田茂井 政宏(タモイ マサヒロ)

農学部 生物機能科学科教授/生物機能科学科長

Last Updated :2024/09/14






  • 修士(農学)(近畿大学)
  • 博士(農学)(近畿大学)


  • 藻類   カルビン・ベンソン回路   形質転換植物   調節   炭素代謝   光合成   




  • ライフサイエンス / 応用生物化学
  • ライフサイエンス / 植物分子、生理科学



  • 2020年11月 - 現在  近畿大学アグリ技術革新研究所教授
  • 2018年04月 - 現在  近畿大学農学部教授
  • 2008年04月 - 2018年03月  近畿大学農学部准教授
  • 2005年04月 - 2008年03月  近畿大学農学部講師
  • 2001年04月 - 2005年03月  近畿大学農学部助手
  • 2000年 - 2001年  日本学術振興会未来開拓学術研究推進事業 研究員
  • 2000年 - 2001年  Japan Society of the Promotion of science, Researcher
  • 1997年 - 1999年  日本学術振興会特別研究員
  • 1997年 - 1999年  JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists


  • 1996年04月 - 1999年03月   近畿大学大学院   農学研究科   農芸化学専攻 博士後期課程
  •         - 1999年   Kinki University   Graduate School, Division of Agriculture
  • 1994年04月 - 1996年03月   近畿大学大学院   農学研究科   農芸化学専攻 博士前期課程
  • 1990年04月 - 1994年03月   近畿大学   農学部   食品栄養学科


  • 2010年01月 - 現在   ユーグレナ研究会   幹事
  • 2007年01月 - 現在   ユーグレナ研究会   事務局



  • 2017年05月 日本農芸化学会 BBB論文賞
     Enhancements in sucrose biosynthesis capacity affectshoot branching in Arabidopsis 
    受賞者: Kumi Otori, Masahiro Tamoi, Noriaki Tanabe, Shigeru Shigeoka
  • 2011年05月 日本農芸化学会 農芸化学奨励賞
    受賞者: 田茂井 政宏


