TABATA Michihiko

Department of Mechanical EngineeringProfessor

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information


  • Doctor of Engineering(1987/03 Hiroshima University)

Research Keyword

  • レーザ計測   バイオ燃料   水素燃焼   微粒化   燃料噴霧   エンジン燃焼   

Research Field

  • Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering) / Thermal engineering

■Research activity information


  • 日本機械学会フェロー
  • 日本機会学会賞 研究奨励賞
  • 日本機会学会 畠山賞


  • 実機等倍ディーゼルノズルの内部流動計測
    間弓巧一; 田端道彦
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 11 71 - 74 2020/07
  • Takumi Minami; Michihiko TABATA
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 8 69 - 73 2185-8802 2017/06 
    Experiments were conducted using propane for the characteristics of the gaseous jet in the direct injection gasoline engine and the experiment using the propane. The concentration distribution of the propane jet when injected from the gas injector into the pressure vessel of the high pressure field is measured by the laser induced fluorescence method. The flow state was measured using the particle image correlation method. Therefore, numerous vortex structures were observed at the boundary of the gaseous jet. Furthermore, when the ambient pressure was increased, the number of vortices increased and the size of the vortex became finer. Also, since the fluorescence intensity decreases along the downstream side of the jet, a vortex structure that takes in the ambient air is observed.Ⅲ.論文集
  • 髙橋貴洸; 大垣優太; 田端道彦
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 7 65 - 71 2185-8802 2016/07 
    In order to visualize the actual flow inside a diesel injection nozzle at high-pressure injection, a model nozzle which has nozzle hole diameter with real size was made of sapphire. Using the transparent nozzle and three kinds of fuel, the effects of the fuel properties on the internal flow in the nozzle hole were investigated. The spray characteristics were observed by high-speed shadowgraph photography under realistic conditions. As the result, the fuel which 90% distillation temperature and kinematic viscosity are low, amount of cavitation generation is increased. Therefore, the spray atomization and evaporation are promoted.Ⅲ.論文集
  • 田端 道彦; 香川 良二
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 2 67 - 72 2185-8802 2011/06 
    In this paper, it is a purpose to obtain basic information of a hydrogen jet and combustion flame characteristics of the hydrogen rotary engine. The jet characteristics of the hydrogen gas injector were measured by using the high-speed shadowgraph method. As the result, the jet penetration of the low density gas was weak. The mixing of the direction of the jet axis was disturbed for the low jet pressure. Next, the combustion flame propagation of the hydrogen rotary engine was visualized by high-speed camera system with a transparent engine. The flame propagation was fast in the hydrogen combustion. It became clear that the end gas burn quickly at upstream combustion chamber.
  • 田端 道彦
    日本燃焼学会誌 日本燃焼学会 52 (161) 171 - 180 2010/10
  • OKUI, Nobunori; 田端 道彦; TAKAHASHI; Yoshihito KAGAWA; Ryoji; MORIUE; Osamu MURASE, Eiichi
    Review of Automotive Engineering Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan 30 (40) 379 - 385 2009/10 [Refereed]
  • 奥井 伸宜; 田端 道彦; 高橋 功朋; 香川
    マツダ技報 マツダ株式会社 27 (27) 142 - 147 2009/06
  • Ignition and combustion of Rotary Engine - Effect of spark-plug arrangement affected flame propagation -
    奥井 伸宜; 田端 道彦; 高橋 功朋; 森上 修; 村瀬
    自動車技術会論文集 (社)自動車技術会 40 (2) 319 - 324 2009/03 [Refereed]
  • Nobuyuki Kawahara; Eiji Tomita; Kenta Hayashi; Michihiko Tabata; Kouhei Iwai; Ryoji Kagawa
