松本 光朗(マツモト ミツオ)

農学部 環境管理学科教授

Last Updated :2024/08/31





<報道関連出演・掲載一覧> ●2021/10/10  日本経済新聞  日本の森林の荒廃、今後の林業のあり方について ●2020/1/13  毎日放送「ミント!」  オーストラリアで森林火災が多発している件で、その原因と地球環境の変化についてコメント



  • 農学博士(名古屋大学)


  • 森林教育   地球温暖化と森林   REDD+   混牧林   森林吸収源   収穫予測   林業経営   森林管理   Forest GIS   Forest grazing   Forest Carbon sinks   Yield prediction   Forest management   




  • ライフサイエンス / 森林科学
  • 環境・農学 / 環境政策、環境配慮型社会
  • 環境・農学 / 環境影響評価



  • 2020年04月 - 現在  近畿大学アグリ技術革新研究所近畿大学アグリ技術革新研究所教授
  • 2018年04月 - 現在  近畿大学農学部環境管理学科教授
  • 2017年04月 - 2018年03月  森林総合研究所関西支所支所長
  • 2016年04月 - 2017年03月  森林総合研究所北海道支所支所長
  • 2010年07月 - 2016年03月  森林総合研究所REDD研究開発センターセンター長
  • 2010年04月 - 2016年03月  森林総合研究所研究コーディネータ


  • 1978年04月 - 1983年03月   名古屋大学   農学部   林学科


  • 2003年 - 2017年   環境省 温室効果ガス排出量算定方法検討会   農業分科会委員
  • 2012年 - 2015年   環境省 中央環境審議会 地球環境部会   気候変動影響評価等小委員会 委員
  • 2012年 - 2014年   農林水産省 農林水産分野適応策等検討会   委員
  • 2010年 - 2011年   地球温暖化対策に係る中長期ロードマップ検討会   農山村サブワーキング・グループ委員
  • 2008年 - 2008年   環境省 カーボン・オフセットに用いられるVERの認証基準に関する検討会   委員
  • 2006年 - 2008年   経済産業省 IPCC国内連絡委員会   委員



  • 2020年11月 ウッドデザイン賞 運営事務局 ウッドデザイン賞
    受賞者: 松本光朗;奥芝理那をリーダーとするプロジェクトメンバー
  • 2012年 日本森林技術協会 森林技術賞
    受賞者: 松本光朗;細田和男
  • 2011年 大日本山林会 林業経営創意工夫表彰優秀賞
    受賞者: FORCAS開発グループ;朗;中島徹;鹿又秀聡;岡勝;細田和男
  • 2009年 森林計画学会 森林計画学会特別賞
    受賞者: 松本 光朗
  • 2008年 IPCC IPCCのノーベル平和賞受賞への貢献
    受賞者: 松本 光朗
  • 2002年 森林計画学会 森林計画学賞
    受賞者: 松本 光朗


