MARDYLA Grzegorz(マルデワ グレグ)

経済学部 経済学科准教授

Last Updated :2024/08/31






  • 博士(経済学)(2006年03月 横浜国立大学)




  • 人文・社会 / 金融、ファイナンス



  • Yukiko Orito; Hiroshi Izawa; Grzegorz Mardyla; Makoto Okamura
    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 127854 6 - 10 2017年03月 [査読有り]
    We propose a memetic algorithm to optimize a consumption loan planning in economics. The planning is defined as an optimization problem which maximizes the household's one-year utility function with individual time preferences. Our memetic algorithm consists of an estimation of distribution algorithm for a global search and a heuristic local search for a local search. In the numerical experiments, we show the optimum solution for the consumption loan planning by using the memetic algorithm. From our results, we clarify the differences between the human behavior's solution in economic experiment and the optimum solution.
  • Youki Kohsaka; Grzegorz Mardyla; Shinji Takenaka; Yoshiro Tsutsui
    JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL FINANCE 18 2 189 - 201 2017年 [査読有り]
    The authors experimentally investigate the existence of the disposition effect and its relationship with diminishing sensitivity. Their approach includes 3 key characteristics: (i) an environment closely resembling actual stock markets, (ii) individual-specific reference prices, and (iii) a direct test of diminishing sensitivity as a correlate of the disposition effect. They find strong support for the existence of the disposition effect as an independent hypothesis. This is an improvement over previous studies, which tested this hypothesis only jointly with others. The authors' results also strongly point to diminishing sensitivity, of the type postulated by prospect theory, being positively associated with the disposition effect.
  • Time preferences and optimal consumption-loan planning: computational and experimental analysis – does impatience make it difficult?
    Hiroshi Izawa; Grzegorz Mardyla; Makoto Okamura; Yukiko Orito
    2014 Asia-Pacific Meeting of the Economic Science Association 2014年02月
  • Grzegorz Mardyla; 井澤裕司
    ゆうちょ資産研究 21 87 - 118 ゆうちょ財団ゆうちょ資産研究センター 2014年
  • Disposition effect and diminishing sensitivity: an analysis based on a simulated experimental stock market
    Youki Kohsaka; Shinji Takenaka; Grzegorz Mardyla; Yoshiro Tsutsui
    Osaka University Discussion Papers in Economics and Business 13 02 2012年04月
  • Grzegorz Mardyla
    生駒経済論叢 9 1 97 - 116 近畿大学経済学会 2011年 
    [Abstract] In this note, we critically survey the literature on one of the most puzzling phenomena in financial markets to be discovered recently, namely the so-called disposition effect—the observation that stock market investors tend to hold on to their losing stocks for too long and sell their winning stocks too soon. While we argue its importance might be overstated to a large extent in terms of its significance for understanding individual investor behavior, we also offer some ideas that could lead to new, more robust theories capable of explaining the disposition effect. We argue there are fundamental behavioral forces behind the latter that connect with basic traits of human behavior, forces that should be the in the spotlight of research aiming to explain market phenomena with individual behavior.
  • Borrowing behavior and attitudes towards risk and time – experimental approach
    Hiroshi Izawa; Grzegorz Mardyla
    Journal of International Finance and Economics 11 1 45 - 54 2011年 [査読有り]
  • Information and Confidence: “The Chicken Or The Egg”?
    Grzegorz Mardyla
    Yokohama Journal of Social Sciences 10 2 173 - 189 2005年 [査読有り]


  • An experiment on conformity in deception in A. Bucciol and N. Montinari (Eds.) Dishonesty in Behavioral Economics
    Shunichiro Sasaki; Shoko Yamane; Grzegorz Mardyla; Kazuki Ohara Academic Press 2019年06月 ISBN: 9780128158579