    Cycle-resolved measurements of the fuel concentration near a spark plug in a commercial rotary engine were performed. An in situ laser infrared (IR) absorption method was developed using a spark plug sensor and a 3.392-mu m He-Ne laser as the light source. This wavelength coincided with the absorption line of hydrocarbons. The newly developed IR spark plug sensor had a higher signal-to-noise ratio than its previous version due to the optimization of its quartz lens and two optical fibers. The new sensor provided quantitative cycle-resolved fuel concentration measurements around the spark plug with a high temporal resolution. At lean preset air/fuel (A/F) ratios, fuel was mixed with the surrounding air gradually by the rotor motion in the plug hole of the rotary engine. Strong mixture inhomogeneities were measured during the compression stroke; the magnitude of these inhomogeneities decreased throughout the compression stroke. Cycle-resolved measurements were made to investigate the effects of the fuel concentration near the spark plug on the combustion characteristics of the commercial rotary engine. There was a strong correlation between the fuel concentration measured with the spark plug sensor and the combustion characteristics during the initial combustion period, which occurred faster when conditions were slightly richer than stoichiometric near the spark plug. The indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) was slightly related to the A/F ratio near the spark plug. It was possible to measure the cycle-resolved A/F ratio near the spark plug and investigate its cycle-to-cycle fluctuations to achieve stable operation using the newly developed spark plug sensor. (c) 2006 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • In-Situ Fuel Concentration Measurement Using an IR Spark Plug Sensor by Laser Infrared Absorption Method -Application to a Rotary Engine-
    KAWAHARA, Nobuyuki; 田端 道彦; TOMITA, Eiji; IWAI; Kouhei KAGAWA; Ryuji
    13th International Symposium Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics (Lisbon) 1 - 11 2006/06 [Refereed]
  • T. Tanaka; K. Narahara; M. Tabata; S. Yoshiyama; E. Tomita
    International Journal of Engine Research Professional Engineering Publishing Publishers to the IMechE 6 (5) 453 - 463 1468-0874 2005/10 [Refereed]
    An ion current probe using a spark plug was applied to gasoline-fuelled homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) combustion with hot residual gas in order to verify the possibility of using it as a combustion sensor. The ion current signal for single-cycle HCCI combustion had a simple profile and effectively one maximum value. There is a possibility that a similar ion current signal corresponding to the completed reaction can be obtained, depending on the location of the probe during HCCI combustion. The ionization reaction for HCCI combustion is affected by the chemical ionization reaction with heat release, and there is a possibility that the ion current can be used to detect heat release corresponding to the chemical ionization reaction. A strong correlation between the timing of the integrated ion current and the timing of the mass fraction burned is observed. The timing of the mass fraction burned is assumed from the timing of the integrated ion current, and the mass fraction burned (up to 70 per cent) can be determined, even if the engine driving condition changes within the scope of the test. There is a correlation between the timing of the maximum ion-current and the maximum rate of heat release, and there is a possibility that the maximum value of the rate of heat release can be inferred by detecting the timing of the maximum ion current. There is a correlation between the timing of the maximum ion current and the timing of the maximum pressure at each cycle. Therefore, it may be possible to monitor the variation of the HCCI combustion phasing. © IMechE 2005.
  • Measurement of Ion Current in Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Combustion
    田中 達也; 田端 道彦; 楢原 和晃; 吉山 定見; 冨田
    マツダ技報 マツダ株式会社 (23) 130 - 135 2005/06
