多賀 淳(タガ アツシ)

薬学部 医療薬学科教授

Last Updated :2024/08/31





<報道関連出演・掲載一覧> ●2023/4/21  産経新聞  多汗症抑制の共同商品開発について ●2021/12/3  朝日放送「探偵!ナイトスクープ」  築150年の民家の着物ダンスから出てきた黒い物体について ●2021/11/26  TBS「THE TIME,」「Nスタ」  「近の大和肉鶏」について ●2021/11/25  毎日放送「よんチャンTV」関西テレビ「報道ランナー」テレビ大阪「やさしいニュース」  「近の大和肉鶏」について ●2021/7/23  BSテレビ東京「日経ニュースプラス9」  ブリ皮由来のシャンプー「UMIKARA」や、アカモクを使用した「AKKYURA」など産学連携商品の開発について ●2017/11/3  産経新聞  産官学連携について ●2016/5/19  J:COMチャンネル「デイリーニュース~東大阪」  近の鶏卵について ●2015/1/27  読売テレビ「す・またん!ZIP!」  スッポンコラーゲン化粧品について。 ●2015/1/26  ABCラジオ「「武田和歌子のぴたっと。」  スッポンコラーゲン化粧品について。



  • 修士(薬学)(近畿大学)
  • 博士(薬学)(大阪大学)


  • 分析化学   Analytical Chemistry   




  • ライフサイエンス / 薬系分析、物理化学



  •         - 1992年   近畿大学   薬学研究科   薬品分析学
  •         - 1992年   Kinki University   Graduate School, Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  •         - 1990年   近畿大学   薬学部   薬学科
  •         - 1990年   Kinki University   Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science



  • 2005年 クロマトグラフィー科学会奨励賞


  • Kanta Sato; Saori Deguchi; Noriaki Nagai; Tetsushi Yamamoto; Kuniko Mitamura; Atsushi Taga
    Scientific reports 14 1 16658 - 16658 2024年07月 
    Neokestose is considered to have a prebiotic function. However, the physiological activity of neokestose remains unknown. Neokestose has a blastose, a sucrose analog, in its structure. We previously demonstrated that oral administration of blastose to diabetic rats suppressed the increase in plasma glucose (PG) concentration after sucrose administration. Therefore, neokestose might have a similar effect. In this study, we investigated the effects of neokestose on PG concentrations and the mechanism of its action. We first administered neokestose orally to streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and observed that the expected consequent increase in PG concentration was significantly suppressed. Next, we examined the inhibitory effect of neokestose on glycosidase activity, but observed only a slight inhibitory effect. Therefore, we hypothesized that neokestose might be hydrolyzed by gastric acid to produce blastose. We performed an acid hydrolysis of neokestose using artificial gastric juice. After acid hydrolysis, peaks corresponding to neokestose and its decomposition products including blastose were observed. Therefore, we suggest that neokestose and blastose, a decomposition product, synergistically inhibit glycosidase activity. These findings support the potential use of neokestose as a useful functional oligosaccharide that can help manage plasma glucose concentrations in patients with diabetes mellitus.
  • Tetsushi Yamamoto; Ryota Shiburo; Yoshie Moriyama; Kuniko Mitamura; Atsushi Taga
    Oncology reports 50 4 2023年10月 
    Maple syrup is a natural sweetener consumed worldwide. Active ingredients of maple syrup possess antitumor effects; however, these ingredients are phenolic compounds. The present study aimed to investigate components other than phenolic compounds that may have antitumor effects against colorectal cancer (CRC). Cell proliferation assays demonstrated that treatment with the more than 10,000 molecular weight fraction significantly inhibited viability in DLD‑1 cells. Therefore, we hypothesized that the protein components of maple syrup may be the active ingredients in maple syrup. We obtained protein components from maple syrup by ammonium sulfate precipitation, and treatment with the protein fraction of maple syrup (MSpf) was found to exhibit a potential antitumor effect. MSpf‑treated DLD‑1 colon adenocarcinoma cells exhibited significantly decreased proliferation, migration and invasion. In addition, upregulation of LC3A and E‑cadherin and downregulation of MMP‑9 expression levels were observed following MSpf treatment. Investigation of the components of MSpf suggested that it was primarily formed of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Therefore, whether AGEs in MSpf affected the STAT3 pathway through the binding to its receptor, receptor of AGE (RAGE), was assessed. MSpf treatment was associated with decreased RAGE expression and STAT3 phosphorylation. Finally, to determine whether autophagy contributed to the inhibitory effect of cell proliferation following MSpf treatment, the effect of MSpf treatment on autophagy induction following bafilomycin A1 treatment, a specific autophagy inhibitor, was assessed. The inhibitory effect of MSpf treatment on cell proliferation was enhanced through the inhibition of autophagy by bafilomycin A1 treatment. These results suggested that AGEs in MSpf suppressed cell proliferation and epithelial‑mesenchymal transition through inhibition of the STAT3 signaling pathway through decreased RAGE expression. Therefore, AGEs in MSpf may be potential compounds for the development of antitumor drugs for the treatment of CRC with fewer adverse effects compared with existing antitumor drugs.
  • メープルシロップ中タンパク質画分による大腸癌細胞に対する抗腫瘍効果の検討(Protein components of maple syrup inhibit cell prolifearation, migration and invastion of colorectal cancer cells)
    山本 哲志; 三田村 邦子; 多賀 淳
    日本癌学会総会記事 82回 606 - 606 2023年09月
  • Kanta Sato; Tetsushi Yamamoto; Kuniko Mitamura; Atsushi Taga
    Foods (Basel, Switzerland) 12 11 2023年05月 
    In the original publication [...].
  • Hiroyuki Terashima; Yui Mutoh; Sen‐ichi Aizawa; Atsushi Taga; Ikko Mikami; Yutaka Itabashi; Kaname Tsutsumiuchi; Atsushi Yamamoto; Shuji Kodama
    Journal of Separation Science 46 6 e2200827  2023年01月 
    Abscisic acid (2-cis,4-trans-abscisic acid) is a plant hormone that has an asymmetric carbon atom. We tried to separate the enantiomers of native abscisic acid by HPLC using a phenyl column and a chiral mobile phase containing γ-cyclodextrin. The optimum mobile phase conditions were found to be 0.8% (w/v) γ-cyclodextrin, 4% (v/v) acetonitrile, and 20 mM phosphate buffer (pH 6.0). It was found that (R)-abscisic acid was earlier detected than (S)-abscisic acid. Since γ-cyclodextrin is hardly retained on a phenyl column, it was suggested that (R)-abscisic acid formed a more stable complex with γ-cyclodextrin than the (S)-abscisic acid. Abscisic acid in an acacia honey sample was successfully enantioseparated with the proposed method and only (S)-abscisic acid was detected. A biologically inactive 2-trans,4-trans-abscisic acid, which was prepared by irradiation of abscisic acid with a light-emitting diode lamp at 365 nm, was partially enantioseparated by the proposed method. Since the irradiation of (S)-abscisic acid-induced cis-to-trans isomerization to produce one 2-trans,4-trans-abscisic acid enantiomer, it is reasonable that racemization did not proceed during the cis-to-trans isomerization. (S)-Abscisic acid and probably (S)-2-trans,4-trans-abscisic acid were detected in a honey sample, where the peak area of (S)-abscisic acid was 7 times larger than that of (S)-2-trans,4-trans-abscisic acid.
  • Mayu Kawaguchi; Kana Matsumoto; Joji Yoshitomi; Hiroko Otake; Kanta Sato; Atsushi Taga; Tatsuji Sasabe; Kenji Nobuhara; Akira Matsubara; Noriaki Nagai
    PloS one 18 10 e0292447  2023年 
    N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET) is a widely used insect repellent, with minimal skin permeation and sustained repellent activity in the superficial layers of the skin. In this study, we prepared a 10% DEET formulation consisting of 40% ethanol with or without 2% poly(oxyethylene)/poly(oxypropylene) butyl ether (POE-POP), an amphiphilic random copolymer. Further, we demonstrated the effects of POE-POP on tensile stress (stickiness), hydrophobicity, skin retention, permeation, and repellent activity of DEET. Stickiness was measured in male ICR mice (7-week old), and skin retention and permeation were evaluated in male Wistar rats (7-week old). In addition, female Aedes albopictus were used to measure the repellent action of DEET. The addition of POE-POP did not affect stickiness, volatility, and degradability but decreased logP and increased viscosity of DEET. Next, we demonstrated the behavior of DEET formulations in the rat skin. POE-POP prolonged the retention of DEET in the superficial layers of the rat skin (skin surface and stratum corneum) and decreased the penetration of DEET into rat skin tissues (epithelium and dermis). The repellent effect of DEET was also enhanced by the addition of POE-POP. However, severe skin damage was not observed after repetitive treatment with DEET formulations containing POE-POP for one month (twice a day). In conclusion, we demonstrated that a 10% DEET formulation consisting of 40% ethanol and 2% POE-POP attenuated the skin penetration and prolonged the repellent action of DEET without causing stickiness and skin damage. We conclude that the combination of ethanol and POE-POP is useful as a safe and effective delivery system for the development of insect repellent formulations containing DEET.
  • 大腸癌に対するメープルシロップに含まれるタンパク質画分による抗腫瘍効果の検討(The effect of protein component in maple syrup as a resource to development pharmaceutical drug for colorectal cancer.)
    山本 哲志; 三田村 邦子; 多賀 淳
    日本癌学会総会記事 81回 P - 2274 2022年09月
  • Saori Deguchi; Reita Kadowaki; Hiroko Otake; Atsushi Taga; Yosuke Nakazawa; Manju Misra; Naoki Yamamoto; Hiroshi Sasaki; Noriaki Nagai
    Pharmaceutics 14 7 2022年07月 
    It has recently been reported that lanosterol (LAN) plays a preventive role against lens opacification through the reversal of crystalline aggregation. However, the effect of LAN is not sufficient to restore lens transparency. In this study, we designed ophthalmic nanosuspensions (LAN-ONSs and NIL-ONSs) based on LAN and nilvadipine (NIL), which can counteract cataract-related factors (e.g., enhanced Ca2+ and calpain levels), and investigated whether the combination of LAN-ONSs and NIL-ONSs can restore the nuclear lens opacity in sodium-selenite-induced cataractic rats (cataractic rats). The mean particle sizes of the LAN-ONSs and NIL-ONSs were 108.8 nm and 89.0 nm, respectively. The instillation of the LAN-ONSs or NIL-ONSs successfully delivered the drugs (LAN or NIL) into the lenses of the rats, although the instillation of LAN-ONSs or NIL-ONSs alone did not increase lens transparency in the cataractic rats. On the other hand, the cataract-related factors (enhanced Ca2+ and calpain levels) were significantly alleviated by the combination of LAN-ONSs and NIL-ONSs; furthermore, the perinuclear refractile ring in the lens nucleus and enhanced number of swollen fibers were attenuated by the LAN-ONS and NIL-ONS combination. Moreover, the opacity levels in the cataractic rats were reduced after treatment with the combination of LAN-ONSs and NIL-ONSs. It is possible that the combination of LAN and NIL will be useful for the treatment of lens opacification in the future.
  • Hiroyuki Terashima; Mayuko Seki; Saki Watanabe; Atsushi Yamamoto; Sen-Ichi Aizawa; Atsushi Taga; Ikko Mikami; Shuji Kodama
    Journal of chromatography. A 1673 463029 - 463029 2022年06月 
    Catechin and epicatechin were enantioseparated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a phenyl column and aqueous mobile phases containing 0.05% (w/v) and 0.6% (w/v) of β-cyclodextrin for catechin and epicatechin, respectively. β-Cyclodextrin was found to be scarcely retained on a phenyl column. Consequently, it was suggested that catechin, which was eluted earlier than epicatechin, formed more stable inclusion complex with β-cyclodextrin than epicatechin and earlier eluted enantiomers, (-)-catechin and (+)-epicatechin, formed more stable diastereomer complexes with β-cyclodextrin than the respective enantiomers. This was confirmed by β-cyclodextrin-modified micellar electrokinetic chromatography and Benesi-Hildebrand plots by fluorescence spectrophotometry. Effect of sugars (D-sucrose, D-glucose, and D-fructose) on the epimerization of (+)-catechin and (+)-epicatechin by heating was investigated by HPLC with a β-cyclodextrin stepwise elution mode, in which two kinds of aqueous eluents containing different concentrations of β-cyclodextrin were used by turns. The epimerization of the two enantiomers was suppressed only when D-fructose was added. Separation of ten kinds of catechins including catechin and epicatechin enantiomers was investigated by a β-cyclodextrin linear gradient HPLC elution mode without using organic solvents, where two kinds of aqueous eluents containing different concentrations of β-cyclodextrin were used with changing their ratio gradually. These catechins in a green tea infusion could be separated successfully by this method.
