塩﨑 麻里子(シオザキ マリコ)

総合社会学部 総合社会学科 心理系専攻教授

Last Updated :2024/08/31






  • 人間科学(大阪大学)


  • 人生の価値   高齢者   ソーシャルサポート   夫婦関係   後悔   意思決定   遺族   がん患者   




  • 人文・社会 / 社会心理学
  • 人文・社会 / 臨床心理学



  • 2023年04月 - 現在  近畿大学総合社会学部教授
  • 2016年04月 - 2022年03月  近畿大学総合社会学部准教授
  • 2018年10月 - 2019年03月  スタンフォード大学客員研究員
  • 2010年04月 - 2016年03月  近畿大学総合社会学部講師
  • 2009年05月 - 2010年03月  近畿大学国際人文科学研究所助教



  • 2023年06月 日本老年社会科学会 奨励賞
  • 2022年07月 日本老年社会科学会 日本老年社会科学会優秀ポスター賞
  • 2022年04月 日本緩和医療学会 日本緩和医療学会査読功労賞
  • 2010年09月 日本サイコオンコロジー学会 日本サイコオンコロジー学会ベストポスター賞


  • Ryo Sakamoto; Yukariko Hida; Mariko Shiozaki; Hiroko Motooka; Atsuko Koyama
    Cureus 2023年07月
  • Kouhei Masumoto; Koji Sato; Kazuhiro Harada; Kenta Yamamoto; Mariko Shiozaki
    Consciousness and Cognition 106 103431 - 103431 2022年11月
  • 塩﨑 麻里子; 濱崎 洋嗣; 森口 ゆたか; 佐藤 望; 田中 晃代
    老年社会科学 = Japanese journal of gerontology 43 4 349 - 359 日本老年社会科学会 ; 1979- 2022年 [査読有り]
  • 冨田 千景; 塩﨑 麻里子
    心身医学 62 5 401 - 409 一般社団法人 日本心身医学会 2022年 [査読有り]
    本研究の目的は,治療法がなく,心理的支援がQOL向上に不可欠である複合性局所疼痛症候群(CRPS)患者がウェブ上の情報収集を行う際,痛みの破局的思考がどのように影響を及ぼしているのかを明らかにすることであった.CRPS患者4名(29-46歳,女性3名,どちらでもない1名)を対象に情報収集時の破局的思考の心理的プロセスに関する半構造化インタビューを実施した.Steps for Coding and Theorization(SCAT)による分析を行い,CRPSの受容プロセスと情報収集時の破局的思考について整理した結果,反すうの内容が3カテゴリ,拡大視の内容が1カテゴリに分類されたが,無力感についての発言はみられなかった.特徴的な心理プロセスとして,反すうと拡大視が影響しあうことで依存的な情報収集の悪循環を形成していることが明らかとなった.この悪循環を脱するためには,破局的思考を低減させること,情報収集時にソーシャルサポートを受けること,情報の内容を客観的に判断することが重要であることが示唆された.
  • Kouhei Masumoto; Kazuhiro Harada; Mariko Shiozaki
    Japanese Psychological Research 64 3 360 - 368 2021年01月 [査読有り]
  • Kouhei Masumoto; Mariko Shiozaki; Nozomi Taishi
    PloS one 15 9 e0238989  2020年 [査読有り]
    Messages to promote health behavior are essential when considering health promotion, disease prevention, and healthy life expectancy. The present study aimed to examine whether (1) positive and negative goal-framing messages affect message memory and behavioral intention differently in younger, middle-aged, and older adults, (2) framing effects are mediated by interest in health (health promotion and disease prevention) and emotion regulation (cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression), and (3) mediation effects differ between positive and negative frames. Participants (N = 1248) aged 20 to 70 years were divided into positive and negative frame conditions. Framing demonstrated interactive effects on message memory; all age groups showed higher recognition accuracy in the positive than the negative frame. The accuracy of younger adults was higher than that of older adults in the negative frame, while older adults showed higher accuracy than younger adults in the positive frame. Additionally, recognition accuracy was higher in the positive frame, as participants had higher interest in health promotion and used cognitive reappraisal more frequently. Contrariwise, emotion regulation and interest in health promotion did not have significant effects on memory in negative frames. Moreover, regardless of the message valence, age did not influence behavioral intention directly but was mediated by interest in health and emotion regulation, while the older the participants were, the higher their interest in health, resulting in higher intention. For emotion regulation, intention increased with higher reappraisal scores and decreased with increasing suppression. Our results suggest that interest in health and emotion regulation should be considered when examining the relationship between age and goal-framing for health messages.
  • 塩﨑 麻里子; 佐藤 望; 増本 康平
    老年社会科学 = Japanese journal of gerontology 42 3 200 - 208 日本老年社会科学会 ; 1979- 2020年 [査読有り]
  • Masanori Mori; Saran Yoshida; Mariko Shiozaki; Tatsuya Morita; Mika Baba; Maho Aoyama; Yoshiyuki Kizawa; Satoru Tsuneto; Yasuo Shima; Mitsunori Miyashita
    JOURNAL OF PALLIATIVE MEDICINE 21 3 335 - 341 2018年03月 [査読有り]
    Background: Actions in preparation for death and talks about death between advanced cancer patients and their families are considered essential to achieve a good death. However, little is known about the prevalence of such actions compared with talks and their association with bereaved families' psychological morbidity. Objective: To clarify the prevalence of bereaved families having acted in preparation for death and talked about death with their loved one, and to explore their associations with bereaved families' depression and complicated grief (CG). Design: A nationwide survey. Setting/Subject: A total of 999 bereaved families of cancer patients admitted to 133 inpatient hospices in Japan. Measurements: The prevalence of families' actions in preparation for and talks about death, Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)-9, and Brief Grief Questionnaire (BGQ). Results: Among 678 bereaved families (response rate=68%), 513 (76%) acted in preparation for death, and 315 (46%) talked about death with their loved one. Those who acted and talked were significantly less likely to suffer depression (PHQ-910) than those who neither acted nor talked (odds ratio [OR], 0.405; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.195-0.845; adjusted p=0.016). Families who acted were significantly less likely to suffer complicated grief (CG; BGQ 8), whether they talked (OR, 0.394; 95% CI, 0.185-0.84; adjusted p=0.016) or not (OR, 0.421; 95% CI, 0.191-0.925; adjusted p=0.031). Conclusions: Most families acted in preparation for death, and those who acted were less likely to suffer depression and CG. Clinicians may minimize families' later psychological morbidity by helping patients and families act in preparation for death.
