KAMEDA Takatsugu

Department of Mechanical EngineeringProfessor

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information


  • (BLANK)

Research Keyword

  • 流体工学   Fluid Engineering   

Research Field

  • Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering) / Fluid engineering



  • 2012/04 - Today  Kinki UnivercityMechanical engineering, faculty of engineeringAssociate professor
  • 2010  - 山口大学大学院理工学研究科(工学)大学院理工学研究科(システム設計工学系学域)(工学)機械エネルギー工学分野大学院理工学研究科(工学)大学院理工学研究科(システム設計工学系学域)(工学)機械エネルギー工学分野 大学院担当准教授
  • 2010  山口大学大学院理工学研究科(工学)大学院理工学研究科(システム設計工学系学域)(工学)機械エネルギー工学分野大学院理工学研究科(工学)大学院理工学研究科(システム設計工学系学域)(工学)機械エネルギー工学分野 大学院担当准教授
  • 2010  - Associate Professor,Graduate School of Science and Engineering Systems Design and Engineering(Engineering),Graduate School of Science and Engineering(Engineering),YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY
  • 助手
  • Research Associate

Educational Background

  •        - 1998  Yamaguchi University  理工学研究科  設計工学
  •        - 1998  Yamaguchi University  Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering

■Research activity information


  • 2018/04 日本機械学会 日本機械学会賞(論文)
    受賞者: 亀田孝嗣;望月信介;大坂英雄
  • 2016/11 JSME Fluids Engineering Division Contribution Award
    受賞者: KAMEDA Takatsugu
  • 1999 日本機械学会賞(論文)
    受賞者: 大坂英雄;亀田孝嗣;望月信介


  • 望月信介; 亀田孝嗣; 鈴木博貴
    日本機械学会論文集 Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 88 (910) 2022/06 [Refereed]
  • Jay Prakash Goit; Masakage Taguchi; Junya Tatsuno; Takatsugu Kameda
    Wind Energy Wiley 25 (7) 1222 - 1237 1095-4244 2022/03 [Refereed]
  • ISERI Kouki; GOIT Jay Prakash; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese) The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 87 (895)  - 20-00427 2021/03 [Refereed]

    Drag and velocity measurement on a two-dimensional bluff body has been performed in a pulsatile flow. Circular and rectangular cylinders were selected in the present study. The projected width and length of the cylinders were d =30 mm and L =300 mm, respectively. The cycle-averaged velocity was 〈Vθ〉 ≅15 m/s and the amplitude was in the range of V′θm =0.45 to 3.6 m/s. The pulsation period of the flow was set in the range of T =1.5 to 10.0 s. The Reynolds number based on the phaseaveraged mean velocity and the projected width was in the range of R =20000 to 40000. The cycle-averaged drag coefficient increases with the root mean value of the deviation from the cycle-averaged velocity of approaching flow to the cylinder. The cycle-averaged drag coefficient for T <6.0 s ( TVθ〉/d <3.0× 103) increases compared with that estimated from the drag coefficient in the steady flow. For T ≥6.0 s ( TVθ〉/d ≥3.0× 103), the drag coefficient of the steady flow can be used to calculate the cycle-averaged drag. The effect of the pulsation period on the phase-averaged drag occurs during temporal deceleration of the pulsatile flow and can be related with the increase of the velocity deficit and width in the wake behind the cylinder. The phase-averaged drag will be represented as the sum of the momentum deficit due to the phase-averaged flow, which contributes to the cycle-averaged drag, and the pressure gradient by the pulsatile flow. This can be formulated semi-empirically with the cycle-averaged value of the phase-averaged drag coefficient, phase-averaged velocity and the derivative of the pulsatile flow with respect to time.

  • HIKITA Yudai; SUZUKI Hiroki; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese) The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 87 (894)  - 20-00394 2021/02 [Refereed]

    Effect of favorable pressure gradient on the wall similarity in turbulent boundary layer has been investigated experimentally. An appropriately adjusted pressure gradient produces an equilibrium boundary layer of which momentum thickness Reynolds number is constant. The wall shear stress was measured by three methods, which are direct measurement, Preston tube and Sublayer plate. A modified log-law considered the effects of the inertia and pressure gradient terms in the boundary layer equation gives better representation for the mean velocity profile subjected to favorable pressure gradient at finite Reynolds number. The velocity scale us applied to the modified log-law representation seems to be more relevant for turbulent intensity profile as well as mean velocity profile.

  • KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    Journal of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 86 (881) 19 - 19-00342 2020/01 [Refereed]
  • On the virtual origin determined from momentum equation analysis using experimental data within the roughness sublayer
    KAMEDA Takatsugu; Mochisuki Shinsuke; Osaka Hideo
    Experiments in Fluids 59 (10)  - 146 2018/09 [Refereed]
  • KAMEDA Takatsugu
    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese) The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 82 (841) 16 - 16-00306 2016/09 [Refereed]

    The roughness sublayer beneath a turbulent boundary layer has been investigated analytically and experimentally, and the effect has been discussed on the mean velocity profile throughout the layer. The rough surface consists of two-dimensional square roughness elements. The roughness height is proportional to streamwise distance. It is one of conditions of an equilibrium boundary layer proposed by Rotta J.C. The roughness pitch ratio is 4. The measurement within/outside the roughness sublayer was made using LDV and CTA, respectively. The Reynolds number based on the momentum thickness is 6000. The roughness Reynolds number is 149 and the roughness is in complete rough regime. The analytical solutions of streamwise mean velocity and Reynolds shear stress profiles were derived from the space averaged Reynolds equation in the cavity region between roughness elements and the mixing length model. The solutions were well consistent with the experimental results. By use of the solutions and experimental results, the center height of drag moment and the constant of the roughness function can be represented as a function of the roughness pitch ratio for the equilibrium boundary layer. Also, from the momentum integral equation, Coles's wake law, solution and experimental results, the wake parameter will be given as a function of the friction parameter and relative roughness height. Finally, the local skin friction coefficient will be formulated with a function of the roughness pitch ratio and relative roughness height.

