ENDO Nobutaka

Major in Psychology, Department of Applied SociologyAssociate Professor

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information

Research Keyword

  • 注意   潜在記憶   潜在学習   

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences / Experimental psychology
  • Humanities & social sciences / Cognitive sciences


Educational Background

  •        - 2002  Nagoya University  人間情報学研究科  社会情報学専攻
  •        - 1996  Chuo University  Faculty of Letters  Department of Education

■Research activity information


  • 2008/09 日本心理学会 優秀論文賞
    受賞者: 遠藤 信貴
  • 2003/10 日本感性工学会 優秀発表賞
    受賞者: 遠藤 信貴


  • An examination of spatial factors in judgment of face-likeness
    Nobutaka Endo
    Kindai Applied Sociology Review 11 (1) 29 - 37 2022/09 [Refereed]
  • Forgetting properties of associative memory between faces and voices
    Nobutaka Endo
    Kindai Applied Sociology Review 10 (1) 13 - 21 2021/09 [Refereed]
  • Effect of strategy on implicit learning of visual context
    ENDO Nobutaka
    Kindai Applied Sociology Review 9 (1) 9 - 18 2020/09 [Refereed]
  • Effect of explicit knowledge on intuitive decision making
    ENDO Nobutaka
    Kindai Applied Sociology Review 8 (1) 23 - 31 2019/09 [Refereed]
  • Nobutaka Endo
    近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 = Applied sociology research review Kinki University 近畿大学総合社会学部 6 (1) 53 - 64 2186-6260 2017/10 [Refereed]
    [Abstract] The purpose of the present study is to examine whether working memory capacities are intrinsically domain-specific for different modalities (visuospatial and verbal information). In previous studies, this question was addressed by assessing the correlation between the performance in visuospatial and verbal working memory tasks. However, both were measured separately. In the present study, to assess the costs in the multitask situation, participants were required to employ both multiple object tracking (visuospatial working memory task) and listening span test (verbal working memory task) concurrently when attentional resources for these tasks were almost equal. The results showed that the performance of listening span test decreased as a function of verbal working memory load, while verbal working memory load had little influence on the performance of multiple object tracking. These results are consistent with the notion of domain-specific capacities in working memory, suggesting an importance of the role of central executive control in working memory system.専攻: 認知心理学
  • Nobutaka Endo
    近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 = Applied sociology research review Kinki University 近畿大学総合社会学部 4 (2) 1 - 13 2186-6260 2016/03 [Refereed]
    Visual context, such as a spatial relationship between the locations of a particular target object and the other distractor objects, is learned with repeated presentations of the same spatial layout, and facilitates searching for or detecting the target object. This context learning is referred to as contextual cueing. Previous studies have demonstrated that learned context involved the association target location with individual locations of distractors (nonconfigural learning) and the association target location with the overall distractor configuration (configural learning) in visual search and change detection tasks respectively, indicating that the content of context learning was task specific. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether the content of context learning relied on participants' attentional control setting during performing change detection task. The results showed that nonconfigural learning tended to occur even in change detection task when it was necessary for detecting the target effectively to direct spatial attention to individual distractors, suggesting the possibility that the aspect of context learning is dependent on participants' attentional setting.専攻: 認知心理学
  • Motoyasu Honma; Nobutaka Endo; Yoshihisa Osada; Yoshiharu Kim; Kenichi Kuriyama
    Major earthquakes were followed by a large number of aftershocks and significant outbreaks of dizziness occurred over a large area. However it is unclear why major earthquake causes dizziness. We conducted an intergroup trial on equilibrium dysfunction and psychological states associated with equilibrium dysfunction in individuals exposed to repetitive aftershocks versus those who were rarely exposed. Greater equilibrium dysfunction was observed in the aftershock-exposed group under conditions without visual compensation. Equilibrium dysfunction in the aftershock-exposed group appears to have arisen from disturbance of the inner ear, as well as individual vulnerability to state anxiety enhanced by repetitive exposure to aftershocks. We indicate potential effects of autonomic stress on equilibrium function after major earthquake. Our findings may contribute to risk management of psychological and physical health after major earthquakes with aftershocks, and allow development of a new empirical approach to disaster care after such events.
  • 遠藤 信貴
    基礎心理学研究 日本基礎心理学会 30 (2) 224 - 224 2012
  • ENDO Nobutaka; NAGAI Masayoshi; KUMADA Takatsune
    The Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science The Japanese Psychonomic Society 28 (1) 2 - 16 0287-7651 2009 