  • 研究の進展と新たな困難への挑戦 50巻1号特集「気候変動下の森林−その多様な役割と社会への関わり」:統括特集へのコメント
    環境情報科学 50 3 65 - 67 2021年10月
  • Allocating the REDD+ national baseline to local projects: A case study of Cambodia
    Makoto Ehara; Hideki Saito; Tetsuya Michinaka; Yasumasa Hirata; Chivin Leng; Mitsuo Matsumoto; Carlos Riano
    Forest Policy and Economics 129 2021年04月 [査読有り]
  • 森林分野における対策
    環境情報科学 50 1 52 - 56 2021年03月 [招待有り]
  • What is Required for Advancing REDD+? (Progress to Date and Challenges Ahead)
    MATSUMOTO Mitsuo
    AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science 41 1 1 - 9 2019年02月 [査読有り]
  • 松本 光朗
    写真測量とリモートセンシング 56 5 177 - 189 日本写真測量学会 2017年11月 [招待有り]
  • 多様な時空間スケールに対応可能な森林計画策定支援システムの検討
    中島徹; 中島譲; 広嶋卓也; 龍原哲; 白石則彦; 光田靖; 鹿又秀聡; 北原文章; 田中真哉; 松本光朗; 岡勝
    木材利用システム研究 3 23 - 26 2017年09月 [査読有り]
  • Tohru Nakajima; Norihiko Shiraishi; Hidesato Kanomata; Mitsuo Matsumoto
    Background: Maximising forest profitability is important from both economic and ecological perspectives. Managers of forest areas gain utility by optimising profits, and maximising the efficiency of a forest stand is also beneficial to the natural environment. This study presents a method to estimate and visualise forestry profitability based on variables defined in previous studies. The design space included economic and forest stand factors that can affect profitability. A contribution index analysis identified factors that significantly impact profitability, and these factors were then applied to data collected from a forest area in Japan. The effects of the two primary factors, discount rate and rotation period length, on a measure of profitability, the soil expectation value, were visualised in three-dimensional space. Methods: The site used in this study, located by Morotsuka village in the Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan. Variables previously found to have significant effects on forestry profitability were used to define a design space of variables for calculating and displaying profitability, after which data from the cited study were used to estimate the variables' SEV contribution indices. The effects of the important factors for forestry profitability were then analysed and visualised. Dimensions of the design space were constructed from previously published forestry inventory data and consisted of two stand condition factors, three site condition factors, one economic condition factor and one silvicultural planning factor. This study used previously published inventory data regarding stand age, site index and tree species. Additionally, the forestry profit simulator was used to estimate the optimal rotation period in terms of soil expectation value. The relationships between SEV and these significant factors were then graphically visualised. The significant factors identified as described above were used to estimate SEV-based profitability distributions, based on the inventory data used to construct the design space and optimal rotation periods, for the studied forest. Results: Changes in rotation period affected forestry profitability. However, the effect depended on stand, site and economic conditions. In scenarios characterised by relatively low site productivity index and harvesting area, which results in low profitability, rotation period changes did not have a strong effect on profitability. On the other hand, it was vital to select the optimal rotation period for high profitability areas as even a small deviation had a significant impact on profitability. Furthermore, it was shown that by synchronising the harvesting times of small, adjacent stands, the overall profitability increased through reductions in forest management costs. Conclusions: These results can help local forest management increase profitability through cooperation with individual forest owners. The presented method also has risk management applications, as it could be used to estimate the effects of external uncertainty variables on forest profitability.
  • T. Nakajima; H. Kanomata; N. Shiraishi; M. Matsumoto
    ANNALS OF FOREST RESEARCH 60 1 145 - 159 2017年 [査読有り]
    We describe the development of a simulation based on neighbor relationships between small stands forming many sub compartments in a forested area. We used a Geographic Information System (GIS) to simulate local forest management plans. The distribution and intensity of different silvicultural practices were visualized. We also determined whether, at specified rates, the implementation of forestry operations was optimum for the desired outcomes in specific compartments. Based on the results, we discuss the tradeoff between two silvicultural strategies. First, the rational economic strategy, which generally focuses on implementing silvicultural prescriptions in some compartments. Second, the environmental strategy, which generally focuses on implementing silvicultural prescriptions in all compartments, taking account of environmental forestry practices. The difference between profits under the two strategies at the study site was approximately 20 %, and this economic difference could be considered to represent "opportunity costs" of a commitment to environmentally conscious management. We created the simulation to map the strategies based on the location of existing forest roads and any special constraints. In addition, the model could be used as a decision-making tool for considering the tradeoff between environmental and economic strategies.
  • Climate change; mitigation; impacts and; adaptation in; the forestry sector; Preface
    Journal of Forest Research 21 5 197 - 198 2016年10月
  • Mitsuo Matsumoto; Hiroyasu Oka; Yasushi Mitsuda; Shoji Hashimoto; Chihiro Kayo; Yuko Tsunetsugu; Mario Tonosaki
    JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH 21 5 211 - 222 2016年10月 [査読有り]
    By considering trade-offs and complementarity between carbon removal from the atmosphere by forests and emission reduction by wood use, we developed a forest-sector carbon integrated model for Japan. We discuss mitigation measures for Japan based on model projections. The integrated model included the forest model and the wood use model. Based on three scenarios (baseline, moderate increase, and rapid increase) of harvesting and wood use, the integrated model projected mitigation effects including carbon removal by forests and emission reduction through the wider use of wood, until 2050. Results indicate that forests will not become a source of net carbon emissions under the three scenarios considered. The baseline scenario is most effective for mitigating climate change, for most periods. However, the sum total of carbon removal in forests and carbon emission reductions by wood use under the rapid increase scenario exceeded the one of the moderate increase scenario after 2043. This was because of strong mitigation activities: promoting replanting, using new high-yield varieties, and wood use. The results also indicated that increases in emission reduction due to greater wood use compensated for 67.9 % of the decrease of carbon removal in 2050, for the rapid increase scenario. The results show that carbon removal in forests is most important in the short term because of the relative youth of the planted forests in Japan, and that mitigation effects by material and energy substitution may become greater over the longer term.
