MIZUNO Shigeto

Kindai University Nara HospitalProfessor/General Manager

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher comments

List of press-related appearances


■Researcher basic information

Researcher number


Research Keyword

  • 膵疾患   胆道疾患   ヘリコバクター・ピロリ   摂量調節ペプチド   臨床疫学研究   消化器疾患   生活習慣病   

Research Field

  • Life sciences / Clinical pharmacy
  • Life sciences / Healthcare management, medical sociology
  • Life sciences / Gastroenterology



  • 2015/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Medicine教授
  • 2007/04 - 2015/03  Kobe Pharmaceutical UniversityFaculty of Pharmacy教授

Educational Background

  • 1980/04 - 1986/03  Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine  医学部

■Research activity information


  • 当院における腹部救急ホットラインの現状
    古賀 睦人; 吉原 輝一; 額原 敦; 福田 泰也; 福田 周一; 原口 直紹; 肥田 仁一; 水野 成人; 川崎 俊彦; 木村 豊
    日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 (一社)日本腹部救急医学会 44 (2) 429 - 429 1340-2242 2024/02
  • 術前診断が困難であった肝限局性過形成(FNH)の1例
    藤原 大輔; 野村 健司; 川崎 俊彦; 福西 香栄; 加藤 弘樹; 河野 辰哉; 橋本 有人; 木下 大輔; 水野 成人; 福田 泰也; 若狭 朋子; 工藤 正俊
    日本消化器病学会近畿支部例会プログラム・抄録集 日本消化器病学会-近畿支部 119回 84 - 84 2023/09
  • 水野 成人; 橋本 和彦; 福田 泰也; 若狹 朋子
    膵臓 (一社)日本膵臓学会 38 (3) A489 - A489 0913-0071 2023/07
  • 非典型的な画像所見を呈したIPMCの1例
    水野 成人; 橋本 和彦; 福田 泰也; 若狹 朋子
    膵臓 (一社)日本膵臓学会 38 (3) A489 - A489 0913-0071 2023/07
  • 超音波内視鏡下穿刺吸引法(EUS-FNA)で成人T細胞性白血病/リンパ腫と診断を疑った膵腫瘍の一例
    西村 友里; 橋本 有人; 森下 剛至; 山本 智輝; 上中 大地; 河野 辰也; 木下 大輔; 水野 成人; 川崎 俊彦; 若狭 朋子; 花本 仁; 工藤 正俊
    日本消化器病学会近畿支部例会プログラム・抄録集 日本消化器病学会-近畿支部 118回 70 - 70 2023/01
  • 診断に難渋した肝限局性脂肪沈着の一例
    森下 剛至; 川崎 俊彦; 山本 智輝; 上中 大地; 河野 辰哉; 橋本 有人; 木下 大輔; 水野 成人; 石川 原; 若狭 朋子; 工藤 正俊
    日本消化器病学会近畿支部例会プログラム・抄録集 日本消化器病学会-近畿支部 117回 93 - 93 2022/10
  • 膵頭十二指腸切除術後に針状の肝内結石形成を反復する1例
    水野 成人; 田中 秀和; 富原 英生; 橋本 和彦; 辻江 正徳
    胆道 (一社)日本胆道学会 36 (2) 166 - 171 0914-0077 2022/05
  • 肝細胞癌略治後に出現したため、肝細胞癌との鑑別診断が困難であった限局性結節性過形成の1例
    松原 卓哉; 河野 辰哉; 今村 瑞貴; 大丸 直哉; 田中 秀和; 半田 康平; 橋本 有人; 木下 大輔; 川崎 俊彦; 水野 成人; 若狭 朋子; 工藤 正俊
    日本消化器病学会近畿支部例会プログラム・抄録集 日本消化器病学会-近畿支部 116回 99 - 99 2022/02
  • EUS-FNAにより診断が可能であった、後腹膜DLBCLの1例
    大丸 直哉; 松原 卓哉; 今村 瑞貴; 田中 秀和; 半田 康平; 河野 辰哉; 木下 大輔; 川崎 俊彦; 水野 成人; 若狭 朋子; 大谷 知之; 山田 薫; 花本 仁; 工藤 正俊
    日本消化器病学会近畿支部例会プログラム・抄録集 日本消化器病学会-近畿支部 116回 113 - 113 2022/02
  • Noriko Tagawa; Aya Fujinami; Shigeatsu Natsume; Shigeto Mizuno; Ikuo Kato
    PloS one 17 (1) e0262542  2022 
    AIM: Serum adiponectin levels are decreased in patients with cerebral infarction. Adiponectin in circulation exists in three isoforms: high molecular weight (HMW), medium molecular weight (MMW), and low molecular weight (LMW) adiponectin. We measured serum levels of total adiponectin and adiponectin multimers (HMW, MMW, and LMW) in patients with cerebral infarction and compared the serum levels of the three adiponectin multimers in stroke subtypes. We also evaluated the clinical value of adiponectin multimer levels as a biomarker for cerebral infarction. METHODS: We assessed a total of 132 patients with cerebral infarctions. The serum levels of total and adiponectin multimers were measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). RESULTS: The total and HMW adiponectin levels were significantly lower in atherothrombotic infarction (AI) than in cerebral embolism (CE) (total, p < 0.05; HMW, p < 0.05). In male patients, the MMW adiponectin level was significantly lower in the lacunar infarction (LI) group than in the AI group (p < 0.05). The LMW adiponectin level was significantly lower in the AI group than in the LI and CE groups (LI, p < 0.001; CE, p = 0.001). However, there were no significant differences in adiponectin multimer levels among the stroke subtypes in female subjects. Additionally, in female patients with AI and LI, the LMW adiponectin levels were negatively associated with C-reactive protein (CRP; AI, p < 0.05; LI, p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that a decrease in adiponectin is associated with AI and that serum LMW adiponectin level represents a potential biomarker for AI.
  • Nagato Kuriyama; Teruhide Koyama; Etsuko Ozaki; Satoshi Saito; Masafumi Ihara; Daisuke Matsui; Isao Watanabe; Masaki Kondo; Yoshinori Marunaka; Akihiro Takada; Kentaro Akazawa; Satomi Tomida; Reo Nagamitsu; Fumitaro Miyatani; Masahiro Miyake; Eri Nakano; Daiki Kobayashi; Yoshiyuki Watanabe; Shigeto Mizuno; Mizuho Maekawa; Tamami Yoshida; Yukiko Nukaya; Toshiki Mizuno; Kei Yamada; Ritei Uehara
    Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD 88 (2) 731 - 741 2022 
    BACKGROUND: Mid-regional pro-adrenomedullin (MR-proADM) is a novel biomarker for cognitive decline based on its association with cerebral small vessel disease (SVD). Cerebral microbleeds (MBs) are characteristic of SVD; however, a direct association between MR-proADM and MBs has not been explored. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to examine whether circulating levels of MR-proADM are associated with the identification of MBs by brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and whether this association could be linked with cognitive impairment. METHODS: In total, 214 participants (mean age: 75.9 years) without history of cerebral infarction or dementia were prospectively enrolled. All participants underwent brain MRI, higher cognitive function testing, blood biochemistry evaluation, lifestyle examination, and blood MR-proADM measurement using a time-resolved amplified cryptate emission technology assay. For between-group comparisons, the participants were divided into two groups according to whether their levels of MR-proADM were normal (< 0.65 nmol/L) or high (≥0.65 nmol/L). RESULTS: The mean MR-proADM level was 0.515±0.127 nmol/L. There were significant between-group differences in age, hypertension, and HbA1c levels (p < 0.05). In the high MR-proADM group, the MR-proADM level was associated with the identification of MBs on brain MR images and indications of mild cognitive impairment (MCI). In participants with ≥3 MBs and MCI, high MR-proADM levels remained a risk factor after multivariate adjustment (OR: 2.94; p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: High levels of MR-proADM may be a surrogate marker for the early detection of cognitive decline associated with the formation of cerebral MBs. This marker would be valuable during routine clinical examinations of geriatric patients.
  • 小腸ポリープからの出血によると思われる黒色便の1例
    大丸 直哉; 松原 卓哉; 今村 瑞貴; 河野 辰哉; 半田 康平; 田中 秀和; 木下 大輔; 川崎 俊彦; 水野 成人; 若狭 朋子; 大谷 知之; 工藤 正俊
    日本消化器内視鏡学会近畿支部例会プログラム・抄録集 日本消化器内視鏡学会-近畿支部 107回 108 - 108 2021/12
  • 橋本 和彦; 富原 英生; 水野 成人; 木谷 光太郎; 天野 智佳子; 田村 さやか; 寺口 皓; 吉川 知宏; 澤口 博千代; 嶋田 高広; 太田 善夫
    胆道 (一社)日本胆道学会 35 (3) 454 - 454 0914-0077 2021/08
  • 田中 秀和; 水野 成人; 橋本 和彦; 大谷 知之; 若狹 朋子; 福永 朋洋; 工藤 正俊
    胆道 (一社)日本胆道学会 35 (3) 425 - 425 0914-0077 2021/08
  • X線透視下胆管擦過細胞診・胆管生検の診断能についての検討
    田中 秀和; 水野 成人; 橋本 和彦; 大谷 知之; 若狹 朋子; 福永 朋洋; 工藤 正俊
    胆道 日本胆道学会 35 (3) 425 - 425 0914-0077 2021/08
  • 当院における胆嚢摘出術のSSIサーベイランスと起因菌の検討
    橋本 和彦; 富原 英生; 水野 成人; 木谷 光太郎; 天野 智佳子; 田村 さやか; 寺口 皓; 吉川 知宏; 澤口 博千代; 嶋田 高広; 太田 善夫
    胆道 日本胆道学会 35 (3) 454 - 454 0914-0077 2021/08
  • EUS-FNAにて診断可能であった、肝限局性結節性過形成の1例
    今村 瑞貴; 福永 朋洋; 野村 健司; 河野 辰也; 半田 康平; 木下 大輔; 川崎 俊彦; 水野 成人; 若狭 朋子; 太田 善夫; 工藤 正俊
    日本消化器内視鏡学会近畿支部例会プログラム・抄録集 日本消化器内視鏡学会-近畿支部 106回 103 - 103 2021/07
  • Koichi Hata; Teruhide Koyama; Etsuko Ozaki; Nagato Kuriyama; Shigeto Mizuno; Daisuke Matsui; Isao Watanabe; Ritei Uehara; Yoshiyuki Watanabe
    Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland) 9 (2) 2021/02 
    The relationship between Helicobacter pylori infection and/or gastric disorders and chronic kidney disease (CKD) has not been elucidated. We investigated the relationship between Helicobacter pylori and/or atrophic gastritis (AG) and chronic kidney disease. In total, 3560 participants (1127 men and 2433 women) were eligible for this cross-sectional study. We divided participants into four study groups: with/without Helicobacter pylori infection and with/without AG. The HP (+) AG (-) group demonstrated a significant association with CKD compared with the HP (-) AG (-) group (adjusted odds ratio, 1.443; 95% confidence interval, 1.047-1.989). In contrast, the HP (+) AG (+) group showed significantly lower adjusted odds of CKD than the HP (-) AG (-) group (adjusted odds ratio, 0.608; 95% confidence interval, 0.402-0.920). H. pylori infection without AG might be associated with CKD in these participants. Conversely, the HP (+) AG (+) group had lower odds of CKD. Uncovering an association between gastric and renal conditions could lead to development of new treatment strategies.
  • 内視鏡治療により診断に至った大腸平滑筋肉腫の一例
    櫻根 寛之; 木下 大輔; 友岡 瑞貴; 野村 健司; 福永 朋洋; 河野 辰哉; 半田 康平; 川崎 俊彦; 水野 成人; 太田 善夫; 若狭 朋子; 工藤 正俊
    日本消化器病学会近畿支部例会プログラム・抄録集 日本消化器病学会-近畿支部 114回 56 - 56 2021/02
  • Nagato Kuriyama; Etsuko Ozaki; Teruhide Koyama; Daisuke Matsui; Isao Watanabe; Satomi Tomida; Reo Nagamitsu; Kanae Hashiguchi; Masaaki Inaba; Shinsuke Yamada; Motoyuki Horii; Shigeto Mizuno; Yutaro Yoneda; Masao Kurokawa; Daiki Kobayashi; Shinpei Fukuda; Koichi Iwasa; Yoshiyuki Watanabe; Ritei Uehara
    Journal of bone and mineral metabolism 39 (3) 404 - 415 2020/10 
    INTRODUCTION: Bone mass was recently reported to be related to skeletal muscle mass in humans, and a decrease in cortical bone is a risk factor for osteoporosis. Because circulating myostatin is a factor that primarily controls muscle metabolism, this study examined the role of myostatin in bone mass-skeletal muscle mass interactions. METHODS: The subjects were 375 middle-aged community residents with no history of osteoporosis or sarcopenia who participated in a health check-up. Cortical bone thickness and cancellous bone density were measured by ultrasonic bone densitometry in a health check-up survey. The subjects were divided into those with low cortical bone thickness (LCT) or low cancellous bone density (LBD) and those with normal values (NCT/NBD). Bone metabolism markers (TRACP-5b, etc.), skeletal muscle mass, serum myostatin levels, and lifestyle were then compared between the groups. RESULTS: The percentage of diabetic participants, TRACP-5b, and myostatin levels were significantly higher, and the frequency of physical activity, skeletal muscle mass, grip strength, and leg strength were significantly lower in the LCT group than in the NCT group. The odds ratio (OR) of high myostatin levels in the LCT group compared with the NCT group was significant (OR 2.17) even after adjusting for related factors. Between the low cancellous bone density (LBD) and normal cancellous bone density (NBD) groups, significant differences were observed in the same items as between the LCT and NCT groups, but no significant differences were observed in skeletal muscle mass and blood myostatin levels. The myostatin level was significantly negatively correlated with cortical bone thickness and skeletal muscle mass. CONCLUSIONS: A decrease in cortical bone thickness was associated with a decrease in skeletal muscle mass accompanied by an increase in the blood myostatin level. Blood myostatin may regulate the bone-skeletal muscle relationship and serve as a surrogate marker of bone metabolism, potentially linking muscle mass to bone structure.
  • 膵神経内分泌腫瘍治癒切除後の肝転移再発を認め切除された一例
    杉崎 俊亮; 川崎 俊彦; 福永 朋洋; 野村 健司; 米澤 真衣; 半田 康平; 河野 辰也; 橋本 有人; 木下 大輔; 水野 成人; 若狭 朋子; 太田 善夫; 辻本 智之; 橋本 和彦; 石川 原; 工藤 正俊
    日本消化器病学会近畿支部例会プログラム・抄録集 日本消化器病学会-近畿支部 113回 83 - 83 2020/10
  • 橋本 和彦; 水野 成人; 若狭 朋子; 辻本 智之; 額原 敦; 富原 英生; 福田 周一; 太田 勝也; 木谷 光太郎; 石川 原; 肥田 仁一; 太田 善夫; 湯川 真生
    胆道 日本胆道学会 34 (3) 568 - 568 0914-0077 2020/08
  • 福永 朋洋; 水野 成人; 松村 まり子; 高田 竜太郎; 秦 康倫; 木下 大輔; 奥田 英之; 川崎 俊彦; 野村 健司; 米澤 真衣; 河野 辰哉; 半田 康平; 石川 原; 橋本 和彦; 工藤 正俊
    胆道 日本胆道学会 34 (3) 601 - 601 0914-0077 2020/08
  • 胆嚢管癌切除症例の臨床病理学的検討
    橋本 和彦; 水野 成人; 若狭 朋子; 辻本 智之; 額原 敦; 富原 英生; 福田 周一; 太田 勝也; 木谷 光太郎; 石川 原; 肥田 仁一; 太田 善夫; 湯川 真生
    胆道 日本胆道学会 34 (3) 568 - 568 0914-0077 2020/08
  • EPLBD後にfood impactionによる胆管炎を繰り返した一例
    福永 朋洋; 水野 成人; 松村 まり子; 高田 竜太郎; 秦 康倫; 木下 大輔; 奥田 英之; 川崎 俊彦; 野村 健司; 米澤 真衣; 河野 辰哉; 半田 康平; 石川 原; 橋本 和彦; 工藤 正俊
    胆道 日本胆道学会 34 (3) 601 - 601 0914-0077 2020/08
  • 超音波内視鏡下穿刺吸引生検で診断した膵漿液性嚢胞腺腫の1例
    小池 智; 水野 成人; 川崎 俊彦; 秦 康倫; 橋本 有人; 木下 大輔; 高田 隆太郎; 福永 朋洋; 若狭 朋子; 太田 善夫; 工藤 正俊
    日本消化器内視鏡学会近畿支部例会プログラム・抄録集 日本消化器内視鏡学会-近畿支部 104回 64 - 64 2020/06
  • 術前診断が困難であった肝多血性腫瘍の1例
    大丸 直哉; 川崎 俊彦; 高田 隆太郎; 福永 朋洋; 橋本 有人; 秦 康倫; 木下 大輔; 水野 成人; 橋本 和彦; 石川 原; 若狭 朋子; 太田 善夫; 工藤 正俊
    日本消化器病学会近畿支部例会プログラム・抄録集 日本消化器病学会-近畿支部 112回 93 - 93 2020/02
  • Masanori Tsujie; Soichi Fumita; Tomoko Wakasa; Shigeto Mizuno; Hajime Ishikawa; Kotaro Kitani; Shumpei Satoi; Kaoru Okada; Keisuke Inoue; Shuichi Fukuda; Hironobu Manabe; Noriko Ichimura; Shinya Ueda; Takao Tamura; Toshihiko Kawasaki; Masao Yukawa; Yoshio Ohta; Masatoshi Inoue
    International journal of surgery case reports 72 471 - 476 2020 
    INTRODUCTION: We report a case of conversion surgery for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) with synchronous distant metastases showing pathological complete response (pCR) after FOLFIRINOX therapy. PRESENTATION OF CASE: A 46-year-old woman with obstructive jaundice was referred to our hospital. A CT scan revealed a hypo-vascular mass in the head of the pancreas with multiple para-aortic lymph nodes and a Virchow's node swollen. The serum CA 19-9 level was 71795.1 U/mL. The result of tumor biopsy from the biliary stenotic site was concordant with adenocarcinoma. She was diagnosed with PDAC with distant metastases. After 10 courses of FOLFIRINOX followed by 4 courses of FOLFIRI, a CT scan showed that distant lymph node swellings disappeared, and CA19-9 level became almost normal. She underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy with dissection of para-aortic lymph nodes 8 months after the initiation of chemotherapy. Pathologically, no evidence of residual adenocarcinoma was observed in neither pancreas nor lymph nodes. Adjuvant chemotherapy using S-1 was administered for 6 months, and no recurrence has been observed 4 years after surgery. BRCA1/2 mutations were not detected in patient's DNA. DISCUSSION: With the induction of intensive chemotherapies such as FOLFIRINOX, an increasing number of patients with synchronous distant metastases could become suitable candidates for surgery of the primary lesion because of the potential complete response of metastatic lesions. CONCLUSION: This case presented a rare occurrence of pCR in a patient with unresectable PDAC with distant metastases who received FOLFIRINOX. The feasibility and benefits of conversion surgery in such patients must be investigated in future trials.
  • 福永 朋洋; 水野 成人; 松村 まり子; 高田 隆太郎; 河野 匡志; 秦 康倫; 木下 大輔; 奥田 英之; 川崎 俊彦; 工藤 正俊
    胆道 日本胆道学会 33 (3) 636 - 636 0914-0077 2019/10
  • 肝細胞腺腫の1例
    山根 雅智; 秦 康倫; 松村 まり子; 福永 朋洋; 高田 隆太郎; 河野 匡志; 木下 大輔; 奥田 英之; 川崎 俊彦; 水野 成人; 日向 聖; 石川 原; 井上 雅智; 若狭 朋子; 太田 善夫; 工藤 正俊
    日本消化器病学会近畿支部例会プログラム・抄録集 日本消化器病学会-近畿支部 111回 76 - 76 2019/10
  • Kawauchi S; Horibe S; Sasaki N; Tanahashi T; Mizuno S; Hamaguchi T; Rikitake Y
    Marine drugs 17 (2) 2019/02 [Refereed]
    Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) progresses from nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD); however, efficacious drugs for NASH treatment are lacking. Sodium alginate (SA), a soluble dietary fiber extracted from brown algae, could protect the small intestine from enterobacterial invasion. NASH pathogenesis has been suggested to be associated with enterobacterial invasion, so we examined the effect of SA on methionine- and choline-deficient (MCD) diet-induced steatohepatitis in mice (the most widely-used model of NASH). The mice (n = 31) were divided into three groups (mice fed with regular chow, MCD diet, and MCD diet premixed with 5% SA) for 4 and 8 weeks. The MCD diet increased lipid accumulation and inflammation in the liver, the NAFLD Activity Score and hepatic mRNA expression of tumor necrosis factor- and collagen 11, and induced macrophage infiltration. Villus shortening, disruption of zonula occludens-1 localization and depletion of mucus production were observed in the small intestine of the MCD-group mice. SA administration improved lipid accumulation and inflammation in the liver, and impaired barrier function in the small intestine. Collectively, these results suggest that SA is useful for NASH treatment because it can prevent hepatic inflammation and fatty degeneration by maintaining intestinal barrier function.
  • Tsujie M; Wakasa T; Mizuno S; Ishikawa H; Manabe H; Koyama T; Kitani K; Satoi S; Inoue K; Fukuda S; Kawasaki T; Yukawa M; Ohta Y; Inoue M
    International journal of surgery case reports 55 136 - 139 2019 [Refereed]
    INTRODUCTION: Solid pseudopapillary neoplasm (SPN) of the pancreas is a rare neoplasm, affecting primarily young females. Because SPNs are of low-malignancy, they rarely obstruct the main pancreatic duct (MPD) and cause atrophy of the distal pancreas even if their tumor sizes are large. PRESENTATION OF CASE: A 35-year-old female was referred to our hospital due to pancreatic tumor. Imaging findings showed the presence of well-defined round tumor in the body of the pancreas with 25-mm in diameter. The pancreas parenchyma distal to the tumor was markedly atrophic, and MPD dilatation was not observed. The lesion was diagnosed as SPN by endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA), and central pancreatectomy was performed. Intraoperative frozen section of the distal atrophic pancreas showed no evidence of acinar cells, indicating exocrine dysfunction. Therefore, we closed distal pancreas stump instead of reconstruction. In the distal atrophic parenchyma, scattered foci of islets of Langerhans and the vestige of dilated MPD were observed. She has shown neither endocrine nor exocrine insufficiency after surgery. DISCUSSION: SPNs are usually found without atrophic change of distal pancreas. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of SPN in which exocrine dysfunction of atrophic pancreas was demonstrated pathologically and central pancreatectomy without anastomosis of distal pancreas was chosen for the surgical treatment. CONCLUSION: We reported a very rare case of SPN with marked distal parenchymal atrophy. We successfully performed central pancreatectomy without reconstruction.
