MORI Setsuko

General Education DivisionProfessor

Last Updated :2024/07/17

■Researcher comments


Visiting colleague, Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawaii at Manoa : 2013-2014
ハワイマノア便り 第2弾 2014/10/28(PDF)
ハワイマノア便り 第1弾 2014/10/19(PDF) ___ ___

■Researcher basic information


  • Master of Education(Temple University (USA))
  • Doctor of Education(Temple University (USA))

Research Keyword

  • 英語教育   TESOL   

Current research field

Visiting colleague, Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawaii at Manoa : 2013-2014
ハワイマノア便り 第2弾 2014/10/28(PDF)
ハワイマノア便り 第1弾 2014/10/19(PDF) ___ ___

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences / Education - general



  • 2013/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Law
  • 2006/04 - 2013/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Law准教授
  • 2004/04 - 2006/03  Kindai UniversityDepartment of Language Education専任講師
  • 2000/04 - 2004/03  - 京都橘女子大学英語コミュニケーション学科常勤講師
  • 1997/04 - 2004/03  - 立命館大学非常勤講師
  • 1997/04 - 2000/03  京都橘女子大学非常勤講師

Educational Background

  •        - 2002  テンプル大学(Temple University)  テンプル大学大学院教育研究科英語教育学
  •        - 1995  テンプル大学(Temple University)  教育学部英語教授法修士課(TESOL)  TESOL
  •        - 1988  Doshisha University  Faculty of Law  Department of Law
  •        - 1988  Doshisha University  Faculty of Law

