冬田 昌樹(フユタ マサキ)


Last Updated :2024/09/14






  • 博士(医学)




  • ライフサイエンス / 麻酔科学



  • 閉塞性肥大型心筋症患者の左室流出路心筋切除前後における,心室内圧較差(IVPD)の変化
    坂本 悠篤; 岡本 健; 法里 慧; 石崎 智哉子; 冬田 昌樹; 岩元 辰篤; 太田 典之; 中嶋 康文; 秋山 浩一
    日本集中治療医学会雑誌 30 Suppl.1 S754 - S754 (一社)日本集中治療医学会 2023年06月
  • 閉塞性肥大型心筋症患者の左室流出路心筋切除前後における,心室内圧較差(IVPD)の変化
    坂本 悠篤; 岡本 健; 法里 慧; 石崎 智哉子; 冬田 昌樹; 岩元 辰篤; 太田 典之; 中嶋 康文; 秋山 浩一
    日本集中治療医学会雑誌 30 Suppl.1 S754 - S754 (一社)日本集中治療医学会 2023年06月
  • Haruyuki Yuasa; Atsuhiro Kitaura; Chiyako Kitayama; Masaki Fuyuta; Takashi Mino; Ken Okamoto; Shinichi Nakao
    The American journal of case reports 22 e927756  2021年03月 
    BACKGROUND Brugada syndrome is a potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmia characterized by incomplete right bundle-branch block (RBB) and characteristic ST-segment elevation in the anterior electrocardiogram (ECG) leads. This report is of a case of type 2 Brugada syndrome, and discusses the importance of preoperative history and ECG evaluation. CASE REPORT A 32-year-old man was scheduled for tympanoplasty. His preoperative ECG revealed saddleback-type J waves in V₂ (>2 mm) and ST increase (>1 mm) detected 1 week before elective surgery, but the ECG 1 year before showed normal. He had no notable past history. Anesthesia was induced with remifentanil and propofol, and maintained with sevoflurane in combination with remifentanil. Routine monitoring of vital signs was supplemented with V2 monitoring on the ECG. The heart rate was maintained at above 60 beats/min using ephedrine. The course of the operation was uneventful. CONCLUSIONS We managed anesthesia for a patient with a type 2 Brugada syndrome ECG without events, probably because he had no notable past history such as syncope. Type 2 and type 3 Brugada syndrome ECGs are difficult to recognize, and patients with them are considered to be less risky than a patient with a type I ECG. However, as Brugada syndrome ECG is dynamic and changeable, a type 2 or 3 Brugada syndrome ECG can change to a type I ECG under some conditions, and thus should not be overlooked, and the patient's past history or symptoms, such as syncope, should be carefully investigated.
  • 免疫チェックポイント阻害剤による免疫関連有害事象としての間質性肺炎に集中治療管理を行った一症例
    北山 智哉子; 大田 典之; 冬田 昌樹; 岩元 辰篤; 岡本 健; 中尾 慎一
    日本集中治療医学会雑誌 27 Suppl. 442 - 442 (一社)日本集中治療医学会 2020年09月
  • T5-7脊髄損傷後の下肢痙性(緊張亢進)に対する、両側高周波熱凝固腰部神経根ブロックの施行経験
    松本 知之; 白井 達; 森本 昌宏; 上原 圭司; 岩元 辰篤; 辻本 宣敏; 打田 智久; 冬田 昌樹
    日本ペインクリニック学会誌 26 3 P3 - 09 (一社)日本ペインクリニック学会 2019年06月
  • 肺全摘後に発生した肺炎に伴うARDSに対し筋弛緩薬を用いた呼吸・循環管理を行った1例
    高岡 敦; 大田 典之; 冬田 昌樹; 中尾 慎一
    日本集中治療医学会雑誌 26 Suppl. [P69 - 4] (一社)日本集中治療医学会 2019年02月
  • 近畿大学医学部附属病院における鎮静下内視鏡ライセンスプログラム導入について(1)
    吉田 和恵; 柳江 正嗣; 西川 三恵子; 冬田 昌樹; 大田 典之; 中尾 慎一; 辰巳 陽一
    日本医療安全学会学術総会抄録集 5回 178 - 178 (一社)日本医療安全学会 2019年02月
  • 近畿大学医学部附属病院における鎮静下内視鏡ライセンスプログラム導入について(2)
    冬田 昌樹; 吉田 和恵; 柳江 正嗣; 西川 三恵子; 大田 典之; 中尾 慎一; 辰巳 陽一
    日本医療安全学会学術総会抄録集 5回 179 - 179 (一社)日本医療安全学会 2019年02月
  • Mesenteric traction syndrome-like symptoms caused by lung traction: A report of two cases
    Aoki R; Iwamoto T; Shirai T; Fuyuta M; Kitaura A; Nakao S