  • 亀田 孝嗣; 望月信介; 大坂英雄
    日本機械学会論文集 B編(Web) 79 (801) 927 - 938 2013/05 [Refereed]
  • Hiroshi Yoshioka; Masahiro Ishibatake; Shinsuke Mochizuki; Takatugu Kameda
    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B 日本機械学会 78 (794) 1671 - 1679 0387-5016 2012/10 [Refereed]
    An experimental study in the fully developed two-dimensional channel flow was performed to investigate the possibility of a spanwise discontinuity of wall roughness as a device to generate secondary currents associated with longitudinal vortex. A k-type rough wall, which consists of an array of two-dimensional rectangular roughness elements, is placed to make spanwise discontinuity of wall roughness. Mean velocity and turbulent intensity were measured with hot-wire anemometers and crossed wire probes. Velocity vector plot in a cross streamwise plane clearly shows that the discontinuity of wall roughness is able to generate secondary currents. And, the secondary currents are associated with longitudinal vorticity. The contours of the longitudinal momentum flux are consistent with the distribution of secondary currents. Transport to the near-wall by the downwash is greater than the upward transport by the upwash Transport of momentum toward the wall due to secondary currents is quite large compared to that caused by turbulence. © 2012 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Takanori Nakamura; Takatsugu Kameda; Shinsuke Mochzuki
    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B 日本機械学会 78 (793) 1512 - 1520 0387-5016 2012/09 [Refereed]
    The scaling laws of streamwise turbulent intensit and turbulent energy spectrum profiles have been investigated experimentally for the approximate eqLuhibnum boundary layer subjected to an adverse pressure gradient. Non-dimensional pressure gradient parameters P + and β are 2.74×10 -3 and 1.32, respectively. The momentum thickness Reynolds number Rθ is 10,200. The velocity scales U es derived analytically from the boundary layer equation and u s as a limiting case with respect to P +→0 of u es are used instead of the friction velocity uτ. Streaniwise and normal turbulent intensity profiles scaled with u s collapse on those of zero pressure gradient case. With experimental data by Montv et al. the streaniwise turbulent intensity scaled with u s, and u es takes almost constant value to P + in the local similarity region for0 P +< 3. OO×10 -3 and 0 P + 6.l7 × 10 -3. respectively Also, turbulent energY spectrum in the inertial sub-range are welt scaled with u s rather than uτ. Accordingly. it is expected that u es and u s are suitable for the scaling of the turbulent intensity and turbulent energy spectrum. © 2012 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Aung Thuyein Win; Shinsuke Mochizuki; Takatsugu Kameda
    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B 日本機械学会 77 (778) 1360 - 1372 0387-5016 2011/06 [Refereed]
    An experimental study was conducted in order to clarify the response of the fully developed pipe flow to d-and k-type wall roughness of various streamwise lengths. The measurements were set to emphasize on the response processes, which are deformation and relaxation of the mean velocity profile related to the strength and type of roughness. Under the same effective pressure drop, comparison of the mean velocity profiles and three common characteristics of boundary layer thicknesses (displacement, momentum, and energy) revealed that the initial stage of the response to the flow depends on the type of roughness. The total recovery length until the fully developed state depends only on the effective pressure drop caused by the rough wall. © 2011 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Shinsuke Mochizuki; Seiji Yamada; Takatsugu Kameda
    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B 日本機械学会 77 (778) 1350 - 1359 0387-5016 2011/06 [Refereed]
    Flow management of a plane turbulent wall jet has been studied experimentally by utilizing a streamwise vortex pair with periodic variation in strength and radius. The magnitudes of the streamwise vorticity and secondary current induced by the vortex pair are weakened by the periodic variation. The integrated streamwise momentum flux is increased by the introduction of the streamwise vortex pair which consists of two counter-rotating longitudinal vortices into the shear layer. Despite the weakening of the vorticity and secondary current caused by the periodic variation, the increasing increment rate of the momentum flux is slightly increased due to the periodic variation. In an analysis with triple velocity decomposition and phase averaging, it is evident that the periodic fluctuating velocity component contributes significantly to the production of the Reynolds shear stress. © 2011 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Takatsugu Kameda; Shinsuke Mochizuki; Hideo Osaka
    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B 日本機械学会 77 (775) 761 - 770 0387-5016 2011/03 [Refereed]
    Surface pressure distributions on a cone in a thin boundary layer have been measured to clarify the relation between the distributions and the flow structure formed around the cone. The apex angle 2 α of cone is in the range of 15 to 90° and the height is 50mm. The Reynolds number based on the height is 2.31×10 4, and the relative boundary layer thickness is 0.44. The main directions of limited streamlines on the generatrix at θ =0° are predicted from pressure gradient forces in height and circumferential directions, and the front stagnation point which the streamline faced on the cone surface bifurcates downward and circumferentially on the generatrix will be determined as the position where the ratio of the pressure gradients forces is order of 1. Then, the height of the point have a peak value around 2 α =45°. The maximum pressure coefficient at θ =0° can be expressed as the cosine law with respect to α. The surface pressure above the position of the maximum pressure at θ =0° can be related to 2 α as well as the angle which the curved streamline in upstream region faces on the cone surface. The pressure drag coefficient of the cone mainly depends on the surface pressure distribution at θ =0° varied with 2 α. © 2011 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Takanori Nakamura; Takatsugu Kameda; Shinsuke Mochizuki
    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B 日本機械学会 77 (775) 771 - 780 0387-5016 2011/03 [Refereed]
    Experiments have been performed to investigate the effect of an adverse pressure gradient to the scaling law of a turbulent boundary layer. An approximate equilibrium boundary layer was achieved using a power law distribution of a free stream velocity with an exponent of -0.188. The wall shear stress was measured with a direct measurement device equipped with a zero displacement floating element mechanism. The scaling law was examined by the use of the friction velocity and a local velocity scale estimated from the shear stress profile. The later scale is derived from the integration of the boundary layer equations in conjunction with the order analysis in the limit of that pressure gradient parameter tends to zero and can be expressed as a function of friction parameter, pressure gradient parameter and height from the wall. The mean velocity gradient normalized with distance from the wall and the friction velocity depends on the height, but with the local velocity scale has a constant value in the layer where the PDF profiles of streamwise and normal fluctuating velocities are similar. The inverse of the constant value that is Karman constant is 0.45. The modified logarithmic velocity profile is proposed from the local velocity scale and Karman constant of 0.45 and is well consistent with the present experimental data. © 2011 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • WIN Aung Thuyein; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    Journal of Fluid Science and Technology The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 6 (2) 192 - 201 1880-5558 2011/03 [Refereed]
    Hot-wire measurements were carried out in a fully developed turbulent pipe flow disturbed by rough wall sections (containing d- and k-type roughness) with emphasis being placed on the dependence of the statistical turbulence properties on the type of roughness. A sufficient length of pipe was provided downstream of the disturbance to ensure recovery to the equilibrium state. Noticeable differences between d- and k-type rough walls were found during the initial stage of recovery. In the case of k-type roughness, a considerable increase in the maximum turbulence intensity and velocity gradient was observed and momentum exchange violations were found to occur near the wall. For the d-type roughness, only a small variation in the velocity gradient appeared in the core region. No qualitative differences between d- and k-type flows were found for the intermediate and final recovery stages. The mean flow over the rough wall enhances the production of turbulence that depends on the type of roughness present. The rough wall produces an internal boundary layer which is found to eventually overwhelming turbulent diffusion in the recovery process.
  • WIN Aung Thuyein; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    Journal of Fluid science and Technology The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 5 (2) 340 - 350 1880-5558 2010/03 [Refereed]
    An experimental study was conducted in order to clarify the response of the fully developed pipe flow to d- and k-type wall roughness of various streamwise lengths. The measurements were set to emphasize on the response processes, which are deformation and relaxation of the mean velocity profile related to the strength and type of roughness. Under the same effective pressure drop, comparison of the mean velocity profiles and three common characteristics of boundary layer thicknesses (displacement, momentum, and energy) revealed that the initial stage of the response to the flow depends on the type of roughness. The total recovery length until the fully developed state depends only on the effective pressure drop caused by the rough wall.
  • Takatsugu Kameda; Tetsuya Sumida; Shinsuke Mochizuki; Hideo Osaka
    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 76 (762) 282 - 290 0387-5016 2010/02 [Refereed]
    LDV measurement and flow visualization have been made in order to investigate the behavior of horseshoe vortex and flow separation around a cone mounted on a plate. The apex angle 2α of cone is less than or equal to 90° and the height is 50 mm. The Reynolds number based on the height is 1100, and the relative boundary layer thickness is 0.41. The streamwise positions of boundary layer separation and primary horseshoe vortex measured from the upstream bottom edge of the cone are proportional to the height of the front stagnation point. The strength of the spanwise mean vorticity of the primary horseshoe vortex depends on the boundary layer mean vorticity distribution. The reverse region formed behind the cone enlarges with the bottom diameter. The configuration of the reverse region depends on both the Reynolds number based on the velocity scale of the pressure acting on the upstream surface of the cone and the strength of spanwise additional strain rate induced by the primary horseshoe vortex.
  • Shinsuke MOCHIZUKI; Seiji YAMADA; Takatsugu KAMEDA
    Journal of Fluid Science and Technology The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 4 (2) 313 - 323 1880-5558 2009/03 [Refereed]
    Flow management of a plane turbulent wall jet has been studied experimentally by utilizing a streamwise vortex pair with periodic variation in strength and radius. The magnitudes of the streamwise vorticity and secondary current induced by the vortex pair are weakened by the periodic variation. The integrated streamwise momentum flux is increased by the introduction of the streamwise vortex pair which consists of two counter-rotating longitudinal vortices into the shear layer. Despite the weakening of the vorticity and secondary current caused by the periodic variation, the increment rate of the momentum flux is slightly increased due to the periodic variation. In an analysis with triple velocity decomposition and phase averaging, it is evident that the periodic fluctuating velocity component contributes significantly to the production of the Reynolds shear stress.
  • KAMEDA Takatsugu; SUMIDA Tetsuya; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers B The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 74 (740) 803 - 810 0387-5016 2008/04 [Refereed]
    Flow around a circular cone mounted on a flat plate has investigated with flow visualization in a thin laminar boundary layer. The apex angle of circular cone is in the range of 2α≤90° and the height H is 50 mm. Then, the Reynolds number based on the height of the circular cone is 1 010 and the relative boundary layer height δ/H is almost 0.41. The flow visualization was conducted by means of a dye injection. Necklace vortices (Primary and secondary vortices) are formed around the circular cone. The front stagnation height Y_s, which is a representative length scale of the necklace vortex, tends to increase with 2α less than 2α≤45°. The streak lines at topside of the front stagnation height have a curvature near the circular cone and the curvature increases with la. From pressure gradients in the neighborhood of the stagnation point, semi-empirical formula on Y_s/H was proposed as a function of α and δ/H. The formula is well consistent with the data of the present flow visualization and other researchers.
  • MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu; YONEDA Hirotaka; OSAKA Hideo
    JFST The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 2 (3) 592 - 600 1880-5558 2007/12 [Refereed]
    An experimental study was conducted to examine the management of a two-dimensional turbulent channel flow with a pair of streamwise vortices. A common-flow down type streamwise vortex pair, generated by a pair of half-delta wings mounted on the wall, was introduced into a fully developed turbulent channel flow. The half-delta wings were as high as the inner layer thickness of the channel flow. The mean velocity and Reynolds shear stress distributions were measured and various properties were obtained in order to find meanings of the vortex generator for management of the turbulent channel flow. The convective motion of the secondary current is responsible for most of the streamwise momentum transfer toward the wall in the interaction between the vortices and the shear layer. In the velocity profile averaged over the spanwise extent, the velocity is accelerated below the vortex center and decelerated above the vortex center. Deformation of the mean velocity profile remained at the remarkable downstream distance of 250 times the wing height, which corresponds to 50 times channel the half-width H.
  • KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers B The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 73 (733) 1821 - 1828 0387-5016 2007/09 [Refereed]
    The discussion on the law of the wall has been performed for turbulent boundary layer over rough surface under a zero pressure gradient. The wall shear stress was directly measured with a drag balance of a floating element device. The center of the wall shear stress, which is calculated from the moment of the pressure drag acting on a roughness element, is well consistent with the vertical origin estimated with the assumption of the log law profile. The distance from the crest of the roughness element to the center of the wall shear stress normalized with the roughness height increases with increasing roughness density λ_s. The value approaches to zero less than λ_s=0.5 and tends to 0.5 in the limit of λ_s=1. The roughness function is formulated as function of Reynolds number based on the distance from the crest to the center of the wall shear stress and the friction parameter, which is the ratio of friction velocity to the free stream velocity, for the equilibrium boundary layer over the rough surface. Experimental data collapses on the formula in the case of the constant friction parameter.
  • KAMEDA Takatsugu; KOREISHI Kazuto; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo
    JFST The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 2 (1) 196 - 204 1880-5558 2007/04 [Refereed]
    Flow visualization has been performed in the vicinity of a roughness element for boundary layers developing over rough surfaces with roughness pitch ratios p of 2 and 4 at low Reynolds number. The momentum thickness Reynolds numbers at streamwise distance x=865 mm for p=2 and 4 are 300 and 500, respectively. For the rough surface of p=2, typical eddy structures are classified into 4 patterns that are consistent with the results of Townes et al., whereas for the rough surface of p=4, three patterns are recognized. As compared with the rough surface of p=2, the rough surface of p=4 takes a larger value of occurrence frequency normalized with respect to the cavity width and the friction velocity. Occurrence frequency is equal to the sum of the frequency of each pattern, and is closely related with momentum exchange. This quantitative result can suggest that the pressure drag acting on a roughness element for the rough surface of p=4 is larger than that of the rough surface of p=2.
  • KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo; HIGAKI Katsuya
    JFST The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 3 (1) 31 - 42 1880-5558 2007 [Refereed]
    Mean flow quantities have been investigated for the equilibrium boundary layer evolving over the rough wall with a roughness height that is proportional to streamwise distance. The wall shear stress measured by drag balance with a floating element device of a zero displacement mechanism. The local skin friction coefficient is independent of both streamwise distance and momentum thickness Reynolds number and has a value of 0.00826. The boundary layer thickness is proportional to the streamwise distance. The relative roughness height then maintains a constant value. The log-law profile has the same slope of that of the smooth wall turbulent boundary layer in the logarithmic liner part. The value of the roughness function increases in the streamwise direction. The wake parameter approaches to a constant value of approximately 0.70. In addition, the value is consistent with the result determined from the analytical method using the momentum integral equation and Coles's wake law. For the analytical result, the wake parameter decreases with increasing friction parameter.
  • 望月 信介; 亀田 孝嗣; 大坂 英雄; 米田 裕貴
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers B 日本機械学会 72 (724) 2955 - 2961 2006/12 [Refereed]
  • 望月信介; 亀田孝嗣
    機械の研究 養賢堂 58 (9) 922 - 930 0368-5713 2006/09
  • Mochizuki S; Kameda T; Osaka H