  • トマト由来ステロイドアルカロイド トマチンによる膵臓癌細胞に対する抗腫瘍効果の検討
    山本 哲志; 辻本 伊織里; 辻 翔斗; 三田村 邦子; 多賀 淳
    日本薬学会年会要旨集 142年会 27PO1 - 77 (公社)日本薬学会 2022年03月
  • Kanta Sato; Tetsushi Yamamoto; Kuniko Mitamura; Atsushi Taga
    Foods (Basel, Switzerland) 10 12 2021年12月 
    Fructosyl oligosaccharides, including fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS), are gaining popularity as functional oligosaccharides and have been found in various natural products. Our previous study suggested that maple syrup contains an unidentified fructosyl oligosaccharide. Because these saccharides cannot be detected with high sensitivity using derivatization methods, they must be detected directly. As a result, an analytical method based on charged aerosol detection (CAD) that can detect saccharides directly was optimized in order to avoid relying on these structures and physical properties to clarify the profile of fructosyl oligosaccharides in maple syrup. This analytical method is simple and can analyze up to hepta-saccharides in 30 min. This analytical method was also reliable and reproducible with high validation values. It was used to determine the content of saccharides in maple syrup, which revealed that it contained not only fructose, glucose, and sucrose but also FOS such as 1-kestose and nystose. Furthermore, we discovered a fructosyl oligosaccharide called neokestose in maple syrup, which has only been found in a few natural foods. These findings help to shed light on the saccharides profile of maple syrup.
  • Tetsushi Yamamoto; Kanta Sato; Masafumi Yamaguchi; Kuniko Mitamura; Atsushi Taga
    Biochemical and biophysical research communications 584 53 - 59 2021年12月 
    The tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle is one of the most important pathways of energy metabolism, and the profiles of its components are influenced by factors such as diseases and diets. Therefore, the differences in metabolic profile of TCA cycle between healthy and cancer cells have been the focus of studies to understand pathological conditions. In this study, we developed a quantitative method to measure TCA cycle metabolites using LC-MS/MS to obtain useful metabolic profiles for development of diagnostic and therapeutic methods for cancer. We successfully analyzed 11 TCA cycle metabolites by LC MS/MS with high reproducibility by using a PFP column with 0.5% formic acid as a mobile phase. Next, we analyzed the concentration of TCA cycle metabolites in human cell lines (HaCaT: normal skin keratinocytes; A431: skin squamous carcinoma cells; SW480: colorectal cancer cells). We observed reduced concentration of succinate and increased concentration of citrate, 2-hydroxyglutarate, and glutamine in A431 cells as compared with HaCaT cells. On the other hand, decreased concentration of isocitrate, fumarate, and α-ketoglutarate and increased concentration of malate, glutamine, and glutamate in A431 cells were observed in comparison with SW480 cells. These findings suggested the possibility of identifying disease-specific metabolites and/or organ-specific metabolites by using this targeted metabolomic analysis.
  • Hiroyuki Terashima; Atsushi Yamamoto; Sen-Ichi Aizawa; Atsushi Taga; Ikko Mikami; Yoshimi Ishihara; Shuji Kodama
    Journal of separation science 44 15 2932 - 2940 2021年06月 
    Cyclodextrins and their derivatives have been used for chiral high-performance liquid chromatography selectors, while they are costly to use as mobile phase additives in high-performance liquid chromatography. Here, we report application of phenyl column coated permanently with methylated β-cyclodextrin for chiral high-performance liquid chromatography. A 0.1% (v/v) phosphoric acid solution containing 1 M NaCl and 0.5% (w/v) methylated β-cyclodextrin was subjected to a phenyl column at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min at 30°C for 2 h. Using the precoating phenyl column, all the enantiomers of the four phenethylamines (norepinephrine, epinephrine, octopamine, and synephrine) were successfully separated simultaneously by high-performance liquid chromatography with a mobile phase without methylated β-cyclodextrin at a flow rate of 0.2 mL/min at 30°C. The enantioseparation ability was retained for successive analyses during 1 week. It is suggested that inclusion complex of methylated β-cyclodextrin with a phenyl group on the surface of the stationary phase could be formed and that the inclusion complex could form the ternary complex with the injected analytes. The longer retention time of (S)-enantiomers of analytes than corresponding (R)-enantiomers for high-performance liquid chromatography could be explained from the higher stability of the methylated β-cyclodextrin complexes with (S)-enantiomers, which were confirmed by CE and 1 H nuclear magnetic resonance experiments.
  • Tetsushi Yamamoto; Kuniko Mitamura; Atsushi Taga
    CANCER SCIENCE 112 524 - 524 2021年02月
  • Kanta Sato; Noriaki Nagai; Tetsushi Yamamoto; Kuniko Mitamura; Atsushi Taga
    International journal of molecular sciences 21 14 2020年07月 
    The authors wish to make the following corrections to this paper [...].
  • Tatsuya Hayakawa; Miran Yanagawa; Atsushi Yamamoto; Sen-Ichi Aizawa; Atsushi Taga; Naoki Mochizuki; Yutaka Itabashi; Hajime Uchida; Yoshimi Ishihara; Shuji Kodama
    Journal of oleo science 69 7 677 - 684 2020年07月 
    A simple screening method for discrimination between commercial extra virgin olive oils and their blends with other vegetable oils was developed. Squalene, which was contained relatively high amounts in virgin olive oil, was determined by HPLC after a simple pretreatment that was carried out by dilution of oil samples with 2-propanol. Tyrosol, which was contained at relatively high concentration in virgin olive oil among phenolic compounds, was determined by HPLC after a simple liquid-liquid extraction. When using squalene and tyrosol contents as axes, extra virgin olive oils could be discriminated from pure olive oils, blended oils (extra virgin olive oils with sunflower oil or grapeseed oil) and other vegetable oils. These results suggest that determining squalene and tyrosol in seed oil samples could be useful in distinguishing between extra virgin olive oil and blended oils as a screening method.
  • Yuri Watanabe; Ikko Mikami; Atsushi Yamamoto; Sen-Ichi Aizawa; Atsushi Taga; Naoki Mochizuki; Yoshimi Ishihara; Shuji Kodama
    Chirality 32 7 1020 - 1029 2020年07月 
    Direct enantioseparation of mandelic acid by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a reversed phase column and a mobile phase containing a small amount of hydroxylpropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) was studied as an efficient method for saving consumption of the CD additive. As a result, it was proposed that racemic mandelic acid can be analyzed with a phenyl column by using a mobile phase composed of 10 mM ammonium acetate buffer (pH 4.2) and 0.02% (w/v) HP-β-CD at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min at 40°C after the passage of 10 mM ammonium acetate buffer (pH 4.2) containing 0.1% (w/v) HP-β-CD as a precoating mobile phase for 60 min. It is suggested that HP-β-CD is bound with a phenyl group on the surface of the stationary phase to allow a phenyl column to act as a transient chiral column, and injected mandelic acid can form the ternary complex with the adsorbed HP-β-CD. The longer retention time of D-mandelic acid than the L-isomer for HPLC can be explained from the higher stability of the HP-β-CD complex with D-mandelic acid, which was confirmed by CE experiment with HP-β-CD as a selector. The efficiency of a phenyl column compared with other stationary phases was also discussed.
  • Tetsushi Yamamoto; Hideki Takakura; Kuniko Mitamura; Atsushi Taga
    Biochemical and biophysical research communications 526 1 55 - 61 2020年05月 [査読有り]
    Enhanced expression of cyclophilin A (CypA) in colorectal cancer (CRC) was reported; however, how CypA influences CRC progression is not clear. Therefore, we examine the effects of CypA on CRC cell progression. Knockdown of CypA in SW480 cells significantly inhibited cell migration and invasion but had no effect on cell proliferation. In addition, upregulation of E-cadherin and downregulation of N-cadherin and Snail expression were observed by CypA knockdown. These results suggested that CypA knockdown inhibited cell migration and invasion by suppressing epithelial-mesenchymal transition. CypA knockdown was also associated with increased p38 phosphorylation, and the p38 inhibitor treatment led to increase in the number of invasive CypA-knockdown SW480 cells. Therefore, CypA may be a potential therapeutic target in preventing CRC metastasis.
  • Tetsushi Yamamoto; Kanta Sato; Shinpei Wakahara; Kuniko Mitamura; Atsushi Taga
    Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 182 113138 - 113138 2020年04月 [査読有り]
    Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are involved in metastasis; thus, one of the most important approaches for identifying metastatic cancer is to detect CTCs in blood. In the present study, we examined whether directly analyzing cells with capillary electrophoresis (CE) could distinguish cancer cells from normal cells, based on differences in cell surface glycosylation. We compared human colorectal cancer (CRC) cell lines to a normal colon epithelium cell line. Our results demonstrated that direct CE analysis could successfully distinguish between CRC and normal cells with high reproducibility, based on migration times. We found that the weighted-average migration time was significantly shorter for CRC cells than for normal cells. Next, we observed changes in the electrophoretic behaviors of CRC cells by adding five different types of lectins. When Aleuria aurantia lectin was added, migration delays were observed in CRC cells, but not in normal colon cells. Therefore, by focusing on shifts in migration time after adding specific lectins, we could distinguish cancer cells from normal cells. These findings suggested that this diagnostic method of directly analyzing cells with CE after adding specific lectin(s) could be useful for detecting the difference in the sugar moieties on a surface of normal and cancer cells.
  • Noriaki Nagai; Yuya Fukuoka; Kanta Sato; Hiroko Otake; Atsushi Taga; Mikako Oka; Noriko Hiramatsu; Naoki Yamamoto
    International journal of molecular sciences 21 3 2020年02月 [査読有り]
    We designed an intravitreal injection formulation containing lanosterol nanoparticles (LAN-NPs) via the bead mill method and evaluated the therapeutic effect of LAN-NPs on lens structure collapse and opacification using two rat cataract models (SCR-N, rats with slight lens structure collapse; SCR-C, rats with the combination of a remarkable lens structure collapse and opacification). The particle size of lanosterol in the LAN-NPs was around 50-400 nm. A single injection of LAN-NPs (0.5%) supplied lanosterol into the lens for 48 h, and no irritation or muddiness was observed following repeated injections of LAN-NPs for 6 weeks (once every 2 days). Moreover, LAN-NPs repaired the slight collapse of the lens structure in SCR-N. Although the remarkable changes in the lens structure of SCR-C were not repaired by LAN-NP, the onset of opacification was delayed. In addition, the increase of cataract-related factors (Ca2+ contents, nitric oxide levels, lipid peroxidation and calpain activity levels) in the lenses of SCR-C was attenuated by the repeated injection of LAN-NPs. It is possible that a deficiency of lanosterol promotes the production of oxidative stress. In conclusion, it is difficult to improve serious structural collapse with posterior movement of the lens nucleus with a supplement of lanosterol via LAN-NPs. However, the intravitreal injection of LAN-NPs was found to repair the space and structural collapse in the early stages in the lenses.
  • Otake H; Yamamoto T; Deguchi S; Taga A; Nagai N
    Molecular medicine reports 21 1 379 - 386 2020年01月 [査読有り]
    It is important to elucidate how retinal stimulation leads to retinal protection and dysfunction. The current study aimed to identify factors that are up- and downregulated in the retinas of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats with acute retinal dysfunction. Retinal function was measured and changes in protein expressions were determined using electroretinograms (ERGs) and liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy-based shotgun proteomics, respectively. The results revealed that the plasma glucose levels of STZ rats were markedly higher when compared with normal rats. Furthermore, levels of a-waves, b-waves and oscillatory potential amplitudes on ERGs in STZ rats were decreased compared with healthy animals. With use of shotgun proteomics, 391 proteins were identified in the retinas of normal rats and 541 proteins were found in the retinas of STZ rats. Of the 560 proteins identified in rat retinas, 372 (66.4%) were present in both normal and STZ rats. Of these, 19 (3.39%) were unique to normal rats and 169 (30.1%) were unique to STZ rats. Gene Ontology analysis was performed on the candidate proteins that were differentially regulated in the retinas of STZ rats and focused on those classified as 'protein binding', which serve important roles in retinal neurodegeneration. The results revealed an excessive expression of retinol-binding protein 1 (RBP1) and a negative expression of rod outer segment membrane protein 1 (Rom-1) in the retinas of STZ rats. Therefore, retinal function may be decreased with STZ-induced injury, and expressions of Rom-1 and RBP1 may be altered in the retinas of STZ rats.
  • Kanta Sato; Noriaki Nagai; Tetsushi Yamamoto; Kuniko Mitamura; Atsushi Taga
    The incidence of diabetes mellitus (DM) is increasing rapidly and is associated with changes in dietary habits. Although restrictions in the use of sweeteners may prevent the development of DM, this might reduce the quality of life of patients with DM. Therefore, there has been a great deal of research into alternative sweeteners. In the search for such sweeteners, we analyzed the carbohydrate content of maple syrup and identified a novel oligosaccharide composed of fructose and glucose, linked at the C-4 of glucose and the C-6 of fructose. This oligosaccharide inhibited the release of fructose from sucrose by invertase (IC50: 1.17 mmol/L) and the decomposition of maltose by alpha-(1-4) glucosidase (IC50: 1.72 mmol/L). In addition, when orally administered together with sucrose to rats with DM, the subsequent plasma glucose concentrations were significantly lower than if the rats had been administered sucrose alone, without having any effect on the insulin concentration. These findings suggest that this novel oligosaccharide might represent a useful alternative sweetener for inclusion in the diet of patients with DM and may also have therapeutic benefits.