■Research activity information


  • Behavioral and Attitudinal Differences between Overachievers and Underachievers on a Web-based Task
    Setsuko Mori
    Studies in e-Learning Language Education 13 14 - 28 2019/03 [Refereed]
  • Impact of a Semester Abroad Program on Learners' Linguistic Competence and Beliefs: A Pilot Study
    Setsuko Mori
    近畿大学教養・外国語センター紀要(外国語編) 9 (2) 1 - 18 2018/11 [Refereed]
  • Setsuko Mori
    JACET Journal 大学英語教育学会 61 (61) 131 - 148 0285-8673 2017/02 [Refereed]
  • Revisiting Studies on Causal Attributions in ESL/EFL Contexts: Towards an Alternative Model for the East Asian Context
    Setsuko Mori
    L2 Selves and Motivations in Asian Contexts 11 - 28 2016/11 [Refereed][Invited]
  • Setsuko Mori
    Kinki University Center for Liberal Arts and Foreign Language Education Journal. Foreign language edition 近畿大学全学共通教育機構教養・外国語教育センター 7 (2) 81 - 92 2016/11 [Refereed]
  • The impact of perceived teacher characteristics on student evaluation: A meta-analytic study
    Setsuko Mori
    Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia 13 (1) 5 - 18 2015/05 [Refereed]
  • If you build it, they will come: From a “Field of Dreams” to a more realistic view of extensive reading in an EFL Context
    Setsuko Mori
    Reading in a Foreign Language 27 (1) 129 - 135 2015/04 [Refereed][Invited]
  • S. Mori; Y. Tanabe
    English Language Teaching Canadian Center of Science and Education 8 (1) 1 - 10 1916-4750 2014/12 [Refereed]
    160 non-English major students studying at a four-year university and 193 English major students studying at a career college of foreign language in Japan completed a questionnaire regarding instruction and instructor personality. The purpose of the current study was to examine whether the students’ instructional and personality ratings predicted their general evaluation of course. This study also investigated whether the relations between instructional and personality ratings and the general course evaluation varied by major. A significant correlation was found between the instructional scale and the overall evaluation of the course regardless of students’ majors: The more the students found the class interesting and was appropriately managed, the higher the overall evaluation. However, the findings indicate that while teacher’s extroversion, thoughtfulness and neuroticism mattered to the non-English major group when evaluating the overall effectiveness of the class, teacher personality did not influence the English major group. The authors believe the findings of the present study could contribute to a better understanding of the nature of student evaluations that have always been a source of controversy, and sometimes discontent during their history.
  • Effects of perceived teacher personality on student class evaluations: A comparison between Japanese instructors and native English speaking instructors
    Setsuko Mori
    International Journal of English Linguistics 3 (3) 53 - 65 2013/05 [Refereed]
  • Setsuko Mori
    Kinki University Center for Liberal Arts and Foreign Language Education Journal. Foreign language edition 近畿大学教養・外国語教育センター 3 (1) 163 - 181 2185-6982 2012/11 [Refereed]
    著者専攻(森): 英語教育学・応用言語学, 著者専攻(田邉): 英語教育学
  • Setsuko Mori
    Kinki University Center for Liberal Arts and Foreign Language Education Journal. Foreign language edition 近畿大学教養・外国語教育センター 3 (1) 147 - 161 2185-6982 2012/11 [Refereed]
    著者専攻: 英語教育学・応用言語学
  • Setsuko Mori
    Kinki University Center for Liberal Arts and Foreign Language Education Journal. Foreign language edition 近畿大学教養・外国語教育センター 2 (2) 193 - 210 2185-6982 2012/03 [Refereed]
    著者専攻(森): 英語教育学・応用言語学, 著者専攻 (大村): 英語教育学・応用言語学
  • MORI Setsuko
    近畿大学教養・外国語教育センター紀要 近畿大学教養・外国語教育センター 2 (1) 187 - 203 2185-6982 2011/11 [Refereed]
    [Abstract] There has been a plethora of research suggesting that extensive reading improves reading comprehension, reading speed, vocabulary development, and attitude towards reading. Anecdote after anecdote shows how effective extensive reading is, and nobody seems to repudiate the power of reading in quantity. However, with my own experience as a teacher encouraging students to read extensively, I frequently encounter situations where only a limited number of students end up reading a lot whereas the rest of the class read at less than an ideal rate. If that is a general trend, there can be a possibility that the claimed effectiveness may be produced largely by outliers. The results of the present study suggest that only 12 percent of the students read significantly more than required, and this group of students' reading behavior and motivation is quite different from that of the majority. As a result, they skewed the results of the analyses. In short, the findings of this study imply that especially studies with a small n size that include outliers as in this study need to be interpreted with caution. [要旨] 多読の効果を示す研究は枚挙にいとまがなく、大学においても多読を取り入れる教員が徐々に増えている。また、多読を授業で取り入れていない教員であっても、その効果を完全に否定することはないのではないだろうか。しかし、学生に多読を奨励しても、全ての学生が積極的に取り組むというよりは、ごく一部の学生が非常に熱心に多くの本を読むといった傾向が多く見られる。本研究では、そのように平均から極端に離れた読書活動をする学生が、多読研究に与える影響について考察した。その結果、特に小規模な多読研究においては、これらの学生が与える影響は小さくなく、多読の効果を報告する際には、注意すべきであることが示唆された。著者専攻: 英語教育学
  • Attributional tendency and its relationship with actual and perceived proficiency
    Mori Setsuko; Thang Siew Ming; Mohd Noor Fariza; Latchmi Suppiah Vijaya; Sok Imm Oon
    GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies 11 (3) 199 - 218 2011/09 [Refereed]
  • The impact of culture on student attributions for performance: A comparative study of three groups of EFL/ESL learners
    Gobel Peter; Mori Setsuko; Thang Siew Ming; Ngat Har Kan; Kean Wah Lee
    JIRSEA journal 9 (1) 27 - 43 2011/05 [Refereed]
  • 授業評価アンケート調査から読み取れる学生の意識と授業の課題(1)―近畿大学法学部における現状
    森 節子; 田邉義隆
    近畿大学法学 58 (2-3) 721 - 742 2011/02 [Refereed]
  • MORI Setsuko; Tanabe Yoshitaka
    近畿大学英語教育学会紀要 近畿大学英語研究会 (8) 17 - 36 1882-7071 2011/02 [Refereed]
    [Abstract] As a part of faculty development, most universities now administer student course and teacher evaluation questionnaires in one form or another. Kinki University also started to conduct a campus-wide survey in a unified format in 2008. However, the questionnaire results are usually returned to instructors for individual inspection, and are not yet analyzed systematically. Thus, this paper statistically analyzed part of the survey results that are related to English classes in order to better understand the students' opinions regarding the courses and teachers, and to improve our English programs. Specifically, this study attempted to investigate: (1) how first and second year students evaluate their required English classes and their teachers; (2) how their class and teacher evaluations differ depending on types of classes; (3) how their class and teacher evaluations differ depending on student's proficiency; and (4) what factors contribute to the overall rating of the class and teacher. [要旨] 大学改革の推進とともに学生による授業評価アンケート調査も定着してきたが、単純に集計した結果を個々の教員に返却するだけに留めていては、授業評価が有効的に活用されているとは言い難い。体系的・統計的にその結果を分析し、科学的根拠にもとついたデータをもとに組織レベルで問題点や課題の発見に努め、状況改善のための方策を検討する必要があるだろう。本稿では、近畿大学法学部で実施した授業評価結果を英語科目に焦点を当て、以下の観点から統計的に分析することにより、法学部英語プログラムの現状把握を試み、授業改善のための諸課題を検討した。(1) 1回生と2回生は英語基幹科目の授業とその担当者をどのように評価しているのか。(2) 科目の違いによって授業評価の結果にどのような差異があるのか。(3) 習熟度の違いによって授業評価の結果にどのような差異が生じるのか。(4) 総合評価に影響を及ぼす要因は何か。