  • Nakajima Tohru; Nakajima Tohru; Matsumoto Mitsuo
    Annals of Forest Research 59 1 117 - 128 2016年 [査読有り]
    A simulation system, based on pre-existing models, was used to investigate and visualize the solution space for optimizing forest management planning. The simulation system used existing forestry profits estimation models to test the outcomes of different crop rotations by previous studies. The simulation enabled us to predict forestry profits and labor requirements under different forestry management plans, and to examine the consequences for harvesting strategies. A part of the Kyushu region was selected as the study site, because the basic sub-models for predicting timber production, labor requirements and forestry profits were developed in the area. This study has investigated and visualized the solution space optimized for forest economics using various combinations of short and long rotation silvicultural practices implemented at a local scale. Based on the simulations, optimization of the plans was formulated under the forestry scale of compartment and total level. Visualizing the 3-dimensional optimized solution space by using a simulation system is useful for decision-makers involved with local forest management planning. The differences of forestry profits, labor requirements and timber volume depending on the intensity of silvicultural practices were analyzed. The simulation system is also useful for sustainable forest management under the Japanese forestry planning system.
  • T. Michinaka; M. Matsumoto; M. Miyamoto; Y. Yokota; H. Sokh; S. Lao; N. Tsukada; T. Matsuura; V. Ma
    INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY REVIEW 17 1 66 - 75 2015年03月 [査読有り]
    Establishing forest reference emission levels (RELs) and/or forest reference levels (RLs) is an important task for developing country parties considering taking part in the REDD+ scheme under the UNFCCC, especially for those countries experiencing corresponding economic development with land use changes. In this research, Cambodia's forest areas and forest carbon stocks from 2011 to 2018 were forecasted, which can be used as a reference for establishing forest RELs in Cambodia. Conditional to the assumptions of population growth, the growth in agricultural gross value added, and the level of economic land concession implementations, the forecasts by panel data analysis to provincial-level data showed that the forest area in Cambodia will decrease to 9.94 million ha in 2014 and 9.51 million ha in 2018 from 10.36 million ha in 2010 and that forest carbon stocks will decrease to 1.22 PgC in 2014 and 1.17 PgC in 2018 from 1.28 PgC in 2010.
  • 光田 靖; 鹿又 秀聡; 松本 光朗
    統計数理 61 2 181 - 188 統計数理研究所 2013年12月 [査読有り]
  • Mitsuda Yasushi; Kanomata Hidesato; Matsumoto Mitsuo
    Journal of Forest Planning 18 2 105 - 110 森林計画学会 2013年04月 [査読有り]
    The objectives of this study were to develop a national-level system for simulating the carbon dynamics of planted forests of hinoki, which is the second most important plantation species in Japan, and to discuss the effects of forestry on the carbon dynamics of hinoki planted forests at a national scale. We developed a simulation system consisting of a 1-km-grid national-level forest database and a stand-level carbon cycle model. We simulated the forest carbon dynamics for 2005 to 2050 at a national scale using the developed simulation system with estimated climatic values and harvested timber volumes. The results of simulations indicated that the promotion of forestry leads to a decrease in both total carbon stocks and total carbon sequestration for hinoki planted forests in Japan. Longer-term simulation is required to evaluate the effects of clearcutting and subsequent replanting on the carbon dynamics of Japan's forests.
  • 松本 光朗; 塚田 直子; 江原 誠; 平塚 基志; 淺田 陽子
    日本森林学会大会発表データベース 124 110 - 110 日本森林学会 2013年 
  • Shinya Tanaka; Tomoaki Takahashi; Hideki Saito; Yoshio Awaya; Toshiro Iehara; Mitsuo Matsumoto; Toru Sakai
    Journal of Forest Planning 18 1 77 - 85 森林計画学会 2012年10月 [査読有り]
    This study aimed to propose a simple and practical method for land-cover mapping by multi-temporal Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) images in combination with systematically sampled ground truth data. The land-cover mapping was attempted and evaluated in two study areas located in northern and southwestern Japan, using two-seasonal and three-seasonal images. The results of this study indicated that the accuracy of land-cover map can be improved by addition of autumn image to two-seasonal images of spring and summer images. The user's accuracy was greatly improved in the land-cover which shows clear seasonal changes of spectral characteristics such as deciduous forests. The final land-cover maps of entire study areas were created using two-seasonal images and three-seasonal images (the overall accuracy and overall Kappa coefficient were 81.4% and 0.746 for Study Area 1, and 87.6% and 0.779 for Study Area 2, respectively). In recent years, access to ETM+ images of many different seasons is becoming easier. This study indicated that the approach using multi-temporal ETM+ images from many different seasons would be one of the possible choices in order to create nationwide land-cover map with higher accuracy.
  • Tohru Nakajima; Hidesato Kanomata; Mitsuo Matsumoto; Satoshi Tatsuhara; Norihiko Shiraishi
    Folia Forestalia Polonica Series A 53 1 3 - 16 2011年04月 [査読有り]
  • Yoshiyuki Kiyono; Satoshi Saito; Tomoaki Takahashi; Jumpei Toriyama; Yoshio Awaya; Hidetoshi Asai; Naoyuki Furuya; Yukihito Ochiai; Yoshio Inoue; Tamotsu Sato; Chann Sophal; Preap Sam; Bora Tith; Eriko Ito; Chairil Anwar Siregar; Mitsuo Matsumoto
    JARQ-JAPAN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH QUARTERLY 45 2 233 - 242 2011年04月 [査読有り]