  • 山本 哲志; 蛭子 小春; 三田村 邦子; 長井 紀章; 多賀 淳
    JSBMS Letters 44 Suppl. 110 - 110 (一社)日本医用マススペクトル学会 2019年08月
  • Yamamoto T; Nishita T; Taga A
    Oncology letters 17 3 2713 - 2720 2019年03月 [査読有り]
    Maple syrup is a natural sweetener that is consumed worldwide. It has been previously reported that dark-colored maple syrup exerts an inhibitory effect on colorectal cancer (CRC) proliferation and invasion. In the present study, the underlying mechanism of CRC cell growth inhibition was examined with dark-colored maple syrup treatment using a shotgun liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry-based global proteomic approach. Applying a semi-quantitative method based on spectral counting, 388 proteins were identified with expression changes of >1.5-fold following dark-colored maple syrup treatment. Gene Ontology analysis revealed that these proteins possessed cell cycle-associated functions. It was also indicated that CRC cells treated with dark-colored maple syrup exhibited decreased proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) expression and S-phase cell cycle arrest. Dark-colored maple syrup treatment also resulted in altered expression of cell cycle-associated genes, including cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)4 and CDK6. In conclusion, these data suggested that dark-colored maple syrup induced S-phase cell cycle arrest in CRC cells by reducing the expression of PCNA and regulating cell cycle-associated genes. These findings suggest that dark-colored maple syrup may be a source of compounds for the development of novel drugs for colorectal cancer treatment.
  • Sohei Tanaka; Misaki Sekiguchi; Atsushi Yamamoto; Sen Ichi Aizawa; Kanta Sato; Atsushi Taga; Hiroyuki Terashima; Yoshimi Ishihara; Shuji Kodama
    Analytical Sciences 35 4 407 - 412 2019年 [査読有り]
    © 2019 The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry. Racemic synephrine, which was transformed into diastereomers by derivatization with 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-β-Dglucopyranosil isothiocyanate, was resolved by a reversed phase HPLC with UV detection at 254 nm. The total contents of synephrine enantiomers in citrus fruit samples were exocarp > mesocarp > endocarp > sarcocarp, suggesting that synephrine content of outer side of citrus fruits was higher than that of the inner side. (R)-Synephrine was detected in exocarp of eleven fresh citrus fruits, except for lemon, lime, and grapefruit samples. (S)-Synephrine was determined in the exocarp of four citrus fruits (mikan, orange, bitter orange, and ponkan samples) and the ratio of (S)-synephrine to total synephrine was 0.5 - 0.9%. The racemization of (R)-synephrine in aqueous solution during heating at 100°C was also examined. An increase in the heating time brought about an increase in the (S)-synephrine content in a linear fashion. The racemization was found to be significantly reduced by the addition of D-fructose, D-maltose, D-glucose, D-mannose or D-galactose, but not D-sucrose or D-mannitol. It is suggested that the reducibility of sugars may result in the inhibition of racemization.
  • Tetsushi Yamamoto; Hiroko Otake; Noriko Hiramatsu; Naoki Yamamoto; Atsushi Taga; Noriaki Nagai
    Diabetes mellitus is a widespread metabolic disorder, and long-term hyperglycemia in diabetics leads to diabetic keratopathy. In the present study, we used a shotgun liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry-based global proteomic approach using the cornea of streptozotocin-induced diabetic (STZ) rats to examine the mechanisms of delayed corneal wound healing in diabetic keratopathy. Applying a label-free quantitation method based on spectral counting, we identified 188 proteins that showed expression changes of >2.0-fold in the cornea of STZ rats. In particular, the level of lumican expression in the cornea of STZ rats was higher than that of the normal rats. In the cornea of the normal rat, the expression level of lumican was elevated during the wound healing process, and it returned to the same expression level as before cornea injury after the wound was healed completely. On the other hand, a high expression level of lumican in the cornea of STZ rats was still maintained even after the wound was healed completely. In addition, adhesion deficiency in corneal basal cells and Bowman's membrane was observed in the STZ rat. Thus, abnormally overexpressed lumican may lead to adhesion deficiency in the cornea of STZ rats.
  • Hyuga Moriya; Sohei Tanaka; Yukari Iida; Satomi Kitagawa; Sen ichi Aizawa; Atsushi Taga; Hiroyuki Terashima; Atsushi Yamamoto; Shuji Kodama
    Biomedical Chromatography 32 10 e4289  2018年10月 [査読有り]
    Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Xanthohumol, isoxanthohumol, and 8-prenylnaringenin in beer, hop and hop pellet samples were analyzed by HPLC using an InertSustain phenyl column and the mobile phase containing 40% methanol and 12% 2-propanol. Fractions of isoxanthohumol and 8-prenylnaringenin obtained by the above HPLC were separately collected. Isoxanthohumol and 8-prenylnaringenin were enantioseparated by HPLC using a Chiralcel OD-H column with a mobile phase composed of hexane–ethanol (90:10, v/v) and a Chiralpak AD-RH column with a mobile phase composed of methanol–2-propanol–water (40:20:40, v/v/v), respectively. Isoxanthohumol and 8-prenylnaringenin from beer, hop and hop pellet samples were found to be present in a racemic mixture. This can be explained by the fact that the two analytes were produced by a nonenzymatic process. The effects of boiling conditions on the conversion of xanthohumol into isoxanthohumol were also studied. A higher concentration of ethanol in heating solvent resulted in a decrease in the conversion ratio and the conversion was stopped by addition of ethanol at >50% (v/v). The isomerization was significantly affected pH (2−10) and the boiling medium at pH 5 was minimum for the conversion. Therefore, it was suggested that xanthohumol was relatively difficult to convert to isoxanthohumol in wort (pH 5−5.5) during boiling.
  • Yamamoto T; Nakanishi S; Mitamura K; Taga A
    International journal of molecular medicine 42 2 1168 - 1180 2018年08月 [査読有り]
    Collagen peptides (CPs), derived by hydrolyzing collagen with chemicals or enzymes, are often used as functional materials, due to their various bioactivities and high bioavailability. A previous study by our group reported that collagen from soft‑shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis, induces keratinocytes to undergo epithelial‑mesenchymal transition and facilitates wound healing. Therefore, CPs derived from soft‑shelled turtle collagen may have useful effects on the skin. In the present study, the functional effects of CPs on human skin were examined by analyzing CP‑treated human keratinocytes with a shotgun liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry‑based global proteomic approach. A semi‑quantitative method based on spectral counting was applied and 211 proteins that exhibited >2‑fold changes in expression after CP treatment were successfully identified. Based on a Gene Ontology analysis, the functions of these proteins were indicated to be closely linked with protein processing. In addition, CP treatment significantly increased the expression of calpain‑1, a calcium‑dependent intracellular cysteine protease. Furthermore, CP‑treated keratinocytes exhibited elevated interleukin (IL)‑1α and IL‑8 expression and reduced IL‑6 expression. CPs also induced the expression of proteins implicated in cell‑cell adhesion and the skin barrier. Therefore, CPs from soft‑shelled turtle may provide significant benefits for maintaining the biological environment of the skin, and may be useful as components of pharmaceuticals and medical products.
  • Noriaki Nagai; Yuya Fukuoka; Miyu Ishii; Hiroko Otake; Tetsushi Yamamoto; Atsushi Taga; Norio Okamoto; Yoshikazu Shimomura
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19 4 2018年04月 [査読有り]
    Sericin is a major constituent of silk produced by silkworms. We previously found that the instillation of sericin enhanced the proliferation of corneal epithelial cells, and acted to promote corneal wound healing in both normal and diabetic model rats. However, the mechanisms by which sericin promotes the proliferation of corneal cells have not been established. In this study, we investigated the effects of sericin on Akt and ERK activation in a human corneal epithelial cell line (HCE-T cells) and rat debrided corneal epithelium. Although Akt phosphorylation was not detected following the treatment of HCE-T cells with sericin, ERK1/2 phosphorylation was enhanced. The growth of HCE-T cells treated with sericin was significantly increased, with the cell growth of sericin-treated HCE-T cells being 1.7-fold higher in comparison with vehicle-treated HCE-T cells. On the other hand, both of an ERK inhibitor U0126 (non-specific specific inhibitor) and SCH772984 (specific inhibitor) attenuated the enhanced cell growth by sericin, and the growth level in the case of co-treatment with sericin and ERK1/2 inhibitor was similar to that of cells treated with ERK1/2 inhibitor alone. In an in vivo study using rat debrided corneal epithelium, the corneal wound healing rate was enhanced by the instillation of sericin, and this enhancement was also attenuated by the instillation of U0126. In addition, the corneal wound healing rate in rats co-instilled with sericin and U0126 was similar to that following the instillation of U0126 alone. In conclusion, we found that the instillation of sericin enhanced cell proliferation via the activation of the MAPK/ERK pathway, resulting in the promotion of corneal wound healing in rat eyes. These findings provide significant information for designing further studies to develop potent corneal wound-healing drugs.
  • Noriaki Nagai; Tetsushi Yamamoto; Kuniko Mitamura; Atsushi Taga
    Biomedical Reports 7 5 445 - 450 2017年11月 [査読有り]
    Streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats (STZ rats) were used to investigate diabetic cataracts. In the current study, a shotgun liquid chromatography (LC)/mass spectrom-etry (MS)-based global proteomic analysis method was used to examine the mechanism of lens opacification as a result of hyperglycemia in STZ rats. The 6-week old Wistar rats were injected with STZ for 2 days (100 mg/kg/day, i.p.) and housed for 3 weeks. The plasma glucose levels were identified to be significantly higher when compared with the normal rats and insulin was not detected in the STZ rats. Furthermore, opacification of the cortical epithelium was observed in the lenses of STZ rats. A total of 235 proteins were identified in the lenses of the STZ rats and 229 in the lenses of the normal rats. A label-free semi-quantitative method, based on spectral counting, identified 52 proteins that were differentially expressed in the lenses of STZ rats compared with normal rats. In particular, superoxide dismutase, which is a critical antioxidant enzyme that detoxifies superoxide through redox cycling, was downregulated when analyzed by the semi-quantitative method. In addition, phosphorylated-p38, which is important in the signaling pathway involved in the oxidative stress response, was significantly increased in the lenses of STZ rats when compared with normal rats (P< 0.05). Thus, the changes in protein expression were evaluated in the lenses of STZ rats using a shotgun LC/MS-based global proteomic analysis approach, and a decrease in antioxidant enzymes and an increase in oxidative stress were identified in the lenses of STZ rats. Further studies are required to examine the role of these proteins in the onset or progression of diabetic cataracts.
  • Yamamoto T; Nakanishi S; Mitamura K; Taga A
    Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials 106 6 2403 - 2413 2017年11月 [査読有り]
    Soft-shelled turtles (Pelodiscus sinensis) are widely distributed in some Asian countries, and we previously reported that soft-shelled turtle tissue could be a useful material for collagen. In the present study, we performed shotgun liquid chromatography (LC)/mass spectrometry (MS)-based global proteomic analysis of collagen-administered human keratinocytes to examine the functional effects of collagen from soft-shelled turtle on human skin. Using a semiquantitative method based on spectral counting, we were able to successfully identify 187 proteins with expression levels that were changed more than twofold by the administration of collagen from soft-shelled turtle. Based on Gene Ontology analysis, the functions of these proteins closely correlated with cell-cell adhesion. In addition, epithelial-mesenchymal transition was induced by the administration of collagen from soft-shelled turtle through the down-regulation of E-cadherin expression. Moreover, collagen-administered keratinocytes significantly facilitated wound healing compared with nontreated cells in an in vitro scratch wound healing assay. These findings suggest that collagen from soft-shelled turtle provides significant benefits for skin wound healing and may be a useful material for pharmaceuticals and medical care products. © 2017 The Authors Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 106B: 2403-2413, 2018.
  • Sohei Tanaka; Takumi Dohi; Sen-ichi Aizawa; Tomoko Kemmei; Hiroyuki Terashima; Atsushi Taga; Atsushi Yamamoto; Shuji Kodama
    JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE 40 21 4168 - 4175 2017年11月 [査読有り]
    We developed a reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography method with ultraviolet detection using on-line complexation with Cu(II) ion for analysis of five alcohols including diols and triol (methanol, ethanol, 1,2-propanediol, 1,3-propanediol, and glycerol). The Cu(II) ion concentration in the mobile phase had a great influence on the peak areas of these alcohols, but not on their retention times. Column temperature (25-40 degrees C) and pH of the mobile phase did not affect the separation of analytes. The optimum separation conditions were determined as 5 mM CuSO4, 3 mM H2SO4, and 3 mM NaOH at 30 degrees C. The ratio of the peak areas for three alcohols (methanol, 1,2-propanediol, and glycerol) was in good agreement with that calculated from the obtained stability constants, molar absorption coefficients for the 1:1 Cu(II) complexes with the three alcohols, and the injected molar quantities. This fact strongly suggests that the observed high-performance liquid chromatography signals resulted from formation of the 1:1 Cu(II)-alcohol complexes. Using the proposed method, these five alcohols in spirit, liquid for electronic cigarette, mouthwash, and nail enamel remover samples were successfully analyzed with only a simple pretreatment.
