Department of Electrical, Electronic and Communication EngineeringProfessor/Manager

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information

Researcher number


Research Keyword

  • 環境セル型透過電子顕微鏡   パルスプラズマ援用CVD   隔膜   a-BCN薄膜   a-SiCN薄膜   レーザーアシスレーザーアブレーション   レーザーアシストレーザーアブレーション   CT   表面改質   電子顕微鏡   ナノ材料   走査型透過電子顕微鏡   コーティング   ハイドロキシアパタイト   チタン   FE電子銃   Csコレクター   インプラント材料   生体親和性材料   位相コントラスト   パルスレーザーアブレーション   ナノデバイス   

Research Field

  • Nanotechnology/Materials / Inorganic materials
  • Energy / Quantum beam science



  • 2020/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Science and Engineering
  • 2012/04 - 2020/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Science and Engineering
  • 2012/09 - 2013/09  Technische Universität DarmstadtMaterials AnalysisGuest Scientists
  • 2007 - 2011  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Science and Engineering講師

■Research activity information


  • 2015/09 Institute of Applied Plasma Science Paper Award
    受賞者: Takaomi Matsutani
  • 1995/11 電気学会奨励賞


  • Takaomi Matsutani; Yuki Tai; Tadahiro Kawasaki
    Vacuum 182 0042-207X 2020/12 
    An amorphous silicon carbonitride (a-SiCN) diaphragm for environmental cell transmission electron microscopy (E-TEM) was fabricated by ion-beam-induced chemical vapor deposition (LEIBICVD) with Ar+ ions accelerated by 1.5 kV and hexamethyldisilazane (HMDSN). The diaphragms were applied to a KBr substrate or a Cu grid with 100-μm-diameter holes. Then, the deposited film was irradiated by N+ ions accelerated at 1.5 kV for thinning and nitriding. Optical microscopy revealed that the diaphragm deflection decreased with increasing N+ ion dose. These films, which were observed by E-TEM, were amorphous and transparent to an electron beam accelerated to 300 kV and caused no charging. Fourier transform infrared spectra and X-ray photoelectron spectra revealed that higher N+ ion doses helped to eliminate organic compounds and hydrogen, and promoted the formation of Si–N and C–N bonds in diaphragms. A diaphragm with a 15 nm film thickness after etching by N+ ion irradiation was successfully developed that could resist a differential pressure of 0.3 MPa.
  • Yuki Tai; Takaomi Matsutani; Tadahiro Kawasaki
    Surface and Coatings Technology 385 0257-8972 2020/03 [Refereed]
    © 2020 Elsevier B.V. Amorphous silicon carbonitride (a-SiCN) films were prepared with surface-modified layers of silicone resin and silicone grease, fabricated by low-energy nitrogen ion beam irradiation, for use as diaphragms in an environmental-cell transmission electron microscope (E-TEM). Conditions used during nitrogen ion irradiation for surface modification of silicone polymers were accelerating voltages of 0.8–1.5 kV, ion current densities of 0.70–2.10 μA/cm2, and ion doses of 4.8–8.0 × 1016 ions/cm2. The modified layers, obtained by etching the unmodified layers with hexane, were evaluated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The atomic ratio of nitrogen was higher in the modified layer using silicone grease than in the modified layer using silicone resin. The best thinnest and nitriding condition on the silicone grease was obtained through nitrogen ion irradiation using is the case of an accelerating voltage of 0.8 kV, an ion current density of 0.7 μA/cm2, and an ion dose of 4.8 ions/cm2. However, the silicone-grease-based modified layer exhibited much more deflection than the silicone-resin-based modified layer. This is thought to be because the non-modified layer of silicone resin is a tougher material than silicone grease.
  • Masanori Murano; Takaomi Matsutani; Tadahiro Kawasaki
    Vacuum PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD 167 542 - 546 0042-207X 2019/09 [Refereed]
    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd An amorphous silicon carbonitride (a-SiCN) diaphragm for environmental cells was developed by magnetic-field- and pulsed-plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition using a unique power source of variable pulse parameters. A positive square wave pulse voltage of 500 V in a pulse width range from 10 μs to 500 μs was alternately supplied to the upper and lower of two parallel electrodes for plasma generation with the precursor gases hexamethyldisilazane, Ar, and N2. By supplying pulse voltages alternately to both electrodes, rather than only the upper electrode, the influence of charging could be suppressed. To investigate the effect of the pulse parameter on film nitridation, a-SiCN diaphragms were prepared by three methods of plasma generation: (1) different pulse frequencies with the same pulse width to both electrodes, (2) the same pulse frequency with a different pulse width to both electrodes, and (3) the same pulse width including a no-voltage-supply time to both electrodes. The diaphragm, which was fabricated by supplying a 50-μs pulse width at 10 kHz to both electrodes, had the highest nitrogen component ratio of 28.9%. Enhancement of film nitridation was thought to be due to the increase in the number of collisions of ions in the plasma.
  • Takaomi Matsutani; Masanori Murano; Tadahiro Kawasaki
    Surface and Coatings Technology 355 269 - 272 0257-8972 2018/12 [Refereed]
    © 2019 Triacetylcellulose (TAC) was subjected to surface modification by low-energy nitrogen ion irradiation for use as the diaphragm of an environmental cell transmission electron microscope (E-TEM). TAC films formed by the dipping method were placed on Cu grids for E-TEM and then irradiated by nitrogen ions with acceleration voltages of 1.0 and 1.5 kV and with ion doses between 5.9 × 1016 and 1.2 × 1017 ions/cm2. The TAC films were removed by acetone after irradiation and the surface-modified layers at the top were kept for assessment as diaphragms. The thicknesses of the surface-modified layers, which varied depending on the acceleration voltage and dose of the nitrogen ions, ranged from around 12 to 29 nm. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed that the surface-modified layers mainly consisted amorphous carbon with a nitrogen-to‑carbon atomic ratio of around 1%. These films were transparent to an electron beam accelerated to 300 kV. The pressure resistances of all samples were maintained at around 0.1 MPa.
  • Masanori Murano; Takaomi Matsutani; Tadahiro Kawasaki
    Vacuum PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD 158 60 - 64 0042-207X 2018/12 [Refereed]
    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd An amorphous silicon carbonitride (a-SiCN) diaphragm for environmental cells was developed by magnetic-field- and pulsed-plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition using a unique power source of variable pulse parameters. A positive square wave pulse voltage of 500 V in a pulse width range from 10 μs to 500 μs was alternately supplied to the upper and lower of two parallel electrodes for plasma generation with the precursor gases hexamethyldisilazane, Ar, and N2. By supplying pulse voltages alternately to both electrodes, rather than only the upper electrode, the influence of charging could be suppressed. To investigate the effect of the pulse parameter on film nitridation, a-SiCN diaphragms were prepared by three methods of plasma generation: (1) different pulse frequencies with the same pulse width to both electrodes, (2) the same pulse frequency with a different pulse width to both electrodes, and (3) the same pulse width including a no-voltage-supply time to both electrodes. The diaphragm, which was fabricated by supplying a 50-μs pulse width at 10 kHz to both electrodes, had the highest nitrogen component ratio of 28.9%. Enhancement of film nitridation was thought to be due to the increase in the number of collisions of ions in the plasma.
  • Takaomi Matsutani; Masanori Murano; Tadahiro Kawasaki
    Surface and Coatings Technology ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA 344 58 - 61 0257-8972 2018/06 [Refereed]
    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. Triacetylcellulose (TAC) was subjected to surface modification by low-energy nitrogen ion irradiation for use as the diaphragm of an environmental cell transmission electron microscope (E-TEM). TAC films formed by the dipping method were placed on Cu grids for E-TEM and then irradiated by nitrogen ions with acceleration voltages of 1.0 and 1.5 kV and with ion doses between 5.9 × 1016 and 1.2 × 1017 ions/cm2. The TAC films were removed by acetone after irradiation and the surface-modified layers at the top were kept for assessment as diaphragms. The thicknesses of the surface-modified layers, which varied depending on the acceleration voltage and dose of the nitrogen ions, ranged from around 12 to 29 nm. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed that the surface-modified layers mainly consisted amorphous carbon with a nitrogen-to‑carbon atomic ratio of around 1%. These films were transparent to an electron beam accelerated to 300 kV. The pressure resistances of all samples were maintained at around 0.1 MPa.
  • 松谷貴臣
    プラズマ応用科学 プラズマ応用科学会 24 (2) 89 - 93 1340-3214 2016/12 [Refereed]
  • Tadahiro Kawasaki; Takafumi Ishida; Yasuyuki Takai; Yuki Ogawa; Masahiro Tomita; Takaomi Matsutani; Tetsuji Kodama; Takashi Ikuta
    Surface and Interface Analysis WILEY-BLACKWELL 48 (11) 1160 - 1165 0142-2421 2016/11 [Refereed]
    Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. The spherical aberration corrector for high-resolution electron microscopes has been newly designed and constructed. This aberration correction device is formed by an electrostatic lens consisted of only two electrodes having annular and circular holes and a constant-voltage supply. We call it ‘annular and circular electrodes (ACE) corrector’. The ACE corrector has big advantages in easy alignment and very low-cost over the conventional Cs-correctors. In this study, we have constructed the corrector for the scanning transmission electron microsope (STEM) probe-forming optical system. The developed device is very small (less than several tens millimeter) so that this can be assembled at the tip of the conventional aperture holder and installed in a 200kV-STEM column. In experiments using specimens of nanocrystals, we have successfully controlled the spatial resolution of the dark-field STEM images by changing the voltage applied to the corrector and also have imaged lattice fringes. These results clearly demonstrate that our developed device can correct effectively the inherent aberration of the objective lens of the STEM. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • M. Fujita; H. Ohkawa; T. Somekawa; M. Otsuka; Y. Maeda; T. Matsutani; N. Miyanaga
    As the use of CFRP material becomes widespread in various industries, achieving high-speed cutting with less pulse energy and minimal thermal damage is one of the important issues for laser-based processing. Among the various parameters in laser processing, we have focused on wavelength from UV (266 nm) to NIR (1064 nm) and pulsewidths from 100 fs to 20 ns in order to investigate cutting efficiency in terms of ablated mass per irradiated laser energy and corresponding heat affected zone (HAZ). Samples used in our experiments were uni-directional CFRPs with thickness from 140 p.m to 250 p.m or 1.3 mm-thick cross CFRPs. We measured time to cut the samples and ablated volume in order to estimate cutting efficiency in mg/kJ. Also we observed SEM images of the processed samples to evaluate HAZ. In general, shorter wavelength and shorter pulsewidth resulted in higher cutting efficiency and less thermal damages. These results could contribute to optimize the machining of CFRP composite materials.