  • Kaori Sako; Ryutaro Nagashima; Masahiro Tamoi; Motoaki Seki
    Plant biotechnology (Tokyo, Japan) 38 3 339 - 344 2021年09月 
    Abiotic stresses, such as high light and salinity, are major factors that limit crop productivity and sustainability worldwide. Chemical priming is a promising strategy for improving the abiotic stress tolerance of plants. Recently, we discovered that ethanol enhances high-salinity stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana and rice by detoxifying reactive oxygen species (ROS). However, the effect of ethanol on other abiotic stress responses is unclear. Therefore, we investigated the effect of ethanol on the high-light stress response. Measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence showed that ethanol mitigates photoinhibition under high-light stress. Staining with 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB) showed that the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was inhibited by ethanol under high-light stress conditions in A. thaliana. We found that ethanol increased the gene expressions and enzymatic activities of antioxidative enzymes, including ASCORBATE PEROXIDASE1 (AtAPX1), Catalase (AtCAT1 and AtCAT2). Moreover, the expression of flavonoid biosynthetic genes and anthocyanin contents were upregulated by ethanol treatment during exposure to high-light stress. These results imply that ethanol alleviates oxidative damage from high-light stress in A. thaliana by suppressing ROS accumulation. Our findings support the hypothesis that ethanol improves tolerance to multiple stresses in field-grown crops.
  • Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    Plants (Basel, Switzerland) 10 7 2021年06月 [査読有り]
    We previously reported that CP12 formed a complex with GAPDH and PRK and regulated the activities of these enzymes and the Calvin-Benson cycle under dark conditions as the principal regulatory system in cyanobacteria. More interestingly, we found that the cyanobacterial CP12 gene-disrupted strain was more sensitive to photo-oxidative stresses such as under high light conditions and paraquat treatment. When a mutant strain that grew normally under low light was subjected to high light conditions, decreases in chlorophyll and photosynthetic activity were observed. Furthermore, a large amount of ROS was accumulated in the cells of the CP12 gene-disrupted strain. These data suggest that CP12 also functions under light conditions and may be involved in protection against oxidative stress by controlling the flow of electrons from Photosystem I to NADPH.
  • Kumi Otori; Noriaki Tanabe; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 83 3 472 - 481 2019年03月 [査読有り]
    We previously demonstrated that alterations in sugar partitioning affect the expression of genes involved in hormone biosynthesis and responses, including BRANCHED1 (BRC1), resulting in enhanced shoot branching in transgenic Arabidopsis plants overexpressing cyanobacterial fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase-II in the cytosol (AcF). The exogenous treatment of wild-type Arabidopsis plants with sugars showed the same transcript characteristics, indicating that sugars act as a signal for branching. We also found that the reductions induced in BRC1 expression levels in wild-type plants by the sugar treatments were suppressed in the knockout mutant of sugar transporter 1 (stp1-1). Intracellular sugar contents were similar in stp1-1 and wild-type plants following the sugar treatments, suggesting that STP1 acts as a factor for the regulation of shoot branching depending on extracellular sugar contents. Abbreviations: BRC1: BRABCHED1; FBP/SBPase: fructose-1,6-/sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase; Glc: glucose; HXK: hexokinase; SnRK1.1/AKIN10: SNF1-RELATED PROTEIN KINASE 1.1; Suc: sucrose; SnRK1: sucrose non-fermenting 1-related protein kinase; STP: sugar transporter protein.
  • Noriaki Tanabe; Masahiro Noshi; Daisuke Mori; Kotaro Nozawa; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    Journal of plant research 132 1 93 - 105 2019年01月 [査読有り]
    Iron (Fe) is a micronutrient that is essential for plant development and growth. Basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are a superfamily of transcription factors that are important regulatory components in transcriptional networks in plants. bHLH transcription factors have been divided into subclasses based on their amino acid sequences and domain structures. Among the members of clade IVb (PYE, bHLH121, and bHLH11), the functions of bHLH11 remain unclear. In the present study, we characterized bHLH11 as a negative regulator of Fe homeostasis. bHLH11 expression levels were high in the roots and up-regulated after plants were transferred to Fe sufficient conditions. Although T-DNA knockout mutants of bHLH11 were lethal, dominant negative (DN-) and overexpression (OX-) of bHLH11 plants exhibited sensitivity to Fe deficiency. Furthermore, the expression of FIT, a master regulator of Fe deficiency responses, was suppressed in the transgenic plants. These results suggest that the transcriptional repressor bHLH11 functions as a negative regulator of FIT-dependent Fe uptake and modulates Fe levels in Arabidopsis plants. Salicylic acid (SA) modulates the expression of genes involved in Fe-deficient responses. We found that SA levels were elevated in DN- and OX-bHLH11 plants. The T-DNA insertion mutant sid2-1, which was defective for the production of SA, did not exhibit sensitivity to Fe deficiency; however, the crossed plants of OX-bHLH11 and sid2-1 relieved sensitivity to the Fe deficiency observed in OX-bHLH11 plants. These results suggest that the accumulation of SA is closely related to iron homeostasis.
  • Masahiro Noshi; Noriaki Tanabe; Yutaka Okamoto; Daisuke Mori; Masaru Ohme-Takagi; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    Plant science : an international journal of experimental plant biology 274 101 - 108 2018年09月 [査読有り]
    The accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) leads to oxidative damage; however, ROS also acts as signaling molecules. We previously demonstrated that the inducible silencing of thylakoid membrane-bound ascorbate peroxidase Arabidopsis plants (IS-tAPX) accumulated H2O2 in their chloroplasts, resulting in the clarification of ROS-responsive genes. In IS-tAPX plants, the transcript levels of the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor bHLH101, which belongs to clade Ib bHLH, were down-regulated. In order to investigate the participation of bHLH101 in chloroplastic H2O2-mediated signaling, we isolated dominant negative expression mutants of bHLH101 (DN-bHLH101). DN-bHLH101 plants showed a significant phenotype that was sensitive to a methylviologen treatment, even under iron-sufficient conditions. Furthermore, the knock out mutant of bHLH101 showed a photo-oxidative sensitive phenotype, indicating that other clade Ib bHLHs do not compensate for the function of bHLH101. Thus, bHLH101 appears to act as a regulatory component in photo-oxidative stress responses. We also found that ferric chelate reductase activity was stronger in IS-tAPX plants than in control plants, suggesting that there is a close relationship between iron metabolism and oxidative stress responses.
  • Noriaki Tanabe; Akane Ito; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    Plant Root 12 31 - 45 2018年 
    Since sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) produces high yield of storage roots (SR), it is an attractive target for improving productivity. However, molecular information about sweet potato is limited. The number of SR per plants determines the yield of sweet potato. SRs develop from adventitious roots (AR). Therefore, the mechanisms responsible for the initiation and development of AR need to be elucidated to increase the productivity of sweet potato. We conducted a transcriptomic analysis between nodes containing AR primordia (AR-node) and stems using next-generation sequencing to identify AR-specific promoters. A total of 6,219 contigs exhibited stronger expression in the AR-nodes than in the stems. Among them, we found that the expression of sweet potato Plant AT-rich sequence-and zinc-binding protein (IbPLATZ) transcription factors was AR-specific. We examined the promoter activity of IbPLATZ in the transgenic Arabidopsis plants. β-glucuronidase (GUS) staining showed that the IbPLATZ promoter conferred the expression of the GUS reporter gene in a root tip-specific manner. These results indicate that the Ib-PLATZ promoter is available for a root tip-specific foreign gene expression system in transgenic plants.
  • Comprehensive transcriptomic analysis between nodes containing adventitious roots and stems in sweet potato and identification of adventitious root-specific promoters
    Tanabe N; Ito A; Tamoi M; Shigeoka S
    Plant Root 12 31 - 44 2018年 [査読有り]
  • 田茂井政宏; 石田健太; 江口雄巳; 原田京一; 雉鼻一郎; 重岡成
    植物環境工学 29 3 96 - 103 日本生物環境工学会 2017年09月 [査読有り]
    プラントフレックLED光源下で栽培したシロイヌナズナの生育および光合成特性は,蛍光灯照射下で栽培した植物との間に有意な差は見られなかった.プラントフレックLED光源下で栽培したタバコの生育および光合成特性は,蛍光灯照射下で栽培した植物との間に有意な差は見られなかった.プラントフレックLED光源の消費電力は蛍光灯の約60 %であった.プラントフレックLED光源は,蛍光灯に代わる省エネルギー型人工光源としての利用が可能であることが示された.
  • Kumi Otori; Noriaki Tanabe; Toshiki Maruyama; Shigeru Sato; Shuichi Yanagisawa; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    Journal of plant research 130 5 909 - 927 2017年09月 [査読有り]
    Plant growth and productivity depend on interactions between the metabolism of carbon and nitrogen. The sensing ability of internal carbon and nitrogen metabolites (the C/N balance) enables plants to regulate metabolism and development. In order to investigate the effects of an enhanced photosynthetic capacity on the metabolism of carbon and nitrogen in photosynthetically active tissus (source leaves), we herein generated transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants (ApFS) that expressed cyanobacterial fructose-1,6-/sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase in their chloroplasts. The phenotype of ApFS plants was indistinguishable from that of wild-type plants at the immature stage. However, as plants matured, the growth of ApFS plants was superior to that of wild-type plants. Starch levels were higher in ApFS plants than in wild-type plants at 2 and 5 weeks. Sucrose levels were also higher in ApFS plants than in wild-type plants, but only at 5 weeks. On the other hand, the contents of various free amino acids were lower in ApFS plants than in wild-type plants at 2 weeks, but were similar at 5 weeks. The total C/N ratio was the same in ApFS plants and wild-type plants, whereas nitrite levels increased in parallel with elevations in nitrate reductase activity at 5 weeks in ApFS plants. These results suggest that increases in the contents of photosynthetic intermediates at the early growth stage caused a temporary imbalance in the free-C/free-N ratio and, thus, the feedback inhibition of the expression of genes involved in the Calvin cycle and induction of the expression of those involved in nitrogen metabolism due to supply deficient free amino acids for maintenance of the C/N balance in source leaves of ApFS plants.
  • Kumi Otori; Masahiro Tamoi; Noriaki Tanabe; Shigeru Shigeoka
    Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 81 8 1470 - 1477 2017年08月 [査読有り]
    We previously demonstrated that transgenic tobacco plants expressing cyanobacterial fructose-1,6-/sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase in the cytosol increased the number of lateral shoots and leaves at elevated CO2 levels. These findings suggest that alterations in carbon partitioning affect the development of shoot branching. In order to elucidate the underlying mechanisms at the molecular level, we generated transgenic Arabidopsis plants overexpressing cyanobacterial fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase-II in the cytosol (AcF). At elevated CO2 levels, the number of lateral shoots was significantly increased in AcF plants. Sucrose and hexose levels were also higher in AcF plants than in wild-type plants. The expression levels of MAX1, MAX4, YUCCA8, YUCCA9, and BRC1, which are involved in auxin or strigolactone biosynthesis and responses, were lower in AcF plants than in wild-type plants. These results suggest that alterations in sugar partitioning affect hormone metabolism and responses, resulting in enhanced shoot branching.
  • Masahiro Noshi; Hiroki Yamada; Risa Hatanaka; Noriaki Tanabe; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 81 3 523 - 533 2017年03月 [査読有り]
    Ascorbate and glutathione are indispensable cellular redox buffers and allow plants to acclimate stressful conditions. Arabidopsis contains three functional dehydroascorbate reductases (DHAR1-3), which catalyzes the conversion of dehydroascorbate into its reduced form using glutathione as a reductant. We herein attempted to elucidate the physiological role in DHAR1 and DHAR2 in stress responses. The total DHAR activities in DHAR knockout Arabidopsis plants, dhar1 and dhar2, were 22 and 92%, respectively, that in wild-type leaves. Under high light (HL), the levels of total ascorbate and dehydroascorbate were only reduced and increased, respectively, in dhar1. The oxidation of glutathione under HL was significantly inhibited in both dhar1 and dhar2, while glutathione contents were only enhanced in dhar1. The dhar1 showed stronger visible symptoms than the dhar2 under photooxidative stress conditions. Our results demonstrated a pivotal role of DHAR1 in the modulation of cellular redox states under photooxidative stress.
  • Hiroshi Inui; Takahiro Ishikawa; Masahiro Tamoi
    Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 979 269 - 283 2017年 [査読有り]
    In Euglena cells under anaerobic conditions, paramylon, the storage polysaccharide, is promptly degraded and converted to wax esters. The wax esters synthesized are composed of saturated fatty acids and alcohols with chain lengths of 10–18, and the major constituents are myristic acid and myristyl alcohol. Since the anaerobic cells gain ATP through the conversion of paramylon to wax esters, the phenomenon is named “wax ester fermentation”. The wax ester fermentation is quite unique in that the end products, i.e. wax esters, have relatively high molecular weights, are insoluble in water, and accumulate in the cells, in contrast to the common fermentation end products such as lactic acid and ethanol. A unique metabolic pathway involved in the wax ester fermentation is the mitochondrial fatty acid synthetic system. In this system, fatty acid are synthesized by the reversal of β-oxidation with an exception that trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase functions instead of acyl-CoA dehydrogenase. Therefore, acetyl-CoA is directly used as a C2 donor in this fatty acid synthesis, and the conversion of acetyl-CoA to malonyl-CoA, which requires ATP, is not necessary. Consequently, the mitochondrial fatty acid synthetic system makes possible the net gain of ATP through the synthesis of wax esters from paramylon. In addition, acetyl-CoA is provided in the anaerobic cells from pyruvate by the action of a unique enzyme, oxygen sensitive pyruvate:NADP+ oxidoreductase, instead of the common pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex. Wax esters produced by anaerobic Euglena are promising biofuels because myristic acid (C14:0) in contrast to other algal produced fatty acids, such as palmitic acid (C16:0) and stearic acid (C18:0), has a low freezing point making it suitable as a drop-in jet fuel. To improve wax ester production, the molecular mechanisms by which wax ester fermentation is regulated in response to aerobic and anaerobic conditions have been gradually elucidated by identifying individual genes related to the wax ester fermentation metabolic pathway and by comprehensive gene/protein expression analysis. In addition, expression of the cyanobacterial Calvin cycle fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase/sedohepturose-1,7-bisphosphatase, in Euglena provided photosynthesis resulting in increased paramylon accumulation enhancing wax ester production. This chapter will discuss the biochemistry of the wax ester fermentation, recent advances in our understanding of the regulation of the wax ester fermentation and genetic engineering approaches to increase production of wax esters for biofuels.
  • Ginga Shimakawa; Yusuke Matsuda; Kensuke Nakajima; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka; Chikahiro Miyake
    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7 41022  2017年01月 [査読有り]
    Photosynthesis produces chemical energy from photon energy in the photosynthetic electron transport and assimilates CO2 using the chemical energy. Thus, CO2 limitation causes an accumulation of excess energy, resulting in reactive oxygen species (ROS) which can cause oxidative damage to cells. O-2 can be used as an alternative energy sink when oxygenic phototrophs are exposed to high light. Here, we examined the responses to CO2 limitation and O-2 dependency of two secondary algae, Euglena gracilis and Phaeodactylum tricornutum. In E. gracilis, approximately half of the relative electron transport rate (ETR) of CO2-saturated photosynthesis was maintained and was uncoupled from photosynthesis under CO2 limitation. The ETR showed biphasic dependencies on O-2 at high and low O-2 concentrations. Conversely, in P. tricornutum, most relative ETR decreased in parallel with the photosynthetic O-2 evolution rate in response to CO2 limitation. Instead, non-photochemical quenching was strongly activated under CO2 limitation in P. tricornutum. The results indicate that these secondary algae adopt different strategies to acclimatize to CO2 limitation, and that both strategies differ from those utilized by cyanobacteria and green algae. We summarize the diversity of strategies for prevention of photo-oxidative damage under CO2 limitation in cyanobacterial and algal photosynthesis.
  • Daisuke Takagi; Kentaro Ifuku; Ken-ichi Ikeda; Kanako Ikeda Inoue; Pyoyun Park; Masahiro Tamoi; Hironori Inoue; Katsuhiko Sakamoto; Ryota Saito; Chikahiro Miyake
    PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 170 4 2024 - 2039 2016年04月 [査読有り]
    Lipid-derived reactive carbonyl species (RCS) possess electrophilic moieties and cause oxidative stress by reacting with cellular components. Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) has a chloroplast-localized alkenal/one oxidoreductase (AtAOR) for the detoxification of lipid-derived RCS, especially alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyls. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the physiological importance of AtAOR and analyzed AtAOR (aor) mutants, including a transfer DNA knockout, aor (T-DNA), and RNA interference knockdown, aor (RNAi), lines. We found that both aor mutants showed smaller plant sizes than wild-type plants when they were grown under day/night cycle conditions. To elucidate the cause of the aor mutant phenotype, we analyzed the photosynthetic rate and the respiration rate by gas-exchange analysis. Subsequently, we found that both wildtype and aor (RNAi) plants showed similar CO2 assimilation rates; however, the respiration rate was lower in aor (RNAi) than in wild-type plants. Furthermore, we revealed that phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity decreased and starch degradation during the night was suppressed in aor (RNAi). In contrast, the phenotype of aor (RNAi) was rescued when aor (RNAi) plants were grown under constant light conditions. These results indicate that the smaller plant sizes observed in aor mutants grown under day/night cycle conditions were attributable to the decrease in carbon utilization during the night. Here, we propose that the detoxification of lipid-derived RCS by AtAOR in chloroplasts contributes to the protection of dark respiration and supports plant growth during the night.
  • Takahisa Ogawa; Ayako Kimura; Harumi Sakuyama; Masahiro Tamoi; Takahiro Ishikawa; Shigeru Shigeoka
    BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 79 12 1957 - 1964 2015年12月 [査読有り]
    Euglena gracilis has the ability to accumulate a storage polysaccharide, a -1,3-glucan known as paramylon, under aerobic conditions. Under anaerobic conditions, E. gracilis cells degrade paramylon and synthesize wax esters. Cytosolic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) appears to be a key enzyme in gluconeogenesis and position branch point of carbon partitioning between paramylon and wax ester biosynthesis. We herein identified and characterized cytosolic FBPase from E. gracilis. The K-m and V-max values of EgFBPaseIII were 16.5 +/- 1.6M and 30.4 +/- 7.2molmin(-1)mgprotein(-1), respectively. The activity of EgFBPaseIII was not regulated by AMP or reversible redox modulation. No significant differences were observed in the production of paramylon in transiently suppressed EgFBPaseIII gene expression cells by RNAi (KD-EgFBPaseIII); nevertheless, FBPase activity was markedly decreased in KD-EgFBPaseIII cells. On the other hand, the growth of KD-EgFBPaseIII cells was slightly higher than that of control cells.
  • Hiroyuki Tanaka; Yukinori Yabuta; Masahiro Tamoi; Noriaki Tanabe; Shigeru Shigeoka
    PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY 32 3 233 - 238 2015年09月 [査読有り]
    Tocotrienols with three double bonds in the hydrocarbon tail are the major form of vitamin E in the seeds of most monocots and certain dicots. They have recently been attracting increasing attention for their various biological properties for human health. Homogentisate geranylgeranyl transferase (HGGT) catalyzes the committed step of tocotrienol biosynthesis. HGGT, except for enzyme from barley, has been not analyzed in detail, although cDNAs encoding HGGT have been isolated from barley, wheat, and rice. Since tocotrienol levels are higher in rice than in barley, rice HGGT (OsHGGT) may have superior enzymatic characteristics to those of barley HGGT. In the present study, we generated transgenic tobacco plants introducing OsHGGT cDNA into a nuclear genome and measured their tocopherol and tocotrienol levels. We demonstrated that the ectopic expression of OsHGGT enhanced tocotrienol levels without decreasing tocopherol levels in tobacco plants. The results of the present study may lead to a better understanding of the manipulation of vitamin E biosynthesis in leafy vegetables.
  • Hiroyuki Tanaka; Takanori Maruta; Takahisa Ogawa; Noriaki Tanabe; Masahiro Tamoi; Kazuya Yoshimura; Shigeru Shigeoka
    JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 66 19 5797 - 5808 2015年09月 [査読有り]
    AtNUDX9, a GDP-d-Man pyrophosphohydrolase in Arabidopsis, is involved in the regulation of GDP-d-Man levels affecting ammonium sensitivity via modulation of protein N-glycosylation in the roots.GDP-d-mannose (GDP-d-Man) is an important intermediate in ascorbic acid (AsA) synthesis, cell wall synthesis, protein N-glycosylation, and glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchoring in plants. Thus, the modulation of intracellular levels of GDP-d-Man could be important for maintaining various cellular processes. Here an Arabidopsis GDP-d-Man pyrophosphohydrolase, AtNUDX9 (AtNUDT9; At3g46200), which hydrolysed GDP-d-Man to GMP and mannose 1-phosphate, was identified. The K (m) and V (max) values for GDP-d-Man of AtNUDX9 were 376 +/- 24 mu M and 1.61 +/- 0.15 mu mol min(-1) mg(-1) protein, respectively. Among various tissues, the expression levels of AtNUDX9 and the total activity of GDP-d-Man pyrophosphohydrolase were the highest in the roots. The GDP-d-Man pyrophosphohydrolase activity was increased in the root of plants grown in the presence of ammonium. No difference was observed in the levels of AsA in the leaf and root tissues of the wild-type and knockout-nudx9 (KO-nudx9) plants, whereas a marked increase in N-glycoprotein levels and enhanced growth were detected in the roots of KO-nudx9 plants in the presence of ammonium. These results suggest that AtNUDX9 is involved in the regulation of GDP-d-Man levels affecting ammonium sensitivity via modulation of protein N-glycosylation in the roots.
  • Noriaki Tanabe; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    GENE 567 2 244 - 250 2015年08月 [査読有り]
    Sweet potato is an important crop because of its high yield and biomass production. We herein investigated the potential of the promoter activity of a small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RbcS) from sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) in order to develop the high expression system of exogenous DNA in Arabidopsis. We isolated two different cDNAs (IbRbcS1 and IbRbcS2) encoding RbcS from sweet potato. Their predicted amino add sequences were well conserved with the mature RbcS protein of other plants. The tissue-specific expression patterns of these two genes revealed that expression of IbRbcS1 was specific to green tissue, whereas that of IbRbcS2 was non-photosynthetic tissues such as roots and tubers. These results suggested that IbRbcS1 was predominantly expressed in the green tissue-specific of sweet potato over IbRbcS2. Therefore, the IbRbcS1 promoter was transformed into Arabidopsis along with beta-glucuronidase (GUS) as a reporter gene. GUS staining and semi-quantitative RT-PCR showed that the IbRbcS1 promoter conferred the expression of the GUS reporter gene in green tissue-specific and light-inducible manners. Furthermore, qPCR showed that the expression levels of GUS reporter gene in IbRbcS1 pro:GUS were same as those in CaMV 35S pro:GUS plants. These results suggest that the IbRbcS1 promoter is a potentially strong foreign gene expression system for genetic transformation in plants. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Takahisa Ogawa; Ayako Kimura; Harumi Sakuyama; Masahiro Tamoi; Takahiro Ishikawa; Shigeru Shigeoka
    ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 575 61 - 68 2015年06月 [査読有り]
    The chloroplastic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) is a late-limiting enzyme in the Calvin cycle. In the present study, we isolated and characterized the cDNAs encoding two types of chloroplastic FBPase isoforms (EgFBPaseI and II) from Euglena gracilis. The K-m values of recombinant EgFBPaseI and EgFBPaseII for fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (Fru 1,6-P-2) were 165 +/- 17 and 2200 +/- 200 mu M, respectively. The activity of EgFBPaseI was inhibited by 1 mM H2O2 and recovered when incubated with DTT. The activity of EgFBPaseII was resistant to concentrations of H2O2 up to 1 mM, which was distinct from those of EgFBPaseI and spinach chloroplastic FBPase. The suppression of EgFBPaseI gene expression by gene silencing markedly decreased photosynthetic activity and inhibited cell growth. The results of the present study clearly demonstrated that EgFBPaseI played a critical role in photosynthesis in Euglena chloroplasts. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 79 6 870 - 876 2015年06月 [査読有り]
    To clarify the regulatory mechanisms of the Calvin cycle in algae, we analyzed the molecular properties of the enzymes involved in this cycle. We demonstrated that these enzymes were not regulated by redox modulation through the ferredoxin/thioredoxin system under light/dark conditions and were not sensitive to treatments with hydrogen peroxide in vitro, unlike the chloroplastic thiol-modulated enzymes of plants. On the other hand, we found that cyanobacteria possessed a unique enzyme involved in the Calvin cycle. The CP12 protein played an important role in regulating carbon metabolism in the Calvin cycle in cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae. This review described the regulatory mechanisms of the Calvin cycle in algae and also the effects of alterations to photosynthetic carbon metabolism on plant productivity, carbon partitioning, and the carbon/nitrogen balance using transgenic plants expressing algal genes.
  • Takahisa Ogawa; Masahiro Tamoi; Ayako Kimura; Ayaka Mine; Harumi Sakuyama; Eriko Yoshida; Takanori Maruta; Kengo Suzuki; Takahiro Ishikawa; Shigeru Shigeoka
    BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR BIOFUELS 8 80  2015年05月 [査読有り]
    Background: Microalgae have recently been attracting attention as a potential platform for the production of biofuels. Euglena gracilis, a unicellular phytoflagellate, has been proposed as an attractive feedstock to produce biodiesel because it can produce large amounts of wax esters, consisting of medium-chain fatty acids and alcohols with 14: 0 carbon chains. E. gracilis cells highly accumulate a storage polysaccharide, a beta-1,3-glucan known as paramylon, under aerobic conditions. When grown aerobically and then transferred into anaerobic conditions, E. gracilis cells degrade paramylon to actively synthesize and accumulate wax esters. Thus, the enhanced accumulation of paramylon through the genetic engineering of photosynthesis should increase the capacity for wax ester production. Results: We herein generated transgenic Euglena (EpFS) cells expressing the cyanobacterial fructose-1,6-/sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase (FBP/SBPase), which is involved in the Calvin cycle, to enhance its photosynthetic activity. FBP/SBPase was successfully expressed within Euglena chloroplasts. The cell volume of the EpFS4 cell line was significantly larger than that of wild-type cells under normal growth conditions. The photosynthetic activity of EpFS4 cells was significantly higher than that of wild type under high light and high CO2, resulting in enhanced biomass production, and the accumulation of paramylon was increased in transgenic cell lines than in wild-type cells. Furthermore, when EpFS cell lines grown under high light and high CO2 were placed on anaerobiosis, the productivity of wax esters was approximately 13- to 100-fold higher in EpFS cell lines than in wild-type cells. Conclusion: Our results obtained here indicate that the efficiency of biomass production in E. gracilis can be improved by genetically modulating photosynthetic capacity, resulting in the enhanced production of wax esters. This is the first step toward the utilization of E. gracilis as a sustainable source for biofuel production under photoautotrophic cultivation.
  • Takanori Maruta; Nozomi Miyazaki; Ryota Nosaka; Hiroyuki Tanaka; Daniel Padilla-Chacon; Kumi Otori; Ayako Kimura; Noriaki Tanabe; Kazuya Yoshimura; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    NEW PHYTOLOGIST 206 3 1013 - 1023 2015年05月 [査読有り]
    Plastid gene expression (PGE) is one of the signals that regulate the expression of photosynthesis-associated nuclear genes (PhANGs) via GENOMES UNCOUPLED1 (GUN1)-dependent retrograde signaling. We recently isolated Arabidopsis sugar-inducible cotyledon yellow-192 (sicy-192), a gain-of-function mutant of plastidic invertase, and showed that following the treatment of this mutant with sucrose, the expression of PhANGs as well as PGE decreased, suggesting that the sicy-192 mutation activates a PGE-evoked and GUN1-mediated retrograde pathway. To clarify the relationship between the sicy-192 mutation, PGE, and GUN1-mediated pathway, plastid and nuclear gene expression in a double mutant of sicy-192 and gun1-101, a null mutant of GUN1 was studied. Plastid-encoded RNA polymerase (PEP)-dependent PGE was markedly suppressed in the sicy-192 mutant by the sucrose treatment, but the suppression as well as cotyledon yellow phenotype was not mitigated by GUN1 disruption. Microarray analysis revealed that the altered expression of nuclear genes such as PhANG in the sucrose-treated sicy-192 mutant was largely dependent on GUN1. The present findings demonstrated that the sicy-192 mutation alters nuclear gene expression with sucrose treatment via GUN1, which is possibly followed by inhibiting PEP-dependent PGE, providing a new insight into the role of plastid sugar metabolism in nuclear gene expression.
  • Hiroyuki Tanaka; Takanori Maruta; Masahiro Tamoi; Yukinori Yabuta; Kazuya Yoshimura; Takahiro Ishikawa; Shigeru Shigeoka
    PLANT SCIENCE 231 20 - 29 2015年02月 [査読有り]
    Previous findings have-suggested-that-light and plastid-derived signals are involved in the regulation of biosynthetic pathways for L-ascorbic acid (AsA) and tocopherols (Toc). Photosynthetic electron transport (PET) activity, plastid gene expression (PGE), and the tetrapyrrole metabolism have been identified as signals that regulate nuclear gene expression through the GENOMES UNCOUPLED 1 (GUN1) protein. Here, we examined the effects of disrupting GUN1 on these pathways. The expression of vitamin C defective 2 (VTC2) and tocopherol cyclase (TC) genes, which encode key enzymes in the AsA and Toc biosynthetic pathways, respectively, was affected by illumination and darkness in parallel with the levels of both these antioxidants. However, the GUN1 disruption had no effect on these biosynthetic pathways under light-dark conditions. All treatments that inhibited PET, PGE, and the tetrapyrrole metabolism interrupted both biosynthetic pathways; however, this was partially mitigated by the GUN1 disruption. The expression patterns of VTC2 and TC reflected the levels of both antioxidants under most of the conditions examined. Our results suggest that the transcriptional control of VTC2 and TC by light and plastid-derived signals is important for the regulation of the biosynthetic pathways, and that GUN1 is at least partially involved in the plastid-derived signals-dependent regulation. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Kamachi S; Hirabayashi K; Tamoi M; Shigeoka S; Tada T; Wada K
    The FEBS journal 282 1 54 - 64 1 2015年01月 [査読有り]
    Isoniazid (INH) is one of the most effective antibiotics against tuberculosis. INH is a prodrug that is activated by KatG. Although extensive studies have been performed in order to understand the mechanism of KatG, even the binding site of INH in KatG remains controversial. In this study, we determined the crystal structure of KatG from Synechococcuselongatus PCC7942 (SeKatG) in a complex with INH at 2.12-angstrom resolution. Three INH molecules were bound to the molecular surface. One INH molecule was bound at the entrance to the epsilon-edge side of heme (designated site 1), another was bound at the entrance to the -edge side of heme (site 2), and another was bound to the loop structures in front of the heme propionate side chain (site 3). All of the interactions between KatG and the bound INH seemed to be weak, being mediated mainly by van der Waals contacts. Structural comparisons revealed that the identity and configuration of the residues in site 1 were very similar among SeKatG, Burkholderiapseudomallei KatG, and Mycobacteriumtuberculosis KatG. In contrast, sites 2 and 3 were structurally diverse among the three proteins. Thus, site 1 is probably the common KatG INH-binding site. A static enzymatic analysis and thermal shift assay suggested that the INH-activating reaction does not proceed in site 1, but rather that this site may function as an initial trapping site for the INH molecule. DatabaseThe atomic coordinates and structure factors have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank under the accession number .
  • Saori Kamachi; Kei Hirabayashi; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka; Toshiji Tada; Kei Wada
    FEBS LETTERS 589 1 131 - 137 2015年01月 [査読有り]
    Isoniazid (INH) is a pro-drug that has been extensively used to treat tuberculosis. INH is activated by the heme enzyme catalase-peroxidase (KatG), but the mechanism of the activation is poorly understood, in part because the INH binding site has not been clearly established. Here, we observed that a single-residue mutation of KatG from Synechococcus elongatus PCC7942 (SeKatG), W78F, enhances INH activation. The crystal structure of INH-bound KatG-W78F revealed that INH binds to the heme pocket. The results of a thermal-shift assay implied that the flexibility of the SeKatG molecule is increased by the W78F mutation, allowing the INH molecule to easily invade the heme pocket through the access channel on the gamma-edge side of the heme. (C) 2014 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Takanori Maruta; Masahiro Noshi; Maki Nakamura; Shun Matsuda; Masahiro Tamoi; Takahiro Ishikawa; Shigeru Shigeoka
    PLANT SCIENCE 219 61 - 68 2014年04月 [査読有り]
    Anthocyanins are important for preventing photoinhibition and photodamage. By comprehensive reverse genetic analysis of chloroplast-produced H2O2-responsive genes, we isolated here an anthocyanin-deficient mutant under photooxidative stress, which lacked ferulate 5-hydroxylase 1 (FAH1) involved in the phenylpropanoid pathway. Interestingly, the expression of anthocyanin biosynthesis-associated genes was also inhibited in this mutant. These findings suggest that FAH1 is essential for expression of anthocyanin biosynthesis-associated genes and anthocyanin accumulation under photooxidative stress in Arabidopsis. Furthermore, we found that estrogen-inducible silencing of thylakoid membrane-bound ascorbate peroxidase, which is a major H2O2-scavenging enzyme in chloroplasts, enhances the expression of FAH1 and anthocyanin biosynthesis-associated genes and accumulation of anthocyanin without any application of stress. Thus, it is likely that chloroplastic H2O2 activates FAH1 expression to induce anthocyanin accumulation for protecting cells from photooxidative stress. (c) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Kamachi S; Wada K; Tamoi M; Shigeoka S; Tada T
    Acta crystallographica. Section F, Structural biology communications 70 Pt 3 288 - 293 Pt 3 2014年03月 [査読有り]
    The crystal structure of catalase-peroxidase from Synechococcus elongatus PCC7942 (SeKatG) was solved by molecular replacement and refined to an R-work of 16.8% and an R-free of 20.6% at 2.2 angstrom resolution. The asymmetric unit consisted of only one subunit of the catalase-peroxidase molecule, including a protoporphyrin IX haem moiety and two sodium ions. A typical KatG covalent adduct was formed, Met248-Tyr222-Trp94, which is a key structural element for catalase activity. The crystallographic equivalent subunit was created by a twofold symmetry operation to form the functional dimer. The overall structure of the dimer was quite similar to other KatGs. One sodium ion was located close to the proximal Trp314. The location and configuration of the proximal cation site were very similar to those of typical peroxidases such as ascorbate peroxidase. These features may provide a structural basis for the behaviour of the radical localization/ delocalization during the course of the enzymatic reaction.
  • Saori Kamachi; Kei Wada; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka; Toshiji Tada
    Acta Crystallographica Section F:Structural Biology Communications 70 3 288 - 293 2014年 [査読有り]
    The crystal structure of catalase-peroxidase from Synechococcus elongatus PCC7942 (SeKatG) was solved by molecular replacement and refined to an R work of 16.8% and an Rfree of 20.6% at 2.2 Å resolution. The asymmetric unit consisted of only one subunit of the catalase-peroxidase molecule, including a protoporphyrin IX haem moiety and two sodium ions. A typical KatG covalent adduct was formed, Met248-Tyr222-Trp94, which is a key structural element for catalase activity. The crystallographic equivalent subunit was created by a twofold symmetry operation to form the functional dimer. The overall structure of the dimer was quite similar to other KatGs. One sodium ion was located close to the proximal Trp314. The location and configuration of the proximal cation site were very similar to those of typical peroxidases such as ascorbate peroxidase. These features may provide a structural basis for the behaviour of the radical localization/delocalization during the course of the enzymatic reaction. © 2014 International Union of Crystallography.
  • Ryosuke Hayashi; Ginga Shimakawa; Keiichiro Shaku; Satoko Shimizu; Seiji Akimoto; Hiroshi Yamamoto; Katsumi Amako; Toshio Sugimoto; Masahiro Tamoi; Amane Makino; Chikahiro Miyake
    To determine whether alternative electron flow (AEF) can replace the photosynthetic electron flow in cyanobacteria, we used an open O-2-electrode system to monitor O-2-exchange over a long period. In air-grown Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 (S. 6803 (WT)), the quantum yield of PSII, Y(II), held even after photosynthesis was suppressed by CO2 shortage. The S. 6803 mutant, deficient in flavodiiron (FLV) proteins 1 and 3, showed the same phenotype as S. 6803(WT). In contrast, Y(II) decreased in Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 (S. 7942). These results suggest that AEF functioned as the Y(II) in S. 6803 and replaced the photosynthetic electron flux. In contrast, the activity of AEF in S. 7942 was lower. The affinity of AEF for O-2 in S. 6803 did not correspond to those of FLVs in bacteria or terminal oxidases in respiration. AEF might be driven by photorespiration.
  • Yukinori Yabuta; Hiroyuki Tanaka; Sahoko Yoshimura; Akiko Suzuki; Masahiro Tamoi; Takanori Maruta; Shigeru Shigeoka
    TRANSGENIC RESEARCH 22 2 391 - 402 2013年04月 [査読有り]
    Vitamin E (tocopherol: Toc) is an important lipid-soluble antioxidant synthesized in chloroplasts. Among the 8 isoforms of vitamin E, alpha-Toc has the highest activity in humans. To generate transgenic plants with enhanced vitamin E activity, we applied a chloroplast transformation technique. Three types of the transplastomic tobacco plants (pTTC, pTTMT and pTTC-TMT) carrying the Toc cyclase (TC) or gamma-Toc methyltransferase (gamma-TMT) gene and the TC plus gamma-TMT genes as an operon in the plastid genome, respectively, were generated. There was a significant increase in total levels of Toc due to an increase in gamma-Toc in the pTTC plants. Compared to the wild-type plants, Toc composition was altered in the pTTMT plants. In the pTTC-TMT plants, total Toc levels increased and alpha-Toc was a major Toc isoform. Furthermore, to use chloroplast transformation to produce alpha-Toc-rich vegetable, TC-overexpressing transplastomic lettuce plants (pLTC) were generated. Total Toc levels and vitamin E activity increased in the pLTC plants compared with the wild-type lettuce plants. These findings indicated that chloroplast genetic engineering is useful to improve vitamin E quality and quantity in plants.
