石水 隆(イシミズ タカシ)

情報学部 情報学科講師

Last Updated :2024/09/14






  • 博士(工学)(2000年03月 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学)




  • 情報通信 / 情報学基礎論



  • Concurrent differential evolution for uncertain optimization problems
    田川 聖治; 石水 隆
    The Fifth International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences 48 - 53 International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA) 2011年11月
  • Kiyaharu Tagawa; Takashi Ishimizu
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering, URKE 2011 1 1 - 4 2011年 [査読有り]
    Recently, multi-core processors, which have more than one Central Processing Unit (CPU), are introduced widely into personal computers. Authors have been proposed a concurrent program of Differential Evolution (DE). The concurrent program of DE, which is called Parallelized DE (PDE), can generate and evaluate multiple individuals in parallel on a multi-core processor. In this paper, two implementation arts of PDE are presented and compared through the numerical experiment and the statistical test. © 2011 IEEE.
  • Takashi Ishimizu; Kiyoharu Tagawa
    Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 15 9 1310 - 1319 2011年 [査読有り]
    In this paper, a new Differential Evolution (DE) that has multiple populations, or islands, is proposed. The proposed DE is called Structured Differential Evolution (StDE). In order to generate a new individual from the current population, various characteristic strategies have been proposed for DE. However, the performances of these strategies depend on the kind of the optimization problem. The proposed StDE uses different strategies in respective islands. Therefore, it can be expected that the proposed StDE is effective for a wide range of optimization problems. Although various networks topologies among islands are reported for island-based evolutionary algorithms, the most popular ones, namely the ring network and the torus network, are employed by StDE. Furthermore, in order to enhance the performance of proposed StDE, various migration policies are examined in two kinds of networks though a variety of benchmark problems.
  • 石水 隆; 田川 聖治
    計算機と通信の国際誌 1 4 1 - 8 UNIVERSITY PRESS 2010年12月 
    本論文では種々のネットワークに対する構造差分進化計算(Structued Differential Evolution, StDE)を提案する。
    逐次進化計算(Sequential Differential Evolution, SqDE)は近年提案された進化計算(Evolutionary algorithm, EA)であり、SqDEは最適化問題を効率良く解く事ができる。
  • Kiyoharu Tagawa; Takashi Ishimizu
    Many of the conventional Differential Evolutions (DEs) have employed the discrete generation model that uses two populations, namely, old one and new one. Recently, a new DE based on the continuous generation model is proposed. In the continuous generation model, only one population is used. The new DE is sometimes called Sequential DE (SDE). Besides better convergence, SDE has some advantages. For instance, it becomes easy to introduce various survival selections into SDE. Therefore, four survival selections depending on the distance between two individuals are presented for SDE. Furthermore, in order to compare the effects of the distance dependent survival selections on SDE, not only the numerical experiment but also the statistical test is conducted on various benchmark problems.
  • Concurrent differential evolution based on MapReduce
    田川 聖治; 石水 隆
    International Journal of Computers 4 4 161 - 168 NUMA 2010年 
  • Kiyoharu Tagawa; Takashi Ishimizu
    Recently, general-purpose multi-core processors have been introduced widely into personal computers. In order to utilize the additional cores to execute costly application programs such as Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs), concurrent implementations of them are demanded. Even though EAs including various Differential Evolutions (DEs) are naturally prone to parallelism, Sequential DE (SDE) is especially suited for concurrent programming. Therefore, a concurrent implementation of SDE, which is based on the map and reduce framework, is proposed. Through the numerical experiment, the speedup of SDE due to the use of multiple cores is demonstrated. Furthermore, it is shown that the concurrent programming of SDE is efficient, simple, portable and scalable.
  • Takashi Ishimizu; Kiyoharu Tagawa
    Proceedings - 2010 2nd World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, NaBIC 2010 591 - 596 2010年 [査読有り]
    In this paper, a Structured Differential Evolution (StDE) that has multiple populations, or islands, is proposed. Since various characteristic strategies have been contrived for DE, the proposed StDE uses different strategies in respective islands. This technique is called mixed strategies. Therefore, it can be expected that the proposed StDE is effective for a wide range of optimization problems. Although various networks among islands are reported for island-based evolutionary algorithms, the most common one, namely the ring network is employed by StDE. However, in order to enhance the performance of proposed StDE, various migration policies are examined in the ring network though a variety of benchmark problems. © 2010 IEEE.
  • Takashi Ishimizu; Kiyoharu Tagawa
    A structured implementation of Differential Evolution (DE), which can be executed in parallel by using various processor networks, is presented in this paper. Even though Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) including DE have a parallel and distributed nature intrinsically, Sequential DE (SqDE) is especially suited for the structured implementation of DE. Therefore, the proposed Structured DE (StDE) is based on SqDE. Through the numerical experiment conducted on a variety of benchmark problems, the performances of StDE realized on some different network topologies are compared with the conventional SqDE that uses no processor network. As a result, it is shown that the number of generations spent by StDE to find optimal solutions is smaller than the number of them spent by the above SqDE in many benchmark problems. Therefore, the optimal solutions of almost of the benchmark problems are found more efficiently by using the proposed StDE realized on the processor network.
  • 石水 隆
    Systems and Computers in Japan 33 12 97 - 107 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 2002年11月 
  • T Ishimizu; A Fujiwara; M Inoue; T Masuzawa; H Fujiwara
    In this paper, we present two parallel algorithms for computing the all nearest neighbors of an n x n binary image on the Bulk-Synchronous Parallel(BSP) model. The first algorithm is for weighted distance, and the second algorithm is for L-p distance. Both two algorithms run in O(n(2)/p + L) computation time and O(g n/root p + L) communication time using p (1 less than or equal to p less than or equal to n) processors and in O(n(2)/p + (d + L) log p/n/log(d+1)) computation time and in O(g n/root p + (gd + L) log p/n/log(d+1)) communication time using p (n < p less than or equal to n(2)) processors, for any integer d (1 less than or equal to d < p/n), where L denotes synchronization periodicity and g denotes a reciprocal of communication bandwidth.



