早坂 晴子(ハヤサカ ハルコ)

理工学部 生命科学科准教授

Last Updated :2024/09/14






  • 博士 (医学)(大阪大学)


  • 血管内皮細胞   ケモカイン   リンパ節   転写因子   接着分子   リンパ球   癌転移   細胞分化   リンパ節転移   乳癌   免疫組織   細胞遊走   GPCR   細胞運動   膜ラッフル   内皮細胞分化   ケミカルバイオロジー   癌   バイオテクノロジー   細胞接着分子   糖鎖   免疫学   構造生物学   遺伝子発現   細胞外基質   細胞接着   HEV   腫瘍血管   転移   MAdCAM-1   




  • ライフサイエンス / 細胞生物学
  • ライフサイエンス / 免疫学



  • 2015年 - 現在  近畿大学理工学部准教授
  • 2004年 - 2015年  大阪大学大学院医学系研究科
  • 1999年 - 2004年  バージニア大学Health Science SystemResearch Associate



  • Keiko Tanaka; Haruko Hayasaka; Taiji Matsusaka
    PloS one 19 5 e0303910  2024年05月 [査読有り]
    Dach1 is highly expressed in normal podocytes, but this expression rapidly disappears after podocyte injury. To investigate the role of Dach1 in podocytes in vivo, we analyzed global, podocyte-specific, and inducible Dach1 knockout mice. Global Dach1 knockout (Dach1-/-) mice were assessed immediately after birth because they die within a day. The kidneys of Dach1-/- mice were slightly smaller than those of control mice but maintained a normal structure and normal podocyte phenotypes, including ultrastructure. To study the role of Dach1 in mature podocytes, we generated Dach1 knockout mice by mating Dach1fl/fl mice with Nphs1-Cre or ROSA-CreERT2 mice. Due to inefficient Cre recombination, only a small number of podocytes lacked Dach1 staining in these mice. However, all eleven Nphs1-Cre/Dach1fl/fl mice displayed abnormal albuminuria, and seven (63%) of them developed focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Among 13 ROSA-CreERT2/Dach1fl/fl mice, eight (61%) exhibited abnormal albuminuria after treatment with tamoxifen, and five (38%) developed early sclerotic lesions. These results indicate that while Dach1 does not determine the fate of differentiation into podocytes, it is indispensable for maintaining the normal integrity of mature podocytes.
  • Mao Yamamoto; Miwa Takai; Narumi Yashiro; Haruko Hayasaka; Toshifumi Tsujiuchi
    Biochemical and biophysical research communications 715 149982 - 149982 2024年04月 [査読有り]
    The tumor microenvironment is an extremely complex composed of cancer cells and various non-cancer cells, including lymphatic endothelial cells. Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) receptors (LPA1 to LPA6) activate a variety of malignant properties in human malignancies. In the present study, we examined the roles of LPA receptor-mediated signaling in biological responses of lymphatic endothelial SVEC4-10 cells induced by hypoxia. Lpar1, Lpar2 and Lpar3 expressions were decreased in SVEC4-10 cells cultured at hypoxic conditions (1 % O2). LPA had no impact on the cell growth activity of SVEC4-10 cells in 21 % O2 culture conditions. Conversely, the cell growth activity of SVEC4-10 cells in 1 % O2 culture conditions was reduced by LPA. The cell motile activity of SVEC4-10 cells was elevated by 1 % O2 culture conditions. GRI-977143 (LPA2 agonist) and (2S)-OMPT (LPA3 agonist) stimulated SVEC4-10 cell motility as well as AM966 (LPA1 antagonist). In tube formation assay, the tube formation of SVEC4-10 cells in 1 % O2 culture conditions was markedly increased, in comparison with 21 % O2. GRI-977143 and (2S)-OMPT elevated the tube formation of SVEC4-10 cells. Furthermore, the tube formation of SVEC4-10 cells was increased by AM966. These results suggest that LPA receptor-mediated signaling contributes to the modulation of hypoxic-induced biological functions of lymphatic endothelial cells.
  • Ryonosuke Fujie; Kaoru Kurowarabe; Yuki Yamada; Kakeru Fujiwara; Hayato Nakatani; Kenta Tsutsumi; Ryota Hayashi; Hinami Kawahata; Megumi Miyamoto; Madoka Ozawa; Tomoya Katakai; Yousuke Takahama; Izumi Ohigashi; Haruko Hayasaka
    Heliyon 9 8 e19215 - e19215 2023年08月 [査読有り]
  • Megumi Miyamoto; Yuki Kawato; Ryonosuke Fujie; Kaoru Kurowarabe; Kakeru Fujiwara; Reika Nobusawa; Ryota Hayashi; Kei Iida; Izumi Ohigashi; Haruko Hayasaka
    Cancer Science 114 9 3509 - 3522 2023年07月 [査読有り]
    Abstract CCL21‐Ser, a chemokine encoded by the Ccl21a gene, is constitutively expressed in the thymic epithelial cells and stromal cells of secondary lymphoid organs. It regulates immune cell migration and survival through its receptor CCR7. Herein, using CCL21‐Ser‐expressing melanoma cells and the Ccl21a‐deficient mice, we demonstrated the functional role of cancer cell‐derived CCL21‐Ser in melanoma growth in vivo. The B16‐F10 tumor growth was significantly decreased in Ccl21a‐deficient mice compared with that in wild‐type mice, indicating that host‐derived CCL21‐Ser contributes to melanoma proliferation in vivo. In Ccl21a‐deficient mice, tumor growth of melanoma cells expressing CCL21‐Ser was significantly enhanced, suggesting that CCL21‐Ser from melanoma cells promotes tumor growth in the absence of host‐derived CCL21‐Ser. The increase in tumor growth was associated with an increase in the CCR7+ CD62L+ T cell frequency in the tumor tissue but was inversely correlated with Treg frequency, suggesting that naïve T cells primarily promote tumor growth. Adoptive transfer experiments demonstrated that naïve T cells are preferentially recruited from the blood into tumors with melanoma cell‐derived CCL21‐Ser expression. These results suggest that CCL21‐Ser from melanoma cells promotes the infiltration of CCR7+ naïve T cells into the tumor tissues and creates a tumor microenvironment favorable for melanoma growth.
  • Masako Sato; Kazuhiko Matsuo; Yoko Susami; Ayaka Yamashita; Haruko Hayasaka; Yuta Hara; Keiji Nishiwaki; Naoki Oiso; Akira Kawada; Atsushi Otsuka; Takashi Nakayama
    International immunology 35 9 437 - 446 2023年06月 [査読有り]
    CCR4 is a major trafficking receptor for Th2 cells and Th17 cells and is considered as a potential therapeutic target for atopic dermatitis (AD). The CCR4 ligands CCL17 and CCL22 have been reported to be upregulated in the skin lesions of AD patients. Of note, Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), a master regulator of the Th2 immune response, promotes the expression of CCL17 and CCL22 in AD skin lesions. Here, we investigated the role of CCR4 in an AD mouse model induced by MC903, a TSLP inducer. Topical application of MC903 to ear skin increased the expression of not only TSLP but also CCL17, CCL22, the Th2 cytokine IL-4, and the Th17 cytokine IL-17A. Consistently, MC903 induced AD-like skin lesions as shown by increased epidermal thickness; increased infiltration of eosinophils, mast cells, type 2 innate lymphoid cells, Th2 cells, and Th17 cells; and elevated serum levels of total IgE. We also found increased expansion of Th2 cells and Th17 cells in the regional lymph nodes (LNs) of AD mice. Compound 22, a CCR4 inhibitor, ameliorated AD-like skin lesions with reduction of Th2 cells and Th17 cells in the skin lesions and regional LNs. We further confirmed that compound 22 diminished the expansion of Th2 cells and Th17 cells in the coculture of CD11c + dendritic cells and CD4 + T cells derived from the regional LNs of AD mice. Collectively, CCR4 antagonists may exhibit anti-allergic effects by inhibiting both the recruitment and expansion of Th2 cells and Th17 cells in AD.
  • Masatsune Tsujioka; Keisuke Miyazawa; Masaki Ohmuraya; Yoichi Nibe; Tetsuya Shirokawa; Haruko Hayasaka; Tsunekazu Mizushima; Takeshi Fukuma; Shigeomi Shimizu
    Cell death & disease 14 4 256 - 256 2023年04月 [査読有り]
    Numerous studies have investigated the various cellular responses against genotoxic stress, including those mediated by focal adhesions. We here identified a novel type of focal adhesion remodelling that occurs under genotoxic stress conditions, which involves the replacement of active focal adhesion kinase (FAK) with FAK-related non-kinase (FRNK). FRNK stabilized focal adhesions, leading to strong cell-matrix adhesion, and FRNK-depleted cells were easily detached from extracellular matrix upon genotoxic stress. This remodelling occurred in a wide variety of cells. In vivo, the stomachs of Frnk-knockout mice were severely damaged by genotoxic stress, highlighting the protective role of FRNK against genotoxic stress. FRNK was also found to play a vital role in cancer progression, because FRNK depletion significantly inhibited cancer dissemination and progression in a mouse cancer model. Furthermore, in human cancers, FRNK was predominantly expressed in metastatic tissues and not in primary tissues. We hence conclude that this novel type of focal adhesion remodelling reinforces cell adhesion and acts against genotoxic stress, which results in the protection of normal tissues, but in turn facilitates cancer progression.
  • Ryota Hayashi; Hayato Nakatani; Hinami Kawahata; Ryonosuke Fujie; Kaoru Kurowarabe; Haruko Hayasaka
    Bioanalysis 14 1413 - 1421 2023年01月 [査読有り]
  • Arisa Shintani; Shoko Fukai; Reika Nobusawa; Kanako Taniguchi; Tomohiro Hatatani; Hayato Nagai; Tomohiro Sakai; Takuji Yoshimura; Masayuki Miyasaka; Haruko Hayasaka
    Current Research in Immunology 3 175 - 185 2022年08月 [査読有り]
  • Haruko Hayasaka; Junichi Yoshida; Yasutaka Kuroda; Akihiro Nishiguchi; Michiya Matsusaki; Kei Kishimoto; Hitoshi Nishimura; Mari Okada; Yuki Shimomura; Daichi Kobayashi; Yoshihito Shimazu; Yuji Taya; Mitsuru Akashi; Masayuki Miyasaka
    Cancer Science 113 4 1338 - 1351 2022年02月 [査読有り]
    Chemokines are a family of cytokines that mediate leukocyte trafficking and are involved in tumor cell migration, growth, and progression. Although there is emerging evidence that multiple chemokines are expressed in tumor tissues and that each chemokine induces receptor-mediated signaling, their collaboration to regulate tumor invasion and lymph node metastasis has not been fully elucidated. In this study, we examined the effect of CXCL12 on the CCR7-dependent signaling in MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells to determine the role of CXCL12 and CCR7 ligand chemokines in breast cancer metastasis to lymph nodes. CXCL12 enhanced the CCR7-dependent in vitro chemotaxis and cell invasion into collagen gels at suboptimal concentrations of CCL21. CXCL12 promoted CCR7 homodimer formation, ligand binding, CCR7 accumulation into membrane ruffles, and cell response at lower concentrations of CCL19. Immunohistochemistry of MDA-MB-231-derived xenograft tumors revealed that CXCL12 is primarily located in the pericellular matrix surrounding tumor cells, whereas the CCR7 ligand, CCL21, mainly associates with LYVE-1+ intratumoral and peritumoral lymphatic vessels. In the three-dimensional tumor invasion model with lymph networks, CXCL12 stimulation facilitates breast cancer cell migration to CCL21-reconstituted lymphatic networks. These results indicate that CXCL12/CXCR4 signaling promotes breast cancer cell migration and invasion toward CCR7 ligand-expressing intratumoral lymphatic vessels and supports CCR7 signaling associated with lymph node metastasis.