  • Horibe S; Kawauchi S; Tanahashi T; Sasaki N; Mizuno S; Rikitake Y
    Biochemical and biophysical research communications 507 (1-4) 426 - 432 0006-291X 2018/12 [Refereed]
    Cisplatin (CDDP) is widely used as an anti-cancer platinum agent but its therapeutic efficacy is limited by acquired drug resistance. To develop a new therapeutic strategy that could overcome this resistance, it is important to characterize CDDP-resistant cancer cells. Here we established human lung cancer A549 cell-derived low- and high-grade CDDP-resistant sublines, termed ACR4 and ACR20 cells, by stepwise increasing CDDP concentrations up to 4 and 20 μM, respectively. ACR4 and ACR20 cells showed 6- and 16-fold higher resistance to CDDP than A549 cells, respectively. Cell migration, invasion, and sphere formation were significantly decreased, whereas expression of the stem cell marker CD44v was increased in order of A549, ACR4, and ACR20 cells. The expression of the cystine-glutamate transporter xCT, which is encoded by SLC7A11, was upregulated because of the increased cell surface expression of CD44v in ACR20 cells. Treatment with the xCT inhibitor salazosulfapyridine and knockdown of SLC7A11 mRNA by a specific siRNA significantly improved sensitivity to CDDP in A549, ACR4, and ACR20 cells. Thus, our results suggest that CD44v overexpression is not involved in cancer stem cell properties but increases xCT expression, which leads to the acquisition of CDDP-resistance. This mechanism may contribute to the development of a new therapeutic strategy that can overcome resistance.
  • 水野 成人; 辻江 正徳; 若狭 朋子; 太田 善夫
    胆道 日本胆道学会 32 (4) 763 - 767 0914-0077 2018/10 
  • Nagato Kuriyama; Etsuko Ozaki; Toshiki Mizuno; Masafumi Ihara; Shigeto Mizuno; Teruhide Koyama; Daisuke Matsui; Isao Watanabe; Kentaro Akazawa; Kazuo Takeda; Akihiro Takada; Masaaki Inaba; Shinsuke Yamada; Koka Motoyama; Wakiko Takeshita; Komei Iwai; Kanae Hashiguchi; Daiki Kobayashi; Masaki Kondo; Aiko Tamura; Kei Yamada; Masanori Nakagawa; Yoshiyuki Watanabe
    JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE IOS PRESS 61 (1) 145 - 155 1387-2877 2018 [Refereed]
    Background: The anti-aging protein, alpha-Klotho, may be involved in cognitive decline and has potential as a surrogate marker that reflects dementia. However, the role of alpha-Klotho in the brain has not been sufficiently investigated. Objective: Here, we investigated the association between alpha-Klotho and cognitive decline that is associated with cerebral deep white matter lesions (DWMLs). Methods: Two hundred-eighty participants (187 males and 93 females, mean age: 70.8 years old) were evaluated forDWMLs, and the Fazekas scale (Grade) was assessed following brain magnetic resonance imaging. Aquestionnaire concerning lifestyle and neuropsychological tests was administered, and their associations with the blood alpha-Klotho level were retrospectively investigated. Results: The alpha-Klotho level was 685.1 pg/mL in Grade 0 (68 subjects), 634.1 in G1 (134), 596.0 in G2 (62), and 571.6 in G3 (16), showing that the level significantly decreased with advanced grades. Significant correlations were noted between the alpha-Klotho level and higher brain function tests including the Mini-Mental State Examination and word fluency tests (p < 0.05). When a 90th percentile value of the level in the G0 group (400 pg/mL) or lower was defined as a low alpha-Klotho level, the odds ratio of the high-grade G3 group was 2.9 (95% confidence interval: 1.4-7.8) (after correction for age, sex, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease), which was significant. Conclusion: A reduced blood alpha-Klotho level was correlated with grading of cerebral DWMLs and was accompanied by cognitive decline as an independent risk factor. The alpha-Klotho level may serve as a useful clinical index of vascular cognitive impairment.
  • 十二指腸下行脚下部の早期癌に対して腹腔鏡・内視鏡合同手術を施行した1例
    福田 周一; 藤原 由規; 木谷 光太郎; 水野 成人; 高山 政樹; 奥田 英之; 濱田 隆介; 小原 秀太; 井上 啓介; 石川 原; 辻江 正徳; 湯川 真生; 川崎 俊彦; 井上 雅智
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (一社)日本消化器外科学会 50 (Suppl.2) 317 - 317 0386-9768 2017/10
  • 一般健常人女性における骨密度・骨代謝マーカーの5年後変化の検討
    尾崎 悦子; 栗山 長門; 松井 大輔; 小山 晃英; 渡邉 功; 水野 成人; 山田 真介; 今西 康雄; 稲葉 雅章; 渡邊 能行
    日本骨粗鬆症学会雑誌 (一社)日本骨粗鬆症学会 3 (Suppl.1) 261 - 261 2189-8383 2017/09
  • Self-expanding metallic stent improves histopathological edema compared with transanal drainage tube for malignant colorectal obstruction
    Hiroshi Takeyama; Kotaro Kitani; Tomoko Wakasa; Masanori Tsujie; Yoshinori Fujiwara; Shigeto Mizuno; Masao Yukawa; Yoshio Ohta; Masatoshi Inoue
    Gastroenterological Endoscopy Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society 59 (6) 1444 - 1453 0387-1207 2017/06 
    Background and Aim : To compare the usefulness of the self-expanding metallic stent (SEMS) with that of the transanal drainage tube (TDT) and emergency surgery after failure of decompression (ESFD) in patients with malignant colonic obstruction (MCO), and to evaluate post-decompression histopathological changes. Methods : From January 2010 to June 2015, 39 patients with MCO received SEMS, TDT, and ESFD. We evaluated the outcomes including success rates of placement, clinical outcomes after decompression, and histopathological findings of the resected specimens. Results : Technical success rates were 100% for SEMS and 78.9% for TDT. Clinical success rates were 100% for SEMS and 80.0% for TDT. Postoperative ileus was significantly less frequent after SEMS than after TDT (P = 0.014). Histopathological edema grade was significantly lower for SEMS than for TDT and ESFD (P < 0.0001). There was no significant difference between edema grade and duration of decompression in the TDT group (P = 0.629), whereas all patients with SEMS were classified in a low edema grade (grade 0-2). Rate of stoma creation was significantly higher in patients with a high edema grade (grade 3) than in those with a low edema grade (grade 0-2) (P = 0.003). There was no microscopic perforation in any group. Conclusion : Significantly greater resolution of histopathological edema was achieved after placement of SEMS than after placement of TDT. These findings provide an indication of favorable clinical outcomes of SEMS in comparison with TDT and ESFD.
  • Nagato Kuriyama; Masaaki Inaba; Etsuko Ozaki; Yutaro Yoneda; Daisuke Matsui; Kanae Hashiguchi; Teruhide Koyama; Komei Iwai; Isao Watanabe; Rika Tanaka; Chie Omichi; Shigeto Mizuno; Masao Kurokawa; Motoyuki Horii; Fumitoshi Niwa; Koichi Iwasa; Shinsuke Yamada; Yoshiyuki Watanabe
    Background: Sleep has been reported to be an important factor in bone metabolism, and sympathetic nervous system activity has been reported to regulate bone metabolism. In this study, we evaluated the association between sleep, sympathetic nervous system activity, and bone mass. Methods: The study subjects were 221 individuals (108 males; 113 females; mean age: 55.1 +/- 7.0 years) divided into two groups: those who slept for less than 6 h a day (short sleep [SS] group), and those who slept 6 h or longer (normal sleep [NS] group). The groups were compared with regard to lifestyle, cortical bone thickness, cancellous bone density, bone metabolism markers, blood leptin levels, and sympathetic nervous system activity as evaluated by heart rate variability analysis. Results: Significant differences were observed between the two groups in cortical bone thickness, blood TRACP-5b, and leptin levels. The L/H ratio (an index of sympathetic nervous system activity) was higher in the SS group than in the NS group. Significant negative correlations were observed between cortical bone thickness and both the L/H ratio and leptin levels, and a significant positive correlation was observed between the L/H ratio and leptin levels. Conclusions: Short sleep was associated with a decline in cortical bone thickness due to the promotion of bone resorption and sympathetic nervous system hyperactivity in the middle-aged group. Leptin levels and cortical bone thickness were found to be closely related, suggesting that cortical bone mass may be regulated via interaction with the leptin-sympathetic nervous system. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • A case of acute colitis mimicking ulcerative colitis during nivolumab infusion therapy for advanced melanoma
    Masaki Takayama; Yushiro Ohara; Kan-Yun Hata; Daisuke Kinoshita; Hideyuki Okuda; Toshihiko Kawasaki; Shigeto Mizuno; Tomoko Wakasa; Yoshio Ota; Masatoshi Kudo
    Gastroenterological Endoscopy Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society 59 (4) 450 - 455 0387-1207 2017/04 
    An 89-year-old man with advanced melanoma was admitted to our hospital to receive additional nivolumab infusion therapy. Stomach ache, diarrhea, and bloody stools developed after nivolumab infusion. Colonoscopy showed colitis mimicking ulcerative colitis. Therefore, we diagnosed him as having an immune-related adverse event induced by nivolumab. After steroid therapy, his clinical manifestations and endoscopic findings markedly improved.
  • Nagato Kuriyama; Masafumi Ihara; Toshiki Mizuno; Etsuko Ozaki; Daisuke Matsui; Isao Watanabe; Teruhide Koyama; Masaki Kondo; Takahiko Tokuda; Aiko Tamura; Kei Yamada; Kentaro Akazawa; Kazuo Takeda; Akihiro Takada; Shigeto Mizuno; Masanori Nakagawa; Yoshiyuki Watanabe
    JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE IOS PRESS 56 (4) 1253 - 1262 1387-2877 2017 [Refereed]
    Background: Adrenomedullin (ADM) is a vasoreactive physiological peptide with anti-inflammatory effects and vasodilative and immunomodulatory actions that is widely distributed throughout the vascular system of the brain. Objective: To investigate mid-regional proADM (MR-proADM), a stable fragment of the ADM precursor, and cerebral deep white matter lesions (DWMLs) in association with cognitive decline. Methods: The study participants were 288 patients (194 men, 94 women) who gave consent to participate in a 5-year longitudinal survey on arteriosclerosis from 2008 to 2013. The Fazekas classification system (Grade [G] 0 [normal] to G3 [severe]) was used for the evaluation of DWMLs on brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In addition, all participants were asked to undergo cognitive function tests regardingword/letter fluency, the results of which were assessed for correlations with MR-proADM levels. Results: MR-proADM levels significantly increased with DWML grade progression. The odds ratio for high MR-proADM levels was 3.08 (95% confidence interval: 1.49-5.17) in the groups graded G3 on brain MRI, suggesting that a high level of MR-proADM is an independent risk factor for DWMLs. A significant inverse correlation was observed between MRproADM levels and cognitive test scores. MR-proADM levels were significantly increased in the G3 group in 2013 compared with 2008. Conclusion: MR-proADM levels were significantly different between the DWML groups and inversely correlated with cognitive function test scores, suggesting that high MR-proADM levels and DWMLs are associated with cognitive decline. Therefore, the MR-proADM level may be an effective candidate as a potential diagnostic surrogate marker of cognitive decline.
  • Daisuke Matsui; Isao Watanabe; Teruhide Koyama; Etsuko Ozaki; Nagato Kuriyama; Shigeto Mizuno; Yoshiyuki Watanabe
    JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD 35 (18) 1788 - 1793 0264-0414 2017 [Refereed]
    Osteopenia is a condition in which bone mineral density (BMD) is lower than normal. Exercise increases BMD in both the young and adults. This study aimed to compare the radial apparent BMD (aBMD) in Japanese females who are Kendo practitioners (KPs) and those with no regular exercise habits (no-REH). The analysis participants consisted of 45KPs (mean age: 49.4years old) and 110 no-REH (mean age: 48.8years old). Radial aBMD was measured using an ultrasonic bone densitometry system. Radial aBMD in KPs was 196.1 +/- 33.9mg/cm(3), and was 182.9 +/- 45.3mg/cm(3) in no-REH participants. KPs had significantly higher BMD than no-REH participants. In KPs, left radial aBMD was 196.1 +/- 33.9mg/cm(3), and right radial aBMD was 184.5 +/- 37.7mg/cm(3). The left radius was also significantly higher than the right radius with respect to aBMD in KPs. After adjusting for age, body mass index, menstrual status, parous women and frequency of milk and dairy intake, the odds ratio (OR) of osteopenia associated with no-REH was 6.58 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.72-25.1) and the prevalence ratio (PR) of osteopenia associated with no-REH was 4.12 (95% CI: 1.23-13.7). Therefore, the Kendo practice may have a protective efficacy for osteopenia in women.
  • Shoji Kawauchi; Tsutomu Nakamura; Sayo Horibe; Toshihito Tanahashi; Shigeto Mizuno; Tsuneo Hamaguchi; Yoshiyuki Rikitake
    BIOPHARMACEUTICS & DRUG DISPOSITION WILEY-BLACKWELL 37 (9) 522 - 532 0142-2782 2016/12 [Refereed]
    The liver and the small intestine are closely related in the processes of drug absorption, metabolism and excretion via the enterohepatic circulation. Small intestinal ulcers are a serious adverse effect commonly occurring in patients taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. However, the influence of small intestinal ulcers on drug metabolism has not been established. This study examined the expressional changes of cytochrome P450 (CYP) in the liver using an indomethacin-induced small intestinal ulcer rat model and in cultured cells. After the administration of indomethacin to rats, ulcers were observed in the small intestine and expression of CYP3A1, the major isoform of hepatic CYP, was significantly down-regulated in the liver, accompanied by increased expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase, tumor necrosis factor , interleukin (IL)-1 and IL-6, in the small intestine and the liver. The indomethacin-induced small intestinal ulceration, the increase in inflammatory mediators in the small intestine and the liver, and the down-regulation of CYP3A1 expression in the liver were inhibited by co-administration of ampicillin, an antibacterial agent. In the human hepatic HepG2 cell line, IL-1, IL-6 and NOC-18, an NO donor, caused down-regulation of CYP3A4, the major isoform of human CYP3A. Thus, this study suggests that after indomethacin treatment small intestinal ulcers cause the down-regulation of CYP3A1 in the rat liver through an increase in ulcer-derived inflammatory mediators. Copyright (c) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Teruhide Koyama; Nagato Kuriyama; Etsuko Ozaki; Daisuke Matsui; Isao Watanabe; Fumitaro Miyatani; Masaki Kondo; Aiko Tamura; Takashi Kasai; Yoichi Ohshima; Tomokatsu Yoshida; Takahiko Tokuda; Ikuko Mizuta; Shigeto Mizuno; Kei Yamada; Kazuo Takeda; Sanae Matsumoto; Masanori Nakagawa; Toshiki Mizuno; Yoshiyuki Watanabe
    BMC NEUROLOGY BIOMED CENTRAL LTD 16 (1) 253  1471-2377 2016/12 [Refereed]
    Background: Recent research suggests that several pathogenetic factors, including aging, genetics, inflammation, dyslipidemia, diabetes, and infectious diseases, influence cognitive decline (CD) risk. However, no definitive candidate causes have been identified. The present study evaluated whether certain serum parameters predict CD. Methods: A total of 151 participants were assessed for CD using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), and 34 participants were identified as showing CD. Results: Among CD predictive risk factors, Helicobacter pylori seropositivity was significantly predictive of CD risk, more so than classical risk factors, including white matter lesions and arterial stiffness [adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 4.786, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.710-13.39]. A multivariate analysis indicated that the albumin to globulin (A/G) ratio was the only factor that significantly lowered CD risk (OR = 0.092, 95% CI = 0.010-0.887). A/G ratio also was positively correlated with MMSE scores and negatively correlated with disruption of homeostatic factors (i.e., non-high-density lipoprotein, hemoglobin A1c, and high-sensitive C-reactive protein). Conclusions: The current study results suggest that the A/G ratio is related to cognitive decline and may reflect homeostatic alterations.
  • 成人における過敏性腸症候群の頻度、生活の質、背景因子についての観察的研究
    奥山 祐右; 渡邊 能行; 尾崎 悦子; 松井 大輔; 水野 成人
    日本消化器病学会雑誌 (一財)日本消化器病学会 113 (臨増大会) A761 - A761 0446-6586 2016/09
  • 一般壮年者における皮質骨厚と骨格筋量の連関
    栗山 長門; 尾崎 悦子; 松井 大輔; 稲葉 雅章; 堀井 基行; 水野 成人; 岩佐 弘一; 米田 勇太郎; 黒川 正夫; 渡邊 能行
    日本骨粗鬆症学会雑誌 (一社)日本骨粗鬆症学会 2 (Suppl.1) 193 - 193 2189-8383 2016/09
  • 一般壮年男性の血清25(OH)D濃度と食品摂取頻度の関連についての検討
    尾崎 悦子; 栗山 長門; 松井 大輔; 小山 晃英; 渡邉 功; 水野 成人; 山田 真介; 今西 康雄; 稲葉 雅章; 渡邊 能行
    日本骨粗鬆症学会雑誌 (一社)日本骨粗鬆症学会 2 (Suppl.1) 259 - 259 2189-8383 2016/09
  • Hiroshi Takeyama; Kotaro Kitani; Tomoko Wakasa; Masanori Tsujie; Yoshinori Fujiwara; Shigeto Mizuno; Masao Yukawa; Yoshio Ohta; Masatoshi Inoue
    DIGESTIVE ENDOSCOPY WILEY-BLACKWELL 28 (4) 456 - 464 0915-5635 2016/05 [Refereed]
