石橋 明浩(イシバシ アキヒロ)

理工学部 理学科教授/主任

Last Updated :2024/09/14






  • 博士(理学)(東京工業大学)


  • 宇宙全体のダイナミクスやブラックホールと特異点など時空の大域構造に関する問題を,一般相対性理論を用いて解き明かす研究をしています。特に高い時空次元の可能性を取り入れた高次元宇宙モデルや高次元ブラックホールを研究しています。


  • 宇宙物理   数理物理   重力理論   素粒子   相対論   超弦理論   




  • 自然科学一般 / 素粒子、原子核、宇宙線、宇宙物理にする理論



  • 2011年 - 2013年  近畿大学理工学部准教授
  • 2007年 - 2011年  高エネルギー加速器研究機構・素粒子原子核研究所
  • 2005年 - 2007年  シカゴ大学エンリコ・フェルミ研究所
  • 2003年 - 2005年  日本学術振興会海外特別研究員(ケンブリッジ大学)
  • 2000年 - 2003年  日本学術振興会特別研究員PD(京都大学基礎物理学研究所)


  • 1995年 - 1998年   東京工業大学大学院理工学研究科博士課程   Graduate School of Science and Engineering
  • 1993年 - 1995年   東京工業大学大学院理工学研究科修士課程   Graduate School of Science and Engineering



  • 2014年 湯川記念財団・木村利栄理論物理学賞
    受賞者: 石橋明浩
  • 2007年 中村誠太郎賞
    受賞者: 石橋明浩
  • 2007年 日本物理学会論文賞
    受賞者: 石橋明浩


  • Akihiro Ishibashi; Kengo Maeda; Takashi Okamura
    Journal of High Energy Physics 2024 2 2024年02月 
    Abstract We show that 3-dimensional AdS spacetime can be semiclassically unstable due to strongly interacting quantum field effects. In our previous paper, we have pointed out the possibility of such an instability of AdS3 by inspecting linear perturbations of the (covering space of) static BTZ black hole with AdS4 gravity dual in the context of holographic semiclassical problems. In the present paper, we further study this issue from thermodynamic viewpoint by constructing asymptotically AdS3 semiclassical solutions and computing free energies of the solutions. We find two asymptotically AdS3 solutions to the semiclassical Einstein equations with non-vanishing source term: the one whose free energy is smaller than that of the BTZ with vanishing source term and the other whose free energy is smaller than that of the global AdS3 with no horizon (thus manifestly zero-temperature background). The instability found in this paper implies the breakdown of the maximal symmetries of AdS3, and its origin is different from the well-known semiclassical linear instability since our holographic semiclassical Einstein equations in 3-dimensions do not involve higher order derivative terms.
  • Norihiro Iizuka; Akihiro Ishibashi; Kengo Maeda
    Journal of high energy physics 2023 08 177-1 - 177-18 2023年08月 [査読有り]
  • Akihiro Ishibashi; Kengo Maeda; Takashi Okamura
    Journal of High Energy Physics 2023 5 2023年05月 
    Abstract In this paper, we consider how to formulate semiclassical problems in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence, based on the proposal of Compere and Marolf. Our prescription involves the effective action with self-action term for boundary dynamical fields, which can be viewed as imposing mixed boundary conditions for the gravity dual. We derive the semiclassical Einstein equations sourced by boundary CFT stress-energy tensor. Analyzing perturbations of the holographic semiclassical Einstein equations, we find a universal parameter γd which controls the contribution from boundary CFTs and specifies dynamics on the AdS boundary. As a simple example, we examine the semiclassical Einstein equations in 3-dimensions with 4-dimensional AdS gravity dual, and show that the boundary BTZ black hole with vanishing expectation value of the stress-energy tensor becomes unstable due to the backreaction from quantum stress-energy tensor when the parameter γd exceeds a certain critical value.
