ANO Takashi

Department of Biotechnological ScienceProfessor

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information


  • Doctor of Engineering(Osaka University)

Research Keyword

  • 枯草菌   リポペプチド性物質   調節遺伝子   2,2-ジヒドロキシベンゾイルグリシン   バイオサーファクタント   サーファクチン   C5糖   バイオリアクター   シデロフォア-   大腸菌   遺伝子スイッチ   バイオマス   バクテリオファージMu   高磁場   バイオフィルム   クローニング   土壌定着性   beta-ガラクトシダーゼ   リアクター   microbial fuel cell   環境微生物   有機物の循環   バイオファーティライザー   微生物農薬   微生物   Environmental Microbiology   Recycling of Organic Materials   Biofertilizer   Biocontrol   Microbiology   

Research Field

  • Life sciences / Applied biochemistry
  • Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering) / Applied biofunctional and bioprocess engineering
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science / Environmental policy and society
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science / Environmental impact assessment



  • Tokyo Institute of Technology Chemical Resources Laboratory, Resources Recycling Process Laboratory, Resources Recycling Process Laboratoty Resources Recycling Process LaboratoryAssociate Professor

Educational Background

  •        - 1986  大阪大学大学院工学研究科発酵工学専攻  工学研究科  醗酵工学専攻
  •        - 1986  Osaka University  Graduate School, Division of Engineering
  •        - 1981  Osaka University  School of Engineering  醗酵工学科