  • Malaysian University Students' Attributional Tendencies and their Relationships with Perceived Proficiency
    MORI Setsuko
    近畿大学英語教育学会紀要 (6) 51 - 66 2010/06 [Refereed]
  • Mori Setsuko; Gobel Peter; Kitcha Thepsiri; Punjaporn Pojanapunya
    JALT Journal JALT 32 (1) 5 - 28 0287-2420 2010/05 [Refereed]
  • MORI Setsuko
    近畿大学英語教育学会紀要 近畿大学英語研究会 (5) 15 - 30 1882-7071 2010/01 [Refereed]
    Previous studies (Mori,2008,2009) revealed that the majority of the first year university students felt that their English had declined or not changed and attributed absences of improvement to internal factors such as lack of ability, interest and effort. On the other hand,across proficiency levels,those who mentioned their English had improved had a tendency to give external factors, especially their teachers, credit. The purpose of the present study is to see whether similar tendencies can be found with second year university students at the same institution. Specifically, this study attempted to answer the following research questions: 1) How second year university students perceive their improvement in English ability after one year of instruction;2 ) whether there is any relationship between students' perception of improvement and their actual gain scores on the TOEIC; 3) whether proficiency and teacher factors play any part in the development of students' perceived improvement; 4) to what students attribute their improvement and absences of improvement; 5) whether there is any relationship between their attributional beliefs and proficiency; and 6) whether there is any relationship between their attributional beliefs and gain scores on TOEIC.
  • MORI Setsuko
    近畿大学英語教育学会紀要 近畿大学英語研究会 (3) 31 - 46 1882-7071 2009/01 [Refereed]
  • MORI Setsuko
    JACET Journal Japan Association of College English Teachers 47 (47) 1 - 16 0285-8673 2008/10 [Refereed]
  • University Students’ Perception of Improvement in Their English Ability
    MORI Setsuko
    近畿大学英語教育学会紀要創刊号 1 54 - 68 2008/02 [Refereed]
  • Success and failure in the EFL classroom: Exploring students’ attributional beliefs in language learning
    Mori Setsuko; Gobel Peter
    EUROSLA Yearbook 7 149 - 169 2007/05 [Refereed]
  • Relationship between attitudes and gain scores on TOEIC-based proficiency test
    MORI Setsuko
    The Proceedings of JALT 2006 1088 - 1099 2007/04 [Refereed]
  • Setsuko Mori; Peter Gobel
    System 34 (2) 194 - 210 0346-251X 2006/06 [Refereed]
    In the field of SLA, there have been various attempts to define second language learning motivation and to discover relationships between motivation and gender. Using two well-known motivational models: Expectancy-value theory, and Gardner's Socio-educational model, the present study sought to (1) first define foreign language learning motivation in a particular EFL setting and (2) then explore differences in motivational sub-constructs based on the variable of gender. A previously tested motivational scale was administered to 453 second-year non-English majors. Factor analysis of the results revealed a multidimensional construct comprised of Integrativeness, Intrinsic value, Amotivation, and Attainment value, together explaining 54.4% of the variance. A MANOVA was then performed with gender as the independent variable. The results of the MANOVA indicated a significant difference in Integrativeness based on gender, with females scoring significantly higher on those items. The results are discussed in relation to both the Socio-educational model and Expectancy-value theory, and with reference to their relevance in the EFL classroom. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Gender, motivation, and attendance among university students
    Mori Setsuko; Gobel Peter
    The Proceedings of JALT 2004 290 - 302 2005/09 [Refereed]
  • MORI Setsuko
    語学教育部ジャーナル創刊号 近畿大学語学教育部 1 (1) 103 - 117 2005/03 [Refereed]
    著者専攻: 英語教育
  • Setsuko Mori
    RELC Journal 35 (1) 63 - 81 0033-6882 2004 [Refereed]
    Although there is extensive research into what constitutes second language learning motivation and how it works, most of the existing work is carried out in ESL environments, and is mainly concerned with motivation to communicate using the target language. However, in EFL environments such as Japan, students have quite limited contact with target language communities, and consequently need to rely largely on written form of input. Thus, this study attempted to investigate the relationship between how students' motivation/attitudes toward reading in English and a specific reading task, and how much they read outside of class. The results of the study imply that the following two motivational constructs were significant predictors of the amount of reading: (1) a factor indicative of students' study habits, and (2) a factor of task-specific motivation indicative of students' lack of intrinsic value of stories. Surprisingly, neither sub-factors of reading motivation nor proficiency scores were found to be significant predictors. © The Continuum Publishing Group Ltd 2004.
  • Bulletin of Research Institute for Foreign Language Education
    Bulletin of Research Institute for Foreign Langu (11) 23 - 33 2003/02 [Refereed]
  • Redefining motivation to read in a foreign language
    Mori Setsuko
    Reading in a Foreign Language 14 (2) 91 - 110 2002/10 [Refereed]
  • University students' motivation to read in English
    Mori Setsuko
    京都橘女子大学外国語教育センター紀要 10 55 - 65 2002/02 [Refereed]
  • Predicting persistence: A motivational Study
    Mori Setsuko; Gobel Peter
    The Proceedings of the 4th Temple University Japan Applied Linguistics Colloquium 55 - 66 2002 [Refereed]
  • Mori Setsuko
    京都橘女子大学外国語教育センター紀要 京都橘女子大学外国語教育研究センタ- (9) 1 - 11 1341-075X 2001/03 [Refereed]
  • Mori Setsuko
    Memoirs of Kyoto Tachibana Women's University 京都橘女子大学研究紀要編集委員会 (27) 280 - 300 0916-1791 2001/02 [Refereed]
  • The effects of proficiency and group membership on motivation to learn and read in English
    Mori Setsuko
    The proceedings of the 3rd Temple University Japan Applied Linguistics Colloquium 55 - 66 2001 [Refereed]
  • Pragmatics competence by two groups of Japanese learners of English : returnees and non-returnees
    Mori Setsuko
    TUJ Working Papers in Applied Linguistics (16) 116 - 129 2000/11 [Refereed]
  • Leading the class to water : Japanese student's motiration toward reading in English
    Mori Setsuko
    京都橘女子大学外国語教育センター紀要 (8) 35 - 46 2000/03 [Refereed]
  • The need for a criterion-referenced test for program evaluation
    Mori Setsuko
    京都橘女子大学外国語教育センター紀要 (7) 7 - 11 1999/03 [Refereed]
  • The role of motivation in amount of reading
    Mori Setsuko
    TUJ Working Papers in Applied Linguistics (14) 51 - 68 1999 [Refereed]
  • Action Research : The effect of use and non-use of dictionaries
    Mori Setsuko
    京都橘女子大学外国語教育センター紀要 (6) 133 - 140 1998 [Refereed]