  • 中里 和弘; 志真 泰夫; 宮下 光令; 塩崎 麻里子; 平井 啓; 森田 達也; 多田羅 竜平; 市原 香織; 佐藤 眞一; 清水 恵; 恒藤 暁
    Palliative care research : 日本緩和医療学会誌 13 3 263 - 271 日本緩和医療学会 2018年 [査読有り]


  • Kazuhiro Nakazato; Mariko Shiozaki; Kei Hirai; Tatsuya Morita; Ryuhei Tatara; Kaori Ichihara; Shinichi Sato; Megumi Simizu; Satoru Tsuneto; Yasuo Shima; Mitsunori Miyasita
    PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY 27 1 155 - 162 2018年01月 [査読有り]
    ObjectiveTo clarify the verbal communication of feelings between families and patients in Japanese palliative care units from the perspective of bereaved family members by examining (1) proportions of families' and patients' verbalization of six feelings (gratitude, love, seeking forgiveness, giving forgiveness, wishes after death, and continuing bonds), (2) recognition of receiving these feelings through verbalization from the family's perspective, and (3) the specific attitudes of family members that influence their verbalizations.MethodsIn 2010, a cross-sectional survey was conducted with 968 bereaved families of cancer patients in palliative care units across Japan.ResultsFive hundred thirty-seven responses were analyzed. (1) Gratitude was verbalized most often (families: 47%; patients: 61%), and expressing forgiveness least often (families: 16%; patients: 11%). (2) Even if the words were not used, 81.2% to 88.2% of families answered that they had received the patient's feelings, and 71.8% to 85.4% of families felt the patient had received their feelings. (3) Multiple logistic regression analyses indicated that the strongest attitudes determining verbalizing were not wanting to say farewell without conveying feelings, a daily basis of expressing, and heart-to-heart communication (ishin-denshin).ConclusionsFor both families and patients, verbalizing feelings was difficult. Our results showed that families' and patients' verbalizing and receiving of feelings must be aligned to understand their communication at the end of life in Japan. Future research is needed to verify how attitude helps promote or inhibit verbalization.
  • Masanori Mori; Saran Yoshida; Mariko Shiozaki; Mika Baba; Tatsuya Morita; Maho Aoyama; Yoshiyuki Kizawa; Satoru Tsuneto; Yasuo Shima; Mitsunori Miyashita
    JOURNAL OF PAIN AND SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT 54 6 853 - + 2017年12月 [査読有り]
    Context. Talking about death is an important issue for terminally-ill cancer patients and their families. Little is known about how often and which bereaved families regret not having talked about death with their deceased loved one.Objectives. To explore the prevalence of a regret of not having talked about death with a deceased loved one among bereaved family members of adult cancer patients, and to systematically explore factors contributing to their regret.Methods. We conducted a nationwide survey of 999 bereaved families of cancer patients admitted to 133 inpatient hospices in Japan and surveyed families' regret on talking about death. Exploratory analyses identified the underlying structures of process, option, and outcome subscales of factors contributing to regret.Results. Among 678 bereaved families (response rate 68%), 224 (33%) regretted not having talked about death sufficiently, whereas 40 (5.9%) conversely regretted having talked about death. Three process factors ("prognostic disclosure to patient'' [beta = 0.082, P = 0.039], "upsetting of patient and family'' [beta = 0.127, P = 0.001], and "family's sense of uncertainty about when to act based on terminal awareness'' [beta = 0.141, P = 0.000]) and an outcome factor ("having achieved a good death'' [beta = -0.152, P = 0.000]) contributed to the regret of talking insufficiently.Conclusion. A third of bereaved families of adult cancer patients regretted not having talked about death sufficiently. Clinicians may minimize this regret by facilitating a shared understanding of the disease and prognosis, advising families explicitly when to talk based on terminal awareness, providing continuous emotional support, and validating their decision on talking about death. (C) 2017 American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 塩崎 麻里子; 三條 真紀子; 吉田 沙蘭; 平井 啓; 宮下 光令; 森田 達也; 恒藤 暁; 志真 泰夫
    Palliative Care Research 12 4 753 - 760 (NPO)日本緩和医療学会 2017年10月 [査読有り]
  • Mariko Shiozaki; Makiko Sanjo; Kei Hirai
    PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY 26 8 1126 - 1132 2017年08月 [査読有り]
    Objective: We evaluated avoidance behaviors of healthy partners of breast cancer patients and sought to (1) describe men's perception of their own avoidance behavior and (2) identify the background factors associated with such behavior.Methods: An Internet-based survey was conducted, and analysis was performed on the responses of 368 male spouses of female breast cancer patients.Results: Thirty to forty percent of spouses had some type of problem avoidance behavior toward their wives. There was a high correlation (r = 0.70, P < .001) between problem avoidance behavior at the time of diagnosis and subsequent problem behavior (mean follow-up period after diagnosis: 1.3 + 1.1years). The characteristics of spouses with avoidant behaviors included having wives with recurrence, having wives treated with anticancer drug therapy or total resection, and having their own experience of cancer. Covariance structure analysis revealed 2 factors related to the background of spouses with problem avoidance behavior: (1) having a sense of difficulty in coping (beta = 0.68, P < .001) and (2) having a poor marital relationship (beta = -0.27, P < .001).Conclusions: Our findings suggest that problem avoidance behavior among healthy male partners of breast cancer patients is common and correlates with difficulty coping and a poor marital relationship. It is important to address both the problem avoidance behavior itself and to support couples early, before this behavior surfaces.
  • 社会的問題解決理論を応用した膵臓がん患者の家族の心理社会的問題と対処法リストの作成
    塩崎 麻里子; 酒見 惇子; 佐藤 貴之; 江口 英利; 種村 匡弘; 北川 透; 伊藤 壽記; 平井 啓
    Palliative Care Research 11 Suppl. S315 - S315 (NPO)日本緩和医療学会 2016年06月
  • がんの終末期の治療選択と選択肢のコスト-ベネフィットの関連 一般成人を対象とした探索的検討
    塩崎 麻里子; 太子 のぞみ; 増本 康平
    Palliative Care Research 11 Suppl. S314 - S314 (NPO)日本緩和医療学会 2016年06月
  • 荒井 弘和; 中原 純; 塩崎 麻里子
    老年精神医学雑誌 27 1 92 - 96 ワールドプランニング 2016年01月 [査読有り]
  • Masumoto K; Taishi N; Shiozaki M
    Gerontology & geriatric medicine 2 2333721416637022  2016年01月 [査読有り]
  • 塩﨑 麻里子; 酒見 惇子; 佐藤 貴之; 江口 英利; 種村 匡弘; 北川 透; 伊藤 壽記; 平井 啓
    Palliative Care Research 10 3 186 - 193 Japanese Society for Palliative Medicine 2015年 [査読有り]
    【目的】本研究の目的は,問題解決プロセスを応用し,膵臓がん患者の抱える心理社会的問題を体系的に整理し,問題に対する具体的な対処法リストを作成することであった.【方法】17名の膵臓がん患者を対象に, 1時間程度の半構造化面接を 2回行い,問題をとらえ直し,解決可能な目標設定と対処法を分類したリストを,患者と共に作成した.【結果】問題は,不確実な将来と向き合う(「今の生活・状態を維持する(7名)」,「周囲におよぶ変化に備える(5名)」,「人生に対するコントロール感を保つ(5名)」,「不安な気持ちとつきあう(3名)」)と,病気による喪失と向き合う(「病後の生活に適応する(2名)」)の 2つに大別され,それぞれに対する具体的な対処法リストが作成された.【結論】問題を明確化することで,対処可能な目標設定が可能となることを,リストを用いて情報発信し,患者が機能的な対処を行えるよう支援していくことが望まれる.
