MORITA Emma(モリタ エマ)

国際学部 国際学科 グローバル専攻教授

Last Updated :2024/09/14






  • Ph.D (言語学)(バベシュ・ボヨイ大学)


  • E.コセリウ言語理論の応用と発展を中心としたアプローチで、特にテクスト言語学・対照言語学・文化記号論の分野で研究を行っている。


  • E.コセリウ言語理論   テクスト類型論   文化記号論   対照言語学   テクスト言語学   翻訳分析   




  • 人文・社会 / 言語学 / 言語思想史
  • 人文・社会 / 英語学 / テクスト言語学・対照言語学



  • 2016年04月 - 現在  近畿大学国際学部教授
  • 2009年04月 - 2016年03月  秋田大学教育文化学部教授
  • 2002年02月 - 2009年03月  バベシュ・ボヨイ大学文学部准教授
  • 1999年09月 - 2002年02月  バベシュ・ボヨイ大学文学部助教授
  • 1994年02月 - 1999年09月  バベシュ・ボヨイ大学文学部講師
  • 1990年10月 - 1994年02月  バベシュ・ボヨイ大学文学部助手


  • 1994年04月 - 2000年12月   バベシュ・ボヨイ大学   文学部   言語学研究科 (博士)
  • 1986年10月 - 1990年06月   バベシュ・ボヨイ大学   文学部   ルーマニア語・英語学科



  • 2013年09月 ルーマニア教育省 長年に渡るルーマニアと日本の大学間交流における貢献に対して表彰
    受賞者: モリタ エマ
  • 2003年12月 バベシュ・ボヨイ大学 大学に革新的な教授方法導入及び教育の質的保証の貢献に対する表彰
    受賞者: モリタ エマ


