保本 正芳(ヤスモト マサヨシ)

Last Updated :2024/08/31



衛星データやGIS(地理情報システム)を用いた環境分析をテーマとしています。 また現在は、高校までのSDGsを題材とした探究学習の支援なども行っています。


<報道関連出演・掲載一覧> ●2022/11/16  KFB福島放送「超県民参加型テレビ シェア!」  川俣町立川俣中学校で授業を実施したことについて



  • 修士(工学)(近畿大学)
  • 博士(工学)(近畿大学)


  • 環境情報   ICT教育   SDGs   リモートセンシング   


衛星データやGIS(地理情報システム)を用いた環境分析をテーマとしています。 また現在は、高校までのSDGsを題材とした探究学習の支援なども行っています。


  • 人文・社会 / 科学教育
  • 情報通信 / 情報学基礎論
  • 環境・農学 / 環境動態解析



  • 2010年04月 - 現在  近畿大学総合社会学部 総合社会学科講師
  • 2009年04月 - 2010年03月  近畿大学理工学総合研究所講師



  • 2024年08月 日本情報教育学会 第2回AIプロンプトグランプリ 佳作
     対話型生成AI を活用した課題解決 学習:思考力・発想力の育成 JPN japan_society 
    受賞者: 保本正芳
  • 2023年08月 日本情報教育学会 第1回AIプロンプトグランプリ 企業団体賞
     ChatGPT を活用した就職活動の支援 JPN japan_society 
    受賞者: 保本正芳
  • 2002年 日本リモートセンシング学会 日本リモートセンシング学会論文奨励賞
     JPN japan_society


