Department of InformaticsAssociate Professor

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information

Research Keyword

  • 生産システム   Optimization   Scheduling   Production management   Industrial systems engineering   Manufacturing Execution System   Supply chain management   Production Scheduling   

Research Field

  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Safety engineering
  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Social systems engineering
  • Informatics / Mechanics and mechatronics
  • Informatics / Robotics and intelligent systems
  • Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering) / Manufacturing and production engineering



  • 2020/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Engineering, Department of InformaticsAssistant Professor
  • 2020/04 - 2021/03  Toyohashi University of TechnologyGraduate School of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering客員准教授
  • 2017/01 - 2020/03  豊橋技術科学大学 機械工学系 准教授
  • 2010/04 - 2016/12  豊橋技術科学大学 機械工学系 助教
  • 2009/04 - 2010/03  豊橋技術科学大学 生産システム工学系 助教
  • 2007/04 - 2009/03  Kobe UniversityOrganization of Advanced Science and TechnologyAssistant Professor
  • 2005/01 - 2007/03  Kobe UniversityGraduate School of Science and Technology助手

Educational Background

  • 2002/04 - 2004/12  Osaka Prefecture University  Graduate School of Engineering  Doctoral Program, Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • 2000/04 - 2002/03  Osaka Prefecture University  Graduate School of Engineering  Master's Program, Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • 1996/04 - 2000/03  Osaka Prefecture University  Faculty of Engineering  Department of Mechanical Engineering

■Research activity information


  • 2020/03 日本機械学会生産システム部門 日本機械学会98期生産システム部門 部門一般表彰 部門貢献表彰
  • 2013/03 日本機械学会生産システム部門 日本機械学会91期生産システム部門 部門一般表彰 優秀講演論文表彰
    受賞者: 阪口 龍彦
  • 2005/06 公益財団法人マザック財団 優秀論文表彰
    受賞者: 阪口 龍彦


  • KAOUD Essam; A. M. ABDEL-AAL Mohammad; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; UCHIYAMA Naoki
    Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 16 (4) JAMDSM0038 - JAMDSM0038 2022/10 [Refereed]
    Most real-life optimization problems are subjected to uncertainty, and the robust optimization approach is one of the efficient techniques to deal with uncertain optimization problems. Supply chain optimization problems are highly sensitive to data perturbations mostly due to inappropriate estimation of the problems’ parameters and the highly dynamic environment. In this study, we propose an adaptable robust optimization model for the dual-channel closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) and present two counterpart models; the first model is a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model based on the adjustable box uncertainty set, while the second robust model is a mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) model based on the adjustable ellipsoidal uncertainty set. We provide a novel approach for considering multiple uncertainty sets in the objective function, that provide flexibility and control risk based on the preferences of the decision-makers. This study aims at minimizing the total cost of the dual-channel CLSC network considering uncertain purchasing, transportation, fixed, and processes costs, in addition to uncertain customer demand. Intensive computational experiments are conducted on the two robust models using GAMS software. Robust solutions are obtained and sensitivity analysis is conducted on both models considering 10% perturbation of the uncertain parameters around their nominal values as well as probability guarantee for not violating the constraints.
  • Essam Kaoud; Mohammad A. M. Abdel-Aal; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Naoki Uchiyama
    Sustainability MDPI AG 14 (16) 10281 - 10281 2071-1050 2022/08 [Refereed]
    In this study, we propose a robust bi-objective optimization model of the green closed-loop supply chain network considering presorting, a heterogeneous transportation system, and carbon emissions. The proposed model is an uncertain bi-objective mixed-integer linear optimization model that maximizes profit and minimizes carbon emissions by considering uncertain costs, selling price, and carbon emissions. The robust optimization approach is implemented using the combined interval and polyhedral, “Interval+ Polyhedral,” uncertainty set to develop the robust counterpart of the proposed model. Robust Pareto optimal solutions are obtained using a lexicographic weighted Tchebycheff optimization approach of the bi-objective model. Intensive computational experiments are conducted and a robust Pareto optimal front is obtained with a probability guarantee that the constraints containing uncertain parameters are not violated (constraint satisfaction).
  • Robust optimization for a dual-channel closed-loop supply chain with cost and demand uncertainty
    Essam Kaoud; Mohammad A. M. Abdel-Aal; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Naoki Uchiyama
    Proc. of International Symposium on Scheduling 2021 10 - 15 2021/06 [Refereed]
  • Essam Kaoud; Mohammad A. M. Abdel-Aal; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Naoki Uchiyama
    Sustainability MDPI AG 12 (23) 10117 - 10117 2020/12 [Refereed]
    The depletion of natural resources and the degradation of the ecosystem have led many countries to adopt closed-loop supply activities in both their industrial and service sectors. With the widespread use of Internet technology, these aspects motivate the incorporation of e-commerce with the classical closed-loop supply chain. This study suggests a novel mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model that addresses the integration of e-commerce with a multi-echelon closed-loop supply chain with a multi-period planning time horizon by considering dual channels in manufacturing, and recovery facilities. To validate the model, we obtain optimal decision variables and examine the robustness and applicability of the model, and comprehensive computational experiments are performed. Moreover, sensitivity analysis is carried out to illustrate the efficacy of e-commerce integration by considering the two channels in the closed-loop supply chain. Accordingly, the total cost of the dual-channel CLSC decreases with an increase in customer demand via online retailers, the returned end of life (EOL) products, recycling ratio, and recovery ratio. Some useful managerial implications are provided based on the conducted analysis.
  • Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Ryo Ishii; Miyori Shirasuna; Naoki Uchiyama
    Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers The Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers 33 (2) 39 - 48 1342-5668 2020/02 [Refereed]
  • Hiroya Uematsu; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Naoki Uchiyama; Daichi Hiramatsu; Kensuke Hiramatsu
    2020 International Symposium on Flexible Automation, ISFA 2020 2020 [Refereed]
    The production system of the food factory is basically a make-to-stock production. Therefore, to achieve efficient production, the integration of demand, production, and stock information is essential. In this paper, we propose a production planning method based on the demand prediction in order to decrease the stock in the factory of Japanese traditional food 'Tsukudani'. In the proposed method, the demand is first predicted according to the shipment records, then the material requirement planning and the capacity requirement planning are done based on the demand prediction. Finally, we carry out numerical experiments to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
  • Yuto Arai; Takahiro Sakuraba; Shigenori Sano; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Naoki Uchiyama
    Energy regenerative systems consisting of a combustion engine and an electric motor are widely used mainly for automobiles. However it is difficult to apply this type of hybrid system to personal mobilities and industrial machines in a factory, and thus the authors have developed a new type of regenerative brake systems. This study proposes a regenerative brake system using a spiral spring and magnetic gears or planetary gears instead of using an electric motor and a battery. Experimental results demonstrate the characteristic and effectiveness of the proposed systems, in which the regenerative ratio of approximately 30% with magnetic gears and 47% with planetary gears is confirmed.
  • Takahiro Sakuraba; Naoki Uchiyama; Shigenori Sano; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi
    International Review of Automatic Control 12 (1) 31 - 41 1974-6059 2019 [Refereed]
    © 2019 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved. Since global environmental and energy resource exhaustion problems are becoming more serious, hybrid vehicles equipped with a regenerative system composed of an electric motor and a battery are attracting attention. However, the application of this type of system to personal mobility or industrial machines is difficult due to their smaller mass compared to vehicle systems; in order to mitigate this, authors have developed a new type of regenerative system using a spiral spring. This paper proposes a robust speed controller design using a disturbance observer in order to achieve the desired motion for industrial applications, and to analyze the regenerative efficiency of the proposed system. Experimental results show that the proposed system can provide energy saving of approximately 39% and it can improve the ability to follow the target velocity trajectory. Copyright © 2019 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.
  • Masaki Oda; Naoki Uchiyama; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi
    Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics for Sustainable Energy Systems, IESES 2018 2018-January 479 - 483 2018/04 [Refereed]
    © 2018 IEEE. Although adaptive control has been widely studied and its effectiveness in control performance has been confirmed in scientific papers, applications to industrial machines are not widespread. This study verifies its effectiveness to not only motion trajectory tracking performance but also energy consumption with an industrial machine testbed. Because adaptive control adjusts its control parameters to ideal values, less energy consumption is expected while maintaining control performance. First, this paper presents a design of discrete-time adaptive control based on one of the authors' previous work. Next, contouring performance and energy consumption are compared to a conventional controller including proportional-derivative control and a robust observer. A typical repetitive circular motion of a machine tool feed drive with/without cutting tasks is employed for experimental comparison under several control system poles.
  • Environment-adaptive GA based nesting scheduling for sheet metal processing
    Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Ryo Ishii; Naoki Uchiyama
    Proceedings of 2018 ISFA - 2018 International Symposium on Flexible Automation International Symposium on Flexible Automation, ISFA 2018 2018 
    Sheet metal processing is one of popular machining technique. In sheet metal processing, the parts are cut from sheet metal as many as possible in order to reduce the waste of material. The parts cut from sheet metal are processed by the given due date. In order to keep due date, scheduling is important. The optimization of cutting layout and that of schedule are called nesting and scheduling, respectively. The relation between them often become a trade-off. In order to enhance the efficiency of entire manufacturing activities, they should be considered simultaneously. In this study, therefore, we propose an environment-adaptive GA based nesting scheduling method. We consider nesting and scheduling as different environments, and the cutting layout and the processing order of parts evolve under each environment by using genetic algorithm.
  • Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Kohki Matsumoto; Naoki Uchiyama
    IJAT Fuji Technology Press Ltd. 12 (5) 730 - 738 1881-7629 2018 [Refereed]
    In sheet metal processing, nesting and scheduling are important factors affecting the efficiency and agility of manufacturing. The objective of nesting is to minimize the waste of material, while that of scheduling is to optimize the processing sequence. As the relation between them often becomes a trade-off, they should be considered simultaneously for the efficiency of the total manufacturing process. In this study, we propose a co-evolutionary genetic algorithm-based nesting scheduling method. We first define a cost function as a fitness value, and then we propose a grouping method that forms gene groups based on the processing layout and processing time. Finally, we validate the effectiveness of the proposed method through computational experiments.
  • SHIRASUNA Miyori; ZHANG Zhong; TODA Hiroshi; ISHIKAWA Yasuhiro; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; AKIDUKI Takuma
    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese) 84 (868) 2187-9761 2018 [Refereed]
    <p>This paper presents a discrimination method of Sleep Apnea Syndrome (SAS) and early detection of potential Sleep Apnea Syndrome (Pre-SAS) using sleep breath sound, by which each subject can take the required data for the diagnosis at home only with a voice recorder. Sleep breath sound of around two hours is analyzed statistically for detecting SAS patients. Long silence sections in the sleep breath sound and the biggest sound pressure typically occurred after them are compared for distinguishing Pre-SAS, SAS patients and non-patients. The k-means method is applied for classifying the above sound data. The proposed method drastically reduces the time and effort required for SAS diagnosis compared to the current medical approaches. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method, by which 100 % accuracy of discrimination is achieved.</p>
  • Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Kohki Matsumoto; Naoki Uchiyama
    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century, LEM 2017 2017/11 [Refereed]
    In the sheet metal processing, nesting and scheduling are the important factors for the efficient and agile manufacturing. The objective of nesting is minimizing the waste of material, while that of scheduling is optimizing the operational sequence. The relation between them often becomes trade-off. Therefore, they should be considered simultaneously for the efficiency of entire manufacturing. In this study, we propose a Coevolutionary Genetic Algorithm based nesting scheduling method. First, we define a cost function as a fitness value. Then we propose a grouping method that forms groups of gene based on the cutting layout and the processing time. Finally, we validate the effectiveness of the proposed method through computational experiments.
  • Takahiro Sakuraba; Naoki Uchiyama; Shigenori Sano; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi
    In human-operated mechanical systems such as automobiles, electric bicycles, and electric wheelchairs, energy saving is an important criterion. Hybrid systems consisting of combustion engines and electricmotors have found successful applications in automobiles. However, it is difficult to apply this type of hybrid system to personal mobilities and industrial machines in a factory, as there is a requirement to reduce their energy consumption owing to recent environmental and energy resource problems. Therefore, a previous study has focused on the use of a mechanical spring as a regenerative brake in a hybrid bicycle. This study, however, presents a new type of hybrid system that includes the use of a mechanical spring. An experimental wheeled mobile system is designed, and its effectiveness is confirmed through comparative experiments in which a reduction of more than 30% in the consumed energy is achieved in acceleration periods as compared to a conventional system.
  • 阪口龍彦; 田中達也; 清水良明; 内山直樹
    日本機械学会論文集(Web) The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 83 (848) ROMBUNNO.16‐00333(J‐STAGE) - 234 2187-9761 2017 [Refereed]