  • Over-specification in Japanese translations of “Song of Myself”
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    TIES (Journal of Literature Text, Image and Sound): Speaking in Tongues: Celebrating Walt Whitman in Translation 7 120 - 140 2022年12月 [査読有り]
  • A Coserian Outlook on Textual Meaning – With Some Observations Regarding the Process of Translation
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Ofelia Ichim (eds.), Past and Current Challenges in the Evolution of the Romanian Language, Literature and Culture, Timișoara: Editura Universității de Vest 581 - 596 2022年12月 [査読有り]
    The paper focuses on Eugenio Coseriu’s outlook on the nature of textual meaning (sense), and aims at highlighting the specificity and originality of this theoretical view in the historical moment when it emerged on the international scene of linguistics, in the latter half of the 20th century, as well as its topicality in the context of contemporary trends in the disciplines of discourse / textuality. We begin by discussing a series of fundamental tenets of Integral Text Linguistics, or “text linguistics as a hermeneutics of sense”, envisaged by Coseriu as a linguistics of Level III (individual), coherently interconnected with the linguistics of Levels II and I (historical and universal) in his triadic model of speaking as a cultural activity: the “double semiotic relation” in discourse, the relation between text-constitutive units and strategies (elements of textual expression) and units of sense, the issue of the objectivity of textual sense. We then proceed to demonstrate that a privileged methodological path for attesting the objectivity of textual sense in genuine texts is the process of translation, and especially the comparative analysis of different translated versions, in multiple languages, of the text in question. This approach is based on the fact that Coseriu views translation as a peculiar technique of speech, a ‘speaking raised to the power of two’, in which the expressive means of another language are harnessed in order to re-constitute a textual meaning that is already given, with all the details of its articulation, in the original text. Using Dylan Thomas’ famous poem Do not go gentle into that good night, we illustrate how the units and procedures of textual constitution are articulated in a genuine text to the effect of triggering the process of sense construction / interpretation. If we treat the text as an integral whole and follow the sense-construction process up to the maximal identifiable limit of all its constitutive relations, it becomes objectively necessary to connect Thomas’ poem to several Shakespearean plays. Contrastive analyses with the poem’s translated versions into Spanish, French, Italian and Romanian serve to substantiate the tenet that, within the hermeneutic approach of integral text linguistics, translation can provide benchmarks for ascertaining the vectors that guide the construction of sense in genuine texts.
  • Beyond the poetic: Exploring the general mechanisms of textual sense construction
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Elena Faur, Diana Feurdean, Iulia Pop (eds.), La izvoarele imaginatiei creatoare. Studii si evocari in onoarea profesorului Mircea Borcila, Cluj-Napoca: Argonaut & Eikon 592 - 617 2022年12月 [招待有り]
    The present contribution focuses on Mircea Borcilă’s typology of poetic texts, which proposes a multi–layered semantic-functional categorization of different modes/modalities of sense creation. It is argued that, although initially developed with a view to explaining in a coherent framework the fundamental aesthetic differences between the works of several major Romanian poets from the 20th century, this model is in fact operative as a general poetic typology, apt to explain the specificity of poetic sense construction in different linguistic-cultural contexts as well. Moreover, the relevance of this model goes beyond the range of poetic-literary texts as such. Placed in connection with Eugenio Coseriu’s framework of Integral text linguistics as a hermeneutics of sense, Borcilă’s model can serve as a gateway to elucidating the general mechanisms of textual sense construction. Both directly and analogically, it provides noteworthy insights, as well as widely applicable analytical tools for justifying the constitution and articulation of sense in all texts, and can thus help to clarify and develop the respective components of Integral text linguistics. These theoretical and methodological aspects are illustrated with a textual analysis on a hermetic poem by Ion Barbu.
  • Exploring the ‘augmented reality’ of ‘real’ texts: A Coserian perspective
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Energeia – Online Journal for Linguistics, Language Philosophy and the History of Linguistics VII 63 - 97 2022年10月 [査読有り]
    The paper examines Eugenio Coseriu’s project of a “text linguistics as a hermeneutics of sense” on the backdrop of the wider – “integral” – map for the study of language / speaking as a cultural activity. The aims and objectual scope of this type of text linguistics, as well as its limitations and outer limits, i.e. its conceivable interfaces with other disciplines of textuality, in particular with text semiotics and poetics, are discussed from the viewpoint of a critical-constructive question: if / to what extent the conceptual construction envisaged by Coseriu in the latter part of the 20th century is still meaningful, feasible and productive today. The “critical-aesthetic perspective” in the study of speaking as a creative activity proposed by Ana Agud offers clarifying interpretations on several conceptual and methodological points which we hold to be directly relevant for text linguistics; these are used in the course of the discussion in order to shed light on the notion of ‘real (genuine) text’ as the legitimate focus of text-linguistic investigations in a Coserian framework.
  • Antideterminism, antidogmatism, freedom: Reassessing the impact of E. Coseriu’s “Sincronía, diacronía e historia” in Japan
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    José María García Martín, Maryia Maiseyenka, Francisco Ruiz Fernández, Nuria Campos Carrasco, Benito Gutierrez Santaella (eds.), La historia de la lengua, la dialectología y el concepto de cambio lingüístico en el pensamiento de Eugenio Coseriu, Berlin: Peter Lang 205 - 221 Berlin: Peter Lang 2022年03月 [査読有り]
    The article examines the reception of E. Coseriu’s work on the scene of Japanese linguistics, focusing mainly on Sincronía, diacronía e historia. El problema del cambio lingüístico (1958). The analysis draws on contemporary and subsequent accounts and evaluations by Japanese scholars involved in projects related to Coseriu’s work, corroborated with the backdrop of the socio-cultural and institutional conditions of post-WWII Japanese academia. The analysis serves a twofold objective. First, we document the role played by Coseriu’s theoretical outlook in Japan, from the perspective of a critical history of linguistic ideas, Second, we outline the wider implications of this specific case of reception, arguing that the overarching themes of Sincronía…, in particular the view of language as energeia, the consistent anti-deterministic stance and the emphasis on functional and purpose-oriented explanations, continue to offer productive viewpoints in the current debate on the epistemic positioning of linguistics with regard to other (types of) sciences.
  • Looking for the 'reality' of texts: E. Coseriu’s solution
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Limba romana (Chisinau) XXXII 1-2 32 - 48 2022年02月 [招待有り]
    The article starts from the epistemological characterization proposed by D. Copceag for E. Coseriu’s outlook on language, epitomized in the term “linguistic realism”, and examines its possible application in the domain of text linguistics as a hermeneutics of sense, for defining the legitimate object of this discipline and distinguishing it from the ways in which the same material object ‘text’ may be approached in other linguistic disciplines or in other domains of scientific inquiry. Several instances of Coseriu’s own use of the term “realism” in correlation with “functionalism” and “rationalism” are reviewed, with special focus on the “integral typology of real (genuine) languages”, which provides the blueprint of a relevant analogy for the exploration of genuine texts. Finally, an illustrative text analysis helps to highlight the differences between the semantic perspective which is proper to integral text linguistics, from the standpoints of adjacent disciplines, such as a pragmatics of individual texts, or of completely different pursuits, such as sociology, cultural history, marketing etc., where texts are treated as sources of information, being thus reduced to an instrumental status.
  • Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Carlos Garatea Grau and Jorje Wiesse Rebagliati (eds.), Actualidad y futuro del pensamiento de Eugenio Coseriu. Estudios de teoría del lenguaje, descripción lingüística, dimensión textual y lingüística peruana, Sevilla: Editorial Universidad de Sevilla 222 - 248 Sevilla: Editorial Universidad de Sevilla 2021年12月 [査読有り]
  • Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Eutomia. Revista de Literatura e Linguística 30 1 125 - 145 2021年12月 [査読有り]
  • Some observations on the articulation of evocative sign relations in pluri-semiotic texts
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Limba romana (Chisinau) XXXI 4 45 - 54 2021年07月 [招待有り]
  • Evocative sign relations and the construction of textual meaning
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Limba romana (Chisinau) XXX 6 79 - 103 2020年10月 [招待有り]
  • Integralism as a life choice – a Japanese testimony (updated version of the 2016 article)
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Dumitru-Cornel Vîlcu, Eugenia Bojoga, Oana Boc (eds.), Scoala coseriană clujeana. Contributii, vol. II 235 - 242 2019年12月 [招待有り]
  • Suspending Logic: A Linguistic Exercise. Part II – Incongruence as a Strategy of Sense Construction
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Journal of International Studies, Kindai University 4 93 - 110 2019年11月
  • Going East: Eugenio Coseriu and Japan
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Limba Romana (Chisinau) XXIX 1 50 - 66 2019年04月 [招待有り]
  • Suspending Logic: A Linguistic Exercise. Part I – Dimensions and Levels of Analysis, with Some Contrastive Considerations
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Journal of International Studies, Kindai University 3 21 - 44 2018年11月
  • Investigating text-typological knowledge as part of expressive competence. Challenges and prospects
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    G. Hassler, Th. Stehl (eds.), Kompetenz – Funktion – Variation. Competencia – Función – Variación. Linguistica Coseriana V, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition 243 - 259 2017年07月 [査読有り]
  • Building the framework of an integral text typology: A proposal
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Cornel Vilcu, Eugenia Bojoga, Oana Boc (eds.), Scoala coseriana clujeana. Contributii, Presa Universitara Clujeana I 177 - 192 2016年12月 [招待有り]
  • The reception of Coseriu's linguistics in Japan (1975 – 2015)
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Cornel Vilcu, Eugenia Bojoga, Oana Boc (eds.), Scoala coseriana clujeana. Contributii, Presa Universitara Clujeana I 51 - 62 2016年12月 [招待有り]
  • Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Journal of International Studies, Kindai University I 1 153 - 179 Faculty of International Studies, Kindai University 2016年11月 
    [Abstract] The paper examines the principle of the « double semiotic relation » in discourse, which states that, when a text is produced and interpreted, the significations and designations of units belonging to the level of individual languages are assigned the role of signifiers for a second-degree content – textual sense. After a critical review of four representative interpretations of this principle (É. Benveniste, Y Ikegami, P. Charaudeau, F. Rastier), it is argued that a more coherent reformulation is possible within the framework of E. Coseriu's « integral text linguistics », in a hermeneutic perspective, by defining not only a specific type of textual content, but also specific components of textual expression, which, though linguistic in nature, do not coincide with and do not directly derive from idiomatic units and rules.
  • On the textual functions of linguistic innovations: Some considerations starting from Eugenio Coseriu’s “La lingua di Ion Barbu”
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Orioles, Vincenzo & Raffaella Bombi (eds.), Beyond Saussure: Eugenio Coseriu's Scientific Legacy, Firenze, Franco Cesati Publishing House, ISBN 9788876675560 355 - 366 2015年12月 [査読有り]
  • Towards an integral typology of real texts. Foundations of a functional text typology in the work of Eugenio Coseriu
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Cristophe Gerard & Regis Missire (eds.), Eugenio Coseriu aujourd’hui. Linguistique et philosophie du langage, Limoges, France: Ed. Lambert-Lucas, ISBN 978-2-35935-114-9 235 - 251 2015年02月 [査読有り]
  • What makes you say so? On the types of motivation in the domain of expressive competence
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Energeia (Tubingen, Germany) V 63 - 88 2014年01月 [査読有り]
