鈴木 晴(スズキ ハル)

理工学部 理学科准教授

Last Updated :2024/08/31






  • 博士(理学)




  • エラストマー   分子固体   熱容量   熱量測定   




  • ナノテク・材料 / 基礎物理化学



  • 2023年10月 - 現在   日本化学会   単位・記号専門委員
  • 2021年10月 - 2023年09月   日本熱測定学会   庶務幹事
  • 2019年10月 - 2021年09月   日本熱測定学会   編集委員
  • 2017年10月 - 2019年09月   日本熱測定学会   委員



  • 2020年10月 日本熱測定学会 奨励賞
    受賞者: 鈴木晴
  • 2008年07月 The 63rd Calorimetry Conference (CalCon 2008) William F. Giauque賞
    受賞者: 鈴木晴


  • Tomonari Wakabayashi; Hal Suzuki; Miho Hatanaka; Hiroyuki Wakabayashi; Takeshi Kodama
    Physical Review B 2024年01月 [査読有り]
  • Taro Yamamoto; Tomonari Wakabayashi; Tadashi Kamiyama; Hal Suzuki
    Thermochimica Acta 730 179629 - 179629 2023年12月 [査読有り]
  • Sana Enomoto; Miyu Umeda; Taro Yamamoto; Ewa Juszyńska-Gałązka; Yuji Miyazaki; Hal Suzuki
    Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 148 19 10081 - 10092 2023年07月 [査読有り]
  • Taro Yamamoto; Yuki Nagae; Tomonari Wakabayashi; Tadashi Kamiyama; Hal Suzuki
    Soft Matter 19 8 1492 - 1498 2023年02月 [査読有り]
    A differential scanning calorimeter equipped with a shearing system (shear rate of  < 400 s-1) was developed to elucidate the thermodynamic properties of liquid crystalline phase transitions under shear flow. An analytical method was proposed to accurately estimate the heat flow caused by shear friction to evaluate the transition entropies. The phase transitions of 4'-n-octyl-4-cyano-biphenyl (8CB) under shear flow were investigated using the developed calorimeter. Although several shear-induced transitions for 8CB have been reported in the past using viscosity and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements, only the nematic-isotropic (N-I) and smectic-A-nematic (SA-N) transitions were detected as heat flow peaks. The N-I transition temperature was almost independent of the shear rate. The SA-N transition temperature was also independent of the shear rate, but the transition peak was broadened by applying shear flow. For both transitions, the transition entropies were independent of the shear rate. These results suggest that the thermodynamic properties were not considerably changed by shearing because the molecular alignments in the domains were not substantially changed, whereas shearing changed the LC domain directions, which can be detected by viscosity and SAXS measurements.
  • Yoji Horii; Momo Makino; Taro Yamamoto; Shoichi Tatsumi; Hal Suzuki; Mariko Noguchi; Takefumi Yoshida; Takashi Kajiwara; Zhao-Yang Li; Masahiro Yamashita
    Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 9 6271 - 6278 2022年07月 [査読有り]
    Phase stabilisation elongates spin–lattice relaxation times.
  • 天然ゴムの力学熱量効果の高分解能測定
    松尾 隆祐; 鈴木 晴; 高城 大輔
    日本ゴム協会誌 95 7 40 - 46 2022年07月
  • Miyu Umeda; Tomonari Wakabayashi; Tadashi Kamiyama; Hal Suzuki
    Polymer 254 125105 - 125105 2022年07月
  • Tomonari Wakabayashi; Urszula Szczepaniak; Kaito Tanaka; Satomi Saito; Keisuke Fukumoto; Riku Ohnishi; Kazunori Ozaki; Taro Yamamoto; Hal Suzuki; Jean-Claude Guillemin; Haruo Shiromaru; Takeshi Kodama; Miho Hatanaka
    Photochem 2 1 181 - 201 2022年02月 
    Laser-ablated polyyne molecules, H(C≡C)nH, were separated by size in solutions and co-condensed with excess hexane molecules at a cryogenic temperature of 20 K in a vacuum system. The solid matrix samples containing C8H2, C10H2, and C12H2 molecules were irradiated with UV laser pulses and the phosphorescence 0–0 band was observed at 532, 605, and 659 nm, respectively. Vibrational progression was observed for the symmetric stretching mode of the carbon chain in the ground state with increments of ~2190 cm−1 for C8H2, ~2120 cm−1 for C10H2, and ~2090 cm−1 for C12H2. Temporal decay analysis of the phosphorescence intensity revealed the lifetimes of the triplet state as ~30 ms for C8H2, ~8 ms for C10H2, and ~4 ms for C12H2. The phosphorescence excitation spectrum reproduces UV absorption spectra in the hexane solution and in the gas phase at ambient temperature, although the excitation energy was redshifted. The symmetry-forbidden vibronic transitions were observed for C10H2 by lower excitation energies of 25,500–31,000 cm−1 (320–390 nm). Detailed phosphorescence excitation patterns are discussed along the interaction of the polyyne molecule and solvent molecules of hexane.