    In recent years, manufacturing industries are required to provide various kinds of products in a short time while reducing burden on the environment. To achieve such requirement, optimization techniques incorporated with ICT are attracting a rising attention. In sheet metal processing, reducing wastes of material and managing production schedule are considered to be very important for the efficient manufacturing. To work with these problems, we attempt to simultaneously minimize wastes of material and total tardiness through nesting and scheduling. The nesting and scheduling in sheet metal processing are affected with each other and there occurs certain conflicts in their decisions. For entire efficiency of manufacturing activities, therefore, they should be decided through managing trade-off between them. Under such understanding, in our previous study, we proposed an integrated method of nesting and scheduling. This method determines a schedule under the condition that the operational sequence of punching process as the first process of sheet metal processing is fixed. In order to realize more efficient manufacturing, in this paper, we have included the punching process in our consideration. Then, this study has proposed a hybrid heuristic approach to the scheduling problem of sheet metal processing. Genetic algorithm, dispatching rule and local search technique are applied to create a schedule together with a bottom left algorithm for nesting. Finally, in order to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we implemented prototype of nesting scheduling system and carried out a few computational experiments.

  • Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Tatsuya Tanaka; Yoshiaki Shimizu; Naoki Uchiyama
    In the sheet metal processing, nesting and scheduling are important design and operational tasks, respectively. The optimal cutting layout is determined by nesting for reducing waste of material while the optimal sequence is determined by scheduling for increasing efficiency of operational activities. Since we often encounter trade-offs regarding to their decision-making, they should be considered simultaneously. Accordingly, we previously proposed an integrated method of nesting and scheduling under a certain system boundary. In order to realize more efficient manufacturing, the punching process, which is the first process of sheet metal processing, should be considered. To work with this problem, in this study, we have extended our previous method by applying genetic algorithm for the optimization of sequence of punching process which depends on the cutting layout. Numerical experiment is provided to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
  • Yoshiaki Shimizu; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Jae-Kyu Yoo
    Under growing concerns with sustainability in global and changing market, establishing a cooperative and competitive logistic is becoming a keen issue to provide manufacturing systems amenable to sales and operations planning. As a deployment for such practice, we have engaged in the various studies on logistics optimization. Especially, noticing that transportation cost and/or CO2 emission actually depend not only on distance but also loading weight (Weber basis), we have recently developed a few hybrid meta-heuristic methods for vehicle routing problems (VRP) and shown their effectiveness through numerical experiments. To the best of our knowledge, however, there exist no studies that take the Weber basis into account on VRP except for ours. As a hot interest in this area, we pay our attention on VRP with simultaneous pickup and delivery (VRPSPD). Then, this study attempts to extend the foregoing Weber basis study under single depot to multi-depot problem and intends to reveal some properties of VRPSPD. To work with such concerns, we have developed a novel hierarchical method comprised of a modified tabu search, a graph algorithm for the minimum cost flow problem and a Weber basis saving method. The proposed method is possible to solve various real world applications practically even with large problem sizes. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is validated through numerical experiments taken place from various viewpoints to discuss about some peculiar features of VRPSPD.
  • 清水良明; YOO Jae‐Kyu; 阪口龍彦
    進化計算学会論文誌(Web) The Japanese Society for Evolutionary Computation 7 (1) 11 - 11 2185-7385 2016 [Refereed]
    Since many/multi-objective optimization can support adaptive and flexible decision-making under complex and global decision environment, keen interests have been recently paid on this topic more and more. As a variant of such issues, various concerns have been turned to the studies associated with many/multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. We can view this kind of researches as an objective task referring to multi-objective analysis (MOA) termed traditionally. On the other hand, many/multi-objective optimization (MOP) needs some subjective judgment on preference of decision maker to work with the problem. Besides uncertainties of the employed model including the value system, therefore, we must take care of the ambiguity imbedded in the subjectivity as a generic problem. To cope with such situation, this study has proposed a novel idea for making post-optimal analysis for many/multi-objective optimization problems. In fact, we can emphasize importance of the post-optimal analysis in actual engineering decision making. The proposed method is composed of two methods termed elite-induced multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for MOA and MOON2/MOON2R for MOP, respectively. After briefly showing ideas of these components developed previously by us, general procedure will be explained. Finally, a case study is provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method and explore some prospects of the post-optimal analysis.
  • 阪口 龍彦; 大谷 隼人; 清水 良明
    システム制御情報学会論文誌 = Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers システム制御情報学会 28 (3) 99 - 106 1342-5668 2015/03 [Refereed]
  • SHIMIZU Yoshiaki; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko
    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese) The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 81 (825) 14 - 00639-14-00639 2015 [Refereed]
    Under growing concerns with sustainability in global and changing market, cooperative and competitive logistic is becoming a keen issue to provide a manufacturing system aligned to sales and operations planning (S&OP). As a key technology for such deployment, this paper concerns with simultaneous pickup and delivery VRP and proposes a hybrid method aiming at a rational decision aid for logistics optimization. In its procedure, the initial solution is derived from the Weber basis saving method that accounts transportation cost in terms of the bi-linear model of distance and weight. Then, to update the tentative solution in turn, a modified tabu search developed previously by us is used successfully. Though this practical cost accounting has been used popularly in the strategic location problems, it has never been applied to the operational problem like VRP. The idea is possible to extend naturally to a non-linear or generalized Weber model to be more practical. Since the developed method is practical and adaptive even to large problems, it has high solution ability available for real world applications. Finally, numerical experiments are taken place to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method through comparison with an alternative manner to accomplish the present task.
  • Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Hayato Ohtani; Yoshiaki Shimizu
    In recent years, sustainable and agile manufacturing is aimed at in many manufacturing industries. Reducing the waste of raw materials and managing the production schedule are important factors for such manufacturing. Nesting is an activity designing a cutting layout while scheduling is one managing operational procedures. Noting such nesting and scheduling in sheet metal processing, we need to consider those simultaneously for increasing the entire efficiency. This is because there often occurs a trade-off between them. To resolve such problem, we previously proposed an integrated method of nesting and scheduling. In order to enhance the scheduling ability that was insufficient in our method, this study extends the idea through a heuristic approach. Actually, we apply a local search to update the initial schedule which is decided by EDD based dispatching rule and manage it in terms of the criteria referring to the bottleneck process. Computational experiment is provided to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
  • Deployment of sustainable logistics optimization incorporated with modal shift and emission trading on carbon dioxide
    Yoshiaki Shimizu; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Hiroki Shimada
    Toward Sustainable Operations of Supply Chain and Logistics Systems, Springer 2015 [Refereed]
  • Yoshiaki Shimizu; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Hiroki Shimada
    Against global warming and environmental degradation, it is essential for modern logistics to make sincere efforts to resolve such environmental issues. However, that will likely degrade the economical efficiency under global competition. In fact, since it seems almost impossible to derive a reasonable solution individually, we need to face with the problem as whole society. Deployment of a green logistics incorporated with community-based action is a new paradigm realizing an infrastructure aligned with sustainable development. Noticing importance of such idea, this study concern a green logistics optimization associated with production methods of manufacturers and green attitude of consumers. Actually, for a three-echelon logistics network, we have developed a novel hierarchical method to optimize the production methods with different structures regarding cost and emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) at production sites, the available collection center, the paths between members of the logistics network and circular routes over consumers. In this problem, first we aim at minimizing either total cost or CO2 emission through controlling prone and aversion behaviors on sustainability of each logistic member. Then, to integrate these individual problems and evaluate them on the same basis, we have introduced an economic mechanism known as emission trading rate on CO2. Moreover, to discuss the sustainability in a broader logistics system, we note the modal shift in transportation. To show the significance of the proposed approach, we provide a case study and explore some prospects for community-based green logistics.
  • 阪口龍彦; 松本昂樹; 清水良明
    日本機械学会論文集(Web) The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 81 (825) 14-00640(J-STAGE) - 00640-14-00640 2187-9761 2015 [Refereed]
    In recent years, manufacturing industries are required to provide various kinds of products in a short time. They are also required to reduce the effects on the environment. In sheet metal processing, to achieve these requirements, process planning and production planning should be managed suitably. For process planning, nesting is done in order to design the optimal layout for sheet metal in terms of reduction of waste material. Scheduling is done in order to satisfy the due date of products. Nesting and scheduling are affected with each other and there occurs a certain trade-off between them. Therefore, those problems should be considered simultaneously in order to increase the efficiency of entire manufacturing activity. Under such understanding, we propose an integrated method of scheduling and nesting. In its procedure, scheduling is firstly executed by using dispatching rule. Then, based on the result of scheduling, nesting is executed by using bottom left algorithm. Moreover, to update the nesting result, the layout is redesigned by reallocating parts in each sheet metal according to its size. Finally, in order to validate the effectiveness of proposed method, we implemented prototype of nesting scheduling system and carried out computational experiments. The results are compared to a conventional method in terms of total tardiness and the number of sheet metal. To validate the effectiveness of reallocation, yield rate is also compared between the proposed method with and without reallocation.
  • A Meta-heuristic Approach for VRP with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery Incorporated with Ton-Kilo Basis Saving Method
    Yoshiaki Shimizu; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi
    Logistics Operations, Supply Chain Management and Sustainability 2014 [Refereed]
  • A Hierarchical Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Approach to Coping with Large Practical Multi-Depot VRP
    Yoshiaki Shimizu; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi
    Industrial Engineering & Management Systems 2014 [Refereed]
  • Yoshiaki Shimizu; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Takatobu Miura
    To cope with extremely large-scale logistic optimization for strategic planning and real time operational optimizations as well. in this paper, WC have proposed an extended algorithm of our hybrid method so that it becomes available for parallel computing. We have also developed a novel algorithm of particle swarm optimization (PSO) associated with binary decision variables. It is quite effective for finding the optimum opening distribution centers in three-echelon logistic network by parallel computing. Eventually, we have implemented the procedure in the parallel algorithm deployed as a multi-population based approach using multi-thread programming technique. Taking to topologies belonging to a coarse grain parallelism, we compared their effects on the performance of the algorithm through large scale logistics optimization Finally, we confirmed that the proposed method can bring about high performance for the parallel computing that is suitable for the present goal and circumstance through numerical experiments.
  • A Hybrid Meta-heuristic Method for Optimizing Logistic Networks Subject to Operational Conditions in Practice
    Yoshiaki Shimizu; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Syota Tsuchiya
    Global Perspective on Engineering Management 2013 [Refereed]
  • Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem for Reverse Logistics Aiming at Low Carbon Transportation
    Yoshiaki Shimizu; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi
    Industrial Engineering & Management Systems 2013 [Refereed]
  • Ram Chandra Poudel; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Yoshiaki Shimizu
    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan 46 (4) 294 - 301 0021-9592 2013 [Refereed]
