TSUJI Kazuhiko

Major in English Linguistics and Literature, Department of LiteratureProfessor

Last Updated :2024/07/17

■Researcher basic information


  • Ph.D.(Hiroshima University)

Research Keyword

  • American Literature and Culture   

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences / Literature - General



  • 2017/04 - 2018/03  Queens College, The City University of New YorkDivision of Arts and HumanitiesVisiting Scholar

Educational Background

  •        - 2000/03  Hiroshima University  社会科学研究科

Member History

  • 2021/04 - Today   The Japan Mark Twain Society   Journal Editor
  • 2021/01 - Today   ASLE-Japan   steering committee of computer center
  • 2012/04 - Today   The Japan Mark Twain Society   Executive Council
  • 2019/04 -2023/03   The American Literature Society of Japan   Editorial Board
  • 2015/04 -2023/03   The Kansai American Literature Society   Executive Council
  • 2018/04 -2021/12   ASLE-Japan   Executive Secretary
  • 2015/04 -2019/03   The Kansai American Literature Society   Journal Editor
  • 2013/09 -2018/03   ASLE-Japan   Secretary
  • 2012/04 -2018/03   The Japan Mark Twain Society   Director of Official Website
  • 2014/05 -2017/05   The English Literary Society of Japan   Committee for Preparation of Conference
  • 2015/04 -2017/03   The Kansai English Literary Society   Journal Editor
  • 2013/04 -2015/03   The Kansai American Literature Society   Executive Director
  • 2010/08 -2013/08   ASLE-Japan   Newsletter Editor
  • 2009/04 -2012/04   The Japan Mark Twain Society   Director

■Research activity information


  • 2003 The Fukuhara Memorial Fund for the Studies of English and American Literature
    受賞者: TSUJI Kazuhiko
  • 2002 Incentive Award of Kanazawa English Society
    受賞者: TSUJI Kazuhiko


