from the bottom of the pot and lysimeter was present at a higher concentration in the xylem sap of rice under close mixed planting than under single-stand planting, and this tendency was enhanced by drought. Partitioning of the available water between the two crops was also observed under close mixed planting, with the rice and pearl millet depending on water from the soil surface and deep soil, respectively. Conclusions: Close mixed planting with pearl millet effectively mitigates the growth inhibition of rice under drought due to the increased access to deep water and the partitioning of available water between the two crops.
  • Izumi Y; Okaichi S; Awala SK; Kawato Y; Watanabe Y; Yamane K; Iijima M
    Plant Production Science 21 1 8 - 15 2018年01月 [査読有り]
    The authors have proposed the close mixed planting technique using mixed seedlings of two different crop species that results in close tangling of their root systems. Especially, the combination of drought-adaptive upland crops (e.g. pearl millet or sorghum) and flood-adaptive lowland crop of rice would be beneficial to overcome the drought and flood conditions and to reduce the risks of crop failure. In our previous studies, we found that upland crop yield losses by flood stress was mitigated by mix-cropped rice, owing to the oxygen gas released from the rice roots into the aqueous rhizosphere. In the present study, we conducted two experiments to assess whether mixed cropping a drought-resistant cereal, pearl millet, would improve the performance of co-growing drought-susceptible crop, rice under drought conditions. In the field experiment, some grains were obtained from the rice plants mix-cropped with pearl millet under drought condition. However, no rice matured in the single cropping system. In the model experiment using deuterium analysis, it was confirmed that water absorbed by pearl millet roots from deep soil layer was utilized by rice, suggesting that mix-cropped rice could withstand drought stress and complete grain filling using water released into the upper soil layer by hydraulic lift.
  • K. Yamane; R. Garcia; K. Imayoshi; R. C. Mabesa-Telosa; N. P.M.C. Banayo; G. Vergara; A. Yamauchi; P. Sta.Cruz; Y. Kato
    Annals of Applied Biology 172 1 100 - 110 2018年01月 [査読有り]
    Dry direct-seeded rice (DSR) cultivation is widely spreading in tropical Asia, but drought and nutrient deficiency stresses often cause crop failure in rainfed lowlands. The objective of this study was to dissect the physio-morphological characteristics associated with crop establishment and early vigour of DSR under drought and P deficiency conditions in the Philippines. It was found that new drought-resistant cultivars bred for DSR (Rc348 and Rc192) had faster germination and sprout growth than popular irrigated rice cultivars (Rc222 and Rc10) under soil water deficit due to rapid moisture acquisition by the germinating seeds from drying soils. There was a significant correlation between seed moisture content and the reduction in seed dry weight, and between reduction in seed dry weight and shoot elongation under both control and drought stress treatments at the germination stage. At the seedling stage, the root growth of Rc348 under drought tended to be more vigorous with its higher root-to-shoot ratio compared to Rc222 and Rc10. The seedling vigour of Rc348 under P deficiency was also greater than that of Rc222 due to its greater root growth and P uptake. The yields of Rc348 and Rc192 grown under rainfed condition at the target drought-prone site where a dry spell of 13 days occurred during crop establishment were higher (4.0–4.1 t ha−1) than the yield of Rc10 (3.0 t ha−1). These results suggest that quick germination and seedling vigour with quick root anchorage and great nutrient uptake capacity, even with limitations of soil moisture and nutrients, would be important traits for DSR in rainfed lowlands.
  • Kito K; Yamane K; Yamamori T; Matsuhira H; Tanaka Y; Takabe T
    Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 27 1 36 - 45 2018年01月 [査読有り]
    Raffinose (sucrosylgalactoside oligosaccharide) is a water soluble carbohydrate and accumulates in response to abiotic stresses in plants. Plant raffinose synthases are poorly characterized, and the genes involved in raffinose biosynthesis are unknown in sugar beet. Here, we report the isolation of two genes encoding raffinose synthase (BvRS1 and BvRS2) as well as a gene encoding galactinol synthase (BvGolS1) from sugar beet. BvRS1 and BvRS2 show high homologies to Arabidopsis raffinose synthase AtRS5. BvRS1 and BvGolS1 were expressed in Escherichia coli. Crude extracts showed the activities of raffinose synthase and galactinol synthase. The Km values of BvRS1 for galactinol and sucrose and the Km values of BvGolS1 for UDP-galactose and myo-inositol were determined. The expression levels of BvRS1 were significantly higher than that of BvRS2. The mRNA for BvRS1 was rapidly induced by cold stress whereas the mRNA for BvRS2 was slowly induced by cold and salt stresses. These data suggest that BvRS1 and BvRS2 encode raffinose synthase genes responsible to cold and salt stress, respectively.
  • Iijima M; Hirooka Y; Kawato Y; Watanabe Y; Wada KC; Shinohara N; Nanhapo PI; Wanga MA; Yamane K
    PLANT PRODUCTION SCIENCE 20 4 434 - 440 2017年10月 [査読有り]
    Mixed cropping is a cultivation method widely practiced in tropical regions. The newly developed close mixed planting technique mitigates the flood stress of drought-adapted upland cereal species by co-growing rice (Oryza sativa) plants under field flood conditions. We tested the hypothesis that O-2 was transferred from rice to upland crops using the model system of hydroponic culture. To confirm the hypothesis, the phenomena of O-2 absorption and release by plants were evaluated in a water culture condition without soil. Experiments were conducted in a climate chamber to estimate the amount of O-2 released from the roots of rice and pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) under both O-2 rich (20.0 +/- .0% conc. in phase I) and O-2-free dark (.8 +/- .0% conc. in phase II) conditions. The total O-2 change (between the two phases) in a single planting of rice and pearl millet was significantly higher than that of the mixed planting of rice and pearl millet, which indicated that O-2 was transferred from rice to pearl millet under a water culture condition. The result indicated that approximately 7 +/-mu M O-2 g fresh root weight(-1) h(-1) was transferred between the two plant species. O 2 transfer was confirmed between the two plant species in a mix cultured in water, implying its contribution to the phenomenon that improved the physiological status of drought-adapted upland crops under field flood conditions.
  • Takao Oi; Sakiko Enomoto; Tomoyo Nakao; Shigeo Arai; Koji Yamane; Mitsutaka Taniguchi
    ANNALS OF BOTANY 120 1 21 - 28 2017年07月 [査読有り]
    Background and Aims Ultrathin sections of rice leaf blades observed two-dimensionally using a transmission electron microscope (TEM) show that the chlorenchyma is composed of lobed mesophyll cells, with intricate cell boundaries, and lined with chloroplasts. The lobed cell shape and chloroplast positioning are believed to enhance the area available for the gas exchange surface for photosynthesis in rice leaves. However, a cell image revealing the three-dimensional (3-D) ultrastructure of rice mesophyll cells has not been visualized. In this study, a whole rice mesophyll cell was observed using a focused ion beam scanning electron microscope (FIB-SEM), which provides many serial sections automatically, rapidly and correctly, thereby enabling 3-D cell structure reconstruction. Methods Rice leaf blades were fixed chemically using the method for conventional TEM observation, embedded in resin and subsequently set in the FIB-SEM chamber. Specimen blocks were sectioned transversely using the FIB, and block-face images were captured using the SEM. The sectioning and imaging were repeated overnight for 200500 slices (each 50nm thick). The resultant large-volume image stacks (x = 25 mu m, y = 25 mu m, z = 10-25 mu m) contained one or two whole mesophyll cells. The 3-D models of whole mesophyll cells were reconstructed using image processing software. Key Results The reconstructed cell models were discoid shaped with several lobes around the cell periphery. The cell shape increased the surface area, and the ratio of surface area to volume was twice that of a cylinder having the same volume. The chloroplasts occupied half the cell volume and spread as sheets along the cell lobes, covering most of the inner cell surface, with adjacent chloroplasts in close contact with each other. Conclusions Cellular and sub-cellular ultrastructures of a whole mesophyll cell in a rice leaf blade are demonstrated three-dimensionally using a FIB-SEM. The 3-D models and numerical information support the hypothesis that rice mesophyll cells enhance their CO2 absorption with increased cell surface and sheet-shaped chloroplasts.