  • Norihiro Iizuka; Akihiro Ishibashi; Kengo Maeda
    Journal of high energy physics 2022 9 093-1 - 093-21 2022年09月 [査読有り]
  • Akihiro Ishibashi; Kengo Maeda
    Journal of High Energy Physics 2022 3 2022年03月 
    Abstract We examine the averaged null energy condition (ANEC) for strongly coupled fields, along the event horizon of an evaporating black hole by using the AdS/CFT duality. First, we consider a holographic model of a 3-dimensional evaporating black hole with a perturbed 4-dimensional black droplet geometry as the bulk dual, and investigate how negative energy flux going into the boundary black hole horizon appears. We show that the ingoing negative energy flux always appears at the boundary black hole horizon when the horizon area decreases. Second, we test the ANEC in a holographic model whose boundary geometry is a 4-dimensional asymptotically flat spacetime, describing the formation and subsequent evaporation of a spherically symmetric black hole. By applying the “bulk-no-shortcut principle”, we show that the ANEC is always satisfied when the local null energy is averaged with a weight function along the incomplete null geodesic on the event horizon from beginning of the formation to the final instant of the black hole evaporation. Our results indicate that the total ingoing negative energy flux is compensated by a large amount of positive energy flux in the early stage of the black hole formation.
  • Akihiro Ishibashi; Kengo Maeda
    Physical Review D 104 2 2021年07月
  • Norihiro Iizuka; Akihiro Ishibashi; Kengo Maeda
    Journal of High Energy Physics 2020 10 2020年10月 [査読有り]
    A<sc>bstract</sc> We consider averaged null energy conditions (ANEC) for strongly coupled quantum field theories in even (two and four) dimensional curved spacetimes by applying the no-bulk-shortcut principle in the context of the AdS/CFT duality. In the same context but in odd-dimensions, the present authors previously derived a conformally invariant averaged null energy condition (CANEC), which is a version of the ANEC with a certain weight function for conformal invariance. In even-dimensions, however, one has to deal with gravitational conformal anomalies, which make relevant formulas much more complicated than the odd-dimensional case. In two-dimensions, we derive the ANEC by applying the no-bulk-shortcut principle. In four-dimensions, we derive an inequality which essentially provides the lower-bound for the ANEC with a weight function. For this purpose, and also to get some geometric insights into gravitational conformal anomalies, we express the stress-energy formulas in terms of geometric quantities such as the expansions of boundary null geodesics and a quasi-local mass of the boundary geometry. We argue when the lowest bound is achieved and also discuss when the averaged value of the null energy can be negative, considering a simple example of a spatially compact universe with wormhole throat.
  • Norihiro Iizuka; Akihiro Ishibashi; Kengo Maeda
    Journal of High Energy Physics 2020 3 2020年03月 [査読有り]
  • Massive tensor field perturbations on extremal and near-extremal static black holes
    Vitor Cardoso; Takahisa Igata; Akihiro Ishibashi; Kodai Ueda
    Phys.Rev. D 100 4 044013  2019年 [査読有り]
  • News versus information
    Stefan Hollands; Akihiro Ishibashi
    Class.Quant.Grav. 36 19 195001  2019年 [査読有り]
  • Achronal averaged null energy condition, weak cosmic censorship, and AdS/CFT duality
    Akihiro Ishibashi; Kengo Maeda; Eric Mefford
    Phys.Rev. D 100 6 066008  2019年 [査読有り]
  • Violation of the quantum null-energy condition in a holographic wormhole and infrared effects
    Akihiro Ishibashi; Kengo Maeda; Eric Mefford
    Phys.Rev. D 99 2 026004  2019年 [査読有り]
  • Black hole binaries: ergoregions, photon surfaces, wave scattering, and quasinormal modes
    Thiago Assumpcao; Vitor Cardoso; Akihiro Ishibashi; Mauricio Richartz; Miguel Zilhao
    Phys.Rev. D 98 6 064036  2018年 [査読有り]
  • Massive vector field perturbations on extremal and near-extremal static black holes
    Kodai Ueda; Akihiro Ishibashi
    Phys.Rev. D 97 12 124050  2018年 [査読有り]
  • Cosmic Censorship at Large D: Stability analysis in polarized AdS black branes (holes)
    Norihiro Iizuka; Akihiro Ishibashi; Kengo Maeda
    JHEP 1803 177  2018年 [査読有り]
  • Stefan Hollands; Akihiro Ishibashi; Robert M. Wald
    CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 34 15 2017年08月 [査読有り]
    We consider the memory effect in even dimensional spacetimes of dimension d >= 4 arising from a burst of gravitational radiation. When d = 4, the natural frames in the stationary eras before and after the burst differ by the composition of a boost and supertranslation, and this supertranslation characterizes the 'memory effect', i.e. the permanent displacement of test particles near infinity produced by the radiation burst. However, we show that when d > 4, this supertranslation and the corresponding memory effect vanish. Consequently, when d > 4, it is natural to impose stronger asymptotic conditions at null infinity that reduce the asymptotic symmetry group to the Poincare group. Conversely, when d = 4, the asymptotic symmetry group at null infinity must be taken to be the BMS group.