  • Taro Yamamoto; Yusuke Yagi; Toshimitsu Hatakeyama; Tomonari Wakabayashi; Tadashi Kamiyama; Hal Suzuki
    Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 625 126859 - 126859 2021年09月 [査読有り]
    The thermodynamic properties of the cationic surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)/water system were investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (235–395 K) and adiabatic calorimetry (78–320 K), and the stable phase diagram was established, in which the locations of phase boundaries were precisely determined. The micellar phase and the lyotropic liquid crystalline (LC) phases were found to transform into a metastable gel phase via rapid cooling, and a metastable phase diagram was also constructed. The hexagonal LC phase was found to consist of two types of phases with different thermodynamic characteristics. The transitions from the separated two-phase “CTAB crystal + solution” to the micellar and LC phases were also investigated, and it was found that the transition occurs in a two-step manner, wherein the transitions at lower temperatures depended on the thermal history. The enthalpy of fusion of the ice that coexisted with the CTAB crystal did not provide any evidence for the CTAB crystal being hydrated by non-freezing water.
  • Yoji Horii; Hal Suzuki; Yuji Miyazaki; Motohiro Nakano; Shota Hasegawa; Yoshifumi Hashikawa; Yasujiro Murata
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 17 10251 - 10256 2021年05月 [査読有り]

    Heat capacity analyses revealed dynamics and magnetic anisotropy of NO molecules confined in molecular cages.

  • 鈴木 晴
    熱測定 48 2 45 - 51 2021年04月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • Urszula Szczepaniak; Kazunori Ozaki; Kaito Tanaka; Yuma Ohnishi; Yoriko Wada; Jean Claude Guillemin; Claudine Crépin; Robert Kołos; Yusuke Morisawa; Hal Suzuki; Tomonari Wakabayashi
    Journal of Molecular Structure 1214 2020年08月 [査読有り]
    © 2020 Elsevier B.V. Cyanopolyyne molecules, HC9N and HC11N, were isolated in solutions and UV, IR, and resonance Raman spectra were measured for the study of their electronic and vibrational properties. Strong signals were observed both in the IR and resonance Raman spectra for the stretching vibrational mode of the sp-hybridized linear carbon chain in the electronic ground state, i.e., σ4 at 2141 cm−1 for HC9N and σ6 at 2105 cm−1 for HC11N. Trapped in cryogenic solid acetonitrile matrix hosts at 20 K, transitions in phosphorescence, a˜3Σ+ → X˜1Σ+, were observed for HC9N at 582.3 nm (0–0) and longer wavelengths and for HC11N at 643.7 nm (0–0) and longer wavelengths. Electronic transitions in the UV, 1Σ+ ← X˜1Σ+, were elucidated by phosphorescence excitation mapping to observe asymmetric patterns with sharp emission-absorption features explainable by Shpolsky effects. For HC9N, three distinct trapping sites were discernible in solid acetonitrile, while the phosphorescence spectra were blurred in solid n-hexane. The observed phosphorescence lifetime of HC9N was longer than that of HC11N, comparable to the trend reported for the series of cyanopolyyne molecules in solid krypton matrix hosts.