    We examined non-destructive methodologies for practicalities in monitoring anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from tropical dry-land forest under the influence of various forms of human intervention. Spaceborne SAR withstood comparison with Landsat ETM+ in land cover classification Of degraded tropical forest. For measurement of carbon stock and GHG flux per unit land area, the gain-loss method requires both growth rate and removal rate of forest carbon stock. However, the latter has rarely been obtained in tropical forest. For the stock-difference method, permanent sampling plot data can be used to estimate mean carbon stock per unit land area of each forest type. For cyclic land use that includes a clear-cutting stage such as slash-and-burn agriculture, chronosequential changes in carbon stock can be predicted by determining the time and spatial-distribution of cleared land. Changes in forest biomass by logging, storm-damage, etc., may be identified by monitoring the presence and diameter of the crowns of overstory trees. We developed five equations containing the parameter for crown diameter for estimating tree biomass. Overstory height can be a parameter for estimating ecosystem carbon stock of various plant communities, and forest height can be measured by airborne and spaceborne sensors, etc. Generic equations containing the parameter for overstory height are available for estimating community biomass of tropical and subtropical forests. PALSAR has an advantage over other remote systems by enabling frequent sensing and semi-direct biomass estimation using backscattering coefficients. However, no reasonable remote sensing methods exist for monitoring the amount of carbon loss by forest conversion and logging in forests with high biomass. To compensate for the faults of the present PALSAR methodologies and to enable practical and frequent monitoring of all types of forests by humans, it is vital to devise a new methodology to detect changes in high-biomass forests.
  • Preliminary analysis for representing effects of canopy structure change by a process-based forest growth model of Cryptomeria japonica planted forest
    Yasushi Mitsuda; Kazuo Hosoda; Toshiro Iehara; Mitsuo Matsumoto
    Forest Resources and Mathematical Modeling 10 169 - 193 2011年03月 [査読有り]
  • 二国間クレジット制度におけるREDD+の位置付け
    松本 光朗
    エネルギー・資源 32 6 22 - 26 2011年 [招待有り]
  • 松本光朗; 中島徹; 細田和男
    日本森林学会誌 93 4 187 - 195 日本森林学会 2011年 [査読有り]
    間伐による適切な密度管理の推進のため, 既往のシステム収穫表の一つであるLocal Yield table Construction System (LYCS) を, 県の林業試験場や森林組合の意見・要望をもとに改良した。まず, LYCSの適用樹種・地域を拡大するためパラメータを整備し, 利用しやすくするためプログラムをExcel マクロへ移植した。また, 個別林分に適用できるようにするため, 地位の小数点以下の指定, 初期値としての実測データの利用を可能にした。さらに, 多様な施業に対応するため, 自己間引きの反映, 間伐方法の選択を可能にした。加えて, 収入予測を行うため, 採材や材価指定の機能を加えた。改良されたLYCSを, 間伐方法や密度管理の異なる林分に適用し推定結果の適合性を検討した結果, 多様な間伐計画に応じた個別林分の収穫予測に十分適用できることを確認した。
  • 松本 光朗
    日本森林学会大会発表データベース 123 M09 - M09 日本森林学会 2011年
  • 光田 靖; 鹿又 秀聡; 松本 光朗
    日本森林学会大会発表データベース 123 H23 - H23 日本森林学会 2011年
  • Tohru Nakajima; Hidesato Kanomata; Mitsuo Matsumoto; Satoshi Tatsuhara; Norihiko Shiraishi
    Journal of Forestry Research 22 1 1 - 12 2011年 [査読有り]
    This study uses simulations to investigate the effects of implementing two different Japanese forestry subsidy systems on timber production and carbon stock, and examines the consequences for harvesting strategies. An existing Local Yield Table Construction System (LYCS), a wood conversion algorithm, and a harvesting cost model were used in the simulations to test the applicability of different subsidies to the thinning of stands. Using forest inventory data collected by local government staff, simulation output was used to calculate forestry profits, carbon stocks, subsidies, the amount of labor required, and the cost effectiveness of investing in subsidies. By comparing the output of simulations based on two scenarios, we found that both the clear-cutting area and the amount of harvested timber were larger under Scenario 2, in which the rules governing subsidy allocations are more relaxed, than under Scenario 1, in which the rules are more restrictive. Because the harvested timber under Scenario 1 was mainly produced by clear-cutting, the forestry profits and the subsidy predicted in the early period of the simulation, were larger under Scenario 1 than under Scenario 2. In contrast, the carbon stock was larger under Scenario 2 than under Scenario 1. The simulation model is likely to be useful for improving Plan-Do-Check-Act cycles implemented in Japanese forest management systems. © 2011 Northeast Forestry University and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
  • 松本 光朗
    森林科学 60 2 - 5 日本森林学会 2010年 [招待有り]
  • Nakajima Tohru; Matsumoto Mitsuo; Sasakawa Hiroshi; Ishibashi Satoshi; Tatsuhara Satoshi
    Journal of Forest Planning 15 2 99 - 108 森林計画学会 2010年 
    We applied the Local Yield Table Construction System (LYCS), a computer program that predicts stand growth using various stand density controls, to sugi (Cryptomeria japonica), hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa), and karamatsu (Larix leptolepis) plantated forests throughout Japan. The parameters were estimated from yield tables of karamatsu forests produced by the managers of the national forests in the Hokkaido, Iwate, Dewa, and Shinshu regions of Japan. The diameter at breast height (DBH) and the number of trees measured in permanent plots were used as the parameters for estimating the effect of stand density on diameter growth. We used these parameters to estimate stand growth in terms of tree height, DBH, and tree diameter distribution. The estimated stand growth data calculated using these parameters were comparable to data in the original yield tables and observed values obtained from permanent plots. These results enabled us to construct yield tables for various stand density control plans for karamatsu forests.
  • ITO Eriko; FURUYA Naoyuki; TITH Bora; KETH Samkol; CHANDARARITY Ly; CHANN Sophal; KANZAKI Mamoru; AWAYA Yoshio; NIIYAMA Kaoru; OHNUKI Yasuhiro; ARAKI Makoto; SATO Tamotsu; MATSUMOTO Mitsuo; KIYONO Yoshiyuki
    Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly: JARQ 44 4 435 - 446 国立研究開発法人 国際農林水産業研究センター 2010年 
    The Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD) initiative requires accurate estimates of carbon stock changes in forested areas. However, estimating carbon emissions from stumps of various heights left by illegal loggers is difficult. To remedy this problem, we examined two methods of estimating diameter at breast height (DBH) from a reference diameter observation measured at any stump height. The one-reference diameter (OD) observation model estimates DBH from a single diameter observation using empirical coefficients derived mainly from emergent dipterocarp trees. The two-reference diameter (TD) observation model estimates DBH from two diameter observations and assumes a logarithmic relationship between diameter and height. Prediction data to establish the models were collected in Cambodian lowland evergreen forests that are undergoing intensive illegal logging of emergent dipterocarp trees for timber. The OD model performed better than the TD model in predicting DBH and is extremely practical, as it requires only a single diameter observation. Validation data previously collected in the Southeast Asian tropical forests established the general validity of the OD model. This study may improve the reliability of the REDD scheme by providing a reliable method to assess carbon emissions from Southeast Asian tropical forests.