  • M. Fujita; H. Ohkawa; T. Somekawa; M. Otsuka; Y. Maeda; T. Matsutani; N. Miyanaga
    Physics Procedia 83 1031 - 1036 1875-3884 2016 [Refereed]
    © 2016 The Authors. As the use of CFRP material becomes widespread in various industries, achieving high-speed cutting with less pulse energy and minimal thermal damage is one of the important issues for laser-based processing. Among the various parameters in laser processing, we have focused on wavelength from UV (266 nm) to NIR (1064 nm) and pulsewidths from 100 fs to 20 ns in order to investigate cutting efficiency in terms of ablated mass per irradiated laser energy and corresponding heat affected zone (HAZ). Samples used in our experiments were uni-directional CFRPs with thickness from 140 μm to 250 μm or 1.3 mm-thick cross CFRPs. We measured time to cut the samples and ablated volume in order to estimate cutting efficiency in mg/kJ. Also we observed SEM images of the processed samples to evaluate HAZ. In general, shorter wavelength and shorter pulsewidth resulted in higher cutting efficiency and less thermal damages. These results could contribute to optimize the machining of CFRP composite materials.
  • Takaomi Matsutani; Kayo Yamasaki; Norihiro Imaeda; Tadahiro Kawasaki
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 365 150 - 154 0168-583X 2015/12 [Refereed]
    © 2015 Elsevier B.V. An amorphous silicon carbonitride (a-SiCN) diaphragm for an environmental-cell transmission electron microscope (E-TEM) was fabricated by low-energy ion beam induced chemical vapor deposition (LEIBICVD) with hexamethyldisilazane (HMDSN). The films were prepared by using gaseous HMDSN and N2+ ions with energies ranging from 300 to 600 eV. The diaphragms were applied to Si (1 0 0) and a Cu grid with 100-μm-diameter holes. With increasing ion energy, these diaphragms became perfectly smooth surfaces (RMS = 0.43 nm at 600 eV), as confirmed by atomic force microscopy and TEM. The diaphragms were amorphous and transparent to 200 kV electrons, and no charge-up was observed. Fourier transform infrared spectra and X-ray photoelectron spectra revealed that the elimination of organic compounds and formation of Si-N and C-N bonds can be promoted in diaphragms by increasing the ion impact energy. The resistance to electron beams and reaction gases in the E-cell was improved when the diaphragm was formed with high ion energy.
  • 村野正典; 山崎佳代; 松谷貴臣; 川崎忠寛
    プラズマ応用科学 プラズマ応用科学会 23 (2) 95 - 101 1340-3214 2015/12 [Refereed]
  • Kayo Yamasaki; Takaomi Matsutani; Norihiro Imaeda; Tadahiro Kawasaki
    Vacuum PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD 122 (PB) 332 - 336 0042-207X 2015/12 [Refereed]
    © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. A magnetic-field and pulsed-plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (MPECVD) was developed to fabricate amorphous silicon carbonitride (a-SiCN) diaphragm for environmental-cell transmission electron microscope (E-TEM). The films were prepared by using gaseous hexamethyldisilazane (HMDSN), N2 and Ar with pulse voltages varied between 300 V and 600 V. The deposition rate was increased by enhancement of magnetic-field in comparison with a conventional PECVD. The diaphragms were applied to Si (100) and a Cu grid with 100-μm-diameter holes. Fourier transform infrared spectra and X-ray photoelectron spectra revealed that an elimination of organic compounds and a formation of Si-N and C-N bonds in diaphragms can be promoted with increasing pulse voltage and N2 flow rate and decreasing ambient pressure. The diaphragms were amorphous and transparent at 200 kV electrons and no charge-up was observed by E-TEM. Durability to electron beams and reaction gases in the E-cell was improved when diaphragm was deposited with high pulse voltage.
  • C. Neetzel; F. Muench; T. Matsutani; J. C. Jaud; J. Broetz; T. Ohgai; W. Ensinger
    Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical 214 189 - 196 0925-4005 2015/07 [Refereed]
    © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Abstract In this work, different facile synthesis routes were developed to create cuprite-based catalyst systems for the amperometric detection of glucose, allowing us to evaluate the impact of important electrode fabrication parameters on the glucose sensing performance. Using homogenous precipitation routes based on a redox system, two differently shaped cuprite particles - skeletons and polyhedrons - could be obtained. Furthermore, a novel electroless deposition technique was introduced that does not require sensitization and activation pretreatments, allowing for the direct modification of the glassy carbon. This technique produced electrodes with dense thin film consisting of merged, octahedral cuprite crystals. Afterward, these materials were tested as potential catalysts for the electrochemical detection of glucose. While the catalyst powders obtained by precipitation required Nafion® to be attached to the electrode, the thin film synthesized using electroless plating could be realized with and without additive. Summarizing the results, it was found that Nafion® was not required to achieve glucose selectivities typically observed for cuprite catalysts. Also, the type of catalyst application (direct plating vs. ink drop coating) and the particle shape had a pronounced effect on the sensing performance. Compared to the thin film, the powder-type materials showed significantly increased electrochemical responses. The best overall performance was achieved with the polyhedral cuprite particles, resulting in a high sensitivity of 301 μA mmol-1 cm-2, a linear range up to 298 μmol L-1 and a limit of detection of 0.144 μmol L-1.
  • Takafumi Ishida; Tadahiro Kawasaki; Takayoshi Tanji; Tetsuji Kodama; Takaomi Matsutani; Keiko Ogai; Takashi Ikuta
    Microscopy (Oxford, England) OXFORD UNIV PRESS 64 (2) 69 - 76 2050-5698 2015/04 [Refereed]
    A novel technique for reconstructing the phase shifts of electron waves was applied to Cs-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). To realize this method, a new STEM system equipped with an annular aperture, annularly arrayed detectors and an arrayed image processor has been developed and evaluated in experiments. We show a reconstructed phase image of graphite particles and demonstrate that this new method works effectively for high-resolution phase imaging.
  • Yuki Harada; Mohamad Syafiq Azmi; Siti Aisyah Azizan; Takaomi Matsutani; Yoshinobu Maeda
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING 9450 1 - 94501 0277-786X 2015 [Refereed]
    © 2015 SPIE. We proposed and demonstrated an all-optical triode based on a tandem wavelength converter using cross-gain modulation (XGM) in semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs). Negative feedback optical amplification scheme, which has the key advantages of reducing bit error rate and waveform reshaping at the output, was employed in this optical triode. This scheme utilizes an input signal and a negative feedback signal (a signal with reverse intensity to the input) and they were fed together into the optical amplifier. Manipulating the intensity of negative feedback signal enabled the noise suppression effect to be optimized and the outputs recorded improvements in bit error rate (BER) and also undergone waveform reshaping shown by the eye-pattern. In negative feedback optical amplifier, the negative feedback signal and input signal were fed into the SOA. However, due to XGM mechanism, there is a setback in which both signals could not be simultaneously fed. Therefore, by using an optical delay, negative feedback timing was manipulated and we investigate timing characteristics of negative feedback optical amplifier with BER and eye-pattern waveforms at 10 Gb/s.
  • Takaomi Matsutani; Tadahiro Kawasaki; Tetsuji Kodama; Masaki Hisaka; Yoshizo Takai; Takashi Ikuta
    Vacuum PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD 110 228 - 231 0042-207X 2014/12 [Refereed]
    Ion beams of several tens of keV are widely used for the analysis and materials processing, but the occurrence of damage to the surface is of concern. For surface treatment of the ion beam processed sample to remove the damaged layer, a floating-type low-energy ion gun (FLIG) producing 100-500 eV ions at a high current intensity has been developed. This ion gun consists of a permanent magnet-aided electron impact-type ionization cell, an extractor, and a cylindrical retarding immersion lens. The gun produced current intensities of order 1.81 μA (current density of 7.9 μA/cm2) for 100 eV ions. The entire system has been compactly constructed with an ionization cell that has an outer diameter of less than 3.3 cm and a lens system that has a length of 24 cm. In addition, a focused ion beam (FIB) system attached to the FLIG has been developed to remove damaged layers formed by previous high energy etching. The thickness of the damaged layer induced on a GaAs (111) surface by 25 kV Ga+ ions was of order 24 nm, assessed using a transmission electron microscope (TEM). This damaged layer was reduced to ∼2.6 nm by subsequent bombardment by low energy 200 eV Ar+ ions.
  • R. Hatada; S. Flege; A. Bobrich; W. Ensinger; C. Dietz; K. Baba; T. Sawase; T. Watamoto; T. Matsutani
    Applied Surface Science ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 310 257 - 261 0169-4332 2014/08 [Refereed]
    Adhesive diamond-like carbon (DLC) films can be prepared by plasma source ion implantation (PSII), which is also suitable for the treatment of the inner surface of a tube. Incorporation of a metal into the DLC film provides a possibility to change the characteristics of the DLC film. One source for the metal is DC sputtering. In this study PSII and DC sputtering were combined to prepare DLC films containing low concentrations of Ag on the interior surfaces of stainless steel tubes. A DLC film was deposited using a C 2 H 4 plasma with the help of an auxiliary electrode inside of the tube. This electrode was then used as a target for the DC sputtering. A mixture of the gases Ar and C 2 H 4 was used to sputter the silver. By changing the gas flow ratios and process time, the resulting Ag content of the films could be varied. Sample characterizations were performed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, secondary ion mass spectrometry, atomic force microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Additionally, a ball-on-disk test was performed to investigate the tribological properties of the films. The antibacterial activity was determined using Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.
  • Kawasaki Tadahiro; Murase Hiroki; Imaeda Norihiro; Zipeng Cui; Miura Takuya; Matsutani Takaomi; Tanji Takayoshi
    KENBIKYO The Japanese Society of Microscopy 49 (2) 93 - 97 1349-0958 2014 [Refereed]