    Journal of Fluid Science and Technology The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 1 (1) 24 - 35 1880-5558 2006/06 [Refereed]
    Using a direct drag balance measurement for the local wall shear stress, self-preserving development of a turbulent boundary layer was achieved experimentally over a d-type rough surface without pressure gradients. The wall shear stress and mean velocity measurements confirmed the requirements for exact self-similarity and highly similar Reynolds stress profiles within the Reynolds number range for a constant skin friction coefficient. Under the condition that the boundary layer flow is completely independent of Reynolds number, the effect of wall roughness was investigated with respect to the similarity laws for the wall layer as well as the outer layer. Experimental observation reveals the wall similarity ∂U/∂y = uτ/ky to be applicable to the present rough wall boundary layer remaining the accepted value of Kármán constant to be κ= 0.41. Otherwise, investigation of the wake strength in the mean velocity and Reynolds stress profiles reveals that the wall roughness does affect the outer layer structure. Reynolds stress measurements indicate that the primary effect of wall roughness on turbulence properties is in the component normal to the wall.
  • KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo; HIGAKI Katsuya
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers B The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 72 (717) 1166 - 1173 0387-5016 2006/05 [Refereed]
    Mean flow quantities have been investigated for the equilibrium boundary layer developing over the rough surface with roughness height proportional to streamwise distance. The wall shear stress was measured by direct measurement with a floating element device of zero displacement mechanism. Local skin friction coefficient is independent of two parameters both streamwise coordinate and Reynolds number based on momentum thickness and has a value of 0.0826. The boundary layer thickness is proportional to the streamwise distance. Then, the relative roughness height keeps a constant value. The log-law profile has same slope of that for the smooth wall turbulent boundary layer in the logarithmic linear part. The value of the roughness function increases in the streamwise direction. The wake parameter approaches to the constant value of about 0.7. Also, the value is consistent with the result deduced from the analytical method used both the momentum integral equation and Coles's wake law. Then, the wake parameter decreases with increasing the friction parameter.
  • 物理学実験におけるWeb学習コンテンツの開発と実践
    大島直樹; 室谷心; 増山和子; 木下勝之; 亀田孝嗣; 浜本義彦
    教育システム情報学会誌 22 (4) 283 - 289 2005/10 [Refereed]
  • KAMEDA Takatsugu; KOREISHI Kazuto; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series B. The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 71 (710) 2401 - 2406 0387-5016 2005/10 [Refereed]
    Flow visualization has been performed in the vicinity of a roughness element for the rough wall boundary layers developing over the roughness with pitch ratio p of 2 and 4 at a low Reynolds-number. The momentum thickness Reynolds numbers at streamwise distance x=865mm for p=2 and 4 were 300 and 500, respectively. For p=2, typical flow patterns are classified into 4 patterns which are consistent with those of Townes et al., otherwise 3 patterns were recognized for p=4. The frequency f_m, the sum of the frequency of each flow pattern, which is closely associated with the momentum exchange normalized with the cavity width b and the friction velocity u_τ for p=4 takes larger value compared with that of p=2. This quantitative result can be related that the pressure drag acting on a roughness element for p=4 is larger than that of p=2.
  • OSAKA Hideo; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu; FUKUSHIMA Chiharu
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series B. The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 71 (708) 1971 - 1977 0387-5016 2005/08 [Refereed]
    An experimental investigation has been made on the Reynolds stress field in the interaction process between boundary layer and longitudinal vortex. Two types longitudinal vortex pair, namely common-flow up and common-flow down, were introduced into developed turbulent boundary layer from the free stream. Effect of the extra rate of strain, ∂W/∂z and ∂V/∂y, was examined in the profiles of three turbulent intensity components and Reynolds shear stress profiles. The boundary layer along symmetrical plane is classified into "cross flow" in case of cfd and "identifiable streamwise vortices" in case of cfu. The extra rates of strain modify magnitude of turbulent intensity and Reynolds shear stress in the inner layer in case of cfd. Otherwise, close to the wall in the case of cfu, local adverse pressure gradient is deduced from the fact that magnitude of transverse divergence is grater than that of spanwise convergence.
  • KAMEDA Takatsugu; OSAKA Hideo; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series B. The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 70 (697) 2303 - 2310 0387-5016 2004/09 [Refereed]
    The effect of roughness pitch ratio P to turbulent structure has been invistigated in the vicinity of a roughness element for turbulent boundary layers developing over rough walls, which consist of two dimensional square ribs arrayed with P=3, 4 and 8. The Reynolds numbers based on momentum thickness θ and roughness height k are over 500 and 60 respectively, which almost satisfy the conditions that the flows are confimed as turbulent boundary layer and fully rough regime. The measurements of velocity components were measured with LDV system. The distributions of the mean and turbulent quantities in the vicinity of the roughness element depend on the development of a separated free shear layer behind the roughness element and formation of eddies in the groove. For P=3 and 4 the flow separated from the downstream top corner of the roughness element reattaches to the upstream top corner of the down stream roughness element, and for P=8 to the bottom surface between roughness elements. The ratio of pressure drag coefficient acting on the roughness element to the local skin friction coefficient avaraged over a roughness pitch length approaches to almost 100% over 4 of P.
  • Hideo Osaka; Shinsuke Mochizuki; Takatsugu Kameda; Chiharu Fukushima
    Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 70 (691) 571 - 578 0387-5016 2004/03 [Refereed]
    An experimental investigation has been made on the interaction process between a boundary layer and longitudinal vortices. Comparable experimental conditions were set up for two types of vortex pair, namely, common-flow up (cfu) and common-flow down (cfd) and results obtained from two conditions were compared. The longitudinal vortex pair moves away from the wall in a faster rate in case of cfu. Spanwise spreading rate of two longitudinal vortex paths is larger in case of cfd. The decay of maximum longitudinal vorticity is slower in case of cfd. At the symmetrical plane between two vortices, the interaction between longitudinal vortex makes closely distributed mean velocity contour lines and higher skin-friction coeffcient in case of cfd. Otherwise, in case of cfu the interaction makes widely distributed mean velocity contour lines and low skin-friction coefficient. Effect of extra rate of strain involved in momentum integral equation is applied to explain behaviors of boundary layer in the two cases.
  • Takatsugu Kameda; Hideo Osaka; Shinsuke Mochizuki
    Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 69 (686) 2260 - 2267 0387-5016 2003/10 [Refereed]
    Turbulent transport mechanism has been investigated in the vicinity of a roughness element for the boundary layer developing over a k-type rough wall consisting of two-dimensional square ribs. Measurements associated with the conditional averages for 4-quardrant analysis and the higher moments were made on the momentum thickness Reynolds number Rθ ≒ 5 800. The roughness Reynolds number k+ is 120, which is fully rough regime. A new roughness density parameter As is defined with considering turbulent transport over grooves between roughness elements, and it can be divided into two-types of the rough wall flows. For the fractional contribution to Reynolds shear stress -̄uv of the 4-quardrant analysis, the sweep event takes larger portion compared with the ejection event in the range of λ s> 0.6, which includes the present rough wall. On the other hand, the rough wall flows of λs< 0.6 have the slightly large portion of the ejection event. The third moments associated with vertical turbulent flux indicate downward transport for λs≥0.7 and upward transport for λs< 0.7. From these results and flow visualization of x-z plane near present k-type rough wall, it is explained in term of the existence of the vortex structure that forms necklace vortex type for λs> 0.6∼0.7.
  • Takatsugu Kameda; Hideo Osaka; Shinsuke Mochizuki
    Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 68 (673) 2467 - 2474 0387-5016 2002/09 [Refereed]
    Measurements of the mean and the turbulent velocities have been performed in the vicinity of a roughness element for the turbulent boundary layer developing over a k-type rough wall, which consists of two-dimensional square ribs arrayed with pitch ratio of 4. The Reynolds-numbers based on momentum thickness θ and roughness height k are about 500 and 50 respectively, and relative roughness height k/δ=0.156. LDV (Laser Doppler Velocimetry) that it is capable to measure reverse flow was used in order to clarify the momentum-exchange process in the open-face (yr=0 mm) between roughness elements and the flow-pattern in a groove. The variation of the mean and the turbulent quantities profiles at yr=0 mm depends on the development of a free-shear flow formed with disappearance of the roughness element and the formation of eddies in the groove. Pressure drag coefficient acting on the roughness element in the local skin friction coefficient is 92% in the present k-type rough wall. The momentum exchange for the mean flow and turbulence contribute 6% and 59% respectively to the local skin friction coefficient. The existence of a large-scale eddy and two small corner-eddies is confirmed from the flow pattern in the groove.
  • KAMEDA Takatsugu; OSAKA Hideo; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers B The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 67 (660) 1975 - 1982 0387-5016 2001/08 [Refereed]
    The Similarity of the velocity defect profile has been investigated for the turbulent boundary layer over smooth wall, d-type rough wall and k-type rough wall. The velocity defect profiles normalized with the friction velocity u_τ and boundary layer thickness δ are not similar, depending systematically on the wake parameter II. Therefore, a new velocity scale u_o is defined based on the similarity of the wake velocity component for the outer region. The velocity defect profiles normalized with u_o and δ are similar much better with each flow fields, except for the results of a low Reynods number R_θ=960 for the smooth wall flow. These results show that the velocity scale u_o is a proper scale in the outer region for three flow fileds. Then the wake function for each flow fields is succesfully represented by a single curve. In addition, investigating the contorted shape of turbulent bulge, the interval of up and down in the streamwise direction is narrower as II increases, but the width in the transverse direction is almost constant.
  • KAMEDA Takatsugu; OSAKA Hideo; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series B. The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 66 (646) 1347 - 1355 0387-5016 2000/06 [Refereed]
    Turbulent structures in the vicinity of a roughness element have been investigated in the boundary layer developed over a k-type rough wall, which consists of two-dimensional bar roughness array with pitch ratio of 4. Measurements were made at a roughness Reynolds number k^+≑120 in the fully rough regime. In order to discuss role of a separated free shear layer evolving behind trailing edge of a roughness element and vortices formed inside a groove, velocity and length scales were defined with mean and turbulence quantites and wall static pressure measurements.The length scales obtained from the wall static pressure distribution around a roughness element and oil film patterns show that "K-type"and "d-type"are classified with the criterion value of b/k(=groove width/roughness height)=2.5 In the K-type rough wall flow, the length scale is equal to roughness element height. Pressure drag acting on the roughness element in the total wall shear stress is 93% in the k-type rough wall flow, much higher than that of the d-type rough wall flow. Nevertheless, the turbulence velocity and length scales of the separated free shear layer can scale the fraction of pressure drag.
  • OSAKA Hideo; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    Journal of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics 17 (4) 270 - 278 0286-3154 1998/08 [Refereed]
    Re-examinations of the two-dimensionality of the flow and skin friction coefficient were made in a zero-pressure gradient, smooth wall, turbulent boundary layer. In order to well achieve the two-dimensionality, the balance in momentum integral equation was checked in detail. And, the wall shear stress was determined by direct measurement using a floating element device. The momentum thickness Reynolds number ranges from 840 to 6220. The present results of skin friction coefficient obtained by the direct measurement proposed an empirical formula, and the quantitative differences were evaluated between the formula and the available experimental results. On the logarithmic velocity profile, the values of Kármán constant, additive constant, and wake parameter are affected by the methods to estimate skin friction coefficient and a degree of reliability of the two-dimensional flow. The profiles of present turbulent quantities were measured carefully in the turbulent boundary layer to construct database of the two-dimensional turbulent boundary layer without pressure gradient.
  • KAMEDA Takatsugu; OSAKA Hideo; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series B. The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 64 (620) 992 - 999 0387-5016 1998/04 [Refereed]
    Re-examination of the low-Reynolds-number effect on the outer layer structure has been made in a zero pressure gradient, smooth wall turbulent boundary layer where the two-dimensionality of a flow field was corroborated using the momentum integral equation. The measurements associated with the higher-order moments and the conditional averages were made over a momentum thickness Reynolds number range 840&InE;R_θ&InE;6120. The magnitude of the triple products normalized with friction velocity and relative typical eddy scale C_x/δ are affected with a achievement level of the two-dimensionality of a flow field. For R_θ<2130,the absolute values of the triple products and the turbulent diffusion terms normalized with outer variables increase with R_θ. Intermittency factor is approximately independent of R_θ when R_θ is greater than 4410. Therefore, average turbulent and non-turbulent zone lengths are constant independent of R_θ.
  • OSAKA Hideo; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series B. The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 64 (619) 709 - 716 0387-5016 1998/03 [Refereed]
    Measurement of the mean flow quantities of turbulent boundary layer over two-dimensional spanwise groove with pitch ratio of 4,namely k-type rough wall has been made. The wall shear stress was determined from the direct measurement method with a floating element device. It is observed that the value of skin friction coefficient C_f is much larger than those of both the smooth wall and d-type rough wall flows, and is dependent of the relative roughness. Mean velocity and streamwise turbulent intensity profiles normalized with the outer variables are not similar, so the present k-type rough wall flow is not self-preserving. However, the logarithmic velocity profile having the same slope as that in the smooth wall flow is confirmed if the error in origin is considered. Roughness function correlates with u_rd_o/ν in a k-type rough wall, but the behavior of roughness function differs from that in the d-type rough wall. The tendency of wake strength vs. u_rδ/ν in a k-type rough wall is remarkably different from those in both a smooth wall and a d-type rough wall flows.
  • H Osaka; T Kameda; S Mochizuki
    Measurement of the local skin friction coefficient and re-examination of the Reynolds-number-effect on the mean flow quantities were made in a zero-pressure gradient, smooth wall, turbulent boundary layer. In order to do this fairly, the two-dimensionality of the flow field was carefully adjusted. And, the wall shear stress tau(w) was determined by direct measurement using a floating element device. The Reynolds number based on the momentum thickness R-theta = U-1 theta/nu ranges from 840 to 6 220. The present experimental results of c(f) propose a new empirical formula which well represents the present experimental data and confirms that the Karman constant kappa = 0.41, which implies a slope of the logarithmic linear layer, is independent of Re down to R-theta = 860, whereas the additive constant varies with R-theta. The magnitude of the wake parameter takes an asymptotic value of 0.62 if the Reynolds number is sufficiently high. The effect of R-theta on all the turbulent intensities is evident even within the viscous sublayer. The constant stress layer does exist in the Reynolds shear stress profiles despite that the constant value varies with R-theta.
  • HIDEO Osaka; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series B. The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 62 (598) 2230 - 2237 0387-5016 1996/06 [Refereed]
    Measurement of the local skin friction coefficient and re-examination of the low-Reynolds-number effect are made in a zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer. The momentum thickness Reynolds number R_θ ranges from 840 to 6220. The wall shear stress τ_w,is determined from the direct measurement method using a floating element device in a flow field where the two-dimensionality of a boundary layer is examined thoroughly. From the present results of C_f, an empirical formula for C_f and R_θ is proposed and proven to have good accuracy. For the present R_θ range, a log region with a constant χ exists. The additive constant C, however, varies with the Reynolds number. The magnitude of the wake parameter maintains a constant value of 0.62 for R_θ >; 5000. The effect of R_θ on all the turbulent intensities is felt within the sublayer. Both the peak and its location for (uv)^^-/u^2_τ increase with R_θ.