  • Akihiro Ishibashi; Kengo Maeda; Eric Mefford
    PHYSICAL REVIEW D 96 2 2017年07月 [査読有り]
    We investigate a stress-energy tensor for a conformal field theory (CFT) at strong coupling inside a small five-dimensional rotating Myers-Perry black hole with equal angular momenta by using the holographic method. As a gravitational dual, we perturbatively construct a black droplet solution by applying the "derivative expansion" method, generalizing the work of Haddad [Classical Quantum Gravity 29, 245001 (2012)] and analytically compute the holographic stress-energy tensor for our solution. We find that the stress-energy tensor is finite at both the future and past outer (event) horizons and that the energy density is negative just outside the event horizons due to the Hawking effect. Furthermore, we apply the holographic method to the question of quantum instability of the Cauchy horizon since, by construction, our black droplet solution also admits a Cauchy horizon inside. We analytically show that the null-null component of the holographic stress-energy tensor negatively diverges at the Cauchy horizon, suggesting that a singularity appears there, in favor of strong cosmic censorship.
  • David Garfinkle; Stefan Hollands; Akihiro Ishibashi; Alexander Tolish; Robert M. Wald
    CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 34 14 2017年07月 [査読有り]
    We explicitly calculate the gravitational wave memory effect for classical point particle sources in linearized gravity off an even dimensional Minkowski background. We show that there is no memory effect in d > 4 dimensions, in agreement with the general analysis of Hollands et al (2016 arXiv: 1612.03290).
  • Akihiro Ishibashi; Kengo Maeda; Takashi Okamura
    PHYSICAL REVIEW D 94 4 2016年08月 [査読有り]
    We investigate a holographic model of superfluid flows with an external repulsive potential. When the strength of the potential is sufficiently weak, we analytically construct two steady superfluid flow solutions. As the strength of the potential is increased, the two solutions merge into a single critical solution at a critical strength, and then disappear above the critical value, as predicted by a saddle-node bifurcation theory. We also analyze the spectral function of fluctuations around the solutions under a certain decoupling approximation.
  • Stephen R. Green; Stefan Hollands; Akihiro Ishibashi; Robert M. Wald
    CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 33 12 2016年06月 [査読有り]
    We study the linear stability of asymptotically anti-de Sitter black holes in general relativity in spacetime dimension d >= 4. Our approach is an adaptation of the general framework of Hollands and Wald, which gives a stability criterion in terms of the sign of the canonical energy, epsilon The general framework was originally formulated for static or stationary and axisymmetric black holes in the asymptotically flat case, and the stability analysis for that case applies only to axisymmetric perturbations. However, in the asymptotically anti-de Sitter case, the stability analysis requires only that the black hole have a single Killing field normal to the horizon and there are no restrictions on the perturbations (apart from smoothness and appropriate behavior at infinity). For an asymptotically anti-de Sitter black hole, we define an ergoregion to be a region where the horizon Killing field is spacelike; such a region, if present, would normally occur near infinity. We show that for black holes with ergoregions, initial data can be constructed such that epsilon < 0, so all such black holes are unstable. To obtain such initial data, we first construct an approximate solution to the constraint equations using the WKB method, and then we use the Corvino-Schoen technique to obtain an exact solution. We also discuss the case of charged asymptotically anti-de Sitter black holes with generalized ergoregions.