  • Towards a Definition of Textual Constitution in the Framework of Integral Linguistics
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Bojoga, Eugenia / Boc, Oana / Vilcu, Cornel (eds.), Coseriu: Contemporary Perspectives, Cluj-Napoca: Cluj University Press, ISBN 978-973-595-510-6 II 130 - 145 2013年12月 [査読有り]
  • Mircea Borcila's typology of poetic texts: significance and application perspectives
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Limba Romana (Chisinau) 5-6 31 - 43 2013年06月 [招待有り]
  • The form of texts: possibilities and limitations of an integral text-typological model
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Energeia (Tubingen, Germany) IV 1 - 31 2012年12月 [査読有り]
  • Translation as the Unfolding of an Intertextual Evocative Relation: Functions of Interpolated Sequences in Ion Barbu's “Richard III”
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Concordia Discors vs. Discordia Concors. Researches into Comparative Literature, Contrastive Linguistics, Cross-Cultural and Translation Strategies 4 149 - 191 2012年12月 [査読有り]
  • Rethinking Coseriu’s Notion of Unit of Textual Meaning (Sinneinheit)
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Analecta Malacitana (thematic issue "Eugenio Coseriu at the beginning of the 21st century") 86 II 75 - 94 2012年12月 [査読有り]
  • The Impact of Eugenio Coseriu’s Linguistic Theory in Japan: the 1980s
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Gerda Hassler (Ed.), Nationale und transnationale Perspektiven der Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft, Munster: Nodus Publikationen, ISBN 9783893232987 317 - 324 2011年07月 [査読有り]
  • Doina Tatar; Emma Tamaianu-Morita; Gabriela Czibula
    Lexical chains represent a very powerful base for segmentation and many papers are devoted to this problem. In our study we apply a new method for obtaining the boundaries, a method that relies on the number (weight) of chains which end in a sentence, which begin in the following sentence and which traverse these two successive sentences. The method is successfully experimented and evaluated on ten texts from DUC02 conference both for a set of automated obtained lexical chains and for two sets of human obtained lexical chains (pair to pair and against to the manual segmentation). The method is also evaluated by the summaries provided (by three strategies) using these segmentations.
  • Doina Tatar; Andreea Mihis; Dana Lupsa; Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    This paper presents some original methods for text summarization of a single source document by extraction. The methods are based on some of our own text segmentation algorithms. We denote them as logical segmentation because for all these methods (LTT, ArcInt and ArcReal) the score of a sentence is calculated starting from the number of sentences which are entailed by it. For a text (which is a sequence of sentences) the scores form a structure which indicates how the most important sentences alternate with less important ones and organizes the text according to its logical content. The second logical method, Pure Entailment also uses definition of the relation of entailment between two texts. At least to our knowledge, it is for the first time that the relation of Text Entailment between the sentences of a text is used for segmentation and summarization. The third original method applies Dynamic Programming and centering theory to the sentences logically scored as above. The obtained ranked logical segments are used in the summarization. Our methods of segmentation and summarization are applied and evaluated against a manually realized segmentation and summarization of the same text by Donald Richie, "The Koan".
  • Segmenting Text by Lexical Chains Distribution
    Doina Tatar; Emma Tamaianu-Morita; Gabriela Czibula
    Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Seria Informatica (Special Issue) 54 1 33 - 36 2009年07月 [査読有り]
  • The Reception of a Bilingual Film: Translation Strategies, Levels of Interpretation, Empirical Limitations
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita & Miorita Ulrich (eds.), Primary Language vs. Metalanguage. Structures, Functions and Uses of Language, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Univesity Press, ISBN 9789736108129 345 - 357 2008年12月 [査読有り]
  • SIASTRO - A Software System for the Phrase Analysis of Romanian Texts: Possible Applications in Learning Romanian as a Foreign Language
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Romania Orientale (Special Issue: "La lingua rumena: Proposte culturali per la nuova Europa") XXI 314 - 322 2008年12月 [査読有り]
  • A felicitous and fitting name: Metalinguistic Strategies in the Construction of Textual Meaning
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita & Miorita Ulrich (eds.), Primary Language vs. Metalanguage. Structures, Functions and Uses of Language, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj University Press, ISBN 9789736108129 282 - 295 2008年12月 [査読有り]
  • The Typology of Syntagms in D.D. Drasoveanu's Model - Possible Applications in the Project SIASTRO
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Dacoromania, new series (Journal of the Romanian Academy of Sciences) XIII 2 33 - 46 2008年06月 [査読有り]
  • Summarization by logic segmentation and text entailment
    Doina Tatar; Emma Tamaianu-Morita; Andreea Mihis; Dana Lupsa
    Research in Computing Science (Advances in Natural Language Processing and Applications) 33 15 - 26 2008年02月 [査読有り]
  • Strategies of Sense-Construction in a Transidiomatic Text. A Linguistic Perspective
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    S. Manolache & G. Maciuca (eds.), Inter Litteras et Terras (I). The International Conference on Comparative Literature, Contrastive Linguistics, Translation and Cross-Cultural Studies (Suceava 2007), Suceava University Press 312 - 321 2007年11月 [査読有り]
  • The Automatic Phrase Analysis of Romanian Texts: The SIASTRO Project
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita; Sanda Cherata; Cornel Vilcu
    Dacoromania, new series (Journal of the Romanian Academy of Sciences) XII-XIII 77 - 87 2007年06月 [査読有り]
  • The ‘Integral’ Model of Language Functioning (E. Coseriu)
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita; Cornel Vilcu; Magdalena Ciubancan
    First International Conference on Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques (KEPT 2007), vol. 1, Cluj University Press 73 - 80 2007年06月 [査読有り]
  • The Project of Integral Linguistics in Romania: An Analysis
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, series Philologia LI 4 93 - 107 2006年12月 [査読有り]
  • 'Reform’ at All Costs? Current State and Prospects of University-Level Japanese Studies Programs in Romania
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    A. Focseneanu (ed.), The First International Symposium of Japanese Linguistics and Methodology Bucharest 2006), Bucharest, Arvin Press 114 - 123 2006年11月 [査読有り]
  • Subtitling a Bilingual Film in a Third Language: Some Paradoxes of Translation
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Fl. Popescu (ed.), Translation Studies: Retrospective and Prospective Views, Galati, Dunarea de Jos University Foundation Press 175 - 187 2006年09月 [査読有り]
  • Fundamental Conceptual Distinctions in an Integralist Textual Typology
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Romanian Language (Chisinau) XVI 4-6 14 - 29 2006年06月 [査読有り]
  • The Status of Myth in Eugenio Coseriu’s Integral Linguistics - an Overview
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Proceedings of The International Colloquium "Mankind and Myths" Suceava 2005, Universitas XXI Press 309 - 321 2006年04月 [査読有り]
  • Towards an Integralist Model of Textual Typology
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Journal of Linguistics and Literary Science (Journal of the Moldavian Academy of Sciences) 1-2 52 - 59 2006年04月 [査読有り]
  • Is Poetic Text ‘Homologous’ to ‘Language’? A Romanian - Japanese Case Study
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, series Philologia LI 1 57 - 85 2006年03月 [査読有り]
  • On the Present Situation and the Future of Integralism in Romanian Linguistics
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Dacoromania, new series (Journal of the Romanian Academy of Sciences) IX-X 61 - 73 2005年09月 [査読有り]
  • Semantic Revival of a Cliche in Shakespeare’s Plays: “All Is Well”
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, series Philologia L 1 163 - 185 2005年03月 [査読有り]
  • Integral Linguistics in Japan. A Personal Point of View
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Special Issue Supplement of Contrafort "The Coseriu Model", Chisinau X 10/11 40 - 41 2003年11月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • The Significance of Eugenio Coseriu's Linguistic Theory in Takashi Kamei's View. Twenty Years Later
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Dacoromania, new series (Journal of the Romanian Academy of Sciences) VII-VIII 101 - 114 2003年09月 [査読有り]
  • Integralism and the linguistic theory of Yoshihiko Ikegami. A comparison
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    S.M. Ardeleanu & Ghe. Moldoveanu (eds.), Languages and Communication, Suceava University Press, ISBN 973-8293-86-3 VI II 295 - 316 2003年06月 [査読有り]
  • The Valuation of Integralism in Japanese Linguistics. An Overview
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, series Philologia XLVI 4 135 - 144 2001年12月 [査読有り]
  • Japan: Voyage Raised to the Power Two
    Emma Tamaianu
    St. Borbely (ed.), Cross-cultural Experiences (Iasi, European Institute Press), ISBN 973-611-142-3 87 - 103 2001年06月 [招待有り]
  • Foundations of Textual Typology. An Exploration in Integral Linguistics (Ph.D. thesis)
    Emma Tamaianu
    Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca 2001年03月 [査読有り]
  • Making Sense and Making the World: Notes on a Zen Parable
    Emma Tamaianu
    Nipponica Foundation. One Decade of Activity, Bucharest, Nipponica Publishing House, ISBN 973-95676-8-1 I 19 - 22 2000年06月
  • The Concept of 'Multicultural University' - an Alternative to Ethnic Separatism in Higher Education
    Emma Tamaianu
    Mizunoe Yuichi (ed.), 『多言語文化のディスクール ― 民衆文化と社会と芸術』, 多賀出版, ISBN 9784811553511 315 - 332 1999年02月 [査読有り]
  • On a Sense-Constitutive Sign Relation: Evocation of Japanese Significations in an English Text
    Emma Tamaianu
    Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, series Philologia XLIII 4 75 - 84 1998年12月 [査読有り]
  • SILEX - The Functions of Lemmatization and Paradigm Generation
    Sanda Cherata; Emma Tamaianu; Teodor Vuscan
    Dacoromania, new series (Journal of the Romanian Academy of Sciences) II 1-2 273 - 285 1997年06月 [査読有り]
  • Translation of Eugenio Coseriu, Principes de syntaxe fonctionnelle
    Emma Tamaianu
    Dacoromania, new series (Journal of the Romanian Academy of Sciences) I 1-2 29 - 68 1995年06月 [査読有り]
  • Translation of Ronald F. Feldstein, "The Stress of the Romanian Verb"
    Emma Tamaianu; Lolita Zagaevschi
    Dacoromania, new series (Journal of the Romanian Academy of Sciences) I 1-2 229 - 249 1995年06月 [査読有り]
  • SILEX - a Lexico-Morphological System for the Automatic Analysis of Romanian Texts
    Sanda Cherata; Emma Tamaianu; Teodor Vuscan
    Dacoromania, new series (Journal of the Romanian Academy of Sciences) I 1-2 201 - 212 1995年06月 [査読有り]
  • A Contrastive Analysis of Clarence's Dream (Ion Barbu's Translation of Richard III)
    Emma Tamaianu
    Ec. Popa (ed.), Proceedings of the First National Conference of the Romanian Society for British and American Studies, Cluj-Napoca 2 282 - 294 1994年06月 [査読有り]
  • Chaos and Void - Textual Vectors in Six Shakespearean Plays
    Emma Tamaianu
    Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, series Philologia XXXVII 4 101 - 114 1992年12月 [査読有り]
  • Transphrastic Connectives Reconsidered
    Emma Tamaianu
    Linguistic Research (Journal of the Romanian Academy of Sciences) XXXVII 2 165 - 176 1992年12月 [査読有り]
  • Configurational Processes in Poetic Texts
    Emma Tamaianu
    C.Vlad et. al. (eds.), Semiotics and Poetics. Proceedings of the 5th National Symposium of STYLISTICS - SEMIOTICS - POETICS (16-17 Nov. 1990), Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca 5 192 - 206 1992年12月 [査読有り]
  • Translation of Eugenio Coseriu, "Linguistic Change Does not Exist"
    Emma Tamaianu
    Linguistic Research (Journal of the Romanian Academy of Sciences) XXXVII 1 9 - 20 1992年06月 [査読有り]
  • Circumscribing Scientific Texts - Semantic Components and Properties
    Emma Tamaianu
    Linguistic Research (Journal of the Romanian Academy of Sciences) XXXVII 1 65 - 74 1992年06月 [査読有り]
  • On the Semantics of Factual Scientific Texts: Topic - Comment Structures
    Emma Tamaianu
    Linguistic Research (Journal of the Romanian Academy of Sciences) XXXVI 1-2 149 - 161 1991年12月 [査読有り]
  • Textual Semiotics of Proper Nouns in Romanian Poetry
    Carmen Vlad; Emma Tamaianu
    “S” - European Journal of Semiotic Studies, Wien - Barcelona - Budapest - Perpignan 2 2 339 - 353 1990年12月 [査読有り]
  • Proper Nouns in the Syntactic Dimension of Poetic Texts
    Carmen Vlad; Emma Tamaianu
    Linguistic Research (Journal of the Romanian Academy of Sciences) XXXV 2 153 - 159 1990年12月 [査読有り]
  • Coherent Imagery in Six Shakespearean Plays
    Emma Tamaianu
    Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, series Philologia XXXV 1 13 - 24 1990年03月 [査読有り]