    J Anesth Clin Res 10 7 2019年 [査読有り]
  • 杉山 円; 鎌本 洋通; 冬田 昌樹; 北浦 淳寛; 辻本 宜敏; 法里 慧
    Cardiovascular Anesthesia 22 Suppl. 223 - 223 (一社)日本心臓血管麻酔学会 2018年09月
  • 鎌本 洋通; 杉山 円; 冬田 昌樹; 法里 慧; 北浦 淳寛; 辻本 宜敏
    Cardiovascular Anesthesia 22 Suppl. 255 - 255 (一社)日本心臓血管麻酔学会 2018年09月
  • Unusually large ehpedrine-induced blood pressure increase due to cardiac sympathetic denervation supersensitivity in a patient with Parkinson's disease
    Shirai T; Kitaura A; Uehara K; Uchida T; Fuyuta M; Iwamoto T; Hiramatsu K; Nakao S
    JA Clinical Reports 4 44  2018年 [査読有り]
  • Masaki Fuyuta; Shinichi Nakao; Atsuhiro Kitaura; Tatsushige Iwamoto; Shinichi Hamasaki; Shouhei Iwasaki; Takashi Kurita
    Objective: To evaluate the preoperative prevalence of each type of J-wave syndrome electrocardiographic pattern and its association with perioperative cardiac events. Design: Retrospective study. Setting: Single hospital university study. Participants: The study evaluated 930 patients who underwent gynecologic, abdominal, neurosurgical, orthopedic, and urologic surgeries. Interventions: Preoperative standard 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring was performed, and each type of J-wave syndrome ECG pattern types 1, 2, and 3 and Brugada syndrome-type was evaluated. Incidence of perioperative cardiac events was investigated up to 1 year postoperatively using an electronic medical record system. Measurements and Main Results: Data from 789 patients were included in the final study. Of these, 16 patients (2.0%) had J-wave syndrome: 7 patients (0.9%) had type-1 patterns; 5 patients (0.6%) had type-2 patterns; 2 patients (0.3%) had type-3 patterns; and 2 patients (0.3%) had Brugada syndrome-type ECG patterns. A J-point elevation >= 0.2 mV, which is considered to be more dangerous, was found in only 2 patients with Brugada syndrome-type ECG patterns, both of whom suffered perioperative lethal arrhythmias. Conclusion: Patients with J-wave syndrome ECG patterns, even dangerous patterns, are not necessarily associated with a higher risk of perioperative cardiac events. However, Brugada syndrome type ECG patterns should be carefully monitored. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • A fogarty arterial embolectomy catheter, which was inserted outside of a tracheal tube, was useful for occlusion of the left bronchus in small infant
    Atsuhiro Kitaura; Yasuhiro Shiokawa; Masaki Fuyuta; Masayuki Inamori; Shintaro Yukami; Shinichi Nakao
    Anesthesia and Resuscitation 50 4 73 - 75 2014年12月 
    A one-month-old baby with severe lung abscess was referred to our intensive care unit (ICU) due to dyspnea. When sudden bleeding from her bronchus occurred on the 18th day in the ICU, we tried to insert a Fogarty arterial embolectomy catheter through the tracheal tube to occlude her left bronchus with the aid of a bronchofiberscope. However, her tube was too narrow (Internal Diameter: 3.0 mm) to pass them, but we successfully inserted the catheter outside of the tracheal tube using Gride scope® and another endotracheal tube.
