YANE Katsunari

Kindai University Nara HospitalProfessor/General Manager

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher comments

List of press-related appearances


■Researcher basic information


  • (BLANK)(Nara Medical University)

Researcher number


Research Keyword

  • 頭頚部腫瘍   Head and Neck Tumor   

Research Field

  • Life sciences / Otorhinolaryngology


Educational Background

  •        - 1983  Nara Medical University  Medical Faculty  医学
  •        - 1983  Nara Medical University  Faculty of Medicine

■Research activity information


  • 1997 中島佐一学術研究奨励賞


  • 奈良県における頭頸部悪性腫瘍の過去22年の受診動態 コロナ禍の与える影響も踏まえて
    太田 一郎; 上村 裕和; 庄司 和彦; 児嶋 剛; 成尾 一彦; 宮崎 眞和; 家根 旦有; 岡本 英之; 清水 直樹; 宮原 裕; 北原 糺
    日本耳鼻咽喉科頭頸部外科学会会報 (一社)日本耳鼻咽喉科頭頸部外科学会 126 (4) 616 - 616 2436-5793 2023/04
  • 足立 詩織; 桝井 貴史; 西川 大祐; 家根 旦有; 上村 裕和; 北原 糺
    耳鼻咽喉科臨床 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会 116 (3) 241 - 247 0032-6313 2023/03 
    54歳女性。嗄声を主訴とした。咽喉頭内視鏡とCTを行ったところ、両側仮声帯の嚢胞性病変が認められ、喉頭鏡下嚢胞摘出術が施行された。病理組織学的に両側喉頭saccular cystで、術後、嗄声は改善したが、術後3年4ヵ月時に再び嗄声が出現した。再受診時、所見では左仮声帯に粘膜下腫瘤性病変が認められ、直達喉頭鏡下に腫瘤摘出術を行った結果、病理組織学的に左前方型喉頭saccular cystと診断された。再手術から8ヵ月経過現在、再発はみられていない。
  • 豊留宗一郎; 家根旦有; 上田吉生; 二川晃一; 若狭朋子; 渡瀬謙仁; 岩本展子; 根本直人; 長井聖武; 長田哲次
    medical journal of kindai university 近畿大学医学会 47 (3・4) 73 - 81 0385-8367 2022/12 [Refereed]
    type:Departmental Bulletin Paper 原発性顎骨中心性扁平上皮癌は顎骨中心性に発生し,初期には口腔粘膜と連続性がなく,かつ他臓器からの転移ではない扁平上皮癌であると定義されている.発生頻度は口腔領域悪性腫瘍の1%以下と稀であるが,臨床症状が乏しく進行してから発見されることが多い.今回われわれは,歯牙動揺を契機に発見され,後に口腔多発癌の経過を辿ったと考えられた原発性下顎骨中心性扁平上皮癌患者を経験したためその概要を報告する.患者は64歳女性,右側舌下面の白斑を主訴に来院した.5年前に他院にて左側舌縁部の上皮内癌切除術を実施し,経過観察を受けていた.初診時に右側下顎第1大臼歯の動揺を認め,X線画像にて右側下顎骨の辺縁不整な骨吸収像を認めた.右側下顎第1大臼歯を抜歯し抜歯窩より生検を行ったところ,扁平上皮癌との診断を得たため,右側下顎骨区域切除術を実施した.その後,術後1ヶ月にて左側下顎第1大臼歯舌側歯肉,術後1年10ヶ月にて左側舌根部にそれぞれ扁平上皮癌を生じ,外科的切除を行った.現在,定期的に経過観察を行っているが,再発所見は認めず経過している.顎骨中心性癌は無症状に経過し発見が遅れることが多いが,可及的早期に診断するために,複数の検査を速やかに実施し多角的に判断することが重要と考えられた.また,口腔領域の悪性腫瘍では口腔多発癌を発症する可能性があり,原発性下顎骨中心性扁平上皮癌でも注意を要することが示唆された.
  • Takuya Higashiyama; Kiminori Sugino; Hisato Hara; Ken-Ichi Ito; Noriaki Nakashima; Naoyoshi Onoda; Masayuki Tori; Hiroshi Katoh; Naomi Kiyota; Ichiro Ota; Nobuyasu Suganuma; Yatsuka Hibi; Toshimitsu Nemoto; Shunji Takahashi; Katsunari Yane; Tetsuya Ioji; Shinsuke Kojima; Hideaki Kaneda; Iwao Sugitani; Makoto Tahara
    European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) 173 210 - 218 2022/09 
    PURPOSE: Anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) is a rare and highly aggressive cancer for which effective systemic therapy has long been sought. Here, we assessed the efficacy and safety of lenvatinib in patients with unresectable ATC. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study was investigator-initiated and conducted under a multicenter, open-label, nonrandomized, phase II design. Eligibility criteria included pathologically proven ATC; unresectable measurable lesion as defined by RECIST 1.1; age 20 years or older; ECOG PS 0-2; and adequate organ function. The primary end-point was overall survival. Secondary end-points were progression-free survival, objective response rate, disease control rate, clinical benefit rate, and safety. RESULTS: Of 52 patients enrolled from 17 institutions, 42 patients who were confirmed to have ATC were included for efficacy analysis, and 50 patients were included for safety analysis. The estimated 1-year overall survival rate was 11.9% (95% CI, 4.4%-23.6%). One patient (2.4%) achieved complete response, four patients (9.5%) partial response, and 26 patients (61.9%) stable disease, including nine patients (21.4%) who demonstrated durable stable disease, giving an objective response rate of 11.9%, disease control rate of 73.8%, and clinical benefit rate of 33.3%. Adverse events of any grade were observed in 45 patients (90.0%), the most common of which of any grade included loss of appetite (48.0%), fatigue (48.0%), hypertension (44.0%), and palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia syndrome (26.0%). CONCLUSION: Lenvatinib treatment resulted in disappointing survival for unresectable ATC patients. Although the number of responders was small, responses were durable, indicating that lenvatinib may be beneficial for selected patients. Further investigation to identify suitable candidates for lenvatinib monotherapy is needed.
  • 岸谷 讓; 末吉 功治; 西川 大祐; 森川 大樹; 衛藤 克幸; 家根 旦有; 大谷 知之; 若狭 朋子; 覚道 健一
    日本内分泌学会雑誌 (一社)日本内分泌学会 98 (1) 349 - 349 0029-0661 2022/04
  • ルゴール液で発熱、イソジンで粘膜びらんを呈し、多数の薬剤アレルギー歴を持ったバセドウ病患者の一例
    岸谷 讓; 末吉 功治; 西川 大祐; 森川 大樹; 衛藤 克幸; 家根 旦有; 大谷 知之; 若狭 朋子; 覚道 健一
    日本内分泌学会雑誌 (一社)日本内分泌学会 98 (1) 349 - 349 0029-0661 2022/04
  • Takahiro Kimura; Takayuki Takahama; Tomoko Wakasa; Shiori Adachi; Yusaku Akashi; Takao Tamura; Katsunari Yane
    Molecular and clinical oncology 16 (1) 2 - 2 2022/01 
    Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have markedly changed the treatment landscape for melanoma; however, their efficacy and applications are currently limited and medical requirements remain unmet. The present case study reports on a 85-year-old female patient who visited our outpatient clinic with a 1-month history of a buccal mucosa mass and was diagnosed with locally advanced mucosal melanoma of the head and neck. The patient's tumor progressed right after the administration of nivolumab, compromising oral intake. Palliative debulking surgery was performed. Subsequently, the other part of the melanoma on the hard palate slightly decreased in size without forming new lesions for more than one year after surgery. The present case exemplifies that tumor volume reduction surgery may increase the response to ICI and may prolong the duration of response. This combination therapy may be more effective in patients whose tumors increase in size after administration of ICIs or whose tumor is already large at the beginning of treatment. The combination of ICIs and debulking surgery may become an important treatment option in the future for locally advanced mucosal melanoma.
  • Eri Inoue; Kaoru Okajima; Hiroshi Doi; Kouhei Fukuda; Yasuo Oguma; Aritoshi Ri; Daisuke Nishikawa; Katsunari Yane; Tomohiro Matsuura; Yasumasa Nishimura
    Acta Oto-Laryngologica Informa UK Limited 141 (11) 1022 - 1026 0001-6489 2021/11
  • Yoshinori Imamura; Kaoru Tanaka; Naomi Kiyota; Hidetoshi Hayashi; Ichiro Ota; Akihito Arai; Shigemichi Iwae; Shujiro Minami; Katsunari Yane; Tomoko Yamazaki; Yoshiaki Nagatani; Masanori Toyoda; Takayuki Takahama; Kazuko Sakai; Kazuto Nishio; Naoki Otsuki; Ken-ichi Nibu; Hironobu Minami
    Medical Oncology Springer Science and Business Media LLC 38 (11) 1357-0560 2021/11
  • Takashi Masui; Hirokazu Uemura; Ichiro Ota; Takahiro Kimura; Daisuke Nishikawa; Toshiaki Yamanaka; Katsunari Yane; Tadashi Kitahara
    Molecular and clinical oncology 15 (3) 183 - 183 2021/09 
    Salivary gland carcinoma is a relatively rare disease of the head and neck. Although it frequently presents with distant metastases, few reports have been published on this subject. The present study investigated the prognosis of patients with distant metastases from salivary gland cancer. A total of 24 cases of salivary gland carcinoma with distant metastasis who were initially treated at the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery of Nara Medical University during a 16-year period from August 2004 to July 2020 were included. The histopathological types included salivary duct carcinoma (8 cases), adenoid cystic carcinoma (6 cases), myoepithelial carcinoma (3 cases), Squamous cell carcinoma (2 cases), adenocarcinoma (2 cases), acinic cell carcinoma (2 cases) and mucoepidermoid carcinoma (1 case). A total of 18 patients had stage IV carcinoma, which represented the majority. Of all patients, ~80% developed distant metastases within 2 years of initial diagnosis. Survival rates after the appearance of distant metastases were 43.5% at 5 years and 14.5% at 10 years. The results of the current study revealed that no factors significantly influenced long-term prognosis after the development of distant metastases. In future, it may be necessary to re-examine these results in a larger sample size and standardise treatment methods as a result.
  • Takashi Masui; Hirokazu Uemura; Ichiro Ota; Takahiro Kimura; Daisuke Nishikawa; Toshiaki Yamanaka; Katsunari Yane; Tadashi Kitahara
    Molecular and clinical oncology 14 (1) 1 - 1 2021/01 
    Anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) has a poor prognosis. ATC accounts for only 1-2% of all thyroid carcinomas, yet it is one of the most lethal neoplasms in humans. Notably, there are no established treatment protocols for ATC. The present study investigated the prognostic and predictive factors of ATC. A retrospective analysis was conducted on 17 patients with histologically confirmed ATC. The median overall survival of all patients was 3.8 months. In patients under the age of 70 years, the statistically significant prognostic factors indicating longer survival were the absence of distant metastasis and treatment by radical resection. Furthermore, in contrast to previous findings, tumor size and white blood cell count were not associated with ATC prognosis in the present cohort. Importantly, tracheostomy did not contribute to improvement of prognosis and should perhaps not be considered, when unnecessary, to preserve the patient's quality of life. Prognostic factors for ATC are critical to clinicians to enable them to determine which patients will benefit from aggressive treatment strategies, as opposed to supportive care.
  • 頭頸部癌に対する機能温存治療の現状と将来展望 HPV関連中咽頭癌治療の現状と将来展望
    齊藤 祐毅; 家根 旦有; 丹生 健一
    日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集 (一社)日本癌治療学会 58回 SY7 - 2 2020/10
  • Yuki Saito; Ryuichi Hayashi; Yoshiyuki Iida; Takatsugu Mizumachi; Takashi Fujii; Fumihiko Matsumoto; Takeshi Beppu; Masafumi Yoshida; Hirotaka Shinomiya; Ryosuke Kamiyama; Mutsukazu Kitano; Kazuhiko Yokoshima; Yasushi Fujimoto; Takanori Hama; Taku Yamashita; Kenji Okami; Kouki Miura; Takuo Fujisawa; Daisuke Sano; Hisayuki Kato; Shujiro Minami; Masashi Sugasawa; Muneyuki Masuda; Ichiro Ota; Shigemichi Iwae; Ryo Kawata; Nobuya Monden; Takayuki Imai; Takahiro Asakage; Masafumi Okada; Takanori Yoshikawa; Kensuke Tanioka; Megumi Kitayama; Mariko Doi; Satoshi Fujii; Masato Fujii; Nobuhiko Oridate; Munenaga Nakamizo; Seiichi Yoshimoto; Akihiro Homma; Ken‐ichi Nibu; Katsunari Yane
    Cancer Wiley 126 (18) 4177 - 4187 0008-543X 2020/09 
    BACKGROUND: Although the American Joint Committee on Cancer TNM classification has been amended to include human papillomavirus (HPV)-related oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) as an independent entity, to the authors' knowledge the optimized de-escalating treatment modality has not been established to date. METHODS: The authors conducted a retrospective, nationwide, observational study in patients with HPV-related OPSCC who were treated from 2011 to 2014 in Japan to determine the best treatment modality. RESULTS: A total of 688 patients who were newly diagnosed with HPV-related OPSCC who were treated with curative intent at 35 institutions and had coherent clinical information and follow-up data available were included in the current study. In patients with T1-T2N0 disease (79 patients), both the 3-year recurrence-free survival and overall survival (OS) rates were 100% in the group treated with radiotherapy (RT) as well as the group receiving concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT). The 3-year OS rates were 94.4% (for patients with T1N0 disease) and 92.9% (for patients with T2N0 disease) among the patients treated with upfront surgery. In patients with stage I to stage II HPV-related OPSCC, the 5-year recurrence-free survival and OS rates were 91.4% and 92%, respectively, in the patients treated with CCRT with relatively high-dose cisplatin (≥160 mg/m2 ; 114 patients) and 74.3% and 69.5%, respectively, in the patients treated with low-dose cisplatin (<160 mg/m2 ; 17 patients). CONCLUSIONS: Despite it being a retrospective observational trial with a lack of information regarding toxicity and morbidity, the results of the current study demonstrated that patients with T1-T2N0 HPV-related OPSCC could be treated with RT alone because of the equivalent outcomes of RT and CCRT, and patients with stage I to stage II HPV-related OPSCC other than those with T1-T2N0 disease could be treated with CCRT with cisplatin at a dose of ≥160 mg/m2 .
  • Naoyoshi Onoda; Iwao Sugitani; Ken-Ichi Ito; Akifumi Suzuki; Takuya Higashiyama; Tatsuya Fukumori; Nobuyasu Suganuma; Katsuhiko Masudo; Hirotaka Nakayama; Atsuhiko Uno; Katsunari Yane; Seiichi Yoshimoto; Aya Ebina; Yukari Kawasaki; Shigeto Maeda; Manabu Iwadate; Shinichi Suzuki
    Cancers 12 (3) 2020/02 
    BACKGROUND: The tumor-node-metastasis (TNM) classification system to categorized anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) was revised. METHODS: The revised system was evaluated using a large database of ATC patients. RESULTS: A total of 757 patients were analyzed. The proportion and median overall survival values (OS: months) for each T category were T1 (n = 8, 1.1%, 12.5), T2 (n = 43, 5.7%, 10.9), T3a (n = 117, 15.5%, 5.7), T3b (n = 438, 57.9%, 3.9), and T4 (n = 151, 19.9%, 5.0). The OS of the N0 and N1 patients were 5.9 and 4.3, respectively (log-rank p < 0.01). Sixty-three (58.3%) patients migrated from stage IV A to IV B by revision based on the existence of nodal involvement and 422 patients (55.7%) were stratified into stage IV B, without a worsening of their OS (6.1), leaving 45 patients (5.9%) in stage IV A with fair OS (15.8). The hazard ratios for the survival of the patients of stage IV B compared to stage IV A increased from 1.1 to 2.1 by the revision. No change was made for stage IV C (n = 290, 38.8%, 2.8). CONCLUSION: The revised TNM system clearly indicated the prognoses of ATC patients by extracting rare patients with fair prognoses as having stage IV A disease and categorized many heterogeneous patients in stage IV B.
  • 頭頸部癌患者における病棟担当管理栄養士の介入効果について
    菅野 真美; 三田 真奈美; 竹村 孝代; 田辺 智恵子; 松浦 知弘; 木村 隆浩; 家根 旦有
    日本病態栄養学会誌 (一社)日本病態栄養学会 23 (Suppl.) S - 10 1345-8167 2020/01
  • 丹生 健一; 中溝 宗永; 家根 旦有
    医学のあゆみ 医歯薬出版(株) 271 (9) 1002 - 1005 0039-2359 2019/11 [Refereed]
    日本頭頸部癌学会が運営する頭頸部癌全国悪性腫瘍登録事業を整備し、ビッグデータを活用してエビデンスを創出する体制を構築した。あらたに和歌山県立医科大学附属病院臨床研究センターにデータマネージメントを委託し、院内がん登録のデータを一括入力できる入力支援ツールを開発した。基本データだけでは解決できないクリニカルクエスチョンに対しては、悪性腫瘍登録と連結してweb-based case report form(CRF)を作成し、非介入観察研究を展開できるシステムを作りあげ、第一弾として近年、急速に増加しているヒト乳頭腫ウイルス(HPV)関連中咽頭がんについて多施設共同研究を展開した。全国悪性腫瘍登録数は安定して毎年10,000例を超え、わが国の頭頸部がんの半数以上の症例の精密な臨床情報を把握できるようになった。観察期間が5年を超える2011年度・2012年度の登録症例を対象に予後調査も開始され、今後、ビッグデータを活用して個々の頭頸部がん患者に対する最適な治療法を示すガイドラインの根拠となるエビデンスの創出が期待される。(著者抄録)
  • Kazuhide Matsunaga; Koichi Futagawa; Shinji Okamoto; Yoshio Ueda; Katsunari Yane; Yoshinori Nakai; Masahiro Iguchi; Soichiro Toyodome; Seiya Suzuki; Noriko Iwamoto; Hirohisa Kusuhara; Akifumi Enomoto; Tetsuji Nagata
    Med J Kindai Univ 近畿大学医学会 44 (1,2) 99 - 104 0385-8367 2019/06 [Refereed]
  • 周術期の多職種連携 口腔癌切除遊離皮弁再建症例の多職種連携による周術期管理
    松永 和秀; 長田 哲次; 岡本 慎司; 上田 吉生; 家根 旦有; 中井 義紀; 井口 真宏; 豊留 宗一郎; 鈴木 晴也; 福角 典子; 二川 晃
    日本外科系連合学会誌 日本外科系連合学会 44 (3) 441 - 441 0385-7883 2019/05
  • Shimizu N; Akashi Y; Fujii T; Shiono H; Yane K; Kitahara T; Ohta Y; Kakudo K; Wakasa T
    Anticancer research 39 (1) 413 - 420 0250-7005 2019/01 [Refereed]
    BACKGROUND: Patients with adenocarcinoma of the lung are routinely screened for anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) rearrangement because they can be treated by ALK-specific targeted therapy. The clinical and molecular characteristics of large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC) associated with ALK rearrangement are still unclear. Herein, we assessed the ALK status in a series of patients with LCNEC by testing methods commonly used for adenocarcinoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: ALK expression was first examined by immunohistochemistry. For a positively stained tumor, molecular analyses were then conducted. The ALK fusion partner found in a patient with ALK rearrangement was further identified by direct DNA sequencing. Patient clinicopathological features were also analyzed, focusing on the ALK rearrangement-positive case. RESULTS: Immunohistochemistry of seven patients identified strong ALK expression in one case of stage IV LCNEC. Molecular analysis identified a novel rearranged gene resulting from the fusion of kinesin family member 5B (KIF5B) exon 17 to ALK exon 20. The patient was treated with ALK-specific inhibitors, crizotinib and later, alectinib, and has remained alive for more than 24 months without disease progression. Three of the remaining six patients without ALK rearrangement had stage IV cancer and received cytotoxic chemotherapies. Their average overall survival was 5.4 months. CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is the first report of a KIF5B-ALK fusion gene in LCNEC. The patient was successfully treated with ALK inhibitors, suggesting that sensitivity to ALK inhibitor may define a specific LCNEC subtype. We propose that screening for ALK rearrangement in patients with LCNEC may assist in selecting potential candidates for targeted therapy.
  • 森本 千裕; 山中 敏彰; 北原 糺; 覚道 真理子; 西久保 敏也; 家根 旦有
    奈良県医師会医学会年報 (一社)奈良県医師会 31 (1) 13 - 19 1343-2257 2018/08 
  • Yane K
    Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy 45 (7) 1042 - 1045 0385-0684 2018/07 [Refereed]
  • 次世代シーケンサーを用いたHPV陽性およびHPV陰性中咽頭癌の遺伝子解析 頭頸部癌基礎研究会報告
    家根 旦有; 藤井 正人; 太田 一郎; 菅澤 正; 本間 明宏; 水田 啓介; 倉富 勇一郎; 丹生 健一; 加藤 久幸; 大上 研二; 北村 守正; 辻 裕之; 安松 隆治; 永澤 昌
    頭頸部癌 (一社)日本頭頸部癌学会 44 (2) 125 - 125 1349-5747 2018/05
  • Makoto Tahara; N. Kiyota; T. Yokota; Y. Hasegawa; K. Muro; S. Takahashi; T. Onoe; A. Homma; J. Taguchi; M. Suzuki; K. Minato; K. Yane; S. Ueda; H. Hara; K. Saijo; T. Yamanaka
    Annals of Oncology Oxford University Press 29 (4) 1004 - 1009 1569-8041 2018/04 [Refereed]
    Background: The standard of care for first-line treatment of recurrent and/or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (R/M SCCHN) is combination treatment with platinum, 5-FU and cetuximab (PFE). However, this regimen requires hospitalization to ensure proper hydration and continuous infusion of 5-FU, and causes severe nausea and anorexia. We evaluated the efficacy and safety of paclitaxel, carboplatin and cetuximab (PCE) as first-line treatment in patients with R/M SCCHN. Patients and methods: Eligibility criteria included recurrent and/or metastatic, histologically proven SCC of the oropharynx, oral cavity, hypopharynx or larynx PS 0-1 adequate organ function no suitable local therapy for R/M SCCHN and no prior systemic chemotherapy for R/M SCCHN. Chemotherapy consisted of paclitaxel 100 mg/m2 on days 1, 8 carboplatin area under the blood concentration-time curve 2.5 on days 1, 8, repeated every 3 weeks for up to 6 cycles and cetuximab at an initial dose of 400 mg/m2, followed by 250 mg/m2 weekly until disease progression or unacceptable toxicities. Primary end point was overall response rate. Secondary end points were safety, treatment completion rate, progression-free survival, overall survival, and clinical benefit rate. Planned sample size was 45 patients. Results: Forty-seven subjects were accrued from July 2013 to October 2014. Of 45 evaluable, 40 were male median age was 63 years Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status was 0/1 in 23/22 cases site was the hypopharynx/ oropharynx/oral cavity/larynx in 17/11/10/7 cases and 36/9 cases were smokers/nonsmokers, respectively. Overall response rate, the primary end point, was 40%. Median overall survival was 14.7 months and progression-free survival was 5.2 months. Grade 3/4 adverse events included neutropenia (68%), skin reaction (15%), fatigue (9%) and febrile neutropenia (9%). A potentially treatment-related death occurred in one patient with intestinal pneumonia. Conclusions: The PCE regimen shows promising activity with acceptable toxicity in the outpatient clinic. Further studies are needed to compare PCE with PFE in this population.
  • Masato Fujii; Ichiro Ota; Tadashi Sugasawa; Takatsugu Mizumachi; Keisuke Mizuta; Yuichiro Kuratomi; Naoki Otsuki; Shinsuke Suzuki; Katsunari Yane; Yuki Saito; Hisayuki Kato; Shigeru Hirano; Kenji Okami; Yuzo Shimode; Takenori Ogawa; Ryuji Yasumatsu; Akira Nagasawa; Hiroshi Hoshikawa
    Japanese Journal of Head and Neck Cancer 44 (1) 18 - 22 1349-5747 2018 
    © 2018, Japan Society for Head and Neck Cancer. All rights reserved. The recent increase in the incidence of oropharyngeal cancer in the USA and northern Europe has been attributed to human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Because the carcinogenic mechanism of HPV related oropharyngeal cancer (OPC) is different from that of other OPC, biological malignancy and treatment effects are considered to be different between the two groups. We performed a prospective study in the Japanese cooperative study group for basic research in head and neck cancer (JCSG-BRHNC) to compare the effects of first-line treatment between HPV positive or negative stage III and IV OPC. From May 2014 to March 2016, 92 patients were enrolled by 18 institutions in the whole country. Sixty-five patients (71%) were HPV-positive in the PCR. We examined the effects of primary treatment in a prognosis investigation conducted one year after registration. The results showed that 60 of the 65 HPV-positive cases successfully achieved complete response(CR), and the primary treatment success ratio was 92.3% as the ratio of CR cases without recurrence or metastasis within one year. In comparison, 15 cases (57.7 %) of 26 HPV negative patients successfully achieved CR. The effect of chemoradiotherapy was high, and even cetuximab combination radiotherapy(BRT) showed enough effects for HPV-positive cases. Also, induction chemotherapy (IC) was successful and all cases achieved CR in RT singularity cases. These results will provide a useful reference when examining clinical trials that lower the intensity of treatment for HPV-positive cases.
  • 日本の多施設共同研究によるHPV関連中咽頭癌の遺伝子解析
    家根 旦有; 澤西 和恵; 西尾 和人; 坂井 和子; 藤井 正人; 本間 明宏; 菅澤 正; 大上 研二; 太田 一郎
    日本癌学会総会記事 日本癌学会 76回 P - 1030 0546-0476 2017/09
  • Makoto Tahara; Naomi Kiyota; Tomoya Yokota; Yasuhisa Hasegawa; Kei Muro; Shunji Takahashi; Takuma Onoe; Akihiro Homma; Jun Taguchi; Masami Suzuki; Koichi Minato; Katsunari Yane; Shinya Ueda; Hiroki Hara; Ken Saijo; Takeharu Yamanaka
  • 再発・転移頭頸部扁平上皮癌に対するPCE併用療法の第II相試験(CSPOR-HN02)
    福田 裕次郎; 長谷川 泰久; 鬼塚 哲郎; 丹生 健一; 川端 一嘉; 岩江 信法; 本間 明宏; 鈴木 政美; 家根 旦有; 山中 竹春; 田原 信
    頭頸部癌 (一社)日本頭頸部癌学会 42 (2) 194 - 194 1349-5747 2016/05
  • Ichiro Ota; Takashi Masui; Miyako Kurihara; Jong-In Yook; Shinji Mikami; Takahiro Kimura; Keiji Shimada; Noboru Konishi; Katsunari Yane; Toshiaki Yamanaka; Tadashi Kitahara
    ONCOLOGY REPORTS SPANDIDOS PUBL LTD 35 (1) 261 - 266 1021-335X 2016/01 [Refereed]
    Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a key process involved in the invasion and metastasis of cancer cells. Furthermore, EMT can induce a cancer stem cell (CSC)-like phenotype in a number of tumor types. We demonstrated that Snail is one of the master regulators that promotes EMT and mediates cancer cell migration and invasion in many types of malignancies including head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). In the present study, we investigated the role of Snail in inducing and maintaining CSC-like properties through EMT in HNSCC. We established HNSCC cell lines transfected with Snail. Stem cell markers were evaluated with real-time RT-PCR and western blot analysis. CSC properties were assessed using sphere formation and WST-8 assays as well as chemosensitivity and chick chorioallantoic membrane in vivo invasion assays. Introduction of Snail induced EMT properties in HNSCC cells. Moreover, Snail-induced EMT maintained the CSC-like phenotype, and enhanced sphere formation capability, chemoresistance and invasive ability. These data suggest that Snail could be one of the critical molecular targets for the development of therapeutic strategies for HNSCC.
