OCHI Youji

Department of InformaticsAssociate Professor

Last Updated :2024/08/31

■Researcher basic information


  • (BLANK)(1999/03 The University of Tokushima)

Research Keyword

  • 身体知   情報工学   教育工学   教育情報工学   e-Learning   

Research Field

  • Informatics / Human interfaces and interactions
  • Informatics / Learning support systems
  • Life sciences / Physical and health education
  • Humanities & social sciences / Educational technology



  • 2022/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Informatics准教授
  • 2018/04 - 2022/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Science and Engineering准教授
  • 2019/09 - 2020/08  University of LübeckInstitute of Medical InformaticsGuest Professor
  • 2003/04 - 2018/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Science and Engineering講師
  • 1999 - 2003  The University of TokushimaFaculty of Engineering助手

Educational Background

  •        - 1999  The University of Tokushima  工学研究科  システム工学
  •        - 1999  The University of Tokushima  Graduate School, Division of Engineering
  •        - 1994  The University of Tokushima  Faculty of Engineering  Department of Information Science and Intelligent Systems
  •        - 1994  The University of Tokushima  Faculty of Engineering

Member History

  • - Today   2024 IEEE 13th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics   TPC Members

■Research activity information


  • 2023/07 電子情報通信学会 令和5年度 情報・システムソサイエティ査読功労賞
  • 1999 徳島大学工学部教育研究助成奨学賞
  • IAENG Certificate of Merit
    受賞者: OCHI Youji


  • Youji Ochi
    The 5th IEICE-CS International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Communications (IEICE ICETC 2024) 2024/11 [Refereed]
  • Skeleton Estimation in Gymnastics Using Segmentation Masks
    Naoki Teramoto; Youji Ochi
    Proc. of 2024 IEEE 13th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics 2024/10 [Refereed]
  • Youji Ochi; Ku Tabuchi
    Proc. of World Conference on E-Learning 2024/10 [Refereed]
  • Subject Relevance Visualization using Word2Box
    Youji Ochi; Nanako Hashimoto
    Proc. of 16th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics 2024/07 [Refereed]
  • Masaru Miyagi; Kazuaki Yoshihara; Youji Ochi; Nobukazu Iguchi
    情報処理学会論文誌 65 (1) 255 - 260 2024/01 [Refereed]
  • Proposal of a Competency Estimation Method for Video Viewing Logs
    Shunnosuke Mine; Youji Ochi
    Proc. of 2023 IEEE 12th Globak Conference on Consumer Electronics 2023/10 [Refereed]
  • Youji Ochi
    2021 IEEE 10th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE) IEEE 2021/10 [Refereed]
  • A BLE-based Monitoring System for Estimating Congestion on University Campuses
    Yoshiaki Taniguchi; Tomoki Mukaida; Youji Ochi; Nobukazu Iguchi
    2021 IEEE 3rd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies 2021/03
  • Yutaro Kobayashi; Yoshiaki Taniguchi; Youji Ochi; Nobukazu Iguchi
    2020 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Asia (ICCE-Asia) IEEE 2020/11
  • Keiichi Tsukasaki; Youji Ochi; Nobukazu Iguchi
    2019 IEEE 8th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE) IEEE 2019/10 [Refereed]
  • OCHI Youji
    Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2019 2078-0966 2019/03 [Refereed]
  • Hitting Arm Detection for Drum Performance Learning System Using Kinect
    Yasuhiro Imada; Youji Ochi
    Proc. of The Seventh International Conference on Informatics and Applications 2018/11 [Refereed]
  • Masato Sakai; Youji Ochi
    Proc. of 2018 IEEE 7th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics 2018/10 [Refereed]
  • 越智 洋司
    電子情報通信学会(D) J101-D (6) 994 - 997 2018/06 [Refereed]
  • Yoshitaka Kashiwagi; OCHI Youji
    Proc. of 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems 14 - 17 2018/03 [Refereed]
  • Ochi Youji
    Transactions of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education 34 (1) 1 - 3 1341-4135 2017
  • Ochi Youji; Hirano Mitsumasa; Iguchi Nobukazu
    Transactions of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education 34 (1) 32 - 43 1341-4135 2017/01 [Refereed]

    The playing drum requires rhythmic senses and physical technics. It is difficult for novice drummers to determine their practice result. We developed drum training system to solve this problem. This system captures drumming motion of a user using Kinect, and compares the user's motion and instructional motion. This system supports the users to determine their practice result objectively in self-learning without a teacher. In this paper, we describe our approach, the system implementation and a discussion of our system in the practical uses.

