CHUDA Hisashi

Aquaculture Research Institute, Kindai UniversityAssociate Professor/Deputy Director

Last Updated :2024/08/31

■Researcher basic information

Research Keyword

  • 水産増殖学   種苗生産   

Research Field

  • Life sciences / Aquaculture

■Research activity information


  • 2006/03 日本水産増殖学会奨励賞
    受賞者: 中田 久


  • Ryuichiro Aoki; Shukei Masuma; Youhei Washio; Hisashi Chuda; Keitaro Kato
    Fisheries Science Springer Science and Business Media LLC 0919-9268 2024/04 [Refereed]
  • Induction of precocious sex reversal in aquaculture: effects of methyltestosterone treatment on gonadal sex of yearling longtooth grouper (Epinephelus bruneus)
    Yasuhisa Kobayashi; Otoya Keyamura; Mark P. Lokman; Hisashi Chuda
    Int.J.Aquat.Biol. 11(6) 571 - 576 2023/12 [Refereed]
  • Wengang Xu; Hisashi Chuda; Kiyoshi Soyano; Jun Zeng; Weiping Mei; Huafeng Zou
    Cells MDPI AG 12 (22) 2634 - 2634 2023/11 [Refereed]
    (1) Fshβ and Lhβ showed stronger signals and higher transcript levels from 590 to 1050 dph than at earlier stages, implying their active involvement during primary oocyte development. (2) Fshβ and Lhβ at lower levels were detected during the phases of ovarian differentiation and oogonial proliferation. (3) E2 concentrations increased significantly at 174, 333, and 1435 dph, while T concentrations exhibited significant increases at 174 and 333 dph. These findings suggest potential correlations between serum E2 concentrations and the phases of oogonial proliferation and pre-vitellogenesis.
    NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI Japanese Society of Fisheries Science 88 (6) 485 - 493 0021-5392 2022/11 [Refereed]
    Sex reversal from female to male in the six-year-old longtooth grouper, Epinephelus bruneus (mean BW, 3.1 kg) was induced by the implantation of 17alpha-methyltestosterone (MT) cholesterol pellet. We compared the efficacy of the cholesterol pellets at MT doses of 1 mg/kg BW (group A) and 2 mg/kg BW (group B) implanted in February, as well as 2 mg/kg BW implanted in April (group C). At 4 months after the treatment, 67% of the fish in groups A and B had been transformed into male. On the other hand, all fish in group C had transformed into males at 2 months after the treatment, and all group C fish remained to be male even at 14 months after the implantation. These results indicate that the implantation of MT cholesterol pellet at a MT dose of 2 mg/kg BW in April is an effective and long-lasting treatment for induction of sex reversal in the longtooth grouper.
  • Sota Yoshikawa; Hisashi Chuda; Masaomi Hamasaki; Kazushi Kadomura; Toshiyuki Yamada; Kiyoshi Kikuchi; Sho Hosoya
    Fisheries Science Springer Japan 87 (3) 431  1444-2906 2021/05 
    A correction to this paper has been published:
  • Effect of synthetic androgen treatment on the gonad of juvenile longtooth grouper (Epinephelus bruneus)
    Yasuhisa Kobayashi; Takamasa Morishita; Hisashi Chuda
    Int. Aquat. Res. 13 163 - 171 2021 [Refereed]
  • Sota Yoshikawa; Masaomi Hamasaki; Kazushi Kadomura; Toshiyuki Yamada; Hisashi Chuda; Kiyoshi Kikuchi; Sho Hosoya
    Marine Biotechnology 23 (2) 177 - 188 2021 [Refereed]
    The novel non-targeted PCR-based genotyping system, namely Genotyping by Random Amplicon Sequencing, Direct (GRAS-Di), is characterized by the simplicity in library construction and robustness against DNA degradation and is expected to facilitate advancements in genetics, in both basic and applied sciences. In this study, we tested the utility of GRAS-Di for genetic analysis in a cultured population of the tiger pufferfish Takifugu rubripes. The genetic analyses included family structure analysis, genetic map construction, and quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis for the male precocious phenotype using a population consisting of four full-sib families derived from a genetically precocious line. An average of 4.7 million raw reads were obtained from 198 fish. Trimmed reads were mapped onto a Fugu reference genome for genotyping, and 21,938 putative single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were obtained. These 22 K SNPs accurately resolved the sibship and parent-offspring pairs. A fine-scale linkage map (total size: 1,949 cM; average interval: 1.75 cM) was constructed from 1,423 effective SNPs, for which the allele inheritance patterns were known. QTL analysis detected a significant locus for testes weight on Chr_14 and three suggestive loci on Chr_1, Chr_8, and Chr_19. The significant QTL was shared by body length and body weight. The effect of each QTL was small (phenotypic variation explained, PVE: 3.1-5.9%), suggesting that the precociousness seen in the cultured pufferfish is polygenic. Taken together, these results indicate that GRAS-Di is a practical genotyping tool for aquaculture species and applicable for molecular breeding programs, such as marker-assisted selection and genomic selection.
  • Sota Yoshikawa; Hisashi Chuda·; Masaomi Hamasaki·; Kazushi Kadomura·; Toshiyuki Yamada·Kiyoshi Kikuchi·; Sho Hosoya
    Fisheries Science SPRINGER JAPAN KK 86 (2) 339 - 351 0919-9268 2020 [Refereed]
    Testes of the tiger pufferfish Takifugu rubripes are a delicacy in Japan, and selective breeding for a male precocious phenotype, i.e., with early initiation of testes development, is desirable. However, it is unknown if precocious gonad development in this species is under genetic control. Here, we investigated genetic involvement in precociousness by using progeny tests with sires from two cultured populations, including a family line anecdotally known for its precociousness, and a wild population. Progeny derived from the "precocious" line consistently had greater testes weight than that from the other lines, even after accounting for effects of body weight, which indicates that precociousness is truly heritable. We also compared chronological changes in plasma steroid hormones between progenies sired by males from the precocious line and a wild population, and found that the precocious family line had higher levels of plasma estradiol-17 beta (E2) prior to the initiation of testicular development. Our findings suggest that selective breeding for testes precociousness in the tiger pufferfish is feasible, and that plasma E2 may be an indicator of this phenotype, which would allow for phenotype evaluation without the need to sacrifice specimens.
  • Ryuichiro Aoki; Hisashi Chuda·; Youhei Washio·; Shukei Masuma·; Keitaro Kato
    Fisheries Science 86 (1) 57 - 64 0919-9268 2020 [Refereed]
