Department of LawProfessor

Last Updated :2024/08/31

■Researcher comments


Visiting fellow, University of Southampton: 2016-2017 ___ 商法演習 ___ 専門演習では、主たる保険判例を素材として、報告および討論を繰り返すことにより、保険法を理解することを目的としています。したがって、報告担当者による報告と、それを踏まえた討論によって、進められます。報告担当者は、割り当てられたテーマおよび判例について、レジュメをはじめ、素読原稿等の資料を作成し、それに基づいて報告を行います。そして、報告を通じて提起された問題点について、さまざまな観点から、あるいは、さまざまな立場から検討を加え、解決に導いていきます。そのため、報告担当者に報告のための十分な準備が求められることはもちろんですが、報告担当者以外の受講者もまた、必ず予習し、自分なりの見解や疑問をもって受講するようにしてください。

■Researcher basic information


  • Ph. D (Law)(Kyoto Sangyo University)
  • LL. M(Kyoto Sangyo University)
  • LL. B(Kyoto Sangyo University)

Research Keyword

  • 商法   保険法   海商法   

Current research field

Visiting fellow, University of Southampton: 2016-2017 ___ 商法演習 ___ 専門演習では、主たる保険判例を素材として、報告および討論を繰り返すことにより、保険法を理解することを目的としています。したがって、報告担当者による報告と、それを踏まえた討論によって、進められます。報告担当者は、割り当てられたテーマおよび判例について、レジュメをはじめ、素読原稿等の資料を作成し、それに基づいて報告を行います。そして、報告を通じて提起された問題点について、さまざまな観点から、あるいは、さまざまな立場から検討を加え、解決に導いていきます。そのため、報告担当者に報告のための十分な準備が求められることはもちろんですが、報告担当者以外の受講者もまた、必ず予習し、自分なりの見解や疑問をもって受講するようにしてください。

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences / Civil law / Commercial Law, Insurance Law and Maritime Law



  • 2018/12 - Today  Chukyo University法務研究所特任研究員
  • 2008/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of LawProfessor
  • 2016/09 - 2017/08  University of SouthamptonSouthampton Law SchoolVisiting Researcher
  • 2014/05 - 2016/01  Kiyokawa Law OfficeAttorney at Law
  • 2009/08 - 2014/04  Umegae Chuo Legal Profession CorporationAttorney at Law
  • 2007/04 - 2008/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of LawAssociate Professor
  • 2003/04 - 2007/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of LawAssociate Professor
  • 2003/04 - 2006/03  Yamaguchi UniversityFaculty of EconomicsPart-time Lecturer
  • 2004/09 - 2004/09  Shimane UniversityFaculty of Law and LettersPart-time Lecturer
  • 2001/09 - 2003/03  Yamaguchi UniversityFaculty of EconomicsAssociate Professor
  • 2002/08 - 2002/09  Shimane UniversityFaculty of Law and LettersPart-time Lecturer
  • 1999/04 - 2001/08  Yamaguchi UniversityFaculty of EconomicsFull-time Lecturer

Educational Background

  • 1996/04 - 1999/03  Doctoral Program at Kyoto Sangyo University  Graduate School of Law  博士後期課程
  • 1994/04 - 1996/03  Master's Program at Kyoto Sangyo University  Graduate School of Law  博士前期課程
  • 1990/04 - 1994/03  Kyoto Sangyo University  School of Law  法律学科
  • 1987/04 - 1990/03  Zyonouchi High School of Tokushima Prefecture

■Research activity information


  • 2000/11 the Society for Risk Analysis Japan (SRA Japan) Prize for Emcouragement


Books and other publications

  • 論点体系 保険法〈第2版〉2
    野口夕子 (Contributor第50条(被保険者の死亡の通知)156-163頁、第79条(給付事由発生の通知)392-395頁)第一法規株式会社 2022/07 9784474072251
  • 論点体系 保険法〈第2版〉1
    野口夕子 (Contributor第13条(損害の発生及び拡大の通知)162-170頁、第15条(損害発生後の保険の目的物の滅失)182-183頁、第16条(火災保険契約による損害てん補の特則)184-188頁、第23条(費用の負担)244-250頁)第一法規株式会社 2022/07 9784474072244
  • Commentary on Insurance Law, Vol. 2
    NOGUCHI Yuko (Contributor§50: Duty to Give Notice of the Death of the Insured, §79: Duty to Give Notice to Satisfy the Necessary Conditions for Receiving Insurance Benefits)Dai-ichi Hoki Co. 2014/07
  • Commentary on Insurance Law, Vol. 1
    NOGUCHI Yuko (Contributor§13: Duty of the Insured to Prevent Loss, §15: Destroy of Subject-matter after Loss Has Arisen, §16: Loss Arisen for Extinguishing Fire or Escaping from Danger, §23: Determination of the Amount of Loss)Dai-ichi Hoki Co. 2014/07
  • Selected 100 Cases : Japanese Insurance Law
    NOGUCHI Yuko (ContributorThe Character as Valuable Papers of Marine Insurance Policies : About the Supreme Court of Japan, Judgment, 31 August 1938)Yuhikaku 2010/12
  • The New Evolution of an Argument of Insurance Contracts under the Japanese Insurance law Amendment
    NOGUCHI Yuko (ContributorA Study of Escape Clauses for the Insurer on General Insurance under the Japanese Insurance Law Amendment)Gyosei 2009/10
  • The Need to Recognize a Duty of an Insurer to Cover an Insured's Costs to Mitigate Losses under an Insurance Policy to Prevent a Moral Hazard
    NOGUCHI Yuko (Single work)Seibundoh 2007/03 9784792325107