  • Yonekura T; Kamiyama M; Kimura K; Morishita Y; Yamauchi K; Ishii T; Yamaguti K; Yokoyama S; Yane K; Ueda Y
    Pediatric surgery international 31 (10) 1001 - 1004 1437-9813 2015/10 [Refereed]
    Larsen syndrome is a rare congenital connective tissue disorder characterized by multiple joint dislocations. A novel anterior mediastinal tracheostomy with a median mandibular splitting approach is presented for the treatment of airway obstruction in a Larsen syndrome patient with posterior cervical arthrodesis.
  • Kennichi Kakudo; Tomoko Wakasa; Yoshio Ohta; Katsunari Yane; Yasuhiro Ito; Hiroyuki Yamashita
    ENDOCRINE JOURNAL JAPAN ENDOCRINE SOC 62 (1) 1 - 12 0918-8959 2015/01 [Refereed]
    This review emphasizes that the so-called high-risk thyroid carcinoma is not a distinct tumor entity, but a group of tailors with different histologies. High-grade histological features, such as tumor necrosis, increased mitoses, and nuclear pleomorphism, together with high Ki-67 labeling index (more than 10%), are good indicators of high-risk thyroid carcinoma and suggest a possible risk for anaplastic transformation. This review proposes the stratification of patients with thyroid carcinoma into low-, moderate-, and high-risk groups based on Ki-67 labeling index, which should be useful for the clinical management of patients, even after initial surgery. Currently, both the aggressive variant of papillary carcinoma and poorly differentiated carcinoma are aggressively treated by a completion of total thyroidectomy with prophylactic lymph node dissection followed by radioactive iodine treatment. Therefore, patients with moderate-risk or high-risk thyroid carcinoma based on Ki-67 labeling index should also be considered candidates for this treatment strategy.
  • Takashi Masui; Ichiro Ota; Jong-In Yook; Shinji Mikami; Katsunari Yane; Toshiaki Yamanaka; Hiroshi Hosoi
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY SPANDIDOS PUBL LTD 44 (3) 693 - 699 1019-6439 2014/03 [Refereed]
    Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is known to have a poor prognosis. The resistance to treatment and distant metastasis are important clinical problems in HNSCC. The epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a key process in successful execution of many steps such as the invasion and metastasis for cancer cells. Snail is one of the master regulators that promote EMT in many types of malignancies including HNSCC. Recently, it has been shown that Snail-induced EMT could induce a cancer stem cell (CSC) -like phenotype in a number of tumor types. In this study, we investigated the role of Snail in inducing EMT properties and CSC-like phenotype in HNSCC. We established HNSCC cell lines transfected with Snail. E-cadherin was analyzed using western blot analysis and immunofluorescence staining. Cell migration and invasion were assessed using wound-healing assay and modified Boyden chamber assay, respectively. CSC markers of HNSCC, CD44 and aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1), were also evaluated with western blot analysis, and chemosensitivity was assessed with WST-8 assay. Introduction of Snail induced EMT properties in HNSCC cells and enhanced cell migration and invasion. Moreover, Snail-induced EMT gained CSC-like phenotype and was associated with increased chemoresistance. These results suggest that Snail could be one of the attractive targets for the development of therapeutic strategies in HNSCC.
  • Takanori Hama; Yutaka Tokumaru; Masato Fujii; Katsunari Yane; Kenji Okami; Kengo Kato; Muneyuki Masuda; Hiroyuki Mineta; Torahiko Nakashima; Masashi Sugasawa; Noriyuki Sakihama; Tomokazu Yoshizaki; Toyoyuki Hanazawa; Hisayuki Kato; Shigeru Hirano; Yorihisa Imanishi; Yuichirou Kuratomi; Naoki Otsuki; Ichiro Ota; Taro Sugimoto; Shinsuke Suzuki
    ONCOLOGY KARGER 87 (3) 173 - 182 0030-2414 2014 [Refereed]
    Background: The incidence rates of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) have risen steadily in the USA and in northern Europe. These increases are thought to be a consequence of persistent infection with high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) in OPSCC patients. HPV is an emerging etiologic factor in OPSCC. In Japan, the incidence of OPSCC has significantly increased over the last three decades. However, the population of HPV-positive OPSCC patients is currently unknown. We examined the nationwide trends with regard to HPV incidence in OPSCC patients at 21 specific sites, and examined the relationship between the presence of HPV and survival in OPSCC patients in Japan. Methods: Tumor samples were obtained from patients with OPSCC prior to treatment, and HPV infection was investigated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2) was also adopted for swab examination on the surface of fresh tumors. Results: HPV was detected by PCR in 79 (50.3%) out of 157 OPSCC patients. The clinical features of HPV-positive OPSCC were low differentiation, a tendency to involve the lateral wall, and high nodal staging. The sensitivity and specificity of HC2 were 93.7 and 96.2%, respectively, indicating its utility as a screening test. HPV-positive patients had significantly better overall survival and disease-free survival than HPV-negative patients. (C) 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel
  • Koizumi T; Yane K; Yamanaka T; Kitahara T
    Case reports in otolaryngology 2014 640704 - 640704 2090-6765 2014 [Refereed]
    Background. Subcutaneous lipomas that occur in the trunk and proximal extremities are commonly dissected by low-invasive method. However, a standard surgical method for lipomas of the epiglottis has been absent. Microscopic laryngeal surgery is appropriate to extirpate small epiglottic lipomas. However, microscopic laryngeal surgery may be insufficient for giant epiglottic lipomas because there is restricted visualization of the operating field of the tumor under the microscope. Furthermore, microscopic surgical instruments are very small to manipulate giant lipomas, and it would be excessive to approach these lipomas via external cervical incisions. Case Presentation. A 57-year-old female presented with a giant lipoma on the lingual surface of the epiglottis. Following a tracheotomy, microscopic surgery was inadequate to manipulate the epiglottic lipoma. Instead, we performed macroscopic surgery in which the epiglottic lipoma was pulled into the oral cavity with forceps and then separated from the surrounding tissues using the surgeon's finger to dissect the tumor en bloc. Conclusion. The low-invasive method of transoral finger dissection enabled the giant lipoma to be extirpated without leaving any remnants or causing excessive epiglottic damage.
  • Masui Takashi; Yane Katsunari; Nakai Yoshinori; Ota Ichiro; Hosoi Hiroshi
    Pract.Otol.(Kyoto) The Society of Practical Otolaryngology 140 108 - 109 0912-1870 2014 
    Branchio-oto-renal (BOR) syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder with branchial anomalies: ear malformation, hearing loss, cervical fistula, and renal anomalies.
    We experienced a case of BOR syndrome. A 16-year-old female had bilateral preauricular pits, bilateral hearing loss, left cervical fistula, and right renal aplasia. Computed tomography revealed inner ear anomalies with cochlear hypoplasia and an enlarged internal auditory meatus. We treated left cervical fistula only in this case. As the rate of improvement in hearing loss by surgical treatment such as tympanoplasty is not necessarily high, we should decide the indication for sur gery carefully.
  • Ichiro Ota; Shigeki Higashiyama; Takashi Masui; Katsunari Yane; Hiroshi Hosoi; Nariaki Matsuura
    ONCOLOGY REPORTS SPANDIDOS PUBL LTD 30 (4) 1593 - 1600 1021-335X 2013/10 [Refereed]
    Thyroid cancer sometimes contains poorly differentiated components, which have the potential of invasion and metastasis. We evaluated the possible roles of heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (HB-EGF), a member of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family, in cell growth and invasion of thyroid cancer cells, and demonstrated that HB-EGF is not only a potent mitogen but also a chemotactic factor in the thyroid cancer cells 8305C and SW579. The HB-EGF-mediated chemotaxis was inhibited by neutralizing antibody against the EGF receptor (EGFR/HER1/ErbB1) or tyrphostin AG1478, a specific inhibitor of the EGFR tyrosine kinase. The HB-EGF mRNA and protein expression was also analyzed using RT-PCR and immunofluorescence methods, respectively. In addition, in clinical immunohistochemical study, increased expression of HB-EGF and its receptors, HER1 and EGFR4 (HER4/ErbB4), was observed in thyroid carcinoma cells. Our findings suggest that HB-EGF acts as a potent paracrine and/or autocrine chemotactic factor as well as a mitogen that mediates HER1 and/or HER4 in the invasion and metastasis of thyroid carcinoma cells, including poorly differentiated papillary carcinomas or undifferentiated/anaplastic carcinomas. These data may aid in the development of novel therapeutic strategies for thyroid cancer.
  • Toru Kimura; Toshiki Takemoto; Yoshinori Fujiwara; Katsunari Yane; Hiroyuki Shiono
    We herein report a case of thoracic esophageal perforation caused by a fish bone. The patient was a 68-year-old female who presented with a persistent sore throat after eating sea bream four days previously. She was diagnosed with an esophageal perforation and posterior mediastinal abscess formation by chest computed tomography and inflammatory findings in her blood test. Surgically indwelling drainage was able to effectively control the leakage of contaminants and infection. Endoscopic injection of fibrin glue into the long-standing thoracic-esophageal fistula promoted closure of the esophageal wall defect and enabled her to restart oral intake. This case report suggests that effective drainage and the use of fibrin glue sealant may be one of the treatment options for esophageal perforation.
  • Takashi Masui; Ichiro Ota; Asako Itaya-Hironaka; Maiko Takeda; Takahiko Kasai; Akiyo Yamauchi; Sumiyo Sakuramoto-Tsuchida; Shinji Mikami; Katsunari Yane; Shin Takasawa; Hiroshi Hosoi
    ONCOLOGY REPORTS SPANDIDOS PUBL LTD 30 (2) 573 - 578 1021-335X 2013/08 [Refereed]
    Identification of a reliable biomarker for predicting prognosis in head and neck cancers is highly desirable and has long been sought. There have been several reports that members of the regenerating gene (REG) family are highly expressed in chronic inflammation and in tumors of the digestive organs. In addition, it has been described in several reports that REG expression is associated with the progression of digestive cancers. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of REG expression on the prognosis of hypopharyngeal cancer. We investigated 37 cases with hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma, determined REG mRNA expression, which is easily detected in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues using the real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction method, and evaluated the survival rate using the Kaplan-Meier method. According to these results, REG III mRNA expression was significantly associated with prolonged survival. Therefore, we constructed hypopharyngeal cancer cell lines transfected with REG III and assessed the cell proliferation and chemosensitivity and/or radiosensitivity in vitro. Cells transfected with REG III exhibited significantly lower cell proliferation and higher chemosensitivity and/or radiosensitivity compared with the control cells. These data suggest that REG III may be a reliable biomarker of prognosis in hypopharyngeal cancer. This is the first report concerning the association of REG III expression and the prognosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma including hypopharyngeal cancer.
  • Takashi Masui; Ota Ichiro; Masatoshi Kanno; Katsunari Yane; Hiroshi Hosoi
    Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 5 (1) 11 - 16 1792-0981 2013/01 [Refereed]
    The potential clinical use of ultrasound in inducing cell apoptosis and enhancing the effects of anticancer drugs in the treatment of cancers has previously been investigated. In this study, the combined effects of low-intensity ultrasound (LIU) and cetuximab, an anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) antibody, on cell killing and induction of apoptosis in HSC-3 and HSC-4 head and neck cancer cells, and its mechanisms were investigated. Experiments were divided into 4 groups: non-treated (CNTRL), cetuximab-treated (CETU), ultrasound-treated (UST) and the combination of cetuximab and US-treated (COMB). Cell viability was assessed by trypan blue staining assay and induction of apoptosis was detected by fuorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-Annexin V and propidium iodide (PI) staining assay at 24 h after cetuximab and/or US treatment. To elucidate the effect of cetuximab and US on EGFR signaling and apoptosis in head and neck cancer cells after the treatments, the expression of EGFR, phospho-EGFR, and the activation of caspase-3 were evaluated with western blotting. More cell killing features were evident in the COMB group in HSC-3 and HSC-4 cells compared with the other groups. No differences in EGFR expression among the CETU, UST and COMB groups was observed, while the expression of phospho-EGFR in the CETU group was downregulated compared with that in the CNTRL group. Phospho-EGFR expression was much more downregulated in the COMB group compared with that in the other groups. In addition, the activation of caspase-3 in the UST group was upregulated compared with that in the CNTRL group. Caspase-3 activation was much more upregulated in the COMB group than that in the other groups. These data indicated that LIU was able to enhance the anticancer effect of cetuximab in HSC-3 and HSC-4 head and neck cancer cells.
  • Abnormal distribution of aquaporin-5 and lymphoid infiltration in salivary glands of primary sjögren's syndrome
    Takehiko Kobayashi; Takashi Fujimoto; Katsunari Yane; Hiroshi Hosoi
    Journal of Nara Medical Association Nara Medical Association 64 (4) 65 - 72 1345-0069 2013 
    Objectives: Patients with Sjögren's syndrome (SS) suffer from impaired saliva secretion due to an autoimmune destruction of salivary glands. Based upon its abnormal distribution in SS salivary glands, a potential role for the water channel protein aquaporin-5 (AQP5) is proposed in the pathogenesis of SS. Methods: The immunohistochemical distribution of AQP5 was compared in minor salivary gland (MSG) biopsies obtained from primary SS with a variety of lymphoid cells infiltration in MSG, and healthy volunteers. Results: Biopsies from normal subjects revealed AQP5 primarily at the apical membrane of the salivary gland acinus. In contrast, biopsies from SS patients with both moderate and severe lymphoid infiltration revealed AQP5 expression diffusely at the cytoplasm of the acinus. Computer-assisted microscopy was performed to quantitatively evaluate AQP5 distribution in the acini. Biopsies of SS patients exhibited lower labeling indices (LI) at the apical membrane compared with biopsies from control subjects. The LI of the acini obtained from SS patients with both moderate and severe lymphoid infiltration showed no difference. Conclusions: Abnormal distribution of AQP5 in salivary gland acini could be responsible for a loss of saliva secretion, and this abnormal distribution is likely to develop during the stage of moderate lymphoid infiltration in salivary gland.
  • Ichiro Ota; Noritomo Okamoto; Katsunari Yane; Akihisa Takahashi; Takashi Masui; Hiroshi Hosoi; Takeo Ohnishi
    EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE SPANDIDOS PUBL LTD 3 (4) 585 - 591 1792-0981 2012/04 [Refereed]
    Squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck (HNSCC) are one of the most common types of cancers worldwide, and despite advances in treatment, they still represent a clinical challenge. Inactivation of one or more components in the p53 signaling pathway is an extremely common event in human neoplasia, including HNSCC. The loss of p53 function is responsible for increased aggressiveness in cancers, while tumor chemoresistance and radioresistance can depend on deleted p53 expression, or on the expression of mutated-p53 proteins. Thus, consideration and manipulation of the p53 status during HNSCC cancer therapy should be considered. This review discusses the p53 signaling pathways activated by various cellular stresses, including exposure to cancer therapies. The recognition of the p53 status in cancer cells is a significant factor and could provide valuable assistance during the selection of an effective therapeutic approach.
  • 山本 智矢; 小川 徹也; 田原 信; 家根 旦有
    耳鼻と臨床 JIBI TO RINSHO KAI 57 (2) S177 - S184 0447-7227 2011
  • Okamoto N; Takahashi A; Ota I; Ohnishi K; Mori E; Kondo N; Noda T; Nakagawa Y; Uemura H; Yane K; Hosoi H; Ohnishi T
    Int J Hyperthermia. 23 (3) 297 - 304 0265-6736 2011 [Refereed]
  • Toru Takano; Katsunari Yane; Takaharu Oue; Naoki Otsuki; Ken-ichi Nibu; Yoh Hidaka
    Radioactive iodine is used as an anti-cancer reagent for papillary and follicular thyroid carcinomas. Patients that are administered a large dose of radioactive iodine are required to stay alone in an isolated room for several days. Some young children with thyroid carcinoma who cannot take care of themselves are not able to undergo this therapy. We tried outpatient administration of (131)I for these patients. In Japan, administration for outpatients is restricted to 500 MBq (13.5 mCi). We administrated 13 MCi (131)I to three patients suffering from pediatric thyroid carcinomas. One patient with recurrent follicular carcinoma in the neck showed complete loss of the thyroid bed and an undetectable level of serum thyroglobulin 7 months after the first administration of (131)I, and no further recurrence was observed after 5 years. Another patient with multiple lung metastases showed weakened uptake of (131)I in the lung and an evident decrease in serum thyroglobulin after administration. However, the last patient with lung metastases with a low (131)I uptake showed no evident change in either (131)I uptake in the lung nor the serum thyroglobulin level. Administration of 13 MCi (131)I was effective in two of three patients. Thus, it is worth considering this therapy as a practical option for pediatric thyroid carcinoma in the countries in which outpatient administration of a large dose of (131)I is restricted. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Naoki Shimizu; Hideyuki Okamoto; Shinji Koyama; Katsunari Yane; Hiroshi Hosoi; Ryuji Okamura
    AURIS NASUS LARYNX ELSEVIER SCI LTD 35 (4) 572 - 575 0385-8146 2008/12 [Refereed]
    Laryngeal carcinoma is usually encountered in smoker men, and thyroid carcinoma is sometimes discovered incidentally during treatment for these patients. However, this coexistence of malignancies could occur in non-smoker female. We report all unusual case of multiple primary malignancies in the larynx and the thyroid gland. The laryngeal carcinoma was suspected to be related to the malignant transformation of the papillomas. The case suggests the importance of meticulous examination in the head and fleck region for treatment of cervical metastatic lymph nodes with negative cytology in non-smoker female. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Eiwa Ishida; Mitsutoshi Nakamura; Keiji Shimada; Tomonori Higuchi; Keisuke Takatsu; Katsunari Yane; Noboru Konishi
    PATHOBIOLOGY KARGER 74 (6) 344 - 352 1015-2008 2007 [Refereed]
    Objective: The aim of this study was hypermethylation of multiple genes for papillary thyroid carcinomas ( PTCs). Methods: We examined 39 lesions using methylation- specific PCR to assess hypermethylation in genes, including p16(INK4a), p14(ARF), RB1, p27(Kip1) and 0(6)-MGMT. Homozygous deletions of p16(INK4a) and p14(ARF) were investigated by differential PCR, all with reference to clinicopathological factors. Results: We found methylation of p16(INK4a) in 35.9% (14/39); p14(ARF) in 2.6% (1/39); RB1 in 23.1% (9/39); p27(Kip1) in 15.4% (6/39), and 0(6)-MGMT in 15.4% (6/39). Hypermethylation of at least one of these genes was apparent in 66.7% (26/39). Homozygous deletions of p14(ARF) and p16(INK4a) were detected in 7.7 (3/39) and 2.6% (/39), respectively. In cases with p16(INK4a) alterations, tumors were significantly increased. A history of chronic thyroid disease and lymphocytic infiltration was significantly associated with p14(ARF) alterations, without regional lymph node metastases. Conclusions: Our data suggest that alterations in p16(INK4a), mainly hypermethylation, may be linked to tumor growth but not tumor development, while alterations in p14(ARF) may contribute to the induction of chronic inflammation-related PTCs. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel.
  • Katsunari Yane; Toshiaki Yamanaka; Hideyuki Okamoto; Takayuki Murai; Takehiko Fukuda; Tadayuki Nishimura; Tomoyuki Kamijyo; Hiroshi Hosoi; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Nobukazu Fuwa
    Toukeibu Gan 32 (1) 98 - 104 1881-8382 2006 [Refereed]
    Superselective intraarterial chemotherapy for advanced head and neck cancers is a novel nonsurgical approach allowing organ preservation. There are two established methods for superselective catheterization: one transfemoral and the other retrograde catheterization through the superficial temporal artery (STA). The Seldinger technique using transfemoral catheterization may cause central nervous dysfunction and generally features a one-shot infusion procedure. However, selective catheterization through the STA does not cause neurologic problems, and intraarterial infusion can be repeated many times. After the percutaneous puncture of the STA in the supra-anterior region of the auricle, the guidewire is led selectively into the feeding artery of the tumor under fluoroscopic guidance, and then it is replaced with the infusion catheter. Recently, cisplatin (CDDP) has been recommended as a key drug for intraarterial chemotherapy, and weekly infusions of relatively low doses can be applied together with simultaneous intravenous sodium thiosulfate for systemic drug neutralization, or concurrent radiotherapy. This superselective intraarterial method is associated with a high response rate for primary carcinomas, only relatively mild systemic side effects, and acceptable common local toxicity. We consider that a combination of superselective intraarterial chemotherapy through the STA and concurrent radiotherapy has great potential for improving treatment results with organ preservation. © 2006, Japan Society for Head and Neck Cancer. All rights reserved.
  • Okamoto H; Yane K; Yamanaka T; Fukuda T; Hosoi H
    Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy 32 (12) 1915 - 1918 0385-0684 2005/11 [Refereed]
  • N Shimizu; H Okamoto; T Fukuda; K Yane; H Hosoi
    JOURNAL OF LARYNGOLOGY AND OTOLOGY HEADLEY BROTHERS LTD 119 (11) 922 - 925 0022-2151 2005/11 [Refereed]
    Laryngeal necrosis is a serious complication that usually occurs within the first year following completion of radiotherapy, although it is reported that cases can develop after a long period of latency. Factors such as dosage and irradiation technique employed, tumour invasion into the laryngeal cartilage, infection, continued smoking, trauma and general vascular condition of the patient have been considered to increase the rate and degree of development of radionecrosis. We report an unusual case of laryngeal radionecrosis in a patient with hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes and a history of cigarette smoking, which developed 25 years after radiotherapy for laryngeal carcinoma. His systemic illnesses and continued smoking were speculated to have contributed to the progress of the radionecrosis, suggesting that cessation of smoking and control of arteriosclerotic diseases should be considered to decrease its incidence.