  • TANIMOTO Hirokazu; AMANO Ryo; OCHI Youji; MAEDA Yoshinobu
    Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers 52 (7) 408 - 410 0453-4654 2016/07 [Refereed]
    We demonstrated a pup-up tag which is attached to fish and records action data for a fixed period. The tag is collected using the ARGOS system. The pop-up tag has an accelerometer, an angular velocity sensor and a pressure/temperature sensor. The characteristics of the accelerometer showed available performance from the relation between the acceleration and the angular velocity of turntable.
  • Yoshitaka Kashiwagi; Youji Ochi
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2016 2016/07 [Refereed]
  • 天野 亮; 谷本 浩一; 中山 敬三; 越智 洋司; 前田 佳伸
    スマートプロセス学会誌 高温学会 5 (3) 215 - 217 2186-702X 2016/05 [Refereed]
  • Ochi Youji; Shichiri Kazuki
    Transactions of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education 33 (3) 144 - 148 1341-4135 2016/01 [Refereed]
  • Mitsumasa Hirano; Youji Ochi; Nobukazu Iguchi
    Drumming motion of percussion is important to play music, and it can learn efficiently by coaching from expert. However, if novice drummer cannot get coaching from expert, they practice percussion by oneself with use of book. Then, it is difficult for novice drummer to measure of practice result. We have been developing self learning system for novice drummer. Using this system, novice drummer can check percentage of a much between instruction and practice.
  • Yoshitaka Kashiwagi; Youji Ochi; Yasuo Miyoshi; Yuichiro Mori; Ryo Okamoto
    recent years, in many research fields, the approach of utilizing motion sensors have attracted attention. In educational technology researches, it appears to be common in supporting physical skill learning. We have developed a system to detect the guitar performance using Microsoft Kinect Sensor (hereinafter, Kinect). In this paper, we describe about the detection of the guitar area and the performance motion.
  • 越智洋司; 井手勝也
    、教育システム情報学会誌 32 (1) 37 - 47 2014/01 [Refereed]
  • Katsuya Ide; Youji Ochi
    In this study, we target the Classroom lectures to proceed by using the paper, such as notes, and handouts as a learning resource. Currently, it is common to use paper as a lecture material. The paper has the advantage of write freely. However, management is difficult as the number of students increases. Instead, we have focused on the tablet as a device that has the advantage of both the PC and paper. In this study, we developed a handwriting typed electronic notebook. Our system uses the cloud services and tablet devices in order to improve the efficiency of the exercise type lecture by the advantage of both electronic and paper.
  • 越智 洋司
    教育システム情報学会誌 30 (1) 98 - 103 2013/01 [Refereed]
  • Youji Ochi
    Proceedings - 26th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, WAINA 2012 619 - 622 2012 [Refereed]
    We developed a presentation support agent to provide some features beyond the traditional presentation tools. This agent has a human-like interface and the dynamic effects for the presentations. It is controlled with a wireless remote device. Getting use to operate the agent experimentally, user experience tended to be improved. © 2012 IEEE.
  • Youji Ochi; Nobukazu Iguchi
    The quality of the delivered lecture image becomes an important factor to improve an educational effect in a real time distance-education. In this paper, we pay attention to teacher's needs for the lecture video image. We developed the camera control system using a pointing stick corresponding to the teacher's need. In this paper, we describe the proposal of camera control model, the outline of our system and the experimental use of our system.
  • 3D映像教材作成システムの開発:ステレオ映像編成ツール
    横前琢磨; 井口信和; 越智洋司; 溝渕昭二; 向井苑生
    NAIS Jorrnal 28 - 35 2011/03 [Refereed]
  • Camera Control System for Remote Lectures Using Face Recognition and Speech Recognition
    Shoji MIZOBUCHI, Takuma YOKOMAE, Youji OCHI, Nobukazu IGUCHI, Sonoyo MUKAI, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA2009, 2009 2009
  • Teacher-Students Interaction Support System on Remote Lecture Video Using Face-Recognition Technology
    Youji Ochi ,Takuma Yokomae, Shouji Mizobuchi, Nobukazu Iguchi, Proceedings of The Distance Learning and the Internet Conference 2008,pp133-137, 2008-11 2008
  • Camera Control System Using Speech Recognition Technology
    Shoji Mizobuchi, Youji Ochi, Nobukazu Iguchi, Itaru Sano, Sonoyo Mukai and Takayoshi Kimura, Proc. of ED-MEDIA 2008,pp. 2001-2006, 2008-6 2008
  • 脇田里子; 越智洋司
    間谷論集 日本語日本文化教育研究会編集員会 (2) 45 - 64 1882-1111 2008 
  • Youji Ochi; Yoneo Yano
    We have developed the registry environment to support sharing and retrieving a module of teaching materials with web services. It's necessary to add an index and metadata to retrieve the module of teaching materials. We describe the metadata for education defined technologically by which it's,for SCORM and the metadata in Web Services Description Language. It was integrated about a search method.
  • A Practice of Interactive English Class On a Multipoint/Interactive Remote Lecture Environment
    Youji Ochi,Yuh Etoh, Nobukazu Iguchi,Shouji Mizobuchi, Yoshiaki Shiraishi,Masatoshi Mori, Byon-Chol So, Yoshinobu Kurose, Itaru Sano1, Sonoyo Mukai, 8th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 2007-7 2007
  • Visual Sheets Supporting for Pre-writing Process in Writing a Report
    Riko WAKITA, Youji OCHI, 8th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, pp.658-661, 2007-7 2007
  • 越智洋司; 大西佑樹; 井口信和; 白石善明; 向井苑生
    Transactions of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education 教育システム情報学会編集事務局 24 (4) 301 - 310 1341-4135 2007
  • Development of Computer-Assisted Teaching Method of English Pronounciation Using Body Movements
    Yuh Etoh; Nobukazu Iguchi; Yoji Ochi; Shoji Mizobuchi
    関西英語教育学会紀要「英語教育研究」 (29) 105 - 123 2006
  • “Awareness for Review Chance” Framework for Knowledge Stability of Usage of Words and Phrases
    Y. Miyoshi; K. Kanenishi; Y. Ochi; R. Okamoto; Y. Yano
    Proc. Of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA2005) 3998 - 4003 2005
  • OCHI Youji; WAKITA Riko; YANO Yoneo
    Japan Journal of Educational Technology Japan Society for Educational Technology 28 (Supll) 145 - 148 1349-8290 2005 
    近年, インターネットの普及により, ウェブを利用した教材提供が盛んになっている.既存のウェブ教材をリソースとして活用することは, 教師の負担を減らす有効な手段となる.しかし, 再利用者が意味を取り違えて, 不適切な箇所へ文を埋め込んだり, 派生により文意が変わるなど, 結果として内容的に不適切な文章になる可能性がある.我々は, 既存の教材が再利用された際に, 被再利用教材の作成者(原作者)に対して再利用情報を提示することで, 適切なコンテンツの再利用が行えると考える.本論文では, 再利用を行った教材に対する原作者の承認を円滑に行うための機構を提案する.
  • Hiroyuki Mitsuhara; Youji Ochi; Yoneo Yano
    Systems and Computers in Japan 35 (10) 102 - 113 0882-1666 2004/09 
    In exploratory learning using Web pages, the learner tries to understand a visited page by recalling and applying related knowledge. The learner also refers to and applies explanations of the related knowledge if access is possible. The expectation is that the knowledge used in understanding various pages will be organized and integrated, and will be stabilized in the memory. The purpose of this study is to develop a WBL (Web-based learning) system that assists such knowledge stabilization. The authors consider that the most fundamental knowledge stabilization assistance consists of helping the learner refer to and apply explanations of related knowledge from the visited page. Consequently, this paper proposes a framework in which related knowledge is linked to Web pages, and presents a WBL system based on such a framework. The effectiveness of the proposed system is investigated through an experiment. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • Y Miyoshi; Y Ochi; K Kanenishi; R Okamoto; Y Yano
    ED-MEDIA 2004: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Vols. 1-7 ASSOC ADVANCEMENT COMPUTING EDUCATION 1193 - 1199 2004 [Refereed]
    It is not easy for most of Japanese people to pick the illustrative sentences that are useful for words and phrases choice in writing English. We propose an illustrative-sentences search model that is easy to catch out necessary sentences from search results. And we describe the proposed model is useful in order to solve problems of words and phrases choice in writing English. In addition, we propose a method for classifying sentences with use of phrase structure information. Based on these, we have developed a prototype toot "SOUP" (illustrative-sentences Search tOol Using Phrase structure). This prototype tool can search for phrases including a specified word and represent results of comparative search.
  • 内発的動機づけを高める自己評価の試み
    脇田里子; 越智洋司
    メディア教育開発センター研究報告 (45) 117 - 123 2004
  • An Adaptive Web-Based Learning System with the Framework of Educational Modification of Web Pages