    Background and Aim: To compare the usefulness of the self-expanding metallic stent (SEMS) with that of the transanal drainage tube (TDT) and emergency surgery after failure of decompression (ESFD) in patients with malignant colonic obstruction (MCO), and to evaluate post-decompression histopathological changes. Methods: From January 2010 to June 2015, 39 patients with MCO received SEMS, TDT, and ESFD. We evaluated the outcomes including success rates of placement, clinical outcomes after decompression, and histopathological findings of the resected specimens. Results: Technical success rates were 100% for SEMS and 78.9% for TDT. Clinical success rates were 100% for SEMS and 80.0% for TDT. Postoperative ileus was significantly less frequent after SEMS than after TDT (P = 0.014). Histopathological edema grade was significantly lower for SEMS than for TDT and ESFD (P < 0.0001). There was no significant difference between edema grade and duration of decompression in the TDT group (P = 0.629), whereas all patients with SEMS were classified in a low edema grade (grade 0-2). Rate of stoma creation was significantly higher in patients with a high edema grade (grade 3) than in those with a low edema grade (grade 0-2) (P = 0.003). There was no microscopic perforation in any group. Conclusion: Significantly greater resolution of histopathological edema was achieved after placement of SEMS than after placement of TDT. These findings provide an indication of favorable clinical outcomes of SEMS in comparison with TDT and ESFD.
  • Hiroaki Kato; Masanori Tsujie; Tomoko Wakasa; Shuhei Kogata; Hirofumi Kanaizumi; Hiroshi Takeyama; Johji Hara; Kotaro Kitani; Yoshinori Fujiwara; Shigeto Mizuno; Toshihiko Kawasaki; Yoshio Ohta; Masao Yukawa; Masatoshi Inoue
    International Cancer Conference Journal Springer Science and Business Media LLC 5 (2) 107 - 112 2016/04
  • Sayo Horibe; Toshihito Tanahashi; Shoji Kawauchi; Shigeto Mizuno; Yoshiyuki Rikitake
    International Journal of Medical Sciences IVYSPRING INT PUBL 13 (9) 653 - 663 1449-1907 2016 [Refereed]
    Recent advances in diagnostic technologies have revealed that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can cause serious mucosal injury in the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract (including the small intestine). A drug to treat NSAID-induced small-intestinal injury (SII) is lacking. Sodium alginate is a soluble dietary fiber extracted from brown seaweed and its solution has been used as a hemostatic agent to treat gastrointestinal bleeding due to gastric ulcers. Whether sodium alginate has therapeutic effects on NSAID-induced SII and its mechanism of action are not known. Here, we investigated if administration of two forms (high-molecular-weight (HMW) and low-molecular-weight (LMW)) of sodium alginate could ameliorate indomethacin-induced SII. Pretreatment with HMW sodium alginate or LMW sodium alginate before indomethacin administration improved ulceration and the resultant intestinal shortening was associated with reduced histological severity of mucosal injury and ameliorated mRNA expression of inflammation-related molecules in the small intestine. We found that mRNAs of secretory Muc2 and membrane-associated Muc1, Muc3 and Muc4 were expressed in the small intestine. mRNA expression of Muc1-4 was increased in indomethacin-induced SII, and these increases were prevented by sodium alginate. Thus, administration of sodium alginate could be a therapeutic approach to prevent indomethacin-induced SII.
  • Toshihiko Kawasaki; Kan-yun Hata; Daisuke Kinoshita; Masaki Takayama; Hideyuki Okuda; Shigeto Mizuno; Masatoshi Kudo
    DIGESTIVE DISEASES KARGER 34 (6) 692 - 695 0257-2753 2016 [Refereed]
    Purpose: Contrast-enhanced sonography increases negative enhancement in the Kupffer phase after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We compared contrast-enhanced sonography with B-mode sonography for guidance of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of HCC after TACE. Methods: After TACE was performed, 18 nodules in 12 patients were treated by B mode sonography guided RFA, while 22 nodules in 18 patients were treated by contrast-enhanced sonography-guided RFA. Results: The success rate of initial RFA was 83.3% (15/18 nodules) in the B-mode sonography group. On the other hand, the success rate was 100% (22/22 nodules) in the contrast-enhanced sonography group and the difference was significant (p = 0.046). Conclusion: These findings suggest that RFA guided by Kupffer phase contrast-enhanced sonography after TACE is a promising therapeutic option for curing HCC. (C) 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel
  • Nagato Kuriyama; Toshiki Mizuno; Hiromi Yasuike; Hiroyuki Matsuno; Eri Kawashita; Aiko Tamura; Etsuko Ozaki; Daisuke Matsui; Isao Watanabe; Teruhide Koyama; Fumitaro Miyatani; Masaki Kondo; Takahiko Tokuda; Youichi Ohshima; Manabu Muranishi; Kentaro Akazawa; Akihiro Takada; Kazuo Takeda; Sanae Matsumoto; Shigeto Mizuno; Kei Yamada; Masanori Nakagawa; Yoshiyuki Watanabe
    Background: Vascular dementia is related to intracranial arteriosclerosis associated with deep white matter lesions (DWMLs). DWMLs have been linked to thrombogenesis due to sustained platelet activation; therefore, an accurate hematological marker is needed. This study was done to evaluate the usefulness of a new method to examine the function of activated platelets in order to assess DWMLs associated with cognitive decline. Methods: A total of 143 individuals (70.4 +/- 6.1 years old) who underwent hospital-based health screening using head MRI were evaluated. DWLs were evaluated on T2-weighted and FLAIR images by semi-quantitatively grading them from Grade 0 (none) to Grade 3 (severe) using the Fazekas classification. Cognitive function was evaluated using the MMSE and the word fluency test. Platelet activation was assessed using fluorescence-labeled anti-human platelet monoclonal antibodies and semi-quantitatively determining PAC-1-and CD62P-positive rates by flow cytometry. Results: Significant increases in hypertension and CD62P levels were observed with increasing DWML grade (2.6% in Group 0, 3.1% in Group 1, 4.1% in Group 2, and 5.0% in Group 3). CD62P levels were defined as elevated when they were above the mean + 2SD of the Grade 0 group, and the odds ratio of the Grade 2 + 3 group was 3.03. A significant negative correlation was observed between CD62P levels and word fluency tests or the MMSE score. Conclusion: Elevations in CD62P levels, which reflect platelet function activation, were associated with white matter lesions accompanied by a decline in cognitive function. CD62P levels may be useful as a sensitive clinical marker for the early detection of DWMLs with cognitive decline. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Shigeto Mizuno; Daisuke Matsui; Isao Watanabe; Etsuko Ozaki; Nagato Kuriyama; Yoshiyuki Watanabe
    DIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES SPRINGER 60 (7) 2063 - 2069 0163-2116 2015/07 [Refereed]
    There are few reports about the influence of Helicobacter pylori infection and/or atrophic gastritis on bone conditions in Japan. To assess whether the combination of serologically determined Helicobacter pylori infection and atrophic gastritis is available as a biomarker for bone conditions. We studied 230 men in their 50s and 60s. Helicobacter pylori infection was determined using serum antibody to this bacterium. Atrophic gastritis was diagnosed on the basis of the serum pepsinogen I and II criteria. The characteristics of the participants' bone were measured at the radius using an ultrasonic bone densitometry system. The risks of low trabecular bone density, low elastic modulus of trabecular bone, and low cortical thickness among subjects who were positive for Helicobacter pylori infection and/or atrophic gastritis relative to those who were not were calculated. Helicobacter pylori infection significantly increased the risk of low trabecular bone density (odds ratio 1.83, 95 % confidence interval 1.04-3.21, P = 0.03). Atrophic gastritis significantly increased the risk of low trabecular bone density (2.22, 1.17-4.22, 0.01). Compared with anti-Helicobacter pylori antibody (-) and atrophic gastritis (-) subjects, anti-Helicobacter pylori antibody (+) and atrophic gastritis (+) subjects were a significant high-risk group for low trabecular bone density (2.65, 1.27-5.55, 0.01). A serological diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection and atrophic gastritis, which is utilized for risk assessment of gastric cancer, was suggested to be useful for risk assessment of osteoporosis.
  • Sayo Horibe; Akira Matsuda; Toshihito Tanahashi; Jun Inoue; Shoji Kawauchi; Shigeto Mizuno; Masaki Ueno; Kyohei Takahashi; Yusaku Maeda; Tatsuya Maegouchi; Yoshiki Murakami; Ryoko Yumoto; Junya Nagai; Mikihisa Takano
    LIFE SCIENCES PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD 124 31 - 40 0024-3205 2015/03 [Refereed]
    Aims: Cisplatin (CDDP) is a platinum-based drug that is widely used in cancer chemotherapy, but the development of resistance in tumor cells is a major weakness of these treatments. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain cisplatin resistance, and disruption of certain cellular pathways could modulate drug sensitivity to cisplatin. A lower level of cross-resistance to cisplatin leads to better outcomes in clinical use. Main methods: Cross-resistance was assessed using cisplatin resistant lung cancer cell line A549/CDDP. Cell cycle analysis was used to examine the effect of cisplatin on cell signaling pathways regulating G2/M transition in cisplatin resistant cells. Key findings: A549/CDDP cells exhibited cross-resistance to carboplatin, but not oxaliplatin, which is often found in platinum analogues. Flow cytometry showed that nocodazole treatment caused a G2/M block in both A549/ CDDP cells and cisplatin susceptible cells. However, A549/CDDP cells escaped the G2/M block following exposure to cisplatin. Activation of the Cdc2/CyclinB complex is required for transition from G2 to M phase, and the inactive form of phosphorylated Cdc2 is activated by Cdc25C dephosphorylation of Tyr15. In the cisplatin-treated susceptible cells, the levels of phosphorylated Cdc2 and Cdc25C were markedly decreased, leading to a loss of Cdc2 activity and G2/M arrest. In A549/CDDP cells, however, Cdc2 activity was supported by the expression of Cdc2 and Cdc25C after the addition of cisplatin, which resulted in G2/M progression. Significance: The resistance phenotype of G2/M progression has been correlated with dysregulation of Cdc2 in a human lung cancer cell line selected for cisplatin. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 60代女性における橈骨皮質骨厚および橈骨海綿骨骨密度の脆弱要因の検討
    尾崎 悦子; 栗山 長門; 松井 大輔; 渡邉 功; 稲葉 雅章; 三島 誉史; 水野 成人; 弘田 真央; 米田 勇太郎; 渡邊 能行
    Osteoporosis Japan ライフサイエンス出版(株) 22 (Suppl.1) 362 - 362 0919-6307 2014/09
  • 男性剣道有段者における橈骨骨密度の検討
    松井 大輔; 米田 勇太郎; 真野 功; 渡邉 功; 栗山 長門; 尾崎 悦子; 水野 成人; 大谷 隆彦; 渡邊 能行
    Osteoporosis Japan ライフサイエンス出版(株) 22 (Suppl.1) 362 - 362 0919-6307 2014/09
  • Shoji Kawauchi; Tsutomu Nakamura; Ikuya Miki; Jun Inoue; Tsuneo Hamaguchi; Toshihito Tanahashi; Shigeto Mizuno
    CYP3A and P-glycoprotein (P-gp) play important roles in drug metabolism and excretion; however, their functions in pathological conditions remain unclear. Hepatobiliary abnormalities have been described in patients with ulcerative colitis, which may affect drug metabolism and excretion in the liver and small intestine. We examined the functions of CYP3A and P-gp in the liver and small intestine of mice with dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced colitis. Up to day 7, inflammatory markers were significantly increased in the livers of DSS-treated mice, accompanied by decreased CYP3A. Additionally hepatobiliary transporters and Pregnane X receptor, which regulates the transcriptional activation of CYP3A, were reduced. Both CYP3A and P-gp were significantly decreased in the upper small intestine of DSS-treated mice on day 7. This was associated with the increased expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase, but not changes in nuclear receptor expression. On day 7 of DSS treatment, the concentrations of cyclosporine A (CsA), a substrate of both CYP3A and P-gp, were significantly higher than controls. These results indicated the existence of a second inflammatory response in the liver and upper small intestine of mice with DSS-induced colitis, and bioavailability of CsA was increased by the dysfunction of CYP3A and P-gp in these organs.
  • Shoji Kawauchi; Tsutomu Nakamura; Hiroyuki Yasui; Chikako Nishikawa; Ikuya Miki; Jun Inoue; Sayo Horibe; Tsuneo Hamaguchi; Toshihito Tanahashi; Shigeto Mizuno
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES IVYSPRING INT PUBL 11 (12) 1208 - 1217 1449-1907 2014 [Refereed]
    Background: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs induce the serious side effect of small intestinal ulcerations (SIUs), but little information is available regarding the consequences to drug metabolism and absorption. Aim: We examined the existence of secondary hepatic inflammation in rats with indomethacin (INM)-induced SIUs and assessed its relationship to the cytochrome P450 (CYP) and P-glycoprotein (mdr1a), the major drug-metabolizing factors in the small intestine and the liver. Methods: Gene expression of the CYP family of enzymes and mdr1a was measured with quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Vancomycin (VCM), a poorly absorbed drug, was administered intraduodenally to rats with SIUs. Results: INM induced SIUs predominantly in the lower region of the small intestine with high expression of inflammatory markers. Liver dysfunction was also observed, which suggested a secondary inflammatory response in rats with SIUs. In the liver of rats with SIUs, the expression of CYP2C11, CYP2E1, and CYP3A1 was significantly decreased, and loss of CYP3A protein was observed. Although previous studies have shown a direct effect of INM on CYP3A activity, we could not confirm any change in hepatic CY3A4 expression (major isoform of human CYP3A) in vitro. The plasma VCM concentration was increased in rats with SIUs due to partial absorption from the mucosal injury, but not in normal mucosa. Conclusions: INM-induced SIUs had a subtle effect on intestinal CYP expression, but had an apparent action on hepatic CYP, which was influenced, at least in part, by the secondary inflammation. Furthermore, drug absorption was increased in rats with SIUs.
  • Komiyama Y; Fujita K; Ikeda K; Fujii K; Uchino Y; Takahashi M; Itami H; Ito T; Kitagawa Y; Mizuno S; Habu D
    Rinsho byori. The Japanese journal of clinical pathology 日本臨床検査医学会事務所 ; 1953- 61 (10) 955 - 960 0047-1860 2013/10 [Refereed]
  • 日本人閉経女性における肥満と骨質に関する検討
    尾崎 悦子; 栗山 長門; 松井 大輔; 渡邉 功; 稲葉 雅章; 今西 康雄; 水野 成人; 宮谷 史太郎; 米田 勇太郎; 渡邊 能行
    Osteoporosis Japan ライフサイエンス出版(株) 21 (Suppl.1) 230 - 230 0919-6307 2013/09
  • Tsukasa Ishida; Ikuya Miki; Toshihito Tanahashi; Saori Yagi; Yasuyuki Kondo; Jun Inoue; Shoji Kawauchi; Sin Nishiumi; Masaru Yoshida; Hideko Maeda; Chisato Tode; Atsuko Takeuchi; Hirokazu Nakayama; Takeshi Azuma; Shigeto Mizuno
    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 714 (1-3) 125 - 131 0014-2999 2013/08 [Refereed]
    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)-induced small intestinal injury is a serious clinical event with recent advances of diagnostic technologies, but a successful therapeutic method to treat such injuries is still lacking. Licorice, a traditional herbal medicine, and its derivatives have been widely used for the treatment of a variety of diseases due to their extensive biological actions. However, it is unknown whether these derivatives have an effect on NSAIDs-induced small intestinal damage. Previously, the anti-inflammatory effects of three compounds extracted from the licorice root, glycyrrhizin, 18 beta-glycyrrhetinic acid, and dipotassium glycyrrhizinate, were compared in vitro cell culture. The most prominent inhibitory effect on the tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) production was observed with the administration of 18 beta-glycyrrhetinic acid as an active metabolite of glycyrrhizin. In this study, a complex compound of 18 beta-glycyrrhetinic acid and hydroxypropyl gamma cyclodextrin was examined to improve the oral bioavailability. After administration of this complex to indomethacin treated mice, a significantly high plasma concentration of 18 beta-glycyrrhetinic acid was detected using the tandem mass spectrometry coupled with the HPLC. Furthermore, the complex form of 18 beta-glycyrrhetinic acid and hydroxypropyl gamma cyclodextrin reduced mRNA expressions of TNF-alpha, interleukin (IL)-1 beta, and IL-6, which was histologically confirmed in the improvement of indomethacin-induced small intestinal damage. These results suggest that the complex of 18 beta-glycyrrhetinic acid and hydroxypropyl gamma cyclodextrin has the potential therapeutic value for preventing the adverse effects of indomethacin-induced small intestinal injury. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Takashi Ando; Takeshi Ishikawa; Tomohisa Takagi; Eiko Imamoto; Etsuko Kishimoto; Akira Okajima; Kazuhiko Uchiyama; Osamu Handa; Nobuaki Yagi; Satoshi Kokura; Yuji Naito; Shigeto Mizuno; Akihiro Asakawa; Akio Inui; Toshikazu Yoshikawa
    HELICOBACTER WILEY-BLACKWELL 18 (2) 158 - 164 1083-4389 2013/04 [Refereed]
    Background The relationship between Helicobacter pylori infection and metabolic syndrome is not well understood. Adiponectin is an adipose-derived protein considered to play a significant role in the development of metabolic syndrome. The aim of this study was to clarify the influence of H.pylori infection on circulating adiponectin in humans. Methods In a prospective study, 456 patients underwent endoscopy and H.pylori testing. All of the 338 H.pylori -positive patients received eradication therapy. Treatment was successful in 241 patients. Circulating adiponectin and other metabolic parameters were measured at baseline in all patients and 12weeks after eradication therapy in those initially positive for H.pylori. Results Circulating adiponectin levels were not different between H.pylori -positive and H.pylori -negative patients. In the group with successful eradication, levels of total adiponectin and each multimer form were significantly increased after therapy. Conversely, the levels of total adiponectin and high-molecular-weight adiponectin, but not middle-molecular-weight and low-molecular-weight adiponectin, were increased in the group with unsuccessful eradication after the therapy. Conclusions Eradication therapy of H.pylori increased circulating adiponectin levels in Japanese individuals and could be beneficial for preventing metabolic syndrome conditions.