  • Y Ohigashi; M Sho; Y Yamada; Y Tsurui; K Hamada; N Ikeda; T Mizuno; R Yoriki; H Kashizuka; K Yane; F Tsushima; N Otsuki; H Yagita; M Azuma; Y Nakajima
    CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH 11 (8) 2947 - 2953 1078-0432 2005/04 [Refereed]
    Purpose: The negative regulatory programmed death-1/programmed death-1 ligand (PD-1/PD-L) pathway in T-cell activation has been suggested to play an important role in tumor evasion from host immunity. In this study, we investigated the expression of PD-L1 and PD-L2 in human esophageal cancer to define their clinical significance in patients' prognosis after surgery. Experimental Design: PD-L1 and PD-L2 gene expression was evaluated in 41 esophagectomy patients by real-time quantitative PCR. The protein expression was also evaluated with newly generated monoclonal antibodies that recognize human PD-L1 (MIH1) and PD-L2 (MIH18). Results: The protein and the m RNA levels of determination by immunohistochemistry and realtime quantitative PCR were closely correlated. PD-L-positive patients had a significantly poorer prognosis than the negative patients. This was more pronounced in the advanced stage of tumor than in the early stage. Furthermore, multivariate analysis indicated that PD-L status was an independent prognostic factor. Although there was no significant correlation between PD-L1 expression and tumor-infiltrating T lymphocytes, PD-L2 expression was inversely correlated with tumor-infiltrating CD8(+) Tcells. Conclusions: These data suggest that PD-L1 and PD-L2 status may be a new predictor of prognosis for patients with esophageal cancer and provide the rationale for developing novel immunotherapy of targeting PD-1/PD-L pathway.
  • Yane Katsunari
    Pract.Otol. (Kyoto) The Society of Practical Otolaryngology 98 (9) 673 - 680 0032-6313 2005 
    More than a decade ago, genetic analyses could be performed by a limited number of specialist. Therefore, the technology was far from clinical application at that time. With the remarkable progress in gene analysis in recent years, however, a variety of genetic tests have already been applied clinically and have become necessary for the diagnosis of certain malignant tumors, infections and so on. However, genetic tests are not fully used in clinical practices because of persistent uncertainties as whether such tests will be covered by national health insurance and which items should be tested. Under these conditions, this report addresses malignant lymphoma, hereditary medullary thyroid carcinoma, tuberculosis, and hereditary deafness, for which genetic testing has already been applied clinically, in order to explain genetic testing that a general medical institution can contract out to a clinical testing company.
  • Toshizo Koizumi; Katsunari Yane; Takehiko Fukuda; Hiroshi Hosoi
    Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica Society of Practical Otolaryngology 98 (9) 741 - 745 0032-6313 2005 [Refereed]
    We report 26-year-old female whose cervical lymph node became swollen, accompanied by aggravation of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) symptoms. Histologically, the lymph node showed necrosis with a geographic pattern, and increments in the macrophages and histiocytes preying upon the apoptotic lymphocytes. The clinical and pathological findings were consistent with histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis (HNL). Recently, however, it has been considered that histological finding of HNL in an SLE patient indicates that the lymphadenitis is related to SLE (lupus lymphadenitis). Thus, the present case was diagnosed as lupus lymphadenitis. Steroid administration to improve the SLE symptoms was also effective for lymphadenitis. The present case indicates that cervical lymphadenitis associated with an autoimmune disease, such as SLE, is occasionally difficult to differentiate from HNL, and suggests that treatment of the primary disease is important to improve disease-associated lymphadenitis.
  • H Miyahara; Y Tsuruta; K Yane; Y Ogawa
    AURIS NASUS LARYNX ELSEVIER SCI LTD 31 (2) 177 - 182 0385-8146 2004/06 [Refereed]
    Four rare cases of spindle cell carcinoma of the larynx are reported and the histo-pathological and immuno-histochemical findings are described. The spindle cell carcinoma involved the right vocal cord of an 88-year-old and an 86-year-old male patients and the anterior commissure of a 76-year-old and a 68-year-old male patients. Two patients underwent total laryngectomy, one patient extirpation under laryngomicrosurgery and one radiation therapy. All were well controlled thereafter and there was no recurrence. Surgery seemed to be the most satisfactory therapeutic approach and radiation therapy was effective in a patient with relatively small tumor. The histo-pathological and immuno-histochemical analysis in one patient revealed a sarcoma-like component of the carcinoma and the findings suggested that this was the result of a metaplastic change in the mesenchyme without inflammatory changes. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • K Yuki; A Takahashi; Ota, I; K Ohnishi; JI Yasumoto; H Kanata; K Yane; H Hosoi; T Ohnishi
    ONCOLOGY REPORTS PROFESSOR D A SPANDIDOS 11 (4) 821 - 824 1021-335X 2004/04 [Refereed]
    To increase the chemo-sensitivity of anaplastic thyroid carcinoma, we examined the effects of glycerol on the tumor growth after CDDP treatment. The cultured cells of an anaplastic thyroid carcinoma cell line (8305c) carrying a mutated p53 gene (mp53) were transplanted into the thighs of nude mice. Tumor growth was evaluated until 24 days after intraperitoneal injection of CDDP and/or pre-injection of glycerol to the tumor. We treated the mice with half the tumor volume of glycerol (1.2 M) and/or CDDP at 6 mg/kg (BW) either of which hardly inhibited tumor growth by itself. When we treated the mice with the combination of glycerol and CDDP at these concentrations, however, a clear delay of the tumor growth was observed. We also immunohistochemically analyzed the effects of glycerol on the induction of caspase-3 activity and apoptosis. Cells positive for cleavage to active caspase-3 and 85 kDa PARP, and apoptosis were hardly observed in the tumors when they were treated with glycerol or CDDP alone. In contrast, when they were treated with CDDP combined with glycerol, such positive cells were significantly increased. It has been shown that glycerol synergistically enhanced the effects of CDDP as a tumor suppressive agent through the induction of caspase-3-mediated apoptosis in 8305c tumors. Therefore, glycerol might be useful for chemotherapy in patients with mp53 cancer cells.
  • K Niitsuma; M Hatoko; M Kuwahara; A Tanaka; H Iioka; T Fukuda; K Yane
    JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS 15 (1) 92 - 97 1049-2275 2004/01 [Refereed]
    With the extension of the average life span and the development of surgical technique, anesthesia, and pre- and postoperative management, operations for elderly patients have become more widely accepted. In the field of plastic surgery, free-flap transfers using microvascular techniques have become a common surgical procedure in reconstruction of the head and neck region after surgical removal of a cancer. There have been several reports of free-flap transfer in patients older than 90 years, but the authors know of no reports of free osteocutaneous flap transfer for mandibular reconstruction, which is a very invasive free-flap surgery, for such patients. The mandible plays a significant role in various kinds of dynamic functions, such as mastication, deglutition, and articulation. Disorder of these functions causes a deterioration in the patient's quality of life. The authors have performed a mandibular reconstruction using an osteocutaneous scapular free flap after resection of a gingival cancer invading the mandibular bone in a 93-year-old Japanese woman. In our case, an osteocutaneous scapular free flap, which permits the patient rapid rehabilitation of the lower leg, is thought to be a good choice because it allows the patient to get out of bed as quickly as possible in the postoperative period to minimize additional complications.
  • 熊本 牧子; 玉置 伸二; 本津 茂人; 友田 恒一; 福岡 和也; 濱田 薫; 木村 弘(奈良県立医科大学第2内科1); 前田 光一(同総合医療・病態検査学); 善本 英郎(同感染症センター); 小林 武彦; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司(同耳鼻咽喉科)
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 26 (6) 574 - 574 2004
  • Taiei Yasuda; Katsunari Yane; Hirokazu Kanata; Hiroshi Hosoi; Hiroshi Miyahara
    Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica Society of Practical Otolaryngology 97 (7) 611 - 614 0032-6313 2004 [Refereed]
    A clinical study was performed on 139 patients with major salivary gland tumors initially treated in our hospital from 1991 to 2000. Benign tumors were observed in 117 patients (male: 54 female: 63) and malignant tumors in 22 patients (male: 12 female: 10). The five-year survival rate was 43.4% in the whole malignant tumor group, 80.0% in the stage I, II group and 12.7% in the stage IV group. The factors influencing prognosis were stage IV status, local pain, and facial palsy. Our findings suggested that postoperative radiation and/or chemotherapy are useful.
  • Yuki K; Takahashi A; Ota I; Ohnishi K; Yasumoto J; Yane K; Kanata H; Okamoto N; Hosoi H; Ohnishi T
    Apoptosis. 9 853 - 859 2004 [Refereed]
  • Okamoto H; Yane K; Yamanaka T; Fukuda T; Hosoi H
    Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy 30 (8) 1119 - 1124 0385-0684 2003/08 [Refereed]
  • Miyahara H; Yane K; Naito K
    Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy 30 (8) 1139 - 1142 0385-0684 2003/08 [Refereed]
  • 宮原 裕; 家根 旦有; 上村 裕和
    JOHNS (株)東京医学社 18 (11) 1935 - 1938 0910-6820 2002/11
  • Ken Ohnishi; Ichiro Ota; Akihisa Takahashi; Kazue Yuki; Mie Emoto; Hiroshi Hosoi; Takeo Ohnishi
    Molecular Cancer 1 4  1476-4598 2002/10 [Refereed]
    Introduction: Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma, which is one of the most aggressive, malignant tumors in humans, results in an extremely poor prognosis despite chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The present study was designed to evaluate therapeutic effects of radiation by glycerol on p53-mutant anaplastic thyroid carcinoma cells (8305c cells). To examine the effectiveness of glycerol in radiation induced lethality for anaplastic thyroid carcinoma 8305c cells, we performed colony formation assay and apoptosis analysis. Results: Apoptosis was analyzed with Hoechst 33342 staining and DNA ladder formation assay. 8305c cells became radiosensitive when glycerol was added to culture medium before X-ray irradiation. Apoptosis was induced by X-rays in the presence of glycerol. However, there was little apoptosis induced by X-ray irradiation or glycerol alone. The binding activity of whole cell extracts to bax promoter region was induced by X-rays in the presence of glycerol but not by X-rays alone. Conclusion: These findings suggest that glycerol is effective against radiotherapy of p53-mutant thyroid carcinomas. © 2002 Ohnishi et al licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
  • Hiroshi Miyahara; Katsunari Yane; Yoshihiro Tsuruta; Hirokazu Uemura
    Journal of Otolaryngology of Japan 105 (7) 797 - 798 0030-6622 2002 [Refereed]
    We retrospectively analyzed 213 patients - 197 men and 14 women aged 40 to 87 years - with laryngeal cancer treated at our department from September 1986 to December 1997. The male to female ratio was about 12: 1. Cases included 120 glottic (56.3%), 90 supraglottic (42.3%), and 3 subglottic (1.4%). Radiotherapy for early cases and surgery, mainly total laryngectomy for T3 and T4 were conducted first. The 5-year cause-specific survival by site was 97.6% glottic and 77.5% supraglottic. The five-year survival was 88.6% overall. Local control was 83.8% in glottic T1a and 84.6% in glottic T1b. The 3-year preservation of the larynx was 89.1% in glottic T1a and 92.3% in glottic T1b. Distant metastases were observed in 14 cases, mostly to the lung, bones, and liver. At high risk for distant metastasis were those with supraglottic T3-T4, N1, N2b, or pN2c.
  • Ota, I; K Yane; H Miyahara; M Emoto; K Ohnishii; A Takahashi; H Hosoi; T Ohnishi
    The present studies were designed to evaluate the therapeutic effects of excessive wild-type p53 introduction on p53-mutant undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma cells by colony formation assay and analyses of apoptosis, using 8305c cells tranfected with pC53-143 vector with a temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant of p53, 8305c/ts cells, and 8305c/neo cells, transfected with pCMV-Neo-Bam vector, as the control. Ts-p53 functions as a mutant and a wild-type at nonpermissive (37degreesC) and permissive (32degreesC) temperatures, respectively. 8305c/ts cells at 32degrees\C (8305c/ts32 cells) were chemo- and radio-sensitive compared with 8305c/ts cells at 37degreesC (8305c/ts37 cells). Apoptosis was induced in the 8305c/ts32 cells, but not in 8305c/ ts37 cells, using CDDP treatment or X-ray irradiation. These results suggest that p53-mutant thyroid carcinomas may benefit from the combination of p53 gene therapy before chemo- or radiotherapy.
  • H Nato; C Pairojkul; Y Kitahori; K Yane; H Miyahara; N Konishi; T Matsunaga; Y Hiasa
    CANCER LETTERS ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD 131 (2) 171 - 175 0304-3835 1998/09 [Refereed]
    The incidence and pattern of ras oncogene mutations in human malignancies demonstrate geographic and racial differences. For example, specificity of alterations is found in cholangiocellular carcinomas in Thai patients with a different etiology from those in Japanese patients. In the present study, a comparison of ras gene mutations in thyroid papillary carcinomas from Japanese and Thai patients was performed using single-strand conformation polymorphism and direct sequencing analyses. The incidence of ras mutation differed markedly in Japanese (two of 24 carcinomas, 8.3%) and Thai (five of 10 carcinomas, 50%) patients. In addition, all but one ras mutation occurred at codon 12 of the K-ms gene in the Thai cases. These results suggest that thyroid cancers in Thailand may be due to specific genetic and/or environmental factors. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • M Yokota; N Ito; K Hatake; K Yane; H Miyahara; T Matsunaga
    HISTOCHEMICAL JOURNAL CHAPMAN HALL LTD 29 (7) 555 - 562 0018-2214 1997/07 [Refereed]
    An immuno- and lectin-histochemical study was performed to investigate the aberrant expression of blood group-related antigens and poly-N-acetyllactosamine structures in squamous cell carcinomas of the maxillary sinus, the larynx, the apipharynx, the hypopharynx, the oral cavity, the parotid gland and the tonsil from 52 patients using monoclonal antibodies against A, B and H antigens, and six lectins, UEA-I, PNA, VVA-B-4, PWM, LEA and DSA. In addition, GSA-II staining following endo-beta-galactosidase digestion procedure was also applied. A, B and H antigens were expressed in most normal epithelial cells of head and neck organs, and depended on the patient blood type. However, in squamous cell carcinoma, A antigen was not detected in eight out of 25 individuals of blood groups A and AB, although B antigen was consistently expressed in carcinoma cells from all the B and AB individuals. On the other hand, H antigen was expressed in carcinoma cells not only from all blood group O individuals, but from 32 out of 35 individuals of blood groups A, B and AB. T and Tn antigens, which are recognized by PNA and VVA-B-4, were strongly expressed in carcinoma cells from 40 and 42 out of 52 individuals respectively. Reactivity with GSA-II staining following endo-beta-galactosidase digestion, which recognizes linear poly-N-acetyllactosamine structures, was found in a few malignant cells from 21 individuals. Staining with anti-A, -B and -H monoclonal antibodies and UEA-I lectin was diminished after endo-beta-galactosidase digestion in some cases. Lectins specific for poly-N-acetyllactosamine, such as PWM, LEA and DSA, exhibited reactivity in some malignant cells from 30, 22 and 32 out of 52 individuals respectively. These results suggested that the expression of the blood group-related antigens is suppressed and immature carbohydrate chains, that is H, T and Tn antigens, are accumulated in squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck. The results further suggested that poly-N-acetyllactosamine structures are simultaneously synthesized along with the deletion of A antigen and the accumulation of precursors.
  • 西村 明子; 田中 真理子; 金田 宏和; 家根 旦有; 松永 喬; 西村 健司; 下川 充; 古家 仁
    口腔・咽頭科 日本口腔・咽頭科学会 9 (1) 161 - 161 0917-5105 1996
  • Masako Yokota; Katsunari Yane; Osamu Tanaka; Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga; Nobuaki Ito
    Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho 98 (9) 1381 - 13861497 0030-6622 1995 [Refereed]
    An immunohistochemical study using a panel of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against blood group A, B, H and Lewis antigens Lea, Leb, Lex and Ley and lectins, such as PNA, VVA-B4 and UEA-1, was carried out to investigate the aberrant expression of carbohydrate antigens in formalinfixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections of thyroid neoplasms. The tissues examined consisted of 26 papillary carcinomas, seven follicular adenomas, seven follicular carcinomas, one anaplastic carcinoma and one medullary carcinoma. MAbs against A, B and H antigens reacted strongly with papillary carcinomas from most of the individuals studied (22 of 26 individuals) and their reactivity corresponded well to the blood groups of individuals. In follicular adenomas and carcinomas, these mAbs reacted weakly with a small number of neoplastic cells from two of seven, and four of seven individuals, respectively. Positive staining with mAbs against Lea and Leb antigens was found in almost all papillary carcinomas. On the contrary, these mAbs rarely reacted with cells from follicular adenomas and carcinomas. T and Tn antigens which were recognized by PNA and VVA-B4, respectively, were only weakly expressed in a limited number of cells from the thyroid neoplasms. Normal cells adjacent to malignant cells were not stained by any of the stains used in this study. These results are discussed in light of our recent findings that polylactosamine structures produced in papillary carcinomas are quite different from those expressed in other types of neoplasms. © 1995, The Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Masako Yokota; Katsunari Yane; Osamu Tanaka; Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga
    Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho 97 (2) 218 - 225 0030-6622 1994 [Refereed]
    An immunohistochemical study was perfomed to observe the aberrant expression of blood related group antigens in squamous cell carcinomas of the tongue from 10 patients and 13 normal tongue tissues using seven monoclonal antibodies, A, B, H, X001, H001, Lea and Leb, and four lectins, PNA, VVA-B4, UEA-1 and LTA. In SCC, Leb antigens were expressed in all cases examined (10 cases). T and Tn antigens which were examined with PNA and VVA-B4 stains, were expressed in seven out of 10 and six out of 10 cases, respectively, while these two antigens were not found in normal tissues. A, B and H antigens were expressed in most normal tongue epithelial cells, strictly dependent on the patient blood type. But in SCC, A and B antigens were not detected in five out of seven cancer cells from blood group A, B and AB individuals, whereas H antigen was expressed in 5 out of 7 cancer cells from blood group A, B and AB individuals. These results suggest that the expression of blood group-related antigens is suppressed to that of more immature carbohydrate chains in the setting of tongue cancer. © 1994, The Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Osamu Tanaka; Takashi Matsunaga; Hiroshi Miyahara; Katsunari Yane
    Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica 85 (7) 1125 - 1129 0032-6313 1992 [Refereed]
    The etiology, prognosis and clinical management of minute thyroid carcinoma has been receiving considerable attention. Between 1981 and 1989, 258 thyroid tumors were examined in our clinic. The clinical features of minute thyroid carcinoma were investigated. This article describes 13 minute thyroid carcinomas. 1) A minute carcinoma was detected in 13 of the 258 (5.0%) thyroid tumors. 2) Three of the 13 patients had clinical signs of carcinoma, 4 had occult carcinoma and 6 had latent carcinoma. 3) All carcinomas were of the papillary type. 4) Soft tissue roentgenography was useful in the diagnosis of symptomatic carcinoma. 5) In occult carcinoma, ipsilateral and/or bilateral neck dissection should be done. © 1992, The Society of Practical Otolaryngology. All rights reserved.
  • 北奥 恵之; 和久田 幸之助; 太田 和博; 柏木 令子; 藤田 信哉; 鶴田 至宏; 家根 旦有; 上田 隆志; 鈴村 滋生; 喜多野 郁夫; 宮原 裕; 松永 喬
    O.R.L.Tokyo Society of Oto-rhino-laryngology Tokyo 34 583 - 593 0386-9687 1991 
    アンレキサノクス点鼻液をアレルギー性鼻炎37例 (通年性13例, 季節性24例) に原則として4週間投与した。
    全般改善度は全体で改善以上43.2%, やや改善以上89.2%, 通年性ではそれぞれ15.4%, 92.3%, 季節性では58.3%, 87.5%となった。通年性での改善以上が低率であったのは, 重症例が少なかったためと2週目で最終判定した例も含まれていたためと考えた。
    症状別ではくしゃみ発作, 鼻汁, 分泌量に効果が高かった。
    副作用は1例に咽頭不快感があったが, 投与継続により軽快した。
    有用度は有用以上43.2%, やや有用以上89.1%となった。
    以上より, アンレキサノクス点鼻液はアレルギー性鼻炎に有用な薬剤であると思われた。
  • Osamu Tanaka; Takashi Matsunaga; Hiroshi Miyahara; Katsunari Yane
    Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica 84 (1) 83 - 87 0032-6313 1991 [Refereed]
    The purpose of this study was to test the usefulness of thallium 201 (Tl-201) thyroid scintigraphy in the detection of thyroid malignancies. Early and delayed Tl-201 scintigraphy was done in 135 patients with a clinically solitary thyroid nodule. There were 64 benign tumors and 71 malignant tumors. Scintigraphy was done 10 minutes (early scan) and 2 hours (delayed scan) after the administration of Tl-201. With a combination of early and delayed Tl-201 scintigraphy, sensitivity was 57.7% and specificity was 81.2%. Therefore Tl-201 scintigraphy is of limited value for the detection of thyroid malignancies. © 1991, The Society of Practical Otolaryngology. All rights reserved.
    Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho The Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan, Inc. 88 (8) 1040 - 1044 0030-6622 1985 
    Computed tomographic images of 49 cases of unilateral sinus lesions were examined, and 4 findings were obtained as follows;
    1) On the C. T. images of malignant tumors, detection of bone destruction was easy, but its early erosion was difficult.
    2) Fungus infections and papilloma of paranasal sinuses demonstrated bone thickness as well as destruction, and this finding would serve as a differential point from malignant diseases.
    3) From the C. T. values of soft tissue shadows in the maxillary sinus, it was impossible to differentiate malignant from benign lesions. However, a calcified or non-homogenous soft tissue shadow was seen only in cases of fungus infections and maxillary adenocarcinoma in malignant tumors, and it would be clinically a very important differential point.
    4) Many of the unilateral sinus lesions will prove to be indications for surgery, except acute and allergic sinusitis. The paranasal C. T. examinations should be performed if the case does not respond to a conservative therapy over a month, and a case showing bone destruction by the C. T. images would require an exploratory Caldwell-Luc operation.
  • 松永 喬; 藤田 信哉; 薗田 史子; 西田 和代; 家根 旦有; 山本 裕幸; 柿内 寿美
    臨床耳科 THE JAPAN OTOLOGICAL SOCIETY 11 (1) 116 - 117 1884-5800 1984