  • 田邉 義隆; 森 節子  International Journal of English Linguistics  3-  (3)  53  -65  2013/03
  • Mori Setsuko; Tanabe Yoshitaka  Kinki University English Journal  (7)  17  -36  2011/02
  • Predicting persistence: A motivational Study
    The Proceedings of the 4th Temple University Japan Applied Linguistics Colloquium  55  -66  2002
  • Redefining motivation to read in a foreign language
    Reading in a Foreign Language  14, 91-110-  2002
  • University students' motivation to read in English
  • The effects of proficiency and group membership on motivation to learn and read in English
    The proceedings of the 3rd Temple University Japan Applied Linguistics Colloquium  55-66-  2001
  • Motivation to Learn and Read in English : Who is More Motivated?
  • The Influence of Relationship and Proficiency on the Use of Foreigner Talk
  • Leading the class to water : Japanese student's motiration toward reading in English
  • Pragmatics competence by two groups of Japanese learners of English : returnees and non-returnees
    TUJ Working Papers in Applied Linguistics  (16)  116  -129  2000
  • The role of motivation in amount of reading
    TUJ Working Papers in Applied Linguistics  (14)  51  -68  1999
  • The need for a criterion-referenced test for program evaluation
  • Action Research : The effect of use and non-use of dictionaries
  • Motivational contribution to how much students read in English
    Bulletin of Research Institute for Foreign Language Education  11, 23-33-