  • Measurement of the Wall Shear Stress in Studies of Wall Turbulence
    MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu  Nagare  37-  (3)  261  -266  2018/06  [Refereed][Invited]
  • Shinsuke Mochizuki; Hiroki Suzuki; Hitoshi Tokunaga; Takatsugu Kameda  Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows  1-  (1)  317  -324  2016/08
  • Sublayer Plate Method for Local Wall Shear Stress Measurement
    Shinsuke Mochizuki; Makoto Fukunaga; Takatsugu Kameda; Motoyasu Sakurai  19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference  284  2014/12
  • Similarity in the Equilibrium Boundary Layer in Accelerating Free Stream Velocity
    Hitoshi Tokunaga; Takatsugu Kameda; Shinsuke Mochizuki  19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference  285  2014/12
  • Turbulent Structure in a Boundary Layer Developed over Three-dimensional Rough Wall
    Tomoya Murakami; Shinsuke Mochizuki; Takatsugu Kameda  Proceedings of International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows  4-  1054  2013/09
  • Management of Stronger Wall Jet by Flat Plate Wing with Three-dimensional Trailing Edge
    Takayuki Sakaguchi; Shinsuke Mochizuki; Takatsugu Kameda  Proceedings of International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows  4-  1061  2013/09
  • Disturbed Turbulent Structure of Fully Developed Pipe Flow by Rough Walls
    Aung Thuyein WIN; Shinsuke MOCHIZUKI; Takatsugu KAMEDA  Proceeding of International Conference on Fluid Dynamics and Thrmodynamics(ICFDT2011)  73-  (3)  403  -408  2011/01
  • Takanori Nakamura; Takatsugu Kameda; Shinsuke Mochizuki  ASME-JSME-KSME 2011 Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, AJK 2011  AJK2011-16013  2011
  • Aung Thuyein Win; Shinsuke Mochizuki; Takatsugu Kameda  ASME-JSME-KSME 2011 Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, AJK 2011  AJK2011-13003  2011
  • Aung Thuyein Win; Shinsuke Mochizuki; Takatsugu Kameda  2011 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Communication Software and Networks, ICCSN 2011  219  -223  2011  [Refereed]
  • LDV Measurement and Visualization Study on the Flow around a Cone in a Thin Boundary Layer
    Takatsugu KAMEDA; Shinsuke MOCHIZUKI; Hideo OSAKA  The 3rd International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows  2010/09
  • Takatsugu Kameda; Shinsuke Mochizuki; Hideo Osaka  IUTAM SYMPOSIUM ON THE PHYSICS OF WALL-BOUNDED TURBULENT FLOWS ON ROUGH WALLS  22-  43  -48  2010/07
  • Turbulent Boundary Layer subjected to Adverse Pressure Gradient
    Shinsuke MOCHIZUKI; Takanori NAKAMURA; Takatsugu KAMEDA  Proceedings of the 8th China-Japan Workshop on Turbulent Flows  2009/04
  • On the Virtual Surface for the Turbulent Boundary Layer over a Rough Wall
    Takatsugu KAMEDA; Shinsuke MOCHIZUKI; Hideo OSAKA  The 7th JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference  2008/10
  • Shinsuke MOCHIZUKI; Seiji YAMADA; Takatsugu KAMEDA  The 2nd International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows  4-  (2)  313  -323  2008/09
  • Scaling Law of the Near Wall Flow Subjected to an Adverse Pressure Gradient
    Shinsuke MOCHIZUKI; Keisuke OHTA; Takatsugu KAMEDA; Hideo OSAKA  IUTAM bookseries: Symposium on Computational Physics and new Perspectives in Turbulence  4-  191  -196  2006/09
  • Non-equilibrium and Equilibrium Boundary Layers without Pressure Gradients
    Takatsugu KAMEDA; Shinsuke MOCHIZUKI; Hideo OSAKA  IUTAM Bookseries: Symposium on Conputational Physics and New Perspectives in Turbulence  4-  197  -202  2006/09
  • LDA Measurement in Roughness Sub-layer beneath Turbulent Boundary Layer Developed over Two-dimensional Square Rough Surface
    Takatsugu KAMEDA; Hideo OSAKA; Shinsuke MOCHIZUKI  12th International symposium of Application of Laser anemometry  28.3  2004/07
  • Near-Wall Turbulent Structure for the Boundary Layer Developing over a k-type Rough wall in Low-Reynolds-Number
    Takatsugu KAMEDA; Hideo OSAKA; Shinsuke MOCHIZUKI  Proc.4th ASME/JSME Joint Fluid Engineering Conference  2003/07
  • Shinsuke MOCHIZUKI; Takatsugu KAMEDA; Hideo OSAKA  Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications  74-  297  -300  2002/09
  • Mean Flow Quantities for the Turbulent Boundary Layer over a k-type Rough Wall
    Takatsugu KAMEDA; Hideo OSAKA; Shinsuke MOCHIZUKI  Proc. 13th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference  357  -360  1998/12
  • Re-examination of the Reynolds-Number-Effect on the Mean Flow Quantities in a Smooth Wall Turbulent Boundary Layer
    Hideo OSAKA; Takatsugu KAMEDA; Shinsuke MOCHIZUKI  Proc. International Conference on Fluid Engineering  3-  1433  -1438  1997/07