  • 古賀 晴美; 塩崎 麻里子; 鈴木 伸一; 三條 真紀子; 下阪 典子; 平井 啓
    心身医学 54 8 786 - 795 一般社団法人日本心身医学会 2014年08月 [査読有り]
  • Saran Yoshida; Mariko Shiozaki; Makiko Sanjo; Tatsuya Morita; Kei Hirai; Satoru Tsuneto; Yasuo Shima
    PALLIATIVE & SUPPORTIVE CARE 11 5 383 - 388 2013年10月 [査読有り]
    Objective: The primary end points of this analysis were to explore 1) the practices of prognostic disclosure for patients with cancer and their family members in Japan, 2) the person who decided on the degree of prognosis communication, and 3) family evaluations of the type of prognostic disclosure.Method: Semistructured face-to-face interviews were conducted with 60 bereaved family members of patients with cancer who were admitted to palliative care units in Japan.Results: Twenty-five percent of patients and 75% of family members were informed of the predicted survival time of the patient. Thirty-eight percent of family members answered that they themselves decided on to what degree to communicate the prognosis to patients and 83% of them chose not to disclose to patients their prognosis or incurability. In the overall evaluation of prognosis communication, 30% of the participants said that they regretted or felt doubtful about the degree of prognostic disclosure to patients, whereas 37% said that they were satisfied with the degree of prognostic disclosure and 5% said that they had made a compromise. Both in the "prognostic disclosure" group and the "no disclosure" group, there were family members who said that they regretted or felt doubtful (27% and 31%, respectively) and family members who said that they were satisfied with the degree of disclosure (27% and 44%, respectively).Significance of results: In conclusion, family members assume the predominant role as the decision-making source regarding prognosis disclosure to patients, and they often even prevent prognostic disclosure to patients. From the perspective of family members, any one type of disclosure is not necessarily the most acceptable choice. Future surveys should explore the reasons why family members agree or disagree with prognostic disclosures to patients and factors correlated with family evaluations.
  • Kei Hirai; Hiroko Motooka; Naoshi Ito; Naoko Wada; Arika Yoshizaki; Mariko Shiozaki; Kanae Momino; Toru Okuyama; Tatsuo Akechi
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 42 12 1168 - 1174 2012年12月 [査読有り]
    The current report provides the result of a Phase II clinical trial regarding the effectiveness and feasibility of problem-solving therapy for psychological distress experienced by Japanese early-stage breast cancer patients.Participants were 36 post-surgery Japanese breast cancer patients in a university hospital located in Osaka Prefecture, Japan. After screening for psychological distress using the Distress and Impact Thermometer and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, highly distressed patients were exposed to 5 weekly sessions of the problem-solving therapy program.Nineteen patients completed the intervention and follow-up. There was a significant difference between the pre-intervention and the 3-month follow-up in the total Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale score (P 0.02), and the mean change score from the pre-intervention to the follow-up was 6.05 (SD 1.94). The intervention had a large effect size (d 0.82). There were also significant changes in worry, self-efficacy and quality of life measures.The findings of our study suggest that the problem-solving therapy program has potential to be effective for alleviating psychological distress experienced by Japanese early-stage breast cancer patients. The true effectiveness of the program should be confirmed by a future randomized control trial.
  • Saran Yoshida; Mariko Shiozaki; Makiko Sanjo; Tatsuya Morita; Kei Hirai; Satoru Tsuneto; Yasuo Shima
    JOURNAL OF PALLIATIVE MEDICINE 15 12 1342 - 1349 2012年12月 [査読有り]
    Background: The primary goals of this analysis were to explore the pros and cons of prognostic disclosure to patients and their families from the bereaved family's point of view.Methods: Semistructured interviews were conducted with 60 bereaved family members of patients with cancer in Japan.Results: There were eight categories of influence related to the disclosure of prognosis to the family, including pros (e.g., "Enabling mental preparedness for the patient's death") and cons (e.g., "Being distressed by acknowledging the patient's prognosis''); and seven categories of influence of not disclosing the prognosis to family, including pros (e.g., "Being able to maintain hope") and cons (e.g., "Being prevented from providing adequate care for the patient"). There were also nine categories of influence related to the disclosure of prognosis to patients (e.g., "Enabling various discussions regarding death with the patient"), and eight categories of influence related to not disclosing the prognosis to patients (e.g., "Maintaining the patient's hope").Conclusions: Although prognostic disclosure to family members can contribute to psychological distress and hopelessness, at the same time, it has the potential to prepare them for the future both emotionally and practically, and also to make the time until the patient's death as meaningful as possible. It is useful for physicians to introduce pros and cons of prognostic disclosure to family members at the time of decision making, to understand the family members' psychological state, and to provide support considering pros and cons whether or not they disclosed prognosis.
  • Mariko Shiozaki; Hiroyasu Iso; Tetsuya Ohira; Daisaku Nakatani; Masahiko Shimizu; Yasuhiko Sakata; Issei Komuro; Hiroshi Sato
    CIRCULATION JOURNAL 75 12 2878 - 2884 2011年12月 [査読有り]
    Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between depression symptoms 1 year after onset and subsequent cardiovascular events among survivors of myocardial infarction (MI).Methods and Results: The participants were recruited from respondents to a district-based survey known as the Osaka Acute Coronary Insufficiency Study. Of 4,271 eligible MI patients, 1,951 completed the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) at their 1-year follow-up examination. After excluding patients who experienced cardiovascular events within 1 year, the data for the remaining 1,307 male patients and 280 female patients were analyzed. Among male patients, depression status at 1 year after onset of MI was significantly related to risk of subsequent cardiovascular events throughout the follow-up period (median 2.9 years). The male patients in the top vs. bottom tertiles of SDS scores (top tertile being >= 42) had a multivariable-adjusted hazard ratio (HR) of 1.67 (95% confidence interval (Cl) 1.01-2.77, P=0.04), and a 1-SD increment in SDS score was significantly related to a heightened risk of cardiovascular events, with a multivariable-adjusted HR of 1.30 (95% CI 1.07-1.58, P=0.01). There were no significant associations between SDS scores and cardiovascular events among female patients.Conclusions: Depression symptoms 1 year after onset of MI are a significant predictor of subsequent cardiovascular events for male patients. (Circ J 2011; 75: 2878-2884)
  • Kei Hirai; Tadashi Kudo; Miki Akiyama; Motohiro Matoba; Mariko Shiozaki; Teruko Yamaki; Akemi Yamagishi; Mitsunori Miyashita; Tatsuya Morita; Kenji Eguchi
    JOURNAL OF PALLIATIVE MEDICINE 14 8 918 - 922 2011年08月 [査読有り]
    Background: This study explores the distribution of public awareness, knowledge of availability, and readiness for palliative care services, and the perceived reliability of information resources as part of a nationwide palliative care implementation intervention in Japan (Outreach Palliative Care Trial of Integrated Regional Model [OPTIM]).Methods: A cross-sectional anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted, and 3984 responses were used in the final analysis.Results: A total of 63.1% of respondents admitted having no knowledge about palliative care, while 0.5% of respondents were using palliative care services. Respondents who knew about palliative care services, yet did not know about their availability were 18.6% of all respondents. Respondents who had cancer-related experiences were more likely to be aware of palliative care compared to the general population and availability of palliative care services. Only awareness of palliative care was significantly associated with two typical images, while cancer-related experiences were not.Conclusion: Findings show that the public awareness of palliative care services and their availability is insufficient, and cancer-related experiences affect awareness of cancer palliative care but not directly related to typical images for palliative care such as care for patients close to death.