    © 2019, Japanese Society of Fisheries Science. The aquaculture of greater amberjack Seriola dumerili is of considerable research interest worldwide. The larviculture methods employed to culture this species, however, are still under development, and the majority of farms still rely on wild-caught juveniles. One of the problems associated with the hatchery production of this species is the optimal selection of broodstock to ensure a stable supply of high-quality eggs. Specifically, no reliable low-stress sex-discrimination technique is currently available for selecting broodstock of this species. This study investigated the efficacy of a hormone-based sex-discrimination method in full-cycle cultured S. dumerili, ranging in age from 412 to 1150 days after hatching (DAH). Plasma concentrations of the female hormone 17β-estradiol (E2) and the male hormone 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) were measured in both spawning and non-spawning seasons, and the optimal threshold levels for sex discrimination were estimated using a receiver operating characteristic curve. Sex discrimination using E2 produced several false positives in younger fish, and had an overall accuracy of 78.7%. However, sex discrimination using 11-KT had an accuracy of 96.7%, even in 412 DAH fish. This study demonstrated that sex discrimination using 11-KT is a reliable method for optimizing the sex ratio of S. dumerili broodstock, even before the broodstock mature.
  • Erika Fueda; Satoshi Segawa; Naotaka Nakamura; Shinichi Yamada; Hisashi Chuda; Keitaro Kato; Hiromi Ohta
    Aquaculture 509 129 - 133 2019 [Refereed]
  • Pituitary structures and immunohistochemical identification of FSHβ and LHβ expressing cells in four species of the adult groupers
    Wen-gang Xu; Takafumi Amagai; Yuka Morita; Hisashi Chuda; Kiyoshi Soyano
    Aquaculture Science 67 (3) 249 - 256 2019 [Refereed]
  • Hisashi Chuda; Kazuki Ieda; Sho Shirakashi; Shukei Masuma
    Aquaculture Elsevier B.V. 491 346 - 350 0044-8486 2018/04 [Refereed]
    Interspecific hybrids of marine fish are becoming popular for aquaculture. The advantageous characteristics of hybrid fish include high growth rates, enhanced feed conversion rates, better appearance, high tolerance to environmental stress, and increased resistance to certain diseases. A new hybrid grouper Kue-Tama, female Epinephelus bruneus × male E. lanceolatus has recently been established. This hybrid showed significantly higher growth than that by E. bruneus and is considered a promising new species for aquaculture, especially in temperate areas where the slow growth of E. bruneus has prevented stable farming practices. The present study compared the resistance of Kue-Tama, its maternal parent E. bruneus and E. septemfasciatus, another popular grouper for farming, against the skin fluke, Benedenia epinepheli, which is a problematic parasite in grouper farming. The result of the cohabitation experimental infection showed that E. septemfasciatus was the most resistant to the skin fluke, followed by Kue-Tama and then E. bruneus. There appeared to be a negative relationship between the amount of mucus produced and the parasite intensity suggesting a resistance to skin flukes though the dry-weight of mucus collected from a given skin surface area did not differ between the three groupers. These results demonstrated that Kue-Tama has another favorable characteristic for aquaculture, in addition to their higher growth rate.
  • Hisashi Chuda; Ni Lar Shein; Kaori Mizuno; Kadoo Miyaki; Kiyoshi Soyano
    Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi (Japanese Edition) Nihon Suisan Gakkai 84 (3) 384 - 392 1349-998X 2018 [Refereed]
    This study examined the relationship between post-ovulation time and fertilization rate of artificially inseminated eggs of sevenband grouper Epinephelus septemfasciatus. Ovulation was induced by cholesterol pellet implantation of LHRHa (50 mg/kg) and occurred between 36 and 54 hours. The fertilization rates of the eggs collected from eleven fish decreased with time after ovulation from 88.2% (0 h) to 28.9% (12 h). The hatching rates of the eggs collected from the eleven fish also decreased, and they were 68.2% (peak), 33.3% and finally 0.9% at 0, 6 and 12 hours after ovulation, respectively. These results suggest that artiicial fertilization of sevenband grouper must be carried out immediately after ovulation in order to obtain eggs of good quality.
  • Kiyoshi Soyano; Kazuhisa Teruya; Hisashi Chuda; Yasuhisa Kobayashi; Daisuke Izumida; Yuum Kawabata; Yoshitaka Sakakura; Susumu Uji; Koh-ichiro Mori; Jun Satoh; Tohru Mekata; Yasushi Tsuchihashi; Tomohide Nambu; Takayuki Takebe
    NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI JAPANESE SOC FISHERIES SCIENCE 80 (6) 989 - 1001 0021-5392 2014/11 [Refereed]
    NSUGAF The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science 80 (6) 989 - 989 0021-5392 2014
  • Yoshitaka Sakakura; Shigeaki Shiotani; Hisashi Chuda; Atsushi Hagiwara
    AQUACULTURE ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 268 (1-4) 209 - 215 0044-8486 2007/08 [Refereed]
    This paper reviews recent findings on establishing flow field control for larval rearing by hydrodynamics approach from case studies of the seven-band grouper (Epinephelus septemfaseiatus). We chose this species because grouper larvae are known to be highly sensitive to physical stress, although it is expected for the new target species of aquaculture and stock enhancement in Japan. We quantified and visualized the flow field by aeration in the rearing tank with hydrodynamics approach. A series of systematic experiments was conducted to evaluate the optimal flow for the survival of larvae in the 1m(3) rearing tanks. Aeration at 200 mL/ min produced the highest survival and growth for grouper larvae and the flow field was identified and then a computing method for estimating the flow field was established. We expanded this approach to the mass-culture scale (100 m(3)) and controlled the flow field similar to the optimal flow field in the 1m3 rearing tank. It was quite successful resulting in 3 times higher survival than the former rearing methods. The results from these studies may be very useful for estimating the stationary flow in a rearing tank and for designing suitable tanks for rearing larvae. We also discussed the possibility of larviculture without aeration. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Yoshitaka Sakakura; Shigeaki Shiotani; Hisashi Chuda; Atsushi Hagiwara
    FISHERIES SCIENCE BLACKWELL PUBLISHING 72 (5) 939 - 947 0919-9268 2006/10 [Refereed]