  • Kaoru Kurowarabe; Masataka Endo; Daichi Kobayashi; Haruko Hayasaka
    Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports 28 101128 - 101128 2021年12月 [査読有り]
  • Daichi Kobayashi; Yuki Sugiura; Eiji Umemoto; Akira Takeda; Hisashi Ueta; Haruko Hayasaka; Shinsuke Matsuzaki; Tomoya Katakai; Makoto Suematsu; Itaru Hamachi; Gennady G Yegutkin; Marko Salmi; Sirpa Jalkanen; Masayuki Miyasaka
    Frontiers in immunology 12 786595 - 786595 2021年 [査読有り]
    Whereas adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) is the major energy source in cells, extracellular ATP (eATP) released from activated/damaged cells is widely thought to represent a potent damage-associated molecular pattern that promotes inflammatory responses. Here, we provide suggestive evidence that eATP is constitutively produced in the uninflamed lymph node (LN) paracortex by naïve T cells responding to C-C chemokine receptor type 7 (CCR7) ligand chemokines. Consistently, eATP was markedly reduced in naïve T cell-depleted LNs, including those of nude mice, CCR7-deficient mice, and mice subjected to the interruption of the afferent lymphatics in local LNs. Stimulation with a CCR7 ligand chemokine, CCL19, induced ATP release from LN cells, which inhibited CCR7-dependent lymphocyte migration in vitro by a mechanism dependent on the purinoreceptor P2X7 (P2X7R), and P2X7R inhibition enhanced T cell retention in LNs in vivo. These results collectively indicate that paracortical eATP is produced by naïve T cells in response to constitutively expressed chemokines, and that eATP negatively regulates CCR7-mediated lymphocyte migration within LNs via a specific subtype of ATP receptor, demonstrating its fine-tuning role in homeostatic cell migration within LNs.
  • Yousuke Takaoka; Shohei Uchinomiya; Daichi Kobayashi; Masataka Endo; Takahiro Hayashi; Yoshiaki Fukuyama; Haruko Hayasaka; Masayuki Miyasaka; Takumi Ueda; Ichio Shimada; Itaru Hamachi
    Chem 4 6 1451 - 1464 2018年06月 [査読有り]
    Cytokine and growth factor receptors localized on cell membranes play key roles in many biological events. Because the dynamic behaviors of receptors are deeply involved in cytokine- and growth-factor-dependent signaling pathways, reliable techniques for real-time imaging of receptors in live cells are strongly desired. Here, we describe a method of covalently labeling and imaging membrane receptors in live cells by using chemically reactive cytokines and growth factors coupled with 4-dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP), an organocatalyst that facilitates acyl transfer. Construction of the DMAP cytokines and growth factors relies on non-covalent coordination chemistry between an oligo-histidine tag and dimeric Ni(II)-nitrilotriacetate in an in situ manner. This supramolecular approach is relatively simple and flexible and can be applied to labeling not only transiently but also endogenously expressed receptors. Moreover, given the benefit of this traceless labeling of the receptors, our technique allows real-time imaging of the ligand-induced dynamics of endogenously expressed receptors in live cells. Cytokine and growth factor receptors play crucial roles in signaling cascades that modulate cell survival, adhesion, proliferation, and migration. Because the dynamic behaviors of these receptors are highly related to their functions and to changes in ligand-dependent signals, reliable techniques for visualization of these receptors are strongly desired. Here, we have developed a method of covalently and tracelessly labeling membrane receptors in live cells by using chemically reactive cytokines and growth factors coupled with an organocatalyst that facilitates a selective acyl transfer reaction on the target receptors. Construction of the reactive cytokines and growth factors relies on non-covalent coordination chemistry in an in situ manner, and this supramolecular approach is relatively simple and flexible. It can be applied to not only the labeling of various receptors but also real-time imaging of ligand-induced dynamics of endogenously expressed receptors in live cells. With the use of supramolecule-based chemically reactive cytokines and growth factors, membrane receptor proteins can be covalently labeled with fluorescent small molecules. This supramolecular approach is quite simple and flexible, and various endogenous receptors can be visualized specifically real-time imaging of the ligand-induced dynamics of the receptors is achieved in living mammalian cells.
  • Daichi Kobayashi; Masataka Endo; Hirotaka Ochi; Hironobu Hojo; Masayuki Miyasaka; Haruko Hayasaka
    Scientific reports 7 1 8536 - 8536 2017年08月 [査読有り]
    The chemokine receptor CCR7 contributes to various physiological and pathological processes including T cell maturation, T cell migration from the blood into secondary lymphoid tissues, and tumor cell metastasis to lymph nodes. Although a previous study suggested that the efficacy of CCR7 ligand-dependent T cell migration correlates with CCR7 homo- and heterodimer formation, the exact extent of contribution of the CCR7 dimerization remains unclear. Here, by inducing or disrupting CCR7 dimers, we demonstrated a direct contribution of CCR7 homodimerization to CCR7-dependent cell migration and signaling. Induction of stable CCR7 homodimerization resulted in enhanced CCR7-dependent cell migration and CCL19 binding, whereas induction of CXCR4/CCR7 heterodimerization did not. In contrast, dissociation of CCR7 homodimerization by a novel CCR7-derived synthetic peptide attenuated CCR7-dependent cell migration, ligand-dependent CCR7 internalization, ligand-induced actin rearrangement, and Akt and Erk signaling in CCR7-expressing cells. Our study indicates that CCR7 homodimerization critically regulates CCR7 ligand-dependent cell migration and intracellular signaling in multiple cell types.
  • Zoltán Kellermayer; Haruko Hayasaka; Béla Kajtár; Diána Simon; Eloy F Robles; Jose A Martinez-Climen; Péter Balogh
    International reviews of immunology 35 6 489 - 502 2016年11月 [査読有り]
    Despite their functional similarities, peripheral lymphoid tissues are remarkably different according to their developmental properties and structural characteristics, including their specified vasculature. Access of leukocytes to these organs critically depends on their interactions with the local endothelium, where endothelial cells are patterned to display a restricted set of adhesion molecules and other regulatory compounds necessary for extravasation. Recent advances in high throughput analyses of highly purified endothelial subsets in various lymphoid tissues as well as the expansion of various transgenic animal models have shed new light on the transcriptional complexities of lymphoid tissue vascular endothelium. This review is aimed at providing a comprehensive analysis linking the functional competence of spleen and intestinal lymphoid tissues with the developmental programming and functional divergence of their vascular specification, with particular emphasis on the transcriptional control of endothelial cells exerted by Nkx2.3 homeodomain transcription factor.
  • Erina Hata; Naoko Sasaki; Akira Takeda; Kazuo Tohya; Eiji Umemoto; Noriyuki Akahoshi; Satoshi Ishii; Kana Bando; Takaya Abe; Kuniyuki Kano; Junken Aoki; Haruko Hayasaka; Masayuki Miyasaka
    International immunology 28 6 283 - 92 2016年06月 [査読有り]
    Naive lymphocytes continuously migrate from the blood into lymph nodes (LNs) via high endothelial venules (HEVs). To extravasate from the HEVs, lymphocytes undergo multiple adhesion steps, including tethering, rolling, firm adhesion and transmigration. We previously showed that autotaxin (ATX), an enzyme that generates lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), is highly expressed in HEVs, and that the ATX/LPA axis plays an important role in the lymphocyte transmigration across HEVs. However, the detailed mechanism underlying this axis's involvement in lymphocyte transmigration has remained ill-defined. Here, we show that two LPA receptors, LPA4 and LPA6, are selectively expressed on HEV endothelial cells (ECs) and that LPA4 plays a major role in the lymphocyte transmigration across HEVs in mice. In the absence of LPA4 expression, lymphocytes accumulated heavily within the HEV EC layer, compared to wild-type (WT) mice. This accumulation was also observed in the absence of LPA6 expression, but it was less pronounced. Adoptive transfer experiments using WT lymphocytes revealed that the LPA4 deficiency in ECs specifically compromised the lymphocyte transmigration process, whereas the effect of LPA6 deficiency was not significant. These results indicate that the signals evoked in HEV ECs via the LPA4 and LPA6 differentially regulate lymphocyte extravasation from HEVs in the peripheral LNs.
  • Akira Takeda; Daichi Kobayashi; Keita Aoi; Naoko Sasaki; Yuki Sugiura; Hidemitsu Igarashi; Kazuo Tohya; Asuka Inoue; Erina Hata; Noriyuki Akahoshi; Haruko Hayasaka; Junichi Kikuta; Elke Scandella; Burkhard Ludewig; Satoshi Ishii; Junken Aoki; Makoto Suematsu; Masaru Ishii; Kiyoshi Takeda; Sirpa Jalkanen; Masayuki
    eLife 5 e10561  2016年02月 [査読有り]
    Lymph nodes (LNs) are highly confined environments with a cell-dense three-dimensional meshwork, in which lymphocyte migration is regulated by intracellular contractile proteins. However, the molecular cues directing intranodal cell migration remain poorly characterized. Here we demonstrate that lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) produced by LN fibroblastic reticular cells (FRCs) acts locally to LPA2 to induce T-cell motility. In vivo, either specific ablation of LPA-producing ectoenzyme autotaxin in FRCs or LPA2 deficiency in T cells markedly decreased intranodal T cell motility, and FRC-derived LPA critically affected the LPA2-dependent T-cell motility. In vitro, LPA activated the small GTPase RhoA in T cells and limited T-cell adhesion to the underlying substrate via LPA2. The LPA-LPA2 axis also enhanced T-cell migration through narrow pores in a three-dimensional environment, in a ROCK-myosin II-dependent manner. These results strongly suggest that FRC-derived LPA serves as a cell-extrinsic factor that optimizes T-cell movement through the densely packed LN reticular network.
  • Haruko Hayasaka; Daichi Kobayashi; Hiromi Yoshimura; Emi E Nakayama; Tatsuo Shioda; Masayuki Miyasaka
    PloS one 10 2 e0117454  2015年 [査読有り]
    During human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, enhanced migration of infected cells to lymph nodes leads to efficient propagation of HIV-1. The selective chemokine receptors, including CXCR4 and CCR7, may play a role in this process, yet the viral factors regulating chemokine-dependent T cell migration remain relatively unclear. The functional cooperation between the CXCR4 ligand chemokine CXCL12 and the CCR7 ligand chemokines CCL19 and CCL21 enhances CCR7-dependent T cell motility in vitro as well as cell trafficking into the lymph nodes in vivo. In this study, we report that a recombinant form of a viral CXCR4 ligand, X4-tropic HIV-1 gp120, enhanced the CD4 T cell response to CCR7 ligands in a manner dependent on CXCR4 and CD4, and that this effect was recapitulated by HIV-1 virions. HIV-1 gp120 significantly enhanced CCR7-dependent CD4 T cell migration from the footpad of mice to the draining lymph nodes in in vivo transfer experiments. We also demonstrated that CXCR4 expression is required for stable CCR7 expression on the CD4 T cell surface, whereas CXCR4 signaling facilitated CCR7 ligand binding to the cell surface and increased the level of CCR7 homo- as well as CXCR4/CCR7 hetero-oligomers without affecting CCR7 expression levels. Our findings indicate that HIV-evoked CXCR4 signaling promotes CCR7-dependent CD4 T cell migration by up-regulating CCR7 function, which is likely to be induced by increased formation of CCR7 homo- and CXCR4/CCR7 hetero-oligomers on the surface of CD4 T cells.