  • Chiaki Kubota; Tetsushi Yamamoto; Atsushi Taga
  • Tetsushi Yamamoto; Kuniko Mitamura; Atsushi Taga
  • Makiko Okada; Atsushi Yamamoto; Sen-ichi Aizawa; Atsushi Taga; Hiroyuki Terashima; Shuji Kodama
    JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 65 1 244 - 250 2017年01月 [査読有り]
    Racemic sulforaphane, which was derivatized with (S)-leucine (L-leucine), was resolved by reversed phase HPLC with UV detection. The optimum mobile phase conditions were found to be 10 mM citric acid (pH 2.8) containing 22% methanol at 35 degrees C using detection at 254 nm. Sulforaphane enantiomers in florets and stems of five brands of broccoli and leaves and stems of three brands of broccoli sprouts were analyzed by the proposed HPLC method. Both sulforaphane enantiomers were detected in all of the samples. The S/R ratios of sulforaphane in broccoli samples were 1.5-2.6/97.4-98.5% for florets and 5.0-12.1/87.9-95.0% for stems. The S/R ratios in broccoli sprout samples were higher than those in broccoli samples and were found to be 8.3-19.7/80.3-91.7% for leaves and 37.0-41.8/58.2-63.0% for stems. (S)-Sulforaphane detected in the broccoli and its sprout samples was positively identified by separately using an HPLC with a chiral column (Chiralpak AD-RH) and mass spectrometry.
  • Tetsushi Yamamoto; Kanta Sato; Yuika Kubota; Kuniko Mitamura; Atsushi Taga
    Biomedical Reports 7 1 6 - 10 2017年 [査読有り]
    Maple syrup is a natural sweetener that is commonly consumed worldwide. While maple syrup mainly comprises sucrose, it also contains phytochemicals that present various biological effects. Maple syrup is made by boiling down sap, and its color and composition vary in accordance with the sap collection season. Typically, seasonal progression is associated with darker syrup color, and antioxidant activity is proportional to the increasingly dark color. The authors previously reported that maple syrup demonstrated inhibitory effects on colorectal cancer cell growth and invasion, which correlated with darker maple syrup color. In the present study, they examined the effects of two different grades of maple syrup on gastrointestinal cancer cell proliferation, to investigate whether the dark-color maple syrup was suitable as a phytomedicine for gastrointestinal cancer treatment. Administration of dark-color maple syrup significantly inhibited gastrointestinal cancer cell growth as compared to non-treated cancer cells. Moreover, administration of dark-color maple syrup clearly inhibited protein kinase B (AKT) phosphorylation and did not impact mitogen-associated protein kinase phosphorylation. These data suggested that dark-color maple syrup may inhibit cell proliferation through suppression of AKT activation and, thus, may be suitable as a phytomedicine for gastrointestinal cancer treatment.
  • Tetsushi Yamamoto; Mitsuhiro Kudo; Wei-Xia Peng; Hideyuki Takata; Hideki Takakura; Kiyoshi Teduka; Takenori Fujii; Kuniko Mitamura; Atsushi Taga; Eiji Uchida; Zenya Naito
    TUMOR BIOLOGY 37 10 13595 - 13606 2016年10月 [査読有り]
    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cancers worldwide, and many patients are already at an advanced stage when they are diagnosed. Therefore, novel biomarkers for early detection of colorectal cancer are required. In this study, we performed a global shotgun proteomic analysis using formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) CRC tissue. We identified 84 candidate proteins whose expression levels were differentially expressed in cancer and non-cancer regions. A label-free semiquantitative method based on spectral counting and gene ontology (GO) analysis led to a total of 21 candidate proteins that could potentially be detected in blood. Validation studies revealed cyclophilin A, annexin A2, and aldolase A mRNA and protein expression levels were significantly higher in cancer regions than in non-cancer regions. Moreover, an in vitro study showed that secretion of aldolase A into the culture medium was clearly suppressed in CRC cells compared to normal colon epithelium. These findings suggest that decreased aldolase A in blood may be a novel biomarker for the early detection of CRC.
  • Hideki Takakura; Tetsushi Yamamoto; Kuniko Mitamura; Mitsuhiro Kudo; Zenya Naito; Atsushi Taga
    GASTROENTEROLOGY 150 4 S620 - S620 2016年04月 [査読有り]
  • Tetsushi Yamamoto; Ryota Shiburo; Kuniko Mitamura; Atsushi Taga
    GASTROENTEROLOGY 150 4 S625 - S625 2016年04月 [査読有り]
  • Tetsushi Yamamoto; Kentaro Uemura; Yuki Sawashi; Kuniko Mitamura; Atsushi Taga
    JOURNAL OF OLEO SCIENCE 65 2 169 - 175 2016年02月 [査読有り]
    Soft-shelled turtles (Pelodiscus sinensis) are widely distributed in some Asian countries, and parts of this turtle contain abundant collagen. In this study, we optimized a method for extracting collagen from the soft-shelled turtle. We used three types of solvent and four extraction conditions to determine an effective collagen extraction method, which was extraction at 37 degrees C with acetic acid after hydrochloric acid pretreatment. Next, we extracted collagen from three regions in the soft-shelled turtle: muscle, skin, and an area of soft tissue in the periphery of the turtle shell known in Japan and China as the "emperor." We determined that emperor tissue yielded the highest concentration and purity of collagen. We then optimized the pretreatment method for extraction from emperor tissue by using formic acid instead of hydrochloric acid, and the amount of extracted collagen increased by approximately 1.3-fold. Finally, we identified the optimal solvent out of four types of organic acid for collagen extraction from emperor tissue; the amount of extracted collagen from emperor tissue increased approximately 3-fold when citric acid was used as the extraction solvent instead of acetic acid. Emperor tissue can regenerate; thus, it is possible to obtain collagen from the emperor repeatedly without killing the turtle. Our findings suggest that the emperor tissue of soft-shelled turtles may be a good source of collagen for pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications.
  • Daichi Yamasoba; Maho Tsubota; Risa Domoto; Fumiko Sekiguchi; Hiroyuki Nishikawa; Keyue Liu; Masahiro Nishibori; Hiroyasu Ishikura; Tetsushi Yamamoto; Atsushi Taga; Atsufumi Kawabata
    JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES 130 2 139 - 142 2016年02月 [査読有り]
    Nuclear HMGB1 that contains 3 cysteine residues is acetylated and secreted to the extracellular space, promoting inflammation via multiple molecules such as RAGE and TLR4. We thus evaluated and characterized the redox state-dependent effects of peripheral HMGB1 on nociception. Intraplantar (i.pl.) administration of bovine thymus-derived HMGB1 (bt-HMGB1), all-thiol HMGB1 (at-HMGB1) or disulfide HMGB1 (ds-HMGB1) caused long-lasting mechanical hyperalgesia in mice. The hyperalgesia following i.pl. bt-HMGB1 or at-HMGB1 was attenuated by RAGE inhibitors, while the ds-HMGB1-induced hyperalgesia was abolished by a TLR4 antagonist. Thus, nociceptive processing by peripheral HMGB1 is considered dependent on its redox states. (C) 2016 Japanese Pharmacological Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
  • 山西弘城; 稲垣昌代; 若林源一郎; 芳原新也; 伊藤哲夫; 田中尚道; 石渡俊二; 多賀淳; 緒方文彦; 堀端章; 鈴木高広; 古川道郎
    スマートプロセス学会誌 4 6 268 - 274 一般社団法人 スマートプロセス学会 (旧高温学会) 2015年11月
  • Yusuke Murata; Hiroshige Hori; Atsushi Taga; Hiroaki Tada
    JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE 458 305 - 309 2015年11月 [査読有り]
    Adsorption properties of 2-hydroxyphenol (catechol) on TiO2 particles has been studied at 298 K. The adsorption proceeds from the aqueous solution with the Langmuir type behavior. Diffuse reflectance infrared spectra of the catechol-adsorbed TiO2 suggested that catechol is adsorbed on TiO2 solution via the chelation to the surface Ti ions. The adsorption induces a strong absorption in the whole visible region, of which intensity increases with an increase in the adsorption amount. Photoelectrochemical experiments and molecular orbital calculations indicate that the absorption stems from the charge-transfer (CT) transition from the HOMO of catechol to the conduction band of TiO2. Time courses for the adsorption of catechol on mesoporous TiO2 nanocrystalline film-coated glass was traced by measuring the change in the absorbance of the CT band, and analyzed on the basis of the Langmuir model. This study would present a new simple technique for sensing of important biomolecules bearing the catechol moiety. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier Inc.
  • Kana Arai; Hiroyuki Terashima; Sen-ichi Aizawa; Atsushi Taga; Atsushi Yamamoto; Kaname Tsutsumiuchi; Shuji Kodama
    ANALYTICAL SCIENCES 31 8 831 - 835 2015年08月 [査読有り]
    In order to analyze trigonelline, caffeine, chlorogenic acid, and their related compounds simultaneously, an HPLC method using an InertSustain C18 column and a mobile phase containing octanesulfonate as an ion-pairing reagent under an acidic condition was developed. The optimum mobile phase conditions were determined to be 0.1% phosphoric acid, 4 mM octanesulfonate, and 15% methanol at 35 degrees C. Using the proposed method, trigonelline, nicotinic acid, caffeine, theophylline, chlorogenic acid, and caffeic acid in ten instant coffee samples were analyzed. These analytes except for theophylline were detected in all samples. An increase in the caffeine content in instant coffee samples tended to decrease in both trigonelline and chlorogenic acid contents, and the trigonelline content was found to be correlated well with the chlorogenic acid content (R-2 = 0.887).
  • Mirei Shou; Hiroyuki Terashima; Sen-Ichi Aizawa; Atsushi Taga; Atsushi Yamamoto; Shuji Kodama
    CHIRALITY 27 7 417 - 421 2015年07月 [査読有り]
    Three aldohexoses, glucose, galactose, and mannose, and three aldopentoses, arabinose, xylose, and ribose, were derivatized with L-tryptophanamide (L-TrpNH(2)) under alkaline conditions. Using a basic mobile phase (pH9.2), the three aldohexoses or the three aldopentoses were simultaneously enantioseparated, respectively, but all the six monosaccharides could not be simultaneously enantioseparated. A large amount of nonreacted L-TrpNH(2) was detected after the derivatized monosaccharides. In order to widen the separation window, a large portion of nonreacted L-TrpNH(2) could be eliminated by liquid-liquid extraction with ethylacetate, and elution order of the derivatized monosaccharides and nonreacted L-TrpNH(2) was found to be reversed using a neutral mobile phase. All of the six monosaccharides were simultaneously enantioseparated by reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using InertSustainSwift C18 column (4.6mm i.d. x 150mm) and a mobile phase containing 180mM phosphate buffer (pH7.6), 1.5mM butylboronic acid, and 5% acetonitrile at 40 degrees C. Nomenclature of D and L for monosaccharides is based on the configurations of the asymmetric C4 center for aldopentoses and C5 center for aldohexoses. It was found that the enantiomer elution order of these six monosaccharides and fucose in the proposed method conformed to be the absolute configuration of the C2 center. Chirality 27:417-421, 2015. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • Tetsushi Yamamoto; Kentaro Uemura; Kaho Moriyama; Kuniko Mitamura; Atsushi Taga
    ONCOLOGY REPORTS 33 4 1579 - 1584 2015年04月 [査読有り]
    Maple syrup is a natural sweetener consumed by individuals of all ages throughout the world. Maple syrup contains not only carbohydrates such as sucrose but also various components such as organic acids, amino acids, vitamins and phenolic compounds. Recent studies have shown that these phenolic compounds in maple syrup may possess various activities such as decreasing the blood glucose level and an anticancer effect. In this study, we examined the effect of three types of maple syrup, classified by color, on the cell proliferation, migration and invasion of colorectal cancer (CRC) cells in order to investigate whether the maple syrup is suitable as a phytomedicine for cancer treatment. CRC cells that were administered maple syrup showed significantly lower growth rates than cells that were administered sucrose. In addition, administration of maple syrup to CRC cells caused inhibition of cell invasion, while there was no effect on cell migration. Administration of maple syrup clearly inhibited AKT phosphorylation, while there was no effect on ERK phosphorylation. These data suggest that maple syrup might inhibit cell proliferation and invasion through suppression of AKT activation and be suitable as a phytomedicine for CRC treatment, with fewer adverse effects than traditional chemotherapy.
