MORIYAMA Masamitsu

    Department of Informatics Associate Professor
Last Updated :2024/04/23

Researcher Information


J-Global ID

Research Interests

  • 保証   ビジネスモデリング   電子商取引   国際   

Research Areas

  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Safety engineering
  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Social systems engineering

Conference Activities & Talks

  • 都道府県のオープンデータとして公開されているAED設置情報に関する調査  [Not invited]
    田上 遼; 森山 真光
    経営情報学会 2021年全国研究発表大会  2021/11
  • Task performance and joint angle changes in older females during mouse pointing task  [Not invited]
    佐藤 望; 森山 真光; 溝渕 昭二
    The 9th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology  2008/08  Delft, Netherlands  The 9th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology

Research Grants & Projects

  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 澤田 晃; 椎木 健裕; 石原 佳知; 森山 真光
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2023/03 
    Author : 森山 真光
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2018/04 -2022/03 
    Author : SAWADA AKIRA
    We have devised a method for determining the optimum irradiation trajectory for a dynamic 3D rotary irradiation device that utilizes the degree of freedom of the treatment device and peripheral equipment and have demonstrated the usability. A risk map was generated using the presence or absence of geometrical passage of the treatment beam and the cumulative dose as an index, and the rotational irradiation trajectory that suppresses irradiation to normal tissue was automatically calculated. In the treatment plan using numerical data for lungs and brain, it was confirmed that irradiation to high-risk areas was minimized and intensive irradiation was performed to low-risk areas. In addition, we have implemented a device on the irradiation trajectory and a collision detection simulator for the patient and evaluated the accuracy using an optical position sensor.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2020/03 
    Author : Moriyama Masamitsu
    The private key management of a crypto-assets wallet is using practically in both cases of a personal use and tens of thousands of people use in crypt-assets exchanges. If the personal use and the crypto-assets exchanges use are a small case and a large case respectively, the private key management of 100 pieces of crypto-assets wallet placed in same site is a medium case. However, a de facto standard of the private key management in the medium case does not exist. We aim to establish a private key management method in the medium case for keeping balance of usability and security. We have developed the protocol that transfer transactions between multiple crypto-assets wallets and a cold storage, and experimented by using one-board microcomputer as the cold storage. we have proposed serial communications such as USB and Bluetooth, and communications by recording mediums such as microSD card and NFC.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2018/03 
    Author : sawada akira; MORIYAMA Masamitsu
    For the dynamic 3D rotational irradiation, software having functions to acquire positional parameters of irradiation devices and the treatment couch from the system was implemented. In addition, we devised an algorithm to determine irradiation route from cumulative dose distribution along it. From the 2D map based on the polar coordinates in which the irradiation position of the irradiation radiation from each of the organs created by 3D model and the irradiation position from the radiation source are plotted along the abscissa and the latitude as the ordinate, a risk map indicating the degree of risk of each organ and a search map were generated. It has been observed that the obtained irradiation route works well as expected on the simulator. In addition, we posted paper on each subject regarding quantitative consideration on image quality and exposure dose in the target treatment device and gold marker detection algorithm with high robustness.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2016/03 
    Author : MORIYAMA Masamitsu