    In the process of rolling of Quenched and Tempered (Q& T) reinforcement bars, it is required for bars to obtain both good strength and elongation properties. Many parameters associated with the raw material and process affect the final properties of bars. In industry, destructive tests cannot be performed frequently to measure the final properties of bars. This study is an attempt to investigate the usefulness of various computational methods in the design of data based quality prediction models for Q& T reinforcement bars. To work with the problem, twelve parameters related to the raw material and process were selected as inputs and three features as outputs. Then, multiple linear regression, principal components regression, partial least squares regression, artificial neural networks and locally weighted regression were sequentially implemented to construct prediction models. In advance, to increase the prediction quality, we have proposed a selective approach which has three different modules. Two of the three select the proper models through pre-screening the process in terms of the similarity of the query to the pre-determined clusters. The third approach tries to incorporate the local correction from the value predicted by global linear model. For the collected data from two real industries, the proposed selective approach outperformed the five individual prediction models in overall comparison. © 2013 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan.
  • Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Tatsuro Murakami; Shohei Fujita; Yoshiaki Shimizu
    ASME/ISCIE 2012 International Symposium on Flexible Automation, ISFA 2012 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 317 - 320 2012 [Refereed]
    In sheet metal processing, several parts are cut from one sheet metal by punching process. Before punching process, layout of parts is decided by the nesting. If the parts are arranged as compactly as possible into one sheet metal, the waste of raw materials can be reduced. Therefore, the nesting is essential for optimizing the layout of parts. However, if the nesting is executed without considering the following manufacturing processes, there cause various inefficiencies all over the processes. Therefore, the nesting and the scheduling should be considered simultaneously for the efficient manufacturing. With this point of view, in this study, we propose an integrated method in terms of scheduling and nesting. Moreover, we verified the effectiveness of the proposed method through some computational experiments. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.
  • Vehicle Routing Problem Targeting CO2 Reduction under Cost Minimization Strategy
    Y. Shimizu; T. Sakaguchi; M. K. Gu
    International Journal of Logistics and SCM Systems 2012 [Refereed]
  • Yoshiaki Shimizu; Toshiya Waki; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi
    To meet higher customer satisfaction and shorter production lead time under rapidly changing demands and global competition, importance of just-in-time and agile manufacturing is raising much more attentions than before. To cope with such circumstances, assembly line is shifting to mixed-model assembly line. Under such situation, it is essential to extend system boundary wider and resolve the problem totally. Moreover, in this study, we pay our attention to the latest production manner applied in car industry and extend our conventional model associated with due dates of finished products. Finally, we have formulated a bi-objective optimization problem that aims at reducing total sum of tardiness and total volume of inventories at the same time. Besides the usual one-through approach to solve the resulting problem, we adopt a two stage approach associated with multi-objective analysis. To reveal some properties of the proposed approaches, we provide a case study and discuss effectiveness of the method and usefulness of the results.
  • Yoshiaki Shimizu; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Theerayoth Pralomkarn
    To meet higher customer satisfaction and shorter production lead time, assembly lines are shifting to mixed-model assembly lines. Accordingly, sequencing is becoming an increasingly important operation scheduling that directly affects on efficiency of the entire process. In this study, such sequencing problem at the mixed-model assembly line has been formulated as a bi-objective integer programming problem so that decision making through trade-off analysis can bring about significant production improvements. Then we have developed a multi-objective analysis method by hybridizing conventional and recent meta-heuristic methods. After showing its generic idea, the car mixed-model assembly line sequencing problem is concerned as a case study. Certain measures are also introduced to quantitatively evaluate the performances of the method through comparison.
  • Yoshiaki Shimizu; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Theerayoth Pralomkarn
    Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Scheduling 日本機械学会 2011 29 - 34 2011/07 [Refereed]
    To meet higher customer satisfaction and shorter production lead time, assembly lines are shifting to mixed-model assembly lines. Accordingly, sequencing becomes an important operation scheduling that directly affects on efficiency of the entire process not staying at the mixed-model assembly line itself. In this study, the sequencing problem at the mixed-model assembly line has been formulated as a bi-objective integer programming problem so that trade-off analysis thereat may bring about significant production improvements. Then we have engaged in the multi-objective analysis in term of a hybrid approach of conventional and recent meta-heuristic methods. After showing the developed idea, the car mixed-model assembly line sequencing problem is concerned as a case study. Certain measures are also introduced to quantitatively evaluate the performances of the method through comparison.
  • Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Toshiaki Shimauchi; Keiichi Shirase
    A scheduling based collision avoidance method for integrated or multitasking machine is proposed in this paper. This method consists of two procedures. One is the operation sequence sorting to find the most suitable machining schedule which has the least collisions during machining operation. The other is the dwell insertion to avoid the collisions which occur in the most suitable machining schedule. This method realizes the automatic generation of collision free NC program for integrated or multitasking machine. This method was implemented and applied to some computational experiments to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. In the computational experiments, the proposed method is able to generate a collision free NC program automatically for integrated or multitasking machine.
  • Jia Yee Chai; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Keiichi Shirase
    Trends of globalization and advances in Information Technology (IT) have created opportunity in collaborative manufacturing across national borders. A dynamic supply chain utilizes these advances to enable more flexibility in business cooperation. This research proposes a concurrent decision making framework for a three echelons dynamic supply chain model. The dynamic supply chain is formed by autonomous negotiation among agents based on multi agents approach. Instead of generating negotiation aspects (such as amount, price and due date) arbitrary, this framework proposes to utilize the information available at operational level of an organization in order to generate realistic negotiation aspect. The effectiveness of the proposed model is demonstrated by various case studies.
  • Jia Yee Chai; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Keiichi Shirase
    IJAT 4 (2) 169 - 177 2010 [Refereed]
  • NAKAMOTO Keiichi; KOUNO Tomoyuki; KOYAMA Tomo; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; SHIRASE Keiichi
    Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering The Japan Society for Precision Engineering 74 (12) 1308 - 1312 0912-0289 2008/12 [Refereed]
    In order to prepare a reliable NC program, which can avoid cutting troubles and achieve high machining productivity and accuracy, a sophisticated cutting process simulator is required to previously predict the target cutting operation. However, a conventional simulator using Z-map or B-rep model for representation of geometrical cutting shapes has the problem to treat geometrical cutting shapes which have overhang shapes or consist of successive tiny surfaces. Hence, in this study, voxel model is applied to predict the changes of geometrical cutting shape during the cutting operation. Voxel model generally expends large memory volume, therefore the octree data structure of voxels is adopted to reduce the memory consumption and improve the accuracy to represent complicated three-dimensional objects. Additionally, the developed cutting force simulator is integrated to the geometrical cutting shape simulator to predict cutting forces before the cutting operation. Cutting forces can be predicted by the cutting force simulator using cutting parameters such as depths of cut and stepover detected by the geometrical cutting shape simulator.
  • Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Toshihide Kamimura; Keiichi Shirase; Yoshitaka Tanimizu
    A reactive scheduling method is one of the scheduling methods that improve an initial production schedule disturbed by environmental changes in manufacturing systems. In the previous research, Genetic Algorithm based reactive scheduling method have been proposed. In case of dealing with the aggregate production schedule, it is difficult to modify the initial schedule because of the unknown factors which occur in the manufacturing system. In this research, only part of the initial schedule is modified by setting the suitable scheduling range. Consequently, the reactive scheduling method can be applied for the aggregate production scheduling.
  • Jia Yee Chai; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Keiichi Shirase
    Trends of globalization and advances in Information Technology (IT) have created opportunity in collaborative manufacturing across national borders. A dynamic supply chain configuration is more adaptable by project based manufacturing environment characterize by the involvement of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). This research proposes a three echelons dynamic supply chain model where a job shop style manufacturer represents the center node being focused that will autonomously negotiates contracts with downstream client and upstream suppliers based on parameters derived from a reactive scheduling engine and an inventory management system. Furthermore a method is proposed to distribute delay penalties of previously contracted jobs to multiple new orders being negotiated simultaneously.
  • Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Toshihide Kamimura; Keiichi Shirase
    Unexpected disruptions often occur in the manufacturing systems. The manufacturing systems cannot execute the manufacturing operations in accordance with the predetermined production schedule due to such disruptions. Therefore, a systematic scheduling method is required to cope with such disruptions. In this research, distribution of processing time is described with the normal distribution. The reactive scheduling method for distribution of processing time is proposed in order to modify the predetermined production schedule. And the suitable re-scheduling period is considered through the computational experiments.
  • Reactive Scheduling Based Multi Objectives Negotiation for Dynamic Supply Chain Model
    CHAI Jia Yee; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; SHIRASE Keiichi
    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century 655-660 2007/11 [Refereed]
  • Yoshitaka Tanimizu; Tsuyoshi Miyamae; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Koji Iwamura; Nobuhiro Sugimura
    A genetic algorithm based reactive scheduling method was proposed in the previous research, in oder to modify and improve a disturbed initial production schedule without suspending the progress of manufacturing process. This paper proposes a new crossover method to improve the performance of the reactive scheduling method for total tardiness minimization problems and total flow time minimization problems. A multi-objective reactive scheduling method is also proposed based on the reactive scheduling method improved in this research. A prototype of multi-objective reactive scheduling system is developed and applied to computational experiments for job-shop type scheduling problems.
  • Y. Tanimizu; T. Sakaguchi; K. Iwamura; N. Sugimura
    International Journal of Production Research 44 (18-19) 3727 - 3742 1366-588X 2006/07 
    A predetermined production schedule is often disturbed in agile manufacturing systems, due to unscheduled disruptions, such as delays of manufacturing operations and addition of new jobs. The objective of the research is to propose a new reactive scheduling method based on the Genetic Algorithm (GA), which generates improved production schedules reactively against the disturbances. A basic reactive scheduling method was proposed in the previous research. The proposed method continuously creates new feasible production schedules, until a new production schedule satisfies the given constraint or all the manufacturing operations have started. This paper deals with a new evolutional method to improve the performance of the GA-based reactive scheduling process for adding new jobs. Several computational experiments were carried out for the delays of manufacturing operations and the addition of new jobs by using the developed prototype system for reactive scheduling, in order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
  • SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; TANIMIZU Yoshitaka; SUGIMURA Nobuhiro
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 71 (711) 3299 - 3305 0387-5024 2005/11 [Refereed]
    A systematic scheduling method is required to modify the predetermined production schedules in order to cope with unforeseen changes in manufacturing systems. The objective of the present research is to propose a scheduling method based on GA (Genetic Algorithm) for modifying delayed production schedules due to the additional jobs, reactively. A prototype of reactive scheduling system is developed and applied to scheduling problems. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through the numerical expreriments of the reactive scheduling problems.
  • Improvement of crossover operator in genetic algorithm for reactive scheduling
    SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; TANIMIZU Yoshitaka; MIYAMAE Tsuyoshi; MAEDA Yasuhiro; SHIRASE Keiichi; SUGIMURA Nobuhiro
    Proc. of the 3rd international conference on leading edge manufacturing in 21st century 427-432 2005/10
  • TANIMIZU Yoshitaka; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; SUGIMURA Nobuhiro
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 69 (685) 2458 - 2463 0387-5024 2003/09 [Refereed]
    A systematic method is eagerly required to modify the predetermined production schedules in order to cope with unforeseen changes in manufacturing systems, such as delays of manufacturing processes. The objective of the present research is to propose a scheduling method based on GA (Genetic Algorithm) for modifying delayed production schedules reactively. A prototype of reactive scheduling system is developed and applied to scheduling problems. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through the comparison of the experimental results of the reactive scheduling with the ones of the rule-based real-time scheduling.