  • KIYONO Yoshiyuki; FURUYA Naoyuki; SUM Thy; UMEMIYA Chisa; ITOH Eriko; ARAKI Makoto; MATSUMOTO Mitsuo
    Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly: JARQ 44 1 81 - 92 国立研究開発法人 国際農林水産業研究センター 2010年 
    A simplified method for estimating CO2 emissions from deforestation is the calculation of carbon stock change by monitoring forest land and periodically summing up the land area and its averaged carbon stock for important forest types. As a feasibility study for applying this methodology to a tropical dry-land forest, we estimated carbon stock and its chronosequential change in 4 carbon pools (aboveground and belowground biomass, deadwood, and litter) of tropical dry-land natural forests in Cambodia. Carbon stock differed among forest types. Most of the carbon stock (84 ± 12% (SD)) existed in tree biomass. Growth of carbon stock has a positive relationship to the carbon stock itself. By moderately classifying forest types, determining averaged tree biomass of each forest type, and using land-area data on each forest type, a reasonably accurate estimation of carbon stock can be expected. However, considering that rapidly progressing deforestation and wood extraction may reduce the carbon stock in forests, systematic sampling with a sufficient number of extra plots and frequent updating of forest land area and averaged carbon stock data are vital for an accurate estimation of CO2 emissions from forests under pressure of land-use change and forestry activities.
  • 酒井徹; 粟屋善雄; 高橋與明; 家原敏郎; 松本光朗
    日本リモートセンシング学会誌 29 567 - 578 2009年09月 [査読有り]
  • 京都議定書における森林資源のモニタリング
    粟屋善雄; 松本光朗; 清野嘉之; 家原敏郎; 平田泰雅; 齋藤英樹; 古家直行; 高橋與明; 堀 修二; 林 真智
    日本リモートセンシング学会第46回学術講演会論文集 46 101 - 102 2009年05月
  • Nakajima Tohru; Matsumoto Mitsuo; Tatsuhara Satoshi
    Journal of Forest Planning 15 1 21 - 27 森林計画学会 2009年 
    We developed a cross-cutting pattern algorithm to maximize the stumpage price of each diameter class of timber, depending on market prices, and applied it to Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) plantations in Gunma Prefecture, Japan. We used a relative-taper curve and a relative height-diameter curve to estimate taper by diameter at breast height class. Using this algorithm, we estimated the optimum cross-cutting pattern method based on Sugi log prices at different points in time. The optimum cross-cutting pattern allows the stumpage price to rise more dramatically than by the fluctuation of log prices alone. During 6 months, which is a relatively short period of time when considering market conditions, an obvious difference in optimum cross-cutting pattern was confirmed; in some cases, a focus on 3.65-m logs was beneficial, whereas in other cases, 4-m logs produced greater benefits. The difference accords with the prospective cross-cutting pattern considered profitable by the Gunma Forest Association. This result indicates that the algorithm can estimate optimum cross-cutting patterns according to changes in the timber market without contradicting empirical rules.
  • 林真智; 堀修二; 粟屋善雄; 松本光朗; 家原敏郎
    写真測量とリモートセンシング 47 3 48 - 58 Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2008年06月 [査読有り]
    Principles of Afforestation, Reforestation, and Deforestation (ARD) provided in Article 3.3 of the Kyoto Protocol should be monitored as land-uses change relative to the base year of 1990. Although the use of remote sensing technology is effective for this purpose, it is difficult to detect land-use changes by digital image analysis. Therefore, the Japanese Government adopted a photo-interpretation method which uses aerial photographs and SPOT-5/HRV-P images for ARD monitoring. In this study, verification of this method was conducted. Kumamoto Prefecture was adopted as study area. Lattice points at 500 m intervals were sampled for photointerpretation. A field survey was performed to evaluate the accuracy of the results obtained by photo-interpretation. The survey indicated values of 68.8 % for AR, and 90.9 % for D. Moreover, the ARD assessment in Akita and Ishikawa Prefectures was interpreted using the same method and the data were compared with the statistical material. The numerical values of both methods corresponded approximately. As a result, the photo-interpretation method enabled monitoring of ARD with a high degree of certainty for the Kyoto Protocol report.
  • 地球温暖化と森林
    松本 光朗
    森林科学 52 4 - 8 2008年 [招待有り]
  • 松本 光朗
    科学 78 5 536 - 539 岩波書店 2008年 [招待有り]
  • 地球温暖化緩和への森林の役割
    松本 光朗
    環境技術 37 6 19 - 25 2008年 [招待有り]
  • 松本 光朗
    公衆衛生 72 12 956 - 960 2008年 [招待有り]
  • Kakuta, S; Mitai, T; Aito, R; Nakazawa, N; Awaya, Y; Matsumoto, M; Hori, S
    Journal of Forest Planning 13 1 29 - 42 森林計画学会 2007年06月 [査読有り]
    Under Article 3.3 in the Kyoto Protocol, it is necessary to monitor aforestation, reforestation and deforestation (ARD) activities between 1990 and the period of 2008-2012 to account net carbon storage by forest. In this study, we developed detecting ARD method by subtraction operation using two LANDSAT Thematic Mapper images in Higashi-Shirakawa village, Gifu prefecture. The processing flow of geometric correction, topographic correction, adjusting level of digital number and change detection was established. The consideration of selecting most effective bands for change detection and screening over detection was performed. The results were evaluated accuracy by truth data which was manipulated digital ortho-photo images and IKONOS satellite images. This method can distinguish land-cover type changes and decide a threshold value automatically and objectively, the point is exactly an advantage, therefore this method can become useful method when ARD is monitored for the whole country in the future.
  • 京都議定書がもたらす森林施策の課題
    松本 光朗
    林業経済 60 5 13 - 24 2007年 [査読有り]
  • 京都議定書報告のための国家森林資源データベースの開発
    松本光朗; 粟屋善雄; 家原敏郎; 高橋正通; 藤原健; 細田和男; 金森匡彦; 堀修二; 鈴木圭; 松原吉隆; 今野知樹; 林真智; 七海崇
    森林資源管理と数理モデル 6 141 - 163 2007年 [査読有り]
  • Tsuyuki Satoshi; Lee Jung-soo; Matsumoto Mitsuo
    Journal of Forest Planning Vol.13, No.1 13 1 57 - 83 森林計画学会 2007年 