    High maintainability and reusability of products are required in a software market. However, learners have a problem about long feedback time lags in actual teaching programming, because teachers assess submitted programs visually. Therefore we have proposed using unit testing frameworks in assessment of learning programming, and developed a automated programming marking system for multi-program language such as Java, Ruby, PHP and SQL.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2015/03 
    Author : SAWADA AKIRA; MORIYAMA Masamitsu
    We have developed a patient-specific collision detection simulator among a gantry, a couch, and a patient.This collision detection simulator has a capability to help oncologists/physicists to edit their treatment plans with ease and to make a decision of optimum irradiation direction when collision among them is detected. Furthermore, patient-eye-view function may be useful to give patients to new explanation about their treatments as informed consent.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2004 -2006 
    Author : 森山 真光
    P2Pによる国際電子商取引システムを開発するために、開始年度で国際商取引のビジネスプロセスモデリングおよびP2Pの技術調査を、次年度でビジネスプロセスの細分化とP2Pによるメッセージングの実装を行った.今年度は従来ウェブアプリケーションによる商取引とP2Pによるメッセージングとファイル交換を用いた商取引を比較する実験を中国および韓国と行った。 国際商取引の場合、国内ネットショップの取引と異なり、決済の金額が高額となることが多いため本契約は書面での取り交わしとなる。そこで、実証実験では、本契約前の商品カタログの展示からのビジネスマッチングと、本契約後の発注から配送・決済処理の2つの部分に分けて行った。 本研究課題を提案した頃はウェブアプリケーションのユーザインタフェースはフォーム入力に限定されるか、もしくはFlashやJavaApPletなどの専用クライアントソフトをダウンロードしてユーザビリティを向上させるしかなかった。しかし、最近では、Ajaxによりウェブアプリケーションで十分メッセージングの入出力を行うことができる。またメッセージ交換についても、SOAP、REST、XML-RPC、AtomPPなどXMLを基盤とするウェブアプリケーションフレームワークが出てきており、ウェブおよびメールアプリケーションで実装できる。 しかしながら、詳細商品情報である音声・動画・3次元形状などの大量データのファイル交換についてはクライアントサーバ型のウェブやメールよりP2Pが適している。 以上により、利用者と開発者の両方の立場から、ウェブおよびメールアプリケーションによるメッセージングとP2Pによるファイル交換を行うことが現実的であるという結論に至った。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2002 -2003 
    Author : OTA Chiichi; MORIYAMA Masamitsu; HAN Sangsu
    In this research, we unify information of product, distribution, finance, insurance, then define product schema, distribution schema, finance schema, insurance schema. The schemas are treated with objects for processing and data. And the objects are preserved in relation database for lasting data. We construct system worked in cooperation with Web application Database and the objects. The unified trading information transformed to trading documents like as INVOICE, Packing List, Shipping Instruction etc and are released to related enterprises as Portable Document Format of Adobe. Furthermore the system applied to the trade of secondary materials from Japan to China as a practical experiment under cooperation of a Japanese EC venture enterprise. As a result, electronic commerce settlement is fulfilled by unifying trading information. In case of Korea, we investigate current EC situations of Korea under cooperation of KIECA(Korea Internet Electronic Commerce Association) and point out contacting problems between each trading information system.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2001 -2002 
    Author : 森山 真光
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1999 -2001 
    Author : YOSHIMOTO Fujiichi; MORIYAMA Masamitsu; HARADA Toshinobu
    (1) Development of the methods of analysis for curve structure As a method for analyzing characteristics of curves, we proposed logarithmic distribution diagram of curvature. Using the diagram, aesthetic curves are systematized into five types: convergent type, divergent type, constant-speed type, divergent-convergent type and convergent-divergent type. Moreover, we developed a method of automatic segmentation for curve data using genetic algorithm and spline. This method is applicable for curve data with singularity. Using the methods, we analyzed many characteristics of natural and artificial objects and confirmed the usefulness of our methods. (2) Analysis of the curve structure of natural objects, craftwork objects, and factory objects We collected and analyzed many curves of natural objects and craftwork objects, and clarified the characteristics of the curves. Moreover, we compared the characteristics with those of factory objects. As a result, it was clarified that most curves of natural objects and craftwork objects are divergent type or constant-speed type. And it was also clarified that few curves in natural objects are convergent type which is frequently used in factory objects. (3) Development of applicable