  • 生成AIを活用したAIリテラシー教育の検討
    近畿大学総合社会学部紀要:総社る 12 2 33 - 40 2024年03月 [査読有り]
  • 情報デザイン教育における反転授業の実践と効果
    近畿大学総合社会学部紀要:総社る 12 1 47 - 53 2023年09月 [査読有り]
  • 保本 正芳; 増田 憲昭
    情報教育 3 1 - 8 日本情報教育学会 2021年10月 [査読有り]
  • 保本正芳; 西村太嘉
    日本リーダーシップ学会論文集 3 28 - 33 2020年02月 [査読有り]
  • 保本正芳; 西村太嘉
    日本リーダーシップ学会論文集 2 31 - 36 2019年02月 [査読有り]
  • Makiko Nakata; Sonoyo Mukai; Masayoshi Yasumoto
    Frontiers in Environmental Science 6 MAY 2018年05月 [査読有り]
    The atmospheric aerosol distribution in Asia is complex because it is influenced by both natural phenomena and human activities. In this article, multifaceted approach using satellite observations and numerical model simulation shows seasonal and regional variations of the aerosol distribution over Asia. Asia covers a large area however, this article is limited to East and Southeast Asia. The aerosol optical thickness (AOT) in the inland desert area is normally high in spring and dusty aerosols are widely spread with the wind. The AOT values are high in summer over East Asia. A high AOT caused by biomass burning plumes is observed in autumn over Southeast Asia and in spring over Siberia and heavy air pollution occurs in Beijing in winter, a very well-known phenomenon. These phenomena caused by heavy aerosol concentration were determined based on Aqua/MODIS data and aerosol characteristics retrievals and estimated the aerosol characteristics. Furthermore, the impact of aerosols on the climate assessed by numerical model simulations suggest that aerosols reduce solar radiation and therefore the Earth's surface temperature. In addition to these influences on the radiation budget, aerosols have a significant potential to change the circulation fields.
  • Sonoyo Mukai; Makiko Nakata; Itaru Sano; Masayoshi Yasumoto; Toshiyuki Fujito
    International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2017- 5958 - 5961 2017年12月 [査読有り]
    It is known that the biomass burning aerosols (BBA) generated by the large-scale forest fires and burn agriculture have influenced the severity of air pollution. Nevertheless the biomass burning plumes increase due to global warming and climate change and vice versa. It is worth noting that the near ultra violet (NUV) measurements are helpful for the detection of carbonaceous particles, which are the main component of aerosols from biomass burning. In this work, improved retrieval algorithms for BBA are interpreted by using the measurements observed by GLI and POLDER-2 on Japanese short term mission ADEOS-2 from December 2002 to October 2003. The GLI sensor has 380nm channel. Finally the obtained optical properties of BBA are investigated from the standpoint of spatial and temporal variations in comparison with the numerical model simulations.
  • Sonoyo Mukai; Itaru Sano; Makiko Nakata; Masayoshi Yasumoto
    This work intends to consider the retrieval algorithms of remote sensing for severe air pollutions. In these cases mixture of aerosols and clouds, namely aerosols in cloudy scenes and/or clouds in heavy aerosol episode, are often occurred. Aerosol retrieval in the hazy atmosphere has been achieved based on radiation simulation method of successive order of scattering (MSOS). JAXA has been developing the new Earth observing system GCOM-C satellite. GCOM-C will be launched in early of 2017 and board the polarization sensor SGLI. The SGLI has multi (19)-channels as MODIS and measures polarized reflected sunlight at wavelengths of 0.679 mu m and 0.869 mu m as POLDER. The radiance and polarization degree are taken into account here in the severe biomass burning episode over Borneo islands in Indonesia observed by PARASOL. / POLDER and Aqua/MODIS. As a result the possibility of JAXA / GCOM-C / SGLI related to remote sensing for a mixture case of aerosols and clouds can be examined.
  • Mukai Sonoyo; Nakata Makiko; Yasumoto Masayoshi; Sano Itaru; Kokhanovsky Alexander
    FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 3 57 1 - 11 2015年 [査読有り]
    Aerosol distributions in East Asia are complicated owing to both natural factors and human activities. In recent years, influence of yellow sand and biomass burning aerosols generated by agricultural biomass burning (ABB) has been noted upon the severe air pollution episodes. This work intends to make the retrieval algorithm more efficient and to make the aerosol model more tractable as far as heavy air pollution caused by ABB is concerned. Aerosol retrieval in the hazy atmosphere is achieved based on radiation simulation method of successive order of scattering (MSOS) for the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) on AQUA data. The retrieved aerosol properties agree well with the ground measurements and numerical model simulations. Multi-angle observations with the polarization and directionality of the Earth's reflectances (POLDER) on the polarization & anisotropy of reflectances for atmospheric sciences coupled with observations from a lidar (PARASOL) are available for aerosol retrieval from a mixture of cloud and haze, and many potential applications of MSOS involving polarization information are expected to be available for cloud as well as aerosol episodes.
  • Ground and satellite-based measurements of aerosols during heavy haze events
    Masayoshi Yasumoto; Sonoyo Mukai
    日本応用情報学会誌 ( NAIS Journal ) 9 13 - 19 2014年09月 [査読有り]
  • Sonoyo Mukai; Masayoshi Yasumoto; Makiko Nakata
    We investigate heavy haze episodes (with dense concentrations of atmospheric aerosols) occurring around Beijing in June, when serious air pollution was detected by both satellite and ground measurements. Aerosol retrieval is achieved by radiative transfer simulation in an Earth atmosphere model. We solve the radiative transfer problem in the case of haze episodes by successive order of scattering. We conclude that air pollution around Beijing in June is mainly due to increased emissions of anthropogenic aerosols and that carbonaceous aerosols from agriculture biomass burning in Southeast Asia also contribute to pollution.
  • 向井苑生; 佐野到; 中田真木子; 中口譲; 井口信和; 保本正芳; HOLBEN Brent N
    エアロゾル研究 29 S1 S125-S132 (J-STAGE) - s132 日本エアロゾル学会 2014年 [査読有り]
    Aerosol retrieval work from satellite data is divided into three parts: satellite data analysis, aerosol modeling, and multiple light scattering simulations in the atmosphere modeling what is known as the radiative transfer problem. It is well known that the aerosol model has been developed using the accumulated measurements during more than ten years provided with the world-wide aerosol monitoring network (AERONET). The radiative transfer simulations incorporate the Rayleigh scattering by molecules and Mie scattering by aerosols in the atmosphere. Thus the aerosol properties are estimated by comparing satellite measurements with the numerical values of radiation simulations in the Earth-atmosphere model. It is reasonable to consider that the precise simulation of multiple light scattering processes is necessary, and requires a long computational time, especially for an optically thick atmosphere. Therefore, efficient algorithms for radiative transfer problems are indispensable to retrieve aerosols from space. It is shown here that dense aerosol events can be well simulated by a semi infinite radiative-transfer model. For an example, the air pollution event observed by Aqua/MODIS in June of 2010 over Beijing is interpreted based on the proposed aerosol models and the semi-infinite radiative transfer simulation code known as MSOS (Method of Successive Order of Scattering).
  • Sonoyo Mukai; Masayoshi Yasumoto; Makiko Nakata; Itaru Sano