  • Qiang Ding; Guo-qiang Cai; Meng Hu; Youfeng Yang; Anni Zheng; Qinjiu Tang; Candece L. Gladson; Haurko Hayasaka; Hongju Wu; Zhiying You; Brian D. Southern; Lisa M. Grove; S. Ohidar Rahaman; Haotian Fang; Mitchell A. Olman
    The American Journal of Pathology 182 5 1572 - 1584 2013年05月 [査読有り]
  • Zhongbin Bai; Linjun Cai; Eiji Umemoto; Akira Takeda; Kazuo Tohya; Yutaka Komai; Punniyakoti Thanikachalam Veeraveedu; Erina Hata; Yuki Sugiura; Akiko Kubo; Makoto Suematsu; Haruko Hayasaka; Shinichi Okudaira; Junken Aoki; Toshiyuki Tanaka; Harald M H G Albers; Huib Ovaa; Masayuki Miyasaka
    Journal of immunology 190 5 2036 - 48 2013年03月 [査読有り]
    Lymphocyte extravasation from the high endothelial venules (HEVs) of lymph nodes is crucial for the maintenance of immune homeostasis, but its molecular mechanism remains largely unknown. In this article, we report that lymphocyte transmigration across the basal lamina of the HEVs is regulated, at least in part, by autotaxin (ATX) and its end-product, lysophosphatidic acid (LPA). ATX is an HEV-associated ectoenzyme that produces LPA from lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC), which is abundant in the systemic circulation. In agreement with selective expression of ATX in HEVs, LPA was constitutively and specifically detected on HEVs. In vivo, inhibition of ATX impaired the lymphocyte extravasation from HEVs, inducing lymphocyte accumulation within the endothelial cells (ECs) and sub-EC compartment; this impairment was abrogated by LPA. In vitro, both LPA and LPC induced a marked increase in the motility of HEV ECs; LPC's effect was abrogated by ATX inhibition, whereas LPA's effect was abrogated by ATX/LPA receptor inhibition. In an in vitro transmigration assay, ATX inhibition impaired the release of lymphocytes that had migrated underneath HEV ECs, and these defects were abrogated by LPA. This effect of LPA was dependent on myosin II activity in the HEV ECs. Collectively, these results strongly suggest that HEV-associated ATX generates LPA locally; LPA, in turn, acts on HEV ECs to increase their motility, promoting dynamic lymphocyte-HEV interactions and subsequent lymphocyte transmigration across the basal lamina of HEVs at steady state.
  • Eiji Umemoto; Akira Takeda; Soojung Jin; Zhijuan Luo; Naoki Nakahogi; Haruko Hayasaka; Chun Man Lee; Toshiyuki Tanaka; Masayuki Miyasaka
    PloS one 8 12 e83681  2013年 [査読有り]
    Vascular endothelial cells often change their phenotype to adapt to their local microenvironment. Here we report that the vascular endothelial adhesion molecule nepmucin/CD300LG, which is implicated in lymphocyte binding and transmigration, shows unique expression patterns in the microvascular endothelial cells of different tissues. Under physiological conditions, nepmucin/CD300LG was constitutively and selectively expressed at the luminal surface of the small arterioles, venules, and capillaries of most tissues, but it was only weakly expressed in the microvessels of the splenic red pulp and thymic medulla. Furthermore, it was barely detectable in immunologically privileged sites such as the brain, testis, and uterus. The nepmucin/CD300LG expression rapidly decreased in lymph nodes receiving acute inflammatory signals, and this loss was mediated at least in part by TNF-α. It was also down-regulated in tumors and tumor-draining lymph nodes, indicating that nepmucin/CD300LG expression is negatively regulated by locally produced signals under these circumstances. In contrast, nepmucin/CD300LG was induced in the high endothelial venule-like blood vessels of chronically inflamed pancreatic islets in an animal model of non-obese diabetes. Interestingly, the activated CD4(+) T cells infiltrating the inflamed pancreas expressed high levels of the nepmucin/CD300LG ligand(s), supporting the idea that nepmucin/CD300LG and its ligand interactions are locally involved in pathological T cell trafficking. Taken together, these observations indicate that the nepmucin/CD300LG expression in microvascular endothelial cells is influenced by factor(s) that are locally produced in tissues, and that its expression is closely correlated with the level of leukocyte infiltration in certain tissues.
  • Eiji Umemoto; Kazuhiro Otani; Takashi Ikeno; Noel Verjan Garcia; Haruko Hayasaka; Zhongbin Bai; Myoung Ho Jang; Toshiyuki Tanaka; Takashi Nagasawa; Koichi Ueda; Masayuki Miyasaka
    Journal of immunology 189 1 191 - 9 2012年07月 [査読有り]
    Although the spleen plays an important role in host defense against infection, the mechanism underlying the migration of the innate immune cells, plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs), into the spleen remains ill defined. In this article, we report that pDCs constitutively migrate into the splenic white pulp (WP) in a manner dependent on the chemokine receptors CCR7 and CXCR4. In CCR7-deficient mice and CCR7 ligand-deficient mice, compared with wild-type (WT) mice, substantially fewer pDCs were found in the periarteriolar lymphoid sheath of the splenic WP under steady-state conditions. In addition, the migration of adoptively transferred CCR7-deficient pDCs into the WP was significantly worse than that of WT pDCs, supporting the idea that pDC trafficking to the splenic WP requires CCR7 signaling. WT pDCs responded to a CCR7 ligand with modest chemotaxis and ICAM-1 binding in vitro, and priming with the CCR7 ligand enabled the pDCs to migrate efficiently toward low concentrations of CXCL12 in a CXCR4-dependent manner, raising the possibility that CCR7 signaling enhances CXCR4-mediated pDC migration. In agreement with this hypothesis, CCL21 and CXCL12 were colocalized on fibroblastic reticular cells in the T cell zone and in the marginal zone bridging channels, through which pDCs appeared to enter the WP. Furthermore, functional blockage of CCR7 and CXCR4 abrogated pDC trafficking into the WP. Collectively, these results strongly suggest that pDCs employ both CCR7 and CXCR4 as critical chemokine receptors to migrate into the WP under steady-state conditions.
  • Eiji Umemoto; Haruko Hayasaka; Zhongbin Bai; Linjun Cai; Sari Yonekura; Xiaodong Peng; Akira Takeda; Kazuo Tohya; Masayuki Miyasaka
    CRITICAL REVIEWS IN IMMUNOLOGY 31 2 147 - 169 2011年 [査読有り]
    The physiological recruitment of circulating lymphocytes from the blood into secondary lymphoid tissues is an essential homeostatic mechanism for the immune system because it allows lymphocytes to encounter efficiently both their specific cognate antigen and the regulatory cells with which they need to interact, to initiate, maintain, and terminate immune responses appropriately. This constitutive lymphocyte trafficking is mediated by high endothelial venules (HEVs), which are present in secondary lymphoid tissues other than the spleen. There is growing evidence that lymphocyte trafficking across HEVs involves at least three steps, namely, (i) tethering/rolling, (ii) arrest/firm adhesion/intraluminal crawling, and (iii) transendothelial migration (TEM). Although the mechanisms underlying the first two steps have been determined relatively well, the mechanism regulating TEM is only partially understood. In particular, the molecular mechanism driving lymphocyte movement from the apical to the basolateral surface of the endothelial cells (ECs) of HEVs remains ill defined. This step is crucial for successful lymphocyte extravasation, and is thus an important target for therapeutic intervention in various immunological diseases. Here, we review the molecular mechanisms governing lymphocyte-HEV interactions, and highlight possible roles for two HEV proteins, i.e., nepmucin/CD300g and autotaxin, in lymphocyte TEM.
  • Haruko Hayasaka; Kanako Taniguchi; Shoko Fukai; Masayuki Miyasaka
    Cancer Science 101 11 2302 - 8 2010年11月 [査読有り]
    Physiological recruitment of lymphocytes from the blood into lymph nodes and Peyer's patches is mediated by high endothelial venules (HEV), specialized blood vessels found in secondary lymphoid tissues except for the spleen. The HEV are distinguished from other types of blood vessels by their tall and plump endothelial cells, and by their expression of specific chemokines and adhesion molecules, which all contribute to the selective lymphocyte trafficking across these blood vessels. The development of HEV is ontogenically regulated, and they appear perinatally in the mouse. High endothelial venules can appear ectopically, for instance in chronically inflamed tissues. Given that HEV enable the efficient trafficking of lymphocytes into tissues, the induction of HEV at a tumor site could potentiate tumor-specific immune responses, and the artificial manipulation of HEV neogenesis might thus provide a new tool for cancer immunotherapy. However, the process of HEV development and the mechanisms by which the unique features of HEV are maintained are incompletely understood. In this review, we discuss the process of HEV neogenesis and development during ontogeny, and their molecular requirements for maintaining their unique characteristics under physiological conditions.
  • Shinji Ogino; Noritaka Nishida; Ryo Umemoto; Miho Suzuki; Mitsuhiro Takeda; Hiroaki Terasawa; Joji Kitayama; Masanori Matsumoto; Haruko Hayasaka; Masayuki Miyasaka; Ichio Shimada
    Structure 18 5 649 - 56 2010年05月 [査読有り]
    The hyaluronan (HA) receptor CD44 mediates cell adhesion in leukocyte trafficking and tumor metastasis. Our previous nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies revealed that the CD44 hyaluronan-binding domain (HABD) alters its conformation upon HA binding, from the ordered (O) to the partially disordered (PD) conformation. Here, we demonstrate that the HABD undergoes an equilibrium between the O and PD conformations, in either the presence or absence of HA, which explains the seemingly contradictory X-ray and NMR structures of the HA-bound HABD. An HABD mutant that exclusively adopts the PD conformation displayed a higher HA affinity than the wild-type. Rolling of the cells expressing the mutant CD44 was less efficient than those expressing the wild-type, due to the decreased tether frequency and the slow cellular off rate. Considering that the mutant CD44, devoid of the low-affinity state, exhibited impaired rolling, we conclude that the coexistence of the high- and low-affinity states of the HABD is essential for the CD44-mediated rolling.
  • Zhongbin Bai; Haruko Hayasaka; Masayoshi Kobayashi; Wenzhe Li; Zijin Guo; Myoung Ho Jang; Akihiro Kondo; Byung-il Choi; Yoichiro Iwakura; Masayuki Miyasaka
    Journal of immunology 182 3 1287 - 95 2009年02月 [査読有り]
    A number of chemokines, including CCL21, CCL19, CXCL12, and CXCL13, are coexpressed on the lumen or basal lamina of high endothelial venules (HEVs) in lymph nodes (LNs) and Peyer's patches (PPs), consistent with the idea that they might cooperate to regulate lymphocyte trafficking into these lymphoid tissues. In this study we report that CXCL12, acting through its receptor, CXCR4, cooperates with CCR7 ligands to promote T cell trafficking across HEVs. CXCL12 enhanced the CCR7-induced chemotaxis of wild-type but not CXCR4-deficient T cells in vitro at suboptimal concentrations of a CCR7 ligand, but without affecting the expression level or ligand-binding ability of CCR7. Real-time chemotaxis analysis showed that CXCL12 substantially shortened the lag time before cell migration began in vitro, but not the migration speed of T cells responding to suboptimal CCR7 ligand concentrations. In addition, CXCL12 augmented the CCR7 ligand-driven ERK phosphorylation and actin polymerization in T cells under the same conditions. In adoptive transfer experiments, CXCL12 promoted naive T cell trafficking to LNs and PPs in wild-type but not CCR7 ligand-deficient plt/plt recipient mice; this increased T cell trafficking was associated with enhanced binding of the T cells to HEVs and their subsequent migration into the LN parenchyma. Thus, CXCL12 synergizes with CCR7 ligands to promote T cell migration by sensitizing T cells through CXCR4, thus enabling them to respond to lower concentrations of CCR7 ligands. Such concerted action of chemokines provides an additional, previously unknown mechanism for efficient lymphocyte trafficking across HEVs into LNs and PPs.
  • Rebecca L Sayers; Liisa J Sundberg-Smith; Mauricio Rojas; Haruko Hayasaka; J Thomas Parsons; Christopher P Mack; Joan M Taylor
    Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 28 12 2115 - 22 2008年12月 [査読有り]
    OBJECTIVE: Smooth muscle cell (SMC) differentiation is a dynamic process that must be tightly regulated for proper vascular development and to control the onset of vascular disease. Our laboratory previously reported that a specific focal adhesion kinase (FAK) inhibitor termed FRNK (FAK Related Non-Kinase) is selectively expressed in large arterioles when SMCs are transitioning from a synthetic to contractile phenotype and that FRNK inhibits FAK-dependent SMC proliferation and migration. Herein, we sought to determine whether FRNK expression modulates SMC phenotypes in vivo. METHODS AND RESULTS: We present evidence that FRNK(-/-) mice exhibit attenuated SM marker gene expression during postnatal vessel growth and after vascular injury. We also show that FRNK expression is regulated by transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta and that forced expression of FRNK in cultured cells induces serum- and TGF-beta-stimulated SM marker gene expression, whereas FRNK deletion or expression of a constitutively activated FAK variant attenuated SM gene transcription. CONCLUSIONS: These data highlight the possibility that extrinsic signals regulate the SMC gene profile, at least in part, by modulating the expression of FRNK and that tight regulation of FAK activity by FRNK is important for proper SMC differentiation during development and after vascular injury.