    The water flow in larval rearing tanks has been indicated to cause mass mortality of the seven-band grouper Epinephelus septemfasciatus larvae. Therefore, a new aerating method was tested in an actual scale intensive rearing tank (8.0 m in diameter, 1.87 m of water depth, 100 m(3) of volume), in which an aerator was positioned at the center of the rearing tank surrounding cylindrical drain (1.2 m in diameter) to generate the flow field, and seven larval rearing trials were performed. The survival rate with the former aeration methods were compared, in which several aerators were located in the rearing tank. The survival rate at 10 days after hatching with the new aeration method (61.5 +/- 5.1%, n = 7) was approximately three times higher than the former methods (21.2 +/- 13.7%, n = 6). The flow environment of rearing tanks was also examined by quantifying the flow field, and the relationship between the flow field in the rearing tank, behavior of larvae and survival discussed. It was confirmed that the vertical circulating flow was observed in rearing tanks, and determined effectively the survival and the behavior of grouper larvae in patchiness.
  • Y Tanaka; Y Sakakura; H Chuda; A Hagiwara; S Yasumoto
    NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI JAPANESE SOC FISHERIES SCIENCE 71 (6) 911 - 916 0021-5392 2005/11 [Refereed]
    We investigated feeding selectivity on different sizes of rotifers (lorica length 90-241 mu m) of seven-band grouper Epinephelus septemfasciatus larvae. Larvae ranging from 2.0 mm in standard length (SL, first feeding) to 3.0 mm SL positively selected 101-160 mu m rotifers, while larvae ranging from 3.0-4.0 mm SL selected 121-180 mu m rotifers. Fish bigger than 4.0 mm SL showed a preference for over 160 mu m rotifers. In seedling production of this species, small-sized rotifers ( < 160 mu m) are necessary during the first feeding (< 3.0 mm SL), and largesized rotifers (>= 160 mu m) are appropriate for larvae bigger than 3.0 mm SL.
  • H Chuda; T Nakao; T Arakawa; M Matsuyama
    NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI JAPANESE SOC FISHERIES SCIENCE 71 (6) 942 - 946 0021-5392 2005/11 [Refereed]
    Effects of initial oocyte diameter on ovulation time, quantity and quality of eggs in yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata, in inducing ovulation with HCG were examined. After measuring the oocyte diameter through ovarian biopsy, all fish (n = 33) were divided into three groups according to their oocyte size: 650-700, 700-750, and 750-800 mu m, and injected with HCG (500 IU/kg BW). Ovulation was induced in All the fish of the three groups, and the relationship between elapsed time until ovulation (T, hr) and oocyte diameter (D,,um) was represented as follows: T = - 0.082D + 105.99 (R-2 = 0.51). 530 thousand eggs per fish could be obtained from fish with oocyte diameter over 700,um, while only half the number of eggs could be collected from fish with oocyte diameter of 650-700 mu m. High fertilization rates of over 90% could be obtained from all three groups regardless of the initial oocyte diameter when the artificial insemination had been performed just after ovulation. However, the hatching rates rose with the increase of initial oocyte diameter. Thus, measuring the initial oocyte diameter before the HCG injection enables estimation of the ovulation time, number and quality of ovulated eggs in yellowtail.
  • Hisashi Chuda; Takahiro Nakao; Toshihisa Arakawa; Michiya Matsuyama
    Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi (Japanese Edition) 71 (6) 942 - 946 0021-5392 2005/11 [Refereed]
    Effects of initial oocyte diameter on ovulation time, quantity and quality of eggs in yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata, in inducing ovulation with HCG were examined. After measuring the oocyte diameter through ovarian biopsy, all fish (n = 33) were divided into three groups according to their oocyte size: 650-700, 700-750, and 750-800 μm, and injected with HCG (500 IU/kg BW). Ovulation was induced in All the fish of the three groups, and the relationship between elapsed time until ovulation (T, hr) and oocyte diameter (D, μm) was represented as follows: T = -0.082D + 105.99 (R2 = 0.51). 530 thousand eggs per fish could be obtained from fish with oocyte diameter over 700 μm while only half the number of eggs could be collected from fish with oocyte diameter of 650-700 μm. High fertilization rates of over 90% could be obtained from all three groups regardless of the initial oocyte diameter when the artificial insemination had been performed just after ovulation. However, the hatching rates rose with the increase of initial oocyte diameter. Thus, measuring the initial oocyte diameter before the HCG injection enables estimation of the ovulation time, number and quality of ovulated eggs in yellowtail.
  • T Shiraishi; K Ohta; A Yamaguchi; M Yoda; H Chuda; M Matsuyama
    FISHERIES SCIENCE JAPANESE SOC FISHERIES SCIENCE 71 (3) 531 - 542 0919-9268 2005/06 [Refereed]
    Final oocyte maturation and ovulation of captive chub mackerel Scomber japonicus with fully yolk-accumulated oocytes were induced by a single injection of human chorionic gonadotropin. Reproductive parameters, including spawning frequency and batch fecundity, which are required to estimate spawning biomass in pelagic fish by the daily egg production method, were analyzed. Germinal vesicle migration (GVM) occurred at 18-24 h post-injection, and the hydration and ovulation of oocytes were completed at 30 and 36 h post-injection, respectively. The results of the maturation process suggest that fish with GVM-stage ovaries captured in the daytime from the field are capable of spawning on the night following their capture. The oocytes used in the oocyte size-frequency distribution method for batch fecundity estimates should be at late GVM and more advanced stages. The results of sequential artificial insemination showed that the quality of ovulated eggs held in the ovarian lumen rapidly deteriorated as time progressed after ovulation. This indicates that the fertilization window for the ovulated eggs of chub mackerel lasts only a few hours, and spawning behavior should be performed within a few hours after ovulation in the wild population.
  • S Shiotani; A Hagiwara; Y Sakakura; H Chuda
    AQUACULTURAL ENGINEERING ELSEVIER SCI LTD 32 (3-4) 465 - 481 0144-8609 2005/04 [Refereed]