  • Saran Yoshida; Kei Hirai; Tatsuya Morita; Mariko Shiozaki; Mitsunori Miyashita; Kazuki Sato; Satoru Tsuneto; Yasuo Shima
    JOURNAL OF PAIN AND SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT 41 3 594 - 603 2011年03月 [査読有り]
    Context. Prognosis is difficult to discuss with patients who have advanced cancer and their families.Objectives. This study aimed to explore the experiences of families of patients with cancer in Japan in receiving prognostic disclosure, explore family perception of the way the prognosis was communicated, and investigate relevant factors of family-perceived need for improvement.Methods. A multicenter questionnaire survey was conducted with 666 bereaved family members of patients with cancer who were admitted to palliative care units in Japan.Results. In total, 86.3% of the families received prognostic disclosure. The overall evaluation revealed that 60.1% of the participants felt that the method of prognostic disclosure needed some, considerable, or much improvement. The parameter with the highest value explaining the necessity for improvement was the family perception that the amount of information provided by the physician was insufficient (beta = 0.39, P < 0.001). Furthermore, the family perception that they had lost hope and that health care providers failed to facilitate preparation for the patient's death had significant direct effects on the necessity for improvement (beta = 0.21, P < 0.001; and beta = 0.18, P < 0.001, respectively). The feelings for the necessity for improvement also were affected significantly by seven communication strategies (i.e., not saying "I can do nothing for the patient any longer,'' pacing explanation with the state of the patient's and family's preparation, saying "We will respect the patient's wishes,'' making an effort to understand the family's distress, being knowledgeable about the most advanced treatments, assuring continuing responsibility as the physician for medical care, and respecting the family's values).Conclusion. This model suggests that strategies for care providers to improve family perception about prognostic disclosure should include 1) providing as much prognostic information as families want; 2) supporting families' hopes by keeping up with up-to-date treatments and by assuring the continuing responsibility for medical care; 3) facilitating the preparation for the patient's death by providing information in consideration of the family's preparations and values; 4) stressing what they can do instead of saying that nothing can be done for the patient; and 5) assuring the family that they will respect the patient's wishes. J Pain Symptom Manage 2011; 41: 594-603. (C) 2011 U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Mariko Shiozaki; Kei Hirai; Atsuko Koyama; Hiroki Inui; Rika Yoshida; Akihiro Tokoro
    PSYCHOLOGY & HEALTH 26 11 1540 - 1551 2011年 [査読有り]
    Significant others play an important role in providing support in patients' lives, but some types of support negatively affect the patients. This study was conducted in early-stage breast cancer patients to examine the structure of support, which was provided by their significant others and assessed negatively by the patients, and to identify negative support relating to the psychological adjustment of these patients. Thus, we first conducted interviews among 28 breast cancer patients to identify these support items assessed as negative; next, we conducted a questionnaire survey using the resulting items in 109 postoperative patients who had early-stage breast cancer. We performed exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and obtained a valid second-order factor structure, including superordinate factors (excessive engagement, avoidance of problems and underestimation) and subordinate factors (overprotection, encouragement and management). Among these factors, the avoidance of problems was the only factor to be negatively associated with psychological adjustment of the patients, suggesting that these patients receive problem-avoiding support. The results of our study suggest that such problem-avoiding support from significant others can be counter-productive and potentially worsen the psychological adjustment of breast cancer patients.
  • 塩崎 麻里子; 中里 和弘
    社会心理学研究 25 3 211 - 220 日本社会心理学会 2010年03月 [査読有り]
    The purpose of this study was to examine the differences between regret over actions taken versus regret over inaction vis-a-vis bereaved family. The focal points of the study were as follows: 1) to explore the nature of unreversed regret in the bereaved; 2) to examine the association between the number and intensity of regrets and mental health and grief; and 3) to examine the effect of action and inaction on mental health and grief. Using a mail-in questionnaire, we surveyed and analyzed the results of 89 bereaved respondents. The results showed that participants had more lifetime regrets over inaction than over action taken. The number and intensity of regrets also correlated with mental health and grief. Bereaved participants who expressed regret over inaction had poorer mental health and stronger feelings of grief than those with no regrets over inaction. We discuss the implications of unreversed regret and examine regret prevention for the bereaved.
