YAMADA Takashi

Department of Human Factors Engineering and Environmental DesignAssociate Professor

Last Updated :2024/09/15

■Researcher basic information


  • Ph.D. in Engineering(Keio University)

Research Keyword

  • 建築計画   地域計画   都市計画   空間行動   環境デザイン   プロダクトデザイン   

Research Field

  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Architectural and city planning
  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Social systems engineering
  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Civil engineering (planning and transportation)

■Research activity information


  • 2024/04 一般社団法人日本建築学会 2024年日本建築学会奨励賞
  • 2016/04 公益財団法人日本科学協会 2015年度笹川科学研究奨励賞
    受賞者: 山田崇史
  • 2014/11 日本インテリアファブリックス協会 奨励賞
    受賞者: 山田崇史
  • 2014/04 静岡市クリエーター支援センター 入選
     New Creator Competition Shizuoka2014 
    受賞者: 山田崇史
  • 2013/04 神戸市・神戸ビエンナーレ組織委員会 入賞
     神戸ビエンナーレ2013 しつらいアート国際コンペティション 
    受賞者: 山田崇史
  • 2005/04 社団法人日本商環境設計家協会 最優秀賞
    受賞者: 山田崇史
  • 2003/09 シャープ株式会社 奨励賞
     SHARP Competition 2003 
    受賞者: 山田崇史


