YAZAWA Tomoyuki

Major in Global StudiesProfessor

Last Updated :2024/07/20

■Researcher comments


アフロ・ユーラシア史 人類史特論

List of press-related appearances


■Researcher basic information

Research Keyword

  • 巡礼   四国遍路   両浙地域   モンゴル   宋元時代   大元ウルス   元朝史   モンゴル時代   Yeke Mongol ulus   History of YUAN Dynasty   Mongol period   

Current research field

アフロ・ユーラシア史 人類史特論

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences / History - Asia/Africa
  • Humanities & social sciences / History - Japan
  • Humanities & social sciences / History - General



  • 2016/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of International Studies教授
  • 2014/04 - 2016/03  Ehime UniversityFaculty of Education教授
  • 2002/07 - 2014/03  Ehime UniversityFaculty of Education准教授
  • 1998/04 - 2002/06  Ehime UniversityFaculty of Education専任講師

Educational Background

  • 1991/04 - 1998/03  The University of Tokyo  人文社会科学研究科  アジア文化研究
  •        - 1997  The University of Tokyo  Graduate School, Division of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • 1987/04 - 1991/03  The University of Tokyo  Faculty of Letters  東洋史学
  •        - 1991  The University of Tokyo  Faculty of Literature

■Research activity information



Books and other publications

  • 論点・東洋史学
    吉澤誠一郎監修 (Contributorpp.116-117)ミネルヴァ書房 2022/01
  • 元朝の歴史
    矢澤知行 (Contributor元代の水運と海運 華北と江南はいかにして結びつけられたか)勉誠出版 2021/06
  • 外交史料から十~十四世紀を探る
    矢澤 知行 (Joint work元末地方政権による「外交」の展開)汲古書院 2013/12
  • 四国遍路と世界の巡礼の諸相
    矢澤 知行 (Joint workモンゴル時代の中国における祭祀と巡礼 -「官」と「民」のはざまに見えるもの-)岩田書院 2013/10
  • 歴史の資料を読む
    矢澤 知行 (Joint work前近代中国の伝記資料を読む -元末明初の方国珍を題材として-)創風社出版 2013/03
  • 世界史史料 4 東アジア・内陸アジア・東南アジアⅡ
    岩波書店 2010
  • 歴史と文学の資料を読む
    矢澤 知行 (Joint workモンゴル時代中国の蒙漢合璧碑刻史料を読む)創風社出版 2008/12
  • 四国遍路と世界の巡礼
    矢澤 知行 (Joint workモンゴル時代の巡礼旅行者たち)法蔵館 2007/05
  • 近代愛媛の新群像 愛媛大学蔵「世紀堂文庫」の世界
    矢澤 知行 (Joint work髑髏印と安重根の書 -菱田と蘆花の「死」と「生」-,菱田正基と水野広徳)シード書房 2006/01
  • モンゴル時代の兵站政策に関する研究
    Book Parkライブラリー 2004
  • アメリカ帝国と多文化社会の間
    矢澤 知行 (Joint workアメリカ帝国と多文化社会の間)開文社出版 2003/12

Affiliated academic society

  • 日本モンゴル学会   内陸アジア史学会   歴史学研究会   史学会   

Research Themes

  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 矢澤 知行
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2019/04 -2023/03 
    Author : 矢澤 知行
    本研究の目的は,元代の中後期の両浙地域における産業の多様化の実態とそれに関わった新興商人の具体像を探ることにより,モンゴル政権下の江南における社会経済の動態を分析するとともに,宋代や明清代の江南地域との連続性あるいは質的相違を明らかにし,この時代の持つユーラシア世界史上の意義を考察することである。 3年目にあたる2021年度は,本来ならば,それまでの研究を総括し,モンゴル政権による江南経済支配の特質やユーラシア世界史上の意義,元代と宋代・明清代との連続性といった学術的課題を明らかにしたうえで,本研究を元末明初の政治経済社会に関する従来の研究と関連づける作業を行う予定であった。しかし実際には,研究計画全体の中では第二段階にあたる2020年度分の課題の一部,崑山と太倉を中心とする海運業,慶元(寧波) を中心とする海上貿易について,若干の研究の上積みをしつつ,研究総括の内容の一部を公表するにとどまった。 具体的には,元代中後期における産業の中でも漕運や海上貿易など水上交通に関する研究を行い,その成果を研究論文「宋元代の海運ーその役割・変遷はいかなるものだったか」(吉澤誠一郎他編『論点・東洋史学』ミネルヴァ書房,2022年)としてまとめた。同論文では,大運河と外洋航行の海運の関係,宋元代における大運河・海運の発展とその歴史的意義,海運の位置づけと東アジア海域交流圏の広がりについて,それぞれ論を展開した。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2018/03 
    Author : YAZAWA Tomoyuki
    In this research, I reviewed the trends of the bureaucratic groups in the Jiangnan area during the mid to late Yuan period, and I elucidated the transition of socioeconomic policy by the Mongolian government and the extension of local elite's power. In particular, I pointed out the increasing tendency of construction/renovation of religious cultural facilities in the Pingjiang city (now Suzhou) , and its background is that the active involvement of literary bureaucrats and wealthy people in Jiangnan. Then I analyzed the works of Pinging's scholar Zheng Yuanyou and Kunshan's wealthy class Gu Ying, and I elucidated their relationships with Zhang Shizheng government.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2017/03 
    Author : TERAUCHI Hiroshi; TAKAHASHI Hiroomi; SUGAYA Nariko; YOSHIDA Masahiro; KATO Yoshihumi; KAGURAOKA Yoko; AOKI Makoto; NAKAGAWA Mirai; UCHIDA Kusuo; YAMAKAWA Hiroshi; IMAMURA Kenji; INOUE Jun; UENO Susumu; MATSUOKA Akiko; MIYOSHI Masako; MIKURIYA Yoshimichi; OKAMOTO Keisuke
    We searched the old historical documents at Temple no. 51, Ishiteji and Temple no. 52, Taizanji.We organized many undiscovered data and published a report.We clarified many new facts. For example,the original legend of Emon Saburo is not based on the faith in Kobo Daishi, but on the faith of Kumano at Temple no. 51, Ishiteji.We did a comparative study of the Shikoku Pilgrimage with other pilgrimages of Japan and overseas countries.We clarified new fact that the Shikoku Pilgrimage was not concerned with a religious community and power,but the Shikoku Pilgrimage was constructed by commoners.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2015/03 
    Author : YAZAWA tomoyuki
    I researched on the movement of bureaucrats, salt merchants and social elitists who have been participated in water transportation and salt administration in Huazhe provinces during the Yuan period. I made a database that contains about 11,000 major persons of the Yuan Dynasty. On the basis of this database, I excerpted 54 bureaucrats who have been participated in salt administration in Huazhe provinces. I analyzed their movement, and found two epochs of salt government's development in Huazhe, that is ①1290-1300's and ②1330-40 's. And I perceived the extension of agricultural and commercial elitists in Jiangnan area in the timing of epoch②.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2007 -2009 
    Author : UCHIDA Kusuo; TAKEKAWA Ikuo; TERAUCHI Hiroshi; YAMAKKAWA Hiroshi; KATO Yosifumi; KAWAOKA Tutomu; KATO Kuniyasu; KOJIMA Hiromi; KAWAI Masumi; SEKI Tetuyuki; HIROSUE Masasi; INADA Michihiko; NOZAKI Kenya; IJICHI Noriko; MATSUBARA Hironobu; NISHI Kousei; TAMURA Kenji; KAGURAOKA Youko; KUROKI Mikio; SUGAYA Naruko; WAKAE Kenzou; FUJITA Katsuhisa; TAKAHASHI Hiroomi; YOSHIDA Masahiro; KINOSHITA Takashi; YAZAWA Tomoyuki; OKAMURA Shigeru; ISHIKAWA Shigeo
    From 2007 to 2009, we held symposiums and workshops on "Shikoku-Henro and the Pilgrimages of the World". We had 31 presentations in three years, all of which were published in the proceedings of our project. We researched Shikoku-Henro, Kumano-Sankei, and Saigoku-Junrei in Japan, and 10 pilgrimages in other parts of the world, which cover the Christian world-eastern parts of the ancient Mediterranean, medieval Europe, medieval and early modern Spain, and medieval and modern England-, ancient Greece, and Asia-medieval China, contemporary Korea, medieval Mongol, medieval Egypt, and medieval Java. According to our comparative study, the common feature of the Japanese pilgrimages and the Christian pilgrimages is that medieval and early modern people wished for both their spiritual salvation in the other world and benefits in this world.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2005 -2009 
    Author : ENDO Takatoshi; OKUSHI Atsuhiro; TAKAHASHI Shun; TAKAHASHI Hiroomi; YAZAWA Tomoyuki; BOYAN Delgel; SEO Inbeom; MIAO Shumei
    We solved the two problems of Song and Yuan China by using the materials of Diaries and Miscellanies. One problem is the exchanges among China, Japan and Korea, and the other is the social and economical conditions of South East China. First we investigated the Japanese and Korean diaries to solve the problems of the immigration in Song China. Secondly we investigated the regional materials and inscriptions to analyze the conditions of cities and distribution structure in South East China focusing on Ningbo, Shaoxing, Lin-an and Suzhou. The South east China was the most important area in Song Yuan China not only on the international exchanges but also on the economical development. We considered the relationship between the East Asian exchanges and the economical power of South East China.
  • モンゴル時代史研究
  • Studies on the Mongol period.