Major in Global StudiesAssociate Professor

Last Updated :2024/08/31

■Researcher comments


国際関係入門 国際関係論 中南米の現代社会事情 中南米の文化と歴史

List of press-related appearances

The world today may seem like a complicated place - and, indeed it is! So, it is important to never lose sight of our ability as humans to think reasonably and compassionately. I ask students to set aside their emotionally based preconceptions and assumptions to look at world issues with clarity, impartiality and logic. The main theme and content of the classes will be the examination of the political power structures that drive globalization and the world economy. The main aim will be to research, understand and discuss the policies, objectives and underlying ideologies of a variety of global actors that lead either to common ground, stability and peace with others or to a situation of conflict and war.

■Researcher basic information


  • MA International Affairs (1994, NPSIA, Carleton University, Ottawa)
  • BA Honours in Political Science (BA Hons., 1989, York University, Toronto)

Current research field

国際関係入門 国際関係論 中南米の現代社会事情 中南米の文化と歴史

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences / International relations



  • 2016/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of International StudiesAssociate Professor
  • 2010/04 - 2016/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Applied SociologyLecturer
  • 1998/04 - 2010/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Literature and ArtsAdjunct Lecturer
  • 1994/10  Osaka UniversityInstitute of EducationAdjunct Lecturer

Educational Background

  • 1991/09 - 1994/06  Carleton University, M.A.  Norman Paterson School of International Affairs  International Affairs / International Trade and Development
  • 1992/09 - 1993/05  Kansai Gaidai University, Diploma  International Exchange Program  Asian Studies
  • 1985/01 - 1989/06  York University, B.A. Hons.  Faculty of Arts  Political Science