    We have developed a closed-type environmental-cell (E-cell) transmission electron microscope (TEM) enabling to observe catalyst specimens reacted at ambient conditions. As a part of the developed system, a coaxial-type gas-flow specimen holder has been invented. A hybrid membrane has been also developed as a window material of the E-cell, which consists of an amorphous carbon film and a silicon nitride thin layer. The membrane showed high performances such as less deterioration of spatial resolution, high toughness for pressure difference, and high stability for electron beam irradiation. As an application of our developed system, nanoparticulate gold catalysts supported on TiO2 anatase substrates were observed dynamically at a condition of a selective oxidation of propylene. In-situ observations by the E-cell TEM revealed that product materials of catalytic reaction were formed from the perimeters of the gold/TiO2 interfaces.

    プラズマ応用科学 プラズマ応用科学会 21 (2) 141 - 145 1340-3214 2013/12 [Refereed]
  • Takaomi Matsutani; Kayo Yamasaki; Hidenori Tsutsui; Takuya Miura; Tadahiro Kawasaki
    Vacuum PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD 88 (1) 83 - 87 0042-207X 2013 [Refereed]
    For use as a diaphragm in an environmental-cell transmission electron microscope (E-cell TEM) system, amorphous silicon carbon nitride (a-SiCN) films were applied to a Cu grid with 100-μm-diameter holes by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The applied films were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and TEM and their capacity to resist pressure were measured. The films were amorphous and transparent at 200 kV and no charge-up was observed. The films had a resist pressure of about 100 kPa. Gold nanoparticles in the reaction gas could be observed in-situ by using the developed diaphragm in the E-cell TEM system. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Takaomi Matsutani; Tsuchika Yasumoto; Takeo Tanaka; Tadahiro Kawasaki; Mikio Ichihashi; Takashi Ikuta
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 272 145 - 148 0168-583X 2012/02 [Refereed]
    Annular pupils for electron optics were produced using a focused ion beam (FIB), enabling an increase in the depth of focus and allowing for aberration-free imaging and separation of the amplitude and phase images in a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM). Simulations demonstrate that an increased focal depth is advantageous for three-dimensional tomography in the STEM. For a 200 kV electron beam, the focal depth is increased to approximately 100 nm by using an annular pupil with inner and outer semi-angles of 29 and 30 mrad, respectively. Annular pupils were designed with various outer diameters of 40-120 μm and the inner diameter was designed at 80% of the outer diameter. A taper angle varying from 1° to 20° was applied to the slits of the annular pupils to suppress the influence of high-energy electron scattering. The fabricated annular pupils were inspected by scanning ion beam microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. These annular pupils were loaded into a STEM and no charge-up effects were observed in the scintillator projection images recorded by a CCD camera. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Nurul Hana; Hidenori Tsutsui; Takaomi Matsutani; Yoshinori Hosokawa
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 272 342 - 345 0168-583X 2012/02 [Refereed]
    A highly efficient and highly stable compact ion gun (less than 10 × 10 × 5 cm) operable under atmospheric pressure was developed for environmental measurements and materials technology applications. Soft X-ray ionization was used as an ion source. In this work, soft X-rays were generated from a beryllium/titanium target irradiated by 9 keV thermal electrons. For a nitrogen assist gas flow rate of 500 ml/min and an acceleration voltage of 3.9 kV, the highest average ion current was 1.34 nA and a current stability of ±6% over 10 min was obtained. A high frequency electric field was applied to the electrode in the X-ray ionization chamber in order to enhance the ion current. The ion current increased by a factor of 1.6 compared to the current in the absence of the high frequency electric field. The ion gun developed here was employed to deposit a silicon carbonitride (SiCN) film on silicon and copper substrates by using nitrogen ions and hexamethyldisilane under atmospheric pressure conditions. The deposition of a hydrogenated SiCO and SiCN mixture film was confirmed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    プラズマ応用科学 プラズマ応用科学会 19 (2) 159 - 164 1340-3214 2011/12 [Refereed]
  • Tadahiro Kawasaki; Takaomi Matsutani; Takashi Ikuta; Mikio Ichihashi; Takayoshi Tanji
    Ultramicroscopy ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 110 (10) 1332 - 1337 0304-3991 2010/09 [Refereed]
    In a simulation study, we found that focal depth extension using a hollow cone-shaped probe with an annular aperture is useful for three-dimension (3D) tomography of aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). Our calculations showed that, for 200 kV STEM, a sub-angstrom sized probe could extend the focal depth from a few to more than several tens nm. We also examined the influence of obstructing bridges, including actual fabricated annular apertures, on focused probe intensity distribution. We found that, to avoid any distortion of probe intensity, the width of the bridges should be narrow. Quantitative evaluation showed that the ratio of obstructing area of the bridges to the area of the annular slit should be less than 0.11. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.
  • Takaomi Matsutani; Masaki Taya; Takeo Tanaka; Yoshihide Kimura; Yoshizo Takai; Tadahiro Kawasaki; Mikio Ichihashi; Takashi Ikuta
    A parallel image detection system using an annular pupil for electron optics were developed to realize an increase in the depth of focus, aberration-free imaging and separation of amplitude and phase images under scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). Apertures for annular pupils able to suppress high-energy electron scattering were developed using a focused ion beam (FIB) technique. The annular apertures were designed with outer diameter of phi 40 mu m and inner diameter of phi 32 mu m. A taper angle varying from 20 degrees to 10 degrees was applied to the slits of the annular apertures to suppress the influence of high-energy electron scattering. Each azimuth angle image on scintillator was detected by a multi-anode photomultiplier tube assembly through 40 optical fibers bundled in a ring shape. To focus the image appearing on the scintillator on optical fibers, an optical lens relay system attached with CCD camera was developed. The system enables the taking of 40 images simultaneously from different scattered directions.
  • Hidenori Tsutsui; Takaomi Matsutani; Tadahiro Kawasaki
    For use as a diaphragm in the environmental cell (E-cell), boron oxide and boron carbon oxynitride films were successfully applied to a Cu mesh with phi 70 mu m holes using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). First, the holes of the Cu mesh were filled with triacetyl cellulose (TAC) solution to prepare for deposition of the boron oxide film, which was performed by PECVD using precursors of trimethyl borate (B(OCH3)(3)) and oxygen (O-2) or nitrogen (N-2). Finally, the TAC film was etched onto the Cu mesh with acetone. The applied films were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy at 200 kV. The films were amorphous and transparent in the 200 kV electron examination and no charge-up phenomenon was observed.