    Marine fish larvae are fragile against physical stress. However, few studies have been conducted to evaluate the flow field in a rearing tank, which is assumed to provide a high degree of physical stress to marine fish larvae. The flow field in a rearing tank (volume of 1 m(3)) is generated by aerators, which are commonly used to provide oxygen. This paper is a report on the estimation of stationary flow in the rearing tank of marine fish larvae. The larvae are seven band grouper larvae of Epinephelus septemfasciatus, which have a very low survival rate immediately after the hatching of eggs. The experiments of rearing of seven band grouper larvae were carried out using rearing tanks with four aeration rates (1000, 200, 50 ml/min, and no aeration). The effects of aeration on the survival and floating death of seven band grouper larvae were examined. The experiments confirmed that the mass mortality of seven band grouper larvae depends on the flow rate in the rearing tank. Aeration at 200 ml/min resulted in the highest survival and growth rates of grouper larvae. Larvae-rearing experiments provided evidence that the flow rates of the rearing tanks are very important design aspects of rearing tanks. The estimation of flow in a rearing tank for an aerating rate of 200 ml/min was carried out by numerical calculation. The computation was simplified by a two-dimensional flow based on experimental results. The calculated flow in the rearing tank was compared with the experimental one. The calculation of the stationary flow in the rearing tank showed good qualitative and quantitative agreement with the experimental results. The numerical estimation of the flow in a rearing tank of marine fish larvae was confirmed to be effective and satisfactory for the design of a tank that would provide optimum performance. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • 田中由香里; 阪倉良孝; 中田 久; 萩原篤志; 安元 進
    日本水産学会誌 71 911 - 916 2005 [Refereed]
  • NL Shein; H Chuda; T Arakawa; K Mizuno; K Soyano
    FISHERIES SCIENCE JAPANESE SOC FISHERIES SCIENCE 70 (3) 360 - 365 0919-9268 2004/06 [Refereed]
    The histological changes in the ovary of sevenband grouper Epinephelus septemfasciatus were examined during vitellogenesis and final oocyte maturation. Ovaries contained oocytes at the perinucleolus stage at the start of the experiment in January. Oocytes at the primary yolk stage appeared when the gonadosomatic index (GSI) was slightly on the rise in March. After that, vitellogenesis progressed and ovaries contained oocytes at the tertiary yolk stage in May. The GSI increased drastically at the same time. These results suggest that vitellogenesis in sevenband grouper starts or is already in progress in March and is completed by May, In order to clarify the process of final oocyte maturation, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) analog (des Gly(10), [D-Ala(6)] LHRH ethylamide) was implanted in fish with oocytes at the tertiary yolk stage. The oocytes developed to the migratory nucleus stage in 18 h and reached the maturation stage in 42 h after implantation. This indicates that final oocyte maturation is completed within 42 h after stimulation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone.
  • H Matsunari; T Takeuchi; Y Murata; M Takahashi; N Ishibashi; H Chuda; T Arakawa
    NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI JAPANESE SOC FISHERIES SCIENCE 69 (5) 757 - 762 0021-5392 2003/09 [Refereed]
    This experiment was conducted to investigate the changes in taurine content during the development of artificially produced yellowtail Seriola quinqeradiata larvae and juveniles. Besides this, the taurine content of wild caught and reared yellowtail was compared. We analyzed the free amino acids content in larvae and juveniles produced at the Goto Station of Japan Sea-Farming Association and Nagasaki Prefecture Institute of Fisheries (TL, 4.2-186.8 mm) and juveniles caught from the coastal area of Nagasaki Prefecture (TL, 29.7-179.0 mm). The content of most free amino acids such as lysine, leucine, isoleucine, alanine decreased between the fertilized egg stage and open-mouth stage, with the exception of taurine in artificially reared fish. The taurine content in the whole body of the artificially reared larvae decreased rapidly during the rotifer feeding. The amount of taurine in the wild fish was higher compared to the cultured fish. These results reveal that taurine has an important role compared to other free amino acids, suggesting live food and diet used for yellowtail culture would not satisfy the taurine requirement of yellowtail.
  • M. A. Rahman; K. Ohta; A. Yamaguchi; H. Chuda; T. Hirai; M. Matsuyama
    Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 28 (1-4) 81 - 83 0920-1742 2003 [Refereed]
    To study the physiological roles of gonadotropins (GtHs) in the yellowtail, the cDNAs encoding each GtH subunit (GPHα, FSHβ and LHβ) and their receptors (FSHR and LHR) were isolated from the pituitary gland and gonads using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In addition, thyrotropin (TSH) and its receptor (TSHR) cDNAs, were isolated from the pituitary gland, ovary and testis. The changes in the mRNA levels of each subunit were determined at different stages of maturation. The isolated cDNAs of GPHα, FSHβ, LHβ and TSHβ were 662, 545, 595 and 879 bp long, respectively. The amino acid sequence identity of the yellowtail GPHα, FSHβ, LHβ and TSHβ subunits was 85-63, 68-33, 93-65 and 74-46%, respectively, as compared with other fish species. Northern blot analysis showed that GPHα and FSHβ were strongly expressed in pituitary at the early vitellogenic stage and during spermatogenesis, whereas LHβ was expressed significantly in the late vitellogenic stage, and in both spermatogenesis and spermiation. Full-length cDNAs encoding FSHR, LHR, and TSHR were obtained from the testes and ovaries. The FSHR, LHR and TSHR cDNA encoded a protein of 680, 702 and 778 amino acids, and showed the highest identity with tilapia FSHR (76%), tilapia LHR (84%) and striped bass TSHR (94%), respectively. Northern blot analyses indicated that all of these receptors are expressed differently at different stages in the ovaries and testes. © 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Ni Lar Shein; M. Takushima; M. Nagae; H. Chuda; K. Soyano
    Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 28 (1-4) 107 - 108 0920-1742 2003 [Refereed]
    The cDNA for glycoprotein hormone (GPH) α-subunit, β -subunits of the FSH (GtH I) and LH (GtH II) were isolated, cloned, and sequenced from sevenband grouper pituitary using RACE PCR. These results show that sevenband grouper has two different types of gonadotropins FSH (GtH I) and LH (GtH II), as other teleosts. © 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Measurements of flow field inrearing tank of marine fish larvae:a case study of the seven band grouper Epinephelus septemfasciatus.
    S.Shiotani; A.Akazawa; Y.Sakakura; H.Chuda; T.Arakawa; A.Hagiwara
    Suisan Kougaku 39 (3) 205 - 212 2003/01 [Refereed]
  • SHIOTANI Shigeaki; AKAZAWA Atsushi; SAKAKURA Yoshitaka; CHUDA Hisashi; ARAKAWA Toshihisa; HAGIWARA Atsushi
    Fisheries engineering 日本水産工学会 39 (3) 205 - 212 0916-7617 2003 [Refereed]
  • 松成宏之; 竹内俊郎; 村田裕子; 高橋 誠; 石橋矩久; 中田 久; 荒川敏久
    日本水産学会誌 69 757 - 762 2003 [Refereed]
  • MA Rahman; K Ohta; M Yoshikuni; Y Nagahama; H Chuda; M Matsuyama