  • Being // Non-being as Vectors of Thought and Expression
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita Editor’s Note to Being // Non-Being: Interpretive Perspectives in Language, Discourse and Culture, Special Issue of “American, British and Canadian Studies” 41 (1) 1 -8 2023年12月 [査読有り]
  • Introductory Note
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita Emma Tămâianu-Morita (ed.), Semanticity, Alterity, Creativity: Building on Eugenio Coseriu’s Legacy (I). Thematic issue of “Concordia Discors vs Discordia Concors: Researches into Comparative Literature, Contrastive Linguistics, Cross-Cultural and Translation Strategies”, Suceava: Suceava University Press 16 11 -14 2021年12月 [査読有り]
  • Coseriu 100, 50, 20 – What numbers count (for) in a life in science
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita Opening statement to Emma Tămâianu-Morita (ed.), Semanticity, Alterity, Creativity: Building on Eugenio Coseriu’s Legacy (I). Thematic issue of “Concordia Discors vs Discordia Concors: Researches into Comparative Literature, Contrastive Linguistics, Cross-Cultural and Translation Strategies”, Suceava: Suceava University Press 15 11 -21 2021年12月 [査読有り]
  • E・コセリウ-その人間像(解説I)
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita E・コセリウ / 田中克彦訳「言語変化という問題。共時態、通時態、歴史」(岩波書店 岩波文庫) 411 -421 2014年11月
  • 日本と異なる外国語教育(ルーマニア)
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita 教育 (かもがわ出版) 797 114 -115 2012年06月
  • 役にたつ訳・害となる訳 − 外国語として日本語を学ぶ学習者の視点から
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita 秋田にほんごの会通信 50 1 -1 2011年09月
  • The Concord of This Discord: Linguistics as a Science of Culture
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita 日本科学者会議, 第18回総合学術研究集会 予稿集,「21世紀:人類史の転換期における科学の役割―多様性と普遍性の矛盾を考える」, 仙台 212 -213 2010年11月
  • 人文科学の」科学性」vs自然科学の「科学性」:理論と実用の関係の再検討 (プロジェクト報告書)
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita 1 -138 2010年05月
  • Book review of Lolita Zagaevschi Cornelius, Functii metaforice in "Luntrea lui Caron" de Lucian Blaga. Abordare din perspectiva integralista (Cluj-Napoca, Clusium, 2005)
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita Dacoromania, new series (Journal of the Romanian Academy of Sciences) XI-XII 312 -315 2007年06月 [査読有り]
  • Translation of Katsuhiko Tanaka's "Eugenio Coseriu's Scientific Personality"
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita; Tomo Morita Contrafort - Special issue "The Coseriu Model" X (10-11) 19 -19 2003年11月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • Text Typology - The Horizon of a Query
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita Amurg sentimental. Literature Review, Bucharest VIII (3) 3 -3 2002年03月
  • A Critical Evaluation of "Dictionar Japonez-Roman", (Japanese-Romanian Dictionary, Japan Foundation, Bucharest, Editura Enciclopedica, 1998)
    Emma Tamaianu Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, series Philologia XLIII (4) 99 -103 1998年12月 [査読有り]
  • Translation of J. E. Cottrell & M. Bogdan, "A Masterpiece of Symbolic-Mythical Narrative"
    Emma Tamaianu Literatorul (Cultural Review), Bucharest 7 (III) 7 -7 1993年02月
  • Book review of E. Vasiliu, Introducere in teoria textului (1990)
    Emma Tamaianu Tribuna (Revista de Cultura) (26) 4 -4 1991年07月
  • Presentation of The Fifth National Symposium of Semiotics, Poetics and Stylistics, 1990
    Emma Tamaianu Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, seria Philologia XXXV (3-4) 148 -150 1990年12月 [査読有り]