  • Stefan Hollands; Akihiro Ishibashi
    COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 339 3 949 - 1002 2015年11月 [査読有り]
    Recently, Durkee and Reall have conjectured a criterion for linear instability of rotating, extremal, asymptotically Minkowskian black holes in dimensions, such as the Myers-Perry black holes. They considered a certain elliptic operator, , acting on symmetric trace-free tensors intrinsic to the horizon. Based in part on numerical evidence, they suggested that if the lowest eigenvalue of this operator is less than the critical value -1/4 ( called "effective BF-bound"), then the black hole is linearly unstable. In this paper, we prove an extended version of their conjecture. Our proof uses a combination of methods such as (1) the "canonical energy method" of Hollands-Wald, (2) algebraically special properties of the near horizon geometries associated with the black hole, (3) the Corvino-Schoen technique, and (4) semiclassical analysis. Our method of proof is also applicable to rotating, extremal asymptotically Anti-deSitter black holes. In that case, we find additional instabilities for ultra-spinning black holes. Although we explicitly discuss in this paper only extremal black holes, we argue that our results can be generalized to near extremal black holes.
  • Akihiro Ishibashi; Paolo Pani; Leonardo Gualtieri; Vitor Cardoso
    JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 9 2015年09月 [査読有り]
    We consider linear gravitational perturbations of the Kerr brane, an exact solution of vacuum Einstein's equations in dimensions higher than four and a low-energy solution of string theory. Decomposing the perturbations in tensor harmonics of the trans-verse Ricci-flat space, we show that tensor- and vector-type metric perturbations of the Kerr brane satisfy respectively a massive Klein-Gordon equation and a Proca equation on the four-dimensional Kerr space, where the mass term is proportional to the eigenvalue of the harmonics. Massive bosonic fields trigger a well-known superradiant instability on a Kerr black hole. We thus establish that Kerr branes in dimensions D a parts per thousand yen 6 are gravi-tationally unstable due to superradiance. These solutions are also unstable against the Gregory-Laflamme instability and we discuss the conditions for either instability to occur and their rather different nature. When the transverse dimensions are compactified and much smaller than the Kerr horizon, only the superradiant instability is present, with a time scale much longer than the dynamical time scale. Our formalism can be also used to discuss other types of higher-dimensional black objects, taking advantage of recent progress in studying linear perturbations of four-dimensional black holes.
  • Norihiro Iizuka; Akihiro Ishibashi; Kengo Maeda
    JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 1508 8 2015年08月 [査読有り]
    We perturbatively construct a three-dimensional rotating AdS black hole with a real scalar hair. We choose the mass of a scalar field slightly above the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound and impose a general boundary condition for the bulk scalar field at AdS infinity. We first show that rotating BTZ black holes are unstable against scalar field perturbations under our more general boundary condition. Next we construct a rotating hairy black hole perturbatively with respect to a small amplitude epsilon of the scalar field, up to O (epsilon(4)). Our hairy black hole is stationary and exhibits no dissipation, but the lumps of the non-linearly perturbed geometry break axial symmetry, thus providing the first example of a rotating black hole whose metric admits only one Killing vector field. Furthermore, we numerically show that the entropy of our hairy black hole is larger than that of the BTZ black hole with the same energy and the angular momentum. We briefly discuss if our rotating hairy black hole in lumpy geometry could be the endpoint of the instability.