    Article 3 Section 3 of the Kyoto Protocol prescribes that three types of activities - afforestation, reforestation and deforestation - are to be reported when accounting for forest sinks to compensate for greenhouse gases (GHG). This paper aims to develop a method to estimate the deforesting areas to comply with the Kyoto Protocol using remote sensing (RS) information regarding forest cover change (FCC) which include vegetation cover loss both by deforestation and forest management (FM) activity. The method was developed using 1990 Forestry Census and applied using 2000 Forestry Census. Apparent deforestation area assuming derived from FCC analysis using RS data, and deforestation area were calculated from Forestry Census, and regional zoning was done using Vegetation environment classification method developed by authors. Deforestation factor (α) was defined as α=(FCC-FM) / FCC. Nationwide, district- and prefectural-specific deforestation factors were calculated based on the regional zone. Deforestation area estimation using these factors, it was suggested that if smaller areas are used to calculate deforestation factors, the estimated values are more precise. But it was found prefecture as an area unit was too small to estimate deforestation factor. So cluster analysis was then conducted to group similar prefectural-specific deforestation factor to calculate the deforestation factor of each group (αc). By using 1990 Forestry Census and 2000 Forestry Census, the number of groups was 10 and 7, respectively. Estimated errors of prefectural-specific deforestation area using αc were also acceptable. This study demonstrated by using deforestation factors, deforested areas per prefecture unit is possibly estimated using the results of FCC analysis based on RS information.
  • 光田 靖; 家原 敏郎; 松本 光朗
    日本森林学会大会発表データベース 118 138 - 138 日本森林学会 2007年
  • 中島 徹; 白石 則彦; 松本 光朗
    日本森林学会大会発表データベース 117 80 - 80 日本森林学会 2006年
  • 高橋 正通; 石塚 成宏; 酒井 寿夫; 酒井 佳美; 稲垣 善之; 小野 賢二; 森貞 和仁; 松本 光朗
    日本森林学会大会発表データベース 117 312 - 312 日本森林学会 2006年
  • 林野庁事業による1990年全国オルソ空中写真の整備の概要
    粟屋善雄; 小島孝文; 塚田直子; 木下仁; 家原俊郎; 松本光朗; 古家直行; 堀修二; 林真智
    第57回 日林関東支論 57 2005年10月 [査読有り]
  • 地球温暖化対策としての木材利用
    松本 光朗
    木材工業 60 2 - 7 2005年 [招待有り]
  • 森林および開発地におけるCO2吸収量の推定手法
    松本 光朗
    都市緑化技術 56 40 - 43 2005年 [招待有り]
  • 混牧林のための収穫予測モデル
    松本 光朗
    森林資源管理と数理モデル 1 73 - 87 2002年 [査読有り]
  • 林畜複合経営のための収穫予測手法の開発
    松本 光朗
    名古屋大学森林科学研究 21 16 - 54 2002年 [査読有り]
  • 日本の森林による炭素蓄積量と炭素吸収量
    松本 光朗
    森林科学 33 30 - 36 2001年 [招待有り]
  • 松本 光朗
    森林計画学会誌 35 2 117 - 118 森林計画学会 2001年
  • 松本 光朗
    森林計画学会誌 35 2 81 - 86 森林計画学会 2001年
  • 松本 光朗
    日本森林学会英文誌 4 2 61 - 66 1999年 [査読有り]
    This study deals with grazing in kunugi (Quercus acutissima) forests in the Aso district of Kyushu Island in southwest Japan. These forests are managed for production of bed-logs for shiitake mushrooms and cow-calf farming. One of their characteristics is short-term rotation such as 10-15 years for bed-logs and a year for calf production. A forest grazing experiment was begun in Minamioguni to look at forest growth, vegetation change and grazing intensity. Stem densities dropped in a few years. After sprout cutting, they also dropped gradually, then stabilized. Although grazing caused tree damage and suppressed tree growth, grazing intensity of up to 150 cow-days/ha·year did not harm forest regeneration. Herbage volume decreased as grazing was repeated and trees grew. Another investigation of kunugi grazing forests in Minamioguni and Asaji showed the correlation between Ry (yield index in Stand density diagram) and grazing capacity could be expressed with a regression equation. The results were also used to design a yield table for kunugi grazing forests. The yield table has items of Ry and grazing capacity in addition to usual yield table items, and can indicate timber yield and grazing capacity at the same time. The table estimates that proper grazing capacity is 60-80 cow-days/ha·year in wild grass sites. In the light of these results, an optimal management plan was proposed as a diagram integrating stem density, forest yield, and forest management.
  • 松本光朗; 本田健二郎; 黒木重郎
    森林総合研究所研究報告 375 375 1 - 59 森林総合研究所 1998年 [査読有り]
  • 家原 敏郎; 高橋 正義; 齋藤 和彦; 宮本 麻子; 松本 光朗; 石橋 聡; 佐野 真; 田中 邦宏; 大石 康彦; 原 光好; 細田 和男; 松村 直人; 小谷 英司; 近藤 洋史; 野田 巌; 白石 則彦
    森林計画学会誌 30 63 - 66 森林計画学会 1998年
  • 松本 光朗
    森林計画学会英文誌 3 1 55 - 62 森林計画学会 1997年 [査読有り]
    This study reports the construction of yield tables using LYCS (Local Yield table Constructing System), a computer program based on a diameter growth model. The method and LYCS was developed by SHIRAISHI and is based on yield tables which are extended using a growth model. Hence, yield tables developed by LYCS don't contradict the original yield tables. According SHIRAISHI, modifying LYCS to a species and an area requires precise analysis of growth models and lots of data. It became clear, however, that analysis of existing yield tables and data to develop a parameter of main growth model for mean diameter could be used in LYCS. On the basis of this, yield tables for sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) in Kumamoto district were constructed. Although it was necessary to modify some equations, the fundamental structure of LYCS was not changed. Three types of yield tables for different density control plans were constructed and should be appropriate for prediction. Changes in the dimeter distribution were predicted to be smaller than those observed. This study proves that the SHIRAISHI method and LYCS are flexible and useful for practical application.
  • 松本 光朗
    森林計画学会誌英文 2 2 77 - 83 森林計画学会 1996年 [査読有り]
    This report deals with yield tables of natural shii (Castanopsis spp.) stands for timber production developed using a stand density-control diagram. Since natural hardwood stands such as shii stands don't generally have normal diameter distributions, mean diameter doesn't give appropriate information about the numbers of trees. Median or upper-hinge diameter, however, give direct information about tree number for any distribution types. In the light of the discussions, the shii stand density-control diagram was improved by replacing equivalent mean diameter lines with equivalent upper hinge lines. Then management plans for timber production were discussed and a site index table was compiled. These led to the development of yield tables for different goals of timber production goals.
  • 松本 光朗
    日本林学会誌 76 1 35 - 42 一般社団法人日本森林学会 1994年 [査読有り]
  • 松本光朗; 田内裕之; 粟屋善雄
    新砂防 47 1 21 - 29 1994年 [査読有り]
  • GISを利用した3次元表示に関する一考察
    粟屋善雄; 田中伸彦; 松本光朗
    日林関東支部論文集 45 15 - 17 1994年01月 [査読有り]
  • 松本 光朗
    日本林学会誌 72 4 286 - 291 1990年 [査読有り]