  • Takaomi Matsutani; Masaki Taya; Takashi Ikuta; Tetsuya Fujimura; Hirohiko Inui; Takeo Tanaka; Ippei Shimizu; Yoshihide Kimura; Yoshizo Takai; Tadahiro Kawasaki; Mikio Ichihashi
    Vacuum PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD 83 (1) 201 - 204 0042-207X 2008/09 [Refereed]
    Annular pupils for electron optics were developed using a focused ion beam (FIB) technique to realize an increase in the depth of focus, aberration-free imaging and separation of amplitude and phase images under scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). A tantalum plate 30 μm thick was used as the annular pupil material in the present experiment. The annular pupils were designed with various outer diameters from φ{symbol}120 μm to φ{symbol}40 μm. The inner diameter was designed at 60 to 80% of the outer diameter. The fabricated annular pupils were inspected by scanning ion beam microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Annular pupils were successfully obtained at the designed size, although the slits of the pupils were slightly tapered by the ion beam etching process. These annular pupils were loaded on a STEM and confirmed to display no charge-up phenomenon by observation of the projection image on a scintillator using a CCD camera. We confirmed the image taken by annular pupil with narrow width was able to suppress the influence of the normal illumination. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Masaki Taya; Takaomi Matsutani; Takashi Ikuta; Hidekazu Saito; Keiko Ogai; Yoshihito Harada; Takeo Tanaka; Yoshizo Takai
    The Review of scientific instruments AMER INST PHYSICS 78 (8) 083705 - 083705 0034-6748 2007/08 [Refereed]
    A parallel image detection and image processing system for scanning transmission electron microscopy was developed using a multidetector array consisting of a multianode photomultiplier tube arranged in an 8 x 8 square array. The system enables the taking of 64 images simultaneously from different scattered directions with a scanning time of 2.6 s. Using the 64 images, phase and amplitude contrast images of gold particles on an amorphous carbon thin film could be separately reconstructed by applying respective 8 shaped bandpass Fourier filters for each image and multiplying the phase and amplitude reconstructing factors.
  • Takaomi Matsutani; Masato Kiuchi; Takae Takeuchi
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 257 (1-2 SPEC. ISS.) 261 - 264 0168-583X 2007/04 [Refereed]
    High carbon content Ge-C films were formed on (1 0 0) silicon by low-energy ion beam induced chemical vapor deposition (IBICVD) using Ar+ ion energies of 20-300 eV and gaseous hexamethyldigermane [HMDG: (CH3)3GeGe(CH3)3]. Chemical structures were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and IR-absorption peaks were assigned by ab initio molecular orbital calculations. While films with Ge-CH3 bonds were successfully deposited at ion beam energies of less than 200 eV, no film formation was observed at 200 eV or higher. The Ge:C atomic ratio was 0.25 as measured by XPS. In the case of a film deposited at a substrate temperature of 573 K, change in chemical structure with enhancement of hydrogen elimination was confirmed by FT-IR. Although most Ge atoms in the films bonded with C atoms, results suggest some carbon in the film constituted C-C bonds as in a graphitic phase. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Takae Takeuchi; Yuko Shirai; Yuriko Matsumura; Kaoru Iwai; Takaomi Matsutani; Joji Oshita; Akinobu Naka
    Surface and Interface Analysis JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 38 (12-13) 1650 - 1653 0142-2421 2006/12 [Refereed]
    Protonated hexamethyldigermane [HMDG]H+ and protonated hexamethyldisilane [HMDS]H+ were generated in the gas phase by nanoelectrospray ionization (nano-ESI) and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI). The fragmentation mechanisms of [HMDG]H+ and [HMDS]H+ were investigated by analyzing the collision-induced dissociation (CID). In CID spectra of [HMDG]H+, the fragment ions due to a CH4 elimination from the protonated hexamethyldigermane were observed. The potential energy curves were calculated using the ab initio method (B3LYP/6-31G(2df,p)). The calculated optimal geometries of [HMDG]H+ and [HMDS]H+ were the proton-bound structures and the ion-neutral complexes. The results of ab initio calculations showed that C2H 4 elimination occurred more easily than C2H4 elimination in both (CH3)3Ge+ and (CH 3)3Si+. This was consistent with the experimental results of the CID spectrum of (CH3)3Si +. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Yuka Fujikawa; Masato Kiuchi; Takaomi Matsutani; Takae Takeuchi
    Shinku/Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan The Vacuum Society of Japan 49 (12) 780 - 781 0559-8516 2006 [Refereed]
    We deposited transparent and electrical conductive thin films on polymer substrates ZEONOR® (cycloolefin) by oxygen ion beam induced chemical vapor deposition (IBICVD) with tetramethylstannane (TMS). The film depositions were carried out the acceleration voltage of oxygen ion beam in range from 50 to 300 eV. The deposition time was fixed at 180 minutes at all conditions. Under irradiation of 300 eV oxygen ions, the optical transmittance at 550 nm and the resistivity of the prepared film were 80% and 5.4 × 10-2 Ω·cm, respectively. When oxygen ion energy increased from 50 to 300 eV, root mean square of roughness and contamination of carbon were decreased.
  • J. Von Ringleben; Ch Sundermann; T. Matsutani; M. Kiuchi; W. Ensinger
    Thin Solid Films 482 (1-2) 115 - 119 0040-6090 2005/06 [Refereed]
    Thin films of amorphous carbon (a-C) are well known for their low intrinsic microporosity. Being stable against aqueous media, they can be used for sealing metals against aggressive wet environment. Such a metal is aluminum. Its main advantage is its low weight at a comparatively high strength. Its disadvantages are its poor tribological features and its susceptibility to pitting corrosion. a-C films are very suitable for handling this problem. However, for some of the aluminium alloys the coating process temperature has to be kept low (<150 °C) in order to avoid detrimental structural changes. Such low process temperatures can be maintained when ion beam techniques are applied. Ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD) has been used to deposit a-C films on aluminium by electron beam evaporation of graphite under concurrent argon ion beam irradiation at room temperature. The sealing properties and microporosity of the films in chloride-containing water were examined by electrochemical polarization techniques. The results show that a-C films can effectively improve the corrosion performance when appropriate deposition process conditions are used. An increase in film thickness and in ion energy leads to a reduction in corrosion. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • W. Ensinger; O. Lensch; T. Matsutani; M. Kiuchi
    Surface and Coatings Technology 196 (1-3 SPEC. ISS.) 231 - 235 0257-8972 2005/06 [Refereed]
    Thin amorphous carbon films were deposited onto aluminum samples at ambient temperature by ion beam-assisted evaporation and by ion beam sputter deposition. Their corrosion protection effect in sodium chloride solution where aluminum suffers from pitting corrosion was tested by means of electrochemical polarization measurements. The results showed that in case of ion beam-assisted deposition at a given ion irradiation intensity, the corrosion protection effect is strongly influenced by the deposition rate. There exists an optimal rate corresponding to a certain ratio of deposited atoms to impinging ions. In case of ion beam sputter deposition, it turned out that lower energies and lower currents of the sputtering ions were more favourable for corrosion protection. A comparison of the results of both techniques shows that under the present experimental conditions with sputter deposited films, a better corrosion protection performance could be achieved than with those formed by evaporation under ion assist. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Takae Takeuchi; Yuko Shirai; Takaomi Matsutani; Masato Kiuchi