  • Tae Nakasaki; Toshiyuki Tanaka; Shinichi Okudaira; Michi Hirosawa; Eiji Umemoto; Kazuhiro Otani; Soojung Jin; Zhongbin Bai; Haruko Hayasaka; Yoshinori Fukui; Katsuyuki Aozasa; Naoya Fujita; Takashi Tsuruo; Keiichi Ozono; Junken Aoki; Masayuki Miyasaka
    The American journal of pathology 173 5 1566 - 76 2008年11月 [査読有り]
    Autotaxin (ATX) is a secreted protein with lysophospholipase D activity that generates lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) from lysophosphatidylcholine. Here we report that functional ATX is selectively expressed in high endothelial venules (HEVs) of both lymph nodes and Peyer's patches. ATX expression was developmentally regulated and coincided with lymphocyte recruitment to the lymph nodes. In adults, ATX expression was independent of HEV-expressed chemokines such as CCL21 and CXCL13, innate immunity signals including those via TLR4 or MyD88, and of the extent of lymphocyte trafficking across the HEVs. ATX expression was induced in venules at sites of chronic inflammation. Receptors for the ATX enzyme product LPA were constitutively expressed in HEV endothelial cells (ECs). In vitro, LPA induced strong morphological changes in HEV ECs. Forced ATX expression caused cultured ECs to respond to lysophosphatidylcholine, up-regulating lymphocyte binding to the ECs in a LPA receptor-dependent manner under both static and flow conditions. Although in vivo depletion of circulating ATX did not affect lymphocyte trafficking into the lymph nodes, we surmise, based on the above data, that ATX expressed by HEVs acts on HEVs in situ to facilitate lymphocyte binding to ECs and that ATX in the general circulation does not play a major role in this process. Tissue-specific inactivation of ATX will verify this hypothesis in future studies of its mechanism of action.
  • Heterogeneity of in vitro lymphocyte behaviours in response to different chemokines
    Zonbin Bai; Haruko Hayasaka; Mika Nishiyama; Toshiyuki Tanaka; Myoung Ho Jang; Eiji Umemoto; Masayuki Miyasaka
    Med. J. Osaka Univ. 51 11 - 20 2008年 [査読有り]
  • Haruko Hayasaka; Karen H Martin; E Daniel Hershey; J Thomas Parsons
    Journal of cellular biochemistry 102 4 947 - 54 2007年11月 [査読有り]
    FRNK, a non-catalytic variant of focal adhesion kinase (FAK), is expressed in major blood vessels throughout mouse development and is postulated to play a role in regulating cell adhesion and signaling in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). The FRNK transcriptional start site lies within an intron of the FAK gene, suggesting that the FRNK gene is a "gene within a gene". Here, we identified a 1 kb intronic sequence of the FAK gene that is necessary for endogenous FRNK expression. Deletion of this sequence in gene-targeted mice abolished FRNK expression, showing the direct involvement of the FAK intron in the regulation of FRNK expression. The level of FAK expression was normal in the FRNK-deficient mice, indicating that FAK and FRNK are transcriptionally regulated by distinct promoters. The FRNK-deficient mice were viable, fertile, and displayed no obvious histological abnormalities in any of the major blood vessels. Western blot analysis showed that FRNK-deficient and wild-type (WT) cells had comparable levels of steady-state and adhesion-dependent FAK autophosphorylation. Despite the fact that ectopic expression of FRNK suppresses focal adhesion formation in cultured cells, these results suggest that endogenous FRNK is not essential for development or the formation of the mouse vasculature.
  • Bo-Gie Yang; Toshiyuki Tanaka; Myoung Ho Jang; Zhongbin Bai; Haruko Hayasaka; Masayuki Miyasaka
    JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 179 7 4376 - 4382 2007年10月 [査読有り]
    Certain lymphoid chemokines are selectively and constitutively expressed in the high endothelial venules (HEV) of lymph nodes and Peyer's patches, where they play critical roles in the directional migration of extravasating lymphocytes into the lymphoid tissue parenchyma. How these chemokines are selectively localized and act in situ, however, remains unclear. In the present study, we examined the possibility that basal lamina-associated extracellular matrix proteins in the HEVs are responsible for retaining the lymphoid chemokines locally. Here we show that collagen IV (Col IV) bound certain lymphoid chemokines, including CCL21, CXCL13, and CXCL12, more potently than did fibronectin or laminin-1, but it bound CCL19 and CCL5 only weakly, if at all. Surface plasmon resonance analysis indicated that Col IV bound CCL21 with a low nanomolar K-D, which required the C-terminal region of CCL21. Col IV can apparently hold these chemokines in their active form upon binding, because the Col IV-bound chemokines induced lymphocyte migration efficiently in vitro. We found by immunohistochemistry that Col IV and CCL21, CXCL13, and CXCL12 were colocalized in the basal lamina of HEVs. When injected s.c. into plt/plt mice, CCL21 colocalized at least partially with Col IV on the basal lamina of HEVs in draining lymph nodes. Collectively, our results suggest that Col IV contributes to the creation of a lymphoid chemokine-rich environment in the basal lamina of HEVs by binding an array of locally produced lymphoid chemokines that promote directional lymphocyte trafficking from HEVs into the lymphoid tissue parenchyma.
  • Takahiro Matsutani; Toshiyuki Tanaka; Kazuo Tohya; Kazuhiro Otani; Myoung Ho Jang; Eiji Umemoto; Kanako Taniguchi; Haruko Hayasaka; Koichi Ueda; Masayuki Miyasaka
    International immunology 19 9 1031 - 7 2007年09月 [査読有り]
    Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are natural type I IFN-producing cells found in lymphoid tissues, where they support both innate and adaptive immune responses. They emigrate from the blood to lymph nodes, apparently through high endothelial venules (HEVs), but little is known about the mechanism. We have investigated the molecular mechanisms of pDC migration using freshly isolated DCs and HEV cells. We found that pDCs bound avidly to HEV cells and then transmigrated underneath them. Two observations suggested that these binding and migration steps are differentially regulated. First, treatment of pDCs with pertussis toxin blocked transmigration but not binding. Second, pDCs were able to bind but not to transmigrate under non-HEV endothelial cells, although the binding was observed to both HEV and non-HEV endothelial cells. Antibody inhibition studies indicated that the binding process was mediated by alphaL and alpha4 integrins on pDCs and by intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1, ICAM-2 and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 on HEVs. The transmigration process was also mediated by alphaL and alpha4 integrins on pDCs, with junctional adhesion molecule-A on HEV cells apparently serving as an additional ligand for alphaL integrin. These data show for the first time that pDCs employ multiple adhesion molecules sequentially in the processes of adhesion to and transmigration through HEVs.
  • Mitsuhiro Takeda; Shinji Ogino; Ryo Umemoto; Masayoshi Sakakura; Masahiro Kajiwara; Kazuki N Sugahara; Haruko Hayasaka; Masayuki Miyasaka; Hiroaki Terasawa; Ichio Shimada
    The Journal of biological chemistry 281 52 40089 - 95 2006年12月 [査読有り]
    CD44, a major cell surface receptor for hyaluronan (HA), contains a functional domain responsible for HA binding at its N terminus (residues 21-178). Accumulating evidence indicates that proteolytic cleavage of CD44 in its extracellular region (residues 21-268) leads to enhanced tumor cell migration and invasion. Hence, understanding the mechanisms underlying the CD44 proteolytic cleavage is important for understanding the mechanism of CD44-mediated tumor progression. Here we present the NMR structure of the HA-binding domain of CD44 in its HA-bound state. The structure is composed of the Link module (residues 32-124) and an extended lobe (residues 21-31 and 125-152). Interestingly, a comparison of its unbound and HA-bound structures revealed that rearrangement of the beta-strands in the extended lobe (residues 143-148) and disorder of the structure in the following C-terminal region (residues 153-169) occurred upon HA binding, which is consistent with the results of trypsin proteolysis studies of the CD44 HA-binding domain. The order-to-disorder transition of the C-terminal region by HA binding may be involved in the CD44-mediated cell migration.
  • Kazuki N Sugahara; Takako Hirata; Haruko Hayasaka; Robert Stern; Toshiyuki Murai; Masayuki Miyasaka
    The Journal of biological chemistry 281 9 5861 - 8 2006年03月 [査読有り]
    Hyaluronan (HA) is an extracellular matrix glycosaminoglycan that interacts with cell-surface receptors, including CD44. Although HA usually exists as a high molecular mass polymer, HA of a much lower molecular mass that shows a variety of biological activities can be detected under certain pathological conditions, particularly in tumors. We previously reported that low molecular weight HAs (LMW-HAs) of a certain size range induce the proteolytic cleavage of CD44 from the surface of tumor cells and promote tumor cell migration in a CD44-dependent manner. Here, we show that MIA PaCa-2, a human pancreatic carcinoma cell line, secreted hyaluronidases abundantly and generated readily detectable levels of LMW-HAs ranging from approximately 10- to 40-mers. This occurred in the absence of any exogenous stimulation. The tumor-derived HA oligosaccharides were able to enhance CD44 cleavage and tumor cell motility. Inhibition of the CD44-HA interaction resulted in the complete abrogation of these cellular events. These results are consistent with the concept that tumor cells generate HA oligosaccha-rides that bind to tumor cell CD44 through the expression of their own constitutive hyaluronidases. This enhances their own CD44 cleavage and cell motility, which would subsequently promote tumor progression. Such an autocrine/paracrine-like process may represent a novel activation mechanism that would facilitate and promote the malignant potential of tumor cells.
  • Naotoshi Kanemitsu; Yukihiko Ebisuno; Toshiyuki Tanaka; Kazuhiro Otani; Haruko Hayasaka; Tsuneyasu Kaisho; Shizuo Akira; Koko Katagiri; Tatsuo Kinashi; Naoya Fujita; Takashi Tsuruo; Masayuki Miyasaka
    Blood 106 8 2613 - 8 2005年10月 [査読有り]
    Chemokine receptor signaling is critical for lymphocyte trafficking across high endothelial venules (HEVs), but the exact mode of action of individual chemokines expressed in the HEVs is unclear. Here we report that CXCL13, expressed in a substantial proportion of HEVs in both lymph nodes (LNs) and Peyer patches (PPs), serves as an arrest chemokine for B cells. Whole-mount analysis of mesenteric LNs (MLNs) showed that, unlike T cells, B cellsa dhere poorly to the HEVs of CXCL13-/- mice and that B-cell adhesion is substantially restored in CXCL13-/- HEVs when CXCL13 is added to the MLNs by superfusion, as we have previously observed in PP HEVs by intravital microscopy. In vitro, CXCL13 activated the small guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) Rap1 in B cells, and corroborating this observation, a deficiency of RAPL, the Rap1 effector molecule, caused a significant reduction in shear-resistant B-cell adhesion to intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1). In addition, CXCL13 induced B-cell adhesion to mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule 1 (MAdCAM-1) by activating alpha4 integrin. These data identify CXCL13 as an arrest chemokine for B cells in HEVs and show that CXCL13 plays an important role in B-cell entry into not only PPs but also MLNs.
  • H Hayasaka; K Simon; ED Hershey; K Masumoto; JT Parsons
    JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY 95 6 1248 - 1263 2005年08月 [査読有り]
    FRNK, the autonomously expressed carboxyl-terminal region of focal adhesion kinase(FAK), is expressed in tissues that are rich in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Here we report the generation of transgenic mice harboring the putative FRNK promoter fused to LacZ and examine the promoter activity in situ via expression of beta-galactosidase. The transgenic mice exhibited expression of beta-galactosidase predominantly in arterial VSMCs in large and small blood vessels of major organs. Upregulation of beta-galactosidase activity was observed in tunica media following carotid injury, indicating that the FRNK promoter is activated in VSMCs in response to injury. Robust expression of beta-galactosidase in blood vessels was also detected in the developing embryo. However, expression was also observed in the midline, the nose and skin epidermis, indicating distinct transcriptional regulation of the FRNK promoter in embryogenesis. To analyze FRNK expression in vitro, we identified a 116 bp sequence in the FRNK promoter that was sufficient to function as an enhancer when fused to the minimal actin promoter and expressed in cultured smooth muscle cells. Mutation of AP-1 and NF-E2 binding consensus sequences within this element abrogated enhancer activity, supporting the involvement of this promoter element in VSMC expression of FRNK.