Books and other publications

  • 日本機械学会 (Contributor)日本機械学会 2022/04 9784888983266 vii, 326p
  • 流体力学の基礎と流体機械
    福島千晴; 亀田 孝嗣; 上代良文; 宇都宮浩二; 角田哲也; 大坂英雄 (Joint work1.2節;2.4節;2.6節;3.1節;3.5節)共立出版 2015/10
  • The basis of Fluid Engineering
    大坂 英雄; 藤田 重隆; 一宮 昌司; 望月 信介; 宇都宮; 浩司; 福島; 千晴; 亀田 孝嗣; 上代 良文 (Joint work1.1節;2.4節;4.1節;8.1節)共立出版 2012/03

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • LES を用いたスキャニングドップラーライダーによる風況観測の評価:風向と仰角の影響  [Not invited]
    田口 誠景; Goit Jay Prakash; 亀田 孝嗣
    日本機械学会 中国四国支部 第61期総会・講演会  2023/03
  • 砂川 弘樹; Goit Jay; Prakash; 亀田 孝嗣
    日本機械学会 中国四国支部 第61期総会・講演会  2023/03
  • LESを用いたスキャニングドップラーライダーによる風況観測の評価
    田口 誠景; Goit Jay; Prakash; 嶋田進; 亀田孝嗣
    日本機械学会 中国四国支部 第60期総会・講演会  2022/03
  • 二次元チャネル乱流における網粗度の影響
    砂川弘樹; 亀田孝嗣; Goit Jay Prakash
    日本機械学会 中国四国支部 第60期総会・講演会  2022/03
  • 片壁面に付加された粗さ要素の粗さピッチ比がチャネル流に及ぼす影響(空間平均量に基づく調査)
    亀田孝嗣; 望月信介,Jay; Prakash GOIT
    日本機械学会第99期流体工学部門講演会  2021/11
  • 二次元鈍頭物体の抗力に対する脈動流の影響
    井芹鴻樹; 亀田孝嗣
    日本機械学会 中国四国支部 第59期総会・講演会  2021/03
  • 二次元物体の空力特性に対する非定常流の影響
    井芹鴻樹; 亀田孝嗣
    日本流体力学会 年会2020  2020/09
  • 二次元物体の空力特性に対する脈動流の影響
    井芹鴻樹; 亀田孝嗣
    日本機械学会2020年度年次大会  2020/09
  • 一様流中に置かれた物体の空力特性に作用する脈動流の影響
    井芹鴻樹; 亀田孝嗣
    日本機械学会 中国四国支部 第58期総会・講演会  2020/03
  • 片壁に矩形粗さ要素が付加された二次元チャネル流に対する粗さピッチ比の影響
    大町直也; 亀田孝嗣
    日本機械学会 中国四国支部 第58期総会・講演会  2020/03
  • 二次元チャネル流の粗さ底層内流れに対する粗さピッチ比の影響  [Not invited]
    大町直也; 亀田 孝嗣
    日本機械学会 中国四国支部 第57期総会・講演会  2019/03
  • 低レイノルズ数域における十分発達したチャネル流に対する粗さの影響  [Not invited]
    亀田孝嗣; 望月信介
    日本機械学会2018年度年次大会  2018/09
  • 正方形噴流の初期領域に対する二次流れの影響  [Not invited]
    亀田 孝嗣
    日本機械学会2017年度年次大会  2017/09
  • 1503 Pressure Gradient Effects on the Similarity Law of Turbulent Boundary Layers
    AMANO Kouichi; SUZUKI Hiroki; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    Fluids engineering conference ...  2015/11  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    Detailed experiments have been made for effect of the adverse and favorable pressure gradients on the low of the wall in turbulent boundary layers. The local wall shear stress was measured by a direct measurement device. Mean and turbulent velocity profiles were measured by hot wire anemometer. A new velocity scale defined by considering significant contribution of inertia term in integrating the equations of motion was applied to the near wall statistical properties. The log-law modified with the new velocity scale agrees well with experimental data. The streamwise turbulent intensity profile in the wall layer is likely to be scaled successfully with the new velocity scale.
  • S0510105 Effect of the Separated Flow near Rough Wall to the Virtual Surface Height for Turbulent Boundary Layer
    KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan  2015/09  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    LDV Measurement has been made within roughness sublayer for turbulent boundary layer over rough surface consisted of two-dimensional rectangular roughness elements. The roughness height is proportional to streamwise distance. The experiments were performed in the momentum thickness Reynolds number R_θ=6000 and roughness Reynolds number k^+=150. Streamwise mean velocity profile averaged by cavity width is scaled with the velocity defined from pressure drag and the cavity width. Reynold stress profile deduced from Reynolds equation analytically is well consistent with LDV results. Virtual surface height increases with roughness pitch ratio and can be represented as a function of the ratio of pressure drag and total drag, the roughness pitch ratio and the ratio of roughness height and the cavity width.
  • Sublayer Plate Method for Local Wall Shear Stress Measurement
    Shinsuke Mochizuki; Makoto Fukunaga; Takatsugu Kameda; Motoyasu Sakurai
    19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference  2014/12
  • 0709 Vortex Structure around Bodies with Apex Placed in a Laminar Boundary Layer
    KURIHARA Koji; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    Fluids engineering conference ...  2013/11  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    Effect of apex angle 2α and rotated angle γ has been investigated on the behavior of the necklace vortex generated at the bottom front of a pyramid placed in a laminar boundary layer. Reynolds number based on the height of pyramid H is ReH≒610 and relative boundary layer thickness is δ/H=0.71, considering the symmetry, two typical conditions for γ are chosen, namely, γ = 0° and 45°. For the case of γ = 0°, bottom width D of the pyramids are 16.1mm and 60mm for 2α=30° and 90°, respectively. LDV was employed for velocity measurement. Distribution of spanwise vorticity can be understood by considering convection and production terms in vorticity transport equation .
  • 0512 Law of the Wall in the Turbulent Boundary Layer Developing under the Favorable Pressure Gradient
    TOKUNAGA Hitoshi; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    Fluids engineering conference ...  2013/11  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    Effect of favorable pressure gradient on the structure of turbulent boundary layer has been investigated experimentally. The wall shear stress measurement was made with direct drag balance and mean and turbulent velocity components were obtained from hot-wire measurement with constant temperature anemometers. The new velocity scale for turbulence proposed by considering momentum budget was applied to the similarity in the wall layer. The logarithmic velocity profile normalized with the friction velocity apparently reasonably agrees with the standard log-law in the wide area of the boundary layer, In addition, a modified log-law with the new velocity scale agrees well with experimental results. The new velocity scale reduces difference between normalized streamwise turbulent intensities in zero and favorable pressure gradients.
  • 0519 Response of the Turbulent Pipe Flow Disturbed by Sudden Change of Wall Roughness
    KOJIMA Yasufumi; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    Fluids engineering conference ...  2013/11  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    Asymptotic process of turbulent pipe flow has been investigated experimentally in relaxation process after sudden change in wall roughness from smooth to rough. k-type rough wall was placed at the position where the fully developed smooth pipe flow is established. Mean velocity and turbulent quantities were measured with hot-wire anemometer, and velocity and length scales were obtained from experimental data. Behavior of boundary layer thicknesses are considerably difference between for rough to smooth and smooth to rough. However, development of internal boundary layer thickness and streamwise distance to reach the asymptotic equilibrium situation are roughly the same for smooth to rough and rough to smooth.
  • W051002 Measurements of Wall Shear Stress and Form Drag acting on an Obstacle placed in a Wall-Bounded Shear Flow : Simple Principle and Measurement Examples
    KAMEDA Takatsugu
    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan  2013/09  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    It is one of important issues in fluid engineering to measure drag acting on an obstacle placed in a uniform or shear flows. The similarity and friction laws can be proposed experimentally from the measured drag. The drag is measured with indirect or direct methods. The indirect method is based on similarity laws like the law of the wall. On the other hand, the direct method is measured with no assumption of the similarity laws. This paper will introduce the principles of the direct method for the wall shear stress acting on the plate and the drag acting on the obstacle placed in a boundary layer, and give measurement examples in a wind tunnel.
  • J057031 Longitudinal Vortex Generated by Spanwise Discontinuity in Wall Roughness
    MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; YOSHIOKA Hiroshi; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan  2013/09  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    An experimental study has been made to investigate production mechanism of secondary currents generated by spanwise discontinuity of wall roughness. Spanwise discontinuity of roughness, which consists of k-type roughness, is located on the bottom surface of the fully developed two-dimensional channel flow. Mean velocity measurements certainly shows secondary currents accompanied with longitudinal vorticity along boundary between rough and smooth surfaces. The mechanism was studied by means of production terms involved with longitudinal vorticity transport equation; Prandtl's first and second kinds of production mechanisms. The experimental evidences state that non-uniform and non-isotropic Reynolds stress distribution is able to produce the longitudinal vorticity.
  • 0137 Management of Stronger Wall Jet by Flat Plate Wing with Three-dimensional Trailing Edge
    SAKAGUCHI Takayuki; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    Fluids engineering conference ...  2012/11  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    A flat plate wing was applied to flow management of stronger wall jet with constant velocity ratio of U_m/U_e=4. The normal straight flat plate and three-dimensional wing with notched trailing edge were employed and located at center of the outer layer in the jet with constant angle of attach of -4 degree. The two wings increase the maximum velocity and velocity in the outer layer. Turbulent intensity profile and Reynolds shear stress profile was decreased by flat plate wings. Streamwise mean momentum flux integrated in cross streamwise plane is increased by flat plate wings. The increasing rate of momentum flux is enhanced by the three-dimensional wing.
  • 0119 Turbulent Structure in a Boundary Layer Developed over Three-dimensional Rough Walls
    MURAKAMI Tomoya; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    Fluids engineering conference ...  2012/11  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    Turbulent structure in a boundary layer developed over two different types of three-dimensional rough walls, namely, cavity and protrusion has been investigated to understand effect of the geometrical feature on turbulent statistics. Experiments were made under the zero pressure gradients with constant free stream velocity of 7m/s. Over the protrusion type of rough wall, the local skin friction coefficient Cf is much larger than those of d-type and cavity type rough wall flows. As R_θ increases, the local skin friction coefficient tends to almost the same value over d-type and cavity type rough walls. Deficit in mean velocity profile is the largest over the protrusion type and takes almost the same over the cavity and d-type rough walls. Certain differences corresponding to the geometrical feature are observed near wall and around outer edge of boundary layer in skewness profile of S(ν)
  • 0120 Response of the Turbulent Pipe Flow to Sudden Change in Wall Roughness
    KOJIMA Ryota; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    Fluids engineering conference ...  2012/11  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    Response of the fully developed turbulent pipe flow has been investigated to sudden change of wall condition from smooth to rough. Experimental study of mean and turbulent quantities focuses on recovery process and distance required to reach to new equilibrium state. The inner diameter and total length of the pipe flow equipment are D=70[mm] and L=12[m] (=17 ID), respectively. Ak-type roughness composed of array of square bars is employed as rough wall and velocity measurement was made by a constant temperature anemometer and a single-hot wire probe. Derivative of wall static pressure with respect to the longitudinal direction takes the minimum value at x/D=15 and then approaches asymptotically to constant for jc/D=40〜50. The mean velocity and turbulent intensity profiles suggest that the internal boundary layer reaches to the pipe center at around x/D=15.
  • 0122 The Wall Shear Stress Measurement in a Turbulent Boundary Layer under Favorable Pressure Gradient
    KOYAMA Fumiaki; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    Fluids engineering conference ...  2012/11  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    Applicability of law of the wall to turbulent boundary layers under favorable pressure gradient has been studied using direct measurement of the wall shear stress. The effect of lip pressure that would produce extra force acting on a floating element of the direct measurement has been investigated for improving reliability of measured wall shear stress. The experimental results suggest that the lip pressure is unable to be ignored in the direct measurement. The logarithmic mean velocity profile using friction velocity determined by the direct measurement is disagreed with the standard log-law. The favorable pressure gradient reduces magnitude of the streamwise turbulent intensity normalized with the friction velocity compared with that of zero pressure gradient.
  • 0123 Measurement of Drag Acting on Obstacles in the Boundary Layer
    MOCHIKI Yusuke; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    Fluids engineering conference ...  2012/11  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    Direct flow drag measurement device for obstacles placed in the boundary layer has been developed and effect of angle of attack for drag acting on the pyramid has been investigated experimentally. Reliability of the developed measurement device was confirmed with a corn which drag force can be obtained by wall static pressure measurement. Apex angel of the pyramid is 2_α=60° and ratio between the height of the pyramid and the boundary layer thickness is δ/h≒0.52. Flow drag was measured at various angle of attack γ for the pyramid. Drag coefficient takes the maximum value near γ=0° and almost constant at |y|≧15°. Variation of the drag coefficient for angle of attach has abrupt change at |γ|=3°.