  • Noriaki Nagai; Tetsushi Yamamoto; Wataru Tanabe; Yoshimasa Ito; Satoshi Kurabuchi; Kuniko Mitamura; Atsushi Taga
    JOURNAL OF OLEO SCIENCE 64 3 331 - 335 2015年03月 [査読有り]
    We investigate whether maple syrup is a suitable sweetener in the management of type 2 diabetes using the Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF) rat. The enhancement in plasma glucose (PG) and glucose absorption in the small intestine were lower after the oral administration of maple syrup than after sucrose administration in OLETF rats, and no significant differences were observed in insulin levels. These data suggested that maple syrup might inhibit the absorption of glucose from the small intestine and preventing the enhancement of PG in OLETF rats. Therefore, maple syrup might help in the prevention of type 2 diabetes.
  • Mami Akabane; Atsushi Yamamoto; Sen-ichi Aizawa; Atsushi Taga; Shuji Kodama
    ANALYTICAL SCIENCES 30 7 739 - 743 2014年07月 [査読有り]
    Three reducing monosaccharides (glucose; Glc, galactose; Gal, and mannose; Man) were derivatized with L-tryptophan (L-Trp) under alkaline conditions. The DL-Gal and DL-Man derivatives were chirally resolved by HPLC with an acidic mobile phase, but the DL-Glc derivative was not. All of the three DL-monosaccharide derivatives were simultaneously enantioseparated using HPLC with a SunShell RP-AQUA column (C28) and a basic mobile phase. The optimum mobile phase conditions consisted of 5 mM phosphate and 25 mM tetraborate buffer (pH 9.6) at 20 degrees C. With this system, resolution of D- and L-isomers of the Glc, Gal and Man derivatives were approximately 1.7, 2.2 and 2.4, respectively. When the three monosaccarides were derivatized with L-phenylalanine instead of L-Trp, DL-Gal and DL-Man were enantioseparated under both acidic and basic conditions, but DL-Glc was not. It was observed that enantiomer elution orders of the three monosaccharides derivatized with L-Trp were reasonably reversed when derivatized with D-Trp. It was also revealed that borate anions were required for simultaneous enantioseparation with HPLC.
  • Noriaki Nagai; Yoshimasa Ito; Atsushi Taga
    JOURNAL OF OLEO SCIENCE 62 9 737 - 743 2013年09月 [査読有り]
    Maple syrup is used as a premium natural sweeter, and is known for being good for human health. In the present study, we investigate whether maple syrup is suitable as a sweetener in the management of type 2 diabetes using Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF) rats, a model of type 2 diabetes mellitus. OLETF rats develop type 2 diabetes mellitus by 30 weeks of age, and 60-week-old OLETF rats show hyperglycemia and hypoinsulinemia via pancreatic beta-cell dysfunction. The administration of sucrose or maple syrup following an OGT test increased plasma glucose (PG) levels in OLETF rats, but the enhancement in PG following the oral administration of maple syrup was lower than in the case of sucrose administration in both 30- and 60-week-old OLETF rats. Although, the insulin levels in 30-week-old OLETF rats also increased following the oral administration of sucrose or maple syrup, no increase in insulin levels was seen in 60-week-old OLETF rats following the oral administration of either sucrose or maple syrup. No significant differences were observed in insulin levels between sucrose- and maple syrup-administered OLETF rats at either 30 or 60 weeks of age. The present study strongly suggests that the maple syrup may have a lower glycemic index than sucrose, which may help in the prevention of type 2 diabetes.
  • Kodama S; Aizawa S; Taga A; Yamamoto A; Honda Y; Suzuki K; Kemmei T; Hayakawa K
    Electrophoresis 34 9-10 1327 - 1333 2013年05月 [査読有り]
    The content of α-hydroxy acids and their enantiomers can be used to distinguish authentic and adulterated fruit juices. Here, we investigated the use of ligand exchange CE with two kinds of central metal ion in a BGE for the simultaneous determination of enantiomers of dl-malic, dl-tartaric and dl-isocitric acids, and citric acid. Ligand exchange CE with 100 mM d-quinic acid as a chiral selector ligand and 10 mM Cu(II) ion as a central metal ion could enantioseparate dl-tartaric acid but not dl-malic acid or dl-isocitric acid. Addition of 1.8 mM Sc(III) ion to the BGE with 10 mM Cu(II) ion to create a dual central metal ion system permitted the simultaneous determination of these α-hydroxy acid enantiomers and citric acid. The proposed ligand exchange CE was thus well suited for detecting adulteration of fruit juices. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
  • 杉浦 麗子; 石渡 俊二; 多賀 淳; 西田 升三; 喜多 綾子; 藤田 秀樹; 品川
    医療薬学 39 5 271 - 275 (一社)日本医療薬学会 2013年 
  • 森村毅; 多賀淳; 石渡俊二; 緒方文彦
    機能材料 32 12 50 - 57 2012年11月
  • Noriaki Nagai; Nahoko Konishi; Tadahisa Nitta; Atsushi Taga; Yoshimasa Ito
    The dissolution test is a core performance test in pharmaceutical development and quality control of solid drug products. The conventional HPLC dissolution method (batch-sampling method) involves many steps including the filtration, collection and replenishment of sample solutions. We previously reported a dissolution test that involved microdialysis methods (microdialysis-HPLC method) and allowed many steps to be omitted. However, the recovery rate of theophylline by the microdialysis-HPLC method was lower, and the decrease in the flow rate through the dialysis probe caused variation between each tablet. In this study, we have attempted to improve the dissolution test by using a precise micro-controlled roller pump and microfiltering probe (microfiltering-HPLC method). Sustained release preparations of Theodur (R) (100 mg) were used, and the test solutions used were water, buffer at pH 1.2 and pH 6.8, and pH 6.8-buffer containing 0.1-1% polysorbate 80 or sodium lauryl sulfate. In all test solutions, the microfiltering-HPLC method was able to accomplish continuous sampling of sample solutions, and the recovery rate of theophylline was over 90%. The dissolution behavior by the microfiltering-HPLC method tends to reflect the pharmaceutical design in comparison with the batch-sampling method, and the standard deviations by the microfiltering-HPLC are lower than with the batch-sampling method. In addition, the microfiltering-HPLC method allows many steps to be omitted, such as the filtration, collection and replenishment of sample solutions. These findings provide significant information that can be used in the pharmaceutical development and quality assessment of solid drug products.
  • Kodama S; Yamamoto A; Aizawa S; Honda Y; Suzuki K; Kemmei T; Taga A
    Electrophoresis 33 18 2920 - 2924 2012年09月 [査読有り]
    Using two kinds of central metal ions in a background electrolyte, ligand exchange CE was investigated for the simultaneous enantioseparation of dl-malic, dl-tartaric, and dl-isocitric acids. Ligand exchange CE with 100 mM d-quinic acid as a chiral selector ligand and 10 mM Cu(II) ion as a central metal ion could enantioseparate dl-tartaric acid but not dl-malic acid or dl-isocitric acid. A dual central metal ion system containing 0.5 mM Al(III) ion in addition to 10 mM Cu(II) ion in the background electrolyte enabled the simultaneous enantioseparation of the three a-hydroxy acids. These results suggest that the use of a dual central metal ion system can be useful for enantioseparation by ligand exchange CE.
  • Kodama S; Taga A; Aizawa SI; Kemmei T; Honda Y; Suzuki K; Yamamoto A
    Electrophoresis 33 15 2441 - 2445 2012年08月 [査読有り]
    Lipoic acid, an antioxidant, naturally occurs as the (R)-enantiomer, while synthetic lipoic acid is racemic. It is thus of interest to know the (R)-enantiomer content of lipoic acid supplements. Here, we used capillary electrophoresis to directly enantioseparate lipoic acid in dietary supplements by using a sulfonated capillary with an effective voltage of +18 kV and direct detection at 200 nm. Factors affecting migration time and resolution of lipoic acid were investigated. The optimum background electrolyte was found to be 100 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) containing 8 mM trimethyl-beta-cyclodextrin as a chiral selector at 20 degrees C. Under the proposed conditions, direct chiral resolution of lipoic acid in dietary supplements was conducted successfully.
  • 杉浦 麗子; 多賀 淳; 石渡 俊二; 西田 升三; 喜多 綾子; 藤田 秀樹
    医療薬学 38 6 379 - 383 (一社)日本医療薬学会 2012年06月 
    簡便かつ再現性よく、針の穿刺→抜針までの1単位の操作ごとの液漏れ量を測定する方法を確立し、確立した測定法を用いて、注射針の太さおよびベベルの形状と漏液との関連性を定量的に検討した。確立した抽出および測定法を用いて、注射針形状が漏液量に与える影響について調べた。18G RB針からの漏れの平均値は19.7μL、18G SB針からの漏れの平均値は14.4μLであった。22G RB針および22G SB針からの漏れ量の平均値は、それぞれ2.6μLおよび2.5μLと低値であった。18G RBと22G RB、あるいは、18G SBと22G SBとの漏液量の差は有意であった。18G RBからの漏液量は18G SBの値より高値を示したが、両者の間に有意差は認められず、22G RBからの漏液量は22G SBの値とほぼ同等の値を示した。
  • 抗がん剤汚染防止用ゴム栓「もれま栓」の検討
    石渡 俊二; 多賀 淳; 藤田 秀樹; 西田 升三; 喜多 綾子; 杉浦 麗子
    日本薬学会年会要旨集 132年会 4 202 - 202 (公社)日本薬学会 2012年03月
  • 化学発光を利用した注射剤混合調製トレーニングシステムの実習への応用性の検討
    石渡 俊二; 多賀 淳; 喜多 綾子; 髙田 充隆; 杉浦 麗子; 小泉 祐一; 森 卯京; 西山; 辰美; 荒井 真美子
    日本病院薬剤師会雑誌 48 2 189 - 192 一般社団法人 日本病院薬剤師会 2012年
  • Atsushi Taga; Atsushi Sato; Kentaro Suzuki; Manami Takeda; Shuji Kodama
    JOURNAL OF OLEO SCIENCE 61 1 45 - 48 2012年01月 [査読有り]
    A strongly aromatic compound, sotolon, was assessed by capillary zone electrophoresis within 9 min without specific pre-sample treatment. The calibration curve comprised a straight line with good linearity (R = 0.997) over a relatively wide range of 3.13 to 100 ppm. The precision of this system was excellent with relative standard deviations of 1.39% for migration time and 2.96 % for peak response over 10 repetitions at a concentration of 12.5 ppm. The limit of quantitation and limit of detection values were 3.13 ppm (S/N = 9) and 0.781 ppm (S/N = 3), respectively. Using this system, sotolon was clearly detected from a maple-flavored food additive.
  • 抗がん剤汚染防止バイアル用ゴム栓「もれま栓」プロトタイプの開発
    石渡 俊二; 多賀 淳; 藤田 秀樹; 西田 升三; 喜多 綾子; 杉浦 麗子
    日本薬学会年会要旨集 131年会 4 241 - 241 (公社)日本薬学会 2011年03月
  • キャピラリー電気泳動を用いる個々の注射剤容器からの漏液量低コスト簡易測定法の開発
    多賀 淳; 石渡 俊二; 藤田 秀樹; 西田 升三; 喜多 綾子; 杉浦 麗子
    日本薬学会年会要旨集 131年会 4 242 - 242 (公社)日本薬学会 2011年03月
  • Shoji K; Tsubaki M; Yamazoe Y; Satou T; Itoh T; Kidera Y; Tanimori Y; Yanae M; Matsuda H; Taga A; Nakamura H; Nishida S
    Archives of pharmacal research 34 3 469 - 475 2011年03月 [査読有り]
    Mangiferin, 1,3,6,7-tetrahydroxyxanthone-C2-beta-D-glucoside (C-glucosylxanthone), is a xanthone derivative that is widely distributed in higher plants. Recently, mangiferin was found to exhibit potential antitumor effects. However, the molecular mechanisms of this effect have not been elucidated. In the present study, we attempt to clarify the mechanism of mangiferin-induced apoptosis in the human acute myeloid leukemia cell line HL-60; mangiferin was found to induce apoptosis. We also observed a concurrent increase in caspase-3 activity and DNA fragmentation. Furthermore, on examining the survival signals expressed during apoptotic induction, we observed that mangiferin caused a remarkable decrease in the nuclear entry of NF-kappa B p65. However, there were no changes in the expression of other survival signals, such as extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2, protein kinase B, and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase. In addition, mangiferin suppressed the expressions of Bcl-xL and XIAP; however, we did not note any changes in the levels of Bcl-2, Bax, and Bim. These results indicate that mangiferin induces apoptosis by suppressing NF-kappa B activation and expressions of Bcl-xL and XAIP. These findings suggest that mangiferin may be useful as an anticancer agent and can be used in combination therapy with other anticancer drugs for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia.