■Research activity information


  • Takashi Ano; Shohei Ebe; Tatsuya Ohike; Masahiro Okanami
  • Yuji Fukumoto; Shouhei Ebe; Tatsuya Ohike; Masahiro Okanami; Takashi Ano
  • Shohei Ebe; Tatsuya Ohike; Masahiro Okanami; Takashi Ano
    In a previously study, the Bacillus sp. strain IA was successfully isolated with high sensitivity to rice husk biochar (RHB). Moreover, RHB promoted an antibiotic iturin A production by strain IA. In order to develop the biocontrol agent, we attempted to reveal the functions of the RHB in promoting the production of iturin A by strain IA. The promotion effects of growth, sporulation and iturin A production of strain IA by the RHB were explained as follows. First, the manganese ion, released from RHB, promoted the sporulation and iturin A production of strain IA. Second, the silicon dioxide contained in RHB adsorbed the metabolic inhibitor(s) and promoted the iturin A production of strain IA. Finally, the combination of manganese ion and silicon dioxide promoted the growth, sporulation and iturin A production of the Bacillus sp. strain IA. To culture strain IA in the medium combining manganese ion and silicon dioxide, the total cells, spore cells and iturin A production increased 15 times, 10,000 times and 18 times higher than the control medium, respectively.
  • Production of antifungal agents in a microbial fuel cell.
    Ano, T; Fukumoto, Y; Yukimoto, H; Ebe, S; Ohike, T; Okanami, M
    Advances in Recycling & Waste Management 4 40  2019/03
  • Hiroshi Habe; Toshiaki Taira; Yuya Sato; Tomohiro Imura; Takashi Ano
    JOURNAL OF OLEO SCIENCE JAPAN OIL CHEMISTS SOC 68 (11) 1157 - 1162 1345-8957 2019 [Refereed]
    Bacillus subtilis RB14 produces the lipopeptide antibiotic iturin A by submerged and biofilm fermentation. In this study, we optimized the conditions for iturin A production in a jar fermentor. The maximum yield of iturin A was 932 mg L-1 after 120 h. The surface tension of water decreased from 72.0 to 39.0 mN m(-1) as the concentrations of C-14 iturin A increased, indicating that C-14 iturin A behaves as a surfactant in water. The critical micellar concentration obtained from the intersection of two fitted lines was 1.2 x 10(-4) M. Moreover, the surface tension of water decreased as the length of the alkyl chain of iturin A increased.
  • Shohei Ebe; Tatsuya Ohike; Tetsuya Matsukawa; Masahiro Okanami; Shin'ichiro Kajiyama; Takashi Ano
    JOURNAL OF PESTICIDE SCIENCE PESTICIDE SCI SOC JAPAN 44 (1-2) 33 - 40 1348-589X 2019 [Refereed]
    The purpose of this study is to isolate the beneficial microorganisms whose growth is promoted in the presence of charcoal materials. We successfully isolated strain IA, whose growth is promoted on an agar plate with charcoal materials, and identified it as a novel strain of the Bacillus sp. The growth of strain IA in the liquid medium was promoted by the addition of both activated charcoal (AC) and rice husk biochar (RHB). Moreover, the sporulation of strain IA in the RHB medium and the antifungal activity of the culture supernatant of the RHB medium were much higher than those with AC. HPLC and MS analyses revealed that strain IA produced an antifungal lipopeptide iturin A, and the yield of iturin A in the RHB medium was 8 times higher than that in the medium without RHB. This is the first paper to describe the positive effect of RHB on microbial metabolisms. (C) Pesticide Science Society of Japan
  • Evaluation of plant growth promotion and phytopathogen growth inhibition effects of PGPB.
    Sawada, S; Maruyama, D; Yoshida, Y; Yoshimizu, K; Nishiyama, A; Ano, T; Okanami, M
    Regulation of Plant Growth & Development 53 (Suppl.) 107  2018/10
  • Evaluation of the mechanism of plant-growth promotion by rice husk biochar.
    Kuno, R; Ebe, S; Ohike, T; Okanami, M; Ano, T
    Regulation of Plant Growth & Development 53 (Suppl.) 105  2018/10
  • Effect of power generation of the soil microbial fuel cell on plant growth.
    Yukimoto, H; Ebe, S; Ohike, T; Okanami, M; Ano, T
    Regulation of Plant Growth & Development 53 (Suppl.) 106  2018/10
  • Biological Control Potential of Streptomyces sp. AR10 Producing Albocycline Isolated from Soil around Ant Nest
    Journal of Agricultural Science 10 (3) 54 - 61 2018/02 [Refereed]
  • In vitro and in vivo assay for assessment of the biological control potential of Streptomyces sp. KT.,
    Journal of Plant Studies 7 (1) 10 - 18 2018/01 [Refereed]
  • Improved Performance of Soil Microbial Fuel Cell by Adding Earthworms
    Journal of Renewable Energy and Environment 4 (2&3) 33 - 38. 2017/12 [Refereed]
  • Effect of plant growth-promoting bacteria on plant growth.
    Nakaoka, T; Sawada, S; Nishiyama, A; Kobayashi, J; Ano, T; Okanami, M
    Regulation of Plant Growth & Development 52(Suppl.) 79  2017/10
  • Analysis of the mechanisms of the growth enhancement of Bacillus sp. IA in the presence of rice husk biochar.
    Ebe, S; Ohike, T; Okanami, M; Ano, T
    5th International Symposium on Life Sciences & Biological Engineering, Conference Proceedings 625 - 627 2016/08 [Refereed]
  • Potential of an actinobacterium for biological control.
    Ohike, T; Maeda, M; Uetsuki, Y; Matsukawa, T; Okanami, M; Kajiyama, S-i; Ano, T
    2016 Grobal Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, Conference Proceedings 1054 - 1055 2016/07 [Refereed]
  • Construction of microbial fuel cells that produce beneficial compounds.
    Ebe, S; Ohike, T; Okanami, M; Ano, T
    2016 Grobal Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, Conference Proceedings 1050 - 1051 2016/07 [Refereed]
  • Isolation and characterization of bacterium that promotes the antibotic production in the presence of rice husk biochar.
    Ebe, S; Ohike, T; Okanami, M; Ano, T
    2016 International Congress on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Sciences, Conference Proceedings 918 - 920 2016/05 [Refereed]
  • Zohora Umme Salma; Ano Takashi; Rahman Mohammad Shahedur
    ADVANCES IN MICROBIOLOGY 6 (6) 424 - 431 2327-0810 2016/05 [Refereed]
  • Tatsuya Ohike; Tetsuya Matsukawa; Masahiro Okanami; Shin'ichiro Kajiyama; Takashi Ano
  • Daichi Murata; Sayaka Sawano; Tatsuya Ohike; Masahiro Okanami; Takashi Ano
    Journal of environmental sciences (China) Chinese Academy of Sciences 25 Suppl 1 (1) S127-31 - S131 1001-0742 2013/12 [Refereed]