  • 並列差分進化計算の比較研究  [通常講演]
    石水 隆; 田川 聖治
    情報処理学会 数理モデルと問題解決研究 2011年03月 青島パームビーチホテル 情報処理学会 数理モデルと問題解決研究
  • 石水 隆; 田川 聖治
    World Congress on Nature and Biologocally Inspired Computing 2010年12月 北九州国際会議センター(福岡県北九州市) World Congress on Nature and Biologocally Inspired Computing
    本論文では種々のネットワークに対する構造差分進化計算(Structued Differential Evolution, StDE)を提案する。 逐次進化計算(Sequential Differential Evolution, SqDE)は近年提案された進化計算(Evolutionary algorithm, EA)であり、SqDEは最適化問題を効率良く解く事ができる。 本論文で提案するStDEはSqDEを並列化したものである。 ベンチマーク問題に対する最適化問題において、ネットワークを用いたStDEはSqDEよりも解を高速に求めることができる。(英文)
  • マルチコア・プロセッサにおけるDifferential Evolutionの実装  [通常講演]
    田川 聖治; 石水 隆
    計測自動制御学会中部支部 2010年10月 信州大学繊維学部 計測自動制御学会中部支部
    進化計算アルゴリズムの一種であるDifferential Evolutionを並行プログラムとしてマルチコア・プロセッサにより実装する技法を考案した。
  • 石水 隆; 田川 聖治
    The 10th International Conference on APPLIED COMPUTER SCIENCE (ACS'10) 2010年10月 ホテル安比グランド(岩手県八幡平市) The 10th International Conference on APPLIED COMPUTER SCIENCE (ACS'10)
    本論文では種々のネットワークに対する構造差分進化計算(Structued Differential Evolution, StDE)を提案する。 逐次進化計算(Sequential Differential Evolution, SqDE)は近年提案された進化計算(Evolutionary algorithm, EA)であり、SqDEは最適化問題を効率良く解く事ができる。 本論文で提案するStDEはSqDEを並列化したものである。 ベンチマーク問題に対する最適化問題において、ネットワークを用いたStDEはSqDEよりも解を高速に求めることができる。(英文)
  • ヘテロジニアスBSP モデル上の2 次元データ分割  [通常講演]
    石水 隆; 樋口 昌宏
    The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) 2003年11月 Marina del Ray (アメリカ・ロスアンゼルス) The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED)
    本稿ではp プロセッサを用いたHBSP モデル上で、サイズn × n の2 次元データに対し、各プロセッサの速度に応じてデータを割り当てるデータ分割法を示し、また、その分割法を用いた行列積を解く並列アルゴリズムを示す。
  • ヘテロジニアスBSPモデル上の2次元データ分割  [通常講演]
    石水 隆; 樋口 昌宏
    電子情報通信学会 コンピュテーション研究会 2002年09月 豊橋技術科学大学(愛知県豊橋市) 電子情報通信学会 コンピュテーション研究会