  • 山田 崇史; 林 和典; 藤田 浩司
    日本建築学会技術報告集 Architectural Institute of Japan 30 (75) 1101 - 1106 1341-9463 2024/06 [Refereed]
  • Takashi Yamada; Atsuno Kuwabara
    Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (CiteScore Q1 (2022)) Informa UK Limited 1 - 11 1346-7581 2023/09 [Refereed]
  • Takashi YAMADA
    The Japanese Journal of Real Estate Sciences Japan Association for Real Estate Sciences 36 (4) 96 - 100 0911-3576 2023/03 [Invited]
  • Takashi Yamada
    Geo-spatial Information Science (Scopus 2022 Top 10%) Informa UK Limited 1 - 14 1009-5020 2022/12 [Refereed]
  • Takashi Yamada; Michise Utaka
    Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (CiteScore Q1 (2021)) Informa UK Limited 1 - 16 1346-7581 2022/12 [Refereed]
  • Takashi Yamada
    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (Scopus 2022 Top 10%) Elsevier BV 128163 - 128163 0378-4371 2022/09 [Refereed]
  • Kurumi Yamasaki; Takashi Yamada
    Sustainable Cities and Society (Scopus 2022 Top 10%) Elsevier BV 84 104002 - 104002 2210-6707 2022/09 [Refereed]
  • Takashi Yamada; Noriko Yamasaki
    International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (Scopus 2021 Top 10%) Elsevier BV 65 102566 - 102566 2212-4209 2021/11 [Refereed]
  • 山田 崇史; 荒木 大志
    都市計画論文集 56 (3) 1129 - 1136 2021/10 [Refereed]
  • Takashi YAMADA; Yume NOBUSADA
    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) Architectural Institute of Japan 86 (786) 2147 - 2157 1340-4210 2021/08 [Refereed]
  • Takashi Yamada; Takumi Hayashida
    Geo-spatial Information Science (Scopus 2020 Top 10%) Informa UK Limited 23 (4) 305 - 315 1009-5020 2020/10 [Refereed]
  • Yamada Takashi; Nakaoka Natsuki
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan The City Planning Institute of Japan 55 (3) 1092 - 1099 0916-0647 2020/10 [Refereed]
  • 山田 崇史, 桂 瞭太
    地域施設計画研究 38 287 - 294 2020/07 [Refereed]
  • 山田 崇史, 長谷川 慶幸
    地域施設計画研究 38 165 - 174 2020/07 [Refereed]
  • 山田 崇史; 千川 詩緒里
    地域施設計画研究 37 249 - 256 2019/07 [Refereed]
  • 山田 崇史; 五鬼継 紗也加
    地域施設計画研究 37 241 - 248 2019/07 [Refereed]
  • 山田 崇史; 山崎 達也
    日本建築学会技術報告集 25 (60) 609 - 614 2019/06 [Refereed]
  • Takashi YAMADA; Mako YOSHIDA
    Journal of Social Safety Science (34) 1 - 8 2019/03 [Refereed]
  • YAMADA Takashi; ABE Shimpei
    Landscape Research Japan Online 公益社団法人 日本造園学会 12 14 - 20 2019 [Refereed]
  • Yamada Takashi; Moriguchi Motoki
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会 53 (3) 1215 - 1222 0916-0647 2018 [Refereed]
  • KISHIMOTO Tatsuya; MURAYAMA Yuki; YAMADA Takashi
    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) Architectural Institute of Japan 82 (739) 2335 - 2341 1340-4210 2017/09 [Refereed]
     There are some researches on behavior remaining at home despite the risk of danger from earthquake-induced tsunamis. However, there are few researches on difference of the behavior considering habitant attributes such as their household characteristics, type of house, regional condition, etc. This study aims to clarify the characteristics of the evacuation behavior of habitants in the tsunami inundation hazardous areas using a large scale questionnaire survey.
     The questionnaire was distributed to habitants living in the tsunami inundation hazardous area following the Nankai Trough massive earthquake based on damage estimations published by the national cabinet. The areas of focus include the following 13 cities from Kanagawa to Miyazaki Prefecture in Japan facing the Pacific Ocean: Kamakura City, Zushi City, Fujisawa City, Shizuoka City, Shimizu Ward in Shizuoka City, Nishi Ward and Minami Ward in Hamamatsu City, Iwata City, Tsu City, Matsuzaka City, Ise City, Wakayama City Kochi City and Miyazaki City. Given the broad location coverage of this study, the questionnaire survey was conducted through the internet.
     The questionnaire comprises three parts: questions about respondent attributes, questions about respondent houses, and questions about respondent behaviors they will choose after a large earthquake occurred. Firstly, respondents answer their home address, gender, generations and whether or not they live with handicapped family members. Next, respondents answer the type of their house: detached house or apartment buildings, number of stories, and whether they own or rent. Finally, respondents choose their evacuation behavior after a huge earthquake by choosing one behavior from a set of choices provided for two specific scenarios: 1) earthquake occurs at noon, and 2) earthquake occurs late at night. The behavioral choices include: staying home, moving to a school, moving to another residential building nearby, moving to higher ground outdoors, and so on.
     Within the 13 cities surveyed, there were a total of 1103 respondents. The responses were aggregated by attributes and analyzed. The analyses revealed that, after large earthquakes, people living in detached houses tend to stay home, while those living in apartments tend to evacuate; respondents who rent are more likely to evacuate than those who own their home; respondents living in high-rise apartments tend to stay, while those living in low-rise buildings tend to evacuate; and elderly people are more likely to stay home than younger people. In addition, people living with handicapped family or with children tend to evacuate. These results also demonstrated a difference of the evacuation behavior among the 13 cities in the danger of tsunami inundation.
  • Yamada Takashi; Kishimoto Tatsuya
    JOURNAL OF THE HOUSING RESEARCH FOUNDATION "JUSOKEN" 一般財団法人 住総研 43 (0) 161 - 172 2187-8188 2017 [Refereed]
    This study proposed an evacuation shelter choice model from great tsunami by using the actual behavioral data collected by the survey of the MILT in the Great East Japan Earthquake. The behavioral data in the flat land of Sendai-city, Natori-city and Iwanuma-city were analyzed. As a result, it was confirmed that "direction to shelter", "distance to shelter", "height of shelter" and "footprint of shelter" strongly affected choice of evacuation facility. The covered areas of shelters, where each shelter has the highest choice probability, were drawn by using the estimated model formulas. Compared with previous models, it was shown that the model of this study can make highly accurate covered areas of shelters. When it comes to layout of evacuation shelters, it is necessary to consider scale of shelters and distance between shelters in addition to choice behavior of evacuees on foot and choice behavior of evacuees by car.