  • T Tanaka; ZB Bai; Y Srinoulpraser; BG Yang; H Hayasaka; M Miyasaka
    CANCER SCIENCE 96 6 317 - 322 2005年06月 [査読有り]
    Although chemokines have been thought of primarily as leukocyte attractants, a growing body of evidence indicates that they also contribute to a number of tumor-related processes, such as tumor cell growth, angiogenesis/angiostasis, local invasion, and metastasis. The current knowledge of the possible involvement of chemokines and their receptors in these cellular events are reviewed here. The operating mechanism of chemokines in relation to metastatic processes in vivo are also discussed.
  • H Ishiwatari-Hayasaka; M Maruya; AS Sreedhar; TK Nemoto; P Csermely; Yahara, I
    BIOCHEMISTRY 42 44 12972 - 12980 2003年11月 [査読有り]
    Hsp90 is a molecular chaperone that binds and assists refolding of non-native and/or labile polypeptides and also bind various peptides. However, the rules of how Hsp90 recognizes substrates have not been well characterized. By surface plasmon resonance measurements, a physiologically active peptide, neuropeptide Y (NPY), with a strong binding property to Hsp90 was identified from screening of 38 randomly selected peptide candidates. We showed that the carboxy-terminal fragment of NPY (NPY13-36), which forms an amphipathic alpha-helix structure, preserved the strong binding to Hsp90. Immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting using HeLa cell extracts revealed that newly synthesized NPY precursors bound to Hsp90, suggesting that the in vitro binding experiments identified an interactive peptide in vivo. Proteolytic cleavage of the NPY13-36/Hsp90 complex, as well as binding site analysis using deletion mutants of Hsp90, revealed the NPY binding locus on Hsp90alpha as the 192 amino acid region following the N-terminal domain. By electron microscopic analysis using an anti-Hsp90 antibody against the sequence proximal to the highly charged region, we showed that the Hsp90 dimer bound to NPY13-36 at both ends. Mutation of arginine residues in NPY13-36 to alanine abrogated binding to Hsp90. Our studies indicate that the hinge region after the N-terminal domain of Hsp90 and the positive charges on NPY are important for this interaction.
  • T Schnaider; J Oikarinen; H Ishiwatari-Hayasaka; Yahara, I; P Csermely
    LIFE SCIENCES 65 22 2417 - 2426 1999年10月 [査読有り]
    The 90 kDa heat shock protein (Hsp90) induces the condensation of the chromatin structure [Csermely, P., Kajtar, J., Hollosi, M., Oikarinen, J., and Somogyi, J. (1994) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 202, 1657-1663]. In our present studies we used surface plasmon resonance measurements to demonstrate that Hsp90 binds histones H1, H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 with high affinity having dissociation constants in the submicromolar range. Strong binding of the C-terminal peptide of histone H1 containing the SPKK-motif and a pentaeicosa-peptide including the Hsp90 bipartite nuclear localization signal sequence was also observed. However, a lysine/arginine-rich peptide of casein, and the lysine-rich platelet factor 4 did not display a significant interaction with Hsp90. Histones and positively charged peptides modulated the Hsp90-associated kinase activity. Interactions between Hsp90, histones, and high mobility group (HMG) protein-derived peptides raise the possibility of the involvement of Hsp90 in chromatin reorganization during steroid action, mitosis, or after cellular stress.
  • H Ishiwatari-Hayasaka; T Fujimoto; T Osawa; T Hirama; N Toyama-Sorimachi; M Miyasaka
    JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 163 3 1258 - 1264 1999年08月 [査読有り]
    CD44 is a transmembrane glycoprotein involved in various cell adhesion events, including lymphocyte migration, early hemopoiesis, and tumor metastasis, To examine the requirements of CD44 for signal delivery through the extracellular domain, we constructed a chimeric CD44 protein fused to the intracellular domain of Fas on its C-terminus, In cells expressing the CD44-Fas fusion protein, apoptosis could be induced by treatment with certain anti-CD44 mAbs alone, especially those recognizing the epitope group d, which has been previously shown to play a role in ligand binding, indicating that ligation of a specific region of the CD44 extracellular domain results in signal delivery. Of note was that appropriate ligation of the epitope h also resulted in the generation of apoptotic signal, although this region was not thought to be involved in ligand binding, In contrast, the so-called blocking anti-CD44 mAbs (epitope group f) that can abrogate the binding of hyaluronate (HA) failed to induce apoptosis even after further cross-linking with the secondary Ab, indicating that a mere mAb-induced oligomerization of the chimeric proteins is insufficient for signal generation. However, these blocking mAbs were instead capable of inhibiting apoptosis induced by nonblocking mAb (epitope group h), Furthermore, a chimeric protein bearing a mutation in the HA binding domain and hence lacking the ability to recognize HA was incapable of mediating the mAb-induced apoptosis, suggesting that the functional integrity of the HA binding domain is crucial to the signal generation in CD44.
  • H Ishiwatari; K Nakanishi; G Kondoh; N Hayasaka; Q Li; A Yamashita; H Inoue; A Hakura
    CANCER LETTERS 117 1 57 - 65 1997年07月 [査読有り]
    By introducing a cDNA library derived from rat embryonic fibroblast cells, we isolated several morphologically flat revertants of rat 3Y1 cells transformed by the E6 and E7 genes of human papillomavirus type 18 (HPV18). From one of the revertants, we recovered a 0.2-kb cDNA, N56, that suppresses the tumor growth of the transformed 3Y1 cells irrespective of the expression of the E6 and E7 genes. The nucleotide sequence of the cDNA was shown to be identical to that of the 3' untranslated region of a putative mammalian polycomb group gene, mel-18. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.
  • H IshiwatariHayasaka; H Kawashima; T Osawa; S Nagata; M Miyasaka
    INTERNATIONAL IMMUNOLOGY 9 4 627 - 635 1997年04月 [査読有り]
    In the present study, we have established a system where engagement of an adhesion molecule triggers a death signal into cells, L-selectin, which is a well characterized adhesion receptor involved in the initial adhesion between lymphocyte and endothelium, was fused to the intracellular domain of an apoptosis-inducing molecule, Fas. Ligation of the chimeric receptors with a carbohydrate ligand for L-selectin, fucoidin or a mAb that recognizes the lectin domain of L-selectin, induced apoptosis in receptor-expressing cells. However, ligation with an anti-L-selectin mAb reactive with a non-ligand binding site did not induce apoptosis, indicating that stimulation through the lectin domain of L-selectin in the chimeric receptor leads to signal delivery. Upon activation L-selectin shows a unique proteolytic cleavage at the membrane proximal site on the extracellular (EC) domain, of which the significance is also unclear. We found that truncations in the EC domain which abrogate the proteolytic cleavage of L-selectin did not influence induction of apoptosis, suggesting that the cleavage on the EC domain itself is not important for the signaling function of the chimeric receptor. This is the first demonstration that an adhesion signal can be converted to a signal that leads to apoptotic cell death.
    JOURNAL OF MEDICAL VIROLOGY 44 3 243 - 249 1994年11月 [査読有り]
    Certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV), such as types 16 and 18, are thought to be responsible for the development of cervical carcinomas. The E6 and E7 genes of these viruses have transforming activities in various cultured cells and their mRNAs and proteins are expressed in almost all cervical carcinoma cells. Inactivation of the tumor suppressor p53 protein by the E6 gene is believed to be critical for transformation by these oncogenic HPVs. To determine whether degradation of the p53 protein is, in fact, sufficient for cellular transformation by the E6 gene, the E6 gene of HPV16 was introduced into human embryonic fibroblasts (HEF) using recombinant murine retrovirus and examined whether reduction of the p53 protein could substitute for the E6 function. It was found that HEF cells transfected with the E6 gene showed an increased saturation density and degraded the p53 protein. However, when expression of the p53 protein in normal HEF cells was suppressed by the antisense oligonucleotide of the p53 gene, growth stimulation was not observed. These results show that the E6 gene stimulates growth of HEF cells, but that this activity involves some other E6 gene-mediated functions than degradation of the p53 protein. (C) 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH 85 4 357 - 363 1994年04月 [査読有り]
    For determination of the correlation between tumorigenicity and the expression levels or splicing patterns of E6 mRNAs of the human papillomavirus type 16 in established cells, a vector containing the intact E6 open reading frame which expresses both unspliced and spliced mRNAs, one expressing only unspliced E6 mRNA, and one expressing both unspliced and spliced mRNAs but producing only truncated E6 proteins were constructed. In transformation assays and analyses of E6 mRNAs, a higher expression level of unspliced E6 mRNA was found to be closely associated with tumorigenicity. Furthermore, it was also related with anchorage-independent growth and a decreased serum requirement of the cells.
    CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION 18 6 457 - 465 1993年12月 [査読有り]
    A rat embryo fibroblast (REF) cDNA expression library was transfected into 3Y1 cells transformed by human papillomavirus type 18 E6 and E7 genes and 10 flat revertants were isolated. These revertants expressed the same levels of E6 and E7 mRNA as the parent cells, but had greatly reduced ability to form colonies in soft agar. Suppression of transformation was dominant in cell hybrids generated by fusing each revertant with the parental transformed cells. Furthermore, loss of transfected cDNA was observed in re-transformed cell hybrids derived from one flat revertant. Overexpression of the cDNA suppresses the colony-forming efficiency of the cells transformed by E6 and E7 genes.
    JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY 114 6 919 - 925 1993年12月 [査読有り]
    It has been suggested that the two acidic regions around residue 70 and residue 170 in yeast cytochrome c(1) a subunit of ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase (complex III), interact with cytochrome c in the electron transfer reaction and that the QCR6 protein, the acidic subunit of yeast complex III, enhances this interaction. In order to determine the roles of the acidic regions of cytochrome c(1) more precisely, we introduced several mutations in the two acidic regions and examined their effects on the ability of modified cytochrome c(1) to complement the respiration deficiency of yeast cells lacking only cytochrome c(1) or both cytochrome c(1) and the QCR6 protein. The mutant cytochrome c(1) with the deletion of the first acidic region (Delta 68-80) was still functional in the cytochrome c(1)-deficient strain. Mutant cytochrome c(1) with the deletion of the second acidic region (Delta 168-179) caused a decrease in the complementing ability, but this is probably due to failure in its proteolytic maturation and/or correct assembly into complex III. Mutant cytochrome c(1) with altered charge distribution in the acidic regions (Asp(170)Asp(171)-->Asn(170)Asn(171) or Asp(170)Asp(171)-->Asn(170)Lys(171)) made the cytochrome c(1)-deficient cells respiration-competent. On the other hand, mutant cytochrome c(1) with the deletion of the first acidic region (Delta 68-80) or altered charge distribution in the second region (Asp(170)Asp(171)-->Asn(170)Lys(171)) did not restore the respiration deficiency of the cells lacking not only cytochrome c(1) but also the QCR6 protein. These results indicate that the acidic regions in cytochrome c(1) are essential for the ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase activity in yeast cells in the absence of the QCR6 protein, and suggest the acidic regions of cytochrome c(1) may promote binding of complex III to cytochrome c in cooperation with the QCR6 protein.
    JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY 108 5 798 - 803 1990年11月 [査読有り]




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    柳 利咲; 四之宮紗菜; 室田 佳恵子; 早坂 晴子
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    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web) 2023年
  • ケモカインCCL28を介したメラノーマに対する腫瘍免疫活性化機構
    西田晃尚; 山本真也; 松尾一彦; 早坂晴子; 海堀祐一郎; 長久保大輔; 原雄大; 義江修; 義江修; 中山隆志
    日本薬学会年会要旨集(Web) 2023年
  • CCR4阻害剤はTh2細胞とTh17細胞の浸潤と増殖を抑制することでアトピー皮膚炎様病変を改善する
    山下絢香; 松尾一彦; 須佐美陽子; 早坂晴子; 原雄大; 中山隆志
    日本薬学会年会要旨集(Web) 2023年
  • A cooperation of CCR7 and CXCR4 ligand chemokines regulate breast cancer cell invasion and migration toward lymphatic vessels  [招待講演]
    Haruko Hayasaka
    7th Global Insight Conference on BREAST CANCER 2022年09月 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • 転写因子DACH1による腫瘍内血管形成および腫瘍形成への影響
    畑谷友宥; 藤岡葵; 松本りぼん; 藤澤晃; 向井めぐみ; 早坂晴子
    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web) 2022年
  • 転写因子DACH1によるリンパ節高内皮細静脈内皮細胞の遺伝子発現調節
    信澤怜佳; 永井隼斗; 新谷ありさ; 深井祥子; 片桐豊雅; 早坂晴子
    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web) 2022年
  • Ccl21a欠損マウスでの抗腫瘍免疫応答亢進における制御性T細胞の関与
    藤江亮之介; 藤原翔; 黒蕨馨; 大東いずみ; 早坂晴子
    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web) 2022年
  • 分割型ルシフェラーゼを用いたCCR7ホモ二量体形成の検出
    西村仁志; 岸本慧; 黒蕨馨; 早坂晴子
    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web) 2021年
  • リンパ節高内皮細静脈血管形成における転写因子Dach1遺伝子の関与
    新谷ありさ; 永井隼斗; 信澤怜佳; 深井祥子; 早坂晴子
    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web) 2021年
  • ケモカインCCL21発現によるメラノーマ増殖調節メカニズム
    宮本芽久美; 黒蕨馨; 藤原翔; 太田祥恵; 大東いずみ; 早坂晴子
    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web) 2021年
  • Ccl21a KOマウスにおける抗腫瘍免疫応答の亢進
    林凌太; 川畑日南; 藤原翔; 黒蕨馨; 山田優希; 大東いずみ; 早坂晴子
    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web) 2021年
  • 転写因子Dach1による腫瘍内血管形成の促進
    畑谷友宥; 向井めぐみ; 田辺薫佳; 曽根麻由奈; 早坂晴子
    日本がん転移学会学術集会・総会プログラム抄録集 2021年
  • 転写因子Dach1が腫瘍流入領域リンパ節血管形成に与える影響
    信澤怜佳; 永井隼斗; 畑谷友宥; 新谷ありさ; 深井祥子; 早坂晴子
    日本がん転移学会学術集会・総会プログラム抄録集 2021年
  • Ccl21a KOマウスでのB16F10メラノーマ増殖低下における制御性T細胞の関与
    藤江亮之介; 黒蕨馨; 藤原翔; 大東いずみ; 早坂晴子
    日本がん転移学会学術集会・総会プログラム抄録集 2021年
  • ルシフェラーゼ相補分析による乳癌細胞CCR7ホモ二量体形成の検出
    岸本慧; 小林大地; 黒蕨馨; 松田幸; 西村仁志; 早坂晴子
    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web) 2020年
  • Ccl21a KOマウスにおける抗腫瘍免疫応答の亢進
    林凌太; 藤原翔; 黒蕨馨; 山田優希; 大東いずみ; 早坂晴子
    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web) 2020年
  • ケモカインCCL21-Ser発現によるメラノーマ増殖調節
    宮本芽久美; 黒蕨馨; 藤原翔; 太田祥惠; 大東いずみ; 早坂晴子
    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web) 2020年
  • リンパ節高内皮細静脈血管形成における転写因子Dach1遺伝子の関与
    新谷ありさ; 永井隼斗; 信澤怜佳; 片貝璃子; 深井祥子; 早坂晴子
    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web) 2020年
  • リンパ球間の細胞遊走を制御する走化性因子の探索  [通常講演]
    黒蕨 馨; 遠藤 正隆; 早坂 晴子
    第42回日本分子生物学会年会 2019年12月
  • ヒト乳がん細胞リンパ節転移における CCR7 および CXCR4 リガンドケモカインの関与  [通常講演]
    早坂 晴子; 松田 幸; 宮坂 昌之
    第28回 日本がん転移学会 2019年07月
  • リンパ節血管形成における転写因子Dach1遺伝子の関与
    永井隼斗; 新谷ありさ; 酒井智弘; 深井祥子; 早坂晴子
    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web) 2019年
  • リンパ節高内皮細静脈内皮細胞分化におけるDach1遺伝子の機能解析
    野出 裕介; 奥田 結衣; 永井 隼人; 酒井 智弘; 深井 祥子; 早坂 晴子
    第41回日本分子生物学会年会 2018年12月 ポスター発表
  • 慢性炎症と健康生活  [招待講演]
    早坂 晴子
    第5回バイオコークス研究所 LDセミナー 2018年09月
  • Ccl21a KO マウスにおけるB16F10メラノーマ増殖能の低下
    藤原翔; 鈴木崚介; 大東いずみ; 高浜洋介; 早坂晴子
    第27回 日本がん転移学会 2018年07月
  • 病は気からの不思議  [招待講演]
    早坂 晴子
    アンチエイジング市民公開講座 2018年06月
  • Dach1恒常的発現マウスを用いた高内皮細静脈形成メカニズムの解析
    早坂 晴子; 永井 隼斗; 酒井 智弘; 曽根 麻由奈; 野出 裕介
    日本血管生物医学会 2018年 ポスター発表
  • CCR7 homo-dimerization regulates CCR7 ligand-dependent cell migration and signaling  [通常講演]
    Haruko Hayasaka; Daichi Kobayashi; Masataka Endo; Hironobu Hojo; Masayuki Miyasaka
    北米細胞生物学会 2017年12月 ポスター発表
  • ケモカイン依存的細胞遊走におけるケモカイン受容体の局在変化と脂質ラフトの役割
    遠藤 正隆; 小林 大地; 高岡 洋輔; 早坂 晴子
    生命科学系学会合同年次大会 2017年12月 生命科学系学会合同年次大会運営事務局
  • 血管特異的Dach1ノックアウトマウスを用いた高内皮細静脈形成メカニズムの解析
    酒井 智弘; 長江 崚平; 松本 萌; 平野 晴香; 早坂 晴子
    生命科学系学会合同年次大会 2017年12月 生命科学系学会合同年次大会運営事務局
  • メラノーマ組織に形成される高内皮細静脈様血管の検出  [通常講演]
    藤原 翔; 森 空悟; 大東 いずみ; 高浜 洋介; 早坂 晴子
    第26回 日本がん転移学会 2017年 ポスター発表
  • 内在性サイトカイン受容体のケミカルラベルによる生細胞イメージング
    高岡 洋輔; 内之宮 祥平; 小林 大地; 林 隆弘; 福山 嘉明; 早坂 晴子; 宮坂 昌之; 上田 卓見; 嶋田 一男; 浜地 格
    日本生化学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集 2016年09月 (公社)日本生化学会
  • CCR7 homo-oligomerization plays an important role in CCR7-dependent signaling  [通常講演]
    Kobayashi D; Miyasaka M; Hayasaka H
    第45回日本免疫学会 2016年
  • CCR7ホモ多量体形成による細胞遊走調節機構
    小林 大地; 越智 裕隆; 室岡 耕大; 宮坂 昌之; 早坂 晴子
    日本生化学会大会・日本分子生物学会年会合同大会講演要旨集 2015年12月 (公社)日本生化学会
  • The role of the transcription factor Dach1 in the high endothelial venule development
    Haruko Hayasaka; Peter Balogh; Masayuki Miyasaka
    第44回日本免疫学会 2015年
  • SASAKI Naoko; HATA Erina; UMEMOTO Eiji; HAYASAKA Haruko; MIYASAKA Masayuki
    日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録 2014年11月
  • HATA Erina; SASAKI Naoko; TAKEDA Akira; UMEMOTO Eiji; HAYASAKA Haruko; MIYASAKA Masayuki
    日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録 2014年11月
  • HIV-1 gp120/CXCR4シグナルが誘導するCCR7受容体多量体化とCCR7リガンド依存的CD4 T細胞遊走の亢進
    早坂 晴子; 小林 大地; 吉村 洋美; 中山 英美; 塩田 達雄; 宮坂 昌之
    日本エイズ学会誌 2014年11月 (一社)日本エイズ学会
  • Chemokine receptor oligomer formation affects T cell migration
    Daichi Kobayashi; Haruko Hayasaka; Yasutaka Kuroda; Masayuki Miyasaka
    第37回 日本分子生物学会 2014年11月
  • 癌リンパ節転移研究における毛細リンパ管モデルの利用  [招待講演]
    早坂 晴子; 宮坂 昌之
    三次元生体組織構築シンポジウム 2014年 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • HAYASAKA Haruko; KOBAYASHI Daichi; MIYASAKA Masayuki
    日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録 2013年11月
  • Involvement of Dachshund1 in the development of the high endothelial venules  [招待講演]
    Haruko Hayasaka
    The Fourth Workshop of Synthetic Immunology 2013年11月
  • 早坂 晴子; 小林 大地; 宮坂 昌之
    日本生物物理学会年会 2013年10月 (一社)日本生物物理学会
  • HIV-1 gp120/CXCR4相互作用によるCCR7依存的CD4 T細胞のリンパ節へのトラフィキングの促進
    小林 大地; 早坂 晴子; 吉村 洋美; 小林 雅佳; 中山 英美; 塩田 達雄; 宮坂 昌之
    第35回 日本分子生物学会 2012年12月
  • HATA Erina; UMEMOTO Eiji; HAYASAKA Haruko; MIYASAKA Masayuki
    日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録 2012年11月
  • 乳癌リンパ節転移におけるケモカイン受容体CXCR4およびCCR7の協働作用
    早坂 晴子; 島津 徳人; 青葉 孝昭; 宮坂 昌之
    日本癌学会総会記事 2012年08月 (一社)日本癌学会
  • The roles of chemokines and their receptors in tumor metastasis to lymph nodes  [招待講演]
    MIYASAKA Masayuki; HAYASAKA Haruko
    第89回 日本生理学会大会 2012年03月
  • HIV-1 gp120により促進されるCCR7リガンド誘導性T細胞遊走へのCXCR4、およびCD4の関与
    小林 大地; 早坂 晴子; 吉村 洋美; 白 忠彬; 小林 雅佳; 中山 英美; 塩田 達雄; 宮坂 昌之
    第34回 日本分子生物学会 2011年12月
  • Potentiation of CCR7 ligand responsiveness by CXCL12 in breast cancer cells – Induction of CXCR4/CCR7-enriched plasma membrane ruffles
    Yasutaka Kuroda; Haruko Hayasaka; Masayuki Miyasaka
    第34回 日本分子生物学会 2011年12月
  • HATA Erina; BAI Zhongbin; CAI Linjun; UMEMOTO Eiji; HAYASAKA Haruko; MIYASAKA Masayuki
    日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録 2011年11月
  • A transcription factor preferentially expressed in the high endothelial venule endothelial cells of the perinatal mouse lymph nodes