  • 田中, 和博; 吉田, 茂二郎; 白石, 則彦; 松村, 直人 (担当:分担執筆範囲:8.1 気候変動対応)朝倉書店 2020年04月 ISBN: 9784254470550 viii, 196p
  • REDD-plus Cookbook Annex. 調査マニュアルVol.7. プロジェクト組成・実施・拡大手順 ―排出削減努力が適切な評価を受けるために―
    江原誠; 矢野雅人; 浅田陽子; 松本光朗; 岡部貴美子; 古川拓哉 (担当:共著範囲:)国立研究開発法人 森林研究・整備機構 森林総合研究所 REDD 研究開発センター 2020年01月
  • 環境経済・政策学事典
    松本 光朗 (担当:分担執筆範囲:森林減少・劣化からの排出の削減および森林保全,持続可能な森林経営,森林炭素蓄積の増強(REDD+)の役割)丸善出版 2018年05月
  • Chapter 4. Supplementary methods and good practice guidance arising from the Kyoto protocol
    MATSUMOTO Mitsuo (担当:共著範囲:REDD+: A new strategy for conserving tropical forests, Scientific background of REDD+ and international discussions)Routledge 2012年03月 264 49-60
  • シリーズ21世紀の農学 地球温暖化問題への農学の挑戦
    日本農学会 (担当:分担執筆範囲:森林分野の温暖化緩和策)養賢堂 2009年
  • Climate Change 2007:Mitigation. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
    MATSUMOTO Mitsuo (担当:分担執筆範囲:Chapter 9. Forestry)Cambridge University Press 2007年
  • IPCC Good Practice Guidance for Land use, Land-use change and Forestry
    Mitsuo Matsumoto (担当:分担執筆範囲:Chapter 4. Forest land)Institute for Global Environmental Strategies 2006年
  • 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 4 Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use
    Mitsuo Matsumoto (担当:分担執筆範囲:Chapter 4. Supplementary methods and good practice guidance arising from the Kyoto protocol)Institute for Global Environmental Strategies 2006年
  • 森林の百科
    松本光朗 (担当:分担執筆範囲:日本の森林資源)朝倉書店 2003年


