藤田 浩司(フジタ コウジ)

生物理工学部 人間環境デザイン工学科准教授

Last Updated :2024/09/14






  • 博士(工学)(神戸大学)


  • 健康   断熱   床下暖房   蓄熱   潜熱蓄熱   換気   




  • 社会基盤(土木・建築・防災) / 建築環境、建築設備



  • 2023年04月 - 現在  近畿大学生物理工学部 人間環境デザイン工学科准教授
  • 2017年04月 - 現在  近畿大学生物理工学部 人間環境デザイン工学科講師
  • 2014年04月 - 2017年03月  近畿大学生物理工学部 人間工学科講師
  • 2008年04月 - 2014年03月  神戸大学工学(系)研究科(研究院)助教



  • Koji Fujita; Satoshi Yoshida; Risa Ishizaki; Eiji Yamamoto; Naoko Takahashi; Atsushi Iwamae
    Environmental Research 253 119147 - 119147 2024年07月 [査読有り]
  • 山田 崇史; 林 和典; 藤田 浩司
    日本建築学会技術報告集 30 75 1101 - 1106 2024年06月 [査読有り]
  • 藤田 浩司; 岩前 篤; 佐藤 寛; 熊切 梨沙子
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 87 801 722 - 730 2022年11月 [査読有り]
  • Koji Fujita
    Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 30 101275 - 101275 2022年05月 [査読有り]
  • 藤田浩司
    日本建築学会技術報告集 26 63 608 - 612 2020年06月 [査読有り]
  • 熱伝導方程式の線形性を用いた重ね合わせによる24時間連続型床下暖房時の床下からの最大熱損失推定法の提案
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 85 771 321 - 330 2020年05月 [査読有り]
  • 住宅内温度に応じた医療費推定法の提案と医療費を考慮した経済的な住宅断熱性能の検討
    藤田 浩司; 岩前 篤; 佐藤 寛; 高原 梨沙子; 鈴木 曜
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 85 768 159 - 167 2020年02月 [査読有り]
  • 藤田 浩司; 松岡 聡; 岩前 篤; 太田 周彰
    日本建築学会技術報告集 25 60 753 - 758 2019年06月 [査読有り]
  • Koji Fujita; Takayuki Matsushita
    6TH INTERNATIONAL BUILDING PHYSICS CONFERENCE (IBPC 2015) 78 1678 - 1683 2015年 [査読有り]
    We have conducted this study to find an equation that is capable of predicting the temperature distribution in a semi-infinite phase change material (PCM) that has broad phase-change-temperature range on the condition that the initial temperature distribution is uniform at a lower temperature than the phase-change-temperature, and the surface is kept at a higher temperature than the phase-change-temperature. We found that the temperature distribution in the PCM with broad phase-change-temperature range can be approximated by substituting the lower inflection point temperature of the Gaussian distribution of the apparent specific heat for the phase-change-temperature in the equations that express temperature distribution in the PCM with a specific phase-change-temperature. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • 松下 敬幸; 岸上 昌史; 藤田 浩司
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 79 703 745 - 751 Architectural Institute of Japan 2014年09月 [査読有り]
    The approximate analytical solution of the location of smoke front below horizontal ceiling at early time in fire is derived by the handling as the axi-symmetric problem. At first the approximate analytical solution of the average temperature of smoke layer is derived in assuming that the progress velocity of smoke front is proportional to 1/2 power of time based on the mass preservation. Then the integral equation to predict the location of smoke front is derived in this smoke average temperature. As this equation is not able to solve analytically, an approximate analytical equation is derived by approximation of integrand and being subject to temperature less exceeding initial inflow temperature. Particularly, in case of the treatment of center sprang out, the location of smoke front is proportional to 1/2 power at early time then to 3/4 power at time. The prediction is compared to the experimental data. It is shown that the location of smoke front is predicted by the approximate analytical solution.
  • 松下 敬幸; 藤田 浩司
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 79 703 739 - 744 Architectural Institute of Japan 2014年09月 [査読有り]
    Traditionally, the smoke front location below the horizontal ceiling of a corridor in fire has been predicted by the numerical analysis. In this paper, an approximate analytical solution is derived. If the progression rate of smoke front is assumed to be constant, the analytical solutions of smoke average temperature and the equation of smoke front location are derived. As the equation of smoke front location is not solved analytically, the integrand of the equation is approximated by 1/At, and on additional condition that the smoke temperature does not exceed the initial inlet temperature the further approximate analytical solution is derived. The final approximate analytical solution shows that the smoke front location is proportional to the time until 1/A, and expand in proportion to the 2/3 power of time thereafter. The approximate analytical solution is compared the experimental results of actual size. The result shows that it is possible to predict the smoke front location in considering heat loss from the ceiling and the walls.
  • 藤田 浩司; 松下 敬幸
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 79 697 241 - 246 Architectural Institute of Japan 2014年 [査読有り]