  • Being // Non-Being: Interpretive Perspectives in Language, Discourse and Culture, Special Issue of “American, British and Canadian Studies”, Vol. 41
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita (担当:編者(編著者)範囲:)Lucian Blaga University Press, Sibiu 2023年12月 275
  • Semanticity, Alterity, Creativity: Building on Eugenio Coseriu’s Legacy (II), Thematic issue of “Concordia Discors vs Discordia Concors: Researches into Comparative Literature, Contrastive Linguistics, Cross-Cultural and Translation Strategies”, no. 16
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita (担当:編者(編著者)範囲:)Suceava: Suceava University Press 2021年12月 219
  • Semanticity, Alterity, Creativity: Building on Eugenio Coseriu’s Legacy (I), Thematic issue of “Concordia Discors vs Discordia Concors: Researches into Comparative Literature, Contrastive Linguistics, Cross-Cultural and Translation Strategies”, no. 15
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita (担当:編者(編著者)範囲:)Suceava: Suceava University Press 2021年12月 314
  • Primary Language vs. Metalanguage. Structures, functions and uses of language
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita; Miorita Ulrich (担当:共編者(共編著者)範囲:)Cluj University Press, Cluj-Napoca 2008年12月 ISBN: 9789736108129 366
  • Grammatical Structures in Japanese. Interpropositional Functions
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita; Tomo Morita (担当:共著範囲:)Cluj University Press, Cluj-Napoca 2007年04月 ISBN: 9789736105227 261
  • Japanese Language. Sketches of Functional Grammar, vol. II
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita (担当:単著範囲:)Clusium Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca 2006年04月 ISBN: 9735555034 238
  • Grammatical Structures in Japanese. Intrapropositional Functions
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita; Tomo Morita (担当:共著範囲:)Cluj University Press, Cluj-Napoca 2005年05月 ISBN: 973610365X 266
  • Japanese Language. Sketches of Functional Grammar, vol. I
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita (担当:単著範囲:)Clusium Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca 2004年04月 ISBN: 9735554062 234
  • Integralism in Japanese Linguistics. Dimensions, Impact, Perspectives
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita (担当:単著範囲:)Clusium Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca 2002年09月 ISBN: 9735553619 189
  • Foundations of Textual Typology. An Exploration in Integral Linguistics
    Emma Tamaianu (担当:単著範囲:)Clusium Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca 2001年06月 ISBN: 973555321X 208
  • The Concordance of George Bacovia's Poetic Work
    M. Papahagi; S. Cherata; Emma Tămâianu; T. Vuşcan (担当:共著範囲:)Echinox Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca 1999年08月 497
  • The Concordance of B. Fundoianu's Poetic Work
    M. Papahagi; S. Cherata; Emma Tămâianu; T. Vuşcan (担当:共著範囲:)Echinox Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca 1999年02月 697
  • The Writings of Melanie Kein, vol. I, Love, Guilt and Reparation and Other Works: 1921-1945
    L. Pavel; Emma Tămâianu; Florin Vlădescu (担当:共訳範囲:pXI~XXIV, 第1章(pp1~47), 第4章~第11章(pp 73~208))Binghamton, USA & Cluj, The Sigmund Freud Press 1994年11月 ISBN: 188388103X 414