  • Maruta T; Ojiri M; Noshi M; Tamoi M; Ishikawa T; Shigeoka S
    Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 77 2 422 - 425 2 2013年02月 [査読有り]
    We isolated an Arabidopsis knockout line lacking glutamate decarboxylase 1 (GAD1), one that produced gamma-aminobutyrate (GABA), as an oxidative stress-insensitive mutant, and found that chloroplastic H2O2 enhances GAD1 expression and GABA levels. This suggests a possible relationship between GABA metabolism and the chloroplastic H2O2-mediated stress response.
  • Takanori Maruta; Kumi Otori; Tomoki Tabuchi; Noriaki Tanabe; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    Advanced Topics in Science and Technology in China 344 - 347 2013年 
    Since the photosynthetic apparatus contains a massive amount of nitrogen in plants, the regulation of its development by sugar signals is important to the maintenance of the carbon-nitrogen balance. Here, we isolated an Arabidopsis mutant (sicy-192) whose cotyledon greening was inhibited by treatments with sugars, such as sucrose, glucose, and fructose. In the mutant, the gene encoding plastidic alkaline/neutral (A/N) invertase (INV-E) was point-mutated at codon 294, with Tyr substituted for Cys (C294Y). Interestingly, the greening of cotyledons in the knockout-INV-E lines was not inhibited by treatment with the sugars. The mutant INV-E was more stable than the wild-type INV-E. On treatment with sucrose, the expression of photosynthesis-related genes was weaker in seedlings of mutant plants than wild-type seedlings, while the activity of nitrate reductase was stronger in the mutant plants than wild-type plants. These findings suggest that Cys294 of INV-E is associated with the development of the photosynthetic apparatus and the assimilation of nitrogen in Arabidopsis seedlings to control the ratio of sucrose content to hexose content. The transcript and protein levels of plastid-encoded genes were lower in the sicy-192 mutants than the wild-type plants, suggesting that sugar metabolism through INV-E promotes plastid signaling to regulate the carbon-nitrogen balance.
  • Takanori Maruta; Takahiro Inoue; Masahiro Noshi; Masahiro Tamoi; Yukinori Yabuta; Kazuya Yoshimura; Takahiro Ishikawa; Shigeru Shigeoka
    BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS 1820 12 1901 - 1907 2012年12月 [査読有り]
    Background: Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are not only cytotoxic compounds leading to oxidative damage, but also signaling molecules for regulating plant responses to stress and hormones. Arabidopsis cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase 1 (APX1) is thought to be a central regulator for cellular ROS levels. However, it remains unclear whether APX1 is involved in plant tolerance to wounding and methyl jasmonate (MeJA) treatment, which are known to enhance ROS production. Methods: We studied the effect of wounding and MeJA treatment on the levels of H2O2 and oxidative damage in the Arabidopsis wild-type plants and knockout mutants lacking APX1 (KO-APX1). Results: The KO-APX1 plants showed high sensitivity to wounding and MeJA treatment. In the leaves of wild-type plants, H2O2 accumulated only in the vicinity of the wound, while in the leaves of the KO-APX1 plants it accumulated extensively from damaged to undamaged regions. During MeJA treatment, the levels of H2O2 were much higher in the leaves of KO-APX1 plants. Oxidative damage in the chloroplasts and nucleus was also enhanced in the leaves of KO-APX1 plants. These findings suggest that APX1 protects organelles against oxidative stress by wounding and MeJA treatment. General significance: This is the first report demonstrating that H2O2-scavenging in the cytosol is essential for plant tolerance to wounding and MeJA treatment. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Takanori Maruta; Takahiro Inoue; Masahiro Noshi; Masahiro Tamoi; Yukinori Yabuta; Kazuya Yoshimura; Takahiro Ishikawa; Shigeru Shigeoka
    Biochimica et biophysica acta 1820 12 1901 - 7 2012年12月 [査読有り]
    BACKGROUND: Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are not only cytotoxic compounds leading to oxidative damage, but also signaling molecules for regulating plant responses to stress and hormones. Arabidopsis cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase 1 (APX1) is thought to be a central regulator for cellular ROS levels. However, it remains unclear whether APX1 is involved in plant tolerance to wounding and methyl jasmonate (MeJA) treatment, which are known to enhance ROS production. METHODS: We studied the effect of wounding and MeJA treatment on the levels of H(2)O(2) and oxidative damage in the Arabidopsis wild-type plants and knockout mutants lacking APX1 (KO-APX1). RESULTS: The KO-APX1 plants showed high sensitivity to wounding and MeJA treatment. In the leaves of wild-type plants, H(2)O(2) accumulated only in the vicinity of the wound, while in the leaves of the KO-APX1 plants it accumulated extensively from damaged to undamaged regions. During MeJA treatment, the levels of H(2)O(2) were much higher in the leaves of KO-APX1 plants. Oxidative damage in the chloroplasts and nucleus was also enhanced in the leaves of KO-APX1 plants. These findings suggest that APX1 protects organelles against oxidative stress by wounding and MeJA treatment. GENERAL SIGNIFICANCE: This is the first report demonstrating that H(2)O(2)-scavenging in the cytosol is essential for plant tolerance to wounding and MeJA treatment.
  • Daisuke Ito; Takahiro Kato; Takanori Maruta; Masahiro Tamoi; Kazuya Yoshimura; Shigeru Shigeoka
    BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 76 12 2236 - 2241 2012年12月 [査読有り]
    Not only in bacteria but also in plant cells, guanosine-3',5'-tetraphosphate (ppGpp) is an important signaling molecule, that affects various cellular processes. In this study, we identified nucleoside diphosphates linked to some moiety X (Nudix) hydrolases, AtNUDX11, 15, 25, and 26, having ppGpp pyrophosphohydrolase activity from Arabidopsis plants. Among these, AtNUDX26 localized in chloroplasts had the highest V-max and k(cat) values, leading to high catalytic efficiency, k(cat)/K-m. The activity of AtNUDX26 required Mg2+ or Mn2+ ions as cofactor and was optimal at pH 9.0 and 50 degrees C. The expression of AtNUDX26 and of ppGpp metabolism-associated genes was regulated by various types of stress, suggesting that AtNUDX26 regulates cellular ppGpp levels in response to stress and impacts gene expression in chloroplasts. This is the first report on the molecular properties of ppGpp pyrophosphohydrolases in plants.
  • Tatsuya Mori; Kazuya Yoshimura; Ryota Nosaka; Harumi Sakuyama; Yoshiyuki Koike; Noriaki Tanabe; Takanori Maruta; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 76 11 2075 - 2081 2012年11月 [査読有り]
    Here, we demonstrated the involvement of the domains in Arabidopsis high-light responsive serine/arginine-rich (SR) and SR-like proteins, atSR30 and alSR45a, respectively, in subcellular and subnuclear distribution using a series of structural domain-deleted mutants. Judging from the localization of the transiently expressed domain-deleted mutants in onion epidermal cells, the C terminal low complexity domain rich in arginine-serine repeats (C-RS) domain of atSR30 appeared to be necessary for the nuclear localization. On the other hand, the N-terminal RS (N-RS) domain of atSR45a was necessary for the accurate nuclear localization, although the N- or C-RS domain alone was sufficient for the nuclear speckled organization. The phosphorylation of RS domains of atSR45a is irrelevant to the regulation of its localization. atSR45a and atSR30 were co-localized in the speckles, suggesting their collaborative roles in the regulation of alternative splicing events.
  • Ahmed Gaber; Tomoya Ogata; Takanori Maruta; Kazuya Yoshimura; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 53 9 1596 - 1606 2012年09月 [査読有り]
    A family of eight genes with homology to mammalian glutathione peroxidase (GPX) isoenzymes, designated AtGPX1-AtGPX8, has been identified in Arabidopsis thaliana. In this study we demonstrated the functional analysis of Arabidopsis AtGPX8 with peroxidase activity toward H2O2 and lipid hydroperoxides using thioredoxin as an electron donor. The transcript and protein levels of AtGPX8 in Arabidopsis were up-regulated coordinately in response to oxidative damage caused by high-light (HL) stress or treatment with paraquat (PQ). Furthermore, the knockout Arabidopsis mutants of AtGPX8 (KO-gpx8) exhibited increased sensitivity to oxidative damage caused by PQ treatment in root elongation compared with the wild-type plants. In contrast, transgenic lines overexpressing AtGPX8 (Ox-AtGPX8) were less sensitive to oxidative damage than the wild-type plants. The levels of oxidized proteins in the KO-gpx8 and Ox-AtGPX8 lines were enhanced and suppressed, respectively, compared with the wild-type plants under HL stress or PQ treatment. The fusion protein of AtGPX8 tagged with green uorescent protein was localized in the cytosol and nucleus of onion epidermal cells. In addition, the AtGPX8 protein was detected in the cytosolic and nuclear fractions prepared from leaves of Arabidopsis plants using the AtGPX8 antibody. Oxidative DNA damage under treatment with PQ increased in the wild-type and KO-gpx8 plants, while it decreased in the OX-AtGPX8 plants. These results suggest that AtGPX8 plays an important role in the protection of cellular components including nuclear DNA against oxidative stress.
  • Takanori Maruta; Tadashi Yoshimoto; Daisuke Ito; Takahisa Ogawa; Masahiro Tamoi; Kazuya Yoshimura; Shigeru Shigeoka
    PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 53 6 1106 - 1116 2012年06月 [査読有り]
    Although flavins, riboflavin (RF), FMN and FAD, are essential for primary and secondary metabolism in plants, the metabolic regulation of flavins is still largely unknown. Recently, we found that an Arabidopsis Nudix hydrolase, AtNUDX23, has FAD pyrophosphohydrolase activity and is distributed in plastids. Levels of RF and FAD but not FMN in Arabidopsis leaves significantly increased under continuous light and decreased in the dark. The transcript levels of AtNUDX23 as well as genes involved in flavin metabolism (AtFADS, AtRibF1, AtRibF2, AtFMN/FHy, LS and AtRibA) significantly increased under continuous light. The pyrophosphohydrolase activity toward FAD was enhanced in AtNUDX23-overexpressing (OX-NUDX23) plants and reduced in AtNUDX23-suppressed (KD-nudx23) plants, compared with the control plants. Interestingly intracellular levels of RF, FMN and FAD significantly decreased in not only OX-NUDX23 but also KD-nudx23 plants. The transcript levels of the flavin metabolic genes also decreased in both plants. Similarly, the increase in intracellular levels on treatment with flavins caused a reduction in the transcript levels of genes involved in flavin metabolism. These results suggest that negative feedback regulation of the metabolism of flavins through the hydrolysis of FAD by AtNUDX23 in plastids is involved in flavin homeostasis in plant cells.
  • Takanori Maruta; Masahiro Noshi; Aoi Tanouchi; Masahiro Tamoi; Yukinori Yabuta; Kazuya Yoshimura; Takahiro Ishikawa; Shigeru Shigeoka
    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 287 15 11717 - 11729 2012年04月 [査読有り]
    Recent findings have suggested that reactive oxygen species (ROS) are important signaling molecules for regulating plant responses to abiotic and biotic stress and that there exist source- and kind-specific pathways for ROS signaling. In plant cells, a major source of ROS is chloroplasts, in which thylakoid membrane-bound ascorbate peroxidase (tAPX) plays a role in the regulation of H2O2 levels. Here, to clarify the signaling function of H2O2 derived from the chloroplast, we created a conditional system for producing H2O2 in the organelle by chemical-dependent tAPX silencing using estrogen-inducible RNAi. When the expression of tAPX was silenced in leaves, levels of oxidized protein in chloroplasts increased in the absence of stress. Microarray analysis revealed that tAPX silencing affects the expression of a large set of genes, some of which are involved in the response to chilling and pathogens. In response to tAPX silencing, the transcript levels of C-repeat/DRE binding factor (CBF1), a central regulator for cold acclimation, was suppressed, resulting in a high sensitivity of tAPX-silenced plants to cold. Furthermore, tAPX silencing enhanced the levels of salicylic acid (SA) and the response to SA. Interestingly, we found that tAPX silencing-responsive genes were up-or down-regulated by high light (HL) and that tAPX silencing had a negative effect on expression of ROS-responsive genes under HL, suggesting synergistic and antagonistic roles of chloroplastic H2O2 in HL response. These findings provide a new insight into the role of H2O2-triggered retrograde signaling from chloroplasts in the response to stress in planta.
  • Hiroyoshi Matsumura; Akihiro Kai; Takayuki Maeda; Masahiro Tamoi; Atsuko Satoh; Haruka Tamura; Mika Hirose; Taketo Ogawa; Natsuko Kizu; Akira Wadano; Tsuyoshi Inoue; Shigeru Shigeoka
    STRUCTURE 19 12 1846 - 1854 2011年12月 [査読有り]
    The reversible formation of a glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)-CP12-phosphoribulokinase (PRK) supramolecular complex, identified in oxygenic photosynthetic organisms, provides light-dependent Calvin cycle regulation in a coordinated manner. An intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) CP12 acts as a linker to sequentially bind GAPDH and PRK to downregulate both enzymes. Here, we report the crystal structures of the ternary GAPDH-CP12-NAD and binary GAPDH-NAD complexes from Synechococcus elongates. The GAPDH-CP12 complex structure reveals that the oxidized CP12 becomes partially structured upon GAPDH binding. The C-terminus of CP12 is inserted into the active-site region of GAPDH, resulting in competitive inhibition of GAPDH. This study also provides insight into how the GAPDH-CP12 complex is dissociated by a high NADP(H)/NAD(H) ratio. An unexpected increase in negative charge potential that emerged upon CP12 binding highlights the biological function of CP12 in the sequential assembly of the supramolecular complex.
  • Satoshi Tanaka; Kazunori Ikeda; Hitoshi Miyasaka; Yuzo Shioi; Yoshimi Suzuki; Masahiro Tamoi; Toru Takeda; Shigeru Shigeoka; Kazuo Harada; Kazumasa Hirata
    JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING 112 5 462 - 468 2011年11月 [査読有り]
    Methyl viologen (MV) causes severe oxidative stress by generating superoxide in the photosystem. The marine Chlamydomonas strain W80 is highly tolerant to MV (inhibitory concentration 50% [IC(50)]= 110 mu M), and another marine Chlamydomonas strain HS5 shows also relatively a high tolerance (IC(50) = 12 mu M). These two marine strains and a freshwater Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, which is highly sensitive to MV (IC(50) = 0.03 mu M), were compared with respect to their reactive oxygen species (ROS) eliminating enzymes (superoxide dismutase,catalase,glutathione peroxidase, and ascorbate peroxidase), intracellular free amino acids, and antioxidant activities of the cell extracts. The marked difference between the marine Chlamydomonas strains and C. reinhardtii is the much higher (more than 5 fold) ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity in the marine strains. The marine strains also kept the high APX activities (more than 100% of non-stressed condition) under the MV stressed condition, while the APX activity in C. reinhardtii was significantly decreased (36% of non-stressed condition) under the stressed condition, indicating that APX activity potentially contributes to the oxidative stress tolerance in Chlamydomonas. In addition, the levels of intracellular free proline, which is supposed to ameliorate oxidative stress, were several tens of times higher in the marine Chlamydomonas strains than in C. reinhardtii. (C) 2011, The Society for Biotechnology, Japan. All rights reserved.
  • Yukinori Yabuta; Ryuji Osada; Teruyuki Morishita; Ayako Nishizawa-Yokoi; Masahiro Tamoi; Takanori Maruta; Shigeru Shigeoka
    PLANT SCIENCE 181 4 421 - 427 2011年10月 [査読有り]
    We investigated the transcript levels of 13 proteasome subunit genes, the protein levels of proteasomes, and the activities of the 265 proteasome in ANAC078-overexpressing Arabidopsis plants (Ox-ANAC078) and knockout ANAC078 (KO-ANAC078) mutants. The transcript levels and the protein levels of proteasomes were increased in the Ox-ANAC078 plants compared with the wild-type plants and KO-ANAC078 mutants under normal conditions and high-light (HL) stress. Although the activities of the 26S proteasome were decreased in all the plants under HL stress, they were higher in the Ox-ANAC078 plants than wild-type plants and KO-ANAC078 mutants under normal conditions and HL stress. These findings suggest that ANAC078 regulates the levels of proteasomes. To explore the function of the increased levels of proteasomes to HL stress, we assessed the tolerance to HL stress of the Ox-ANAC078 plants and KO-ANAC078 mutants. The photosystem II activities of Ox-ANAC078 remained high compared with those of the wild-type plants and KO-ANAC078 mutants under HL stress, suggesting that ANAC078 may play an important role in the response and adaptation to HL stress. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Soon Lim; Hiroki Ashida; Rie Watanabe; Koji Inai; Yun-Soo Kim; Keiko Mukougawa; Hirokazu Fukuda; Ken-ichi Tomizawa; Kei-ichi Ushiyama; Hiroshi Asao; Masahiro Tamoi; Hiroshi Masutani; Shigeru Shigeoka; Junji Yodoi; Akiho Yokota
    PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 76 3-5 335 - 344 2011年07月 [査読有り]
    The production of human therapeutic proteins in plants provides opportunities for low-cost production, and minimizes the risk of contamination from potential human pathogens. Chloroplast genetic engineering is a particularly promising strategy, because plant chloroplasts can produce large amounts of foreign target proteins. Oxidative stress is a key factor in various human diseases. Human thioredoxin 1 (hTrx1) is a stress-induced protein that functions as an antioxidant against oxidative stress, and overexpression of hTrx1 has been shown to suppress various diseases in mice. Therefore, hTrx1 is a prospective candidate as a new human therapeutic protein. We created transplastomic lettuce expressing hTrx1 under the control of the psbA promoter. Transplastomic plants grew normally and were fertile. The hTrx1 protein accumulated to approximately 1% of total soluble protein in mature leaves. The hTrx1 protein purified from lettuce leaves was functionally active, and reduced insulin disulfides. The purified protein protected mouse insulinoma line 6 cells from damage by hydrogen peroxide, as reported previously for a recombinant hTrx1 expressed in Escherichia coli. This is the first report of expression of the biologically active hTrx1 protein in plant chloroplasts. This research opens up possibilities for plant-based production of hTrx1. Considering that this expression host is an edible crop plant, this transplastomic lettuce may be suitable for oral delivery of hTrx1.
  • Masahiro Tamoi; Yoshie Hiramatsu; Shigeki Nedachi; Kumi Otori; Noriaki Tanabe; Takanori Maruta; Shigeru Shigeoka
    PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCH 108 1 15 - 23 2011年05月 [査読有り]
    We generated transgenic tobacco plants with high levels of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase expressing cyanobacterialfructose-1,6-/sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase in the cytosol. At ambient CO2 levels (360 ppm), growth, photosynthetic activity, and fresh weight were unchanged but the sucrose/hexose/starch ratio was slightly altered in the transgenic plants compared with wild-type plants. At elevated CO2 levels (1200 ppm), lateral shoot, leaf number, and fresh weight were significantly increased in the transgenic plants. Photosynthetic activity was also increased. Hexose accumulated in the upper leaves in the wild-type plants, while sucrose and starch accumulated in the lower leaves and lateral shoots in the transgenic plants. These findings suggest that cytosolic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase contributes to the efficient conversion of hexose into sucrose, and that the change in carbon partitioning affects photosynthetic capacity and morphogenesis at elevated CO2 levels.
  • Ayako Nishizawa-Yokoi; Ryota Nosaka; Hideki Hayashi; Hitoshi Tainaka; Takanori Maruta; Masahiro Tamoi; Miho Ikeda; Masaru Ohme-Takagi; Kazuya Yoshimura; Yukinori Yabuta; Shigeru Shigeoka
    PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 52 5 933 - 945 2011年05月 [査読有り]
    Heat shock transcription factor A2 (HsfA2) acts as a key component of the Hsf signaling network involved in cellular responses to various types of environmental stress. However, the mechanism governing the regulation of HsfA2 expression is still largely unknown. We demonstrated here that a heat shock element (HSE) cluster in the 5'-flanking region of the HsfA2 gene is involved in high light (HL)-inducible HsfA2 expression. Accordingly, to identify the Hsf regulating the expression of HsfA2, we analyzed the effect of loss-of-function mutations of class A Hsfs on the expression of HsfA2 in response to HL stress. Overexpression of an HsfA1d or HsfA1e chimeric repressor and double knockout of HsfA1d and HsfA1e Arabidopsis mutants (KO-HsfA1d/A1e) significantly suppressed the induction of HsfA2 expression in response to HL and heat shock (HS) stress. Transient reporter assays showed that HsfA1d and HsfA1e activate HsfA2 transcription through the HSEs in the 5'-flanking region of HsfA2. In the KO-HsfA1d/A1e mutants, 560 genes, including a number of stress-related genes and several Hsf genes, HsfA7a, HsfA7b, HsfB1 and HsfB2a, were down-regulated compared with those in the wild-type plants under HL stress. The PSII activity of KO-HsfA1d/A1e mutants decreased under HL stress, while the activity of wild-type plants remained high. Furthermore, double knockout of HsfA1d and HsfA1e impaired tolerance to HS stress. These findings indicated that HsfA1d and HsfA1e not only regulate HsfA2 expression but also function as key regulators of the Hsf signaling network in response to environmental stress.
  • Takanori Maruta; Takahiro Inoue; Masahiro Tamoi; Yukinori Yabuta; Kazuya Yoshimura; Takahiro Ishikawa; Shigeru Shigeoka
    PLANT SCIENCE 180 4 655 - 660 2011年04月 [査読有り]
    To clarify genetically the involvement of two Arabidopsis NADPH oxidases (AtrbohD and AtrbohF) in the jasmonic acid (JA) signaling pathway, we characterized single knockout mutants lacking either Atrboh. The accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and expression of the genes regulated by MYC2, a transcription factor involved in the JA-evoked response, were significantly suppressed by treatment with methyl JA (MeJA) in both mutants. Further experiments using knockout mutants lacking CORONATINE-INSENSITIVE1 (COl1), a master regulator of the JA-evoked response, and MYC2 indicated a possibility that the production of ROS via Atrbohs depends on the function of COl1, but not MYC2. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 薮田 行哲; 長田 龍治; 吉岡 慧介; 森下 輝之; 丸田 隆典; 西澤(横井) 彩子; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本植物生理学会年会およびシンポジウム 講演要旨集 2011 0 286 - 286 日本植物生理学会 2011年 
    我々はこれまでにシロイヌナズナのNAC転写因子であるANAC078過剰発現株(Ox-ANAC078)において、166遺伝子が野生株と比較し強光条件下で誘導を受けていることを報告している(Plant Cell Physiol. 2009)。興味深いことに、これらの中に20Sおよび26Sプロテアソームを構成する13遺伝子が含まれていた。このことはプロテアソームはANAC078により制御を受けている事を示唆する。そこで本研究ではANAC078を介したプロテアソーム制御機構の解明を試みた。
    プロテアソームを構成する遺伝子群の強光(HL:1200 μmol/m2/s)に対する応答を解析したところ、複数の遺伝子が誘導され、Ox-ANAC078では通常およびHL条件下において野性株よりも誘導されていた。また、26Sおよび20Sプロテアソームレベルについて解析を行ったところ、野性株と比較してOx-ANAC078では顕著な増加が認められた。またキモトリプシン様活性の測定を行ったところ、同様にOx-ANAC078で顕著な上昇が認められた。以上のことから、ANAC078は20Sおよび26Sプロテアソームレベルの制御に機能していることが明らかになった。
  • Ichikawa Y; Tamoi M; Sakuyama H; Maruta T; Ashida H; Yokota A; Shigeoka S
    GM crops 1 5 322 - 326 5 2010年11月 [査読有り]
  • Takanori Maruta; Kumi Otori; Tomoki Tabuchi; Noriaki Tanabe; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    Plant signaling & behavior 5 9 1131 - 3 2010年09月 [査読有り]
    Since the photosynthetic apparatus of plants contains a massive amount of nitrogen, the regulation of its development by sugar signals is important to the maintenance of the carbon-nitrogen balance. Recently, we isolated a new Arabidopsis mutant, sicy (sugar-inducible cotyledon yellow)-192, whose cotyledons were prevented from greening by treatment with sucrose. On treatment with sucrose, the expression of photosynthesis- and nitrogen assimilation-related genes was respectively weaker and stronger in the mutant seedlings than the wild-type seedlings. In the mutants, the gene encoding plastidic alkaline/neutral (A/N) invertase (INV-E) was point-mutated at codon 294, with Tyr substituted for Cys (C294Y). These findings provide new insights into the regulation of greening and carbon-nitrogen balance by sugar metabolism through INV-E in plastids. In this addendum, we describe the phenotypes of sicy-192 on treatment with sucrose in more detail, and propose a possible relationship among sugar metabolism through INV-E, plastid-to-nucleus retrograde signaling, and ethylene, a plant hormone, in the regulation of plant development and metabolism.
  • Takanori Maruta; Yaka Ichikawa; Takahiro Mieda; Toru Takeda; Masahiro Tamoi; Yukinori Yabuta; Takahiro Ishikawa; Shigeru Shigeoka
    BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 74 7 1494 - 1497 2010年07月 [査読有り]
    To clarify the involvement of seven Arabidopsis homologs of rat L-gulono-1,4-lactone (L-GulL) oxidase, AtGulLOs, in the biosynthesis of L-ascorbic acid (AsA), transgenic tobacco cells overexpressing the various AtGuILOs were generated. Under treatment with L-GulL, the levels of total AsA in three transgenic tobacco cell lines, overexpressing AtGulLO2, 3, or 5, were significantly increased as compared with those in control cells.
  • Masahiro Tamoi; Tomoki Tabuchi; Masayo Demuratani; Kumi Otori; Noriaki Tanabe; Takanori Maruta; Shigeru Shigeoka
    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 285 20 15399 - 15407 2010年05月 [査読有り]
    Because the photosynthetic apparatus contains a massive amount of nitrogen in plants, the regulation of its development by sugar signals is important to the maintenance of the carbon-nitrogen balance. In this study we isolated an Arabidopsis mutant (sicy-192) whose cotyledon greening was inhibited by treatments with sugars such as sucrose, glucose, and fructose. In the mutant, the gene encoding plastidic alkaline/neutral invertase (INV-E) was point-mutated at codon 294, with Tyr substituted for Cys (C294Y). Interestingly, the greening of cotyledons in the knock-out INV-E lines was not inhibited by treatment with the sugars. In addition, the knock-out INV-E lines expressing an INV-E:C294Y or INV-E:C294A gene had the same phenotype as sicy-192 mutants, whereas the lines expressing a wildtype INV-E gene had the same phenotype as wild-type plants. A recombinant INV-E:C294Y protein had the same enzymatic activity as a recombinant INV-E protein, suggesting that the Cys-294 residue of INV-E is important for its functions in the chloroplasts. On treatment with sucrose, the expression of photosynthesis-related genes was weaker in seedlings of mutant plants than wild-type seedlings, whereas the activity of nitrate reductase was stronger in the mutant plants than wild-type plants. These findings suggest that Cys-294 of INV-E is associated with the development of the photosynthetic apparatus and the assimilation of nitrogen in Arabidopsis seedlings to control the ratio of sucrose content to hexose content.
  • Kazuya Ishikawa; Kazuya Yoshimura; Kazuo Harada; Eiichiro Fukusaki; Takahisa Ogawa; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    Plant physiology 152 4 2000 - 12 2010年04月 [査読有り]
    Here, we investigated the physiological role of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) AtNUDX6, the gene encoding ADP-ribose (Rib)/NADH pyrophosphohydrolase, using its overexpressor (Pro35S:AtNUDX6) or disruptant (KO-nudx6). The level of NADH in Pro35S:AtNUDX6 and KO-nudx6 plants was decreased and increased, respectively, compared with that of the control plants, while the level of ADP-Rib was not changed in either plant. The activity of pyrophosphohydrolase toward NADH was enhanced and reduced in the Pro35S:AtNUDX6 and KO-nudx6 plants, respectively. The decrease in the activity of NADH pyrophosphohydrolase and the increase in the level of NADH were observed in the rosette and cauline leaves, but not in the roots, of the KO-nudx6 plants. Notably, the expression level of AtNUDX6 and the activity of NADH pyrophosphohydrolase in the control plants, but not in the KO-nudx6 plants, were increased by the treatment with salicylic acid (SA). The expression of SA-induced genes (PR1, WRKY70, NIMIN1, and NIMIN2) depending on NONEXPRESSOR OF PATHOGENESIS-RELATED GENES1 (NPR1), a key component required for pathogen resistance, was significantly suppressed and enhanced in the KO-nudx6 and Pro35S:AtNUDX6 plants, respectively, under the treatment with SA. Induction of thioredoxin h5 (TRX-h5) expression, which catalyzes a SA-induced NPR1 activation, was suppressed and accelerated in the KO-nudx6 and Pro35S:AtNUDX6 plants, respectively. The expression of isochorismate synthase1, required for the regulation of SA synthesis through the NPR1-mediated feedback loop, was decreased and increased in the KO-nudx6 and Pro35S:AtNUDX6 plants, respectively. Judging from seed germination rates, the KO-nudx6 plants had enhanced sensitivity to the toxicity of high-level SA. These results indicated that AtNUDX6 is a modulator of NADH rather than ADP-Rib metabolism and that, through induction of TRX-h5 expression, AtNUDX6 significantly impacts the plant immune response as a positive regulator of NPR1-dependent SA signaling pathways.
  • Ayako Nishizawa-Yokoi; Hitoshi Tainaka; Eriko Yoshida; Masahiro Tamoi; Yukinori Yabuta; Shigeru Shigeoka
    PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 51 3 486 - 496 2010年03月 [査読有り]
    Heat shock transcription factor A2 (HsfA2) is induced under environmental stress and regulates transcription of various defense-related genes. Thus HsfA2 plays an important role in induction of defenses against different types of environmental stress, but its mode of regulation remains unknown. To clarify the signal transduction pathway involved in the regulation of HsfA2 expression, we investigated the effect of MG132, a 26S proteasome inhibitor, or geldanamycin (GDA), a heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) inhibitor, on the transcription of HsfA2 and its targets, Hsp18.1-CI and ascorbate peroxidase 2 (Apx2), in Arabidopsis T87 cells. The levels of transcripts were significantly increased by treatment with MG132 or GDA. Overexpression of a dexamethazone-inducible dominant-negative form of Hsp90.2 in Arabidopsis plants caused significant expression of HsfA2 and its target gene on treatment with the compound. Treatment with MG132 or GDA had no effect on intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Interestingly, the levels of polyubiquitinated proteins as well as the levels of HsfA2 transcript were rapidly increased under oxidative stress derived from treatment with H2O2 or methylviologen, while they were completely suppressed by pre-treatment with ascorbate, a scavenger of ROS, under oxidative stress. The present findings suggest that the inhibition of 26S proteasome function and/or Hsp90 activity is involved in the induction of HsfA2 expression in response to oxidative stress.
  • Takanori Maruta; Aoi Tanouchi; Masahiro Tamoi; Yukinori Yabuta; Kazuya Yoshimura; Takahiro Ishikawa; Shigeru Shigeoka
    PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 51 2 190 - 200 2010年02月 [査読有り]
    Though two types of chloroplastic ascorbate peroxidase (APX) located in the thylakoid membrane (tAPX) and stroma (sAPX) have been thought to be key regulators of intracellular levels of H(2)O(2), their physiological significance in the response to photooxidative stress is still under discussion. Here we characterized single mutants lacking either tAPX (KO-tAPX) or sAPX (KO-sAPX). Under exposure to high light or treatment with methylviologen under light, H(2)O(2) and oxidized proteins accumulated to higher levels in both mutant plants than in the wild-type plants. On the other hand, the absence of sAPX and tAPX drastically suppressed the expression of H(2)O(2)-responsive genes under photooxidative stress. Interestingly, the most marked effect of photooxidative stress on the accumulation of H(2)O(2) and oxidized protein and gene expression was observed in the KO-tAPX plants rather than the KO-sAPX plants. The present findings suggest that both chloroplastic APXs, but particularly tAPX, are important for photoprotection and gene regulation under photooxidative stress in Arabidopsis leaves.
  • Jun'ichi Mano; Fumitaka Miyatake; Eiji Hiraoka; Masahiro Tamoi
    PLANTA 230 4 639 - 648 2009年09月 [査読有り]
    Aldehydes produced under various environmental stresses can cause cellular injury in plants, but their toxicology in photosynthesis has been scarcely investigated. We here evaluated their effects on photosynthetic reactions in chloroplasts isolated from Spinacia oleracea L. leaves. Aldehydes that are known to stem from lipid peroxides inactivated the CO(2) photoreduction to various extents, while their corresponding alcohols and carboxylic acids did not affect photosynthesis. alpha,beta-Unsaturated aldehydes (2-alkenals) showed greater inactivation than the saturated aliphatic aldehydes. The oxygenated short aldehydes malondialdehyde, methylglyoxal, glycolaldehyde and glyceraldehyde showed only weak toxicity to photosynthesis. Among tested 2-alkenals, 2-propenal (acrolein) was the most toxic, and then followed 4-hydroxy-(E)-2-nonenal and (E)-2-hexenal. While the CO(2)-photoreduction was inactivated, envelope intactness and photosynthetic electron transport activity (H(2)O -> ferredoxin) were only slightly affected. In the acrolein-treated chloroplasts, the Calvin cycle enzymes phosphoribulokinase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, fructose-1,6-bisphophatase, sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase, aldolase, and Rubisco were irreversibly inactivated. Acrolein treatment caused a rapid drop of the glutathione pool, prior to the inactivation of photosynthesis. GSH exogenously added to chloroplasts suppressed the acrolein-induced inactivation of photosynthesis, but ascorbic acid did not show such a protective effect. Thus, lipid peroxide-derived 2-alkenals can inhibit photosynthesis by depleting GSH in chloroplasts and then inactivating multiple enzymes in the Calvin cycle.
  • Yasuhiro Takenaka; Sachiko Nakano; Masahiro Tamoi; Shohei Sakuda; Tamo Fukamizo
    BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 73 5 1066 - 1071 2009年05月 [査読有り]
    The expression levels of three chitinase genes in Arabidopsis thaliana, AtChiA (class III), AtChiB (class I), and AtChiV (class IV), were examined under various stress conditions by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Under normal growth conditions, the AtChiB and AtChiV genes were expressed in most organs of Arabidopsis plants at all growth stages, whereas the AtChiA gene was not expressed at all. The class III AtChiA gene was expressed exclusively when the plants were exposed to environmental stresses, especially to salt and wound stresses. Treatment of Arabidopsis plants with allosamidin, which inhibits class III chitinases, did not affect the growth rate. Surprisingly, however, the plants treated with allosamidin were more tolerant of abiotic stresses (cold, freezing, heat, and strong light) than the control plants. It also appeared that allosamidin enhances AtChiA and AtChiB expression under heat and strong light stresses. Allosamidin is likely to enhance abiotic stress tolerance, probably through crosstalk between the two signaling pathways for biotic and abiotic stress responses.
  • Tamo Fukamizo; Kanako Hayashi; Masahiro Tamoi; Yusuke Fujimura; Hideki Kurotaki; Anna Kulminskaya; Motomitsu Kitaoka
    ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 478 2 187 - 194 2008年10月 [査読有り]
    The specificity of 1,3-1,4-beta-glucanase from Synechocystis PCC6803 (SsGlc) was investigated using novel substrates 1,3-1,4-beta-glucosyl oligosaccharides, in which 1,3- and 1,4-linkages are located in various arrangements. After the enzymatic reaction, the reaction products were separated and determined by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAEC-PAD). As a result, SsGlc was found to hydrolyze the pentasaccharides, which possess three contiguous 1,4-beta-glycosidic linkages (cellotetraose sequence) adjacent to 1,3-beta-linkage, but none of the other oligosaccharides were hydrolyzed. To further analyze the specificity, kinetic measurements were performed using polymeric substrates and 4-methylumbelliferyl derivatives of laminaribiose and cellobios e (1,3-beta-(Glc)(2)-MU and 1,4-beta-(Glc)(2)-MU). The k(cat)/K-m value obtained for barley beta-glucan was considerably larger than that for lichenan, indicating that SsGlc prefers 1,3-1,4-beta-glucan possessing a larger amount of cellotetraose sequence. This is consistent with the data obtained for 1,3-1,4-beta-glucosyl oligosaccharides. However, the k(cat)/K-m value obtained for 1,4-beta-(Glu)(2)-MU was considerably lower than that for 1,3-beta-(Glc)(2)-MU, suggesting inconsistency with the data obtained from the other natural substrates. It is likely that the kinetic data obtained from such chromophoric substrates do not always reflect the true enzymatic properties. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Takanori Maruta; Miki Yonemitsu; Yukinori Yabuta; Masahiro Tamoi; Takahiro Ishikawa; Shigeru Shigeoka
    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 283 43 28842 - 28851 2008年10月 [査読有り]
    We studied molecular and functional properties of Arabidopsis phosphomannose isomerase isoenzymes (PMI1 and PMI2) that catalyze reversible isomerization between D-fructose 6-phosphate and D-mannose 6-phosphate (Man-6P). The apparent K-m and V-max values for Man-6P of purified recombinant PMI1 were 41.3 +/- 4.2 mu M and 1.89 mu mol/min/mg protein, respectively, whereas those of purified recombinant PMI2 were 372 +/- 13 mu M and 22.5 mu mol/min/mg protein, respectively. Both PMI1 and PMI2 were inhibited by incubation with EDTA, Zn2+, Cd2+, and L-ascorbic acid (AsA). Arabidopsis PMI1 protein was constitutively expressed in both vegetative and reproductive organs under normal growth conditions, whereas the PMI2 protein was not expressed in any organs under light. The induction of PMI1 expression and an increase in the AsA level were observed in leaves under continuous light, whereas the induction of PMI2 expression and a decrease in the AsA level were observed under long term darkness. PMI1 showed a diurnal expression pattern in parallel with the total PMI activity and the total AsA content in leaves. Moreover, a reduction of PMI1 expression through RNA interference resulted in a substantial decrease in the total AsA content of leaves of knock down PMI1 plants, whereas the complete inhibition of PMI2 expression did not affect the total AsA levels in leaves of knock-out PMI2 plants. Consequently, this study improves our understanding of the molecular and functional properties of Arabidopsis PMI isoenzymes and provides genetic evidence of the involvement of PMI1, but not PMI2, in the biosynthesis of AsA in Arabidopsis plants.
  • Yukinori Yabuta; Masahiro Tamoi; Kumiko Yamamoto; Ken-ichi Tomizawa; Akiho Yokota; Shigeru Shigeoka
    PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 49 3 375 - 385 2008年03月 [査読有り]
    In order to increase production of a useful protein by the chloroplast transformation technique, it seems to be necessary to determine the upper limit for the accumulation of a biologically active foreign protein in chloroplasts and then improve photosynthetic capacity and plant productivity. Here we show that the stromal fractions of tobacco chloroplasts could accommodate an additional 200-260 mg ml(-1) of green fluorescent protein in the stroma without any inhibition of gas exchange under various light intensity and growth conditions. The minimum amount of fructose-1,6-/sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase (FBP/SBPase) limiting photosynthesis was then calculated. Analyses of the photosynthetic parameters and the metabolites of transformants into which FBP/SBPase was introduced with various types of promoter (PpsbA, Prrn, Prps2 and Prps12) indicated that a 2- to 3-fold increase in levels of FBPase and SBPase activity is sufficient to increase the final amount of dry matter by up to 1.8-fold relative to the wild-type plants. Their increases were equivalent to an increase of <1% mg ml(1) of the FBP/SBPase protein in chloroplasts and were calculated to represent <1% of the protein accumulated via chloroplast transformation. Consequently, >99% of the additional 200-260 mg ml(-1) of protein expressed in the chloroplasts could be used for the production of useful proteins in the photosynthesis-elevated transplastomic plants having FBP/SBPase.
  • 丸田 隆典; 薮田 行哲; 田茂井 政宏; 石川 孝博; 重岡 成
    ビタミン 82 12 658 - 659 公益社団法人 日本ビタミン学会 2008年
  • Tamoi M; Kurotaki H; Fukamizo T