  • Helicobacter pylori除菌が循環血漿中のアディポネクチンに与える影響の検討(第3報)
    安藤 貴志; 光本 保英; 今本 栄子; 岸本 悦子; 岡嶋 亮; 鈴木 俊生; 赤田 渉; 水島 かつら; 内山 和彦; 石川 剛; 高木 智久; 半田 修; 八木 信明; 古倉 聡; 内藤 裕二; 吉川 敏一; 水野 成人; 浅川 明弘; 乾 明夫
    日本消化器病学会雑誌 (一財)日本消化器病学会 110 (臨増総会) A412 - A412 0446-6586 2013/02 [Refereed]
  • Tsukasa Ishida; Shin Nishiumi; Toshihito Tanahashi; Akifumi Yamasaki; Asahi Yamazaki; Takahiro Akashi; Ikuya Miki; Yasuyuki Kondo; Jun Inoue; Shoji Kawauchi; Takeshi Azuma; Masaru Yoshida; Shigeto Mizuno
    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 699 (1-3) 6 - 13 0014-2999 2013/01 [Refereed]
    In our previous study, it was found that linoleoyl ethanolamide (LE) is present in sake lees, which are produced as a byproduct during the making of Japanese sake. LE is a fatty acid ethanolamide, which have been demonstrated to exert a variety of biological functions, and in this study, the anti-inflammatory effects of LE were examined using in vitro cell culture and in vivo animal experiments. In mouse RAW264.7 macrophages, LE suppressed the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin (IL)-1 beta, and IL-6. In addition, LE inhibited LPS-induced increases in the levels of cyclooxygenase enzyme-2 and prostaglandin E-2, which are indicators of inflammation. The inhibitory effect of LE on the release of TNF-alpha was stronger than that of dipotassium glycyrrhizinate, which is widely used in external human skin care treatments. LE also suppressed the LPS-induced activation of Toll-like receptor 4 signaling and nuclear translocation of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) p65. In a contact dermatitis animal model, applying LE to affected ear skin ameliorated 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene-induced contact dermatitis and pro-inflammatory cytokine expression at inflamed sites. These results indicate that LE exerts anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting NF-kappa B signaling, and LE is proposed to be a useful therapeutic agent against contact dermatitis. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Takashi Ando; Shigeto Mizuno; Tsukasa Ishida; Yasuyuki Kondo; Ikuya Miki; Masaru Yoshida; Takeshi Azuma; Takeshi Ishikawa; Tomohisa Takagi; Nobuaki Yagi; Satoshi Kokura; Yuji Naito; Toshikazu Yoshikawa; Akihiro Asakawa; Akio Inui
    NUTRITION ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 28 (10) 967 - 972 0899-9007 2012/10 [Refereed]
    Objective: Helicobacter pylori is known to affect the host's nutritional status. This study was performed to elucidate the relationship between H. pylori status and the dynamics of the ghrelin system, in the context of ghrelin O-acyltransferase (GOAT) expression. Methods: We conducted a clinical study of 30 subjects focusing on the following points: 1) the effects of H. pylori infection on the concentrations of circulating ghrelin isoforms and on ghrelin and GOAT mRNA expression in the gastric mucosa, and 2) the effects of H. pylori eradication on the same parameters. Results: The plasma acyl-ghrelin and desacyl-ghrelin concentrations of 16 H. pylori positive participants were significantly lower than those of 14H. pylori negative controls. The acyl-ghrelin/desacyl-ghrelin ratio was not significantly different between the H. pylori positive and H. pylori negative participants. The levels of ghrelin and GOAT mRNA in the gastric mucosa were significantly lower in the H. pylori positive participants than in the H. pylori negative controls. In 11 subjects in whom H. pylori eradication was successful, their plasma acyl-ghrelin levels tended to increase after H. pylori eradication, but the difference was not significant; however, their plasma desacyl-ghrelin levels were significantly reduced. Although gastric ghrelin mRNA expression increased significantly after H. pylori eradication, gastric GOAT mRNA expression tended to increase but was not significantly altered. Conclusion: H. pylori status might affect the host's nutritional status through changes in the plasma levels of ghrelin isoforms and the gastric expression levels of ghrelin and GOAT mRNA. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 日本人女性における骨と栄養摂取に関する検討
    尾崎 悦子; 栗山 長門; 渡邉 功; 吉川 綾; 原 久美子; 稲葉 雅章; 今西 康雄; 水野 成人; 真野 功; 渡邊 能行
    Osteoporosis Japan ライフサイエンス出版(株) 20 (Suppl.1) 325 - 325 0919-6307 2012/08
  • Yuki Masuda; Takuya Togo; Shigeto Mizuno; Morichika Konishi; Hiroaki Nanba
    JOURNAL OF LEUKOCYTE BIOLOGY FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL 91 (4) 547 - 556 0741-5400 2012/04 [Refereed]
    MD-Fraction, a highly purified, soluble beta-(1,3) (1,6)-glucan obtained from Grifola frondosa (an oriental edible mushroom), has been reported to inhibit tumor growth by modulating host immunity. beta-Glucan, a major component of the fungal cell wall, is generally recognized by PRRs expressed on macrophages and DCs, such as Dectin-1, and the ability of beta-glucans to modulate host immunity is influenced by their structure and purity. Most cellular studies have used particulate beta-glucans, such as yeast zymosan (crude beta-glucan) and curdlan (purified beta-glucan). However, little is known about the cellular mechanism of soluble beta-glucans, including MD-Fraction, despite significant therapeutic implications. In this study, we investigated the cellular mechanism of MD-Fraction in murine resident macrophages and compared it with two well-known beta-glucan particles. MD-Fraction induced GM-CSF production rapidly through Dectin-1-independent ERK and p38 MAPK activation. Subsequently, MD-Fraction-induced GM-CSF enhanced proliferation and Dectin-1 expression, which permitted Dectin-1-mediated TNF-alpha induction through the Syk pathway. Curdlan induced not only the proliferation and activation of Dectin-1/Syk signaling in a manner similar to MD-Fraction but also the uncontrolled, proinflammatory cytokine response. Contrastingly, zymosan reduced proliferation and Dectin-1 expression significantly, indicating that the mechanism of macrophage activation by MD-Fraction differs from that of zymosan. This is the first study to demonstrate that purified beta-glucans, such as MD-Fraction and curdlan, induce GM-CSF production directly, resulting in Dectin-1/Syk activation in resident macrophages. In conclusion, we demonstrated that MD-Fraction induces cell proliferation and cytokine production without excessive inflammation in resident macrophages, supporting its immunotherapeutic potential. J. Leukoc. Biol. 91: 547-556; 2012.
  • Mitsuko Mimura; Atsuhiro Masuda; Shin Nishiumi; Kazuyuki Kawakami; Yoshimi Fujishima; Tomoo Yoshie; Shigeto Mizuno; Ikuya Miki; Hiroshi Ohno; Koji Hase; Toshinari Minamoto; Takeshi Azuma; Masaru Yoshida
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER WILEY-BLACKWELL 130 (5) 1011 - 1020 0020-7136 2012/03 [Refereed]
    Recent evidence has suggested that carcinoma is accompanied by the loss of cell polarity. An epithelial cell-specific form of the AP-1 clathrin adaptor complex, AP1B, is involved in the polarized transport of membrane proteins to the basolateral surface of epithelial cells. In our study, we investigated whether AP1B is involved in intestinal tumorigenesis. The cellular polarity of intestinal tumor cells was examined using APCMin/+ mice as an in vivo model and SW480 cells with a truncating mutation in the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene as an in vitro model by confocal microscopy. Next, the expression of AP1B in intestinal tumor cells was examined by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Western blotting. The localization of beta-catenin and the expression of AP1B in the tumor tissue of patients with colorectal cancer were evaluated by confocal microscopy and real-time PCR, respectively, and the relationships among cell polarity, AP1B expression and intestinal tumorigenesis were examined. Cellular polarity was lost in intestinal tumor cells, and the expression of AP1B was downregulated. In addition, the reduction in the expression level of AP1B correlated with the nuclear localization of beta-catenin in human colorectal cancer. Our study indicates the close associations between AP1B, intestinal tumorigenesis and mutations in the APC gene. This is the first report to reveal the relationships among AP1B, cellular polarity and intestinal tumorigenesis, and achieving a detailed understanding of AP1B will hopefully lead to discovery of therapeutic targets and novel biomarkers for intestinal cancer.
  • Tsukasa Ishida; Yoshiyuki Mizushina; Saori Yagi; Yasuhiro Irino; Shin Nishiumi; Ikuya Miki; Yasuyuki Kondo; Shigeto Mizuno; Hiromi Yoshida; Takeshi Azuma; Masaru Yoshida
    We investigated the inhibitory effect of three glycyrrhizin derivatives, such as Glycyrrhizin (compound 1), dipotassium glycyrrhizate (compound 2) and glycyrrhetinic acid (compound 3), on the activity of mammalian pols. Among these derivatives, compound 3 was the strongest inhibitor of mammalian pols alpha, beta, kappa, and lambda, which belong to the B, A, Y, and X families of pols, respectively, whereas compounds 1 and 2 showed moderate inhibition. Among the these derivatives tested, compound 3 displayed strongest suppression of the production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in a cell-culture system using mouse macrophages RAW264.7 and peritoneal macrophages derived from mice. Moreover, compound 3 was found to inhibit the action of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) in engineered human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells. In addition, compound 3 caused greater reduction of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-(TPA-) induced acute inflammation in mouse ear than compounds 1 and 2. In conclusion, this study has identified compound 3, which is the aglycone of compounds 1 and 2, as a promising anti-inflammatory candidate based on mammalian pol inhibition.
  • Ikuya Miki; Tsutomu Nakamura; Akiko Kuwahara; Motohiro Yamamori; Kohshi Nishiguchi; Takao Tamura; Tatsuya Okuno; Hideaki Omatsu; Shigeto Mizuno; Midori Hirai; Takeshi Azuma; Toshiyuki Sakaeda
    Objective: Chemotherapy-related toxicities are difficult to predict before treatment. In this study, we investigated whether thyroid hormone receptor beta (THRB) genetic polymorphisms can serve as a potential biomarker in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). Methods: Forty-nine Japanese patients with ESCC who received a definitive chemoradiotherapy (CRT) with 5-fluorouracil and cisplatin in conjunction with concurrent irradiation were retrospectively analyzed. Severe acute toxicities, including leukopenia, stomatitis, and cheilitis, were evaluated according to 6 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the gene; the intronic SNPs of rs7635707 G/T, rs6787255 A/C, rs9812034 G/T, and rs9310738 C/T and the SNPs in the 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR) of rs844107 C/T and rs1349265 G/A. Results: Distribution of the 4 intronic SNPs, but not the 2 SNPs in the 3'-UTR, showed a significant difference between patients with and without severe acute leukopenia. Stomatitis and cheilitis were not associated with any of the 6 analyzed SNPs. Frequency of haplotype of the 4 intronic SNPs reached approximately 97% with the 2 major haplotypes G-A-G-C (73.4%) and T-C-T-T (23.5%). Conclusions: THRB intronic SNPs can provide useful information on CRT-related severe myelotoxicity in patients with ESCC. Future studies will be needed to confirm these findings.
  • ヘリコバクターピロリ感染の生活習慣病への影響 感染者・非感染者間の比較(血清アディポネクチンレベルの検討を含めて)
    安藤 貴志; 光本 保英; 今本 栄子; 加藤 菜穂; 岡嶋 亮; 鈴木 俊生; 川村 春水; 赤田 渉; 中村 智恵; 岸本 悦子; 坂本 京子; 半田 修; 高木 智久; 石川 剛; 八木 信明; 古倉 聡; 内藤 裕二; 水野 成人; 浅川 秋弘; 乾 明夫
    日本消化器病学会雑誌 (一財)日本消化器病学会 108 (臨増大会) A797 - A797 0446-6586 2011/09 [Refereed]
  • 安藤 貴志; 光本 保英; 今本 栄子; 岡嶋 亮; 鈴木 俊生; 石川 剛; 高木 智久; 半田 修; 八木 信明; 古倉 聡; 内藤 裕二; 吉川 敏一; 水野 成人; 浅川 明弘; 乾 明夫
    胃病態機能研究会誌 (株)勁草書房コミュニケーション事業部 43 28 - 28 1880-3652 2011/07 [Refereed]
  • Koji Yamamoto; Hiroshi Tanaka; Yosuke Nishitani; Shin Nishiumi; Ikuya Miki; Mamoru Takenaka; Kentaro Nobutani; Takuya Mimura; Yahaya Ben Suleiman; Shigeto Mizuno; Mikihiko Kawai; Ikuo Uchiyama; Masaru Yoshida; Takeshi Azuma
    MICROBES AND INFECTION ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 13 (7) 697 - 708 1286-4579 2011/07 [Refereed]
    "Helicobacter heilmannii" ("H. heilmannii"), which belongs to the genus Helicobacter, is a group of bacterial species that display a long spiral-shaped morphology. Recent studies have demonstrated that "H. heilmannii" type I is actually H. suis, which mainly colonizes the stomachs of various animals and humans. However, the influence of H. suis on gastric diseases remains to be fully elucidated. In this report, we revealed the relationship between natural H. suis infection and follicular gastritis in the pig stomachs. From sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA, urease A, and urease B genes, the presence of H. suis was confirmed in pig gastric lymphoid follicles, and this bacterium was named H. suis KB1. In addition, H. suis KB1 was inoculated into C57BL/6J mice, and the following mouse model of the pathogenesis of follicular gastritis by H. suis infection was established: H. suis KB1 colonizes the mouse stomach, and moreover, induces the development of lymphoid follicles and acquired immune responses characterized by the activation of B cells and CD4 positive cells. These results may lead to better understanding of the relationship between H. suis and gastric diseases, especially follicular gastritis; and furthermore, our findings emphasize the zoonotic aspects of animal-human infection by H. suis. (C) 2011 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
  • Ryo Chinzei; Atsuhiro Masuda; Shin Nishiumi; Masayuki Nishida; Mitsuko Onoyama; Tsuyoshi Sanuki; Tsuyoshi Fujita; Satoshi Moritoh; Tomoo Itoh; Hiromu Kutsumi; Shigeto Mizuno; Takeshi Azuma; Masaru Yoshida
    PANCREAS LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS 40 (1) 84 - 94 0885-3177 2011/01 [Refereed]
    Objectives: The discovery of novel and effective treatment methods would be of great help to patients with acute pancreatitis. The aims of this study were to determine the inhibitory effects of vitamin K(3) (VK(3)) against cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis in mice and to examine the mechanisms behind these effects. Methods: Acute pancreatitis in mice was induced by intraperitoneal injection of cerulein 6 times at hourly intervals. Vitamin K(3) was administered once before the first injection of cerulein or twice before and after the first injection of cerulein. The degrees of inflammation and autophagy in the pancreatic tissue were estimated by histological examination, measurement of enzyme activity, confocal microscopy, and Western blotting. The inhibitory effects of VK(3) against rapamycin-induced autophagy were also examined using HeLa cells stably expressing green fluorescent protein LC3. Results: Cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis was markedly attenuated by the administration of VK(3). In addition, VK(3) led to the inhibition of cerulein-evoked autophagic changes and colocalization of autophagosomes and lysosomes in the pancreatic tissue. Vitamin K(3) also reduced rapamycin-induced autophagy in HeLa/green fluorescent protein LC3 cells. Conclusions: Our data suggest that the administration of VK(3) reduces pancreatic inflammation in acute pancreatitis through inhibition of the autophagic pathway. Vitamin K3 may be an effective therapeutic strategy against acute pancreatitis.
  • Shin Nishiumi; Masakazu Shinohara; Atsuki Ikeda; Tomoo Yoshie; Naoya Hatano; Saori Kakuyama; Shigeto Mizuno; Tsuyoshi Sanuki; Hiromu Kutsumi; Eiichiro Fukusaki; Takeshi Azuma; Tadaomi Takenawa; Masaru Yoshida
    METABOLOMICS SPRINGER 6 (4) 518 - 528 1573-3882 2010/12 [Refereed]
    Pancreatic cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related death, and there is currently little hope of a cure because there are no effective biomarkers for its early detection. Therefore, the search for novel biomarkers that would allow the early detection of pancreatic cancer is ongoing. In this study, the differences between the metabolomes of pancreatic cancer patients with Stage III, Stage IVa, or Stage IVb disease (n = 20) and healthy volunteers (n = 9) were evaluated by metabolomics, which is the endpoint of the Omics cascade and therefore the last step in the cascade before the phenotype. In our experimental conditions using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS), a total of 60 metabolites were detected in serum, and the levels of 18 of the 60 metabolites were significantly changed in pancreatic cancer patients compared with those in healthy volunteers. Then, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which is a basic form of Multiple Classification Analysis, was performed, and the PCA scores plots based on the 60 metabolites highlighted the metabolomic differences between the pancreatic cancer patients and healthy volunteers. The differences between different stages of pancreatic cancer were also assessed by Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA), which is one of Multiple Classification Analysis, and we found that it was possible to discriminate among the Stage III, Stage IVa, and Stage IVb groups. In addition, values of the 9 metabolites in 1 Stage I pancreatic cancer patient were similar to those obtained from the Stage III, Stage IVa, and Stage IVb pancreatic cancer patients. Our findings will aid the discovery of novel biomarkers that allow the early detection of pancreatic cancer by metabolomic approaches.