    An inhibitory effect of a traditional Japanese fermented food, natto, was found against plant pathogens such as Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium oxysporum, and the bacteria which showed inhibition were isolated from the natto. Among isolated bacteria, BC-1 and GAc exhibited a strong antagonistic effect in vitro against plant pathogens on an agar medium. The supernatant of bacterial culture also showed strong activity against R. solani, which meant the antimicrobial substances were produced and secreted into the medium. Both of the bacteria were estimated as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens from a partial sequence of the 16s rRNA gene. High performance liquid chromatography analysis clearly showed the production of the lipopeptide antibiotic iturin A by BC-1 and GAc.
  • Umme Salma Zohora; Mohammad Shahedur Rahman; Abdul Wahab Khan; Masahiro Okanami; Takashi Ano
    Journal of environmental sciences (China) Chinese Academy of Sciences 25 Suppl 1 (1) S2-7 - S7 1001-0742 2013/12 [Refereed]
    To enhance the production of lipopeptide antibiotic iturin A, nutrient contents of the culture mediums were investigated in both submerged and biofilm fermentations. As a carbon source maltose and as nitrogen source, fish protein was used. In submerged fermentation maltose uptake was found lower (12%) compared to biofilm fermentation (15%) that was associated with higher cellular growth in biofilm. However, requirement of nitrogen (fish protein) concentration was found similar in both submerged and biofilm fermentations. Production of iturin A in submerged fermentation with 12% maltose and 5% fish protein was 4450 mg/L, and in biofilm fermentation it was 5050 mg/L when 15% maltose and 5% fish protein was used.
  • Tatsuya Ohike; Kohei Makuni; Masahiro Okanami; Takashi Ano
    Journal of environmental sciences (China) Chinese Academy of Sciences 25 Suppl 1 (1) S122-6 - S126 1001-0742 2013/12 [Refereed]
    Bacterial endophytes were found from 6 plant leaves among 35 plant leaves screened. Two of the isolated bacteria showed antagonistic activity against fungal plant pathogens. An isolate named KL1 showed the clear inihibition against plant pathogens, Fusarium oxysporum and Rhizoctonia solani, on PDA as well as TSA plate. Supernatant of the bacterial culture also showed the clear inhibition against the fungal growth on the plate and the antibiotic substance was identified as iturin A by HPLC analysis. KL1 was identified as Bacillus sp. from the 16S rRNA gene analysis. Very thin hyphae of R. solani was miccroscopically observed when the fungus was co-cultivated with KL1.
  • 日本の伝統的食品である納豆からの微生物農薬候補株の単離
    岡南 政宏; 村田 大地; 澤野 沙耶佳; 大池 達矢; 阿野 貴司
    近畿大学生物理工学部紀要 (31) 47 - 57 2013/03
  • 村田大地; 澤野沙耶佳; 大池達矢; 岡南政宏; 阿野貴司
    Memoirs of the Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology of Kinki University (31) 47 - 57 1342-7202 2013
  • Screening of biocontrol bacterial strains against fungal plant pathogens from endophytes.
    大池 達矢; 真国 紘平; 岡南 政宏; 阿野 貴司
    5th International Symposium on Environmental Economy and Technology, Extended Abstracts 84  2012/08
  • Isolation of suppressive bacteria from fermented soybean, natto, as candidates for microbial pesticide.
    村田大地; 澤野沙耶佳; 大池達矢; 岡南 政宏; 阿野 貴司
    5th International Symposium on Environmental Economy and Technology, Extended Abstracts 46  2012/08
  • Improvement of lipopeptide antibiotic iturin A production using novel peptone of fish protein medium.
    岡南 政宏; 阿野 貴司
    5th International Symposium on Environmental Economy and Technology, Extended Abstracts 34  2012/08
  • Screening of biocontrol bacterial strains against fungal plant pathogens from endophytes.
    大池 達矢; 真国 紘平; 岡南 政宏; 阿野 貴司
    5th International Symposium on Environmental Economy and Technology, Extended Abstracts 84  2012/08
  • Isolation of suppressive bacteria from fermented soybean, natto, as candidates for microbial pesticide.
    村田大地; 澤野沙耶佳; 大池達矢; 岡南 政宏; 阿野 貴司
    5th International Symposium on Environmental Economy and Technology, Extended Abstracts 46  2012/08
  • Production of iturin A through glass column reactor (GCR) from soybean curd residue (okara) by Bacillus subtilis RB14-CS under solid state fermentation (SSF).
    岡南 政宏; 阿野 貴司
    Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology 3 143 - 148 2012/04 [Refereed]
  • A core sequence within a transcriptional activation domain of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor AhR
    岡南 政宏; 藤谷 純也; 阿野 貴司
    近畿大学生物理工学部紀要 (28) 1 - 11 2011/09 
  • 岡南 政宏; 藤谷 純也; 阿野 貴司
    近畿大学生物理工学部紀要 近畿大学生物理工学部 (28) 1 - 11 1342-7202 2011/09 
  • Abdul Wahab Khan; Mohammad Shahedur Rahman; Umme Salma Zohora; Masahiro Okanami; Takashi Ano
    Journal of environmental sciences (China) 23 Suppl (SUPPL.) S63-5 - S65 1001-0742 2011/06 [Refereed]
    Interest in microbial surfactants has been steadily increasing in recent years due to their diversity, mass production possibility, selectivity, performance under extreme conditions and potential applications in environmental protection. In this study two pentose sugars (xylose and arabinose) were investigated for the submerged fermentation (SmF) of Bacillus subtilis in surfactant production medium for bio-surfactant surfactin production. An excellent vegetative growth of B. subtilis (× 10(10) CFU/mL) was observed for xylose and arabinose containing medium which were comparable to glucose supplemented medium. Low growth (× 10(8) CFU/mL) was found when medium was not supplemented with any of the sugars. Surfactin production in xylose, arabinose and glucose containing medium was 2700, 2600 and 2000 mg/L, respectively, whereas, medium without any sugar showed low surfactin (700 mg/L) production. These results clearly indicate the effect of pentose sugars on production of surfactin. Gradual depletion of the xylose and arabinose were confirmed by HPLC analysis during the growth phase of the strain that ultimately produced the surfactin.
  • Jatropha curcasとJatropha integerrimaにおける発がんプロモーション活性物質フォルボールエステル類の分布
    大池 達矢; 松川 哲也; 岡南 政宏; 阿野 貴司; 梶山 慎一郎
    近畿大学生物理工学部紀要 (27) 29 - 37 2011/03 
    バイオディーゼル燃料用ジャトロファ(J. curcas)と観賞用ジャトロファ(J. integerrima)の種子および植物体に含まれる脂肪酸およびフォルボールエステル類の組成を解析した結果、両植物で大きく異なることを明らかにした。
  • Umme Salma Zohora; Abdul Wahab Khan; Masahiro Okanami; Takashi Ano; Mohammad Shahedur Rahman