  • Paolo Pani; Vitor Cardoso; Leonardo Gualtieri; Emanuele Berti; Akihiro Ishibashi
    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 86 10 2012年11月 [査読有り]
    We discuss a general method to study linear perturbations of slowly rotating black holes which is valid for any perturbation field, and particularly advantageous when the field equations are not separable. As an illustration of the method we investigate massive vector (Proca) perturbations in the Kerr metric, which do not appear to be separable in the standard Teukolsky formalism. Working in a perturbative scheme, we discuss two important effects induced by rotation: a Zeeman-like shift of nonaxisymmetric quasinormal modes and bound states with different azimuthal number m, and the coupling between axial and polar modes with different multipolar index. We explicitly compute the perturbation equations up to second order in rotation, but in principle the method can be extended to any order. Working at first order in rotation we show that polar and axial Proca modes can be computed by solving two decoupled sets of equations, and we derive a single master equation describing axial perturbations of spin s=0 and s=±1. By extending the calculation to second order we can study the superradiant regime of Proca perturbations in a self-consistent way. For the first time we show that Proca fields around Kerr black holes exhibit a superradiant instability, which is significantly stronger than for massive scalar fields. Because of this instability, astrophysical observations of spinning black holes provide the tightest upper limit on the mass of the photon: m γ4×10 -20eV under our most conservative assumptions. Spin measurements for the largest black holes could reduce this bound to m γ10 -22eV or lower. © 2012 American Physical Society.
  • Stefan Hollands; Jan Holland; Akihiro Ishibashi
    ANNALES HENRI POINCARE 12 2 279 - 301 2011年03月 [査読有り]
    We place further restriction on the possible topology of stationary asymptotically flat vacuum black holes in five spacetime dimensions. We prove that the horizon manifold can be either a connected sum of Lens spaces and "handles" S (1) x S (2), or the quotient of S (3) by certain finite groups of isometries (with no "handles"). The resulting horizon topologies include Prism manifolds and quotients of the Poincare homology sphere. We also show that the topology of the domain of outer communication is a cartesian product of the time direction with a finite connected sum of S (1) x S (2), and CP (2)'s, minus the black hole itself. We do not assume the existence of any Killing vector beside the asymptotically time like one required by definition for stationarity.
  • Stefan Hollands; Akihiro Ishibashi
    ANNALES HENRI POINCARE 10 8 1537 - 1557 2010年05月 [査読有り]
    We explicitly construct all stationary, non-static, extremal near horizon geometries in D dimensions that satisfy the vacuum Einstein equations, and that have D-3 commuting rotational symmetries. Our work generalizes [arXiv:0806.2051] by Kunduri and Lucietti, where such a classification had been given in D = 4,5. But our method is different from theirs and relies on a matrix formulation of the Einstein equations. Unlike their method, this matrix formulation works for any dimension. The metrics that we find come in three families, with horizon topology S (2) x T (D-4), or S (3) x T (D-5), or quotients thereof. Our metrics depend on two discrete parameters specifying the topology type, as well as (D - 2)(D - 3)/2 continuous parameters. Not all of our metrics in D a parts per thousand yen 6 seem to arise as the near-horizon limits of known black hole solutions.
  • Shinya Tomizawa; Yukinori Yasui; Akihiro Ishibashi
    Physical Review D 81 8 2010年04月
  • Stefan Hollands; Akihiro Ishibashi
    COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 291 2 443 - 471 2009年10月 [査読有り]
    All known stationary black hole solutions in higher dimensions possess additional rotational symmetries in addition to the stationary Killing field. Also, for all known stationary solutions, the event horizon is a Killing horizon, and the surface gravity is constant. In the case of non-degenerate horizons (non-extremal black holes), a general theorem was previously established [24] proving that these statements are in fact generally true under the assumption that the spacetime is analytic, and that the metric satisfies Einstein's equation. Here, we extend the analysis to the case of degenerate (extremal) black holes. It is shown that the theorem still holds true if the vector of angular velocities of the horizon satisfies a certain "diophantine condition," which holds except for a set of measure zero.