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 232 (1-4) 217 - 222 0168-583X 2005/05 [Refereed]
    Fragmentation mechanisms of hexamethyldigermane and hexamethyldisilane ions have been investigated using the collision-induced dissociation-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (CID-MS/MS) and ab initio MO calculations. The results of CID-MS/MS spectra showed that the [ (CH3) 3GeGe(CH3)3]+ ion was fragmented to be (CH3)3Ge+, followed by the secondary fragmentation generating CH3Ge+. The results of ab initio calculations showed that a C2H4 elimination occurred more easily than a C2H6 elimination from (CH3) 3Ge+ in the low energy region. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Takaomi Matsutani; Masato Kiuchi; Kiyotaka Shirouzu; Akihiro Yoshioka; Ryuichi Shimizu; Sadayuki Takahashi
    Solid State Phenomena 107 43 - 46 1012-0394 2005 [Refereed]
    An aluminum nitride (AlN) target for Al-Kα X-ray source with high power and long service life has been developed by N2+ ions assisted Al vapor deposition method (IBAD). The AlN film formations were carried out at the Al deposition rate varied from 2.0 nm/s to 0.15 nm/s with a fixed low-energy N2+ ion of 1 keV. The films were deposited on Cu substrate at room temperature. The AlN films were characterized by an X-ray diffraction, an electron probe X-ray microanalysis and a Knoop-hardness measurement. The AlN deposited at the Al deposition rate of 0.5 nm has a N/Al ratio of 0.4, a Knoop-hardness of ∼ 1500 and a low resistance of ∼0.2 Ω. Comparison of durability test between the AlN target and a conventional Al target was performed. It has been revealed, after 500 hours under an electron bombardment of 300 mA at 20 kV, that there were no change of morphology and X-ray intensity on the AlN-surface whilst cracks due to the heat-cycle fatigue covered the Al-surface. © 2005 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
  • T. Asanuma; T. Matsutani; C. Liu; T. Mihara; M. Kiuchi
    Journal of Applied Physics 95 (11 I) 6011 - 6016 0021-8979 2004/06 [Refereed]
    The deposition of titanium dioxide (TiO2) thin films on unheated quartz (SiO2) substrates in "pure oxygen" plasma by reactive radio-frequency (rf) magnetron sputtering was investigated. At a total sputtering pressure ptot of 1.3 Pa no diffraction peak was observed. The composition, density, and kinetic energy of the particles impinging on the substrate surface effected the nucleation and growth of TiO2 films. The change in the shape of the fundamental absorption edge was found to reflect the variation of density and the short-range structural modifications.
  • Mami Matsukawa; Satoshi Murata; Takashi Matsumoto; Takaomi Matsutani; Masato Kiuchi
    Ultrasonics 42 (1-9) 391 - 4 0041-624X 2004/04 [Refereed]
    The modified Rayleigh wave velocities on the SiC hetero-epitaxial films have been investigated using a Brillouin scattering technique. The SiC nanoscopic films were formed on clean surface of Si substrates by the molecular ion beam technique or Ion beam induced chemical vapor deposition. Back scattering geometry was used to obtain the ripple Brillouin scattering from the film surface. Owing to the high stability of the measurement system, the precise velocity measurement was performed. As a result, Rayleigh wave velocity showed a clear dependence on the crystalline structure of SiC film, indicating that the shear moduli of very thin epitaxial films shows similar tendency with those of SiC bulk sample.
  • Masato Kiuchi; Takaomi Matsutani; Takae Takeuchi; Takashi Matsumoto; Satoshi Sugimoto; Seiichi Goto
    Surface and Coatings Technology 177-178 260 - 263 0257-8972 2004/01 [Refereed]
    A low-energy deposition technique using a beam of organosilicon ions has been developed and successfully applied for heteroepitaxial growth of SiC on a Si substrate at temperatures of 900-1300 K. The process employs gaseous CH3SiH2 CH3 in a Freeman-type ion source to produce CH3Si+ fragment ions that are then mass-selected and deposited at 100 eV on a Si wafer. Ion energy was precisely controlled and energy fluctuation was ±1 eV. RHEED analysis and AFM observation, respectively, showed that a thin film of SiC had been crystallized heteroepitaxially and in the form of 'nano-tiles.' The technique offers the potential for fabrication of self-assembled SiC nanostructures. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Takaomi Matsutani; Tatsuya Asanuma; Chang Liu; Masato Kiuchi; Takae Takeuchi
    Surface and Coatings Technology 177-178 365 - 368 0257-8972 2004/01 [Refereed]
    Room-temperature preparation of silicon dioxide films with smooth surfaces and small carbon was achieved by low-energy ion beam induced chemical vapor deposition (IBICVD) with a bubbling system for hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO). When prepared using bubbled HMDSO and assisted O2 gas under irradiation of 150 eV Ar ions, the film contained carbon of 0.2% and the root mean square of the surface roughness of the film was 2.0 nm. However, when prepared using the bubbled HMDSO under irradiation of 150 eV oxygen ions, the film contained carbon less than 0.1%, and the surface roughness was 0.25 nm. It is considered that low-energy oxygen ion bombardment promotes not only chemical reaction and dissociation of HMDSO but also reactive ion beam etching on the film surface. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Takaomi Matsutani; Masato Kiuchi; Kiyotaka Shirouzu; Ryuichi Shimizu; Sadayuki Takahashi
    Shinku/Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan The Vacuum Society of Japan 47 (11) 802 - 805 0559-8516 2004 [Refereed]
    An AlN target for Al-Kα x-ray source with high power and long service life has been developed by means of N2+ ions assisted Al vapor deposition method. Ambient temperature formations of AlN on a Cu cold-anode were carried out at Al deposition rate varied from 2.0 nm/s to 0.15 nm/s with fixed low-energy N2+ ion of 1 keV. The AlN films were characterized by an x-ray diffraction, an x-ray fluorescence and a Knoop-hardness measurement. The AlN deposited at Al deposition rate of 0.5 nm has N/Al ratio of 0.45, Knoop-hardncss of ∼1500 and low electric resistance of ∼0.2 Ω. Comparison of durability test with the AlN target and a conventional Al target was performed by bombarding the targets with 40 keV electrons. It was found that a maximum electron input power of the test increased five times higher than that of Al/Cu target in conventional using model.
  • Takaomi Matsutani; Tatsuya Asanuma; Chang Liu; Masato Kiuchi; Takae Takeuchi
    Surface and Coatings Technology 169-170 624 - 627 0257-8972 2003/06 [Refereed]
    We report on the preparation of hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide (a-SiC:H) film and silicon carbonitride (a-SiCN:H) film on Si (100) substrate by Ar ion beam-induced chemical vapor deposition (IBICVD) method attached with a bubbling system of hexamethyldisilane (HMDS). Ar ions and HMDS precursor with carrier gases of Ar or N2 were introduced onto the substrate at room temperature. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra revealed that an elimination of an organic compound and the formation of Si-C, Si-N and C-N bonds can be promoted by increasing ion impact energy. Smooth surface with a lower roughness has been achieved when Ar ion energy increases from 50 to 300 eV. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Masahito Katto; Masahiro Nakamura; Toshiharu Tanaka; Takaomi Matsutani; Masahiro Kuwata; Takeyoshi Nakayama