  • Shigeto Mizuno; Ikuya Miki; Tsukasa Ishida; Masaru Yoshida; Mitsuko Onoyama; Takeshi Azuma; Yasuki Habu; Hideto Inokuchi; Kotaro Ozasa; Kazumasa Miki; Yoshiyuki Watanabe
    DIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES SPRINGER 55 (11) 3132 - 3137 0163-2116 2010/11 [Refereed]
    Though gastric cancer screening by X-ray examination has been confirmed to be effective for reducing gastric cancer mortality, decreases in efficiency have been pointed out. Establishment of an effective screening system, focusing on high-risk status such as Helicobacter pylori infection and atrophic gastritis, is desirable. To date, combined use of serum anti-Helicobacter pylori antibodies and pepsinogen measurement has been assessed prospectively in participants in opportunistic and workplace health check-ups; however, there are no reports of population-based cohort study. To clarify the population-based risk of Helicobacter pylori infection and atrophic gastritis for gastric cancer, a cohort study was conducted in rural towns in Kyoto Prefecture. Subjects were 1,011 males and 1,848 females recruited in a health check-up in 1987. Their serum was examined for anti-Helicobacter pylori antibodies and pepsinogen I and II. Gastric cancer cases were assessed from the cancer registry of those towns. Up to the end of 1996, 33 males and 28 females developed gastric cancer. A sex- and age-adjusted hazard ratio was calculated by Cox's proportional model. Helicobacter pylori infection increased the risk of gastric cancer even when the subjects had no atrophy (hazard ratio = 4.20; 95% confidence interval, 0.96-18.40). The risk increased further when they had both Helicobacter pylori infection and atrophy (hazard ratio = 11.23; 95% confidence interval, 2.71-46.51). Subjects with atrophy but negative for anti-Helicobacter pylori antibodies had the highest risk (hazard ratio = 14.81; 95% confidence interval, 2.47-88.80). A high-risk group for gastric cancer can be selected by serological prescreening.
  • Tanaka Shinwa; Nishiumi Sin; Nishida M; Mizushina Y; Kobayashi Kazuyuki; Masuda Atsuhiro; Fujita T; Morita Yoshinori; Mizuno S; Kutsumi Hiromu; Azuma Takeshi; Yoshida Masaru
    Clin Exp Immunol 160 (2) 283 - 92 2010/05 [Refereed]
  • Masayuki Nishida; Shin Nishiumi; Yoshiyuki Mizushina; Yoshimi Fujishima; Koji Yamamoto; Atsuhiro Masuda; Shigeto Mizuno; Tsuyoshi Fujita; Yoshinori Morita; Hiromu Kutsumi; Hiromi Yoshida; Takeshi Azuma; Masaru Yoshida
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE SPANDIDOS PUBL LTD 25 (5) 761 - 767 1107-3756 2010/05 [Refereed]
    Curcumin, a component of turmeric (Curcuma longa), is known to exert a variety of biological functions including anti-inflammatory activity. We examined the inhibitory effects of chemically synthesized derivatives of curcumin against inflammatory responses and compared them with those of curcumin, in order to find derivatives with stronger effects than curcumin. In a cell culture system using the mouse macrophage cell line RAW264.7, monoacetyl-curcumin strongly inhibited I kappa B phosphorylation, nuclear factor (NF)-kappa B activation and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha production induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In addition, oral administration of monoacetylcurcumin to mice led to greater suppression of TNF-alpha production after LPS stimulation than the administration of curcumin or tetrahydrocurcumin in vivo. Monoacetylcurcumin also inhibited the LPS-induced NF-kappa B activation in the liver. Collectively, monoacetylcurcumin is a potential chemopreventive agent for treating inflammatory responses more effectively than curcumin.
  • Noriko Kodama; Shigeto Mizuno; Akihiro Asakawa; Akio Inui; Hiroaki Nanba
    MYCOSCIENCE ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 51 (2) 134 - 138 1340-3540 2010/03 [Refereed]
    The effects of a hot water-soluble extract of Grifola frondosa on the viability of multiple immune cell lines were examined in vitro. The extract and the 1000-cut extract, a low molecular weight fraction, improved the viability of a human monocyte cell line, THP-1, treated by the anticancer drug mitomycin C. DNA microarray and immunoassay results revealed increases in interleukin (IL)-8 expression by THP-1 cells in response to the 1000-cut extract. These data suggest that the extract would enhance the immune system through induction of IL-8 production by human blood monocytes, which leads to activated neutrophils.
  • Noriko Kodama; Shigeto Mizuno; Hiroaki Nanba; Naoaki Saito
    JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL FOOD MARY ANN LIEBERT INC 13 (1) 20 - 30 1096-620X 2010/02 [Refereed]
    Edible mushrooms contain an abundance of immune-enhancing nutritients. Some of these compounds, referred to as biological response modifiers (BRMs), have been used in biological therapies for cancer treatment. We obtained a low-molecular-weight protein fraction (MLP-Fraction) from the fruiting body of the maitake mushroom Grifola frondosa by multiple sequential steps, including ethanol precipitation, DEAE-exchange chromatography, and gel filtration. The effect of the MLP-Fraction on the immune system was determined using normal mice. This resulted in a simultaneous increase in splenocyte proliferation and production of cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1 alpha, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, IL-10, IL-12, and interferon (IFN)-gamma. The expression levels of IFN-gamma and IL-12 in antigen-presenting cells (APCs) and the activation of natural killer (NK) cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells were observed. These results suggest a mechanism in which NK cells are activated through cytokines produced by APCs. We also confirmed the possibility that the MLP-Fraction acts as a BRM using colon-26 carcinoma-bearing mice. This fraction enhanced the production of IL-12 and IFN-gamma by splenocytes in tumor-bearing mice and clearly showed an inhibitory effect on tumor cell growth.
  • Tsukasa Ishida; Masaru Yoshida; Makoto Arita; Yosuke Nishitani; Shin Nishiumi; Atsuhiro Masuda; Shigeto Mizuno; Tetsuya Takagawa; Yoshinori Morita; Hiromu Kutsumi; Hideto Inokuchi; Charles N. Serhan; Richard S. Blumberg; Takeshi Azuma
    INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASES JOHN WILEY & SONS INC 16 (1) 87 - 95 1078-0998 2010/01 [Refereed]
    Background: Resolvin E1 (RvE1), an endogenous lipid mediator derived from eicosapentaenoic acid, has been identified in local inflammation during the healing stage. RvE1 reduces inflammation in several types of animal models including peritonitis and retinopathy and blocks human neutrophil transendothelial cell migration. The RvE1 receptor ChemR23 is expressed on myeloid cells such as macrophages and dendritic cells. The aim of this study was to determine whether RvE1 regulates colonic inflammation when the innate immune response of macrophages plays a key role in pathogenesis and tissue damage. Methods: The RvE1 receptor ChemR23 was expressed in mouse peritoneal macrophages as defined by flow cytometry. Peritoneal macrophages were pretreated with RvE1, followed by lipopolysaccharide stimulation, whereupon transcriptional levels of proinflammatory cytokines were analyzed. Results: RvE1 treatment led to inhibition of proinflammatory cytokines including TNF-alpha and IL-12p40. In HEK293 cells, pretreatment with RvE1 inhibited TNF-alpha-induced nuclear translocation of NF-kappa B in it ChemR23-dependent manner. These results suggested that RvE1 Could regulate proinflammatory responses of macrophages expressing ChemR23. Therefore, we investigated the beneficial effects of RvE1 in dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis. RvE1 treatment led to amelioration of colonic inflammation. Conclusions: These results indicate that RvE1 Suppresses proinflammatory responses of macrophages. RvE1 and its receptor may therefore be useful its therapeutic targets in the treatment of human inflammatory bowel disease and other inflammatory disorders.
  • Takashi Ando; Takeshi Ishikawa; Haruki Kato; Norimasa Yoshida; Yuji Naito; Satoshi Kokura; Nobuaki Yagi; Tomohisa Takagi; Osamu Handa; Jo Kitawaki; Naoto Nakamura; Goji Hasegawa; Michiaki Fukui; Eiko Imamoto; Chie Nakamura; Hirokazu Oyamada; Yutaka Isozaki; Naohito Matsumoto; Yasuyuki Nagao; Mika Okita; Yoshihiro Nakajima; Manabu Kurokawa; Masafumi Nukina; Mitsuhiro Ohta; Shigeto Mizuno; Masakazu Ogata; Hiroshi Obayashi; Hyohun Park; Yoshihiro Kitagawa; Koji Nakano; Toshikazu Yoshikawa
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER WILEY-LISS 125 (11) 2595 - 2602 0020-7136 2009/12 [Refereed]
    It has been reported that polymorphisms of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes and several cytokine genes are associated with an increased risk of developing gastric cancer (GC). However, the results of studies from different geographic regions, ethnic groups and study groups are inconsistent. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of H. pylori infection and host genetic factors on GC susceptibility in Japanese patients with GC. We analyzed genotypes for HLA class I and II, tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin (IL)-1 beta, IL-1 receptor, IL-4, IL-4R alpha and IL-10 in 330 H. pylori-infected noncardia patients with GC and 190 H. pylori-infected nonulcer dyspeptic controls. Haplotype analyses indicated that the frequencies of the HLA DRB1*0405 and DQB1*0401 alleles were increased in the patients with intestinal-type GC when compared with controls (both DRB1*0405 and DQB1*0401: p = 0.015, OR = 1.57, 95% CI = 1.09-2.26), but the changes were not statistically significant after correction for multiple comparisons. None of the cytokine gene polymorphisms were associated with GC susceptibility, whether patients with GC were analyzed as a group according to the histological subtype. Of interest was the comparison of controls and patients with intestinal-type GC. The frequency of an IL-10-592AA homozygote showing concomitant carriage of the HLA DRB1*0405-DQB1*0401 haplotype was significantly higher in patients with intestinal-type GC (chi(2) = 6.369, p = 6.0116, p(c) = 0.0464, OR = 2.43, 95% CI = 1.21-4.48). Our results suggest that the HLA class II and IL-10-592A/C polymorphisms synergistically affect the susceptibility to GC development of H. pylori-infected individuals in the Japanese population. (c) 2009 UICC
  • Shigeto Mizuno; Masao Kobayashi; Shohken Tomita; Ikuya Miki; Atsuhiro Masuda; Mitsuko Onoyama; Yasuki Habu; Hideto Inokuchi; Yoshiyuki Watanabe
    GASTRIC CANCER SPRINGER 12 (3) 158 - 163 1436-3291 2009/10 [Refereed]
    Serum pepsinogen (PG) measurement has been used for gastric cancer screening since the 1990s. However, there are no reports comparing the screening validity of the PG test method with that of conventional X-ray examination directly in the same population, using a follow-up study. From April 2000 to March 2001, 12 120 residents of Osaka Prefecture, who underwent opportunistic screening at a medical checkup organization in Osaka city (hereafter, "the organization"), were enrolled. They received both a barium meal examination and PG test simultaneously. All the participants were followed up for a 1-year period after the screening. For the participants advised to undergo endoscopic examination, the results of those who were examined at the organization were tallied. The other participants were checked using the Osaka Cancer Registry (hereafter, "the registry"). Of the 12 120 participants, 493 (4.1%) were positive with the PG method and 728 (6.0%) were positive with the X-ray method. Fifty-four (0.4%) were positive for both methods. Thirteen gastric cancer cases were diagnosed by successive esophagogastroduodenoscopies at the organization. Six additional gastric cancer cases were identified by record linkage with the registry. The sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive values of the PG method with a PGI cutoff level of a parts per thousand currency sign30 ng/ml and PGI/PGII ratio of a parts per thousand currency sign2.0 were 36.8%, 96.0%, and 1.4%, respectively. These values for the direct X-ray examination were 68.4%, 94.1%, and 1.8%, respectively. The PG test method alone with a PGI cutoff level of a parts per thousand currency sign30 ng/ml and PGI/PGII a parts per thousand currency sign 2.0 is not appropriate for gastric cancer screening.
  • Yuki Masuda; Munechika Inoue; Ayu Miyata; Shigeto Mizuno; Hiroaki Nanba
    INTERNATIONAL IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 9 (5) 620 - 626 1567-5769 2009/05 [Refereed]
    Cisplatin is broadly used clinically as an anticancer drug. Despite its significant anticancer activity, cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity and myelosuppression limit its use. MD-Fraction is glucan purified from maitake (Grifola frondosa), which has beta-1, 6-main chain with beta-1, 3-branches, has been reported to exhibit antitumor and antimetastatic activities by enhancing the immune system. In this study, we demonstrate that MD-Fraction in combination with cisplatin significantly enhanced antitumor and antimetastatic activity compared to cisplatin alone. MD-Fraction reduced decreases in body weight, spleen weight and the number of immunocompetent cells such as macrophages, DCs and NK cells in cisplatin-treated mice. MD-Fraction also induced IL-12p70 production by splenocytes, resulting in increased NK cell activity in cisplatin-treated mice. MD-Fraction significantly increased the mRNA expression of GM-CSF, G-CSF, M-CSF, IFN-gamma, IL-12 p40 in splenocytes and reduced the decrease in the number of CFU-GM colonies in cisplatin-treated bone marrow. These facts suggest that MD-Fraction can reduce cisplatin-induced myelosuppression. Moreover, treatment with MD-Fraction significantly reduced cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity accompanied by increases in serum creatinine level, necrosis and apoptosis of renal tubular cells. These results suggest that MD-Fraction in combination with cisplatin cannot only enhance antitumor and antimentastatic acitivity, but also reduce cisplatin-induced myelotoxicity and nephrotoxicity. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Masaru Yoshida; Atsuhiro Masuda; Yoshimi Fujishima; Shin Nishiumi; Shigeto Mizuno; Hiromu Kutsumi; Hideto Inokuchi; Takeshi Azuma
    Seikagaku. The Journal of Japanese Biochemical Society 81 (4) 308 - 14 0037-1017 2009/04 [Refereed]
  • Atsuhiro Masuda; Masaru Yoshida; Hideyuki Shiomi; Yoshinori Morita; Hiromu Kutsumi; Hideto Inokuchi; Shigeto Mizuno; Akira Nakamura; Toshiyuki Takai; Richard S Blumberg; Takeshi Azuma
    Inflammation & allergy drug targets 8 (1) 80 - 6 1871-5281 2009/03 [Refereed]
    It has been forty years since the discovery of Fc Receptors and their function. Fc Receptors include the IgG receptors (FcgammaR), high-affinity IgE receptor (FcepsilonRI), IgA and IgA/IgM receptors, and neonatal Fc receptor for IgG (FcRn). In particular, the FcgammaRs have been well known to play an important role in many biologic processes including those associated with the response to infection and cancer as well as in the pathogenesis of immune-mediated diseases. Both positive and negative regulatory function has ascribed to Fc receptors and FcgammaRs in particular which serve to establish a threshold for immune cell activation. In other cases, Fc receptors such as FcRn possess a novel structure and function by playing a major role in the transport of IgG across polarized epithelial barriers at mucosal surfaces and in the regulation of IgG half-life. These diverse functions highlight the potential effectiveness of targeting Fc receptors for therapeutic purposes. This review summarizes new information available in the therapeutic applications of this biology.
  • Miyachi Hideyuki; Miki Ikuya; Shirasaka Daisuke; Matsumoto Yuko; Mizuno Shigeto; Azuma Takeshi; Kasuga Masato
    GASTROENTEROLOGY 134 (4) A331  0016-5085 2008/04 [Refereed]
  • Miki Ikuya; Miyachi Hideyuki; Matsumoto Yuko; Morita Yoshinori; Yoshida Masaru; Tamura Takao; Toyonaga Takashi; Kutsumi Hiromu; Inokuchi Hideto; Mizuno Shigeto; Azuma Takeshi
    GASTROENTEROLOGY 134 (4) A334  0016-5085 2008/04 [Refereed]
  • Atsuhiro Masuda; Masaru Yoshida; Hideyuki Shiomi; Satoshi Ikezawa; Tetsuya Takagawa; Hiroshi Tanaka; Ryo Chinzei; Tsukasa Ishida; Yoshinori Morita; Hiromu Kutsumi; Hideto Inokuchi; Shuo Wang; Kanna Kobayashi; Shigeto Mizuno; Akira Nakamura; Toshiyuki Takai; Richard S. Blumberg; Takeshi Azuma
    INFECTION AND IMMUNITY AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY 76 (4) 1728 - 1737 0019-9567 2008/04 [Refereed]
    Citrobacter rodentium, a murine model pathogen for enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, colonizes the colon utilizing attaching and effacing lesions to adhere specifically to the surfaces of intestinal epithelial cells and cause mucosal inflammation. CD4(+) T cells, B cells, and immumoglobulin G (IgG), but not secretory IgA or IgM, play a critical role in eradicating this pathogen. Consistent with the importance of IgG in C. rodentium eradication, IgG transport by the neonatal Fc receptor for IgG within the intestinal epithelium also has a critical role in the regulation of C. rodentium infection. It remains to be determined, however, whether Fc gamma receptors (Fc gamma Rs), the receptors for the Fc portion of IgG, regulate this bacterial infection within mucosal tissues. Therefore, we investigated the roles of Fc gamma Rs during C. rodentium infection. Fe receptor common gamma chain (FcR gamma)-deficient mice were more susceptible to C. rodentium-induced colitis. This occurred through decreased efficiency of FcR-mediated endocytosis and maturation of dendritic cells and consequently T-cell activation of antigen-specific T cells. Moreover, in the absence of Fc gamma Rs, phagocytosis by macrophages was significantly diminished. Therefore, activating Fc gamma Rs play an important role in defending against C. rodentium infection, indicating that the critical role played by IgG in this infection is not mediated by IgG alone but is dependent upon this class of receptors.