  • Effect of the Intake Valve Lift on Tumble Flow and Combustion Characteristics in an S.I. Engine
    岩井 浩平; 田端 道彦; 楢原 和晃; 藤本
    自動車技術会論文集 (社)自動車技術会 36 (1) 33 - 38 2005/01 [Refereed]
  • Measurement of ion current in combustion flame of homogeneous charge compression ignition engine
    TANAKA, Tatsuya; 田端 道彦; NARAHARA, Kazuaki; YOSHIYAMA; Sadami TOMITA; Eiji
    The 6th International Symposium on Diagnositics and Modeling of Combustion internal Combustion Engin Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan (JSAE) 319 - 325 2004/08 [Refereed]
  • Knocking Improvement by Tumble Flow and Reverse Squish Flow
    田端 道彦; 藤本 昌彦; 岩井
    マツダ技報 マツダ株式会社 (21) 192 - 198 2003/04
  • TABATA Michihiko
    可視化情報学会誌 (社)可視化情報学会 22 (2) 22 - 23 0916-4731 2003/02
  • M Fujimoto; K Iwai; M Kataoka; M Tabata
    JSAE REVIEW ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 23 (3) 291 - 296 0389-4304 2002/07 [Refereed]
    Effects of squish area location on tumble and squish flow were investigated to control the knock in an SI engine. For the exhaust squish piston, tumble flow is collapsed by the exhaust squish clearance during the compression stroke, so that the compression-squish flow is strong. For the intake squish piston, tumble flow impinges on the edge of squish area and the induction of it into the squish area is controlled. The compression-squish flow is weakened and reverse-squish flow grows strong. This led to realization of a high heat release at late stage combustion. Simultaneously, the decrease of cycle-by-cycle variation of initial burn is realized. Consequently, knocking is controlled compared with a flat piston. (C) 2002 Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. and Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Control of Knock Noise at Low Speed and Full Load in Gasoline Engine.
    岩井 浩平; 田端 道彦; 梅原 健
    マツダ技報 マツダ株式会社 (19) 92 - 99 2001/04
  • FUJIMOTO Masahiko; NISHIDA Keiya; HIROYASU Hiroyuki; TABATA Michihiko
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 62 (599) 2879 - 2886 0387-5016 1996/07 [Refereed]
    A pancake-type constant-volume combustion chamber was used to investigate the combustion and NOχ emission characteristics of propane-air and hydrogen-air mixtures under various charge stratification patterns, which were obtained by variations of injected mixture concentration and ignition spark timing. A planar laser-induced nitrogen dioxide fluorescence technique was applied to measure the mixture distribution in the test chamber. The results show that under the rich side of overall excess air ratio, the combustion speed of the homogeneous mixture was slightly faster than that of the stratified mixture. When the rich mixture was near the spark ignition point, the combustion speed was fastest under the lean side of overall excess air ratio. When the mixture concentration near the spark ignition point increased, NOχ emissions increased under the lean side of overall excess air ratio but decreased under the rich side.
  • FUJIMOTO Masahiko; NISHIDA Keiya; HIROYASU Hiroyuki; TABATA Michihiko
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series B. The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 62 (598) 2498 - 2505 0387-5016 1996/06 [Refereed]
    Laser-induced fluorescence from nitrogen dioxide (NO_2) as gas fuel tracer was applied to determine mixture stratification in a pancake type constant-volume combustion chamber using propane and hydrogen fuels. The second-harmonic output of a pulsed Nd : YAG laser was used as a light source for fluorescence excitation. the fluorescence images were corrected by a gated image-intensified CCD camera. The quantitative analysis of fuel concentration was made possible by the application of linearity between fluorescence intensity and NO_2 concentration at a low trace level. The stratified mixture (center-rich or center-lean) was concentrically formed in the central region of the chamber by a jet flow from a tangentially oriented port. The concentration difference in the radial direction of the chamber decreased with time from the start of injection. The rate of decrease was faster for hydrogen than for propane. After 300ms from start of injection, however, the time histories of the concentration (difference were nearly constant for both fuels regardless of overall concentration.