    越智 洋司; 光原弘幸; 金西計英
    Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education 2003(香港) 2003/12 
    任意のウェブページにおいて、アノテーションなどの教育的な情報を付加することにより、それを利用して個人適用を可能とするWBL システムについて述べる。
  • Web based Educational Resource Library with Authenticating User’s Quotation
    越智 洋司; 脇田里子; 矢野米雄
    Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education 2003(香港) 2003/12 
  • An Illustrative-Sentences Mining Tool Using Phrase Structure for English Writing
    越智 洋司; 三好康夫; 金西計英; 岡本竜
    Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education 2003(香港) 2003/12 
  • Takahiro Oie; Tetsushi Ueta; Youji Ochi; Yoneo Yano
    The Journal of University Evaluation of National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation, Research in University Evaluation 大学評価・学位授与機構 Vol.3 (3) 31 - 50 1347-5991 2003/09 [Refereed]
    大学機関では,紀要や各種総覧,シラバスなどの定期刊行物や,大学評価,外部評価,自己点検評価など,多くの報告書が編集され出版されている.これら出版物を制作するためのデータは,例えば学歴,職歴のように職員個人にとっては不変の情報であったり,著作リストのように既存のデータを追加するだけで済む情報である.しかし,個人のデータの記録書式や,編集者のデータ収集方法を統一することは困難であり,よって,出版物ごとにデータの再入力が強いられ,結果,編集・校正に長い期間を要し,データ入力者のみならず編集者にとっても多大な負担となる.そこで本学では,上記出版物の網羅すべき項目を洗いだし,「情報の再利用」を設計思想として,ユーザの入力と出版物の編集作業の援用を指向した教職員データベースシステム(EDB; Education and research database)を構築した.EDBは当初,徳島大学工学部においてのみ運用されていたが,大学評価や自己点検評価の資料を含む多くの出版物編集に利用された.その実績を受け,現在では全学レベルの運用に引き上げられている.本稿では,このEDBのコンセプトや提供される機能について述べ,入力から出版までの流れ,既出版物の概要,今後の展望について解説する.また,運用までの経緯や問題点について述べる.
  • MITSUHARA Hiroyuki; OCHI Youji; YANO Yoneo
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics,Information and Communication Engineers. The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers J86-D-I (1) 29 - 38 0915-1915 2003 [Refereed]
    Web ページを利用した探求学習において,学習者は訪れたページを読解するために,関連知識を想起・適用するほか,関連知識の解説にアクセスできる場合はそれを参照・適用する.様々なページの読解に適用された知識は整理・統合され,記憶として定着していくことが期待される.本研究の目的は,このような知識定着を支援する WBL (Web-Based Learning) システムの開発である.我々は,学習者が訪れたページから関連知識の解説を参照・適用できるようにすることが最も基本的な知識定着支援であると考える.そこで本論文では,Web ページに関連知識の解説をリンクする枠組みを提案し,この枠組みをもつ WBL システムについて述べる.最後に,実験により本システムの有効性を考察する.
  • MIYOSHI Yasuo; OCHI Youji; KANENISHI Kazuhide; OKAMOTO Ryo; YANO Yoneo
    Japan Journal of Educational Technology Japan Society for Educational Technology 27 (3) 283 - 294 0385-5236 2003 
    Corpora are often utilized for language education and writing support but it is not easy for Japanese learners to pick the illustrative sentences that are useful for word choice. Therefore, we propose illustrative-sentences clustering to catch out necessary illustrative sentences from example search results. And we describe that the illustrative-sentences clustering is useful in order to solve problems of word choice in English writing. In addition, we propose a method to classify the examples and propose the use of phrase structure information in order to materialize the illustrative-sentences clustering. Based on these, we developed "SOUP" that is a prototype of the illustrative-sentences search tool using phrase structure. This prototype tool can search for phrases including a specified word and reveal of the co-occurrence relations of words and phrases.
  • Hiroyuki Mitsuhara; Youji Ochi; Kazuhide Kanenishi; Yoneo Yano
    Journal of Information and Systems in Education Vol.1 (No.1) 109 - 118 2002/12 [Refereed]
  • . .; . .; . .
    CICSJ Bulletin Division of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences The Chemical Society of Japan 20 (1) 2 - 2 2002 
  • Y Ochi; R Wakita; Y Yano
    In this paper, we introduce a Web based self-directed learning environment using a student's Web-annotation and describe the evaluation of our system. SDL (Self-Directed-Learning) is one of the teaching methods that supports the autonomous learning of the learner. However, it is difficult for the learners to choose a web page suitable for their learning purpose as the learning resource in the web based SDL. We developed a prototype system that is called "Retracer". Our environment recommends the web pages and information that it is useful for the learner using the learner's annotation. This method analyzes the feature of a Web page, and extracts the learning resource suitable for a student need using a Web-annotation. Finally, we got the good result in a trial use.
  • H Mitsuhara; Y Ochi; K Kanenishi; Y Yano
    A search engine is frequently used to look up interesting/unknown topics in web-based exploratory learning, but occasionally it returns meaningless pages (hyperlinks), which can interrupt finding suitable pages. This paper describes a web retrieval support system with a comment sharing environment, which aims at reducing loads in search activity The effectiveness of this system has been shown through an experiment. This system is not currently adaptive but can be extended to a web-based adaptive IR (Information Retrieval) system.
  • K Matsuura; FW Hesse; Y Ochi; H Ogata; Y Yano
    Online real/virtual classrooms/schools will play a more important role in the society of the future. Especially, an anytime/anywhere learning environment, which allows learners to participate in a classroom via networks, is one of the most focused theme of this research field. In such a trend of these networked learning environments, we have already proposed a new concept for the asynchronous virtual classroom that combines online learning materials with both asynchronous communication tools and software agents. The software agents, which are simulated classmates in a classroom situation, act for real learners by means of utilizing past activities of past learners. In addition to such agents' behavior as semi-real classmates, they could be configured as purely virtual classmates by a lecturer, too. Now that we reconsidered and reconfigured a flexible architecture for software agents, this paper reports its basic design and an application for agent-based classmates in asynchronous learning scenario.
  • サーチエンジンと連動したコメント共有型Web検索支援システムの試作
    光原 弘幸; 金西 計英; 越智 洋司; 矢野 米雄
    日本教育工学会論文誌 26 259 - 264 2002
  • H Ogata; YQ Liu; Y Ochi; Y Yano
    COMPUTERS & EDUCATION PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD 37 (3-4) 225 - 240 0360-1315 2001/11 [Refereed]
    This paper focuses on the problem of language transfer in foreign language learning. The transfer often leads to a communicative gap, which is caused by the difference between a learner's mother language (ML) and the target language (TL). This paper first analyzes the semantic relations between the ML and the TL. Then it proposes a CGM (Communicative Gap Model) because of the meaning difference between both languages. We have developed a computer assisted language-learning system called Neclle (Network-based Communicative Language-Learning Environment) in order to support foreign language learning through communication using a text based chat tool. Neclle has a software agent called Ankle (Agent for Kanji Learning), which observes the conversation between a learner and a native speaker, looks up a communicative gap in the learner's utterance automatically according to CGM, the student model and the word dictionary of both languages, intervenes into the conversation, and gives an instruction for bridging the gap. Then, the learner can not only be aware of the gap but also acquire its cultural background from the native speaker. In our case study, Chinese students used Neclle for Japanese language learning. Japanese language had incorporated with Chinese kanji but the meaning of a kanji sometimes differed between two languages. Therefore, the Chinese learners who want to study Japanese language have to pay much attention to the meaning gap between Chinese and Japanese language. In the evaluation of Neclle, nine Chinese students talked with Japanese students about three topics with Neclle for 1 h 30 min. The results of the experiment showed that it was very useful for Japanese language learning. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • An Example-Based English Learning Environment for Writing
    Yasuo Miyoshi; Youji Ochi; Ryo Okamoto; Yoneo Yano
    Proc. Of PAIS 2001 292 - 297 2001
  • Youji Ochi; Yoneo Yano; Riko Wakita
    Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering IEEE Comput. Soc 2000
  • H Ogata; YQ Liu; Y Ochi; Y Yano
    This paper focuses an the problem of language transfer in foreign language learning. The transfer caused by the difference between learner's mother language and target language, often leads a communicative gap. This paper first analyzes the semantic relations between learner's mother language and target language. Then proposes a CGM (Communicative gap Model) due to language difference. We have developed a communicative language-learning environment called Neckle (Network-based Communicative Kanji Learning Environment) to support foreign language learning through communication with native speakers. Neckle has a software agent that observes the conversation between the learner and the native speaker, checks up the communicative gap according to CGM, and notices the gap for the support of language learning congenial to each learner. Learners can not only be aware of the language difference but also acquire its cultural background from the native speakers.