  • Manuscript Study on Mark Twain
    Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Journal of Mark Twain Studies 22 7 - 15 2023/06 [Refereed][Invited]
  • Terror Age of Disaster and Plague
    Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Literature and Environment (25) 42 - 45 2022/06 [Refereed][Invited]
  • Wrecked Imaginations
    Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Literature, Arts & Cultural Studies 27 (1) 103 - 114 2015/09 [Refereed]
  • Visual Impact and Auditory Sense: Ralph Ellison and the Twentieth Century
    Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Literature, Arts & Cultural Studies 24 (1) 97 - 115 2012/10 [Refereed]
  • Poe of the Nineteenth Century in the Cinemas of the Twentieth Century
    Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Jounal of the Poe Society of Japan (4) 43 - 51 2012/09 [Refereed][Invited]
  • A Soldier Revised
    Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Literature, Arts & Cultural Studies 21 (2) 121 - 137 2010 [Refereed]
  • Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Journal of Mark Twain Studies 南雲堂 (8) 102 - 11 1346-9622 2009 [Refereed]
  • Twin's Dreams
    Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Memoirs of the Faculty of Education and Regional Studies (63) 53 - 62 2007 [Refereed]
  • Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Memoirs of the Faculty of Education and Regional Studies 福井大学教育地域科学部 (62) 23 - 34 1345-6016 2006 [Refereed]
  • Floating America
    Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Chubu American Literature (9) 1 - 14 2006 [Refereed]
  • Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Memoirs of the Faculty of Education and Regional Studies 福井大学教育地域科学部 (60) 61 - 73 1345-6016 2004 [Refereed]
  • The Genealogy of Shadows: The Detectives' Roots in the Writings of Poe, Twain, and Bierce
    Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Central Japan English Studies (23) 1 - 13 2004 [Refereed]
  • Landscapes Collected
    Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Memoirs of the Faculty of Education and Regional Studies (59) 25 - 37 2003 [Refereed]
  • A Murder or Technology
    Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Journal of Mark Twain Studies (2) 35 - 41 2003 [Refereed]
  • A Telephone Office in the Den of Medieval Hermit
    Kazuhiko Tsuji
    The Chu-Sikoku American Studies (1) 103 - 117 2003 [Refereed]
  • Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Kanazawa English Studies 金沢大学 24 (24) 219 - 231 0449-7449 2003 [Refereed]
  • Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Journal of Mark Twain Studies 南雲堂 (1) 42 - 51 1346-9622 2002 [Refereed]
  • Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Studies in Literature 文芸学研究会 (3) 34 - 57 1346-0641 2000 [Refereed]
  • Beyond the Phelps Farm: The Sequels to Huckleberry Finn and Nineteenth-Century American Society
    Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Ph.D. Thesis, Hiroshima University 2000 [Refereed]
  • Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Studies in American Literature 日本アメリカ文学会 (36) 55 - 71 0385-6100 2000 [Refereed]
  • Flexible Body in Mark Twain's Three Thousand Years Among the Microbes
    Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Studies in European and American Culture (6) 111 - 126 1999 [Refereed]
  • The Black Slave on the Sphinx: The Imperial Logic in Tom Sawyer Abroad
    Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Chu-Shikoku Studies in American Literature (35) 31 - 41 1999 [Refereed]
    Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain's novel, is well known not only to the American literary critics, but also to the people all over the world. Most of the readers of Huckleberry Finn, however, don't know the fact that Twain had written the series after the publication of Huckleberry Finn. He tried to write the continuances again and again, but he couldn't succeed in completing most of the works well after all. Tom Sawyer Abroad is one of such novels that Twain published as the series of Huckleberry Finn. In this paper, I studied about the imperial logic in this novel from three standpoints. In the first place, I discussed the critical history of Tom Sawyer Abroad, and made it clear that this story was not unpopular and was not neglected in the early twentieth century, in contrast with the situation of today. A few critics, nowadays, refers to Tom Sawyer Abroad, but they don't think that the novel is as an excellent canon as Huckleberry Finn is. Although Tom Sawyer Abroad has many irregular points and cannot be said to be one of best Twain's novels, the story tells us about some interesting aspects of Twain's unconsciousness. Secondly, I took up the code of the depressed structure of this story, by way of remarking on the birth of the balloon narratives and Twain's difficulty with completing this novel. There were many obstacles in way of the publication of this book; for example, Twain's mental anxieties for some reasons, his financial failure, the publisher's bankruptcy, and the editor's alterations. These situations filled the story with the strange atmosphere in which Tom is urged and pessimistic. His defeats in the several discussion with Jim make it clear that the order of this discourse is on the edge of the collapsed condition. Finally, I explained the plot of Tom Sawyer Abroad, and interpreted it as the story of the Tom's ambition to expand into all over the world. In this story, Tom's desire to be a hero is still unsolved, and his connection with Huck is no longer a mere boys' friendship, but a part of the grotesque feudalism. Jim reappears but has no autonomy. He is completely displaced from the status in which he had the role of Huck's reliable father, and comes back to the position of a servant or a slave in the South. What I have mainly argued in this paper is that the singularity of Tom Sawyer Abroad was well coincided with that of American attitude toward the developing countries in those days. Tom's reasoning and interpreting in this novel are strongly connected with the growth of the early capitalism and American “innocent” imperialism. Of course, his plays and tricks filled the role of overturning the worth-order of the community in Huckleberry Finn, but his logic in Tom Sawyer Abroad establishes his superiority over not only the persons around him, but also the powerless people in the other countries in the late nineteenth century. Here, we can see Twain's difficulty in story-telling and his severe surrounding that mastered American society at the same time, and understand what made Twain write his anti-imperial writings in his later years after all.
  • Mark Twain's View of Nature in “Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer among the Indians”
    Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Literature and Environment (2) 5 - 13 1999 [Refereed]
  • The Phelps Farm Revisited
    Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Language and Culture (7) 96 - 111 1999 [Refereed]
  • Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Kanazawa English Studies 金沢大学 23 (23) 51 - 62 0449-7449 1999 [Refereed]
  • Paradise, Woman, and Man: The Masculinity in Mark Twain's The Diaries of Adam and Eve
    Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Studies in European and American Culture (5) 163 - 176 1998 [Refereed]
    Mark Twain, a well-known American writer, was a man, but the fact doesn't necessarily follow that Twain completely understood what his masculinity consisted of or how Victorian gender identity had worked in the society and the culture in those days. Twain tried to depict many social problems and consider modern ideological system in his stories, and some of his experiments succeeded. Nevertheless, his attempt to take up the gender institution in the United States often fell quite flat. Extracts from Adam's Diary, Translated from the Original MS.(1904) and Eve's Diary, Translated from the Original MS.(1906) are Twain's novels, and they represent his thinking and perspective on the American gender in the early twentieth century. The Old Testament and John Milton's Paradise Lost had great effect on them, the strong power of Eve with wisdom, however, is entirely different from the one of the old age or the Victorian woman. In these discourses, Twain clearly succeeded in grasping the birth of the new-type woman and the counterpart, the man with new masculinity. Masculinity, as many men's studies nowadays suggest, is neither the same institution in all times, nor unchangeable concept, but the system that has consistently been changing in the human beings' history. In most of cases, Twain was conservative in the problems of gender, but it is no exaggeration to say that he realized what being a man is and the meanings of masculinity in his later years. What I have mainly argued in this paper is that the singularity of Extracts from Adam's Diary and Eve's Diary was well coincided with that of American gender system in those days. Eve's reasoning and interpreting in this novel are strongly connected with the growth of the United States' capitalism and the change of Victorian gender identity. Of course, her plays and tricks filled the role of overturning the worth-order of the community in the Garden of Eden, but her logic in both novels establishes his superiority over not only Adam, but also the animals there. Here, we can see Twain's difficulty in story-telling and his severe surrounding that mastered American society at the same time, and understand what made Twain write the writings on gender late in his life.
  • “The Significance of the Golden Age of American Children’s Classics: Huckleberry Finn, Toby Tyler, and the Birth of American Imperialism”
    Kazuhiko Tsuji
    Tinker Bell (43) 46 - 59 1998 [Refereed]