    Air pollution in East Asia has become severe in recent years, with heavy air pollutants and Asian dust being transported from China to neighboring countries throughout the year. In this study, we focus on heavy haze event occurring around Beijing in June, when a serious aerosol episode was detected by both satellite and ground measurements. Retrieval of atmospheric aerosol characteristics from satellite is achieved by radiative transfer simulation in the Earth atmosphere model. The aerosol model is compiled from the worldwide aerosol monitoring network (NASA/AERONET). It is shown here that the radiative transfer problem in the case of aerosol episode is solved by a method of successive order of scattering. In addition we conclude that air pollution around Beijing in June is mainly due to increasing emissions of the anthropogenic aerosols, furthermore carbonaceous aerosols from agriculture biomass burning in Southeast Asia also contribute to the pollution.
  • Sonoyo Mukai; Itaru Sano; Kotaro Ishii; Masayoshi Yasumoto; Toshiro Sugimura
    Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Clouds II 7152 2008年12月 [査読有り]
  • Sonoyo Mukai; Itaru Sano; Makiko Mukai; Masayoshi Yasumoto
    The relationship between concentration of suspended particulate matter (PM2.5) and column aerosol optical thickness (AOT) is examined based on the simultaneous measurements at a NASA/AERONET station at Kinki University Campus, Higashi-Osaka, Japan since March in 2004. We drew the following results: 1. A strong linear correlation exists between PM2.5 and AOT, 2. The correlation is better within each type of aerosols as anthropogenic type and dust type than overall, 3. The correlation coefficients take the highest value in such a case that PM2.5 values are measured in 30-minutes behind after AOT data. These facts are explained with the model simulations. Our results highlight the possibility that the PM2.5 concentration can be estimated from the AOT, and vice versa. Moreover, combining radiometric aerosol information with surface-level particulate mass data appears to be a promising approach for gaining a better understanding of air quality and the atmospheric environment.
  • 向井苑生; 佐野到; 保本正芳
    日本リモートセンシング学会誌 27 1 33 - 38 一般社団法人 日本リモートセンシング学会 2007年01月 [査読有り]
    To monitor urban atmospheric particles, we have undertaken simultaneous measurements of aerosols and suspended particulate matter (SPM) at Kinki University Campus, Higashi-Osaka, Japan, since 2004. The largest dust event recorded during our long-term observations was detected during the spring of 2006.
    We also examined the relationship between PM2.5 concentrations and aerosol properties obtained from radiometry using a multi-spectral photometer located at a NASA/AERONET station. We found a linear correlation between aerosol optical thickness and PM2.5 concentrations for both ordinary days and days with dust events.
  • Sonoyo Mukai; Itaru Sano; Masayoshi Yasumoto; Mitsuru Nishina
    For monitoring of urban atmospheric particles, simultaneous measurements of aerosols and suspended particulate matter (SPM) have been undertaken at Kinki University Campus, Higashi-Osaka, Japan, since 2004. The relationship between PM2.5 concentrations and aerosol properties obtained from radiometry using a multi-spectral photometer located as a NASA/AERONET station is examined in this work. It is found a linear correlation between aerosol optical thickness and PM2.5 concentrations for both ordinary days and days with dust events. This fact indicates that aerosol characteristics can be estimated from SPM data, and vice versa. Combining radiometric aerosol information with surface-level particulate mass measurements is useful in studying air quality and aerosol properties. It is of interest to mention that the largest dust event recorded among our long-term observations was detected during the spring of 2006.
  • Sonoyo Mukai; Itaru Sano; Masayoshi Yasumoto; Yuzuru Nakaguchi
    Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere X 5979 2005年10月
  • Itaru Sano; Sonoyo Mukai; Brent N. Holben; Yasuhiko Okada; Masayoshi Yasumoto
    OPTICA PURA Y APLICADA 37 3 3447 - 3451 2005年01月 [査読有り]
  • S Mukai; Sano, I; M Yasumoto
    Advances in Space Research 32 11 2181 - 2190 2003年12月 [査読有り]
    Each retrieval algorithm for atmospheric aerosols, clouds and water vapor from ADEOS/POLDER data is described. A POLDER sensor, mounted on the Earth observation satellite ADEOS in 1996, is a unique sensor which can gather multi-directional (up to 14) polarization measurements of one target. Atmospheric aerosol properties as optical thickness and Angstrom exponent are derived from the POLDER polarization data at wavelengths of 0.670 and 0.865 mum. The polarization data at 0.865 mum is also available for cloud retrieval. Two channels in the near infrared wavelengths are used to estimate the total column water vapor content. The first channel is in the water vapor absorption band of 0.910 mum and the second is in the gas absorption-free band of 0.865 mum. In practice, a ratio of each reflectance for these two channels is used in this study. Then the obtained global maps of aerosol properties, cloud microphysics and water vapor content are compared with one another. It is shown that column number density of aerosols has a negative correlation with the effective radius of cloud particles and proportionally correlates with the optical thickness and the column number density of cloud particles. These results confirm the indirect effect of aerosols, namely aerosols play sufficient role as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). (C) 2003 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Masayoshi. Yasumoto; Sonyo. Mukai; Itaru. Sano
    IGARSS 2001. Scanning the Present and Resolving the Future. Proceedings. IEEE 2001 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (Cat. No.01CH37217) 3 1052 - 1054 2002年08月
  • M. Yasumoto; I. Sano; S. Mukai
    Advances in Space Research 29 1 39 - 44 2002年01月
  • 保本正芳; 向井苑生
    日本リモートセンシング学会 21 3 252 - 259 The Remote Sensing Society of Japan 2001年06月 
    In this work we describe procedures for detection of clouds and water/ice discrimination of the cloud top using the combined information of the polarization data from ADEOS/POLDER (0.865μm) and the infrared data from OCTS (10.9μm). On the basis of the satellite images obtained on November 10, 1996, we show that the cloud detection algorithm for POLDER proposed by CNES tends to overestimate the cloud regions. Better estimation can be obtained by adding a brightness temperature test by means of the OCTS data. A single-scattering simulation, carried out for water droplets and hexagonal ice crystals, indicates that the phase discrimination of the cloud top can be accomplished by comparing the polarized reflection data of POLDER at two scattering angles of 100°and 140°. The result is in reasonable agreement with the classification with the OCTS temperature data.
  • Masayoshi Yasumoto; Sonoyo Mukai
    Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Clouds II 4150 392 - 399 2001年02月
  • Masayoshi Yasumoto; Sonoyo Mukai; Itaru Sano; Hirosi Ishida; Tsutomu Takashima
    Polarization: Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing II 3754 1999年10月
  • 保本正芳; 向井苑生; 中村良介; 佐野到
    日本惑星科学会誌 遊・星・人 8 2 95 - 100 日本惑星科学会 1999年06月 [査読有り]
  • I. Sano; S. Mukai; M. Yasumoto; K. Masuda; M. Sasaki; H. Ishida
    IGARSS'97. 1997 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings. Remote Sensing - A Scientific Vision for Sustainable Development 1 9 - 11 1997年 [査読有り]