  • Web利用によるオムニバス講義の授業改善
    脇田里子; 越智洋司; 矢野米雄
    メディア教育開発センター研究報告 14 43 - 52 2000 [Refereed]
  • 母語話者との対話による漢字学習環境でのコミュニケーション支援機構
    越智洋司; 緒方広明; 劉玉琴; 矢野米雄
    教育システム情報学会誌 17 (3) 285 - 294 2000
  • OCHI Youji; YANO Yoneo; WAKITA Riko
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics,Information and Communication Engineers. The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers 83 (6) 710 - 718 0915-1915 2000 
    日本語を学ぶ外国人にとって, 状況によって複雑に変化する待遇表現に対応することは難しく, フォーマルな文書での待遇表現の読解・執筆は困難となる.そこで我々は, 待遇表現の含んだ文書の読解・執筆を支援する学習環境が必要と考え, 柔軟な検索インタフェースと拡張性をもつ辞書システムの枠組みに着目した.本論文では, 学習者の検索対象となる文書(検索リソース)を辞書システムに活用する枠組み"RRM(Retrieval Resources Memory)"を提案し, RRMを実装する待遇表現辞書システムJedyの構築について述べる.RRMは, 検索リソースを検索キーとして扱うと同時に, 実用的な言語表現を含んだ学習リソースの一つととらえ, 用例データとして活用する枠組みをもつ.JedyはRRMを実装することで, 任意の文章をキーにした待遇表現のシミュレーションと検索リソースに基づいた用例導出を実現する.最後に, 外国人留学生を対象にした試用から, 本システムの有効性を考察する.
  • Y Yano; Y Ochi
    It is difficult for overseas students to learn Japanese polite expressions because polite expressions change in complicated way according to the situation (personal relationships and the conversation scenes). Moreover, personal relationships in Japan often vary from that in a learner's country. This difference mg result in misunderstanding for the overseas students. Therefore it is important for the learners to team the personal relationships and to use polite expressions properly accordingly. We implemented a knowledge base system for Japanese polite expression learning, which is called JEDY. The outline and the evaluation of Jedy are described in the paper.
  • Y Ochi; Y Yano; R Wakita
    Internet has become to wide use recently and Web pages have been increasing. We think that many Web pages related to educational needs. Therefore, we focus on a learning environment where the learners study Japanese language using Web pages. We propose a new framework called WEFS (Web based Educational Filtering system). WEFS filters the Web page focusing on personal learning needs, social learning needs, and a learner's strategy. In addition, we develop a prototype system as WEFS, which is called "Web-Retracer". WEFS is a new approach that integrates an information-filtering model into an educational system. On the other hand, introducing Web-Retracer to a classroom may reduce a teacher's burden to select the teaching materials for the learners. The teacher can select the contents of the teaching materials without considering the learner's level.
  • Y Ochi; YQ Liu; H Ogata; Y Yano
    A language transfer, which means learners' mother language tends to influence their target language learning is an essential problem in second language education. The transfer relates to the difference of meaning between their mother language and the target language. It often leads the learners to communicative gap. Therefore, it is necessary to support language learning focusing on the difference of meaning. We have developed a network-based kanji teaming environment called Neckle for Chinese students. Neckle has an interface agent called "Ankle", Ankle has an agent intervene model in order to support kanji teaming and avoids communicative gap by the language transfer. We evaluated the learning environment of Neckle by nine Chinese students. The result of the experiment was appropriate for kanji learning.
  • YQ Liu; H Ogata; Y Ochi; Y Yano
    This study focuses on the problem of language transfer in foreign language learning. We analyze the meaning relationship between a learner's mother language and target language, and propose a CGM (Communicative Gap Model) due to language difference. We develop an educational system called Neckle (Network-based Communicative Kanji Learning Environment) to support foreign language learning through communication with native speakers. In Neckle, Pakal (Peer agent for kanji learning) observes the conversation between the learner and the native speaker, checks up the communicative gap according to CGM, and notices the gap for the support of language learning congenial to each learner. Learners can also acquire knowledge and its backgrounds from the native speaker. The knowledge database can also be enlarged.
  • 日中の意味差異に着目したエージェント指向漢字学習支援システム-Anckle
    劉玉琴; 緒方広明; 越智洋司; 矢野米雄
    電子情報通信学会論文誌 J82-D-II (10) 1645 - 1654 1999
  • WAKITA Riko; OCHI Youji; YANO Yoneo
    Japan Journal of Educational Technology Japan Society for Educational Technology 23 (Supll) 45 - 48 0385-5236 1999 
    留学生を対象にした大学の教養教育科目に, 複数の教官が専門分野の話を行うオムニバス講義の日本事情科目がある.本研究では, Webを利用することによって, 従来のオムニバス講義による日本事情の問題点を解決した.従来の授業と比較して, 以下のように改善された.受講者は, 講義内容が確認でき, 他の受講者の考えを知ることができた.講義担当者は, 留学生情報や他の講師の講義内容がわかった.コーディネイタは, 受講生の講義感想文の点検が簡単になった.講義Webを作成して, 授業の時間以外に講義を再現できた成果は大きかったといえる.
  • 越智洋司
    情報処理学会論文誌 40 (2) 433 - 442 1999
  • Y Ochi; Y Yano
    This paper describes the development of an interactive learning environment, called JUPITER, which supports kanji (Chinese character) learning. Kanji learning is important and difficult for foreigners who learn Japanese language since there are more than 2000 kanji and a vast amount of kanji compounds in Japanese. In recent years, "Internet" has come into wide wet so that anybody can get many Japanese documents through Internet without being in Japan. We think that these documents can be "Resource" for learning Japanese. Our system "JUPITER" tales these documents as educational material and links them to a kanji dictionary. A learner can select the target sentences freely from daily electronic media (for example: E-mail, WWW and NetNews). In a learner's browsing, however, documents have many kanji so it is often difficult for a beamer's to read kanji. JUPITER has the function of learner monitoring and student model on a framework of information filtering system. JUPITER records the kanji content in the browsed documents and analyzes those which are important for a learner. Showing the read information related with important kanji, a learner can learn kanji step by step in JUPITER.
  • R Wakita; Y Ochi; H Ogata; Y Yano; T Hayashi
    This paper describes an exchange program of conversational learning between the target language and the learner's native language. Our project provides the foreign language learner with an authentic communicative situation with the native speaker of the target language via the Internet. Due to high speed networking and rapid progress of technology, we adopt the new multimedia networking technique such as audio, visual, text information and speech recognition technique for foreign language learning, especially conversational learning. The ultimate purpose of language learning is to have a communicative proficiency in the target language. In authentic conversational situations we have not only verbal communication but also non-verbal communication. The goals of our project are to grasp total communication, including non-verbal communication, and to enhance the learner's communicative proficiency.
  • A Kanji Learning Environment with Kanji-filtering from User's Browsing
    OCHI, Youji; YANO, Yoneo; WAKITA, Riko; HAYASHI, Toshihiro
    IPSJ Journal 40 (2) 433 - 442 1998
  • KIDS-II: A Dictionary System for Supporting Analogy of Kanji Compounds
    OCHI, Youji; YANO, Yoneo; HAYASHI, Toshihiro
    IPSJ Journal 39 (1) 131 - 141 1998
  • 漢字熟語の類推を支援する辞書システム``KIDS-II''の構築
    越智洋司; 矢野米雄; 林敏浩
    情報処理学会論文誌 39 (1) 131 - 141 1998
  • JECY: CAI System for Japanese Polite Expressions
    YANO, Yoneo; MURATA, Rie; OCHI, Youji; HAYASHI, Toshihiro
    Transactions of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education 14 (2) 105 - 112 1997
  • JAMIOS: Development of Japanese Mimesis and Onomatopoeia Dictionary System for Foreigners
    OCHI, Youji; KAWASAKI, Keiji; YANO, Yoneo; HAYASHI, Toshihiro
    Transactions of The IEICE D-II J80-D-II (12) 3210 - 3219 1997
  • Riko Wakita; Youji Ochi; Hironori Ichimiya; Toshihiro Hayashi; Yoneo Yano
    Memoirs of the Faculty of Education,Fukui University. Series 5, Applied science 福井大学教育学部 (32) 39 - 50 1341-2868 1997
  • 外国人のための擬態語・擬音語辞書システム”JAMIOS”の構築
    越智洋司; 川崎桂司; 矢野米雄; 林敏浩
    電子情報通信学会論文誌 J80-D-II (12) 3210 - 3219 1997
  • 日本語待遇表現学習支援システム“JECY”の試作
    矢野米雄; 村田利恵; 越智洋司; 林敏浩
    教育システム情報学会誌 14 (2) 105 - 112 1997
  • 象形漢字学習のためのマルチメディア電子辞書の開発
    林敏浩; 越智洋司; 矢野米雄
    教育システム情報学会論文誌 12 (1) 29 - 38 1995