■Research activity information


  • Japan’s Kishida Fails to Learn Abe’s Political Lessons
    The Diplomat 2023/02 
    James Carville’s simple refrain, “It’s the economy, stupid,” made during Bill Clinton’s campaign for president in 1992, is applicable to most nations around the world. Carville’s mantra holds that successful economic policy is the principal source of popular support and political success. In other words, achievements in domestic policy that pay special attention to pocketbook issues drive political longevity for leaders and their political regimes. By corollary, most foreign policy initiatives, success or failure, will only have a marginal impact on citizens’ attitudes towards their leaders. Japan is no exception to this dictum yet Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is ignoring it and will likely feel the consequences.
  • Why Some in Japan Are Still Unsettled About a Biden Administration
    The Diplomat 2021/01 [Refereed]
    There is still a strong undercurrent of nostalgia for some of the more combative elements of the Trump presidency among a swath of both Japan officialdom and the public, coupled with fear of a weaker Biden one. This favorable view of Trump’s policy combined with pessimism about Biden as it relates to Japan is both unfounded and misguided for three reasons – a changing national narrative of Japan’s interests in the world promoted by Japan’s leadership, a superficial and largely erroneous understanding of Obama’s foreign policy, and an overly charitable assessment of Trump’s policies and actions in the region.
  • The Incremental Revolutionary: Japan after 8 Years of Shinzo Abe
    E - International Relations 2020/09 [Refereed]
    After 8 years in power, the longest of any postwar Japanese Prime Minister, the legacy that Shinzo Abe leaves behind will no doubt shape the country for years to come. Many of Abe’s ideas were beyond reform, some would say even radical in nature, yet the actual implementation and progress were, in the end, incremental at best. The main reason, as will be argued in this review and evaluation of Abe’s time in power, is that he allowed his ideology to color and permeate his policy throughout his term bequeathing numerous economic and domestic challenges to his successor and the country.
  • Intellectual Bias in History: The Case of Agriculture in Developing Countries
    Ramirez Carlos
    Proceedings of Academic Conference, Prague, August 201 105 - 114 2019/08 [Refereed]
  • The Roots and Rise of Neo Conservatism in Japan: From the Post War to Koizumi
    Ramirez Carlos
    Journal of International Studies 3 55 - 72 2018/11 [Refereed]
  • How US North Korean Diplomacy Should Have Really Worked: Making the Trump-Kim Summit Counterfactual Case
    Ramirez Carlos
    International Afffairs Forum Online 2018/07 [Refereed]
  • Abe's Charm Offensive - Is there a Second Act?
    Ramirez Carlos
    The Diplomat 2018/03 [Refereed]
  • Abe's Cul-de-Sac Foreign Policy: Between Entrapment and Abandonmen
    Ramirez Carlos
    The Diplomat 2017/09 [Refereed]
  • Abe's Trump Challenge and Japan's Foreign Policy Choices
    Ramirez Carlos
    The Diplomat 2017/03 [Refereed]
  • A 'Can Do' framework-based curriculum in a university-level English language learning programme: Course goals, activities and assessment
    Ramirez Carlos; Shimo Etsuko; Nitta Kaori
    Critical, Constructive Assessment of CEFR-informed Language Teaching in Japan and Beyond 2017/02 [Refereed]
  • Interdependence, Institutions and Smart Power: Obama's Neoliberal Foreign Policy in a Neoliberal World
    Ramirez Carlos
    Applied Sociology Research Review 4 (1) 2015/09
  • Obama's Neo-liberal Foreign Policy in a Neo-liberal World
    Ramirez Carlos
    International Affairs Forum Online 2015/08
  • Ramirez Carlos
    Kinki University Center For Liberal Arts and Foreign Language Education Journal (Foreign Language Ed 近畿大学全学共通教育機構教養・外国語教育センター 5 (1) 73 - 95 2185-6982 2014/07 
    [Abstract] Spoken English is becoming a topic of growing concern among Japanese government policy makers. The main question is how to achieve fluency given that past methodologies have not achieved their expected results. Testing as a tool for learning can help in attaining proficiency. However, a good test must adhere to the three guiding principles of validity, practicality and reliability. This paper proposes one type of testing, the Unified Oral English Test, as an acceptable method of testing at the large institutional level, i.e., at universities. It is proffered that this test conforms to the principles of validity and practicality. While it is acknowledged that confirmation of the test's reliability requires further data, the test content and organization suggests reasonable reliability. The first section of the paper explains the importance of test construct and content in test design. This explanation is followed by a general outline of the test itself. The remaining parts of the paper are discussions of the four main types of validity as they relate to the test, the practicality of the test and finally the challenges of achieving reliability on a Unified Oral English Test.著者専攻: 応用言語学
  • Ramirez Carlos
    Applied Sociology Research Review 近畿大学総合社会学部 2 (1) 25 - 45 2186-6260 2012/07 
    [Abstract] This essay posits that agriculture has an important and equal role to industry in the initial stages of industrialization and economic development. However, most of the economic development literature, as reviewed here, fails to reflect this. In fact, the bias against agriculture that existed from the middle of the last century to the beginning of this one has relegated agriculture to a role subservient to industry. The demand and supply linkages between the two sectors are numerous and of significant importance. An underdeveloped agriculture sector can have grave consequences for incipient industry and ultimately lead to economy-wide distorted development. In practice, only the East Asian countries have been able to produce the required synergies between agriculture and industry. In contrast, Latin America has failed to create sufficient linkages between the two sectors. The results of the diverging strategies are clear: high speed sustained growth with equity in East Asia and economic fluctuation, significant poverty and inequality in Latin America. This paper uses the cases of Korea and Brazil to analyze the linkages and synergies between agriculture and industry in a developing economy.著者専攻: 国際異文化・国際関係
  • Ramirez Carlos
    Kinki University Center For Liberal Arts and Foreign Language Education Journal (Foreign Language Ed 近畿大学教養・外国語教育センター 2 (1) 307 - 330 2185-6982 2011/12 
    A discussion of concepts and strategies of oral testing in theory and practise.

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Comparative Development Policy: Latin America in the Context of the East Asian Experience  [Invited]
    Carlos Ramirez
    University of Valencia  2024/02
  • Intellectual Bias in History: The Case of Agriculture in Developing Countries  [Not invited]
    Ramirez Carlos
    Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, Czech Technical University, Prague  2019/08
  • Getting to the Point: Making Academic and Research Presentations  [Not invited]
    Ramirez Carlos
    Advanced Nuclear Reactor Experiment 2017, Kindai University  2017/11
  • Review of a Can-Do-Framework-based Curriculum in a University-level English Language Learning Program  [Not invited]
    JALT Conference FLPSIG, Nagoya University  2014/05
  • Back to Basics: What and why are we testing?  [Not invited]
    近畿大学総合社会学部 英語研究会  2013/03
  • Unified Oral Testing in a University Oral English Program  [Not invited]
    JACET, Kwansei Gakuin University, Hyogo, Japan  2010/11  Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture  JACET
    Current status of oral testing at the university level.