  • SDGsを「自分ごと化」  [招待講演]
    教育システム情報学会関西支部主催産学連携研究会 2020年02月 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等
  • 学生主体によるSNSを活用した商店街活性化プロジェクト
    第4回 国際ICT利用研究学会全国大会 2019年11月
  • SDGs を題材にした探究学習  [招待講演]
    京都学園中学高等学校 2019 年度 公開研究授業大会 2019年11月 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等
  • 課題発表におけるインタラクティブプレゼンテーションの汎用的手法の確立
    大野 司郎; 保本正芳; 小川喜弘
    2019年度 ICT利用による教育改善研究発表会 2019年08月
  • Radiation Simulation Code for Aerosol Remote Sensing in the Aerosol Events
    S.Mukai; M.Yasumoto; I.Sano
    PIERS (Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium) 2013 Stockholm 2013年08月 ポスター発表
  • 文系学生のための情報処理教育
    保本正芳; 大野司郎; 小川善弘
    平成24年度 ICT利用による教育改善研究発表会 2012年08月
  • Retrieval of clouds on a global scale  [通常講演]
    Masayoshi Yasumoto; Sonoyo Mukai
    Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2001) 2001年07月 口頭発表(一般) Osaka Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2001) (大阪)
    衛星データを用いた雲特性の導出方法について報告した。 (英文)