  • Yoji Horii; Yuki Kanegae; Kiyonori Takahashi; Akira Fuyuhiro; Mariko Noguchi; Hal Suzuki; Motohiro Nakano
    Inorganic Chemistry 59 8 5418 - 5423 2020年04月 [査読有り]
    Two crystal polymorphs of Ni(cyclam)I-2 (cyclam = 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane) were synthesized, and their magnetic properties were investigated. Temperature-dependent X-ray structural analysis and magnetic measurements revealed gradual spin transition in molecular-crystal polymorph trans-[Ni(cyclam)I-2] (1a), whereas the zigzag-chain polymorph catena-[Ni(cyclam)(mu-I)]I (1b) did not show an obvious spin transition. The entropy difference between high- and low-spin states of la estimated by assuming the spin-equilibrium model is much smaller than those in typical iron(II)-based spin-crossover (SCO) complexes, suggesting that the normal mode softening is less remarkable in la. In this system, it is clearly evidenced that the interaction mode responsible to the spin equilibrium in octahedral nickel(II) complexes is highly anistropic, i.e., z-elongation and x,y-shortening of the coordination octahedron.
  • Suzuki H; Ishida M; Otani C; Kawachi K; Kasama Y; Kwon E; Miyazaki Y; Nakano M
    Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP 21 29 16147 - 16153 2019年07月 [査読有り]
    Calorimetric and terahertz-far-infrared (THz-FIR) spectroscopic and infrared (IR) spectroscopic measurements were conducted for [Li+@C-60](PF6-) at temperatures between 1.8 and 395 K. [Li+@C-60](PF6-) underwent a structural phase transition at around 360 K accompanied by the orientational order-disorder transition of Li+@C-60 and PF6-. The transition occurred in a step-wise manner. The total transition entropy (Delta S-trs) of 40.1 +/- 0.4 J K-1 mol(-1) was smaller than that of the orientational order-disorder transition in a pristine C-60 crystal (Delta S-trs = 45.4 +/- 0.5 J K-1 mol(-1)). Thus, the orientational disorder of Li+@C-60 in the high-temperature phase of [Li+@C-60](PF6-) was much less excited than that of the pristine C-60 owing to the Coulombic interactions, which stabilized the ionic crystal lattice of [Li+@C-60](PF6-). At T < 100 K, upon cooling, Li+ ions were trapped in two pockets on the inner surface of C-60, and no phase transition was observed. Finally, the Li+ ions achieved a complete order at 24 K through antiferroelectric transition. The Delta S-trs value of 4.6 +/- 0.4 J K-1 mol(-1) was slightly smaller than R ln 2 = 5.76 J K-1 mol(-1) expected for the two-site order-disorder transition. The extent of the Li+ motion in the C-60 cage was related to the selection rule in the THz-FIR and IR spectroscopy of the C-60 internal vibrations, because a C-60 cage should be polarized by the Li+ ion. It is shown that the local symmetry of the caged molecule can be modified by the rotational or hopping motion of the encaged ions.
  • R. Sata; H. Suzuki; N. Ueno; Y. Morisawa; M. Hatanaka; T. Wakabayashi
    Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 32 175 - 181 2019年04月 [査読有り]
  • Hal Suzuki; Motohiro Nakano; Yoshifumi Hashikawa; Yasujiro Murata
    Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 6 1306 - 1311 2019年03月 [査読有り]
    © 2019 American Chemical Society. The heat capacity of H 2 O encapsulated in fullerene C 60 is determined for the first time at temperatures between 0.6 and 200 K. The water molecule in H 2 O@C 60 undergoes quantum rotation at low temperature, and the ortho-H 2 O and para-H 2 O isomers are identified by labeling the rotational energy levels with the nuclear spin states. A rounded heat capacity maximum is observed at ∼2 K after rapid cooling due to splitting of the rotational J KaKc = 1 01 ground state of ortho-H 2 O. This anomalous feature decreases in magnitude over time, reflecting the conversion of ortho-H 2 O to para-H 2 O. Time-dependent heat capacity measurements at constant temperature reveal three nuclear spin conversion processes: a thermally activated transition with E a 3.2 meV and two temperature-independent tunneling processes with time constants of δ 1 1.5 h and δ 2 11 h.