  • Pamwenafye I. Nanhapo; Koji Yamane; Morio Iijima
    PLANT PRODUCTION SCIENCE 20 1 111 - 125 2017年01月 [査読有り]
    We investigated the alleviative effects of mixed cropping using ice plant, which is one of the saltaccumulating halophytes, on the damage and growth inhibition of cowpea, which is not tolerant to high salinity. Three cropping patterns (mono cropping of cowpea and ice plant and their combination) were tested. The plants were treated with 0, 100, 200 and 300 mM NaCl for 14 days (consecutive NaCl). The plants were also treated with NaCl for 3 days, followed by 2 weeks (shortterm recovery) and 1 month (long-term recovery) recovery. Salinity levels for short-term recovery were similar to those of the consecutive experiment, while the concentration of long-term recovery was 250 mM. The alleviative effects of mixed cropping in the consecutive NaCl experiment were observed at 200 and 300 mM NaCl. Mixed cropping significantly reduced the Na content in the cowpea leaves at 200 and 300 mM NaCl compared with mono cropping. In addition, the Na content in the soil of mix-cropped cowpea at 200 and 300 mM NaCl was statistically lower than that of the mono cropping. Mixed cropping was effective to recover from high concentration of NaCl in the experiments of short-and long-term recovery. These results indicate that mixed cropping with a halophyte could be effective in mitigating the damage and growth inhibition of a glycophyte not only under salinity but also under recovery periods.
  • Simon K. Awala; Koji Yamane; Yasuhiro Izumi; Yuichiro Fujioka; Yoshinori Watanabe; Kaede C. Wada; Yoshimasa Kawato; Osmund D. Mwandemele; Morio Iijima
    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY 80 105 - 112 2016年10月 [査読有り]
    Flash floods, erratically striking semi-arid regions, often cause field flooding and soil anoxia, resulting in crop losses on food staples, typically pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench). Recent glasshouse studies have indicated that rice (Oryza spp.) can enhance flood stress tolerance of co-growing dryland cereals by modifying their rhizosphere microenvironments via the oxygen released from its roots into the aqueous rhizosphere. We tested whether this phenomenon would be expressed under field flood conditions. The effects of mix-planting of pearl millet and sorghum with rice on their survival, growth and grain yields were evaluated under controlled field flooding in semi-arid Namibia during 2014/2015-2015/2016. Single-stand and mixed plant treatments were subjected to 11-22 day flood stress at the vegetative growth stage. Mixed planting increased plant survival rates in both pearl millet and sorghum. Grain yields of pearl millet and sorghum were reduced by flooding, in both the single-stand and mixed plant treatments, relative to the non-flooded upland yields, but the reduction was lower in the mixed plant treatments. In contrast, flooding increased rice yields. Both pearl millet rice and sorghum rice mixtures demonstrated higher land equivalent ratios, indicating a mixed planting advantage under flood conditions. These results indicate that mix-planting pearl millet and sorghum with rice could alleviate flood stress on dryland cereals. The results also suggest that with this cropping technique, rice could compensate for the dryland cereal yield losses due to field flooding. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
  • Koji Yamane; Atsuyoshi Ikoma; Morio Iijima
    PLANT PRODUCTION SCIENCE 19 4 449 - 457 2016年10月 [査読有り]
    We investigated the soybean productivity of double cropping and relay intercropping in farmer's fields for three years using two black soybean cultivars of Kurozukin and Tanbaguro, which are used for the first and second crop, respectively. Kurozukin is the early maturing cultivar for vegetable soybean harvest and Tanbaguro is the late-maturing cultivar for the harvest of vegetable soybean and seeds. The yield of the first crop (Kurozukin) was similar to the mono cropping regardless of cropping patterns. However, the yield of the second crop (Tanbaguro) was affected by cropping patterns. The yield of Tanbaguro in double cropping was prone to decrease by late sowing. The late sowing was induced by the late sowing and late harvesting of Kurozukin because of the low temperature in April and the large amount of precipitation in rainy season, respectively. In relay intercropping that Tanbaguro was sown between the rows of Kurozukin at about one month before the harvest of Kurozukin, the yield of Tanbaguro was similar to the mono cropping and the competition with Kurozukin was not observed. Thus, the land equivalent ratio value of double cropping was lower than that of relay intercropping. These results suggest that relay intercropping is more useful cultivation system than double cropping to increase the annual soybean production.
  • Koji Yamane; Morio Iijima
    PLANT PRODUCTION SCIENCE 19 3 438 - 448 2016年07月 [査読有り]
    Waterlogging is the constraint for soybean growth and yield, because soybean is often cultivated in upland fields converted from paddy in Japan. However, efficient cultivation techniques for alleviating the adverse effects have not been developed. We have proposed the new soybean cultivation technique named crack fertilization which enables yield increase due to enhancing new root growth and N acquisition by increasing nodulation. Waterlogging induces N deficiency due to the suppression of nutrient uptake by the inhibition of root growth and nodule activity. Thus, it is hypothesized that crack fertilization would be effective to alleviate the inhibition of soybean growth and yield. The soybean cultivar of Sachiyutaka was planted in 1/5000 a Wagner pots and root boxes. Two separate waterlogging treatments were imposed to soybean plants at different growth stages, V1 and R4, and crack fertilization was done at V3. After these treatments, soybean plants were sampled at R5 in 2012 and 2013 experiments, respectively. Waterlogging at V1 and R4 inhibited the growth and yield of soybean and nodule growth, and the decreases in physiological parameters of soybean such as photosynthesis, chlorophyll content, and xylem sap exudation rate were observed. The adverse effects of waterlogging at V1 were alleviated by crack fertilization at V3, whereas crack fertilization could not alleviate the adverse effects of waterlogging at R4. Thus, crack fertilization after waterlogging at early vegetative stage would be the cultivation technique that enables to alleviate the adverse effects.
  • Morio Iijima; Simon K. Awala; Yoshinori Watanabe; Yoshimasa Kawato; Yuichiro Fujioka; Koji Yamane; Kaede C. Wada
    JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 192 21 - 25 2016年03月 [査読有り]
    Recently, the occurrences of extreme flooding and drought, often in the same areas, have increased due to climate change. Wetland plant species are known to oxygenate their rhizospheres by releasing oxygen (O-2) from their roots. We tested the hypothesis that wetland species could help upland species under flood conditions; that is, O-2 released from the wetland crop roots would ameliorate rhizosphere O-2-deficient stress and hence facilitate upland crop root function. Flooding tolerance of upland-adapted staple crops-pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) mix-cropped with rice (Oryza spp.) was investigated in glasshouse and laboratory. We found a phenomenon that strengthens the flood tolerance of upland crops when two species-one wetland and one drought tolerant-were grown using the mixed cropping technique that results in close tangling of their root systems. This technique improved the photosynthetic and transpiration rates of upland crops subjected to flood stress (O-2-deficient nutrient culture). Shoot relative growth rates during the flooding period (24 days) tended to be higher under mixed cropping compared with single cropping. Radial oxygen loss from the wetland crop roots might be contributed to the phenomenon observed. Mixed cropping of wet and dryland crops is a new concept that has the potential to overcome flood stress under variable environmental conditions. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier GmbH. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
  • Morio Iijima; Toshimasa Watanabe; Tomoharu Yoshida; Michio Kawasaki; Toshiyuki Kato; Koji Yamane
    JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 178 64 - 68 2015年04月 [査読有り]
    This paper examined the route of water supply into soybean nodules through the new visualization technique of time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (Tof-SIMS) cryo system, and obtained circumstantial evidence for the water inflow route. The maximum resolution of the Tof-SIMS imaging used by this study was 1.8 mu m (defined as the three pixel step length), which allowed us to detect water movement at the cellular level. Deuterium-labeled water was supplied to soybean plants for 4 h and the presence of deuterium in soybean nodules was analyzed by the Tof-SIMS cryo system. Deuterium ions were found only in the endodermis tissue surrounding the central cylinder in soybean nodules. Neither xylem vessels nor phloem complex itself did not indicate any deuterium accumulation. Deuterium-ion counts in the endodermis tissue were not changed by girdling treatment, which restricted water movement through the phloem complex. The results strongly indicated that nodule tissues did not receive water directly from the phloem complex, but received water through root cortex apoplastic pathway from the root axis. (C) 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
  • Morio Iijima; Koji Yamane; Yasuhiro Izumi; Hiroyuki Daimon; Takayuki Motonaga
    PLANT PRODUCTION SCIENCE 18 2 197 - 208 2015年04月 [査読有り]
    Crack fertilization is a soybean cultivation technique for nodulation control in which midterm subsoiling is used to supply fertilizing materials to deep soil just before the flowering stage. This study examined the effects of fertilizing materials and the continuous application of nodulation control, on soybean yield enhancement in two field experiments. The survival of nodule bacteria in deep soil was also evaluated by a bioassay of nodule bacteria in a root box. When the nodule bacteria on biochar were continuously applied without any other chemical fertilizers for three successive years, seed weight was significantly heavier being up to 1.34 times that of the control. The application of nodulation control in the previous year but not in the experimental year did not have residual effects on seed weight. The enhancement of seed weight in a farm field converted from a paddy was much lower. This may be partly attributed to the midterm tillage practice, which destroys the crack structure after the nodulation control, together with soil water status and cultivar differences. Nodule growth and nitrogen fixation activities significantly increased in the soybean plants grown on the soil collected from the subsoil to which nodule bacteria on biochar had been applied the previous year. This suggests that nodule bacteria in the subsoil survived in the biochar habitat for at least a year after application. These results indicate that nodulation control by the crack fertilization technique leads to yield enhancement when nodule bacteria on biochar are continuously applied.