  • E. Coseriu’s correspondence: The Japanese connection. Glimpses into the destiny of linguistic ideas and their (human) context  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    International Symposium “Epistolary echoes: Eugenio Coseriu’s correspondence and what we can learn from digital letter collections”, Zurich University 2024年03月 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • Eugenio Coseriu on the function of expression gaps. An interpretation  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    International Colloquium “Eugenio Coseriu and present-day linguistics”, “ZILELE SEXTIL PUSCARIU”, 6th edition 2023年09月 口頭発表(基調) Cluj-Napoca Institute of Linguistics and Literary History “Sextil Puscariu” of the Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca Branch
  • Of plum trees, lotuses and snakes: Cultural functions of naming and re-naming in Japanese toponymy  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Sixth International Conference on Onomastics Name and Naming (ICONN 6), “(In)correctness in Onomastics” 2023年09月 口頭発表(一般) Baia Mare Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center of Baia Mare, Faculty of Letters, Center of Onomastics
  • Evocative sign relations and the articulation of textual sense  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Seventh “Eugenio Coseriu” International School in Integral Linguistics “Topicality of Eugenio Coseriu’s Theoretical Outlook”, Cluj-Napoca 2023年09月 口頭発表(招待・特別) Cluj-Napoca Babes-Bolyai University, Center of Integralist Studies
  • Eugenio Coseriu’s “Textlinguistik”, 40 years later - a reappraisal  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    16th International Conference “Modern Philology: Achievements and Prospects in a European Context” 2022年10月 口頭発表(一般) Chisinau Institute of Romanian Philology „Bogdan-Petriceicu Hasdeu” of the State University of Moldova and the Romanian Academy
  • Text-constitutive devices in the framework of Integral Text Linguistics – With special focus on the case of pluri-semiotic texts  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Sixth “Eugenio Coseriu” International School in Integral Linguistics (on-line): “The Topicality of E. Coseriu’s Theoretical Outlook” 2022年09月 口頭発表(招待・特別) Cluj-Napoca Center of Integralist Studies, Babes-Bolyai University
  • Disciplines of Textuality in Eugenio Coseriu’s Integral Linguistics: Text Analysis, (General) Text Linguistics, Text Theory  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    International Workshop “Eugenio Coseriu’s Linguistics”, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil 2021年11月 口頭発表(基調) Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)
  • The integralist outlook on textual meaning – With some observations regarding the process of translation  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    The Annual International Symposium of the „A. Philippide” Institute of Romanian Philology, XXth edition, „Past and present challenges in the evolution of Romanian language, literature and culture”, Iasi, 22–24 Sept. 2021 (online) 2021年09月 口頭発表(一般) Iasi Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, „A. Philippide” Institute of Romanian Philology
  • On the objectivity of textual meaning: theoretical perspectives and applicative illustrations  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Fifth “Eugenio Coseriu” International School in Integral Linguistics (on-line) “The Topicality of E. Coseriu’s Theoretical Outlook”, Cluj-Napoca, 30 Aug. - 4 Sept. 2021 2021年08月 口頭発表(招待・特別) Cluj-Napoca Center of Integralist Studies, Babes-Bolyai University
  • Aims, scope and limits of a Coserian text linguistics. Contribution to the Plenary round table "Semantics, pragmatics, text linguistics”  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    8th International Congress “Coseriu’s linguistics – origin and actuality” 2021年06月 口頭発表(招待・特別) チューリッヒ チューリッヒ大学
  • ルーマニア語の構造的特徴と文化・歴史的背景  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Online Forum: トランシルバニア~森とことばの壁の向こう側~ 2021年03月 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等 ルーマニア国立バベシュ・ボヨイ大学日本文化センター, NPO法人 地球ことば村・世界言語博物館
  • Integral Text Linguistics: Principles, Basic concepts, Applications  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Fourth “Eugenio Coseriu” International School in Integral Linguistics (on-line): “The Topicality of E. Coseriu’s Theoretical Outlook”, Cluj-Napoca, Center of Integralist Studies, Babes-Bolyai University, 2-10 September 2020 2020年09月 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • Workshop panelist “Japanese language: Study and career opportunities”  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Colloquium “Japanese Language Studies in Cluj: Current State and Prospects”, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, 24-26 February 2020 2020年02月 シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(指名)
  • From text to cultural context: Iconicity in Japanese texts  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Colloquium “Japanese Language Studies in Cluj: Current State and Prospects”, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, 24-26 February 2020 2020年02月 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • Antideterminism, antidogmatism, freedom: Reassessing the impact of E. Coseriu’s “Sincronia, diacronia e historia” in Japan  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    International Conference “Linguistics of Coseriu VII: Language History, Dialectology and the Concept of Linguistic Change”, University of Cadiz, 14-17 January 2020 2020年01月 口頭発表(一般)
  • Over-specification in Japanese Translations of “Song of Myself”— a Linguistic Analysis  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    International Conference “Speaking in Tongues: Whitman in Translation”, Université Paris-Est Créteil, 13-14 June 2019 2019年06月 口頭発表(一般)
  • “When the battle’s lost and won”: Linguistic conceptualization, textual meaning and the logic of things  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    6th International Conference of the Doctoral Schools of Dunarea de Jos University of Galati (SCDS-UDJG-2018) “Perspectives and Challenges in Doctoral Research”, June 7-8, 2018 2018年06月 口頭発表(基調) Galati (Romania)
  • Going East: The significance of Japan and the Japanese language within the realm of Coseriu’s linguistic theory  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    First International Colloquium EXIPORA: Romanian Exile, Diaspora and the National Culture, Medias, 20-22 Oct. 2017 2017年10月 口頭発表(一般) Medias, Romania Writer's Union of Romania, Transeducatia Association
  • «Text linguistics as a linguistics of sense» and the critical-aesthetic approach to language – Discussion on several programmatic points  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    First International Workshop “Critical Philosophy of Linguistics”, Salamanca, 4-6 June 2017 2017年06月 口頭発表(一般) University of Salamanca
  • A semiotic mechanism for linking text and context: «Evocation»  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Oita Text Forum Workshop 8, Oita University, Japan, 4-5 March 2017 2017年03月
  • Language, logic and common sense (or the lack thereof) – With some Japanese examples in a contrastive perspective  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Fourth International Congress of Japanese Studies “Japan: Pre-modern, Modern and Contemporary, Dimitrie Cantemir University, Bucharest, 1-3 September 2016 2016年09月 口頭発表(招待・特別) Bucharest (Romania)
  • Text typology: In search of an (/the?) integralist solution  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    The Third “Eugenio Coseriu” International School in Integral Linguistics: “Coseriu and Current Linguistic Trends”, Cluj-Napoca, Center of Integralist Studies, Babes-Bolyai University, 27 June – 8 July 2016 2016年07月 口頭発表(招待・特別) Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Textual grammar vs. Linguistics of sense – Reflections on a fundamental Coserian distinction  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    The Third “Eugenio Coseriu” International School in Integral Linguistics: “Coseriu and Current Linguistic Trends”, Cluj-Napoca, Center of Integralist Studies, Babes-Bolyai University, 27 June – 8 July 2016 2016年07月 口頭発表(招待・特別) Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Investigating text-typological knowledge as part of expressive competence: challenges and prospects  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    第5回 エウジェニオ・コセリウ言語学国際学会 2015年10月 口頭発表(一般) Potsdam, Germany Potsdam University
  • Language-specific significata and the construction of textual meaning  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    ナポリ東洋大学 比較文学・言語学学科のテクスト言語学ワークショップ 2015年03月 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等 Napoli, Italy University of Napoli “L’Orientale”, Department of Comparative Literary and Linguistic Studies
  • Humboldt Revisited: From Translation Tasks to a Systematic Contrastive Perspective in Japanese Language Teaching  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    第8回ルーマニア日本語教師会 日本語教育・日本語学シンポジウム 2014年09月 口頭発表(基調) Dimitrie Cantemir University, Bucharest ルーマニア日本語教師会
  • “Before the tongue is moved, the speech is finished”: On the nature of textual meaning in the framework of integral text linguistics  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    エウジェニオ・コセリウ総合言語学センター ワークショップ 2014年06月 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等 Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Center of Integralist Studies “Eugenio Coseriu”
  • Text-constitutive units and sense units: Some considerations starting from E. Coseriu’s model  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    トゥール大学のリグリア言語学ラボ主催によるシンポジウム 「ディスコースのカテゴリー・構成単位・技法」 2013年05月 口頭発表(一般) Tours, France LLL (Ligurian Laboratory of Linguistics), Francois Rabelais University of Tours
  • Principles of idiomatic organization and principles of textual organization : ‘autonomy’ vs. ‘homology’, and the typological implications of both hypotheses  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    コロキウム「ロマンス言語学の最近の諸問題」 2011年11月 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等 Tubingen, Germany Tubingen University
  • Rethinking Coseriu's Notion of "Unit of Textual Sense" ("Sinneinheit")  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    第4回 エウジェニオ・コセリウ国際学会 2011年10月 口頭発表(一般) Almeria, Spain Almeria University
  • Why ‘Less’ is Not ‘More’ in Foreign Language Teaching: Some Reflections from a Linguist’s Perspective  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Annual Symposium of the Akita English Studies Association 2010年11月 口頭発表(基調) Akita University, Japan 秋田英文学英語学会
  • “The Concord of This Discord”: Liguistics as a Science of Culture  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    日本科学者会議, 第18回総合学術研究集会,「21世紀:人類史の転換期における科学の役割―多様性と普遍性の矛盾を考える」 2010年11月 口頭発表(一般) Sendai, Japan 日本科学者会 (JSA)
  • Lost in 'the Wood Where Things Have No Names': Linguistic Terminology and What It Tells Us about Epistemological Stance  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    International colloquium "Reflecting on the Scientificity of Linguistics” 2010年03月 口頭発表(一般) Akita, Japan 秋田大学
  • On the Concept of "Textkonstitution" in Eugenio Coseriu's Text Linguistics  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    Second International Congress "Coseriu - Contemporary Perspectives" 2009年09月 口頭発表(一般) Cluj-Napoca, Romania Babes-Bolyai University, Center of Integralist Studies "Eugenio Coseriu"
  • Segmenting Text by Lexical Chains Distribution  [通常講演]
    Doina Tatar; Emma Tamaianu-Morita; Gabriela Czibula