  • テラヘルツ分光法を用いた分子固体の物性研究
    鈴木晴; 大谷知行
    熱測定 45 3 112 - 118 2018年07月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • フラーレンC60に内包されたLi+イオンの回転運動
    ナノ学会会報 16 2 59 - 65 2018年03月 [招待有り]
  • Hal Suzuki; Akira Inaba
    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 146 17 174501  2017年05月 [査読有り]
    Heat capacity measurements were made down to 0.35 K for the isotopic modifications of methanol, CH3-nDnOH, and methyl iodide, CH3-nDnI, (n = 0, 1, 2, 3) to determine the orientation of the partially deuterated methyl group in the solid phase. The mono-deuterated modifications favor the symmetric conformation, whereas the di-deuterated ones favor the asymmetric conformation. Infrared spectroscopy demonstrates that some vibrational modes change in intensity depending on temperature, which supports the energy scheme obtained by calorimetry. Zero-point kinetic energies were obtained by single molecule density functional theory calculations. Although the favorable conformations of CH2DOH and CHD2OH were confirmed, the energy difference between symmetric and asymmetric conformations was twice as large as that determined experimentally, which indicates that intermolecular forces significantly decrease the energy difference. For CHD2OH, the conversion between the two asymmetric conformations becomes very slow at low temperature and results in a residual entropy of R ln 2. Published by AIP Publishing.
  • Hiromichi Hoshina; Hal Suzuki; Chiko Otani; Masaya Nagai; Keigo Kawase; Akinori Irizawa; Goro Isoyama
    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 6 27180  2016年06月 [査読有り]
    As terahertz (THz) frequencies correspond to those of the intermolecular vibrational modes in a polymer, intense THz wave irradiation affects the macromolecular polymorph, which determines the polymer properties and functions. THz photon energy is quite low compared to the covalent bond energy; therefore, conformational changes can be induced "softly," without damaging the chemical structures. Here, we irradiate a poly(3-hydroxybutylate) (PHB) / chloroform solution during solvent casting crystallization using a THz wave generated by a free electron laser (FEL). Morphological observation shows the formation of micrometer-sized crystals in response to the THz wave irradiation. Further, a 10-20% increase in crystallinity is observed through analysis of the infrared (IR) absorption spectra. The peak power density of the irradiating THz wave is 40 MW/cm(2), which is significantly lower than the typical laser intensities used for material manipulation. We demonstrate for the first time that the THz wave effectively induces the intermolecular rearrangement of polymer macromolecules.
  • Hal Suzuki; Chiko Otani; Nobuto Yoshinari; Takumi Konno
    INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS 3 2 274 - 278 2016年 [査読有り]
    Structural changes induced by water desorption from D-penicillaminato (D-pen) (Cu8Cu6II)-Cu-I clusters aggregated into three polymorphic crystal structures ((1) 1D helical, (2) 2D hexagonal sheet, and (3) discrete cubic) were investigated by terahertz (THz) absorption spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometry (XRD), which provided information on the skeletal and crystal structures of the clusters, respectively. The water molecules incorporated into the crystals were removed by evacuation and heating to 100 degrees C. In the case of crystal 1, the helical structure collapsed upon water evacuation, whereas the skeletal structure of the D-pen (Cu8Cu6II)-Cu-I clusters did not change. However, the skeletal structures were distorted by the heating process. For crystals 2 and 3, water evacuation did not affect either the skeletal or the sheet and cubic crystal structures of the clusters, which, however, collapsed upon heating. The mechanisms driving these structural changes were discussed in relation to the type and amount of water molecules removed in each process.
  • Hal Suzuki; Misaki Ishida; Masatsugu Yamashita; Chiko Otani; Kazuhiko Kawachi; Yasuhiko Kasama; Eunsang Kwon
    PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 18 46 31384 - 31387 2016年 [査読有り]
    Li+ ions encapsulated in fullerene C-60 cages (Li+@C-60) are expected to be suitable as molecular switches that respond to local electric fields. In this study, the rotational dynamics of Li+ ions in C-60 cages at low temperatures are experimentally revealed for the first time using terahertz absorption spectroscopy. In crystalline [Li+@C-60](PF6-), the Li+ ion rotates in the carbon cage even at 150 K. The rotational mode gradually changes into a librational mode below 120 K, which is associated with the localization of Li+ ions due to the electrostatic interactions with its screening image charge on the C-60 cage as well as with the neighboring Li+@C-60 and PF6- ions. A simple rotational/librational energy scheme for the Li+ ions successfully explains the spectroscopic results, and the potential of Li+@C-60 as a molecular switch is discussed based on the energy scheme.