  • Ayako Kita; Cuifang Li; Yang Yu; Nanae Umeda; Akira Doi; Mitsuko Yasuda; Shunji Ishiwata; Atsushi Taga; Yoshitaka Horiuchi; Reiko Sugiura
    PLOS ONE 6 2 e16842  2011年02月 [査読有り]
    Background: We had previously identified the mutant allele of apm1(+) that encodes a homolog of the mammalian mu 1A subunit of the clathrin-associated adaptor protein-1 (AP-1) complex, and we demonstrated the role of Apm1 in Golgi/endosome trafficking, secretion, and vacuole fusion in fission yeast. Methodology/Principal Findings: In the present study, we isolated rho3+, which encodes a Rho-family small GTPase, an important regulator of exocystosis, as a multicopy-suppressor of the temperature-sensitive growth of the apm1-1 mutant cells. Overexpression of Rho3 suppressed the Cl- sensitivity and immunosuppressant sensitivity of the apm1-1 mutant cells. Overexpression of Rho3 also suppressed the fragmentation of vacuoles, and the accumulation of v-SNARE Syb1 in Golgi/endosomes and partially suppressed the defective secretion associated with apm1-deletion cells. Notably, electron microscopic observation of the rho3-deletion cells revealed the accumulation of abnormal Golgi-like structures, vacuole fragmentation, and accumulation of secretory vesicles; these phenotypes were very similar to those of the apm1-deletion cells. Furthermore, the rho3-deletion cells and apm1-deletion cells showed very similar phenotypic characteristics, including the sensitivity to the immunosuppressant FK506, the cell wall-damaging agent micafungin, Cl-, and valproic acid. Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-Rho3 was localized at Golgi/endosomes as well as the plasma membrane and division site. Finally, Rho3 was shown to form a complex with Apm1 as well as with other subunits of the clathrin-associated AP-1 complex in a GTP- and effector domain-dependent manner. Conclusions/Significance: Taken together, our findings reveal a novel role of Rho3 in the regulation of Golgi/endosome trafficking and suggest that clathrin-associated adaptor protein-1 and Rho3 co-ordinate in intracellular transport in fission yeast. To the best of our knowledge, this study provides the first evidence of a direct link between the small GTPase Rho and the clathrin-associated adaptor protein-1 in membrane trafficking.
  • Shunji Ishiwata; Atsushi Taga; Hiroyuki Sano; Masataka Kobayashi; Jun Nomiyama; Shiro Harada; Ayako Kita; Mitsutaka Takada; Reiko Sugiura
    Yakugaku Zasshi 131 9 1361 - 1367 2011年 [査読有り]
    Personnel who prepare and administer chemotherapeutic agents have been reported to develop untoward effects. The use of appropriate techniques for preparing these agents is encouraged, and educational training systems that involve the use of a fluorescent or chemiluminescence reagent as placebos have been established to minimize potential exposure to these agents. However, the optimum conditions for the use and visibility of these placebos remain obscure. In this study, our results indicated that the fluorescence intensity of fluorescent reagent decreased when it was used at a concentration greater than 0.01%. Because drops created due to splashes and leaks are extremely small and easily evaporate, it is possible that the fluorescence resulting from such drops readily disappears despite using an anti-evaporation reagent. We also developed a method to evaluate the visibility of the small drop using this method, we determined the distance at which the drop present on the pin could be seen by the observer. The distance at which the drop was clearly recognized as a pinpoint by using the fluorescence method was almost comparable to that for the chemiluminescence method. In the chemiluminescence method, the drop on the pin was faintly visible as a slightly bright area because of low background when observed at a certain distance that was much greater than that at which the drop was clearly visible however, such an area was not observed in the fluorescence method. The results of our study will help in the selection of a training method depending on the situation. © 2011 The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.
  • Fumihiko Ogata; Hisato Tominaga; Hitoshi Yabutani; Atsushi Taga; Naohito Kawasaki
    The effectiveness of gibbsite (GB), an amorphous aluminum oxide, for the recovery of Mo(VI) from eluates of fly ash of two coal-fired thermal power stations and of roof tile waste was investigated. Upon the qualitative analysis of an eluate of fly ash, 16 elements were detected. Greater amounts of these elements were eluted under acidic conditions (pH 2) than from the neutral or basic eluate of fly ash. GB was used for the adsorption of Mo(VI). Equilibrium adsorption was reached within 1 min. Optimal solution acidity for the adsorption of Mo(VI) onto GB400 (calcined at 400 degrees C) was pH 2. The main adsorption mechanism was ion exchange with a number of hydroxyl groups of GB400. For repeated ad- and desorption of Mo(VI), GB400 could be used at least four times and the recovery percentage of Mo(VI) with sodium hydroxide solution as eluent surpassed 90%. Our results showed that GB400 was very effective for the recovery of Mo(VI) from fly ash.
  • 佐藤亮介; 松村康弘; 梅田奈苗; 田中章友; 高田真琴; 喜多綾子; 石渡俊二; 多賀淳; 杉浦麗子
    生化学 ROMBUNNO.3T10P-11  2011年
  • Atsushi Taga; Ryosuke Satoh; Shunji Ishiwata; Shuji Kodama; Atsushi Sato; Kentaro Suzuki; Reiko Sugiura
    The interaction between Rnc1, an RNA interactive protein, and a Pmp1 mRNA was investigated by affinity capillary electrophoresis (ACE). Prior to the ACE experiments, the column performances of three capillaries (an untreated fused silica capillary, a polybrene-polyacrylic acid (PB-PAA) double layer coating capillary, and a carboxylated capillary with a covalent modification) were studied with model proteins including ribonuclease B (RNase B) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) Using an untreated fused silica and a PB-PAA double layer coating capillaries, both of the protein peaks were broad and tailing. However, using a carboxylated capillary, the protein peaks were sharp and symmetric, and migration times were repeatable (RSD < 0 4%) Further, the proteins in human serum also gave sharp peaks and its repeatability was kept at a high level by pre-treatment of a capillary inner wall with 1 M sodium chloride solution before each run. An Rnc1 protein was analyzed by ACE with background electrolytes containing various concentrations of Pmp1 sense mRNA using a carboxylated capillary. Increase in the concentration of the mRNA was found to delay the migration time of the protein. But the migration time of the protein was kept constant with increasing Pmp1 anti-sense mRNA instead of Pmp1 sense mRNA A straight line (r=0.987) was obtained by plotting 1/(migration time shift) versus 1/(Pmp1 sense mRNA concentration) and the association constant of Rnc1 protein with Pmp1 sense mRNA could be estimated to be 4 15 x 10(6) M(-1). These results suggest that the association constants of proteins with mRNAs as ligands were easily determined by the proposed method. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Shuji Kodama; Atsushi Taga; Atsushi Yamamoto; Yuji Ito; Yoshitaka Honda; Kentaro Suzuki; Tomohisa Yamashita; Tomoko Kemmei; Sen-ichi Aizawa
    ELECTROPHORESIS 31 21 3586 - 3591 2010年10月 [査読有り]
    The ratio of citric acid to D-isocitric acid can be used to distinguish authentic and adulterated fruit juices. To separate DL-isocitric acid enantiomers, we used ligand exchange CE. D-Quinic acid was used as a chiral selector ligand and Mn(II), Fe(III), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), and Zn(II) ions were used as the central ions of the chiral selector in the BGE. DL-Isocitric acid was found to be enantioseparated with the above metal ions except for Mn(II) ion. The optimum running conditions for the analysis of D- and L-isocitric acids along with citric acid, an isomer of isocitric acid, were found to be a BGE (pH 5.0) containing 30% ACN, 20 mM acetic acid, 20 mM NiSO(4), and 80 mM D-quinic acid. Under these conditions, DL-isocitric and citric acids in fruit juices were analyzed successfully.
  • 多賀 淳; 小玉 修嗣; 山本 敦
    化学と生物 48 4 263 - 268 Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry 2010年04月
  • Shuji Kodama; Sen-ichi Aizawa; Atsushi Taga; Tomohisa Yamashita; Tomoko Kemmei; Kentaro Suzuki; Yoshitaka Honda; Atsushi Yamamoto
    ELECTROPHORESIS 31 6 1051 - 1054 2010年03月 [査読有り]
    Enantioseparation of tartaric acid by ligand exchange CE with a Cu(II)-D-quinic acid system was studied Racemic tartaric acid was enantioseparated by ligand exchange CE using BCEs containing relatively low Cu(II)-D-quinic acid molar ratios ranging from 1 1 to 1.3 and high molar ratios ranging from 1.8 to 1 12 but was not enantioseparated using BGEs with medium molar ratios ranging from 1 4 to 1 6 While the migration order of-D-tartaric acid was prior to L-tartaric acid at the lower Cu(II)-D-quinic acid molar ratios, the enantiomer migration order was reversed at the higher molar ratios. These results were compared with those for Ni(II)-D-quinic acid system The molar ratio dependence of enantiomer migration order can be attributed to a change in the coordination structure of Cu(II) ion with D-quinic acid.
  • Ryosuke Satoh; Takahiro Morita; Hirofumi Takada; Ayako Kita; Shunji Ishiwata; Akira Doi; Kanako Hagihara; Atsushi Taga; Yasuhiro Matsumura; Hideki Tohda; Reiko Sugiura
    MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL 20 9 2473 - 2485 2009年05月 [査読有り]
    Myosin II is an essential component of the actomyosin contractile ring and plays a crucial role in cytokinesis by generating the forces necessary for contraction of the actomyosin ring. Cdc4 is an essential myosin II light chain in fission yeast and is required for cytokinesis. In various eukaryotes, the phosphorylation of myosin is well documented as a primary means of activating myosin II, but little is known about the regulatory mechanisms of Cdc4. Here, we isolated Nrd1, an RNA-binding protein with RNA-recognition motifs, as a multicopy suppressor of cdc4 mutants. Notably, we demonstrated that Nrd1 binds and stabilizes Cdc4 mRNA, thereby suppressing the cytokinesis defects of the cdc4 mutants. Importantly, Pmk1 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) directly phosphorylates Nrd1, thereby negatively regulating the binding activity of Nrd1 to Cdc4 mRNA. Consistently, the inactivation of Pmk1 MAPK signaling, as well as Nrd1 overexpression, stabilized the Cdc4 mRNA level, thereby suppressing the cytokinesis defects associated with the cdc4 mutants. In addition, we demonstrated the cell cycle-dependent regulation of Pmk1/Nrd1 signaling. Together, our results indicate that Nrd1 plays a role in the regulation of Cdc4 mRNA stability; moreover, our study is the first to demonstrate the posttranscriptional regulation of myosin expression by MAPK signaling.
  • Ryosuke Satoh; Takahiro Morita; Hirofumi Takada; Ayako Kita; Shunji Ishiwata; Akira Doi; Kanako Hagihara; Atsushi Taga; Yasuhiro Matsumura; Hideki Tohda; Reiko Sugiura
    Molecular Biology of the Cell 20 9 2473 - 2485 2009年05月 [査読有り]
    Myosin II is an essential component of the actomyosin contractile ring and plays a crucial role in cytokinesis by generating the forces necessary for contraction of the actomyosin ring. Cdc4 is an essential myosin II light chain in fission yeast and is required for cytokinesis. In various eukaryotes, the phosphorylation of myosin is well documented as a primary means of activating myosin II, but little is known about the regulatory mechanisms of Cdc4. Here, we isolated Nrd1, an RNA-binding protein with RNA-recognition motifs, as a multicopy suppressor of cdc4 mutants. Notably, we demonstrated that Nrd1 binds and stabilizes Cdc4 mRNA, thereby suppressing the cytokinesis defects of the cdc4 mutants. Importantly, Pmk1 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) directly phosphorylates Nrd1, thereby negatively regulating the binding activity of Nrd1 to Cdc4 mRNA. Consistently, the inactivation of Pmk1 MAPK signaling, as well as Nrd1 overexpression, stabilized the Cdc4 mRNA level, thereby suppressing the cytokinesis defects associated with the cdc4 mutants. In addition, we demonstrated the cell cycle-dependent regulation of Pmk1/Nrd1 signaling. Together, our results indicate that Nrd1 plays a role in the regulation of Cdc4 mRNA stability moreover, our study is the first to demonstrate the posttranscriptional regulation of myosin expression by MAPK signaling. © 2009 by The American Society for Cell Biology.
  • 第3章3.5.電気泳動法
    多賀 淳
    NEW薬学機器分析(伊藤允好・萩中淳・和田昭盛編集) 222 - 236 2007年05月
  • 参考情報8 キャピラリー電気泳動法
    多賀 淳; 掛樋 一晃
    日本薬局方技術情報(JPTI)日本公定書協会編 273 - 279 じほう 2006年09月
  • A Taga; Y Yamamoto; R Maruyama; S Honda
    ELECTROPHORESIS 25 6 876 - 881 2004年03月 [査読有り]
    The potential use of affinity capillary electrophoresis in a microscale search for mutually interacting substances in biological fluid is demonstrated. Some disaccharides, especially gentiobiose (Gen), derivatized with 1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone, caused peak retardation when electrophoresed in a neutral running buffer, containing human serum. Gen, the most significantly retarded disaccharide, was converted to its negatively charged bis-mercaptoethanesulfonate derivative (MerESGen), and a serum sample was analyzed in a neutral buffer containing the derivatized disaccharide. Two peaks, belonging to the beta-globulin fraction, were found to be remarkably retarded in the buffer containing MerES-Gen in a concentration-dependent way. These findings prove an interaction between disaccharides and serum proteins.