    In our previous studies, we tentatively identified 17.20beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20beta-P) as a maturation-inducing hormone (MIH) in yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata) through in vivo and in vitro experiments. In this study, we investigated the binding sites for radioactive 17,20beta-P and characterized the receptor binding to the ovarian plasma membrane in yellowtail undergoing first stage of maturation (FSM). Equilibrium binding sites for 17.20beta-P have been detected within I h incubation and the binding dissociated completely within 50 min at 4 degreesC and was pH dependent (optimum pH 7.8). Scatchard analyses of specifically bound 17,20beta-P showed the evidence of a single class of high affinity binding sites (K-D = 22.9 nM), with limited capacity (B-max = 2.1 pmol/g tissue) to the ovarian membrane of yellowtail undergoing FSM. Competition results revealed that ovarian membrane receptor was highly specific for 17,20beta-P. There was no other steroid competed strongly with the binding sites of [H-3]17,20beta-P, except 17.20beta-P itself. On the other hand, 17,20beta-P did not bind to the membrane prepared from maturationally incompetent (MI) and ovulation (OV) stages of oocytes. As the time proceeded after the stimulation of HCG, binding activity increased significantly (0.389 +/- 0.036 pmol/g tissue) in the ovarian membrane of maturationally competent (MC) oocytes by 12 h postinjection. The binding activity was further significant (0.868 +/- 0.032 pmol/g tissue) at FSM by 24 h postinjection and reached its peak (0.920 +/- 0.115 pmol/g tissue) temporarily at second stage of maturation (SSM) by 36 h postinjection and then sharply declined to the prestimulation levels during OV stage by 48 h postinjection. In addition to our previous findings, the present results indicate that 17,20beta-P is the MIH in yellowtail. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
  • T Arakawa; Y Ishizaki; H Chuda; K Shimizu; M Arimoto; T Takeuchi
    NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI JAPANESE SOC FISHERIES SCIENCE 68 (3) 374 - 381 0021-5392 2002/05 [Refereed]
    This experiment was conducted to investigate the differences in lipid compositions between hatchery reared and wild caught yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata juveniles. The body excluding the stomach, intestine and pyloric cecum of 58- and 70-day-old juveniles produced at Nagasaki Prefectural Institute of Fisheries in 1999 (TL, 37-94 mm) and those of juveniles caught from the coastal area of Kagoshima Prefecture in 1998 and Nagasaki Prefecture in 1999 (TL, 26-114 mm) were analyzed. The triglycerides content of the reared fish was higher than that of the wild ones. On the other hand, the amount of n-3HUFA, especially 22: 6n-3, in the reared fish was lower compared to the wild ones. High triglycerides contents may be effective for starvation tolerance of the reared fish. However, the low amount of n-3HUFA, especially 22: 6n-3, suggests poor vitality of the reared fish.
  • MA Rahman; K Ohta; H Chuda; A Yamaguchi; M Matsuyama
    In the present study, we clarified the steroid hormones produced and their synthetic pathways, particularly focusing the estradiol-17beta (E2) synthesis, in the vitellogenic ovarian follicles to provide information on the endocrine control of vitellogenesis in yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata. Intact vitellogenic ovarian follicles were isolated and incubated with radioactive [H-3]pregnenolone and [C-14]androstenedione and steroid metabolites were identified by thin layer chromatography (TLC) followed by recrystallization to constant specific activity. Results obtained clearly indicated that testosterone (T) is the substrate precursor of E2 synthesis. In the vitellogenic ovarian follicles, the steroid metabolites produced and major pathway followed were pregnenolone, 17-hydroxypregnenolone, dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione (AD), T and E2. AD, T and E2 were also present in the serum, of fish during vitellogenesis, and serum level of T was the highest (3.7 ng/ml), followed by E2 (2.3 ng/ml). Thus, this study demonstrated the complete steroidogenic pathway of E2 synthesis in the ovarian follicles of yellowtail, and revealed that T is the major precursor of E2.
  • Toshihisa Arakawa; Yasuro Ishizaki; Hisashi Chuda; Ken Shimizu; Misao Arimoto; Toshio Takeuchi
    Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi (Japanese Edition) Nihon Suisan Gakkai 68 (3) 374 - 381 0021-5392 2002 [Refereed]
    This experiment was conducted to investigate the differences in lipid compositions between hatchery reared and wild caught yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata juveniles. The body excluding the stomach, intestine and pyloric cecum of 58- and 70-day-old juveniles produced at Nagasaki Prefectural Institute of Fisheries in 1999 (TL, 37-94 mm) and those of juveniles caught from the coastal area of Kagoshima Prefecture in 1998 and Nagasaki Prefecture in 1999 (TL, 26-114 mm) were analyzed. The triglycerides content of the reared fish was higher than that of the wild ones. On the other hand, the amount of n-3HUFA, especially 22: 6n-3, in the reared fish was lower compared to the wild ones. High triglycerides contents may be effective for starvation tolerance of the reared fish. However, the low amount of n-3HUFA, especially 22: 6n-3, suggests poor vitality of the reared fish.
  • CHUDA Hisashi; NAKAO Takahiro; ARAKAWA Toshihisa; MATSUYAMA Michiya
    水産増殖 水産増殖談話会 50 (2) 235 - 236 0371-4217 2002 [Refereed]
  • H Chuda; T Nakao; T Arakawa; M Matsuyama
    NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI JAPANESE SOC FISHERIES SCIENCE 67 (5) 874 - 880 0021-5392 2001/09 [Refereed]
    This study examined the relationship between post-ovulation time and fertilization rates of artificially inseminated eggs of yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata. Ovulation was induced by a single injection of HCG (500 IU/kg) and occurred between 36 and 54 hours. The fertilization rates of the eggs collected from eleven fish decreased with time after ovulation from 92.5% (0 hour) to 16.7% (48 hours). The hatching rates of the eggs collected from the eleven fish also decreased, and were 50.3% (peak), 10.6% and finally 0% at 0, 12 and 24 hours after ovulation, respectively. These results suggest that artificial insemination of yellowtail must be carried out immediately after ovulation in order to obtain eggs of good quality.
  • T Arakawa; Y Ishizaki; H Chuda; K Shimizu; M Arimoto; T Takeuchi
    NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI JAPANESE SOC FISHERIES SCIENCE 67 (5) 794 - 800 0021-5392 2001/09 [Refereed]