  • Takashi Yamada; Masahiro Sasaki; Tatsuya Kishimoto
    AIJ Journal of Technology and Design Architectural Institute of Japan 22 (51) 825 - 845 1881-8188 2016/06 [Refereed]
    This paper reports evacuation facility choice behavior for Tsunami evacuees in coastal areas of Miyagi prefecture, based on the data of Archives for Reconstruction after the Great East Japan Earthquake. The choice behavior was modeled by using a logit model. This model is constructed considering psychological cost of evacuation, distance from evacuee to evacuation facility, height of evacuation facility, footprint of evacuation facility, and the height above sea level of evacuation facility. We compared the sphere of disaster evacuation by logit model, the sphere of voronoi diagram and the sphere of voronoi diagram with a restricted direction to facility.
  • Takashi Yamada; Yasuyuki Yanagisawa
    AIJ Journal of Technology and Design Architectural Institute of Japan 22 (51) 817 - 845 1881-8188 2016/06 [Refereed]
    This program was designed to provide students whose major was Architecture in Japan with a unique opportunity to working environments at architectural offices with architectural professionals in the United States. Through this experience, participating students were able to get acknowledgement showing they could seek employment opportunities throughout the world after graduation from university. The American Institute of Architects Japan, volunteer students, architectural firms in the United States and Japan Supporting Board organized this program for students who were interested in working throughout the world in the future.
  • Suezawa Takahiro; Arai Tomoaki; Kishimoto Tatsuya; Yamada Takashi; Ito Hayata
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会 51 (3) 966 - 971 2016 [Refereed]
    This study aims to reveal relative positive or negative living environment within the areas which have different physical environment. Focused on areas consist of the five kinds of areas which are located in Tokyo central and suburban area. This study conducted by questionnaire survey about dwelling evaluation of town to residents living there, and compared the result and tried to finding difference between each area. The result revealed differences among areas in term of following two points: (1)Tendency to answer to satisfaction of habitants to dwelling environment of town, (2)Some keys that how should we do urban planning to get better dwelling environments.
  • Yoshimi Misaki; Yamada Takashi; Kishimoto Tatsuya
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan The City Planning Institute of Japan 50 (3) 1316 - 1323 0916-0647 2015/10 [Refereed]
    The transport share of cars is rising year by year in local cities. The number of large shopping centers is increasing in the suburban areas. Therefore, the range of shopping behavior has been broadening and decentralizing. Some former city centers have lost appeal as the shopping sites and declined. In this study, we grasped the behavior to visit shopping sites in the suburban area. In the area, there are difference by the generation, having privately-owned car or not and the place of residence in characteristics of the behavior of visiting shopping sites. In addition, we made choice model using a logit model and revealed its characteristics.
  • 山田 崇史; 岸本 達也
    日本建築学会計画系論文集 80 (707) 125 - 133 2015/01 [Refereed]
  • 山田 崇史; 栁澤 恭行
    建築教育研究論文報告集 (14) 19 - 24 2014/11 [Refereed]
  • Yamada Takashi; Akiyama Kazunori; Suezawa Takahiro; Kishimoto Tatsuya
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan The City Planning Institute of Japan 49 (3) 549 - 554 0916-0647 2014/10 [Refereed]
    This study aims to make a choice model of tsunami refuge facilities for visitors. We interviewed visitors about the choice of refuge place when tsunami disaster was alarmed, and the reason of choice. We made choice model of tsunami refuge facilities based on multinomial logit model. This model is constructed considering psychological cost of refuge, distance from refugee to refuge facility, distance from sea to refuge facility, height of refuge facility, capacity of refuge facility, building area of refuge facility and with or without river on the way to refuge facility. This model involves the utility value of tsunami refuge facilities for refugee who changes a place on coast line and who is in coast line. We have determined factors which affect visitors' choice of facility. By using the choice model of tsunami refuge facilities, this study has quantitatively revealed which facilities are chosen.
  • Suezawa Takahiro; Hatori Yoko; Yamada Takashi; Kishimoto Tatsuya
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan The City Planning Institute of Japan 49 (3) 903 - 908 0916-0647 2014/10 [Refereed]
    These days, in an inner-city area of Tokyo, mixed districts with residential and commercial use have increased because there are a large number of actions to compact city and large-scale complex development. This study aims to reveal the resident' evaluation of mixed land use. This study conducted questionnaire survey about the evaluation of living environment to residents living in the district of mixed land use and analyzed the result of the evaluation. This study showed the positive/negative factors of living environment in terms of the degree of mixed land use and historical land use. As a conclusion, this study considered that mixed land use have different effects on living environment according to the balance of commercial use and residential use.
  • Ko Kawada; Takashi Yamada; Tatsuya Kishimoto
    behavioral sciences 4 (3) 154 - 166 2014/07 [Refereed]