    The objective of this paper is to present a new method for estimating air flow coefficients and air flow exponents of air leakage areas not only in the external wall of a house but also in the internal walls between rooms using only one type of tracer gas. These values-which are unknown variables-are determined using nonlinear simultaneous equations, which consist of balance equations for the air mass and tracer-gas concentration in the rooms. To verify the validity of this method, we set up a numerical experiment. As a result of the experiment, it was clarified that the present estimation method yields a reasonable estimate of the air flow coefficients and the air flow exponents.
  • A Method for Estimating Amount of Stored Heat in PCM that Exchange Heat with Flowing Water
    Koji Fujita; Takayuki Matsushita
    Central European Symposium on Building Physics 2013 2013年09月 [査読有り]
  • 岸上 昌史; 松下 敬幸; 藤田 浩司
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 77 673 115 - 120 日本建築学会 2012年03月 [査読有り]
    In this paper, according to the approach built on previous paper(No.645,pp.1203-1209,2009.11), the relationship of air supply rate between the bulletin requirements in normal temperature and the conventional calculating method based on the condition in fire is constructed. The calculation procedure of air supply rate based on the ventilation calculation in normal temperature to satisfy the bulletin requirement is shown. Then the relationship in general of leakage by the position of air release opening is considered, the appropriate design for the height on floor of the air release opening and the calculation procedure of additional air supply rate to block smoke in fire are shown.
  • Effective Flow Area Estimation Test using CO2
    Ken Iwamoto; Koji Fujita; Takayuki Matsushita
    Proceedings of AIVC International conference 2010 2010年10月 [査読有り]
  • Effective Flow Area Estimation Method using a Gas
    Koji Fujita; Ken Iwamoto; Takayuki Matsushita
    Proceedings of AIVC International conference 2010 2010年10月 [査読有り]
  • 内堀 友恵; 秋山 哲哉; 松下 敬幸; 藤田 浩司; 高田 暁
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 74 645 1195 - 1202 2009年 [査読有り]
    This study examined the pressurization smoke control method in the congregated vertical shaft in case of an underground fire. The pressurization smoke control can secure a refuge route by preventing an invasion of smoke to lobby. The congregated vertical shaft exhaust system is a method to shut smoke out of a room. However, it can happen that smoke exhausted from a lower floor leaks from an exhaust opening of an upper floor congregated vertical shaft. Therefore, in this study, for the purpose of grasping the behavior of the leakage of smoke in congregated vertical shaft with pressurization smoke control system, an equation to determine the rate of smoke leakage from the dimension of the building and the behavior of the fire is shown theoretically. Furthermore, a simple method for the design of the shaft setup height and the shaft cross-section area is proposed from the viewpoint of prevention of smoke leakage.
  • 松下 敬幸; 藤田 浩司; 岸上 昌史
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 74 645 1203 - 1209 日本建築学会 2009年 
    The purpose of this paper is the establishment of the method to confirm at the normal temperature that the pressurization smoke control system is able to block off smoke in case of the fire. A theory is constructed to determine the opening condition of smoke insulation door at the normal temperature which realizes the air flow rate equivalent to that in case of the fire. Although the opening information in the actual building usually does not agree with that in the planning, it is necessary to know the opening information in the actual building. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a procedure to know the opening information by two measurements at normal temperature., and the same time, to judge whether the system is able to block off smoke in case of fire. Moreover the simplified method is proposed for evaluating the performance to block offsmoke only from the measurement ofone case where the door is fully opened door at the normal temperature. As shown in the example, it would be possible to judge the appropriateness of pressurization smoke control system based on the result ofthe measurement at the normal temperature.
  • Experimental Study on Crawl-Space Heating with Thermal Storage using Heat Pump
    Koji Fujita; Atsushi Iwamae; Takayuki Matsushita
    Proceedings of 8th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics 2 527 - 534 2008年06月 [査読有り]
  • 藤田 浩司; 岩前 篤; 松下 敬幸; 中川 浩; 横山 弘嗣; 石津 京二
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 73 626 479 - 486 一般社団法人日本建築学会 2008年04月 [査読有り]