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 保険法51条3号における「保険金受取人」の範囲:高松高裁平成26年9月12日判決を再考する  [Invited]
    令和5年度7月度保険学セミナー(大阪)  2023/07
  • 個人募集代理店による告知義務違反(東京地裁令和元年12月12日判決)  [Not invited]
    令和4年度第6回保険事例研究会〈大阪〉  2022/11
  • Case Study : About Tokyo High Court of Japan, Judgment, 27 October 2016  [Not invited]
    NOGUCHI Yuko
    The Seminar of Case Studies of Life Insurance, Osaka-section, Japan Institute of Life Insurance (JILI)  2018/12
  • Case Study : About Takamatu High Court of Japan, Judgment, 12 July 2012  [Not invited]
    NOGUCHI Yuko
    The Seminar of Case Studies of Life Insurance, Osaka-section, Japan Institute of Life Insurance (JILI)  2016/07
  • The Concealment of the Insured's Psychotic Depression : About Osaka High Court of Japan, Judgment, 12 July 2012  [Not invited]
    NOGUCHI Yuko
    The Seminar of Case Studies of Life Insurance, Osaka-section, Japan Institute of Life Insurance (JILI)  2014/02
  • A Study on the Commencement of the Term of Extinctive Prescription for the Right to Claim Insurance Money : Within the Scope of the Amendment of the Civil Law of Japan  [Invited]
    NOGUCHI Yuko
    The Seminar of Insurance Science, Tokyo-section, Japan Institute of Life Insurance (JILI)  2013/01
  • The Invalid Person of Life Insurance : About Mito District Court of Japan, Judgment, 29 October 2003  [Not invited]
    NOGUCHI Yuko
    The Seminar of Case Studies of Life Insurance, Osaka-section, Japan Institute of Life Insurance (JILI)  2011/12
  • A Study on Uses of the Right to Change a Beneficiary by an Insured in Life Insurance Contracts : The Impact of Trust Law §89 on Modernization of Insurance Contract Law  [Not invited]
    NOGUCHI Yuko
    The Seminar of Insurance Science, Osaka-section, Japan Institute of Life Insurance (JILI)  2011/01
  • The Character of a Duty of an Insurer to Cover an Insured's Costs to Mitigate Losses under Marine Insurance Contract  [Not invited]
    NOGUCHI Yuko
    The 59th Conference on Maritime Law Association of Japan  2009/10
  • Japanese Commercial Code Article 660 as an Instrument to Prevent Risk of Marine Insurance  [Not invited]
    NOGUCHI Yuko
    The 20th SRA-Japan Annual Conference, The Society for Risk Analysis Japan  2007/11
  • The Need to Recognize a Duty of an Insurer to Cover an Insured's Costs to Mitigate Losses under an Insurance Policy to Prevent a Moral Hazard  [Not invited]
    NOGUCHI Yuko
    The Conference on Japan Association of Private Law 2004, Japan Association of Private Law  2004/10
  • The Function of Risk-sharing in Family and the Insurance Institution : In the Light of the Relation between Change of Family Form and Development of Insurance Institution in Japan  [Not invited]
    NOGUCHI Yuko
    The 14th SRA-Japan Annual Conference, The Society for Risk Analysis Japan  2001/11
  • The Principle to Cope with Risk of Insurance Contract : On the Side of Prevention Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard  [Not invited]
    NOGUCHI Yuko
    The 13th SRA-Japan Annual Conference, The Society for Risk Analysis Japan  2000/11
  • Symposium on Some Problems of Moral Hazard  [Not invited]
    NOGUCHI Yuko
    The Conference on the Japanese Society of Insurance Science 1999, The Japanee Society of Insurance Science  1999/10
  • The Duty of an Insurer to Cover an Insured's Costs to Mitigate Losses under Italian Commercial Code  [Not invited]
    NOGUCHI Yuko
    The Conference on the Japanese Society of Insurance Science, Kansai-section, The Japanese Society of Insurance Science  1999/06
  • Construction of Insurance Contract on Moral Hazard  [Not invited]
    NOGUCHI Yuko
    The 10th SRA-Japan Annual Conference, The Society for Risk Analysis Japan  1997/11


  • Corporate LawCorporate Law Kindai University
  • Maritime LawMaritime Law Kindai University, Yamaguchi University
  • Insurance LawInsurance Law Kindai University
  • Commercial LawCommercial Law Kindai University
  • Commercial LawCommercial Law Kindai University
  • Trust LawTrust Law Kindai University

Affiliated academic society


Research Themes

  • 英国における一連の保険法制改革が海上保険分野に及ぼす影響を検証する(基盤研究(C))(課題番号18K01350)
    Japan Society for thr Promotion of Science (JSPS):Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2018/04 -2023/03
  • 海上保険法制の中での損害防止費用負担義務にかかる実証的研究(若手研究(B))(課題番号22730098)
    Japan Society for thr Promotion of Science (JSPS):Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2010/04 -2014/03
  • 損害防止費用負担義務形成史についての実証的・比較法的研究(若手研究(B))(課題番号18730081)
    Japan Society for thr Promotion of Science (JSPS):Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2006/04 -2008/03