    The Biochemical journal 405 1 139 - 146 1 2007年07月 [査読有り]
    In the present study, we characterized the gene (Cyanobase accession number shr0897) designated Ssglc encoding a beta-1,4-glucanase-like protein (SsGlc) from Synechocystis PCC6803. The deduced amino acid sequence for Ssglc showed a high degree of similarity to sequences of GH (glycoside hydrolase) family 9 beta-1,4-glucanases (cellulases) from various sources. Surprisingly, the recombinant protein obtained from the Escherichia coli expression system was able to hydrolyse barley beta-glucan and lichenan ( beta-1,3-1,4-glucan), but not cellulose (beta-1,4-glucan), curdlan (beta-1,3-glucan), or laminarin (beta-1,3-1,6-glucan). A(1)H-NMR analysis of the enzymatic products revealed that the enzyme hydrolyses the beta-1,4-glycosidic linkage of barley beta-glucan through an inverting mechanism. The data indicated that SsGIc was a novel type of GH9 glucanase which could specifically hydrolyse the beta-1,3-1,4-linkage of glucan. The growth of mutant Synechocystis cells in which the Ssglc gene was disrupted by a kanamycin-resi stance cartridge gene was almost the same as that of the wild-type cells under continuous light (40 mu mol of photons/m(2) per s), a 12 h light (40 mu mol of photonS/M(2) per s)/12 h dark cycle, cold stress (4 degrees C), and high light stress (200 mu mol of photonS/M(2) per s). However, under salt stress (300-450 mM NaCl), growth of the Ssglcdisrupted mutant cells was significantly inhibited as compared with that of the wild-type cells. The Ssglc-disrupted mutant cells showed a decreased rate of O(2) consumption and NaHCO(3)-dependent O(2) evolution as compared with the wild-type cells under salt stress. Under osmotic stress (100-400 mM sorbitol), there was no difference in growth between the wild-type and the Ssglcdisrupted mutant cells. These results suggest that SsGIc functions in salt stress tolerance in Synechocystis PCC6803.
  • Chiye Sasaki; Kjell M. Varum; Yoshifumi Itoh; Masahiro Tamoi; Tamo Fukamizo
    GLYCOBIOLOGY 16 12 1242 - 1250 2006年12月 [査読有り]
    Sugar recognition specificities of class III (OsChib1a) and class I (OsChia1c Delta ChBD) chitinases from rice, Oryza sativa L., were investigated by analyzing H-1- and C-13-nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of the enzymatic products from partially N-acetylated chitosans. The reducing end residue of the enzymatic products obtained by the class III enzyme was found to be exclusively acetylated, whereas both acetylated and deacetylated units were found at the nearest neighbor to the reducing end residue. Both acetylated and deacetylated units were also found at the nonreducing end residue and its nearest neighbor of the class III enzyme products. Thus, only subsite (-1) among the contiguous subsites (-2) to (+2) of the class III enzyme was found to be specific to an acetylated residue. For the class I enzyme, the reducing end residue was preferentially acetylated, although the specificity was not absolute. The nearest neighbor to the acetylated reducing end residue was specifically acetylated. Moreover, the nonreducing end residue produced by the class I enzyme was exclusively acetylated, although there was a low but significant preference for deacetylated units at the nearest neighbor to the nonreducing end. These results suggest that the three contiguous subsites (-2), (-1), and (+1) of the class I enzyme are specific to three consecutive GlcNAc residues of the substrate. In rice plants, the target of the class I enzyme might be a consecutive GlcNAc sequence probably in the cell wall of fungal pathogen, whereas the class III enzyme might act toward an endogenous complex carbohydrate containing GlcNAc residue.
  • Tomoya Kitatani; Yoshihiro Nakamura; Kei Wada; Takayoshi Kinoshita; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka; Toshiji Tada
    The crystal structure of NADP-dependent apo-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (apo-GAPDH) from Synechococcus PCC 7942 is reported. The crystal structure was solved by molecular replacement and refined to an R of 21.7% and R(free) of 27.5% at 2.9 angstrom resolution. The structural features of apo-GAPDH are as follows. The S-loop has an extremely flexible conformation and the sulfate ion is only taken into the classical Pi site. A structural comparison with holo-GAPDHs indicated that the S-loop fixation is essential in the discrimination of NADP and NAD molecules.
  • T Kitatani; Y Nakamura; K Wada; T Kinoshita; M Tamoi; S Shigeoka; T Tada
    The crystal structure of NADP-dependent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NADP-GAPDH) from Synechococcus PCC 7942 ( S. 7942) in complex with NADP was solved by molecular replacement and refined to an R factor of 19.1% and a free R factor of 24.0% at 2.5 angstrom resolution. The overall structure of NADP-GAPDH from S. 7942 was quite similar to those of other bacterial and eukaryotic GAPDHs. The nicotinamide ring of NADP, which is involved in the redox reaction, was oriented toward the catalytic site. The 2'-phosphate O atoms of NADP exhibited hydrogen bonds to the hydroxyl groups of Ser194 belonging to the S-loop and Thr37. These residues are therefore considered to be essential in the discrimination between NADP and NAD molecules. The C-terminal region was estimated to have an extremely flexible conformation and to play an important role in the formation of the supramolecular complex phosphoribulokinase (PRK)-regulatory peptide (CP12)-GAPDH, which regulates enzyme activities.
  • M Tamoi; M Nagaoka; Y Miyagawa; S Shigeoka
    PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 47 3 380 - 390 2006年03月 [査読有り]
    To clarify the contributions of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) and sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase (SBPase) separately to the carbon flux in the Calvin cycle, we generated transgenic tobacco plants expressing cyanobacterial FBPase-II in chloroplasts (TpF) or Chlamydomonas SBPase in chloroplasts (TpS). In TpF-11 plants with 2.3-fold higher FBPase activity and in TpS-11 and TpS-10 plants with 1.6- and 4.3-fold higher SBPase activity in chloroplasts compared with the wild-type plants, the amount of final dry matter was approximately 1.3-, 1.5- and 1.5-fold higher, respectively, than that of the wild-type plants. At 1,500 mu mol m(-2) s(-1), the photosynthetic activities of TpF-11, TpS-11 and TpS-10 were 1.15-, 1.27- and 1.23-fold higher, respectively, than that of the wild-type plants. The in vivo activation state of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) and the level of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) in TpF-11, TpS-10 and TpS-11 were significantly higher than those in the wild-type plants. However, the transgenic plant TpF-9 which had a 1.7-fold higher level of FBPase activity showed the same phenotype as the wild-type plant, except for the increase of starch content in the source leaves. TpS-11 and TpS-10 plants with 1.6- and 4.3-fold higher SBPase activity, respectively, showed an increase in the photosynthetic CO, fixation, growth rate, RuBP contents and Rubisco activation state, while TpS-2 plants with 1.3-fold higher SBPase showed the same phenotype as the wild-type plants. These data indicated that the enhancement of either a > 1.7-fold increase of FBPase or a 1.3-fold increase of SBPase in the chloroplasts had a marked positive effect on photosynthesis, that SBPase is the most important factor for the RuBP regeneration in the Calvin cycle and that FBPase contributes to the partitioning of the fixed carbon for RuBP regeneration or starch synthesis.
  • T Ohnishi; AH Juffer; M Tamoi; K Skriver; T Fukamizo
    JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY 138 5 553 - 562 2005年11月 [査読有り]
    To explore the structure essential for the catalysis in 26 kDa endochitinase from barley seeds, we calculated theoretical pK(a) values of the ionizable groups based on the crystal structure, and then the roles of ionizable side chains located near the catalytic residue were examined by site-directed mutagenesis. The pK(a) value calculated for Arg215, which is located at the bottom of the catalytic cleft, is abnormally high (>20.0), indicating that the guanidyl group may interact strongly with nearby charges. No enzymatic activity was found in the Arg215-mutated chitinase (R215A) produced by the Escherichia coli expression system. The transition temperature of thermal unfolding (T-m) of R215A was lower than that of the wild type protein by about 6.2 degrees C. In the crystal structure, the Arg215 side chain is in close proximity to the Glu203 side chain, whose theoretical pK(a) value was found to be abnormally low (-2.4), suggesting that these side chains may interact with each other. Mutation of Glu203 to alanine (E203A) completely eliminated the enzymatic activity and impaired the thermal stability (Delta T-m = 6.4 degrees C) of the enzyme. Substrate binding ability was also affected by the Glu203 mutation. These data clearly demonstrate that the Arg215 side chain interacts with the Glu203 side chain to stabilize the conformation of the catalytic cleft. A similar interaction network was previously found in chitosanase from Streptomyces sp. N174 [Fukamizo et al. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275,25633-25640]; hence, this type of interaction seems to be at least partly conserved in the catalytic cleft of other glycosyl hydrolases.
  • M Tamoi; T Miyazaki; T Fukamizo; S Shigeoka
    PLANT JOURNAL 42 4 504 - 513 2005年05月 [査読有り]
    In Synechococcus PCC7942 cells grown in the dark, the concentrations of NAD(H) and NADP(H) were 128 +/- 2.5 and 483 +/- 4.0 mu m, respectively, while those in the cells under light conditions were 100 +/- 5.0 and 649 +/- 7.0 mu m, respectively. Analysis of gel filtration indicated that the change of the ratio of NADP(H) to NAD(H) in cyanobacterial cells under light/dark conditions controls the reversible dissociation of the PRK/CP12/GAPDH complex (approximately 520 kDa) consisting of phosphoribulokinase (PRK), CP12, and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). S. 7942 CP12 lacked the two Cys residues essential for formation of the N-terminal peptide loop in the CP12 of higher plants, but the N-terminal region of S. 7942 CP12 had the ability to be associated with PRK. The growth of mutant cells in which the CP12 gene was disrupted by a kanamycin resistance cartridge gene was almost the same as that of wild-type cells under continuous light conditions. However, under the light/dark cycle (12 h/12 h), the growth of CP12-disrupted mutant cells was significantly inhibited compared with that of wild-type cells. The mutant cells showed a decreased rate of O-2 consumption and an increased level of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate compared with wild-type cells in the dark. These data suggest that under light and dark conditions, the oligomerization of CP12 with PRK and GAPDH regulates the activities of both enzymes and thus the carbon flow from the Calvin cycle to the oxidative pentose phosphate cycle.
  • M Tamoi; M Nagaoka; S Shigeoka
    BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 69 4 848 - 851 2005年04月 [査読有り]
    Here we report on the production of recombinant SBPase of Chlamydomonas sp. W80 Escherichia coli and the one-step purification of a polyhistidine-tagged fusion protein. The polyclonal antibody was raised against purified recombinant enzyme and cross-reacted with crude SBPase from Chlamydomonas, spinach, tobacco, and Arabidopsis leaves. Further, we investigated the levels of protein and activity SBPase in different tissues of Arabidopsis plants.
  • Improvement of photosynthesis in higher plants
    Tamoi M; Shigeoka S
    In Plant Responses to Air pollution and Global Change 141 - 147 2005年 [査読有り]
  • Masahiro Tamoi; Miki Nagaoka; Yukinori Yabuta; Shigeru Shigeoka
    Plant Biotechnology 22 5 355 - 360 2005年 [査読有り]
    In order to study the regulation of photosynthetic carbon flow in higher plants, many researchers have created and analyzed transgenic plants that had reduced or increased respective enzyme activity involved in the Calvin cycle, sucrose synthesis and starch metabolism. We have succeeded in enhancing the photosynthetic carbon fixation capacity by introducing certain enzymes, fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase and/or sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase, involved in the Calvin cycle. In this review, we discuss that the contribution of some enzymes and processes to controlling the metabolic flux and storage of carbohydrates and plant growth using transgenic plants. These results lead to a reassessment of ideas about the regulation of carbon metabolism and have consequences for design of bioengineering strategies to increase crop productivity in plants.
  • A Gaber; K Yoshimura; M Tamoi; T Takeda; Y Nakano; S Shigeoka
    PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 136 1 2855 - 2861 2004年09月 [査読有り]
    Synechocystis PCC 6803 contains two types of glutathione peroxidase-like proteins (GPX-1 and GPX-2) that utilize NADPH but not reduced glutathione and unsaturated fatty acid hydroperoxides or alkyl hydroperoxides. The steady-state transcript level of gpx-1 gradually increased under oxidative stress conditions imposed by high light intensity, high salinity, or application of methylviologen or t-butyl hydroperoxide in the wild-type and GPX-2 knock-out mutant (gpx-2Delta) cells. To examine the ability of GPX-1, GPX-2, and thioredoxin peroxidase to scavenge lipid hydroperoxide in vivo, we measured the photosynthetic evolution of O-2 and the level of lipid peroxidation in the wild-type and each type of mutant cell after the application of t-butyl hydroperoxide or H2O2. The data reported here indicate that GPX-1 and GPX-2 are essential for the removal of lipid hydroperoxides under normal and stress conditions, leading to the protection of membrane integrity.
  • EA Mohamed; T Iwaki; Munir, I; M Tamoi; S Shigeoka; A Wadano
    PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT 26 12 2037 - 2046 2003年12月 [査読有り]
    The Escherichia coli gene katE, which is driven by the promoter of the Rubisco small subunit gene of tomato, rbcS3C, was introduced into a tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Catalase activity in progeny from transgenic plants was approximately three-fold higher than that in wild-type plants. Leaf discs from transgenic plants remained green at 24 h after treatment with 1 muM paraquat under moderate light intensity, whereas leaf discs from wild-type plants showed severe bleaching after the same treatment. Moreover, ion leakage from transgenic leaf discs was significantly less than that from wild-type leaf discs at 24 h after treatment with 1 muM paraquat and 10 mM H2O2, respectively, under moderate light intensity. To evaluate the efficiency of the E. coli catalase to protect the whole transgenic plant from the oxidative stress, transgenic and wild-type plants were sprayed with 100 muM paraquat and exposed to high light illumination (800 mumol m(-2) s(-1)). After 24 h, the leaves of the transgenic plants were less damaged than the leaves of the wild-type plants. The catalase activity and the photosynthesis activity (indicated by the F-v/F-m ratio) were less affected by paraquat treatment in leaves of transgenic plants, whereas the activities of the chloroplastic ascorbate peroxidase isoenzymes and the ascorbate content decreased in both lines. In addition, the transgenic plants showed increased tolerance to the oxidative damage (decrease of the CO2 fixation and photosystem II activity and increase of the lipid peroxidation) caused by drought stress or chilling stress (4degreesC) under high light intensity (1000 mumol m(-2) s(-1)). These results indicate that the expression of the catalase in chloroplasts has a positive effect on the protection of the transgenic plants from the photo-oxidative stress invoked by paraquat treatment, drought stress and chilling stress.
  • T Takeda; K Miyao; M Tamoi; H Kanaboshi; H Miyasaka; S Shigeoka
    PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 117 4 467 - 475 2003年04月 [査読有り]
    A cDNA clone encoding a glutathione peroxidase (GPX)-like protein was isolated from the cDNA library from halotolerant Chlamydomonas W80 (C . W80) by a simple screening method based on the bacterial expression system. The cDNA clone contained an open reading frame encoding a mature protein of 163 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 18 267 Da. No potential signal peptide was found. The deduced amino acid sequence of the cDNA showed 40-63% and 37-46% homology to those of GPX-like proteins from higher plants and mammalian GPXs, respectively. The C. W80 GPX-like protein contained a normal cysteine residue instead of a selenocysteine at the catalytic site. However, it contained amino acid residues (glutamine and tryptophan) that are involved in three protein loops and are important for the catalytic activity in the mammalian GPX. Interestingly, the native and recombinant GPX-like proteins showed activities towards unsaturated fatty acid hydroperoxides, but not towards either H-2 O-2 or phospholipid hydroperoxide. Transformed E. coli cells expressing the C . W80 GPX-like protein showed enhanced tolerance to 5% NaCl or 0.2 mM paraquat treatments. Accession number : The nucleotide sequence data reported have been submitted to the DDBJ, EMBL, and GenBank nucleotide sequence databases with the following accession number AB009083.
  • D Kobayashi; M Tamoi; T Iwaki; S Shigeoka; A Wadano
    PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 44 3 269 - 276 2003年03月 [査読有り]
    We isolated and characterized a gene encoding phosphoribulokinase (PRK) from Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942. The isolated sequence consisted of a 999 by open reading frame encoding 333 amino acid residues of PRK. The PRK contained a pair of cysteinyl residues corresponding to Cys16 and Cys55 of spinach PRK regulated by a ferredoxin-thioredoxin system. However, there were seventeen amino acid residues lacking between the two cysteinyl residues compared with those of the chloroplastic enzyme in higher plants. The recombinant PRK of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 accounted for about 6-13% of the total soluble protein in the Escherichia coli. The specific activity of the enzyme was 230 mumol min(-1) (mg protein)(-1). The enzyme activity was completely inactivated by treatment with 5,5'-dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid) (cysteinyl residue-specific oxidant) or was decreased by treatment with H2O2, but was more tolerant to oxidation than that of chloroplast. The oxidized PRK was fully activated by treatment with excessive dithiothreitol. Furthermore, incubation with 3 mM ATP protected the oxidation of the enzyme by either 5,5'-dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid) or H2O2. These results suggest Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 PRK can be regulated by reversible oxidation/reduction in vitro, but might be resistant to oxidative inactivation in vivo.
  • M El-Awady; M Tamoi; S Shigeoka; T Iwaki; A Wadano
    PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 44 S111 - S111 2003年 [査読有り]
  • S Shigeoka; T Ishikawa; M Tamoi; Y Miyagawa; T Takeda; Y Yabuta; K Yoshimura
    JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 53 372 1305 - 1319 2002年05月 [査読有り]
    Even under optimal conditions, many metabolic processes, including the chloroplastic, mitochondrial, and plasma membrane-linked electron transport systems of higher plants, produce active oxygen species (AOS). Furthermore, the imposition of biotic and abiotic stress conditions can give rise to excess concentrations of AOS, resulting in oxidative damage at the cellular level. Therefore, antioxidants and antioxidant enzymes function to interrupt the cascades of uncontrolled oxidation in each organelle. Ascorbate peroxidase (APX) exists as isoenzymes and plays an important role in the metabolism of H2O2 in higher plants. APX is also found in eukaryotic algae. The characterization of APX isoenzymes and the sequence analysis of their clones have led to a number of investigations that have yielded interesting and novel information on these enzymes. Interestingly, APX isoenzymes of chloroplasts in higher plants are encoded by only one gene, and their mRNAs are generated by alternative splicing of the gene's two 3'-terminal exons. Manipulation of the expression of the enzymes involved in the AOS-scavenging systems by gene-transfer technology has provided a powerful tool for increasing the present understanding of the potential of the defence network against oxidative damage caused by environmental stresses. Transgenic plants expressing E. coli catalase to chloroplasts with increased tolerance to oxidative stress indicate that AOS-scavenging enzymes, especially chloroplastic APX isoenzymes are sensitive under oxidative stress conditions. It is clear that a high level of endogenous ascorbate is essential effectively to maintain the antioxidant system that protects plants from oxidative damage due to biotic and abiotic stresses.
  • K Wada; T Tada; Y Nakamura; T Kinoshita; M Tamoi; S Shigeoka; K Nishimura
    The recombinant catalase-peroxidase of Synechococcus PCC 7942 overexpressed in Escherichia coli was purified and crystallized by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method using sodium formate as a precipitant. The crystals belonged to the tetragonal space group P4(1)2(1)2 or P4(3)2(1)2, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 109.3, c = 202.0 Angstrom. The calculated V-M value based on a dimer in the asymmetric unit was 1.9 Angstrom (3) Da(-1). A native data set was collected to 2.3 Angstrom resolution from a frozen crystal using synchrotron radiation at SPring-8.
  • Y Miyagawa; M Tamoi; S Shigeoka
    NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY 19 10 965 - 969 2001年10月 [査読有り]
    Transgenic tobacco plants expressing a cyanobacterial fructose-1,6/sedoheptulose-1, 7-bisphosphatase targeted to chloroplasts show enhanced photosynthetic efficiency and growth characteristics under atmospheric conditions (360 p.p.m. CO2). Compared with wild-type tobacco, final dry matter and photosynthetic CO2 fixation of the transgenic plants were 1.5-fold and 1.24-fold higher, respectively. Transgenic tobacco also showed a 1.2-fold increase in initial activity of ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) compared with wild-type plants. Levels of intermediates in the Calvin cycle and the accumulation of carbohydrates were also higher than those in wild-type plants. This is the first report in which expression of a single plastid-targeted enzyme has been shown to improve carbon fixation and growth in transgenic plants.
  • A Gaber; M Tamoi; T Takeda; Y Nakano; S Shigeoka
    FEBS LETTERS 499 1-2 32 - 36 2001年06月 [査読有り]
    Here ne isolated and characterized two genes (slr1171, slr1992) designated gpx-1 and gpx-2, respectively, encoding glutathione peroxidase (GPX)-like proteins (Gps-1, Gpx-2) from Synechystis PCC 6803. The deduced amino acid sequences for gpx-1 and gpx-22 showed high similarity to those of GPX-like proteins from higher plants and mammalian GPXs, respectively. Surprisingly, both recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli H ere able to utilize NADPH, but not reduced glutathione, as an electron donor and unsaturated fatty acid hydroperosides or alkyl hydroperosides as an acceptor. It seems accurate to refer to Gpx-1 and Gpx-2 as NADPH-dependcnt GPX-like proteins that serve as a new defense system for the reduction of unsaturated fatty acid hydroperosides. (C) 2001 Federation of European Biochemical Societies, Published bgl Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Y Nakamura; T Tada; K Wada; T Kinoshita; M Tamoi; S Shigeoka; K Nishimura
    The NADP-dependent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) of Synechococcus PCC 7942 was crystallized in two different forms by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method using ammonium sulfate as a precipitant. Form I crystals were hexagonal, space group P6(5) or P6(1), with unit-cell parameters a = b = 91.1, c = 428.6 Angstrom, gamma = 120 degrees. Form II crystals were monoclinic, space group C2, with unit-cell parameters a = 152.3, b= 80.9, c = 213.6 Angstrom, beta= 103.1 degrees. Native data were collected from a frozen crystal of form I to a resolution of 2.8 Angstrom using synchrotron radiation at SPring-8, whereas form II crystals were easily damaged by radiation at room temperature and increased mosaicity in cryoprotectant solutions. A molecular-replacement solution of the form I crystal was obtained in space group P6(5) using the program AMoRe and the structure of the NAD-dependent GAPDH from Bacillus stearothermophilus.
  • M Tamoi; H Kanaboshi; H Miyasaka; S Shigeoka
    ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 390 2 176 - 185 2001年06月 [査読有り]
    cDNA clones encoding NADP(+) -glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)-GAPDH) and sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase (SBPase) were isolated and characterized from halotolerant Chlamydomonas sp, W80 (C. W80) cells. The cDNA clone for NADP(+)-GAPDH encoded 369 amino acid residues, preceded by the chloroplast transit peptide (37 amino acid residues). The cDNA clone for SBPase encoded 351 amino acids with the chloroplast transit peptide. The activities of NADP(+)-GAPDH and SBPase from C. W80 cells were resistant to H2O2 up to 1 mM, as distinct from spinach chloroplastic thiol-modulated enzymes. The illumination to the dark-adapted cells and dithiothreitol treatment to the crude homogenate had little effect on the activities of NADP(+)-GAPDH and SBPase in C. W80. Modeling of the tertiary structures of NADP(+)-GAPDH and SBPase suggests that resistance of the enzymes to H,(C), in C, W80 is due to the different conformational structures in the vicinity of the Cys residues of the chloroplastic enzymes between higher plant and C. W80 cells. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
  • Y Nakamura; T Tada; K Wada; T Kinoshita; M Tamoi; S Shigeoka; K Nishimura
    Fructose-1,6-/sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase of Synechococcus PCC 7942, overexpressed from Escherichia coli, has been purified and crystallized by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method using ammonium sulfate as a precipitant. The crystals were monoclinic, with unit-cell parameters a = 80.1, b = 84.2, c = 104.3 Angstrom, beta = 101.7 degrees. They belonged to space group P2(1) and diffracted to at least 2.2 Angstrom resolution. The calculated VM value, based on a tetramer in the asymmetric unit, was 2.2 Angstrom (3) Da(-1).
  • Y Miyagawa; M Tamoi; S Shigeoka
    PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 41 3 311 - 320 2000年03月 [査読有り]
    We evaluated the defense system in chloroplasts to photooxidative stress imposed by paraquat treatment under illumination in transgenic tobacco plants with increased tolerance to drought stress at a high light intensity produced by catalase from Escherichia coli targeted to chloroplasts [Shikanai et al. (1998) FEES Lett. 428: 47]. At 24 h after the paraquat application, Chi was destroyed in the wild-type plants, but not in transgenic plants. Photosynthetic activities monitored by CO2 fixation and Chi fluorescence were much less affected by the paraquat treatment in transgenic lines. The activities of chloroplastic ascorbate peroxidase (APX) isoenzymes decreased in parallel with the depletion of ascorbate (AsA) in leaves in both lines. Paraquat treatment had no effect on the transcript level of chloroplastic APX isoenzymes, while it significantly lowered the level of their proteins. These data suggest that the depletion of AsA in chloroplasts under severe stress conditions inactivates and degrades chloroplastic APX isoenzymes.
  • K Yoshimura; Y Yabuta; M Tamoi; T Ishikawa; S Shigeoka
    BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 338 1 41 - 48 1999年02月 [査読有り]
    We have previously shown that stromal and thylakoid-bound ascorbate peroxidase (APX) isoenzymes of spinach chloroplasts arise from a common pre-mRNA by alternative splicing in the C-terminus of the isoenzymes [Ishikawa, Yoshimura, Tamoi, Takeda and Shigeoka (1997) Biochem. J. 328, 795-800]. To explore the production of mature, functional mRNA encoding chloroplast APPX isoenzymes, reverse transcriptase-mediated PCR and S1 nuclease protection analysis were performed with poly(A)(+) RNA or polysomal RNA from spinach leaves. As a result, four mRNA variants, one form of thylakoid-bound APX (tAPX-I) and three forms of stromal APX (sAPX-I, sAPX-II and sAPX-III), were identified. The sAPX-I and sAPX-III mRNA species were generated through the excision of intron 11; they encoded the previously identified sAPX protein. Interestingly, the sAPX-II mRNA was generated by the insertion of intron 11 between exons 11 and 12. The use of this insertional sequence was in frame with the coding sequence and would lead to the production of a novel isoenzyme containing a C-terminus in which a seven-residue sequence replaced the last residue of the previously identified sAPX. The recombinant novel enzyme expressed in Escherichia coli showed the same enzymic properties (except for molecular mass) as the recombinant sAPX from the previously identified sAPX-I mRNA, suggesting that the protein translated from the sAPX-II mRNA is functional as a soluble APX in vivo. The S1 nuclease protection analysis showed that the expression levels of mRNA variants for sAPX and tAPX isoenzymes are in nearly equal quantities throughout the spinach leaves grown under normal conditions. The present results demonstrate that the expression of chloroplast APX isoenzymes is regulated by a differential splicing efficiency that is dependent on the 3'-terminal processing of ApxII, the gene encoding the chloroplast APX isoenzymes.
  • M Tamoi; T Takeda; S Shigeoka
    PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 40 2 257 - 261 1999年02月 [査読有り]
    Synechococcus PCC 7942 contains two fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase isozymes (FBPase-I and FBPase-II), while Synechocystis PCC 6803 has only one (FBPase-I) in spite of the occurrence of two FBPase isozyme genes [Tamoi et al. (1998) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1383: 232]. We now demonstrate that disruption of the gene encoding FBPase-II (fbp-II) with a kanamycin resistance gene cartridge does not affect cell growth, Chi content, or CO2 assimilation in Synechococcus PCC 7942, and disruption of the gene encoding FBPase-I (fbp-1) is a lethal mutation in both cyanobacteria. Accordingly, it is clear that FBPase-I is necessary to sustain photosynthesis and gluconeogenesis in cyanobacteria.
  • K Yoshimura; T Ishikawa; Y Nakamura; M Tamoi; T Takeda; T Tada; K Nishimura; S Shigeoka
    ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 353 1 55 - 63 1998年05月 [査読有り]
    The spinach stromal, thylakoid-bound, and cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase isozymes (EC were overexpressed in Escherichia coli, and their enzymatic properties were compared with the respective native isozymes, The purification of the recombinant stromal and cytosolic ascorbate peroxidases using the conventional column chromatography yielded 0.73 and 2.2 mg of protein/liter of bacteria culture with enzyme activities of 800 and 486 mu mol min(-1) mg protein(-1), respectively. In every respect, the recombinant stromal, thylakoid-bound, and cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase isozymes exhibited identical enzymatic properties with each native isozyme, Specifically, the recombinant stromal and thylakoid-bound ascorbate peroxidase isozymes showed high utilization of ascorbate as an electron donor and had a very short lifetime in ascorbate-depleted medium. Polyclonal antibodies raised against both purified recombinant stromal and cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase isozymes were prepared. Both antibodies showed a cross-reaction with the recombinant and native ascorbate peroxidase isozymes. (C) 1998 Academic Press.
  • M Tamoi; A Murakami; T Takeda; S Shigeoka
    We have previously described that Synechococcus PCC 7942 cells contain two fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase isozymes, designated F-I and F-II the former belongs to a new type of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, while the latter is a typical enzyme similar to the cytosolic and chloroplastic forms from eukaryotic cells [Tamoi et al., Arch, Biochem. Biophys., 334, 1996, 27-36]. The genes of F-I and F-II were found in three species of cyanobacteria, Synechocystis PCC 6803, Anabaena 7120, and Plectonema boryanum according to the results of Southern hybridization with a probe from the S. 7942 F-I and F-II genes. In Western blotting, antibody raised against the S, 7942 F-I cross-reacted with a protein band corresponding to the F-I in each crude extract from cyanobacterial cells, whereas the antibody against F-II failed to cross-react with any protein band corresponding to the F-II. In cyanobacterial cells, only one form of F-I has been resolved by ion-exchange chromatography at same concentration of NaCl as shown in the F-I of S. 7942. The F-I from Synechocystis 6803 has been purified to electrophoretic homogeneity. The enzyme hydrolyzed both fructose 1,6-bisphosphate and sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphate. The apparent K-m values of the enzyme for fructose 1,6-bisphosphate and sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphate were 57 +/- 2.4 and 180 +/- 6.3 mu M, respectively. The enzyme activity was inhibited by AMP with a K-i value of 0.57 +/- 0.03 mM for fructose 1,6-bisphosphate and 0.35 +/- 0.02 mM for sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphate. The enzyme showed a molecular mass of 168 kDa which was composed of four identical subunits. The activities of FBPase and SBPase from the F-I were resistant to hydrogen peroxide up to 1 mM. The nucleotide sequence of the S. 6803 F-I gene showed an open leading frame of 1164 bp that encoded a protein of 388 amino acid residues (approx. molecular mass of 41.6 kDa). The deduced amino acid sequences had homologous sequences with the S. 7942 F-I. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
  • M Tamoi; A Murakami; T Takeda; S Shigeoka
    BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 62 2 374 - 376 1998年02月 [査読有り]
    During the photosynthetic carbon reduction (PCR) cycle of Synechococcus PCC 7942 and Synechocystis PCC 6803, fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, NADP(+)-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, and ribulose-5-phosphate kinase were not sensitive to treatment with dithiothreitol (DTT), a reducing agent, in vitro and were not regulated by light in vivo, unlike the chloroplastic enzymes of higher plants. These results indicate that the PCR cycle in the cyanobacterial cells may not be actually regulated by light in vivo even if the ferredoxin/thioredoxin system is present.
  • 中村 祥浩; 多田 俊治; 宮原 郁子; 広津 建; 田茂井 政宏; 武田 徹; 重岡 成; 西村 勁一郎
    日本結晶学会誌 40 105 - 105 The Crystallographic Society of Japan 1998年
  • T Ishikawa; K Yoshimura; K Sakai; M Tamoi; T Takeda; S Shigeoka
    PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 39 1 23 - 34 1998年01月 [査読有り]
    cDNAs encoding two cytosolic and two chloroplastic ascorbate peroxidase: (AsAP) isozymes from spinach have been cloned recently [Ishikawa et al. (1995) FEES Lett, 367: 28, (1996) FEBS Lett. 384: 289]. We herein report the cloning of the fifth cDNA of an AsAP isozyme which localizes in spinach glyoxysomes (gAsAP), The open reading frame of the 858-base pair cDNA encoded 286 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 31,507 Da. By determination of the latency of AsAP activity in intact glyoxysomes, the enzyme, as well as monodehydroascorbate (MDAsA) reductase, was found to be located on the external side of the organelles, The cDNA was overexpressed in Escherichia coli (E. coli). The enzymatic properties of the partially purified recombinant gAsAP were consistent with those of the native enzyme from intact glyoxysomes. The recombinant enzyme utilized ascorbate (AsA) as its most effective natural electron donor; glutathione (GSH) and NAD(P)H could not substitute for AsA, The substrate-velocity curves with the recombinant enzyme showed Michaelis-Menten type kinetics with AsA and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2); the apparent K-m values for AsA and H2O2 were 1.89 +/- 0.05 mM and 74 +/- 4.0 mu M, respectively. When the recombinant enzyme was diluted with AsA-depleted medium, the activity was stable over 180 min, We discuss the H2O2-scavenging system maintained by AsAP and the regeneration system of AsA in spinach glyoxysome.
  • T Ishikawa; K Yoshimura; M Tamoi; T Takeda; S Shigeoka
    BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 328 328 795 - 800 1997年12月 [査読有り]
    We have isolated two cDNA clones encoding spinach (Spinacia oleracea) stromal and thylakoid-bound ascorbate peroxidase isoenzymes [Ishikawa, Sakai, Yoshimura, Takeda and Shigeoka (1996) FEES Lett. 384, 289-293]. The gene (ApxII) encoding both chloroplastic ascorbate peroxidase isoenzymes was isolated and the organization of the gene was determined. Alignment between the cDNAs and the gene for chloroplastic ascorbate peroxidase isoenzymes indicates that both enzymes arise from a common pre-mRNA by alternative splicing of two 3'-terminal exons. Genomic Southern-blot analysis supported this finding. The gene spanned nearly 8.5 kbp and contained 13 exons split by 12 introns. The penultimate exon 12 (residues 7376-7530) for the stromal ascorbate peroxidase mRNA consisted of one codon for Asp(365) before the TAA termination codon, and the entire 3'-untranslated region, including a potential polyadenylation signal (AATAAA). The final exon 13 (residues 7545-7756) for the thylakoid-bound ascorbate peroxidase mRNA consisted of the corresponding coding sequence of the hydrophobic C-terminal region, the TGA termination codon and the entire 3'-untranslated region, including a potential polyadenylation signal (AATATA). Both exons were interrupted by a 14 bp non-coding sequence. Northern-blot and reverse transcription-PCR analysis showed that the transcripts for stromal and thylakoid-bound ascorbate peroxidase are present in spinach leaves.
  • M Tamoi; T Ishikawa; T Takeda; S Shigeoka
    ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 334 1 27 - 36 1996年10月 [査読有り]
    In Synechococcus PCC 7942 cells, two catalytic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase isoenzymes, designated F-I and F-II, have been resolved by chromatography on a HiLoad 26/10 Q Sepharose column at 0.24 and 0.34 M of NaCl, respectively; the former represented the major part of the total extractable enzyme activity. F-I has been purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from the cells. F-I and F-II had respective molecular masses of 160 and 150 kDa and each enzyme was composed of four identical subunits. F-I hydrolyzed both fructose 1,6-bisphosphate and sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphate, whereas F-II hydrolyzed only fructose 1,6-bisphosphate. The apparent K-m values of F-I and F-II for fructose 1,6-bisphosphate were 52 +/- 4.5 and 25 +/- 1.5 mu M, respectively. F-I was inhibited by AMP with a K-i value of 0.26 mM, but F-II was not affected by AMP. The F-I failed to cross-react by Western blotting with the antibody raised against F-II; similarly, the F-II did not react with the F-I antibody. The genes encoding F-I and F-II were cloned from the chromosomal DNA of Synechococcus PCC 7942. A 1068-bp open reading frame, encoding F-I of 356 amino acid residues (approx molecular mass of 38.3 kDa) was observed. The nucleotide sequence of the F-II gene showed an open reading frame of 1017 bp that encodes a protein of 339 amino acid residues (approx molecular mass of 37.2 kDa). The recombinant enzymes expressed in Escherichia coli as well as the native enzymes of F-I and F-II from Synechococcus PCC 7942 cells were resistant to 1 mM hydrogen peroxide unlike the light-activated higher plant chloroplast enzymes. (C) 1996 Academic Press, Inc.
  • M Tamoi; T Ishikawa; T Takeda; S Shigeoka
    BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 316 685 - 690 1996年06月 [査読有り]
    NADP-dependent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) has been purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from Synechococcus PCC 7942 cells. The native enzyme had a molecular mass of 160 kDa and consisted of four subunits with a molecular mass of 41 kDa. The activity was 6-fold higher with NADPH than with NADH; the apparent K-m values for NADPH and NADH were 62 +/- 4.5 and 420 +/- 10.5 mu M respectively. The gene encoding NADP-dependent GAPDH was cloned from the chromosomal DNA of Synechococcus 7942. A 1140 bp open reading frame, encoding an enzyme of 380 amino acid residues (approx. molecular mass of 41.3 kDa) was observed. The deduced amino acid sequence of the gene had a greater sequence similarity to the NADP-dependent and chloroplastic form than to the NAD-dependent and cytosolic form. The Synechococcus 7942 enzyme lacked one of the cysteines involved in the light-dependent regulation of the chloroplast enzymes of higher plants. The recombinant enzyme expressed in Escherichia coli as well as the native enzyme purified from Synechococcus 7942 cells were resistant to 1 mM H2O2.
  • Molecular characterization of H2O2-resistance system of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase and NADP-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase in SynechococcusPCC 7942
    Takeda T; Tamoi M; Ishikawa T; Shigeoka S
    Research in Photosynthesis 5 135 - 138 1995年 [査読有り]