Books and other publications

  • Reading 'Edgar Allan Poe' in an Era of Narrative and Dialogue
    Kazuhiko Tsuji, et al. (Editor)Sairyusya 2023/09 9784779129315
  • Sceneries of the end of the world
    Kazuhiko Tsuji, et al. (Editor)Syunpu Press 2022/10 9784861108235
  • Unusualness of American Literature
    Kazuhiko Tsuji; Ryuzo Hamamoto (Editor)Akashi Press 2022/10 9784750354804
  • 杉野, 健太郎; 諏訪部, 浩一; 山口, 和彦; 大地, 真介 (Joint work「『ハックルベリー・フィンの冒険』の映画史」)三修社 2019/10 9784384059311 358p 60-73
  • Rebuilding Maria Clemm: A Life of "Mother" of Edgar Allan Poe
    TSUJI Kazuhiko (Single work)Manhattanville Press 2018/11 9781948535014
  • American Animals and Stories(joint work)
    Kazuhiko Tsuji (Joint work「南半球からの帰還ーマーク・トウェインと動物表象」67-90)Rinkawa Shoten 2013 9784653041979
  • Counter-Narratives and American Literature(joint work)
    Kazuhiko Tsuji (Joint work「犬の天国と人の地獄—トウェインと犬を巡る言説について」91-105)OtwaSyoboTsurumi Syoten 2012/10 9784755302695
  • 朝日, 由紀子; 有馬, 容子; 井川, 真砂; 石原, 剛; 後藤, 和彦; 里内, 克巳; 武田, 貴子; 中垣, 恒太郎; 亀井, 俊介 (Joint work)彩流社 2010/10 9784779115752 482p
  • The Japanse Face of Edgar Allan Poe(joint work)
    (Joint work)Kenkyu Sya 2009 9784327472191
  • Kazuhiko Tsuji (Joint work)音羽書房鶴見書店 2008/04 9784755302367 209, 46p
  • Young Mark Twain(joint work)
    (Joint workDouble Cross Game)Osaka Kyoiku Tosyo 2008 9784271117780 133-148
  • Ecotopia and Environmental Justice(joint work)
    TSUJI Kazuhiko (Joint work「暗転するユートピア/制御するディストピア」)Koyoshobo 2008/01 9784771018976 49-61
  • Toward a New Ecocritical Vision(joint work)
    (Joint work新しい地図を携えてーー若きエマソンの<自然>論)Nanundo 2003 9784523292821 12-35
  • Beyond the Phelps Farm: Mark Twain and the Nineteenth Century America
    (Single work)Keisuisya 2001 9784874406519
  • Green Literary Criticism: Selected Translations from Ecocriticism Reader(joint work)
    (Joint work)Syohakusya 1998 9784881989029