    Iturin A is an environmentally safe biocontrol agent produced by Bacillus subtilis as a secondary metabolite. Generally iturin A is produced in conventional submerged fermentation. Recently, B. subtilis has received a huge interest for its nature to develop into biofilm as it shows significantly independent genetic and morphological development in biofilm compared to its planktonic culture. In this study it was attempted to compare the production of iturin A in submerged with that in biofilm fermentation using novel marine fish protein as a medium component. When fish protein was compared with commercially available peptones, it was observed that the microbial growth and iturin A productions were similar to those in the medium containing Polypepton S (originated from soybean) and higher than those in the medium containing Polypepton (originated from casein). Quicker cellular growth and secondary metabolite production was observed in submerged fermentation whereas slower but higher cellular growth and iturin A production was found in biofilm fermentation.
  • 大池達矢; 松川哲也; 岡南政宏; 阿野貴司; 梶山慎一郎
    Memoirs of the Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology of Kinki University (27) 29 - 37 1342-7202 2011 
    バイオディーゼル燃料用ジャトロファ(J. curcas)と観賞用ジャトロファ(J. integerrima)の種子および植物体に含まれる脂肪酸およびフォルボールエステル類の組成を解析した結果、両植物で大きく異なることを明らかにした。
  • Utilization of fish protein in submerged and biofilm fermentation of Bacillus subtilis for production of lipopeptide antibiotic iturin A
    Umme Salma Zohora; Abdul Wahab Khan; Masahiro Okanami; Mohammad; Shahedur Rahman; 阿野 貴司; 岡南 政宏
    Proceedings of International Conference on Antimicrobial Research (ICAR2010) Formatex Research Center 295  2010/11 
  • Utilization of fish protein in submerged and biofilm fermentation of Bacillus subtilis for production of lipopeptide antibiotic iturin A
    Umme Salma Zohora; Abdul Wahab Khan; Masahiro Okanami; Mohammad; Shahedur Rahman; 阿野 貴司; 岡南 政宏
    Proceedings of International Conference on Antimicrobial Research (ICAR2010) 295  2010/11 
  • Xuesong He; Yan Tian; Lihong Guo; Takashi Ano; Renate Lux; David R. Zusman; Wenyuan Shi
    MICROBIAL ECOLOGY SPRINGER 60 (3) 665 - 676 0095-3628 2010/10 [Refereed]
    The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is home to trillions of microbes. Within the same GI tract, substantial differences in the bacterial species that inhabit the oral cavity and intestinal tract have been noted. While the influence of host environments and nutritional availability in shaping different microbial communities is widely accepted, we hypothesize that the existing microbial flora also plays a role in selecting the bacterial species that are being integrated into the community. In this study, we used cultivable microbial communities isolated from different parts of the GI tract of mice (oral cavity and intestines) as a model system to examine this hypothesis. Microbes from these two areas were harvested and cultured using the same nutritional conditions, which led to two distinct microbial communities, each with about 20 different species as revealed by PCR-based denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis. In vitro community competition assays showed that the two microbial floras exhibited antagonistic interactions toward each other. More interestingly, all the original isolates tested and their closely related species displayed striking community preferences: They persisted when introduced into the bacterial community of the same origin, while their viable count declined more than three orders of magnitude after 4 days of coincubation with the microbial flora of foreign origin. These results suggest that an existing microbial community might impose a selective pressure on incoming foreign bacterial species independent of host selection. The observed inter-flora interactions could contribute to the protective effect of established microbial communities against the integration of foreign bacteria to maintain the stability of the existing communities.
  • Biosurfactant production by Bacillus subtilis using pentose carbohydrate.
    Abdul Wahab Kahn; 岡南 政宏; 阿野 貴司; Mohammad Shahedur Rahman Umme Salma Zohora
    4th International Symposium on Environmental Economy and Technology, Extended Abstracts 2010/06
  • Utilization of pentose carbohydrate and production of iturin A by Bacillus subtilis
    Abdul Wahab Khan, Mohammad; Shahedur Rahman; Umme Salma Zohora; 阿野 貴司; 岡南 政宏
    ISEET-2010 The 4th International Symposium on Environmental Economy and Technology Extended Abstract Dalian Jiaotong University 58 - 60 2010/06 
  • Biosurfactant production by Bacillus subtilis using pentose carbohydrate.
    Abdul Wahab Kahn; 岡南 政宏; 阿野 貴司; Mohammad Shahedur Rahman Umme Salma Zohora
    4th International Symposium on Environmental Economy and Technology, Extended Abstracts 2010/06
  • Utilization of pentose carbohydrate and production of iturin A by Bacillus subtilis
    Abdul Wahab Khan, Mohammad; Shahedur Rahman; Umme Salma Zohora; 阿野 貴司; 岡南 政宏
    ISEET-2010 The 4th International Symposium on Environmental Economy and Technology Extended Abstract 58 - 60 2010/06 
  • A general consideration toward the sustainable society
    阿野 貴司
    埼玉工業大学先端科学研究所アニュアルレポート 埼玉工業大学先端科学研究所 (7) 33 - 35 2009/03 
  • 阿野 貴司
    埼玉工業大学先端科学研究所アニュアルレポート 埼玉工業大学先端科学研究所 (7) 33 - 35 1880-3938 2009/03 
  • Mohammad Shahedur Rahman; Takashi Ano
    Journal of environmental sciences (China) Elsevier 21 Suppl 1 (1) S36-9 - S39 1001-0742 2009 [Refereed]
    In biofilm fermentation, from the very early moments, surfactin was produced along with the biofilm development in the lipopeptide antibiotic production medium by using Bacillus subtilis. However, almost no iturin A was produced in its first 24 hours of cultivation and the production of iturin A began much later. Volumes of the nutrient medium and available surface area of the biofilm reactors were found to be important with the relative production of these two antibiotics. Production of iturin A was increased from 12 mg to about 50 mg per reactor when the culture size was increased from 5 mL to 20 mL, as the depth of the medium was increased. The production level was saturated thereafter with larger volumes. On the other hand, surfactin production was remained similar, which was about 10 mg per reactor, from all the 5 mL to 80 mL of biofilm culture. Optimized temperature for iturin A and surfactin production was observed at 25 and 37°C, respectively. In the biofilm fermentation, production of surfactin was increased when the incubation temperature was increased within the temperature range of 25 to 37°C, on the other hand, iturin A production was gradually decreased with the increase of the incubation temperature.