  • 木村隆浩; 高濱隆幸; 足立詩織; 若狭朋子; 明石雄策; 田村孝雄; 家根旦有; 桝井貴史; 上村裕和; 山中敏彰; 北原糺  日本頭頸部外科学会総会ならびに学術講演会プログラム・予稿集  31st-  2022
  • 足立詩織; 家根旦有; 太田一郎; 上村裕和; 山中敏彰; 北原糺  日本喉頭科学会総会学術講演会プログラムおよび予稿集  33rd-  2021
  • AMED「HPV関連中咽頭癌の治療最適化に関する研究」について
    家根 旦有; 藤井 正人; 折舘 伸彦; 林 隆一; 中溝 宗永; 丹生 健一; 齋藤 祐毅  頭頸部癌  45-  (2)  146  -146  2019/05
  • AMED「HPV関連中咽頭癌の治療最適化に関する研究」について
    家根 旦有; 藤井 正人; 折舘 伸彦; 林 隆一; 中溝 宗永; 丹生 健一; 齋藤 祐毅  頭頸部癌  45-  (2)  146  -146  2019/05
  • 森本 千裕; 山中 敏彰; 北原 糺; 覚道 真理子; 西久保 敏也; 家根 旦有  奈良県医師会医学会年報  31-  (1)  13  -19  2018/08
  • Head and Neck Tumor 頭頸部腫瘍 頭頸部癌における近年のトピックス AJCC/UICC TNM病期分類システムの現状と展望
    家根 旦有  癌と化学療法  45-  (7)  1042  -1045  2018/07
  • 甲状腺・副甲状腺手術の基本手技
    家根 旦有  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  121-  (7)  928  -931  2018/07
  • 当科で経験した天疱瘡・類天疱瘡の4例
    尾崎 大輔; 清水 直樹; 中井 義紀; 家根 旦有  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊153)  101  -101  2018/06
  • 頸部後方固定術後症例に対する下顎正中分割法を併用したanterior mediastinal tracheostomyの1例
    米倉 竹夫; 木村 浩基; 山内 勝治; 石井 智浩; 神山 雅史; 山口 万枝; 上田 吉生; 家根 旦有; 二川 晃一  小児耳鼻咽喉科  39-  (2)  119  -119  2018/06
  • HPV関連中咽頭癌の新TNM分類について
    家根 旦有  頭頸部外科  28-  (1)  9  -14  2018/06
  • 頸部後方固定術後症例に対する下顎正中分割法を併用したanterior mediastinal tracheostomyの1例
    米倉 竹夫; 木村 浩基; 山内 勝治; 石井 智浩; 神山 雅史; 山口 万枝; 上田 吉生; 家根 旦有; 二川 晃一  小児耳鼻咽喉科  39-  (2)  119  -119  2018/06
  • 今村善宣; 清田尚臣; 田中薫; 林秀俊; 太田一郎; 平野滋; 岩江信法; 南修司郎; 家根旦有; 山崎知子; 長谷善明; 豊田昌徳; 大月直樹; 丹生健一; 南博信  頭頸部癌  44-  (2)  126  -126  2018/05
  • 新TNM分類(第8版)の改定点と問題点 中咽頭癌の改定点と問題点
    家根 旦有  頭頸部癌  44-  (2)  95  -95  2018/05
  • 次世代シーケンサーを用いたHPV陽性およびHPV陰性中咽頭癌の遺伝子解析 頭頸部癌基礎研究会報告
    家根 旦有; 藤井 正人; 太田 一郎; 菅澤 正; 本間 明宏; 水田 啓介; 倉富 勇一郎; 丹生 健一; 加藤 久幸; 大上 研二; 北村 守正; 辻 裕之; 安松 隆治; 永澤 昌  頭頸部癌  44-  (2)  125  -125  2018/05
  • 岡本 英之; 金澤 成典; 家根 旦有; 太田 一郎; 上村 裕和; 山中 敏彰; 北原 糺  頭頸部癌  44-  (2)  240  -240  2018/05
  • 岡本 英之; 金澤 成典; 家根 旦有; 太田 一郎; 上村 裕和; 山中 敏彰; 北原 糺  頭頸部癌  44-  (2)  240  -240  2018/05
  • 藤井 正人; 太田 一郎; 菅澤 正; 水町 貴諭; 水田 啓介; 倉富 勇一郎; 大月 直樹; 鈴木 真輔; 家根 旦有; 齊藤 祐毅; 加藤 久幸; 平野 滋; 大上 研二; 下出 祐造; 小川 武則; 安松 隆治; 永澤 昌; 早川 広史  頭頸部癌  44-  (1)  18  -22  2018/04
  • AMED研究:頭頸部癌領域 HPV関連中咽頭癌の治療最適化に関する研究
    家根 旦有  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  121-  (4)  380  -380  2018/04
  • Katsunari Yane; Kazue Sawanishi; Kazuto Nishio; Kazuko Sakai; Masato Fujii; Akihiro Homma; Masashi Sugasawa; Kenji Okami; Ichiro Ota  CANCER SCIENCE  109-  181  -181  2018/01
  • 分子標的剤が奏功した転移性甲状腺癌の一例
    清水 直樹; 明石 雄策; 若狭 朋子; 太田 善夫; 覚道 健一; 家根 旦有  日本内分泌学会雑誌  93-  (4)  1161  -1161  2017/12
  • ALK阻害剤が奏功した転移性甲状腺癌の一例
    清水 直樹; 若狭 朋子; 覚道 健一; 尾崎 大輔; 家根 旦有  日本内分泌・甲状腺外科学会雑誌  34-  (Suppl.2)  S300  -S300  2017/10
  • 【頭頸部悪性腫瘍の疑問に答える】 病因・病態理解 甲状腺癌の悪性度が幅広い理由を教えてください
    家根 旦有  JOHNS  33-  (9)  1092  -1094  2017/09
  • 日本の多施設共同研究によるHPV関連中咽頭癌の遺伝子解析
    家根 旦有; 澤西 和恵; 西尾 和人; 坂井 和子; 藤井 正人; 本間 明宏; 菅澤 正; 大上 研二; 太田 一郎  日本癌学会総会記事  76回-  P  -1030  2017/09
  • 小児上顎骨線維性骨異型性症の2例
    中井 義紀; 家根 旦有; 清水 直樹; 尾崎 大輔; 太田 善夫  日本鼻科学会会誌  56-  (3)  438  -438  2017/09
  • 当科で経験した粘膜優位型尋常性天疱瘡の1例
    尾崎 大輔; 中井 義紀; 家根 旦有  口腔・咽頭科  30-  (3)  432  -432  2017/08
  • 家根 旦有  奈良県医師会医学会年報  30-  (1)  94  -97  2017/06
  • 中咽頭扁平上皮癌に対する集学的治療の効果とHPV感染との相関に関する臨床研究 頭頸部癌基礎研究会報告
    藤井 正人; 太田 一郎; 菅澤 正; 水町 貴諭; 水田 啓介; 倉富 勇一郎; 大月 直樹; 鈴木 真輔; 家根 旦有; 齊藤 祐毅  頭頸部癌  43-  (2)  173  -173  2017/05
  • 【臨床力UP! 耳鼻咽喉科検査マニュアル】腫瘍の検査 遺伝子検査
    家根 旦有  耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科  89-  (5)  306  -312  2017/04
  • 肺Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma(LCNEC)の甲状腺転移の一例
    福森 恭代; 浦 雅彦; 覚道 健一; 清水 直樹; 家根 旦有; 金山 清二; 若狹 朋子; 太田 善夫  日本臨床細胞学会雑誌  56-  (Suppl.1)  435  -435  2017/04
  • 【頭頸部癌学-診断と治療の最新研究動向-】 頭頸部癌の予防
    家根 旦有  日本臨床  75-  (増刊2 頭頸部癌学)  599  -603  2017/02
  • 頭頸・口腔 頭頸部がんに対する治療戦略 再発・転移頭頸部癌に対するPaclitaxel+Carboplatin+Cetuximab療法の第II相試験
    清田 尚臣; 横田 知哉; 長谷川 泰久; 室 圭; 高橋 俊二; 尾上 琢磨; 本間 明宏; 鈴木 政美; 家根 旦有; 原 浩樹; 西條 憲; 山中 竹春; 田原 信  日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集  54回-  WS80  -1  2016/10
  • 上顎洞迷入歯根による上顎洞炎症例 境界領域に対する耳鼻咽喉科医としての対応
    中井 義紀; 家根 旦有; 西川 大祐  日本鼻科学会会誌  55-  (3)  460  -460  2016/09
  • 篩骨蜂巣・上顎骨転移により判明した腎癌(ベリニ管癌)転移例
    中井 義紀; 家根 旦有; 金澤 成典; 桝井 貴史; 西川 大祐; 太田 善夫  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊146)  176  -176  2016/06
  • 家根 旦有  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  119-  (4)  489  -490  2016/04
  • 岸谷 讓; 末吉 功治; 奥田 英之; 秦 康倫; 木下 大輔; 高山 政樹; 水野 成人; 川崎 俊彦; 細本 宜志; 磯貝 理恵子; 山田 秀和; 家根 旦有  日本内分泌学会雑誌  92-  (1)  268  -268  2016/04
  • サブスペシャリティとしての内分泌外科専門医 耳鼻咽喉科医としての内分泌外科専門医
    家根 旦有  日本内分泌・甲状腺外科学会雑誌  33-  (Suppl.1)  S88  -S88  2016/04
  • 【中咽頭癌-HPVの視点からみた大きな変化】 診断 HPV陽性癌と陰性癌の所見の違いは?
    家根 旦有  JOHNS  32-  (3)  319  -322  2016/03
  • 疾患と病態生理 口内炎
    家根 旦有  JOHNS  32-  (2)  247  -250  2016/02
  • 家根 旦有  耳鼻咽喉科臨床  109-  (1)  68  -69  2016/01
  • 岸谷 讓; 末吉 功治; 奥田 英之; 秦 康倫; 木下 大輔; 高山 政樹; 水野 成人; 川崎 俊彦; 細本 宜志; 磯貝 理恵子; 山田 秀和; 家根 旦有  日本内分泌学会雑誌  91-  (Suppl.Branch)  237  -237  2015/12
  • 岸谷 讓; 末吉 功治; 奥田 英之; 秦 康倫; 木下 大輔; 高山 政樹; 水野 成人; 川崎 俊彦; 細本 宜志; 磯貝 理恵子; 山田 秀和; 家根 旦有  日本内分泌学会雑誌  91-  (2Suppl.)  109  -109  2015/11
  • 【耳鼻咽喉科薬物療法2015】 耳鼻咽喉科の疾患・症候別薬物療法 伝染性単核球症
    家根 旦有  JOHNS  31-  (9)  1314  -1315  2015/09
  • 甲状腺手術における反回神経即時再建の検討
    家根 旦有; 中井 義紀; 金澤 成典; 西川 大祐  日本内分泌・甲状腺外科学会雑誌  32-  (Suppl.2)  S255  -S255  2015/09
  • 鼻出血により判明した腎癌術後9年目の鼻腔転移症例
    中井 義紀; 家根 旦有; 金澤 成典; 西川 大祐; 太田 善夫  日本鼻科学会会誌  54-  (3)  482  -482  2015/09
  • 抗PD-1抗体で発症した破壊性甲状腺中毒症例
    家根 旦有; 中井 義紀; 金澤 成典; 西川 大祐; 岸谷 譲  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊142)  129  -129  2015/06
  • バセドウ病に機能性結節を合併したMarine-Lenhart症候群の1例
    西川 大祐; 家根 旦有; 岸谷 譲; 中井 義紀; 金澤 成典  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊142)  132  -132  2015/06
  • 頸椎後方固定後のLarsen症候群症例に対する下顎スプリットアプローチを用いた前縦隔気管口形成術
    米倉 竹夫; 神山 雅史; 山内 勝治; 木村 浩基; 森下 祐次; 石井 智浩; 山口 万枝; 横山 晋也; 家根 旦有; 上田 吉生  日本小児外科学会雑誌  51-  (3)  733  -733  2015/05
  • 梨状陥凹瘻に対してトリクロール酢酸を用いた瘻孔閉鎖術
    西川 大祐; 金澤 成典; 中井 義紀; 家根 旦有  小児耳鼻咽喉科  36-  (2)  140  -140  2015/04
  • 抗PD-1抗体治療中に甲状腺機能異常を呈した肛門部悪性黒色腫の1例
    細本 宜志; 吉岡 希; 椋棒 圭子; 村本 睦子; 磯貝 理恵子; 山田 秀和; 家根 旦有; 岸谷 譲  皮膚の科学  14-  (2)  93  -94  2015/04
  • 【知っておきたい甲状腺診療-検査から専門治療まで-】 甲状腺疾患の見分け方 良性・悪性の見分け方
    家根 旦有  ENTONI  (172)  1  -7  2014/10
  • 【こんなときどうする】 口腔咽頭喉頭科学・気管食道科学領域 食道PTP異物と診断したら、軟性内視鏡下での摘出が最良?
    家根 旦有; 奥田 英之  JOHNS  30-  (9)  1309  -1311  2014/09
  • 【咽頭癌・頸部食道癌の治療戦略Update】 個別化治療の現在 HPVからみた中咽頭癌の個別化治療
    家根 旦有  耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科  86-  (10)  807  -811  2014/09
  • 手術法の工夫 気管膜様部を温存した気管端々吻合術について
    家根 旦有; 金澤 成典; 岡本 倫朋; 中井 義紀  日本内分泌・甲状腺外科学会雑誌  31-  (Suppl.2)  S183  -S183  2014/09
  • 家根 旦有  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  117-  (8)  1151  -1153  2014/08
  • 上顎洞に充満した角化嚢胞性歯原性腫瘍(Keratocystic odontogenic tumor)例
    中井 義紀; 家根 旦有; 岡本 倫朋; 金澤 成典; 太田 善夫  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊139)  121  -121  2014/06
  • 左甲状腺下極から上縦隔にかけて発生した気管支原性嚢胞例
    家根 旦有; 岡本 倫朋; 金澤 成典; 中井 義紀  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊139)  129  -129  2014/06
  • Snailによる癌幹細胞様特性の獲得と幹細胞性の維持
    桝井 貴史; 太田 一郎; 三上 慎司; 木村 隆浩; 家根 旦有; 山中 敏彰; 細井 裕司  頭頸部癌  40-  (2)  190  -190  2014/05
  • 経口的に用指剥離して摘出した喉頭蓋脂肪腫の1例
    小泉 敏三; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  117-  (4)  521  -521  2014/04
  • 桝井 貴史; 太田 一郎; 家根 旦有; 三上 慎司; 山中 敏彰; 細井 裕司  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  117-  (4)  531  -531  2014/04
  • 岸谷 讓; 奥田 英之; 秦 康倫; 木下 大輔; 永田 嘉昭; 川崎 俊彦; 金澤 成典; 家根 旦有; 太田 善夫; 大野 恭裕  日本内分泌学会雑誌  90-  (1)  343  -343  2014/04
  • Takashi Masui; Ichiro Ota; Hiroshi Hosoi; Katsunari Yane; Yoshinori Nakai  Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica  107-  (1)  65  -69  2014
  • 家根 旦有; 全田 貞幹; 出水 祐介; 太田 一郎  耳鼻  60-  (1)  S52  -S60  2014
  • 【気道確保!!】 急性喉頭蓋炎 どのような場合に気道確保が必要になるか?
    家根 旦有  JOHNS  29-  (10)  1758  -1760  2013/10
  • 【クローズアップ"目・耳・鼻・口"の診かたと初期対応-臨床決断の醍醐味】 鼻 鼻閉、鼻出血、鞍鼻
    家根 旦有; 成尾 一彦; 高野 将人  小児内科  45-  (10)  1833  -1837  2013/10
  • 【検査結果をどう読むか?】 細菌・ウイルス検査 ヒトパピローマウイルスに関する検査
    家根 旦有  JOHNS  29-  (9)  1447  -1449  2013/09
  • 岸谷 讓; 奥田 英之; 秦 康倫; 木下 大輔; 清水 昌子; 川崎 俊彦; 金澤 成典; 家根 旦有; 大野 恭裕  日本内分泌学会雑誌  89-  (2)  486  -486  2013/09
  • 歯性上顎洞炎と思われた中鼻道鼻腔異物により生じた上顎洞炎の1症例
    中井 義紀; 家根 旦有; 金澤 成典; 今泉 宏哲  日本鼻科学会会誌  52-  (3)  381  -381  2013/09
  • 経過観察中に癌化したHPV陰性中咽頭乳頭腫
    家根 旦有; 中井 義紀; 金澤 成典; 今泉 宏哲  口腔・咽頭科  26-  (3)  284  -284  2013/08
  • 清水 直樹; 細井 裕司; 真貝 隆之; 家根 旦有  奈良県医師会医学会年報  26-  (1)  25  -28  2013/08
  • 病理所見と臨床像が乖離した伝染性単核球症の1例
    家根 旦有; 中井 義紀; 金澤 成典; 今泉 宏哲  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊135)  139  -139  2013/07
  • 【耳鼻咽喉科外来における救急医療】 耳鼻咽喉・頭頸部領域の異物
    家根 旦有; 山下 哲範  ENTONI  (154)  59  -65  2013/06
  • 甲状腺乳頭癌の気管浸潤例術後に対する放射線外照射の検討
    家根 旦有; 金澤 成典; 今泉 宏哲; 中井 義紀; 太田 一郎; 岡本 英之; 細井 裕司  頭頸部癌  39-  (2)  185  -185  2013/05
  • 【耳鼻咽喉科における乳幼児診療Q&A】 気道・食道異物は減っていますか? 最近の対処法はどうなっていますか?
    家根 旦有; 米倉 竹夫; 山下 哲範  ENTONI  (152)  79  -86  2013/04
  • 家根 旦有  日本気管食道科学会会報  64-  (2)  73  -73  2013/04
  • ヒト乳頭腫ウイルス感染の現状と新しい展開 HPV感染の現状 基礎から臨床について
    家根 旦有  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  116-  (4)  320  -321  2013/04
  • 下咽頭・食道同時性重複癌に対し放射線治療を行った6例の検討
    岡嶋 馨; 廣井 啓二; 松浦 知弘; 長谷川 博一; 岩田 裕樹; 荒木 哲朗; 西田 千嘉子; 高瀬 彩子; 金澤 成典; 中井 義紀; 家根 旦有  Japanese Journal of Radiology  31-  (Suppl.I)  51  -51  2013/02
  • 家根 旦有  耳鼻咽喉科臨床  105-  (12)  1126  -1127  2012/12
  • 【耳鼻咽喉科疾患と遺伝子】 頭頸部癌と遺伝子
    太田 一郎; 家根 旦有  耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科  84-  (12)  910  -914  2012/11
  • 術後7年目に悪性転化し鼻腔内に多発再発を生じた鼻腔内反性乳頭腫の一例
    中井 義紀; 家根 旦有; 金澤 成典; 高瀬 彩子; 太田 善夫  日本鼻科学会会誌  51-  (3)  364  -364  2012/09
  • 中耳炎を初発症状として発症したANCA関連血管炎の1例
    高瀬 彩子; 家根 旦有; 中井 義紀; 金澤 成典  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊133)  84  -84  2012/07
  • 超音波照射によるEGFRをターゲットにした分子標的治療Cetuximabの増感効果の検討
    太田 一郎; 桝井 貴史; 神野 正敏; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  頭頸部癌  38-  (2)  185  -185  2012/05
  • 術中NBI拡大内視鏡併用下に喉頭垂直部分切除術を行った喉頭癌の1例
    金澤 成典; 家根 旦有; 中井 義紀; 高瀬 彩子  頭頸部癌  38-  (2)  224  -224  2012/05
  • 手術手技 私が愛用する手術器具100 気管支形成補助具
    家根 旦有  JOHNS  28-  (4)  705  -707  2012/04
  • 喉頭原発びまん性大細胞型B細胞性リンパ腫の3例
    中井 義紀; 家根 旦有; 金澤 成典; 桝井 貴史; 高瀬 彩子; 八木 秀男; 太田 善夫  日本気管食道科学会会報  63-  (2)  s62  -s62  2012/04
  • 【小児の耳鼻咽喉科108の疑問】 口腔・咽頭疾患 口内炎の特徴は?
    家根 旦有  JOHNS  28-  (3)  452  -453  2012/03
  • 緊急気管切開を必要とした声門下腫瘍の1例
    前川 昌平; 米倉 竹夫; 小角 卓也; 澤井 利夫; 野瀬 恵介; 木村 拓也; 家根 旦有; 中井 義紀; 桝井 貴史; 太田 善夫  日本小児科学会雑誌  116-  (3)  581  -581  2012/03
  • Toshizo Koizumi; Katsunari Yane; Kazuhiko Nario; Hiroshi Hosoi  Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica  105-  (5)  463  -469  2012
  • 【慢性炎症の病態を理解する】 慢性炎症の概念と病態 発癌との関係
    家根 旦有  JOHNS  27-  (11)  1769  -1771  2011/11
  • Kadish分類A嗅神経芽細胞腫に対する内視鏡下手術による摘出の検討
    中井 義紀; 家根 旦有; 金澤 成典; 桝井 貴史; 高瀬 彩子; 太田 善夫  日本鼻科学会会誌  50-  (3)  323  -323  2011/11
  • 経皮的穿刺吸引細胞診検査が有用であった喉頭原発腺様嚢胞癌の1例
    浦 雅彦; 家根 旦有; 太田 善夫  臨床病理  59-  (補冊)  232  -232  2011/10
  • 【これを読めばPETがわかる】 甲状腺・副甲状腺におけるPET
    家根 旦有  耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科  83-  (10)  747  -752  2011/09
  • 【私の処方箋】 頭頸部悪性腫瘍 悪性リンパ腫
    家根 旦有; 椿 和央  JOHNS  27-  (9)  1488  -1491  2011/09
  • 甲状腺悪性リンパ腫の背景疾患
    清水 直樹; 岡本 英之; 太田 一郎; 山中 敏彰; 細井 裕司; 榎本 泰典; 中峯 寛和; 榑松 由佳子; 上嶋 昌和; 家根 旦有  日本内分泌学会雑誌  87-  (2)  555  -555  2011/09
  • 石原 卓; 竹田 洋子; 村上 志穂; 山田 佳世; 竹下 泰史; 家根 旦有; 長谷川 正俊; 嶋 緑倫  日本小児血液学会雑誌  25-  (4)  226  -230  2011/09
  • 【甲状腺・副甲状腺疾患の診療-最近の話題】 甲状腺腫瘍に対するエタノール注入療法
    家根 旦有  JOHNS  27-  (7)  1017  -1020  2011/07
  • 右眼症状(眼瞼下垂、視力障害)を初発症状とした蝶形骨洞由来のdiffuse large B-cell lymphomaの1症例
    中井 義紀; 家根 旦有; 桝井 貴史; 高瀬 彩子; 太田 善夫  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊131)  66  -66  2011/06
  • 血球貪食症候群を発症した亜急性壊死性リンパ節炎の1例
    桝井 貴史; 中井 義紀; 高瀬 彩子; 家根 旦有  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊131)  141  -141  2011/06
  • 緊急気管切開を必要とした小児声門下腫瘍の一例
    前川 昌平; 米倉 竹夫; 小角 卓也; 澤井 利夫; 野瀬 恵介; 木村 拓也; 家根 旦有; 中井 義紀; 桝井 貴史; 高瀬 彩子; 太田 善夫  日本小児救急医学会雑誌  10-  (2)  270  -270  2011/06
  • 頭頸部癌細胞におけるEGFRおよびmTORシグナル経路をターゲットにした分子標的治療
    太田 一郎; 岡本 倫朋; 桝井 貴史; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  頭頸部癌  37-  (2)  229  -229  2011/05
  • 当科における唾液腺癌局所再発例の検討
    岡本 英之; 太田 一郎; 今泉 宏哲; 三上 慎司; 山中 敏彰; 細井 裕司; 上條 朋之; 家根 旦有  頭頸部癌  37-  (2)  244  -244  2011/05
  • 当科におけるWeekly CCRT(concurrent chemoradiotherapy)症例の検討