  • Hal Suzuki; Shinya Ishii; Chiko Otani; Hiromichi Hoshina
    EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL 67 284 - 291 2015年06月 [査読有り]
    The alpha and gamma crystals of polyamide-6 were examined by terahertz absorption spectroscopy from -90 to 230 degrees C. For the alpha crystals, the absorption band at 6.5 THz, assigned as a lattice vibration perpendicular to the molecular chain, decreased in intensity with increasing temperature, ending near the Brill transition temperature (T-Brill approximate to 160 degrees C). The band at 8.7 THz, assigned as the skeletal vibration along the molecular chain, shifted to higher frequency with increasing temperature. The rate of shift changed at the glass transition temperature (T-g approximate to 50 degrees C), indicating coupling of the molecular vibration in the crystal with freezing/relaxing phenomena in the surrounding amorphous phase. A significant annealing effect was observed. On heating polyamide-6 films that had been annealed at a temperature (T-ann) >= 80 degrees C, an increase in spectral intensity above 9 THz occurred at similar to T-ann, due to the melting of semi-crystals formed by recrystallization during annealing. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 保科宏道; 鈴木晴; 山本茂樹; 矢嶋摂子
    応用物理 84 6 525 - 529 応用物理学会 2015年
  • Hal Suzuki; Hiromichi Hoshina; Chiko Otani
    CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN 14 8 4087 - 4093 2014年08月 [査読有り]
    The phase behaviors and kinetics of the polymorphic transitions of cyclohexanol, C6H11OH, were investigated by terahertz absorption spectroscopy over the temperature range of 150-330 K. A new phase was found, labeled phase I', which is more stable than the previously observed phase I but less stable than phase III'. The kinetics of the irreversible transitions from phase I to I', phase I to III', and phase III' to III were analyzed using Avrami's theory. The transition geometries of the first two transitions were found to be one-dimensional, while the latter was two-dimensional. The transitions from phase I to III and phase III to II were revealed to occur through two-step processes. The mechanism of these irreversible transitions is discussed in relation to the formation and dissociation of hydrogen bonds between the hydroxyl groups as well as the steric restriction effects of the cyclohexyl ring.
  • Hiromichi Hoshina; Atsumi Ozaki; Yusuke Itagaki; Setsuko Yajima; Hal Suzuki; Shinya Ishii; Misaki Ishida; Tetsuji Uchiyama; Keiichi Kimura; Chiko Otani
    CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 608 173 - 176 2014年07月 [査読有り]
    Terahertz (THz) absorption spectra of organogels consisting of (1R,2R)-1,2-bis(dodecanoylamino) cyclohexane/2-nitrophenyl octyl ether (RR-BDC/NPOE) and RR-BDC/n-dodecane were measured by Fourier-transform far-infrared (FT-FIR) spectroscopy. The vibrational peaks of the gels were observed at the same frequencies as those of the pure gelator, suggesting that the intermolecular structure around the N-H center dot center dot center dot O=C hydrogen bond is maintained in the gel phase. Temperature-dependent spectroscopy showed a drastic spectral change at the sol-gel transition temperature, in which the vibrational peak at 3.5 THz disappears and a new peak appears at 2.9 THz. The change in THz vibrational frequency is indicative of the structural collapse of the hydrogen-bonded fibrous architecture in the sol phase. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • アミド基を有する低分子ゲル化剤を用いるイオンセンサーの性能評価とゲル化膜の分光学的検討