    The Second International Conference Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques (KEPT 2009) 2009年07月 口頭発表(一般) Cluj-Napoca, Romania Babes-Bolyai University
  • Designing an Interactive System for the Grammatical Analysis of Written Romanian: Objectives, Technology and Applications  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita; Manuela Mihaescu
    International Interdisciplinary Workshop "Developing New Methods and Resources for Processing Written and Spoken Language. Current Projects, Results and Perspectives" 2008年10月 口頭発表(一般) Kobe, Japan Kobe University (Japan) and Babes-Bolyai University (Romania)
  • The Impact of Eugenio Coseriu’s Linguistic Theory in Japan: the 1980s  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    ICHoLS XI: International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences 2008年08月 口頭発表(一般) Potsdam (Germany) Potsdam University
  • "A felicitous and fitting name": Metalinguistic Strategies in the Construction of Textual Meaning  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    The Interdisciplinary Symposium “K sa uiti de durere”: Primary Language vs. Metalanguage 2008年03月 口頭発表(一般) Cluj-Napoca, Romania Babes-Bolyai University (Romania) and Bamberg University (Germany)
  • Summarization by logic segmentation and text entailment  [通常講演]
    DoinaTatar; Emma Tamaianu-Morita; Andreea Mihis; Dana Lupsa
    CICLing 2008, 9th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics 2008年02月 口頭発表(一般) Haifa (Israel) University of Haifa, Israel, and the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico
  • SIASTRO - A Software System for the Phrase Analysis of Romanian Texts: Possible Applications in Learning Romanian as a Foreign Language  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    The International Colloquium "La lingua rumena: Proposte culturali per la nuova Europa" 2007年11月 口頭発表(一般) Rome, Italy "La Sapienza" University and Accademia di Romania, Rome
  • Towards an Integral Typology of Real Texts. Foundations of a Functional Text Typology in the Work of Eugenio Coseriu  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    First International colloquium COSERIU: CONTEMPORARY RECEPTION 2007年09月 口頭発表(一般) Aix-en-Provence (France) Aix-en-Provence University
  • The Three Linguistics of Eugenio Coseriu: Overview and Future Prospects  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    First International colloquium COSERIU: CONTEMPORARY RECEPTION 2007年09月 シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(指名) Aix-en-Provence (France) Aix-en-Provence University
  • Strategies of Sense-Construction in a Transidiomatic Text. A Linguistic Perspective  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    The International Conference of Comparative Literature, Cross-Cultural Studies, Contrastive Linguistics and Translation Studies "Inter Litteras et Terras" 2007年09月 口頭発表(一般) Suceava (Romania) Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava
  • The ‘Integral’ Model of Language Functioning (E. Coseriu)  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita; Cornel Vilcu; Magdalena Ciubancan
    The First International Conference Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques (KEPT 2007) 2007年06月 口頭発表(一般) Cluj-Napoca, Romania Babes-Bolyai University
  • Integral Text Linguistics in Romania Today  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    The Fifth International Congress on Romanian Studies 2007年06月 シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(指名) Constanta (Romania) The American Society of Romanian Studies
  • Phrase Analysis according to D.D. Drasoveanu's Model - Possible Technical Applications. The Typology of Syntagms  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    The Fifth International Congress on Romanian Studies 2007年06月 口頭発表(一般) Constanta (Romania) The American Society of Romanian Studies
  • ルーマニアの大学レベルにおける日本語教育―“ボローニャ改革”について  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita; Tomo Morita
    国際交流基金浦和日本語教育センター(報告) 2006年09月 その他 Tokyo (Japan) 国際交流基金浦和日本語教育センター
  • 'Reform' at All Costs? Current State and Prospects of University-Level Japanese Studies Programs in Romania  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    The First RAJT International Symposium of Japanese Linguistics and Methodology 2006年09月 口頭発表(一般) Bucharest (Romania) The Romanian Association of Japanese Language Teachers and the Bulgarian Association of Japanese Language Teachers
  • Subtitling a Bilingual Film in a Third Language: Some Paradoxes of Translation  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    The First International Conference "Translation Studies: Retrospective and Perspectives" 2006年06月 口頭発表(一般) Galati (Romania) "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati
  • The Status of Myth in Eugenio Coseriu’s Integral Linguistics - an Overview  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    The International Colloquium "Mankind and Myths. Spiritual Endeavors Towards Knowledge. Mythical Dimensions and Loss of Myths" 2005年11月 口頭発表(一般) Suceava (Romania) Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava
  • Reception of a Bilingual Cinematographic Text: Strategies of Translation, Interpretive Levels, Empirical Limitations  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    International Workshop on Multilingualism and Translation 2005年10月 口頭発表(一般) Cluj-Napoca (Romania) Babes-Bolyai University (Romania) and Bamberg University (Germany)
  • On the Present Situation and the Future of Integralism in Romanian Linguistics  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    The 6th Colloquium of the German Balkanromanistenverband, Die Zukunft der Rumanistik im deutschsprachigen Raum 2005年05月 口頭発表(一般) Berlin (Germany) The German Association of Balkan-Romance Linguistics
  • ルーマニアの大学レベルにおける日本語教育の現状と問題点  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita; Tomo Morita
    国際交流基金浦和日本語教育センター(報告) 2004年09月 その他 浦和 国際交流基金浦和日本語教育センター
  • On the Romanian Educational System  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu-Morita
    学習院大学人文科学研究所 公開講座 2002年11月 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等 Tokyo (Japan) 学習院大学人文科学研究所
  • Eugenio Coseriu and Japanese Linguistics. Sketch for an Overall Evaluation  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu
    The National Symposium of the Nipponica Foundation 2000年10月 口頭発表(一般) Cluj-Napoca and Bucharest Nipponica Foundation and the Japanese Embassy in Bucharest
  • The Issue of the Typological Dissociation of Poetic Texts. Notes on the Translation of the "Dynamic Schemata" of a Shakespearean Text  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu
    Scientific Meeting of the “Eugenio Coseriu” Center of Integralist Studies, Babes-Bolyai University 2000年01月 口頭発表(招待・特別) Cluj-Napoca The “Eugenio Coseriu” Center of Integralist Studies, Babes-Bolyai University
  • Making Sense and Making the World: Notes on a Zen Parable  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu
    The National Symposium “Eight Decades of Romanian - Japanese Diplomatic Relations” 1999年12月 口頭発表(一般) Cluj-Napoca and Bucharest The Japanese Embassy in Bucharest and the Nipponica Foundation
  • A Covert Form of Aggression Against the Individual - With Special Reference to Women Entering Conjugal Union in Present-Day Japan  [通常講演]
    Satoru Morita; Emma Tamaianu
    The WHO Global Symposium on Violence and Health 1999年10月 口頭発表(一般) Kobe (Japan) World Health Organization (WHO)
  • Textual Meaning and Text-Typological Criteria  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu
    Scientific Meeting of the “Eugenio Coseriu” Center of Integralist Studies, Babes-Bolyai University 1999年09月 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等 Cluj-Napoca (Romania) The “Eugenio Coseriu” Center of Integralist Studies, Babes-Bolyai University
  • The Concept of 'Multicultural University' - an Alternative to Ethnic Separatism in Higher education  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu
    The International Conference on Diverse Cultures Interacting Within Monolingual and Multilingual Societies 1997年12月 口頭発表(一般) Chiba (Japan) Chiba University Forum of European Studies
  • The Automatic Morphological Analysis of Romanian Texts: The Issue of Contextual Analysis  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu
    The Second International Congress on Romanian Studies 1997年07月 口頭発表(一般) Cluj-Napoca (Romania) The American Society of Romanian Studies
  • On Translating Shakespeare: Sonnets 60 and 129 in Japanese  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu
    The 2nd edition of the International Shakespeare Conference 1997年05月 口頭発表(一般) Sf. Gheorghe - Arcus (Romania) Romanian Ministry of Culture and The Culture Center Arcus
  • Linguistic Ecology - Object and Status, from the Perspective of E. Coseriu's Integral Linguistics  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu
    The National Colloquium of Linguistic Ecology 1996年11月 口頭発表(一般) Cluj-Napoca (Romania) Babes-Bolyai University
  • A Contrastive Analysis of Clarence's Dream (Ion Barbu's Translation of "Richard III")  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu
    The First National Conference of the Romanian Society of British and American Studies 1994年06月 口頭発表(一般) Cluj-Napoca (Romania) The Romanian Society of British and American Studies
  • The Influence of English on Modern Romanian Vocabulary - With Some Observations on Translation  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu
    The International Summer School of Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization 1994年06月 口頭発表(招待・特別) Cluj-Napoca (Romania) Babes-Bolyai University
  • The Status of the Romanian Participle: an Issue of `Discourse Morphology'  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu
    National Colloquium in honorem Mircea Zdrenghea, organized on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the foundation of Babes-Bolyai University 1994年01月 口頭発表(一般) Cluj-Napoca (Romania) Babes-Bolyai University
  • On the Automatic Morphological Analysis of the Romanian Language. An Overview  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu
    Scientific Meeting of the Center of Text Analysis, Babes-Bolyai University 1993年11月 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等 Cluj-Napoca (Romania) Center of Text Analysis, Babes-Bolyai University
  • Personal Pronouns in Romanian - Forms and Functions  [招待講演]
    Emma Tamaianu
    Invited lecture at the Institut Superieur des Traducteurs et Interpretes, Bruxelles 1993年04月 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等 Bruxelles (Belgium) Institut Superieur des Traducteurs et Interpretes, Bruxelles
  • "ALL is WELL" - Stereotyped Syntagm in Shakespeare's Plays?  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu
    The International Conference “English and American Studies” 1991年05月 口頭発表(一般) Iasi - Durau (Romania) The Romanian Society for British and American Studies and the University of Iasi
  • Proper Nouns in the Semantactics of Poetic Texts  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu
    The 5th National Symposum of Stylistics - Poetics - Semiotics 1990年11月 口頭発表(一般) Cluj-Napoca (Romania) Babes-Bolyai University
  • Textual Semiotics of Proper Nouns  [通常講演]
    Carmen Vlad; Emma Tamaianu
    The IXth National Symposium of Onomastics 1990年10月 口頭発表(一般) Cluj-Napoca Romanian Academy of Sciences
  • CHAOS and VOID - Textual Vectors in Six Shakespearean Plays  [通常講演]
    Emma Tamaianu
    The National Symposium “Romanian Studies on Shakespeare’s Work” 1989年06月 口頭発表(一般) Cluj-Napoca (Romania) Babes-Bolyai University