Books and other publications

  • 情報リテラシー
    富士通FOM 2008
  • 情報リテラシー
    溝渕 昭二; 越智 洋司; 安藤 (Joint work)2005/04
  • 情報処理リテラシー基礎
    NTTラーニングシステム 2005
  • 教育システム情報ハンドブック
    実教出版 2001 4407051183
  • 人文社会科学とコンピュータ,第8章(「最新情報を入手するには」)
    成文社 2001 4915730301

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 寺本 直暉; 越智 洋司
    第49回教育システム情報学会全国大会  2024/08
  • プログラミング言語学習進捗管理システムの提案  [Not invited]
    周 暘曦; 守屋 宣; 越智洋司
    情報処理学会第86回全国大会, 1ZM-03  2024/03
  • 田中 一; 越智 洋司
    教育システム情報学会 2023年度学生研究発表会、pp.93-94  2024/02
  • 寺本 直暉; 越智 洋司
    教育システム情報学会 2023年度学生研究発表会, pp.91-92  2024/02  教育システム情報学会
  • 岑 駿之介; 越智 洋司
    日本教育工学会研究報告,2023 巻 4 号 p. 55-62  2023/12
  • 橋本 菜々子; 越智 洋司
    日本教育工学会研究報告, 2023 巻 4 号 p. 49-54  2023/12
  • 岑 駿之介; 越智 洋司
    第48回教育システム情報学会全国大会, pp.37-38  2023/08
  • 松本 幸大; 越智 洋司; 井口 信和
    第48回教育システム情報学会全国大会,pp35-36  2023/08
  • 橋本 菜々子; 越智 洋司
    第48回教育システム情報学会全国大会,pp.271-272  2023/08
  • Shunnosuke Mine; Youji Ochi
    信学技報, vol. 122, no. 303, ET2022-55, pp. 85-88  2022/12
  • 大学におけるフリーアドレススペース共有支援システムの検討
    松本幸大; 越智洋司; 井口信和
    2022年度情報処理学会関西支部 支部大会  2022/09
  • 橋本菜々子; 越智洋司
    教育システム情報学会(JSiSE)2022年度 第2回研究会  2022/07
  • QRコードを用いた出席管理システムの開発
    松本幸大; 井口信和; 谷口義明; 越智洋司
    情報処理学会第84回全国大会  2022/03
  • グラフデータベースを用いた学習者理解度可視化システムの提案
    栗岡陽平; 井口信和; 越智洋司; 山元 翔
    情報処理学会第84回全国大会  2022/03
  • Visualization system for research activities by sharing work status  [Not invited]
    竹内亮; 越智洋司
    ITE Winter Annual Convention 2021  2021/12
  • Flipgridを用いた非同期型ゼミ指導の試み  [Not invited]
    日本教育工学会2021年秋季全国大会  2021/10
  • Study on Social Portfolio System to influence diversity learning with Competency Visualization  [Not invited]
    越智 洋司; 岑 駿之介; 守屋 宣; 山元 翔; 溝渕 昭二; 安田 孝美; 井口 信和
    教育システム情報学会第46回全国大会,pp.123-124  2021/09
  • BLEアドバタイジングパケットを利用した大学キャンパス内の混雑度モニタリングシステム  [Not invited]
    向田朋樹; 谷口義明; 越智洋司; 井口信和
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,Vol.120,No.315,pp. 63 - 68  2021/01
  • GPSログを用いたハンググライダーの旋回評価支援システムの検討  [Not invited]
    塚崎圭一; 越智洋司; 井口信和
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,Vol.120,No.289,pp. 33 - 36  2020/12
  • 越智洋司
    4月からの大学等遠隔授業に関する取組状況共有サイバーシンポジウム  2020/07
  • 身体動作と演奏情報を用いたドラム演奏評価手法  [Not invited]
    今田 泰広; 越智 洋司; 井口 信和
    電子情報通信学会技術技法  2020/01  和歌山県JAビル,和歌山市
  • GPSログを用いたハンググライダーの旋回解析システム  [Not invited]
    塚崎圭一; 越智洋司; 井口信和
    2019年度 情報処理学会関西支部支部大会講演論文集  2019/09  大阪市
  • 文字バランスを考慮したタブレット型ペン習字学習支援システムの開発  [Not invited]
    長井孔明; 越智洋司
    映像情報メディア学会冬季大会  2018/12
  • 画像処理によるぬり絵描画診断システム  [Not invited]
    門松輝; 越智洋司
    平成30年電気関連学会関西連合大会  2018/12
  • 今田 泰広; 越智 洋司; 井口 信和
    第43回教育システム情報学会全国大会,pp.321-322  2018/09  北星学園大学、札幌市
  • 情報・計測技術の発展と教育・学習支援システムの研究動向  [Invited]
    越智 洋司
    第62回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会  2018/05
  • ペンタブレットの運筆情報を利用したペン習字学習支援システム  [Not invited]
    長井孔明; 越智洋司
    2017年度教育システム情報学会学生研究発表会,pp.161-162  2018/02
  • Kinectと機械学習を利用したラジオ体操動作識別  [Not invited]
    酒井正人; 越智洋司
    2017年度教育システム情報学会学生研究発表会,pp.103-104  2018/02
  • Kinectを用いたドラム学習支援のための叩打腕識別手法の検討  [Not invited]
    今田泰広; 越智洋司; 井口信和
    2017年度教育システム情報学会学生研究発表会,pp.101-102  2018/02
  • Kinectを利用したギターの演奏動作認識システムの開発  [Not invited]
    柏木喜貴; 越智洋司
    教育システム情報学会第5回研究会,Vol.32,No.5,pp.115-120  2018/01
  • 吉崎 辰悟; 越智 洋司
    ARG 第11回Webインテリジェンスとインタラクション研究会  2017/12
  • 手書き演習システムのための機械学習を用いた数式認識  [Not invited]
    上乾翔; 越智洋司
    平成29年電気関連学会関西支部連合大会,p.331  2017/11
  • シラバスデータを用いた関連科目検索システム  [Not invited]
    吉崎辰悟; 越智洋司
    平成29年電気関連学会関西支部連合大会,pp.313-314  2017/11
  • CNNを用いたギター演奏における押弦指の推定  [Not invited]
    柏木喜貴; 越智洋司
    平成29年電気関連学会関西支部連合大会,pp.320-321  2017/11
  • 國宗 永佳; 越智 洋司; 金子 大輔; 倉山 めぐみ; 小尻 智子; 辻 靖彦; 長谷川 忍
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報  2017/11  電子情報通信学会
  • 教育・学習支援システムの研究動向  [Invited]
    越智 洋司
    平成29年電気関連学会関西支部連合大会,p.319  2017/11
  • 加速度センサーを利用したドローン操作評価システム  [Not invited]
    越智 洋司
    信学技報, vol. 117, no. 209, ET2017-39, pp. 45-48  2017/09
  • OCHI Youji
    第42回教育システム情報学会全国大会講演論文集,pp.229-230  2017/08
  • シラバスデータを利用した関連科目データベースの構築
    吉崎辰悟; 越智洋司
    教育システム情報学会学生研究発表会,pp.121-122  2017/03
  • VR環境における全天球画像への指示動作の認識  [Not invited]
    上乾翔; 越智洋司
    教育システム情報学会学生研究発表会,pp.89-90  2017/03
  • 機械学習を用いたギター演奏における押弦指の推定手法の検討  [Not invited]
    柏木喜貴; 越智洋司; 井口信和
    電子情報通信学会技術報告,ET2016-68,pp.11-14  2016/12
  • 磁気センサーを用いた車いす訓練システム  [Not invited]
    教育システム情報学会全国大会  2016/08
  • 平野 光正; 越智 洋司; 井口 信和
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報  2016/01  電子情報通信学会
  • 越智洋司
    Webインテリジェンスとインタラクション研究会 予稿集, 2015, 7 巻, 第7回研究会, p. 52-53  2015/11
  • 越智 洋司; 楠木 貴士
    Webインテリジェンスとインタラクション研究会 予稿集, 2013, 3 巻, 第3回研究会, p. 29-30  2013/12
  • MIZOBUCHI Shoji; ANDO Kazuaki; OCHI Youji
    IEICE technical report. Education technology  2012/05  一般社団法人電子情報通信学会
    This paper describes a method for overlaying multiple linguistic information in order to support reading comprehension of Web pages. In Web pages, functions such as hyperlinks are embedded and linguistic information such as characters, words, phrases and sentences are overlapped. The proposed method provides a method to access each of information of linguistic elements that appear in such situation. Using the proposed method, readers of Web pages can obtain linguistic information easily that they want to read.
  • Investigation of IP Network Construction Learning System for Cooperative Practice using Cloud Computing  [Not invited]
    北澤 友基; 井口 信和; 越智 洋司; 溝渕 昭二
    電子情報通信学会教育工学研究会  2012/05  近畿大学  電子情報通信学会教 育工学研究会
  • タブレット端末を用いた講義用ドローイングシステム  [Not invited]
    井手 勝也; 越智 洋司
    電子情報通信学会関西支部学生会研究会  2012/03
  • Kinectを利用した動作解析システム  [Not invited]
    武田悠也; 越智洋司
    電子情報通信学会関西支部学生部会研究会  2012/03
  • 溝渕 昭二; 安藤 一秋; 越智 洋司
    教育システム情報学会研究報告  2012/01  教育システム情報学会
  • 複合コンテンツによるe-Learning教材作成支援システムにおけるアンケート機能の開発  [Not invited]
    萩野 基,越智洋司,井口信和: 第73回情報処理学会全国大会,2011-3  2011
  • UEJIMA Tomotaro; OCHI Youji; IGUCHI Nobukazu
    IEICE technical report  2010/12  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
    Web-search is sometimes utilized as a mean to evaluate the quality of the sentences to use proper expressions for English writing. It is not easy, however, for English beginners to judge the quality from the result of the web search or find other expressions to reuse them. Therefore, we build a system which analyzes and visualizes the web-search result for supporting the user's evaluation of the English expressions.
  • 萩野基; 井口信和; 越智洋司
    平成22年度情報処理学会関西支部支部大会講演論文集  2010/09
  • 研究活動との関連付けを考慮した研究リソース共有システム
    教育システム情報学会, 第35回全国大会講演論文集, 2010  2010
  • 研究活動との関連づけを考慮した研究リソース共有システム  [Not invited]
    越智洋司、井口信和:教育システム情報学会全国大会講演論文集,pp271-272、2010-08  2010
  • 技術英作文のためのマッシュアップ型英語表現検索支援システム  [Not invited]
    上嶋智太郎、越智洋司、井口信和:教育システム情報学会学生研究会、2010-3  2010
  • Web検索APIを利用した英語表現評価支援システム  [Not invited]
    上嶋智太郎,越智洋司,井口信和 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,Vol.110,No.334,pp.35-40,2010-12  2010
  • 越智 洋司; 真木 努; 井口 信和
    JSiSE research report  2009/05  教育システム情報学会
  • 映像と資料の対応付けによる複合コンテンツ作成支援システムの開発と評価  [Not invited]
    横前拓磨,高宗 實,井口信和,越智洋司,向井苑生、電気学会産業システム情報化研究会、2009-03  2009
  • 研究リソースの共有を支援する研究室SNSの開発  [Not invited]
    越智洋司,真木 努,井口信和,電子情報通信学会 第14回 Webインテリジェンスとインタラクション研究会,pp-,2009-03  2009
  • ソースコードを対象にしたウェブアノテーションシステムの開発  [Not invited]
    平松 大樹,越智洋司,電子情報通信学会第14回関西支部学生会研究発表講演会,p.126,2009-3  2009
  • ポートフォリオを用いた学習教育情報分析ツールの開発  [Not invited]
    上嶋智太郎、越智洋司、井口信和:第34回教育システム情報学会全国大会、pp40-41,(2009.08)  2009
  • 時系列情報を用いた研究リソース共有・推薦システム  [Not invited]
    真木 努; 越智洋司; 井口信和
    第71回情報処理学会全国大会,2009-3  2009
  • 講義プレゼンテーションを支援するインタフェースエージェントの開発  [Not invited]
    後藤 雄一郎,越智洋司,電子情報通信学会第14回関西支部学生会研究発表講演会,p.124,2009-3  2009
  • プッシュ技術を利用した同期型ドキュメント編集システム  [Not invited]
    大濱 雅仁,越智洋司,電子情報通信学会第14回関西支部学生会研究発表講演会,p.127,2009-3  2009
  • 映像と資料の対応付けによる複合コンテンツ作成支援システムの開発  [Not invited]
    横前拓磨,高 宗實,井口信和,越智洋司,向井苑生,第71回情報処理学会全国大会,pp.375-376,2009-3  2009
  • 教員・学生間のインタラクションを共有する研究支援SNS  [Not invited]
    越智洋司,真木努,井口信和,教育システム情報学会研究会,pp.44-47,2009-05  2009
  • 研究リソースの共有を支援する研究室SNSの開発  [Not invited]
    越智 洋司,真木 努,井口 信和,第14回Webインテリジェンスとインタラクション研究会,In press,2009-3  2009
  • リソース情報共有による研究活動支援システム  [Not invited]
    真木 努,越智洋司,井口信和、電気学会産業システム情報化研究会、2009-03  2009
  • 6-326 Development of an Assistance System for Evaluating Learning Objective Achievement
    Ochi Youji
