TANABE Yoshitaka

General Education DivisionProfessor/Senior Staff

Last Updated :2024/08/31

■Researcher comments

■Researcher basic information


  • Postgraduate Diploma in Education(1997/01 The University of Newcastle (Australia))

Research Keyword

  • 早期外国語教育   英語教育   Communication   Intercultural   English Education   

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences / Education - general



  • 2018/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Law教授
  • 2006/04 - 2018/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Law准教授
  • 2002/04 - 2006/03  Kindai UniversityDepartment of Language Education専任講師
  • 1998/04 - 2002/03  Hakodate University英語科教諭

Educational Background

  • 1996/02 - 1997/01  The University of Newcastle (Australia)  Postgraduate Diploma in Education
  • 1990/04 - 1994/03  Nagoya University of Foreign Studies  School of Foreign Languages  Department of British and American Studies

■Research activity information


  • Defining “Language-use Activity” in Elementary School English Education: Clarifying the Term from Multiple Perspectives
    TANABE Yoshitaka
    The Research Journal of the Teacher Education Department Kindai 35 (1) 109 - 120 2023/09
  • An investigation into elementary school teachers' attitudes towards English education in the new 2020 Course of Study
    TANABE Yoshitaka
    JASTEC Journal (39) 113 - 123 2020/12 [Refereed]
  • (No English title)
    Yoshitaka Tanabe
    (No English title) (1230) 14 - 21 2020/02 [Invited]
  • TANABE Yoshitaka
    Kindai university center for liberal arts and foreign language education journal. foreign language edition 近畿大学全学共通教育機構教養・外国語教育センター 8 (1) 1 - 15 2432-454x 2017/07 [Refereed]
    小学校外国語活動の研究授業において英語教育を専門とする外部講師が講評を行う際,授業実践者は自身の授業実践についてどのような観点にもとづく分析を期待しているのだろうか。2020 年の新学習指導要領全面実施を迎えるにあたり,「小学校教員の英語力・指導力向上に向けた取組の充実が課題」(文部科学省2016 a)とされる中で,研究授業もこれまで以上に重視されるものと考えられる。研究授業の効率向上のためには授業実践者が外部講師の講評に求める傾向を探る必要があると考え,公立小学校教員を対象に質問紙調査を行った。統計処理を試みたところ,研究授業経験の有無によって特定の分析観点に対する期待値に差が生じることを示唆する結果が得られた。著者専攻: 英語教育学
  • TANABE Yoshitaka; MORI Setsuko
    JACET Journal 大学英語教育学会 (61) 131 - 148 0285-8673 2017/02 [Refereed]
  • Student Evaluation of Teaching: Still a Controversial Issue
    Yoshitaka Tanabe
    Man and Universe 2 50 - 55 2016/02 [Refereed]
  • S. Mori; Y. Tanabe
    English Language Teaching Canadian Center of Science and Education 8 (1) 1 - 10 1916-4750 2014/12 [Refereed]
    160 non-English major students studying at a four-year university and 193 English major students studying at a career college of foreign language in Japan completed a questionnaire regarding instruction and instructor personality. The purpose of the current study was to examine whether the students’ instructional and personality ratings predicted their general evaluation of course. This study also investigated whether the relations between instructional and personality ratings and the general course evaluation varied by major. A significant correlation was found between the instructional scale and the overall evaluation of the course regardless of students’ majors: The more the students found the class interesting and was appropriately managed, the higher the overall evaluation. However, the findings indicate that while teacher’s extroversion, thoughtfulness and neuroticism mattered to the non-English major group when evaluating the overall effectiveness of the class, teacher personality did not influence the English major group. The authors believe the findings of the present study could contribute to a better understanding of the nature of student evaluations that have always been a source of controversy, and sometimes discontent during their history.
  • Yoshitaka Tanabe; Setsuko Mori
    International Journal of English Linguistics Canadian Center of Science and Education 3 (3) 53 - 65 2013/03 [Refereed]
  • Students' course evaluiations and their roles in faculty development
    Setsuko Mori; Yoshitaka Tanabe
    Kindai University Law Review 58 (2・3) 721 - 742 2011/02
  • Students' Course Evaluations and Their Roles in Faculty Development (2): Analyses of Students' Perceptions toward Required English Classes
    Setsuko Mori; Yoshitaka Tanabe
    Kinki University English Journal 近畿大学英語研究会 (7) 17 - 36 2011/02 [Refereed]
  • Yoshitaka Tanabe
    Kinki University English Journal 近畿大学英語研究会 (5) 31 - 45 1882-7071 2010/01 [Refereed]
  • (No English title)
    Tadahiko Higuchi; Yoshitaka Tanabe; Yoshihiro Omura; Etsuko Shimo; Tetsuya Kagata; Emiko Izumi; Takashi Kunikata; Yuko Hakozaki; Tomoko Kinugasa
    Journal of Teaching English 英語授業研究学会 (18) 47 - 79 2009/07 [Refereed]
  • Nobuyuki Tsuji; Masaki Makino; Yoshitaka Tanabe; Keiko Figoni; Judy Noguchi