    Haruko Hayasaka; Shoko Fukai; Masayuki Miyasaka
    日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録 2011年11月
  • 免疫動態の調節機構 定常状態における形質細胞様樹状細胞の脾白脾髄への移行はCCR7およびCXCL12の協調作用により制御される
    梅本 英司; 池野 嵩; Garcia Noel Verjan; 早坂 晴子; 白 忠彬; 張 明浩; 田中 稔之; 宮坂 昌之
    日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録 2011年11月 (NPO)日本免疫学会
  • 白血球、癌細胞の生体内動態調節と ケモカイン共働作用  [招待講演]
    早坂 晴子
    新学術領域研究 公開シンポジウム 2011年07月
  • CXCL12により誘導される乳癌細胞のC CR7反応性亢進とそのリンパ節転移への関与
    吉田淳一; 早坂晴子; 岡田麻里; 宮坂昌之
    第20回 日本がん転移学会 2011年07月
  • The HIV-1 gp120/CXCR4 interaction promotes CCR7-dependent CD4 T cell trafficking into lymph nodes  [通常講演]
    Haruko Hayasaka; Hiromi Yoshimura; Daichi Kobayashi; Emi E. Nakayama; Tatsuo Shioda; Zhongbin Bai; Masayuki Miyasaka
    Keystone Symposia 2011年04月
  • Searching for transcription factors that are involved in HEV endothelial cell differentiation  [招待講演]
    Shoko Fukai; Haruko Hayasaka; Masayuki Miyasaka
    The Workshop of Synthetic Immunology 2010年12月
  • Searching for transcription factors that are involved in HEV endothelial cell differentiation  [通常講演]
    Shoko Fukai; Haruko Hayasaka; Masayuki Miyasaka
    第14回 国際免疫学会 2010年08月
  • The effects of HIV-1 gp120 on CCR7 ligand-induced human CD4 T cell migration  [通常講演]
    Haruko Hayasaka; Hiromi Yoshimura; Emi E. Nakayama; Tatsuo Shioda; Zhongbin Bai; Masayuki Miyasaka
    第14回 国際免疫学会 2010年08月
  • 微小循環におけるリンパ球とケモカイン リンパ球トラフィキングにおけるautotaxinの役割
    蔡 林君; 白 忠彬; 梅本 英司; 早坂 晴子; 宮坂 昌之
    日本炎症再生医学会 2010年08月 (一社)日本炎症・再生医学会
  • ケモカインレセプターの準安定状態と細胞動態  [招待講演]
    早坂 晴子; 吉村 洋美; 白 忠彬; 宮坂 昌之
    第10回 蛋白質科学会 2010年06月
  • 乳癌細胞株MDA-MB-231におけるCXCL12とCCR7リガンド協働作用とリンパ節転移への関与
    岡田 麻里; 早坂 晴子; 岩本 由希; 宮坂 昌之
    第19回 日本がん転移学会 2010年06月
  • HIV-1 外被糖蛋白分子gp120によるCCR7リガンド誘導性ヒトCD4 T細胞ケモタキシスの促進作用  [通常講演]
    YOSHIMURA Hiromi; HAYASAKA Haruko; BAI Zhongbin; MIYASAKA Masayuki
    第39回 日本免疫学会 2009年12月
  • Luminal expression of autotaxin and its role in high endothelial venules  [通常講演]
    Bai Zhonbin; Haruko Hayasaka; Eiji Umemoto; Masayuki Miyasaka
    第39回 日本免疫学会 2009年12月
  • Searching for genes that control HEV endothelial cell differentiation  [通常講演]
    Shoko Fukai; Haruko Hayasaka; Masayuki Miyasaka
    日本分子生物学会 2009年12月
  • 白血球動態 CD44 HABDに存在する二状態の構造平衡が細胞のローリングに与える影響の解明
    鈴木 美穂; 西田 紀貴; 早坂 晴子; 宮坂 昌之; 嶋田 一夫
    日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録 2009年11月 (NPO)日本免疫学会
  • ヒト悪性中皮腫における転移・浸潤に関わる細胞群同定の試み
    久保田 仁己; 松元 真澄; 早坂 晴子; 矢野 聖二; 宮坂 昌之
    日本癌学会総会記事 2009年08月 (一社)日本癌学会
  • Characterization of CXCR4+ cells with prominent membrane blebbing in a human colon adenocarcinoma cell line LoVo
    松元 真澄; 久保田 仁己; 早坂 晴子; 宮坂 昌之
    日本癌学会総会記事 2009年08月
  • 乳癌細胞におけるCXCL12とCCR7リガンド協働作用の解析  [通常講演]
    早坂 晴子; 宮坂 昌之
    第18回 癌転移学会総会 2009年07月
  • How do immune cells cross the endothelial barrier? -Dogma and Enigmas
    Zhongbin Bai; Noel Verjan Garcia; Eiji Umemoto; Haruko Hayasaka; Masayuki Miyasaka
    IFReC 国際シンポジウム 2009年05月
  • Synergy between CCR7 and CXCR4 signaling in T lymphocyte migration; HIV-1 gp120 facilitates CCL21-induced chemotaxis in T lymphocytes in a CXCR4-dependent manner
    HAYASAKA Haruko; KOBAYASHI Masayoshi; YOSHIMURA Hiromi; BAI Zhongbin; MIYASAKA Masayuki
    第38回 日本免疫学会 2008年12月
  • Promotion of CCR7 ligand-dependent T cell trafficking to LNs and PPs by CXCL12
    BAI Zhongbin; HAYASAKA Haruko; MIYASAKA Masayuki
    第38回 日本免疫学会 2008年12月
  • 癌細胞におけるCXCL12及びCCL19/CCL21の協働作用の検討
    岩本由希; 早坂晴子; 白忠彬; 宮坂昌之
    第31回 日本分子生物学会 2008年12月
  • リンパ節へのT細胞トラフィッキングにおけるCCR7とCXCR4の共同作用
    白忠彬, 早坂晴子, 小林雅, 佳宮坂昌之
    第32回 日本リンパ学会 2008年06月
  • 新しいがん転移抑制機構に関する構造生物学的研究
    寺沢 宏明; 嶋田 一夫; 坂倉 正義; 武田 光広; 荻野 新治; 梅本 良; 宮坂 昌之; 川島 博人; 早坂 晴子; 菅原 一樹; 梶原 正宏
    大和証券ヘルス財団研究業績集 2008年03月 (公財)大和証券ヘルス財団
    CD44の細胞外N末端領域に存在するヒアルロン酸(HA)結合ドメインについてNMRを用いた構造生物学的解析を行った。CD44 HA結合ドメインは、他のHA結合タンパク質とのアミノ酸相同性が高いリンクモジュールの立体構造を保持し、さらに付加配列領域においてβシートを形成していた。ヒアルロン酸結合ドメインのC末端βシート領域は、マトリックスメタロプロテアーゼによってCD44が切断を受ける部位の近傍に位置し、糖鎖の結合によるCD44の構造変化とCD44の切断に伴う細胞の移動・浸潤との相関が示唆された。
  • ケモカイン複合シグナルによる免疫細胞動態の制御  [招待講演]
    早坂 晴子
    GCOEセミナー 2008年02月
  • 腫瘍組織へのリンパ球浸潤を抑制する因子の探索
    早坂 晴子; 高木 恵次; 宮坂 昌之
    日本癌学会総会記事 2007年08月 (一社)日本癌学会
  • 癌細胞のケモタキシスにおけるケモカイン共働作用の解析
    早坂 晴子; 細木 久裕; 武藤 誠; 宮坂 昌之
    日本がん転移学会総会 2007年07月
  • リンフォイドケモカインの協働作用によるTリンパ球ケモタキシスの促進
    白 忠彬; 早坂 晴子; 宮坂 昌之
    第31回 日本リンパ学会 2007年06月
  • Cooperation of multiple chemokines expressed around HEVs in T cell trafficking
    BAI Zhongbin; HAYASAKA Haruko; KOBAYASHI Masayoshi; MIYASAKA Masayuki
    第36回 日本免疫学会 2006年12月
  • Differentiation of HEV endothelial cells in mouse mesenteric lymph nodes
    Kanako Taniguchi; Haruko Hayasaka; Masayuki Miyasaka
    第36回 日本免疫学会 2006年12月
  • 微小循環におけるケモカインの役割 HEVを介したB細胞trafficking
    大谷 一弘; 松谷 崇弘; 兼光 直敏; 戎野 幸彦; 田中 稔之; 早坂 晴子; 宮坂 昌之; 上田 晃一
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 2006年06月 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会
  • Development of HEV endothelial cells in mouse embryonic lymph nodes
    Haruko Hayasaka; Kanako Taniguchi; Mine Iwaki; Masayuki Miyasaka
    国際生化学会 2006年06月
  • 微小循環内での形質細胞様樹状細胞の動態を解析するためのin vitroシステムの構築
    松谷崇弘; 大谷一弘; 梅本英司; 谷口佳菜子; 早坂晴子; 田中稔之; 宮坂昌之; 上田晃一
    日本形成外科学会基礎学術集会プログラム・抄録集 2006年
  • 胎仔リンパ節におけるリンパ管内皮細胞と血管内皮細胞の分化様式の解析
    早坂 晴子; 谷口 佳菜子; 岩木 美根; 外海 洋平; 宮坂 昌之
    日本分子生物学会 2005年12月
  • リンパ球ホーミングを支配する高内皮細静脈(HEV)による細胞動員シグナ ルの形成とその制御  [招待講演]
    田中 稔之; 六野 幸彦; 梅本 英司; 大谷 一弘; 梁 甫伎; 白 忠彬; 中崎 多恵; 張 明浩; 早坂 晴子; 宮坂 昌之
    樹状細胞研究会 2005年07月
  • 田中 稔之; 戎野 幸彦; 梅本 英司; 大谷 一弘; 梁 甫伎; 白 忠彬; 中崎 多恵; 張 明浩; 早坂 晴子; 宮坂 昌之
    日本リンパ網内系学会会誌 2005年06月 (一社)日本リンパ網内系学会
  • HSP90に結合するペプチドの検索
    早坂 晴子; 丸谷 美香子; 矢原 一郎
    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・講演要旨集 1998年12月
  • 接着分子CD44及びそのリガンド-CD44/Fasキメラ分子を用いた解析
    藤本 敬; 大澤 朋子; 平間 敏靖; 早坂 晴子; 反町 典子; 宮坂 昌之
    日本癌学会総会記事 1998年08月 (一社)日本癌学会
  • 癌転移関連接着分子CD44の作用機序-CD44/Fasキメラ分子を用いた解析
    藤本 敬; 大澤 朋子; 早坂 晴子; 反町 典子; 宮坂 昌之
    第56回 日本癌学会総会 1997年10月
  • Ligation of CD44-Fas fusion protein in tumor cells induces cell death
    Tomoko Osawa; Haruko Ishiwatari-Hayasaka; Noriko Toyama-Sorimachi; Shigekazu Nagata; Masayuki Miyasaka
    FIMSA Congress 1996年12月
  • L-selectinリガンドによるL-selectin-Fas融合タンパク質発現細胞への細胞死の誘導
    石渡 晴子; 大澤 朋子; 川島 博人; 宮坂 昌之
    日本分子生物学会・生化学会合同大会 1996年12月
  • CD44とFasの融合タンパク質による細胞死の誘導
    石渡 晴子; 大澤 朋子; 反町 典子; 宮坂 昌之
    第55回 日本癌学会総会 1996年10月
  • Conversion of adhesion signal to death signal- CD44 and L-selectin
    Masayuki Miyasaka; Haruko Ishiwatari; Tomoko Osawa
    The international congress on human cell and cell culture 1996年08月
  • CD44とFasの融合タンパク質による細胞死の誘導
    早坂 晴子, 大澤 朋子, 反町 典子, 宮坂 昌之
    第5回 がん転移研究会総会 1996年06月
  • CD44とFasの融合タンパク質による細胞死の誘導
    石渡 晴子,大澤 朋子,反町 典子,宮坂 昌之
    第25回 日本免疫学会総会 1995年12月
  • CD44とFasの融合タンパク質による細胞死の誘導およびその解析
    大澤 朋子,石渡 晴子, 丁 自強, 反町 典子,長田 重一,宮坂 昌之
    第26回 日本免疫学会総会 1994年12月
  • Isolation of a cDNA fragment that suppresses tumorigenicity of te E6 and E7 gnes of human papillomavirus type 18
    Haruko Ishiwatari; Kazuyoshi Nakanishi; Hirokazu Inoue; Akira Hakura
    The eighth international conference of the International Society of Differentiation 1994年10月