    We present a heating system with thermal storage using a heat pump which supplies heat to the thermal storage installed in a crawl space of a residential house insulated at the foundation walls. We used latent thermal storage materials. This system can charge heat by using cheap nighttime electricity and discharge the stored heat at daytime. We showed equations to determine the air volumes of the heat pump and the ventilator, and equations to determine the phase transition temperature and the amount of the latent thermal storage materials to keep the room setting temperature. We constructed a computer simulation program of this heating system and confirmed the validity of these equations.
  • 藤田 浩司; 岩前 篤; 松下 敬幸; 石津 京二; 中川 浩
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 73 626 471 - 478 一般社団法人日本建築学会 2008年04月 [査読有り]
    We present a heating system with thermal storage using a heat pump which supplies heat to the thermal storage installed in a crawl space of a residential house insulated at the foundation walls. We used sensible thermal storage materials. This system can charge heat by using cheap nighttime electricity and discharge the stored heat at daytime. It is revealed by experimental studies that thermal behavior of the room is greatly influenced by the heat capacity of the thermal storage. We constructed a computer simulation program of this heating system and showed the ratio of the stored heat for generated heat by the heat pump with the volume of the thermal storage materials. We showed the way to determine the volume of the thermal storage materials and the capacity of the heat pump.
  • 藤田 浩司; 岩前 篤; 松下 敬幸
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 73 625 291 - 297 一般社団法人日本建築学会 2008年03月 [査読有り]
    'Crawl-space heating' is a heating system using the crawl space as a duct for heat transport from a heat pump. The purpose of this study is to grasp the convective heat-transfer coefficient at the slab-concrete surface and the floor-under surface, under the condition of crawl-space heating. When the crawl-space heating is operated, the air velocity in the crawl space is generally 0.05-0.20m/s and the heat transfer is caused by both the forced convection and the natural convection. We measure the convective heat-transfer coefficient by the wind tunnel test. It is revealed that the convective heat-transfer coefficient at the slab-concrete surface is about 1.0-4.0W/m^2K and that at the floor-under surface is about 6.0-10.0W/m^2K.
  • Koji Fujita; Atsushi Iwarnae; Takayuki Matsushita
    BUILDING SIMULATION 2007, VOLS 1-3, PROCEEDINGS 321 - + 2007年 [査読有り]
    In this paper, we present a heating system with thermal storage using a heat pump which supplies heat to the thermal storage equipment installed in the crawl space of residential house insulated at the foundation walls. This system can charge heat by using cheap nighttime electricity and discharge the stored heat at daytime. The thermal performance of the heating system and the effects of various factors on it are analyzed through simulation on the premise that a heat pump which has generally spread is used. The main results are as follows: (1) It is possible to control the system efficiently adjusting the lifestyle by change the start time of the operation of the ventilator connected to the thermal storage equipment to discharge the stored heat. (2) Using the latent thermal storage materials, the change of the room temperature can be made moderate.
  • 藤田 浩司; 岩前 篤; 松下 敬幸; 北川 健司; 埴淵 晴男
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 71 607 65 - 70 一般社団法人日本建築学会 2006年09月 [査読有り]
    In this paper, we report the experimental studies which were carried out in an experimental house with thermal insulation for its foundation walls, concerning (a) the indoor thermal environment and (b) the heat flow in the crawl space to the ground and to the floor, under the condition of crawl space heating. The main results which we obtained are as follows: 1. The temperature in the room ranges from 18 to 21℃, and that of the floor surface becomes over 23℃. 2. When a fan is put in operation in order to control a current of air in the crawl space, the flow of the heat towards the floor increases, but that towards the ground also increases out of the warm air blowing out zone. 3. It is suggested that most of the heat to the ground is brought by radiation from the lining of the floor.



  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2015年04月 -2018年03月 
    代表者 : 藤田 浩司
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2012年04月 -2014年03月 
    代表者 : 藤田 浩司
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2009年 -2010年 
    代表者 : 藤田 浩司