    Surface and Coatings Technology Elsevier 169-170 712 - 715 0257-8972 2003/06 [Refereed]
    We developed two methods for depositing hydroxyapatite (HAp) coatings based on the pulsed laser ablation, laser irradiation and laser-assisted laser ablation (LALA) techniques. In laser irradiation, the HAp coatings were deposited in air. LALA involves both laser ablation and laser annealing using two laser beams. The assisting laser beam helped crystallize and anneal the deposited HAp layer. HAp coatings deposited using LALA remained intact during the Scotch® tape test and grew in the simulated body fluid. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • C. Liu; T. Mihara; T. Matsutani; T. Asanuma; M. Kiuchi
    Solid State Communications 126 (9) 509 - 513 0038-1098 2003/05 [Refereed]
    Indium tin oxide (ITO) films were produced by low-energy oxygen ion beam assisted electron-beam evaporation. The dependence of surface morphology, electrical and optical properties on evaporation rate, oxygen ion beam energy and density, as well as substrate temperatures was characterized by atomic force microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Hall-effect and optical transmittance measurements. The results show that high-quality ITO films (resistivity of 7.0 × 10-4Ωcm, optical transmittance above 85% at wavelength 550 nm, surface roughness of 0.6 nm in root mean square) can be obtained at room temperature. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • C. Liu; T. Matsutani; T. Asanuma; M. Kiuchi
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 206 348 - 352 0168-583X 2003/05 [Refereed]
    Indium tin oxide (ITO) films were deposited onto fused silica (SiO2) and microslide glass by concurrent electron-beam evaporation of ITO bulk materials and low-energy oxygen-ion-beam bombardment. The oxygen ions were produced using an electron cyclotron resonance source. The acceleration voltage was varied between 50 and 500 V and the current densities were between 20 and 100 μA/cm2. The growth rate changed from 0.04 to 0.24 nm/s. Deposition of ITO films was carried out at room temperature and 200 °C. The structural, electrical and optical properties were characterized by X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, Hall-effect and optical transmission measurements. The results show that very smooth and crystalline ITO films with high conductivity and transparency can be achieved. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • W. Ensinger; O. Lensch; F. Sittner; J. Knecht; K. Volz; T. Matsutani; M. Kiuchi
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 206 334 - 338 0168-583X 2003/05 [Refereed]
    Ion beam assisted deposition has been used to deposit amorphous C and CNx films on aluminum at room temperature by electron beam evaporation of graphite under concurrent ion beam irradiation with two different ions, argon and nitrogen. The corrosion properties of the films in chloride-containing water were examined by electrochemical polarization techniques. The results show that argon ion bombardment is more effective than nitrogen ion bombardment. The aluminum dissolution currents are higher when nitrogen ions are used in comparison to argon ions. Apparently, interface mixing which leads to a heterogeneous ternary Al-C-N phase is detrimental to the corrosion protection effect of the thin film. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • T. Matsutani; T. Asanuma; C. Liu; M. Kiuchi; T. Takeuchi
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 206 343 - 347 0168-583X 2003/05 [Refereed]
    The surface topographies of silicon dioxide films prepared by low-energy ion-beam induced chemical vapor deposition (IBICVD) and ion-beam assisted deposition (IBAD) were studied using an atomic force microscopy (AFM). In the case of IBICVD, when prepared using bubbled hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO) and assisted O2 gas under irradiation of 150 eV Ar ions, the root mean square (RMS) of the surface roughness of the film was 2.0 nm. However, when prepared using the bubbled HMDSO under irradiation of 150 eV oxygen ions, the RMS deduced to 0.25 nm. In the case of IBAD, when deposited using evaporated silicon monoxide under irradiation of 150 eV oxygen ions, the RMS was 0.20 nm. As a reference, the RMS of fused silica was changed from original 0.70-0.40 nm after irradiated of 150 eV oxygen ions. It is concluded that low-energy oxygen ion bombardment not only promotes chemical reaction and dissociation of precursor but also leads to a smooth surface due to reactive ion beam etching on the film surface. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • C. Liu; T. Matsutani; T. Asanuma; K. Murai; M. Kiuchi; E. Alves; M. Reis
    Journal of Applied Physics 93 (4) 2262 - 2266 0021-8979 2003/02 [Refereed]
    Indium tin oxide (ITO) films were prepared on glass by low-energy oxygen-ion-beam assisted deposition. An electron beam was used to evaporate the ITO bulk material. Simultaneously, a reactive oxygen ion beam produced by an electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) source was used to irradiate the growing film. The structural, electrical and optical properties of the films were studied by x-ray diffraction (XRD), Rutherford backscattering (RBS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), Hall-effect and optical transmission measurements.
  • Low-energy ion-beam process
    Kiuchi, Masato; Matsutani, Takaomi; Takeuchi, Takae; Matsumoto, Takashi; Sugimoto, Satoshi; Goto, Seiichi
    Koon Gakkaishi 29 (5) 193 - 195 2003 [Refereed]
  • C. Liu; T. Matsutani; N. Yamamoto; M. Kiuchi
    Europhysics Letters 59 (4) 606 - 611 0295-5075 2002/08 [Refereed]
    One of the key problems to develop organic electroluminescence devices is related to the fabrication of very smooth, high-quality ITO layers at room temperature. It is very promising to incorporate the reactive irradiation of low-energy oxygen ions produced from an ECR source into the deposition of ITO film by electron-beam evaporation in vacuum. The influences of growth rate and film thickness on the structural, electrical and optical properties were characterized by X-ray diffraction, atomic-force microscopy, Hall effect and optical transmittance measurements. A very smooth surface of only 0.6 nm roughness (rms), almost one order of magnitude smaller than those obtained using other preparation methods, low resistivity of 7.0 × 10-4 Ω cm, high optical transmittance of 85% at wavelength 550 nm (including SiO2 substrate) have been achieved at room temperature. Crystalline structure, which depends only on the thickness of the deposited ITO films, could be easily obtained at room temperature.
  • C. Liu; E. Alves; A. R. Ramos; M. F. da Silva; J. C. Soares; T. Matsutani; M. Kiuchi
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 191 (1-4) 544 - 548 0168-583X 2002/05 [Refereed]