  • 日本光合成学会 (担当:共著範囲:光合成と他の代謝経路との相互作用)朝倉書店 2021年12月 ISBN: 9784254171761 ix, 213p
  • プラントミメティックス~植物に学ぶ~, カルビンサイクルの制御
    田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成 (担当:共著範囲:)エヌ・ティー・エス 2006年
  • Improvement of photosynthesis in higher plants
    Springer-Verlag Tokyo,Plant Responses to Air Pollution and Global Changes 2005年
  • Improvement of photosynthesis in higher plants
    Springer-Verlag Tokyo,Plant Responses to Air Pollution and Global Changes 2005年
  • 光合成事典
    田茂井 政宏 (担当:共著範囲:)学会出版センター 2003年11月 
  • 光・酸素毒耐性植物(共著)
    植物代謝工学ハンドブック(エヌ・ティー・エス) 2002年


  • 葉緑体型APX遺伝子の選択的スプライシング制御因子の解析  [通常講演]
    大原晨亜; 内藤沙耶; 田部記章; 吉村和也; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    ユーグレナ研究会第33回研究集会 2017年
  • ユーグレナの光合成特性およびバイオマス生産に及ぼす照射光波長の影響  [通常講演]
    作山治美; 吉永琴音; 森栞菜; 岡村桃子; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    ユーグレナ研究会第33回研究集会 2017年
  • 光合成能およびワックスエステル生合成能を強化したユーグレナの分子育種  [通常講演]
    田茂井政宏; 濱根寛史; 作山治美; 岡村桃子; 小川貴央; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    ユーグレナ研究会第33回研究集会 2017年
  • サツマイモ由来機能道転写因子IbPLATZの機能解析  [通常講演]
    瀬古友梨恵; 村上聡; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    ユーグレナ研究会第33回研究集会 2017年
  • シンク/ソース同時強化形質転換サツマイモの作出と解析  [通常講演]
    田部記章; 冨本優美; 大鳥久美; 田茂井政宏; 横田明穂; 重岡成
    ユーグレナ研究会第33回研究集会 2017年
  • 食糧・バイオマス増産に向けた分子育種  [通常講演]
    田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    第16回けいはんな地区植物科学懇談会 2017年
  • 細胞内鉄代謝制御に関与する転写因子:bHLH11の機能解析  [通常講演]
    野志昌弘; 森大輔; 田部記章; 高木優; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第69回大会 2017年
  • アスコルビン酸ペルオキシダーゼ遺伝子発現の転写後調節因子の同定  [通常講演]
    田部記章; 大原晨亜; 吉村和也; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第69回大会 2017年
  • アスコルビン酸生合成制御因子VTC2の転写制御機構の解析  [通常講演]
    下絢子; 瀬古友梨恵; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第69回大会 2017年
  • 葉緑体APX遺伝子の選択的スプライシングを制御するトランス因子の同定  [通常講演]
    田部記章; 大原晨亜; 吉村和也; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    第58回日本植物生理学会年会 2017年
  • NPR1依存的SAシク_ナル経路の制御に関与 するシロイヌナス_ナNudix hydrolase 6 (AtNUDX6)の相互作用因子の同定およひ_ 機能解析  [通常講演]
    中川奨也; 小川貴央; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    第58回日本植物生理学会年会 2017年
  • シロイヌナズナbHLH11は転写制御因子として鉄取り込みを負に制御する  [通常講演]
    森大輔; 野志昌弘; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 高木優; 重岡成
    第58回日本植物生理学会年会 2017年
  • シロイヌナズナbHLH11は鉄ホメオスタシス制御における転写制御因子として機能する  [通常講演]
    野志昌弘; 森大輔; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 高木 優; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2017年度大会 2017年
  • シロイヌナズナNADH加水分解酵素(AtNUDX6)による生物的ストレス応答制御に関与する相互作用因子の同定と機能解析  [通常講演]
    吉村和也; 中川奨也; 小川貴央; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2017年度大会 2017年
  • 糖シグナリングによる側枝形成制御の分子機構  [通常講演]
    大鳥久美; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2017年度大会 2017年
  • ユーグレナのトランスエノイルCoA還元酵素遺伝子導入によるバイオ燃料生産性の向上  [通常講演]
    田茂井政宏; 野志昌弘; 小川貴央; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2017年度大会 2017年
  • ソース/シンク能同時強化サツマイモの作出に向けたサツマイモ根特異的プロモーターの単離  [通常講演]
    冨本優美; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 菊池 彰; 横田明穂; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2017年度大会 2017年
  • 葉緑体APXIIの選択的スプライシング制御因子の同定  [通常講演]
    田部記章; 大原晨亜; 吉村和也; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2017年度大会 2017年
  • アスコルビン酸生合成主要因子VTC2の発現を調節する転写因子の機能解析  [通常講演]
    﨑下絢子; 瀬古友梨恵; 田部記章; 田中裕之; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2017年度大会 2017年
  • 葉緑体H2O2応答性転写因子RTS1は転写抑制因子として鉄取り込みを抑制する  [通常講演]
    森大輔; 野志昌弘; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 高木優; 重岡成
    第39回日本分子生物学会年会 2016年
  • 葉緑体APXIIの選択的スプライシング制御タンパク質の同定  [通常講演]
    大原晨亜; 田部記章; 吉村和也; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    ユーグレナ研究会第32回研究集会 2016年
  • アスコルビン酸生合成経路における主要因子VTC2の転写制御機構の解明  [通常講演]
    下絢子; 瀬古友梨恵; 田部記章; 田中裕之; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    ユーグレナ研究会第32回研究集会 2016年
  • Trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase遺伝子導入によるユーグレナのワックスエステル生合成能の強化  [通常講演]
    野志昌弘; 田茂井政宏; 小川貴央; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    ユーグレナ研究会第32回研究集会 2016年
  • シロイヌナズナ由来のclade IV TGA転写因子は活性酸素種を介した病原応答の制御に寄与する  [通常講演]
    野志昌弘; 森大輔; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会平成28年度関西支部大会(第496回講演会) 2016年
  • トランスエノイルCoA還元酵素を強化したユーグレナにおけるワックスエステル生合成能の評価  [通常講演]
    田茂井政宏; 野志昌弘; 小川貴央; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会平成28年度関西支部大会(第496回講演会) 2016年
  • シロイヌナズナおよびタバコの生育に対する植物栽培用LED“プラントフレック”の評価  [通常講演]
    伊藤大輔; 石田健太; 江口雄巳; 原田京一; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本生物環境工学会 2016年
  • Genetic engineering in sweet potato for the improvement of productivity  [通常講演]
    Noriaki Tanabe; Masahiro Tamoi; Akira Kikuchi; Akiho Yokota; Shigeru Shigeoka
    The 17th International Congress on Photosynthesis Research 2016年
  • Identification and characterization of chloroplastic and cytosolic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatases from Euglena gracilis  [通常講演]
    Takahisa Ogawa; Harumi Sakuyama; Takanori Maruta; Takahiro Ishikawa; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    17th International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas 2016年
  • Enhancement of photosynthetic capacity in Euglena gracilis by genetic engineering of the Calvin cycle leads to increases in biomass and wax ester production  [通常講演]
    Masahiro Tamoi; Takahisa Ogawa; Harumi Sakuyama; Kengo Suzuki; Takahiro Ishikawa; Shigeru Shigeoka
    17th International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas 2016年
  • シロイヌナズナ遺伝子破壊株を用いたデヒドロアスコルビン酸還元酵素の生理機能解析  [通常講演]
    野志昌弘; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第68回大会 2016年
  • アスコルビン酸生合成制御因子VTC2の発現制御因子の解析  [通常講演]
    下絢子; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第68回大会 2016年
  • 葉緑体H2O2応答性転写因子MVS11は鉄取り込みを抑制する  [通常講演]
    森大輔; 野志昌弘; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 高木優; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第68回大会 2016年
  • 鉄欠乏応答に関与する葉緑体H2O2応答性遺伝子の機能解析  [通常講演]
    野志昌弘; 森大輔; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 高木優; 丸田隆典; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2016年度大会 2016年
  • シロイヌナス_ナのフラヒ_ン代謝制御に関与する新規因子の同定と機能解析  [通常講演]
    戸田結奈; 西元里美; 小川貴央; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2016年度大会 2016年
  • シロイヌナス_ナHsfA2を介した Hsfファミリーの転写活性化機構の解析  [通常講演]
    川端彬未; 田部記章; 薮田行晢; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2016年度大会 2016年
  • RNA-seq解析によるサツマイモ不定根原基形成機構の解明  [通常講演]
    伊藤茜; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 横田明穂; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2016年度大会 2016年
  • LED光源藻類培養装置の開発及ひ_ラン藻Synechococcus elongatus PCC7942の生育およひ_光合成特性に及ぼす照射光波長の影響  [通常講演]
    三根彩佳; 木口洋輔; 江口雄己; 原田京一; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成; 雉鼻一郎
    日本農芸化学会2016年度大会 2016年
  • 糖シク_ナリンク_による側枝形成機構の解明  [通常講演]
    大鳥久美; 岩城孝平; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2016年度大会 2016年
  • ラン藻FBP/SBPase導入によるサツマイモハ_イオマスへの影響  [通常講演]
    田部記章; 大鳥久美; 田茂井政宏; 横田明穂; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2016年度大会 2016年
  • ユーク_レナのバイオ燃料生産性に及ぼすラン藻 FBP/SBPase導入による光合成機能強化の影響  [通常講演]
    小川貴央; 作山治美; 田茂井政宏; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2016年度大会 2016年
  • ラン藻Synechococcus elongatus PCC7942における光酸化的ストレス耐性へのカルビン回路調節因子CP12の関与  [通常講演]
    田茂井政宏; 松井伶真; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2016年度大会 2016年
  • シロイヌナズナのフラビン代謝制御に関与する新規因子の探索  [通常講演]
    戸田結奈; 西元里美; 小川貴央; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    第57回日本植物生理学会年会 2016年
  • シロイヌナズナのデヒドロアスコルビン酸還元酵素群の包括的な機能解析  [通常講演]
    野志昌弘; 畑中理佐; 田茂井政宏; 丸田隆典; 重岡成
    第57回日本植物生理学会年会 2016年
  • 酸化的ストレス応答と鉄ホメオスタシスの制御に関与する葉緑体 H2O2応答性遺伝子の機能解析  [通常講演]
    森大輔; 野志昌弘; 岡本泰; 田茂井政宏; 高木優; 丸田隆典; 重岡成
    第57回日本植物生理学会年会 2016年
  • LED光源藻類培養装置の開発及びラン藻Synechococcus elongatus PCC7942の生育およひ_光合成特性に及ほ_す照射光波長の影響  [通常講演]
    三根彩佳; 木口洋輔; 江口雄己; 原田京一; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成; 雉鼻一郎
    第57回日本植物生理学会年会 2016年
  • シンク能強化のためのサツマイモ由来不定根原基形成因子の単離  [通常講演]
    伊藤茜; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 横田明穂; 重岡成
    第57回日本植物生理学会年会 2016年
  • 酸化的ストレス応答と鉄ホメオスタシスに関与する葉緑体H2O2応答転写因子の機能解析  [通常講演]
    森大輔; 野志昌弘; 岡本泰; 田茂井政宏; 高木優; 丸田隆典; 重岡成
    第38回日本分子生物学会年会、第88回日本生化学会大会 合同大会 2015年
  • 植物細胞内のフラビン代謝制御に関与する新規因子の同定  [通常講演]
    戸田結奈; 西元里美; 小川貴央; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    第38回日本分子生物学会年会、第88回日本生化学会大会 合同大会 2015年
  • LED光源藻類培養装置の開発及ひ_ラン藻Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942の生育およひ_光合成特性に及ほ_す照射光波長の影響  [通常講演]
    三根彩佳; 木口洋輔; 江口雄巳; 原田京一; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成; 雉鼻一郎
    ユーグレナ研究会第31回研究集会 2015年
  • ラン藻FBP/SBPase 遺伝子導入によるユーク_レナのワックスエステル生産性の向上  [通常講演]
    小川貴央; 作山治美; 丸田隆典; 鈴木健吾; 石川孝博; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    ユーグレナ研究会第31回研究集会 2015年
  • ユーク_レナの光合成炭素代謝における 3 種のフルクトース 1,6-ヒ_スホスファ ターセ_の役割  [通常講演]
    小川貴央; 田茂井政宏; 作山治美; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    ユーグレナ研究会第31回研究集会 2015年
  • Improvement of photosynthesis and productivity of crop plants and microalgae by genetic engineering of the Calvin cycle  [通常講演]
    Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    Yamada Conference: International Symposium on Dynamics and Regulation of Photosynthesis 2015年
  • 光合成機能を向上させた形質転換植物による代謝・形態形成制御機構の解明  [通常講演]
    第107回醗酵学懇話会(日本生物工学会関西支部) 2015年
  • ビタミンE生合成酵素遺伝子群の導入による植物のTocおよびToc3含量への影響  [通常講演]
    田中裕之; 田部記章; 薮田行晢; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第67回大会 2015年
  • 一過的発現系を用いたシロイヌナズナNADH加水分解酵素の生物的/非生物的ストレス応答制御機構の解析  [通常講演]
    高田梨沙; 中川奨也; 小川貴央; 村本亘平; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第67回大会 2015年
  • シロイヌナズナGDP-D-Mannose加水分解酵素(AtNUDX9)の生理機能解析  [通常講演]
    田中裕之; 丸田隆典; 小川貴央; 田部記章; 吉村和也; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第67回大会 2015年
  • 植物細胞内のフラビン代謝制御に関与する新規因子の探索  [通常講演]
    戸田結奈; 佐渡千紘; 小川貴央; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第67回大会 2015年
  • 植物におけるアスコルビン酸再生系酵素の生理機能解析  [通常講演]
    野志昌弘; 田茂井政宏; 丸田隆典; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第67回大会 2015年
  • 葉緑体H2O2応答性転写因子群は鉄ホメオスタシスと酸化的ストレス応答のクロストークに関与する  [通常講演]
    森大輔; 野志昌弘; 田茂井政宏; 高木優; 丸田隆典; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第67回大会 2015年
  • ラン藻FBP/SBPase遺伝子導入によるユーグレナのバイオ燃料生産性の向上  [通常講演]
    木村彩子; 小川貴央; 作山治美; 丸田隆典; 鈴木健吾; 石川孝博; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2015年度大会 2015年
  • シロイヌナズナにおけるデヒドロアスコルビン酸還元酵素の包括的な機能解析  [通常講演]
    畑中理佐; 野志昌弘; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 丸田隆典; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2015年度大会 2015年
  • 葉緑体H2O2応答性転写因子群による鉄ホメオスタシスと酸化的ストレス応答のクロストーク  [通常講演]
    野志昌弘; 岡本泰; 森大輔; 田茂井政宏; 高木優; 丸田隆典; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2015年度大会 2015年
  • シロイヌナズナNudix hydrolase(AtNUDX9)によるGDP-D-Mannose代謝制御の役割  [通常講演]
    田中裕之; 丸田隆典; 小川貴央; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2015年度大会 2015年
  • シロイヌナズナ熱ショック転写因子HsfA2過剰発現によるサツマイモの酸化ストレス耐性強化  [通常講演]
    小林宏太; 田部記章; 伊藤茜; 大鳥久美; 高安聡子; 菊池彰; 横田明穂; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2015年度大会 2015年
  • サツマイモ不定根形成に関わる制御因子の同定  [通常講演]
    伊藤茜; 田部記章; 小林宏太; 大鳥久美; 田茂井政宏; 横田明穂; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2015年度大会 2015年
  • Euglena gracilis由来フルクトース-1,6-ビスホスファターゼの同定と機能解析  [通常講演]
    小川貴央; 雲川和幸; 篠原康佑; 木村彩子; 作山治美; 丸田隆典; 石川孝博; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    第56回日本植物生理学会年会 2015年
  • 植物ホルモンを介した側枝形成におけるショ糖生合成系の関与  [通常講演]
    大鳥久美; 川本智美; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    第56回日本植物生理学会年会 2015年
  • 葉緑体H2O2応答性bHLH転写因子の機能解析  [通常講演]
    岡本泰; 野志昌弘; 田茂井政宏; 高木優; 丸田隆典; 重岡成
    第56回日本植物生理学会年会 2015年
  • 葉緑体由来のH2O2シグナリングを介したストレス応答に関与する遺伝子群の同定と機能解析  [通常講演]
    野志昌弘; 岡本泰; 田茂井政宏; 高木優; 丸田隆典; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    第37回 日本分子生物学会年会 2014年
  • 形質転換技術によるユーグレナのバイオ燃料生産性の向上  [通常講演]
    木村彩子; 小川貴央; 作山治美; 丸田隆典; 鈴木健吾; 石川孝博; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    ユーグレナ研究会第30回記念大会 2014年
  • ユーグレナにおけるフルクトース-1,6-ビスホスファターゼの同定と機能解析  [通常講演]
    小川貴央; 雲川和幸; 篠原康佑; 木村彩子; 作山治美; 丸田隆典; 石川孝博; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    ユーグレナ研究会第30回記念大会 2014年
  • Effects of improvement of photosynthetic carbon metabolism on plant productivity  [通常講演]
    Masahiro Tamoi
    Institute for Protein Research (IPR) International Seminar 2014年
  • シロイヌナズナ熱ショック転写因子 HsfA2 過剰発現サツマイモの酸化ストレス耐性能評価  [通常講演]
    小林宏太; 田部記章; 大鳥久美; 伊藤茜; 田茂井政宏; 横田明穂; 重岡成
    2014年度日本農芸化学会関西支部大会(第486回講演会) 2014年
  • アスコルビン酸再生系酵素群の包括的な機能解析  [通常講演]
    畑中理佐; 野志昌弘; 田茂井政宏; 高橋隆樹; 丸田隆典; 澤嘉弘; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第66回大会 2014年
  • 葉緑体由来のH2O2シグナル伝達機構に関与する遺伝子群の同定と機能解析  [通常講演]
    野志昌弘; 岡本泰; 田茂井政宏; 高木優; 丸田隆典; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第66回大会 2014年
  • 一過的発現系を用いたシロイヌナズナNADH加水分解酵素の生理的意義の解明  [通常講演]
    高田梨沙; 小川貴央; 村本亘平; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第66回大会 2014年
  • CP12-GAPDH-PRK複合体形成によるカルビン酸回路調節機構の解明  [通常講演]
    松村浩由; 清水伸隆; 木津奈都子; 吉田将康; 荒武将弘; 溝端栄一; 田茂井政宏; 和田野晃; 重岡成; 井上豪
    日本農芸化学会2014年度大会 2014年
  • シロイヌナズナHsfA1dの酸化還元が熱ショックエレメントの結合に及ぼす影響の解析  [通常講演]
    小林宏太; 野坂亮太; 中村朋美; 田部記章; 薮田行哲; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2014年度大会 2014年
  • 葉緑体由来の酸化的シグナリングに関する転写因子ネットワークの解明  [通常講演]
    丸田隆典; 野志昌弘; 問田英里; 岡本泰; 大和開; 田茂井政宏; 高木優; 澤嘉弘; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2014年度大会 2014年
  • シロイヌナズナにおけるペルオキシソーム型モノデヒドロアスコルビン酸還元酵素アイソザイムの生理機能  [通常講演]
    高橋隆樹; 畑中理佐; 野志昌弘; 田茂井政宏; 丸田隆典; 石川孝博; 澤嘉弘; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2014年度大会 2014年
  • 光酸化的ストレス条件下におけるデヒドロアスコルビン酸還元酵素アイソザイムによる細胞内レドックス状態の制御機構  [通常講演]
    畑中理佐; 野志昌弘; 田茂井政宏; 丸田隆典; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2014年度大会 2014年
  • シロイヌナズナGDP-Mannose加水分解酵素(At-NUDX9)の機能解析  [通常講演]
    田中裕之; 吉村和也; 小川貴央; 田部記章; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2014年度大会 2014年
  • サツマイモ由来Rubisco small subunitプロモーターの単離と発現解析  [通常講演]
    田部記章; 豊田雄介; 大鳥久美; Daniel-Padilla-Chacon; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2014年度大会 2014年
  • 側枝形成における植物ホルモンを介した糖シグナリングの関与  [通常講演]
    大鳥久美; 福井祥太; Daniel-Padilla-Chacon; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2014年度大会 2014年
  • シロイヌナズナ熱ショック転写因子HsfA2のCa2+シグナリングによる発現制御機構の解明  [通常講演]
    中村朋美; 野坂亮太; 小林宏太; 田部記章; 薮田行哲; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2014年度大会 2014年
  • Screening of Heat shock transcriptional factor A1d interacting proteins using bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) analysis in Escherichia coli  [通常講演]
    Ryota Nosaka; Tomomi Nakamura; Kota Kobayashi; Noriaki Tanabe; Takanori Maruta; Yukinori Yabuta; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    第55回植物生理学会年会 2014年
  • 葉緑体由来のH2O2シグナリングを介したストレス応答の分子機構  [通常講演]
    野志昌弘; 岡本泰; 問田英里; 田茂井政宏; 高木優; 丸田隆典; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    第55回植物生理学会年会 2014年
  • バイオ燃料増産を目指したユーグレな形質転換技術の確立  [通常講演]
    小川貴央; 三根彩佳; 作山治美; 吉田絵梨子; 鈴木健吾; 丸田隆典; 石川孝博; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    第55回植物生理学会年会 2014年
  • 一過的発現系を用いたシロイヌナズナADP-リボース/NADH加水分解酵素(AtNUDX6,7)が生物的/非生物的ストレス応答に及ぼす影響の解析  [通常講演]
    高田梨沙; 小川貴央; 村本亘平; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    第55回植物生理学会年会 2014年
  • 葉緑体型NADPH加水分解酵素(AtNUDX19)はストレス/ホルモン応答のバランス制御に関与する  [通常講演]
    丸田隆典; 吉田幸史; 小川貴央; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    第55回植物生理学会年会 2014年
  • シロイヌナズナ熱ショック転写因子HsfA4cによるHsfA2の発現を介した熱ストレス応答機構  [通常講演]
    野坂亮太; 薮田行哲; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    第55回植物生理学会年会 2014年
  • 光合成能強化シロイヌナズナの生育初期におけるC/Nバランス制御  [通常講演]
    田茂井政宏; 大鳥久美; Daniel-Padilla-Chacon; 田部記章; 重岡成
    第55回植物生理学会年会 2014年
  • 葉緑体H2O2応答性bHLH転写因子は光酸化的ストレス応答に関与する  [通常講演]
    岡本泰; 野志昌弘; 田茂井政宏; 高木優; 丸田隆典; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    第55回植物生理学会年会 2014年
  • ホメオドメインロイシンジッパー転写因子は酸化的ストレス応答に関与する  [通常講演]
    大和開; 問田英里; 野志昌弘; 野坂亮太; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 高木優; 丸田隆典; 澤嘉弘; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    第55回植物生理学会年会 2014年
  • CP12-GAPDH-PRK複合体形成によるカルビン酸回路制御の構造的基盤  [通常講演]
    松村浩由; 清水伸隆; 木津奈都子; 吉田将康; 荒武将弘; 溝端栄一; 田茂井政宏; 和田野晃; 重岡成; 井上豪
    第55回植物生理学会年会 2014年
  • Enhancement of photosynthesis and productivity by introducing the Calvin cycle enzymes  [通常講演]
    Masahiro Tamoi
    JST・CREST International Symposium 2014年
  • ホメオドメインロイシンジッパー転写因子のレドックスシグナリングへの関与  [通常講演]
    大和開; 問田英里; 野志昌弘; 野坂亮太; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 高木優; 丸田隆典; 澤嘉弘; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    第36回日本分子生物学会年会 2013年
  • ペルオキシソーム型モノデヒドロアスコルビン酸還元酵素アイソザイムの機能重複および分化  [通常講演]
    高橋隆樹; 畑中理佐; 野志昌弘; 田茂井政宏; 丸田隆典; 澤嘉弘; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    第36回日本分子生物学会年会 2013年
  • 光酸化的ストレス応答におけるアスコルビン酸再生系酵素群の役割  [通常講演]
    畑中理佐; 野志昌弘; 田茂井政宏; 丸田隆典; 石川孝博; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会関西・中四国・西日本支部 日本ビタミン学会近畿・中国四国・九州沖縄地区 2013年度 合同広島大会 2013年
  • 葉緑体由来の酸化的シグナリングに関与する転写因子の同定および機能解析  [通常講演]
    野志昌弘; 問田英里; 岡本泰; 田茂井政宏; 丸田隆典; 吉村和也; 高木優; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会関西・中四国・西日本支部 日本ビタミン学会近畿・中国四国・九州沖縄地区 2013年度 合同広島大会 2013年
  • ホメオドメインロイシンジッパー(HAT1)転写因子を介したストレス応答機構  [通常講演]
    大和開; 問田英里; 野志昌弘; 野坂亮太; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 高木優; 丸田隆典; 澤嘉弘; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会関西・中四国・西日本支部 日本ビタミン学会近畿・中国四国・九州沖縄地区 2013年度 合同広島大会 2013年
  • 炭素分配による側枝形成の制御機構  [通常講演]
    田茂井政宏; 大鳥久美; Daniel Padilla-Chacon; 田部記章; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会関西・中四国・西日本支部 日本ビタミン学会近畿・中国四国・九州沖縄地区 2013年度 合同広島大会 2013年
  • 次世代シーケンサーを用いたEuglena gracilisの遺伝子発現解析  [通常講演]
    石川孝博; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    第15回マリンバイオテクノロジー学会大会 2013年
  • ユーグレナによるバイオ燃料生産基盤技術の開発  [通常講演]
    田茂井政宏; 鈴木健吾; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    第15回マリンバイオテクノロジー学会大会 2013年
  • C/Nバランス制御の初期応答に及ぼす光合成機能強化の影響  [通常講演]
    大鳥久美; 西中大記; 田部記章; Daniel Padilla-Chacon; 田茂井政宏; 重岡 成
    第4回光合成学会 2013年
  • ペルオキシソームにおけるモノデヒドロアスコルビン酸還元酵素アイソザイムの生理学的意義  [通常講演]
    高橋隆樹; 野志昌弘; 田茂井政宏; 丸田隆典; 澤 嘉弘; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第65回大会 2013年
  • アスコルビン酸再生系を介した光酸化的ストレス応答機構  [通常講演]
    野志昌弘; 畑中理佐; 田茂井政宏; 丸田隆典; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第65回大会 2013年
  • 葉緑体由来の酸化的シグナリングに関与する転写因子群の機能解析  [通常講演]
    問田英里; 野志昌弘; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 高木優; 丸田隆典; 大和開; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第65回大会 2013年
  • アスコルビン酸ペルオキシダーゼ変異体を用いた葉緑体由来の酸化的シグナリング経路の同定  [通常講演]
    丸田隆典; 野志昌弘; 問田英里; 田茂井政宏; 高木優; 澤嘉弘; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第65回大会 2013年
  • アスコルビン酸およびトコフェロール生合成形制御機構への光およびプラスチドシグナリングの関与  [通常講演]
    田中裕之; 丸田隆典; 薮田行哲; 田茂井政宏; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第65回大会 2013年
  • ストレスおよびホルモン応答の制御における葉緑体型NADPH加水分解酵素(AtNUDX19)の生理学的意義  [通常講演]
    吉田幸史; 辻村昌希; 三島真優; 問田英里; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第65回大会 2013年
  • シロイヌナズナGDP-D-Mannose加水分解酵素 (AtNUDX9) の同定と機能解析  [通常講演]
    田中裕之; 塩谷知子; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会2013年度大会 2013年
  • シロイヌナズナにおけるアスコルビン酸再生系の包括的な機能解析  [通常講演]
    野志昌弘; 畑中理佐; 田茂井政宏; 高橋隆樹; 丸田隆典; 澤嘉弘; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2013年度大会 2013年
  • 光合成強化植物におけるC/Nバランス制御の初期応答  [通常講演]
    丸山俊樹; 西中大記; 大鳥久美; Daniel Padilla-Chacon; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2013年度大会 2013年
  • プラスチドシグナリングを介したインベルターゼの炭素・窒素バランス制御への関与  [通常講演]
    宮崎望; Daniel Padilla-Chacon; 野坂亮太; 田中裕之; 大鳥久美; 丸田隆典; 吉村和也; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2013年度大会 2013年
  • 藻類バイオ燃料増産を目指したユーグレナ形質転換技術の確立と光合成機能強化  [通常講演]
    三根彩佳; 作山治美; 杉崎円香; 西川綾香; 加藤貴大; 吉田絵梨子; 鈴木健吾; 丸田隆典; 石川孝博; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2013年度大会 2013年
  • サツマイモ形質転換法の改良とFBP/SBPase導入による光合成能および生産性への影響  [通常講演]
    大鳥久美; 窪 康至; Daniel Padilla-Chacon; 田茂井政宏; 横田明穂; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2013年度大会 2013年
  • Analysis of sugar signaling pathway via plastid invertase in Arabidopsis seedlings  [通常講演]
    Daniel-Padilla Chacon; Kumi Otiri; Takanori Maruta; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    日本農芸化学会2013年度大会 2013年
  • ホメオドメインロイシンジッパー転写因子(HAT1)を介した酸化的ストレス応答  [通常講演]
    問田英里; 野志昌弘; 松田峻; 野坂亮太; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 高木優; 丸田隆典; 大和開; 澤嘉弘; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2013年度大会 2013年
  • 葉緑体由来のH2O2応答性遺伝子群の包括的な逆遺伝学的解析  [通常講演]
    丸田隆典; 野志昌弘; 問田英里; 松田峻; 中村茉樹; 田茂井政宏; 高木優; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2013年度大会 2013年
  • 葉緑体型NADPH加水分酵素(AtNUDX19)によるNADPHステータス変化を介したストレス/ホルモン応答の制御  [通常講演]
    辻村昌希; 吉田幸史; 三島真優; 問田英里; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2013年度大会 2013年
  • AtNUDX6および7によるNADH代謝を介した生物的/非生物的ストレス応答関連遺伝子の発現制御  [通常講演]
    奥田雅宣; 野田北斗; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2013年度大会 2013年
  • グルタチオンペルオキシダーゼ相互作用タンパク質の同定および機能解析  [通常講演]
    尾形知哉; 高田梨沙; Gaber Ahmed; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 丸田隆典; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2013年度大会 2013年
  • RNA-Seqによるユーグレナ遺伝子の発現解析  [通常講演]
    吉田勇太; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成; 石川孝博
    日本農芸化学会2013年度大会 2013年
  • シロイヌナズナHsfA4cによるHsfA2発現制御機構の解明  [通常講演]
    野坂亮太; 林秀樹; 小林宏太; 丸田隆典; 高木優; 薮田行哲; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2013年度大会 2013年
  • 酸化的シグナリングに関与する新奇転写因子群の同定と機能解析  [通常講演]
    野志昌弘; 問田英里; 岩井佑真; 岡本泰; 倉田竜也; 中村茉樹; 松田峻; 野坂亮太; 田茂井政宏; 丸田隆典; 吉村和也; 高木優; 重岡成
    第54回植物生理学会年会 2013年
  • 葉緑体型NADPH加水分解酵素(AtNUDX19)によるストレス/ホルモン応答のバランス制御  [通常講演]
    吉田幸史; 辻村昌希; 三島真優; 問田英里; 丸田隆典; 吉村和也; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    第54回植物生理学会年会 2013年
  • カルビン回路酵素RuBisCOとGAPDHの活性調節機構の解明  [通常講演]
    松村浩由; 溝端栄一; 木津奈都子; 石田宏幸; 田茂井政宏; 前忠彦; 横田明穂; 甲斐泰; 和田野晃; 牧野周; 重岡成; 井上豪
    第54回植物生理学会年会 2013年
  • 光およびプラスチドシグナリングを介したアスコルビン酸およびトコフェロール生合成系の制御機構  [通常講演]
    田中裕之; 丸田隆典; 薮田行哲; 田茂井政宏; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    第54回植物生理学会年会 2013年
  • 栄養シグナルによる植物ホルモン代謝制御を介した側枝形成  [通常講演]
    田茂井政宏; 大鳥久美; Daniel Padilla-Chacon; 重岡成
    第54回植物生理学会年会 2013年
  • Control of shoot branching by alteration of carbon partitioning  [通常講演]
    大鳥久美; Daniel Padilla-Chacon; 作山治美; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    第35回日本分子生物学会年会 2012年
  • Isolation and characterization of novel transcription factors involved in oxidative signaling  [通常講演]