  • YAMAMOTO Toshihide; NOH Yoshihisa; FUKUBE Tsugio; TABATA Michihiko
    自動車技術会論文集 27 (1) 28 - 33 0287-8321 1996/01 [Refereed]
  • 混合気噴射ガソリン機関に関する研究,第一報;混合気形成過程および希薄燃焼特性
    田端道彦; 乃生芳尚; 丸原正志; 松本正和
    自動車技術会論文集 26 (4) 38 - 44 1995/10 [Refereed]
  • Influence of Mixture Stratification Pattern on Combustion Characteristics in a Constant-Volume Combustion Chamber
    M. Fujimoto; K. Nishida; H. Hiroyasu; M. Tabata
    SAE Paper No.952412 1 - 14 1995/10 [Refereed]
  • M. Tabata; M. Kataoka; M. Fujimoto; Y. Noh
    SAE Paper No.950104 33 - 49 1995/02 [Refereed]
  • Improving NOx and Fuel Economy for Mixture injected SI Engine with EGR
    M. Tabata; T. Yamamoto; T. Fukube
    SAE Paper No.950684 1 - 10 1995/02 [Refereed]
  • Planar Measurement of OH Radical in a S.I. Engine based on Laser Induced Fluorescence
    T. Tanaka; M. Tabata
    SAE paper No.940477 1 - 10 1994/02 [Refereed]
  • Tanaka Tatsuya; Tabata Michihiko
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 60 (574) 2229 - 2235 0387-5016 1994 [Refereed]
    Planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) was applied to 2-D visualization of OH radical distribution in a combustion chamber of a single-cylinder spark ignition engine. A Nd : YAG laser-pumped pulsed dye laser with frequency doubling was used to form a sheet of laser light which induced the OH X2Π→A2Σ transition. Fluorescence images of the OH radical and visible images of flames were simultaneously imaged by a pair of image-intensified CCD cameras. The OH distributions in the combustion chamber were measured under various conditions of mass burned rates, swirl rates and air-fuel ratios. The OH images were very complicated in structure compared with the visible images. The OH distributions were not only observed near the flame front but also observed in the reaction zone behind the flame front. The OH fluorescence intensity reached a peak value at the swirl rate at which the HC emission indicated a low value. Both the OH fluorescence intensity and the NOx emission had peaks at the near-theoretical air-fuel ratio.
  • M.Fujimoto; M.Tabata
    7th International Pacific Conference on Automotive Engineering (IPC-7), SAE Paper No.931905 931905 1 - 12 1993/11 [Refereed]
  • Mean Drop Diameter of a Diesel Spray in a Vaporizing Process
    M.Tabata; H.Fujii; M.Arai; H.Hiroyasu
    JSME International Journal, Sereis,II 34 (3) 369 - 378 1991/08 [Refereed]
  • TABATA Michihiko; FUJII Hiroshi; ARAI Masataka; HIROYASU Hiroyuki
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 56 (521) 206 - 213 0387-5016 1990/01 [Refereed]
    The size distribution of small praticles can be obtained by optical analysis of the Fraunhofer diffraction light scattered by particles. In this study, direct photographs of the diffracted light from particles or spray drops were taken using a pulsed laser and analyzed. Error due to the characteristic properties of this pulsed laser diffraction method were investigated for many groups of particles. The mean particle size was measured within an error of less than ±10%, even if the diffmacted light from particles passed through a high ambient temperature and pressure envirnment. The Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of a diesel spray in a vaporizing process was analyzed by this method to obtain the Sauter mean diameter of the spray.
  • TABATA Michihiko; FUJII Hiroshi; ARAI Masataka; HIROYASU Hiroyuki
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 56 (521) 214 - 220 0387-5016 1990/01 [Refereed]