    Gallium nitride (GaN) is a direct wide-band-gap semiconductor material, which can be used to produce blue-light-emitting diodes and lasers, high-temperature and high-power devices. While manganese (Mn) represents a potential acceptor in GaN, Mn-doped GaN may form an interesting diluted magnetic semiconductor. In this study, GaN was implanted at room temperature using 180 keV Mn+ ions to fluences ranging from 5 × 1015 to 3 × 1016 cm-2. Subsequent annealing was performed in a flowing N2 ambient, at 1050 °C for 12 min. The damage buildup and removal, as well as the lattice site location of Mn in GaN was studied by using Rutherford backscattering/channeling combined with particle induced X-ray emission. The angular scans around the 〈 0001 〉 and 〈 101̄1 〉 axial directions indicate that Mn mainly occupies substitutional Ga sites. During the thermal treatment, no significant redistribution of the implanted Mn ions was found. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Takae Takeuchi; Motoko Tanaka; Takaomi Matsutani; Masato Kiuchi
    Surface and Coatings Technology 158-159 408 - 411 0257-8972 2002 [Refereed]
    We developed the SiC deposition technique by using ion beam induced deposition. In this technique, hexamethyldisilane was excited through impact with Ar ions and fragmented ions were deposited on the substrate. In this work the fragmentation mechanism of hexamethyldisilane is studied using Mass Spectrometry. To discuss the effect of excitation energy, hexamethyldisilane was excited by impact with electrons. With an impact of electrons in an energy range 10-70 e V, two types of fragmentation, namely, the Si-Si bond dissociation and the methyl radical loss, were observed. The formation of these fragment ions, most probably trimethylsilyl cations, contributed to SiC deposition. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • W. Ensinger; O. Lensch; J. Knecht; K. Volz; T. Matsutani; M. Kiuchi
    Surface and Coatings Technology 158-159 594 - 598 0257-8972 2002 [Refereed]
    Aluminum and aluminum alloys have become increasingly important due to their low density and good corrosion properties, which arise from the dense oxide film that natural aluminum forms in contact with air. However, the passivity of aluminum and aluminum alloys fails when exposed to a wet environment in the presence of aggressive anions, such as chloride, when pitting corrosion occurs. To improve the overall corrosion resistance, aluminum was coated with amorphous carbon films at low temperature. The carbon films were formed by ion beam-assisted deposition under concurrent bombardment with argon ions. The corrosion behavior was evaluated by electrochemical polarization measurements carried out in neutral aqueous solutions containing sodium chloride. The results show that the films are able to considerably improve the corrosion resistance when a certain ion/ atom arrival ratio is chosen. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • MATSUTANI Takaomi; ASANUMA Tatsuya; LIU Chang; KIUCHI Masato; TAKEUCHI Takae
    Journal of The Surface Finishing Society of Japan The Surface Finishing Society of Japan 52 (12) 891 - 892 0915-1869 2001/12
  • T. Matsutani; K. Iwamoto; T. Nagatomi; Y. Kimura; Y. Takai
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 2: Letters 40 (5 A) 481 - 483 0021-4922 2001/05 [Refereed]
    The thickness of the damaged layer on a GaAs surface induced by a focused 25 kV Ga+ ion beam (FIB) was reduced from ∼ 24 nm to ∼ 2.6 nm by finishing with low-energy Ar+ ions of 200 eV, which has been evaluated by cross-sectional observation under a transmission electron microscope (TEM). The finishing rendered the surface of the damaged layer significantly flatter. This flattening was found to be sensitive to the ion energy; a very smooth flat surface is obtained by sputter-etching with 200 eV Ar+ ions, whilst sputter-etching with 100 eV Ar+ ions causes GaAs particles to remain in the FIB-induced damage layer on the surface, and thus it is not flat.
  • Takaomi Matsutani; Masato Kiuchi; Takae Takeuchi; Takashi Matsumoto; Kazuhiko Mimoto; Seiichi Goto
    Vacuum 59 (1) 152 - 158 0042-207X 2000/10 [Refereed]
    We deposited silicon carbide (SiC) films formation using electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma of methylsilane (SiH3 CH3), and investigated the influence of a carrier gas (Ar or Xe). The SiC film deposition on Si (1 0 0) was carried out at a relatively low temperature of 750 °C. By using ECR plasma with a carrier gas, Si-H bonds were not contained in the deposited films. Although surface morphology was very smooth in the case of using Ar carrier gas, crystallinity of the film was poor. This indicated that the film was eroded by carrier gas because surface morphologies were changed with different momentum values of ion.
  • Heteroepitaxial Growth of Silicon Carbide Using Organosilicon Ion Beams
    Masato Kiuchi, Takaomi Matsutani, Takae Takeuchi, Takashi Matsumoto, Kazuhiko Mimoto, Seiichi Goto
    J. Vac. Soc. Jpn. 43 (3) 278  2000/01 [Refereed]
  • Takaomi Matsutani; Keigo Iwamoto; Takaharu Nagatomi; Yoshihide Kimura; Yoshizo Takai; Ryuichi Shimizu; Ryuzo Aihara; Yoshizo Sakuma
    Shinku/Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan 43 (12) 1126 - 1128 0559-8516 2000 [Refereed]
    A floating-type low-energy ion gun (FLIG) producing 100 approx. 500 eV ions at a high current intensity has been developed. This ion gun consists of a permanent magnet-aided electron impact-type ionization cell, an extractor, and a cylindrical retarding immersion lens. The gun was assessed and produced typical performance levels of current intensities of 1.81 μA (current density of 7.9 μA/cm2) for 100 eV. The entire system has been compactly constructed with an ionization cell that has an outer diameter of less than 3.3 cm and a lens system that has a length of 24 cm. Conventional surface analytical instruments are attached via an ICF 70 Conflat flange.
  • Deposition of Silicon Carbide Films using ECR Plasma of Methylsilane
    Takaomi Matsutani; Masato Kiuchi; Takae Takeuchi; Takashi Matsumoto; Kazuhiko Mimoto; Seiichi Goto
    Advances in Applied Plasma Science 2 147 - 152 1999
  • MATSUTANI Takaomi; MATSUE Hiroaki; KUMAZAKI Kenji; KUBO Uichi; NAKAYAMA Takeyoshi
    rle The Laser Society of Japan 26 (7) 563 - 564 0387-0200 1998 
    A titanium nitride film for a transparent conductor was formed on a SiO2 substrate at room temperature by using a pulsed laser deposition method. The ablation is promoted from a Ti target with KrF excimer laser irradiation in an N2 ambient gas. The structure of the film measured by using XRD was mainly TiN polycrystalline. In the case of the film thickness thinner than the wavelength of visible light, the transmittance and sheet resistance of the films were in the range of 74-47 % and 1000-70Ω/_??_, respectively.
  • Takaomi MATSUTANI, Hiroaki MATSUE, Kenji KUMAZAKI, and Takeyoshi NAKAYAMA
    The Review of Laser Engineering, suppl レ-ザ-学会 26 14 - 15 0387-0200 1998 [Refereed]
  • TiN film for transparent conductors formed by pulsed laser deposition in reactive gas
    Takaomi MATSUTANI, Hiroaki MATSUE, Kenji KUMAZAKI, Uichi KUBO, Takeyoshi NAKAYAMA
    The Review of Laser Engineering 26 563 - 566 1998 [Refereed]
  • 野村 直人; 中野 人志; 田中 紘幸; 久保 宇市; 橋新 裕一; 大道 雄一郎; 中島 章夫; 荒井 恒憲; 菊地 眞; 辻 明; 小田島 邦男; 中島 史雄; 早川 正道; 中村 宏; 福井 勝; 内海 厚; 野上 弥志郎; 林 琢也; 徳野 慎一; 田中 良昭; 奥森 雅直; 伊藤 晴美; 秋田 大介; 中山 斌義; 仲田 宗弘; 四方 淳史; 山川 禎貴; 加藤 祐次; 大澤 光生; 宮城 光信; 阿部 眞一; 相澤 勝; 小野寺 信治; 中桐 啓太郎; 岡田 昌義; 吉田 正人; 辻 義彦; 山下 輝夫; 森本 真人; 井上 鐵三; 中之坊 学; 田部 哲也; 小倉 雅実; 水野 有武; 北島 具秀; 尾崎 幸洋; 本田 尚葆; 村原 正隆; 堀 清太郎; 松谷 貴臣; 島田 智史
    レーザー研究 The Laser Society of Japan 23 295 - 303,308 0387-0200 1995
  • 島田 智史; 松谷 貴臣; 中山 斌義; 久保 宇市; 杉岡 幸次; 十文字 正之; 高井 裕司; 田代 英夫; 飯垣 悟; 土居 功年; 中野 人志; 藤林 肇次; 鎌田 尚之; 戸曽 博; 吉沢 博; 青池 政憲; 長谷川 浩一; 南條 悟志; 広間 暁紀; 瀧本 進之; 小池 明裕; 北村 寿男; 小管 達哉; 竹内 純一; 平井 清人; 松下 嘉文; 古川 哲義; 喜多 秀樹; 松井 重憲; 奥田 昌宏; 亀山 晃弘; 甲藤 正人; 瀧川 靖雄; カテューリア; 坪井 昭彦; 内田 悦行; 佐藤 俊一; 清水 幸喜; 高島 洋一; 石出 孝; 丸山 智義; 大沼 恵則; 永原 忠行; 和田 智之; 中村 彬; 杉立 厚志; 實野 孝久; 徳村 啓雨; 中島 信昭; 中塚 正大; 河村 良行; 常見 明良; 萩原 弘二; 平井 亮; 長坂 啓吾; 明石 朋義; 鈴木 剛臣; 津田 裕; 大川 真昭; 中村 真毅; 森 くる美; 緑川 克美
    レーザー研究 The Laser Society of Japan 23 176 - 196,201 0387-0200 1995