  • Makiko Sanjo; Tatsuya Morita; Mitsunori Miyashita; Mariko Shiozaki; Kazuki Sato; Kei Hirai; Yasuo Shima; Yosuke Uchitomi
    PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY 18 6 657 - 666 2009年06月 [査読有り]
    Objective: The aims of this study were to validate an instrument for measuring bereaved family members' perceptions of caregiving consequences and to examine the association between caregiving consequences and psychological distress.Methods: Cross-sectional questionnaires were administered to family members of patients who had died in regional cancer centers. We measured the Caregiving Consequences Inventory (CCI), respondent's optimism, overall reward scale, and psychological distress and collected background data. A retest was conducted.Results: Bereaved families from two regional cancer centers were surveyed (N = 189 and 109; effective response rate, 57 and 80%). By exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, we identified four perceived reward domains: 'mastery', 'appreciation for others', 'meaning in life', and 'reprioritization', and one perceived burden domain. Although the four reward domains were highly correlated with each other (0.47 < r < 0.69), the 4-domain model was superior. The respondents with less education, strong faith, and less optimism reported fewer perceived rewards, thus demonstrating known group validity. In addition, perceived reward had little or no correlation with psychological distress. The psychometric properties of this scale were good (alpha = 0.78-0.93, ICC = 0.60-0.73) and construct validity was supported (GFI = 0.929; AGFI = 0.819; CFI = 0.749; RMSEA = 0.097).Conclusions: The CCI is valid for measuring caregiving consequences from the bereaved family member's perspective in Japan. Furthermore, it is important to use perceived rewards and burdens as a measure of caregiving consequences for improving the quality of the caregiving and bereavement experience. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • 岩満 優美; 平井 啓; 大庭 章; 塩崎 麻里子; 浅井 真理子; 尾形 明子; 笹原 朋代; 岡崎 賀美; 木澤 義之
    Palliative Care Research 4 2 228 - 234 日本緩和医療学会 2009年 [査読有り]
    本研究では, がん診療連携拠点病院を中心とした緩和ケアチームで一定の活動経験のある7名の医師および看護師を対象に, フォーカスグループインタビューを実施し, 緩和ケアチームが心理士に求める役割について検討した. インタビュー内容の質的分析の結果, 緩和ケア領域に携わる心理士が役割を果たすために必要な知識として, 第1に, 基本的ならびに専門的な心理学的知識とスキルが挙げられた. 第2に, がんに関する全般的ならびに精神医学的知識が挙げられた. その他に, 他職種の役割と医療システムに関する知識が求められており, 医療者への心理的支援を望む声も認められた. 以上より, 本研究で明らかにされた心理士に求める役割とは, がん医療に関する幅広い知識をもとに他職種と十分にコミュニケーションをとりながら, 心理学的な専門性を活かして, 患者・家族, および医療者に心理的支援を行うことであった. Palliat Care Res 2009; 4(2): 228-234
  • Kei Hirai; Mariko Shiozaki; Hiroko Motooka; Hirokazu Arai; Atsuko Koyama; Hiroki Inui; Yosuke Uchitomi
    PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY 17 12 1172 - 1179 2008年12月 [査読有り]
    Objectives: A psychometric scale for assessing cancer-related worry among cancer patients, called the Brief Cancer-Related Worry Inventory (BCWI), was developed.Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey for item development was conducted of 112 Japanese patients diagnosed with breast cancer, and test-retest validation analysis was conducted using the data from another prospective study of 20 lung cancer patients. The questionnaire contained 15 newly developed items for cancer-related worry, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, The Impact of Event Scale Revised, and the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-8.Results: Exploratory factor analysis of the 15 items yielded a 3-factor structure including (1) future prospects, (2) physical and symptomatic problems and (3) social and interpersonal problems. A second-order confirmatory factor analysis identified a second-order factor called cancer-related worry and confirmed the factor structure with an acceptable fit (chi-square (df = 87) = 160.16, P = 0.001; GFI = 0.83; CFI = 0.92; RMSEA = 0.09). The internal consistency and test-retest reliability were confirmed with the lung cancer sample. Multidimensional scaling found that cancer-related worry is separate from anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms.Conclusion: Our study succeeded in developing and confirming the validity and reliability of a BCWI. The study also confirmed the discriminable aspects of cancer-related worry from anxiety, depression, and PTSD symptoms. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Tatsuo Akechi; Kei Hirai; Hiroko Motooka; Mariko Shiozaki; Junwen Chen; Kanae Momino; Toru Okuyama; Toshiaki A. Furukawa
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 38 12 867 - 870 2008年12月 [査読有り]
    Problem-solving therapy (PST) is a brief, structured psychological treatment. Preliminary clinical findings regarding the effectiveness of PST for treating psychological distress experienced by Japanese cancer patients are presented. Our actual clinical experience in administering PST to four consecutive distressed cancer patients was reviewed. All of the patients were breast cancer survivors who were referred to us after undergoing surgery. Three cases received six PST sessions each and one case received three PST sessions. The depression and anxiety scores decreased after PST. Our preliminary experience suggests that PST is an effective treatment for alleviating psychological distress in Japanese cancer patients and that this treatment should be further examined in a clinical trial.
  • Mariko Shiozaki; K. Hirai; R. Dohke; T. Morita; M. Miyashita; K. Sato; S. Tsuneto; Y. Shima; Y. Uchitomi
    Psycho-Oncology 17 926 - 931 2008年09月 [査読有り]
    Objective: The purposes of this study were to develop a bereaved family regret scale measuring decision-related regret of family members about the admission of cancer patients to palliative care units (PCUs) and to examine the validity and reliability of this scale. Method: Bereaved families of cancer patients who had died in one regional cancer center from September 2004 to February 2006 received a cross-sectional questionnaire by mail. The questionnaire contained seven items pertaining to decision-related regret about the patient's admission to the PCU, the Care Evaluation Scale (CES), an overall care satisfaction scale, and a health-related quality-of-life (QOL) scale (SF-8). One month after receiving a completed questionnaire, we conducted a retest with the respondent. Results: Of the 216 questionnaires successfully mailed to the bereaved families, we received 137 questionnaires and were able to analyze the responses for 127 of them, as the other 10 had missing data. By exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, we identified two key factors: intrusive thoughts of regret and decisional regret. This scale bad sufficient convergent validity with CES, overall care satisfaction, SF-8, sufficient internal consistency, and acceptable test-retest reliability. Conclusion: We have developed and validated a new regret scale for bereaved family members, which can measure their intensity of regret and their self-evaluation about their decision to admit their loved ones to PCUs. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Mariko Shiozaki; Tatsuya Morita; Kei Hirai; Yukihiro Sakaguchi; Satoru Tsuneto; Yasuo Shima
    Palliative medicine 19 4 319 - 27 2005年06月 [査読有り]
    BACKGROUND: In order to improve the quality of palliative care, we can learn from bereaved families who were dissatisfied with the care they received. The primary aim of this study was to explore why bereaved families were dissatisfied with specialized inpatient palliative care. METHODS: This qualitative study formed part of a nationwide questionnaire survey administered to 1225 bereaved family members of cancer patients who died in certified palliative care units in Japan. The participants were 22 consecutive family members who reported a greater need for improvement in care. Data were analysed by the content analysis. RESULTS: The reasons that the bereaved families listed are classified into 27 categories and seven themes: (1) lack of perceived support for maintaining hope; (2) lack of perceived respect of individuality, especially in attitudes toward death; (3) perceived poor quality of care, especially psychological care, not being treated with dignity and inadequate explanation from physicians; (4) inadequate staffing and equipment, especially physician availability; (5) unavailability of timely administration; (6) lack of accurate information about palliative care units; and (7) family's practical and economic burden. CONCLUSIONS: This study identified the multiple sources of dissatisfaction with specialized inpatient palliative care for bereaved families. These findings could be useful in developing a more desirable system of specialised inpatient palliative care.