    三上 慎司; 家根 旦有; 岡本 英之; 太田 一郎; 上條 朋之; 福田 多介彦; 小林 武彦; 今泉 宏哲; 桝井 貴史; 細井 裕司  頭頸部癌  37-  (2)  259  -259  2011/05
  • 甲状腺未分化癌の病理診断におけるMIB-1 indexの検討
    家根 旦有; 桝井 貴史; 岡本 英之; 太田 一郎; 細井 裕司  頭頸部癌  37-  (2)  271  -271  2011/05
  • 舌に発症した巣状筋炎の1例
    家根 旦有; 高瀬 彩子; 桝井 貴史; 中井 義紀; 樋口 嘉久; 太田 善夫; 細井 裕司  小児耳鼻咽喉科  32-  (2)  146  -146  2011/05
  • 緊急気管切開を必要とした小児声門下腫瘍の一例
    前川 昌平; 米倉 竹夫; 小角 卓也; 澤井 利夫; 野瀬 恵介; 木村 拓也; 家根 旦有; 中井 義紀; 桝井 貴史; 高瀬 彩子; 太田 善夫  小児耳鼻咽喉科  32-  (2)  156  -156  2011/05
  • 当科において全身麻酔下に摘出した気道異物・下咽頭食道異物の検討
    山下 哲範; 山中 敏彰; 細井 裕司; 家根 旦有; 福田 多介彦  日本気管食道科学会会報  62-  (2)  274  -274  2011/04
  • 両側喉頭肉芽腫の1例
    桝井 貴史; 中井 義紀; 高瀬 彩子; 家根 旦有  日本気管食道科学会会報  62-  (2)  291  -291  2011/04
  • 頭頸部癌治療とHPV感染
    家根 旦有  日本気管食道科学会会報  62-  (1)  58  -58  2011/02
  • 局所麻酔下に施行した気管切開術の検討
    成尾 一彦; 細井 裕司; 家根 旦有; 宮原 裕  頭頸部外科  20-  (3)  247  -253  2011/02
  • Yutaka Tokumaru; Masato Fujii; Katsunari Yane; Takanori Hama; Kiyoto Shiga; Hiroyuki Mineta; Tomokazu Yoshizaki; Kenji Okami; Ichiro Ota; Shigeru Hirano; Muneyuki Masuda; Masashi Sugasawa; Torahiko Nakashima; Toyoyuki Hanazawa; Noriyuki Sakihama; Yuichiro Kuratomi; Ken-ichi Nibu; Hisayuki Kato; Yorihisa Imanishi; Taro Sugimoto; Shinsuke Suzuki; Yuichiro Sato  Japanese Journal of Head and Neck Cancer  37-  (3)  398  -404  2011
  • Toshizo Koizumi; Katsunari Yane; Hiroshi Hosoi  Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica  104-  (12)  881  -886  2011
  • SnailによるMT1-MMPおよびMT2-MMPの癌浸潤・転移能の制御
    太田 一郎; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  耳鼻咽喉科免疫アレルギー  28-  (3)  235  -238  2010/09
  • ヒト甲状腺未分化がんにおけるNBS1標的siRNAの温熱増感効果(siRNA targeted for NBS1 enhances heat sensitivity in human anaplastic thyroid carcinoma cells)
    岡本 倫朋; 高橋 昭久; 太田 一郎; 家根 旦有; 大西 健; 細井 裕司; 大西 武雄  日本癌学会総会記事  69回-  292  -292  2010/08
  • ラパマイシンは頭頸部癌細胞の増殖を抑制し、シスプラチン誘導アポトーシスを促進する(Rapamycin inhibits proliferation and enhances cisplatin-induced apoptosis in human head and neck cancer cells)
    太田 一郎; 高橋 昭久; 家根 旦有; 岡本 倫朋; 細井 裕司; 大西 武雄  日本癌学会総会記事  69回-  484  -484  2010/08
  • 鼻腔原発の原始神経外胚葉腫瘍(P-NET)の1症例
    中井 義紀; 桝井 貴史; 家根 旦有; 尾崎 智博; 藤島 正浩; 太田 善夫  日本鼻科学会会誌  49-  (3)  392  -392  2010/07
  • 鰓弓耳腎(BOR)症候群の1例
    桝井 貴史; 家根 旦有; 中井 義紀  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊128)  101  -101  2010/06
  • 当科における唾液腺癌遠隔転移例の検討
    岡本 英之; 家根 旦有; 太田 一郎; 上條 朋之; 小林 武彦; 今泉 宏哲; 山中 敏彰; 細井 裕司  頭頸部癌  36-  (2)  216  -216  2010/05
  • 当院における上顎洞原発扁平上皮癌についての臨床的検討
    今泉 宏哲; 岡本 英之; 太田 一郎; 小林 武彦; 成尾 一彦; 山中 敏彰; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  頭頸部癌  36-  (2)  218  -218  2010/05
  • 当科において全身麻酔下に摘出した異物症例の検討
    山下 哲範; 今泉 宏哲; 岡本 英之; 山中 敏彰; 細井 裕司; 家根 旦有; 福田 多介彦  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  113-  (4)  314  -314  2010/04
  • Snail1によるMT1-MMPおよびMT2-MMP依存性の癌浸潤能の誘導
    太田 一郎; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  113-  (4)  325  -325  2010/04
  • 当科における喉頭外傷の統計的観察
    中嶋 真沙子; 福田 多介彦; 三上 慎司; 山中 敏彰; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  日本気管食道科学会会報  61-  (2)  226  -227  2010/04
  • レーザー焼灼術を施行した喉頭紡錘細胞癌の1例
    福田 多介彦; 三上 慎司; 中嶋 真沙子; 山中 敏彰; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  日本気管食道科学会会報  61-  (2)  242  -243  2010/04
  • 【唾液腺腫瘍 その取扱いをめぐって】 唾液腺腫瘍の治療における問題点 ワルチン腫瘍の治療方針は
    家根 旦有  JOHNS  26-  (2)  203  -205  2010/02
  • Kenji Hosono; Shinji Koyama; Yoshio Hatakeyama; Naoki Shimizu; Hiroshi Hosoi; Katsunari Yane  Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica  103-  (11)  1035  -1043  2010
  • Ichiro Ota; Noritomo Okamoto; Hiroshi Hosoi; Katsunari Yane  Toukeibu Gan  36-  (4)  442  -446  2010
  • 成尾 一彦; 宮原 裕; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  小児耳鼻咽喉科  30-  (3)  227  -231  2009/12
  • 短期間に再発を繰り返し治療に難渋した小児PTCL-NOSの1例
    石原 卓; 菊川 洋子; 村上 志穂; 竹下 泰史; 樋口 万緑; 家根 旦有; 中峯 寛和; 長谷川 正俊; 嶋 緑倫  小児がん  46-  (プログラム・総会号)  486  -486  2009/11
  • 【頭頸部腫瘍診療における論点 耳鼻口腔咽頭編】 超選択的動注療法の手技はどちらが良いか? 経浅側頭動脈法の立場から
    家根 旦有  JOHNS  25-  (10)  1550  -1552  2009/10
  • 早期下咽頭癌に対する化学放射線療法の検討 早期喉頭癌に対比して
    太田 一郎; 家根 旦有; 岡本 英之; 長谷川 正俊; 細井 裕司  日本癌治療学会誌  44-  (2)  517  -517  2009/09
  • 原発不明頸部転移癌の検討
    桝井 貴史; 家根 旦有; 上條 朋之; 岡本 英之; 太田 一郎; 細井 裕司  日本癌治療学会誌  44-  (2)  797  -797  2009/09
  • Snailを介したWntシグナル伝達によるがんの浸潤・転移の制御
    太田 一郎; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  耳鼻咽喉科免疫アレルギー  27-  (2)  107  -108  2009/09
  • 副鼻腔(右上顎洞)原発の横紋筋肉腫(Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma)の1症例
    中井 義紀; 家根 旦有; 桝井 貴史; 米倉 竹夫; 西田 吉直  日本鼻科学会会誌  48-  (3)  266  -266  2009/08
  • Snail 1はMT1-MMPおよびMT2-MMPを発現誘導し、がん細胞浸潤をin vivoにおいても促進させる(Snail1 induces the membrane-anchored collagenases, MT1-MMP and MT2-MMP, to drive cancer cell invasion programs in vivo)
    太田 一郎; 家根 旦有; 高橋 昭久; 大西 武雄; 松浦 成昭; 細井 裕司  日本癌学会総会記事  68回-  442  -442  2009/08
  • 耳鼻咽喉科救急疾患への対応 気道・食道異物
    家根 旦有  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊124)  47  -47  2009/06
  • 頭頸部静脈奇形の3症例
    成尾 一彦; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊124)  94  -94  2009/06
  • 超高齢者に発症した耳下部原発悪性リンパ腫の1症例
    高瀬 彩子; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊124)  146  -146  2009/06
  • 成尾 一彦; 宮原 裕; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  頭頸部外科  19-  (1)  49  -53  2009/06
  • 直達鏡下に染色し摘出した下咽頭梨状窩瘻の1例
    成尾 一彦; 宮原 裕; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  小児耳鼻咽喉科  30-  (2)  148  -148  2009/06
  • 成尾 一彦; 宮原 裕; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  小児耳鼻咽喉科  30-  (2)  92  -92  2009/06
  • 当科における上咽頭癌症例の検討
    岡本 英之; 家根 旦有; 太田 一郎; 福田 多介彦; 成尾 一彦; 山中 敏彰; 玉本 哲郎  頭頸部癌  35-  (2)  94  -94  2009/05
  • 奈良県立医科大学における頭頸部癌患者への口腔ケア介入
    青木 久美子; 今西 麻依子; 栗原 都; 前田 雅彦; 山川 延宏; 今井 裕一郎; 太田 一郎; 家根 旦有; 桐田 忠昭  頭頸部癌  35-  (2)  99  -99  2009/05
  • mTORシグナル経路を標的とした放射線増感効果の検討
    太田 一郎; 家根 旦有; 岡本 倫朋; 細井 裕司  頭頸部癌  35-  (2)  141  -141  2009/05
  • ヒト甲状腺未分化がん細胞に対するDNA修復酵素NBS1を標的とした温熱増感効果
    家根 旦有; 岡本 倫朋; 太田 一郎; 細井 裕司  頭頸部癌  35-  (2)  141  -141  2009/05
  • 上咽頭がん透析患者に対する化学放射線療法の試み
    小林 武彦; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  頭頸部癌  35-  (2)  192  -192  2009/05
  • Ichiro Ota; Farideh Sabeh; Xiao-Yan Li; Katsunari Yane; Hiroshi Hosoi; Stephen Weiss  CANCER RESEARCH  69-  2009/05
  • 頭頸部疾患に対する経皮的エタノール注入療法
    家根 旦有; 岡本 英之; 太田 一郎; 福田 多介彦; 成尾 一彦; 細井 裕司  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  112-  (4)  321  -321  2009/04
  • ヒト甲状腺未分化がん細胞におけるDNA修復酵素NBS1を標的としたRNAiによる温熱増感効果
    岡本 倫朋; 太田 一郎; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  112-  (4)  331  -331  2009/04
  • 甲状腺未分化癌の予後因子の検討
    桝井 貴史; 家根 旦有; 岡本 英之; 福田 多介彦; 清水 直樹; 上條 朋之; 細井 裕司  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  112-  (4)  369  -369  2009/04
  • 局所麻酔下に施行した気管切開術の検討
    成尾 一彦; 小林 武彦; 福田 多介彦; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司; 笹井 久徳; 鎌倉 綾; 宮原 裕; 松代 直樹  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  112-  (4)  372  -372  2009/04
  • 声門後部に橋状に生じた喉頭肉芽腫の1例
    福田 多介彦; 中嶋 真沙子; 山中 敏彰; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  日本気管食道科学会会報  60-  (2)  212  -213  2009/04
  • 鼻腔、咽頭および喉頭に多発した小児喉頭乳頭腫の1例
    中嶋 真沙子; 福田 多介彦; 山中 敏彰; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  日本気管食道科学会会報  60-  (2)  223  -224  2009/04
  • Toshiaki Yamanaka; Chihiro Morimoto; Takehiko Fukuda; Hideyuki Okamoto; Hiroshi Hosoi; Katsunari Yane  Toukeibu Gan  35-  (3)  322  -327  2009
  • 家根 旦有  耳鼻咽喉科臨床  101-  (12)  962  -963  2008/12
  • 藤内 祝; 不破 信和; 横山 純吉; 家根 旦有; 吉崎 智一; 重冨 俊雄; 佃 守  頭頸部癌  34-  (3)  330  -333  2008/10
  • 岡本 英之; 岡本 倫朋; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  頭頸部外科  18-  (2)  175  -179  2008/10
  • 非根治頭頸部癌に対する姑息的化学療法の検討
    家根 旦有; 太田 一郎; 岡本 英之; 山中 敏彰; 福田 多介彦; 小林 武彦; 細井 裕司  日本癌治療学会誌  43-  (2)  529  -529  2008/10
  • 当科における上咽頭癌に対する治療の検討
    岡本 英之; 家根 旦有; 太田 一郎; 福田 多介彦; 成尾 一彦; 山中 敏彰; 細井 裕司  日本癌治療学会誌  43-  (2)  574  -574  2008/10
  • 早期喉頭癌に対する放射線治療に化学療法同時併用は必要か? 再発例からの考察
    太田 一郎; 家根 旦有; 岡本 英之; 福田 多介彦; 山中 敏彰; 細井 裕司  日本癌治療学会誌  43-  (2)  575  -575  2008/10
  • リンパ節でCastleman病の診断後骨髄、末梢血にCD20陽性異常Tリンパ球増殖を認めた末梢性T細胞性リンパ腫
    神野 正敏; 上杉 篤志; 吉井 由美; 中村 忍; 小泉 敏三; 岡本 英之; 家根 旦有; 中峯 寛和  臨床血液  49-  (9)  1025  -1025  2008/09
  • Wntシグナル伝達はSnailを安定化させ、癌の浸潤・転移能を獲得させる(Wnt signalling engages EMT and tumor-invasive activity through Snail stabilization)
    太田 一郎; 家根 旦有; 松浦 成昭; 細井 裕司  日本癌学会総会記事  67回-  187  -188  2008/09
  • 家根 旦有; 赤坂 咲恵; 城田 志保; 細井 裕司  耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科  80-  (9)  594  -596  2008/08
  • 高Ca血症の診断に苦慮したサルコイドーシスの1例
    三上 慎司; 小林 武彦; 岡本 英之; 成尾 一彦; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊121)  81  -81  2008/06
  • 鼻前庭癌の2症例
    岡本 英之; 小林 武彦; 岡本 倫朋; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊121)  110  -110  2008/06
  • 原発性シェーグレン症候群の診断における唾液腺造影と唾液分泌量検査について
    小林 武彦; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊121)  141  -141  2008/06
  • 選択的動注化学療法の現状と将来展望 舌癌に対する浅側頭動脈よりの超選択的動注化学放射線療法 多施設共同研究の取り組み
    藤内 祝; 不破 信和; 横山 純吉; 家根 旦有; 吉崎 智一; 重冨 俊雄; 佃 守  頭頸部癌  34-  (2)  112  -112  2008/05
  • CBDCA同時併用放射線治療の頭頸部癌における有用性の検討
    岡本 英之; 家根 旦有; 太田 一郎; 福田 多介彦; 山中 敏彰; 細井 裕司  頭頸部癌  34-  (2)  151  -151  2008/05
  • 甲状腺未分化癌の治療方針について
    家根 旦有; 岡本 英之; 太田 一郎; 福田 多介彦; 岡本 倫朋; 上條 朋之; 細井 裕司  頭頸部癌  34-  (2)  163  -163  2008/05
  • mTORシグナル経路を標的としたシスプラチン増感効果の検討
    太田 一郎; 家根 旦有; 岡本 倫朋; 細井 裕司  頭頸部癌  34-  (2)  176  -176  2008/05
  • 当科における非特異的喉頭肉芽腫の臨床的検討
    福田 多介彦; 三上 慎司; 山中 敏彰; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  日本気管食道科学会会報  59-  (2)  260  -260  2008/04
  • 当科における反回神経麻痺の臨床統計
    三上 慎司; 福田 多介彦; 山中 敏彰; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  日本気管食道科学会会報  59-  (2)  267  -267  2008/04
  • リンパ節炎症性病変における染色体分析の意義
    家根 旦有; 岡本 英之; 小泉 敏三; 福田 多介彦; 太田 一郎; 西村 忠己; 成尾 一彦; 山中 敏彰; 細井 裕司  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  111-  (4)  326  -326  2008/04
  • 原発性シェーグレン症候群の小唾液腺におけるアクアポリン5の分布異常と唾液分泌量について
    小林 武彦; 藤本 隆; 家根 旦有; 中村 忍; 細井 裕司  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  111-  (4)  338  -338  2008/04
  • がんの浸潤・転移モデルとしてのchick chorioallantoic membrane assay(CAM assay)の有用性とその応用
    太田 一郎; 家根 旦有; 岡本 倫朋; 細井 裕司  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  111-  (4)  355  -355  2008/04
  • 甲状腺MALTリンパ腫放射線治療後早期に甲状腺機能低下を示した1例
    塩川 優子; 玉本 哲郎; 浅川 勇雄; 真貝 隆之; 岩田 和朗; 長谷川 正俊; 平井 都始子; 岡本 雅典; 家根 旦有  Radiation Medicine  26-  (Suppl.I)  43  -43  2008/04
  • 急速な経過を示したnodal marginal zone B cell lymphomaの一例
    浅川 勇雄; 玉本 哲郎; 真貝 隆之; 岩田 和朗; 長谷川 正俊; 家根 旦有; 神野 正敏; 中峯 寛和  Radiation Medicine  26-  (Suppl.I)  52  -52  2008/04
  • 清水 直樹; 家根 旦有; 岡本 英之; 細井 裕司  小児耳鼻咽喉科  29-  (1)  29  -32  2008/03
  • 頸部に発症したSolitary fibrous tumor(SFT)の1例
    弓場 文麿; 平井 都始子; 丸上 永晃; 山下 奈美子; 森井 多美子; 吉田 美鈴; 辻本 達寛; 伊藤 高広; 岡本 倫明; 家根 旦有; 島田 啓司; 佐谷 徹; 大石 元  超音波医学  35-  (2)  258  -259  2008/03
  • 小泉 敏三; 上條 朋之; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  耳鼻咽喉科臨床  101-  (2)  87  -93  2008/02
  • 三上 慎司; 上條 朋之; 小泉 敏三; 福田 多介彦; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  耳鼻咽喉科臨床  101-  (2)  147  -151  2008/02
  • 【悪性疾患をうたがう顔面および頸部所見】 前頸部腫脹
    家根 旦有  ENTONI  (85)  33  -40  2008/02
  • 家根 旦有  小児科  49-  (2)  223  -230  2008/02
  • Ichiro Ota; Katsunari Yane; Hiroshi Hosoi  Toukeibu Gan  34-  (1)  19  -23  2008
  • 【新生児・乳児の診断・治療マニュアル】 異物、その他 気道異物
    家根 旦有  JOHNS  23-  (9)  1421  -1425  2007/09
  • 甲状腺分化癌の喉頭気管浸潤例に対する手術方法の検討
    家根 旦有; 岡本 英之; 福田 多介彦; 太田 一郎; 上條 朋之; 細井 裕司  日本癌治療学会誌  42-  (2)  431  -431  2007/09
  • 頭頸部癌に対するCBDCA同時併用放射線治療の検討
    岡本 英之; 家根 旦有; 太田 一郎; 福田 多介彦; 上條 朋之; 山中 敏彰; 細井 裕司  日本癌治療学会誌  42-  (2)  479  -479  2007/09
  • 膜固定性コラゲナーゼMT1-MMPは細胞外マトリックスを介するin vivo腫瘍細胞輸送を介在する(The membrane-anchored collagenase MT1-MMP mediates tumor cell traffic through the extracellular matrix in vivo)
    太田 一郎; 家根 旦有; 松浦 成昭; 細井 裕司  日本癌学会総会記事  66回-  326  -326  2007/08
  • 非機能性副甲状腺嚢胞に対するアルコール注入療法の有用性
    家根 旦有; 山中 敏彰; 小林 武彦; 三上 慎司; 細井 裕司  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊120)  43  -43  2007/07
  • シェーグレン症候群の小唾液腺における水チャンネル・アクアポリン5の分布異常と唾液分泌量の低下について
    小林 武彦; 藤本 隆; 家根 旦有; 中村 忍; 細井 裕司  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊120)  75  -75  2007/07
  • 頸部外切開で摘出した食道異物の1症例
    三上 慎司; 福田 多介彦; 村井 孝行; 山中 敏影; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊120)  80  -80  2007/07
  • 家根 旦有; 岡本 英之; 福田 多介彦; 岡本 倫朋; 太田 一郎; 上條 朋之; 細井 裕司  小児耳鼻咽喉科  28-  (2)  86  -86  2007/06
  • 当科における小児の睡眠時無呼吸症候群の検査と診断 多動性を認める小児に対する終夜ポリソムノグラフィー検査の経験を踏まえて