  • 1006 Vortex Structure around a Pyramid Placed in a Laminar Boundary Layer
    ADACHI Masaki; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    Fluids engineering conference ...  2012/11  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    Effect of apex angle 2α and angle of attack γ have been investigated on the behavior of the necklace vortex generated at the bottom front of a pyramid placed in a laminar boundary layer.Reynolds number based on the height of pyramid H is R_≒610 and relative boundary layer thickness is δ/H=0.71,considering the symmetry,two typical conditions for γ are chosen,namely,γ=0° and 45° .For the case of γ= 0°,bottom width D of the pyramids are 16.1mm and 60mm for 2α=30° and 90°,respectively LDV was employed for velocity measurement.The strength of the necklace vortex observed in the visualization study can be evaluated with magnitude of spanwise vorticity.The spanwise velocity gradient δW/δz|_ H/U_∞,well correlated to Ω_z|_ H/U_∞ is larger at γ=0° compared to γ=45° for the two apex angles.
  • Vortex Structure around a Pyramid Placed in a Laminar Boundary Layer  [Not invited]
    安達征輝; 亀田 孝嗣; 望月信介
    日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会  2012/11  同志社大学  日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会
  • Management of Stronger Wall Jet by Flat Plane Wing with Three-dimensional Trailing Edge  [Not invited]
    坂口貴之; 亀田 孝嗣; 望月信介
    日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会  2012/11  同志社大学  日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会
  • Measurement of Drag Acting on Obstacles in the Boundary Layer  [Not invited]
    持木雄介; 亀田 孝嗣; 望月信介
    日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会  2012/11  同志社大学  日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会
  • The Wall Shear Stress Measurement in a Turbulent Boundary Layer under Favorable Pressure Gradient  [Not invited]
    古山史祥; 亀田 孝嗣; 望月信介
    日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会  2012/11  同志社大学  日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会
  • Response of the Turbulent Pipe Flow to Sudden Change in Wall Roughness  [Not invited]
    小島亮太; 亀田 孝嗣; 望月信介
    日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会  2012/11  同志社大学  日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会
  • Turbulent Structure in a Boundary Layer Developed over Three-dimensional Rough Walls  [Not invited]
    村上智哉; 亀田 孝嗣; 望月信介
    日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会  2012/11  同志社大学  日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会
  • Vortical Flow and Drag around an Obstacle Placed in Thin Boundary Layer  [Not invited]
    望月信介; 亀田 孝嗣; 持木雄介; 安達征輝
    日本流体力学会年会2012  2012/09  高知大学  日本流体力学会年会2012
  • 7・2・3 乱流外部流れ(7・2 乱流,7.流体工学,<特集>機械工学年鑑)
    望月 信介; 亀田 孝嗣
    日本機械学會誌  2012/08  一般社団法人日本機械学会
  • 1016 Study on Response of Developed Turbulent Pipe Flow to Regularly Arrayed Groove Rough Wall.
    WATANABE Jun; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatugu
    講演論文集  2012/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 1017 Effect of Three Dimensional Roughness to Turbulent Structure in a Boundary Layer.
    SHINTANI Akihiro; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    講演論文集  2012/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 1113 On the Mechanism of Wall Shear Stress Production in a Two-dimensional Small Channel
    KIKUCHI Takuma; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatugu
    講演論文集  2012/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 1018 Turbulent structure in the near-wall for the boundary layer over two-dimensional rough wall with longitudinal micro grooves
    TANAKA Hiroki; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    講演論文集  2012/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 1214 Development of Drag Measurement Device for Obstacles placed on the Wall
    MOCHIKI Yusuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    講演論文集  2012/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 1104 Manipulation of Square Jet using Piezoelectric Actuators
    SENO Shinsaku; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    講演論文集  2012/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 1102 An Experimental Study on the Management of Stronger Wall Jet by Three-Dimensional Flat Plane Wing
    HAMAMOTO Kyohei; MOCHZUKI Shinuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu; SAKAGUCHI Takayuki
    講演論文集  2012/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 1004 A Study of vortex Structures around a Pyramid Placed in a Laminar Boundary Layer
    ADACHI Masaki; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    講演論文集  2012/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • J056014 Secondary Currents Generated due to Spanwise Discontinuity in Wall Roughness
    YOSHIOKA Hiroshi; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatugu
    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan  2011/09  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    An experimental study using two-dimensional channel flow was performed to investigate the possibility of a spanwise discontinuity of wall roughness as a device to generate secondary currents associated with longitudinal vortex. A k-type rough wall, which consists of an array of two-dimensional rectangular roughness elements, is placed on the wall and makes discontinuity of wall roughness. Mean velocity and turbulent intensity were measured with hot-wire anemometers and crossed wire probes. Velocity vector plot in cross streamwise plane clearly shows that the discontinuity of wall roughness is able to produce secondary currents. It is expected that the secondary currents are associated with longitudinal vorticity. There are certainly some evidence that the secondary currents transport fluid particles and make deformations in the mean velocity and turbulent intensity contour maps.
  • S054012 Similarity Law of Turbulent Boundary Layer developing over Two-dimensional Square Rib Rough Surface with Longitudinal Micro Groove
    KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; AKINE Hirotaka
    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan  2011/09  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    Measurements of mean velocity throughout a layer and surface pressure around a rough surface have been performed to investigate the effect on three-dimensionality of a roughness element due to micro-grooves. All experiments were made at a unitary Reynolds number of 6.24 x 105 (m-1) and in zero pressure gradient. The representative scale normalized with an averaged roughness height has little effect of the three-dimensionality of the rough surface. The pressure drag coefficient has almost same value with that of a two dimensional rough surface. Roughness function can be represented as a function of the Reynolds number based on the representative roughness scale, and the intercept term of the function depends on the three-dimensionality of the rough surface.
  • Effects of Rough Wall in Fully Developed Pipe Flow  [Not invited]
    Aung Tyuyein WIN; 亀田 孝嗣; 望月 信介
    ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluid Conference 2011  2011/07  Hamamatsu  ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluid Conference 2011
  • Experimantal Investigation of a Turbulent Boundary Layer subjected to an Adverse Pressure Gradient  [Not invited]
    中村 高紀; 亀田 孝嗣; 望月 信介
    ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluid conference 2011  2011/07  Hamamatsu  ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluid conference 2011
  • Streamwise Normal Reynolds Stress Variations of Fully Developed Turbulent Pipe Flow Response to Rough Wall Disturbance  [Not invited]
    Aung Thuyein WIN; 亀田 孝嗣; 望月 信介
    2011/04  Bali Island
  • 1101 Turbulent Structure ofthe Boundary Layer Developing over Two-dimensional Rough Wallwith Longitudinal Micro Grooves
    AKINE Hirotaka; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    講演論文集  2011/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 1203 Flow Structure Around a Pyramid Obstacle Placed in a Laminar Boundary Layer(Effect of the Apex Angles)
    KAWANO Hiroyuki; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    講演論文集  2011/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 1006 Mean Flow Quantities for the Turbulent Boundary LayerDeveloping over Three Dimensional Rough Wall
    ENDO Yasuyuki; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    講演論文集  2011/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 1214 Effect of Turbulent Structure to Height of Virtual Surface for Rough Wall Boundary Layer
    HOSHINO Tomoki; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    講演論文集  2011/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 1213 An Experimental Study about the generation of the secondary currentsby the discontinuity of the span direction roughness
    ISEKA Kazuma; YOSHIOKA Hiroshi; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatugu
    講演論文集  2011/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 1102 An Experimental Study on Turbulent Boundary Layer with Favorable Pressure Gradient
    ISHIKAWA Takashi; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    講演論文集  2011/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 1005 Management of Stronger Wall Jet with Flat Plate Wing in Outer Layer
    HISAEDA Daisuke; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    講演論文集  2011/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • NAGATOMO Hiromitu; KAMEDA Takatugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; YAMADA Seiji
    The Proceedings of Conference of Chugoku-Shikoku Branch  2011  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • Disturbed Turbulent Structure of Fully Developed Pipe Flow by Rough Walls  [Not invited]
    Aung Thuyein WIN; 亀田 孝嗣; 望月 信介
    2011/01  Dubai
  • 0137 Response of Turbulent Boundary Layer to Two-dimensional Square Rib Rough Surface with Longitudinal Micro Grooves
    KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; AKINE Hirotaka
    Fluids engineering conference ...  2010/10  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    Mean velocity and turbulent intensity measurements have been made for the turbulent boundary layer developed over two-dimensional square rib rough surface with longitudinal micro-grooves. The measurement was performed under a zero pressure gradient and momentum thickness Reynolds number of 8200. The velocity components were measured with a single hot wire probe and a constant temperature anemometer. The mean velocity and turbulent intensity close to the rough surface increase in comparison with those of two-dimensional rough surface. Then, the integral length is about 1.2 times of that the two-dimensional rough surface. As the result, it is expected that an error in origin has a large value compared with that of the two-dimensional rough surface.
  • 0135 Relaxation Process of Turbulent Pipe Flow Disturbed by Two Kinds of Wall Roughness
    Win Aung Thuyein; Mochizuki Shinsuke; Kameda Takatsugu
    Fluids engineering conference ...  2010/10  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    An experimental study has been made on recovery process of the fully developed pipe flow disturbed by surface roughness. Two types of roughness were employed as disturbance, namely, k-type and d-type roughness. After disturbance of certain roughness pipe, mean velocity and Reynolds stresses were measured and discussion was made to response to the roughness and fundamental turbulent structure in the recovery process of turbulent pipe flow.
  • LDV Measurement and Visualization Study on the Flow around a Cone in a Thin Boundary Layer  [Not invited]
    亀田 孝嗣; 望月 信介; 大坂 英雄
    The 3rd International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows  2010/09  Cincinnati  The 3rd International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows
  • 1401 On the Response of the Turbulent Pipe Flow to Abrupt Partial Change of the Wall Roughness
    EBISUMOTO Keisuke; Win Aung Thuyein; MOCHIZUKI Shinasuke; KAMEDA Takatugu
    講演論文集  2010/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 1403 An Experimental Study on the Turbulent Channel Flow over Spanwise Discrete Rough Wall
    DETO Takamichi; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatugu
    講演論文集  2010/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • YAMANE Hironori; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu; YAMADA Seiji
    The Proceedings of Conference of Chugoku-Shikoku Branch  2010  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • G703 Flow around a Cone placed in a Thin Turbulent Boundary Layer : Variation of a Pressure Distribution on the Surface to the Apex Angle of a Cone
    KAMEDA Takatsugu; SUMIDA Tetsuya; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; Osaka Hideo
    Fluids engineering conference ...  2009/11  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    The pressure measurement has been made on surface of a cone placed in a thin turbulent boundary layer. The apex angle 2α of cone is less than 90° and the height is 50mm. The Reynolds number based on the height is 2.31×10^4 and the relative boundary layer thickness is 0.42. The pressure distribution at θ=0° (θ=0° is the upstream position at symmetric plane.) is strongly depends on 2α. The maximum value at θ=0° can be represented with squared-cosine function of α. When 2α increases, it is expected that a branch flow at θ=0° occurs toward the bottom and top of the cone.
  • 0216 Effect of the Adverse Pressure Gradient on the Mean Flow Field in a Turbulent Boundary Layer