Affiliated academic society


Research Themes

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2014 -2016 
    Author : MATSUTANI Takaomi; KAWASAKI Tadahiro
    A magnetic-field and pulsed-plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (MPECVD) was developed to fabricate amorphous silicon carbonitride (a-SiCN) diaphragm for environmental-cell transmission electron microscope (E-TEM). The films were prepared by using gaseous hexamethyldisilazane (HMDSN), N2 and Ar. The deposition rate was increased by enhancement of magnetic-field in comparison with a conventional PECVD. The diaphragms were applied to a Cu grid with 100-um-diameter holes. Fourier transform infrared spectra and X-ray photoelectron spectra revealed that an elimination of organic compounds and a formation of Si-N and C-N bonds in diaphragms can be promoted with increasing pulse voltage and N2 flow rate and decreasing ambient pressure. The diaphragms were amorphous and transparent at 200 kV electrons and no chargeup was observed by E-TEM. Durability to electron beams and reaction gases in the E-cell was improved when diaphragm was deposited with high pulse voltage.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2015/03 
    Author : IKUTA TAKASHI; HISAKA Masaki; KAWASAKI Tadahiro; KODAMA Tetsuji; MATSUTANI Takaomi
    In electron microscopes, correction of the spherical aberration is indispensable to achieve sub-angstrom resolution. Although some types of aberration correction devices (Cs-correctors) consist of multi-pole electron lenses had been utilized in this time, these are very expensive. In this study, a very simple and inexpensive Cs-corrector with axially-symmetric electrostatic field formed between an annular objective pupil and an auxiliary proximity circular electrode, was designed and evaluated using a 200kV scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM). 3.12A lattice image of CeO2 particles was clearly observed in case of Cs-corrector ON, which indicates the effect of the spherical aberration correction. This shows that the present simple low-cost electrostatic Cs-corrector is practical for the electron microscope.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(C))
    Date (from‐to) : 2011 -2013 
    Author : Takaomi MATSUTANI; Tadahiro KAWASAKI
    Recently, it was reported that gold particles of less than 10 nm in diameter exhibit unique catalytic properties. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is useful for analyzing structures at the atomic level, but as specimens are conventionally placed under a strong vacuum, it is difficult to examine directly the relationship between the observed structures and catalytic behavior, which requires instead observation of the catalyst under reaction gas conditions.The environmental-cell (E-cell) TEM system includes a specimen holder with a small chamber to isolate the vacuum around the TEM from the reaction gas atmosphere around the specimen by means of a diaphragm. The present study turns attention to the use of amorphous boron nitride and silicon nitride films in the diaphragm of the E-cell TEM. The films were prepared using pulse plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The films which were high hardness, amorphous and transparent at 200 kV electron were successfully developed.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2010 
    Author : NAKAYAMA Takeyoshi; HASHISHIN Yuichi; MATSUTANI Takaomi
    A method using two laser beams, namely the laser-assisted laser ablation (LALA) method, was developed for HAp coating of Ti substrates. This method meets the requirements for a HAp coating on implants, namely, high crystallinity, high adhesion strength, and not exceeding a certain thickness. By controlling the delay time of assist laser irradiation, a strongly-adhering, high-quality HAp coating was obtained. In the present method, crystallization of the deposited HAp is achieved by assist laser irradiation. No additional heat-treatment is required, which prevents oxidation of the substrate. The present method meets all the requirements for a HAp coating mentioned above in a single process. For these reasons, the LALA method can expect as an excellent method for a HAp coating on implants. It has been also achieved to enhance adhesion strength of diamond-like carbon (DLC) thin film on Ti substrate.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2010 
    Author : IKUTA Takashi; HISAKA Masaki; ICHIHASHI Mikio; USUKURA Jiro; KAWASAKI Tadahiro; KIMURA Yoshihide; OYE Toshjimi; KODAMA Tetsuji; MATSUTANI Takaomi; YASUE Tuneo
    To realize nano-phase tomographic STEM, a novel amplitude/phase separation imaging technique with very long field of depth has been proposed. Four significant technical components, the magnetic field immersion type FE-electron gun, the compact aberration corrector, the annular objective stop and the annular detector array were studied and developed in the present study. We evaluated this new imaging technique by using a proto-type STEM newly developed in this project.

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