  • デジタル処理演習近畿大学
  • 地域・環境統計学近畿大学
  • 情報と環境・社会近畿大学
  • 情報リテラシー演習近畿大学


  • 日本エアロゾル学会   日本リモートセンシング学会   日本情報教育学会   国際ICT利用研究学会   


  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    研究期間 : 2015年04月 -2018年03月 
    代表者 : 向井 苑生; 佐野 到; 保本 正芳; 中田 真木子
    多波長・偏光衛星データを基盤情報とした大気エアロゾル特性導出手法を考案し,実効システムを作成した.3年間の成果・達成度・今後の発展計画をまとめる: ①効率的なエアロゾルモデルの提案.②偏光・非偏光両放射場に柔軟に対応可能な放射伝達システム作成.③近紫外並びに紫バンドデータ比で定義する吸収性エアロゾル識別指標(AAI)を提案.④大気汚染やPM粒子解析,地域気象影響評価等に応用.⑤衛星データ検証ツールをNASA/AERONETデータを基に作成.⑥本成果は2017年12月に打ち上げのJAXA/GCOM-C(しきさい衛星)搭載SGLIセンサデータに適用予定.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2006年 -2008年 
    代表者 : 向井 苑生; 佐野 到; 中口 譲; 保本 正芳; 井口 信和; 溝渕 昭二
    (1)NASA/AERONET放射計等による大気エアロゾル地上観測、(2)SPMのサンプリング計測と化学分析、(3)エアロゾル放射特性とSPM値の関係解析、(4)地上と衛星データの併合によるエアロゾルマップの導出等に関し、継続的に研究実績を挙げている. (5)2008年5月にNIESライダーネットワーク機器を設置し、(6)エアロゾルの発生から拡散までの解明、(7)総合的なデータ解析手法の実装、(8)モデルシミュレーションと実データの融合を実現した.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2001年 -2004年 
    代表者 : 向井 苑生; 佐野 到; 保本 正芳
    得られた研究成果を以下にまとめる. 1.衛星データ解析によるエアロゾル・リトリーバル 従来の衛星による気リモートセンシングでは.放射輝度値(可視,赤外波長データ)を用いてきた.本研究では,ADEOS-I(1996-1997),ADEOS-II(2002-2003)衛星搭載のPOLDER偏光データを利用したエアロゾルの光学特性の導出(リトリーバル)に成果を挙げた.ADEOS-2/POLDERデータの取得により,2003年4月から10月の大気エアロゾルの全球規模分布図を導出した.ADEOS/POLDERデータの成果の比較から,1997年から2003年への大気エアロゾルの年変化を把握できた.同時に,エアロゾルと深く関連する雲粒子特性や水蒸気量の全球分布を導出し,相互の関係を求めた. 2.地上観測とデータ解析 衛星データから得られるグローバルな成果を有効に活用するためには,ローカルな地上観測による検証を行なわねばならない.1996年よりポータブル型多波長偏光放射計を導入し,日本各地での上空大気光の偏光観測と太陽直達光観測に着手してきた.また,近年では日本に限らず広く大気偏光放射観測を実施するに至っている.さらに,エアロゾルは空間変動だけではなく,時間的な変動も大きい.時間変化を捉えるには長期的な定点観測が必要である.本研究グループは,エアロゾル観測ネットワークNAS/AERONET,SKYNETサイトに参加している.下記に,観測成果をまとめる. (1)近畿大学本部キャンパス(東大阪)常時集中観測 (2)NASA/AERONET放射計,SKYNET/Sky-radiometerによる観測 (3)APEXフィールドキャンペーンに参加 (4)海洋観測船「みらい」での観測に参加 (5)偏光放射計の機器校正 (6)日本近海での大気観測
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 特定領域研究
    研究期間 : 2002年 -2003年 
    代表者 : 向井 苑生; 保本 正芳
    平成15年度の成果を以下にまとめる. 1.衛星データを用いた大気エアロゾル特性の導出精度向上 衛星搭載偏光センサーデータ(ADEOS/POLDER)を用いて,対流圏エアロゾル粒子特性導出に際し,偏光情報の有効利用と地表面反射光の変更を考慮する事により,陸域エアロゾル特性の導出制度を向上させた 2.衛星データを用いた地表面反射偏光特性の考察 陸域エアロゾル特性導出精度向上のため、POLDERセンサデータ、IGBP土地被服分類データ)を用いて、地表面反射偏光特性を考察、導出した。 3.衛星データを用いた大気水蒸気量の導出 衛星データ(ADEOS/POLDER, OCTS)を用いた海陸上空大気水蒸気量の導出 4.大気エアロゾルの地上観測 和歌山県白浜(AERONET),東大阪(AERONET, SKYNET),長崎県福江島(新規SKYNET),石川県柳田村(AERONET臨時サイト)の4ヶ所にて放射計を設置・運用を行い,エアロゾルの連続観測を実施した.観測結果は,NASA/AERONET(白浜,能登,東大阪),SKYNET(福江,東大阪)としてWeb上でデータが公開が行われている.(AERONET ; http://aeronet.gsfc.nasa.gov, SKYNET) 5.大気エアロゾルと大気汚染物質の関係 環境省管轄の大気監視局データ(SPM他)の解析と表示システムの作成、並びに大気放射観測、衛星解析から得られたエアロゾル特性との相互参照から、明らかな相関関係のあることが判明した。 新たに測定機器を導入し、PM2.5の計測を開始した(H16年3月15日)。
  • 衛星データからのエアロゾル特性の導出
  • 衛星データからの雲特性の導出
  • Aerosol Properties Retrieved from Satellite
  • Cloud Properties Retrieved from Satellite