    This experiment was conducted to investigate the differences in proximate and mineral compositions between hatchery reared and wild caught yellowtail Scriola quinqueradiata juveniles. The body excluding the stomach, intestine and pyloric cecum of 58- and 70-day-old juveniles produced at Nagasaki Prefectural Institute of Fisheries in 1999 and those of juveniles caught from the coastal area of Kagoshima Prefecture in 1998 and Nagasaki Prefecture in 1999 were analyzed. The crude lipid contents were higher in reared fish than the wild ones. On the other hand, the amount of crude protein in the wild fish was higher compared to the reared ones. Furthermore, the amount of calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and copper were different in the two types of fish. These nutritional elements could be important factors in health of the yellowtail juvenile.
  • M Matsuyama; A Sasaki; K Nakagawa; T Kobayashi; Y Nagahama; H Chuda
    ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE ZOOLOGICAL SOC JAPAN 18 (2) 225 - 234 0289-0003 2001/03 [Refereed]
    Yolk-free follicle cells during final meiotic maturation were incubated with a radioactively labeled steroid precursor, and the maturation-inducing activity of the steroid metabolites produced was tested in an in vitro assay based on GVBD. Of the metabolites obtained by TLC, whose purity and final characterization were confirmed by recrystallization to constant specific activity, two steroids, 17,20 beta -P and 20 beta -S, exhibited maturation-inducing activity in vitro. However, 20 beta -S was overwhelmingly more effective and faster at inducing GVBD in vitro than 17,20 beta -P. During final oocyte maturation in the tiger puffer, a shift in steroidogenic enzymes, a decrease in C17,20-lyase activity, and an increase in 20 beta -HSD activity, were found, as previously reported in salmonids and medaka. In addition to this shift in steroidogenic enzyme activity, however, high and increasing 21-hydroxylase activity throughout all the oocyte developmental stages was a distinctive feature in tiger puffer follicles. This 21-hydroxylase activity likely enables ovarian follicles to accumulate enough 11-deoxycortisol during vitellogenesis for 20 beta -S production on a massive scale during GVBD. Thus, this study provides not only evidence on the physiological role of 20 beta -S as a MIH in the tiger puffer, but also fact on enzymatic kinetics in 20 beta -S biosynthesis.
  • MA Rahman; K Ohta; H Chuda; S Nakano; K Maruyama; M Matsuyama
    JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY ACADEMIC PRESS LTD 58 (2) 462 - 474 0022-1112 2001/02 [Refereed]
    Intact ovarian follicles, obtained from untreated and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) treated Japanese yellowtail Seriola quinyueradiata during different maturational stages, were incubated With radioactive [H-3]pregnenolone, [H-3]17-hydroxypropesterone or [C-14] androstenedione and steroid metabolites identified by thin layer chromatography (TLC) followed by recrystallization to constant specific activity. In untreated late vitellogenic (0 h) follicles. androstenedione was the major product with smaller amounts of testosterone and oestradiol-17 beta. In post-vitellogenic (12h post-injection) intact follicles, androstenedione pre dominated, and although testosterone and oestradiol-17 beta were not produced, there were small amounts of 17.20 beta -dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20 beta -P) and 17,21-dihydroxy-4-pregnene 3,20-dione (11-deoxycortisol). In HCG-treated fish, a steroidogenic shift resulted in the disappearance of testosterone and oestradiol-17 beta coinciding with the appearance of 17,20 beta -P. During early and late final oocyte maturation FOM (24 and 36 h post-injection), there was a five- to seven-fold increase in the production of 17,20 beta -P, whereas production of 11-deoxycortisol remained almost the same. During FOM, in addition to 17,20 beta -P, its 5 beta -reduced metabolite, 17,20 beta -dihydroxy-5 beta -pregnan-3-one (5 beta -17,20 beta -P) was synthesized, suggesting a decrease in maturation-inducing 17,20 beta -P activity. 17,20 beta ,21 -Trihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (20 beta -S) was not synthesized by ovarian fragments in Japanese yellowtail at any maturational stage. The metabolites identified on TLC during FOM were tested to evaluate their maturation-inducing activity in an in vitro bioassay. Of the steroids tested, 17,20 beta -P was the most effective inducer of germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), followed by 5 beta -17,20 beta -P. Timely synthesis of 17,20 beta -P immediately prior to and during FOM as well as its great potency in inducing GVBD in vitro supports the evidence for a physiological role of 17,20 beta -P as a maturation-inducing hormone in Japanese yellowtail. (C) 2001 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
  • Toshihisa Arakawa; Yasuro Ishizaki; Hisashi Chuda; Ken Shimizu; Misao Arimoto; Toshio Takeuchi
    Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi (Japanese Edition) Nihon Suisan Gakkai 67 (5) 794 - 800 0021-5392 2001 [Refereed]
    This experiment was conducted to investigate the differences in proximate and mineral compositions between hatchery reared and wild caught yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata juveniles. The body excluding the stomach, intestine and pyloric cecum of 58- and 70-day-old juveniles produced at Nagasaki Prefectural Institute of Fisheries in 1999 and those of juveniles caught from the coastal area of Kagoshima Prefecture in 1998 and Nagasaki Prefecture in 1999 were analyzed. The crude lipid contents were higher in reared fish than the wild ones. On the other hand, the amount of crude protein in the wild fish was higher compared to the reared ones. Furthermore, the amount of calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and copper were different in the two types of fish. These nutritional elements could be important factors in health of the yellowtail juvenile.
  • Hisashi Chuda; Takahiro Nakao; Toshihisa Arakawa; Michiya Matsuyama
    Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi (Japanese Edition) Nihon Suisan Gakkai 67 (5) 874 - 880 0021-5392 2001 [Refereed]
    This study examined the relationship between post-ovulation time and fertilization rates of artificially inseminated eggs of yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata. Ovulation was induced by a single injection of HCG (500 IU/kg) and occurred between 36 and 54 hours. The fertilization rates of the eggs collected from eleven fish decreased with time after ovulation from 92.5% (0 hour) to 16.7% (48 hours). The hatching rates of the eggs collected from the eleven fish also decreased, and were 50.3% (peak), 10.6% and finally 0% at 0, 12 and 24 hours after ovulation, respectively. These results suggest that artificial insemination of yellowtail must be carried out immediately after ovulation in order to obtain eggs of good quality.
  • Chuda Hisashi; Imayoshi Takashi; Arakawa Toshihisa; Matsuyama Michiya