  • Akihiro Ishibashi; Simone Speziale
    CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 26 17 2009年09月 [査読有り]
    We discuss spherically symmetric black holes in the modified self-dual theory of gravity recently studied by Krasnov, obtained by adding a Weyl curvature-dependent 'cosmological term' to the Plebanski lagrangian for general relativity. This type of modified gravity admits two different types of singularities: one is a true singularity for the theory where the fundamental fields of the theory, as well as the (auxiliary) spacetime metric, become singular, and the other one is a milder 'non-metric singularity' where the metric description of the spacetime breaks down but the fundamental fields themselves are regular. We first generalize this modified self-dual gravity to include Maxwell's field and then study the basic features of spherically symmetric, charged black holes, with particular focus on whether these two types of singularities are hidden or naked. We restrict our attention to minimal forms of the modification, and find that the theory exhibits 'screening' effects of the electric charge (or 'anti-screening', depending upon the sign of the modification term), in the sense that it leads to the possibility of charging the black hole more (or less) than it would be possible in general relativity without exposing a naked singularity. We also find that for any (even arbitrarily large) value of charge, true singularities of the theory appear to be either achronal (non-timelike) covered by the hypersurface of a harmless non-metric singularity or simply hidden inside at least one Killing horizon.
  • Shinya Tomizawa; Yukinori Yasui; Akihiro Ishibashi
    Physical Review D 79 12 2009年06月
  • Akihiro Ishibashi
    CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 25 16 2008年08月 [査読有り]
    A higher (even spacetime) dimensional generalization of the Bondi energy has recently been proposed (Hollands and Ishibashi 2005 J. Math. Phys. 46 022503) within the framework of conformal infinity and Hamiltonian formalism. The gauge condition employed in Hollands and Ishibashi to derive the Bondi-energy expression is, however, peculiar in the sense that cross sections of null infinity specified by that gauge are anisotropic and in fact non-compact. For this reason, that gauge is difficult to use for explicit computation of the Bondi energy in general, asymptotically flat radiative spacetimes. Also it is not clear, under that gauge condition, whether an apparent difference between the expressions of higher dimensional Bondi energy and the four-dimensional one is due to the choice of gauges or a qualitatively different nature of higher dimensional gravity from four-dimensional gravity. In this paper, we consider instead, the Gaussian null conformal gauge as one of the more natural gauge conditions that admit a global specification of background structure with compact, spherical cross sections of null infinity. Accordingly, we modify the previous definition of higher dimensional news tensor so that it becomes well defined in the Gaussian null conformal gauge and derive, for vacuum solutions, an expression for the Bondi energy-momentum in the new gauge choice, which takes a universal form in arbitrary (even spacetime) dimensions greater than or equal to 4.
  • Akihiro Ishibashi
    We discuss symmetry properties of black holes in general relativity-known as black hole rigidity of which basic assertion is that the event horizon of an asymptotically flat, stationary black hole with certain matter fields must be a Killing horizon and is rephrased (combined together with staticity results) that such a black hole must be either static, or axisymmetric. A precise formulation of the rigidity theorem for black holes with non-degenerate event horizon in arbitrary spacetime dimensions has been recently made by Hollands, Wald and the present author. [Hollands, S., Ishibashi, A. and Wald, R. M., Commun. Math. Phys. 271 (2007), 699.] In our formulation, no assumptions concerning the topology of cross-sections of event horizon (other than the compactness) are made. Therefore, different from Hawking's original proof given in 4-dimensions, our proof applies also to non-spherical black holes, which are known to occur in higher dimensions but not in 4-dimensions.