  • 動脈塞栓除去カテーテルを用いた乳児一側気管支ブロック症例
    北浦 淳寛; 塩川 泰啓; 冬田 昌樹; 稲森 雅幸; 湯上 晋太郎; 中尾 慎一
    麻酔と蘇生 50 4 73 - 75 2014年12月 [査読有り]
  • 中尾 慎一; 冬田 昌樹; 塩川 泰啓
    臨床麻酔学会誌 34 1 1 - 10 2014年01月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • Masaki Fuyuta; Shinichi Nakao; Noriko Takai; Mayuka Shiba; Yuko Tanaka; Tatsushige Iwamoto; Takashi Kurita
  • 産婦人科診療相互援助システムが貢献した帝王切開分娩後大量出血からの救命3症例
    岩元 辰篤; 塩川 泰啓; 冬田昌樹; 柴 麻由佳; 太田好紀; 中尾 慎一
    ICUとCCU 37 4 319 - 323 2013年 [査読有り]
  • 泌尿器科手術で用いる麻酔の基本
    中尾 慎一; 冬田 昌樹; 湯浅 晴之; 梶川 竜治; 塩川 泰啓; 篠村 徹太郎
    泌尿器ケア 16 17 - 57 2011年12月
  • Masaki Fuyuta; Yoshihiro Takasugi; Masahiro Morimoto; Toru Shirai; Mitsuo Morimoto; Yoshihisa Koga
    JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA 23 4 601 - 604 2009年11月 [査読有り]
    Transient sensory disturbances, including dysesthesia or neurologic deficits in the lower extremities or buttocks have been described as complications of neuraxial anesthesia. We report a case of transient lower limb pain following the accidental placement of an epidural catheter into the thoracic subarachnoid space. A 31-year-old woman was scheduled to undergo laparoscopic myomectomy. An epidural catheter was accidentally inserted subarachnoid at the T12-L1 intervertebral space with a 2-ml test dose of 2% lidocaine, and was promptly removed. Fulgurant pain and allodynia extending over the L2-5 areas of the left lower limb and buttock started immediately postoperatively. We treated the persistent pain in our patient with epidural infusion of local anesthetics and steroids during her hospital stay, and with carbamazepine and a tricyclic antidepressant after her discharge from the hospital. All signs of allodynia had disappeared on postoperative day 25. Sagittal and axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at the Th12 level revealed a small high-intensity area without mass effect in the ipsilateral dorsal column. The patient's clinical course and MRI diagnosis suggested the inhibition of descending inhibitory pathways resulting from a lesion of the spinal cord as the possible etiology of the transient lower limb pain and allodynia.
  • 塩川 泰啓; 岩元 辰篤; 冬田 昌樹; 鎌本 洋通; 白井 達; 古賀 義久
    日本集中治療医学会雑誌 16 4 493 - 494 2009年10月 
  • 劇症型溶連菌感染症が原因と考えられた産褥性心筋症の1症例
    冬田 昌樹; 塩川 泰啓; 稲森 雅幸; 白井 達; 平松 謙二; 大内 謙太郎; 岩元 辰篤; 鎌本 洋通; 王 仁成; 古賀 義久
    麻酔と蘇生 45 30 61 - 63 2009年09月 [査読有り]
  • Yoshihiro Takasugi; Tatsushige Iwamoto; Masaki Fuyuta; Yoshihisa Koga; Masaki Tabuchi; Hideaki Higashino
    JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA 23 3 399 - 402 2009年08月 [査読有り]
    For the suppression of descending inhibitory pathways in animals, single-dose lidocaine blockade is reversible and causes less damage than chronic spinal cord injury, decerebration, and cold blockade of the spinal cord. However, single-dose blockade has a variable onset and is relatively short-lived. To surmount these disadvantages, we devised a continuous thoracic intrathecal lidocaine infusion and evaluated its effects in rats. Rats were administered continuous intrathecal infusions of 0, 0.25%, 0.5%, and 1% lidocaine at 10 &gml center dot h(-1) following a 10-&gml bolus. The effects of the continuous thoracic blockade on tail-flick (TF) latency (estimated by the percent maximum possible effect [%MPE]) and on the release of neurotransmitters in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were evaluated. Continuous thoracic blockade with 0.5% and 1% lidocaine infusion reversibly shortened TF latency (%MPE, -22.0 +/- 11.0 % and -21.2 +/- 4.6 %, respectively, versus baseline; P < 0.05) during drug infusion. Compared with normal saline, thoracic intrathecal infusion of lidocaine significantly lowered norepinephrine and serotonin concentrations in the CSF at 1 h of infusion (P = 0.02 for both). Continuous thoracic blockade by local anesthetic resulted in reversible suppression of descending inhibitory pathways for varying durations. Such blockade may provide further information regarding nociceptive transmission and the mechanisms of antinociception in animals.