  • 血小板低下慢性C型肝炎に対して少量ペグインターフェロン+リバビリン間欠48週間投与でSVRを得た1例
    森 敬弘; 福田 亘; 三原 美香; 北口 容子; 渡邉 元樹; 本庶 元; 光本 保英; 富岡 秀夫; 清水 誠治; 杉野 成; 伊藤 正; 水野 成人
    日本消化器病学会雑誌 (一財)日本消化器病学会 105 (臨増総会) A310 - A310 0446-6586 2008/03
  • Jo Kitawaki; Bing Xu; Hiroaki Ishihara; Michiaki Fukui; Goji Hasegawa; Naoto Nakamura; Shigeto Mizuno; Mitsuhiro Ohta; Hiroshi Obayashi; Hideo Honjo
    Problem Endometriosis is an immune-related chronic inflammatory disease with a polygenic predisposition. The aim of this study was to investigate whether polymorphisms in killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) is responsible, in part, for genetic susceptibility to endometriosis. Method of study The KIRs genotype was determined in 186 patients with endometriosis and 165 control women using polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers. Results The frequency of KIR3DS1 was significantly decreased in patients compared with controls (32%versus 44%, P = 0.028). KIR data were analyzed using a model comprised of three large groups, in which a gradient of activation/inhibitory potential derived from the combination of KIR and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) ligand genes was taken into account. The frequency of inhibitory KIRs/HLA-class I combination genotypes was significantly higher in patients than in controls (chi(2) = 6.010, 2 df, P = 0.0496). Conclusion Our results suggest that polymorphism in KIRs may be associated with susceptibility for endometriosis.
  • Ueo, T.; Yazumi, S.; Okuyama, S.; Okada, Y.; Oono, T.; Watanabe, M.; Umehara, Y.; Honjo, H.; Mitumoto, Y.; Mori, T.; Tomioka, H.; Mugitani, T.; Mizuno, S.; Chiba, T.; Shimizu, S.
    Abdominal imaging 32 (3) 348 - 350 0942-8925 2007/05 [Refereed]
    We report a unique case of acute cholecystitis due to strangulation of a floating gallbladder by the lesser omentum, which could be detected by abdominal ultrasonography. We believe this case to be the first case of reported literatures in English.
  • 福田 亘; 北口 容子; 栗田 亮; 奥山 俊介; 渡邉 元樹; 本庶 元; 光本 保英; 森 敬弘; 平山 哲也; 鹿田 潮; 伊藤 正; 大見 甫; 木本 邦彦; 富岡 秀夫; 清水 誠治; 杉野 成; 水野 成人
    交通医学 日本交通医学会 61 (1-2) 33 - 33 0022-5274 2007/03
  • Shinya Kojima; Naohiko Ueno; Akihiro Asakawa; Kenichirou Sayiyama; Tetsuro Naruo; Shigeto Mizuno; Akio Inui
    PEPTIDES ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 28 (2) 459 - 463 0196-9781 2007/02 [Refereed]
    PP administration induces negative energy balance by suppressing food intake and gastric emptying while increasing energy expenditure in rodents. The mechanism of PP actions involves the changes in the expression of hypothalamic feeding-regulatory peptides and the activity of the vago-vagal and vago-sympathetic reflex arc. PP-overexpressing mice we developed exhibited the thin phenotype with decreased food intake and gastric emptying rate. Plasma cholecystokinin (CCK) concentrations were increased in the transgenic mice and CCK-1 receptor antagonist improved the anorexia of the animals. These results, together with the previous notion of PP as an anti-CCK hormone in pancreatic exocrine secretion and gallbladder contraction, indicate that PP-CCK interactions may be either antagonistic or synergistic and the transgenic mice may exhibit the mixed phenotype by overproduction of PP and CCK. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Techniques and interpretations of endoscopic ultrasonograpy for lower digestive tract
    Seiji Shimizu; Hideo Tomioka; Shigeto Mizuno; Masahiro Tada
    Gastroenterological Endoscopy 48 (11) 2664 - 2673 0387-1207 2006/11 
    The indications of endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) for diseases of the lower digestive tract include cancers, submucosal tumors, extramural lesions, inflammatory diseases, etc. Ultrasonic endoscopes and miniature probes are available the use of miniature ultrasonic probes is generally adequate except for lesions of the lowermost part of the rectum, tumors with considerable thickness, and extramural lesions. Especially, miniature ultrasonic probes are useful for evaluating the depth of early colorectal cancers, which consists of the majority of practice with EUS. Mainly, deaerated water instillation method is employed for observation adequate positioning of a patient for immersing a lesion with water and short time examination are important. If the advantages and disdvantages of EUS in various disorders are satisfactorily recognized, the use of EUS will contribute to improving the diagnostic capability.
  • T. Inui; A. Asakawa; Y. Morita; S. Mizuno; T. Natori; A. Kawaguchi; M. Murakami; Y. Hishikawa; A. Inui
    Journal of Internal Medicine 260 (5) 484 - 487 0954-6820 2006/11 [Refereed]
  • DSM,CDDP,5-FUを用いた進行肝細胞癌治療
    森 敬弘; 光本 保英; 岡田 頼久; 辰巳 千栄; 栗田 亮; 奥山 俊介; 渡邉 元樹; 本庶 元; 富岡 秀夫; 清水 誠治; 伊藤 正; 水野 成人; 岩井 眞樹; 岡上 武
    日本消化器病学会雑誌 (一財)日本消化器病学会 103 (臨増大会) A965 - A965 0446-6586 2006/09
  • 早期胃癌範囲診断の工夫 酢酸・インジゴカルミン・水洗法
    本庶 元; 栗田 亮; 奥山 俊介; 渡邉 元樹; 光本 保英; 森 敬弘; 富岡 秀夫; 清水 誠治; 水野 成人
    Gastroenterological Endoscopy (一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会 48 (Suppl.2) 2089 - 2089 0387-1207 2006/09
  • 超音波にて腹腔内多臓器転移を確認しえた胸膜悪性中皮腫の1例
    森 敬弘; 光本 保英; 辰巳 ちえ; 岡田 頼久; 栗田 亮; 奥山 俊介; 渡邉 元樹; 本庶 元; 富岡 秀夫; 清水 誠治; 杉野 成; 伊藤 正; 大見 甫; 水野 成人
    超音波医学 (公社)日本超音波医学会 33 (3) 420 - 420 1346-1176 2006/05
  • 本庶 元; 岡田 頼久; 奥山 俊介; 梅原 康湖; 渡邉 元樹; 上尾 太郎; 光本 保英; 森 敬弘; 富岡 秀夫; 清水 誠治; 水野 成人; 石黒 信吾
    胃と腸 (株)医学書院 41 (3) 393 - 400 0536-2180 2006/03 
    60歳代前半の男性で,約1年前から水様下痢がみられ,半年前に当院を受診したが外来での諸検査では原因を特定できなかった.内服治療で下痢は改善せず,他院にて入院精査を受けたが原因は特定できず,2ヵ月前から腹部膨満感,食思不振,嘔吐が出現するようになり当院に入院し,精査を行った.ダブルバルーン小腸内視鏡にて全小腸を観察したところ,広範な浮腫状変化と散在する大小のびらんを認めた.びらんは回腸に多く,輪状に分布する傾向を認め,回腸に全周性潰瘍を伴う高度な狭窄を認めた.狭窄部に対して小腸部分切除を行い,病理組織学的に検討したところ,粘膜下層を中心にやや小型の異型リンパ球がび漫性に浸潤しているのを認め,免疫組織染色にてCD3陽性のT細胞性リンパ腫の所見を認めた.吸収不良症候群による下痢を伴うことから,enteropathy-type T細胞性リンパ腫と診断した.化学療法を開始したが,効果がなく,イレウスを繰り返すうちに徐々に全身状態が悪化し,術後79日目に敗血症にて死亡した
  • Masayuki A. Fujino; Shigeru Bito; Kazuko Takei; Shigeto Mizuno; Hideto Yokoi
    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings 2606 - 2609 0589-1019 2006 [Refereed]
    Since 1994, following the leading efforts by the European Society for Gastrointestinal Endoseopy, Organisation Mondiale d'Endoscopie Digestive (OMED) has succeeded in compiling minimal number of terms required for computer generation of digestive endoscopy reports nicknamed MST (Minimal Standard Terminology). Though with some insufficiencies, and though developed only for digestive endoscopy, MST has been the only available terminology that is globally standardized in medicine. By utilizing the merits of a unified, structured terminology that can be used in multiple languages we can utilize the data stored in different languages as a common database. For this purpose, a standing, terminology-managing organization that manages and maintains and, when required, expands the terminology on a global level, is absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, however, the organization that performs version control of MST (OMED terminology, standardization and data processing committee) is currently suspending its activity. Medical practice of the world demands more and more specialization, with resultant needs for information exchange among specialized territories. As the cooperation between endoscopy and pathology has become currently the most important problem in the Endoscopy Working Group of Integrating Healthcare Enterprise-Japan (IHE-J,) the cooperation among different specialties is essential. There are DICOM or HL7 standards as the protocols for storage, and exchange (communication) of the data, but there is yet no organization that manages the terminology itself astride different specialties. We hereby propose to establish, within IEEE, for example, a system that promotes standardization of the terminology that can transversely describe a patient, and that can control different societies and groups, as far as the terminology is concerned. © 2006 IEEE.
  • A Asakawa; N Ueno; M Katagi; Y Ijuin; Y Morita; S Mizuno; T Inui; R Sakamaki; N Shinfuku; M Uemoto
    JOURNAL OF DIABETES AND ITS COMPLICATIONS ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 20 (1) 56 - 58 1056-8727 2006/01 [Refereed]
    Many patients with diabetes mellitus complain of early satiety and postprandial gastric fullness and discomfort. Mosapride citrate, a 5-HT4 receptor agonist, enhances gastric emptying and alleviates gastrointestinal discomfort in patients with diabetic gastroparesis. This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of mosapride citrate on feeding behavior in ob/ob obese mice with decreased gastric emptying. Mosapride citrate (1 mg/kg/day) was orally administered for 7 days. Food and water intake and body weight were measured daily. Blood glucose, serum insulin, and fructosamine concentrations were measured after 7 days of treatment. Orally administered mosapride citrate significantly increased food intake in ob/ob obese mice, with a tendency to decrease fasting blood glucose and fructosamine concentrations compared with controls. There were no significant changes in body weight after 7 days of treatment with oral mosapride citrate. These observations suggest that mosapride citrate may be useful in the treatment of appetite loss and improve the quality of life in patients with diabetes mellitus. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Masayuki A. Fujino; Shigeru Bito; Kazuko Takei; Shigeto Mizuno; Hideto Yokoi
    Since 1994, following the leading efforts by the European Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Organisation Mondiale d'Endoscopie Digestive (OMED) has succeeded in compiling minimal number of terms required for computer generation of digestive endoscopy reports nicknamed MST (Minimal Standard Terminology). Though with some insufficiencies, and though developed only for digestive endoscopy, MST has been the only available terminology that is globally standardized in medicine. By utilizing the merits of a unified, structured terminology that can be used in multiple languages we can utilize the data stored in different languages as a common database. For this purpose, a standing, terminology-managing organization that manages and maintains and, when required, expands the terminology on a global level, is absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, however, the organization that performs version control of MST (OMED terminology, standardization and data processing committee) is currently suspending its activity. Medical practice of the world demands more and more specialization, with resultant needs for information exchange among specialized territories. As the cooperation between endoscopy and pathology has become currently the most important problem in the Endoscopy Working Group of Integrating Healthcare Enterprise-Japan (IHE-J,) the cooperation among different specialties is essential. There are DICOM or HL7 standards as the protocols for storage, and exchange (communication) of the data, but there is yet no organization that manages the terminology itself astride different specialties. We hereby propose to establish, within IEEE, for example, a system that promotes standardization of the terminology that can transversely describe a patient, and that can control different societies and groups, as far as the terminology is concerned.
  • S Mizuno; Y Morita; T Inui; A Asakawa; N Ueno; T Ando; H Kato; M Uchida; T Yoshikawa; A Inui
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER WILEY-LISS 117 (6) 1058 - 1059 0020-7136 2005/12 [Refereed]
    Helicobacter pylori (If. pylori) is associated with the development of cancer in the stomach, but both positive and negative associations were reported with colorectal neoplasia. We sought to determine whether H. pylori is associated with colon neoplasia in Japanese population. We examined 332 patients who underwent routine high-resolution total colonoscopy and serologic testing for IgG antibodies agonist H. pylori. Subjects who received cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors or previous eradication therapy and those with borderline titer levels were excluded from data analysis (n = 27). Seronegative control subjects were from the same study population to maximize the representativeness. There were no significant differences in age and gender between the 2 patient groups. A significant increase in the incidence of adenomatous polyps (p < 0.0001) and decrease in normal colonoscopic findings (p < 0.0005) were observed in seropositive patients than those seronegative. Our study indicates an etiological link of H. pylori infection to colorectal neoplasia and the need of routine colonoscopy in seropositive patients. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 肝に多発腫瘤を形成し,診断に苦慮した内臓幼虫移行症の1例
    岡田 頼久; 辰巳 千栄; 栗田 亮; 奥山 祐介; 渡邉 元樹; 本庶 元; 光本 保秀; 森 敬弘; 平山 哲也; 鹿田 潮; 伊藤 正; 大見 甫; 木本 邦彦; 富岡 秀夫; 清水 誠治; 杉野 成; 水野 成人
    肝臓 (一社)日本肝臓学会 46 (Suppl.3) A634 - A634 0451-4203 2005/11
  • 内視鏡所見のえられた小腸T細胞リンパ腫の1例
    本庶 元; 岡田 頼久; 大野 崇; 奥山 俊介; 梅原 康湖; 渡邉 元樹; 上尾 太郎; 光本 保英; 森 敬弘; 平山 哲也; 鹿田 潮; 伊藤 正; 富岡 秀夫; 大見 甫; 木本 邦彦; 清水 誠治; 水野 成人; 石黒 信吾
    Gastroenterological Endoscopy (一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会 47 (Suppl.2) 2020 - 2020 0387-1207 2005/09
  • 小網による絞扼性胆嚢炎の1例
    上尾 太郎; 岡田 頼久; 大野 崇; 奥山 俊介; 梅原 康湖; 渡邉 元樹; 本庶 元; 平山 哲也; 光本 保英; 森 敬弘; 富岡 秀夫; 清水 誠治; 麦谷 達郎; 鹿田 潮; 伊藤 正; 大見 甫; 木本 邦彦; 水野 成人
    日本消化器病学会雑誌 (一財)日本消化器病学会 102 (臨増総会) A335 - A335 0446-6586 2005/03
  • 小網による絞扼性胆嚢炎の1例
    上尾 太郎; 岡田 頼久; 大野 崇; 奥山 俊介; 渡邉 元樹; 梅原 康湖; 本庶 元; 光本 保英; 森 敬弘; 富岡 秀夫; 清水 誠治; 伊藤 正; 大見 甫; 麦谷 達郎; 水野 成人
    超音波医学 (公社)日本超音波医学会 32 (1) 40 - 40 1346-1176 2005/01
  • 腸閉塞をきたした旋尾線虫幼虫移行症の一例
    渡邉 元樹; 岡田 頼久; 大野 崇; 梅原 康湖; 吉岡 毅; 上尾 太郎; 本庶 元; 光本 保英; 光 敬弘; 平山 哲也; 鹿田 潮; 富岡 秀夫; 清水 誠治; 伊藤 正; 大見 甫; 木本 邦彦; 水野 成人
    日本消化器病学会雑誌 (一財)日本消化器病学会 101 (臨増大会) A771 - A771 0446-6586 2004/09
  • ランブル鞭毛虫症の3例 生検組織を用いた塗抹細胞診の有用性を含めて
    上尾 太郎; 岡田 頼久; 大野 崇; 渡邉 元樹; 梅原 康湖; 吉岡 毅; 本庶 元; 光本 保英; 森 敬弘; 平山 哲也; 鹿田 潮; 富岡 秀夫; 清水 誠治; 伊藤 正; 大見 甫; 木本 邦彦; 水野 成人
    日本消化器病学会雑誌 (一財)日本消化器病学会 101 (臨増大会) A771 - A771 0446-6586 2004/09
  • T Inui; S Mizuno; K Takai; M Nakagawa; M Uchida; M Fujimiya; A Asakawa; A Inui
    The impacts of toxins are generally observed as acute intoxications, whereas the environmental health effects of chronic exposure to mostly low levels of toxins are only poorly documented and are an emerging issue. Furthermore, toxins are potentially useful as tools to study the physiological role of particular channels or to determine structural features of channels that are important for their function. Recent studies suggest that vacuolating cytotoxin (VacA) is a novel ligand for receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase (RPTP) B. VacA is a virulence factor of Helicobacter pylori that is involved in gastric ulceration and cancer in experimental animals and humans. VacA may represent the chronic exposure of A-B family of bacterial endotoxins and be a useful probe for RPTPbeta functions in the gastrointestinal system.
  • 辻本 隆; 光本 保英; 松永 心祐; 渡邉 元樹; 吉岡 毅; 吉本 貴宜; 富岡 秀夫; 水野 成人; 伊藤 正; 清水 誠治; 木本 邦彦
    交通医学 日本交通医学会 57 (3〜4) 139 - 139 0022-5274 2003/07
  • PPI,Amoxicillin,Clarithromycin併用療法によるH.pylori除菌におけるPPI,薬剤感受性およびCYP2C19遺伝子多型の影響
    羽生 泰樹; 河端 秀明; 富岡 秀夫; 池浦 司; 浦井 俊二; 塩 せいじ; 河村 卓二; 久津見 弘; 水野 成人; 早雲 孝信; 安田 健治朗; 井口 秀人; 木本 邦彦; 中島 正継; 川井 啓市
    日本消化器病学会雑誌 (一財)日本消化器病学会 100 (臨増総会) A246 - A246 0446-6586 2003/03
  • H. Kawabata; Y. Habu; H. Tomioka; H. Kutsumi; M. Kobayashi; K. Oyasu; T. Hayakumo; S. Mizuno; K. Kiyota; M. Nakajima; K. Kimoto; H. Inokuchi; K. Kawai
    Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 17 (2) 259 - 264 0269-2813 2003/02 [Refereed]
    Aim: To investigate the effect of different proton pump inhibitors, S-mephenytoin 4′-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) genotype and antibiotic susceptibility on the eradication rate of Helicobacter pylori. Methods: One hundred and eighty-seven H. pylori-infected peptic ulcer patients were randomly treated with either rabeprazole (10 mg b.d.) or lansoprazole (30 mg b.d.) plus amoxicillin (750 mg b.d.) and clarithromycin (400 mg b.d.) for 1 week. The antibiotic susceptibility and CYP2C19 genotype (extensive or poor metabolizer) were investigated. Results: The eradication rates in the rabeprazole-amoxicillin-clarithromycin (RAC) and lansoprazole-amoxicillin-clarithromycin (LAC) groups were 75% and 69%, respectively, on an intention-to-treat basis, and 80% and 75%. respectively, on a per protocol basis. The eradication rate for clarithromycin-resistant strains was significantly lower than that for clarithromycin-sensitive strains (24% vs. 86%, P < 0.05). For clarithromycin-sensitive strains in the LAC group, there was a tendency for a lower eradication rate in extensive than poor metabolizers. The eradication rate in extensive metabolizers in the RAC group tended to be higher than that in extensive metabolizers in the LAC group (89% vs. 78%, P = 0.079726). Conclusions: The success of the 1-week proton pump inhibitor-amoxicillin-clarithromycin regimen depends on the susceptibility of H. pylori to clarithromycin. Moreover, differences in CYP2C19 genotype influence the eradication rates of lansoprazole-based therapy, and the rabeprazole-based regimen has an advantage especially in extensive metabolizers.
  • 三上 栄; 渡邉 元樹; 辻本 隆; 松永 心祐; 伊藤 繭; 吉岡 毅; 吉本 貴宣; 富岡 秀夫; 光本 保英; 水野 成人
    交通医学 日本交通医学会 56 (1〜2) 29 - 29 0022-5274 2002/03
  • MIZUNO Shigeto; KOMIYAMA Yasuhiro; KIMOTO Kunihiko; KAWAI Keiichi
    Japan Journal of Medical Informatics Japan Association for Medical Informatics 20 (2) 173 - 175 0289-8055 2000/06 