    九大農学研究院学芸誌 Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University 55 (2) 169 - 177 1347-0159 2001 
    Induction of oocyte maturation and ovulation in Japanese yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiataa is necessary for mass production of early juvenile used for sea-farming. Higher water temperature (19℃) and long photoperiod (16L:8D) enhanced the earlier growth of gonads. After confirming the yolk accumulation by monitoring egg diameter through ovarian biopsy, three different ways of hormonal treatment were applied to induce oocyte maturamation and ovulation in cultured four-year-old female fish. Egg quality, represented by the fertilization rate and hatching rate, in the first experimental group (single injection of HCG (500 IU/kg)) showed the highest values among three different hormonal treatments. Moreover, in this group ovulation occurred at around 48 hours after the HCG injection. In the second experimental group (priming injection of HCG (100 or 50 IU/kg)+one day after HCG injection (500 IU/kg)), the largest quantity of ovulated eggs per fish was obtained, however, the egg quality was lowest among the three groups. Quality of the eggs from the third experimental group (single implantation of LHRHa cholesterol pellet, LHRHa 200 or 400 μg/kg) was relatively high, but egg number per fish showed the lowest level. Therefore, it is concluded that a single injection of HCG is the most simple and efficient method to induce oocyte maturation and ovulation for obtaining a large quantity of fertilized eggs with good cluality in the cultured yellowtail.ブリ養成親魚からの人工授精による採卵技術開発の一環として, HCG1回投与法, HCGプライミング法, およびLHRHaコレステロールペレット埋め込み法により排卵誘導を行い, 最適なホルモン投与法を検討した. 卵黄形成がほぼ終了した雌43個体を用い, 各ホルモン投与法により排卵誘導を行った結果, HCG1回投与法およびHCGプライミング法では, ホルモン投与後48時間目から排卵が確認され, その48時間目に大部分の個体の排卵が集中した. 一方, LHRHaコレステロールペレット埋め込み法では, やや排卵時聞が遅い傾向がみられた. 各ホルモン投与法による排卵誘導の結果, 採卵量の増大にはHCGプライミング法が, 浮上卵率や卵質の向上にはLHRHaコレステロールペレット埋め込み法が有効であることが確認された. しかし, ホルモン投与時の作業性や多数に使用するホルモンの価格等を総合的に考慮すると, ブリにおける排卵誘導方法としては, HCG1回投与法が最も簡便 で有効であると考えられた.
  • H Chuda; M Matsuyama; Y Hara; T Yada; S Matsuura
    NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI JAPAN SOC SCI FISHERIES SCI 64 (6) 993 - 998 0021-5392 1998/11 [Refereed]
    This study was conducted to examine the relationship between post-ovulation time and fertilization rates of artificially inseminated eggs of tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes. After hormonal treatment using cholesterol pellet incorporating LHRH-a (400 mu g/kg), four-hour interval palpation was performed to check expansion and hardening of the abdomen due to hydration of oocyte which indicates the completion of final oocyte maturation. Ovulation occurred between 18 and 36 hours after confirming hydration. The fertilization rate of the eggs collected from ten fish decreased as the time increased, showing 70.5% (peak), 7.7% and finally 0% within 4, 24 and 36 hours after ovulation, respectively. These results suggest that artificial fertilization of tiger puffer must be carried out immediately after ovulation in order to obtain good quality eggs.
  • MIYAKI Kadoo; TYUDA Hisashi; WATANABE Takahiro; MIZUTA Koji; TSUKASHIMA Yasuo; YOSHIDA Noriaki; TABETA Osame
    水産増殖 水産増殖談話会 46 (1) 97 - 100 0371-4217 1998 [Refereed]
  • Hisashi Chuda; Michiya Matsuyama; Youichi Hara; Takeyoshi Yada; Shuhei Matsuura
    Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi (Japanese Edition) Nihon Suisan Gakkai 64 (6) 993 - 998 0021-5392 1998 [Refereed]
    This study was conducted to examine the relationship between post-ovulation time and fertilization rates of artificially inseminated eggs of tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes. After hormonal treatment using cholesterol pellet incorporating LHRH-a (400 μg/kg), four-hour interval palpation was performed to check expansion and hardening of the abdomen due to hydration of oocyte which indicates the completion of final oocyte maturation. Ovulation occurred between 18 and 36 hours after confirming hydration. The fertilization rate of the eggs collected from ten fish decreased as the time increased, showing 70.5% (peak), 7.7% and finally 0% within 4, 24 and 36 hours after ovulation, respectively. These results suggest that artificial fertilization of tiger puffer must be carried out immediately after ovulation in order to obtain good quality eggs.
  • ホルモン投与により排精されたトラフグ精子の運動能
    中田 久; 松山倫也; 原 洋一; 矢田武義; 松浦修平
    九大農学研究院学芸誌 53 35 - 40 1998
  • H Chuda; M Matsuyama; Y Ikeda; S Matsuura
    We developed an effective method for the induction of oocyte maturation and ovulation in the cultured tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes by hormonal treatments, in order to supply the fertilized eggs for seedling production. Ovarian biopsy just prior to the hormonal treatments revealed the oocyte diameter and developmental stages of the oocytes. A luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogue (LHRH-a) cholesterol pellet (400 mu g/kg) implantation successfully induced oocyte maturation for three-year-old cultured tiger puffer which had yolk accumulated ovaries. Thereafter, single injection of HCG (500 IU/kg) combined with chum salmon pituitary (SP) homogenate (7 mg/kg) was applied to the fish to synchronize ovulation among fish. Ovulation mainly occurred between 96 and 120 hours after HCG+SP injection. Thus, a technique for obtaining eggs of high quality from the cultured tiger puffer was developed.
  • MATSUYAMA Michiya; CHUDA Hisashi; IKEDA Yoshihiro; TANAKA Hiroyuki; MATSUURA Shuhei
    水産増殖 水産増殖談話会 45 (1) 66 - 73 0371-4217 1997 [Refereed]
  • Hisashi Chuda; Michiya Matsuyama; Yoshihiro Ikeda; Shuhei Matsuura
    Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi (Japanese Edition) Nihon Suisan Gakkai 63 (5) 728 - 733 0021-5392 1997 [Refereed]
    We developed an effective method for the induction of oocyte maturation and ovulation in the cultured tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes by hormonal treatments, in order to supply the fertilized eggs for seedling production. Ovarian biopsy just prior to the hormonal treatments revealed the oocyte diameter and developmental stages of the oocytes. A luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogue (LHRH-a) cholesterol pellet (400 μg/kg) implantation successfully induced oocyte maturation for three-year-old cultured tiger puffer which had yolk accumulated ovaries. Thereafter, single injection of HCG (500 IU/kg) combined with chum salmon pituitary (SP) homogenate (7 mg/kg) was applied to the fish to synchronize ovulation among fish. Ovulation mainly occurred between 96 and 120 hours after HCG+SP injection. Thus, a technique for obtaining eggs of high quality from the cultured tiger puffer was developed.