    工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集  2008/07  Japanese Society for Engineering Education
  • YOKOMAE Takuma; KIMURA Tomohiro; IGUCHI Nobukazu; OCHI Youji; SIERRA Rafael; UCHIO Fumitaka; MUKAI Sonoyo
    全国大会講演論文集  2008/03
  • KIMURA Tomohiro; YOKOMAE Takuma; IGUCHI Nobukazu; OCHI Youji; SIERRA Rafael; UCHIO Fumitaka
    全国大会講演論文集  2008/03
  • 音声認識によるビデオカメラ制御方式  [Not invited]
    溝渕 昭二, 越智 洋司, 井口 信和, 佐野 到, 向井 苑生, 木村 隆良、言語処理学会第14回年次大会, 2008-03  2008
  • ベイジアンネットワークを利用した履修支援システムの開発  [Not invited]
    真木努,越智洋司,井口信和,第13回電子情報通信学会関西支部学生会研究発表講演会,2008-3  2008
  • 学習教育目標達成度評価支援システムの試作  [Not invited]
    越智洋司、日本工学教育協会 第56回年次大会  2008
  • 研究活動を支援する研究リソース共有・検索システム  [Not invited]
    真木努,越智洋司,井口信和,電気関係学会 平成20年関西支部連合大会  2008
  • 講師ー学習者間での双方向制御を可能とする講義配信システム  [Not invited]
    越智洋司、 中村祐太、井口 信和、向井苑生、 教育システム情報学会第33回全国大会講演論文集, pp. 214-215, 2008-09  2008
  • 投影環境を考慮したパワーポイントスライドの色補正システムの開発  [Not invited]
    小口敏弘,越智洋司,井口信和,向井苑生, 第54回人工知能学会先進的学習科学と工学研究会  2008
  • 指示棒認識による講義撮影のためのカメラ制御システム  [Not invited]
    中村祐太,越智洋司,井口信和,電気学会産業システム情報化研究会、2008-03  2008
  • 教室における投影画像補正のための画質計測システムの開発  [Not invited]
    小口敏弘,越智洋司,井口信和,電気学会産業システム情報化研究会、2008-03  2008
  • 講師・学習者双方のニーズに対応した講義映像制御システムの開発  [Not invited]
    中村祐太,越智洋司,井口信和,向井苑生,第54回人工知能学会先進的学習科学と工学研究会  2008
  • Kimura Tomohiro; Yokomae Takuma; Iguchi Nobukazu; Ochi Youji; Rafael Sierra; Uchi Fumitaka
    情報科学技術フォーラム一般講演論文集  2007/08  Forum on Information Technology
  • Design and implementation of network construction part of high quality video distribution system
    TOCHIYAMA Takeshi; SHIRAISHI Yoshiaki; OCHI Youji; IGUCHI Nobukazu
    電気学会研究会資料. IIS, 産業システム情報化研究会  2007/03
  • YOKOMAE Takuma; IGUCHI Nobukazu; OCHI Yoji; SIERRA Rafael; UCHIO Fumitaka
    電気学会研究会資料. IIS, 産業システム情報化研究会  2007/03
  • 動作指示による円滑なカメラ制御を実現するための映像処理手法
    中村祐太; 越智洋司; 井口信和; 田中一基; 佐野到; 向井苑世; 木村隆良
    教育システム情報学会全国大会講演論文集  2007
  • 溝渕 昭二; 越智 洋司; 井口 信和
    教育システム情報学会研究報告  2006/11  教育システム情報学会
  • 遠隔講義向け動画像配信へのリレー型ネットワークの適用に関する考察  [Not invited]
    杤山武士; 白石善明; 越智洋司; 井口信和; 向井苑生
    教育システム情報学会第 31 回全国大会,pp.463-464  2006/08
  • 音声の音符化による英語教育支援システムの開発  [Not invited]
    溝渕 昭二; 江藤 由布; 上田 拓実; 大嶋 智純; 井口 信和; 越智 洋司; 白石 善明; 佐野 到; 向井 苑生
    第 31 回教育システム情報学会全国大会, pp. 519-520  2006/08
  • 円滑な講義撮影を支援する講義適応型カメラ制御システムの提案.  [Not invited]
    越智 洋司; 井口 信和; 田中 一基; 溝渕 昭二; 白石 善明; 向井 苑生
    第 31 回教育システム情報学会全国大会,pp.179-180  2006/08
  • 多地点・双方向遠隔講義環境におけるインタラクティブ英語講義の試み  [Not invited]
    越智 洋司; 黒瀬 能聿; 江藤由布他
    教育システム情報学会第31回全国大会講演論文集,pp.315-316  2006/08  教育システム情報学会第31回全国大会講演論文集,pp.315-316
  • 高橋 勇; 越智 洋司; 三好 康夫
    先進的学習科学と工学研究会  2006/03  人工知能学会
  • 越智 洋司; 大村 真也; 矢野 米雄
    先進的学習科学と工学研究会  2006/03  人工知能学会
  • OCHI Youji; IGUCHI Nobukazu; TANAKA Kazuki; MIZOBUCHI Shouji; SHIRAISHI Yoshiaki; MUKAI Sonoyo
    IEICE technical report  2006/03  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
    Recently, the growing popularity of network infrastructure has dramatically increased the number of delivery of the lecture with a cheap camera system in many universities. This approach does not require a specific classroom. However, a workload of the establishment and operation of a camera becomes some problem, hi this paper, we describe a development of a camera control system for recording lecture video.
  • Re-definitions of the Computer Systems for Education by Young Researchers-The Result of the Discussion in Young Researcher Workshop on the Educational Systems in 2005-
    高橋勇; 越智洋司; 三好康夫; 長谷川忍; 光原弘幸; 小尻智子
    人工知能学会先進的学習科学と工学研究会資料  2006
  • 円滑な講義撮影を支援する講義適応型カメラ制御システムの提案
    越智洋司; 井口信和; 田中一基; 溝渕昭二; 白石善明; 向井苑生
    教育システム情報学会全国大会講演論文集  2006
  • WAKITA Riko; OCHI Youji
    The journal of Japanese Language Education Methods  2006  Japanese Language Education Methods
    There are nine Japanese classes at the Center for Japanese Language of Doshisha University. Students have Japanese class for 10 periods per a week. As several teachers take charge of one class using one textbook, it is essential to have better contact with each other on a daily lesson report. Until this point the lesson report was written, and faxed to the teachers of the class. However, it was a problem that fax communication raised a transmitting expense and an increase in use of paper. And so, the lesson report of one Japanese class was tried to introduce and use Moodle as an e-Learning Software in 2005 autumn semester.
  • 横前 拓磨; 越智 洋司; 白石 善明
    教育システム情報学会研究報告  2005/11  教育システム情報学会
  • 越智 洋司; 矢野 米雄
    教育システム情報学会研究報告  2005/01  教育システム情報学会
  • Hiroyuki Mitsuhara; Youji Ochi; Yoneo Yano
    Systems and Computers in Japan  2004/09 
    In exploratory learning using Web pages, the learner tries to understand a visited page by recalling and applying related knowledge. The learner also refers to and applies explanations of the related knowledge if access is possible. The expectation is that the knowledge used in understanding various pages will be organized and integrated, and will be stabilized in the memory. The purpose of this study is to develop a WBL (Web-based learning) system that assists such knowledge stabilization. The authors consider that the most fundamental knowledge stabilization assistance consists of helping the learner refer to and apply explanations of related knowledge from the visited page. Consequently, this paper proposes a framework in which related knowledge is linked to Web pages, and presents a WBL system based on such a framework. The effectiveness of the proposed system is investigated through an experiment. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • OCHI Youji; YANO Yoneo
    IEICE technical report. Education technology  2004/02  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
    Internet is a digital library which has a vast amount data and expanse of virtual space. A navigation framework is necessary for a user to search the space in the same way of search teaching materials of Hyper Media. In the interaction of Web search, we focus on link information on the heels of keyword and pages. We think that a user can be aware of relational pages and suitable keyword, showing the user the hyper space on her/his browsing. In this research, we propose a framework of link database system to treat the link information as an approach of supporting web search. In this paper, we describe the outline of our system.
  • 越智 洋司; 脇田 里子; 矢野 米雄
    教育システム情報学会研究報告  2003/11  教育システム情報学会
  • A Study of Visual Expressions in Japanese Education  [Not invited]
    越智 洋司; 脇田里子
    教育システム情報学会CAI 研究部会(福井)  2003/11  教育システム情報学会CAI 研究部会(福井)
  • ID Oriented Digital Library for Sharing Educational Resources  [Not invited]
    越智 洋司; 脇田里子; 矢野米雄
    教育システム情報学会CAI 研究部会(福井)  2003/11  教育システム情報学会CAI 研究部会(福井)
    引用行動を追跡することで、マルチメディアコンテンツ作成において必要なID のノウハウ獲得を支援するデジタルライブラリについて述べる。
  • UDDI Registry System for Educational Web Service Use  [Not invited]
    越智 洋司; 脇田里子; 矢野米雄
    教育システム情報学会(水戸)  2003/08  教育システム情報学会(水戸)
    教育システムの機能をウェブサービス化し、UDDI レジストリを利用して教育ニーズにあった学習環境を提供するシステムの概要について述べる。
  • SOUP: An Illustractive Sentences Search Tool Using Phrase Structure  [Not invited]
    越智 洋司; 三好康夫; 金西計英; 岡本竜
    教育システム情報学会(水戸)  2003/08  教育システム情報学会(水戸)
  • INOUE Mikiya; OCHI Youji; YANO Yoneo
    IEICE technical report. Education technology  2003/02  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
    Recently, many people who finished a school education want to learn what they are interested in. Our research supports the learning style like this, which is called "Life Long Learning". We focus on SDL(Self-Directed Learning) As the approach to support the learning. SDL is a frameworks that learner manages her/his learning for her/himself. We consider WWW as a resource in order to realize SDL and we are developing a learning environment that we call "Web-Retracer". Web-Retracer treats Web resource as a learning material where a learner is able to put annotation on the web. In this system, we are developing a map environment that shows a learning history of other learner in order to support her/his SDL. In this paper, we describe an outline of Web-Retracer. Then we mention the problem of our system and propose a "Web resource map" in order to solve the problem.
  • SAKAGUCHI Takuya; KOHIGASHI Nobuyuki; MATSUURA Kenji; OCHI Youji; OGATA Hiroaki; YANO Yoneo