  • 森林政策学近畿大学農学部
  • 森林管理学近畿大学農学部
  • 森林管理学特論近畿大学大学院農学研究科
  • 森林資源学実験実習近畿大学農学部
  • 生物多様性の科学近畿大学
  • 地球温暖化と森林施策名古屋大学大学院生命農学研究科
  • 森林機能制御学第一九州大学大学院農学研究院
  • 地球温暖化緩和への森林の貢献鹿児島大学農学部
  • 地球環境保全青山学院大学


  • 日本林業経済学会   日本森林学会   日本森林計画学会   The Japanese Forest Economic Society   Japan Society of Forest Planning   Japan Forestry Society   Geographic Information Systems Association   


  • 奈良県:県内大学生が創る奈良の未来事業
    研究期間 : 2018年04月 -2021年03月 
    代表者 : 松本光朗; 奥芝理那
  • REDD+推進民間活動支援事業
    研究期間 : 2015年05月 -2016年03月 
    代表者 : 松本 光朗
  • 森林保全セーフガード確立事業
    研究期間 : 2013年08月 -2016年03月 
    代表者 : 松本 光朗
  • REDD推進体制緊急整備事業
    研究期間 : 2010年05月 -2015年03月 
    代表者 : 松本 光朗
  • 森林及び林業分野における温暖化緩和技術の開発
    研究期間 : 2008年04月 -2015年03月 
    代表者 : 松本 光朗
  • 森林減少の回避による排出削減量推定の実行可能性に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2005年04月 -2008年03月 
    代表者 : 松本 光朗
  • 地球温暖化が農林水産業に及ぼす影響の評価と高度対策技術の開発(農林水産生態系の炭素循環の解明と炭素循環モデルの開発)
    研究期間 : 2004年04月 -2008年03月 
    代表者 : 松本 光朗
  • 京都議定書吸収源としての森林機能評価に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2000年 -2005年03月 
    代表者 : 天野正博
  • Development of forest carbon accounting system