    太田 一郎; 大西 徳信; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  小児耳鼻咽喉科  28-  (2)  106  -106  2007/06
  • 当科における小児甲状腺癌の治療経験
    家根 旦有; 岡本 英之; 福田 多介彦; 岡本 倫朋; 太田 一郎; 上條 朋之; 細井 裕司  小児耳鼻咽喉科  28-  (2)  146  -146  2007/06
  • Wntシグナル伝達はSnailを活性化させ、癌の浸潤・転移能を獲得させる
    太田 一郎; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  頭頸部癌  33-  (2)  117  -117  2007/05
  • 悪性腫瘍に対するNovalis(強度変調定位放射線治療装置)の治療効果
    岡本 英之; 家根 旦有; 福田 多介彦; 山中 敏彰; 細井 裕司  頭頸部癌  33-  (2)  124  -124  2007/05
  • 甲状腺分化癌の肺転移に関する臨床的検討
    家根 旦有; 岡本 英之; 太田 一郎; 福田 多介彦; 上條 朋之; 細井 裕司  頭頸部癌  33-  (2)  131  -131  2007/05
  • 当科における喉頭白板症の臨床的統計
    福田 多介彦; 三上 慎司; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  日本気管食道科学会会報  58-  (2)  283  -283  2007/04
  • 原発性シェーグレン症候群患者の小唾液腺上皮における水チャンネル・アクアポリン5の分布異常について
    小林 武彦; 藤本 隆; 家根 旦有; 中村 忍; 細井 裕司  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  110-  (4)  354  -354  2007/04
  • 悪性リンパ腫における染色体分析の意義
    家根 旦有; 岡本 英之; 福田 多介彦; 西村 忠己; 上條 朋之; 村井 孝行; 山中 敏彰; 江本 美枝; 澤西 雄一郎; 細井 裕司  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  110-  (4)  367  -367  2007/04
  • 【子どもの健康管理 「みみ はな のど」】 子どもの「異物」とその対応
    家根 旦有  小児歯科臨床  12-  (2)  33  -39  2007/02
  • Tomoyuki Kamijo; Katsunari Yane; Hiroshi Hosoi; Takashi Masui  Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica  100-  (4)  277  -284  2007
  • Ichiro Ota; Farideh Sabeh; Nariaki Matsuura; Katsunari Yane; Hiroshi Hosoi; Stephen Weiss  CLINICAL & EXPERIMENTAL METASTASIS  24-  (4)  252  -252  2007
  • 【ここまでわかった遺伝子異常】 頭頸部領域 甲状腺癌
    家根 旦有  JOHNS  22-  (12)  1775  -1779  2006/12
  • 家根 旦有  小児耳鼻咽喉科  27-  (3)  242  -246  2006/12
  • 家根 旦有  救急医学  30-  (10)  1469  -1473  2006/09
  • 下咽頭、食道同時重複癌に対する放射線化学療法
    家根 旦有; 上條 朋之; 岡本 英之; 細井 裕司; 玉本 哲郎; 浅川 勇雄; 長谷川 正俊  日本癌治療学会誌  41-  (2)  635  -635  2006/09
  • 耳下腺悪性腫瘍の治療成績
    上條 朋之; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  日本癌治療学会誌  41-  (2)  636  -636  2006/09
  • 低線量放射線の生体影響と適応応答
    家根 旦有  耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科  78-  (8)  537  -545  2006/07
  • 山下 哲範; 三上 慎司; 岡本 雅典; 村井 孝行; 岡本 英之; 山中 敏彰; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司; 関 匡彦; 奥地 一夫  小児耳鼻咽喉科  27-  (2)  56  -56  2006/06
  • 家根 旦有  小児耳鼻咽喉科  27-  (2)  32  -32  2006/06
  • 村井 孝行; 山下 哲範; 岡本 英之; 山中 敏彰; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司; 土井 政明; 福田 和由; 嶋 緑倫; 吉岡 章  小児耳鼻咽喉科  27-  (2)  125  -125  2006/06
  • 蜂窩織炎をともなう頸部リンパ節腫脹で発症した川崎病の一症例
    村井 孝行; 山下 哲範; 岡本 英之; 山中 敏彰; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司; 土井 政明; 福田 和由; 嶋 緑倫; 吉岡 章  小児耳鼻咽喉科  27-  (2)  213  -213  2006/06
  • 歯ブラシによる外傷性咽頭裂傷により深頸部から縦隔気腫にまで至った幼児症例
    山下 哲範; 三上 慎司; 岡本 雅典; 村井 孝行; 岡本 英之; 山中 敏彰; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司; 関 匡彦; 奥地 一夫  小児耳鼻咽喉科  27-  (2)  144  -144  2006/06
  • 当科における強度変調三次元定位放射線治療(Novalis)を用いた治療経験 頭頸部領域および体幹照射
    村井 孝行; 岡本 英之; 西村 忠己; 小泉 敏三; 岡本 雅典; 清水 直樹; 小林 武彦; 山中 敏彰; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司; 平林 秀裕  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  109-  (4)  378  -378  2006/04
  • サカサナマズの卵形嚢耳石基質タンパク質mRNAのin situハイブリダイゼーションによる検出
    岡本 倫朋; 山中 敏彰; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  109-  (4)  389  -389  2006/04
  • Takeo Ohnishi; Katsunari Yane; Ichiro Ota  Toukeibu Gan  32-  (3)  342  -348  2006
  • 末端肥大症に合併する甲状腺疾患の検討
    三上 慎司; 家根 旦有; 岡本 倫朋; 細井 裕司  甲状腺外科研究会  38回-  72  -72  2005/10
  • ヒト甲状腺癌細胞におけるDNA修復タンパク質を標的としたsiRNAの放射線増感効果
    岡本 倫朋; 家根 旦有; 沢西 和恵; 細井 裕司  甲状腺外科研究会  38回-  82  -82  2005/10
  • 頭頸部領域の内視鏡補助下手術の応用
    家根 旦有; 山中 敏彰; 岡本 英之; 村井 孝行; 福田 多介彦; 阪口 剛史; 西村 忠己; 上條 朋之; 細井 裕司  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  108-  (9増刊)  946  -946  2005/09
  • 頭頸部癌に対するWeekly Docetaxel療法
    家根 旦有; 山中 敏彰; 岡本 英之; 細井 裕司  日本癌治療学会誌  40-  (2)  424  -424  2005/09
  • 副咽頭間隙と顎下部に多発したoncocytomaの1症例
    岡本 英之; 家根 旦有; 谷口 由希子; 山中 敏彰; 細井 裕司  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊116)  101  -101  2005/07
  • 他科依頼による気管切開術症例の検討
    三上 慎司; 上條 朋之; 岡本 英之; 山中 敏彰; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊116)  125  -125  2005/07
  • YANE Katsunari; KONISHI Noburu; ONISHI Takeo  内分泌外科 = Endocrine surgery  22-  (2)  95  -99  2005/06
  • 経皮的動脈穿刺法による浅側頭動脈を用いた超選択的動注療法
    家根 旦有; 山中 敏彰; 岡本 英之; 村井 孝行; 福田 多介彦; 西村 忠己; 上條 朋之; 細井 裕司; 中川 裕之; 不破 信和  頭頸部癌  31-  (2)  232  -232  2005/05
  • 頭頸部癌におけるCDDP/5-FU/PEP併用療法の検討
    上條 朋之; 西村 忠己; 福田 多介彦; 村井 孝行; 岡本 英之; 山中 敏彰; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  頭頸部癌  31-  (2)  236  -236  2005/05
  • 放射線併用動注化学療法が奏効した肝細胞癌上顎転移の1例
    岡本 英之; 家根 旦有; 城田 志保; 福田 多介彦; 山中 敏彰; 細井 裕司  頭頸部癌  31-  (2)  281  -281  2005/05
  • 構音後に音声加工が可能な新方式電気人工喉頭
    阪口 剛史; 福田 多介彦; 岡本 英之; 山中 敏彰; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  108-  (5増刊)  601  -602  2005/05
  • 頭頸部癌に対するタキソテール毎週投与の治療経験
    岡本 英之; 家根 旦有; 山中 敏彰; 金田 宏和; 福田 多介彦; 細井 裕司  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  108-  (5増刊)  667  -667  2005/05
  • シェーグレン症候群の診断における唾液腺造影の有用性
    小林 武彦; 家根 旦有; 山中 敏彰; 村井 孝行; 細井 裕司  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊115)  58  -59  2004/11
  • 岡本 倫朋; 家根 旦有; 金田 宏和; 福田 多介彦; 岡本 英之; 山中 敏彰; 細井 裕司  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  107-  (9増刊)  825  -825  2004/09
  • 当科における最近の気道異物摘出術
    福田 多介彦; 西村 忠己; 阪口 剛史; 村井 孝行; 岡本 英之; 金田 宏和; 山中 敏彰; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  107-  (9増刊)  915  -915  2004/09
  • 頭頸部癌に対する治療の新展開 頭頸部がんに対する外頸動脈を用いた超選択的動注療法
    家根 旦有; 山中 敏彰; 細井 裕司; 中川 裕之  日本癌治療学会誌  39-  (2)  391  -391  2004/09
  • 頭頸部癌に対するdocetaxel(TXT)の有用性の検討
    岡本 英之; 家根 旦有; 山中 敏彰; 金田 宏和; 福田 多介彦; 細井 裕司  頭頸部腫瘍  30-  (2)  279  -279  2004/05
  • 摘出にFogartyカテーテルを用いた気管支異物症例
    福田 多介彦; 山中 敏彰; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  日本気管食道科学会会報  55-  (2)  185  -185  2004/04
  • 【副咽頭間隙腫瘍の治療】 内視鏡補助下による副咽頭間隙腫瘍摘出の試み
    家根 旦有; 福田 多介彦; 西村 忠己; 岡本 英之; 細井 裕司  頭頸部外科  13-  (3)  91  -96  2004/03
  • YANE Katsunari; HUKUDA Takehiko; OKAMOTO Hideyuki; HOSOI Hiroshi; MIYAHARA Hiroshi  頭頚部腫瘍  29-  (4)  594  -598  2003/12
  • MIYAHARA Hiroshi; NARIO Kazuhiko; YANE Katsunari; UEMURA Hirokazu  喉頭 = The Larynx Japan  15-  (2)  109  -113  2003/12
  • 口内法により摘出しえた口腔底からオトガイ下部に及ぶ巨大皮様嚢腫の1症例
    村井 孝行; 山中 敏彰; 金澤 成典; 坂口 剛史; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  106-  (5増刊)  579  -579  2003/05
  • 当科における気道異物の臨床統計
    福田 多介彦; 阪上 剛; 岡本 英之; 金田 宏和; 山中 敏彰; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  106-  (5増刊)  580  -580  2003/05
  • 当科における気道異物の臨床統計
    福田 多介彦; 阪上 剛; 岡本 英之; 金田 宏和; 山中 敏彰; 家根 旦有; 細井 裕司  日本気管食道科学会会報  54-  (2)  145  -145  2003/04
  • N Konishi; K Tsujikawa; H Yamamoto; E Ishida; M Nakamura; K Shimada; K Yane; H Yamashita; S Noguchi  BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER  88-  (8)  1223  -1228  2003/04
  • N Konishi; K Tsujikawa; H Yamamoto; E Ishida; M Nakamura; K Shimada; K Yane; H Yamashita; S Noguchi  BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER  88-  (8)  1223  -1228  2003/04
  • Katsunari Yane; Hiroshi Hosoi; Hiroshi Miyahara  Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica  96-  (2)  161  -164  2003
  • YANE Katsunari; EMOTO Mie; OKAMOTO Hideyuki; YUKI Kazue; HOSOI Hiroshi; MIYAHARA Hiroshi  頭頸部腫瘍  29-  (1)  186  -190  2003
  • 家根 旦有  耳鼻臨床  96-  (6)  486  -487  2003
  • 頭頸部癌におけるTSー1の有用性
    癌と化学療法  30-  (8)  1119  -1124  2003
  • 甲状腺分化癌遠隔転移例の検討
    家根 旦有; 幸 和恵; 太田 一郎; 山中 敏彰; 金田 宏和; 岡本 英之; 細井 裕司; 宮原 裕  甲状腺外科研究会  35回-  75  -75  2002/11
  • Ken Ohnishi; Ichiro Ota; Akihisa Takahashi; Kazue Yuki; Mie Emoto; Hiroshi Hosoi; Takeo Ohnishi  Molecular Cancer  1-  2002/10
  • Ken Ohnishi; Ichiro Ota; Akihisa Takahashi; Kazue Yuki; Mie Emoto; Hiroshi Hosoi; Takeo Ohnishi  Molecular Cancer  1-  2002/10
  • 非ホジキン悪性リンパ腫における血清可溶型IL-2レセプターの臨床的意義
    家根 旦有; 山中 敏彰; 金田 宏和; 岡本 英之; 細井 裕司  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  105-  (9増刊)  1047  -1047  2002/09
  • K Ohnishi; Ota, I; A Takahashi; K Yane; H Matsumoto; T Ohnishi  APOPTOSIS  7-  (4)  367  -372  2002/08
  • K Ohnishi; Ota, I; A Takahashi; K Yane; H Matsumoto; T Ohnishi  APOPTOSIS  7-  (4)  367  -372  2002/08
  • 中・高齢者の耳鼻咽喉科に対する意識調査
    細井 裕司; 家根 旦有; 山中 敏彰; 金田 宏和; 岡本 英之; 水野 映子  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  105-  (4)  446  -446  2002/04
  • 悪性リンパ腫の遺伝子検索の意義
    家根 旦有; 山中 敏彰; 金田 宏和; 岡本 英之; 細井 裕司; 宮原 裕  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  105-  (4)  457  -457  2002/04
  • YANE K.  Pract.Otol. (Kyoto)  95-  (10)  1088  -1089  2002
  • Miyahara Hiroshi; Nario Kazuhiko; Kajikawa Hiroshi; Uemura Hirokazu; Yane Katunari  Koutou (THE LARYNX JAPAN)  14-  (2)  115  -119  2002
  • 甲状腺疾患と遺伝子
    ENTONI  7-  (4)  367  -372  2002
  • ヒト扁平上皮癌細胞移植マウスを用いた化学シャペロン治療の検討(共著)
    耳鼻免疫アレルギー  20(2), 154-156-  2002
  • DNAマイクロアレイを用いた放射線誘導アポトーシスの遺伝子解析
    癌の臨床  48(6), 324-327-  2002
  • 小児科診療  65(9), 1516-1520-  (9)  1381  -1520  2002
  • MIYAHARA Hiroshi; YANO Katsunari; TSURUTA Yoshihiro; UEMURA Hirokazu  Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho  105, 790-798-  (7)  790  -798  2002
  • Hitoshi Umeoka; Katsunari Yane; Hiroshi Hosoi  Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica  95-  (11)  1143  -1146  2002
  • 頭頸部悪性リンパ腫の治療成績及び予後因子の検討
    家根 旦有; 安田 大栄; 福田 多介彦; 村井 孝行; 金田 宏和; 岡本 英之; 山中 敏彰; 細井 裕司; 宮原 裕  耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊  (補冊106)  64  -64  2001/11
  • 副咽頭間隙腫瘍と思われた扁桃原発の悪性リンパ腫手術症例
    小泉 敏三; 家根 旦有; 岡本 英之; 田邊 英徳; 村井 孝行; 山中 敏彰; 細井 裕司  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  104-  (9増刊)  995  -995  2001/09
  • YUKI Kazue; OHTA Ichiro; TAKAHASHI Akihisa; OHNISHI Ken; YANE Katsunari; HOSOI Hiroshi; OHNISHI Takeo  Journal of radiation research  42-  (4)  534  -534  2001
  • 家根旦有  臨床外科  56(10), 1331-1335-  1331  -1335  2001
  • シューグレン(Sj(]E88D8[)gren)病について
    六法出版  33-  894  -895  2001
  • NAITOH Kimiko; YANE Katsunari; UEMURA Hirokazu; NAITOH Hiroaki; MIYAHARA Hiroshi  Pract.Otol. (Kyoto)  94-  (7)  635  -638  2001
  • NAITOH Kimiko; YANE Katsunari; UEMURA Hirokazu; NAITOH Hiroaki; MIYAHARA Hiroshi  Practica Otlolgica  94-  (7)  635  -638  2001
  • H Kanata; K Yane; Ota, I; H Miyahara; T Matsunaga; A Takahashi; K Ohnishi; T Ohnishi; H Hosoi  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY  17-  (3)  513  -517  2000/09
  • Ota, I; K Ohnishi; A Takahashi; K Yane; H Kanata; H Miyahara; T Ohnishi; H Hosoi  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS  47-  (2)  495  -501  2000/05
  • グリセロールによる変異型p53癌細胞に対する放射線誘導アポトーシスの回復
    太田一郎; 家根旦有; 金田宏和; 宮原裕; 細井裕司; 髙橋昭久; 大西健; 大西武雄  耳鼻咽喉科免疫アレルギー  18-  156  -157  2000
  • 成尾 一彦; 岡本 雅典; 小泉 敏三; 福田 多介彦; 上村 裕和; 家根 旦有; 藤田 信哉; 細井 裕司  耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科  72-  (10)  695  -697  2000
  • MIYAHARA Hiroshi; TANABE Shuichi; EMOTO Yoshie; UEMURA Hirokazu; YANE Katsunari; TANAKA Osamu  Pract.Otol. (Kyoto)  93-  (10)  847  -854  2000
  • 宮原 裕; 家根 旦有; 上村 裕和  耳鼻咽喉科臨床  93-  (1)  8  -9  2000
  • UEMURA Hirokazu; YANE Katsunari; MIYAHARA Hiroshi  頭頸部腫瘍  26-  (1)  90  -94  2000
  • A case of a milk tooth foreign bady in the bronchus
    72-  (10)  695  -697  2000
  • Hiroshi MIYAHARA; Shuichi TANABE; Yoshie EMOTO; Hirokazu UEMURA; Katsunari YANE; Osamu Tanaka  Practica Otologica  93-  (10)  847  -854  2000
  • Percutaneous ethanol injection therapy
    Practica Otologica  93-  8  -9  2000
  • Hirokazu UEMURA; Katsunari YANE; Hiroshi MIYAHARA  Head and Neck Cancer  26-  (1)  90  -94  2000
  • 家根 旦有; 小泉 敏三; 上村 裕和; 宮原 裕; 細井 裕司  頭頸部外科  9-  (3)  143  -147  1999/12
  • U Liengswangwong; N Konishi; Y Hiasa; H Naito; K Yane  CANCER LETTERS  143-  S33  -S33  1999/09
  • 緊急気管切開を要した喉頭癌症例の予後検討
    宮原 裕; 上村 裕和; 山中 敏彰; 上田 隆志; 家根 旦有  日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報  102-  (4)  510  -510  1999/04
  • 金田 宏和; 家根 旦有; 大西 武雄  放射線生物研究  34-  (1)  60  -70  1999/03
  • 増田 安政; 妻谷 憲一; 植村 天受; 大園 誠一郎; 岡島 英五郎; 平尾 佳彦; 中谷 敏也; 岡本 新悟; 山中 敏彰; 家根 旦有  奈良医誌  50-  (1)  55  -61  1999/02
  • 舌扁平上皮癌細胞へのp53遺伝子導入によるシスプラチン・X線・温熱感受性の制御
    太田一郎; 家根旦有; 金田宏和; 宮原裕; 松永喬; 大西健; 髙橋昭久; 玉本哲郎; 大西武雄  耳鼻咽喉科免疫アレルギー  17-  108  -109  1999
  • 家根 旦有; 小泉 敏三; 上村 裕和; 宮原 裕; 細井 裕司  頭頸部外科  9-  (3)  143  -149  1999
  • 喉頭  11-  80  -82  1999
  • 家根 旦有; 宮原 裕; 太田 一郎; 内藤 宏昌; 上村 裕和; 金田 宏和; 松永 喬; 大西 武雄; 北堀 吉映; 日浅 良雄  耳鼻と臨床  45-  (Suppl.3)  742  -748  1999