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • The Impact of Culture on Student Attributions for Performance: A Comparative Study of Three Groups of EFL/ESL Learners  [Not invited]
    森 節子; ピーター・ゴーベル
    Sountheast Asian Association for Institutaional Research  2011/11  Chiang Mai, Thailand  Sountheast Asian Association for Institutaional Research
  • Student perceptions of success and failure in Thai and Japanese EFL classrooms  [Not invited]
    森 節子; Peter Gobel
    EuroSLA  2008/09  Aix en Provence, France  EuroSLA
  • Success and Failure in the Asian EFL Classroom: Exploring Students’ Attributional Beliefs  [Not invited]
    森 節子; Peter Gobel
    ALA conference  2008/06  Hong Kong  ALA conference
  • Attributional beliefs in the EFL classroom  [Not invited]
    森 節子; Peter Gobel
    TESOL  2007/03  Seattle, Washington  TESOL
  • Success and Failure Attributions in Thai and Japanese EFL Classrooms  [Not invited]
    森 節子; Peter Gobel
    Thailand TESOL  2007/01  Khon Kaen, Thailand  Thailand TESOL
  • Relationship between attitudes and gain scores on TOEIC-based proficiency test  [Not invited]
    森 節子
    The Japan Association for Language Teaching  2006/11  Kitakyushu  The Japan Association for Language Teaching
  • Success and failure in the EFL classroom: Exploring students’ attributional beliefs in language learning  [Not invited]
    森 節子; Peter Gobel
    European Second Language Association Conference 2006  2006/09  Antalya, Turkey  European Second Language Association Conference 2006
  • Exploring reading motivation in the EFL classroom  [Not invited]
    森 節子
    2nd CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching  2006/02  Phnom Penh, Cambodia  2nd CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching
  • University students’ attributional beliefs in language learning  [Not invited]
    森 節子
    The Seventh Temple University Applied Linguistics Colloquium  2006  大阪  The Seventh Temple University Applied Linguistics Colloquium
  • Success and failure in language learning: The student perspective  [Not invited]
    森 節子; Peter Gobel
    4th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education  2006/01  Honolulu, Hawaii  4th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education
  • Predicting attrition: Relationships between gender, motivation, and attendance.  [Not invited]
    森 節子; ピーターゴーベル
    Ninth Bienial University of Seville Conference on Applied Linguistics (ELIA)  2005/03  スペイン  Ninth Bienial University of Seville Conference on Applied Linguistics (ELIA)
  • Qualitative inquiry: Why do Japanese university students stop coming to school?  [Not invited]
    森 節子; ピーターゴーベル
    Thailand TESOL's 25th Anniversary International Conference  2005/01  タイ  Thailand TESOL's 25th Anniversary International Conference
  • Gender, motivation, and attendance among university students  [Not invited]
    森 節子; ピーターゴーベル
    第27回 JALT 全国語学教育学会  2004/11  奈良  第27回 JALT 全国語学教育学会
  • モーティベーションと読書量の関係 ー モーティベーションを高めるリーディングタスク  [Not invited]
    森 節子
    英語授業研究学会 関西支部 第137回例会  2004/07  大阪  英語授業研究学会 関西支部 第137回例会
  • Tailoring a vocabulary-based graded dictation test  [Not invited]
    森 節子; ピーターゴーベル
    The 23rd Thailand TESOL International Conference.  2004/01  タイ  The 23rd Thailand TESOL International Conference.

Affiliated academic society

  • JALT   

Research Themes

  • 英語でのリーディングモーティベーションに関する研究
  • Study on motivation to read in English