    尾崎 温美; 高見 健人; 矢嶋 摂子; 保科 宏道; 鈴木 晴; 石井 伸弥; 大谷 知行; 木村 恵一
    日本分析化学会講演要旨集 62年会 167 - 167 (公社)日本分析化学会 2013年08月
  • Hal Suzuki; Shinya Ishii; Harumi Sato; Shigeki Yamamoto; Yusuke Morisawa; Yukihiro Ozaki; Tetsuji Uchiyama; Chiko Otani; Hiromichi Hoshina
    CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 575 36 - 39 2013年06月 [査読有り]
    With the aim of opening a route toward new applications of terahertz (THz) spectroscopy to studies of polymer science, the conformations and structural transitions of polycaprolactam (nylon-6) were investigated by THz spectroscopy in the alpha, gamma, pseudo-hexagonal, and amorphous phases. A Brill transition from the alpha form to the pseudo-hexagonal form was detected at 160 degrees C from a temperature variation of the peak intensity at 6.6 THz in the second-derivative spectrum of nylon-6. In the amorphous phase, a glass transition was observed at 60 degrees C, and a new anomaly was found at 110 degrees C. (C) 2013 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
  • Akira Inaba; Hal Suzuki; Maria Massalska-Arodz; Tomasz Rozwadowski
    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS 54 204 - 210 2012年11月 [査読有り]
    Heat capacity measurements were conducted between temperatures of 5 K and 360 K by adiabatic calorimetry for the liquid crystalline material 4-cyano-3-fluorophenyl 4-butylbenzoate to investigate the phase behavior and determine the thermodynamic functions. Five phases are identified: the metastable nematic phase, its glass phase (T-g = 210 K), stable crystal I (T-fus = 288.43 K), a new metastable crystal (crystal II), and the isotropic liquid. The enthalpy of fusion of crystal I is 22.22 kJ . mol(-1), and the entropy is 76.91 J . K-1 . mol(-1). Polarizing microscopy observations were also conducted between T = 100 K and 300 K to confirm the phase behavior. The melting point of crystal II (T-fus = 286 K) and the clearing temperature of the nematic phase (T-c = 279.4 K) were obtained using a microscope. On the other hand, the enthalpy of the clearing transition (526 J . mol(-1)) and the entropy (1.88 J . K-1 . mol(-1)) were obtained from the thermodynamic functions. The Debye temperature of crystal II (55.3 K) is significantly lower than that of crystal I (60.7 K), indicating that the phonon density of states is considerably different between the two crystals. The existence of low-energy excitations in the nematic glass and a low-energy shift of the intramolecular modes in crystal II are also identified. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Akira Inaba; Maria Massalska-Arodz; Hal Suzuki; Jan Krawczyk
    MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS 540 102 - 110 2011年 [査読有り]
    The studies performed for right-handed (S)-4-(2-methylbutyl)-4'-cyanobiphenyl glass former using calorimetry (down to 0.35 K) and spectroscopy methods are reviewed. The substance reveals isotropic and cholesteric liquid phases, glass of cholesteric phase and two crystalline polymorphs, one of which transforms to glass. Two anomalies in heat capacity below 5K and their relation to ordering of the molecules in three solid phases are discussed.