  • Koji Yamane; Mitsuaki Kono; Taiji Fukunaga; Kazuya Iwai; Rie Sekine; Yoshinori Watanabe; Morio Iijima
    PLANT PRODUCTION SCIENCE 17 1 93 - 102 2014年01月 [査読有り]
    The use of coffee grounds in crop fields were evaluated in terms of crop growth enhancement, soil improvement, and weed control during four successive cropping seasons for two years. Six summer and three winter green manure crops were grown from June 2009 to May 2011. In the first cropping season, the growth of all green manure crops was significantly inhibited by the application of 10 kg m(-2) of coffee grounds. However, the inhibitory effects spontaneously diminished after the second cropping season (about 12 months later), and the growth of guinea grass, sorghum and sunflower was about 2-fold higher than that of the control. The application of horse manure at 10 kg m(-2) effectively alleviated the inhibitory effects, even though the high concentration of coffee grounds was included. Although top dressing application of coffee grounds at 16 kg m(-2) permitted weed control, the impact maintained enough only for half a year. Coffee grounds application effectively increased both carbon and nitrogen contents of soil and reduced CN ratio. The soil amendment effects were significantly higher in terms of nitrogen enrichment and CN ratio improvement as compared with the horse manure application. These results indicated that coffee grounds are useful to enhance long term crop growth, short duration weed control, and soil improvement in agricultural fields by considering the inhibitory effects on the plant growth for half year after the application. Agricultural use of coffee grounds was also discussed in term of fallow periods in crop rotation.
  • Tetsuji Suzuki; Takeshi Ohta; Yasuhiro Izumi; Luke Kanyomeka; Osmund Mwandemele; Jun-Ichi Sakagami; Koji Yamane; Morio Iijima
    PLANT PRODUCTION SCIENCE 16 1 12 - 23 2013年01月 [査読有り]
    An appropriate combination of rice cultivar and cropping system that maximizes water use efficiency (WUE) may improve yield of rainfed lowland rice. In the paddy field, a large amount of water is consumed by evaporation during the early growth period, and it can be reduced by canopy coverage especially in semi-arid regions. Therefore, we evaluated the role of canopy coverage in WUE of rice in the early growth period in semi-arid region. A pot experiment was conducted in Namibia to investigate the genotypic and species difference in WUE, and another pot and a field experiment were conducted to investigate the effects of planting density on WUE. Although no significant difference was observed among species, the mean WUE was in the decreasing order of Oryza sativa, and Oryza glaberrima followed by the interspecific progenies including NERICA. In contrast, there was a significant difference in WUE at the genotypic level. Highly tillering genotypes such as WAB1159-2-12-11-5-1 and WITA 2 showed a high WUE. Furthermore, WUE was significantly correlated with the number of tillers (R-2 = 0.453), and higher planting density resulted in a higher WUE. In contrast, stomatal conductance had no significant correlation with WUE (R-2 = 0.081). Thus, the physical conditions affected by number of tillers and planting density had greater impacts on WUE than physiological characteristics such as stomatal conductance. The suppression of surface water evaporation by coverage was significant, probably contributing to WUE improvement. To increase WUE in semi-arid regions, we recommend the increase of canopy coverage and higher planting density.
  • Koji Yamane; Shiro Mitsuya; Mitsutaka Taniguchi; Hiroshi Miyake
    PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT 35 9 1663 - 1671 2012年09月 [査読有り]
    Chloroplast protrusions (CPs) are often observed under environmental stresses, but their role has not been elucidated. The formation of CPs was observed in the leaf of rice plants treated with 75 mm NaCl for 14 d. Some CPs were almost separated from the main chloroplast body. In some CPs, inner membrane structures and crystalline inclusions were included. Similar structures surrounded by double membranes were observed in the cytoplasm and vacuole. Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) was detected in CPs and the similar structures in the cytoplasm and vacuole. These results suggest that CP is one of the pathways of Rubisco exclusion from chloroplasts into the cytoplasm under salinity, and the exclusions could be transported to vacuole for their degradation.
  • Koji Yamane; Mitsutaka Taniguchi; Hiroshi Miyake
    PROTOPLASMA 249 2 301 - 308 2012年04月 [査読有り]
    The localization of salt-induced H2O2 accumulation in the leaves of rice was examined using 3,3-diaminobenzidine and CeCl3 staining at ultrastructure level. When the 3-week-old rice plants were affected by 100 mM NaCl for 14 days, the swelling of thylakoids and the destruction of thylakoid membranes were observed. H2O2 accumulation was also observed in the chloroplast of the leaf treated with NaCl. The electron dense products of 3,3-diaminobenzidine and CeCl3 were mainly observed especially around the swelling of thylakoids. H2O2 accumulation and any ultrastructural changes were not observed in the chloroplasts under dark condition. Furthermore, treatment with ascorbic acid suppressed both H2O2 accumulation and the changes in chloroplast ultrastructure. These results suggest that light-induced production of excess H2O2 under salinity is responsible for the changes in chloroplast ultrastructure. H2O2 accumulation was also observed in the mitochondria, peroxisomes, plasma membrane, and cell walls under light but not dark, suggesting that these organelles are also the source of H2O2 and the production is light dependent under salinity.
  • Koji Yamane; Shiro Mitsuya; Mitsutaka Taniguchi; Hiroshi Miyake
    PLANT PRODUCTION SCIENCE 13 2 164 - 168 2010年04月 [査読有り]
    We analyzed the response of transcripts corresponding to ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and catalase (CAT) under salinity in the basal region of the rice leaf, which is tolerant to salinity compared with the apical region. In the NaCl treated plants, the transcript levels of CATB, CATC, APX1, APX4, APX6 and APX7 increased. The transcript level of APX2 was comparable to that of the control, but the transcript level of APX8 was slightly decreased by salinity. The activity of dehydroascorbate reductase decreased by salinity. These results suggest that the increase in CAT activity observed in our previous study is due to the enhancement of transcript levels of CATB and CATC, and the increase in the transcript level of APX1, APX4, APX6 and APX7 may contribute to maintain APX activity under salinity. The enhancement of the enzyme activities involved in regeneration of ascorbate under salinity is needed to increase APX activity and salinity tolerance in rice plants.
  • Koji Yamane; Shiro Mitsuya; Michio Kawasaki; Mitsutaka Taniguchi; Hiroshi Miyake
    PLANT PRODUCTION SCIENCE 12 3 319 - 326 2009年07月 [査読有り]
    We investigated the mechanisms of increased sensitivity to Na+ in the apical and basal regions of the rice leaf under salinity. Three-week-old plants were created with 200 mM NaCl in hydroponic culture for 3 d. Segments 6 cm in length were obtained from the apical and basal regions of the fully expanded uppermost leaves (6th leaf blades) as old and young tissues, respectively. In the plants exposed to 200 mM NaCl, Nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) reducing activity, and H2O2 and Malondialdehyde (MDA) contents significantly increased, accompanied by the swelling of thylakoids and destruction of thylakoid membranes in the apical regions. However, no indication of oxidative damages was observed in the basal region, even though the Na+ content in the basal region was comparable to that in the apical region. In the apical region, the capacity to scavenge H2O2 was lower than that in the basal region due to decrease in the constitutive levels of ascorbate peroxidase and guaiacol peroxidase. In addition, the activities of antioxidant enzymes except superoxide dismutase and guaiacol peroxidase decreased drastically after 48 hr of exposure to NaCl. By contrast., the activities of catalase and glutathione reductase in the basal region increased compared with those in the control, and other antioxidant enzymes did not decrease under salinity during the experimental period. These results suggest that: the capacity to scavenge reactive oxygen species decreased with age, and thus the apical region of the leaf blade suffered severer damage by Na+ than the basal region.