  • Abdul Wahab Khan; Mohammad Shahedur Rahman; Takashi Ano
    Journal of environmental sciences (China) Elsevier 21 Suppl 1 (1) S33-5 - S35 1001-0742 2009 [Refereed]
    Malt residue is a common waste or byproduct from beer industries after brewing and milling of malted barley. In this work, Bacillus subtilis RB14 was used to study the microbial growth and production of secondary metabolites like lipopeptide antibiotic iturin A in the malt residue for its effective recycling. B. subtilis RB14 could grow in submerged fermentation of malt residue and significant growth (10(9) CFU/mL) was observed without any supplementation. In submerged fermentation iturin A production using malt residue was about 170 mg/L, which was found to be higher than its production in No.3 (Polypepton, glucose, KH2PO4, MgSO4·7H2O) medium where production was about 120 mg/L. More than 600 mg/L of iturin A production was observed when malt residue was combinedly used with No.3 medium. This production was significantly higher than their summation of their individual production. However, the growth of B. subtilis in combined medium was found to be similar to that of the submerged fermentation in simple malt residue. Therefore, the remarkable enhancement in production of iturin A in supplemented malt residue was attributed to the nutrients supplied from No.3 medium.
  • Umme Salma Zohora; Mohammad Shahedur Rahman; Takashi Ano
    Journal of environmental sciences (China) Elsevier 21 Suppl 1 (1) S24-7 - S27 1001-0742 2009 [Refereed]
    Biofilm fermentation is a newly developed promising technique in fermentation technology. In this study no.3 and no.3S media have been used for the lipopeptide antibiotic iturin A production by Bacillus subtilis RB14. The main component of no.3 and no.3S media is Polypepton and Polypepton S, respectively. B. subtilis RB14 produces thick stable biofilm and high amount of iturin A in no.3S medium. Whereas, impaired biofilm formation and lower iturin A production was observed in no.3 medium. From the analytical information it was observed that the amounts of metal ions, such as K(+), Ca(2+) and Mn(2+), cysteine and cellulose are lower in Polypepton compared to the Polypepton S. To investigate their effect on biofilm formation and iturin A production cysteine, cellulose, K(+), Ca(2+) and Mn(2+) were added respectively into the no.3 medium at similar amount that Polypepton S contains. It was observed that individual addition of K(+), Ca(2+), cysteine and cellulose had no effect on biofilm formation, cellular growth induction or iturin A production. However, when Mn(2+) was supplemented in no.3 medium, biofilm development was restored with an improved production of iturin A. Finally, combined addition of investigated substances into the no.3 medium resulted with highly folded, thick biofilm with high cellular growth and iturin A production compared to the original no.3 medium.
  • Takashi Ano; Guang Yuan Jin; Shinji Mizumoto; Mohammad Shahedur Rahman; Kasumasa Okuno; Makoto Shoda
    Journal of environmental sciences (China) 21 Suppl 1 (1) S162-5 - S165 1001-0742 2009 [Refereed]
    A new solid state fermentation reactor (SSFR) for solid substrate was used for the production of lipopeptide antibiotic iturin A using Bacillus subtilis RB14-CS. Solid state fermentation (SSF) is the technique of cultivation of microorganisms on solid and moist substrates in the absence of free water. SSF has shown much promise in the development of several bioprocesses and products because of their several advantages like absence of free water that allows simplified downstream processing and low cost. SSFR allows agitation of the SSF culture with improved temperature control and air supply. Interestingly, when okara, the widely available waste product from the tofu industries, was used as the solid substrate for the SSFR, no iturin A production was observed. However, without agitation, production of iturin A was observed in the SSFR but the production level remained low. The low production of iturin A was found to be due to the heat generation and excess temperature rise inside the reactor system during the fermentation process. Maintaining the temperature within a range of 25-30°C, production of iturin A was significantly improved in the SSFR. This was comparable to the laboratory scale production, and signifies the potential application of the SSFR for SSF.
  • Noriyasu Iwase; Mohammad Shahedur Rahman; Takashi Ano
    Journal of environmental sciences (China) 21 Suppl 1 (1) S28-32 - S32 1001-0742 2009 [Refereed]
    Iturin A is a cyclic lipopeptide antibiotic and eight different kinds of iturin A have been reported based on its alkyl side chains. As iturin A is a promising biocontrol agent, total production of iturin A was tried to enhance and comparative production of its homologues was investigated by using different nitrogen and carbon sources. When Polypepton S and defatted soybean meal were used, total production as well as the ratio of the iturin A homologues were similar. However, production of iturin A was relatively lower and also the ratio of the iturin A homologues was different when Polypepton was used, where A2 was decreased and A4 was increased. Production ratio of the iturin A homologues was similar for the carbon sources like maltose, mannitol, sucrose and starch but relative production of iturin A2 was much enhanced compared to A3 when lactose or galactose was used. Interestingly production ratio of A4 was increased and A2 and A3 were decreased when no additional carbon source was used, and similar tendency was observed in the homologue ratio with glucose and fructose. Production of iturin A homologue A6 was significantly increased whereas A2 and A3 were decreased when defatted rapeseed cake was used. Utilization of different amino acids did not show significant differences in their production of the iturin A homologues. Oxygen supply found to be the factor affecting the production of iturin A homologues when it was investigated in a varied culture volume size and shaking speed. A2 found to be increased with increased oxygen supply where the production of A3 was affected inversely.