  • ヒトパピローマウイルスによる癌化を抑制する遺伝子の単離
    石渡 晴子; 中西 一吉; 李 勤; 近藤 玄; 羽倉 明
    第53回 日本癌学会総会 1994年10月
  • HPV16型E6遺伝子と造腫瘍性との関係
    井上 忠夫; 清野 透; 石橋 正英; 石渡 晴子; 湯通堂 満寿夫; 羽倉 明
    第52回 日本癌学会総会 1993年10月
  • HPV16型E7遺伝子の新たな細胞側target:ヒト細胞におけるstem cell factor 遺伝子の転写誘導
    近藤 玄; 早坂直人; 石渡 晴子; 羽倉 明
    第51回 日本癌学会総会 1992年10月


  • 生命科学演習近畿大学理工学部
  • 生化学近畿大学理工学部
  • 免疫分子機能特論近畿大学総合理工学研究科
  • 免疫生物学近畿大学理工学部
  • 科学技術英語1近畿大学理工学部


  • 日本がん転移学会   日本癌学会   日本分子生物学会   日本免疫学会   


  • Dach Tgマウス
    理研バイオリソースセンター RBRC06805  その他  早坂 晴子  2014年 - 現在
  • Dach-conditional KOマウス
    理研バイオリソースセンター RBRC10097  その他  早坂 晴子  2012年 - 現在
  • B6-Dach1 null マウス
    理研バイオリソースセンター RBRC06804  その他  早坂 晴子  2012年 - 現在


  • ポリフェノール代謝物による樹状細胞遊走調節を介した食物アレルギーの制御
    研究期間 : 2024年04月 -2025年03月 
    代表者 : 早坂 晴子; 室田佳恵子、中村俊之
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2022年04月 -2025年03月 
    代表者 : 早坂 晴子
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2022年06月 -2024年03月 
    代表者 : 西山 雅祥; 早坂 晴子
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2020年04月 -2024年03月 
    代表者 : 室田 佳恵子; 高橋 信之; 早坂 晴子; 中村 俊之
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2019年04月 -2023年03月 
    代表者 : 早坂 晴子
    特定の二次リンパ組織にのみ存在する高内皮細静脈 (HEV) は特殊な血管であり、リンパ球のみを免疫組織実質へ選択的に動員する機能をもつ。研究代表者らの研究から、高内皮細静脈形成を制御する転写因子候補である Dach1 が、リンパ組織HEV形成を調節することが示唆されている。これまでに、Dach1遺伝子恒常的発現マウスに形成される腫瘍において組織内血管が増加し、腫瘍形成が増大することを示す予備的結果を得ている。また昨年度おこなったDach1遺伝子恒常的発現マウス(Dach1-Tg )リンパ節の組織解析研究結果から、 Dach1-Tg成体リンパ節血管内皮細胞がHEV 前駆細胞と類似の分子発現パターンを示すことが明らかになった。本年度は、RNA-Seqを用いて、リンパ組織高内皮細静脈内皮細胞においてDach1が発現調節する遺伝子を同定した。その結果、Dach1-Tg HEV内皮細胞では野生型の約6倍のDach1発現が確認できた。若齢Dach1-Tgと野生型間の遺伝子発現比較から、Dach1-TgのHEV内皮細胞では、HEVに特徴的な接着分子群発現に必要な糖鎖修飾酵素が約60倍発現増加することが明らかになった。またこれらの接着分子群コアタンパク質として知られる分子のひとつが50倍高発現することがわかった。これらの分子はDach1ターゲット候補であり、今後Dach1による転写活性化の可能性を検討する必要がある。 一方、腫瘍血管に対するDach1の関与については、血管特異的Dach1-欠損マウス(cKO )とコントロールの間に統計学的有意差にはいたらなかったものの、Dach1-cKOで腫瘍内血管割合に減少傾向がみられた。腫瘍重量の比較では、Dach1-cKOで有意な減少が見られた 。これらのことから、血管でのDach1 発現は腫瘍内血管形成と腫瘍増殖に促進的に作用する可能性が示唆された。
  • 転写因子Dach1によるリンパ節血管形成分子メカニズムの解明
    研究期間 : 2021年04月 -2022年03月 
    代表者 : 早坂 晴子
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2016年04月 -2020年03月 
    代表者 : 早坂 晴子
    高内皮細静脈 (HEV) は二次リンパ組織特異的に形成され、定常状態における免疫組織への選択的なリンパ球移行に不可欠なる特殊血管である。近年、癌組織においてもHEVの形態学的特徴や遺伝子発現様式を示す類似の血管が発見され、このHEV様血管 (HEV-LV)が癌組織内に免疫細胞を動員することが示唆されている。私たちは腫瘍組織で形成されるHEV-LVを、二次リンパ組織HEV内皮細胞に発現することが知られているケモカインCCL21 発現を介して検出することに成功した。Ccl21a プロモーターの制御下に蛍光タンパク質TdTomatoを発現するマウスに、メラノーマB16F10を皮内移植し組織解析をおこなった結果、HEV-LVの特徴をもつ腫瘍内血管が観察された。HEV-LV形成が抗腫瘍免疫に関与する可能性を検討するため、私たちが既に同定した新規HEV形成誘導因子Dach1の過剰発現マウスにB16F10を移植し、血管形成の変化を免疫組織解析により比較した。その結果、Dach1恒常発現マウスに形成させた腫瘍組織において、腫瘍細胞全体における I-B4 陽性細胞の割合に有意な増加がみられた。また腫瘍サイズを比較したところ、野生型 マウスに比べ Dach1恒常発現マウスの方が大きい傾向がみられた。以上のことから、腫瘍内HEV様血管形成がメラノーマ組織の増殖に重要である可能性が示唆された。今後、HEV-LVを介して腫瘍組織内部へどのような免疫細胞サブセットが動員され、腫瘍増殖に関与するかについて解析する必要がある。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)
    研究期間 : 2012年06月 -2017年03月 
    代表者 : 宮坂 昌之; 片貝 智哉; 梅本 英司; 早坂 晴子; 竹田 彰
    研究代表者の宮坂、研究分担者の梅本は、フィンランド・Turku大学の竹田、S. Jalkanen、M. Salmi博士の協力を得て、ストローマ細胞が産生する複数の生理活性物質がリンパ球の動態を制御すること、さらに、特定のストローマ細胞がリンパ節への低分子量物質移動を司ることを明らかにした。研究分担者の早坂はケモカイン受容体重合によるケモカイン応答性調節機構を明らかにした。研究分担者の片貝はリンパ節ストローマ細胞を詳細に解析し、新たなストローマ細胞サブセットを発見した。
  • アレルギー性皮膚炎予防を目的としたケモカイン受容体抑制ペプチドの開発
    一般財団法人 ホーユー科学財団:
    研究期間 : 2014年04月 -2016年03月 
    代表者 : 早坂 晴子; 小林 大地
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2013年04月 -2016年03月 
    代表者 : 早坂 晴子
    二次リンパ組織への選択的なリンパ球動員は、高内皮細静脈 (High endothelial venules: HEV) と呼ばれる特殊な血管で媒介される。これまでHEV形成の分子メカニズムは不明であったが、私たちの先行研究から、遺伝子XがHEV成熟が進む新生仔期においてHEV内皮細胞に選択的に発現することが明らかになった。遺伝子Xを欠損するマウスを解析したところ、HEV選択的に発現する接着分子の発現が低下していた。さらに遺伝子Xを恒常的に高発現するトランスジェニックマウスを作製したところ、HEV選択的に発現する接着分子発現上昇がみられた。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)
    研究期間 : 2009年07月 -2014年03月 
    代表者 : 嶋田 一夫; 神田 大輔; 船津 高志; 浜地 格; 白川 昌宏; 早坂 晴子; 阿久津 秀雄; 稲垣 冬彦; 宮坂 昌之; 西村 善文; 森川 耿右; 浜地 格; 白川 昌宏; 森川 耿右; 早坂 晴子
    領域まとめのシンポジウムを主催した。平成27年2月4日と5日の2日間にわたって、理化学研究所横浜事業所交流棟ホールにて開催した。 海外からの招待講演者として、Peter Wright 博士(Scripps, USA)、Angela M. Gronenborn博士 (Univ. of Pittsburgh, USA)、Tai-huang Huang博士 (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)、 Michael Sattler 博士(Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany)、Wolfgang Jahnke博士 (Novartis, Switzerland)、Mitsuhiko Ikura 博士(Univ. Toronto, Canada)、Christian Griesinger博士 (MPI, Germany)、Juli Feigon博士 (UCLA, USA)、 Bong-Jin Lee博士 (Seoul National Univ. Korea)、Philipp Selenko博士 (Leibniz Institute, Germany)を招待した。 開催に際してはHPやポスターを配布するなどして広く告知を行った。また、参加者への便宜を図るため、講演スライドのハンドアウトを参加者へ配布した。 また計画班から嶋田と白川が、公募班員の片平と児嶋がそれぞれ講演を行い、本新学術領域の成果を公表した。2日間にわたるシンポジウムを行い、134名が出席した。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)
    研究期間 : 2009年07月 -2014年03月 
    代表者 : 早坂 晴子; 白 忠彬; 宮坂 昌之
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2010年 -2012年 
    代表者 : 早坂 晴子
    リンパ節に存在する内皮細胞は主にリンパ管系内皮細胞、血管内皮細胞に大別され、血管内皮細胞はさらに形態的特徴や機能から HEV (高内皮細静脈)内皮細胞、非 HEV 内皮細胞に分類することができる。HEV 内皮細胞は、特異的な接着分子やケモカインを発現しリンパ球のホーミングを媒介するという点で、免疫系において重要な機能をもつ細胞である。 HEV 内皮細胞のホーミングにおける機能的解析は多数行われている一方、 HEV 内皮細胞がどこから発生し、機能的な細胞に分化するのかという点については未だ不明である。 HEV 形成期における HEV 内皮細胞分離技術の開発を行い、初めて胎生期 HEV 内皮細胞の遺伝子発現解析に成功し、選択的に発現する複数の転写因子を同定した。 これらの中の一つについて詳細な解析を行ったところ、 HEV の成熟が進む胎生後期から新生仔期において HEV 内皮細胞に選択的に発現することが明らかとなった。 また、この遺伝子を欠損するマウスは、野生型と比較して新生仔リンパ節が小さく、免疫組織化学的解析から HEV 内皮細胞に特異的に発現する複数の遺伝子発現が低下していた。これらのことから、この転写因子が HEV 内皮細胞分化に機能的に関与する可能性が示唆された。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2009年 -2011年 
    代表者 : 宮坂 昌之; 早坂 晴子; 梅本 英司; 白 忠彬; ベルハンガルシア ノエル; 蔡 林君
    リンパ節へのリンパ球トラフィキングを制御する血管である高内皮細静脈HEVの内皮細胞に高発現するリゾリン脂質産生酵素autotaxin(ATX)の機能をin vitro, in vivoで解析した。ATXはリンパ球の血管外移動と高い相関を示し、ATXおよびリゾホスファチジン酸(LPA)受容体の阻害実験から、ATXはLPAの産生を介して、リンパ球の血管外移動を正に制御していることが強く示唆された。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 特定領域研究
    研究期間 : 2005年 -2009年 
    代表者 : 宮坂 昌之; 早坂 晴子; 梅本 英司; 張 明浩; 白 忠彬; ベルハンガルシア ノエル; 平田 多佳子; 田中 稔之
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 特定領域研究
    研究期間 : 2006年 -2007年 
    代表者 : 田中 稔之; 早坂 晴子
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費
    研究期間 : 1999年 -1999年 
    代表者 : 早坂 晴子


  • 期間 : 2022年
    役割 : 出演
    種別 : インターネット
    主催者・発行元 : 近畿大学
    イベント・番組・新聞雑誌名 : Youtube


  • リンパ球移動を誘導するタンパク質が、皮膚がんを悪化させることを発見!!皮膚がんの新たな治療戦略につながる可能性
    報道 : 2023年07月
    発行元・放送局 : 近畿大学 総合理工学研究科
    研究・アワード インターネットメディア
  • 免疫組織へリンパ球をよびこむ血管形成のメカニズムを解明 血管形成調節による免疫応答制御に期待
    報道 : 2022年08月
    発行元・放送局 : 近畿大学 理工学部・総合理工学研究科
    研究・アワード インターネットメディア
  • 報道 : 2022年03月16日
    発行元・放送局 : 近畿大学
    プレスリリース インターネットメディア
  • 報道 : 2018年05月
    発行元・放送局 : 近畿大学 理工学部・総合理工学研究科
    研究・アワード インターネットメディア
  • 報道 : 2017年09月
    執筆者 : 本人
    発行元・放送局 : 近畿大学 理工学部・総合理工学研究科
    Research News インターネットメディア
  • CXCL12 Promotes CCR7-dependent Naive T-cell Trafficking to Lymph Nodes and Peyer's Patches
    報道 : 2010年07月
    発行元・放送局 : 大阪大学
    番組・新聞雑誌 : ANNUAL REPORT OF OSAKA UNIVERSITY – Academic Achievement – 2009-2010
    100 Selected Papers 会誌・広報誌
  • How T Cells Home
    報道 : 2009年
    番組・新聞雑誌 : J. Immunol. 182 1227-1228
    In This Issue 新聞・雑誌