  • Nana Yamada; Worrawat Promden; Koji Yamane; Hideto Tamagake; Takashi Hibino; Yoshito Tanaka; Teruhiro Takabe
    JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 166 18 2058 - 2070 2009年 [査読有り]
    It has been reported that glycinebetaine (betaine) is synthesized in response to abiotic stresses via a two-step oxidation of choline in which choline monooxygenase (CMO) and betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH) are involved. Here we show that significant amounts of betaine, > 20 mu mol/gFW, accumulated in young leaves of Beta vulgaris even under normal growth conditions, whereas levels in old leaves, cotyledons, hypocotyls, and roots were low. Under the same conditions, CMO accumulates exclusively in old leaves and is difficult to be detected in young leaves. By contrast, the levels of BADH were high in all tissues. Exogenously supplied choline was converted into betaine in old leaves, but levels were significantly tower in young leaves under the same conditions. When d(11)-betaine was applied exogenously to old leaves, it was translocated preferentially into young leaves and roots. In response to salt stress, betaine levels increased in all tissues, but most significantly increased in young leaves. The levels of CMO increased in various tissues, but were low in young leaves. A betaine transporter gene was isolated. Its expression was more strongly induced in old leaves than in young leaves. Based on these data, we discussed the rote of CMO and betaine transporter under stress and non-stress conditions. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
  • Koji Yamane; Michio Kawasaki; Mitsutaka Taniguchi; Hiroshi Miyake
    PLANT PRODUCTION SCIENCE 11 1 139 - 145 2008年01月 [査読有り]
    The seedlings of Oryza saliva L. cv. Nipponbare grown by hydroponic culture for 3 wks were treated with 75, 100, 150 and 200 mM NaCl for 14, 14, 6 and 3 days, respectively, and examined for chloroplast ultrastructure in the region where chlorophyll fluorescence had been recorded. NaCl treatment decreased the ratio of variable to maximum chlorophyll fluorescence yield (F(v)/F(m)) and caused swelling of thylakoids. The swelling of thylakoids was quantified by the percentage of the length of swollen thylakoids to the total length of thylakoids. This value was increased with increasing NaCl concentration. Although F(v)/F(m) decreased at all concentrations of NaCl, the minimal fluorescence yield F, was not increased by the treatment with 75 or 100 mM NaCl. The percentage of the length of swelling was low at 75 and 100 mM NaCl. On the other hand, F(0) increased and the swelling of thylakoids was prominent with 150 and 200 mM NaCl treatment. These results suggest that the decrease in F(v)/F(m) due to the increase in F(0) under salt stress correlates with the ultrastructural damage. The decrease in F(v)/F(m) due to the increase in F(0) is expected to be useful as an indicator to evaluate the damage in chloroplasts, especially in thylakoid membranes, under salinity.
  • Koji Yamane; Md. Shahidur Rahman; Michio Kawasaki; Mitsutaka Taniguchi; Hiroshi Miyake
    Plant Production Science 7 4 435 - 441 2004年12月 [査読有り]
    We investigated the effects of pretreatment with a low concentration of methyl viologen (MV) on the salinity-induced chloroplast degeneration in rice seedlings. The seedlings grown in hydroponic culture containing nutrient solution for 3 wks were treated with 100 nM MV mixed in the hydroponic culture for 3 days, and then with 200 mM NaCl without MV for 3 days. In the plants without MV pretreatment, the chlorophyll content drastically decreased during the NaCl treatment accompanied by swelling of thylakoids and destruction of thylakoid membranes. These damages were alleviated by the pretreatment with MV. The activities of CuZn-SOD and Fe-SOD, which localize in chloroplasts, increased under salt stress in both plants with and without MV pretreatment. In the plants under salt stress without MV pretreatment, ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity did not differ from that of control. However, in MV-pretreated plants, APX activity under salt stress was about 1.2- to 1.3-fold higher than that of the control. Catalase (CAT) activity in NaCl treated plants was decreased to 52% of the control and the reduction in CAT activity was suppressed by MV pretreatment. These results suggest that MV reduced the damages by salt stress in chloroplasts by increasing APX activity and preventing the decrease in CAT activity.
  • Koji Yamane; Md. Shahidur Rahman; Michio Kawasaki; Mitsutaka Taniguchi; Hiroshi Miyake
    Plant Production Science 7 3 292 - 300 2004年09月 [査読有り]
    We investigated the kinds of active oxygen species leading to the destruction of chloroplast ultrastructure in salt-stressed rice plants. After the seedlings were grown for 3 wks, leaf segments (5 mm square) were cut from the middle portion of the 5th leaves. Leaf segments were incubated in 200 mM NaCl under dark or light conditions for 24 hr. The chlorophyll content in the leaf segments drastically decreased in light between 12- and 24 hr in 200 mM NaCl, but, no reduction was observed in the dark. In electron microscopic studies, 200 mM NaCl caused swelling of thylakoids and destruction of thylakoid membranes in light. On the other hand, no ultrastructural changes were observed under dark condition. In one experiment, leaf segments were incubated in 200 mM NaCl for 24 hr in light after preincubation with antioxidants for 12 hr in light. Pretreatment with ascorbate and benzoate, which scavenge H 2O2 and •OH, respectively, effectively suppressed the reduction of chlorophyll content and the destruction of chloroplasts by NaCl in light. However, Tiron and DABCO, which scavenge O2- and 1O2, respectively, could not suppress the effects of salt stress in light. Fe-SOD activity was increased about eight time by salt stress (200 mM NaCl), but, catalase activity was reduced to 69% of the control and ascorbate peroxidase activity was not affected by NaCl. These results suggested that salt-induced injury in chloroplasts is dependent on light, and that H 2O2 and •OH are responsible for the deleterious effects of salt stress on chlorophyll content and chloroplast ultrastructure.
  • K Yamane; K Hayakawa; M Kawasaki; M Taniguchi; H Miyake
    JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 160 11 1319 - 1327 2003年11月 [査読有り]
    We investigated the effects of drought stress on the ultrastructure of chloroplasts in rice plants, After the seedlings were grown in a glasshouse for 1 month, they were treated for drought stress using two methods. One drought treatment was imposed by reducing the water supply to the plants for 1 month. The other was imposed by withholding water for 2 weeks to examine the withering process of leaves by drought stress. The ultrastructural changes of chloroplasts in bundle sheath cells were more prominent than those in mesophyll cells under both drought stress treatments. Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco) content in bundle sheath chloroplasts reduced more dramatically than in mesophyll chloroplasts by drought stress. Although a slight swelling of thylakoids was sometimes observed in bundle sheath chloroplasts in moderate stress for 1 month, the thylakoids were less affected by drought stress than chloroplast envelope. These results suggest that chloroplasts in bundle sheath cells were more sensitive to drought stress than those in mesophyll cells and the thylakoids were less damaged by drought stress compared with chloroplast envelope.
  • K Yamane; M Kawasaki; M Taniguchi; H Miyake
    JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 160 5 573 - 575 2003年05月 [査読有り]
    Ionic and osmotic effects of salinity on the ultrastructure of chloroplasts in salt-treated rice seedlings were investigated. After rice seedlings were grown in hydroponic culture for three weeks, they were treated with NaCl and polyethylene glycol (PEG) 4000 both at a water potential of -1.0 MPa for 3 days. The most notable difference in ultrastructural change between NaCl and PEG treatment was observed in the damage in chloroplast membranes. NaCl induced swelling of thylakoids and caused only a slight destruction of the chloroplast envelope. PEG caused severe destruction of the chloroplast envelope compared with NaCl, however thylakoids did not swell. Our observations suggested that in salt-treated rice plants, the ionic effects induced swelling of thylakoids and the osmotic effects caused the destruction of chloroplast envelope.