  • Y Hayashi; A Okino; E Hotta
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS AMER INST PHYSICS 94 (1) 749 - 755 0021-8979 2003/07 [Refereed]
    We have performed analytical studies on the radio frequency (rf) electromagnetic (EM) waves in a ferroelectric cathode with a grid electrode. During operation of the cathode, a trigger voltage induces a very strong field at the vacuum-metal-ferroelectric triple junction, which results in local saturation of the material's dielectric property near the corresponding area. High frequency oscillations generated from the saturation then lead to the formation of standing waves. With the practical geometry and the material property used in the experiments, the oscillation frequency of the lowest mode (TM01) is found to overlap that of the domain oscillation of the ferroelectric material. This provides domains with the possibility of gaining energy from the EM wave through resonance to sustain their oscillation, which is considered to be related with electron emission. The rf pass band was studied by varying the geometry and the material properties of the cathode, and this may lead to optimization of the cathode shape. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
  • Y Hayashi; E Hotta
    Electron emission from ferroelectric cathodes is observed using two kinds of Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 (PZT) material in the same cathode geometry. Beam currents are found to follow a three-halves power rule to the diode voltage, which suggests that the beam currents are "space-charge-limited". However, the perveances of the electron guns differ by more than 100%. The difference in "space-charge-limited current" is found to be related to the difference in the frequency characteristics of the materials. This implies that domain oscillation may contribute to the strong electron emission, under our experimental conditions. The experimental results provide a key point, which may lead to a more complete understanding of electron emission from ferroelectric materials.
  • Y Hayashi; E Hotta
    We report behaviors of microwave amplification obtained from an X-band single-stage traveling wave tube (TWT) amplifier driven by a ferroelectric electron gun. In our experiment, it was observed that the gain of the TWT disappeared when the diode voltage dropped below 300 kV, even if the beam current was still high. This behavior is considered to be associated with the characteristics of ferroelectric emission.
  • Y Hayashi; E Hotta
    BEAMS 2002 AMER INST PHYSICS 650 65 - 68 0094-243X 2002 [Refereed]
    We have studied emission characteristics of a PZT ferroelectric cathode under influence of a strong accelerating field using two kinds of PZT materials, LZT-2 and APC850, with the same cathode geometry. The perveances of the electron guns differ by more than 100%. The difference of the emitted electron is found to be related to the difference of frequency characteristics of the materials, which implies that the electron emission is possibly caused by the local domain oscillation in the close vicinity of vacuum-ferroelectric-metal triple-junction. The experimental results provide a key-point which may lead to a more complete-understanding of electron emission from ferroelectric materials.
  • Y Hayashi; A Okino; E Hotta
    We propose a method for emittance measurement of an axisymmetric high-current electron beam confined by a longitudinal magnetic field. In this method, the beam current is measured by a multi-layer Faraday cup to obtain the radial beam current profile using Abel inversion. Based on the theory of a beam in a uniform focusing channel, the transverse electron temperature is uniquely defined by the shape of the current density profile. Therefore, measuring the current density profile enables the determination of the beam emittance. Because the method does not require to use slits, the measurement has been markedly simplified. The method has been adopted to a test beam. The emittance is found to be 20.2pi mm(.)mrad, which basically agrees with that obtained by a slit-slit method.
  • Y Hayashi; A Okino; E Hotta
    We propose a method for emittance measurement of a space charge dominated axisymmetric electron beam confined by a longitudinal magnetic field. In this method, the beam current is measured by a multi-layer Faraday's cup to obtain the radial beam current profile through the Able inversion. Based on the theory of beam in a uniform focusing channel, the transverse electron temperature is uniquely defined by the shape of the current density profile. Measuring the current density profile allows a determination of the beam emittance. Because the method does not require using slits, measurement has been remarkably simplified. The method has been adopted to a testing beam. The emittance is found to be 20.2pi mm.mrad, which basically agrees with that from a slit-slit method.
    BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 1089 (1) 113 - 119 0006-3002 1991/05 [Refereed]
    A gene (rpoDA) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa whose gene product has a homologous function and structure with the principal sigma factor of Escherichia coli was cloned and sequenced. The DNA region corresponding to one of the two hybridization signals found in P. aeruginosa DNA with a synthetic oligonucleotide probe (rpoD probe) was shown to be able to complement a temperature sensitive mutation of Escherichia coli rpoD gene. The amino acid sequence deduced from the nucleotide sequence of rpoDA showed an extensive homology with that of the principal sigma factor of E. coli throughout the entire region, which indicates that the two gene products have an essentially identical domain structure. A common basic structure observed among principal sigma factors of different eubacterial strains was proposed. RpoDA protein was identified in the extract of the cell carrying a plasmid clone with the rpoDA gene insert by Western blot analysis.