  • Surgical treatment for Graves' disease
    Japan Society Head and Neck Surg  9-  143  -149  1999
  • Larynx Japan  11-  80  -82  1999
  • H Miyahara; H Naito; K Ueda; K Yane; T Matsunaga; K Okaichi; T Ohnishi  ACTA OTO-LARYNGOLOGICA  118-  (5)  763  -768  1998/09
  • OTA I.; YOSHIMASU T.; YANE K.; MIYAHARE H.; MATSUNAGA T.; MATSUURA N.  耳鼻咽喉科免疫アレルギー  16-  (2)  150  -151  1998/08
  • 甲状腺ホルモン製剤(共著)
    医薬ジャーナル  34-  849  -855  1998
  • 舌下間隙腫瘍と手術のアプローチ(共著)
    宮原 裕; 上村 裕和; 家根 旦有  JOHNS  14-  (5)  719  -725  1998
  • MIYAHARA Hiroshi; YANE Katsunari; UEMURA Hirokazu; MATSUNAGA Takashi  頭頚部腫瘍  24-  (1)  7  -11  1998
  • 家根 旦有  Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho  101-  (2)  244  -247  1998
  • A rare point mutation of Ki-ras codon 63 in N-bis(2-hydroxypropyl)-nitrosamine-induced transplantable rat thyroid carcinomas in vivo(共著)
    Thyroidol Clin Exp  10-  167  -170  1998
  • K-ras mutations in spontaneous and chemically induced tumors in the rat(共著)
    Thyroidol Clin Exp  10-  215  -221  1998
  • Hiroshi MIYAHARA; Katsunari YANE; Hirokazu UEMURA; Takashi MATSUNAGA  Head and Neck Cancer  24-  (1)  7  -11  1998
  • H Naitou; N Konishi; Y Kitahori; K Yane; K Yamamoto; H Miyahara; T Matsunaga; Y Hiasa  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY  11-  (6)  1291  -1296  1997/12
  • 家根 旦有; 宮原 裕; 内藤 宏昌; 松永 喬  頭頸部腫瘍  23-  (3)  589  -594  1997/11
  • H Miyahara; K Yane; H Naitoh; N Konishi; Y Kitahori; T Matsunaga; Y Hiasa  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY  11-  (1)  133  -137  1997/07
  • 家根 旦有  頭頚部腫瘍  23-  (2)  294  -294  1997/05
  • 横田 雅子; 家根 旦有; 上田 隆志; 宮原 裕; 松永 喬  頭頸部腫瘍  23-  (1)  39  -43  1997/03
  • 宮原裕  耳鼻咽喉科・頭頚部外科  69-  147  -151  1997
  • YOKOTA Masako; YANE Katsunari; UEDA Takashi; MIYAHARA Hiroshi; MATSUNAGA Takashi  Toukeibu Gan  23-  (1)  39  -43  1997
  • Katsunari Yane; Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga  Practica Otologica  90-  (3)  357  -360  1997
  • 喉頭・下咽頭の病気(共著)
    宮原 裕; 家根 旦有; 上村 裕和  消化器内視鏡  9-  (9)  1215  -1221  1997
  • 頭頚部癌における分子生物学の役割
    JOHNS  13-  1275  -1279  1997
  • Clinical evaluation of bilayer artificial mucous membrane in oral surgery
    H. Miyahara  Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (Tokyo)  69-  (2)  147  -151  1997
  • Masako YOKOTA; Katsunari YANE; Takashi UEDA; Hiroshi MIYAHARA; Takashi MATSUNAGA  Head and Neck Cancer  23-  (1)  39  -43  1997
  • Katsunari Yane; Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga  Practica Otologica  90-  (3)  357  -360  1997
  • Diseases of the larynx and hypopharynx
    9-  1215  -1221  1997
  • YANE Katsunari; MIYAHARA Hiroshi; NAITOH Hiroaki; MATSUNAGA Takashi  Head and Neck Cancer  23-  (3)  589  -594  1997
  • N Konishi; Y Hiasa; M Tao; H Matsuda; M Nakamura; K Yane; Y Kitahori  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY  8-  (3)  549  -554  1996/03
  • H Inui; T Murai; K Yane; T Matsunaga  EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY  253-  (3)  176  -181  1996/03
  • K Yane; N Konishi; Y Kitahori; H Naito; K Okaichi; T Ohnishi; H Miyahara; T Matsunaga; Y Hiasa  CANCER LETTERS  101-  (1)  85  -92  1996/03
  • Katsunari Yane; Toshiaki Yamanaka; Takashi Ueda; Yoshinobu Ogawa; Nobuya Fujita; Osamu Tanaka; Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga; Yoshihiro Tsuruta  Practica Otologica  89-  (2)  237  -242  1996
  • Katsunari Yane; Toshiaki Yamanaka; Takashi Ueda; Yoshinobu Ogawa; Nobuya Fujita; Osamu Tanaka; Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga; Yoshihiro Tsuruta  Practica Otologica  89-  (2)  237  -242  1996
  • Ogawa Yoshinobu; Matsunaga Takashi; Miyahara Hiroshi; Tanaka Osamu; Yane Katsunari; Ueda Takashi; Tsuruta Yoshihiro; Oka Ryo  The Journal of the Japan Broncho-esophagological Society  46-  (3)  203  -208  1995
  • Ogawa Yoshinobu; Matsunaga Takashi; Miyahara Hiroshi; Tanaka Osamu; Yane Katsunari; Ueda Takashi; Tsuruta Yoshihiro; Oka Ryo  The Journal of Japan of Bronchoesophagological Society  46-  (3)  203  -208  1995
  • 慢性中耳炎耳漏の検出菌の動向について-10年前と比較して-(共著)
    日本耳鼻咽喉科感染症研究会  12-  58  -62  1994
  • 南有紀; 家根旦有; 田中治; 宮原裕; 松永喬; 中井寛明  日本気管食道科学会会報  45-  (1)  50  -53  1994
  • 西村 龍夫; 坂上 義次; 吉岡 章; 赤田 忍; 一條 元彦; 名和 良晃; 西信 元嗣; 南 有紀; 家根 旦有; 宮原 裕; 黒川 紳一郎; 榊 寿右; 西久保 敏也; 高橋 幸博  奈良医学雑誌  45-  (1)  95  -99  1994
  • Osamu Tanaka; Takashi Matsunaga; Hiroshi Miyahara; Hitomi Takahashi; Yuki Minami; Katsunari Yane  Practica Otologica  87-  (1)  109  -113  1994
  • Reiki Yakata; Toshitsugu Tsuchitani; Katsunari Yane; Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga  Practica Otologica  87-  (7)  913  -917  1994
  • 家根 旦有; 田中 治; 宮原 裕; 松永 喬  頭頚部腫瘍  20-  (1)  170  -174  1994
  • The Journal of Japan of Bronchoesophagological Society  45-  (1)  50  -53  1994
  • 西村 龍夫; 坂上 義次; 吉岡 章; 赤田 忍; 一條 元彦; 名和 良晃; 西信 元嗣; 南 有紀; 家根 旦有; 宮原 裕; 黒川 紳一郎; 榊 寿右; 西久保 敏也; 高橋 幸博  The Journal of Nara Medical Association  45-  (1)  95  -99  1994
  • Osamu Tanaka; Takashi Matsunaga; Hiroshi Miyahara; Hitomi Takahashi; Yuki Minami; Katsunari Yane  Practica Otologica  87-  (1)  109  -113  1994
  • Reiki Yakata; Toshitsugu Tsuchitani; Katsunari Yane; Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga  Practica Otologica  87-  (7)  913  -917  1994
  • Katsunari YANE; Osamu TANAKA; Hiroshi MIYAHARA; Takashi MATSUNAGA  Head and Neck Cancer  20-  (1)  170  -174  1994
  • Yoshihiro Tsuruta; Fumiko Rata; Katsunari Yane; Noriko Kashiwagi; Nobuya Fujita; Yoshiyuki Kitaoku; Osamu Tanaka; Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga  Auris Nasus Larynx  21-  (4)  232  -236  1994
  • Yuki Minami; Yoshihiro Tsuruta; Katsunari Yane; Osamu Tanaka; Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga  Practica Otologica  86-  (10)  1419  -1423  1993
  • 宮原裕; 松永喬; 田中治; 家根旦有; 上田隆志; 小川佳伸; 鶴田至宏  頭頚部腫瘍  19-  (3)  377  -382  1993
  • 宮原 裕; 鶴田 至宏; 家根 旦有; 田中 治; 松永 喬  耳鼻と臨床  39-  (5)  853  -863  1993
  • 下咽頭癌術後に併発したARDSにソルメドロールが奏効した1症例(共著)
    32-  22  -23  1993
  • Katsunari Yane; Osamu Tanaka; Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga; Yoshiteru Kitahori; Yoshio Hiasa  Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho  96-  (5)  787  -790  1993
  • Noboru Konishi; Yoshiteru Kitahori; Hiroto Nishioka; Katsunari Yane; Yoshio Hiasa  Journal of Toxicologic Pathology  5-  (2)  157  -165  1993
  • Yuki Minami; Yoshihiro Tsuruta; Katsunari Yane; Osamu Tanaka; Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga  Practica Otologica  86-  (10)  1419  -1423  1993
  • Head and Neck Cancer  19-  (3)  377  -382  1993
  • Katsunari Yane; Osamu Tanaka; Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga; Yoshiteru Kitahori; Yoshio Hiasa  Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho  96-  (5)  787  -790  1993
  • Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga; Osamu Tanaka; Yoshihiro Tsuruta; Katsunari Yane; Takashi Ueda  Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica  85-  (2)  253  -259  1992
  • Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga; Osamu Tanaka; Katsunari Yane; Yoshihiro Tsuruta; Yoshinobu Ogawa; Ryo Oka; Hiroyuki Kitamura; Shohaku Oyagi; Atsuko Nishikawa; Keisaku Tabuchi; Shinichi Takagita  Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica  85-  (4)  661  -668  1992
  • 甲状腺腫瘍におけるエストロゲンレセプター(ER)の免疫組織学的検索(共著)
    病理と臨床  10-  219  -224  1992
  • Katsunari Yane; Osamu Tanaka; Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga  Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho  95-  (2)  201  -206  1992
  • 顎下腺に発生した悪性多型腺腫の1例
    耳鼻咽喉科展望  35-  159  -164  1992
  • Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga; Osamu Tanaka; Yoshihiro Tsuruta; Katsunari Yane; Takashi Ueda  Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica  85-  (2)  253  -259  1992
  • Yoshiyuki Kitaoku; Takashi Matsunaga; Hiroshi Miyahara  Practica Otologica  85-  (5)  821  -835  1992
  • Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga; Osamu Tanaka; Katsunari Yane; Yoshihiro Tsuruta; Yoshinobu Ogawa; Ryo Oka; Hiroyuki Kitamura; Shohaku Oyagi; Atsuko Nishikawa; Keisaku Tabuchi; Shinichi Takagita  Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica  85-  (4)  661  -668  1992
  • Immunohistological analysis of estrogen receptor in human thyroid tumors
    Pathology and Clinical Medicine  10-  219  -224  1992
  • Katsunari Yane; Osamu Tanaka; Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga  Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho  95-  (2)  201  -206  1992
  • A case report of carcinoma in pleomorphic adenoma in the submandibular gland
    Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Tokyo  35-  159  -164  1992
  • Noboru Konishi; Hiroto Nishioka; Yoshio Hiasa; Yoshiteru Kitahori; Katsunari Yane; Masato Ohshima; Shingo Nakaoka  Journal of Toxicologic Pathology  5-  (1)  77  -83  1992
  • DHPN誘発ラット甲状腺癌発生における血清TSHの役割(共著)
    ホルモンと臨床  39-  137  -141  1991
  • DHPN誘発ラット甲状腺癌発生に及ぼすテストステロンの役割(共著)
    ホルモンの臨床  39-  217  -222  1991
  • DHPN誘発可移植性ラット甲状腺癌におけるエストロゲンおよびアンドロゲン・レセプターの測定条件(共著)
    ホルモンと臨床  39-  629  -633  1991
  • Inui H.; Yane K.; Matsunaga T.  Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Japan  12-  (2)  40  -43  1991
  • Masako Yokota; Katsunari Yane; Reiko Kashiwagi; Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga  Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica  84-  (9)  1295  -1300  1991
  • Inui H.; Yane K.; Matsunaga T.  Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Japan  12-  (2)  40  -43  1991
  • Masako Yokota; Katsunari Yane; Reiko Kashiwagi; Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga  Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica  84-  (9)  1295  -1300  1991
  • Shigeo Suzumura; Osamu Tanaka; Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga; Yoshihiro Yoshihiro; Katsunari Yane; Shunsuke Imai; Yoshio Hiasa; Yoshiaki Iwai; Mineko Iwai  Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho  93-  (7)  1106  -1111  1990
  • Katsunari Yane; Osamu Tanaka; Takashi Matsunaga  Practica Otologica, Supplement  1990-  183  -187  1990
  • Shigeo Suzumura; Osamu Tanaka; Hiroshi Miyahara; Takashi Matsunaga; Yoshihiro Yoshihiro; Katsunari Yane; Shunsuke Imai; Yoshio Hiasa; Yoshiaki Iwai; Mineko Iwai  Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho  93-  (7)  1106  -1111  1990
  • Katsunari Yane; Osamu Tanaka; Takashi Matsunaga  Practica Otologica, Supplement  1990-  183  -187  1990
  • Masako Yokota  Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Tokyo  34-  (6)  653  -658  1990
  • 松永喬; 兵行和; 家根旦有; 岡坂利章; 川本智; 東辻英郎; 福田宗弘; 山本ゆき子; 北奥恵之  O.R.L.Tokyo  32-  255  -265  1989
  • Yane Katsunari  O.R.L.Tokyo  31-  (3)  357  -362  1988
  • Katsunari Yane  Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Tokyo  31-  (3)  357  -362  1988
  • Osamu Tanaka; Shiro Yamamoto; Katsunari Yane; Kounosuke Wakuda; Yukikazu Hyo; Takashi Matsunaga  Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica  80-  (11)  1691  -1699  1987
  • Katsunari Yane; Yukikazu Hyo; Konosuke Wakuda; Takashi Matsunaga  Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica  80-  (2)  235  -241  1987
  • 家根旦有  耳鼻咽喉科展望  30-  369  -375  1987
  • Osamu Tanaka; Shiro Yamamoto; Katsunari Yane; Kounosuke Wakuda; Yukikazu Hyo; Takashi Matsunaga  Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica  80-  (11)  1691  -1699  1987
  • Katsunari Yane; Yukikazu Hyo; Konosuke Wakuda; Takashi Matsunaga  Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica  80-  (2)  235  -241  1987
  • A case of adenoid cystic carcinoma of the base of the tongue
    Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Tokyo  30-  369  -375  1987
  • Shinji Ohhira; Toshiaki Okasaka; Shinya Fujita; Fumiko Sonoda; Kazuyo Nishida; Katsunari Yane; Hiroyuki Yamamoto; Takashi Matsunaga  Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica  77-  (5)  1137  -1142  1984
  • Shinji Ohhira; Toshiaki Okasaka; Shinya Fujita; Fumiko Sonoda; Kazuyo Nishida; Katsunari Yane; Hiroyuki Yamamoto; Takashi Matsunaga  Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica  77-  (5)  1137  -1142  1984