    The Sauter mean diameter and size distribution of a diesel spray in a vaporizing process were studied using the pulsed laser diffraction technique presented in the lst report. The Sauter mean diameter and size distribution were introduced to study the overall vaporizing phenomena of the spray. The liquids used were diesel fuel and n-Heptane. The Sauter mean diameter increased once, then decreased with an increase of the ambient temperature, under the ambient gas density, which was kept constant at a high pressure level. This change of the Sauter mean diameter was different for the evaporation rate of a fuel. The increase of the Sauter mean diameter of the n- Heptane spray occured at a lower ambient temperature condition than for the diesel fuel spray.
  • TABATA Michihiko; ARAI Masataka; HIROYASU Hiroyuki
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 55 (518) 3239 - 3245 0387-5016 1989/10 [Refereed]
    The new empirical equations to represent the Sauter mean diameter of a spray injected from a diesel nozzle were reported in this paper. In order to determine the new equations of the mean diameter, drop sizes of a diesel spray were analyzed by a laser diffraction technique. Liquids with different viscosities and different surface tensions were tested. The maximum injection pressure and the maximum ambient pressure were 90 MPa and 3 MPa, respectively. According to the tendencies of break-up length and drop sizes of a spray for an injection velocity and an ambient pressure, the spray formation mechanism could be divided into two categories as a function of the injection velocity and physical properties of the liquid. Finally, dimensionless analysis for each category of a spray could lead tot the empirical equations of the Sauter mean diameter.
  • Empirical Equations for the Sauter Mean Diameter of Diesel Spray
    H.Hiroyasu; M.Arai; M.Tabata
    SAE Paper (890464) 94 - 106 1989/02 [Refereed]
  • M.Tabata; M.Arai; H.Hiroyasu
    Bull.JSME The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 29 (252) 1795 - 1802 0021-3764 1986/06 [Refereed]
    The purpose of this study is to clarify the effect of liquid viscosity on the Sauter mean diameter and the spray angle. The spray injected by a diesel nozzle of hole type was observed by the laser diffraction technique system and the direct photography method. The tests were carried out over a wide range of injection pressures and viscosities of glycerine solution at ambient pressure of 3 MPa. With an increasing liquid viscosity, the spray angle decreases and the Sauter mean diameter gradually increases. With further increase of the Viscosity, the Sauter mean diameter suddenly increases. There is an upper limit of the viscosity to be atomized as a spray of fine droplets. At a high injection pressure, the effect of viscosity on the Sauter mean diameter still remains but the viscosity has no effect on the spray angle.
  • Diesel Fuel Spray of High Viscosity Fuel
    H.Hiroyasu; M.Arai; M.Tabata
    Bull.M.E.S.J. 14 (1) 6 - 15 1986/06 [Refereed]
  • TABATA Michihiko; ARAI Masataka; HIROYASU Hiroyuki
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 51 (470) 3263 - 3271 0387-5016 1985/10 [Refereed]
  • 田端道彦; 新井雅隆; 廣安博之
    自動車技術会論文集 29 (29) 87 - 93 1984/12 [Refereed]
  • ディーゼル噴霧の粒径に及ぼす燃料粘度の影響
    廣安博之; 新井雅隆; 田端道彦
    日本舶用機関学会誌 20 (3) 194 - 202 1984/08 [Refereed]
  • Studies of Fuel Droplets Behavior and Flame Propagation in Combustion Chamber on S.I. Engine Using 2-D Visualization
    M.Tabata; A,Nagao; Y,Iida
    International Symposium on Diagnostics and Modeling of Combustion in Reciprocating Engines (COMODIA 90) 179 - 184 1900/09 [Refereed]
  • Disintegrating Process and Spray Characterization of Fuel Jet Injected by a Diesel Nozzle
    M.Arai; M.Tabata; H.Hiroyasu; M.SHimizu
    SAE Paper (840275) 1 - 6 1883/08 [Refereed]


Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Effect of nozzle internal flow on spray angle by using real size visualization nozzle  [Not invited]
    Koichi MAYUMI; Michihiko TABATA
    日本機械学会 中国四国支部 第59期総会・講演会  2021/03
  • Measurement of inside flow of diesel injector by using real size transparent nozzle
    Koichi MAYUMI; Michihiko TABATA
    日本機械学会 中国四国支部 第58期総会・講演会  2020/03
  • ロータリエンジンにおける混合気形成に関する研究  [Not invited]
    趙成光; 田端道彦; 原亮介; 尹正虎,張武
    日本機械学会 中国四国支部 第57期総会・講演会  2019/03
  • ディーゼル噴霧先端の蒸発に及ぼす噴射圧力の影響  [Not invited]
    松尾顔回; 田端道彦
    日本機械学会 中国四国支部 第57期総会・講演会  2019/03
  • Measurement of mixing process of gaseous jet by using PIV and LIF method  [Not invited]
    Takumi MINAMI; Michihiko TABATA
    日本機械学会 中国四国支部 第56期総会・講演会  2018/03
  • Measurement of Fuel Liquid Film on the Side Housing of Rotary Engine by Using LIF Method  [Not invited]
    Chengguang ZHAO; Michihiko TABATA
    日本機械学会 中国四国支部 第56期総会・講演会  2018/03
  • Influence of fuel properties on ignition and flame temperature of diesel combustion  [Not invited]
    Ippei MATSUURA; Michihiko TABATA
    日本機械学会 中国四国支部 第56期総会・講演会  2018/03
  • A Study on Ignition and Lean Combustion of Pilot-Ignited Natural-Gas Engine  [Not invited]
    Takahiro TAKAHASHI; Michihiko TABATA
    第28回内燃機関シンポジウム  2017/12
  • Effect of liquid fuel properties on lean combustion characteristics of CNG engine with liquid fuel injection  [Not invited]
    Takahiro TAKAHASHI; Michihiko TABATA
    日本機械学会 中国四国支部 第55期総会・講演会  2017/03
  • The study of ignition and combustion processes in biofuel diesel engine by using of the chemiluminescence method  [Not invited]
    Yuta OGAKI; Michihiko TABATA; Fumihiko SAITO; Yoshihisa NOH
    第27回内燃機関シンポジウム  2016/12
  • Effect of fuel properties on ignition and combustion processes of compression ignition engine  [Not invited]
    Michihiko TABATA
    Takashi Morimoto Michihiko Tabata Fumihiko Saito Yoshihisa Noh  2016/10
  • Effect of fuel property on ignition characteristics of diesel engine  [Not invited]
    Takashi Morimoto; Michihiko Tabata; Fumihiko Saito; Yoshihisa Noh
    日本機械学会 中国四国支部 第54期総会・講演会  2016/03
  • Effect of injection timing on ignition characteristics of bio fuel diesel engine  [Not invited]
    Michihiko TABATA
    第26回内燃機関シンポジウム  2015/12
  • Measurements of Mixing Process and Combustion Flame of Direct Injection Natural Gas Engine  [Not invited]
    Michihiko TABATA
    第52回燃焼シンポジウム  2014/12
  • Research on the Combustion of Hard-to-Burn Fuels in Spark Ignition Engine  [Not invited]
    Nizar Jaber; Ryoji KAGAWA; Michihiko TABATA
    第24回内燃機関シンポジウム  2013/11
  • Effect of Injection Holes Pattern on Jet Characteristic of High-pressure Hydrogen Injector  [Not invited]
    田端道彦; Nizar Jaber; 香川良二
    第52回燃焼シンポジウム  2013/11  日本機械学会
    高圧噴射弁を用いた直接水素エンジンでの水素火炎の高速撮影および燃焼圧力測定を行った.高圧水素噴射弁噴孔パターンの違いや噴射時期を変化させることで,以下の結果となった.噴射時期を遅角化していくに従って燃焼速度は速くなる,高圧水素噴射弁噴孔パターンを変えることで.,空間的不均一性の高いSingle は高濃度の水素領域を点火プラグ近傍に配置できるため燃焼が速くなる.空間的に拡がりが大きなCone, Flat にするとその効果は少なくなることなどが明らかになった.
  • Engine Performance Comparison between Rotary and Reciprocation Engine by Using the Biogas Fuel  [Not invited]
    Michihiko TABATA
    日本機械学会  2013/03  日本機械学会
  • Flame Measurement of Hydrogen Jet Combustion in an Engine with High-Pressure DI Gas Injector  [Not invited]