Books and other publications

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference  2020  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    In Japan, aging of the population is accelerating year by year, and the number of people requiring care is also increasing. Demand for nursing care services is expected to increase further in the future. The demand for day-care facilities where provide care services to ambulatory users is particularly high. In the day-care facilities, it is necessary to pick up and drop off the user by car. Therefore, vehicle routing and sheet assignments should be determined considering not only the efficiency of transfer but also the physical and psychological conditions of the users. In this study, we propose a coevolutionary genetic algorithm-based method to determine the seat assignment for cars and the traveling route of users.
  • Yuto Arai; Takahiro Sakuraba; Shigenori Sano; Tatsuhik Sakaguchi; Naoki Uchiyama
    Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2019  2019/04 
    ? 2019 IEEE. Energy regenerative systems consisting of a combustion engine and an electric motor are widely used mainly for automobiles. However it is difficult to apply this type of hybrid system to personal mobilities and industrial machines in a factory, and thus the authors have developed a new type of regenerative brake systems. This study proposes a regenerative brake system using a spiral spring and magnetic gears or planetary gears instead of using an electric motor and a battery. Experimental results demonstrate the characteristic and effectiveness of the proposed systems, in which the regenerative ratio of approximately 30% with magnetic gears and 47% with planetary gears is confirmed.
  • SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; Moriya Mitsutaka; UCHIYAMA Naoki; MORITA Norio; SHINTAKU Eiji
    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan  2019  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    As precut-process lumbers are packed and transported to the construction site, it is necessary to determine the packing style in consideration of the balance of the center of gravity, the ease of picking at the construction site, and the efficiency of the transportation. In our previous study, we proposed a rule-based stacking algorithm to determine the packing style of rectangular lumbers from the bottom side, but it was necessary to take into consideration the relationship between the upper and lower lumbers for preventing the inclining or dropdown the lumbers. In this study, we determine the packing style from the top side to simplify the relationship between the upper and lower lumbers. The effectiveness of the proposed method was validated through computational experiments.

  • SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; MORIYA Mitsutaka; UCHIYAMA Naoki; MORITA Norio; KOBAYASHI Takehiro; SHINTAKU Eiji
    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference  2019  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    The precut-processed lumbers are carried from a precut factory to a construction site after cutting in a precut factory. To enhance the construction efficiency in the construction site, the precut-processed lumbers should sort in the order of the usage. On the other hand, for the efficiency of transportation, it is necessary to lower the height of the packaging lumber. In this research, therefore, we propose a heuristic method for stacking lumbers. In this method, we determine the position of lumbers without inclining while inserting supplement lumbers, according to the order of the usage of them.

  • UEMATSU Hiroya; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; HIRAMATSU Daichi; HIRAMATSU Kensuke
    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference  2019  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    To reduce the inventory of products for Tsukudani factories, we propose a production planning method considering the constraints of the production process that consists of cutting, burning, boiling, and packaging. The proposed method includes demand forecasting based on shipping record, requirements planning, and capacity planning. Finally, to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we implemented a prototype system and performed computational experiments.

  • Environment-adaptive GA based Nesting Scheduling for Sheet Metal Processing  [Not invited]
    Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Ryo Ishii; Naoki Uchiyama
    2018 International Symposium on Flexible Automation  2018/07  Kanazawa, Japan
  • 入所型介護施設を対象としたRPG型介護計画手法の研究  [Not invited]
    阪口龍彦; 緒方俊治; 内山直樹
    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会2018講演論文集  2018/03  東京 明治大学
  • Nshama William Enock; Shirasuna Miyori; Sakaguchi Tatsuhiko; Uchiyama Naoki
    Proceedings of the Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference  2018
  • Harada Shogo; Izumi Ryosuke; Shirasuna Miyori; Sakaguchi Tatsuhiko; Uchiyama Naoki
    Proceedings of the Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference  2018
  • Hendrawan Muldani Yogi; Shirasuna Miyori; Sakaguchi Tatsuhiko; Uchiyama Naoki
    Proceedings of the Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference  2018
  • Nakagawa Masaru; Izumi Ryosuke; Shirasuna Miyori; Sakaguchi Tatsuhiko; Uchiyama Naoki
    Proceedings of the Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference  2018
  • MORIYA Mitsutaka; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; UCHIYAMA Naoki
    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan  2018 

    Rectangular plate stacking problem is to determine the position of the rectangular plate in the designated area for minimizing the stacking height. In this study, we propose a heuristic method for solving the rectangular plate stacking problem. In our method, we combine the bottom left algorithm and the rule-based balancing algorithm is applied in order to decide the position of rectangular plates without plates falling down to the lower stages. The effectiveness of proposed method was validated through computational experiments.