  • H. Suzuki; A. Inaba; J. Krawczyk; M. Massalska-Arodz; T. Kikuchi; O. Yamamuro
    JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 357 2 734 - 739 2011年01月 [査読有り]
    Quasi-elastic neutron scattering measurements were performed for five cyanobiphenyl compounds with different terminal chains (5CB, 5*CB, 80CB, 8*OCB and 6O2OCB) in their liquid and liquid-crystalline phases to investigate the molecular dynamics. The spectra were successfully decomposed into two components, indicating that two types of molecular motions are involved. For the broad (or fast) component, the temperature dependence as well as the momentum transfer dependence did not differ very much among those compounds. For the narrow (or slow) component, on the other hand, the compounds with a branched alkyl-chain (5*CB and 8*OCB) gave significantly smaller diffusion constants than the others. A molecular dynamics simulation for 5*CB and 5CB suggests that the reorientational motion of the whole molecule around the long molecular axis is responsible for the broad component, whereas a diffusive motion of the terminal chain is responsible for the narrow one. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Hal Suzuki; Akira Inaba; Christoph Meingast
    CRYOGENICS 50 10 693 - 699 2010年10月 [査読有り]
    Extracting accurate heat capacities by conventional relaxation calorimetry at first-order or very sharp second-order phase transitions is extremely difficult. The so-called "scanning method" provides a key to overcome this challenge. Here, we introduce new corrections in the data analysis of this method. Critical examinations of the improvements are made experimentally by investigating the well-studied first-order ferroelectric phase transitions of KH2PO4 and BaTiO3 using a commercial relaxation calorimeter Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS) supplied by Quantum Design. The results for KH2PO4 are shown to be excellent; a very sharp peak in heat capacity is obtained and the absolute values are shown to agree well with the previous results obtained by adiabatic calorimetry on much larger samples. The critical behavior of the heat capacity in the vicinity of the transition temperature, as well as the thermodynamic quantities such as the transition enthalpy and entropy, also agrees very well with the previous results. For BaTiO3, clear hysteretic behavior of the transition is observed for heating and cooling curves. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 緩和型熱測定システムによる一次相転移近傍での精密熱容量測定
    鈴木晴; 稲葉章
    熱測定 37 4 139 - 146 2010年07月 [査読有り]
  • Akira Inaba; Hal Suzuki; Jan Krawczyk; Maria Massalska-Arodz
    CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 463 1-3 90 - 93 2008年09月 [査読有り]
    The heat capacity of two glass formers 5*CB and 8*OCB, each of which has two crystalline polymorphs (phases I and II) as well as a glass phase, was determined between 0.35 K and 20 K. The T-linear term of the heat capacity becomes significant below 1 K for both glasses. The glassy crystalline phase II of 5*CB also shows such contribution, which is consistent with the existence of a residual entropy. Unexpectedly, however, the 'stable' phase II of 8*OCB shows the similar contribution, indicating that this phase is disordered, whereas the glassy crystalline phase I shows no such contribution. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Hal Suzuki; Akira Inaba; Jan Krawczyk; Maria Massalska-Arodz
    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS 40 8 1232 - 1242 2008年08月 [査読有り]
    As a part of a project of clarifying the physical properties and dynamics of cyanobiphenyls with chiral molecules, thermodynamic properties of (S)-4-(2-methylbutyl)-4'-cyanobiphenyl (5*CB) were investigated by adiabatic calorimetry between T = (5 and 350) K. The complicated phase behaviour was solved and the thermodynamic functions were determined. A new glass transition was identified in the phase II (metastable crystal) at T = 105 K. No inversion of the stability between two crystalline phases was found, being contrary to the expectations from the previous neutron scattering studies. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • 機器分析ハンドブック3 固体・表面分析編
    宗林 由樹; 辻 幸一; 藤原 学; 南 秀明 (担当:共著範囲:1章 熱分析)化学同人 2021年04月
  • 日本化学会; 篠原, 久典 (担当:共著範囲:9.8.3,10.2)丸善出版 2021年01月 ISBN: 9784621305218 xviii, 1509p
  • 日本熱測定学会 (担当:範囲:p.245)丸善出版 2020年08月 ISBN: 9784621305072 xxiii, 363p
  • Atkins, P. W. (Peter William); De Paula, Julio; 千原, 秀昭; 稲葉, 章; 鈴木, 晴 東京化学同人 2020年 ISBN: 9784807909773 xix, 613p
  • 物質化学100問集
    大阪大学インタラクティブ物質科学; カデットプログラム物質化; 問集出版プロジェクト (担当:共編者(共編著者)範囲:)大阪大学出版会 2018年02月


  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    研究期間 : 2022年04月 -2025年03月 
    代表者 : 鈴木 晴
  • 日本学術振興会:科研費挑戦的研究(萌芽)
    研究期間 : 2018年04月 -2020年03月 
    代表者 : 中野元裕
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2014年04月 -2018年03月 
    代表者 : 保科 宏道; 山本 茂樹; 鈴木 晴
  • 分子がゆるく束縛されたシステムにおける相転移機構の解明
    研究期間 : 2015年04月 -2018年03月 
    代表者 : 鈴木晴
  • テラヘルツ分光による分子凝集体の相転移前駆現象の解明
    研究期間 : 2013年04月 -2015年03月 
    代表者 : 鈴木晴