  • 塩崎 麻里子; 宮野 秀市; 形岡 美穂子; 平井 啓; 塩崎 均; 柏木 哲夫; 坂野 雄二
    心身医学 42 11 713 - 720 日本心身医学会 2002年11月 [査読有り]



  • 高齢者心理学(シリーズ心理学と仕事)
    監; 太田信夫; 佐藤眞一 (担当:分担執筆範囲:第五章 保健・医療)北大路書房 2018年12月
  • 医療現場の行動経済学 すれ違う医者と患者
    編; 大竹文雄; 平井啓 (担当:分担執筆範囲:第七章 遺族の後悔)東洋経済新報社 2018年08月
  • がんの統合医療
    著)Donald L. Abrams; Andrew T. Wei; 上島悦子; 伊藤壽記 (担当:その他範囲:第29章 患者の観点)メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル 2010年09月
  • 不安と抑うつに対する問題解決療法
    著)ローレンス・マイナーズ‐ウォリス(監訳; 明智龍男; 平井啓; 本岡寛子 (担当:その他範囲:第二章 問題解決療法の有効性を支持する根拠)金剛出版 2009年06月


  • 曖昧さへの態度が老いに対するネガティブなイメージに及ぼす影響
    塩﨑麻里子; 奥野菜々香
    日本老年社会科学会 2023年06月
  • 人生受容に影響を及ぼす要因の検討-加齢の観点からの国際比較‐
    塩﨑麻里子; 増本康平
    第64回日本老年社会科学会 2022年07月
  • 老いや死と向き合う現場のヒューマン・ケア
    第23回日本ヒューマン・ケア心理学会 2022年07月
  • 老年期の“人生の価値”に関する認識と後悔の関連
    塩﨑麻里子; 米澤京伽; 藤岡里歩; 増本康平
    日本老年社会科学会第63回大会 2021年06月
  • 子育て女性のレジリエンス
    アートミーツケア学会2020年度大会フリンジ企画 2020年11月
  • がん患者の介護者の介護中の離職および死亡
    宮地由佳; 塩﨑麻里子; 恒藤暁; 森田達也; 木澤義之; 升川研人; 宮下光令; 志真泰夫
    第25回日本緩和医療学会 2020年08月
  • がん患者の遺族のアドバンス・ケア・プラニング(ACP)が他者との関係性や死生観に与える影響
    宮地由佳; 塩﨑麻里子; 恒藤暁; 森田達也; 木澤義之; 升川研人; 宮下光令; 志真泰夫
    第25回日本緩和医療学会 2020年08月
  • 高齢期の記憶の役割:自己定義記憶に着目して
    増本康平; 山本健太; 原田和弘; 塩﨑麻里子
    日本老年社会科学会第62回大会 2020年06月
  • 介護士のレジリエンスから学ぶー心理学×アートのアプローチの可能性―
    塩﨑麻里子; 濱崎洋嗣
    アートミーツケア学会2019年度大会,大阪 2019年11月
  • Can daily conversation between elderly couples reduce the anxiety about future?: Examination using the longitudinal pare data focusing on emotional expression in daily conversation.
    Shiozaki M; Masumoto K; Harada K
    11th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Asia/Oceania Regional Congress 2019年10月
  • Does emotion regulation of older adults have an impact on their spouse’s psychological well-being and distress? : One year follow up study.
    Masumoto K; Harada K; Shiozaki M
    11th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Asia/Oceania Regional Congress 2019年10月
  • Can Elderly Adults Avoid the Anchoring Effect If They Are Forewarned and Motivated to Avoid the Effect?
    Masumoto K; Zhuang X; Shiozaki M; Harada E
    The Gerontological Society of America 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting. 2018年10月
  • Exploratory Study of Regret Experienced By Japanese Family Caregivers of Dementia Patients in Surrogate Decision Making—Factors Causing Regret and Choosing Methods That Affect Regret—
    Shiozaki M; Masumoto K
    Society for Medical Decision Making 39th Annual North American Meeting 2017年10月
  • Effects of Aging on Goal-Framing in Health-Related Message.
    Masumoto K; Shiozaki M
    Society for Medical Decision Making 39th Annual North American Meeting 2017年10月
  • The decision-making of stopping or going in automobile driving  [通常講演]
    Nozomi Taishi; Kouhei Masumoto; Mariko Shiozaki
    The 31st International Congress of Psychology 2016年07月 ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD
  • The reasons for treatment choices in terminal cancer stage  [通常講演]
    Mariko Shiozaki; Nozomi Taishi; Kouhei Masumoto
    The 31st International Congress of Psychology 2016年07月 ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD
  • Age and gender differences in relationships among emotion regulation, mood, and mental health.  [通常講演]
    Kouhei Masumoto; Nozomi Taishi; Shiozaki Mariko
    The 31st International Congress of Psychology 2016年07月 ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD
  • 社会的問題解決理論を応用した膵臓がん患者の家族の心理社会的問題と対処法リストの作成  [通常講演]
    塩崎 麻里子; 酒見 惇子; 佐藤 貴之; 江口 英利; 種村 匡弘; 北川 透; 伊藤 壽記; 平井 啓
    Palliative Care Research 2016年06月 (NPO)日本緩和医療学会
  • がんの終末期の治療選択と選択肢のコスト-ベネフィットの関連 一般成人を対象とした探索的検討  [通常講演]
    塩崎 麻里子; 太子 のぞみ; 増本 康平
    Palliative Care Research 2016年06月 (NPO)日本緩和医療学会
  • 終末期がん患者の家族が「もっと話しておけばよかった」「もっとあれをしておけばよかった」と思う原因は何か?
    森雅紀; 吉田沙蘭; 塩﨑麻里子; 馬場美華; 森田達也; 青山真帆; 木澤義之; 恒藤暁; 宮下光令
    第21回日本緩和医療学会 2016年06月
  • 自施設でできる研究の質を上げよう(研究方法論:初級編) 1-2施設でできる研究のエッセンシャルズ 調査研究のデザイン  [通常講演]
    塩崎 麻里子
    日本緩和医療学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 2014年06月 (NPO)日本緩和医療学会
  • Saran Yoshida; Mariko Shiozaki; Makiko Sanjo; Tatsuya Morita; Kei Hirai; Satoru Tsuneto; Yasuo Shima