  • 塩ストレス下におけるイネ葉肉細胞内のオルガネラ間の協調関係と耐塩性との関係
    山根 浩二; 大井 崇生; 谷口 光隆
    第253回日本作物学会講演会 2022年03月 シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(指名)
  • ウルトラファインバブル灌漑によるコーヒーの土壌乾燥ストレス緩和
    元村 真歩; 廣岡 義博; 山根 浩二; 坂田 衛星; 飯嶋 盛雄
    第253回日本作物学会講演会 2022年03月 ポスター発表
  • The effect of ultra-fine bubble on soybean growth under osmotic stress condition  [通常講演]
    Yamashita K; Hirooka Y; Ueda Y; Yamane K; Kamimura C; Iijima M
    10th Asian Crop Science Association Conference 2021年09月 ポスター発表
  • ウルトラファインバブルが乾燥ストレス環境下におけるコーヒー生育に及ぼす影響
    元村 真歩; 廣岡 義博; 山根 浩二; 上田 義勝; 上村 親士; 飯嶋 盛雄
    第250回日本作物学会講演会 2020年09月 ポスター発表
  • 接触混植された作物の生育に及ぼすウルトラファインバブルの影響
    飯嶋 盛雄; 山下 海斗; 山本 一輝; 廣岡 義博; 山根 浩二; 上田 義勝; 上村 親士
    第250回日本作物学会講演会 2020年09月 口頭発表(一般)
  • 山根浩二
    Biomacromolecular RIKEN Seminar 2020年07月 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • コーヒー抽出残渣の作物生育阻害作用の克服
    西野 大暉; 廣岡 義博; 山根 浩二; 福永 泰司; 岩井 和也; 成田 優作; 小林 司; 垣内 美紗子; 高畑 理; 飯嶋 盛雄
    第249回日本作物学会講演会 2020年03月 ポスター発表
  • コーヒー (Coffea arabica) 個体における高温障害発現機構の解明
    西川 萌菜; 山根 浩二; 廣岡 義博; 福永 泰司; 岩井 和也; 成田 優作; 小林 司; 垣内 美紗子; 高畑 理; 飯嶋 盛雄
    第249回日本作物学会講演会 2020年03月 ポスター発表
  • 亀裂施肥によるダイズの湿害緩和の要因解明
    須浪 章裕; 廣岡 義博; 山根 浩二; 飯嶋 盛雄
    第249回日本作物学会講演会 2020年03月 ポスター発表
  • イネとアイスプラントの接触混植による塩と湛水の複合ストレス緩和効果
    春名 啓介; 山根 浩二; 廣岡 義博; Nanhapo Pamwenafye I; 飯嶋 盛雄
    第249回日本作物学会講演会 2020年03月 ポスター発表
  • ウルトラファインバブルが作物生育に及ぼす影響
    山下 海斗; 廣岡 義博; 上田 義勝; 山根 浩二; 上村 親士; 飯嶋 盛雄
    第249回日本作物学会講演会 2020年02月 口頭発表(一般)
  • 連続切片TEM法を用いたイネ葉肉細胞内のオルガネラの3D解析  [招待講演]
    山根浩二; 大井孝雄; 谷口光隆
    第10回植物電顕若手ワークショップ 2019年11月 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • ダイズ/イネ接触混植におけるイネの適正個体数  [通常講演]
    米谷拓朗; 廣岡義博; 山根浩二; 飯嶋 盛雄
    第248回日本作物学会 2019年09月 ポスター発表
  • コーヒー抽出残渣のマルチ施用が作物・雑草生育に与える影響  [通常講演]
    倉重真太郎; 廣岡義博; 山根浩二; 成田優作; 小林司; 垣内美紗子; 福永泰司; 飯嶋盛雄
    第248回日本作物学会 2019年09月 ポスター発表
  • ウルトラファインバブルが作物生育に及ぼす影響:水耕栽培条件での作物種間比較  [通常講演]
    山下海斗; 廣岡義博; 上田義勝; 山根浩二; 上村親士; 飯嶋盛雄
    第248回日本作物学会 2019年09月 口頭発表(一般)
  • ウルトラファインバブルが作物生育に及ぼす影響:栄養・溶存酸素・攪拌条件の違いによる水耕栽培ダイズ幼苗の生育  [通常講演]
    飯嶋盛雄; 山下海斗; 廣岡義博; 上田義勝; 山根 浩二; 上村親士
    第248回日本作物学会 2019年09月 口頭発表(一般)
  • 連続切片法で広がる光学・電子顕微鏡観察の可能性:葉組織・細胞の三次元解析の例  [通常講演]
    大井崇生; 山根浩二; 谷口光隆
    日本植物学会第83回大会 2019年09月 シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(指名)
  • 連続切片法による植物細胞の内部微細構造の三次元観察と3D模型による立体像把握  [通常講演]
    大井崇生; 谷口光隆; 榎本早希子; 中尾知代; 荒井重勇; 小田昌宏; 森健策; 山根浩二
    日本顕微鏡学会 第75回学術講演会 2019年06月 ポスター発表
  • 光合成細胞内オルガネラの立体配置  [通常講演]
    大井崇生; 山根浩二; 谷口光隆
    第247回日本作物学会 2019年03月 シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(公募)
  • ストレスに伴う葉緑体形態変化の生理的意義  [通常講演]
    山根浩二; 大井崇生; 谷口光隆
    第247回日本作物学会 2019年03月 シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(指名)
  • コーヒー抽出残渣の作物生育効果の克服: 耐性種の探索と残渣処理  [通常講演]
    西野大暉; 廣岡義博; 山根浩二; 成田優作; 小林司; 垣内美沙子; 福永泰司; 飯嶋盛雄
    第247回日本作物学会 2019年03月 口頭発表(一般)
  • コーヒー (Coffea arabica)における高温・低温耐性評価の試み  [通常講演]
    西川萌菜; 山根浩二; 廣岡義博; 成田優作; 小林司; 垣内美沙子; 福永泰司; 飯嶋盛雄
    第247回日本作物学会 2019年03月 ポスター発表
  • 接触混植はイネの塩ストレスとアイスプラントの湛水ストレスの両者とも緩和した  [通常講演]
    春名 啓介; 山根 浩二; 廣岡 義博; 飯嶋 盛雄
    第246回日本作物学会 2018年09月 ポスター発表
  • 亀裂施肥によるダイズの耐湿性強化  [通常講演]
    飯嶋 盛雄; 泉 泰弘; 山根 浩二; 廣岡 義博
    第246回日本作物学会 2018年09月 口頭発表(一般)
  • イネ科植物における維管束鞘葉緑体の細胞内配置と形状の三次元解析  [通常講演]
    大井崇生; 山根浩二; 谷口光隆
    第245回日本作物学会 2018年03月 口頭発表(一般)
  • イネとの接触混植による大豆の耐湿性強化:圃場と水耕栽培による生理指標の検討  [通常講演]
    島本雅之; 廣岡義博; 渡邉芳倫; 山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    第245回日本作物学会 2018年03月 ポスター発表
  • イネとの接触混植によるダイズの耐湿性強化  [通常講演]
    飯嶋盛雄; 川戸良将; 島本雅之; 山根浩二; 廣岡義博; 渡邉芳倫
    第244回日本作物学会 2017年09月 口頭発表(一般)
  • ダイズの幼植物体における根接ぎ技術の開発  [通常講演]
    篠原和; 廣岡義博; 和田楓; 山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    第244回日本作物学会 2017年09月 口頭発表(一般)
  • Exploration of suitable rice cultivars for close mixed planting with upland-adapted cereal crop  [通常講演]
    Shinohara, N; Shimamoto, H; Kawato, Y; Wanga, A. M; Hirooka, Y; Yamane, K; Iijima, M
    9th Asian Crop Science Association Conference 2017年06月 ポスター発表
  • Drought stress mitigation on sorghum by the close mixed-planting with pearl millet  [通常講演]
    Wanga, M.A; Kawato, Y; Shimamoto, H; Hirooka, Y; Yamane, K; Iijima, M
    第243回日本作物学会 2017年03月 口頭発表(一般)
  • Flooding mitigation for cowpea by the close mixed-planting with rice in the paddy field  [通常講演]
    Nanhapo, P.L; Yamane, K; Wanga, M.A; Kawato, Y; Iijima M
    第243回日本作物学会 2017年03月 口頭発表(一般)
  • イネ葉肉細胞葉緑体の塩ストレスに伴う形態変化の三次元解析  [通常講演]
    大井崇生; 榎本早希子; 中尾知代; 荒井重勇; 山根浩二; 谷口光隆
    第243回日本作物学会 2017年03月 口頭発表(一般)
  • イネ根圏における酸素放出能の品種間比較  [通常講演]
    篠原和; 島本雅之; 川戸良将; Maliata A. Wanga; 廣岡義博; 山根浩二; 飯嶋 盛雄
    第243回日本作物学会 2017年03月 ポスター発表
  • イネ/トウジンビエ混植作物間での根を介した酸素の受け渡しの評価  [通常講演]
    川戸良将; Maliata A. Wanga; 篠原和; Pamwenafye I. Nanhapo; 渡邊芳倫; 和田楓; 山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    第242回日本作物学会 2016年09月 口頭発表(一般)