Books and other publications

  • Science and Technology Against Microbial Pathogens
    岡南 政宏; 阿野 貴司 (Joint work)World Scientific 2011/09
  • Bacterial growth under strong magnetic field electricity and magnetism in biology and medicine
    Kuwar Academic/Plenum Publishers 1999
  • Bacterial growth under strong magnetic field electricity and magnetism in biology and medicine
    Kuwar Academic/Plenum Publishers 1999
  • Recombinant Microbes for Industrial and Agricultural Applications (分担)
    Marcel Dekker, Inc 1993
  • Recombinant Microbes for Industrial and Agricultural Applications (分担)
    Marcel Dekker, Inc 1993

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 植物葉を利用した新しい微生物農薬候補株の単離  [Not invited]
    大池 達矢; 岡南 政宏; 阿野 貴司
    日本農芸化学会2013年度大会  2013/03  仙台  日本農芸化学会2013年度大会
  • シロイヌナズナの側根伸長を促進するPseudomonas fluorescensの解析  [Not invited]
    津田 高佑; 玉置 友樹; 田中 亜里彩; 阿野 貴司; 岡南 政宏
    日本農芸化学会2013年度大会  2013/03  仙台  日本農芸化学会2013年度大会
    シデロフォア形成能、リン可溶化能、フィチン可溶化能を指標として、環境微生物をスクリーニングした結果、複数の微生物株が単離された。中でもA-2株は、これらについて最も強い能力を示した。さらに、A-2株は、シロイヌナズナ芽生えの側根数の増加や根毛の増加、地上部の生長促進などを引き起こし、PGPRとしての特徴を示した。A-2株は、紫外線照射下において蛍光を発すること、および、16S rRNA遺伝子の塩基配列から、Pseudomonas fluorescensであることが強く示唆された。一方、A-2株は、植物病原菌Fusarium oxysporumとRhizoctonia solaniの増殖を抑制することができた。
  • The mechanisms for plant growth promotion of Pseudomonas fluorescens A-2 on Arabidopsis thaliana  [Not invited]
    岡南 政宏; 田中 亜里彩; 玉置 友樹; 向井 一真; 津田 高佑; 硲 美貴; 阿野 貴司
    第54回日本植物生理学会年会  2013/03  岡山  第54回日本植物生理学会年会
    シロイヌナズナ芽生えの側根伸長を促進する土壌微生物A-2株を単離した。16S rRNA遺伝子の塩基配列から、このA-2株はPseudomonas fluorescensであることが示唆された。実際に、この微生物はシデロフォアを形成し、リンとフィチンの可溶化能を有しており、紫外線照射下において蛍光を発した。また、A-2株は、植物病原菌Fusarium oxysporumとRhizoctonia solaniの増殖を抑制することができた。
  • Jatropha curcasの種子採油残渣を用いた微生物農薬の開発  [Not invited]
    吉川 諒; 大池 達矢; 松川 哲也; 岡南 政宏; 梶山 慎一郎; 阿野 貴司
    日本農芸化学会2012年度大会  2012/03  日本農芸化学会2012年度大会
  • ジャトロファフォルボールエステル分解微生物の探索  [Not invited]
    大池 達矢; 松川 哲也; 岡南 政宏; 梶山 慎一郎; 阿野 貴司
    日本農芸化学会2012年度大会  2012/03  日本農芸化学会2012年度大会
  • 食品(納豆)を用いた微生物農薬の開発  [Not invited]
    澤野 沙耶佳; 村田 大地; 岡南 政宏; 阿野 貴司
    日本農芸化学会2012年度大会  2012/03  日本農芸化学会2012年度大会
  • Microbial fuel cell mediated by wine yeast.  [Not invited]
    松原 健太; 渡辺 雄介; 阪井 智彦; 岡南 政宏; 阿野 貴司
    International Union of Microbial Societies 2011  2011/09  International Union of Microbial Societies 2011
  • Isolation of phorbol ester degrading microbes for Jatropha bio-diesel production.  [Not invited]
    大池 達矢; 三倉 健; 赤井 一樹; 松川 哲也; 岡南 政宏; 梶山 慎一郎; 阿野 貴司
    International Union of Microbial Societies 2011  2011/09  International Union of Microbial Societies 2011
  • Isolation and characterization of bacteria as a candidate for biological control.  [Not invited]
    村田 大地; 岡南 政宏; 阿野 貴司
    International Union of Microbial Societies 2011  2011/09  International Union of Microbial Societies 2011
  • 地球環境問題解決へのアプローチ  [Not invited]
    阿野 貴司
    社会環境学会  2010/07  明治大学(東京)  社会環境学会
  • ジャトロファ種子1粒を用いた脂質およびフォルボールエステル類の分析  [Not invited]
    松川 哲也; 岡南 政宏; 阿野 貴司; 梶山 慎一郎
  • 微生物製剤の開発を目的とした油脂分解菌の単離  [Not invited]
    中尾 日路岐; 岡南 政宏; 阿野 貴司; 多田 宜文
    日本農芸化学会2010年度大会  2010/03  東京都目黒区  日本農芸化学会2010年度大会
  • Microbes and environment  [Not invited]
    The 2nd China-Japan-Korea joint symposium on environmental economy and technology  2007
  • Microbes and environment  [Not invited]
    The 2nd China-Japan-Korea joint symposium on environmental economy and technology  2007
  • Biosurfactant production by Bacillus subtilis using pentose carbohydrate  [Not invited]
    Abdul Wahab Khan, Mohammad; Shahedur Rahman; Umme Salma Zohora; 阿野 貴司; 岡南 政宏
    ISEET-2010 The 4th International Symposium on Environmental Economy and Technology  2006/06  Dalian (China)  ISEET-2010 The 4th International Symposium on Environmental Economy and Technology
  • Application of Secondary Emission Electron Gun on Bacterial Inactivation  [Not invited]
    3rd Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basic and Application of Plasma Technology  2003
  • Application of secondary emission electron gun on bacterial inactivation  [Not invited]
    3rd Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basic and Application of Plasma Technology (APSBAPT)  2003
  • Application of Secondary Emission Electron Gun on Bacterial Inactivation  [Not invited]
    3rd Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basic and Application of Plasma Technology  2003
  • Application of secondary emission electron gun on bacterial inactivation  [Not invited]
    3rd Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basic and Application of Plasma Technology (APSBAPT)  2003
  • Effect of high magnetic fields on GASP(Growth Advantage in Stationary Phase)  [Not invited]
  • Effect of high magnetic fields on GASP(Growth Advantage in Stationary Phase)  [Not invited]
  • GASP(Growth Advantage in Stationary Phase)への高磁場の影響  [Not invited]
    平成11年度日本生物工学会大会  1999
  • 大腸菌の定常期における生存菌数への高温培養の影響  [Not invited]
    日本農芸化学会1999年度大会  1999
  • 高磁場は大腸菌のrpoS遺伝子の発現を促進する  [Not invited]
    日本生物工学会1999年度大会  1999
  • High magnetic field enhances rpoS transcription of Escherichia coli in stationary phase.  [Not invited]
  • Effect of storng magnetic fields on the bacterial growth in SBS.  [Not invited]
  • 高磁場下で培養した大腸菌の培養液上清の特性  [Not invited]
    日本生物工学会1997年度大会  1997
  • Effect of storng magnetic fields on the bacterial growth in SBS.  [Not invited]
  • Characteristics of the supernatant of E. coli cultivated under high magnetic field.  [Not invited]
  • Effect of homogeneous and inhomogeneous high magnetic fields on bacterial growth measured under a newly developed superconducting magnet biosystem  [Not invited]
    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology  1996
  • Effect of homogeneous and inhomogeneous high magnetic fields on bacterial growth measured under a newly developed superconducting magnet biosystem  [Not invited]
    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology  1996
  • 高磁場が対数増殖期の大腸菌に及ぼす影響  [Not invited]
    日本生物工学会1995年度大会  1995
  • 高磁場が枯草菌の培養に及ぼす影響  [Not invited]
    日本生物工学会1994年度大会  1994
  • 大腸菌増殖に対する超高磁場の影響  [Not invited]
    日本生物工学会1994年度大会  1994
  • 電気パルス印加に対する Escherichia coli の応答  [Not invited]
    日本醗酵工学会1992年度大会  1992
  • Escherichia coliの増殖に対する超高磁場(均一直流高磁場)の影響の温度依存性  [Not invited]
    日本農芸化学会1992年度大会  1992
  • エレクトロポーレーションを用いた電気ストレスに対するEscherichia coliの応答の解析  [Not invited]
    日本農芸化学会1992年度大会  1992
  • 均一直流高磁場(11.7T)下における大腸菌の増殖速度へのアミノ酸添加効果  [Not invited]
    日本醗酵工学会1991年度大会  1991
  • λ溶原菌に対する均質直流高磁場の影響  [Not invited]
    日本農芸化学会1991年度大会  1991
  • 大腸菌の増殖に対する超高磁場(均一直流高磁場)の影響  [Not invited]
    日本農芸化学会1990年度大会  1990
  • Stenotrophomonas maltophiliaエステラーゼの活性解析と機能向上の試み
    前田謙太郎; 矢田凪紗; 土橋大地; 阿野貴司; 岡南政宏
    日本農芸化学会2021年度大会 2021年3月