  • Stefan Hollands; Akihiro Ishibashi; Robert M. Wald
    COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 271 3 699 - 722 2007年05月 [査読有り]
    A key result in the proof of black hole uniqueness in 4-dimensions is that a stationary black hole that is "rotating" - i.e., is such that the stationary Killing field is not everywhere normal to the horizon - must be axisymmetric. The proof of this result in 4-dimensions relies on the fact that the orbits of the stationary Killing field on the horizon have the property that they must return to the same null geodesic generator of the horizon after a certain period, P. This latter property follows, in turn, from the fact that the cross-sections of the horizon are two-dimensional spheres. However, in space-times of dimension greater than 4, it is no longer true that the orbits of the stationary Killing field on the horizon must return to the same null geodesic generator. In this paper, we prove that, nevertheless, a higher dimensional stationary black hole that is rotating must be axisymmetric. No assumptions are made concerning the topology of the horizon cross-sections other than that they are compact. However, we assume that the horizon is non-degenerate and, as in the 4-dimensional proof, that the spacetime is analytic.
  • Kouji Nakamura; Akihiro Ishibashi; Hideki Ishihara
    Phys.Rev.D62:101502,2000 2000年01月 
    We study the perturbative dynamics of an infinite gravitating Nambu-Goto
    string within the general-relativistic perturbation framework. We develop the
    gauge invariant metric perturbation on a spacetime containing a
    self-gravitating straight string with a finite thickness and solve the
    linearized Einstein equation. In the thin string case, we show that the string
    does not emit gravitational waves by its free oscillation in the first order
    with respect to its oscillation amplitude, nevertheless the string actually
    bends when the incidental gravitational waves go through it.
  • Akihiro Ishibashi; Hideki Ishihara
    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 60 12 1999年 
    The equation of motion for a domain wall coupled to the gravitational field is derived from the Nambu-Goto action. The domain wall is treated as a source of the gravitational field and the gravitational back reaction on the wall motion is taken into account. The perturbed equation is also obtained, and is expressed in terms of the gauge-invariant variables in a general spherically symmetric background case. © 1999 The American Physical Society.
  • Akihiro Ishibashi; Hideki Ishihara
    Phys.Rev.D56:3446-3458,1997 56 6 3446 - 3458 1997年04月 
    We study a coupled system of gravitational waves and a domain wall which is
    the boundary of a vacuum bubble in de Sitter spacetime. To treat the system, we
    use the metric junction formalism of Israel. We show that the dynamical degree
    of the bubble wall is lost and the bubble wall can oscillate only while the
    gravitational waves go across it. It means that the gravitational backreaction
    on the motion of the bubble wall can not be ignored.



  • ブラックホールの数理:その大域構造と安定性  [招待講演]
    日本物理学会74 回年次大会・シンポジウム招待講演・九州大学 2019年03月
  • Asymptotic symmetry and Memory effects  [招待講演]
    Infrared physics of gauge theories and quantum dy- namics of in ation 2018年01月
  • 高次元重力  [招待講演]
    第28回理論懇談会シンポジウム 2016年12月
  • Memory and Symmetry  [招待講演]
    General Relativity in higher dimensions 2016年11月