  • 緩和ケア病棟入院中に患者と家族が交わす思いと言葉に関する量的研究(J-HOPE2) 果たして思いは言葉にしないと伝わらないのか?  [通常講演]
    中里 和弘; 塩崎 麻里子; 平井 啓; 森田 達也; 多田羅 竜平; 市原 香織; 清水 恵; 宮下 光令; 恒藤 暁; 志真 泰夫; J-HOPE2研究運営委員会
    日本緩和医療学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 2013年06月 (NPO)日本緩和医療学会
  • 伊藤 直; 平井 啓; 塩崎 麻里子; 本岡 寛子; 和田 奈緒子; 吉崎 亜里香
    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集 2010年12月 一般社団法人日本認知・行動療法学会
  • がん患者の心配による支障度評価尺度の開発  [通常講演]
    伊藤 直; 平井 啓; 塩崎 麻里子; 本岡 寛子; 和田 奈緒子; 吉崎 亜里香
    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集 2010年12月 (一社)日本認知・行動療法学会
  • 積極的治療中止の意思決定前後にがん患者の家族が用いる後悔制御のための対処方略 遺族を対象とした探索的検討  [通常講演]
    塩崎 麻里子; 吉田 沙蘭; 道家 瑠見子; 平井 啓
    日本心理学会大会発表論文集 2010年08月 (公社)日本心理学会
  • ホスピス・緩和ケア病棟への入院検討時の家族のつらさと望ましい支援に関する質的研究 遺族への面接調査の結果から  [通常講演]
    三條 真紀子; 塩崎 麻里子; 吉田 沙蘭; 森田 達也; 宮下 光令; 上別府 圭子; 恒藤 暁; 志真 泰夫; 平井 啓
    日本緩和医療学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 2010年06月 (NPO)日本緩和医療学会
  • 患者に対する予後告知が家族におよぼす影響の探索 遺族への面接調査の結果から  [通常講演]
    吉田 沙蘭; 塩崎 麻里子; 三條 真紀子; 平井 啓; 森田 達也; 恒藤 暁; 志真 泰夫
    日本緩和医療学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 2010年06月 (NPO)日本緩和医療学会
  • 効果的なチーム医療構築を目指した乳癌QOL評価  [通常講演]
    乾 浩己; 平井 啓; 塩崎 麻里子; 橋本 幸彦; 藤島 成; 綿谷 正弘; 塩崎 均
    日本癌治療学会誌 2007年09月 (一社)日本癌治療学会
  • Psychological distress and other factors related to quality of life in Japanese breast cancer patients  [通常講演]
    A. Koyama; H. Inui; K. Hirai; M. Shiozaki
  • 平井 啓; 岩満 優美; 永岑 光恵; 平井 啓; 塩崎 麻里子; 津田 彰
    日心大会論文集 2007年07月 公益社団法人 日本心理学会
  • 塩崎 麻里子; 中里 和弘; 岸良 美絵; 山鹿 しのぶ; 高浪 博美; 恒藤 暁; 藤田 綾子
    老年社会科学 2007年06月 日本老年社会科学会
  • 患者とともに歩む乳癌チーム医療 QOL調査に基づくチーム医療の新しい取り組みと評価  [通常講演]
    乾 浩己; 平井 啓; 塩崎 麻里子; 橋本 幸彦; 藤島 成; 平井 今日子; 大和 宗久; 北條 敏也; 綿谷 正弘
    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集 2007年06月 (一社)日本乳癌学会
  • Quality of life and psychological distress in Japanese breast cancer patients  [通常講演]
    A. Koyama; H. Inui; K. Hirai; M. Shiozaki
    Proceedings of the XV International Congress of the International Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007年 MEDIMOND S R L
    The purpose of this study is to investigate quality of life (QOL) and psychological distress in Japanese breast cancer patients. A total of 112 post-operation patients participated in this study. The correlation between QOL and other psychological distress factors was analyzed by multiple regression analysis. Depression (HADS) and both positive and problematic support (ISSS) had a significant impact on physical QOL. Anxiety (HADS) and depressive coping (DWI) had a significant impact on mental QOL. This result indicated that control of depression and anxiety might contribute to the improvement of both physical and mental QOL in Japanese breast cancer patients.
  • 堤 俊彦; 古村 和恵; 塩崎 麻里子; 荒井 弘和
    日心大会論文集 2006年10月 公益社団法人 日本心理学会
  • 岩満 優美; 平井 啓; 尾形 明子; 塩崎 麻里子; 大谷 弘行; 鈴木 伸一
    日心大会論文集 2006年10月 公益社団法人 日本心理学会
  • Problematic support styles and psychological adjustment in Japanese breast cancer patients  [通常講演]
    Shiozaki M; Hirai K; Koyama A; Inui H; Yoshida R; Tokoro A
  • 塩崎 麻里子; 大橋 陽; 平井 啓; 所 昭宏; 田中 完児
    心身医学 2005年10月 日本心身医学会
  • 乳癌患者からみた親しい他者との関わり方と関係満足感の関連  [通常講演]
    塩崎 麻里子; 大橋 陽; 平井 啓; 所 昭宏; 田中 完児
    心身医学 2005年10月 (一社)日本心身医学会
  • 乳がん患者によって認知された配偶者からの関わり(3)テキスト型データ解析ソフトWord Minerを用いた探索的検討  [通常講演]
    塩崎 麻里子; 大橋 陽; 平井 啓
    日本心理学会大会発表論文集 2005年09月 (公社)日本心理学会
  • 乳がん患者によって認知された配偶者の関わり3:Text Mining Toolを用いた探索的検討  [通常講演]
    塩崎麻里子; 大橋 陽; 平井 啓; 藤田綾子
  • 乳がん患者によって認知された配偶者からのサポート提供スタイル(2) 面接調査による探索的検討  [通常講演]
    大橋 陽; 塩崎 麻里子; 平井 啓
    日本心理学会大会発表論文集 2004年09月 (公社)日本心理学会
  • 乳がん患者によって認知された配偶者からのサポート提供スタイル(1) 質問紙調査による予備的検討  [通常講演]
    塩崎 麻里子; 大橋 陽; 平井 啓
    日本心理学会大会発表論文集 2004年09月 (公社)日本心理学会
  • 乳がん患者によって認知された配偶者からのサポート提供スタイル(2)質問紙による予備的検討  [通常講演]
    大橋 陽; 塩崎麻里子; 平井 啓
  • がん患者の配偶者が患者から受け取ったサポート 夫婦のセルフケアとは  [通常講演]
    塩崎 麻里子; 平井 啓; 恒藤 暁; 柏木 哲夫
    死の臨床 2003年10月 日本死の臨床研究会


  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    研究期間 : 2022年04月 -2026年03月 
    代表者 : 塩崎 麻里子
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的研究(萌芽)
    研究期間 : 2019年06月 -2022年03月 
    代表者 : 増本 康平; 塩崎 麻里子; 原田 和弘