     Cooperation between medical facilities in use of computer networks is expected to become popular in the future, because efficient usage of medical resources is important. For electrical exchange of medical information between hospitals, it is necessary to standardize the items and structure of such information. In Japan, however, standardization of exchange of medical information is still insufficient. Few hospitals actually exchange their medical information with other hospitals.

     In this paper, we describe a reporting system for endoscopic examination using XML (Extensible Markup Language) data-description language. This system, which is under construction, is designed for exchange of information on results of endoscopic examination between departments and between hospitals. Because both standardization of endoscopic terms and clarification of the structure of information are attempted in this system, information can be mutually utilized by differentsystems and re-used for making medical decisions and statistical analysis.

  • Keisuke Kiyota; Yasuki Habu; Yasushi Sugano; Hideto Inokuchi; Shigeto Mizuno; Kunihiko Kimoto; Keiichi Kawai
    Journal of Gastroenterology 34 (11) 76 - 79 0944-1174 1999/12 [Refereed]
    This study was a comparison of 1-week and 2-week triple therapies with omeprazole, amoxiciIlin, and clarithromycin (OAC) in patients with peptic ulcer disease and Helicobacter pylori infection. A total of 147 peptic ulcer patients with H. pylori infection assessed by histology and culture were randomly treated with omeprazole 20 mg bid + amoxicillin 1000 mg bid + clarithromycin 400 mg bid for either 1 week (OAC1w) or 2 weeks (OAC2w). Both groups then received omeprazole 20 mg daily for 2 weeks followed by ranitidine 300 mg daily for 4 weeks. Eradication of H. pylori was assessed by histology, culture, and the 13C-urea breath test (13C-UBT) at least 6 weeks after cessation of antimicrobial therapy. Intention-to-treat eradication rates were 78.2 (95 CI 69-87) with OAC1w and 88.4 (95 CI 81-96) with OAC2w. Per-protocol eradication rates were 86.0 (95 CI 78-94) with OAC1w, 97.0 (95 CI 93-100) with OAC2w. There was no significant difference in the eradication rates between OAC1w and OAC2w. Side effects were mild and self-limiting in both groups. In conclusion, both 1- and 2-week triple therapy with OAC are well tolerated and provide good eradication rates in peptic ulcer patients in Japan. The eradication rate of the 2-week regimen was higher than that of the 1-week regimen, but the difference was not statistically significant. Further studies including long-term economic considerations are required to determine the optimal duration of treatment.
  • TSUKADA Keiko; YASUDA Kenjiro; NAKAJIMA Masatsugu; SAITO Yusuke; FUJII Tsuneshi; KOHGO Yataka; OBARA Katsutoshi; IRISAWA Atushi; KASUKAWA Reiji; MIZUNO Sigeto; HISATSUNE Hiroshi; KIMOTO Kunihiko; YANAI Hideo; KAINO Seiji; OKITA Kiwamu; INO Akihiro; YAMADA Yoshio; KAWAMOTO Kenji
    GASTROENTEROLOGICAL ENDOSCOPY Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society 41 (7) 1348 - 1355 0387-1207 1999/07 
    A thin echo-video-endoscope for upper GI tract (GF-UMP230) has been newly devel-oped by OLYMPUS Co. Ltd.. As this instrument has one ultrasound scanner of 7.5 MHZ and a smaller CCD, the diameter and lenght of the tip is designed to be smaller and shorter than that of the former model of echo-video-endoscope (GF-UM200). In order to evaluate the clinical use of this new echo-endoscope, 705 cases (246 of upper digestive diseases, 298 of pancreatic diseases and 161 of biliary diseases) were studied in 6 hospitals from March to November of 1997. The endoscopic images of GF-UMP230 were satisfactory for diagnosing small lesions as well as observing the whole GI-tract though it projected a smaller view field on a TV monitor. The ultrasonic images of this eco-endoscope were almost the same as those of 7.5 MHz images of GF-UM200. The diagnostic accuracy of EUS with this scope in detecting the depth of gastric cancer invasion was 77.9%, which was almost equal to that obtained by the former model (79.6%). The advantages of this scope was a good manuevarability, especially easier insertion to the second portion of the duodenum as well as to the esophagus because of its smaller diamter of the shaft and shorter length of the tip. It is concluded, therefore, that this new echo-endoscope will make the EUS study easier and manywidespread as a body imaging diagnotic method.
  • Yasuki Habu; Shigeto Mizuno; Seiichi Hirano; Keisuke Kiyota; Hideto Inokuchi; Kunihiko Kimoto; Masatsugu Nakajima; Keiichi Kawai
    Digestion 59 (4) 321 - 325 0012-2823 1998/07 [Refereed]
    Background/Aims: There have been few reliable published studies permitting assessment of therapeutic regimens for Helicobacter pylori infection in gastric ulcer (GU) patients. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of omeprazole-based dual and triple therapy regimens, both including clarithromycin, for the cure of H. pylori infection in active GU and duodenal ulcer (DU) patients. The study was conducted in Japan, a country in which GU is more prevalent than DU. Methods: Two hundred and thirty-four consecutive peptic ulcer patients (GU: n = 124 DU: n = 103 GDU: n = 7) suffering from H. pylori infection were randomly treated with either omeprazole 20 mg b.i.d. + amoxicillin 500 mg q.i.d. + clarithromycin 400 mg b.i.d. (OAC) or with omeprazole 20 mg b.i.d. + clarithromycin 400 mg b.i.d. (OC) for 14 days. H. pylori infection was evaluated by histology and culture from antral and corpus biopsies 6 weeks after completing antimicrobial therapy. Results: Follow-up data were available in 202 patients. The cure rates of H. pylori infection in GU patients were 83.9% (47/56) with OAC and 59.2% (29/49) with OC. Corresponding rates in DU patients were 91.5% (43/47) and 70.5% (31/44), respectively. The cure rates with OAC were significantly higher than those with OC (p < 0.001, χ2 test). The cure rates in GU patients were lower than those in DU patients for both regimens, but these differences were not statistically significant. Side effects were generally mild and did not interfere with compliance. One patient in the OAC group and 2 patients in the OC group complained of severe side effects that led to therapy discontinuation. Conclusions: Triple therapy with omeprazole, amoxicillin and clarithromycin is a safe and effective regimen for the cure of H. pylori infection in GU patients as well as in DU patients. We recommend this triple regimen as a first-line treatment in all patients with peptic ulcers associated with H. pylovi infection in Japan.
  • S. Mizuno; H. Hisatsune; T. Hayakumo; K. Kimoto; K. Kawai
    Endoscopy 30 (1) A139 - A141 0013-726X 1998 [Refereed]
  • Yoshiyuki Watanabe; Kotaro Ozasa; Akane Higashi; Kyohei Hayashi; Shigeto Mizuno; Msako Mukai; Hideto Inokuchi; Kazumasa Miki; Keiichi Kawai
    Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 25 (1) 391 - 394 0192-0790 1997/07 [Refereed]
    We enrolled five hundred twenty-one patients with atrophic gastritis and 769 controls in a case-control study of atrophic gastritis and Helicobacter pylori infection and lifestyle factors. The participants had no history of upper gastrointestinal surgery. They were selected from 1,395 adult (35 years or older) residents of a rural town in Kyoto prefecture who participated in an annual health examination in 1987. Atrophic gastritis was diagnosed on the basis of serum pepsinogen levels: pepsinogen I levels (≤70 ng/ml) and pepsinogen I/pepsinogen II ratios (≤3.0). The presence of immunoglobulin G antibodies to H. pylori indicated H. pylori infection. At the time of the health examination, participants were interviewed about daily lifestyle habits such as use of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages and consumption of green-yellow vegetables. Unconditional logistic regression analysis indicated that H. pylori infection was associated with a significantly increased risk for atrophic gastritis for all participants (odds ratio, 8.17 95% confidence interval, 5.63-11.84) for men (odds ratio, 10.91 95% CI, 5.25-22.67) and for women (odds ratio, 7.28 95% CI, 4.72-11.22). We found no statistically significant relations between lifestyle factors and atrophic gastritis.
  • 川井 啓市; 渡辺 能行; 水野 成人
    消化器集団検診 The Japanese Society of Gastroenterological Cancer Screening 35 (3) 307 - 308 0287-6132 1997
  • Yoshiyuki Watanabe; John H. Kurata; Shigeto Mizuno; Masako Mukai; Hideto Inokuchi; Kazumasa Miki; Kotaro Ozasa; Keiichi Kawai
    Digestive Diseases and Sciences 42 (7) 1383 - 1387 0163-2116 1997 [Refereed]
    We conducted a seroepidemiological nested case-control study to determine the association of gastric cancer with Helicobacter pylori infection and atrophic gastritis. A cohort of 2858 participants in an annual multiphasic health check-up were followed for eight years. Data for 45 gastric cancer cases and 225 sex-, age-, and address-matched control subjects were analyzed. Helicobacter pylori infection was determined by IgG antibodies, and atrophic gastritis was diagnosed by both serum pepsinogen I level (≤70 ng/ml) and the pepsinogen I/II ratio (≤3.0). Univariate analysis showed that Helicobacter pylori and atrophic gastritis were significantly associated with gastric cancer. In a multivariate analysis, atrophic gastritis was associated with significantly increased risk of cancer (odds ratio, 3.38 95% confidence interval, 1.54-7.42) however, Helicobacter pylori was not associated with cancer (odds ratio, 1.84 95% confidence interval, 0.59-5.72). These results suggest that Helicobacter pylori infection alone is not directly associated with gastric carcinogenesis but has an indirect relation to gastric cancer through the development of atrophic gastritis.
  • H. Hisatsune; S. Yoshida; S. Mizuno; T. Oki; M. Mukai; K. Marui; T. Hirayama; T. Itoh; K. Kimoto
    Digestive Endoscopy Blackwell Publishing 8 (4) 324 - 327 0915-5635 1996 [Refereed]
    Acute organoaxial gastric volvulus with paraesophageal hernia was detected by upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in a 75-year-old female patient. Endoscopic reduction of gastric volvulus was initially performed and a nasogastric tube was inserted into the jejunum. The introduction of oval intake resulted in vomiting and a barium meal study suggested recurrence of gastric volvulus. Endoscopic reduction was then performed, and a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube was inserted to anchor the stomach to the anterior abdominal wall. The tube was removed 15 weeks later, and the patient has remained asymptomatic to date.
  • Kiyohito Tanaka; Masatsugu Nakajima; Kenjiro Yasuda; Hidekazu Mukai; Takanobu Hayakumo; Shigeto Mizuno; Tooru Ashihara; Seiichi Hirano; Naomi Mochiduki; Kouji Uno; Hideo Tomioka
    GASTROENTEROLOGICAL ENDOSCOPY 36 (2) 370 - 1 0387-1207 1994 [Refereed]
    Few cases of malignant tumor of the small intestine diagnosed preoperatively have been reported, in spite of the developement of endoscopic examination. We experienced one case of malignant lymphoma located 220cm distal to the Treitz Ligament. A patient was admitted to our hospital with a chief complaint of abdominal fullness. The diagnosis of malignant lymphoma could be made preoperatively by peroral enteroscopy under a sliding tube guidance, and was confirmed by histologic examination. This was the case most distally located from the Treitz ligament among the cases of malignant tumor of the small intestine diagnosed preperatively. Peroral enteroscopy is the most useful procedure in the preoperative diagnosis for small intestinal malignant tumors. © 1994, Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. All rights reserved.
  • Tooru Ashihara; Eisai Cho; Masatsugu Nakajima; Kenjirou Yasuda; Hidekazu Mukai; Takanobu Hayakumo; Shigeto Mizuno; Seiichi Hirano; Etsuko Sugahara; Naomi Mochizuki; Kiyohito Tanaka; Kouji Uno; Masahide Toujou; Hideo Tomioka; Keiko Tsukada
    GASTROENTEROLOGICAL ENDOSCOPY 36 (8) 1561 - 1567 0387-1207 1994 [Refereed]
    EUS was attempted in 102 lesions with early colorectal tumor for the diagnosis of carcinomatous invasion. These lesions were histologically confirmed by surgical or endoscopic resection 44 with adenoma, 37 with mucosal carcinoma and 21 with submucosal carcinoma. In these series, 44 lesions with adenoma were dealt as mucosal invasion, and 21 lesions with submucosal carcinoma were divided into three groups, sml, sm2, and sm3, according to the degree of carcinomatous infiltration within the submucosal layer. EUS diagnosis of tumor invasion were correct in 93 of 102 lesions (91%) 68 of 76 (89%) in protruded lesions and 25 of 26 (96%) in superficial lesions. Detection of the degree of submucosal infiltration with EUS was possible in 13 of 21 (62%) lesions with submucosal carcinoma 7 of 14 (50%) in protruded lesions and 6 of 7 (86%) in superficial lesions. It provided a high accuracy rate in the lesions less than 7 mm in height. The most important factors in the EUS diagnosis of carcinoma invasion or submucosal carcinoma infiltration was the shape and height of the lesions. It is concluded that EUS is of great value for the detection of infiltration degree of submucosal carcinoma as well as for the diagnosis of early colorectal tumor invasion. © 1994, Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. All rights reserved.
  • Kouji Uno; Masatsugu Nakajima; Kenjiro Yasuda; Eisai Cho; Hidekazu Mukai; Takanobu Hayakumo; Tooru Ashihara; Shigeto Mizuno; Seiichi Hirano; Naomi Mochizuki; Kiyohito Tanaka; Hideo Tomioka; Katsuyuki Yamaguchi
    Japanese Journal of Gastroenterology 91 (1) 115 - 118 0446-6586 1994 [Refereed]
  • Etsuko Ikeda; Masatsugu Nakajima; Kenjiro Yasuda; Eisai Cho; Hidekazu Mukai; Yoshihiro Mizuma; Takanobu Hayakumo; Tooru Ashihara; Shigeto Mizuno; Seiichi Hirano; Yasuki Habu; Naomi Mochizuki; Kiyohito Tanaka; Manabu Dodo; Kouji Uno; Hideo Tomioka; Masao Kobayashi; Takayoshi Matsui
    GASTROENTEROLOGICAL ENDOSCOPY 35 (5) 1087  0387-1207 1993 [Refereed]
    Endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) using a newly developed bipolar sphincterotome (Everest Medical Co) was performed in 14 patients with various bile duct diseases for diagnosis and treatment of these diseases. The bipolar sphincterotome is designed as consisting of two electrodes : a cutting wire and the return coil electrode encircling the catheter. Two types of electrosurgical generator (Olympus UES and Evelest Medical K2 -8700) were used in this study. Sphincterotomy was performed successfully in 13 of 14 cases. One failure was due to a weak power of incision at the setting of an electrosurgical generator. In 13 cases with successful sphincterotomy, endoscopic transpapillary treatment and/or diagnosis were all completed by these procedures. In these series, minimum bleeding was seen in 2 cases and perforation for which no surgical therapy was required, was encountered in 1 case. Bipolar EST is performed by passing radio frequency (RF) current flows from the cutting wire through the tissue to the return electrode. The localized RF current reduces systemic complications especially for the patient with a pacemaker and eliminates the need for a distant return electrode (grounding pad). Therefore, the bipolar sphincterotome can be used easily and safely. At present, however, this bipolar sphincterotome is inferior to the monopolar sphincterotome in the manipulation and the durability. Further refinements of the instruments are recommended for better and wider use of the technique. © 1993, Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. All rights reserved.
  • Eisai Cho; Tooru Ashihara; Masatsugu Nakajima; Kenjiro Yasuda; Hidekazu Mukai; Yoshihiro Mizuma; Takanobu Hayakumo; Shigeto Mizuno; Seiichi Hirano; Yasuki Habue; Etsuko Ikeda; Naomi Mochizuki; Kiyohito Tanaka; Manabu Dojo; Kouji Uno; Hideo Tomioka
    GASTROENTEROLOGICAL ENDOSCOPY 35 (2) 289  0387-1207 1993 [Refereed]
    A 2-channels electronic video-colonoscope (CF-2T200 I) has newly been developed by Olympus Co. for a better colonoscopic instrumentation. The scope has two instrument channels (left channel with 2.8mm and right channel with 3.7 mm in diameter respectively) which an ultrasonic probe with 3.4 mm in diameter can intubate easily. This new scope was applied 215 times of examination in 117 patients with colonic diseases (46 times for observation with biopsy, 30 times for endoscopic ultrasonography with an ultrasonic probe and 139 times for endoscopic electrosurgical resection). By using this instrument, total colonoscopy was successful in all of 92 attempted cases and endoscopic ultrasonography was successful in 30 cases without any trouble. Endoscopic polypectomy and mucosal resection were also easily manipulated by the combined use of a grasping forceps and a polypectomy snare that could pass through the both channels of the scope. Based on these results, we can evaluate that this new scope is considerably valuable as a colonoscopic instrumentation. © 1993, Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. All rights reserved.
  • Hidekazu Mukai; Masatsugu Nakajima; Kenjiro Yasuda; Shigeto Mizuno; Keiichi Kawai
    Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 38 (6) 676 - 683 0016-5107 1992 [Refereed]
    Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) was performed in 23 patients with carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater (ampulla) and in 16 patients with common bile duct (CBD) carcinoma. These patients all underwent surgery. The layered structures of the duodenum, ampulla, and CBD, and the pancreas, portal vein, and regional lymph nodes were clearly identified by EUS using a transduodenal approach. With this technique, ampullary carcinoma appeared as a hypoechoic mass in 22 of 23 patients, and the 1 remaining cancer was not detected because of its small size. Carcinoma of the CBD also appeared as a hypoechoic mass in 12 of 16 patients. However, the remaining four appeared as hyperechoic masses. For these tumors, EUS had a high tumor detection rate (96 to 100%). In this regard, EUS was comparable to ERCP and was better than ultrasonography (US), CT, and angiography. Using EUS, we were also able to stage the extent of these tumors according to the involvement of the duodenal or CBD walls, invasion of the pancreas and portal vein, and spread to regional lymph nodes. The accuracy rates of cancer extent by EUS were 78% for ampullary carcinoma and 81% for CBD carcinoma when compared with surgical findings. We conclude that EUS is a valuable method for the detection and staging of tumors of the ampulla and CBD. © 1992, American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. All rights reserved.
  • Yoshihiro Mizuma; Masatsugu Nakajima; Kenjiro Yasuda; Eisai Cho; Hidekazu Mukai; Takanobu Hayakumo; Tooru Ashihara; Shigeto Mizuno; Seiichi Hirano; Makoto Hayashi; Etsuko Ikeda; Jun'ichi Konishi; Gen'ichi Kato; Takayoshi Matsui; Masao Kobayashi
    GASTROENTEROLOGICAL ENDOSCOPY 33 (4) 717 - 1 0387-1207 1991 [Refereed]
    A new fiber optic CO2 laser system was developed, which made it possible to apply endoscopic treatment. The probe for endoscopic applications is 2.3 mm in diameter and 20mm in minimum bend radius. The tissue damage of the canine stomach was observed after the CO2 laser irradiation. It was considered that the optimum condition to radiate on the mucosal lesion was 5mm in distance, 5~10 watts in output power and total 5 seconds in irradiation time. On the basis of these results, 38 cases of digestive tract diseases including 13 early gastric cancers have been treated with CO2 laser, and satisfactory results were obtained. The endscopic CO2 laser treatment is considered to be effecive for mucosal cancer of stomach and biliary tract diseases. © 1991, Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. All rights reserved.
  • Tooru Ashihara; Kouji Uno; Kiyohito Tanaka; Etsuko Ikeda; Seiichi Hirano; Shigeto Mizuno; Takanobu Hayakumo; Yoshihiro Mizuma; Hidekazu Mukai; Eisai Cho; Kenjirou Yasuda; Masatsugu Nakajima
    GASTROENTEROLOGICAL ENDOSCOPY 33 (12) 2668 - 2675 0387-1207 1991 [Refereed]
    Endoscopic Ultrasonography (EUS) using an ultrasonic probe made by Olympus Co. was performed on 95 colorectal lesions. Normal rectal wall was visualized as 5-layered structure by the ultrasonic probe as clearly as by the ultrasonic endoscope (CF-UM3). The accuracy rate in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer invasion was 80% by the ultrasonic probe, and 90% by the CF-UM3. Because of the loss of echo, it was also difficult for the ultrasonic probe to judge the depth of advanced cancer invasion even when the probe was inserted successfully into a narrowing lumen. The ultrasonic probe showed lower sensitivity (33%) in the visualization of lymph nodes metestasis than the CF-UM3 (100%). The probe was inferior to the CF-UM3 in observation of submucosal tumors and extrinsiccompressions, but it was an excellent instrument for visualization of inflammatory diseases and small elevated lesions. EUS using the ultrasonic probe can be useful in the diagnosis of colorectal diseases with the improvement of its resolving power and loss of echo. © 1991, Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. All rights reserved.
  • Hajime Murakita; Genichi Kato; Seiichi Hirano; Shigeto Mizuno; Tooru Ashihara; Takayoshi Matsui; Takanobu Hayakumo; Yoshihiro Mizuma; Hidekazu Mukai; Eisai Cho; Kenjiro Yasuda; Masatsugu Nakajima
    GASTROENTEROLOGICAL ENDOSCOPY 33 (9) 2106 - 1 0387-1207 1991 [Refereed]
    Two cases of lymphangioma of the colon were clearly diagnosed by endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS). The 1st case, a 67-year-old male was admitted complaining of constipation and barium-enema examination and endoscopy revealed a soft submucosal tumor located at the ascending colon. As EUS showed multiple echo free spaces in the submucosa of the tumor and no abnormal findings were found by angiography, the tumor was finaly diagnosed as lymphangioma. Transendoscopic polypectomy was performed and histopathological examination revealed cavernous lymphangioma of the colon. The 2nd case, a 45-year-old woman was admitted into our hospital for the therapy of pyelonephritis. Extra-abdominal ultrasonography and CT scan showed polycystic lesion in the left flank. Barium-enema study and colon fiberscopy revealed a few cystic submucosal tumors at the descending colon. By EUS and angiography, a diagnosis of extramural and intramural lymphangioma of the descening colon was made. A cavernous lymphangioma was confirmed by histopathological examination of the resected colon. © 1991, Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. All rights reserved.
  • Hidekazu Mukai; Junichi Konishi; Etsuko Ikeda; Makoto Hayashi; Seiichi Hirano; Shigeto Mizuno; Tooru Ashihara; Takanobu Hayakumo; Yoshihiro Mizuma; Eisai Cho; Kenjiro Yasuda; Masatsugu Nakajima
    GASTROENTEROLOGICAL ENDOSCOPY 33 (3) 519 - 1 0387-1207 1991 [Refereed]
    The ultrasonic probe is a new instrument for intracorporeal ultrasonography. Its maximum diameter is 3.4 mm at the tip, which contains a mechanical radial scan transducer (7.5 MHz, 360 degrees of image angle). Two procedures are available for the use of this new instrument. The one is a transpapillary insertion of the probe into the bile and/or main pancreatic ducts through a duodenoscope. The other is a percutaneous transhepatic approach into the bile duct and gallbladder through a drainage track. Ultrasonography using this new probe was performed in 17 cases of the biliary and pancreatic diseases 9 of 17 with the transpapillary insertion and 8 with the percutaneous transhepatic approach. Images of the biliopancreatic system obtained by ultrasonic probe were clearly visualized, such as 3-layered structure of the wall of the bile duct and gallbladder, portal vein, splenic artery and vein. Tumorous lesions (even less than 5 mm in size) were clearly inspected and cancer extension was well diagnosed by this technique. Examination with the ultrasonic probe is a useful procedure in the diagnosis of biliary and pancreatic diseases. © 1991, Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. All rights reserved.
  • Hidekazu Mukai; Masatsugu Nakajima; Kenjiro Yasuda; Eisai Cho; Yoshihiro Mizuma; Takanobu Hayakumo; Tooru Ashihara; Shigeto Mizuno; Seiichi Hirano; Etsuko Ikeda; Genichi Kato; Takayoshi Matsui; Masao Kobayashi
    Nippon Shokakibyo Gakkai Zasshi 88 (9) 2132 - 2142 0446-6586 1991 [Refereed]
    Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS), ultrasonography (US), computed tomography (CT), and angiography (Angio) were performed in 26 patients with pancreatic cancer which were all resected. Preoperative findings of each diagnostic tools were compared with histological findings. In order to discuss the effectiveness of each body imagings, the preoperative staging of pancreatic cancer was evaluated in direct invasion to the anterior pancreatic capsule and stomach (S), direct invasion to the duodenum (D), direct invasion to the retroperitoneal adjacent vessels (Rp), and regional lymph node metastasis (N). The overall accuracy rate was 77% with EUS (50% with US, 38% with CT, 56% with Angio) in S, 81% with EUS (44% with US, 38% with CT, 63% with Angio) in D, 77% with EUS (58% with US, 42% with CT, 73% with Angio) in Rp, and 65% with EUS (58% with US, 38% with CT) in N. EUS revealed high accuracy rates because EUS images of the whole pancreas, surrounding organs and major vessels were clearly visualized through the gastroduodenal walls. Also, the accuracy rates of Angio in Rp and US in N were almost the same as those of EUS in Rp and N. However, it was difficult for every procedures to diagnose the retroperitoneal perineural invasion. From these results, EUS is one of the most beneficial procedures for detecting of the extent of cancer. EUS is expected to be popularized in the diagnosis and staging of the pancreatic cancer. © 1991, The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology. All rights reserved.
  • Takanobu Hayakumo; Masatsugu Nakajima; Kenjiro Yasuda; Eisai Cho; Hidekazu Mukai; Yoshihiro Mizuma; Toru Ashihara; Shigeto Mizuno; Seiichi Hirano; Etsuko Ikeda; Takeshi Azuma; Keiichi Kawai; Akira Aoike; Genichi Kato; Hajime Tokuda; Atsushi Takenaka; Hiroshi Izumi; Osamu Ikawa
    Nippon Shokakibyo Gakkai Zasshi 88 (8) 1539 - 1544 0446-6586 1991 [Refereed]
    It has been reported that mutations in the human ras gene family convert these genes into active oncogenes. In the present study using in vitro gene amplification by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and mutation detection by the oligonucleotide hybridization assay, a total of 86 colorectal cancers were analyzed for the point mutations at codon 12 and 13 of K-ras genes. Mutations were present in 33 of the 86 colorectral cancers examined 32 of the 33 mutations were at codon 12 of this gene and one of them was at codon 13. There was no apparent correlation between the presence of a ras gene mutation in a carcinoma and its anatomical location, level of differentiation, depth of invasion, degree of lymphnode metastasis or stage of progression, however, the high incidence of K-ras mutations was observed in early stage carcinomas (depth m and sm). This results suport the concept that the point mutation of K-ras gene is early event in tumorigenesis of colorectal cancer. © 1991, The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology. All rights reserved.
  • Takanobu Hayakumo; Masatsugu Nakajima; Kenjiro Yasuda; Eisai Cho; Hidekazu Mukai; Yoshihiro Mizuma; Toru Ashihara; Shigeto Mizuno; Seiichi Hirano; Etsuko Ikeda
    Nippon Shokakibyo Gakkai Zasshi 88 (9) 2119 - 2126 0446-6586 1991 [Refereed]
    We performed percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage (PTGBD) in 71 of 129 patients with acute cholecystitis. In 70 of 71 patients, clinical symptoms and laboratory data were rapidly improved by PTGBD. In order to evaluate the degree of acute cholecystitis, the clinical symptoms, laboratory data and ultrasonographic findings of these patients were analized by the quantification theory of Hayashi. As a result, irregular thickening of the gallbladder wall and gallbladder swelling presented by US and physical findings with Blumberg's sing or defence in the abdomen were most important findings to assess the severity of acute cholecystitis. Based on these data, we originaly introduced the Severity Score of this disease and used it a criterion of PTGBD indication. The patients with the score above 0.5 were considered to be indicative for emergent PTGBD. In high risk patients (e.g., the aged or of diabetes mellitus) with the score above 0, this procedure should be indicated. In 24 of 71 patients, Percutaneous Transhepatic Gallbladder Scope (PTGBS) were attempted to retrieve stones, and it was completely successful in 16 patients. © 1991, The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology. All rights reserved.
  • Masatsugu Nakajima; Kenjiro Yasuda; Eisai Cho; Yoshihiro Mizuma; Takanobu Hayakumo; Tooru Ashihara; Shigeto Mizuno; Hajime Murakita; Seiichi Hirano; Makoto Hayashi; Etsuko Ikeda; Masao Kobayashi; Hidekazu Mukai; Genichi Kato; Takayoshi Matsui
    GASTROENTEROLOGICAL ENDOSCOPY 32 (8) 1893 - 1902 0387-1207 1990 [Refereed]
    Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) wat performed in 23 patients with cancer of the extrahepatic bile duct for the evaluation of its diagnostic accuracy. EUS image of the bilio-pancreatic system and portal vein were clearly presented by the transduodenal scanning with the water-filling method and balloon contact method. In some cases EUS image of the wall of the extrahepatic bile duct was visualized as a three-layered structure. The comparative study between ultrasonography and histology in the autopsy specimen revealed that the first hyperechoic layer was histologically corresponded to the mucosa with the border echo, the second hypoechoic layer to the smooth muscle fibers with fibroelastic tissue and the third hyperechoic layer to the loose connective tissue with the border echo. In other cases the wall of the extrahepatic bile duct was visualized as one hyperechoic layer by EUS because the second layer was thin. Tumor of the extrahepatic bile duct was presented as a hypoechoic mass in 19 cases and a hyperechoic mass in 3 cases by EUS. The ramaining one was impossible to detect. EUS studies showed almost the same high accuracy rate as ERCP studies. Clinicopathological investigations on 12 resected cancers of the extrahepatic bile duct were carried out. EUS images of these tumors corresponded well with those of pathological findings. EUS showed high accuracy rates for the detection of canser expansion to the extrahepatic bile duct wall (83%), cancer invasion to the pancreas (83%) and portal vein (92%), and metastasis of the pancreatic head lymph nodes (75%). EUS is one of the most useful procedures in the diagnosis for the extension of cancer of the extrahepatic bile duct. © 1990, Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. All rights reserved.
  • Eisai Cho; Etsuko Ikeda; Makoto Hayashi; Seiichi Hirano; Hajime Murakita; Shigeto Mizuno; Tooru Ashihara; Takayoshi Matsui; Takanobu Hayakumo; Yoshihiro Mizuma; Hidekazu Mukai; Kenjiro Yasuda; Masatsugu Nakajima
    GASTROENTEROLOGICAL ENDOSCOPY 32 (8) 1926 - 1 0387-1207 1990 [Refereed]
    Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) was performed in 150 patients, using the latest improved echo-colonscope (CF-UM3) made by Olympus Co. The EUS procedure was performed using one-man method without fluoroscopy with the same preparation as conventional colonoscopy. The echo-colonoscope was able to reach the ileocecal region in all of 79 attempted cases. By this instrument, it was possible to observe the neighboring organs : the prostate and seminal vesicle in male and the uterus in female were visualized from the scanning in the rectum: the left kidney and spleen at the splenic flexure, the pancreas in the left transverse colon, the gallbladder and liver in the right transverse colon and the right kidney and liver at the hepatic flexure. The normal terminal ileal wall was visualized as a five-layered structure and the ileocecal valve was inspected as thickening of the third layer. The lower gastrointestinal wall was observed to be a five-layered structure from the rectum to the terminal ileum. With this instrument, it was able to perform EUS in any portion of the colon. Based on the results, CF-UM3 is a remarkably valuable tool as echo-colonoscope. © 1990, Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. All rights reserved.
  • Hidekazu Mukai; Seiichi Hirano; Hajime Murakita; Shigeto Mizuno; Tooru Ashihara; Takayoshi Matsui; Takanobu Hayakumo; Yoshihiro Mizuma; Eisai Cho; Kenjiro Yasuda; Masatsugu Nakajima
    GASTROENTEROLOGICAL ENDOSCOPY 32 (2) 355 - 1 0387-1207 1990 [Refereed]
    Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) was performed in 18 resected patients with cancer of the papilla of Vater for the evaluation of its preoperative diagnostic accuracy. EUS image of the periampullary region (sphincter of Oddi, layered structure of the duodenal wall and the pancreas) was clearly demonstrated by the transduodenal scanning with the water-filled technique. Tumor of the papilla of Vater was presented in 17 of 18 patients as a hypoechoic mass by EUS. EUS studies showed almost the same high accuracy rate as ERCP studies. EUS findings of the tumors corresponded well with pathological findings. EUS showed high accuracy rates for detection of canser expansion into the duodenal wall (89%), cancer invasion into the pancreas (89%), and pancreatic head lymph nodes (n1) metastasis (94%). EUS is one of the most useful procedures in the diagnosis for the extension of cancer of the papilla of Vater. © 1990, Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. All rights reserved.
  • Yoshihiro Mizuma; Seiichi Hirano; Hajime Murakita; Shigeto Mizuno; Tooru Ashihara; Takayoshi Matsui; Takanobu Hayakumo; Hidekazu Mukai; Eisai Cho; Kenjiro Yasuda; Masatugu Nakajima; Keisuke Kiyota; Kazuhiko Nishimura; Masao Kobayashi
    GASTROENTEROLOGICAL ENDOSCOPY 31 (11) 3048 - 1 0387-1207 1989 [Refereed]
    ERBD with use of a large caliber endoprosthesis (14 Fr.) was attempted in 8 patients 4 patients with pancreas cancer, 3 patiens with biliary tract cancer and 1 patient with chronic pancreatitis. The 14 French endoprosthesis has an external diameter of 4.6 mm and an internal diameter of 3.3 mm. A duodenoscope with instrument channel of 5.5 mm made by Olympus Optical Co. (TJF-M 20) was used in this study. The procedure was succesfully performed in 6 of 8 patiens without any complications, getting good drainage effects. With use of the 10 or 12 French endoprosthesis, it was necessary to clean or to replace the tube by follow-up endosdopic examination in every 3-4 months. Using a 14 French endoprosthesis, the procedure decreases the risk for occlusion of the tube and can release the patients from more limitation of the daily life. © 1989, Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. All rights reserved.
  • Yoshihiro Mizuma; Shigeto Mizuno; Tooru Ashihara; Takayoshi Matsui; Takanobu Hayakumo; Kazuhiko Nishimura; Eisai Cho; Kenjiro Yasuda; Sotaro Fujimoto; Masatsugu Nakajima; Hajime Tokuda; Genichi Kato
    GASTROENTEROLOGICAL ENDOSCOPY 31 (3) 760 - 767 0387-1207 1989 [Refereed]
    A case of arteriovenous malformation (AVM) of the colon was reported. A seventy four-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital, complaining of vertigo assosiated with anemia. No bleeding source could not be detected by barium meal examination, upper GI endoscopy and barium enema. A bleeding from the clusters of dilated tortuous vessels at the transverse colon were finaly found by colonoscopy. AVM was clearly visualized by the superior mesenteric arteriography and confirmed by histological examination of the resected colon. In the Japanese literatures, 41 cases of colonic bleeding due to AVM were reported and 33 cases of them were examined by colonoscopy. AVM of the colon was endoscopically confirmed in 24 of these 33 cases. Colonoscopy was considered to be an important diagnostic investigation of AVM of the colon. © 1989, Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. All rights reserved.
  • M. Ito; S. Inoue; Y. Araya; K. Takaoka; H. Miyamoto; Y. Kawakami; S. Mizuno
    Journal of Japan Society for Cancer Therapy 21 (9) 2206 - 2215 0021-4671 1986 [Refereed]