    NAKAMURA Takanori; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    Fluids engineering conference ...  2009/11  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    Detailed experiments have been made for the effect of the adverse pressure gradients on the law of the wall in turbulent boundary layers. The wall shear stress was measured by a direct measurement device and scaling law of the mean velocity was discussed with high accuracy experimental data. Consequently it was seen that ignoring the inertia term in the equation of motion was not allowed in the inner layer because of the effects of the adverse pressure gradients. By considering significant contribution of the inertia term, a new velocity scale is defined and a similarity law was yielded for the mean velocity profile, which agrees well to the experimental data.
  • 213 An experimental study on the flow around the cone on the flat plate
    OGAWA Norisuke; MOCHIZUKI Sinsuke; KAMEDA Takatugu
    講演論文集  2009/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 217 Flow around a Circular Cone in a Laminar Boundary Layer
    KOBIKI Shusuke; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    講演論文集  2009/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 618 LDV Measurement in Vicinity of the Roughness Element for the Rough Wall Turbulent Boundary Layer
    KONISHI Nobuyuki; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    講演論文集  2009/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 601 Response of the Pipe Flow to Sudden Roughness Perturbations
    SHIMABARA Naohiko; MOCHIZUKI Shinasuke; KAMEDA Takatugu; Win Aung Thuyein
    講演論文集  2009/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • LDVを用いた粗面乱流境界層における粗さ要素近傍流れの計測  [Not invited]
    中国四国支部第47期総会・講演会 講演論文集  2009
  • On the Virtual Surface for the Turbulent Boundary Layer over a Rough Wall  [Not invited]
    亀田 孝嗣; 望月 信介; 大坂
    The 7th JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference  2008/10  Sapporo  The 7th JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference
  • Flow Management of a Plane Turbulent Jet by a Streamwise Vortex Pair with Periodic Variation in Strength and Radius  [Not invited]
    望月 信介; 亀田 孝嗣; 山田 誠治
    The 2rd International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows  2008/09  Berlin  The 2rd International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows
  • 413 Experimental study on vortical structure in the vicinity of Roughness Element for Rough wall Turbulent Boundary Layer
    OTANI Yuki; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo
    講演論文集  2008/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 513 An experimental study on rising behavior of a single air bubble in water
    YASHIRO Masamune; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo
    講演論文集  2008/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • LDVを用いた粗面乱流境界層の平均量分布の計測  [Not invited]
    2008年度年次大会・講演論文集Vol.2  2008
  • 単一気泡の上昇挙動に関する実験的研究  [Not invited]
    中四国支部第46期総会・講演会  2008
  • 粗面乱流境界層の粗さ要素近傍における渦構造に関する実験的研究  [Not invited]
    中四国支部第46期総会・講演会 講演論文集  2008
  • 205 Roughness effect on Turbulent Quantities profiles for Turbulent Boundary Layer(2)
    KAMEDA Takatsugu; Otani Yuki; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo
    Fluids engineering conference ...  2007/11  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    Reynolds shear stress profile has been discussed on roughness effect for the turbulent boundary layer over a rough wall under a zero pressure gradient. The value of Reynolds shear stress normalized with friction velocity is lower than that of smooth wall turbulent boundary layer. The value in the logarithmic layer can be represented with the sum of both the wall shear stress and integral of correlations value between velocities and vorticities fluctuations in the roughness sub-layer by analyzing the x-direction Reynolds equation. From the results of the correlations, it is indicated that the Reynolds shear stress in the logarithmic layer has a lower value than the wall shear stress.
  • 519 Effect of Periodic Introduce of a Streamwise Vortex Pair in a Turbulent Wall Jet
    AIHARA Takeshi; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo
    講演論文集  2007/03  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 乱流境界層の乱流量分布に対する粗さの影響  [Not invited]
    日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会講演論文集  2007
  • 粗面乱流境界層の壁法則に対する粗さの効果  [Not invited]
    日本機械学会創立110周年記念 2007年度年次大会 講演論文集 Vol.2  2007
  • 1109 Effect of Adverse Pressure Gradients on the Log-law in Turbulent Boundary Layers(2)
    MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OHTA Keisuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu; OSAKA Hideo
    Fluids engineering conference ...  2006/10  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    Detailed experiments have been made for the effect of the adverse pressure gradients on the log-law in turbulent boundary layers. The wall shear stress was measured by a direct measurement device and scaling law of the mean velocity was discussed with high accuracy experimental data. By considering significant contribution of the inertia term in the equations of motion, a new velocity scale is defined and a similarity law was yielded for the mean velocity profile subjected to the adverse pressure gradient.
  • 1107 Similarity of the Reynolds Stress Profiles for Outer-layer in Turbulent Boundary Layers(2)
    KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo
    Fluids engineering conference ...  2006/10  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    An experimental study has been performed on the similarity of the Reynolds stress profiles for smooth- and rough-wall turbulent boundary layers under zero-pressure-gradient. The new scale of turbulent momentum flux was defined with considering both wall shear stress and mean flow momentum flux coming from the slope of mean streamline. Then, the wall shear stress was determined by direct measurement with a floating element device. The Reynolds stress profiles, normalized with the new scale, for the smooth- and rough-wall turbulent boundary layer at high Reynolds number almost collapse on a single curve.
  • 315 An Experimental Study on the Effect of Adverse Pressure Gradient on the Mean Flow Field of Turbulent Boundary Layer
    OHTA Keisuke; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu; OSAKA Hideo
    講演論文集  2006/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 317 Interaction Process between Turbulent Boundary Layer and Longitudinal Vortex Pair Introduced from Freestream : Effect on Coherent Structure
    TOMONAGA Shinya; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu; OSAKA Hideo
    講演論文集  2006/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 乱流境界層における対数速度分布に及ぼす逆圧力勾配の影響  [Not invited]
    日本機械学会 流体高額部門講演会 講演概要集  2006
  • 乱流境界層の外層領域におけるレイノルズ応力分布の相似性  [Not invited]
    日本機械学会 流体工学部門講演会 講演概要集  2006
  • Scaling Law od the Near Wall Flow subjected to an Adverse Pressure Gradient  [Not invited]
    IUTAM symposium  2006
  • Non-Equilibrium and Equilibrium Boundary Layer without Pressure Gradient  [Not invited]
    IUTAM symposium  2006
  • 壁面噴流中に導入した縦渦対の影響  [Not invited]
    中国四国支部第45期総会・講演会 講演論文集  2006
  • 710 The Effect of The Friction Parameter to The Outer Structure for The Equilibrium Boundary Layer
    KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo; HIGAKI Katsuya
    Fluids engineering conference ...  2005/10  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 粗面上に発達する厳密な平衡境界層の壁近傍構造  [Not invited]
    日本機械学会2005年次大会講演論文集  2005
  • Turbulent Boundary Layer Distorted by a Longitudinal Vortex Pair Produced a Delta-Wing with an Attack Angle : Reynolds stress profiles in a symmetrical plane
    Mochizuki Shinsuke; Osaka Hideo; Kameda Takatsugu; Fukushima Chiharu
    Fluids engineering conference ...  2004/11  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • Turbulent Structure for the Turbulent Boundary Layer satisfied Self-Preserving Conditions
    KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOTCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo; HIGAKI Katsuya
    Fluids engineering conference ...  2004/11  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • Two-Dimensional Channel Flow Disturbed by a Longitudinal Vortex Pair : Deformation and Relaxation Process
    YONEDA Hirotaka; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo
    講演論文集  2004/10  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • LDA Measurement in Roughness Sub-layer beneath Turbulent Boundary Layer Developed over Two-dimensional Square Rough Surface  [Not invited]
    亀田 孝嗣; 大坂 英雄; 望月
    12th International Symposium of Application of Laser Anemometry  2004/07  Lisbon  12th International Symposium of Application of Laser Anemometry
  • Turbulent Boundary Layer Distorted by a Longitudinal Ridge
    TAKAHASHI Yoshinori; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo
    講演論文集  2004/03  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • The Study on the Turbulent Boundary Layer, which Develops over the Rough Wall Satisfied with Self-preservation Condition
    HIGAKI Katsuya; KAMEDA Takatugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo
    講演論文集  2004/03  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • An Experimental Study on Turbulent Boundary Layer with Adverse Pressure Gradient
    KAJI Satoshi; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo
    講演論文集  2004/03  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • Interaction Process between Turbulent Boundary Layer and Longitudinal Vortex Pair with Spanwise Oscillating
    HONDA Hiroaki; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo
    講演論文集  2004/03  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 自己保存条件を満足する粗面乱流境界層の平均流特性  [Not invited]
    日本機械学会2004年次大会講演論文集  2004
  • LDV Measurement in Roughness Sub-layer beneath Turbulent Boundary layer Developed over Two-dimensional Square Rough surface  [Not invited]
    Application of Laser Anemometory  2004
  • 流れ方向突起により変形を受ける乱流境界層に関する研究  [Not invited]
    日本機械学会 中四国支部第42期総会・講演会  2004
  • 横方向撹乱を加えた縦渦と乱流境界層の干渉に関する研究  [Not invited]
    日本機械学会 中四国支部第42期総会・講演会  2004
  • 自己保存条件を満足する粗面上に発達する乱流境界層に関する研究  [Not invited]
    日本機械学会 中四国支部第42期総会・講演会  2004
  • 逆圧力勾配下に発達する乱流境界層に関する実験的研究  [Not invited]
    中四国支部第42期総会・講演会  2004
  • Effect of Roughness Pitch Ratio for Turbulent Boundary Layer
    KAMEDA Takatsugu; SAGA Keisuke; OSAKA Hideo; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    Fluids engineering conference ...  2003/09  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • Near-Wall Turbulent Structure for the Boundary Layer Developing oer a k-type Rough Wall in Low-Reynolds-Number  [Not invited]
    亀田 孝嗣; 大坂 英雄; 望月
    Proceeding of 4th ASME\JSME Joint Fluid Engineering Conference  2003/07  Honolulu  Proceeding of 4th ASME\JSME Joint Fluid Engineering Conference
  • Deformation and Relaxation Process of Two-Dimensional Channel Flow by Introducing a Pair of Streamwise Vortex
    IWAHASHI Shigehiro; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo
    講演論文集  2003/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 自己保存条件を満足するk形粗面乱流境界層の実験的試行  [Not invited]
    日本機械学会2003年度年次大会  2003
  • 粗さピッチ比が及ぼす乱流境界層への影響  [Not invited]
    日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会  2003
  • KOREISHI Kazuto; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo
    Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan  2001/09  可視化情報学会
  • 517 Behavior of a Streamwise Vortex Pair Generated by a Spanwise Oscillating Delta Wing
    KOBAYASHI Youji; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo
    講演論文集  2001/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 607 Organized Structure in the Vicinity of a Roughness Element for the Boundary Layer over a k-type Rough Wall
    KOREISHI Kazuto; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo
    講演論文集  2001/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 520 Development of a Zero-displacement Direct Measurement Device of the Wall Shear Stress
    KOHAMA Daisuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo
    講演論文集  2001/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 519 Mean Flow Quantities of Turbulent Boundary Layer with the Adverse Pressure Gradient
    MURAMOTO Kentaro; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIDUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo
    講演論文集  2001/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • k形粗面乱流境界層の壁近傍における組織構造(可視化観察と多点同時計測)  [Not invited]
    可視化情報全国講演会(山口2001)  2001
  • The Similarity of the Velocity Profiles on the Outer Layer for the Turbulent Boundary Layer
    KAMEDA Takatsugu; OSAKA Hideo; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    Fluids engineering conference ...  2000/09  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 412 Effects of Adverse Pressure Gradient on the Structure of Turbulent Boundary Layer
    ODA Yasuo; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo
    講演論文集  2000/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 411 The Similarity on the Outer Layer Structure for Turbulent Boundary Layer
    KAMEDA Takatsugu; OSAKA Hideo; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    講演論文集  2000/02  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • Mean Flow Quantities in the Vicinity of a Roughness Element for the Boundary Layer over a k-type Rough Wall.
    KAMEDA Takatsugu; OSAKA Hideo; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    年会一般講演  1999/07
  • An Experimental Study on the Structure of the Turbulent Boundary Layer over a k-type Rough Wall
    KAMEDA Takatsugu; OSAKA Hideo; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    年会一般講演  1998/07
  • Evaluation of Skin Friction Coefficient by Direct Measurement and Mean Flow Quantities in a k-type Rough Wall Turbulent Boundary Layer
    KAMEDA Takatsugu; OSAKA Hideo; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    年会一般講演  1997/07