  • Relationship between Visitors’ Movement Path, Staying Activity and Spatial structure in the Library as a “Third Place”
    Taiga Sato; Tatsuya Kishimoto; Takashi Yamada  The 11th Space Syntax Symposium (Proceedings)  2017/07
  • Characteristics of Evacuation and Nonevacuation Behavior in Urban Areas Inundated by Tsunami Attacks
    Yuki Murayama; Tatsuya Kishimoto; Takashi Yamada  15th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (Proceedings)  2017/07
  • 津波避難施設の選択行動に関する研究
    山田崇史; 岸本達也  2016年度日本建築学会大会(九州)建築計画部門 パネルディスカッション資料  27  -28  2016/08

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Study of Information Acquisition Methods Used by Visitors in Nara Park  [Not invited]
    Takashi Yamada
    The Environmental Design Research Association 49 (EDRA49)  2018/06
  • 人の流れデータを用いた移動行動と滞在行動に関する研究  [Not invited]
    山田 崇史
    CSIS DAYS 2017(全国共同利用研究発表大会)  2017/11
  • 生活環境と居住者の生活および生活評価の関係の分析  [Not invited]
    末澤貴大; 荒井智暁; 岸本達也; 山田崇史; 伊藤駿太
    日本都市計画学会学術研究論文発表会  2016/11
  • 地方都市における買物地の訪問行動の特性  [Not invited]
    吉見美咲; 山田崇史; 岸本達也
    日本都市計画学会学術研究論文発表会  2015/11
  • Characteristics of The Behavior to Visit Shopping Places in Local Cities  [Not invited]
    Misaki Yoshimi; Takashi Yamada; Tatsuya Kishimoto
    International Symposium on City Planning 2015  2015/08
  • Historical Evolution of the Built Form  [Not invited]
    Takashi Yamada; Kyohei Okuda; Yuto Shibue; Tatsuya Kishimoto
    The 10th Space Syntax Symposium  2015/07
  • Analysis of Moving Behavior in Exhibition Space  [Not invited]
    Akira Naya; Takashi Yamada; Tatsuya Kishimoto
    The 10th Space Syntax Symposium  2015/07
  • Choice Behavior Model for Tsunami Refuge Facilities -Modeling and Analysis of Evacuations in Natori City after the Great East Japan Earthquake  [Not invited]
    Takashi Yamada; Masahiro Sasaki; Tatsuya Kishimoto
    14th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management  2015/07
  • Choice Behavior Model of Refuge Building Selection during a Tsunami in Coastal Areas  [Not invited]
    Takashi Yamada; Tatsuya Kishimoto
    The Tokyo Conference on International Study for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience  2015/01
  • 東日本大震災の避難行動分析と津波避難施設の選択行動モデル化-名取市の例-  [Not invited]
    山田崇史; 佐々木雅宏; 岸本達也
    CSIS DAYS 2014(全国共同利用研究発表大会)  2014/11
  • 用途混在と住環境評価に関する研究-アンケート調査に基づく比較検証-  [Not invited]
    末澤貴大; 羽鳥洋子; 山田崇史; 岸本達也
    日本都市計画学会学術研究論文発表会  2014/11
  • 海水浴場における津波避難施設の選択行動のモデル化  [Not invited]
    山田崇史; 秋山和範; 末澤貴大; 岸本達也
    日本都市計画学会学術研究論文発表会  2014/11
  • Tsunami Refuge Facility Choice Model for Visitors in Beach  [Not invited]
    Takashi Yamada; Kazunori Akiyama; Tatsuya Kishimoto
    International Symposium on City Planning 2014  2014/11
  • Tsunami Refuge Facility Choice Model for Residents in Coast Area  [Not invited]
    Kazunori Akiyama; Takashi Yamada; Tatsuya Kishimoto
    International Symposium on City Planning 2014  2014/11

Affiliated academic society

  • 日本建築学会   日本都市計画学会   日本造園学会   地域安全学会   

Research Themes

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2024/03 
    Author : 山田 崇史
    本研究は、視覚障害者および晴眼者、車輪がある機器が走行する場所においても、お互いの障壁とならない利用環境を作り出すことができる歩行誘導床材を設計・製作することである。そして、建築物内において、受付や窓口から職員などによる誘導を行わなくても、視覚障害をもつ利用者が目的地まで行くことができ、施設の人的コスト削減につながることや、病院や福祉施設の他、不特定多数の歩行者や機器が走行する施設内(例えば、空港や駅舎)において施設利用者の利便性を向上させることを目指す研究である。 2021年度に実施することになっていた内容は、1.歩行誘導床材の形状設計と床材の試作、2.歩行誘導床材の歩行実験ならびに評価である。これまでの先行実験や先行研究を踏まえて、複数の形状を検討して、床材を製作した。また、建築物内に歩行誘導床材を敷設して、歩行しやすさ、車輪を有する機器の走行評価実験を行った。その結果、視覚障害者および晴眼者、車輪がある機器が走行する場所においても、お互いの障壁とならない利用環境を作り出すことが可能な歩行誘導床材の形状を見出した。そして、本年度の研究実績により、概ね歩行誘導床材の形状を特定するに至った。一方、歩行誘導床材の歩行実験ならびに評価を踏まえて、製品化や各所への設置に至るまでの課題(素材、表層デザイン、耐久性、メンテナンス性)も見つかったため、今後さらなる改善を図る。また成果報告の詳細を研究成果に示す。

Industrial Property Rights

  • 特許第6842684号:案内誘導床マット、及びこれを用いた案内誘導ライン  
    山田 崇史, 山崎 達也
  • 特許第6679078号:視覚障害者誘導用標示  
    山田 崇史

Media Coverage