  • Experimental Comparison of Contouring Performance and Consumed Energy between Adaptive versus Non-Adaptive Controllers for an Industrial Machine  [Not invited]
    Masaki Oda; Naoki Uchiyama; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi
    IEEE 1st International Conference on Industrial Electronics for Sustainable Energy Systems  2018/01  Hamilton, New Zealand
  • 櫻庭崇紘; 内山直樹; 阪口龍彦
    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)  2017/12
  • Coevolutionary Genetic Algorithm Based Nesting Scheduling for Sheet Metal Processing  [Not invited]
    Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Kohki Matsumoto; Naoki Uchiyama
    The 9th Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century  2017/11  Hiroshima, Japan
  • A Concurrent Negotiation Framework for Multi-client in Two Echelon Supply Chain  [Not invited]
    Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Van Tu Tran; Naoki Uchiyama
    International Design and Concurrent Engineering 2017 & Manufacturing Systems Conference 2017  2017/09  Osaka, Japan
  • 階層分散型生産システムのための作業時間の推定に基づくスケジューリング手法の研究  [Not invited]
    小熊和真; 阪口龍彦; 内山直樹
    日本機械学会2017年度年次大会講演論文集  2017/09  さいたま 埼玉大学
  • 阪口龍彦; 守屋光崇; 内山直樹
    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集  2017/03
  • 櫻庭崇紘; 内山直樹; 阪口龍彦
    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)  2016/12
  • 石井涼; 阪口龍彦; 内山直樹
    スケジューリング・シンポジウム講演論文集  2016/09
  • A Scheduling Method Using Genetic Algorithm and Dispatching Rule for Sheet Metal Processing  [Not invited]
    Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Tatsuya Tanaka; Yoshiaki Shimizu; Naoki Uchiyama
    2016 International Symposium on Flexible Automation  2016/08  Cleveland, USA
  • 阪口龍彦; 田中達也; 清水良明; 内山直樹
    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集  2016/03
  • 阪口龍彦; 梅村良佑; 清水良明; 内山直樹
    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集  2016/03
  • 阪口龍彦; TU Tran Van; 清水良明; 内山直樹
    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集  2016/03
  • 阪口龍彦; 鈴木悠馬; 清水良明; 内山直樹
    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集  2016/03
  • 阪口龍彦; 松本昂樹; 清水良明; 内山直樹
    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集  2016/03
  • 櫻庭崇紘; 内山直樹; 佐野滋則; 阪口龍彦
    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)  2015/12
  • 田村慶太; 内山直樹; 佐野滋則; 阪口龍彦
    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)  2015/12
  • A Hybrid Approach for Multi-Depot VRPSPD Incorporated with Weber Basis Saving Method  [Not invited]
    Yoshiaki Shimizu; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Jae-Kyu Yoo
    Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference 2015  2015/12  Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
  • A Study on Scheduling Method for Hierarchical and Decentralized Manufacturing Systems  [Not invited]
    Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Yuma Suzuki; Yota Naraki; Yoshiaki Shimizu
    International Symposium on Scheduling 2015  2015/07  Kobe, Japan
  • 阪口龍彦; 大谷隼人; 清水良明
    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集  2015/03
  • 阪口龍彦; 田中達也; 清水良明; 内山直樹
    自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM)  2015
  • A Meta-heuristic Approach for VRP with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery Incorporated with Ton-Kilo Basis Saving Method  [Not invited]
    Yoshiaki Shimizu; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi
    9th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems  2014/07  Poznan, Poland
  • Genetic Algorithm Based Nesting Method with Considering Schedule for Sheet Metal Processing  [Not invited]
    Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Hayato Ohtani; Yoshiaki Shimizu
    ISCIE/ASME International Symposium on Flexible Automation 2014  2014/07  Awaji, Japan
  • 低炭素社会の実現に向けた階層型ロジスティックス最適化のハイブリッド解法―野菜ロジスティックスを例として―  [Not invited]
    嶋田弘希; 清水良明; 阪口龍彦
    日本機械学会生産システム部門講演会2014  2014/03  東京 電気通信大学
  • 階層分散型生産システムにおける複数作業の重複を考慮したスケジューリング手法の研究  [Not invited]
    鈴木悠馬; 阪口龍彦; 清水良明
    日本機械学会生産システム部門講演会2014  2014/03  東京 電気通信大学
  • 板金加工におけるネスティング・スケジューリング統合システムのためのネスティング手法の改良  [Not invited]
    松本昂樹; 阪口龍彦; 清水良明
    日本機械学会生産システム部門講演会2014  2014/03  東京 電気通信大学
  • トンキロ基準セービング法を援用したVRPSPD問題のメタ解法の提案  [Not invited]
    加藤盛仁; 清水良明; 阪口龍彦
    日本機械学会生産システム部門講演会2014  2014/03  東京 電気通信大学
  • Integrated Operation Planning and Scheduling System for Sheet Metal Processing  [Not invited]
    Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Tatsuro Murakami; Yoshiaki Shimizu
    Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System  2013/12  Cebu, Philippine
  • A Hierarchical Hybrid Meta-heuristic Approach for Coping with Large Multi-depot VRP in Practice  [Not invited]
    Yoshiaki Shimizu; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi
    Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System  2013/12  Cebu, Philippine
  • Three Echelon Logistics Optimization for Operational Planning  [Not invited]
    Yoshiaki Shimizu; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi
    International Symposium on Scheduling 2013  2013/07  Tokyo, Japan
  • 精密板金加工のための遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いた作業設計とスケジューリングの統合化の研究  [Not invited]
    村上達郎; 阪口龍彦; 清水良明
    日本機械学会生産システム部門講演会2013  2013/03  東京 中央大学
  • スケジュールを考慮した遺伝的アルゴリズムによるネスティング手法の研究  [Not invited]
    大谷隼人; 阪口龍彦; 清水良明
    日本機械学会生産システム部門講演会2013  2013/03  東京 中央大学
  • 階層分散型生産システムのための混流生産を考慮したスケジューリング手法の研究  [Not invited]
    猶木陽太; 阪口龍彦; 清水良明
    日本経営工学会中部支部研究発表会  2013/02  名古屋 愛知工業大学
  • 清水良明; 阪口龍彦; 中田貴大
    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2012/09
  • 清水良明; 阪口龍彦; GU Minkyoung
    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2012/09
  • 阪口龍彦; 村上達郎; 清水良明
    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2012/09
  • A Scheduling Method with Considering Nesting for Sheet Metal Processing  [Not invited]
    T. Sakaguchi; T. Murakami; S. Fujita; Y. Shimizu
    2012 ASME/ISCIE International Symposium on Flexible Automation  2012/06  St. Louis, USA
  • Sakaguchi Tatsuhiko; Ram Chandra/Poudel; Shimizu Yoshiaki
    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting  2012 
  • 阪口龍彦; 藤田匠平; 村上達郎; 清水良明
    自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM)  2011/11
  • MURAKAMI Tatsuro; FUJITA Shohei; SHIMIZU Yoshiaki; SHIRASE Keiichi
    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan  2011/09 
    In sheet-metal processing, there are two requirements for efficient manufacturing. One is how to reduce the waste of raw materials. Another is how to make optimal schedules. In actual manufacturing system, it mainly tends to focus on the reduction of raw materials. Therefore, the allocation problem (nesting problem) which decides optimal allocation of parts into raw material is solved without considering manufacturing processes. However, trade-off relations exist between nesting problem and scheduling. Hence those problems might be considered simultaneously. In this study, in order to consider both problems simultaneously, the combinatorial method of dispatching-rule-based scheduling and rule-based nesting is proposed. The effectiveness of proposed method was verified through computational experiments.
  • 阪口龍彦; 村上達郎; 藤田匠平; 清水良明; 白瀬敬一
    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2011/09
  • Multi-Objective Analysis Applied to Mixed-Model Assembly Line Sequencing Problem through Elite Induced Evolutionary Method  [Not invited]
    Yoshiaki Shimizu; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Therayoth Pralomkarn
    International Symposium on Scheduling 2011  2011/06  Osaka, Japan
  • SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; MURAKAMI Tatsurou; FUJITA Syohei; SHIMIZU Yoshiaki; SHIRASE Keiichi
    東海支部総会講演会講演論文集  2011/03
  • 阪口龍彦; 村上達郎; 藤田匠平; 清水良明; 白瀬敬一
    日本機械学会東海支部総会講演会講演論文集  2011/03
  • Poudel Ram Chandra; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; SHIMIZU Yoshiaki
    Proceedings of the Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference  2011 
    Mechanical properties of steel bars are ascertained with destructive tests. Physical modeling of the manufacturing process is difficult but data based models can be used to probe the relation between process parameters and product quality. Lazy Learning, Neural Networks and Multiple Linear Regression approaches have been used on industry data and compared for steel bar's quality prediction. Locally based models tend to perform better than globally based ones.
  • SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; FUJITA Shohei; MURAKAMI Tatsuro; SHIMIZU Yoshiaki
    Proceedings of the Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference  2011 
  • SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; TSUJI Atsushi; SHIRASE Keiichi
    年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting  2010/09 
    It is important to manage the manufacturing system efficiently to acquire competitive edge in the current era of advanced information technologies and market globalization. Production scheduling is one of the important elements for managing the manufacturing system. Mass customization with small quantity production is a main trend these days, so information divergence tends to increase between the detailed daily work schedules in manufacturing level and mid/long-term schedule in management level. In this research, the cooperated scheduling method in which the mid/long-term scheduler and the daily work scheduler fine-tune independently each schedule is proposed.
  • SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; UCHIDA Masaki; SHIRASE Keiichi
    年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting  2010/09 
    In this research, to deal with the problem of causing the difference between the scheduling result with the scheduler and the progress report of the manufacturing process of the manufacturing premise even if the very best schedule is prepared beforehand, and leading to the failure of the plan, making the manufacturing execution system to collect, to arrange, to analyze results information on the manufacturing premise, and to feed back to production management and the scheduling system.
  • Multi-Objective Analysis of Periodic Review Inventory Problem with Coordinated Replenishment in Two-echelon Supply Chain System  [Not invited]
    Dicky Fatrias; Yoshiaki Shimizu; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi
    4th International Symposium on Scheduling  2009/07  Nagoya, Japan
  • Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm for Autonomous Supply Chain Negotiation  [Not invited]
    J. Y. Chai; T. Sakaguchi; K. Shirase
    42nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems  2009/06  Grenoble, France
  • ONO Taihei; ABE Gou; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; SHIRASE Keiichi
    関西支部講演会講演論文集  2009/03
  • UKO Makoto; OKUDA Youko; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; SHIRASE Keiichi
    関西支部講演会講演論文集  2009/03
  • KOGA Shin'ichiro; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; SHIRASE Keiichi
    関西支部講演会講演論文集  2009/03
  • FUNATSU Takeshi; NAKAMOTO Keiichi; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; SHIRASE Keiichi
    関西支部講演会講演論文集  2009/03
  • NISHIDA Isamu; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; MAEDA Masato; SHIRASE Keiichi
    ジョイント・シンポジウム講演論文集 : スポーツ工学シンポジウム : シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミックス : symposium on sports engineering : symposium on human dynamics  2008/11 
    The analysis and clarification of man's physical properties are very important in the field of sport and welfare engineering. The results of these analysis and clarification contribute to the improvement of physical ability, the prevention of injury in sports, the effective rehabilitation and the evaluation of dynamic load in daily life. The solid body link model, which has been used for the analysis on human body performance, can estimate the force and torque which acts on each joint from the recorded human motion. However, the muscle functionality is not considered in the solid body link model. In order to evaluate the muscular power during human motion, the human musculo-skeletal model considering bi-articular muscle function is required. In this study, the basic two dimensional musculo-skeletal model of man's lower limb was constructed and the muscular power of each effective muscle was estimated from the recorded human motion. The lower limbs muscular power in vertical jump is estimated to verify the musculo-skeltal model constructed.
  • SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; FUJIWARA Hiroaki; Chai Jia Yee; SHIRASE Keiichi
    年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting  2008/08 
    Trends of globalization and advances in Information Technology (IT) have created opportunity in collaborative manufacturing across national borders. A dynamic supply chain configuration is more adaptable by project based manufacturing environment. This research proposes a three echelons dynamic supply chain model where a MRP based manufacturer represents the center node being focused that will autonomously negotiates contracts with downstream client and upstream suppliers. Furthermore a method is proposed to distribute delay penalties of previously contracted jobs to multiple new orders being negotiated simultaneously.
  • SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; KAMIMURA Toshihide; SHIRASE Keiichi
    Manufacturing Systems Division Conference  2008/07 
    It is important for executing the manufacturing processes efficiently to create a suitable production schedule. However, the unscheduled changes such as the operational delay or addition of emergent jobs often occur in the actual manufacturing systems. Therefore, it is difficult to execute manufacturing processes in accordance with the predetermined schedule. In the previous research, Genetic Algorithm based reactive scheduling method have been proposed. It deals with the short-term schedule. In this research, the reactive scheduling method is extended for aggregate production schedule by setting the suitable scheduling range.
  • Study On Automatic Process Planning Support System For Integrated Milling-Turning Machine Tool  [Not invited]
    Y. Zhu; T. Sakaguchi; K. Shirase
    2008 International Symposium on Flexible Automation  2008/06  Atlanta, USA
  • Multi Orders Negotiation For Dynamic Supply Chain Model  [Not invited]
    J. Y. Chai; T. Sakaguchi; K. Shirase
    2008 International Symposium on Flexible Automation  2008/06  Atlanta, USA
  • GA Based Reactive Scheduling for Aggregate Production Scheduling  [Not invited]
    T. Sakaguchi; T. Kamimura; K. Shirase; Y. Tanimizu
    the 41st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Manufacturing Systems and Technologies for the New Frontier  2008/05  Tokyo, Japan
  • Penalty Distribution Method for Scheduling Based Supply Chain Management  [Not invited]
    J. Y. Chai; T. Sakaguchi; K. Shirase
    the 41st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Manufacturing Systems and Technologies for the New Frontier  2008/05  Tokyo, Japan
  • INUI Keita; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; SHIRASE Keiichi
    関西支部講演会講演論文集  2008/03
  • SHINKAWA Takamune; SAKAGUCHI Tatuhiko; SHIRASE Keiichi
    関西支部講演会講演論文集  2008/03
  • Computational Simulation for Decision of Scheduling Period in Reactive Scheduling  [Not invited]
    T. Sakaguchi; T. Kamimura; K. Shirase
    The 4th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century  2007/11  Fukuoka, Japan
  • Reactive Scheduling Based Multi Objectives Negotiation for Dynamic Supply Chain Model  [Not invited]
    J. Y. Chai; T. Sakaguchi; K. Shirase
    The 4th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century  2007/11  Fukuoka, Japan
  • ボクセルモデルを取り入れたNC工作機械の自律制御に関する研究  [Not invited]
    船津竹史; 阪口龍彦; 中本圭一; 白瀬敬一
    2007年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会  2007/09  旭川 旭川市ときわ市民ホール
  • SHIMAUCHI Toshiaki; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; SHIRASE Keiichi
    Manufacturing Systems Division Conference  2007/07 
    In recent years, even in a job shop type production, much higher productivity is required. Multitasking machines are applied widely to reduce preparation time and to improve productivity. Generally, the multitasking machine has the functions for both of turning and milling operations. However, it means that collisions among tools, workpieces and machine tool itself often occur during machining operations. Therefore, the systematic collision avoidance method is needed. In this study, a scheduling method is applied to change the machining sequence to generate a collision free NC program effectively.
  • Reactive Scheduling Based on Status Monitoring for Dynamic Manufacturing Environment  [Not invited]
    T. Sakaguchi; T. Kamimura; K. Shirase; Y. Tanimizu
    40th CIRP international seminar on manufacturing systems  2007/05  Liverpool, UK
  • 製造進捗状況に基づくリアクティブスケジューリング  [Not invited]
    神村俊秀; 阪口龍彦; 白瀬敬一
    第51回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会  2007/05  京都 京都テルサ
  • 在庫情報に基づくサプライチェーン・マネジメントに関する研究  [Not invited]
    Chai Jia-Yee; 阪口龍彦; 白瀬敬一; 谷水義隆
    第51回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会  2007/05  京都 京都テルサ
  • 朱 彦; 阪口 龍彦; 白瀬 敬一
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集  2007 
  • 神村 俊秀; 阪口 龍彦; 白瀬 敬一
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集  2007 
  • KOUNO Tomoyuki; KOYAMA Tomo; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; NAKAMOTO Keiichi; SHIRASE Keiichi
    The ... Manufacturing & Machine Tool Conference  2006/11 
    In order to prepare a good NC program, which can avoid machining troubles and achieve high machining productivity and accuracy, a sophisticated machining process simulation is required to predict whole machining operation. In this study, the Voxel model is applied to predict change of geometrical machining shape during machining operation. Additionally, the cutting force simulator is integrated to the geometrical machining shape simulator to evaluate machining process before actual machining operation. Cutting parameters such as depths of cut and stepover can be detected by the geometrical machining shape simulation, and then cutting forces can be predicted by the cutting force simulation.
  • Multi-objective Reactive Scheduling Based On Genetic Algorithm  [Not invited]
    Y. Tanimizu; T. Miyamae; T. Sakaguchi; K. Iwamura; N. Sugimura
    The 11th International Conference on Precision Engineering  2006/08  Tokyo, Japan
  • ボクセルモデルによる加工形状シミュレーション  [Not invited]
    白瀬敬一; 河野智之; 阪口龍彦; 中本圭一
    精密工学会2006年度関西地方定期学術講演会  2006/08  和歌山 和歌山大学
  • KAMIMURA Toshihide; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; SHIRASE Keiichi
    Manufacturing Systems Division Conference  2006/06 
    Unscheduled delays of manufacturing processes often occur in the manufacturing systems, and an initial production schedule may not satisfy the constraints of make-span. Reactive scheduling method is one of the scheduling methods to cope with such delays effectively. In this research, new reactive scheduling method was proposed to modify an initial schedule by monitoring the progress of manufacturing processes consistently.
  • TANAKA Toshihiro; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; SHIRASE Keiichi
    Manufacturing Systems Division Conference  2006/06 
    Cutting conditions are very significant parameters for process efficiency and quality in cutting operations. However, the decision of cutting conditions is depend too much on experience and know-how of skillful engineers, because of the difficulty to select suitable cutting conditions. In this research, the expert system based on Case-Based Reasoning is developed to select cutting conditions by processing case data which contain experience and know-how of skillful engineers. This system aims to adapt to the case data for selecting the user oriented cutting conditions.
  • Genetic algorithm based reactive scheduling for additional jobs  [Not invited]
    T. Sakaguchi; Y. Tanimizu; K. Shirase; N. Sugimura
    39th CIRP international seminar on manufacturing systems  2006/06  Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Smart off-line teaching system for welding robot  [Not invited]
    K.Shirase; M. Yamasaki; T. Sakaguchi
    The 6th international conference on machine automation  2006/06  Seinajoki, Finland
  • ビジュアル・フィードバックによる産業用ロボットの位置誤差補正  [Not invited]
    荒尾荘太郎; 阪口龍彦; 白瀬敬一
    2006年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会  2006/03  野田 東京理科大学
  • 阪口龍彦; 谷水義隆; 白瀬敬一; 杉村延広
    自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM)  2006
  • SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; TANIMIZU Yoshitaka; SHIRASE Keiichi; SUGIMURA Nobuhiro
    Proceedings of the Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference  2006
  • SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; KANAYA Satoshi; SHIRASE Keiichi
    Proceedings of the Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference  2006
  • SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; KAMIMURA Toshihide; SHIRASE Keiichi
    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers  2006 
  • Tanimizu Yoshitaka; Miyamae Tsuyoshi; Maeda Yasuhiro; Sakaguchi Tatsuhiko; Iwamura Koji; Sugimura Nobuhiro
    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting  2006 
    Unscheduled disruptions often occur in the actual manufacturing systems, and an initial production schedule may not satisfy the constraints due to the disruptions. A reactive scheduling method based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) was, therefore, proposed to improve the disturbed production schedule in the previous research. This research deals with a new crossover method to improve the performance of the GA based reactive scheduling process for the tardiness minimization problems and the total flow time minimization problems. The multi?objective reactive scheduling method is also proposed based on the improved reactive scheduling method in this research. The combination of the dominance of genes is discussed for the multi?objective reactive scheduling problems of the tardiness minimization and the total flow time minimization. A prototype of reactive scheduling system is developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
  • Shirase Keiichi; Morishita Akinori; Sakaguchi Tatsuhiko; Nakamoto Keiichi
    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting  2006 
    In order to realize an autonomous NC machine tool, the digital copy milling system has been developed for both three?axis and five?axis control milling, in our laboratory. The digital copy milling system generates cutter locations during milling operation based on the principle of traditional copy milling. In this study, a voxel model simulator is integrated with the digital copy milling system for more advancement. The removal volumes for both three?axis and five?axis control milling can be detected by the voxel model simulator to decide a machining operation plan. Also, the collision free tool posture and the suitable tool feed speed can be determined by the voxcel model simulator for the machine tool motion control.
  • Improvement of crossover operator in genetic algorithm for reactive scheduling  [Not invited]
    T. Sakaguchi; Y. Tanimizu; T. Miyamae; Y. Maeda; K. Shirase; N. Sugimura
    The 3rd international conference on leading edge manufacturing in 21st century  2005/10  Nagoya, Japan
  • 産業用ロボットによるLEGOブロックの自律的組立作業  [Not invited]
    清原宏彰; 阪口龍彦; 白瀬敬一
    第5回サイバネティック・フレキシブル・オートメーション・シンポジウム  2005/10  豊中 千里ライフサイエンスセンター
  • SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; TANIMIZU Yoshitaka; SHIRASE Keiichi; SUGIMURA Nobuhiro
    Manufacturing Systems Division Conference  2005/06 
    A systematic scheduling method is required to modify the predetermined production schedules in order to cope with unforeseen changes in manufacturing systems. The objective of the present research is to propose a scheduling method based on GA (Genetic Algorithm) for modifying delayed production schedules due to the additional jobs, reactively. A prototype of reactive scheduling system is developed and applied to scheduling problems. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through the numerical experiments of the reactive scheduling problems.