    Three experiments used near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to examine brain activation in the frontal cortex during comprehending and reporting the contents of a story. In Experiment 1, the participants were asked to view humorous comic strip stories under the following two conditions: comprehending and reporting the contents after the experiment (report condition), and not reporting the contents (non-report condition). The changes of Oxy-Hb concentration in the left prefrontal region were higher in the report condition than in the non-report condition. In Experiments 2A and 2B the participants were asked to arrange sets of cards, according to either story development or shape complexity, without reporting the content of the story. The changes of Oxy-Hb concentration in the left and right prefrontal regions were higher for card arrangements related to story development than for those related to shape complexity. When articulatory suppression was used, activation in part of the left prefrontal region was reduced. The anterior portion of the left inferior frontal gyrus (around BA47) was consistently activated when participants actively tried to understand content, regardless of the type of task and memory load. We suggest a new objective method, using NIRS, with which to measure the brain activity associated with trying to understand content.
  • Nobutaka Endo; Yuji Takeda
    Shinrigaku Kenkyu Japanese Psychological Association 78 (6) 583 - 590 0021-5236 2008 
    Visual context, such as an association between a target location and a abstractor configuration, has been shown to be implicitly learned through repeated experiences in a visual search task, and facilitates the search performance (contextual cueing effect). In the present study, we examined whether the whole layout or only the local half-layout contributed to contextual cueing. In a training session, the whole layout or the local half-layout including the target location was repeated. Then in a test session, half of the layout including the target location was presented while the remaining half of the layout was randomly changed. The results showed that the search performance in the repeated whole layout condition was equivalent to the condition where only half of the layout was repeated throughout both the training and the test sessions. This suggests that the local layout around the target location was selectively learned and used for contextual cueing even if the whole layout was repeated.
  • 遠藤 信貴; 永井 聖剛; 熊田 孝恒
    基礎心理学研究 日本基礎心理学会 26 (2) 220 - 220 2008
  • Kumada Takatsune; Nagai Masayoshi; Endo Nobutaka; Yokosawa Kazuhiko
    Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology The Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology 2007 (0) 53 - 53 2007 
    A near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) study was conducted during which participants carried out tactile recognition of unfamiliar objects. A previous functional brain-imaging study reported activation of the right parietal lobe under tactile recognition of familiar objects using only the right hand (Reed et al., 2005). In this study, we intended to extend the previous finding to tactile recognition of unfamiliar objects with the left hand, as well as with the right hand. Hemodynamic activation of brains of eight healthy young participants was compared between tasks involving recognition of objects made by LEGO bricks and palpation of them, allowing to eliminate the effect of similar motor and sensory stimulation. Compared to nonsense object palpation, the most prominent activation evoked by tactile object recognition was in bilateral parietal lobe, irrespective of the hand used for the task. This suggested contribution of bilateral parietal lobule on tactile recognition for unfamiliar objects.
  • N Endo; Y Takeda
    PSYCHONOMIC BULLETIN & REVIEW SPRINGER 12 (5) 880 - 885 1069-9384 2005/10 
    For inefficient search, target detection is faster for repeated than for regenerated layouts. This effect, called contextual cuing, was assumed to arise from implicit learning of local spatial relationships between targets and distractors. However, a more global influence from distractors far from the target has not been tested. In this study, the search field was divided into upper and lower halves containing a repeated and a regenerated configuration set, respectively. The positions of the two sets were or were not exchanged, meaning that their relative as well as their absolute positions were the same or different (Experiment 1). In Experiment 2, the repeated set appeared alone in either the same or the other half of the screen (same or different absolute position). The contextual cuing effect remained when only absolute position was changed, but not when both absolute and relative positions were changed. These results suggest that contextual cuing depends on relative positional information.
  • 遠藤 信貴; 武田 裕司
    基礎心理学研究 日本基礎心理学会 23 (2) 240 - 240 2005
  • N Endo; Y Takeda
    PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS PSYCHONOMIC SOC INC 66 (2) 293 - 302 0031-5117 2004/02 