Affiliated academic society


Research Themes

  • Development of minimally invasive treatment based on risk assessment for HPV related midgloss cancers
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants in Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2018/04 -2021/03 
    Author : YANE Katsunari
  • Study on precision medicine for HPV-related oropharyngeal carcinoma
    Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development:Practical Research for Innovative Cancer Control
    Date (from‐to) : 2016/09 -2019/03 
    Author : YANE Katsunari
  • Development of biomarkers for multidisciplinary treatment aimed at funtion preservation in head and neck cancer
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants in Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2018/03 
    Author : YANE Katsunari
  • Cntrol of Wnt/Snail signal and MMP on invasion and metastasis of hean and neck cancer
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants in Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2010/04 -2012/03 
    Author : YANE Katsunari
  • Basic research on radiosensitization effect by mTOR inhibitor in head and neck cancer
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants in Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2008/04 -2010/03 
    Author : YANE Katsunari
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2010 
    Author : OTA Ichiro; YANE Katsunari; AKAHASHI Akihisa
    A high extent of activation of the PI3K/Akt pathway is involved in head and neck cancer therapeutic resistance, including radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The aim of this study was to examine whether the effect of rapamycin, an inhibitor of mTOR, on chemo- and radio-sensitivity is affected in human head and neck cancer cells. Rapamycin could enhance the effect of radiation and cisplatin through the repression of pro-survival signals, including PI3K/Akt pathway, and the reduction in the apoptotic threshold.
  • Sensitization effect based on survival signal pathway in chemoradiotherapy of head and neck cancer as a molecular target
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants in Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2006/04 -2008/03 
    Author : YANE Katsunari
  • Examination of sentitization effect using molecular targeted drug in chemotherapy of head and neck cancer
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants in Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2004/04 -2006/03 
    Author : YANE Katsunari
  • Application of chemotherapy using molecular chaperone of undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grant in Aid for Science Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2002/04 -2004/03 
    Author : YANE Katsunari
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1995 -1996 
    Author : MATSUNAGA Takashi; YAMANAKA Toshiaki; KANATA Hirokazu; UEDA Takashi; YANE Katsuari; FUITA Nobuya
    We investigated the expression of sodium myo-inositol cotransporter (SMIT) mRNA in the inner ear and brain of rats by in situ hybridization method to understand the mechanism of the osmoreguration system mediated by osmolytes. In the cochlea, the most intense SMIT mRNA signals were observed in fibrocytes of the spiral ligament, moderate signals were found in the spiral limbus, inner hair cells and spiral ganglion cells, while the hybridization signals were almost undetectable in the marginal cells of the stria vascularis and outer hair cells. In the vestibular system, moderate hybridization signals were found in the sensory epithelium, fibrocytes and vestibular ganglion cells. These findings suggest that SMIT plays an important role in maintenance of intracellular ionic balance and cell volume in the inner ear, especially in the fibrocytes associated with generation of the ion gradients between the endolymph and perilymph. And we also investigated the changes in expressions of SMIT mRNA in the brain of acute hypernatremic rats by in situ hybridization and Northern blot methods. Under moderate acute hypernatremic conditions, SMIT mRNA level increased markedly at 1h and returned to almost control levels at 3h, in accordance with plasma Na^+ concentrations. Especially, distinct increase in SMIT mRNA expression were observed in the granule cells and glial cells in the cerebellum. The definite increases of SMIT mRNA expression was not seen in the chronic hypernatremic rats. These findings indicate that SMIT plays an important role in osmoregulation, especially in the early stages of acute hypernatremia in the brain.
  • Study of oncogene in head and neck tumor
  • Development of biomarkers for multidisciplinary treatment aimed at function preservation of head and neck cancer
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants in Aid for Scientific Research
    Author : YANE Katsunari

Social Contribution Activities

  • 奈良県国保審査委員
    Date (from-to) : 2005/06/01-Today
    Role : Others
    Category : Others
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 奈良県国保連合会
  • 日本がん治療認定医機構教育委員
    Date (from-to) : 2016/04/01-2019/03/31
    Role : Lecturer
    Category : Qualification seminar
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 日本がん治療認定医機構
    Event, Program, Title : 教育セミナー・認定医試験

Media Coverage

  • 日本内分泌外科学会雑誌編集委員
    Date : 2015/10/01
    Publisher, broadcasting station: 日本内分泌外科学会
    Program, newspaper magazine: 日本内分泌外科学会雑誌
  • 奈良県医師会医学会年報編集委員
    Date : 2003/04/01
    Publisher, broadcasting station: 奈良県医師会
    Program, newspaper magazine: 奈良県医師会医学会年報
  • 耳鼻咽喉科臨床編集委員
    Date : 2000/04/01
    Publisher, broadcasting station: 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会
    Program, newspaper magazine: 耳鼻咽喉科臨床