    IEICE technical report. Education technology  2003/02  一般社団法人電子情報通信学会
    In recent years, the advanced remote lecture support using the computer network attracts attention. The remote education of various forms is actually tried in some educational facilities. As part of the remote lecture support system, we have developed the asynchronous participation type virtual classroom environment AVC3. However, as for the study under asynchronous environment, the frequency of interaction between students also falls, and the cooperative study effect also declines comparatively. Then, the synchronous state mixture environment which took in the concept the synchronization a...
  • OCHI Youji; WAKITA Riko; YANO Yoneo
    IEICE technical report. Education technology  2002/10  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
    Recently, the Internet rapidly spreads with an evolution of the network technology. In order to deal with the diversification of learner's needs such as the lifelong learning, many people focus on e-learning system. We focus one learning method for making the material of the learner which exists daily to be the teaching material, which is called "the resource type teaching material", in order to got out of the learning style using textbook and problems collection of the marketing. In this research, we propose Web resource utilization type learning environment that utilizes the optional Web page on Internet as a learning resource. This environment adopts user-annotation, and it offers the learning environment that supports the self-instruction of the learner using annotation information. We developed "Web-Retracer" as Web based Learning system with this frame. In this paper, we describe outline and trial manufacture system of Web resource utilization type learning environment.
  • MIYOSHI Yasuo; OCHI Youji; OKAMOTO Ryo; YANO Yoneo
    教育システム情報学会研究報告  2002/10  教育システム情報学会
  • Web を利用した探求学習を支援する個人適応型WBL システム  [Not invited]
    光原弘幸; 越智洋司; 金西計英; 矢野米雄
    教育システム情報学会第27 回全国大会講演論文集  2002/08
  • SAWAMATSU Masafumi; OCHI Youji; KANENISHI Kazuhide; YANO Yoneo
    教育システム情報学会研究報告  2001/11  教育システム情報学会
  • KAWAGUCHI Hiroyuki; OCHI Youji; OGATA Hiroaki; YANO Yoneo
    教育システム情報学会研究報告  2001/11  教育システム情報学会
  • 川口博之; 越智洋司; 緒方広明; 矢野米雄
    教育システム情報学会全国大会講演論文集  2001/08
  • 中野仁浩; 川口博之; 越智洋司; 緒方広明; 矢野米雄
    教育システム情報学会全国大会講演論文集  2001/08
  • Web resource Utilized Learning Environment by Web-Annotation  [Not invited]
    越智洋司; 深見賢吾; 脇田里子; 矢野米雄
    教育システム情報学会第26回全国大会  2001/08
  • User Modeling From Learners’ Behaviors on the Web Web, — Can It be Reliable? —  [Not invited]
    Hiroyuki Mitsuhara; Youji Ochi; Yoneo Yano
    教育システム情報学会第26 回全国大会講演論文集  2001/08
  • OCHI Youji; YANO Yoneo; WAKITA Riko
    教育システム情報学会研究報告  2000/12  教育システム情報学会
  • FUKAMI Kengo; OCHI Youji; YANO Yoneo; WAKITA Riko
    The Joint Conference on Educational Technology  2000/10  教育工学関連学協会連合全国大会実行委員会
  • UEMURA Daisuke; OCHI Youji; YANO Yoneo; WAKITA Riko
    The Joint Conference on Educational Technology  2000/10  教育工学関連学協会連合全国大会実行委員会
  • 澤松 雅史; 越智 洋司; 矢野 米雄
    知的教育システム研究会  2000/09  人工知能学会
  • 川口 博之; 越智 洋司; 緒方 広明
    知的教育システム研究会  2000/09  人工知能学会
  • 越智 洋司
    教育システム情報学会誌 = Transactions of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education  2000/04  教育システム情報学会事務局
  • 第5章 Web利用によるオムニバス講義の授業改善(第1部 実践レポート,大学授業の自己改善法-1998年度 授業改善の実践報告-,メディアを活用した学習方法の最適化に関する研究開発)
    脇田 里子; 越智 洋司; 矢野 米雄
    研究報告  2000/03  放送大学
  • 小野 功; 太田 能; 泓田 正雄; 伊藤 拓也; 越智 洋司; 毛利 公美
    工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集  2000  公益社団法人 日本工学教育協会
  • MORI Takashi; OCHI Youji; LIU Yuqin; OGATA Hiroaki; YANO Yoneo
    教育システム情報学会研究報告  1999/11  教育システム情報学会
  • Web Resources Sharing Environment Focusing Inclusion
    OCHI Youji; YANO Yoneo; WAKITA Riko
    全国大会講演論文集  1999/08
  • Supporting Writing Process Focused on Text Structure
    WAKITA Riko; OCHI Youji; YANO Yoneo
    全国大会講演論文集  1999/08
  • Development of a Kanji Dictionary System Focusing on the Distinction between Chinese and Japanese
    LIU Yuqin; OCHI Youji; YANO Yoneo
    IEICE technical report. Education technology  1998/03  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
    A purpose of our study is to help Chinese to study Japanese Kanji words, and to overcome the interference of Chinese Kanji words. In this paper, we describe an electronic dictionary system focusing on the difference between Chinese Kanji and Japanese Kanji. Our system has a knowledge base of Kanji meaning and usage in Sino-Japanese. The system can derive and show the difference automatically. A learner can retrieve Kanji knowledge by inputting Pin-Yin or by choosing te different pattern. Moreover the learner can learn the difference visually between Chinese and Japanese.
  • HUANG Ling; OCHI Youji; YANO Yoneo
    教育システム情報学会研究報告  1998/01  教育システム情報学会
  • 森隆志; LIU Y; 越智洋司; 緒方広明; 矢野米雄
    電気関係学会四国支部連合大会講演論文集  1998
  • JAMIOS: Development of Japanese Mimesis and Onomatopoeia Dictionary System for Foreigners  [Not invited]
    OCHI, Youji; KAWASAKI, Keiji; YANO, Yoneo; HAYASHI, Toshihiro
    Transactions of The IEICE D-II  1997
  • WAKITA Riko; OCHI Youji; ICHIMIYA Hironori; YANO Yoneo; HAYASHI Toshihiro
    The journal of Japanese Language Education Methods  1997  Japanese Language Education Methods
    This paper describes an introduction of the Kanji Compound CAI system into the Japanese class as a preparation or a review. In order to utilize the kanji of Japanese textbook at CAI, it is to be desired that teachers should personalize the system functions. We have developed a teachers' customizable CAI system to support foreigners in kanji compound learning, called JUGAME II which succeeds to an original concept of JUGAME.
  • Development of a Japanese Polite Expressions CAI system
    MURATA Rie; OCHI Youji; AYALA Gerardo; OGATA Hiroaki; JIN Qun; YANO Yoneo; HAYASHI Toshihiro; NOMURA Chieko; KOUNO Nayoko
    IEICE technical report. Education technology  1996/03  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
    When foreigners who study Japanese are used to the language, they find some difficulties with polite expressions. For instance, they can't make themselves fully understand in Japanese because of the different point of views between the Japanese people and the student. It causes a change in the complexity of polite expressions because of a change in the situation or in the personal relations. Foreigners have problems in the use of polite expressions when (1)they don't understand the personal relations in Japan. (2)they don't understand the suitable polite expressions for a situation according to the personal relations. This paper describes the outline of a Japanese polite expressions CAI system considering the problems when foreigners study polite expressions.
  • Development of a Japanese Mimesis and Onomatopoeia Dictionary System for Foreigners
    KAWASAKI Keiji; OCHI Youji; AYALA Gerardo; OGATA Hiroaki; JIN Qun; YANO Yoneo; HAYASHI Toshihiro; NOMURA Chieko; KOUNO Nayoko
    IEICE technical report. Education technology  1996/03  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
    This paper describes the development of a Japanese mimesis and onomatopoeia dictionary system called JAMIOS. Mimesis and onomatopoeia tend to be used frequently in Japan. However, they are words that express diverse feelings particular to the Japanese culture. Therefore, it is difficult for foreigniers to understand mimesis and onomatopoeia. We focus on the situation, pronunciation, meaning, usage and feeling. JAMIOS has the following features : (1)The system presents the situation using multi media, and the user can advance the search by changing the situation or the pronunciation. (2)Users can search knowledge or related words along the feature of mimesis and onomatopoeia. (3)The system presents the usage of Japanese using example sentences.
  • JULIET : Development of a Kanji Compounds ICAI System
    OCHI Youji; YANO Yoneo; HAYASHI Toshihiro
    日本教育工学会大会講演論文集  1995/11
  • 漢字熟語の意味・発音候補を導出する知識ベースの構築 -漢字熟語辞書システム  [Not invited]
    越智 洋司; 矢野 米雄; 林 敏浩
    電子情報通信学会教育工学研究会技術研究報告,ET94-130, Vol.94, No.576, pp.1-8  1995/03  岐阜大学
  • 未知漢字熟語に対する知識処理  [Not invited]
    越智 洋司; 林 敏浩; 矢野 米雄
    教育工学関連学協会第4回全国大会,pp.429-430  1994/10  岐阜大