    JACET関西紀要 JACET Kansai Journal 大学英語教育学会(JACET)関西支部 (11) 63 - 74 1880-2281 2009/03 [Refereed]
    The introduction of English into the elementary school curriculum has caused concern among teachers in service and teacher trainees. This has led to an urgent need to equip teachers with ways to deal with English activities for young learners. To offer suggestions and possible ways to gain such expertise, the JACET Kansai Chapter SIG conducting research on English Language Proficiency Indices (ELPI) offered a workshop for elementary school teachers, volunteers teaching young learners and university students aspiring to become teachers. The workshop was aimed at offering suggestions on how to have those involved in working with young learners develop and polish the skills needed for optimal involvement in English activities. The program was composed of five sections dealing with techniques for optimizing team teaching of the homeroom teacher and an English guest teacher, activities that would appeal to children from the lower to the upper grades of elementary school, tips on how to integrate English activities with those of other study areas, the development of a true awareness of cultural understanding, and the introduction of and suggestions for using various freely available Internet sites for developing classroom activities as well as improving English skills. Questionnaire responses from the workshop participants were very positive with requests for further workshops. This paper introduces the aims of the workshop, presents examples of its content and summarizes the responses from the participants. It concludes with proposals for what those involved in college English teaching can do to aid teacher training and to support the very important area of teaching English to young learners.
  • (No English title)
    Tadahiko Higuchi; Yoshihiro Omura; Yoshitaka Tanabe; Etuko Shimo; Tomoko Kinugasa; Tetsuya Kagata; Takashi Kunikata; Emiko Izumi; Yuko Hakozaki
    Kinki University Department of Language Education bulletin 近畿大学語学教育部 8 (2) 179 - 234 2008/12 [Refereed]
  • The influence of early age English learning on university students' affective factors
    Tadahiko Higuchi; Takashi Kunikata; Yoshihiro Omura; Yoshitaka Tanabe; Tomoko Kinugasa; Emiko Izumi; Yuko Hakozaki; Tetsuya Kagata; Shigeo Uematsu
    JASTEC Journal 日本児童英語教育学会 (27) 25 - 51 2008/09 [Refereed]
  • An investigation into how elementary school teachers view their partners in team teaching situations (Part 1)
    Yoshitaka Tanabe
    Kinki University English Journal (5) 37 - 50 2008/09 [Refereed]
  • HIGUCHI Tadahiko; OMURA Yoshihiro; TANABE Yoshitaka; KUNIKATA Takashi; KAGATA Tetsuya; IZUMI Emiko; KINUGASA Tomoko; HAKOZAKI Yuko; UEMATSU Shigeo; MIKAMI Akihiro
    Kinki University Department of Language Education bulletin Kinki University 7 (2) 123 - 180 1346-9134 2007/12 [Refereed]
    樋口専攻: 英語教育学, 田邊専攻: 英語教育学, 國方専攻: 英語教育学, 加賀田専攻: 英語教育学, 泉専攻: 英語教育学, 衣笠専攻: 人間形成論 英語圏の伝承唄と伝承唄遊び, 箱﨑専攻: 英語教育学, 植松専攻: 言語習得理論, 三上専攻: 英語教育学, 本論文は、日本児童英語教育学会(JASTEC)関西支部・プロジェクトチーム(代表:樋口忠彦)による研究成果である。当プロジェクトチームは平成17年7月に発足以来30回を越える研究会、小・中学校合計8校で調査を行い、本論文をまとめた。また、本論文は上記研究会での報告、協議内容に基づきメンバー全員で分担して執筆したが、執筆内容は全メンバーの考えが渾然一体となっている関係上、各執筆者の執筆箇所を示していない。なお、全体の内容構成および内容調整、用語の統一は樋口と大村、田邊が行った。
  • (No English title)
    Yoshitaka Tanabe
    Kinki University Department of Language Education bulletin (3) 1 - 15 2006/03 [Refereed]
  • (No English title)
    Tadahiko Higuchi; Yoshitaka Tanabe; Yoshihiro Omura; Noya Fujita; Mai Matsunaga; Emiko Izumi
    Kinki University Department of Language Education bulletin 5 (1) 75 - 137 2005/03 [Refereed]
  • (No English title)
    Tadahiko Higuchi; Yoshihiro Omura; Yoshitaka Tanabe; Takashi Kunikata; Tetsuya Kagata; Emiko Izumi; Tomoko Kinugasa; Yuko Hakozaki; Shigeo Uematsu; Akihiro Mikami
    JASTEC Journal (23) 47 - 76 2004 [Refereed]
  • Possible Approaches toward Obtaining Classroom Participation from Apathetic Language Students
    Yoshitaka Tanabe
    Kinki University Department of Language Education bulletin 2 (2) 113 - 130 2003/03 [Refereed]
  • (No English title)
    Yoshitaka Tanabe
    Kinki University Department of Language Education bulletin 3 (2) 83 - 100 2003 [Refereed]
  • (No English title)
    Yoshitaka Tanabe
    (No English title) 7 2001
  • (No English title)
    Yoshitaka Tanabe
    Journal of the English Literary Society of Hakodate 39 2000
  • 【議題】 ・令和4年度博士学位論文の審査について +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ https://testkindai.zoom.us/j/98467756387?pwd=Q2tmSEdiRHpDa0FHT1lObDZodE9rZz09 ミーティングID: 984 6775 6387 パスコード: 230434 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    Hisaaki Kataoka; Yoshitaka Tanabe
    The Journal of the School Education Society of Hakodate 4 79 - 86 1999/03