    To conduct an efficient visual search, visual attention must be guided to a target appropriately. Previous studies have suggested that attention can be quickly guided to a target when the spatial configurations of search objects or the object identities have been repeated. This phenomenon is termed contextual cuing. In this study, we investigated the effect of learning spatial configurations, object identities, and a combination of both configurations and identities on visual search. The results indicated that participants could learn the contexts of spatial configurations, but not of object identities, even when both configurations and identities were completely correlated (Experiment 1). On the other hand, when only object identities were repeated, an effect of identity learning could be observed (Experiment 2). Furthermore, an additive effect of configuration learning and identity learning was observed when, in some trials, each context was the relevant cue for predicting the target (Experiment 3). Participants could learn only the context that was associated with target location (Experiment 4). These findings indicate that when multiple contexts are redundant, contextual learning occurs selectively, depending on the predictability of the target location.
  • 遠藤 信貴; 武田 裕司
    基礎心理学研究 日本基礎心理学会 22 (2) 222 - 222 2004
  • 熊田孝恒; 遠藤信貴
    Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers 計測自動制御学会 42 (12) 1039 - 1043 1883-8170 2003/12 
  • Yuji Takeda; Nobutaka Endo
    Shinrigaku Kenkyu Japanese Psychological Association 74 (5) 437 - 443 0021-5236 2003 
    For conducting efficient visual search, it is important to inhibit spatial attention from reorienting to previously examined distractors. Several studies have proposed that this inhibition can be associated with object-based inhibition of return (IOR). The present study examined whether the spread of IOR across an object's surface affects the performance of visual search or not. If the spread of IOR occurs in visual search, unexamined targets and distractors linked with the previously attended items would be inhibited. We found that the spread of object-based IOR results in the increases of error rates in the target present trials and the decreases of reaction times in the target absent trials. These results indicate that participants made "absent" responses before examining all items if object-based IOR spread over unconfirmed items. We discuss the function of object-based IOR in visual search and also deal with how visual search is terminated.
  • Nobutaka Endo; Jun Saiki; Yoko Nakao; Hirofumi Saito
    Shinrigaku Kenkyu Japanese Psychological Association 74 (4) 346 - 353 0021-5236 2003 
    Previous studies of pattern psychophysics have suggested that a form property such as the number of turns and a structural property such as symmetry were useful cues for perceptual judgments of simple forms. However, it is necessary for complete descriptions of more complex forms to use hierarchical indices reflecting global and local characteristics. In this study, we clarified what geometrical properties contributed to complexity and similarity judgments of novel shapes, and examined differences between the two judgments, using Fourier descriptors as a form property, and symmetropy as a structural property. Global and local unevenness were derived from the amplitude of Fourier descriptors, and the hierarchical representation was found in both judgment data. Whereas complexity judgment was based on local unevenness and global symmetry, similarity judgment was, it was suggested, mainly based on global unevenness and symmetry. Moreover, it became clear that geometrical properties important for complexity data were a subset of those for similarity data. These results suggested that more dimensions in geometrical properties were necessary for similarity judgment than complexity judgment.
  • 武田 裕司; 遠藤 信貴
    基礎心理学研究 日本基礎心理学会 21 (2) 170 - 170 2003
  • 遠藤 信貴; 武田 裕司
    基礎心理学研究 日本基礎心理学会 21 (2) 156 - 156 2003
  • Nobutaka Endo; Jun Saiki; Hirofumi Saito
    Shinrigaku Kenkyu Japanese Psychological Association 72 (3) 204 - 212 0021-5236 2001 
    We examined the effect of relation between interferences from distractor and inhibitory mechanism on the occurrence of negative priming, by using a matching paradigm. The ease of perceptual target selection was determined by magnitudes of interference. Stereoscopic depth was used to manipulate the relative position of a target, a distractor and a standard figure. When the ease of perceptual target selection was manipulated by separation of the target from the distractor in depth, positive priming occurred. However, the ease of target selection turned out to be unnecessary in the occurrence of priming effects. When the distractor and the standard figure were displayed at the same depth plane, where the distractor was supposed to interfere with the encoding of a standard figure, negative priming occurred consistently regardless of the ease of perceptual target selection. This study suggests that inhibitory mechanism contributes to the suppression of inappropriate processes by distractor, and inhibitory mechanism actively keeps distract ors from interfering with standard figures.


Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 遠藤 信貴; 齋藤 洋典
    日心大会論文集  2018/07
  • 展望的記憶の想起における内発的動機づけと意図優位性  [Not invited]
    西島 志; 遠藤 信貴
    日本心理学会第81回大会  2017/09
  • 潜在的知識と顕在的知識の整合性が反応選択に及ぼす影響−モンティホールジレンマ課題による検討−  [Not invited]
    遠藤 信貴
    日本基礎心理学会第35回大会  2016/10
  • Adaptation and aftereffect in the comparison of two lines with small difference in length.  [Not invited]
    中谷 勝哉; 須藤康正; 遠藤 信貴
    日本心理学会第76回大会  2012/09  川崎市  日本心理学会第76回大会
  • 本間元康; 遠藤信貴; 長田佳久; 金吉晴; 栗山健一
    日本認知心理学会大会発表論文集  2012/06 
    The massive earthquake on Japan 2011 was followed by a huge numbers of aftershocks, in even suburbs of Tokyo which is more than 350 kilometers away from epicenter of the earthquake. We conducted an intergroup trial on equilibrium dysfunctions and effects of psychological aftermaths on equilibrium dysfunctions in survivors who exposed versus rarely-exposed repetitive aftershocks. Here we show greater equilibrium dysfunctions in aftershock-exposed survivors without visual compensations. We also show that the equilibrium dysfunction in aftershocks-exposed survivors seems to be a consequence of the disturbance of inner ear, and related to the individual vulnerability to the state anxiety enhanced by the repetitive-exposure of aftershocks per se. Our findings might contribute to risk managements of the massive earthquake for mental and physical health in general, and hold potentialities for a new empirical approach for disaster care against a mega earthquake with aftershocks.
  • 遠藤信貴
    基礎心理学研究  2012/03
  • 高齢者の身体活動性が潜在学習の発現に及ぼす影響  [Not invited]
    遠藤 信貴
    日本基礎心理学会  2011/12  慶応大学  日本基礎心理学会
  • Effect of physical activity level on implicit spatial context learning in healthy aging.  [Not invited]
    遠藤 信貴
    Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society  2011/11  Seattle, USA  Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society
  • Physical activity level and implicit learning of spatial context in healthy aging.  [Not invited]
    遠藤 信貴
    European Conference on Visual Perception  2011/08  Toulouse, France  European Conference on Visual Perception
  • 標的の探索方略が空間的配置の学習および利用に及ぼす影響  [Not invited]
    遠藤 信貴
    日本心理学会  2008/09  日本心理学会
  • Top-down strategy affects learning of visual context in visual search  [Not invited]
    遠藤 信貴
    European Conference on Visual Perception  2008/08  European Conference on Visual Perception
  • 遠藤 信貴; 永井 聖剛; 熊田 孝恒
    基礎心理学研究  2008
  • コンテンツ理解のプロセスに関わる脳活動計測  [Not invited]
    遠藤 信貴; 永井 聖剛; 熊田
    日本基礎心理学会  2007/12  日本基礎心理学会
  • Interaction between spatial context learning and learning strategy  [Not invited]
    遠藤 信貴; Boot; W. Kramer; A. F. Lleras, A; 熊田 孝恒
    Psychonomic Society  2007/11  Psychonomic Society
  • Measuring brain activities related to understanding using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)  [Not invited]
    永井 聖剛; 遠藤 信貴; 熊田 孝恒
    HCI International 2007  2007/07  HCI International 2007
  • Brain activation during visuomotor sequence tasks measured by NIRS  [Not invited]
    池田 華子; 遠藤 信貴; 渡邊 克巳; 永井 聖剛
    Human Brain Mapping  2007/06  Human Brain Mapping
  • Kumada Takatsune; Nagai Masayoshi; Endo Nobutaka; Yokosawa Kazuhiko
    Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology  2007/05  日本認知心理学会