  • Taga A; Honda S
    Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 213 121 - 130 2003年 [査読有り]
  • Taga A; Honda S
    Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 213 275 - 284 2003年 [査読有り]
  • S Honda; A Taga
  • YX Du; A Taga; S Suzuki; WY Liu; S Honda
    JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A 962 1-2 221 - 231 2002年07月 [査読有り]
    We introduced colominic acid as a new chiral selector for capillary electrophoresis of basic drugs. Use of a low concentration phosphate buffer containing this polysaccharide and a Polybrene/colominic acid double coated capillary allowed excellent separation of the enantiomers of primaquine, chloroquine and tryptophan. Other drugs giving partial enantioseparation include laudanosine and salbutamol. Capillary coating with Polybrene followed by colominic acid eliminated the problems of peak tailing and low reproducibility of migration time in uncoated capillaries. The optimum pH was in the acidic region but varied among drugs. A low capillary temperature of 16 degreesC and a colominic acid concentration of 9 w/v% are recommended for practical analysis of these drugs. Colominic acid preparations having higher molecular masses gave better enantioseparation, and N-acletylneuraminic acid, the component monosaccharide, did not give any enantioseparation. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.



  • 森田 昌敏; 三村均; 熊沢紀之; 矢野勝彦; 青野宏通; 槇田洋二; 苑田晃成; 山田裕久; 横山 信吾; 伊藤健一; 佐藤努; 万福裕造; 八田珠郎; 多賀淳; 石川彰彦; 村上秀樹; 菊池良栄; 金原 和秀 エヌ・ティー・エス 2015年 ISBN: 9784860434151
  • 医歯薬系学生のためのillustrated基礎科学, 第11章
    京都廣川書店 2009年
  • 医歯薬系学生のためのillustrated基礎科学, 第10章
    京都廣川書店 2009年
  • 医歯薬系学生のためのillustrated基礎科学, 第9章
    京都廣川書店 2009年
  • 医師薬系学生のためのillustrated基礎化学
    掛樋 一晃; 田邉 元三; 久保 兼信; 岡部 亘雄; 多賀 淳; 桑島 博 (担当:共著範囲:)京都廣川書店 2008年10月
  • 医歯薬系学生のための「基礎化学」京都廣川書店
    桑島 博; 田邊元三; 岡部亘雄; 久保兼信; 多賀 淳 (担当:共著範囲:)2008年10月
  • NEW薬学機器分析, 222-236
    廣川書店 2007年
  • 日本薬局方技術情報(JPTI)日本公定書協会編, 273-279
    じほう 2006年
  • Methods in Enzymology, Vol. 362, chapter 30
    Academic Press 2003年
  • Capillary Electrophoresis of Carbohydrate (Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 213), chapter 16
    Humana Press Inc. 2003年
  • Capillary Electrophoresis of Carbohydrate (Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 213), chapter 8
    Humana Press Inc. 2003年
  • Capillary Electrophoresis of Carbohydrate (Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 213) edited by P. Thibault and S. Honda
    Humana Press Inc 2003年
  • Capillary Electrophoresis of Carbohydrate (Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 213) edited by P. Thibault and S. Honda
    Humana Press Inc 2003年
  • Carbohydrate Analysis by modern Chromatography and Electrophoresis, chapter 19
    Elsevier Science B. V. 2002年
  • Carbohydrate Analysis by modern Chromatography and Electrophoresis
    Elsevier Science B. V. 2002年


  • 抗がん剤汚染防止用ゴム栓「もれま栓」の検討  [通常講演]
    杉浦 麗子; 石渡 俊二; 多賀 淳; 西田 升三; 喜多 綾子; 藤田 秀樹
    日本薬学会第132年会 2012年03月 北海道 日本薬学会第132年会
  • 抗がん剤汚染を防止する注射剤バイアル用ゴム栓「もれま栓」プロトタイプの開発  [通常講演]
    杉浦 麗子; 石渡 俊二; 多賀 淳; 西田 升三; 喜多 綾子; 藤田 秀樹
    第21回日本医療薬学会年会 2011年10月 神戸 第21回日本医療薬学会年会
  • キャピラリー電気泳動を用いる容器個別での注射剤容器からの漏液量低コスト簡易測定法の開発  [通常講演]
    杉浦 麗子; 多賀 淳; 石渡 俊二; 西田 升三; 喜多 綾子; 藤田 秀樹
    第21回日本医療薬学会年会 2011年10月 神戸 第21回日本医療薬学会年会
  • 新教材を用いた抗がん剤調製トレーニング 薬学実務実習事前学習における応用  [通常講演]
    杉浦 麗子; 石渡 俊二; 多賀 淳; 喜多 綾子; 髙田 充隆; 森 卯京; 西山; 佐野 裕之; 小林; 正隆; 原田 士朗; 小泉 祐一; 荒井 真美子; 藤原 琴; 亀本; 上田 和正; 三上; 大隅 奈奈; 池田 久雄; 稲井 恵子; 河内 昭人
    第21回日本医療薬学会年会 2011年10月 神戸 第21回日本医療薬学会年会
  • MAPKシグナル依存的なRNA結合蛋白質Nrd1によるStress Granule形成機構  [通常講演]
    杉浦 麗子; 多賀 淳; 石渡 俊二; 喜多 綾子; 谷 時雄; 林 紗千子; 佐藤 亮介; 森田 貴大; 松村 康弘; 田中 章友; 高田 真琴; 萩原 加奈子
  • MAP kinase signaling regulates stress granule formation via the RNA-binding protein Nrd1  [通常講演]
    杉浦 麗子; 石渡 俊二; 喜多 綾子; 谷 時雄; 林 紗千子; 佐藤 亮介; 森田 貴大; 松村 康弘; 田中 章友; 髙田 真琴; 梅田 奈苗; 土井 章; 萩原 加奈子; 多賀 淳
  • MAP kinase signaling-dependent regulation of stress granule formation mediated by the RNA-binding protein Nrd1 in fission yeast  [通常講演]
    杉浦 麗子; 喜多 綾子; 石渡 俊二; 多賀 淳; 佐藤 亮介; 森田 貴大; 高田 宏文; 梅田 奈苗; 土井 章; 萩原 加奈子; 松村 康弘; 田中 章友; 髙田 真琴; 谷 時雄; 林 紗千子
  • 抗がん剤汚染防止バイアル用ゴム栓「もれま栓」プロトタイプの開発  [通常講演]
    杉浦 麗子; 喜多 綾子; 石渡 俊二; 多賀 淳; 西田 升三; 藤田 秀樹
  • 化学発光を用いた抗がん剤調製トレーニングキット「ルフテック」による抗がん剤汚染危険箇所の検討  [通常講演]
    杉浦 麗子; 髙田 充隆; 喜多 綾子; 石渡 俊二; 多賀 淳; 佐野 裕之; 小林 正隆; 原田 士朗; 小泉 祐一; 森 卯京; 西山 辰美; 荒井 真美子; 藤原 琴; 亀本 浩司; 上田 和正; 三上 正; 大隅 奈奈; 池田 久雄; 稲井 恵子; 河内 昭人
  • キャピラリー電気泳動を用いる個々の注射剤容器からの漏液量低コスト簡易測定法の開発  [通常講演]
    杉浦 麗子; 石渡 俊二; 喜多 綾子; 西田 升三; 多賀 淳; 藤田 秀樹
  • RNA結合蛋白質Nrd1はMAPKシグナル依存的にstress granule形成を制御する  [通常講演]
    杉浦 麗子; 佐藤 亮介; 森田 貴大; 高田 宏文; 喜多 綾子; 石渡 俊二; 萩原 加奈子; 松村 康弘; 田中 章友; 多賀 淳; 谷 時雄; 林; 紗千
    RNAフロンティアミーティング 2010年09月 静岡 RNAフロンティアミーティング
  • レーザー励起蛍光検出キャピラリー電気泳動を用いる不均一性タンパク質の結合能評価  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 杉浦 麗子; 上林 大起; 小玉 修嗣; 佐藤 睦; 鈴木 健太郎; 居迫 正和
    日本分析化学会第59年会 2010年09月 仙台 日本分析化学会第59年会
  • Simultaneous Binding Assay of Microheterogenious Proteins by Capillary Electrophoresis with Laser Induced Fluorescence Detection  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 杉浦 麗子; 上林 大起; 梅田 奈苗; 小玉 修嗣; 佐藤 睦; 鈴木 健太郎; 居迫 正和
    16th International Symposium on Separation Science 2010年09月 Rome 16th International Symposium on Separation Science
  • RNA結合蛋白質Nrd1はMAPKシグナル依存的にStress Granule形成を制御する  [通常講演]
    杉浦 麗子; 佐藤 亮介; 森田 貴大; 高田 宏文; 喜多 綾子; 石渡 俊二; 萩原 加奈子; 松村 康弘; 田中 章友; 多賀 淳; 谷 時雄; 林; 沙千
    酵母遺伝学フォーラム 第43回研究報告会 2010年09月 なら 酵母遺伝学フォーラム 第43回研究報告会
  • 核内核外輸送を介したRNA結合タンパク質Rnc1の機能解析  [通常講演]
    杉浦 麗子; 松村 康弘; 佐藤 亮介; 田中 章友; 喜多 綾子; 梅田 奈苗; 石渡 俊二; 多賀 淳
    第12回日本RNA学会年会 2010年07月 東京 第12回日本RNA学会年会
  • RNA結合蛋白質Nrd1はMAPKシグナル依存的に環境ストレス応答を制御する  [通常講演]
    杉浦 麗子; 佐藤 亮介; 森田 貴大; 高田 宏文; 喜多 綾子; 石渡 俊二; 萩原 加奈子; 松村 康弘; 田中 章友; 多賀 淳; 谷 時雄; 林; 紗千; 東田 英毅
    第1回RNA Study Meeting 本会 2010年07月 東京 第1回RNA Study Meeting 本会
  • MAP Kinase Signaling Dependent Regulation of Cell Fate Mediated by the RNA-binding protein Nrd1 in Fission yeast  [通常講演]
    杉浦 麗子; 佐藤 亮介; 森田 貴大; 高田 宏文; 喜多 綾子; 石渡 俊二; 土井 章; 萩原 加奈子; 松村 康弘; 田中 章友; 多賀 淳; 新名主 カオリ
    The 19th CDB Meeting RNA Sciences in Cell and Developmental Biology 2010年05月 神戸 The 19th CDB Meeting RNA Sciences in Cell and Developmental Biology
  • 化学発光を用いた注射剤混合トレーニングシステムの開発  [通常講演]
    杉浦 麗子; 石渡 俊二; 多賀 淳; 森田 貴大; 喜多 綾子; 髙田 充隆; 佐野 裕之; 小林 正隆; 野見 山淳; 原田 士郎; 小泉 祐一; 野村 真美; 森 卯京; 西山 辰美; 荒井 真美子
    日本薬学会第130年会 2010年03月 岡山 日本薬学会第130年会
  • RNA結合タンパク質Nrd1はMAPキナーゼシグナル依存的に細胞運命を制御する  [通常講演]
    杉浦 麗子; 佐藤 亮介; 森田 貴大; 高田 宏文; 喜多 綾子; 石渡 俊二; 土井 章; 萩原 加奈子; 松村 康弘; 田中 章友; 多賀 淳; 東田 英毅
    日本薬学会第130年会 2010年03月 岡山 日本薬学会第130年会
  • アフィニティーキャピラリー電気泳動によるRNA―GFP-タンパク質間相互作用の観察  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 石渡 俊二; 杉浦 麗子; 佐藤 亮介; 小玉 修嗣; 佐藤 睦; 鈴木 健太郎
    日本薬学会第130回年会 2010年03月 岡山 日本薬学会第130回年会
  • 分裂酵母におけるRNA結合タンパク質Nrd1によるMAPキナーゼシグナル依存的な細胞運命制御機構  [通常講演]
    杉浦 麗子; 佐藤 亮介; 森田 貴大; 高田 宏文; 喜多 綾子; 石渡 俊二; 土井 章; 萩原 加奈子; 松村 康弘; 多賀 淳; 東田 英毅
    第11回 日本RNA学会年会 2009年10月 新潟 第11回 日本RNA学会年会
  • MAPキナーゼによるリン酸化依存的なRNA結合タンパク質Nrd1の細胞運命制御機構  [通常講演]
    杉浦 麗子; 佐藤 亮介; 森田 貴大; 高田 宏文; 喜多 綾子; 石渡 俊二; 土井 章; 萩原 加奈子; 松村 康弘; 多賀 淳
    第82回日本生化学会大会 2009年10月 神戸 第82回日本生化学会大会
  • クラスリンアダプター複合体μ1サブユニットApm1の制御因子としての低分子量Gタンパク質Rho3の発見とゴルジ・エンドゾームにおける働き  [通常講演]
    杉浦 麗子; 李 翠芳; 喜多 綾子; 安田 光都子; 于 陽; 山本 恭平; 多賀 淳; 石渡 俊二
    第59回 日本薬学会近畿支部総会・大会 2009年10月 大阪 第59回 日本薬学会近畿支部総会・大会
  • キャピラリー電気泳動によるメープルシロップおよびメープルシュガー中の還元糖の分析  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 小玉修嗣; 川木秀子
    日本薬学会第129年会 2009年03月 京都 日本薬学会第129年会
  • 中心イオンにNi(II)イオンを用いたキラル配位子交換キャピラリー電気泳動  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 小玉修嗣; 山本敦; 山下智富; 健名智子; 鈴木健太郎; 誉田佳孝
    日本薬学会第129年会 2009年03月 京都 日本薬学会第129年会