Research Themes

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2019/03 
    Author : Watanabe Yoshiyuki
    In males, B-group(anti-Helicobacter pylori(HP) antibody (+) and atrophic gastritis (-) subjects) were increased risk for atherosclerosis expressing by high(> 1800 cm/second) Brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity(baPWV) compared with A-group(anti-HP antibody (-) and atrophic gastritis (-) subjects) (Odds ratio 1.96, 95% confidence interval 1.15~3.34, P-value 0.014). There were no significant relationships between C-group (atrophic gastritis (+) subjects) and A-group and between B-group and C-group among males. In females, there were no significant relationships in either of 2 groups among A, B and C group.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2016/03 
    Author : MIZUNO Shigeto; WATANABE Yoshiyuki; KURIYAMA Nagato; INUI Akio; ASAKAWA Akihiro
    We intended to ascertain whether serologically determined Helicobacter pylori infection and consequent atrophic gastritis is available as a biomarker for the age-related deterioration of bone. The subjects are male participants of the Japan Multi-institutional Collaborative Cohort Study in their 50s and 60s. Helicobacter pylori infection significantly increased the risk of low trabecular bone density (odds ratio 1.83, 95 % CI 1.04-3.21, P = 0.03). Atrophic gastritis significantly increased the risk of low trabecular bone density (2.22, 1.17-4.22, 0.01). Compared with anti-Helicobacter pylori antibody (-) and atrophic gastritis (-) subjects, anti-Helicobacter pylori antibody (+) and atrophic gastritis (+) subjects were a significant high-risk group for low trabecular bone density (2.65, 1.27-5.55, 0.01).
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2010 -2012 
    Author : MIZUNO Shigeto; INUI Akio; ASAKAWA Akihiro; KAKIHARA Hiroaki; ANDO Takashi; MITSUMOTO Yasuhide
    Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that has infected more than half of the Japanese population and is associated with chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, and gastric cancer. We conducted a clinical study on the association between Helicobacter pylori infection and various feeding and metabolic regulating factors. The result raises the possibility that Helicobacter pylori infection affects the host’s nutritional status through changes in the plasma levels of ghrelin, which regulates feeding behavior, and adiponectin, which regulates metabolic status.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2010 -2012 
    Author : KAKIHARA Hiroaki; YAMAMOTO Hiroshi; GOTO Rei; MIZUNO Naruhito
    Against obesity is a risk factor for high blood pressure anddiabetes, there is a weight loss surgery in one of the effective treatments. Study of caseon the economic effect of weight loss surgery is small, there is no research based on thecase of Japan. The surgery is not insurance listed in Japan but, on the basis of the total 55 cases of weight loss surgery conducted in medical institutions two doing treated with advanced medical and free medical and during follow-up surgery in this study thesurvey responses of retrospective survey conducted in, I showed quantitatively thechanges in the cost of life in general and other health care costs before and after thesurgery . The total amount of the costs, including medical expenses, such as food, that41,625 yen / month per each average was 63,552 yen / month decline in two medical institutions has been shown in the before and after surgery . Further, if this decrease is assumed to have remained unchanged Suppose that the costs for individuals paid forsurgery month, or 2 years 8 or 16 respectively, after surgery is recovered has been shown. The itemized, decline of food accounted for about 50% of the decrease overalllargest. These results, individual differences exist in the change in costs due to weight loss surgery , but can lead to cost savings in the short to medium term on average was suggested.