    A near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) study was conducted during which participants carried out tactile recognition of unfamiliar objects. A previous functional brain-imaging study reported activation of the right parietal lobe under tactile recognition of familiar objects using only the right hand (Reed et al., 2005). In this study, we intended to extend the previous finding to tactile recognition of unfamiliar objects with the left hand, as well as with the right hand. Hemodynamic activation of brains of eight healthy young participants was compared between tasks involving recognition of objects made by LEGO bricks and palpation of them, allowing to eliminate the effect of similar motor and sensory stimulation. Compared to nonsense object palpation, the most prominent activation evoked by tactile object recognition was in bilateral parietal lobe, irrespective of the hand used for the task. This suggested contribution of bilateral parietal lobule on tactile recognition for unfamiliar objects.
  • コンテンツ理解に関連した脳活動計測ー光トポグラフィを用いて  [Not invited]
    永井 聖剛; 遠藤 信貴; 熊田 孝恒
    モバイル研究会  2007/01  モバイル研究会
  • 認知行動場面における視覚的文脈に基づく行動制御:文脈の獲得とその利用  [Not invited]
    遠藤 信貴
    日本心理学会  2006/11  日本心理学会
  • Spatial context learning and switching strategy  [Not invited]
    遠藤 信貴; Boot; W. R. Kramer; A. F. Lleras, A; 熊田 孝恒
    Psychonomic Society  2006/11  Psychonomic Society
  • 永井聖剛; 遠藤信貴; 熊田孝恒
    ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム論文集(CD-ROM)  2006/09  ヒューマンインターフェイスシンポジウム2006
  • 遠藤 信貴; 武田 裕司
    基礎心理学研究  2005
  • ENDO Nobutaka; TAKEDA Yuji
    Technical report of IEICE. HIP  2004/07 
    In an inefficient search, the search for a target becomes faster with a repeated configuration when compared with a newly generated configuration. This facilitatory effect is termed contextual cueing, and suggests that an association between a target location and a distractor configuration is encoded in memory and this association can be used as a cue in visual search. In this study, we examined the effects of selective attention to search items and retrieval cues of the context information on visual search. The results showed that contextual cueing was observed only when the configuration of the attended items was fixed. However, the facilitatory effect was observed regardless of attention to the search items when the place folder was presented as a cue before the presentation of the search array. These results suggest that selective attention affects the immediate use of the context, but not the use of the context itself.
  • 視覚探索処理における部分的配置情報の浮動性について  [Not invited]
    遠藤 信貴; 武田 裕司
  • 武田裕司; 遠藤信貴
    日本感性工学会大会予稿集  2003/10
  • 文脈手掛かり課題における形状と配置の学習の相互作用  [Not invited]
    遠藤 信貴; 武田 裕司
  • 遠藤信貴; 武田裕司
    日本心理学会大会発表論文集  2003/08
  • Interaction between object cueing and spatial cueing in visual search  [Not invited]
    遠藤 信貴; 武田 裕司
  • 遠藤信貴; 斎木潤
    日本心理学会大会発表論文集  2001/10
  • 遠藤 信貴; 齋木 潤
    日本認知科学会大会発表論文集 = Annual meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society  2000/06
  • 斎木潤; 遠藤信貴; 野崎茂; 中尾陽子
    日本心理学会大会発表論文集  2000
  • 遠藤信貴; 斎木潤; 中尾陽子; 野崎茂
    日本心理学会大会発表論文集  2000
  • 遠藤 信貴; 齋木 潤; 齋藤 洋典
    日本認知科学会大会発表論文集 = Annual meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society  1998/06

Affiliated academic society

  • Psychonomic Society   日本認知科学会   日本基礎心理学会   日本心理学会   


Research Themes

  • 潜在学習事態における能動的構えと学習効率に関する研究
    日本学術振興会:科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2013 -2015 
    Author : 遠藤 信貴
  • 身体活動レベルに基づく潜在的知識の利用可能性に関する研究
    日本学術振興会:科学研究費補助金 若手研究(B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2010 -2011 
    Author : 遠藤 信貴
  • 機器操作の技能習得過程における反復経験の利用を促す学習方略および訓練手法の開発
    日本学術振興会:科学研究費補助金 若手研究(B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2009 
    Author : 遠藤 信貴
  • 新奇な視覚情報の知覚的学習過程と脳内機構の解明及び人間工学的応用のためのモデル化
    Date (from‐to) : 2003 -2005 
    Author : 遠藤 信貴