Affiliated academic society


Research Themes

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2024/03 
    Author : 望月 信介; 鈴木 博貴; 亀田 孝嗣; 伊藤 萌奈美
    本研究の目的は高精度の壁面せん断応力計測装置を開発し、リブレットによる摩擦抵抗低減を1%の精度で確認することである。フォースセンサー、平面センサーに新しい設計を導入することで、壁面せん断応力直接測定装置を開発し、風洞実験により目標とする精度への到達を目指す。 新型センサーは高剛性フォースセンサーを採用することで、流れに影響を受ける固有振動数からの解放を実現した。これにより、オイルダンパーを必要としないシステムを構築できた。また、高剛性により微小変位にすることで、測定毎の較正が不要になり、測定精度の低下をもたらす較正手順の削除が達成できた。 気流温度の変化が変位センサ―の出力に大きな誤差をもたらすことが判明した。これについてはスーパーインバー材をセンサー本体に採用することで、温度変化の影響を1/6に抑制することができ、壁面せん断応力を0.6%の精度で計測できるに至った。 普遍法則実現のため、摩擦抵抗低減が生じる場合の平均速度分布を壁近傍まで測定する必要がある。従来はピトーレークで計測しており、壁近傍の計測が困難であったが、熱線プローブを特別に製作することにより、壁近傍の速度計測を実現した。 滑面上のゼロ圧力勾配下の乱流境界層について、壁面せん断応力および平均速度分布の計測により対数速度分布の成立を確認した。航空機用リブレットを用いた風洞実験を行い、流速が60m/s付近では抵抗低減の可能性が示されたが、より高速に置いてはリブレットフィルムの付着に課題があり、安定した計測が困難で、実験準備への新しい方針が定まった。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2023/03 
    Author : 亀田 孝嗣
    令和三年度では,線径0.45mmでメッシュが18と24の網粗面をチャネル上下壁面に強力接着剤で貼り付け,メッシュによる壁面摩擦抵抗係数および速度場(平均速度およびレイノルズ応力)の変化を滑面流との比較から調査した.測定は有効チャネル高さとチャネル中心流速に基づくレイノルズ数が2000~5000の範囲で行われた. 【壁面摩擦抵抗係数】 壁面摩擦抵抗係数は,十分発達した流れ方向範囲で下流方向に約800mm離れた二点の壁面静圧孔で取得された圧力降下量から算出された.レイノルズ数2000では滑面・網粗面ともに壁面摩擦抵抗係数は良好に一致し,粗面の影響はみられない.レイノルズ数が2000を超え,4000未満では,網粗面の結果は滑面の結果に比べ大きくなるが,メッシュによる差はみられない.レイノルズ数が4000を超えると,メッシュによる差がみられるようになり,メッシュ18が24よりも大きくなる. 【速度場】 対数速度分布から評価される粗さ関数(滑面流の対数領域からの下方への移動量)は,網粗面による壁面摩擦抵抗係数に対応して変化する.乱れ強さ分布の最大値も壁面摩擦抵抗係数に対応して変化する.壁近傍を除いたせん断応力分布の高さ方向勾配値から算出された壁面摩擦抵抗係数は圧力降下量による壁面摩擦抵抗係数と良好に一致していた.壁近傍では網を黒色に塗布し,レーザー光の反射を抑えるようにしたが,粒子画像にはレーザー光の反射像が含まれていた.そのため,誤ベクトルが生じて良好な解析データを取得することができなかった.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2016/04 -2019/03 
    Author : Kameda Takatsugu; Mochizuki Shinsuke
    The mechanism of pressure drag generation was investigated for a channel flow with transverse roughness elements on one wall. The square rod roughness elements is arranged with the roughness pitch ratio of 2, 4 and 8. The friction coefficient increases with the roughness pitch ratio. The increment is due to the pressure drag acting on the roughness. The pressure drag is occurred by the transport of Reynolds shear stress above the cavity between roughness elements. The profiles of the second invariant of the mean velocity gradient tensor have a negative value near the downstream side wall in the cavity, and the absolute value increases with the roughness pitch ratio. The negative value of the invariant contributes to positive pressure on the side wall and the value of the positive pressure depends on the roughness pitch ratio.
  • 機械的振動を利用した噴流発達制御とその発達機構の解明
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2014/03 
    Author : 亀田 孝嗣
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2011 
    Author : KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    The effect of the spanwise three-dimensionality of the rough wall introduced by longitudinal micro-grooves has been investigated on the mean and turbulent quantities for a turbulent boundary layer. The boundary layer development has little effect of the three-dimensionality. For the outer layer, the streamwise mean velocity and turbulent intensity profiles are well agreement with those of the two-dimensional rough wall flow, but near the rough wall these values increase. From the detailed measurement near the rough wall, the streamwise mean velocity and turbulent intensity profiles show a periodicity in the spanwise direction corresponding to the micro-grooves. Behind the micro-groove, the streamwise mean velocity is accelerated and the turbulent intensity is enhanced in comparison with those of the two-dimensional rough wall flow. On the drag acting on the rough wall, the three-dimensionality has little influence. The virtual origin of the height direction estimated by the pressure distribution around a roughness element and the drag shifts downward compared with that of the two-dimensional rough wall flow.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2010 
    Author : MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    An experimental study shows existence of longitudinal vortex by spanwise discontinuity of surface roughness and its producing mechanisms. The longitudinal vortex is generated along the discontinuity of surface roughness and induces secondary current. Evaluation of production terms in the transport equation of the longitudinal vorticity reveals that turbulence distributions contribute to the vorticity production. This finding could be applied to vortex generator without protrusion height.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2008 
    Author : KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    本研究は, 自己保存性が成立する粗面乱流境界層の壁面抵抗に対する粗さの効果および普遍法則(壁法則)の再吟味に着目して調査を行った.粗面壁に作用する壁面抵抗(摩擦抵抗と圧力抵抗の和)に対して, 粗さ要素により生じる圧力抵抗がその約95%を占める.壁面抵抗の作用点位置を原点とした高さ方向距離を用いて壁法則の検討を行ったところ, 滑面乱流境界層と同様な傾きをもつ対数速度分布となることを実験的に確認した.壁面抵抗の作用点位置は, 第1 近似的に摩擦速度で無次元化されたレイノルズせん断応力分布を粗さ要素間溝部内で積分して得られる積分長さに等しい.さらに, 粗さ要素間溝内部における平均速度分布の解析解から壁面抵抗の作用点位置と粗さ密度の関係式を導出した
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2005 -2006 
    Author : MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; OSAKA Hideo; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    An experimental study has been made on management of wall bounded shear flows by introducing a pair of streamwise vortex, with temporal variation in diameter and strength, into the wall layer. The focus was placed to see what effects of the management on the hierarchical structure of turbulent eddy emerge in the self-similarity in the wall layer. Experimental work was made in three kinds of the wall turbulence, namely, boundary layer, two-dimensional channel flow, and turbulent wall jet. Concluding remarks obtained from the experimental study are summarized as follows. 1. Under a adverse pressure gradient, hierarchical structure and existence of the wall law is confirmed in the wall layer of boundary layer. 2. A pair of streamwise vortex with temporal variation in diameter and strength was introduced into the inner layer of plane turbulent wall jet. It is seen that the management is effective for use of practical application; streamwise momentum flux is increased and transported toward the wall. 3. The wall bounded shear flow managed by the streamwise vortex with temporal variation in diameter and strength recovers faster than the streamwise vortex without the temporal variation. It is understood that the streamwise vortex with temporal variation is resemble to turbulent eddies in undisturbed wall layer. 4. Detailed study on the effect of periodic velocity components in dynamics was performed with phase averaging technique and triple decomposition of instantaneous fluctuating velocity components. Evaluation of production terms involved in Reynolds shear stress and turbulent energy equations shows considerable contribution of periodic component to momentum and energy balance. 5. Investigation of energy transport with the triple decomposition suggests validity of eddy viscosity model considering non-local effect due to large scale motion. The experimental study shows that, with management of streamwise vortex considering the hierarchical structure, the shear layer recovers faster to similarity profile and enhances both entrainment of the free stream fluid and momentum transport toward the wall.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2004 -2005 
    Author : 亀田 孝嗣
    今年度は,自己相似性となる粗面乱流境界層の壁近傍構造と境界層大渦構造との関係を調査するため,圧力変動プローブの製作と圧力変動および熱線プローブを用いた圧力速度同時計測を行った. 製作された圧力変動プローブの計測結果の妥当性は,以下に示す方法により検証した.(1)スピーカーを用いて,任意の周波数の音圧を生じさせ,圧力変動プローブで測定される信号の平均量が発生させた音圧とほぼ一致することを確認する.(2)二次元チャネル流の壁面圧力変動を本プローブで計測して圧力変動強度を求め,他研究者による実験結果および数値計算結果との比較を行う.これらより,本圧力変動プローブは良好に変動圧力の計測が可能であることを確認した. 圧力速度同時計測は,圧力変動プローブを粗さ要素溝底面部(溝内部の平均流線が溝底面部と平行となる位置)に,一方X形熱線プローブをその上方位置に設置して行った.ポアソン方程式を基礎にすると,空間任意の点の圧力変動は,速度の空間微分値の2乗値(渦度や散逸に関係)の空間積分値として表現される.そこで,本研究では溝底面部の圧力変動に対して,多層構造である乱流境界層のどの領域の渦構造からの寄与が大きいかを圧力変動と変動速度勾配の空間相関値から調べてみた.その結果,外層の渦構造との相関はほとんど無視でき,圧力変動には内層の壁近傍領域との関係が強いことが示された.さらに,その相関値は負の値であり,内層領域で強い渦度が生じるとき,変動圧力は負の変動が生じると考えられる.また,壁面近傍溝内部領域の流れの様相を把握するため水槽による可視化観察を二次元矩形粗面流で行った.溝内部では渦の形成・崩壊・放出が生じており,その流れの様相変化の周波数を本実験の条件に当てはめると約100Hz程度であった.そこで,変動圧力のスペクトル解析を行うと,圧力変動強度に対して100Hz付近の周波数からの寄与が大きいことが明らかになった.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2002 -2004 
    Author : OSAKA Hideo; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu
    Interaction process between turbulent boundary layer and longitudinal vortex pair was investigated experimentally. Two-types of longitudinal vortex pair, that is, common-flow up and common-flow down, were generated by delta wing located in free stream and introduced into developed turbulent boundary layer. Radius of vortex is comparable with the boundary layer thickness at the start of the interaction. Circulation of the longitudinal vortex is much less than circulation of whole boundary layer, but, of the same order of circulation in the outer layer. In the present study, spanwise oscillation was applied to vortex generator. Amplitude of spanwise oscillation is a half of wing span of the delta wing. Frequencies of sinusoidal oscillation were chosen as 0.5Hz and 1.0Hz. Effect of spanwise oscillation was investigated with behavior of statistical quantities in free stream. Contours of streamwise vorticity becomes to flattened shape by applying spanwise oscillation. Some strong peaks appear in contours of Reynolds stresses. It is expected that Reynolds stresses measured at a given cross-stream position contain apparent components depending on probability distribution of vortex cantor. Circulation generated by the wing was measured by two different ways, that is, integral of longitudinal vorticity and estimation from lift force obtained pressure measurement. The two results prove that spanwise oscillation has no significant effect on the vorticity generating process. In the interaction process, deformation and relaxation of the mean velocity and Reynolds stresses profile were measured in the boundary layer. The longitudinal vortex pair moves away from the wall in faster rate in case of common-flow up. Spanwise spreading rate of two longitudinal vortex path is larger in case of common-flow down. Decay of maximum longitudinal vorticity is slower in case of common-flow down. At symmetrical plane between two vortex, the interaction between longitudinal vortex makes closely distributed mean velocity contour lines and higher skin-friction coefficient in case of common-flow down. Otherwise, in case of common-flow up the interaction makes widely distributed mean velocity contour lines and low skin-friction coefficient. Effect of extra rate of strain involved in momentum integral equation is applied to explain boundary layer behaviors in the two cases. Effect of the extra rate of strain, ∂W/∂z and ∂V/∂y, was examined in the profiles of three turbulent intensity components and Reynolds shear stress profiles. The boundary layer along symmetrical plane is classified into "cross flow" in case of common-flow down and "identifiable streamwise vortices" in case of common-flow up. The extra rates of strain modify magnitude of turbulent intensity and Reynolds shear stress in the inner layer in case of common-flow down. Otherwise, close to the wall in the case of common-flow up, local adverse pressure gradient is deduced from the fact that magnitude of transverse divergence is grater than that of spanwise convergence. Effect of the interaction on the streaky structure was investigated by simultaneous multi point hot-wire measurement and conditional detection technique. The multi point hot-wire sensor has 12 single hot-wire sensors with 2mm spanwise separation that corresponds to 40 times viscous wall length. The Variable Interval Time Averaging method (VITA) was employed as a detection scheme for low speed streaks. Averaged spanwise spacing of the low speed streaks detected by the scheme is about 150 times viscous wall length. In the common-flow down case, the average spacing is larger at wall-ward secondary current and smaller at up-ward secondary current. The comparison shows that the spanwise oscillation makes the effect somewhat weaker.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2001 -2002 
    Author : MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke; KAMEDA Takatsugu; OSAKA Hideo
    In the present study, entrainment mechanisms associated with large scale eddies in turbulent boundary layers has been investigated in terms of 1/f^ intermittent nature defined in fractals. The experiment has been made in a flat plate boundary layer and a self-preserving boundary layer developed under power-law variation of the free-stream. The free-stream is decelerating with x^<-0.188> for the self-preserving boundary layer, thus the boundary layer is subjected to a mild adverse pressure gradient. A new direct measurement device for the local wall shear stress has been developed and applied in the present experimental study. The measurement device has 20mm circular friction surface and zero-displacement circuit that keeps the floating element at initial position. Application of the new device to the flat plate boundary layer proves that the wall shear stress can be obtained experimentally with sufficiently high accuracy and reliability. In both the boundary layers, the mean velocity profile near the wall can be reasonably expressed in the logarithmic mean velocity profile with Karman constant of 0.41 and additive constant of 5.0. Strength of wake component in the outer layer mean velocity profile is strongly enlarged by the adverse pressure gradient. The triple velocity products, which mean turbulence diffusion of Reynolds shear stresses and turbulent intensity, become greater in magnitude of absolute values. The outer layer intermittent nature has been investigated by conditional sampling technique that is applied to recognize turbulent and non-turbulent zones. Two-point double velocity correlation functions were calculated for turbulent zone and non-turbulent zone, respectively. A large scale streamwise vortical motion is expected in turbulent bulge and spanwise size of the vortical motion is squeezed by the adverse pressure gradient. The probability of streamwise interval of turbulent can be successfully explained by power-law functions.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2000 -2001 
    Author : OSAKA Hideo; KAMEDA Takatsugu; MOCHIZUKI Shinsuke
    Interaction process between turbulent boundary layer and a pair of streamwise vortices with spanwise perturbation was investigated experimentally. The streamwise vortices were generated by a delta wing that is 50mm in cord length and 40mm in wingspan located in the free stream with 8 degree in angle of attack. Spanwise oscillation of the delta wing with constant frequencies 0.5Hz and 1Hz and 10mm amplitude added spanwise perturbation onto the streamwise vortex pair. Conventional time averages and ensembles averages were obtained by hot-wire measurements of fluctuation velocity field for the streamwise extent of 70 times initial boundary thickness at starting location for interaction between boundary layer and streamwise vortex. Concluding remarks are summarized in the following two pars such as time and ensemble averages and production process. [Time and ensemble averages] Local skin friction coefficient has spanwise variation depending on mean velocity profile and enhance the momentum transport. Spanwise perturbation somewhat leaves off the spanwise variation of the skin friction coefficient. However, spanwise integral of momentum transport shows that the spanwise perturbation has no substantial contribution to momentum transport across the boundary layer. Spanwise variation of mean velocity field and spanwise amplitude of perturbation contribute to magnitude of the ensemble average of streamwise fluctuation component. The any conventional average can be divided into ensemble average and random components. The log low profile can be observed through the streamwise extent. [Production process] Kinetic energy budget was investigated for time, ensemble and random components. Kinetic energy of random component is generated by spanwise oscillation around vortex core of the streamwise vortices. From investigation of production term in whole spanwise extent, there is no drag reduction phenomenon with the present management.