    丸田隆典; 問田英里; 大和開; 松田峻; 野坂亮太; 野志昌弘; 田茂井政宏; 澤嘉弘; 高木優; 吉村和也; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    第35回日本分子生物学会年会 2012年
  • Regulation of biotic and abiotic stress responses via metabolism of NADH and ADP-ribose by Nudix hydrolases in Arabidopsis  [通常講演]
    奥田雅宣; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    第35回日本分子生物学会年会 2012年
  • A chloroplastic NADPH pyrophosphohydrolase, AtNUDX19, is involved in control of the balance of stress and hormonal responses  [通常講演]
    辻村昌希; 吉田幸史; 問田英里; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    第35回日本分子生物学会年会 2012年
  • Regulation mechanism of HsfA2 expression via HsfA4c  [通常講演]
    野坂亮太; 林秀樹; 丸田隆典; 池田美穂; 高木優; 薮田行哲; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    第35回日本分子生物学会年会 2012年
  • Analysis of sugar signaling pathway via plastid invertase in Arabidopsis seedlings  [通常講演]
    Daniel-Padilla Chacon; Kumi Otiri; Takanori Maruta; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    第35回日本分子生物学会年会 2012年
  • Regulation of antioxidative vitamins biosynthesis through light and plastid signaling  [通常講演]
    田中裕之; 丸田隆典; 薮田行哲; 田茂井政宏; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    第35回日本分子生物学会年会 2012年
  • Identification and functional analysis of the glutathione peroxidase 8-interacting protein  [通常講演]
    尾形知哉; 吉村和也; 丸田隆典; Gaber Ahmed; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    第35回日本分子生物学会年会 2012年
  • 葉緑体型NADPH 加水分解酵素(AtNUDX19)によるストレス/ホルモン応答のバランス制御  [通常講演]
    吉田幸史; 辻村昌希; 問田英里; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会関西支部大会 第476回講演会 2012年
  • シロイヌナズナにおける Ca2+シグナリングを介した熱ショック転写因子 HsfA2 の環境ストレス応答  [通常講演]
    小林宏太; 野坂亮太; 丸田隆典; 薮田行哲; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会関西支部大会 第476回講演会 2012年
  • 葉緑体型アスコルビン酸ペルオキシダーゼ発現の誘導抑制系を用いた酸化的シグナリングの分子機構の解明  [通常講演]
    丸田隆典; 芦田奈々; 松田峻; 野坂亮太; 野志昌弘; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会 第64回大会 2012年
  • ビタミンE生合成酵素遺伝子群の導入によるToc量への影響  [通常講演]
    田中裕之; 丸田隆典; 薮田行哲; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会 第64回大会 2012年
  • ストレス応答におけるグルタチオンペルオキシダーゼ8の多機能性  [通常講演]
    尾形知哉; 高田梨沙; 中神莉彩; 吉村和也; 丸田隆典; Ahmed Gaber; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会 第64回大会 2012年
  • 葉緑体型NADPH加水分解酵素(AtNUDX19)によるストレス応答制御機構の解析  [通常講演]
    辻村昌希; 吉田幸史; 問田英里; 池本圭輔; 田茂井政宏; 丸田隆典; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会 第64回大会 2012年
  • Improvement of plant growth and productivity by molecular engineering  [通常講演]
    Masahiro Tamoi
    The 2nd China-Japan-Korea Young Researchers Workshop 2012年
  • 天然変性タンパク質CP12によるGAPDH活性調節の分子メカニズムの解  [通常講演]
    松村浩由; 甲斐章寛; 田茂井政宏; 和田野晃; 井上豪; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2012年度大会 2012年
  • シロイヌナズナ葉緑体型Nudix hydrolase(AtNUDX19)によるNADPH代謝を介した強光ストレス応答機構  [通常講演]
    辻村昌希; 問田英里; 吉田幸史; 池本圭輔; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2012年度大会 2012年
  • シロイヌナズナGuanosine 3'-5'-bispyrophosphate (ppGpp) pyrophosphohydrolase (AtNUDX26)の機能解析  [通常講演]
    加藤貴大; 伊藤大輔; 石川和也; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2012年度大会 2012年
  • シロイヌナズナにおけるアスコルビン酸再生系酵素群の分子特性および生理機能  [通常講演]
    丸田隆典; 山田宏機; 野志昌弘; 田茂井政宏; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2012年度大会 2012年
  • グルタチオンペルオキシダーゼ, AtGPX8によるレドックス制御を介したストレス応答/耐性の分子機構  [通常講演]
    尾形知哉; 北島一樹; 中神莉彩; 吉村和也; 丸田隆典; Ahmed Gaber; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2012年度大会 2012年
  • 葉緑体由来のH2O2シグナリングに関与する転写因子の機能解析  [通常講演]
    松田峻; 山崎彩香; 野志昌弘; 芦田奈々; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2012年度大会 2012年
  • 光および葉緑体シグナリングによるアスコルビン酸およびトコフェロール生合成系の制御機構  [通常講演]
    田中裕之; 丸田隆典; 薮田行哲; 石川孝博; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2012年度大会 2012年
  • 葉緑体H2O2シグナリングを介したストレス応答におけるフェルラ酸ヒドロキシラーゼの生理機能  [通常講演]
    中村茉樹; 松田峻; 野志昌弘; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2012年度大会 2012年
  • ショ糖生合成能強化植物におけるホルモン代謝を介した側枝形成機構の解明  [通常講演]
    大鳥久美; Daniel Padilla-Chacon; 作山治美; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2012年度大会 2012年
  • バイオマス増産を目指した遺伝子導入によるサツマイモの光合成増強  [通常講演]
    西山和樹; 井上貴之; 中村茉樹; 大鳥久美; 作山治美; 田茂井政宏; 横田明穂; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2012年度大会 2012年
  • 光合成機能強化植物を用いた炭素・窒素バランス制御機構の解明  [通常講演]
    丸山俊樹; 大鳥久美; Daniel Padilla-Chacon; 作山治美; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2012年度大会 2012年
  • インベルターゼはプラスチドシグナリングを介した炭素・窒素代謝バランス制御に関与する  [通常講演]
    宮崎望; Daniel Padilla-Chacon; 北條真之; 大鳥久美; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2012年度大会 2012年
  • 葉緑体由来のH2O2シグナリングに関与する遺伝子群の同定と機能解析  [通常講演]
    丸田隆典; 芦田奈々; 松田峻; 野志昌弘; 田茂井政宏; 薮田行哲; 吉村和也; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    第53回日本植物生理学会年会 2012年
  • 光および葉緑体シグナリングによる抗酸化ビタミン生合成系の調節機構  [通常講演]
    田中裕之; 丸田隆典; 薮田行哲; 石川孝博; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    第53回日本植物生理学会年会 2012年
  • 葉緑体型NADPH加水分解酵素(AtNUDX19)によるサリチル酸シグナル経路の制御  [通常講演]
    辻村昌希; 吉田幸史; 問田英里; 池本圭輔; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    第53回日本植物生理学会年会 2012年
  • シロイヌナズナにおける葉緑体H2O2を介した生物的および非生物的ストレス応答機構  [通常講演]
    野志昌弘; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 薮田行哲; 吉村和也; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    第53回日本植物生理学会年会 2012年
  • FBP/SBPase発現による光合成能強化が窒素代謝系に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    大鳥久美; 丸山俊樹; Daniel Padilla-Chacon; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    第53回日本植物生理学会年会 2012年
  • Involvement of an invertase in the plastid signaling-mediated regulation of carbon and nitrogen balance  [通常講演]
    Daniel Padilla-Chacon; Nozomi Miyazaki; Kumi Otori; Takanori Maruta; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    第53回日本植物生理学会年会 2012年
  • ショ糖分配の変化が側枝形成に関わるホルモン代謝に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    田茂井政宏; 大鳥久美; Daniel Padilla-Chac_n; 重岡 成
    第53回日本植物生理学会年会 2012年
  • NAC転写因子ANAC078を介した20Sおよび26Sプロテアソーム制御機構の解明  [通常講演]
    薮田行哲; 長田龍治; 森下輝之; 丸田隆典; 西澤(横井)彩子; 田茂井政宏; 重岡 成
    第34回 日本分子生物学会年会 2011年
  • 葉緑体由来の酸化的シグナリングの分子機構の解明  [通常講演]
    丸田隆典; 松田峻; 中村茉樹; 尾尻恵; 野志昌弘; 田茂井政宏; 薮田行哲; 吉村和也
    第34回 日本分子生物学会年会 2011年
  • 葉緑体型NADPH加水分解酵素(AtNUDX19)による植物ホルモンを介したストレス応答機構  [通常講演]
    池本圭輔; 辻村昌希; 丸田隆典; 吉村和也; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    第34回 日本分子生物学会年会 2011年
  • シロイヌナズナグルタチオンペルオキシダーゼ、AtGPX8による酸化ストレス応答の制御機構  [通常講演]
    尾形知哉; 丸田隆典; Ahmed Gaber; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    第34回 日本分子生物学会年会 2011年
  • ストレス応答における葉緑体由来の酸化的シグナリングの生理機能  [通常講演]
    野志昌弘; 田内葵; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 薮田行哲; 吉村和也; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    第34回 日本分子生物学会年会 2011年
  • Regulation of photosynthetic gene expression by sucrose signaling derived from plastids  [通常講演]
    Daniel Padilla-Chac_n; Kumi Otori; Takanori Maruta; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    第34回 日本分子生物学会年会 2011年
  • 葉緑体由来のH2O2応答性遺伝子群の機能解析  [通常講演]
    松田峻; 中村茉樹; 野志昌弘; 田茂井政宏; 丸田隆典; 薮田行哲; 吉村和也; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    2011年度日本農芸化学会関西・中部支部合同大会 2011年
  • FBP/SBPase 導入による光合成能強化が窒素代謝に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    丸山俊樹; 大鳥久美; 西山和樹; Daniel Padilla; 作山治美; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    2011年度日本農芸化学会関西・中部支部合同大会 2011年
  • ストレス応答における葉緑体型NADPH 加水分解酵素(AtNUDX19)の役割  [通常講演]
    辻村昌希; 池本圭輔; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    2011年度日本農芸化学会関西・中部支部合同大会 2011年
  • 強光応答性選択的スプライシング制御因子atSR30 およびatSR45a の核局在化制御機構の解析  [通常講演]
    小池佳之; 森達也; 田部記章; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡 成
    2011年度日本農芸化学会関西・中部支部合同大会 2011年
  • シロイヌナズナにおけるppGpp pyrophosphohydrolase(AtNUDX26)の分子特性  [通常講演]
    加藤貴大; 伊藤大輔; 石川和也; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡 成
    2011年度日本農芸化学会関西・中部支部合同大会 2011年
  • 葉緑体シグナリングによるアスコルビン酸およびα-トコフェロール生合成の制御機構  [通常講演]
    田中裕之; 丸田隆典; 薮田行哲; 石川孝博; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第63回大会 2011年
  • グルタチオンペルオキシダーゼによるレドックス制御を介した環境ストレス応答機構  [通常講演]
    尾形知哉; 丸田隆典; Ahmed Gaber; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第63回大会 2011年
  • 葉緑体型アスコルビン酸ペルオキシダーゼを介したストレス応答機構  [通常講演]
    丸田隆典; 松田峻; 野志昌弘; 尾尻恵; 田茂井政宏; 薮田行哲; 吉村和也; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本ビタミン学会第63回大会 2011年
  • 葉緑体型NADPH加水分解酵素(AtNUDX19)を介したストレスおよびホルモン応答の制御機構  [通常講演]
    池本圭輔; 辻村昌希; 田茂井政宏; 丸田隆典; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    日本光合成学会第2回年会および公開シンポジウム 2011年
  • インベルターゼを介したプラスチドシグナリングによる光合成および窒素代謝系のバランス制御  [通常講演]
    宮崎望; 磯田桃子; 大鳥久美; 多淵知樹; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本光合成学会第2回年会および公開シンポジウム 2011年
  • FBP/SBPase導入による光合成CO2固定能の強化が窒素代謝に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    丸山俊樹; 大鳥久美; 田部記章; 丸田隆典; 佐藤滋; 柳澤修一; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本光合成学会第2回年会および公開シンポジウム 2011年
  • 光合成炭素代謝の制御機構に関する研究  [通常講演]
    日本農芸化学会関西支部 第469回 講演会 特別講演 2011年
  • 細胞質型アスコルビン酸ペルオキシダーゼによる細胞外ROSの機能調節  [通常講演]
    井上隆広; 奥下歩; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 薮田行哲; 吉村和也; 石川孝博; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会 2011年度大会 2011年
  • 環境ストレス応答におけるグルタチオンペルオキシダーゼ8の生理機能  [通常講演]
    丸田隆典; 尾形知哉; GABER Ahmed; 田茂井政宏; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会 2011年度大会 2011年
  • NAC転写因子ANAC078を介したプロテアソーム制御機構の解明  [通常講演]
    長田龍治; 吉岡慧介; 森下輝之; 丸田隆典; 西澤(横井)彩子; 田茂井政宏; 薮田行哲; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会 2011年度大会 2011年
  • 葉緑体形質転換技術による多収性およびヒトチオレドキシン産生レタスの作出  [通常講演]
    市川野花; 中川龍郎; 作山治美; 田茂井政宏; 蘆田弘樹; 横田明穂; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会 2011年度大会 2011年
  • ショ糖生合成系強化が光合成および形態形成に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    漆地里紗; 宮崎望; 大鳥久美; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会 2011年度大会 2011年
  • 光合成能強化が窒素代謝に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    田茂井政宏; 大鳥久美; 丸山俊樹; 丸田隆典; 佐藤滋; 柳澤修一; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会 2011年度大会 2011年
  • 20Sおよび26SプロテアソームレベルはNAC転写因子ANAC078により制御を受ける  [通常講演]
    薮田行哲; 長田龍治; 吉岡慧介; 森下輝之; 丸田隆典; 西澤(横井)彩子; 田茂井政宏; 重岡 成
    第52回日本植物生理学会年会 2011年
  • インベルターゼのプラスチドシグナリングへの関与  [通常講演]
    丸田隆典; 磯田桃子; 橋本ゆみこ; 大鳥久美; 多淵知樹; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    第52回日本植物生理学会年会 2011年
  • 光合成CO2固定能強化が窒素代謝に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    大鳥久美; 丸山俊樹; 丸田隆典; 佐藤滋; 柳澤修一; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    第52回日本植物生理学会年会 2011年
  • ショ糖分配の変化が側枝形成に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    田茂井政宏; 漆地里紗; 宮崎望; 大鳥久美; 丸田隆典; 重岡成
    第52回日本植物生理学会年会 2011年
  • インべルターゼのプラスチドシグナリングを介した C/N バランス制御への関与  [通常講演]
    丸田隆典; 大鳥久美; 多淵知樹; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    第33回日本分子生物学会年会・第83回日本生化学会大会 合同大会 2010年
  • FBP/SBPase 導入による光合成 CO2固定能強化が窒素代謝に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    大鳥久美; 丸田隆典; 佐藤滋; 柳澤修一; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    第33回日本分子生物学会年会・第83回日本生化学会大会 合同大会 2010年
  • 葉緑体型 NADPH 加水分解酵素(AtNUDX19)によるピリジンヌクレオチド代謝および環境ストレス応答の制御  [通常講演]
    池本圭輔; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 石川和也; 吉村和也; 重岡成
    第33回日本分子生物学会年会・第83回日本生化学会大会 合同大会 2010年
  • 葉緑体由来の酸化的シグナリングは環境ストレス応答に関与する  [通常講演]
    野志昌弘; 尾尻恵; 松田峻; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 薮田行哲; 吉村和也; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    第33回日本分子生物学会年会・第83回日本生化学会大会 合同大会 2010年
  • 光合成CO2固定能強化による窒素代謝系への影響  [通常講演]
    田茂井政宏; 大鳥久美; 漆地里紗; 丸田隆典; 佐藤滋; 柳澤修一; 重岡成
    CREST第3回公開シンポジウム 2010年
  • 転写因子ANAC078によるプロテアソーム制御機構の解明  [通常講演]
    長田龍治; 吉岡慧介; 森下輝之; 丸田隆典; 西澤(横井)彩子; 田茂井政宏; 薮田行哲; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会関西支部大会(第466回講演会) 2010年
  • ジャスモン酸応答におけるAPXを介したROS機能の制御機構  [通常講演]
    井上隆広; 奥下歩; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 薮田行哲; 吉村和也; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会関西支部大会(第466回講演会) 2010年
  • ショ糖生合成系強化が光合成炭素代謝能および形態形成に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    漆地里紗; 宮崎望; 大鳥久美; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会関西支部大会(第466回講演会) 2010年
  • Regulation of the carbon and nitrogen balance by a plastidic invertase in Arabidopsis  [通常講演]
    Takanori Maruta; Momoko Isoda; Yumiko Hashimoto; Kumi Otori; Tomoki Tabuchi; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    The 15th international congress of photosynthesis 2010年
  • Regulatory response to stress and hormone via oxidative signaling derived from chloroplasts  [通常講演]
    Shigeru Shigeoka; Takanori Maruta; Masahiro Noshi; Megumi Ojiri; Shun Matsuda; Aoi Tanouchi; Masahiro Tamoi; Yukinori Yabuta; Kazuya Yoshimura; Takahiro Ishikawa
    The 15th international congress of photosynthesis 2010年
  • Oxidative signaling derived from chloroplasts regulates stress and hormonal responses  [通常講演]
    Masahiro Noshi; Aoi Tanouchi; Takanori Maruta; Masahiro Tamoi; Yukinori Yabuta; Takahiro Ishikawa; Shigeru Shigeoka
  • Effect of alteration of photosynthetic capacity on various metabolisms  [通常講演]
    Masahiro Tamoi; Kumi Otori; Risa Urushiji; Takanori Maruta; Shigeru Shigeoka
  • A plastidic invertase regulates photosynthesis and nitrate assimilation during greening  [通常講演]
    Takanori Maruta; Kumi Otori; Tomoki Tabuchi; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
  • Involvement of chloroplastic NADPH pyrophosphohydrolase (AtNUDX19) in plant response to light environment  [通常講演]
    Keisuke Ikemoto; Kanamori Azusa; Takanori Maruta; Masahiro Tamoi; Kazuya Ishikawa; Shigeru Shigeoka
  • 葉緑体由来の酸化的シグナリングによる環境ストレス応答の制御機構  [通常講演]
    野志昌弘; 草地一志; 田内葵; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 薮田行哲; 吉村和也; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2010年度大会 2010年
  • FBP/SBPase導入によるCO2固定能強化の炭素・窒素代謝などに及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    大鳥久美; 出原亜樹子; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2010年度大会 2010年
  • ショ糖生合成系強化の光合成炭素代謝能および形態形成に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    出村谷昌代; 山本祥子; 大鳥久美; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2010年度大会 2010年
  • 光合成能およびショ糖合成能を強化した形質転換タバコの解析  [通常講演]
    漆地里紗; 西山和樹; 大鳥久美; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2010年度大会 2010年
  • 葉緑体形質転換技術による光合成能強化レタスの作出  [通常講演]
    市川野花; 大貝久生; 作山治美; 田茂井政宏; 蘆田弘樹; 横田明穂; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2010年度大会 2010年
  • 葉緑体ゲノムへのトコフェロール生合成酵素遺伝子導入によるビタミンE高含有植物の作出  [通常講演]
    吉村佐保子; 田中裕之; 丸田隆典; 薮田行哲; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2010年度大会 2010年
  • Arabidopsis GPX8 is a key regulator in response to environmental stress  [通常講演]
    Ahmed Gaber; Chiaki Rokusha; Takanori Maruta; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    日本農芸化学会2010年度大会 2010年
  • 光合成炭素代謝能の改変による種々の代謝系への影響  [通常講演]
    田茂井政宏; 大鳥久美; 出村谷昌代; 漆地里紗; 山本祥子; 出原亜樹子; 松本昭子; 重岡成
    第51回日本植物生理学会 2010年
  • 葉緑体におけるアスコルビン酸ペルオキシダーゼによる酸化的シグナリングの制御機構  [通常講演]
    田内葵; 野志昌広; 丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 薮田行哲; 吉村和也; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    第51回日本植物生理学会 2010年
  • C/Nバランス制御におけるプラスチド型インベルターゼの生理機能  [通常講演]
    丸田隆典; 水内香那; 大鳥久美; 多淵知樹; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    第51回日本植物生理学会 2010年
  • プラスチド型インベルターゼによる光合成及び窒素代謝系の制御  [通常講演]
    丸田隆典; 水内香那; 大鳥久美; 多淵知樹; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    第32回日本分子生物学会 2009年
  • プラスチド型インベルターゼによる炭素・窒素代謝の制御機構  [通常講演]
    丸田隆典; 水内香那; 大鳥久; 多淵知樹; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    ユーグレナ研究会 第25回研究集会 2009年
  • Arabidopsis GPX8 is a key regulator in response toenvironmental stress  [通常講演]
    Ahmed Gaber; Chiaki Rokusha; Takanori Maruta; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    ユーグレナ研究会 第25回研究集会 2009年
  • FBP/SBPase導入による光合成炭素代謝能改変が窒素代謝などに及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    田茂井政宏; 大鳥久美; 丸田隆典; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会関西・中四国・西日本支部、日本栄養・食糧学会九州・沖縄支部および日本食品科学工学会西日本支部合同沖縄大会 2009年
  • 葉緑体型インベルターゼのC/Nバランス制御への関与  [通常講演]
    丸田隆典; 大鳥久美; 多淵知樹; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会関西・中四国・西日本支部、日本栄養・食糧学会九州・沖縄支部および日本食品科学工学会西日本支部合同沖縄大会 2009年
  • ラン藻FBPase-IIを細胞質に導入したシロイヌナズナの作出と炭素代謝能への影響  [通常講演]
    出村谷昌代; 大鳥久美; 根立茂樹; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2009年度大会 2009年
  • カルビン回路およびショ糖合成系強化によるソース・シンク器官の炭素分配への影響  [通常講演]
    根立茂樹; 漆地里紗; 大鳥久美; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2009年度大会 2009年
  • カルビン回路の強化が炭素・窒素代謝経路に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    田部記章; 大鳥久美; 尾尻恵; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2009年度大会 2009年
  • 葉緑体形質転換技術によるα-トコフェロール高含有植物の作出  [通常講演]
    吉村佐保子; 田部記章; 薮田行哲; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    日本農芸化学会2009年度大会 2009年
  • シロイヌナズナにおけるホスホマンノースイソメラーゼの機能分化  [通常講演]
    丸田隆典; 田茂井政宏; 薮田行哲; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    第50回日本植物生理学会年会 2009年
  • 糖応答時のプラスチド局在型インベルターゼの機能  [通常講演]
    多淵知樹; 出村谷昌代; 大鳥久美; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    第50回日本植物生理学会年会 2009年
  • ホスホマンノースイソメラーゼによるアスコルビン酸生合成の調節機構  [通常講演]
    丸田隆典; 米満美紀; 田茂井政宏; 薮田行哲; 石川孝博; 重岡成
    第31回日本分子生物学会年会 2008年
  • 細胞質FBPase 導入によるショ糖合成能の強化およびソース/シンクバランスへの影響  [通常講演]
    根立茂樹; 漆地里紗; 大鳥久美; 多淵知樹; 田部記章; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成
    ユーグレナ研究会 第24回研究集会 2008年
  • 糖処理によりクロロフィル蓄積が抑制されるアラビドプシス変異体の解析  [通常講演]
    多淵 知樹; 出村谷 昌代; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会2008年度大会 2008年
  • α-トコフェロール合成能の強化を目指した葉緑体形質転換タバコの作出  [通常講演]
    鈴木 明子; 吉村 佐保子; 薮田 行哲; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会2008年度大会 2008年
  • 光合成能およびショ糖合成能を同時に強化した形質転換タバコの作出と解析  [通常講演]
    根立 茂樹; 向井 健佑; 大鳥 久美; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会2008年度大会 2008年
  • CP12によるカルビンサイクル制御機構  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    第49回日本植物生理学会年会シンポジウム「植物の生産性とカルビン回路-カルビンサイクル研究の新展開」 2008年
  • 光合成炭素代謝制御と生産性への影響  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏
    「遺伝子組換え農産物等の研究開発の進め方に関する検討会」中間取りまとめに関する意見交換会 2007年
  • 葉緑体形質転換技術による光合成強化植物での外来タンパク質生産  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 藪田 行哲; 鈴木 明子; 富澤 健一; 横田 明穂; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会 関西支部中部支部合同大会 2007年
  • Effects of cytosolic FBPase on photosynthetic carbon metabolism under high CO2 conditions  [通常講演]
    Tamoi M; Hiramatsu Y; Nedachi S; Tabuchi T; Otori K; Shigeoka S
    14th International Congress of Photosynthesis 2007年
  • 細胞質FBPaseの増強が高CO2環境での光合成炭素代謝に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    平松 由衣; 川崎 翔太; 作山 治美; 多渕 知樹; 大鳥 久美; 藪田 行哲; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    第48回日本植物生理学会年会 2007年
  • 光合成炭素代謝能改変植物を用いた代謝制御因子の探索  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 平松 由衣; 鈴木 明子; 作山 治美; 多渕 知樹; 大鳥 久美; 藪田 行哲; 重岡 成
    第48回日本植物生理学会年会シンポジウム「栄養シグナルと植物機能制御」 2007年
  • タバコ葉緑体形質転換体のSD配列改変による光合成能増強に適したFBP/SBPase発現量の決定  [通常講演]
    鈴木 明子; 根立 茂樹; 薮田 行哲; 作山 治美; 田茂井 政宏; 富澤 健一; 横田 明穂; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会2007年度大会 2007年
  • 藻類遺伝子導入による光合成炭素代謝能向上  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏
    作物試験研究推進会議稲技術研究会 2007年
  • CP12によるラン藻カルビンサイクル制御機構  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    第22回ユーグレナ研究会 2006年
  • 高CO2条件下での光合成炭素代謝における細胞質FBPaseの役割  [通常講演]
    平松 由衣; 川崎 翔太; 作山 治美; 多淵 知樹; 大鳥 久美; 薮田 行哲; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会関西支部大会 2006年
  • 植物のショ糖合成系FBPase活性増大による光合成炭素代謝への影響  [通常講演]
    平松 由衣; 上野 由里子; 作山 治美; 薮田 行哲; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会2006年度大会 2006年
  • Streptomyces sp. N174キトサナーゼの触媒部位に存在するAsp40の役割  [通常講演]
    深溝 慶; 森井 貴子; 田茂井 政宏; LACOMBE-HARVEY Marie-Eve; GAGNON Julie; BRZEZINSKI Ryszard
    日本農芸化学会2006年度大会 2006年
  • ラン藻Synechocystis PCC6803グルカナ−ゼの速度論的解析  [通常講演]
    黒瀧 秀樹; 大鶴 奈津子; 上坪 睦; 田茂井 政宏; Anna Kulminskaya; 深溝 慶
    日本農芸化学会2006年度大会 2006年
  • FBP/SBPase導入による収量増大に関わる遺伝子群の網羅的解析  [通常講演]
    青山泰子; 日野賢人; 松川郁子; 藪田行哲; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    第47回日本植物生理学会年会 2006年
  • カルビン回路の制御によるソース・シンク器官の炭素代謝への影響  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 青山 泰子; 平松 由衣; 松川 郁子; 作山 治美; 藪田 行哲; 重岡 成
    第47回日本植物生理学会年会シンポジウム「地球温暖化防止のための、植林によるCO2削減に対して、植物生理学者は何を貢献できるか?」 2006年
  • シロイヌナズナキチナーゼアイソザイムの発現解析  [通常講演]
    中野 早智子; 西田 彩; 中村 美紀子; 田茂井 政宏; 深溝 慶
    日本農芸化学会2005年度関西・中四国・西日本支部合同大会 2005年
  • HPAEC-PAD法によるfructose-1,6-/sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphataseの反応解析  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 前田 千紘; 吉原 綾子; 川端 康之; 重岡 成; 深溝 慶
    日本農芸化学会2005年度関西・中四国・西日本支部合同大会 2005年
  • ラン藻Synechocystis PCC6803グルカナーゼの生理機能解析  [通常講演]
    黒瀧 秀樹; 田茂井 政宏; 深溝 慶
    日本農芸化学会2005年度関西・中四国・西日本支部合同大会 2005年
  • FBP/SBPase導入植物を用いた光合成増強・収量増大に関わる因子の探索  [通常講演]
    青山 泰子; 日野 賢人; 西澤 彩子; 藪田 行哲; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    イネ・シロイヌナズナ合同ワークショップ 2005年
  • カルビン回路の制御から見た炭素代謝  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏
    北海道大学低温科学研究所研究集会 2005年
  • Regulation of the Calvin cycle in cyanobacteria  [通常講演]
    Tamoi, M; Shigeoka, S
    The 3rd Japan-Germany Joint Seminar “Functional Genomics in Cyanobacteria” 2005年
  • 炭素代謝関連酵素を導入した形質転換イネの作出  [通常講演]
    平田 陽子; 古藤 奈央; 鈴木 保子; 田茂井 政宏; 池側 泰平; 重岡 成; 深溝 慶
    日本農芸化学会2005年度大会 2005年
  • シロイヌナズナにおけるキチナーゼのストレス応答機構  [通常講演]
    中野 早智子; 竹中 靖浩; 田茂井 政宏; 深溝 慶
    日本農芸化学会2005年度大会 2005年
  • 部位特異的変異によるオオムギキチナーゼ触媒中心の構造解析  [通常講演]
    大西 恒雄; 釜付 よしみ; 田茂井 政宏; Skriver Karen; Juffer Andre H; 深溝 慶
    日本農芸化学会2005年度大会 2005年
  • イネ由来キチナーゼによる部分脱アセチル化キトサンの加水分解生成物の解析  [通常講演]
    佐々木 千絵; 伊藤 義文; Vaarum K; 田茂井 政宏; 深溝 慶
    日本農芸化学会2005年度大会 2005年
  • 高等植物における光合成促進及び収量増大に関わる遺伝子群の探索  [通常講演]
    青山 泰子; 平野 純; 西澤 彩子; 長岡 美樹; 藪田 行哲; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会2005年度大会 2005年
  • 光合成機能を増強させたタバコにおける最適なFBP/SBPase発現量の検討  [通常講演]
    山本 久美子; 丹松 めぐみ; 藪田 行哲; 吉村 和也; 田茂井 政宏; 富澤 健一; 横田 明穂; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会2005年度大会 2005年
  • ラン藻Synechocystis PCC6803グルカナーゼ様タンパク質の機能解析  [通常講演]
    黒瀧 秀樹; 西野 良美; 田茂井 政宏; 深溝 慶
    日本農芸化学会2005年度大会 2005年
  • 光合成炭素代謝制御と生産性  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 長岡 美樹; 藪田 行哲; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会2005年度大会シンポジウム 2005年
  • カルビン回路におけるFBPaseおよびSBPaseの光合成炭素代謝への影響  [通常講演]
    長岡 美樹; 松川 郁子; 藪田 行哲; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    第46回日本植物生理学会年会 2005年
  • ラン藻遺伝子破壊株によるグルカナーゼ様タンパク質の生理機能解析  [通常講演]
    黒瀧 秀樹; 田茂井 政宏; 深溝 慶
    第27回日本分子生物学会年会 2004年
  • Improvement of photosynthesis in higher plants  [通常講演]
    Tamoi, M; Shigeoka, S