  • 冬田昌樹
    Masaki Fuyuta, Yoshihiro Takasugi, Masaki Tabuchi, Hideaki Higashino, Yoshihisa Koga 33 1 47 - 54 The Kinki University Medical Association 2008年12月 [査読有り]
    Although the etiology of neural blockrelated transient neurological sequelae following spinal anesthesia, such as transient neurological symptoms (TNS) and less serious sensory disturbances, is still unclear, previous reports have described the facilitation of ascending nociceptive pathways as the source of complications resulting from local anesthetic toxicity, needle trauma, and patient positioning. We hypothesized that, in addition to the facilitation of ascending nociceptive pathways, the intrathecal injection of local anesthetics might interrupt descending inhibitory pathways, leading to hypersensitivity. To test this hypothesis, changes in tail flick (TF) latency were evaluated under lidocaine blockade of descending inhibitory pathways at the thoracic spinal cord level and under lumbar intrathecal lidocaine injection in rats. Furthermore, the effects of lumbar intrathecal lidocaine injection on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentrations of neurotransmitters related to nociceptive transmission were investigated. The results revealed that thoracic intrathecal lidocaine shortened TF latency immediately after injection, while lumbar intrathecal lidocaine injection initially prolonged TF latency to the cut-off point and subsequently reduced TF latency compared to the baseline. Lumbar intrathecal lidocaine caused a significant reduction in norepinephrine concentrations in the CSF. These results indicate that the reduction of TF latency following lumbar intrathecal lidocaine injection was caused by the suppression of nor adrenergic descending inhibitory pathways. We concluded that the enhanced activity of dorsal horn neurons due to the suppression of descending inhibitory pathways by intrathecal lidocaine injection is one of the possible mechanisms of transient neurological sequelae.
  • 稲森 雅幸; 塩川 泰啓; 打田 智久; 鎌本 洋通; 冬田 昌樹; 古賀 義久
    日本臨床麻酔学会誌 28 4 599 - 602 2008年07月 
  • The effect of Sub-MAC anesthesia and the radiation setting on repeated tail flick testing in rats.