Affiliated academic society

  • 米国微生物学会   日本農芸化学会   日本生物工学会   

Research Themes

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2014 -2016 
    Author : ANO Takashi
    Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are devices that use microorganisms as biocatalysts to directly convert chemical energy to electricity. MFCs are considered to be useful when used with organic waste treatment processes, because electricity is generated from organic wastes. In this study, MFCs were further used to produce antibiotic substances as well as electroricity, and made it possible to co-produce electricity and an antibiotic substance.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(C))
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2011 
    Author : Takashi ANO
    The main components of plant biomass are carbohydrates, a mixture of cellulose, and hemicellulose. When cellulose and hemi-cellulose are hydrolyzed, their constituent sugars, glucose(a six carbon sugar, hence "C6") and xylose(a five carbon sugar, hence,"C5"), are produced respectively. As a method of metabolizing the C5 sugars is required to utilize the biomass effectively, Bacillus subtilis was used to metabolize the C5 sugar. Production of a useful antibiotic as a model compound was employed, and the higher productivity was observed, and the usefulness of C5 sugars were shown.
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(奨励研究(A))
    Date (from‐to) : 1995 -1995 
    Author : 阿野 貴司
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(奨励研究(A))
    Date (from‐to) : 1994 -1994 
    Author : 阿野 貴司
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(奨励研究(A))
    Date (from‐to) : 1993 -1993 
    Author : 阿野 貴司
  • 高磁場の生物におよぼす影響
  • 微生物農薬の開発に関する研究
  • Study on the Effect of Super-High Magnetic Field on the Biological Systems
  • Study on the Development of a new Biological Control Agent

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