Books and other publications

  • The Basics of English for Teaching in Elementary School
    Tadahiko Higuchi; Emiko Izumi; Tetsuya Kagata; Tomoko Kinugasa (ContributorChapter 1 Section 3, Final Chapter Section 3)Kenkyusha 2023/10 9784327411091
  • An Introduction to English Education in Elementary School
    Tadahiko Higuchi; Tetsuya Kagata; Emiko Izumi; Tomoko Kinugasa (ContributorChapter 8)Kenkyusha 2023/10 9784327411084
  • Basic English for Teachers of Young Learners
    Emiko Izumi; Reiko Tada; Yoshitaka Tanabe; Hiromi Ogawa; Yumiko Kitamura; Tomoko Saito; Natsue Chiba; Akiko Fukihara; Mai Matsunaga; Aki Matsunobu (Editor)Asahi Press 2022/04 9784255156897
  • Tadahiko Higuchi; Emiko Izumi; Tetsuya Kagata; Yoshitaka Tanabe (Contributor)Kenkyusha 2019/05 9784327410995 ix, 227p
  • Tsuyoshi Kanamori; Toshiyuki Honda; Emiko Izumi; Yoshitaka Tanabe (Contributor)Kyoiku Shuppan 2017/10 9784316804446 vii, 212p
    Yoshitaka Tanabe (Joint work)iTTTi JAPAN 2016/04
  • Tadahiko Higuchi; Yoshitaka Tanabe; Yuko Hakozaki (Joint work)Gakken 2010/01 9784316804408 viii, 277p
  • Peppy Headway 4
    Tadahiko Higuchi; Yoshitaka Tanabe (Joint work)Chuoh Publishing 2007/04
  • Tadahiko Higuchi; Yoshitaka Tanabe; Mai Matsunaga; Naoya Fujita (Joint work8章)Kenkyusha 2005/11 9784327410988 x, 238p 
  • Word Builder
    No English name (Contributor)Nan'un-do 2003

Affiliated academic society

  • 大学英語教育学会   日本児童英語教育学会   英語授業研究学会   

Research Themes

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2017/03 
    Author : MATSUNAGA Mai; TANABE Yoshitaka
    This study examined the results of a survey study that explored Japanese elementary school teachers’ perceptions of their current and desired levels of English proficiency and teaching skills, and their attitudes and experience with self-study activities that may help improve their English ability and teaching skills. Regarding English abilities and teaching skills, gaps were found consistently between the current and desired levels, showing higher levels for the desired. In other words, the participants evaluated their current levels of English proficiency and teaching skills inadequate to teach English to a sufficient level. In regard to self-study activities, the results of the survey suggest that the teachers tended to prefer learning practical skills to theoretical knowledge. Researchers are responsible for providing information on effective self-study activities for teachers to improve their English ability and teaching skills to a sufficient level.
  • 早期外国語教育
    Date (from‐to) : 2004
  • Early Language Teaching / Learning
    Date (from‐to) : 2004