Major in Global StudiesLecturer

Last Updated :2024/08/31

■Researcher comments


実務翻訳概論 通訳概論 英語逐次通訳演習 英語同時通訳演習 英日翻訳演習

List of press-related appearances


■Researcher basic information


  • B.A. (Asian Studies)(University of California at Berkeley)
  • B.A. (Japanese)(University of California at Berkeley)
  • M.A. (Translation and Interpreting)(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Research Keyword

  • Interpreting Theory   Translation Theory   English Language Education   Interpreting   Translation   

Current research field

実務翻訳概論 通訳概論 英語逐次通訳演習 英語同時通訳演習 英日翻訳演習

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences / Foreign language education / Translation and Interpreting



  • 2016/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of International StudiesLecturer
  • 2013/04 - 2016/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Literature, Arts and Cultural StudiesAdjunct Lecturer
  • 2009/10 - 2013/03  Kyoto University Graduate School of ManagementAcademic Affairs Assistant
  • 2006/09 - 2009/08  Kyoto Consortium for Japanese StudiesStudent Services Coordinator
  • 2002/08 - 2006/08  Stanford Japan CenterProgram Assistant
  • 1999/07 - 2002/08  Osaka Prefectural GovernmentOffice of International Affairs, Department of Planning and CoordinationCoordinator for International Relations

Educational Background

  •        -   University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  College of Liberal Arts and Sciences  School of Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics
  •        -   University of California at Berkeley  College of Letters and Science  Department of Asian Studies
  •        -   University of California at Berkeley  College of Letters and Science  Department of East Asian Languages and Literature

■Research activity information


  • Lisa K. Honda
    Journal of International Studies Faculty of International Studies, Kindai University (8) 87 - 101 2023/07 
    [Abstract] Until the 1980s, the grammar-translation method was the principal method used in foreign language instruction. This method was often criticized because the goal of text translation focusing on grammar, vocabulary or reading comprehension acquisition did not necessarily help students become better communicators. With the transition to a more communicative approach, educational institutions experienced an increase in the number of courses that promoted active learning, including practical translation courses. This paper focuses on the instruction of audiovisual translation and explores the inclusion of subtitling instruction in the classroom. This method of instruction encourages students to critically think about language and cultural problems that arise during translation, and methods to solve them. Through this process of translation, analysis, reflection and retranslation, students will deepen both their cultural and language proficiency to become better communicators.
  • Lisa K. Honda
    Journal of International Studies Faculty of International Studies, Kindai University (1) 49 - 66 2432-292x 2016/11 
    [Abstract] While the number of conference interpreters in Japan are not few, the number of interpreters who are members of the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC), the only international professional conference interpreting organization in the world, has historically been low. This study looks into the possible reasons for low AIIC membership of interpreters located in Japan, while taking into consideration the distinct characteristics of the conference interpreting industry and structure of interpreter education in Japan. The study also explores the recent changes in interpreter education, formerly highly dependent on agencies and private schools to train professional interpreters, to one that is making a slow shift towards interpreter training and interpreting studies education at higher education institutions. The study also analyzes the findings from a questionnaire sent to AIIC members located in Japan and presents ideas for further discussion.
  • Directionality in Interpreting: Interpreting and Teaching Interpreting into B
    Lisa K. Honda
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2015/03

Affiliated academic society

  • THE JAPAN ASSOCIATION FOR INTERPRETING AND TRANSLATION STUDIES   The Japanese Association for Studies in English Communication