    The 6th International Symposium on Plant Responses to Air Pollution and Global Changes: from Molecular Biology to Plant Production and Ecosystem (6th APGC Symposium) 2004年
  • CP12によるラン藻カルビン回路制御機構  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 尾崎 裕子; 深溝 慶; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会2004年度関西支部大会 2004年
  • Physiological function of CP12 involved in regulation of the Calvin cycle in cyanobacteria  [通常講演]
    Tamoi, M; Miyazaki, T; Fukamizo, T; shigeoka, S
    13th International Congress of Photosynthesis Symposium 2004年
  • ラン藻の遺伝子破壊株を用いた、レドックス制御系を介さないカルビンサイクル調節系の解析  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏
    第4回日本光合成研究会シンポジウム 2004年
  • 葉緑体形質転換技術により光合成能を増大させた植物の作出  [通常講演]
    山本 久美子; 青山 泰子; 藪田 行哲; 吉村 和也; 田茂井 政宏; 富澤 健一; 横田 明穂; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会2004年度大会 2004年
  • セドヘプツロース-1.7-ビスホスファターゼ導入植物を用いた光合成炭素代謝の解析  [通常講演]
    長岡 美樹; 藪田 行哲; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会2004年度大会 2004年
  • Amycolatopsis orientalis由来エキソ型キトサナーゼの反応機構  [通常講演]
    深溝 慶; 進 一智; 池原 和子; 田茂井 政宏; Cote, N; Brezezinski, R
    日本農芸化学会2004年度大会 2004年
  • シロイヌナズナにおけるキチナーゼの発現調節  [通常講演]
    竹中 靖浩; 中野 早智子; 田茂井 政宏; 深溝 慶
    日本農芸化学会2004年度大会 2004年
  • オオムギ由来クラスIIキチナーゼのArg215の部位特異的変異導入と変異酵素の解析  [通常講演]
    大西 恒雄; 林 諭美; 藤井 直人; 田茂井 政宏; Skriver, K; Karen, J; 深溝 慶
    日本農芸化学会2004年度大会 2004年
  • ラン藻グルカナーゼ様タンパク質の酵素学的解析  [通常講演]
    黒瀧 秀樹; 田茂井 政宏; 深溝 慶
    日本農芸化学会2004年度大会 2004年
  • 光合成機能改変による炭素代謝解析  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏
    日本農芸化学会2004年度大会シンポジウム 2004年
  • シロイヌナズナキチナーゼアイソザイムの発現制御機構  [通常講演]
    竹中 靖浩; 中野 早智子; 田茂井 政宏; 深溝 慶
    日本植物生理学会2004年度年会 2004年
  • ラン藻カルビン回路調節に関わるCP12の分子特性と生理機能  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 森本 憲太郎; 宮崎 崇; 深溝 慶; 重岡 成
    日本植物生理学会2004年度年会 2004年
  • ラン藻カルビンサイクル調節に関わるCP12 の分子特性  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏
    基生研研究会「ラン藻のゲノム生物学」(岡崎) 2003年12月 基生研研究会「ラン藻のゲノム生物学」(岡崎)
    ラン藻のカルビンサイクルが高等植物とは異なる調節機構を有していること、また調節に関わるCP12 タンパク質の分子特性について口述した。
  • シロイヌナズナにおけるキチナーゼアイソザイムの発現様式  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 竹中靖浩; 中野早智子; 深溝 慶
    第11 回関西光合成研究会(京都) 2003年11月 第11 回関西光合成研究会(京都)
    シロイヌナズナにおける3 種のキチナーゼアイソザイム遺伝子(AtChiA、AtChiB、AtChiV)の発現量を、生育時期、器官別に定量し、それぞれの生理機能を考察した。
  • シロイヌナズナにおけるキチナーゼアイソザイムの発現様式  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 竹中靖浩; 中野早智子; 深溝 慶
    日本農芸化学会2003 年度(平成15 年度)関西・中部支部合同大会(京都) 2003年10月 日本農芸化学会2003 年度(平成15 年度)関西・中部支部合同大会(京都)
    シロイヌナズナにおける3 種のキチナーゼアイソザイム遺伝子(AtChiA、AtChiB、AtChiV)を単離し、RT-PCR により各遺伝子の発現時期、器官特異性を明らかにした。
  • 藻類のカルビンサイクルとレドックス  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏
    日本植物学会第67 回大会(札幌) 2003年09月 日本植物学会第67 回大会(札幌)
  • Molecular property and physiological function of cysteine-lacked CP12 in Synechococcus PCC7942  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 宮崎崇; 深溝 慶; 重岡 成
    11th International Symposium on Phototrophic Prokaryotes(東京) 2003年08月 11th International Symposium on Phototrophic Prokaryotes(東京)
    Synechococcus PCC7942 および単離したCP12 遺伝子が、他の植物および藻類のCP12 とは異なり、機能発現に重要であると考えられているシステイン残基が欠失していた。この様な特異なCP12 の分子特性ならびに細胞内での生理機能を明らかにするために、リコンビナントタンパク質およびS. 7942 CP12 欠損株を作製して、それぞれの諸性質を明らかにした。
  • Molecular Caracterization and Redox Regulation of Phosphoribulokinase from the Cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC 7942  [通常講演]
    重岡 成; 田茂井 政宏; 小林大介; 岩城俊雄; 和田野晃
    第11 回国際原核光合成生物シンポジウム(東京) 2003年08月 第11 回国際原核光合成生物シンポジウム(東京)
    ラン藻Synechococcus PCC7942 ホスホリブロキナーゼのリコンビナント酵素を作成して、DTT、DTNB、H202、ATP に対する影響を検討し、ラン藻ホスホリブロキナーゼの酸化還元に対する感受性を明らかにした。
  • Physiological Role of CP12 for Regulation of the Calvin Cycle in Synechococcus PCC 7942  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 宮崎崇; 深溝 慶; 重岡 成
    Plant Biology 2003(ハワイ) 2003年07月 Plant Biology 2003(ハワイ)
    ラン藻の光合成調節に関与すると予想されるCP12 タンパク質について、Synechococcus PCC7942 および単離したCP12 遺伝子を用いてラン藻CP12 の分子特性ならびに細胞内での生理機能を考察した。
  • ラン藻グルカナーゼ様タンパク質の分子特性  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 深溝 慶
    日本農芸化学会2003年度(平成15年度)大会(藤沢) 2003年04月 日本農芸化学会2003年度(平成15年度)大会(藤沢)
    高等植物に存在する糖質加水分解酵素は、生体防御タンパク質として注目される一方、伸長成長などにも必要な酵素として知られている。高等植物と同様に酸素発生型の光合成を行うラン藻Synechococcus PCC6803のゲノムDNA配列には、endo.1,4.β.グルカナーゼに類似した遺伝子(slr0897: Ssglc)が存在することが明らかになった。本研究ではラン藻における本酵素の生理機能の解明を目的として、Ssglcリコンビナント酵素を作成し、諸性質の検討を行った。
  • Bacillus circulans HM-K1キトサナーゼの基質結合に関する研究:蛍光法による解析  [通常講演]
    深溝 慶; 吉川 倶枝; 天野 聖子; 齋藤 純一; 田茂井 政宏; 長田 嘉穂; 安藤 昭一
    日本農芸化学会2003年度大会 2003年
  • ラン藻グルカナーゼ様遺伝子の単離と分子特性  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 深溝 慶; 藤本早紀
    第25回日本分子生物学会年会(横浜) 2002年12月 第25回日本分子生物学会年会(横浜)
    高等植物が持つキチナーゼやグルカナーゼなどの糖質加水分解酵素は、病原菌の細胞壁を溶解することから生体防御タンパク質として注目される一方、発芽や開花時に特異的に発現するアイソザイムの存在が明らかになり、生体内では単に生体防御だけではなく、その他の未知の機能を有するのではないかと考えられる。一方、高等植物と同様に酸素発生型の光合成を行うラン藻にも糖質加水分解酵素が存在するが、生理機能を始めほとんど明らかにされてないのが現状である。そこで、ラン藻の糖質加水分解酵素の生理機能を明らかにすることを目的として、すでに全ゲノムDNA配列が明らかになっているラン藻Synechocystis PCC6803よりendo?1,4?β?グルカナーゼ様遺伝子(slr0897:Ssglc)の単離・解析を行い、さらに大腸菌でのリコンビナントタンパク質発現系の構築およびリコンビナントタンパク質の諸性質の検討を行った。
  • 形質転換による C3 経路の強化  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏
    第 8 回関西光合成研究会 (奈良) 2002年06月 第 8 回関西光合成研究会 (奈良)
    高等植物とラン藻のカルビンサイクルの相違点を概説し、 ラン藻のカルビンサイクル構成酵素遺伝子を利用して、 高等植物の C3 光合成炭素代謝を改変した形質転換植物の作出と解析を行った。
  • 光合成炭素代謝における葉緑体型および細胞質型 FBPase の役割  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏
    日本光合成研究会 2002 年度第 2 回シンポジウム (岡崎) 2002年05月 日本光合成研究会 2002 年度第 2 回シンポジウム (岡崎)
    ラン藻の遺伝子をタバコに導入することにより、 葉緑体の FBPase と SBPase、 葉緑体 FBPase、 細胞質 FBPase をそれぞれ増加させた形質転換植物を作出した。 それぞれの酵素活性の増加による光合成能、 生育などへの影響を検討することにより、 光合成炭素代謝における葉緑体型および細胞質型 FBPase の役割を考察した。
  • Improving photosynthesis and growth by cyanobacterial enzymes in the Calvin cycle  [通常講演]
    Shigeoka, S; Miyagawa, Y; Tamoi, M
    NIAS-COE International Symposium 2002年
  • ラン藻Synechococcus PCC 7942 CP12におけるCysの欠損と生理機能  [通常講演]
    宮崎 崇; 佐伯 佳浩; 田茂井 政宏; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    ユーグレナ研究会 2002年
  • 植物病原菌Fusarium oxysporum細胞壁構造の固体CP/MAS NMR法による解析  [通常講演]
    深溝 慶; 田茂井 政宏; Robert Cook; Deane D. Mclntyre; 野々村 照雄; 豊田 秀吉; Hans J. Vogel
    日本農芸化学会2002年度関西支部大会 2002年
  • Family80とFamily46キトサナーゼの反応機構の比較  [通常講演]
    吉川 倶枝; 松田 克礼; 野々村 照雄; 豊田 秀吉; 下野 久美子; 松田 秀幸; 田茂井 政宏; 深溝 慶
    日本農芸化学会2002年度大会 2002年
  • リゾチーム結合性モノアセチル化キトサンの精製  [通常講演]
    佐々木 千絵; Kjell M. V_rum; 田茂井 政宏; 深溝 慶
    日本農芸化学会2002年度大会 2002年
  • クラミドモナスにおけるカルビンサイクル構成酵素の光活性化の欠損および過酸化水素耐性の分子機構  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 武田 徹; 深溝 慶; 重岡 成; 金星春夫; 宮
    日本農芸化学会関西支部第 420 回例会・ミニシンポジウム (大阪) 2001年07月 日本農芸化学会関西支部第 420 回例会・ミニシンポジウム (大阪)
    真核藻類のクラミドモナスよりグリセルアルデヒド 3 リン酸デヒドロゲナーゼとセドヘプツロース 1, 7 ビスホスファターゼ遺伝子の単離および立体構造の推定を行い、 それら酵素の光活性化の欠損および過酸化水素耐性の分子機構を考察した。
  • 緑藻クラミドモナスのグルタチオンペルオキシダーゼの活性発現機構におけるセレンの役割  [通常講演]
    武田 徹; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本植物生理学会 2001 年度年会 (福岡) 2001年03月 日本植物生理学会 2001 年度年会 (福岡)
    緑藻 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii C9 (C. C9) のグルタチオンペルオキシダーゼ (GPX) の活性中心と予想される部位は Cys であるにも関わらず、 ネイティブおよびリコンビナント酵素において、 Se に依存した酵素活性の発現が認められた。 そこで今回、 点突然変異させたリコンビナント酵素を作成し、 C. C9 GPX の活性発現におけるセレンの役割について検討した。 活性中心と推測される 38 番目の Cys を Ser に変換した点突然変異リコンビナント酵素には Se に依存した酵素活性は認められなかった。 一方、 他の 2 つの Cys 残基を変異させたそれぞれのリコンビナント酵素には、 Se 依存の GPX 活性が認められた。 以上のことから、 C. C9 GPX の Se 依存の活性発現は 38 番目の Cys 残基に生成したセレノール基に依存することが推測された。
  • 複合環境ストレス耐性/多収量植物の創製  [通常講演]
    重岡 成; 宮川佳子; 武田 徹; 田茂井 政宏
    日本農芸化学会 2001 年度大会 (京都) 2001年03月 日本農芸化学会 2001 年度大会 (京都)
    日本農芸化学会 2001 年度大会シンポジウム 多重遺伝子導入と工業原料植物の創成 において、 最近の研究成果を中心に発表した。
  • ラン藻の光・酸素毒防御系の分子機構  [通常講演]
    重岡 成; Ahmed Gaber; 田茂井 政宏; 武田 徹
    基生研研究会「ラン藻の分子生物学」 2001年
  • ラン藻 Synechococcus PCC 7942 由来グリセルアルデヒド-3-リン酸デヒドロゲナーゼのX線結晶構造解析  [通常講演]
    北谷 友也; 多田 俊治; 中村 祥浩; 和田 啓; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成; 西村 勁一郎
    日本農芸化学会関西支部例会 2001年
  • NADPH-dependent glutathione peroxidase-like proteins(GPX-1,GPX-2) reduce unsaturated fatty acid hydroperoxides in Synechocystis PCC 6803  [通常講演]
    Gaber, A; Tamoi, M; Takeda, T; Nakano, Y; Shigeoka, S
    12th International Congress of Photosynthesis 2001年
  • ラン藻 Synechococcus PCC 7942 に由来する酵素カタラーゼ-ペルオキシダーゼの結晶化  [通常講演]
    和田 啓; 多田俊治; 中村祥浩; 石井恵子; 田茂井政宏; 重岡成; 西村勁一郎
    日本農薬学会第26回大会 2001年
  • ラン藻 Synechococcus PCC7942 に由来する酵素カタラーゼ-ペルオキシダーゼの結晶化  [通常講演]
    重岡 成; 田茂井 政宏; 和田 啓; 中村 祥浩; 多田 俊治; 石井恵子; 西村 勁一郎
    日本農芸化学会関西支部第417回講演会 2000年
  • ラン藻カルビンサイクルの調節因子CP12の分子特性  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 宮崎 崇; 小林 大輔; 和田野 晃; 重岡 成
    ユーグレナ研究会 2000年
  • Gene cloning of cyanobacterium Synechococcos PCC7942 phosphorilokinase and its over expression in E. coli  [通常講演]
    Daisuke Kobayashi; Manabu Tsukamoto; Masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka; Toshio Iwaki; Akira Wadano
    Gene Manipulation for Plant Physiology and Agriculture beyond the Genome 2000年
  • Analysis of Regulation Mechanism of Alternative Splising Producing Chloroplastic Ascorbate Peroxidase Isoenzymes  [通常講演]
    Kazuya Yoshimura; Yukinori Yabuta; masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka
    Gene Manipulation for Plant Physiology and Agriculture beyond the Genome 2000年
  • Molecular Characterization and Physiological Function of Glutatione Peroxidase-like Proteins (gpx-1 and gpx-2 gene products) in Synechococcus PCC6803  [通常講演]
    Ahmed Gaber; Masahiro Tamoi; Toru Takeda; Yoshihisa Nakano; Shigeru Shigeoka
    Gene Manipulation for Plant Physiology and Agriculture beyond the Genome 2000年
  • Regulatory mechanisms of the Calvin Cycle in Cyanobacteria  [通常講演]
    Masahiro Tamoi; Daisuke Kobayashi; Akira Wadano; Shigeru Shigeoka
    Gene Manipulation for Plant Physiology and Agriculture beyond the Genome 2000年
  • Analysisi of physiolsgical function of glutathione peroxidase isozymes (gpx-I and gpx-II gene products) in Synechocystis PCC 6803 using gene-disrupted mutant  [通常講演]
    Ahmed Gaber; 中野 長久; 田茂井 政宏; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    農芸化学会関西支部大会 2000年
  • ラン藻CP12によるカルビンサイクルの調節  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 宮崎 崇; 小林 大輔; 和田野 晃; 重岡 成
    農芸化学会関西支部大会 2000年
  • Molecular characterization and physilogical role of ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione peroxidase-like protein in halotolerant Chlamydomonas sp. W80  [通常講演]
    Masahiro Tamoi; Toru Takeda; Shigeru Shigeoka
    Gordon Research Conference -Cellular Basis of Adaptation to Salt and Water Stress in Plant 2000年
  • The Expression Mechanism Of Chloroplastic Ascorbate Peroxidase In Higher Plants  [通常講演]
    Kazuya Yoshimura; Yukinori Yabuta; masahiro Tamoi; Shigeru Shigeoka; takahiro Ishikaw
    IPMB2000 2000年
  • 葉緑体型アスコルビン酸ペルオキシダーゼの光・酸化ストレスに対する耐性能の評価  [通常講演]
    吉村 和也; 薮田 行哲; 宮川 佳子; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成; 石川 孝博
    日本ビタミン学会 2000年
  • ラン藻由来過酸化水素非感受性Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenaseの結晶構造解析  [通常講演]
    和田 啓; 中村 祥浩; 多田 俊治; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成; 西村勁一郎
    日本農芸化学会 2000年
  • ラン藻Fructose-1,6-/sedo heptulose-1,7-bisphosphataseの結晶化とセレノメチオニン置換体の発現  [通常講演]
    中村 祥浩; 多田 俊治; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成; 西村 勁一郎
    日本農芸化学会 2000年
  • 高等植物の葉齢にともなう光・酸素毒耐性と抗酸化酵素(物質)との相関性について  [通常講演]
    宮川 佳子; 大江 美恵子; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会 2000年
  • チラコイド膜結合型アスコルビン酸ペルオキシダーゼ過剰発現タバコにおける酸素毒防御系の応答  [通常講演]
    吉村 和也; 大東 由佳子; 薮田 行哲; 宮川 佳子; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会 2000年
  • ラン藻Synechococcus PCC 7942を用いたホスホリブロキナーゼ過剰発現形質転換体の作成  [通常講演]
    小林 大輔; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成; 岩城 俊雄; 和田野 晃
    日本農芸化学会 2000年
  • Molecular characterization of glutathione peroxidase-loke protein in Synechocystis PCC 6803  [通常講演]
    Ahmed Gaber; Yoshihisa Nakano; Masahiro Tamoi; Toru Takeda; Shigeru Shigeoka
    日本農芸化学会 2000年
  • アクティベーションタギング法を用いた環境ストレス耐性関連遺伝子の探索  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 薮田 行哲; 鈴木 千秋; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会 2000年
  • ラン藻の光合成炭素還元系調節機構 -CP12の生理機能-  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 山下 麻衣子; 小林 大輔; 和田野 晃; 重岡 成
    日本植物生理学会 2000年
  • ラン藻fructose-1,6-/sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase導入形質転換植物の光合成炭素還元系への影響  [通常講演]
    宮川 佳子; 市原 健志; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本植物生理学会 2000年
  • 光合成効率の改良によるソース器官の炭素代謝制御-ラン藻FBP/SBPaseの緑体への導入  [通常講演]
    宮川 佳子; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本植物生理学会2000年度年会第40回シンポジウム 2000年
  • フェレドキシン/チオレドキシン系を介さないラン藻のカルビンサイクルの調節機構  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    基生研研究会「ラン藻の分子生物学」 1999年
  • ラン藻光合成炭素還元系の調節に関与するCP12の分子特性  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本分子生物学会 1999年
  • 葉緑体型アスコルビン酸ペルオキシダーゼアイソザイムを生成する選択的スプライシング機構に関与する調節因子の解析  [通常講演]
    吉村 和也; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本分子生物学会 1999年
  • ラン藻由来過酸化水素非感受性Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenaseの結晶学的研究  [通常講演]
    和田 啓; 多田 俊治; 西村 勁一郎; 木下 誉富; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本結晶学会 1999年
  • ラン藻由来fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase IおよびIIの結晶化  [通常講演]
    中村 祥浩; 多田 俊治; 西村 勁一郎; 木下 誉富; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本結晶学会 1999年
  • ラン藻の光合成炭素還元サイクルの調節機構  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    ユーグレナ研究会 1999年
  • タバコL-ガラクトノ-γ-ラクトン脱水素酵素の細胞内局在性と遺伝子解析  [通常講演]
    吉村 和也; 薮田 行哲; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本生化学会大会 1999年
  • ラン藻Synechococcus PCC7942カタラーゼペルオキシダーゼ欠損株の光酸化ストレスに対する応答  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会中部支部・関西支部合同大会 1999年
  • Molecular characterizations of the H2O2-resistant enzymes involved in the Calvin cycle of algae  [通常講演]
    Masahiro Tamoi; Yoshiko Miyagawa; Shigeru Shigeoka
    Gordon Research Conference -CO2 Fixation & Metabolism in Green Plant- 1999年
  • 藻類カルビンサイクルの調節機構  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    関西光合成研究会 1999年
  • 好塩性クラミドモナスのグリセルアルデヒド-3-リン酸デヒドロゲナ−ゼおよびセドヘプツロ−ス-1,7-ビスホスファタ−ゼの過酸化水素耐性の分子機構  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 武田 徹; 金星 春夫; 宮坂 均; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会 1999年
  • 選択的スプライシングによる葉緑体型アスコルビン酸ペルオキシダーゼの発現調節  [通常講演]
    吉村 和也; 薮田 行哲; 北村 彰教; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会 1999年
  • Synechococcus PCC 7942由来のリコンビナントfructose-1,6-/sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphataseの基質に対する反応性と結晶学的検討  [通常講演]
    中村 祥浩; 多田 俊治; 西村 勁一郎; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会 1999年
  • アスコルビン酸ペルオキシダーゼアイソザイムの環境ストレス応答機構の解明  [通常講演]
    薮田 行哲; 吉村 和也; 中内 義典; 田茂井 政宏; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会 1999年
  • Synechococcus PCC 7942のcpx-1遺伝子破壊株によるカタラーゼ-ペルオキシダーゼの生理機能の解明  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    日本植物生理学会 1999年
  • ラン藻fructose-1,6-/sedoheptulose-1,7- bisphosphatase導入形質転換植物によるソース/シンク器官における光合成能と炭素代謝の解析  [通常講演]
    宮川 佳子; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本植物生理学会 1999年
  • 選択的スプライシングによるホウレンソウ葉緑体型アスコルビン酸ペルオキシダーゼの発現調節機構  [通常講演]
    吉村 和也; 薮田 行哲; 田茂井 政宏; 重岡 成
    日本分子生物学会 1998年
  • 光合成に関与するfructose-1,6-/sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphataseの特性と結晶化  [通常講演]
    中村 祥浩; 多田 俊治; 西村 勁一郎; 宮原 郁子; 広津 健; 田茂井 政宏; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    日本結晶学会 1998年
  • アスコルビン酸ペルオキシダーゼアイソザイムの発現調節機構  [通常講演]
    吉村 和也; 薮田 行哲; 田茂井政宏; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    日本生化学会(第71回)シンポジウム 1998年
  • ラン藻の過酸化水素耐性チオール酵素の分子特性と光合成炭素還元系の光調節機構の欠損  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 宮川 佳子; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    日本生化学会(第71回)シンポジウム 1998年
  • ラン藻fructose-1,6-/sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphataseのリコンビナント酵素の分子特性と結晶化  [通常講演]
    中村 祥浩; 田茂井 政宏; 武田 徹; 重岡 成; 多田 俊治; 西村 勁一郎
    日本農芸化学会・関西支部大会 1998年
  • アスコルビン酸ペルオキシダーゼアイソザイムの発現調節  [通常講演]
    吉村 和也; 薮田 行哲; 新嵜 拓也; 田茂井 政宏; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    ビタミン学会 1998年
  • 3' 末端領域の選択的スプライシングによる葉緑体型アスコルビン酸ペルオキシダーゼの発現調節  [通常講演]
    吉村和也; 薮田行哲; 田茂井政宏; 石川孝博; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    植物生理学会 1998年
  • ラン藻のフルクトース-1,6-ビスホスファターゼアイソザイムの遺伝子破壊による欠損株を用いた生理機能の解明  [通常講演]
    田茂井政宏; 上木奈穂; 村上晃子; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    農芸化学会 1998年
  • 耐塩性ChlamydomonasにおけるH2O2消去酵素遺伝子の解析と機能  [通常講演]
    吉井真人; 田茂井政宏; 武田 徹; 金星春夫; 宮坂 均; 重岡 成
    農芸化学会 1998年
  • ホウレンソウにおけるアスコルビン酸ペルオキシダーゼアイソザイムのストレス応答  [通常講演]
    薮田行哲; 吉村和也; 新嵜拓也; 田茂井政宏; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    農芸化学会 1998年
  • 真核藻類の過酸化水素消去系の比較生化学  [通常講演]
    武田 徹; 吉村和也; 田茂井政宏; 石川孝博; 宮坂 均; 重岡 成
    ユーグレナ研究会 1998年
  • C末端領域の選択的スプライシングによる葉緑体型アスコルビン酸ペルオキシダーゼの発現調節  [通常講演]
    吉村和也; 薮田行哲; 田茂井政宏; 武田 徹; 石川孝博; 重岡 成
    農芸化学会関西・西日本合同大会 1998年
  • Alternative mRNA splicing of 3'-terminal exons generateschloroplastic ascorbate peroxidase isozymes from spinach  [通常講演]
    Kazuya Yoshimura; Yukinori Yabuta; Masahiro Tamoi; Takahiro Ishikawa; Toru Takeda; Shigeru Shigeoka
    International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology 1998年
  • Molecular charactrization of selenium- and salt stress-induced glutathione in chlamydomonas reinhardtii  [通常講演]
    Toru Takeda; Masahiro Tamoi; Hitoshi Miyasaka; Shigaru Shigeoka
    International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology 1998年
  • Resistance to environmental stress in transgenic tobacco overexpressing E. coli catalase in chloroplasts  [通常講演]
    Shigeru Shigeoka; Toru Takeda; Yoshiko Miyagawa; Masahiro Tamoi; Toshiharu Shikanai; Chikahiro Miyake; Satoshi Sano; Ken-ichi Tomizawa; Akiho Yokota
    International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology 1998年
  • Alternative mRNA splicing of 3'-terminal exons generates ascorbate peroxidase isozymes in spinach chloroplasts  [通常講演]
    Shigeru Shigeoka; Kazuya Yoshimura; Yukinori Yabuta; Masahiro Tamoi; Takahiro Ishikawa; Toru Takeda
    Plant Biology 1997年
  • Acquisition of a New Type of Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase with Resistance to Hydrogen Peroxidase in Cyanobacteria  [通常講演]
    Masahiro Tamoi; Akiko Murakami; Toru Takeda; Shigeru Shigeoka
    Plant Biology 1997年
  • C末端領域の選択的スプライシングにより生成する葉緑体型アスコルビン酸ペルオキシダーゼアイソザイム  [通常講演]
    吉村 和也; 薮田 行哲; 本田 貴弘; 田茂井 政宏; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    日本ビタミン学会 1997年
  • 藻類におけるフルクトース-1,6-ビスホスファターゼアイソザイムの分布  [通常講演]
    田茂井政宏; 村上晃子; 山本晶子; 石川加世子; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会 1997年
  • 耐塩性Chlamydomonasにおけるグルタチオンペルオキシダーゼ様遺伝子の解析とH2O2消去系  [通常講演]
    武田 徹; 木寺 久美子; 田茂井 政宏; 宮坂 均; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会 1997年
  • 大腸菌カタラーゼ遺伝子(KatE)を導入したトランスジェニックタバコの強光および乾燥ストレス耐性の獲得  [通常講演]
    重岡 成; 武田 徹; 義村由紀子; 田茂井政宏; 鹿内利治; 三宅親弘; 佐野 智; 富澤健一; 横田 明穂
    日本農芸化学会 1997年
  • Synechocystis PCC6803に存在する新規フルクトース-1,6-ビスホスファターゼの分子特性  [通常講演]
    村上 晃子; 田茂井 政宏; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    日本植物生理学会 1997年
  • ホウレンソウ葉のマイクロボディ型アスコルビン酸ペルオキシダーゼの分子的性質  [通常講演]
    吉村 和也; 薮田 行哲; 本田 貴弘; 田茂井 政宏; 石川 孝博; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    日本植物生理学会 1997年
  • ホウレンソウ葉の葉緑体型アスコルビン酸ペルオキシダーゼアイソザイムはC末端領域の選択的スプライシングを受ける  [通常講演]
    重岡 成; 吉村和也; 吉井真人; 三浦登貴子; 田茂井政宏; 石川孝博; 武田 徹
    日本植物生理学会 1997年
  • 大腸菌カタラーゼ遺伝子を導入した形質転換タバコの環境ストレス耐性  [通常講演]
    武田 徹; 義村由紀子; 田茂井政宏; 鹿内利治; 三宅親弘; 佐野 智; 宮澤健一; 横田明穂; 重岡 成
    日本植物生理学会 1997年
  • ラン藻の光合成に関与するチオール酵素の分子特性  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 村上 晃子; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    ユーグレナ研究会 1996年
  • ラン藻の新規酵素fructose-1,6-bisphosphataseはsedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphateを加水分解する  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 村上 晃子; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会・関西支部大会 1996年
  • ラン藻の光合成CO2固定回路制御機構のモデルシュミレーションによる検証  [通常講演]
    和田野 晃; 小林 大輔; 佐藤 良平; 田茂井 政宏; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    日本生化学会・日本分子生物学会 合同年会 1996年
  • Synechocystis PCC6803の光合成関連チオール酵素の過酸化水素耐性の分子機構  [通常講演]
    村上 晃子; 田茂井 政宏; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    日本生化学会・日本分子生物学会 合同年会 1996年
  • ホウレンソウ葉のアスコルビン酸ペルオキシダーゼアイソザイムcDNAの遺伝子解析  [通常講演]
    吉村 和也; 三浦 登貴子; 坂井 康祐; 田茂井 政宏; 石川 孝博; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    日本生化学会・日本分子生物学会 合同年会 1996年
  • Synechococcus PCC7942 のフルクトース-1,6-ビスホスファターゼアイソザイム遺伝子破壊による生理機能の解明  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    日本生化学会・日本分子生物学会 合同年会 1996年
  • ホウレンソウ葉のマイクロボディ型アスコルビン酸ペルオキシダーゼcDNAの解析と大腸菌での発現  [通常講演]
    石川 孝博; 吉村 和也; 田茂井 政宏; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会・関西・支部大会シンポジウム 1996年
  • ラン藻の光合成関連チオ−ル酵素の過酸化水素耐性機構  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    日本生化学会 1996年
  • ラン藻のフルクト−ス-1,6-ビスホスファタ−ゼの免疫学的および分子学的性質  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 宮田 房子; 村上 晃子; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    農芸化学会 1996年
  • Synechococcus PCC7942のフルクトース-1,6-ビスホスファターゼアイソザイムの分子的性質  [通常講演]
    武田 徹; 田茂井 政宏; 石川 孝博; 重岡 成
    日本植物生理学会 1996年
  • Synechococcus PCC7942のfructose-1,6-bisphosphataseアイソザイムのH2O2耐性  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 石川 孝博; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    日本農芸化学会・関西・中部支部合同大会 1995年
  • Molecular characterization of H2O2-resistance system of fructose-1,6- bisphosphatase and NADP-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in Synechococcus PCC7942  [通常講演]
    Toru Takeda; Masahiro Tamoi; Takahiro Ishikawa; Shigeru Shigeoka
    Photosynthesis Research 1995年
  • ラン藻Synechococcus PCC7942 のNADP依存グリセルアルデヒド-3-リン酸デヒドロゲナ−ゼのH2O2耐性の分子機構  [通常講演]
    重岡 成; 武田 徹; 石川 孝博; 田茂井 政宏; 平山 修
    日本農芸化学会 1995年
  • Synechococcus PCC7942におけるフルクトース-1,6-ビスホスファターゼのH2O2耐性の分子機構  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 木本 みゆき; 石川 孝博; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    日本植物生理学会 1995年
  • ラン藻Synechococcus PCC7942のNADP依存グリセルアルデヒド-3-リン酸デヒドロゲナ−ゼの酵素学的および分子学的性質  [通常講演]
    木本 みゆき; 山本 真江; 石川 孝博; 田茂井 政宏; 武田 徹; 平山 修; 重岡 成
    日本植物生理学会 1995年
  • Synechococcus PCC7942におけるフルクトース-1,6-ビスホスファターゼのH2O2耐性の分子機構  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 木本 みゆき; 石川 孝博; 武田 徹; 重岡 成
    ユーグレナ研究会 1994年
  • ラン藻Synechococcus PCC7942のフルクトース-1,6-ビスホスファターゼのH2O2耐性  [通常講演]
    田茂井 政宏; 木本 みゆき; 石川 孝博; 武田 徹; 重岡 成; 平山 修
    日本農芸化学会・関西支部大会 1994年