  • 根冠除去と根端切断処理によるダイズとトウモロコシの湿害緩和効果  [通常講演]
    鞠山未貴; 山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    第242回日本作物学会 2016年09月 口頭発表(一般)
  • アイスプラントとの混植によるササゲの塩ストレス緩和効果  [通常講演]
    Pamwenafye I. Nanhapo; 山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    第242回日本作物学会 2016年09月 口頭発表(一般)
  • 混作による湛水ストレス緩和能力のイネ品種間差  [通常講演]
    Maliata A. Wanga; 篠原和; 川戸良将; 山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    第242回日本作物学会 2016年09月 ポスター発表
  • 水ストレス条件下における作物の生育と水分生理に及ぼす混作の効果  [通常講演]
    岡市真治; 泉泰弘; Simon AWALA; 山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    第242回日本作物学会 2016年09月 ポスター発表
  • 三次元再構築法を用いた塩ストレスに伴うイネ葉肉細胞の微細構造変化の観察  [通常講演]
    大井崇生; 小田昌宏; 森健策; 山根浩二; 谷口光隆
    第242回日本作物学会 2016年09月 口頭発表(一般)
  • FIB-SEMによる植物試料観察:イネ葉肉細胞の三次元微細構造解析  [通常講演]
    大井崇生; 榎本早希子; 中尾知代; 山根浩二; 荒井重勇; 谷口光隆
    日本顕微鏡学会第72回学術講演会 2016年06月 口頭発表(一般)
  • フィリピンの天水田用イネ新品種の乾燥ストレス耐性に関する研究  [通常講演]
    山根浩二; Ricardo Garcia・Ranee; C; Mabesa-Telosa・Niño; PMC Banayo; 加藤洋一郎
    第241回日本作物学会 2016年03月 口頭発表(一般)
  • FIB-SEMによる次世代形態観察法: イネ葉肉細胞の三次元微細構造解析  [通常講演]
    大井崇生; 榎本早希子; 中尾知代; 山根浩二; 荒井重勇; 谷口光隆
    第241回日本作物学会 2016年03月 口頭発表(一般)
  • イネと雑穀との混作栽培に関する日本とナミビアにおける圃場評価:洪水ストレスを受けた雑穀の生存率と収量  [通常講演]
    Simon Awala; 泉泰弘; 藤岡悠一郎; 渡邊芳倫; 山根浩二; 和田楓; 川戸良将; Osmund Mwandemele; 飯嶋盛雄
    第241回日本作物学会 2016年03月 ポスター発表
  • イネ-トウジンビエ混作栽培における水利用効率の検討  [通常講演]
    岡市真治; 山根浩二; 泉泰弘; 飯嶋盛雄
    第241回日本作物学会 2016年03月 ポスター発表
  • イネ/トウジンビエ混作における根の酸素消費特性: 開放系における経時的変化  [通常講演]
    川戸良将; 渡邊芳倫; 藤岡悠一郎; 山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    第240回日本作物学会 2016年03月 ポスター発表
  • 混作による乾燥ストレスの回避:トウジンビエからイネへの水の受け渡し  [通常講演]
    川戸良将; 渡邊芳倫; 山根浩二; 泉泰弘; 飯嶋盛雄
    第241回日本作物学会 2015年09月 ポスター発表
  • ナミビア北中部におけるイネ・雑穀混作栽培試験:トウジンビエとモロコシの短期湛水ストレス条件下における生存  [通常講演]
    Simon Awala; 泉泰弘; 藤岡悠一郎; 山根浩二; Osmund Mwandemele; 飯嶋盛雄
    第240回日本作物学会 2015年09月 ポスター発表
  • FIB-SEMによるイネ葉肉細胞の三次元構造解析  [通常講演]
    大井崇生; 榎本早希子; 中尾知代; 谷口光隆; 山根浩二; 荒井重勇
    日本植物形態学会第27回総会・大会 2015年09月 口頭発表(一般)
  • 塩ストレス下におけるイネの葉緑体微細構造変化とその生理的意義に関する研究  [通常講演]
    第239回日本作物学会 2015年03月 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • 不耕起条件下におけるダイズ根粒着生制御: 水田転換畑における多段式亀裂形成, 炭, 根粒菌投与が収量に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    札埜 喜嗣; 杉山 高世; 大門 弘幸; 泉 泰弘; 山根 浩二; 飯嶋 盛雄
    第239回日本作物学会 2015年03月 ポスター発表
  • 葉緑体Stromuleは塩ストレス下におけるオルガネラを含む葉緑体陥入構造の形成に関与している  [通常講演]
    山根浩二; 大井崇生; 谷口光隆; 三宅博
    第238回日本作物学会 2014年09月 口頭発表(一般)
  • トウモロコシ根におけるRoot Graftingの観察  [通常講演]
    岡田泰史; 渡邊芳倫; 山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    第238回日本作物学会 2014年09月 ポスター発表
  • 亀裂施肥はダイズが生育初期に受けた湿害を緩和する効果がある  [通常講演]
    山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    第237回日本作物学会 2014年03月 口頭発表(一般)
  • イネ-トウジンビエ混作栽培における作物の水利用特性: ライシメーター法による深層水依存率と水利用効率の検討  [通常講演]
    荒木千絵; 山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    第237回日本作物学会 2014年03月 口頭発表(一般)
  • 貧栄養条件下のトウジンビエ/ササゲ混作における養分競合: 有機肥料由来窒素の利用効率  [通常講演]
    渡邊芳倫; Awala Simon K; Nanhapo Pamwenafye I; Mwandemele Osmund O; 山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    第237回日本作物学会 2014年03月 ポスター発表
  • イネ-トウジンビエ混作条件における作物の水利用特性: ポット栽培による表層水と深層水依存率の同時検討  [通常講演]
    岡市真治; 荒木千絵; 山根浩二; 渡邊芳倫; 飯嶋盛雄
    第237回日本作物学会 2014年03月 ポスター発表
  • 亀裂処理によるダイズ湿害軽減効果の検討  [通常講演]
    山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    第236回日本作物学会 2013年09月 口頭発表(一般)
  • 塩ストレス下で観察されるChloroplast protrusionはルビスコの細胞質基質への排出に関与している  [通常講演]
    山根浩二; 大井崇生; 三屋史朗; 谷口光隆; 三宅博
    第236回日本作物学会 2013年09月 口頭発表(一般)
  • ダイズ多段式根粒着生制御が根粒着生と収量に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    高尾暢之; 泉泰弘; 山根浩二; 大門弘幸; 飯嶋盛雄
    第236回日本作物学会 2013年09月 ポスター発表
  • ナミビア北中部の傾斜実験圃場による混作栽培:湛水ストレス下におけるトウジンビエ、モロコシ、イネの成長  [通常講演]
    Simon Awala; 泉泰弘; 藤岡悠一郎; 山根浩二; Osmund Mwandemele; 飯嶋盛雄
    第236回日本作物学会 2013年09月 ポスター発表
  • 乾燥、塩、濁冠水ストレスに対するアジアイネ、アフリカイネおよびネリカを含む種間交雑系統の耐性評価  [通常講演]
    岡崎勇樹; Cisse Amara; 泉泰弘; 坂上潤一; 山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    近畿作物・育種研究会第175回例会 2013年07月 口頭発表(一般)
  • イネ-トウジンビエ混作条件下における作物の水源と水分生理に及ぼす土壌水ストレスの影響  [通常講演]
    荒木千絵; 渡邊芳倫; 山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    第235回日本作物学 2013年03月 ポスター発表
  • 寒冷地におけるダイズの根粒着生制御の可能性  [通常講演]
    高尾暢之; 辻博之; 村上則幸; 林怜史; 杉山高世; 泉泰弘; 山根浩二; 大門弘幸; 飯嶋盛雄
    第235回日本作物学会 2013年03月 ポスター発表
  • 土壌の水ストレスがイネ-雑穀混作に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    荒木千絵; 山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    第234回日本作物学会 2012年09月 ポスター発表
  • 塩ストレスがイネ-雑穀混作に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    岡崎勇樹; 山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    第234回日本作物学会 2012年09月 ポスター発表
  • ダイズの根粒着生制御:水田転換畑における摘心・表層追肥との複合効果  [通常講演]
    道端真沙; 杉山高世; 上田直也; 大門弘幸; 泉泰弘; 山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    第234回日本作物学会 2012年09月 ポスター発表
  • ダイズの根粒着生制御:水田転換畑における施肥資材の検討  [通常講演]
    元永崇之; 山根浩二; 大門弘幸; 泉泰弘; 飯嶋盛雄
    第234回日本作物学会 2012年09月 ポスター発表