  • MIMURA Akio; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; SHIRASE Keiichi
    Manufacturing Systems Division Conference  2005/06 
    The CAM system for machining is introduced in many companies. But the determination of processing procedures, cutting conditions, etc. is left to the expert engineers. And the automation in consideration of engineer's experiences and know-how is difficult and is not put in practical use. In this research, in order to realize the automation, the expert system to select cutting conditions with processing data is developed. In this system, cutting conditions are reasoned using the processing case data. This system is not necessary to express engineer's experiences and know-how as a rule, like rule-based reasoning.
  • リアクティブスケジューリングのための遺伝的アルゴリズムにおける交叉法の改良  [Not invited]
    阪口龍彦; 谷水義隆; 宮前勇志; 前田泰宏; 白瀬敬一; 杉村延広
    第49回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会  2005/05  京都 京都テルサ
  • KAWAMOTO Junzou; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; TANIMIZU Yoshitaka; SUGIMURA Nobuhiro
    関西支部講演会講演論文集  2005/03 
    A reactive scheduling method based on GA (Genetic Algorithm) was proposed in the previous research. The method can improve the delayed production schedules by unscheduled changes, without interrupting the progress of the manufacturing process. This research improves the reactive scheduling method for multi-objective problems by using multi-objective GA.
  • Yamasaki Masanori; Sakaguchi Tatsuhiko; Shirase Keiichi
    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting  2005 
    Off?line teaching of industrial robots is skillful operation that is required extensive amount of time and cost. Furthermore, conventional off?line teaching systems have no function to generate teaching programs for industrial robots automatically or autonomously. In order to realize more effective off?line teaching for higher flexible manufacturing systems, a new concept is required. In this study, a new concept called ″Welding Feature″ is proposed to develop a smart off?line teaching system. The ″Welding Features″ represent welding operations performed in the past by industrial robots symbolically. The ″Welding Features″ are referred to generate a new teaching program for industrial robots automatically or autonomously. In this paper, a new concept called ″Welding Feature″ is introduced to apply a smart off?line teaching system.
  • Koyama Tomo; Sakaguchi Tatsuhiko; Shirase Keiichi
    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting  2005 
    End milling operations are indispensable to produce dies and molds for manufacturing. In order to improve cutting efficiency and accuracy, cutting force prediction is effective to evaluate optimum cutting conditions and tool paths. In this study, the Instantaneous Rigid Force Model is applied to predict cutting force in end milling operations. The Instantaneous Rigid Force Model is widely applicable to predict cutting forces for various cutting types and modes of both square and ball end mills. In this paper, cutting force simulations for end milling operations of concave and convex circular contours are shown. Also, the comparisons among different curvatures of convex and concave circular contours for both up? and down?cut are shown.
  • Genetic algorithm based reactive scheduling in manufacturing systems - Advanced crossover method for tardiness minimization problems -  [Not invited]
    Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Yoshitaka Tanimizu; Kazuhiro Harada; Koji Iwamura; Nobuhiro Sugimura
    International Conference on Machine Automation, 347-352 (2004-11, Osaka Japan).(Published as the selected paper in 2006)  2004/11  Osaka, Japan
  • TANIMIZU Yoshitaka; MIYAMAE Tsuyoshi; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; SUGIMURA Nobuhiro
    年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting  2004/09 
    Unscheduled disruptions often occur in the actual manufacturing systems, and an initial production schedule may not satisfy the constraints due to the disruptions. A reactive scheduling method based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) was, therefore, proposed to improve the disturbed production schedule in the previous research. This research deals with improvement of the reactive scheduling method for consideration of setup operations. Setup operations are modeled, and the previous reactive scheduling method is modified to generate suitable production schedules that contain setup operations.
  • Genetic algorithm based reactive scheduling for emergent jobs  [Not invited]
    Yoshitaka Tanimizu; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Nobuhiro Sugimura
    2004 Japan - USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, CD-ROM (2004-7, Denver Colorado).  2004/07  Denver, Colorado
  • TANIMIZU Yoshitaka; HARADA Kazuhiro; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; SUGIMURA Nobuhiro
    Manufacturing Systems Division Conference  2004/06 
    Unscheduled disruptions often occur in the actual manufacturing systems, and an initial production schedule may not satisfy the constraints due to the disruptions. A reactive scheduling method based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) was, therefore, proposed to improve the disturbed production schedule in the previous research. This research deals with improvement of the reactive scheduling method for tardiness minimization problems. A new crossover method is proposed to generate more suitable individuals in the reactive scheduling process than the previous crossover method. A prototype of reactive scheduling system was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
  • A study on reactive scheduling system based on genetic algorithm  [Not invited]
    Yoshitaka Tanimizu; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Nobuhiro Sugimura; Koji Iwamura
    5th International Workshop on Emergent Synthesis, 85-89 (2004-5, Budapest Hungary).  2004/05  Budapest, Hungary
  • HARADA Kazuhiro; SAKAGUCHIl Tatsuhiko; TANIMIZU Yoshitaka; SUGIMURA Nobuhiro
    関西支部講演会講演論文集  2004/03 
    In the research, a reactive scheduling method based on GA (Genetic Algorithm) is proposed to modify the delayed production schedules. The proposed method modifies the predetermined production schedules from the viewpoint of tardiness, when unforeseen delays of manufacturing processes occur in the manufacturing systems. The proposed method modifies in consideration of alternative resources. Effectiveness of the proposed reactive scheduling method is verified through several computational experiments in terms of the optimization of the production schedules.
  • 宮前勇志; 川本順三; 原田和弘; 阪口龍彦; 谷水義隆; 杉村延広
    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集  2004/03
  • Kawamoto Junzou; Sakaguchi Tatsuhiko; Tanimizu Yoshitaka; Sugimura Nobuhiro
    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting  2004 
  • Genetic algorithm based reactive scheduling for emergent jobs  [Not invited]
    Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Yoshitaka Tanimizu; Nobuhiro Sugimura
    the 2nd International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century, 725-728 (2003-11, Niigata Japan).  2003/11  Niigata, Japan
  • Reactive scheduling for unscheduled changes in manufacturing systems, Current trends in production management  [Not invited]
    Yoshitaka Tanimizu; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Nobuhiro Sugimura
    European Series in Industrial Management, 6, 80-86 (2003-10, Karlsruhe Germany). (Published as the book in 2003)  2003/10  Karlsruhe, Germany
  • 川本順三; 原田和弘; 阪口龍彦; 谷水義隆; 杉村延広
    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集  2003/03
  • Tanimizu Yoshitaka; Kawamoto Junzou; Sakaguchi Tatsuhiko; Harada Kazuhiro; Sugimura Nobuhiro
    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting  2003 
  • Sakaguchi Tatsuhiko; Tanimizu Yoshitaka; Sugimura Nobuhiro
    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting  2003 
  • Reactive scheduling system for unforeseen delays of manufacturing processes  [Not invited]
    Yoshitaka Tanimizu; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Nobuhiro Sugimura
    7th International Pacific Conference on Manufacturing & Management, 2, 714-719 (2002-11, Bangkok Thailand).  2002/11  Bangkok, Thailand
  • 阪口 龍彦; 谷水 義隆; 杉村 延広
    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集  2002/10
  • Genetic algorithm based reactive scheduling in multi-layered manufacturing system  [Not invited]
    Yoshitaka Tanimizu; Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi; Kazuhiro Harada; Nobuhiro Sugimura
    2002 Japan - USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, 2, 951-958 (2002-7, Hiroshima Japan).  2002/07  Hiroshima, Japan
  • 谷水 義隆; 阪口 龍彦; 原田 和弘; 杉村 延広
    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集  2002/03
  • SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; TANIMIZU Yoshitaka; SUGIMURA Nobuhiro; HARADA Kazuhiro
    関西支部講演会講演論文集  2002 
    In the research, a reactive scheduling method based on GA (Genetic Algorithm) is proposed to modify the delayed production schedules. The proposed method modifies the predetermined production schedules reactively without interrupting the progresses of the manufacturing processes, when unforeseen delays of manufacturing processes are occurred in the manufacturing systems. A reactive scheduling method for multi-layered manufacturing systems is also proposed in order to modify the production schedules of all the layers concurrently and to keep the consistency among the production schedules of all the layers in the manufacturing systems. Effectiveness of the proposed reactive scheduling method is verified through several computational experiments in terms of the optimization of the production schedules and the computation time of the modification processes in the multi-layered manufacturing systems.
  • 阪口 龍彦; 谷水 義隆; 杉村 延広
    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集  2001/09
  • TANIMIZU Yoshitaka; TEI Akihito; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; SUGIMURA Nobuhiro
    年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting  2001/08 
    Production scheduling tasks are carried out hierarchically and concurrently, such as production scheduling for manufacturing systems, for factories and for shops, by different persons and/or organizations. Therefore, a systematic procedure is eagerly required to change the production schedules and to keep the consistency among the hierarchical scheduling tasks, when some unforeseen disruptions occur in the manufacturing systems. A rescheduling method is proposed to change the production schedules and to keep the consistency among the production schedules of the hierarchical and decentralized manufacturing systems. A prototype of distributed reactive scheduling system for the hierarchical and decentralized manufacturing systems is developed and applied to the consistency management problems in the rescheduling tasks.
  • TANIMIZU Yoshitaka; TEI Akihito; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko; SUGIMURA Nobuhiro
    The ... Factory Automation Conference  2001/03 
    Production scheduling tasks are in general carried out hierarchically and concurrently, such as scheduling for manufacturing systems, for factories and for shops, by different persons and/or organizations. Therefore, a systematic procedure is eagerly required to change the schedules and to keep the consistency among the hierarchical scheduling tasks, when some unforeseen disruptions occur in the manufacturing systems. A rescheduling method is proposed to change the schedules and to keep the consistency among the schedules of the large manufacturing systems. A prototype of distributed reactive scheduling system for large manufacturing systems is developed and applied to the consistency management problems in the rescheduling tasks.
  • 丁顕仁; 阪口龍彦; 谷水義隆; 杉本延広
    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集  2001/03
  • 谷水義隆; 岩村幸治; 阪口龍彦; 杉村延広
    電気学会全国大会講演論文集  2000/03