and peripheral technologies We developed an automatic fairing system of curves for reverse engineering. This system is composed with following steps: measurement of surface data and extraction of key line data, curve fitting, dividing the data into curvature monotonic curves, analyzing the characteristics of the curves, replacing the curves into visual languages, and reconstruction of the key lines. We also analyzed the face structures of polyhedra that are needed for creating curves and surfaces in reverse engineering, and we systematized the face structures into visual languages. Moreover, we investigated the resemblance between shape elements of the front mask of cars and shape elements of the face of human beings. As a result, we clarified that there are many similar shape characteristics between them.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 1999 -2000 
    Author : 森山 真光
    曲線・曲面要素を抽出する入力データとして,以下の様な形状を計測しその分析を行なった. 1)グラフィックスデザイナの描いた作品の平面曲線 2)ヒトや動物などの自然造形物の曲面 1)はA0ディジタイザ(セイコーインスツルメンツ(株),DH-95X3)を用いて計測し,結果を0.25mmピッチの2次元点列で保存した.そして,点列をスプライン関数に当てはめ,スプラインに節点位置から曲線のセグメンテーションを行ない,曲線要素を抽出した.具体的には,実数を遺伝子とした遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いて,この問題を解く方法を提案した.本手法は,データの元にある関数がなめらかなデータは無論のこと,不連続なところや尖ったところがあるデータも扱うことができた. 2)はパイプレインX線心血管造影装置(Siemens,BICOR)を用いて,複数方向から左心室内腔の2次元投影画像を撮影した.これらの画像から左心室内腔の輪郭を抽出し,既知周期で時間変化する3次元形状をスプライン関数を用いて再構成した.そして,この手法を臨床の現場に適用できるようシステム化を行った.複数のオペレータによる再構成結果を評価し,本システムはそのばらつきが少く,安定に動作することを示した.さらに複数の臨床例を用いて,多視点から輪郭情報を統合することの有効性を示した.これらの研究をまとめて,IEEE Transaction of Medical Imagingに投稿した.現在査読のコメントに対する回答中である.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1998 -2000 
    Author : YOSHIMOTO Fujiichi; HARUTA Shigeru; MORIYAMA Masamitsu; HARADA Toshinobu
    (1)Extraction of Visual Language and an Automatic Fairing System We analyzed a lot of curves drawn by designers, extracted visual language, and systematized the visual language. We proposed a method for measuring a clay model of a car using a non-contact type 3D measuring equipment, and a method for extracting visual language from the measurement data. We also proposed a method for constructing whole shape using the combination of the elements of the visual language. On the bases of these results, a prototype of a system for creating curves using the visual language was proposed. This system gives curves intended by designer in a short time, and it was clarified that this system was a good tool for reverse engineering. (2)Optimum Segmentation of Curves We proposed a method for segmenting a complex curve automatically by considering the segmentation problem as a problem of determining good knots of a spline. In order to treat data with cusps or jump, we improved the method so that we can treat multiple knots. The method was applied for a problem that obtains a curve model from measurement data of a clay model of a car, and a good result was obtained. We also survey many methods of data fitting, and discussed them in a survey paper. (3)Extraction of a Cognitive Geometry and its Application for Primitives We analyzed face structure of primitives and polyhedrons, and we systematized the extracted polyhedrons as a visual language. (4)Measurement of a 3D Object and its 3D modeling We measured shape and texture of a stuffed specimen of a Japanese wolf preserved at Wakayama University using a non-contact type 3D measuring equipment. Using the data, a 3D digital model of the stuffed specimen was made, and a virtual museum of Japanese wolf was constructed.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 1997 -1998 
    Author : 森山 真光
    本研究の目的は,人の顔や動物などの自然物体を含めた3次元非定型物体の視覚学習過程の計算モデルの開発である.本年度は,昨年度に提案したBスプラインを用いた閉曲面表現への直接当てはめ(B-spline Function to a 4D closed surface model:BF4D)の検証を行った. BF4D法は,形状を表現する座標系として球座標を,表現する関数として一様なBスプライン関数を用いる.この表現方法は,閉曲面が球座標系の原点に関しての星型形状の曲面に限定される.しかし,多くの3次元非定型物体の表現に有効である. この表現方法を用いて,多視点から撮影したX線シネ心血管造影画像を統合し左心室内腔の形状を3次元再構成するシステムを構築した.昨年度は,コンピュータで生成した画像系列と形状が既知の風船を用いた実画像系列の実験を通して提案手法の検証を行った.本年度は,4つの臨床例による検証を行った.まず,前処理となるユーザーインターフェースを用いた左心室領域の輪郭抽出と3次元再構成パラメータの設定システムについて,放射線科専門医が手動でトレースした輪郭との比較や,被験者による調査を行った.次に,4つの臨床例について,BF4D法を用いて3次元再構成を行い,実画像であってもBF4D法が安定に収束すること,および2方向に固定するより視点を変化させて撮影した入力画像からの方が高精度に再構成できることを確認した.
  • 日本と中国の国際電子商取引のビジネスモデルの提案とその運用

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