  • 生物学基礎近畿大学農学部
  • 植物分子生物学近畿大学農学部


  • 日本植物学会   日本ビタミン学会   日本光合成学会   日本分子生物学会   日本植物生理学会   日本生化学会   日本農芸化学会   


  • ユーグレナ研究会幹事・事務局


  • 形質転換ユーグレナによるバイオ燃料生産基盤技術の開発
    研究期間 : 2012年 -2017年 
    代表者 : 石川 孝博
  • 糖応答変異体を用いたC/Nバランス制御および葉緑体-核間シグナル伝達機構の解明
    研究期間 : 2011年 -2012年 
    代表者 : 田茂井 政宏
  • ラン藻由来遺伝子の導入による光合成効率の向上したイネ系統の開発
    研究期間 : 2008年 -2012年
  • カルビン回路の新規調節機構の解明と分子育種への応用
    研究期間 : 2009年 -2010年 
    代表者 : 田茂井 政宏
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2007年 -2009年 
    代表者 : 重岡 成; 田茂井 政宏
  • 多重遺伝子導入による光合成能および病害耐性能を強化した植物の作出と評価
    研究期間 : 2002年 -2004年 
    代表者 : 田茂井 政宏
  • Analysis of physiological functions of glycosyl hydrolase in algae
    研究期間 : 2001年
  • 藻類の過酸化水素耐性機構の解明と耐性酵素遺伝子導入による形質転換植物の創製
    研究期間 : 1998年 -1998年 
    代表者 : 田茂井 政宏
  • Analysis of chitinolytic enzymes using transgenic Plants
  • Regulatory mechanisms of the Calvin cycle in Algae
  • Creation of transgenic plant expressing cyanobacterial fructose-1, 6-/sedohepturose-1, 7-bisphosphatase in chloroplast