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • A Blue Boat Floats on Tokyo Bay: Syugoro Yamamoto and Showa Period  [Not invited]
    TSUJI Kazuhiko
    (Symposium) 2018 International Symposium on Literature and Environment in East Asia Conference (National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan)  2018/10
  • Jeremy’s Confusion: Accusing Literature and Environmental Crises  [Not invited]
    TSUJI Kazuhiko
    (Symposium)Environmental Humanities: Globalization, Adaptation, Education. 2016 International Symposium on Literature and Environment in East Asia Conference(Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea).  2016/11
  • Ecocritical Reading of Major Works 2. (Moderator)  [Not invited]
    TSUJI Kazuhiko
    (Symposium)Unsettling Boundaries: Nature, Technology, Art. 2014 International Symposium on Literature and Environment in East Asia Conference(Meio University, Okinawa).  2014/11
  • Which Was the Orient?: Mark Twain’s “Which Was the Dream?” and Asian Thoughts  [Not invited]
    TSUJI Kazuhiko
    (Symposium)Mark Twain: Transnational Readings and Receptions, The Seventh International Conference on the State of Mark Twain Studies(Elmira College, New York State, The United States of America); partly published in the proceedings: 65-66.  2013/08
  • White Light/White Snow  [Not invited]
    TSUJI Kazuhiko
    (Forum)Who is Mark Twain?: An International Forum with Prof. Robert H. Hirst(General Editor of the Mark Twain Project). Japan Mark Twain Society Annual Meeting, Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Mark Twain's Death(Keio University, Hiyoshi, Kanagawa).  2010/10

Affiliated academic society

  • THE NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE SOCIETY OF JAPAN   The Japan Society for Cinema Studies   The Poe Society of Japan   THE WILLIAM FAULKNER SOCIETY OF JAPAN   The Kansai English Literary Society   The Kansai American Literature Society   The Chu-Shikoku American Literature Society   The Japan Mark Twain Society   ASLE-Japan   The American Literature Society of Japan   The English Literary Society of Japan   


  • Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), JSPS
    2009 -2012
  • Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), JSPS
    2005 -2007

Research Themes

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2012 
    Author : TSUJI Kazuhiko
    In the four years, the research on this subject had been done in the Gelman Library of the George Washington University, the Earl K. Long Library of University of New Orleans, the New York Public Library, and the Morgan Library in New York, and, therefore, they brought some fruitful successes. By using of the web service, quick inputs and outputs to the archives of the research were achieved. The results of the studies were exhibited in the presentation and the publication, and it is gaining not a few values.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2005 -2007 
    Author : 辻 和彦
  • American Literature and Culture