  • 言語と社会近畿大学
  • 対人コミュニケーション近畿大学
  • 異文化コミュニケーション近畿大学
  • 文化記号論入門近畿大学
  • テクスト言語学バベシュ・ボヨイ大学
  • コミュニケーション論 コミュニケーション学秋田大学, 近畿大学
  • 一般言語学・記号論バベシュ・ボヨイ大学
  • 英語学秋田大学
  • 対照言語学近畿大学


  • Discourse Analysis Research Center (CADISS), University of Suceava, Honorary member   エウジェニオ・コセリウ総合研究センター, バベシュ・ボヨイ大学   ルーマニア・ロマンス言語学学会   ルーマニア言語科学学会   テクスト研究学会(日本)   International Society for the Linguistics of English   秋田英語学学会   


  • Interactive System for the Analysis of Written Romanian. Theoretical Model and Implementation Technology - SINTEGRO
    Romanian Ministry of Education and Research:National Plan of Research, Development and Innovation II, Program 4, Partnerships in Priority Domains
    研究期間 : 2007年09月 -2009年04月 
    代表者 : モリタ エマ シモナ
  • Software System For The Phrase Analysis of Romanian Texts. Theoretical Foundations and Implementation - SIASTRO
    Romanian Ministry of Education and Research:National Plan of Research, Development and Innovation I - CEEX (Excellence Research)
    研究期間 : 2006年07月 -2008年08月 
    代表者 : モリタ エマ シモナ
  • ルーマニアの大学における日本語専攻学生用・機能文法教材の開発 II -中級構文を中心に-
    研究期間 : 2005年12月 -2007年07月 
    代表者 : モリタ エマ シモナ
  • ルーマニアの大学における日本語専攻学生用・機能文法教材の開発-基礎構文を中心に-
    研究期間 : 2003年12月 -2005年04月 
    代表者 : モリタ エマ シモナ
  • The concept of cultural sense-construction in the work of Eugenio Coseriu and Yoshihiko Ikegami. An epistemological comparison
    研究期間 : 2002年09月 -2002年12月 
    代表者 : モリタ エマ シモナ
  • Conceptual Dictionary of Integral Linguistics
    Romanian National Council of Research in Higher Education:CNCSIS grant, project team member
    研究期間 : 1999年 -2001年 
    代表者 : Project director; Mircea Borcila
  • CONCORD – Computer-Assisted Concordances of the Romanian Poetic Language: The Concordance of G. Bacovia’s Poetry
    Romanian National Council of Research in Higher Education:CNCSIS grant, project team member
    研究期間 : 1997年 -1999年 
    代表者 : Project director; Marian Papahagi
  • CONCORD – Computer-Assisted Concordances of the Romanian Poetic Language: The Concordance of B. Fundoianu’s Poetry
    Romanian National Council of Research in Higher Education:CNCSIS grant, project team member
    研究期間 : 1995年 -1996年 
    代表者 : Project director; Marian Papahagi