  • ダイズの根粒着生制御:不耕起による増収効果と経年効果  [通常講演]
    泉泰弘; 稲葉奈津希; 山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    第234回日本作物学会 2012年09月 ポスター発表
  • ダイズの根粒着生制御:施肥資材による増収効果と経年効果  [通常講演]
    飯嶋盛雄; 元永崇之; 山根浩二; 大門弘幸; 泉泰弘
    第233回日本作物学会 2012年03月 ポスター発表
  • 黒ダイズにおける間作栽培の意義:二期作との比較  [通常講演]
    山根浩二; 生駒篤祥; 西岡秀明; 飯嶋盛雄
    第233回日本作物学会 2012年03月 ポスター発表
  • 塩ストレス下におけるイネ葉緑体内の過酸化水素の局在  [通常講演]
    山根浩二; 谷口光隆; 三宅博
    第233回日本作物学会 2012年03月 口頭発表(一般)
  • 根箱法によるNERICA根系発達の検討:とくに乾燥ストレス耐性評価  [通常講演]
    林剛志; 泉泰弘; 鈴木哲司; 坂上潤一; 山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    第232回日本作物学会 2011年09月 ポスター発表
  • 黒ダイズにおける間作と二期作体系の検討  [通常講演]
    生駒篤祥; 西岡秀明; 山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    第232回日本作物学会 2011年09月 口頭発表(一般)
  • コーヒー抽出残渣と有機質資材の混合施用が作物生育と土壌の化学性に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    河野充晃; 岩井和也; 福永泰司; 山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    第232回日本作物学会 2011年09月 ポスター発表
  • コーヒー抽出残渣施用が雑草と緑肥作物生育に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    山根浩二; 河野充晃; 岩井和也; 福永泰司; 飯嶋盛雄
    第232回日本作物学会 2011年09月 ポスター発表
  • アジアイネとアフリカイネは貧栄養ストレスに対して異なる生育反応を示した  [通常講演]
    Petrus Ausiku・Amara Cisse; 吉鶴孝志; 泉泰弘; 鈴木哲司; 林剛志・Luke Kanyomeka・Osmund Mwandemele; 坂上潤一; 山根浩二; 飯嶋盛雄
    第231回日本作物学会 2011年03月 ポスター発表
  • アフリカイネ, アジアイネおよびネリカを含む種間交雑系統の濁冠水ストレス耐性  [通常講演]
    Amara Cisse; 泉泰弘; 山根浩二; 坂上潤一; 飯嶋盛雄
    第230回日本作物学会 2010年09月 口頭発表(一般)
  • 亀裂施肥によるダイズの根粒着生制御:投入資材が窒素固定に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    竹内洸貴; 泉泰弘; 大門弘幸; 山根 浩二; 飯嶋 盛雄
    第230回日本作物学会 2010年09月 ポスター発表
  • 甜菜の適合溶質およびイオン蓄積の制御機構  [通常講演]
    山田奈々; 山根浩二; 日比野隆; 田中義人; 玉掛秀人; 高倍昭洋
    第49回日本植物生理学会 2008年03月 口頭発表(一般)
  • Functional analysis of plasma membrane protein 3 (PMP3) homologs in salt tolerance of rice and Arabidopsis plants.  [通常講演]
    Mitsuya, S; Yamane, K; Miyake, H; Takabe, T
    The 2nd International Conference on Rice for the Future 2007年11月 ポスター発表
  • Antioxidant capacity and damages caused by salinity stress in the leaf tissues with different age in rice plants (Oryza sativa L.).  [通常講演]
    Yamane, K; Mitsuya, S; Kawasaki, M; Taniguchi, M; Miyake, H
    The 2nd International Conference on Rice for the Future. 2007年11月 ポスター発表
  • 塩ストレスが引き起こすイネ葉緑体微細構造変化とクロロフィル蛍光変化の関係  [通常講演]
    山根浩二; 川崎通夫; 谷口光隆; 三宅博
    第222回日本作物学会 2006年10月 ポスター発表
  • 塩ストレスによるイネ葉緑体微細構造変化とクロロフィル蛍光変化の関係  [通常講演]
    山根浩二; 川崎通夫; 谷口光隆; 三宅博
    第137回日本作物学会中部支部会 2006年09月 口頭発表(一般)
  • 組織の齢の違いが塩ストレス下における抗酸化酵素活性に及ぼす影響.  [通常講演]
    山根浩二; 川崎通夫; 谷口光隆; 三宅博
    第47回日本植物生理学会年会 2006年03月 ポスター発表
  • 塩ストレスがイネ葉身基部・先端部の抗酸化酵素活性に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    山根浩二; 川崎通夫; 谷口光隆; 三宅博
    第220回日本作物学会 2005年09月 ポスター発表
  • 塩ストレス下におけるイネ葉緑体の構造変化に関する研究  [通常講演]
    山根浩二; 川崎通夫; 谷口光隆; 三宅博
    第46回植物生理学会年会 2005年03月 ポスター発表
  • 抗酸化剤前処理がイネ葉緑体の塩ストレス障害に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    山根浩二; 川崎通夫; 谷口光隆; 三宅博
    第218回日本作物学会 2004年10月 ポスター発表
  • Light dependency of salinity-induced chloroplast damages.  [通常講演]
    Mitsuya, S; Yamane, K; Kawasaki, M; Taniguchi, M; Miyake, H
    4th International Crop Science Congress 2004年09月 ポスター発表
  • Salinity-induced chloroplast damages in rice leaves (Oryza sativa L.) are reduced by pretreatment with methyl viologen  [通常講演]
    Yamane, K; Mitsuya, S; Kawasaki, M; Taniguchi, M; Miyake, H
    4th International Crop Science Congress 2004年09月 ポスター発表
  • メチルビオロゲン前処理がイネの葉緑体の塩ストレス障害に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    山根浩二; 川崎通夫; 谷口光隆; 三宅博
    第216回日本作物学会 2003年09月 ポスター発表
  • 塩ストレスにおけるイオンおよび浸透圧がイネの葉緑体に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    山根浩二; 川崎通夫; 谷口光隆; 三宅博
    第214回日本作物学会 2002年08月 口頭発表(一般)
  • 塩ストレスがイネの葉の抗酸化酵素に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    山根浩二; 川崎通夫; 谷口光隆; 三宅博
    第212回日本作物学会 2001年09月 口頭発表(一般)


  • 日本植物形態学会   日本植物生理学会   日本作物学会   


  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2021年04月 -2024年03月 
    代表者 : 山根 浩二, 大井崇生
    イネの塩感受性品種の日本晴と耐塩性品種であるPokkaliを用い、3週齢の個体に100 mMのNaClストレスを4日間処理した植物体を用いて電子顕微鏡固定を実施した。それぞれの品種において、対照区と塩処理区のサンプルを用い、150 nm間隔で1500枚程度の連続切片をカバーガラス6~7枚に分けて回収した。この連続切片を用いて、維管束鞘細胞を含む維管束周辺の連続画像を卓上SEM (TM4000, Hitachi)で撮影した。 日本晴とPokkaliの対照区の観察を行ったところ、維管束鞘細胞の中には多数の葉緑体が確認でき、維管束とは逆側の細胞壁に沿って配置されていた。さらに、維管束鞘葉緑体が配置されている部分には葉肉細胞が隣接しておらず、維管束鞘葉緑体の大部分は細胞間隙に面するように配置されていた。そのため、二酸化炭素を積極的に吸収できる配置になっていることが予想された。ミトコンドリアは、維管束鞘葉緑体と膜接触するように配置されるとともに、維管束側の細胞壁にも配置されており、維管束側のアポプラストに物質を搬出するためのエネルギー源になっていることが予想された。 維管束鞘細胞の内側には、一層の柔細胞が確認できた。内部にはチラコイド膜を有する色素体やミトコンドリアが多数確認できた。この柔細胞において、道管の横に隣接する細胞だけが、他の柔細胞よりも細胞質が密でミトコンドリアが多く存在していた。さらに、道管には二次壁が発達しているが、この密な柔細胞との間だけ、部分的に二次壁の肥厚が見られず、それに対応して柔細胞側の細胞壁も薄くなって壁孔を形成していた。道管と隣接する維管束鞘細胞との間には、これらの構造は見られなかったことから、この密になっている柔細胞が、水や無機塩類の通過に対して重要な役割を担っている可能性が示唆された。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B))
    研究期間 : 2019年10月 -2023年03月 