  • A rotating hairy AdS(3) black hole with only one Killing vector field  [招待講演]
    One Hundred Years of STRONG GRAVITY 2015年06月 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • Turbulence in AdS  [招待講演]
    Chaos in AdS 2014年09月 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • Symmetry and Momentum of Bianchi Black Holes  [招待講演]
    New frontiers in dynamical gravity 2014年03月 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • General Relativity in AdS  [招待講演]
    String Theory, Black Holes in Holography 2013年07月 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • AdS Singularities  [招待講演]
    2nd Mediterranean Conference on Classical and Qauntum Gravity 2013年06月 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • Singularities in Anti-de Sitter spaces  [招待講演]
    Strong Gravity beyond GR 2013年03月 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • Horizons in de Sitter and Singularities in Anti-de Sitter spaces  [招待講演]
    String theory and cosmology 2012年06月 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • Black Holes in Higher Dimensions  [招待講演]
    Asia Pacific School and Workshop on Cosmology and Gravitation 2012年03月 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等
  • Black Holes in de Sitter space  [招待講演]
    Black Holes: New Horizons 2011年11月 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • Perturbation theory of black holes  [招待講演]
    NR-HEP workshop 2011年09月 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • BMS Supertranslations and Gravitational Memory”(  [招待講演]
    Holography, Quantum Entanglement and Higher Spin Gravity


  • 日本物理学会   


  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2021年09月 -2026年03月 
    代表者 : 石橋 明浩; 村田 佳樹; 前田 健吾
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2021年09月 -2026年03月 
    代表者 : 高柳 匡; 白水 徹也; 石橋 明浩; 中田 芳史; 奥西 巧一; 遊佐 剛; 小林 努; 手塚 真樹; 飯塚 則裕; 堀田 知佐; 森前 智行; 堀田 昌寛; 中島 秀太; 泉 圭介; 西岡 辰磨; 上田 宏
    量子情報をキーワードとして「極限宇宙の3問題」の解明を目的とする本領域が2021年9月に発足して以来、本総括班は、この研究プロジェクトを発展させるために、「領域運営」「分野融合」「若手育成」「国際活動」「広報」の各活動を開始し、以下に挙げるような実績を挙げてきた。まず、領域の運営方針を打ち合わせる「総括班会議」を総括班メンバー15名がオンライン会議を行う形式で9月以降毎月開催してきた。領域内の異分野融合を促進する目的で、複数の計画研究が主催し、その研究成果を報告・討論する「循環ミーティング」をオンライン会議の形で毎月開催し、毎回50名以上の出席者を得ている。特に、11月には、これを拡大して、本領域のキックオフミーティングとして、9つの計画研究が全て講演する形で2日間行った。また、国際的な視点から異分野融合の話題に触れる機会を領域メンバーやより広く領域外の研究者が得られるように、「領域オンラインコロキウム」を立ち上げ、毎月、国内外より著名な研究者をコロキウム講演に招へいしてきた。講演後もオンラインお茶会を開催し、講演者と若手研究者が交流し合う機会を提供した。さらに、米国のIt from Qubitサイモンズ共同研究と共催する形で、「領域国際会議」を12月に3日間オンラインで開催し、国際交流を促進した。また、2022年の3月には、領域メンバー全員が参加し、今年度の成果報告と来年度以降の研究計画の討論を行う「領域会議」を2日間、京都大学基礎物理学研究所にて対面とオンラインを併用して開催した。その直前には、若手育成を目的に「領域スクール」を開催し、量子情報、場の量子論、一般相対論の実践的な知識を異分野の若手が習得する良い機会となり、300名超の参加者を得た。また本総括班は、広報活動として、領域ホームページの作成・発信、領域ツイッターの作成・発信、ニュースレター発行を行った。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    研究期間 : 2020年04月 -2024年03月 
    代表者 : 石橋 明浩
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    研究期間 : 2020年04月 -2023年03月 
    代表者 : 前田 健吾; 石橋 明浩; 飯塚 則裕
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2017年04月 -2022年03月 
    代表者 : 前田 健吾; 石橋 明浩; 飯塚 則裕
  • 高次元ブラックホールの安定性: 基盤研究(C)
    研究期間 : 2015年04月 -2020年03月 
    代表者 : 石橋明浩
  • 非線形物理現象へのAdS/CFT双対性の応用: 基盤研究(C)
    研究期間 : 2014年04月 -2017年03月 
    代表者 : 前田健吾
  • 超弦理論における高次元ブラックホールの時空構造: 基盤研究(C)
    研究期間 : 2010年04月 -2015年03月 
    代表者 : 石橋明浩
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2010年04月 -2014年03月 
    代表者 : 小玉 英雄; 太田 信義; 高橋 史宜; 中山 和則; 太田 信義; 柴田 大; 溝口 俊弥; 小林 達夫; 早田 次郎; 郡 和範; 石橋 明浩; 井岡 邦仁; 高橋 史宜; 吉野 裕高; 野澤 真人; 永田 竜; 川中 宣太; 富沢 真也