Affiliated academic society

  • 日本教育工学会   日本語教育学会   ソフトウェア科学会   言語処理学会   人工知能学会   情報処理学会   電気学会   教育システム情報学会   

Research Themes

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 越智 洋司
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費(基盤研究C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2020/03 
    Author : 越智 洋司
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2018/03 
    Author : Tanaka Kazumoto; OCHI Youji
    We have developed a pose detection method by three dimensional (3D) point cloud matching between a player and a sample, and also have developed an offensive motion detection method based on the time rate of change of the variance of point cloud of two players. Thus, the study makes it possible to detect objective scene from video images taken with RGBD-camera for learning martial arts techniques by video observation. Next, in order to enable motion observation from an arbitrary angle, we developed a basic method for generating a 3D model of a player by estimating the three dimensional coordinates of the player's joints from video images. We also developed a method to generate bird's-eye view images of foot positions on a floor by the homography transformation for the observation of players' footwork.
  • 動画像解析による学習・教育情報の検出技術に関する研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2011/04 -2014/03 
    Author : 越智 洋司
  • 教材ウェブサービスの共有・再利用を支援するUDDIレジストリ環境に関する研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2003/04 -2006/03 
    Author : 越智 洋司
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2003 -2005 
    Author : 矢野 米雄; 緒方 広明; 金西 計英; 越智 洋司; 葉田 善章
    現在の外国語語学教育では,主に書き言葉を中心とした文法・訳読法による体系論的な学習で進められている.外国語のコミュニケーション能力を身に付けるには,学びたい言語を耳で聞き,それにより言語を理解し,動作に結び付けて学習する必要がある.これを実現するため,コミュニケーションを重視したネットワークを用いたコンピュータ上における語学学習支援環境に注目した.近年のネットワークやコンピュータ技術の向上により,ビデオ会議システムを用いて離れた教師と学習者が映像と音声を用いて直接コミュニケーションを行なうことが可能である.通常のビデオ会議システムを用いた学習では,記録が残らないためその会話映像を用いた教育的な指導が行いにくいという問題がある.また,通常の映像編集ソフトを用いた場合,編集履歴が編集後の映像に残らないため,どのように変更されたかがわかりにくい.つまり,元の映像自体を修正してしまうため,学習には用いにくいと言える.そこで,本研究では会話映像を用いた教育的な指導が行えるシステムの構築を行った。映像の編集には紙面上で行われる添削の概念を用いた映像添削を提案した.本年度は,ユビキタスを指向したビデオ添削システムにおける支援システム・ツールを設計し,構築したプロトタイプシステムの評価を通してシステムを構築した.具体的には,以下の課題に取り組んだ. (1)評価のための教材データベースの設計と構築の検討(矢野,緒方,越智) (2)教材データベースの評価・考察・改良(矢野,金西) (3)システムを統合し,実際の授業で長期間にわたる評価(緒方,金西) (4)モバイル環境下での映像の添削手法の検討とプロトタイプ化への検討(葉田) (5)システムの再構築と再評価を通した,プロトタイプシステムの改良(緒方,金西) (6)本学工学部でのu-Campusプロジェクトへ本研究の成果を還元し,実証的な検証の検討(矢野,緒方,金西) (7)研究成果のまとめ(矢野,緒方,金西)
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2001 -2003 
    Author : YANO Yoneo; OCHI Youji; OGATA Hiroaki; KANENISHI Kazuhide; MITSUHARA Hiroyuki; MATSUURA Kenji
    Researchers in educational technology field attempt to provide system support for cooperative and collaborative learning advocated by educational theories. The explosive growth of networking, in particular, raises the possibility of widespread collaborative and open-ended learning activities In such a research movement, we tackled to provide convenient classroom environment where each learner individually participates in but learn collaboratively with other learners'agents. Especially in 2003, design and development of classmate agents and simulative agent are mainly achieved. In addition, web-based authoring environment for the learning resources are proposed by way of implementation of the adaptive hypermedia technology In concrete methodology, java(JSP/Servlet) and PHP languages are used for server side because main system is developed as the web-application, This system will be enriched for ubiquitous learning using up-to-date technology on the client side in near future
  • Webリソースを活用した日本語学習支援システムの研究
    文部科学省:奨励研究(A) 奨励研究(A) 科学研究費(奨励研究A)
    Date (from‐to) : 2000/04 -2002/03 
    Author : 越智 洋司
  • 留学生に対する日本語教育のためのディジタルリソースライブラリの研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2000/04 -2001/03 
    Author : 矢野米雄
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2000 -2001 
    Author : OGATA Hiroaki; JIN Qun; OCHI Youji; YANO Yoneo; FURUGORI Nobuko
    Recently, researchers in educational systems attempt to provide technological support for cooperative and collaborative learning advocated by educational theories. The explosive growth of networking, in particular, raises the possibility of widespread collaborative and open-ended learning activities. We have investigated on technological support for open-ended and collaborative learning activities. In this research, CoCoA -(Communicative Correction Assistant system) has been developed for supporting foreigners and teachers to exchange marked-up documents by e-mail. Its environment is very similar to a real one in which people use paper and pen. CoCoA allows teachers not only to correct the compositions sent from foreigners by E-mail, but also foreigners to see where and why the teacher had corrected them. CoCoA improves the opportunities that foreigners have for writing Japanese compositions and for receiving instructions from teachers. Next, we proposed a foreign language supporting system called Neckle (Network-based communicative kanji learning Environment). Neckle has a software agent into Internet communication environment, considering the difference between learner's mother and target languages. The agent observing the conversation between learner and native speaker, and detects communicative gap according to CGM, and notice the gap, then, supporting language learning congenial to each learner. Learners also get different knowledge from native speaker and the knowledge database is enlarged.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 1999 -2001 
    Author : 矢野 米雄; 脇田 里子; 越智 洋司; 緒方 広明
    近年,インターネットの普及により,海外の学生との国際交流の機会も広がりつつある.そこでは,電子メールを用いた言語学習も数多く試みられており,その研究成果がいくつか報告されている.ここでは,文章の添削が中心に行われるが,紙面上での添削による作文教育に比較して,通常の電子メールの機能だけでは,添削が行いにくく,十分に作文指導が行えないという問題点がある.そこで,既に我々は,ネットワーク型添削支援システムシステムCoCoA(Communicative Correction Assistance System)を試作した. 本研究の目的は,ネットワーク型添削支援システムCoCoAを拡張して,教師が蓄積した添削文章を有効利用して,学習者がお互いの文章を添削しながら,作文能力を高めていくことができる効果的な協調環境を構築することである.本年度は,協調学習のためのネットワーク型添削支援システムを設計・試作した.さらに,映像に対する添削支援システムを設計・試作した.開発言語は,Java言語,XMLを用いた. 1 添削による語学学習の調査と分析(脇田) 2 ネットワーク型添削支援システムの設計(矢野,緒方,越智) 2-1 文章の添削手法のモデル化 2-2 添削文章のバージョン管理手法の提案 2-3 添削文章コーパスの解析手法の提案 2-4 添削文章を用いた学習者モデルの提案 2-5 映像に対する添削支援システムの提案 3 プロトタイプシステムの開発(緒方,越智)
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1997 -2000 
    Author : YANO Yoneo; HAYASHI Toshihiro; OCHI Youji; OGATA Hiroaki; FURUGORI Nobuko; WAKITA Riko
    We advanced the project of treatment expression study system Jecy, Chinese character idiom dictionary system KIDS-II, onomatopoeia mimicry dictionary system Jamios, and the Chinese character study support systems JUPITER and Anckle as research of the open and extensible electronic dictionary system for Japanese study using the Internet represented by WWW.Jecy is the treatment expression study support system that directed its attention to personal relations. We realized the learning environment that follows up how to catch the personal relations by the treatment expression knowledge base and the cultural difference. Then we applied the result to treatment expression dictionary Jedy. JAMIOS used Multimedia information was used for an onomatopoeia and mimesis, and it realized semantic understanding by the cultural difference, and the flexible electronic dictionary that used multimedia as the key. KIDS-II is a dictionary system that supports an analogy of a Chinese character idiom. It mounted the reading candidate derivation mechanism over the arbitrary Chinese character idioms that directed their attention to the appearance frequency of a Chinese character. JUPITER mounted Chinese character selection filtering which applies KIDS-II, applies information filtering technology and selects a study Chinese character. Anckle is a study support system that performs study support with consideration to the semantic difference in the Chinese character in Japanese and Chinese. This system has an electronic dictionary treating difference knowledge in the daytime, and supports communication of a student and a mother-tongue speaker using a software agent. These systems operated on Microsoft Windows platform and were mounted by the framework of the Internet correspondence by the formation of a software component. Moreover, each system performs trial evaluation in the Japanese educational spot, and the good result was obtained.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1997 -2000 
    Author : YANO Yoneo; WAKITA Riko; OCHI Youji; OGATA Hiroaki
    Recently, researchers in educational systems attempt to provide technological support for cooperative and collaborative learning advocated by educational theories. The explosive growth of networking, in particular, raises the possibility of widespread collaborative and open-ended learning activities. We have investigated on technological support for open-ended and collaborative learning activities. In this research, CoCoA (Communicative Correction Assistant system) has been developed for supporting foreigners and teachers to exchange marked-up documents by e-mail. Its environment is very similar to a real one in which people use paper and pen. CoCoA allows teachers not only to correct the compositions sent from foreigners by E-mail, but also foreigners to see where and why the teacher had corrected them. CoCoA improves the opportunities that foreigners have for writing Japanese compositions and for receiving instructions from teachers. Next, we proposed a foreign language supporting system called Neckle (Network-based communicative kanji learning Environment). Neckle has a software agent into Internet communication environment, considering the difference between learner's mother and target languages. The agent observing the conversation between learner and native speaker, and detects communicative gap according to CGM, and notice the gap, then, supporting language learning congenial to each learner. Learners also get different knowledge from native speaker and the knowledge database is enlarged.

Industrial Property Rights

  • 特許4883530:画像認識による機器制御方法それを用いたコンテンツ作成方法および装置    2007/06
    江藤 剛治, 田中 一基, 越智 洋司, 根津 俊一, 江藤 由布

Social Contribution Activities

  • デジタルデータ通信の仕組み
    Date (from-to) : 2006/10
    Role : Lecturer
    Category : Visiting lecture
  • ディジタルデータ通信の原理を学ぼう
    Date (from-to) : 2006/02
    Role : Lecturer
    Category : Visiting lecture
    High school students 都島工業高校
  • ハイテク技術を支える電気電子の世界
    Date (from-to) : 2003/11
    Role : Lecturer
    Category : Visiting lecture
    High school students 近畿大学付属豊岡高校

Media Coverage

  • オンデマンド授業について
    Date : 2022/12/12
    Publisher, broadcasting station: ABEMA
    Program, newspaper magazine: 「ABEMAヒルズ」
  • オンデマンド授業について
    Date : 2022/11/10
    Publisher, broadcasting station: NHK大阪
    Program, newspaper magazine: 「ほっと関西」
    Media report


  • 2021  ポストコロナ時代の安全/安心なキャンパスライフを支えるAI技術の研究