    代表者 : 飯嶋 盛雄; 庄司 浩一; 山根 浩二; 廣岡 義博
    気候変動による水環境の極端化は、すでに半乾燥地では顕在化しており、日本のような温帯圏でも、近い将来、頻発することが予想できる。本研究では、代表者らが開発途上の独自の栽培概念、接触混植と亀裂施肥という2 つの考え方を応用することにより、洪水と干ばつの両者に対応可能な栽培技術を創出することを目指し、以下の試験を現地の共同研究者らとともに開始した。 ① 接触混植試験:ナミビア大学オゴンゴ校内に設置されており、水環境が制御可能なコンクリート水田において、イネ、カウピー、ソルガムを用いた接触混植試験を開始した。本試験は湛水ストレス下で、これらの作物の接触混植における土地等価比率(混作の収量性)が最も高い組み合わせを明らかにすることを目的としている。 ② カウピー品種選抜試験:イネやソルガムとの接触混植に適したカウピー品種を選抜することを目的として、ナミビア大学オゴンゴ校内でカウピー4品種を用いたポット試験を開始した。接触混植においてイネやソルガムとの競合ができるだけ小さいカウピー品種を選抜する予定である。 ③ 亀裂施肥試験:ナミビア大学オゴンゴ校内に設置されている実験畑において、カウピーを用いた亀裂施肥試験を開始した。本試験を開始するにあたって、現地のトラクターを用いて新型の亀裂施肥機を作成し、走行試験を行った。本試験はナミビア国の砂質土壌において、亀裂施肥による湛水ストレス緩和効果を定量化することを目的としている。 ④ 隣国のボツワナはナミビアと同様な自然・社会環境を持つため、南部アフリカにおける拠点形成を目的としてボツワナ大学とも共同研究を開始した。まずナミビア国に導入したイネ品種群をナミビア大学からボツワナ大学に植物検疫手続きを経て送付した。次に、それらのイネの種子増殖を開始した。潜在的な稲作圃場を農水省研究部、ボツワナ大学研究者とともに視察し、今後の共同研究を打ち合わせた。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2018年04月 -2021年03月 
    代表者 : 加藤 洋一郎; 山根 浩二; 石橋 勇志; 佐々木 和浩
    水ストレス環境に適応した耐性イネ品種およびイネ栽培技術の開発のためには、干ばつ・洪水条件下の発芽・出芽に関する分子生理学・解剖学・遺伝学的機構の解明が重要である。フィールドでの乾燥条件におけるイネ出芽の品種間差異の確認を進めるとともに、室内実験(閉鎖系実験)の条件整理の検討を行った。また、フィールド実験では、イネの深播き耐性(乾燥土壌条件下の土中出芽性)に関する品種間差異の確認とこれに関与する生理形態形質の探索も進めた。一方、閉鎖系実験では、種子発芽に関するin vitro試験を展開し、ストレス下の発芽における遺伝子発現と細胞内部形態変化の詳細な動態を追跡するためのストレス処理方法を統一した。細胞内部形態変化の観察については、アリューロン細胞の三次元像の構築に向けて、電顕固定を行い、ウルトラミクロトームを用いて連続切片の作製を行った。アリューロン細胞の内側からデンプン粒が蓄積しており、その細胞に差し掛かると連続切片の作製が困難になる問題に直面している。今後、固定や樹脂包埋の手法を改善するなど、連続切片取得に向けた工夫を行う予定である。オルガネラの三次元像構築や接触面の定量法は、立体像構築のソフトウェアであるImageProを用いた方法を確立できた。そのため、アリューロン細胞の画像を取得次第、画像解析を実施する予定である。また、ストレス下の出芽に優れる品種・劣る品種を交配し、新規の遺伝解析集団作成も進めている。ストレス耐性品種×感受性品種のF2集団から戻し交配集団を準備していく予定である。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    研究期間 : 2018年04月 -2021年03月 
    代表者 : 山根 浩二
    イネ葉肉細胞内の葉緑体、ミトコンドリア、ペルオキシソームにおける相互の膜接触を基にオルガネラ配置を観察した。観察した対照区のミトコンドリアにおいて、93%のミトコンドリアはペルオキシソームと膜接触をして集団を形成し、その集団は2つ以上の葉緑体の間に位置していた (Cluster)。しかし、6.6%のミトコンドリアはペルオキシソームと膜接触をしていなかった。ペルオキシソームと膜接触をしないミトコンドリアのうち、3.6%は2つの葉緑体の間に配置されていた (Bridge)。一方、3.0%のミトコンドリアは1つの葉緑体とだけ接触していた (Alone)。対照環境において、全てのペルオキシソームはミトコンドリアと膜接触をして集団を形成し、Clusterに配置されていた。 PEGストレス下において、ミトコンドリアやペルオキシソームの数は有意に増加していたが、配置は対照区と同様に分類できた。しかし、その割合は大きく異なり、ミトコンドリアにおいてClusterの位置が64%、Bridgeが19%、Aloneが17%であった。さらに、他のオルガネラと膜接触をしないミトコンドリア (Solo)も4.9%存在した。葉緑体とミトコンドリアの膜接触面積は増加したが、BridgeとAloneの位置に配置しているミトコンドリアが、その増加に大きく貢献していた。ペルオキシソームもPEGストレス下において配置変化が観察された。Clusterが91%になり、BridgeとAloneの位置にいるペルオキシソームが、それぞれ5.2と0.8%に増加していた。また、Soloに位置するペルオキシソームが3.4%に増加していた。葉緑体とペルオキシソームの膜接触面積が有意に増加していたが、Clusterに位置するペルオキシソームがその増加に大きく貢献していた。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(A)
    研究期間 : 2015年04月 -2018年03月 
    代表者 : 山根 浩二; 谷口 光隆; 大井 崇生
  • 半乾燥地の水環境保全を目指した洪水-干ばつ対応農法の提案
    独立行政法人 国際協力機構、科学技術振興機構: 地球規模課題対応国際科学技術協力プログラム:
    研究期間 : 2012年02月 -2017年02月 
    代表者 : 飯嶋盛雄
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2013年04月 -2016年03月 
    代表者 : 三屋 史朗; 山根 浩二; 小池 竜平; 増田 悦子
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2013年04月 -2016年03月 
    代表者 : 飯嶋 盛雄; 大門 弘幸; 辻 博之; 村上 則幸; 泉 泰弘; 杉山 高世; 山根 浩二; 林 怜史
    本研究では、外部から根粒菌を投与し、ダイズに人為的に根粒着生を促すことで増収を可能にする根粒着生制御技術 (亀裂施肥)の有用性を明らかにすることを目的とした。さらに、北海道と本州という異なる気象条件で亀裂施肥を実施し、本技術の普遍性を検討した。寒冷地である北海道では、本技術の十分な増収効果は得られなかった。しかし、本州では、畑地と水田転換畑において増収効果が確認された。畑地では中耕時に条間に亀裂に沿って炭のみを投与する処理、水田転換畑では、播種前の条直下根粒菌を付与した炭を投与する処理が、最も増収効果が高かった。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2012年04月 -2014年03月 
    代表者 : 山根 浩二
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)
    研究期間 : 2008年 -2012年 
    代表者 : 飯嶋 盛雄; 西川 芳昭; 檜山 哲哉; 太田 岳史; 泉 泰弘; 山根 浩二
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究
    研究期間 : 2010年 -2011年 
    代表者 : 三宅 博; 山根 浩二
    CeCl3法およびDAB法を改良し電子顕微鏡レベルで細胞内の過酸化水素の分布を観察する方法を開発した。CeCl3法では、固定前の葉組織に5mM CeCl3をpH7. 2で1時間処理した後、固定し包埋試料を作製する方法が有効であった。DAB法では2時間Karnovski液で固定した後10mMのDABをpH8. 0で1時間処理し、オスミウム固定を行って包埋試料を作製する方法が有効であった。塩ストレス処理を行ったイネ葉緑体において、グラナチラコイドの周囲などに過酸化水素が検出された。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2005年 -2006年 
    代表者 : 山根 浩二
    植物が塩ストレスを受けると地上部の塩含量の増加に伴い障害発現が起こるが,塩含量と障害は一致しないことが示唆されている.組織の齢が若いと塩含量が高い場合においても障害程度が低いことから,障害程度は組織の齢に依存していることが考えられる.しかし,若い組織における塩ストレス障害抑制機構は調べられていない.本研究では,イネ(Oryza sativa L.)の葉の基部・先端部の齢の違いを利用し,障害発現と塩の蓄積量の関係を明らかにすることを目的とした.また,抗酸化酵素活性,mRNAの発現を調べることで,部位における塩ストレス耐性の違いの原因が抗酸化酵素にあるかどうかを調べることを目的とした.塩ストレス下における抗酸化酵素活性の変化を調べたところ,先端部では塩含量の増加に伴いスーパーオキシドラジカル,過酸化水素の増加が観察された.また,障害を観察したところ,脂質過酸化物の増加,葉緑体の形態変化が観察された.また,障害発現と同時にスーパーオキシドディスムターゼとグアヤコールペルオキシダーゼ以外の全ての抗酸化酵素活性の低下が観察された.一方,基部では塩含量が先端部と同程度に増加しても障害は観察されなかった.抗酸化酵素活性を測定したところ,塩処理開始直後からカタラーゼとグルタチオンペルオキシダーゼの活性増加が観察され,カタラーゼにおいてはmRNAの発現も増加していた.このことから,抗酸化酵素の中でもカタラーゼとグルタチオンペルオキシダーゼがイネの塩ストレス障害抑制に重要な働きをしていることが示唆された.これらの結果から,若い組織では塩含量が増加しても抗酸化酵素活性を上昇させ,活性酸素を効率的に消去する耐塩性機構が備わっており,その機構は加齢に伴って失われていくことが示唆された.塩ストレス下における抗酸化酵素活性の増加抑制には加齢が関与していることから,今後,加齢に伴って抗酸化酵素活性を抑制する因子の探索を試みることでさらなる耐塩性強化が可能になることが示唆された。