    Exp Anim. 57 1 65 - 72 2008年01月 [査読有り]


  • チアミラールの過剰投与により覚醒困難になった症例
    高岡 敦; 岩元 辰篤; 北浦 淳寛; 濱崎 真一; 冬田 昌樹; 中尾 慎一 日本神経麻酔集中治療学会プログラム・抄録集 22回 58 -58 2018年06月
  • 分娩後大量出血のためICU管理を行った2例
    濱崎 真一; 塩川 泰啓; 岩元 辰篤; 冬田 昌樹; 北浦 淳寛; 法里 慧; 北山 智哉子; 古藤 大和; 中尾 慎一 日本集中治療医学会雑誌 25 (Suppl.) [P49 -5] 2018年02月
  • 岩元辰篤; 塩川泰啓; 濱崎真一; 北浦淳寛; 冬田昌樹; 中尾慎一; 中尾慎一 日本集中治療医学会学術集会(Web) 44th (Suppl.) ROMBUNNO.FP‐032 (WEB ONLY) -032 2017年02月
  • 北浦淳寛; 冬田昌樹; 稲森雅幸; 岩元辰篤; 鎌本洋通; 平松謙二; 中尾慎一 近畿大学医学雑誌 39 (3-4) 20A -20A 2014年12月
  • 稲森 雅幸; 塩川 泰啓; 北浦 淳寛; 冬田 昌樹; 湯上 晋太郎; 岩元 辰篤; 中尾 慎一 日本集中治療医学会雑誌 21 (Suppl.) [DP -85 2014年01月
  • 北浦淳寛; 平松謙二; 濱崎真一; 南奈穂子; 岩元辰篤; 冬田昌樹; 中尾慎一 日本臨床麻酔学会誌 33 (6) S359 -S359 2013年10月
  • 弓部大動脈瘤に対するdebranched TEVARの麻酔経験
    堀 直人; 奥田 隆彦; 二川 晃一; 岡本 慎司; 杉浦 順子; 冬田 昌樹; 山本 智久; 出口 文華 日本臨床麻酔学会誌 30 (6) S289 -S289 2010年10月
  • 冠動脈バイパス術における術後せん妄の検討(術式による比較)
    杉浦 順子; 二川 晃一; 岡本 慎司; 冬田 昌樹; 堀 直人; 山本 智久; 奥田 隆彦; 中尾 慎一 日本臨床麻酔学会誌 30 (6) S393 -S393 2010年10月
  • 腰部硬膜外ブロック中に著明な徐脈を来した1症例
    山本 智久; 二川 晃一; 冬田 昌樹; 杉浦 順子; 岡本 慎司; 出口 文華; 奥田 隆彦; 古賀 義久 日本臨床麻酔学会誌 29 (6) S267 -S267 2009年09月
  • 胸部大動脈瘤手術症例における周術期管理の検討
    古金谷 将好; 杉浦 順子; 二川 晃一; 蔵 昌宏; 諏訪 一郎; 冬田 昌樹; 奥田 隆彦; 古賀 義久 近畿大学医学雑誌 29 (1) 25A -25A 2004年04月


  • ロクロニウムプライミング併用下レミフェンタニルによる麻酔導入法の検討  [通常講演]
    大内 謙太郎; 宇野 洋史; 冬田 昌樹; 王 仁成; 鎌本 洋通; 上原 圭司; 白井 達; 古賀 義久
    日本臨床麻酔学会第29回大会 2009年09月 浜松 日本臨床麻酔学会第29回大会
  • 慢性炎症性疼痛に対するカルバマゼピンの鎮痛効果  [通常講演]
    岩元 辰篤; 髙杉 嘉弘; 冬田 昌樹; 森本 昌宏; 古賀 義久
    日本ペインクリニック学会第43回大会 2009年06月 名古屋 日本ペインクリニック学会第43回大会
  • 甲状腺未分化癌の気道閉塞に対しPCPS下で気管切開を行った1症例  [通常講演]
    八田 幸治; 冬田 昌樹; 梶川 竜治; 平松 謙二; 塩川 泰啓; 古賀 義久
    第19回日本経皮的心肺補助研究会 2009年04月 大阪 第19回日本経皮的心肺補助研究会
  • 術中の異常高血圧により発覚した褐色細胞腫の一症例 覆面型褐色細胞腫の全身麻酔経験  [通常講演]
    大内 謙太郎; 宇野 洋史; 冬田 昌樹; 王 仁成; 鎌本 洋通; 古賀 義久
    日本臨床麻酔学会第28回大会 2008年10月 京都 日本臨床麻酔学会第28回大会
  • 術中アミノ酸輸液が酸化ストレス度と抗酸化力に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    柴 麻由佳; 塩川 泰啓; 冬田 昌樹; 鎌本 洋通; 王 仁成; 古賀 義久
    日本臨床麻酔学会第28回大会 2008年10月 京都 日本臨床麻酔学会第28回大会
  • 経鼻挿管において著明な気管チューブの狭窄を生じた症例  [通常講演]
    冬田 昌樹; 梶川 竜治; 上原 圭司; 王 仁成; 髙杉 嘉弘; 古賀 義久
    日本麻酔科学会第52回関西支部学術集会 2007年07月 大阪 日本麻酔科学会第52回関西支部学術集会
  • 体外循環時の輸液、回路内充填液としての重炭酸リンゲル液の周術期酸塩基平衡への影響  [通常講演]
    冬田 昌樹; 髙杉 嘉弘; 梶川 竜治; 王 仁成; 岩﨑 英二; 吉岡 愛; 古賀 義久
    日本臨床麻酔学会 第26回大会 2006年10月 北海道旭川市 日本臨床麻酔学会 第26回大会