Affiliated academic society

  • スケジューリング学会   システム制御情報学会   精密工学会   日本機械学会   

Research Themes

  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2023/04 -2026/03 
    Author : 阪口 龍彦
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2023/03 
    Author : 阪口 龍彦
    近年,インターネットショッピングの拡大,感染症に係る巣ごもり需要拡大による物流量の増大が著しい.国内物流の9割を占めるトラック輸送における輸送効率化は喫緊の課題となっている.特にラストワンマイル輸送と呼ばれる最終拠点からエンドユーザーへの輸送においては,道路交通事情や消費者の要望等,様々な条件下で配送計画を立てる必要がある.本研究では,車両への荷物の積み込み,荷物の顧客への巡回輸送をターゲットに,多目的最適化を可能とする共進化型ハイブリッドメタ解法の開発を試みる. 本研究で解決すべき問題は,(1)トラックに積載する荷物の配置の最適化,および(2)荷物を顧客に配達あるいは引取りする際の巡回経路の最適化,の2つである.ただし,客先では必ず荷物の積み下ろしが生じるため,これら2つの最適化問題には関連性があり,これを考慮しなければ高効率輸送が実現できない. 今年度は,トラックの荷台を2次元平面と考え,大きさの異なる矩形の荷物を,必要な荷台数が最小となるよう詰め込む長方形詰込み問題としてモデル化するとともに,荷台入り口付近から順次配送していく巡回路を生成することで,荷物の配置と巡回経路を同時に考慮できるよう配送計画問題をモデル化した.さらに,荷物の配置と巡回経路を同時に決定するために,先行研究で開発した異環境適応型遺伝的アルゴリズムを拡張した.提案手法の有効性を検証するために,地図上でランダムに抽出した86か所の地点を顧客とし,各顧客が1つの配送需要を持つ配送計画問題について,提案手法を用いて数値実験を行った.
  • 全体最適を考慮した循環型生産システムにおける生産管理方式
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2020/03 
    Author : 柳 在圭; 阪口 龍彦; 前田 隆
    本研究の目的は、循環型生産システムにおいて収益性を損なわずに同時に環境配慮型社会の実現を果たすために、本研究で提案した「Pull-Push型生産方式」を援用した先進的な生産管理方式の開発にある。この研究の達成に向けて、本年度は、循環型生産システムの環境性を保ちながら、システムの効率化を促すことを可能であるPull-Push型生産方式を提案した上で、それを援用した先進的な生産管理方式の開発にある(研究成果として図書の「環境配慮のJIT生産」)。そのために、必要となる、循環型生産システムにおける全体最適化(経済性と環境性)モデルの開発とそれに伴う多目的最適化手法の開発を行った(研究成果として2件の国際研究会での発表)。 まず、Pull-Push型生産方式を援用した循環型生産システムにおける生産管理方式に関する研究では、「生産形態が異なる工程間」、「生産リードタイムが異なる工程間」、「平準化生産の対応」に対してPull-Push型生産方式の有効性を示した上で、閉ルールシステムである循環型生産システムにも拡張可能性を示した。さらに、多目的最適化手法に関する研究では、循環型生産システムにおける全体最適化(経済性と環境性)を目指してその有効な解法を定着させるために、新たな多目的進化アルゴリズム(MOEA; Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm)を提案した。
  • 異環境適応型アプローチによる設計と計画の多目的最適化
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2020/03 
    Author : 阪口 龍彦
    素材加工型産業の一つである精密板金加工の生産システムにおいては,原材料の無駄の削減を実現するための加工レイアウトの最適化,納期遵守の高効率生産を行うための生産スケジュールの最適化という,2つの最適化を同時に実現する必要がある.本研究は,この問題に対し,異環境適応型進化手法による解決を試みる. 研究の初年度には,精密板金加工のネスティング問題およびスケジューリング問題を異なる環境とみなし,加工する部品名の配列で構成される遺伝子構造を持つ個体が環境を移住しながら進化する異環境適応型遺伝的アルゴリズム(異環境適応型GA)を提案した. ネスティング問題とスケジューリング問題は,問題設定によりトレードオフ関係である場合と,両者とも最小化可能な場合とがある.この関係性は事前に知ることは難しく,求解過程で判明するのが一般的である.そこで研究2年目にあたる本年度は,異環境適応型GAを拡張し,スケジューリングおよびネスティング問題に対して別々の遺伝子構造を持つ個体が共存し,共進化する共進化遺伝的アルゴリズムを提案した.スケジューリングおよびネスティングの個体の組合せが一つのネスティング・スケジューリング解を表し,その組合せの選び方により探索可能な解空間が変化する.そこで,トレードオフ解析に有効な組合せ,あるいは同時最小化に有効な組合せ,両者の中間など,多種多様な解を探索するために,様々な個体の組合せ法を構築した. 提案手法の有効性を検証するために,ネスティング・スケジューリングシステムのプロトタイプを開発し,計算機実験を行った.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2017/03 
    Author : Sakaguchi Tatsuhiko
    We propose an integrated method of nesting and scheduling based on the coevolutionary genetic algorithm for sheet metal processing. First of all, we improve our previous scheduling method by applying the new fitness function which consider the construction of parts and total flow time. Moreover, we propose a hybrid scheduling method by using the genetic algorithm and dispatching rule. Finally, we develop a coevolutionary genetic algotihm. In this algorithm, individuals are evaluated by the cost function, and the genetic operations are conducted based on the grouped gene. We validated the effectiveness of our algorithm by the computational experiments.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2016/03 
    Author : Shimizu Yoshiaki; YOO ZAE KYU; SAKAGUCHI TATSUHIKO
    To provide a decision aid coping with innovative logistic systems, this study has aimed at exploring a new paradigm known as optimization engineering. To work with this idea from strategic, tactical and operational aspects, we have developed a user-friendly framework suitable to total optimization as a whole. First, we formulate a mathematical model with Weber basis cost accounting to discuss the issue generally and substantially. Then, we have developed its hybrid meta-heuristic method possible to solve practically real world problems. We have shown not only every method obtained here is significant by itself but also expects a smart and resilient deployment available for responding to various dynamism of society if it is utilized in the proposed framework.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2005 -2007 
    Author : SHIRASE Keiichi; NAKAMOTO Reiichi; SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko
    1. Machining shape simulator based on Voxel model In order to predict the change of material shape during machining operation, a machining shape simulator based on the Voxel model was developed. By introducing the Oct-tree structure into the Voxel model to represent a material shape precisely, the total amount of the Voxel (memory usage of the computer) can be reduced to realize a practical machining shape simulation. Moreover. the machining shape simulation of five-axis controlled machining can be achieved successfully utilizing the feature of the Voxel model. 2. Cutting force simulator of endmilling operation In order to predict the change of cutting force during machining operation, a cutting force simulator for endmilling operation was developed. It was verified that the predicted cutting forces in several cutting conditions have good agreement with the measured one for both the square end mill and the ball end mill. In addition, a virtual machining simulation, which shows the change of material shape and cutting force during milling operation. was achieved. 3. Process planning support system for 5-axis machine tool In order to utilize the performance of 5-axis machine tools effectively a process planning support system, which assists to determine the suitable tool posture for 5-axis machine tools, was developed. The process planning support system is designed to perform the collision check and the tool path generation quickly by applying Voxel model expression of the material and the tooling shapes. It is verified that the suitable tool posture for 5-axis machine tools can be determined effectively. 4. Reactive scheduling utilizing for autonomous machine tool In order to achieve flexible operation of the autonomous machine tool with a smart NC processor, a reactive scheduling system which is able to change the machining operation schedule dynamically according to the observed situation of machine tools was developed. It was confirmed that the machining operation schedule was flexibly updated to the change and the difference of operation times by the computational experiment.
  • 板金加工生産システムのための設計と計画の統合化の研究
    (財) 永井科学技術財団:平成29年度素形材融合分野奨励金
    Author : 阪口 龍彦