Major in Global StudiesProfessor

Last Updated :2024/08/31

■Researcher comments


異文化理解 文学研究入門 日本文学を読む 東アジア文学 日本文学特論

List of press-related appearances

In this seminar, students will learn about how to read and interpret literary texts and then apply close reading techniques to write critically about works of literature. In the first semester, we will read various types of literature (poetry, drama and fiction) from a wide range of cultures. Students will be required to read and discuss texts in small groups and write a number of reaction papers. In the second semester, we will studying literary criticism examining its key theories and approaches. Included in this sill be semiotics, deconstruction, modernism and postmodernism, gender analysis, Marxism, and psychoanalysis. In doing so we will read the works of Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan, Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Roland Barthes, Judith Butler among others. These theoretical texts will be supplemented by selected literary texts. Students will be required to write several precis to demonstrate their understanding of the texts and their application to the interpretation of literature. In the third semester, students will begin their research projects which will consist of a close reading of one or more works of literature and critically interpreting the selected literature. The final project for this seminar will be a written paper based upon this research and an oral presentation of their research.

■Researcher basic information


  • M.ED.(2005/08 Temple University)
  • Ph.D.(2001/08 Ohio State University)
  • M.A.(1993/08 University of Minnesota)

Current research field

異文化理解 文学研究入門 日本文学を読む 東アジア文学 日本文学特論

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences / Literature - Japanese


Educational Background

  • 2004/05 - 2005/08  テンプル大学
  • 1993/09 - 2001/08  The Ohio State University
  • 1991/09 - 1993/08  ミネソタ大学

■Research activity information


  • The Hero’s Journey in Late-Medieval Japanese Narrative
    Todd Squires
    Man & Universe 127 - 133 2021/06 [Refereed]
    This paper looks at medieval interpretations of the prototypical heroic narrative. Heroic narrative was employed as a template by storytellers during the Sengoku period as a way for disseminating ideas of national unity through shared cultural stories. After discussing the idea of heroic narrative the paper uses "Yuriwaka Daijin" as an example of how this process took place.
  • Dehistoricizing Male-Male Sexuality in Japanese TV Epics
    Todd Squires
    Man & Universe 5 (1) 181 - 187 2019/04 [Refereed]
  • (Re)visioning Masculinity in Japanese Historical TV Epics
    Todd Squires
    Man & Universe 4 (1) 2018/02 [Refereed]
  • Anxiety and Foreign Language Learning: Toward an Approach from Psychoanalytic Theory
    Todd Squires
    Man & Universe 3 (1) 57 - 61 2017/02 [Refereed]
  • The Foreign Gaze and the Desire to Acquire English
    Todd Squires
    Man & Universe 2 2016/02 [Refereed]
  • The Lacanian Gaze and the Desire to Acquire English
    Todd Squires
    Man and Universe 1 30 - 36 2015/02 [Refereed]


  • Squires Todd  Kiniki University Center for Liberal Arts and Foreign Language Education Journal  2-  (1)  287  -306  2012
  • Focalization Strategies and the Ideological Positioning of the Author and Reader in Learner's Narratives of Classroom Activities
    トッド スクワイヤーズ  Kinki University English Journal  (6)  67  -87  2010
  • Integrating Effective Vocabulary Learning into Curricular Objectives in University-Level ESP Courses
    トッド スクワイヤーズ  Kinki University English Journal  (5)  31  -52  2010
  • Squires Todd  Kinki University English Journal  (3)  65  -86  2009
  • Squires Todd  Osaka Women's University Journal  (5)  87  -106  2009
  • Evaluating and Improving Vocabulary Learning Tasks in ESP
    トッド スクワイヤーズ  CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching: Selected Papers  (4)  64  -72  2008
  • A Materialist Approach to Learner’s Narratives (Part 1)
    トッド スクワイヤーズ  Kinki University English Journal  (1)  103  -118  2008
  • Students’ Narratives of Classroom Activities: Genre and Style in the Construction of the Subject
    トッド スクワイヤーズ; Osaka Women's University; Osaka Women's University  Proceedings of the JALT Conference 2006  255  -266  2007
  • Squires Todd  Osaka Women's University Journal  (3)  25  -43  2007
  • Good Practices for ESP Programs in Japanese Post-Secondary Institutions
    トッド スクワイヤーズ; Ritsumeikan University  The Language Teacher  30-  (9)  15  -19  2006
  • Construction of Subjectivity in Learners’ Motivation Narratives
    トッド スクワイヤーズ; Human International University  Proceedings of the JALT Conference 2005  185  -198  2006
  • Using a Consciousness-raising Task to Learn Register-Appropriate Vocabulary in a Technical Writing Assignmen
    トッド スクワイヤーズ  The Language Teacher  29-  (7)  35  -37  2005
  • Classroom Implications of Authentic Listening Tasks on Standardized Proficiency Tests of Academic English
    トッド スクワイヤーズ  On Cue  12-  (1)  4  -17  2004
  • When, While & As
    トッド スクワイヤーズ  TUJ Studies in Applied Linguistics  40-  151  -161  2004
  • Simple Past, Present Perfect & Adverbial Phrases in Discourse
    トッド スクワイヤーズ  TUJ Studies in Applied Linguistics  40-  58  -68  2004
  • Verb Knowledge and its Effects on Writing: An Exploratory Study of Lower-Level Proficiency L2 Writers in an EAP Program
    トッド スクワイヤーズ; Doshisha Women's; University High School  TUJ Studies in Applied Linguistics  39-  44  -64  2003
  • Learners’ Perceptions of Listening Comprehension Test Tasks
    トッド スクワイヤーズ  TUJ Studies in Applied Linguistics  (36)  1  -17  2003