Books and other publications

  • ブリ類の科学
    虫明敬一 (Contributor第4章 飼育(養殖),親魚養成)朝倉書店 2019/06
  • トコトンやさしい 養殖の本
    近畿大学水産研究所 (Contributor種苗生産技術開発の歴史,産卵を操る技術,仔魚を育てる方法など)日刊工業新聞社 2019/02
  • 魚の形は飼育環境で変わる 形態異常はなぜ起こるのか?
    有瀧真人; 田川正朋; 征矢野 清 (Joint workマハタ・クエに発現する脊椎骨等の異常とその防除)恒星社厚生閣 2017/06
  • ハタ科魚類の水産研究最前線
    征矢野 清; 照屋和久; 中田 久 (Joint workクエの種苗生産・養殖技術と形態異常)恒星社厚生閣 2015/03
  • ブリの資源培養と養殖業の展望
    松山倫也; 檜山義明; 虫明敬一; 濱田英嗣 (Joint workブリの採卵技法)恒星社厚生閣 2006/03

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 2つの魚種のいいとこ取り!! 近畿大学のハイブリッド魚  [Invited]
    中田 久
    木曜サロン(ナレッジキャピタル,グランフロント大阪)  2024/06
  • メチルテストステロン投与によるクエ幼魚の性転換誘導
    小林靖尚; 梶川保亮; 森下尊將; 中田 久
    日本水産学会春季大会(東京海洋大)  2024/03
  • メチルテストステロンの処理水温がクエ2歳魚の性転換および採精率に及ぼす影響
    中田 久; 梶川保亮; 森下尊將; 中務 寛; 山下 洋; 服部亘宏; 小林靖尚
    日本水産学会春季大会(東京海洋大)  2024/03
  • 人生で初めて食べる魚に出会う 近畿大学の ハイブリッド魚
    中田 久
    第11回ナレッジイノベーションアワード  2024/03
  • 魚類の完全養殖 〜海の資源を減らさない〜  [Invited]
    中田 久
    京都府立大学・京都和食文化研究センター主催「和食文化連続講座 どうなる? 水産資源?」  2023/12
  • 海産魚類の種苗生産および養殖 〜海の資源に頼らず卵から育てる〜  [Invited]
    中田 久
    海洋計測センサ技術研究会  2023/10
  • マダイ仔魚期の鰾開腔不全と成長および前彎症出現率との関係
    中田久; 岡田菜々子; 中務寛; 山下洋; 服部亘宏; 升間主計
    日本水産学会春季大会(東京海洋大)  2023/03
  • クエ仔魚の浮上死軽減に効果的なポリエチレングリコール添加量の検討
    中田久; 松本早詠; 中務寛; 山下洋; 服部亘宏; 升間主計
  • 飼育水へのポリエチレングリコール添加によるクエ仔魚の浮上死の軽減
    中田 久・近藤 花・山本眞司・中務 寛・服部亘宏・村田 修・升間主計
    日本水産学会春季大会(東京海洋大)  2020/03
  • メチルテストステロンのコレステロールペレット処理によるクエの雄性化誘導  [Not invited]
    中田 久; 菅野航太郎; 山本眞司; 中務 寛; 服部亘宏; 小林靖尚; 村田 修; 升間主計
    日本水産学会春季大会(東京海洋大)  2019/03
  • 高成長で病気にも強く、美味しい交雑種「クエタマ」って? ~「クエタマ」はガッチリもうかる新品種~  [Not invited]
    中田 久
    近畿大学水産研究所 公開講座(グランフロント大阪)  2018/12
  • 新交雑種クエタマ(クエ♀×タマカイ♂)の マハタハダムシ Benedenia epinepheli に対する抵抗性  [Not invited]
    中田 久; 家田一輝; 白樫 正; 村田 修; 升間主計
    日本水産学会春季大会(東京海洋大)  2018/03
  • 昨今の魚類種苗生産技術と今後の展望について  [Invited]
    中田 久
    若手による水産種苗意見交換会  2017/08
  • 難種苗生産魚種「ハタ科魚類の新交雑種の開発」  [Not invited]
    中田 久; 升間主計; 太田博已
    「魚類の完全養殖の高度化」シンポジウム(近大奈良)  2017/02
  • クエのホルモン処理採卵技術の開発  [Invited]
    中田 久
    アジア養殖戦略会議(名古屋)  2016/11
  • クエの鰾開腔時期と鰾の形状および前彎症出現率との関係  [Not invited]
    中田 久; 須賀井貫太; 音竹康太郎; 山本眞司; 中務寛; 服部亘宏; 村田修; 升間主計
    日本水産学会秋季大会(近大奈良)  2016/09
  • クエ・マハタの採卵技術  [Invited]
    中田 久
    第14回種苗生産技術交流会(尾道)  2016/08
  • 魚類の完全養殖について  [Invited]
    中田 久
    愛媛県魚類養殖協議会総会  2016/08
  • 魚類人工種苗の形態異常 これまでとこれから Ⅱ重要魚類における形態異常の現状と防除の試み 2.マハタ・クエに発現する脊椎骨等の異常  [Not invited]
    中田 久; 辻 将治
    日本水産学会春季大会シンポジウム(東京海洋大)  2016/03
  • クエの排卵誘導におけるHCG投与時の卵径と採卵数および卵質との関係  [Not invited]
    中田 久; 濱崎将臣; 山田敏之
    日本水産学会秋季大会(東北大)  2015/09
  • ハタ科増養殖の最前線 Ⅱ種苗生産・養殖の現在と未来 1.クエ~種苗生産技術の高度化と普及~  [Not invited]
    中田 久
    日本水産増殖学会シンポジウム  2014/10
  • 形質の異なる雄親魚を用いたトラフグ種苗の成長,生残と精巣評価~養殖トラフグの白子早熟形質は親由来か~  [Not invited]
    中田 久; 濱崎将臣; 吉川壮太; 山田敏之
    日本水産学会春季大会  2014/03
  • ハタ科魚類の繁殖の生理生態と種苗生産 Ⅱハタ科魚類の種苗生産・養殖技術 6.クエの種苗生産・養殖技術  [Not invited]
    中田 久
    日本水産学会春季大会シンポジウム  2014/03
  • クエ種苗生産時の飼育水面油膜除去による鰾の開腔率および前彎症出現率の改善  [Not invited]
    中田 久; 宇治 督; 濱崎将臣; 築山陽介; 宮木廉夫; 阪倉良孝
    日本水産学会春季大会  2012/03
  • フグ,ウナギ,マグロの完全養殖とその将来 2.トラフグ完全養殖の成功と今後の展望  [Not invited]
    中田 久
    日本水産増殖学会シンポジウム  2010/11
  • フグ研究と生産技術開発の最前線 Ⅱ最新の養殖技術 2.トラフグ種苗生産の現状  [Not invited]
    中田 久
    日本水産学会秋季大会シンポジウム  2009/09
  • ブリ-その資源・生産・消費 Ⅲ種苗生産技術 2.採卵技法  [Not invited]
    中田 久
    日本水産学会春季大会シンポジウム  2005/04
  • マハタにおけるLHRHaおよびHCGの排卵誘導効果  [Not invited]
    中田 久; 荒川敏久; 水野かおり; Ni Lar Shein; 征矢野清
    日本水産学会秋季大会  2000/09
  • ブリの人工授精における排卵後経過時間と受精率との関係  [Not invited]
    中田 久; 荒川敏久; 中尾貴尋; 松山倫也
    日本水産学会秋季大会  2000/09
  • マハタのLHRHaコレステロールペレットを用いた排卵誘導技術について  [Not invited]
    中田 久; 荒川敏久; Ni Lar Shein; 征矢野清
    日本水産学会秋季大会  1999/09
  • ブリの早期採卵における成熟促進と採卵法の検討  [Not invited]
    中田 久; 山田敏之; 荒川敏久; M.A.Rahman; 今吉隆志; 松山倫也
    日本水産学会秋季大会  1999/09
  • 養成トラフグからの採卵法-Ⅲ 採卵マニュアルの作成  [Not invited]
    中田 久; 原 洋一; 矢田武義; 松山倫也; 松浦修平
    日本水産学会秋季大会  1996/10
  • 養成トラフグからの採卵法-Ⅱ 排卵後経過時間と受精率との関係  [Not invited]
    中田 久; 原 洋一; 矢田武義; 松山倫也; 松浦修平
    日本水産学会秋季大会  1996/10
  • LHRHaコレステロールペレットを用いたトラフグからの採卵法  [Not invited]
    中田 久; 池田義弘; 松浦修平; 松山倫也
    日本水産学会秋季大会  1995/09

Affiliated academic society


Industrial Property Rights

  • 特許4899571:LHRHa徐放性製剤を用いた成熟・排卵誘導後の人工授精タイミングに配慮したマハタ親魚の良質卵確保手法    2012/01
    中田 久, 征矢野清, 松山倫也, 宮木廉夫
  • 特許4899569:コレステロールペレット固形製剤を用いたLHRHaの埋め込み投与によるマハタ親魚の成熟・排卵誘導法    2012/01
    中田 久, 征矢野清, 松山倫也, 宮木廉夫
  • 特許4747234:卵径に基づく採卵成績予測データを用いた魚類の安定的及び効率的な採卵方法    2011/05
    中田 久, 松山倫也, 安元 進
  • 特許4899570:カカオバター油性製剤を用いたLHRHaの注射投与によるマハタ親魚の成熟・排卵誘導法  
    中田 久, 征矢野清, 水野かおり, 宮木廉夫