    人の思考は合理的ではなく,選択や判断の際には認知バイアス(非合理的な選択の偏り)が生じる。特に高齢期では加齢に伴い合理的判 断の基盤となる認知機 能が低下するため,どれだけ客観的・合理的な情報であっても認知バイアスを考慮した情報提示でなければ,適切な判断や行動に結びつかない。しかしながら, 高齢者の自律支援において,どのような情報提示のあり方が最適なのかついて,十分な検討がなされておらず,確立された手法も存在しない。本研究の目的は, 1)認知機能の低下の影響を受けにくい情報提示方法,2)満足でき後悔しない選択のための情報提示方法,3)過剰な影響を排除し自律を阻害しない情報提示方法 の3つを検討することである。 本年度は,20歳から70歳代の421名を対象とし,商品の購買の際に、白紙の状態からほしいオプションを追加する方法(加法条件)に比べ、すべて選択されている状態から必要ないオプションを削除する方法(減法条件)のほうが、数多くオプションを選択するオプションフレーミング効果に影響する要因及び,熟考を促すことによりオプションフレーミング効果を抑制することが可能か検討した。 その結果,性格特性と選択するオプション数に関連性がみられ減法条件では,神経症傾向が高いほどオプション選択数が多かった。また,最高の選択がしたいという動悸が高い人ほど減法条件においてオプション選択の困難度評価が高かった。オプションフレーミング効果の抑制については,熟考を促してもオプション選択数に違いがみられなかった。このことは,オプションフレーミング効果が自動的・無意識的な処理に依存し頑健な効果であることを示唆している。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2019年04月 -2022年03月 
    代表者 : 増本 康平; 佐藤 幸治; 塩崎 麻里子; 原田 和弘
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    研究期間 : 2018年04月 -2021年03月 
    代表者 : 塩崎 麻里子
    本年度の成果は以下の2点に要約される。 がんの終末期の治療選択に関する高齢遺族(37名)の面接調査データを再解析した結果,後悔を制御するための方略は,意思決定当時21カテゴリー,死別から現在に至るまで24カテゴリーに分類された。これまでの後悔制御方略に関する先行研究ではみられなかった特有のカテゴリーとして,「妥協点を探る」「医療者との信頼関係を築く」「第三者の経験を生かす」「大局的見地からの諦観」といった方略が得られた。これらのカテゴリーは,相互協調的な我が国の文化的背景を反映したものであり,高齢期の感情の調整において,文化社会的背景を念頭に意思決定のゴール設定を考えていく必要があることが示唆された結果といえる。また,カイ二乗検定の結果,後悔がないと回答した遺族は,後悔があると回答した遺族に比べて,意思決定後に感情焦点型の制御方略を多く用いていることが示され(χ2(1)=5.46, p<0.05),変えられない現実に対して,いかに「受容」していくかが重要であることが示された。 次に,文化社会的背景に影響を受ける意思決定のゴール設定を説明するうえで,Carstensenが提唱した社会情動的選択性理論(Socioemtional Selectivity Theory)とGrossらが提唱した感情調整プロセスモデル(Process model of emotion regulation)に着目し,先行研究を概観した。後悔を感情のひとつととらえることで,加齢の影響を受ける意思決定における感情の役割についての広い知見を応用できる。特に,文化社会的背景によって培われていく「価値」をこれらのモデルに組み入れることで,文化差を検討できる尺度開発を行う予定である。そのため,意思決定のゴール設定や感情調整方略に関連すると考えられる既存の尺度項目を収集し,新たな尺度開発に向けての項目精査を行った。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    研究期間 : 2015年04月 -2018年03月 
    代表者 : 増本 康平; 塩崎 麻里子
    本研究は,高齢者の多くが直面する重大な意思決定場面(治療選択等)においてみられる高齢者の意思決定バイアスの特徴を明らかにし,高齢者に適した意思決定の支援方法を明確にすることを目的とした。 一連の実験の結果,高齢期の意思決定バイアスの特徴として,ネガティブな情報よりもポジティブな情報を重視すること,将来の利益よりも,現在の利益を重視すること,これら無意識的・自動的に生じる認知バイアスを意図的に調整することが難しいことが示されました。一方で,高齢者はポジティブな情報を重視し,若年者のようにネガティブな情報の影響を受けることが少ないため,損失回避による非合理な選択は減少することも示された。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2014年04月 -2018年03月 
    代表者 : 塩崎 麻里子
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2010年04月 -2014年03月 
    代表者 : 塩崎 麻里子
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費
    研究期間 : 2007年 -2009年 
    代表者 : 塩崎 麻里子
    本年度は、乳がん患者に対する縦断的質問紙調査を引き続き行ったことに加え、乳がん患者の配偶者に対する質問紙調査を行い、結果をまとめた。 まず、乳がん患者に対する縦断的調査の7時点のうち、入院時(T1;N=201)、1ヶ月後(T2;N=196)、半年後(T3;N=196)のデータを用いて、解析を行った。親しい他者からのネガティブサポートの中で、過剰関与と問題回避は時間の経過に従って減少するサポートであり、過小評価は変化しないサポートであることが示された。また、各時点でのネガティブサポートが心理的適応に及ぼす影響を検討したところ、3時点ともに問題回避のみが有意な影響を及ぼしていた(T1:β=0.27,p<0.01;T2:β=0.34,p<0.01;T3:β=0.27,p<0.01)。親しい他者が問題回避していると報告している患者には、NEOによる性格傾向に特徴はなかったが、感情抑制傾向が強いことがわかった(r=0.27,p<0.01)。このことから、二者間の問題回避は、どちらか片方ではなく両者のダイナミズムの問題として捉える必要があることが示唆された。 そのため、乳がん患者の配偶者(N=368)を対象に、どの程度患者に対して問題回避を行っているのか、また、問題回避を行う配偶者の特徴を調べることを目的に質問紙調査を行った。その結果、ときどきよりも頻回に問題回避をしている配偶者が、診断直後では約半数、また現在(術後平均2.4年)でも約35%いることが明らかになった。また、配偶者自身の問題回避と患者がとっていると認識している問題回避との相関は強かった(r=0.62,p<0.01)。問題回避をとる配偶者の特徴として、がんに対する脅威性が高い、侵入想起症状が強いという特徴が明らかとなり、問題回避をとることには、配偶者の性格傾向や家族機能ではなく、配偶者自身の心理的不適応が背景にあることが明らかとなった。 これらの結果から、患者と配偶者の両者の視点にたった心理支援ツールを開発し、乳腺外科のある病院やクリニックの外来、ホームページなどで情報発信する準備を進めている。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費
    研究期間 : 2005年 -2006年 
    代表者 : 塩崎 麻里子
    本研究では、乳がん患者が配偶者との日常生活において、配偶者が良かれと思って行っているであろうサポート態度が、患者にとってサポートとならない場合について着目している。先に行った乳がん患者に対する半構造化面接で得られた、患者にとって「ありがた迷惑」、「大きなお世話」といった配偶者からのネガティブサポート態度に関する15項目を用いて、手術前と手術後においてどのような変化が見られるかを縦断的に明らかにした。 手術前と術後1ヶ月に質問紙調査を行ったところ、ネガティブサポート態度に関して欠損値がなかった乳がん患者63名(平均年齢:49.3±8.9歳)を分析対象とした。半構造化面接で得られた15項目は、比較的頻度の高いもの(早く元通りになるようにとあなたを励ます・あなたの病気や治療のことは、全て医師にまかせるものとして関与しない・自分のことよりも、常にあなたのことを優先する)、比較的頻度の低いもの(あなたと病気についての話をすることを避ける・あなたを病人として、はれものに触るように大事にする)が含まれていた。また、これら15項目は探索的因子分析と検証的因子分析を経て、3下位因子によって説明された。その3つの下位因子は、「過剰関与」、「問題回避」、「過小評価」と命名されている。 術前と術後に変化が見られるかどうかを繰り返しのある分散分析で検討したところ、「過剰関与(F(1,62)=6.19,p<0.05)」と「問題回避(F(1,62)=10.35,p<0.01)」において有意な差がみられた。このことから、配偶者からのネガティブサポート態度は、術前・術後といった治療経過の中で出現頻度の認知に変化がみられるものであることが示唆された。今後、この変化が、実際に変化しているものなのか、患者のサポートニードが変化したものなのか、患者の個人的特性や状況などの変数を加えて詳細に検討していく必要がある。