  • N-ニトロソアミンの不溶性食物繊維への収着に及ぼす水溶性食物繊維の影響  [通常講演]
    北小路 学; 三好広朗; 川崎裕美; 森川 晋; 多賀 淳; 坊木 佳人; 富田 浩
    日本薬学会第129年会 2009年03月 京都 日本薬学会第129年会
  • Observation of Interaction between RNA and GFP-Protein by Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 石渡 俊二; 杉浦 麗子; 佐藤 亮介; 小玉 修嗣; 佐藤 睦; 鈴木 健太郎
    29 th International Symposium on the ?Separation of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides 2008年09月 Delray beach 29 th International Symposium on the ?Separation of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides
  • Study of RNA-protein interaction in MAP kinase signaling by affinity capillary electrophoresis with a carboxylated capillary  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 石渡 俊二; 杉浦 麗子; 佐藤 睦; 鈴木 健太郎; 小玉 修嗣; 佐藤 亮介
    28 th International Symposium on the ?Separation of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides 2008年09月 Baden-Baden 28 th International Symposium on the ?Separation of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides
  • アフィニティーキャピラリー電気泳動によるRNA-RNA結合性タンパク質の結合定数測定  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 石渡 俊二; 杉浦 麗子; 佐藤睦; 鈴木健太郎; 小玉修嗣; 森田貴大
    日本薬学会第128年会 2008年03月 横浜 日本薬学会第128年会
  • タバコ及びその煙中におけるニコチン・アルカイド類の光学異性体分析  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 小玉修嗣; 森川敦詞; 中込和哉; 山本敦; 佐藤睦; 鈴木健太郎; 山下智富; 健名智子; 高柳信孝
    日本薬学会第128年会 2008年03月 横浜 日本薬学会第128年会
  • キャピラリー電気泳動による抗体医薬品の品質管理  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 木下 充弘; 掛樋 一晃; 北 荘一郎; 佐藤 睦; 鈴木 健太郎; 小玉 修嗣
    第18回クロマトグラフィー科学会議 2007年11月 函館 第18回クロマトグラフィー科学会議
  • Development of a novel type capillary for protein analysis by capillary electrophoresis  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 石渡 俊二; 杉浦 麗子; 誉田 佳孝; 佐藤 睦; 寺島 弘之; 鈴木 健太郎; 小玉 修嗣; 森田 貴大
    EUROanalysis XIV 2007年09月 Antwerp EUROanalysis XIV
  • 化学修飾シリカキャピラリーを利用する抗体医薬品のキャピラリー電気泳動  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 木下 充弘; 掛樋 一晃; 北荘一郎; 佐藤睦; 鈴木健太郎; 小玉修嗣; 鴨田聡
    第27回日本糖質学会年会 2007年08月 福岡 第27回日本糖質学会年会
  • キャピラリー電気泳動によるニトロソアミンの分析  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 西智子; 誉田佳孝; 佐藤睦; 鈴木健太郎; 寺島弘之; 小玉修嗣
    日本薬学会第127年会 2007年03月 富山 日本薬学会第127年会
  • ビール中におけるイソキサントフモールの光学分割  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 小玉修嗣; 山下智富; 健名智子; 齊藤行雄; 誉田佳孝; 佐藤睦; 鈴木健太郎; 寺島弘之; 山本敦
    日本薬学会第127年会 2007年03月 富山 日本薬学会第127年会
  • 硫酸化キャピラリーを用いるニトロソアミンの高速CE分析  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 西 智子; 坊木 佳人
    第17会クロマトグラフィー科学会議 2006年11月 仙台 第17会クロマトグラフィー科学会議
  • N-ニトロソアミンの不溶性食物繊維による収着  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 北小路 学; 西 智子; 坊木 佳人
    フォーラム2006衛生薬学・環境トキシコロジー 2006年10月 東京 フォーラム2006衛生薬学・環境トキシコロジー
  • ニトロソアミンの不溶性食物繊維による収着  [通常講演]
    西 智子; 多賀 淳; 北小路 学; 坊木 佳人
    衛生薬学・環境トキシコロジー 2006年10月 衛生薬学・環境トキシコロジー
  • 還元性単糖誘導体のボロスピラン形成に基づくキラル分離  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 小玉 修嗣; 會澤 宣一; 山本 敦; 山下 智富; 健名 智子; 齊藤 行雄
    日本分析化学会 第55年会 2006年09月 大阪 日本分析化学会 第55年会
  • 保険薬局および病院実務実習に対する学生の意識調査  [通常講演]
    北小路 学; 石渡 俊二; 石本 真美子; 船上 仁範; 八軒 浩子; 多賀 淳; 八木秀樹; 和田 哲幸; 田邉 元三; 市田 成志; 西田 升三
    日本社会薬学会第25年会 2006年09月 徳島 日本社会薬学会第25年会
  • Reproducible Analysis of Carbohydrate Derivatives by Capillary Electrophoresis  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 寺島弘之; 誉田佳孝; 小玉修嗣; 本田進
    XXIIIrd International carbohydrate symposium (ICS2006) 2006年07月 Whistler, Canada XXIIIrd International carbohydrate symposium (ICS2006)
  • タンパク質分析用キャピラリーの開発  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 誉田佳孝; 寺島弘之; 佐藤睦; 鈴木健太郎; 小玉修嗣
    第13回クロマトグラフィーシンポジウム 2006年06月 東京 第13回クロマトグラフィーシンポジウム
  • キャピラリー電気泳動におけるタンパク質分析用カラムの評価  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 寺島弘之; 誉田佳孝; 小玉修嗣
    日本薬学会第126年会 2006年03月 仙台 日本薬学会第126年会
  • 還元性単糖のボロスピラン形成に基づくキラル分離  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 小玉修嗣; 山下智富; 健名智子; 齊藤行雄; 會澤宣一; 山本敦
    日本薬学会第126年会 2006年03月 仙台 日本薬学会第126年会
  • 奨励賞受賞講演「カラム内化学的・物理化学的反応を伴うキャピラリー電気泳動の研究」  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳
    第15回クロマトグラフィー科学会議 2005年11月 岐阜 第15回クロマトグラフィー科学会議
    多賀 淳; 本田 進; 鈴木 茂生; 花谷 克昌
    4th Separation in the BioScienses (SBS’05) 2005年09月 Utrecht 4th Separation in the BioScienses (SBS’05)
    多賀 淳; 本田 進; 杉本 詩子
    4th Separation in the BioScienses (SBS’05) 2005年09月 Utrecht 4th Separation in the BioScienses (SBS’05)
  • オンライン試料濃縮を用いる機能性物質のアフィニティーキャピラリー電気泳動/MULDI-TOF-MS迅速分析  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 本田 進; 篠原 正樹
    第12回クロマトグラフィーシンポジウム 2005年05月 福岡 第12回クロマトグラフィーシンポジウム
  • スルホン酸基修飾キャピラリーの評価  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 本田 進; 寺島 弘之; 誉田; 小玉 修嗣
    第12回クロマトグラフィーシンポジウム 2005年05月 福岡 第12回クロマトグラフィーシンポジウム
  • 新規なキャピラリーの開発  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 本田 進; 小玉 修嗣; 山本 敦; 松永; 寺島 弘之; 誉田
    日本薬学会第125年会 2005年03月 東京 日本薬学会第125年会
  • キャピラリー電気泳動による重金属類の高感度検出  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 本田 進; 松尾 圭造; 西脇 敬二; 山谷 雅子
    日本薬学会第125年会 2005年03月 東京 日本薬学会第125年会
  • インキャピラリー試料濃縮による金属イオンの超微量検出―UV検出用新規キレート試薬3,3-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-(4-methoxyphenyl)triazeneの利用―  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 本田 進; 松尾 圭造; 西脇 敬二; 鈴木 有希子
    第15回クロマトグラフィー科学会議 2004年11月 東京 第15回クロマトグラフィー科学会議
  • Capillary Electrophoresis of Human Erythrocytes for Observation of Their Interaction with Lectins  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 本田 進; 鈴木 茂生; 梅村 幸恵
  • ミニシンポジウム「ポストゲノム時代に於ける分析科学の挑戦」糖鎖・タンパク質機能の微量迅速分析  [通常講演]
    多賀 淳; 本田 進
    日本薬学会第124年会 2004年03月 大阪 日本薬学会第124年会


  • 日本油化学会   日本糖質学会   日本薬学会   クロマドグラフィー科学会   日本糖質学会   クロマトグラフィー科学会   日本薬学会   


  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    研究期間 : 2020年04月 -2023年03月 
    代表者 : 小玉 修嗣; 多賀 淳; 會澤 宣一; 山本 敦
    我々は柑橘類に存在する(R)-シネフリンの加熱によるラセミ化(一方の光学異性体から他方の光学異性体が生成し、最終的に2種類の光学異性体が50%ずつになること)を還元糖が抑制することを見いだした (Anal. Sci., 2019, 35, 407-412)。この結果から、どのような化学構造を有する化合物に対して還元糖がラセミ化抑制作用を有するのかを検討し、その抑制作用機構を明らかにすることを目的とする。 (1) 新規な光学異性体分析法の開発:高速液体クロマトグラフィー(HPLC)により光学異性体を分析する方法として、移動相(溶離液)にキラル化合物を加えて通常の分析カラムで分析する方法がある。移動相は使い捨てであるため、高価なキラル化合物(2種類の光学異性体の片方)を使えないという欠点があり、報告例は少ない。近年、シクロデキストリンを移動相に添加して光学異性体分離する方法が報告されているが、1日の実験で5~10 gのシクロデキストリンが必要となり、実用性に欠けていた。そこで本研究では、従来のシクロデキストリン使用量を1/20以下に抑えたマンデル酸の光学異性体分析法を開発した。また、この方法で2-アミノ-1-フェニルエタノールやフェニルアラニノールも光学異性体分離できることを確認した。 (2) 加熱によるラセミ化の検討:上記の光学異性体分析法を用いて、マンデル酸、2-アミノ-1-フェニルエタノールやフェニルアラニノールの3種類の化合物を加熱してラセミ化が起こるかどうかを検討した。残念ながら、これら3種類の化合物がいずれもラセミ化は観察されなかった。 (3) 新たなキラル化合物への対応:上記(1)の方法による光学異性体分析法を応用して、上記3種類以外の化合物での光学異性体分析法を検討している。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    研究期間 : 2015年04月 -2018年03月 
    代表者 : 小玉 修嗣; 多賀 淳; 會澤 宣一; 山本 敦
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    研究期間 : 2011年 -2013年 
    代表者 : 小玉 修嗣; 山本 敦; 會澤 宣一; 多賀 淳
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    研究期間 : 2008年 -2010年 
    代表者 : 小玉 修嗣; 健名 智子; 山本 敦; 會澤 宣一; 多賀 淳
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    研究期間 : 1999年 -2001年 
    代表者 : 本田 進; 多賀 淳; 鈴木 茂生
    本研究の目的は、キャピラリーやマイクロチップ中で行う電気泳動の特性を明らかにし、種々の物質の分析へ応用することにあった。平成11年度〜平成13年度の3年間にわたる研究により、これらの目的のうちキャピラリー電気泳動(CE)の特性解明と応用の部分については,期待以上の成果を上げることができた。一方、マイクロチップ電気泳動(ME)は本研究開始当初、ゲノム解析の領域を除き、未だ発展途上にあったが、本研究により糖質分析への展開を中心に新技術の導入をはかった結果、大幅な進展をみることができた。これらの成果の概要をまとめると、下記のとおりである。 CE 1,種々の分離モードを開発した。 2,キャピラリー内での誘導体化法を開発し、体系化した。 3,物質間相互作用解析法を開発し、微量試料による結合定数測定を可能にした。 4.特異的認識能をもつ生体内物質を探索し、生理活性が期待できる種々の物質を見出すことができた ME 1,ガラス、石英、有機ポリマー等のマイクロチップとシングルスポットレーザー励起蛍光検出により秒単位の超微量高速分析を実現した。 2,汎用性のある全チャンネル一斉紫外部吸収法の可能性を探った。 3.生体成分分析に有効に利用できることを明らかにした。
  • マイクロチップ電気泳動に関する研究
  • 表面プラズモン共鳴に関する研究
  • キャピラリー電気泳動に関する研究
  • Study of Microchip Electrophoresis
  • Study of Surface Plasmon Resonance
  • Study of High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis

