TAKAOKA Shinichi

Department of ArchitectureProfessor

Last Updated :2024/07/20

■Researcher basic information

Research Keyword

  • リノベーション   近現代建築   大阪   生きた建築   

Research Field

  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Architectural and city planning
  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Architectural history and design



  • 2024/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Architecture Department of Architecture教授
  • 2018/04 - 2024/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture准教授
  • 2018/04 - 2022/03  Osaka City UniversityUrban Research Plaza特別研究員
  • 2011/04 - 2019/03  Osaka City UniversityFaculty of Engineering, Department of Urban Design and Engineering非常勤講師
  • 2012/04 - 2018/03  Enokojima Art, Culture and Creative Center, Osaka Prefecture企画部門チーフディレクター
  • 2006/04 - 2018/03  Osaka City UniversityUrban Research Plaza特任講師
  • 2013/04 - 2015/09  National Institute of Technology, Akashi CollegeDepartment of Architecture非常勤講師
  • 2011/04 - 2014/03  Ritsumeikan UniversityDepartment of Architecture and Urban Design, College of Science and Engineering非常勤講師

Educational Background

  • 2011/10 - 2017/09  Osaka City University  Graduate School of Engineering  Urban Engineering Course
  • 1994/04 - 1996/03  大阪大学大学院  工学研究科  建築工学専攻 前期博士課程
  • 1990/04 - 1994/03  Osaka University  School of Engineering  建築工学科

■Research activity information


  • 2021/10 Japan Institute of Design Promotion GOOD DESIGN BEST100
     Publication of "Architecture for the first time" and Open House Event JPN publisher 
    受賞者: The Executive;Committee of Living;Architecture Museum Osaka
  • 2017/05 一般社団法人日本建築学会 日本建築学会賞(業績)
    受賞者: 高岡 伸一;橋爪 紳也;嘉名 光市;倉方 俊輔;大阪市都市整備局
  • 2014/10 公益財団法人日本デザイン振興会 グッドデザイン賞 都市づくり、地域づくり、コミュニティづくり部門
     津波浸水深サイン [浸水どうぶつものさし] 
    受賞者: 高岡 伸一;増永 明子;甲賀 雅章


  • しまなみ海道周辺地域のサイクルオアシスに関する研究 ー登録事業者の動機と継続理由に着目してー
    小田 夕紀子; 高岡 伸一
    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集 927 - 928 2022/07
  • 『日本近代建築総覧』にみる大阪市内の近代建築の分布と減少について
    高岡 伸一; 山田 沙奈
    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集 489 - 490 2022/07
  • 都心部立地の高経年コーポラティブ住宅群における次世代所有者の動向 ー同年代、同規模の特質を持つ「都住創」シリーズの比較を通してー
    宮野 順子; 和田 将吾; 高岡 伸一; 荒木 公樹
    住宅系研究報告会論文集 16 135 - 140 2021/12 [Refereed]
  • The State of Management of long-standing cooperative housing communities located in the city center -Through comparison of the “Tojuso” series dating from the same period and of the same scale (3) How did the next generation get involved in the administration?
    Junko MIYANO; Masaki ARAKI; Shogo WADA; Shinich TAKAOKA
    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集 233 - 234 2021/07
  • The State of Management of long-standing cooperative housing communities located in the city center -Through comparison of the “Tojuso” series dating from the same period and of the same scale (2) The next generation’s process to move into “Tojuso” series.
    WADA Shogo; TAKAOKA Shinichi; MIYANO Junko; ARAKI Masaki
    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集 231 - 232 2021/07
  • 御堂筋沿道建築物の変遷(その2) 景観の保全から更新、そして超高層化へ
    高岡 伸一
    建築の研究(一般社団法人 建築研究振興協会) (246) 13 - 18 2018/10 [Invited]
  • 御堂筋沿道建築物の変遷 御堂筋の建設から景観の保全まで
    高岡 伸一
    建築の研究(一般社団法人 建築研究振興協会) (244) 6 - 12 2018/04 [Invited]
  • 大阪の近現代建築物のコモンズ化による都市再生手法に関する研究
    高岡 伸一
    大阪市立大学 2017/09 [Refereed]
  • The Construction of Small Buildings in Historical City Centers during the Period of High Economic Growth and Their Architectural Features - With a Focus on the Government Housing Loan Corporation of Japan’s Medium and High Rise Fireproof Buildings in Chuo
    Shinichi TAKAOKA; Koichi KANA; Yasutomi SAKUMA
    International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies 2017 352 - 355 2017/08
  • TAKAOKA Shinichi; KANA Koichi; SAKUMA Yasutomi
    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 日本建築学会 82 (735) 1337 - 1347 1340-4210 2017 [Refereed]
    &nbsp;This paper aims to discusses a history of modern buildings along Midosuji Boulevard in relation to its urban background. Midosuji is the symbol street in Osaka, and regarded very important for revitalization of Osaka City.<br>&nbsp;Midosuji is a national road, about 4 km long and about 44m wide. It's passes through the central area of Osaka from JR Osaka station to Nankai Namba station. Midosuji was planned in the first urban planning of Osaka City in 1920's, and specified as the first grade road in the plan. The construction was started in 1926, and completed in 1937.<br>&nbsp;This paper deals with the about 1km long of 4km of Midosuji, which is regarded to represent the image of Midosuji best. In this area, 50 buildings were built between 1920 and 1970, from the construction of the street to the beginning of the control about its townscape preservation by Osaka City.<br>&nbsp;The history can be divided into 3 periods from the viewpoints of architectural characteristics, number and arrangement of the buildings.<br><br>&nbsp;1) 1920-1945<br>&nbsp;In the 1st period, the construction of buildings were limited because of the influence of the war. 12 buildings were built mainly in 2 zones, Yodoyabashi area (north side) and Hommachi area (south side). Yodoyabashi area consists mainly of financial company buildings like bank and insurance companies, designed in the classical style, on the other hand Hommachi area consists of commercial company buildings, designed in popular style like Spanish. Its tendency stems from the history and its characteristic of the land which was developed in the early modern (Toyotomi and Edo) period as Semba town.<br>&nbsp;2) 1945-1955<br>&nbsp;In the 2nd period which corresponds to the post-war reconstruction, 10 of 12 buildings were built on the east side of Midosuji, and 9 were bank buildings. Many buildings had granite wall, and emphasized vertical line as the transformation from classicism to modernism. The east side arrangement stems from a difference of lots on the blocks. East side lots were easier to acquire than the west, because the west side lots were too subdivided historically to get in a short period. And banks could build their own buildings preceding other types of company by the then government's finance policies.<br>&nbsp;3) 1955-1970<br>&nbsp;In the 3rd period, 26 buildings were built on all blocks along Midosuji in the high economic growth. They were planned in the full size of the then architectural restriction, growing demand for utilization of the city center. Consequently, Midosuji had possessed the townscape with completed wall line and skyline. By the industrialization of building construction, curtain-wall system appeared on the wall of 8 buildings, on the other hand old construction of tile wall was still used for 10 buildings.
  • 地域資源としての近代建築の活用主体間の連携とその展開 ̶大阪市北船場地区を事例としてー
    高岡 伸一; 嘉名 光市; 佐久間 康富
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 (九州) 129 - 130 2016/08
  • Shinichi Takaoka; Koichi Kana; Shunsuke Kurakata; Yasutomi Sakuma
    AIJ Journal of Technology and Design Architectural Institute of Japan 22 (51) 749 - 843 1881-8188 2016/06 [Refereed]
    This paper describes the outline of 'Living Architecture Museum Project' by Osaka City. This project is aimed at generating and informing the urban attraction by regeneration and use of architecture in the city. It consists of 3 projects starting from 2013 for 3 years. (1) Selection: Osaka City selects 50 buildings as 'Osaka Selection' according to the own concept 'Living Architecture'. (2) Regeneration: It subsidizes the restoration of the selection. (3) Promotion of Use: The Open House event which has been held in Europe is held in Osaka, and 55 buildings were opened and 77 programs were given in 2014.
  • 建設記録映画という近現代建築資料
    高岡 伸一
    近現代建築資料の現状と今後の課題 —近現代建築資料全国調査特別WGを受けて— 3 - 3 2014/09
  • 建築を彩るアート
    高岡 伸一
    戦後大阪のアヴァンギャルド芸術−焼け跡から万博前夜まで− 40 - 41 2013/07
  • ガラスブロックという表現
    高岡 伸一
    戦後大阪のアヴァンギャルド芸術−焼け跡から万博前夜まで− 42 - 43 2013/07
  • 前現代建築の建築的特長が生みだす活用価値について 大阪都心部を事例として
    高岡 伸一
    前現代都市・建築遺産計画学的検討[若手奨励]特別研究委員会報告書 23 - 26 2013/03
  • Masui Toru; Takaoka Shinichi; Kana Koichi; Sakuma Yasutomi
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan The City Planning Institute of Japan 48 (2) 129 - 134 0916-0647 2013 [Refereed]
    The study aims to clarify the change of spatial visions in planning process of OSAKA STATION FRONT AREA'S REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT by OSAKA City, from 1961 to 1973. The project built 4 high-rise buildings, and changed the plans 4 times. The findings are as follows: 1) In the first plan, 'aesthetics of sameness' was important concept, but the rise of buildings had changed higher through the process of planning and construction. 2) Though no planed at first, Open spaces had appeared both inside and outside the buildings. 3) The clear separation of the approach of cars and human beings by floors had changed lost.
  • 法規制からみた市街地住宅の空間的特徴
    高岡 伸一
    公団一般市街地住宅の軌跡 30 - 35 2009/03


  • Placemaking in Architecture
    Shinichi TAKAOKA  Journal of architecture and building science  137-  (1763)  34  -34  2022/06  [Invited]
  • 雑誌『大阪人』の連載「発掘 the OSAKA」
    高岡 伸一  建築雑誌  133-  (1716)  46  -46  2018/10  [Invited]
  • 大阪・中之島〜天王寺 “生きた建築”の魅力に触れる
    高岡 伸一  The ROYAL  12  -14  2018/09  [Invited]
  • 「生きた建築ミュージアムフェスティバル大阪」はなぜ成功したのか?
    高岡 伸一  建築ジャーナル  (1277)  8  -12  2018/04
    TAKAOKA Shin-ichi  SHOTENKENCHIKU  63-  (3)  110  -117  2018/03
  • 丸一商店(フジカワビル)
    高岡 伸一  住宅建築  (461)  52  -59  2017/02  [Invited]
  • 髙岡 伸一  建築と社会 = Architecture and society  97-  (1135)  34  -37  2016/10
  • TAKAOKA Shinichi; MINAMI Kazunobu; MATSUKUMA Hiroshi; KURAKATA Shunsuke; MAEDA Shigeki  Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting  2013-  (0)  643  -644  2013/08
  • 船場アートカフェの活動について 2008年度-2011年度
    高岡 伸一  URP GCOE DOCMENT  (13)  82  -85  2012/03
  • 報告 「まちのコモンズ」という試み
    高岡 伸一; 高原 一貴  URP GCOE DOCMENT  (13)  86  -94  2012/03
  • 船場アートカフェのスペースと運営
    高岡 伸一  URP GCOE DOCMENT  (2)  6  -7  2008/03
  • 高岡 伸一; 澤田 充  建築雑誌  122-  (1565)  36  -37  2007/08

Books and other publications

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • イケフェス大阪を準備した北船場のまちづくりをめぐって  [Invited]
    高岡 伸一
    近代建築WEEK2018・博学社連携シンポジウム5 「三条通の近代洋風建築群-建築をまちに開く-」  2018/11  京都文化博物館  京都歴史文化施設クラスター実行委員会、京の三条まちづくり協議会、NPO法人京都景観フォーラム
  • 魅力あふれる大阪の“戦後ビル”を知ろう  [Invited]
    高岡 伸一
    大阪市の魅力発信コース  2018/09  総合生涯学習センター  大阪市生涯学習センター
  • enocoの学校「大阪の近代建築のサポーターになろう」  [Invited]
    高岡 伸一
    2018/09  大阪府立江之子島文化芸術創造センター  大阪府立江之子島文化芸術創造センター
  • 大阪の近代建築とその魅力  [Invited]
    高岡 伸一
    2018/06  近鉄文化サロン阿倍野  近鉄文化サロン
  • 2018年度関西大学博物館ミュージアム講座ー大阪の近現代建築とその楽しみ方ー  [Invited]
    高岡 伸一
    2018/05  関西大学梅田キャンパス  関西大学博物館
  • 地域資源としての近代建築の活用主体間の連携とその展開 −大阪市北船場地区を事例として−  [Not invited]
    高岡 伸一
    日本建築学会大会(九州)  2016/08
  • 大阪中央郵便局をめぐる保存運動  [Not invited]
    高岡 伸一
    日本建築学会大会(北海道)  2013/08

Affiliated academic society



  • マヅラ喫茶店(1970年竣工)の改修
    Architectural works 2022/08
  • リバーサイドビルディング(1965年竣工、設計:岸田日出刀)の修景改修
    高岡 伸一 Architectural works 2021/03
  • 今橋ビルヂング(1925年竣工)の修景改修
    高岡 伸一 Architectural works 2021/03
  • フジカワビル(1953年竣工,設計:村野藤吾)3階の研究室への改修
    高岡 伸一 Architectural works 2020
  • 山本ビル(1958年竣工、1967年増築)の耐震補強と改修
    高岡 伸一 Architectural works 2019
  • N邸(芦屋市)のマンションリノベーション
    高岡 伸一 Architectural works 2019
  • 北浜長屋(1912年竣工,設計:不詳)の耐震補強と改修
    高岡 伸一 Architectural works 2017
  • フジカワビル(1953年竣工,設計:村野藤吾)1階画廊の楽器店への改修
    高岡 伸一 Architectural works 2016
  • 丼池繊維会館(旧愛国貯蓄銀行,1922年竣工,設計:不詳)の改修
    高岡 伸一 Architectural works 2016
  • 伏見ビル(旧澤野ビルヂング, 1923年竣工,設計:長田岩次郎)の修景改修
    高岡 伸一 Architectural works 2012
  • 立売堀ビル(1927年竣工,設計:鴻池組)の修景改修
    高岡 伸一 Architectural works

Research Themes