    Michihiko TABATA
    第23回内燃機関シンポジウム  2012/12  北海道,札幌  日本機械学会,自動車技術会
  • 水素ロータリーエンジン  [Not invited]
    田端 道彦
    日本機械学会関西支部  2011/09  大阪科学技術センター  日本機械学会関西支部
  • Mixture of Spray Tip on Combustion Wall by DI Gasoline Swirl Injector  [Not invited]
    田端 道彦
    2011/03  日本機械学会中国四国支部
  • Visualizations of Gas fuel Jet and Combustion Flame on Hydrogen Rotary Engine  [Not invited]
    田端 道彦
    2011/03  日本機械学会中国四国支部
  • Study about Hydrogen Addition on Gasoline Engine Combustion  [Not invited]
    田端 道彦
    日本燃焼学会  2010/12  福岡  日本燃焼学会
  • Gas Motion Analysis of Wankel Rotary Engine Noticing on Cycle-to-cycle Variation  [Not invited]
    森吉 泰生; 田端 道彦; 槇 台地; 香川 良二; 奥井
    (社)自動車技術会,(社)日本機械学会  2009/09  東京  (社)自動車技術会,(社)日本機械学会
  • Ignition and combustion of Rotary Engine - Effect of spark-plug arrangement affected flame propagation -  [Not invited]
    奥井 伸宜; 田端 道彦; 高橋 功朋; 森上 修; 村瀬
    (社)自動車技術会  2008/10  名古屋  (社)自動車技術会
  • PIV Measurement of Flow Field in a Rotary Engine  [Not invited]
    槇 大地; 田端 道彦; 森吉 泰; 奥井 伸宜
    (社)可視化情報学会  2008/07  (社)可視化情報学会
  • In-Situ Fuel Concentration Measurement near Spark Plug by 3.392μm Infrared Absorption Method (Application to a Rotary Engine)  [Not invited]
    河原 伸幸; 田端 道彦; 冨田 栄二; 林; 岩井 浩平; 香川
    (社)日本機械学会,(社)自動車技術会  2007/01  東京  (社)日本機械学会,(社)自動車技術会
  • Measurement of Ion Current in Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Engine  [Not invited]
    吉山 定見; 田端 道彦; 冨田 栄二; 森; 田中 達也
    日本燃焼学会  2006/12  広島  日本燃焼学会
  • 予混合圧縮着火機関におけるイオン電流  [Not invited]
    吉山 定見; 田端 道彦; 冨田 栄二; 山; 田中 達也
    日本燃焼学会  2005/12  東京  日本燃焼学会
  • ガソリンHCCI燃焼技術と燃焼センシング  [Not invited]
    田端 道彦
    自動車技術会九州支部講演会  2005/02  福岡  自動車技術会九州支部講演会
  • ガソリンHCCI燃焼技術と燃焼センシング  [Not invited]
    田端 道彦
    (社)自動車技術会,ガソリン部門委員会  2004/12  (社)自動車技術会,ガソリン部門委員会
  • HCCI燃焼火炎のイオン電流計測  [Not invited]
    田端 道彦
    (社)自動車技術会,ガソリン機関・ディーゼル機関部門合同公開委員会  2004/10  (社)自動車技術会,ガソリン機関・ディーゼル機関部門合同公開委員会
  • Combustion Diagnostics near the Spark Plug Using Ignition Electrode Ion Probe  [Not invited]
    吉山 定見; 田端 道彦; 冨田 栄二; 鎌田; 田中 達也
    (社)日本機械学会  2004/03  広島  (社)日本機械学会
  • Ion Current Measurement of Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Combustion  [Not invited]
    楢原 和晃; 田端 道彦; 田中 達也; 吉山 定見; 冨田
    (社)日本機械学会  2004/03  広島  (社)日本機械学会
  • Effect of the Intake Valve Lift on Tumble Flow and Combustion Characteristics in an S.I. Engine  [Not invited]
    岩井 浩平; 田端 道彦; 楢原 和晃; 藤本
    (社)自動車技術会  2003/09  (社)自動車技術会
  • ガソリン機関の混合・燃焼現象への2次元レーザ計測の応用  [Not invited]
    田端 道彦
    平成13年度 第3回 産学R&D応募型研究テーマ「オンボード型エンジン内燃焼制御」研究会,(財)中国技術振興センター  2001/10  平成13年度 第3回 産学R&D応募型研究テーマ「オンボード型エンジン内燃焼制御」研究会,(財)中国技術振興センター
  • Effect of Combustion Chamber Shape on Tumble Flow, Squish-generated Flow and Burn Rate.  [Not invited]
    藤本 昌彦; 田端 道彦; 岩井 浩平; 片岡
    (社)自動車技術会  2001/05  (社)自動車技術会
  • 直噴ガソリン機関の噴霧特性と混合気形成過程の計測  [Not invited]
    田端 道彦
    (社)日本機械学会エンジンシステム部門AT-TS07-22 平成11年度第3回エンジン基礎燃焼研究会II  2001/01  東京  (社)日本機械学会エンジンシステム部門AT-TS07-22 平成11年度第3回エンジン基礎燃焼研究会II


  • Technical Thermodynamics ⅡTechnical Thermodynamics Ⅱ Kindai University
  • Technical Thermodynamics ⅠTechnical Thermodynamics Ⅰ Kindai University

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